Grid Interactive Charging Control For Plug-In Electric Vehicles
Grid Interactive Charging Control For Plug-In Electric Vehicles
Grid Interactive Charging Control For Plug-In Electric Vehicles
Conference Paper in Conference Record - IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems · October 2010
DOI: 10.1109/ITSC.2010.5625073 · Source: IEEE Xplore
28 1,489
4 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Joao Abel Peças Lopes on 29 May 2014.
elements like inductors in the AC side and capacitors in the A. AC Current Control
DC side (helping to limit AC currents and DC voltages Nonlinear and time variant structures, like power
ripples). Hence, to achieve the mentioned specifications, a converters, restrain the use of linear control strategies and,
bidirectional three-phase and three-level diode clamped for that, it is appropriate to apply sliding mode control.
converter topology was adopted [8], [12]. This circuit can be By using the dq rotating reference frame (with grid
seen as a boost converter and so, looking toward the grid angular velocity input), the balanced symmetrical three-
nominal voltage and the battery voltage working range, a phase set of AC input currents can be represented with a null
step-down three-phase transformer was used in the grid quadrature projection (as unity displacement factor is
connection side, providing also galvanic insulation. required). The output of the upstream DC control loop is the
reference for the direct current on the dq frame, which will
control the amplitude of AC currents phasors. The grid
frequency estimation was done using the straightforward
zero-crossing method described in [9].
As aforementioned, each Vbj voltage can assume three
different discrete values, so 33 = 27 combinations for Vbj are
possible. Assuming that the capacitor voltages are equalized,
Vc1 = Vc2 = V/2, Vbj possible values can be referred to V
as -½, 0 and ½. Then ab0/αβ0 transformation can be applied
Fig. 1. Three-phase three-level diode clamped converter with IGBT Sji. to the voltage vectors [Vb1; Vb2; Vb3], resulting in 27
C1=C2=10 mF and L=8 mH.
different vectors in the αβ space. Doing the necessary
In Fig. 1 the Vj voltages sources are the secondary y-y transformations to the αβ0 frame, α and β errors between
step-down transformer voltages. Each converter leg can be references and measured AC currents can be computed. The
emulated by a three position switch as shown in the grey represented Vbj vectors define five different values in β axis
zone. Therefore, each Vbj voltage can assume three different and nine different values in α axis. However, when selecting
values, available from the capacitor divider. Those three a single α or β value, a maximum of five different values are
level voltages implicitly reduce the input currents distortions, defined in the orthogonal component. Hence, current errors
which is the main advantage of this converter. In the next can be quantified by means of a sum of four hysteretic
equations [10], γ j is the switch function for converter leg j: comparators output (λ_α and λ_β) with maximum and
Vc1 se γ j = 1 ⇔ S j1 , S j2 ON ∧ S j3 , S j4 OFF minimum saturation levels of -½ and ½ (thus, outputting -2, -
1, 0, 1 and 2). The dead-band of each comparator is centred
Vb j = 0 se γ j = 0 ⇔ S j2 , S j3 ON ∧ S j1, S j4 OFF , j = 1,2,3 (1)
− Vc se γ = −1 ⇔ S , S ON ∧ S , S OFF
2 j j3 j4 j1 j2 in zero and has a width of ε,1.1×ε, 1.2×ε and 1.3×ε (ε is the
γj γj biggest error assumed as zero). The reduction of ε parameter
Vb j = ( )
γ j + 1 Vc1 +
( )
1 − γ j Vc 2 = Γ1 j Vc1 + Γ2 jVc 2
(related to the ripple of the AC currents) is limited by the
1 1
Γ1 j ∈{0;1} Γ2 j ∈{−1;0}
maximum switch frequency of the IGBT.
Considering a sliding surface defined as S(ei_α,β,t) =
III. CONVERTER CONTROL k(iα,β_ref - iα,β) = 0, finite switching frequency will imply
The converter will be controlled in current mode. To act S(ei_α,β,t) ≠ 0, so there is a certain dynamic error tending to
in the output current of the battery, an internal AC current zero, resulting in AC currents ripple. To assure stability of
control loop and an external DC current control loop are the system under sliding mode control, sliding mode
used, as shown in the Fig. 2. existence and reaching conditions must be fulfilled. The
latter establishes that enough command action (Vbj value)
must be available, in order to handle perturbation effects,
while the former establishes that in sliding mode:
S (ei , t ) S& (ei , t ) < 0 (if S (ei , t ) > 0 → S& (ei , t ) < 0 , S (ei , t ) will decrease to
zero; if S (ei , t ) < 0 → S& (ei , t ) > 0 , S (ei , t ) will increase to zero) [10].
Using the last condition, if S (ei , t ) > 0 , iα , β must increase:
Quantification Error :
d iα , β ref d iα , β di (3)
− < 0 ⇔ α,β > 0
dt dt dt
selected as shown in Fig. 2. However for some error IV. GRID INTERACTIVE CHARGING MANAGEMENT
combinations, no vector seems suitable (for [-2,-2] the In order to provide ancillary services to the distribution
nearest vector is the 3, and this vector will be selected also grid, the proposed EV charging process must respond to
for [-1,-2]). Variable switching frequency is obtained as a frequency and/or voltage variations. Frequency is an
consequence of the appliance of sliding mode control, given instantaneous indication of the power balance, so if the
that switching will occur at the needed moment. frequency drops, it will be desirable to decrease the charging
As shown in Fig. 2, univocal vector selection is not always rate of connected EV (reverse observation is valid, mutatis
possible (e.g. both 13 and 26 vectors can be selected for mutandis). EV charge reduction can also help to correct
error [1, 1]). The resulting degree of freedom can be used for eventual voltage sags that might appear when a considerable
capacitors equalization, as can be concluded from (4). number of EV are charging simultaneously in the farthest
dVc k Γk1 i1 + Γk 2 i2 + Γk 3 i3 I buses from the feeding point.
= − o , k is the capacitor index (4)
dt Ck Ck The EV charging current, as function of the grid
frequency/voltage deviations, will then assume a
Vector 26 has Γ1 = (0, 0, 0) and if Io > 0 then dVc1/dt < 0 proportional nature, with positive slopes outside a dead-band
and capacitor C1 discharges; vector 13 has Γ2 = (0, 0, 0) and centred at nominal frequency/voltage and saturating at the
if Io > 0 then dVc2/dt < 0 and capacitor C2 discharges. Each considered absolute maximum and minimum values. This
of the 27 represented vectors in αβ space correspond to a kind of proportional control is called “droop control” [11],
unique combination of the three γj switching functions, so [12]. Fig. 4 presents an example for frequency and voltage
vectors can be translated in ON/OFF signals for IGBT gates. droop. For this case, the dead-band was defined
B. DC Current Control symmetrically around the nominal frequency/voltage and,
within this range, the charging rate is kept constant and equal
The application of the 123/dq0 transformation to equation
to a set-point value, so the autonomous control is immune to
(4) parameters, results in the following expression for C1:
frequency/voltage variations inside. Droop saturation
Γ1d = Γ1α ⋅ cos(θ ) + Γ1β ⋅ sin(θ ) maximum (1 C) and minimum (0) values must be defined to
dVc1 Γ1d I
= id − o , with Γ1α = 2 / 3 ⋅ (Γ11 − 1 / 2 ⋅ Γ12 − 1 / 2 ⋅ Γ13 ) (5)
dt C1 C1 occur, respectively, above and below the grid admissible
Γ1β = 2 / 3 ⋅ (− 3 / 2 ⋅ Γ12 + 3 / 2 ⋅ Γ13 )
maximum and minimum frequency/voltage values.
200 210 220 230 240 250 260
By using the sliding mode control, AC currents follow the 7
reference values with some delay (Td), related to the 6.5 = 1C
switching frequency, 6
-5% +5%
1st Order Term
exp Taylor Series
id ( s) = id _ ref ( s) ⋅ e − sTd → id ( s) = 1 /(1 + s ⋅ Td ) ⋅ id _ ref ( s) (6) 5
Charging Current [A]
with the contribution of any EV connected to the system. For this set of simulations, constant 6.5 A = 1C rapid
Additionally to some parameters and set-points, in order to charging current is imposed to the battery pack, with 2.45%
manage the coexistence of both droops, the central units can SOC, in order to point out the action of the charger control in
send a boolean variable (depicted as “voltage droop priority assuring the battery requirements. Other basic control goals
signal” in Fig.5), determining the EV behaviour. If the defined above will also be checked. The related effects of the
predetermined default value is sent, the addressee EV will CB switching events are shown in Fig. 7.
react only to voltage variations. If the complementary value The voltage drop near 1.9 s of simulation time occurs, not
is sent, the voltage droop is active, but the frequency droop as consequence of any CB switching events, but as a result of
control is responsive to frequency deviations, only as long as the charging rate increase reported in Fig. 8.
the local measured voltage is within its droop dead-band. 8
Charging Current - Battery Requirements
In conclusion, the EV charging controller can react locally Cell Voltage < 0.8 V
batteries Sate of Charge (SOC), user defined period of Fig. 8. Charger Control action to meet battery charge rate requirements.
charge and desired SOC at the disconnection time, etc.
The upstream reference for the charging current is set to
6.5 A, however, the charge controller only outputs this value
when SOC increases so that the cell voltage rises above 0.8
V. Until that, reduced current is applied (rapid charge
transition voltage restoration current). A fast step response
without oscillations was obtained, thus pointing to a good
Fig. 5. “Droop Control” block outputs will be subject to constraints dynamic response. Steady state error is negligible and the
imposed by the “Charge Control”. charging current presents small ripple. Thus, good tracking
behaviour is obtained and immunity to voltage and frequency
V. SIMULATION MODEL AND RESULTS disturbances is verified.
The evaluation of the performance of the described In Fig. 9 are represented the waveforms of the line
control and management strategies is tested in a small currents in the grid side of the converter transformer. The
islanded grid represented in Fig.6. currents have a sinusoidal shape, with a frequency of 50 Hz,
and form a three-phase symmetric and balanced system.
Small currents switching ripple results from the high
switching frequency combined with filtering effect of the line
inductors. Thus, currents THD values are below the 5% grid
standard limit. The second graph of Fig. 9 shows a tiny or
Fig. 6. Grid model used for EV charger test. absent displacement angle, that results in a close to unity
The grid has a single synchronous machine generator with displacement factor (the converter behaves almost like a
its own PI controller, in order to perform primary and resistive variable load).
secondary frequency control; the machine has also voltage 4
Grid Side Input AC Currents
occur at 0.5 s and 2.5 s, respectively.
1.8 1.82 1.84 1.86 1.88 1.9 1.92 1.94 1.96 1.98 2
Time [s]
Phase Shift Between Line Current and Line Voltage - Displacement Factor near to unity
A. Constant Rate Charging 3
Line Voltage
Line Current
AC Line Current
AC Line Voltage
Load Switch On (t=0.5s) and Switch Off (t=2.5s) - Frequency Variation and Estimation 1.5 200
Frequency Estimation 0 0
Frequency Variation
Frequency [Hz]
-1.5 -200
50 -3 -400
1.8 1.82 1.84 1.86 1.88 1.9 1.92 1.94 1.96 1.98 2
Time [s]
Fig. 9. Three phase currents and phase shift.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time [s]
Load Switch On (t=0.5s) and Switch Off (t=2.5s) - Line Voltage magnitude Estimation B. Grid Interactive Charging Management
Line Voltage Magnitude Estimation
Line Voltage For this set of simulations, battery pack SOC was set in
Line Voltage [V]
Voltage drop due to
330 charging rate rising 10%, thus the battery charge controller doesn’t restrain the
310 upstream current reference output from the frequency droop
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
control presented in Fig. 4. Voltage droop was disabled.
Time [s]
As shown in Fig. 10, after a transient initial overshoot, the
Fig. 7. Frequency and voltage grid values and respective measurements.
charge current tracks, with delay of tens of ms, the frequency VI. CONCLUSION
variation according to the above mentioned frequency droop. In this paper, the technical feasibility of mentioned EV
The charging rate is immune to frequency variations within charging management strategies is confirmed by means of
the defined dead-band. Data cross-checking between Fig. 11 electronic power converter selection and application of
and Fig. 4 provide also consistent results (e.g. for 49.5 Hz, a proper control techniques. Besides the single application of
near to 2A charging current is obtained, while for 50.5 Hz it the frequency droop, a method to handle the coexistence of
is obtained 5A). voltage and frequency droops was also developed.
Three-Phase Sinusoidal Currents Magnitude Contour
Currently, it is being developed a single-phase model to
conduct simulations similar to those performed in this paper,
Grid Input AC Currents[A]
50.5 6
50.25 5
50 Dead Band Set-Point 4
49.75 3
49.25 1
Droop Action
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
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Charge Current [A]
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Frequency [Hz]
50.25 5
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49 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Time [s]
2.5 3 3.5 4
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252.5 7
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