Boko Sicio
Boko Sicio
Boko Sicio
ISSN 2201-4268
Volume 5, Number 1, 2014, 40-63
Abstract. This paper exam ines the pertinent issue of insecurity in Nigeria and its implication for
socio-economic developm ent. Available data on the level and dimensions of insecurity in Nigeria
reveals an increase over time, which constitutes serious threat to lives and properties, hinders
business activities and discourages local and foreign investors, all which stifles and retar ds Nigeria‟s
socio-economic developm ent. This rising wave of insecurity has not abated but has assum ed a
dangerous dimension which is threatening the corporate existence of the country as one geographical
entity. In the light of the above the paper recommends that government must be proactive in dealing
with security issues and threats, through m odern m ethods of intelligence gathering, and sharing
among security personnel, training, logistics, motivation, and deploying advanced technology in
managing security challenges. The real solution lies in governm ent accelerating the pace of economic
development through creating an economy with r elevant social, economic and physical infrastructure
to support business and industrial growth.
Keywords: Insecurity, Security, Growth, Socio-Economic Development, Nigeria
1. Introduction
According to Omoyibo and Akpomera (2013), security is a concept that is prior to
the state, and the state exists in order to provide that concept. Security is the prime
responsibility of the state (Thomas Hobbes, 1996). The 1999 Constitution of the
Federal Republic of Nigeria specifically states that “The security and welfare of the
people shall be the primary purpose of government”. Unfortunately, government on
this constitutional responsibility has failed to provide a secured and safe
environment for lives, properties and the conduct of business and economic
activities. The alarming level of insecurity in Nigeria has fuelled the crime rate and
Fund reports that every day, Nigeria loses about 2,300 under-five year olds and 145
women of childbearing age, making the country the second largest contributor to
the under-five and maternal mortality rates in the world. A greater proportion of
the population do not have access to pipe borne water, health care facilities,
electricity and affordable quality education. Although Nigeria is a signatory to the
UN resolution on the MDG goals the attainment of these goals by 2015 remains
elusive and doubtful (Ewetan, 2013).
Against this background, this paper therefore seeks to examine the pertinent issue
of national insecurity, a crisis of the Nigerian state, and its implication for Nigeria‟s
socio-economic development
2. Conceptual Issues
There are divergent approaches to conceptualizing security which is the antithesis
of insecurity. This paper therefore seeks to examine the concept of security to
facilitate a good understanding of the concept of insecurity. Security need was the
basis of the social contract between the people and the state, in which people
willingly surrendered their rights to an organ (government) who oversees the
survival of all. In this light security embodies the mechanism put in place to avoid,
prevent, reduce, or resolve violent conflicts, and threats that originate from other
states, non-state actors, or structural socio-political and economic conditions (Stan,
2004). For decades, issues relating to security were on the front burner in the
development discourse. Several attempts have been made since the cold war ended
to redefine the concept of security from a state-centric perspective to a broader view
that places premium on individuals, in which human security that embodies
elements of national security, human rights and national development remain
major barometer for explaining the concept. At the heart of this debate there have
been attempts to deepen and widen the concept of security from the level of the
states to societies and individuals, and from military to non-military issues
(Nwanegbo and Odigbo, 2013; Kruhmann, 2003).
43 Journal of Sustainable Development Studies
The concept of insecurity connotes different meanings such as: absence of safety;
danger; hazard; uncertainty; lack of protection, and lack of safety. According to
Beland (2005) insecurity is a state of fear or anxiety due to absence or lack of
protection. Achumba et al (2013) defines insecurity from two perspectives. Firstly,
insecurity is the state of being open or subject to danger or threat of danger, where
danger is the condition of being susceptible to harm or injury. Secondly insecurity is
the state of being exposed to risk or anxiety, where anxiety is a vague unpleasant
emotion that is experienced in anticipation of some misfortune. These definitions of
Journal of Sustainable Development Studies 44
insecurity underscore a major point that those affected by insecurity are not only
uncertain or unaware of what would happen but they are also vulnerable to the
threats and dangers when they occur. In the context of this paper insecurity is
defined as a breach of peace and security, whether historical, religious, ethno-
regional, civil, social, economic, and political that contributes to recurring conflicts,
and leads to wanton destruction of lives and property.
The failure of economic growth in most developing and developed countries of Latin
America and Africa, in the late 1970s, to deliver corresponding social goods and
solve problems of unemployment, poverty, disease, hunger, illiteracy and ever
increasing crimes and wars, necessitated the new thinking, and redefinition of
development from economic growth centered perspective to human centered
approach (Nwanegbo and Odigbo, 2013). In this light Chandler (2007) sees
development as a broader concept that recognizes psychological and material factors
that measure human well-being. Development therefore is a multifaceted
phenomenon and man centered. It is the process of empowering people to maximize
their potentials, and develop the knowledge capacity to exploit nature to meet daily
human needs (Rodney, 1972; Nnoli, 1981; Ake, 2001). The transformation of the
society and the emergence of new social and economic organizations are critical
indicators of development (Stiglitz cited in Nwanegbo and Odigbo, 2013).
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Scholars have identified strong links between security and development since the
cold war ended (Nwanegbo and Odigbo, 2013; Chandler, 2007). They argued that
development cannot be achieved in any nation where there are conflicts, crisis and
war. There is a consensus in the literature that security and development are two
different and inseparable concepts that affect each other, and this has naturally
triggered debates on security-development nexus (Chandler, 2007; Stan 2004).
where two levels of government exist each sovereign in its sphere of jurisdiction
(Awotayo et al, 2013). The incursion of the military into governance, and the
consequent imposition of military command structure in a federation set the tone
for the distortion of Nigeria‟s federalism. Thus the practice of federalism in Nigeria
no doubt has been distorted by overwhelming dominance of the federal government
that distributes national resources to lower level government at its own whims and
caprices (Ewetan, 2011).
Since independence, the demand for true federalism, fiscal and political
restructuring by different ethnic nationalities in Nigeria has not abated. These
agitations have contributed to violent rebellious reactions by aggrieved ethnic
groups in the country, endangering the security, unity, and corporate existence of
Nigeria as one country. Federalism that undermines the independence and
autonomy of its federating units will only bring about conflict, threat to national
cohesion and peace, and ultimate disintegration (Ali, 2013; Adamu, 2005)
Insecurity challenges can be traced to the early years of military rule when large
quantities of arms were imported into the country for the use of the military during
and after the Nigerian civil war, some of which got into the hand of the civilians.
Soon after the civil war these arms were used by civilians and ex-military men for
mischievous purposes such as armed robbery. There was also the army of
unemployed youths some of whom lost their job during the civil war. The level of
insecurity assumed dangerous dimensions in the prolonged years of military rule
beginning from 1970 during which people procure arms and light weapons for
personal defence. Some of these arms and light weapons got into the hands of
unemployed youths who used them for deviant purpose. While some researchers
attribute youth violence to peer group influence and other psychological factors
associated with growing up, others emphasized the impact of political and economic
factors such as ethnic agitation, political agitation, unemployment, Structural
Adjustment Programme (SAP) as triggers of violent reaction among the youth.
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Many scholars have identified several causes of conflict and insecurity in Nigeria
that are inimical to socio-economic and national development (Ali, 2013; Okorie,
2011; Jega, 2002; Salawu, 2010; Onyishi, 2011; Ezeoba, 2011; Lewis, 2002). These
causes have been classified into external and internal causes. In Nigeria the
internal causes of insecurity pose major challenge to socio-economic development
than the external causes of insecurity. This paper therefore focuses on the internal
causes of insecurity in Nigeria. These causes include:
Ethno-religious Conflicts: These conflicts are caused by suspicion and distrust
among various ethnic groups and among the major religions in the country. Ethno-
religious conflict is a situation in which the relationship between members of one
ethnic or religious and another of such group in a multiethnic and multi-religious
society is characterized by lack of cordiality, mutual suspicion and fear, and a
tendency towards violent confrontation (Achumba et al. 2013; Salawu, 2010). The
frequent and persistent ethnic conflicts and religious clashes between the two
dominant religions (Islam and Christianity) is a major security challenge that
confronts Nigeria. Since independence, Nigeria appears to have been bedeviled with
ethno-religious conflicts. There are ethno-religious conflicts in all parts of Nigeria
and these have emerged as a result of new and particularistic forms of political
consciousness and identity often structured around ethno-religious identities
(Ibrahim and Igbuzor, 2002). Ethno-religious violence is also traceable to the
inability of Nigerian leaders to tackle development challenges, and distribute state
resources equitably. Other causes are accusation, and allegation of neglect,
oppression, domination, exploitation, victimization, discrimination, marginalization,
nepotism and bigotry. In all parts of Nigeria, ethno-religious conflicts have assumed
alarming rates. It has occurred in places like Shagamu (Ogun State), Lagos, Abia,
Kano, Bauchi, Nassarawa, Jos, Taraba, Ebonyi and Enugu State respectively .
These ethno-religious identities have become disintegrative and destructive social
elements threatening the peace, stability and security in Nigeria (Eme and Onyishi,
Journal of Sustainable Development Studies 48
and opponents also leading to violent agitations among the contending actors and
between the state and proponents. The Niger-Delta crisis in Nigeria presents a
classic case of this violent struggle that has been on since the end of the Nigerian
civil war in 1970. These violent agitations have claimed many lives of Nigerians and
foreigners, military and para-military personnel, and properties worth billions of
naira. It has also resulted in economic misfortune in Nigeria through loss of oil
revenue as a result of shortfall in crude oil exports by the oil companies occasioned
by disruption of oil exploration activities by the Niger-Delta militants.
Although by no means limited to oil in the Niger Delta, the most prevalent
campaign about the link between resources and conflict in Nigeria focuses on oil
and the Delta region. No doubt oil has given rise to vertical and horizontal conflicts
between National, State and society or between dominant and subordinate
geopolitical zones, classes and groups across Nigeria, given the pivotal role that oil
plays in the political economy, and power relations in Nigeria.
It is however true those other types of resource driven conflicts have received less
attention in the debate. Assets such as grazing and farming, and water resource,
have tended to give rise to horizontal conflicts that involve communities across the
geo-political zones.
Pervasive Material Inequalities and Unfairness: A major factor that
contributes to insecurity in Nigeria is the growing awareness of inequalities, and
disparities in life chances which lead to violent reactions by a large number of
people. There is a general perception of marginalization by a section of the people in
areas of government development policies, political patronage, and these are
triggers of disaffection, resentment, and revolt (Achumba, et al. 2013). The
incessant strikes by labour, professional groups and demonstrations by civil society
groups are mainly due to pervasive material inequalities and unfairness. Their
agitations are aimed at drawing public sympathy for their struggle for just and fair
treatment by the government.
Unemployment/Poverty: According to Adagba et al (2012) unemployment/poverty
among Nigerians, especially the youths is a major cause of insecurity and violent
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The various constitutions that Nigeria has operated including the 1999
constitutions make provisions for the rights of citizens to include; right to life, right
to social security, right to work, right to livelihood, just and favourable
remuneration, right to a standard of living adequate for the health, and well-being
of individual and his family, including food, clothing, housing, and right to
education. No doubt, Nigeria is blessed with abundant human, and natural
resources to guarantee the attainment of these rights (Ali, 2013; Bako, 1998).
Regrettably previous and present governments have failed to guarantee these
rights and thus the onus is on individuals to seek for means to provide the basic
necessities of life for him and his family.
53 Journal of Sustainable Development Studies
The inability of government to provide a secure and safe environment for lives,
properties and the conduct of business and economic activities has led to
resentment and disaffection among ethnic groups. This has resulted in ethnic
violence, communal clashes, and religious violence in different parts of the country
that has destroyed lives and properties, disrupted businesses and economic
activities, and retarded economic growth and development of Nigeria. There is no
investor whether local or foreign that will be motivated to invest in an unsafe and
insecure environment. In a globalized world investors are not only looking for high
returns on their investments but also safe haven for their investments. Thus the
alarming level of insecurity in Nigeria has made the economy unattractive to
foreign investors, and this has impacted negatively on economic growth and
The table below shows available data on the level of some of the crimes from 2000-
Table 1: Level of Crimes from 2000 to 2008
Year Theft Armed Robbery Kidnapping Assassination Fraud
2000 29127 1877 243 1255 7927
2001 40796 2809 349 2120 10234
2002 35231 3889 337 2117 9134
2003 33124 3497 410 2136 9508
2004 37289 3142 349 2550 9532
2005 46111 2074 798 2074 9580
2006 41901 2863 372 2000 6395
2007 21082 2327 277 2007 5860
2008 23927 2340 309 1956 5058
Source: Adapted from Achumba et al. (2013)
Table 1 shows that on the average the rate of all the insecurity variables increased
between 2000 and 2008 with the exception of fraud which decreased within the
same period. In recent time there has been an increase in the rate of theft, armed
Journal of Sustainable Development Studies 54
Available data on the violent attacks of Boko Haram from2009 to 2012 are reported
in Table 2
25 Dec. 24 Plateau Bombings in Jos. 80 people killed
26 Dec. 25, Niger Christmas Day bombing in Madalla. 50 people killed
27 Jan. 6, Adamawa Christ Apostolic Church was attacked and Igbo 37 people killed
2012 People were also killed in Mubi in the same state
28 Jan. 20, Kano Multiple attacks in Kano. 150 people killed
29 Jan. 26, Kano The Sabon Gari of Kano State witnessed another Many injured and
2012 Explosion, which caused another pandemonium in Some luxury buses
the state. damaged
30 Feb. 7, Kano A bomb blast in Kano market and military barracks 5 people killed
31 April 8, Kaduna Easter Day Church bombing. 38 people killed
32 June 17, Kaduna Multiple attacks on churches. 12 people killed and
2012 80 injured
33 Aug. 7, Kogi Deeper Life Church. 19 people killed
The data in Table 2 above illustrate graphically the high level of insecurity in
Nigeria from 2009 to 2012, and this situation has not improved but rather it is
getting worse. The worsening security situation in the country has caused enormous
loss of life and property and created general atmosphere of fear and social tension in
the country.
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The data in Table 3 above show that between 2007 and 2012 there is a significant
decline in peace in Nigeria in terms of the Peace Index and Rank in the Global
Peace Ranking. The Peace Index declined from 2.898 in 2007 to 2.801 in 2012. Also
Nigeria‟s position on Global Peace Ranking dropped from 117 th in 2007 to 146th
position in 2012. Also the values of the Corruption Perception Index between 2000
and 2012 increased from 1.2 in 2000 to 2.7 in 2012 indicating an increase in the
level of corruption during this period. The implication of this is that since Nigeria
returned to democratic system of government in 1999 corruption has been on the
increase despite the establishment of a number of anti-corruption agencies such as
Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) and Independent Corrupt
Practices Commission (ICPC). Thus the high level of insecurity between 2007 and
Journal of Sustainable Development Studies 58
Thus from the above analysis insecurity, and corruption have contributed to low
level of socio-economic development in Nigeria between 2007 and 2012. The year
2007 marked the inception of President Yar‟dua/Jonathan administration which is
still on. From 2007 till date the security situation in the country has worsened, and
a major contributor to this serious security challenge is the menace of Boko Haram
Socio economic development is the primary goal of every well meaning government,
and it is essentially dependent on the level of economic activities in a country; the
level of economic activities is in turn enhanced by peaceful co-existence by people.
In the absence of security, socio-economic development cannot be sustained as it
destroys economic, human and social capital. The Boko Haram insurgence in
Northern Nigeria has almost crippled economic activities in that region. Also
activities of other militia groups in other parts of the country pose serious threat to
the economic health of these regions. The security crises in different parts of
Nigeria is destroying existing infrastructure and preventing a peaceful environment
for the development of further infrastructure, and a safe environment for economic
activities by individuals to give them economic empowerment that will enable
households not only to cater for their present generations, create wealth, but also to
provide for future generations.
The report by World Bank (2011) on “Conflict, Security and Development” reveals
that about 1.5billion people live in countries affected by political and criminal
violence, which has exacerbated human misery, and disrupted development.
The real panacea for solving insecurity challenge in Nigeria is for government to
accelerate the pace of development. Development in this context consists of creating
an economy with relevant social, economic and physical infrastructure for business
operations and industrial growth, to provide gainful employment, high level of
educational facilities, and medical care for the people.
Governments at all levels should ensure that rising poverty indices are reversed
and a realistic social security programme is pursued and systematically
implemented to ensure that the populace meets their basic needs.
61 Journal of Sustainable Development Studies
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