Ultrasonics Corrosion Pitting-01

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Corrosion Monitoring and Thickness Measurement

- What are we doing wrong ?

J. C. Drury Silverwing (UK) Limited

ASNT Level III - JM1191


During the last three years my interest in the use of ultrasonics for the detection of corrosion and the
measurement of remaining wall thickness has been re-awakened. The method has been extensively
used to verify and quantify Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) results. Discrepancies between ultrasonic and
MFL results have usually been put down to "Another MFL false - call." However, having watched many
ultrasonic tests being carried out, I have come to believe that the boot is often on the other foot and that
we place too much faith in the ultrasonic method for corrosion monitoring. The techniques used by many
practitioners give rise to serious shortcomings in both probability of detection, and accuracy of remaining
wall assessment. These shortcomings are not confined to corrosion monitoring of flat plate, but apply
equally to pipe and vessel inspection. This paper looks at the root causes of poor performance with
ultrasonics and suggests some methods to improve the situation.


As with any proposed ultrasonic procedure, we first need to consider the nature of the target reflecting
surface since this will affect signal amplitude and thus the probability of detection. Reflectivity and other
factors to be discussed later can also have a significant influence on the accuracy of remaining wall
thickness measurement. The amplitude of an echo from a target reflector depends on the following

factors :-

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AREA of the reflecting surface

ORIENTATION of the target

SHAPE of the target


BEAMPATH RANGE to the target

ATTENUATION of the test material

In the context of erosion/corrosion monitoring we need to look at how these factors vary with typical
targets. We can probably ignore attenuation and far field beampath range since we are usually dealing
with rolled, drawn or forged materials with a maximum thickness not greater than 30mm or so.

M The ideal reflector would be flat, smooth, parallel to the scanning surface and larger in area than the
Y beam cross section at that range. Unfortunately corrosion and erosion are not ideal reflectors. Purely for
CM illustrative purposes I shall describe three basic categories of target reflector we might encounter in
MY "corrosion monitoring" and look at their inherent reflectivity.


Fig. 1 illustrates erosion at a pipe bend, the sort of problem which was amongst the first to
be solved by ultrasonics. As a reflector it is quite reasonable, the gradient is gradual over
most of the length of the eroded area - so it is nearly parallel, the surface is relatively
smooth, and the overall area is much larger than the beam cross section. Even at the top
of the bend, where the erosion gradient is steeper, we can expect a reasonable signal. An
ultrasonic probe placed anywhere in the eroded region is therefore likely to give a
reasonable echo amplitude, and, with care, a reasonable measurement accuracy.

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CY This type of pitting is illustrated in Fig.2. The major part of the reflecting target is relatively
CMY parallel to the scanning surface, not quite as smooth as the erosion shown in Fig1, and it
K is much more localised than the erosion. In fact the area of the flat part of the lake could
be smaller than the beam diameter. Though probably not such a good reflector as the
erosion, it will nevertheless give an adequate echo amplitude - provided that the ultrasonic
probe is placed over the "flat" region.


This type of corrosion pitting, illustrated in Fig.3, is very common and is the most difficult
to detect. The major reflecting surfaces are not favourably orientated, the surfaces are
rough and often ridged, and the target area is often small in relation to the beam cross
section. The latter is true particularly of the tip of the pit, which may not be the most
reflective facet of a ridged pit. This type of corrosion has the lowest probability of detection
and the greatest inherent inaccuracy in its measurement.


I think it wise to consider probability of detection first. The highest degree of measurement accuracy on
detected pits is of little consolation if the deepest pit has not been detected. Based on the three reflector
types described above, I consider that the probability of detection depends on the following three topics:

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Scanning technique

Calibration technique

Probe and Flaw detector characteristics


Two quite different approaches are in common use, spot readings on a defined grid
pattern, and area scanning on an overlapping raster pattern. Clearly the grid pattern
technique is suitable for erosion monitoring if a suitable grid spacing is chosen. From the
reflectivity of erosion we can suppose that both Digital Thickness Meters (DTM's), and 'A'-
scan ultrasonic flaw detectors (UFD's) would be suitable for this application. The DTM is
simpler to use and may have some advantages in the hands of less experienced
operators. However the grid pattern technique is just as clearly not suitable for isolated

pitting of either lake or cone type. Hoping that any corrosion pit will coincide with one of

the grid points is like a game of Russian Roulette, or playing the National Lottery. So if we

want to detect pitting type corrosion, we must use an area scanning technique.

Nevertheless, I still see operators taking 12 random readings on a plate 10 metres by 2


metres !


An area scan using an overlapping raster can be a slow process and most operators,
believing that they are taking the greatest care, make it painstakingly slow. In fact they are
decreasing the probability of detection because almost certainly when they encounter a
corrosion pit, the first indication is a loss of backwall echo. This they assume is due to loss
of couplant, so they lift the probe, apply more couplant and replace the probe - but not
exactly where they left off! A movement of as little as 1.5mm can make the difference
between no signal and a normal backwall echo. If, by chance, this is what happens, the
scan continues and the defect is missed! What we should do is to use a rapid scan
because the natural reflex action of the eye and our brain is to react to a sudden change
in visual image. The rapid change in pattern when scanning at speed across a corrosion
pit, particularly the cone type, is very characteristic and quite distinct from couplant loss.
The initial scan of a 250 x 250 mm square should take no more than 30 seconds. I will
describe the complete set-up later in this paper and you can try it for yourselves, this is
one case where seeing is believing.


There are two main aspects of calibration, gain and timebase range. Most operators treat
both in the way they were taught during training, as a precise thickness measurement

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exercise on finished product with ideal parallel machined surfaces. In order to extract
maximum accuracy the fastest possible timebase range for the wall thickness is used, and
the gain is adjusted to a value which puts the first backwall echo at some value below full
screen height ( see Fig. 4 ). Following their training to the letter, this gain setting is rigidly
maintained throughout the scan.

But, as we have seen, the reflectivity of corrosion pitting is poorer than the reflectivity of
either the calibration block or the normal plate or pipe backwall. The gain really needs
either constant adjustment, or setting at a much higher level than for finished product
inspection. I prefer to adjust the timebase so that three backwall echoes from the plate or
pipe are displayed, and set these at 3, 6, & 9 along the timebase. The gain is adjusted so
that the third backwall echo is at 80% full screen height ( see Fig. 5 ). Even at these
settings the gain is adjusted during the inspection when circumstances demand. So the
first method might be suitable for erosion, but for pitting, the second approach is better.






The choice of instrument, or more particularly, the display mode, and the probe
characteristics also have a significant impact on probability of detection. We have seen
that the simple DTM is suitable for detecting erosion, but for pitting, an A-scan display is
essential to allow the operator to judge whether a particular signal, or lack of signal, is
significant. Even with an A-scan display, unless the characteristics of the twin crystal
ultrasonic probe are taken into consideration, there is a serious risk that the deepest pits
may be missed
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Fig. 6 illustrates a typical twin crystal compression wave probe showing the field of view of
the transmitter and that of the receiver. Only in the shaded region, where the two fields of
view coincide, can echoes be obtained. Outside this region, either the transmitter doesn't
interrogate the spot, or the receiver doesn't catch the echo. Within the shaded area the
significant zone is the triangular portion from the test surface to the beampath range at
which the transmitter beam completely crosses the receiver viewing angle. Close to the
scanning surface ( the apex of that triangle ) not much of the transmitter beam reflecting
from that range is seen by the receiver. The proportions increase until they maximise at
the crossover range. In this triangle even very large reflectors will only give small echo
amplitudes, the closer to the scanning surface ( ie the thinner the wall ) the smaller the
echo. If the operator suspects that the reflector is within this region, he needs to adjust the

The best way to appreciate this problem is to look at multiple echoes in, say, 10mm of
steel and 3mm of steel with a standard twin crystal probe. Fig. 7 illustrates the multiple
echo decay pattern for the 10mm plate, and Fig. 8 shows the pattern for the 3mm plate.
There are no surprises in Fig. 7, the first backwall echo is the largest, and subsequent
echoes follow the expected decay pattern. But in Fig. 8 it is the third backwall echo which
is the largest, and normal decay comes with subsequent echoes. The first two echoes
climb up to the third in a sort of reverse decay. These are the echoes which are at a range
which is inside the shaded triangle. Too little gain and a touch of suppression and another
pit has been missed!



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We can use the pointers raised above to devise a technique which should improve the probability of
detection of corrosion pitting, particularly the cone type. We need to use plenty of gain, especially if the
remaining wall thickness is likely to come within the crossover range of our twin crystal probe, and the
calibration shown in Fig. 5 forces us to get the first backwall echo well into saturation. Using multiple
echoes placed at 3, 6, &9 on the timebase irrespective of wall thickness ensures that we have a
standard signal pattern to which the eye becomes accustomed quite quickly. Finally we need to carry
out a raster scan using a rapid probe movement and sufficient overlap to ensure coverage. How does
one define "rapid" in an article such as this ? The nearest I can get is to say that I use a raster to cover
about 250mm (10 inches) width at about the cycle frequency of my windscreen wipers on "Fast wipe".


As you scan over sound plate or pipe at this speed, the three signals will "shimmer" that is to say that
there will be small rapid changes in amplitude due to surface roughness, couplant, and probe pressure.
If you scan over a region in which there is no couplant, or where scale or dirt is obstructing coupling
efficiency, the entire three signal pattern will "flick" off with no sideways movement. On the other hand, if
you scan over a pit, the signal pattern will move left and down in a characteristic way which is better
seen than described ( see Fig. 9 ) - I can only suggest you try it for yourselves! There is a difference
which, with practice, you can spot when you traverse a lamination. In this case the signal pattern jumps
M left rather than slides left, and often the amplitude change is less severe than for a cone shaped pit.
Y There can still be a problem in the interpretation of laminations because large lake type pits can give a
CM similar effect. If in doubt, try using a shear wave bottom corner reflector technique to confirm your
MY interpretation - you won't get a bottom corner reflector from a lamination.


When I use this technique, I usually complete the entire scan in one go, rather than stopping at each
indication, but I do make a mental note of the suspect regions. On completion of the full scan, I go back
to the suspect regions in turn, re - identify each pit, reduce scan extent and slow scan speed until I
"hone in" on the individual pit. When I am sure that my probe is right over the pit, I mark it's location for
remaining wall measurement. Measurement can be carried out using any good thickness technique
which the operator favours, I'm lazy and don't like constant re-calibration so I use my 3, 6, &9
calibration. The way I go about this is to start off by doing a normal thickness check in several spots on
sound plate or pipe before doing the corrosion survey. I take the average of these readings and note this
as "average wall thickness for that section of plate or pipe. Then when I have identified the pit using my
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scanning calibration, I adjust the gain to ensure I am displaying the thinnest reading and carefully read
this from the timebase - of course it will always be less than 3. I take this thinnest reading (n), divide the
value by 3, and multiply by the "average wall thickness" (T) - the result is remaining wall thickness (R).
Expressed another way:-


We hear a lot about the inherent accuracy of modern ultrasonic equipment, and many
DTM's show two significant decimal places - (0 . 01mm). Such claims are fine when
measuring between perfect parallel surfaces, but that sort of accuracy is not for the
likes of us! Remember that the most reflective facet of a rough corrosion pit is not necessarily the tip,
and remember also that as the remaining wall thickness gets very thin (below 2 - 3mm) our twin crystal
probes perform poorly on such surfaces. In my experience, the very best that can be reliably achieved in
the field on corrosion measurement, is about 0.5mm and that will be an over estimate of remaining wall
thickness. In other words, ultrasonics will consistently under estimate the depth of a corrosion pit. Others
share my views on the accuracy of ultrasonics in corrosion measurement.

Dr. Peter Charlton illustrated typical accuracy when two teams were asked to measure the depth of
14 natural pits in 6mm plate using ultrasonics. The results are shown in Figs. 10, & 11, note that two of
the pits were not detected by Team UT B. Just to show that we all have our problems, I've also included
MFL results for the same 14 natural pits ( Fig. 12 ), as can be seen these show that MFL consistently
over estimates pit depth.



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If we ignore the reflectivity characteristics of corrosion pitting, the performance characteristics of our
probes and use an ultrasonic technique more suited to finished product thickness measurement, we are
likely to reduce probability of pit detection and sacrifice measurement accuracy. Techniques which are
suitable for detecting and measuring erosion are not suitable for pit detection, but are nevertheless in
widespread use. The use of rapid scanning pattern recognition techniques can improve probability of
detection, and careful consideration of the relevant defect and probe characteristics, particularly with
reference to control of gain, can optimise measurement accuracy.


 Ultrasonic Flaw Detection for Technicians - J. C. Drury

 Thickness Measurement of Hull Structures - R. Porter, Lloyds Register

(Paper presented at BINDT Seminar 13 March 1996)

 Evaluating Current Options for NDT - Dr. P. C. Charlton

( IIR Bulk Liquid Storage Tank Conference London 22nd /23rd January 1996)

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