Treasures & Trinkets - Treasure Hoards 1

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Your PCs are deep in the dungeon and have just defeated a terrifying dragon! As they bandage their wounds, and ready their fallen
friend’s bodies for return to the surface, they look around and ask “So what treasure’s in the dragon’s hoard, anyway?” At that point,
unless the GM has prepared a detailed list of treasure, the PCs get (possibly) literally tons of coins and some generic magic items. (After
all, most GMs have better things to do with their prep time than generate descriptions for stuff the PCs will likely sell).

Treasures & Trinkets: Treasure Hoards #1 banishes these problems by providing a veritable hoard of 25 pre-generated, richly detailed
treasure hoards for challenges 0-4 ready to insert into almost any GM’s campaign.

Treasures & Trinkets: Treasure Hoards #1 is designed for use with the 5th edition of the world’s most popular roleplaying game.

Design: Ronald Calbick, Thomas King and Chad Perrin Challenge 0-4 Treasure Hoards .................................................... 2
Development: Creighton Broadhurst Support Raging Swan Press .......................................................... 7
Art: William McAusland. Some artwork copyright William OGL V1.0A .................................................................................... 7
McAusland, used with permission.

Product Identity: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper

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The moral right of Ronald Calbick, Thomas King and Chad Perrin artwork and trade dress are product identity as defined in the
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accordance with the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. Content.

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Use the table below, to determine which set of items the PCs TREASURE HOARD 2
find. They can find the entire hoard in one place or the GM can
§ Coinage: 2,115 cp, 924 sp, 99 gp.
split it up among encounter areas.
§ Banded Agate (8): These translucent striped blue stones are
D% TREASURE HOARD NOTES smooth and worn (each worth 10 gp; DC 10 Intelligence check
01-04 Treasure hoard #1 identifies and values).
05-08 Treasure hoard #2 § Small Mirror Set in a Painted Wooden Frame: A simple mirror
09-12 Treasure hoard #3 No magic items set within a pale blue frame; the paint is chipping and peeling
13-16 Treasure hoard #4 (worth 25 gp; DC 10 Intelligence check values).
17-20 Treasure hoard #5 § Nobleman's Portrait: A small painting of a nobleman done by
21-24 Treasure hoard #6 a second-rate artist. The man's face is set in a sneer of disdain
25-28 Treasure hoard #7 (worth 25 gp; DC 10 Intelligence check values).
29-32 Treasure hoard #8 § Matching Opal Ring: A medium-sized opal set into a silver
33-36 Treasure hoard #9 band. The gem is black with veins of red, giving it a somewhat
37-40 Treasure hoard #10 fiendish appearance (worth 25 gp; DC 10 Intelligence check
41-44 Treasure hoard #11
values). It matches the necklace, below.
45-48 Treasure hoard #12
§ Matching Opal Necklace: A silver necklace made to appear as
49-52 Treasure hoard #13
53-56 Treasure hoard #14 a fiendish face, complete with horns and fangs. Three black
57-60 Treasure hoard #15 and red opals are set into it as the fiend's eyes (worth 50 gp;
61-64 Treasure hoard #16 DC 15 Intelligence check values). It matches the ring, detailed
65-68 Treasure hoard #17 above.
69-72 Treasure hoard #18 § Black Velvet Mask: This mask—held in place by two thin
73-76 Treasure hoard #19 No magic items leather straps—resembles a fiendish face and is stitched with
77-82 Treasure hoard #20 silver thread (worth 25 gp; DC 10 Intelligence check values).
83-86 Treasure hoard #21 § Potion of Resistance: This iron vial contains water flecked with
87-92 Treasure hoard #22 silver.
93-96 Treasure hoard #23 § Potion of Animal Friendship: This plain pottery vial is rough
97-98 Treasure Hoard #24
and crudely crafted; it is tightly stoppered with a slightly over-
99-100 Treasure Hoard #25
sized cork


§ Coinage: 2,309 cp, 1,379 sp, 108 gp. § Coinage: 1,514 cp, 652 sp, 73 gp.
§ Cut Malachite (2): These worked gems are a deep sea foam § Star Rose Quarz (10): These translucent, rose-coloured stones
green, cut into roughly square shapes (each worth 10 gp; DC have a white star-shaped centre (each worth 50 gp; DC 10
10 Intelligence check identifies and values). Intelligence check identifies and values).
§ Jewel-Encrusted Statue: Roughly four-foot tall, this gold statue § A is for Aboleth: A rare copy of the famed children's book.
is studded with dozens of small set valuable gems. It depicts an Goes all the way from A – Aarakocra to Z – Zombie (worth 50
immensely obese, bearded man wearing ornate robes and gp; DC 10 Intelligence check values).
carrying a mitre (worth 300 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check § Landscape Painting: A beautiful painting of a serene forest
values). glade. Off to one side is a small pond, with a waterfall. Various
§ Potions of Healing (2): These copper vials seem heavier than scantily-clad fey creatures frolic in its pristine waters (worth
they should be. Closer examination reveals their sides are 100 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check values).
thicker than normal. § Quarterstaff: This dark grained wooden quarterstaff’s finish is
§ Potion of Greater Healing: This clay tube contains a lavender smooth and even. It weighs roughly half what one might
liquid. expect (worth 40 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check values).
§ Potion of Climbing: This vial contains a syrupy brown liquid
resembling tree sap.

§ Coinage: 1,972 cp, 602 sp, 49 gp. § Coinage: 1,901 cp, 1,081 sp, 67 gp.
§ Giant's Ivory Necklace: A necklace of tribal fetishes, made of § Lapis Wolf: This statuette of a stylized wolf is about the size of
walrus ivory and bearing a scrimshaw pattern. The necklace is a small cat and carved from lapis lazuli, giving it an intense
larger than those worn by humans and must have belonged to blue colouration (worth 150 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check
some kind of giant (worth 100 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check values).
values). § Potions of Healing (4): These vials contain a liquid smelling
§ Potion of Hill Giant Strength: This vial contains a foul-smelling vaguely of roses.
tan-coloured liquid. § Potion of Diminution: This small vial contains a sour yellow-
§ +1 Light Crossbow Bolts (4): The tip of these finely crafted tinted liquid.
wooden bolts are etched with the Dwarven rune for death. § Driftglobe: This not quite round glass sphere has a small chip
in it. Several small cracks radiate outwards from the chip,
TREASURE HOARD 5 suggesting the driftglobe may shatter before long.
§ Coinage: 2,404 cp, 1286 sp, 104 gp.
§ Chalcedony (8): These opaque white stones are cool to the
touch (each worth 50 gp; DC 10 Intelligence check identifies § Coinage: 1,945 cp, 814 sp, 90 gp.
and values). § Sardonyx (7): Opaque red and white banded stones in a small
§ Amethyst Pendant: A simple string necklace, with a pendant leather pouch (each worth 50 gp; DC 10 Intelligence check
shaped like a tankard. The pendant is carved from a deep values).
violet coloured amethyst (worth 25 gp; DC 10 Intelligence § Rare Books: Several obscure tomes, detailing subjects such as
check values). the proper etiquette for gnomish ball-room dancing and the
§ Flask of Whiskey: A metal flask with an embossed emblem of a ecology of the bulette (worth 75 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check
large tree (worth 25 gp; DC 10 Intelligence check values) holds values).
a particularly smooth whiskey. § Scroll of Darkness: This tattered piece of parchment bears a
§ Slippers of Spider Climbing: A pair of unadorned black silk skull seal set in black wax.
slippers that are rough and uncomfortable to wear. § Scroll of Heroism: This rigid scroll—written in flowing scarlet
§ Stone of Good Luck: This translucent green stone has ink—is hard to unroll.
numerous thin white bands and an engraved clover leaf on § Scroll of Magic Mouth: Cramped words cover this yellowed
one side. parchment, which is decorated with several doodles of a large,
§ Eyes of the Eagle: A set of simple wire frame spectacles with open mouth.
ornate crystal lenses.
TREASURE HOARD 6 § Coinage: 2,022 cp, 1,633 sp, 51 gp.
§ Coinage: 2,547 cp, 996 sp, 83 gp. § Barrel of Rare Spices: A large barrel of rare and exotic spices.
§ Bottle of Absinthe: A dark green bottle filled with murky It gives off a very distinctive peppery smell (worth 50 gp; DC 15
liquid. Two elves dance and cavort on the label (worth 50 gp; Intelligence check values).
DC 10 Intelligence check values). § Cook Pot: A black, well-used cook pot in good condition with a
§ Gilded Dinner Plate: A fine plate like one would find in a heft perhaps better suited for use as a makeshift bludgeoning
nobleman's dining room. On the bottom of the plate is the weapon than part of a traveller’s gear (worth 8 sp; DC 10
artisan's symbol, a stylized falcon (worth 100 gp; DC 25 Intelligence check values).
Intelligence check values). § Ornate Hourglass: This large hourglass made from polished
§ Crowbar: This iron crowbar’s edges are only barely touched by oak with golden inlay (worth 100 gp; DC 10 Intelligence check
the reddish tint of encroaching rust (worth 2 gp; DC 10 values) is cumbersome. It is set to measure the passage of one
Intelligence check values). hour.
§ Ring of Water Walking: This finely crafted silver band is § Scroll of Guidance (2): Beautifully rendered divine symbols and
embossed with overlapping waves of water. The wearer of this illustrations of praying angels border these scrolls held in a
ring, never suffers from seasickness. simple brass tube.

TREASURE HOARD 10 § Silver Hand Mirror: This small handheld vanity mirror is
fashioned from a single piece of silver; a riot of leaves and
§ Coinage: 2,216 cp, 851 sp, 97 gp.
daisy-petals in relief ringing the flat surface of a thin sheet of
§ Giant Onyx (6): Worked black onyx gems with bands of white,
glass over the polished viewing surface (worth 50 gp; DC 10
each roughly the size of a grown man's fist (each worth 50 gp;
Intelligence check values).
DC 10 Intelligence check identifies and values).
§ Ranger's Charm: A small pendant on a leather string. The
§ Handful of Emerald Fragments (4): The shattered pieces of an
pendant is three crossed arrows made of iron (worth 25 gp; DC
unworked emerald; several of the jagged fragments are
10 Intelligence check values).
surprisingly sharp (each worth 10 gp; DC 10 Intelligence check
§ Potion of Superior Healing: This metal flask contains a pearl-
identifies and values).
coloured liquid that tastes exceptionally bitter.
§ Copper Band: A dented copper ring with a barely legible
emblem of a soaring bird. A DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check TREASURE HOARD 14
reveals the emblem to actually be a set of crossed daggers
(worth 25 gp; DC 10 Intelligence check values). § Coinage: 2,042 cp, 1,137 sp, 104 gp.
§ Ruby Crown: This circlet of burnished silver has two flawless § Carnelians (2): A reddish translucency, as of sunlight seen
red and violet rubies set into its centre (worth 100 gp; DC 15 through closed eyelids on a cloudless noon, colours this pair of
Intelligence check values). polished stones. One is uncut, the other showing the first
§ Universal Solvent: This heavy water flask contains a thick, marks of a jeweller's work (worth 25 and 50 gp; DC 10
smelly liquid. Intelligence check identifies and values).
§ Silk Vest: A tailored vest of red silk, stitched with golden
TREASURE HOARD 11 thread. It is plain yet obviously of good quality (worth 25 gp;
DC 10 Intelligence check values).
§ Coinage: 1,981 cp, 915 sp, 82 gp.
§ Scroll of Hypnotic Pattern: This stained and ragged piece of
§ Lute: This ornately crafted lute grants the user a +1 on
parchment looks as if it might fall apart completely if not
Charisma (Performance) checks made while singing and
handled with care.
dancing (worth 100 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check values).
§ Potion of Poison: This square stoppered flask contains a clear
§ Silver Locket: A silver locket hung on a chain of the same
liquid with an aromatic smell.
material. On the inside is a portrait of a young woman with
§ Potion of Invulnerability: A vial carved of petrified wood
blonde hair (worth 100 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check values).
contains a crimson liquid that makes anyone smelling it feel
§ Boots of Striding and Springing: These pale green boots are
heavily worn and smell musty.
§ Potions of Mind Reading (2): These flasks each contain a
purple liquid and have a stopper on a small silver chain.
§ Coinage: 2,872 cp, 1,036 sp, 30 gp. TREASURE HOARD 15
§ Blue Quartz (8): Transparent pale blue stones in a small
§ Coinage: 1,759 cp, 980 sp, 64 gp.
wooden box (each worth 10 gp; DC 10 Intelligence check
§ Bloodstones (2): These red spotted blue-green stones are the
identifies and values).
size of a thumbnail (each worth 50 gp; DC 10 Intelligence check
§ Silk Vest: A tailored vest of red silk, stitched with golden
identifies and values).
thread. It is plain yet obviously of good quality (worth 50 gp;
§ Jade Necklace: A necklace of beads made from green jade,
DC 10 Intelligence check values).
intermixed with what appears to be wolf or worg fangs (worth
§ Potion of Greater Healing: Lavender-coloured liquid fills this
200 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check values).
battered iron vial.
§ Golden Bracelet: This plain golden bracelet is a thin circle of
§ Bag of Holding: A pale brown cloth bag with a band of
metal half an inch wide with the edges curled into narrow lips.
mountains embroidered around the middle.
A deep nick in one edge cuts halfway across its width, and a
crust of black could be the blood of its former owner (worth 50
TREASURE HOARD 13 gp; DC 10 Intelligence check values).
§ Coinage: 2,270 cp, 868 sp, 110 gp. § Alchemy Jug: A large ceramic jug decorated with all manner of
§ Flawed Diamond: This small, somewhat clear, white gem has a carefully painted and interconnected elemental symbols.
brilliant lustre. Although it has numerous flaws, it is still
valuable (worth 150 gp; DC 10 Intelligence check identifies and

§ Coinage: 2,375 cp, 1,550 sp, 49 gp. § Coinage: 2,205 cp, 1,133 sp, 76 gp.
§ Flasks of Oil (20): A wooden crate is filled with simple, § Resplendent Royal Outfit: This red, blue and gold robe is of
battered steel flasks, each of which contains enough lamp oil the finest silks and embroidered with fabulous skill and talent.
to fill a lantern (each worth 1 sp; DC 5 Intelligence check A cloak and mantle made from wolf's fur completes the outfit
values). (worth 250 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check values).
§ Nose Ring: This plain, thin golden ring is too small for a typical § Owlbear Statue: Roughly the size of a halfling, this statue
finger, and stops a quarter inch shy of being a complete band; depicts an owlbear roaring in triumph. The statue is carved
it has rounded ends on either side of the gap (worth 25 gp; DC from dark green jade, flecked with specks of red (worth 150
10 Intelligence check values). gp; DC 15 Intelligence check values).
§ Cube of Force: A small red silk drawstring pouch contains a § Tribal Headdress: An old and timeworn headdress, made from
transparent glass cube with swirling mist within it. Each face is numerous feathers and beads. Worthless except to a collector
engraved with a different shape positioned as the pupil of an (worth 50 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check values).
open eye.
TREASURE HOARD 17 § Coinage: 1,822 cp, 566 sp, 70 gp.
§ Coinage: 2,081 cp, 1,036 sp, 78 gp. § Giant Lapis Chunk: A large gemstone, with a deep indigo
§ Flawed Crimson Garnet: A tear-shaped stone with crimson colour, about the size of a humanoid's head (worth 100 gp; DC
colouration marbled with veins of orange (worth 50 gp; DC 10 10 Intelligence check identifies and values).
Intelligence check identifies and values). § Potion of Fire Giant Strength: A bubbling red liquid fills an
§ Potions of Superior Healing (2): These simple clay pots are overly large flask that is warm to the touch.
covered with decorative white paint and contain an § Potion of Gaseous Form: A simple leather pouch holds a
exceptionally bitter pearl-coloured liquid. simple bottle. Tendrils of mist flow out and over the bottle
§ Handy Haversack: This soft leather backpack looks newly when opened.
fashioned and has the initials “GRC” pyrographed on the § Horseshoes of Speed: These four horseshoes are bound
central pouch. together with a small piece of twine.
§ Potion of Etherealness: This glass vial wrapped in wire and § Feather Token (Bird): This large, black feather is incredibly
contains a liquid that alternates between being clear and a smooth.
cloudy grey.
TREASURE HOARD 18 § Coinage: 2,022 cp, 1,633 sp, 51 gp.
§ Coinage: 2,590 cp, 1,438 sp, 48 gp. § Amethyst: The multitude of tiny facets in this transparent,
§ Jade Dice (4): A small wooden box is lined with green velvet purple heart-shaped stone creates a dizzying flicker of light
and contains four gemstone dice (each worth 25 gp; DC 10 and dark, as it catches and refracts the light (worth 150 gp; DC
Intelligence check values). 10 Intelligence check identifies and values).
§ Potion of Hill Giant Strength: This small cracked vial contains a § Potions of Healing (2): These vials have a tall, thin neck and a
tan-coloured liquid with a foul smell. broad rounded bottom. Within tiny golden flecks float in an
§ Oil of Slipperiness: This tall, narrow vial has a cork stopper and otherwise incredibly clear, but viscous, liquid.
contains a thick yellow liquid. § Scroll of Ice Knife: A large piece of vellum has been rolled into
§ Potion of Greater Healing: This small glass vial looks very a heavy brass tube decorated with stylised engravings of a
delicate and contains a lavender-coloured liquid. The liquid lofty, show-covered mountain range.
smells of lavender and roses. § Scroll of Charm Person: The faded, cramped writing on this old
§ Dust of Dryness: A small leather pouch is embroidered with a and cracked scroll is barely decipherable. Rough handling
simple desert scene and contains a fine sand-coloured dust. could cause it to rip.
§ Scroll of Thaumaturgy: A small worn piece of parchment
rolled into a tube and tied with a bloodstained ribbon.

§ Coinage: 2,277 cp, 1,008 sp, 120 gp. § Coinage: 2,872 cp, 1,036sp, 30 gp.
§ Old Book: A scuffed and well-worn text written with manticore § Diamond Ring: This somewhat plain gold ring is set with three
blood ink on fine linen paper, bound in aged dried leather, small diamonds in a triangular pattern (worth 300 gp; DC 15
bears the title “Elementary Principles of the Arcane Intelligence check values).
Instrument” (worth 500 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check values). § Velvet Hat: This wide-brimmed hat with a shapeless crown is
§ Embroidered Cloak: A heavy black cloak, elaborately made from maroon crushed velvet, its stitching so skilfully
embroidered and lined with violet silk (worth 75 gp; DC 10 worked it is invisible to any but the most expert eye (worth 10
Intelligence check values). gp; DC 10 Intelligence check values).
§ Cloak of the Manta Ray: This exquisite cloak is a bright § Potion of Greater Healing: This flask is egg-shaped and
aquamarine colour. When put on for the first time, the cloak contains a lavender-coloured liquid with a layer of sediment at
changes its length so that its hem brushes the ground. the bottom.
§ Scroll of Darkvision: An ivory scroll case contains a single piece § Potion of Fire Breath: This metal flask contains a fluid that
of well-preserved parchment (scroll case worth 25 gp; DC 10 smells strongly of cinnamon.
Intelligence check values). § +1 Arrows (6): These arrows all have black fletching.


§ Coinage: 2,757 cp, 1,445 sp, 109 gp. § Coinage: 2,671 cp, 909 sp, 40 gp.
§ Assorted Ornamental Stones (9): A small bag contains fifteen § Amethyst Ring: This gold band set with three deep violet
polished spheres, each composed of a different colourful stones has an inscription on the underside. A DC 15 Wisdom
stone. These marbles bear the faint wear of use in a child's (Perception) check reveals it to be the phrase, “Enduring as the
game, perhaps a very wealthy couple's child (each worth 10 Mountain” written in Dwarven (worth 200 gp; DC 15
gp; DC 10 Intelligence check identifies and values). Intelligence check values).
§ Staff of Withering: This gnarled wooden staff is carved into § Flasks of Acid (3): These thick glass flasks slosh thickly with a
the shape of a slender emaciated figure with arms stretched heavy black fluid; an acrid stench greets anyone opening them
over its head and the hands cupped around a small head with (each worth 25 gp; DC 10 Intelligence check values).
a gaunt face. § Hat of Disguise: An unadorned dark grey peasant’s bonnet.
§ Boots of the Winterlands: These small, fur trimmed white
boots slip on surprisingly easy despite their size.

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Open Game License v1.0a. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast Inc.
System Reference Document 5.0 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce
R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
So What’s the Hoard Like, Anyway? ©Raging Swan Press 2012; Authors: Thomas King and Chad Perrin.
Treasures & Trinkets: Treasure Hoards #1. ©Raging Swan Press 2016; Author: Ronald Calbick, Thomas King and Chad Perrin.

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