Frequencies: Notes
Frequencies: Notes
Frequencies: Notes
what is your sex? what is your age? whtat is your what is your marital What do you
education level? status? understand abo
teenage pregna
Valid 60 59 60 60
Missing 0 1 0 0
Frequency Table
To what extent does the teenage pregnancy has affect the teenage relations with their families
gender violence 38
poverty 46
globalization 39
Total 216
Poverty 13 21.7
Globalization 11 18.3
Total 60 100
Can you mention the effect of teenage pregnancies to the community as whole?
Can you mention the effect of teenage pregnancies to the community as whole?
Can you mention the effect of teenage pregnancies to the community as whole?
Total 60 100
Do you think teenage pregnancy can affect education performance?
What should be done to reduce the number of teenage pregnancies in the community?
What should be done to reduce the number of teenage pregnancies in the community?
Total 60 100
What should be done to reduce the number of teenage pregnancies in the community?
What are the perception of the community towards the concept of teenage pregnancies and its effects?
What are the perception of the community towards the concept of teenage pregnancies and its effects?
What are the perception of the community towards the concept of teenage pregnancies and its effects?
What are the impacts observed at family level due to the increase of teenage pregnancies?
What are the impacts observed at family level due to the increase of teenage pregnancies?
What are the impacts observed at family level due to the increase of teenage pregnancies?
What are the contribution of the government to reduce the number of teenage pregnancies in rural
What are the contribution of the government to reduce the number of teenage pregnancies in rural communities?
What are the contribution of the government to reduce the number of teenage pregnancies in rural communities?
What are the contribution of the government to reduce the number of teenage pregnancies in rural communities?