Fragmentation PNET 2014
Fragmentation PNET 2014
Fragmentation PNET 2014
Abstract Flexible grid optical networks allow an effi- tighter which may reduce transmission performance due
cient utilization of spectrum resources using 12.5 GHz to filtering limits.
frequency slot multiples instead of fixed spacing intro- Superchannels (SCs) [11] are an interesting solution
ducing however Spectrum Fragmentation (SF). In this (defined as a single routing entity compound of several
work we offer an exhaustive analysis and an accurate sub-channels each being generated by one transpon-
evaluation for SF issue in flexible optical networks. We der) to save spectrum resources since guard bands are
also propose new metrics for fragmentation measure- only required between SCs and not between each sub-
ments and some approaches to face such problem. channel composing the SC. SCs offer an ideal trade-
off between spectrum saving and transmission perfor-
Keywords Spectrum fragmentation · Flexible optical
networks · Optical network dimensioning
However, by considering both SCs and gridless tech-
nology, the efficient grid management becomes more
complex since different channel spectrum granularities
1 Introduction
have to be considered during the network dimensioning.
Networks operated with this flexible grid generate
Gridless technology is known to improve the spectral
SF when used with multiple types of transponders. The
efficiency of optical networks by attributing a certain
optical channels may then have different spectrum widths
12.5 GHz frequency slot number to each optical channel
(granularities) in terms of number of slots. This frag-
instead of using the traditional 50 GHz grid spacing [1].
mentation partitions the spectrum and creates isolated
This fine slot width and the grid flexibility allow an
slots or bands of slots which may not be used by some
adjusted tailoring of the spectrum to the real channel
types of transponders.
width to save spectrum. Nevertheless, channels become
In the literature, dynamic traffic scenarios have been
D. mar · E. Le Rouzic · N. Brochier · J.L. Auge often considered to evaluate the SF. However, in core
Orange Labs networks, traffic behavior is instead incremental.
2 Avenue Peirre Marzin
22300 Lannion, France
In this paper, we aim to evaluate to what extent
E-mail: [email protected] SF is a problem in the context of an operator network,
E-mail: [email protected] to identify parameters that influence SF and to derive
N. Perrot good practices in this incremental context.
Orange Labs The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we
38-40 rue du Gnral Leclerc give a brief overview on SF in optical networks. Some
92794 Issy-Les-Moulineaux, France
E-mail: [email protected]
existing metrics for SF measurements are presented and
compared with a new metrics we propose in this work
C. Lepers
Mines-Telecom/Telecom SudParis
using a Markov model in Section 3. In Section 4 net-
9 Rue Charles Fourier work model is defined in the context of an operator
91000 vry, France network. Numerical results are discussed in Section 5
E-mail: [email protected] before concluding in Section 6
2 Djamel Amar et al.
The most used criterion to demonstrate that a given Table 1 Characteristics of metrics
metrics is minimizing the fragmentation is the traffic
blocking ratio between blocked demands and served de- Characteristics
mands. However, the information given by this crite- Complexity (na , mb ) Output Value
rion is insufficient, as traffic blocking ratio can reflect interval meaning
other blocking origins such as the lack of resources or EF n+1 [0, 1[ ***
the spectrum continuity constraint in transparent net-
SE 4n [0, +∞[ ***
works. For this reason, it is relevant to identify another
comparison criterion to quantify blocking caused by SF. ABP 4n(m − 4
) [0, 1] ****
4 200 5 0 µ 0 0 µ −λ − 2µ 0 λ
6 0 0 µ 0 µ 0 −λ − 2µ λ
a 7 0 0 0 µ 0 µ µ −3µ
These demands types are only used with the dynamic
provisioning scenario and not in incremental scenario. a
For simplicity the state identifier in fig. 3 is converted from binary to decimal,
for example, the state in which all slots are used (111) is called here 7.
πQ = 0 (5a)
πi = 1 (5b)
Fig. 3 Example of diagram state for a 3-slot fiber and 1-
i∈S slot granularity. A used (free) slot is in gray (respectively
white). Transition from one state to another is represented by
In the case of a real network the metrics can be applied a directed arrow with an arrival or a service rate depending
on all the path calculating the sum of links corresponding on the event: arrival or departure. In this particular case, all
values. metrics have this diagram state in common.
6 Djamel Amar et al.
ties corresponding to states in which this demand type a more efficient provisioning strategy to reduce the SF,
is blocked because of SF (7). In other words, Pg is the instead of the ones mostly used in the traditional trans-
time fraction the system is in states where the gran- port networks. This is especially true when the network
ularity Gg cannot be used because of SF. Note that is highly loaded (the blocking probability of FF exceeds
Pg cannot be equal to 1, even if the granularity Gg is 30%), and thus when fragmentation is the most proba-
greater than the maximum number of possible slots in ble.
the fiber, simply because Pg concerns only the blocking Fig. 5 shows the theoretical average throughput the
caused by fragmentation. system can reach. The throughput is a relevant perfor-
The sum of blocking probabilities for every demand mance criterion because it is strongly affected by SF:
type (Gg ∈ G) is denoted P . This sum is used in the the more free frequency slots are contiguous in the sys-
following as an efficient criterion correlated with the tem, the more important is its theoretical capacity. In
blocking in the whole system (8): the fragmentation Fig. 5 the average throughput is decreasing with the
blocking probability. load increase. This is because when the load increases
X the system stays longer in states where the free spec-
Pg = Pgi πi (7) trum is either fragmented or null. Reversely, when there
is no demand in the system, the theoretical average
X throughput is maximum: all resources can theoretically
P = Pg (8) be used.
Gg ∈G
ABP metrics is, again, the most efficient in terms of
Based on the same steady-state vector, equation (9) average throughput, but the curves in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5
calculates the average throughput (T h) in the whole have rather different behaviors. As described above, the
system for a given metrics, where nig , bg , µg denote average throughput is directly derived from the steady-
respectively the number of current demands in state state vector (8). It is then influenced at the same time
i ∈ S, the bitrate and the service rate corresponding by the SF and the lack of resources, which explain the
to the demand granularity Gg ∈ G. nig is calculated difference between curves in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. Indeed
based on the maximum capacity the current state can in fig. 5 the gap between FF and the other curves is
sustain. smaller than in Fig. 4 and the gap between EF and SE
X X is wider. As FF policy is more fragmenting the spec-
Th = nig bg µg πi (9) trum (Fig. 4), it rejects more demands than the others
Gg ∈G i∈S
do, and consequently it is less blocked due to the lack
of resources. This gives to FF the opportunity to im-
3.5 Comparison results prove a little bit its behavior compared to Fig. 4. The
difference, between SE and EF is clearer for the same
Since the states space is exponentially proportional to reason for which FF policy curve has slightly changed
the number of slots by fiber (SL), numerical results have its behavior.
been obtained for a ten-slot fiber. However, the math- Globally, the gaps between the curves of Fig. 5 are
ematical aspect behind these results can, obviously, be explained by the ability of the schemes (FF or met-
generalized for more important instances. rics) to stay more or less time in the states where the
To show the interest of using a sophisticated metrics spectrum is more fragmented.
instead of a traditional allocation policy for spectrum In Fig. 6 metrics are compared in terms of the prob-
provisioning, we compare the widely used First Fit (FF) ability to be in the state where there is no free slot (all
policy with three metrics (EF, SE, and ABP). FF al- resources are used). It is an interesting parameter be-
ways allocates the first free slots to demands upon their cause it reflects the blocking ratio: the more a metrics
arrival. rejects demands (because of fragmentation), the less it
In Fig. 4 we compute the blocking probability in the is in this state. Fig. 6 shows that all curves are growing
whole system for FF, EF, SE and ABP versus the sys- with the load increase, as expected, with an advantage
tem load. ABP metrics is the best one in terms of block- of ABP to be more efficient in terms of spectrum uti-
ing probability whatever the load is. This is mainly lization.
due to the fact that it deals with available granulari- Please note that fragmentation impact will be more
ties and tries to avoid situations where these granulari- important for real instances, because the number of
ties are blocked. As expected, compared with FF policy, cases where blocking is related to fragmentation (not to
the three metrics are significantly reducing the block- resources lack) increases with the increase of the net-
ing probability, which confirms the necessity to apply work size.
Spectrum fragmentation issue in flexible optical networks 7
0.28 1
0.26 SE SE
EF 0.8 EF
Blocking probability
Probability (10−3 )
0.18 0.2
0.16 0
0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
Load Load
Fig. 4 System blocking probability versus system load for Fig. 6 The probability to be in the state where all slots
ABP (Access Blocking Probability), SE (Shannon Entropy are used for different metrics: ABP (Access Blocking Proba-
Fragmentation), EF (External Fragmentation) metrics and bility), SE (Shannon Entropy Fragmentation), EF (External
FF (First Fit) provisioning strategy. Fragmentation) and FF (First Fit) provisioning policy versus
the load.
– Same logical topology is used for each period. 4.2 Traffic strategies
– Assigned demands of previous periods are kept un-
changed. To highlight traffic growth anticipation impact on both
gridless technology benefits and SF issue, following traf-
fic strategies are compared:
– Best Fit strategy (BF): This strategy chooses the set
of transponders that exactly fit the required bitrate.
For instance, this strategy selects either three 100
Gb/s transponders or one 100 Gb/s and one 200
4.1 Transponder model
Gb/s to serve a 300 Gb/s traffic demand. The choice
is depending on the objective function and available
An uncompensated Orange core network scenario de- paths.
ployed with 100 Gb/s and beyond is considered. More – Over-Dimensioning strategy(OD): This strategy over-
specifically, several possible transponders and SC types sizes the required capacity when it does not fit the
to allow different bitrate generation: 100, 200, 400 and 100 Gb/s, 200 Gb/s, 400 Gb/s, nor 1 Tb/s solu-
1Tb/s are used (Table 4). tion. For instance this strategy selects a 400 Gb/s
The granularity represents the 12.5 GHz frequency solution for a 300 Gb/s traffic demand. In this way,
slot number they occupy. The maximum transmission SCs interest and potential traffic anticipation bene-
reach is determined for each channel or SC using the fits are combined. Future traffic demands can then
Gaussian Noise model proposed in [8]. The optical trans- be assigned the additional unused capacity respect-
mission link is composed of 100 km spans length of SMF ing the rules detailed above.
fiber (span loss = 22dB) with Erbium Doped Fiber Note that unused transponders are not considered in
Amplifier (EDFA) with a Noise Figure of 6 dB. All the cost calculation even if the spectrum is reserved
transponders and SCs use a Soft Decision Forward Er- for them.
ror Correction (SDFEC).
The filtering penalty from pass through Reconfig- 4.3 Grid scenarios
urable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexers (ROADMs) is
modeled by an additional OSNR penalty, considering Combined with previous traffic strategies (BF and OD),
the presence of a ROADM every 3 spans. This penalty is we compare the following grid scenarios to identify the
calculated using the following assumptions: a ROADM impact of channel spacing and grid flexibility on both
penalty of 0.05 dB is allocated for 32 Gbaud (Gbd) SF level and gridless technology gained capacity:
transponders occupying 4 frequency slots, 0.64 dB [4]
– Fixed Grid without superchannels (FG): This sce-
for 32 Gbd transponders occupying 3 slots and 0.05 dB
nario allows only the 4-slot based transponders and
for the 16 Gbd transponder. The SCs take benefit from
will be used as a reference for other scenarios. When
reduced filtering penalties since the demultiplexing of
the FF provisioning policy is used, FG scenario does
SCs into individual sub-channels is not possible in in-
not create unsable blocks.
termediate nodes. Filtering penalties are thus limited
– Fixed Grid with SuperChannels (FGSC): To be com-
to the edges of SCs. By considering a spectrum guard-
pliant with the traditional fixed grid and to take ad-
band on each SCs sides equivalent to the one we have
vantage of SCs solutions, in FGSC scenario all SCs
for 32Gbd transponders occupying 4 frequency slots, we
that occupy a multiple of four slots are allowed.
have considered 0.05 dB OSNR penalty per ROADMs
– GridLess (GL): GL scenario allows using all type
for the SCs.
of transponders granularities without any restric-
The cost model is based on the reference cost fixed tion. In this way, the spectrum efficiency is improved
at 1 for the 100 Gb/s QPSK regardless of the allocated compared to previous scenarios (FG and FGSC).
slot number. The cost of SC is calculated by adding the However, GL scenario is more subjected to SF.
cost of each individual sub-channel. As a consequence
the cost of a partially equipped SC is calculated by
adding the cost of the sub-channels number really used
(even if the total number of slots of the entire SC is pre-
reserved to a single source destination). SCs based on
Photonic Integration Components supposed to reduce
SC overall cost are not considered in this study.
Spectrum fragmentation issue in flexible optical networks 9
Bitrate(Gb/s) Modulation format Baudrate (Gbaud) Granularity (slot) Reach (km) Cost (a. u.)
100 16QAM SDFEC 16 3 400 0.7
Single channel
PA(E, P) A path PA where E is the set of links e and P is the set of all possible sub-paths p
I Set of transponder types (Table 4)
D Demand size (Gb/s)
Di Bitrate of transponder type i (Gb/s)
Si Number of slots that a transponder of type i occupies
j k
Ki = D indicates the maximum number of transponders of type i that can be used
Xik Equal to 1 if the transponder of type i is used on the line k, 0 otherwise
Xipk Equal to 1 if the sub-path p is used by the transponder of type i on the line k, 0 otherwise
Table 6 Network topology less than 1400 km2 (see fig. 8). This means that the
spectrum gained capacity in this interval is closer to
Number of links 42 theoretical gridless technology gain (25%). Similarly,
Number of nodes 32
the fragmented spectrum should be small because of
the 3-slot granularity dominance. Thus, we conclude
Min 10 that the diversity of spectrum slot occupancy that leads
Link length (km)
Mean 280 to SF is strongly depending on the logical topology.
Max 930 Since it is more likely to have high SF when different
granularities are used, we can estimate that favoring a
logical topology in this way should lead to the worst
case of SF. We, thus, choose a logical topology such a
5 Results and discussion way that path lengths are mostly outside that interval.
Simulations are performed on a 32-node and 42-link Simulation results are averaged over thirty initial
typical transcontinental European backbone topology traffic matrices (set of DP0 ) normalized to 6 Tb/s and
(Table 6). At most three 360-slots-fiber pairs by link randomly drawn according to the logical topology. For
can be deployed. The logical topology is chosen accord- each combination (strategy scenario) simulation tool
ing to the following assumptions: computes network cost, gained spectrum, relative spec-
Independently of the physical topology, fig. 7 shows trum loss (using ABP), and absolute spectrum loss (us-
the granularities of selected transponders for each cou- ing the model (1)).
ple (demand, distance) when FGSC scenario is enabled. Due to the used strategy to calculate the cost of OD,
Most importantly, it shows that when the traffic vol- there is no significant difference between different com-
ume is less than 1 Tb/s FGSC scenario is equivalent to binations (not illustrated in a figure).
FG scenario (no saved spectrum) whatever the logical Using a 95% confidence interval, fig. 9 shows the
topology is and then the spectrum will not be frag- percentage of saved spectrum for different combinations
mented. between scenarios and strategies with respect to the ref-
erence best fitted conventional fixed grid scenario (BF
For the GL scenario, the 3-slot granularity widely
dominates the optimal choice when the path length is 2
Maximum reach of 3-slot transponders
Spectrum fragmentation issue in flexible optical networks 11
1000 16 10
500 5
200 400 600 800 1000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Demand (Gb/s)
Fig. 7 Variation of used granularities in terms of traffic vol-
ume and required reach for FGSC scenario. BF GL BF FGSC
is still about 13% for GL scenario when traffic growth
4 is not anticipated. We explain this by observing that
7 4-slot based transponders are at times selected due to
13 the chosen logical topology (earlier discussed in fig. 8).
500 16 Fig. 10 shows the relative fragmentation measured
31 by ABP metrics in best fitted GL scenario versus FGSC
scenario when SCs are favored through overdimension-
200 400 600 800 1000 ing4 . Due to the flexibility introduced by SCs and due
Demand (Gb/s)
to the significant differences between possible granu-
larities (4, 16, 32), the relative fragmentation exists in
Fig. 8 Variation of used granularities in terms of traffic vol- FGSC scenario and it is comparable to the one in GL.
ume and required reach for GL scenario.
However, a part of the saved spectrum (fig. 9) may
not be usable because of heterogeneous created blocks
FG). As expected, both GL and FGSC scenarios al- of slots. In order to evaluate this loss, we compute the
low saving the spectrum with more advantage for the number of unusable slots as defined in Section 3.
former. However, the traffic growth anticipation strat- Fig. 11 illustrates the percentage of unusable slots in
egy OD is more efficient with FGSC scenario3. This is the saved spectrum for different combinations between
mainly due to the fact that there are more possibilities scenarios and strategies. As expected, FGSC scenario
(in terms of transponders diversity) when GL scenario does not lose the spectrum since at the worst case 4-
is used that relatively reduces traffic growth anticipa- slot based transponders can unblock the situation. In
tion benefits. the GL scenario, traffic growth anticipation through
Remarkably, BF FGSC had to wait until the sixth pe- overdimensioning reduces this loss by half in the last
riod before saving the spectrum. This is because the period.
reference FG is equivalent to FGSC when traffic volume Note that the only way to recuperate this loss is
is less than 1 Tb/s (shown in fig. 7). In other words, in by spectrum defragmentation. However, this may not
FGSC scenario SCs are only used when traffic volume appear relevant, because the loss is very small: in BF
attains 1 Tb/s which impacts the saved spectrum. GL case this loss is still less than 6% out of 13% (i.e.
Even with a k-shortest path routing that is supposed < 1% of saved spectrum). Furthermore, this small loss
to most penalize the FG reference, the gained capacity means when some demands are blocked, switching to
3 4
The gap between OD FGSC and BF FGSC is greater than OD FGSC and BF GL are compared in terms of SF since
the one between BF GL and OD GL they are comparable in terms of saved spectrum.
12 Djamel Amar et al.
100 100
80 80
60 60
ABP (%)
ABP (%)
40 40
20 20
0 0
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Fiber ID Fiber ID
Fig. 10 Relative fragmentation in FGSC when traffic growth Fig. 12 Traffic anticipation impact on relative fragmenta-
is anticipated versus BF GL (last period). Fibers are ordered tion in GL scenario (last period). Fibers are ordered according
according to FGSC values. to BF values.
6 100
Absolute loss (%)
ABP (%)
1 20
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 20 40 60 80 100
Fiber occupancy
BF GL BF FGSC Fig. 13 Correlation between relative fragmentation and link
OD GL OD FGSC occupancy in GL scenario (last period).
6 Conclusions References