Places of Power - Fraywrack

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When a flight of harpies, beset by a relentless demonic menace from beneath the dark seas, used their captivating song to lure a ship to
ruin, they sought allies instead of food. Thus, was born Fraywrack, a war camp created by the strange alliance of man and monster
against a far greater threat. Now, hidden by the broken remains of their ship, the wreck's survivors and their later recruits train endlessly
for a fight they fear they have little hope of winning. Still, they persevere, welcoming adventurers who may wish to learn some lessons of
their own or, just maybe, lend their own might to the struggle.

Designed for use with the 5th edition of the world’s most popular roleplaying game.

Design: Jacob W. Michaels Fraywrack At a Glance .................................................................. 2
Development: Creighton Broadhurst and Tom McCarthy Notable Locations ........................................................................ 4
Art: Lori Krell, William McAusland and Maciej Zagorski (The Support Raging Swan Press .......................................................... 7
Forge Studio). Some artwork copyright William McAusland, OGL V1.0A .................................................................................... 7
used with permission.
Cartography: Maciej Zagorski (The Forge Studio)
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Rulers Captain Jorne Bitser and Shurasal Wulhem Senis (location 8; N old male human fighter 4/wizard 3)
Population 39 (17 humans, 2 dwarves, 5 half-elves, 2 half-orcs, 5 With his own agenda, he's not who he says he is.
halflings, 8 harpies)
Languages Common
Resources & Industry Maritime salvage, martial training The following items and services are for sale:

On a rocky headland known as Harpy's Head, the wreck of the § Consumables holy water (5, 25 gp), potions of healing (2, 50
Sea Spite hides a secret: a war camp where a strange alliance of gp).
men and monsters train for battle against Dagon, the demon § Spellcasting 3rd.
lord of the sea, and its strange, deformed minions.
LORE While the PCs are at Fraywrack, one or more of the below events
A PC may know something about Fraywrack, its history and may occur. Choose or determine randomly:
surrounds. A PC making a DC 10 Intelligence check knows one or
more pieces of information from the list below. A successful
A nearby shipwreck sends the harpies and Got and Give
check gains all the information revealed by a lesser check.: 1
scavengers racing to find prey and salvage, respectively.
DC 10: After their ship wrecked on Harpy's Head, the
The anniversary of The Sea Spite's wreck spurs a raucous
survivors of The Sea Spite formed a small community, Fraywrack, 2
wake; barrels of rotgut are opened for the occasion.
and now eke out a living along the coast. A deformed villager from Coldwater arrives at
DC 15: The residents of Fraywrack place great emphasis on Fraywrack's gates, prompting a frantic call to arms.
martial ability, spending hours training to face some shadowy A training accident leaves a raw recruit badly injured and
threat from the sea. at severe risk of dying of her wounds.
DC 20: The flight of harpies that called the area home before A severe storm at high tide floods the cavern; half a foot
of water and muck cover the ground.
The Sea Spite's wreck formed an alliance with Fraywrack.
A drunken sailor loudly proclaims he saw something
moving the previous night on The Sea Spite.
Most of the sailors are nothing more than ordinary individuals.
§ Appearance Residents of Fraywrack are strong and fit, almost While in Fraywrack, a PC may hear one or more rumours. A PC
gaunt. The harpies' white wings have dark grey tips. making a DC 10 Charisma check learns one rumour from the
§ Dress Fraywrack's residents wear rough clothing, often table below. A PC exceeding this check learns an additional
mismatched from what they can scrounge. All carry weapons. rumour for each 5 points by which he exceeded DC 10.
§ Nomenclature male Bosek, Helmar, Rozla; female Albun, Ritra;
family Novidno, Telgria, Sovca; harpies Nirhul, Tesara, Voalda. D6 RUMOUR
The ship's haunted, and don't you forget it! The cap'n's
Some of the inhabitants, however, are notable: 1*
spirit wanders its decks at night, looking for a way out.
The Got and Give's mostly got junk, but the owner's
Andumil (location 3; CE female harpy) Shurasal's daughter, she 2
holding out on a few magic trinkets she's hidden away.
doesn't appreciate being forced to "play with her food." Those that don't make the cut in training are strung up
Captain Jorne Bitser (location 4; N male human veteran) The Sea 3*
from The Sea Spite's mast and fed to the harpies.
Spite's first mate, he claimed command after the wreck. Wulhem used to live in Coldwater, but fled in the middle
Herstil Toriklif (location 7; N female human bandit captain) The 4
of the night with just the clothes on his back.
proprietor of The Got and Give trading post.
The survivors of The Sea Spite are merely biding their
Shurasal (location 10; CN female harpy) Leader of the harpy 5*
time before they can repair the ship and sail away.
flight, she keeps order with an iron talon.
Mark my words, that priest is consorting with one of
Skettri Howsell (location 9; CN male half-orc priest [Serat]) 6*
them harpies, and not in no priestly way neither.
Fraywrack’s only cleric, he tries to attend to everyone’s
spiritual needs. *False rumour
Veigga Tavlidalr (location 2; N female halfling fighter 2/rogue 4)
An early recruit, she serves as the camp's main trainer.

NOTABLE LOCATIONS 6. Quartermaster's: From this central location, Quartermaster
Boloi Hammerstone doles out food and supplies to anyone
Most of Fraywrack comprises ramshackle wooden shacks crafted
who needs them. Boloi hates Herstil (location 7).
from timber salvaged from the Sea Sprite’s wreck. They are of
7. The Got and Give: Herstil Toriklif, having given up on fighting
little interest to adventurers. A few locations, however, are
after suffering a bad wound, runs a scavenging and bartering
business, providing any goods residents might want that the
1. Gates: The main entrance to Fraywrack is blocked by heavy quartermaster won't or can't give.
gates made from The Sea Spite's masts. Guards always watch 8. Wulhem's Home: Jaska Vuolle, the man known as Wulhem
from atop the palisade. Senis, lives here in secrecy after fleeing for unknown reasons
2. Battleground: The training ground, where new recruits are from the nearby village of Coldwater.
taught how to fight. This area is rarely empty; training takes 9. Chapel: This sturdy structure in a sheltered cavern is dedicated
place on an almost continual basis. to Serat (the uncaring Mistress of Storms). The cavern also has
3. The Nest: The harpies’ living quarters, its rank odour nearly shrines dedicated to several other deities, although these are
overpowers the smell of the sea. Few humans willingly visit rarely used.
this location. 10. The Sea Spite: Long ago picked clean of any remaining wealth,
4. Captain's Quarters: Jorne Bitser, the first mate of The Sea the wreckage of The Sea Spite is nearly a sacred space to the
Spite who claimed the mantle of captain after the wreck, lives survivors of the ship's destruction. Fish feature heavily in
in Fraywrack's largest home. His first mate—Telina Erevrad— Fraywrack’s denizen’s diet, and humans armed with nets and
also dwells here. rods are a common sight here.
5. The Carpenter's Shop: Slightly less ramshackle than most of
the other homes in Fraywrack, weapons and other goods are
produced here for the camp by One-Hit Lukil.

Life in Fraywrack is difficult and wearying, with work of some 3: THE NEST
sort occupying almost all the denizens' waking hours. The
The briny smell of the ocean can barely conceal the sickly sweet
primary focus is on training, with nearly a third of the camp
and sour odour of rancid flesh and perfumed oils in this cavern,
engaged in martial practice in the Battleground at any time of
which serves as the main roost for Fraywrack's harpies.
the day. Those not so occupied are responsible for other chores,
Once larger in number, the harpies lost about a third of their
largely keeping the camp supplied with food and other goods,
members to attacks from deformed fishmen, provoking their
which is a constant struggle. The harpies typically keep watch
leader, Shurasal (CN female harpy), to come up with a plan to
from above, keeping their distance from the rest of the camp.
use their song to lure allies instead of food. Though they
previously considered the entire cave complex their home, they
retreated to this cavern after making a deal with the survivors of
A wooden palisade blocks Fraywrack’s only landward entrance, The Sea Spite.
uneven timbers forming rough crenulations along the parapet. The flight stands out from others of their kind: The underside
The heavy wooden gate, made from The Sea Spite's masts, is of their long wings are white, though often stained with dirt and
typically closed. Wooden platforms on both sides of the gate filth, while the dark grey feathers on the back of their wings
allow guards clean fields of fire into the area beyond, though deepen to black at the tips. Like other harpies, they wear
typically only one person (male or female human guard) is trinkets from their victims, though much of this group's baubles
stationed here. If Fraywrack is on alert, three guards keep watch are tarnished and tattered with age.
from each walkway. Not all the harpies are pleased with the situation. A small
Though a rope hawser secures the gate, its weight proves faction led by Shurasal's daughter, Andumil (CE female harpy),
the major impediment to entry or exit, as opening it is no easy dislikes being forced to "play with their food." They believe they
task. Typically, three or four Fraywrack guards force the gate could have either defeated the fishmen on their own or found a
open and closed as needed. new place to live. Andumil often sulks in the nest. At times,
however, she lurks outside near the training ground. When she
2: BATTLEGROUND thinks she can get away with it, she uses a momentary snatch of
Much of the mud and debris in this area of the cave complex has her captivating song, hoping to cause a distraction and fatal
been pushed to the sides, moved out of the way by the constant injury among the warriors training in the Battleground.
sweep of feet. The Battleground serves as the primary training
area for Fraywrack's recruits. Here they drill at all hours in 4: CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS
preparation for battle against savage fishmen from the sea, their This home, like almost all the buildings in Fraywrack, was hastily
demonic patron and his deformed followers on shore. built, as much from flotsam and the guts of The Sea Spite as
Though no actual battle has taken place here, Veigga from wood brought in for construction. Unlike most, the interior
Tavlidalr (N female halfling fighter 2/rogue 4) prefers that belies expectations, with many rich accommodations taken from
description to "the training grounds" or any similar appellation the wreck, including the ship's wheel, with its silver-inlaid spokes
to emphasize the seriousness of her lessons. The gaunt halfling, and bolts carved to look like shark's teeth.
her hair shorn almost to the skull, is deadly serious about Captain Jorne Bitser (N male human veteran), was second in
weapons training, and pushes her charges hard: accidents, command on The Sea Spite when the harpies' song led the ship
sometimes fatal ones, are not unheard of, but are simply into disaster. He lives here with his "first mate" Telina Erevrad (N
incorporated into the lessons. One of the first additions to female half-elf scout). With the captain killed in the wreck, Jorne
Fraywrack who wasn't a survivor of the shipwreck, Veigga scoffs claimed the title for himself and agreed to join forces with the
at some of the nautical traditions of the war camp, often monstrous women against the sinister fishmen and their
pointing out that surviving a battle (which she claims she's done
on numerous occasions) is much more than a matter of luck like
"holding on for dear life as a boat hits something." Despite this, IN YOUR CAMPAIGN
her skill and experience helped her quickly rise to a position of Fraywrack can fit almost any relatively coastal location. It's
prominence in the camp. designed as a companion to Raging Swan Press' Village
Backdrop: Coldwater, but can stand on its own. It serves as a
place PCs might go to receive martial training, or to rest and
recuperate between adventures.

demonic patron. Jorne oversees the camp, running it much as he hands through his thinning hair and tugging frequently on his
would a ship, but has little tactical acumen, leading him to be salt-and-pepper beard, though he does his best to accommodate
incredibly cautious in planning any action outside the camp. any requests. He loathes The Got and Give and its proprietor,
Much to the harpies’ irritation (and some of his own recruits), he seeing them as a blatant criticism of his abilities to provide for
must be pushed to commit to any sort of aggressive action his fellows.
outside the camp. Jorne argues, the recruits need more training.
In truth, he has no idea how to plan a military campaign and 7: THE GOT AND GIVE
dreads evidence of his ignorance coming to light and threatening This ramshackle building holds The Got and Give, Fraywrack's
his position. only real shop. Proprietor Herstil Toriklif (N female human
bandit captain) arrived as a recruit but a training accident left
5: THE CARPENTER'S SHOP her lame. After trading away her good armour and blade for the
The Sea Spite's carpenter, One-Hit Lukil (N female half-orc home that now houses The Got and Give trading post, she
commoner), works from this wooden building, which looks realized she had the makings of a business. She organizes
marginally sturdier than most of Fraywrack’s other structures. salvage parties to bring in goods that aren't otherwise available,
Once responsible for most of the camp's infrastructure, One-Hit trading "luxuries" such as nicer clothes, superior weapons and
Lukil—named for how many hammer blows it takes her to drive armour and better food, for other items. Herstil continues to
a nail through a board—now focuses on arming the recruits, hold on to three magic items she acquired over the years,
though she's no great talent at it. She's can craft most simple waiting for a trade worth her while: a girdle of hill giant strength
weapons, other than crossbows, but anything more complex (4,000 gp), a cloak of the manta ray (500 gp) and a rope of
takes about one and a half times as long as normal, and has a climbing (500 gp).
small chance (10%) of breaking when used. Though she buys and sells items, she finds there's little use
for the precious metal in the camp. She offers far better value
6: QUARTERMASTER'S for barter. (She buys items for half their listed price, and sells
This central building houses the camp's quartermaster, Boloi items with a 25% mark up. However, she's far more generous
Hammerstone (NG male dwarf spy), who is responsible for with barter, taking items for 75% of their value with no mark up
doling out food and supplies from his first-floor storerooms. on the items she gives in return.)
Though dedicated and experienced, Boloi is largely
overwhelmed by his current duties. They are far more than he
had to handle on the ship, especially due to the lack of most of
the supplies needed to keep the camp running. The perpetually
haggard dwarf responds gruffly to any requests, running his

8: WULHEM'S HOME men she forged an alliance with. In truth, she has almost as little
taste for the arrangement as her daughter, but sublimates her
This small house is home to Wulhem Senis (N old male human
hunger for the greater good. She keeps order among her flight
fighter 4/wizard 3) and his many secrets. Wulhem is in fact Jaska
with an iron talon, knowing without the support of the war
Vuolle, the rightful ruler of the nearby village of Coldwater, a
camp, the eight harpies would certainly all perish at the hands of
dismal, sullen haven for smugglers and other miscreants (see
the strange fishmen that already killed four of her followers.
Village Backdrop: Coldwater). Jaska fled nine years ago in the
middle of the night, after seeing something horrifying emerge
from the Sunken Stair in Devil's Cove. It was so frightening the
encounter turned his black hair completely white. Such was his
terror, he even left behind his family's prized relic, in
his panic. After spending years on the road, he heard
of Fraywrack and made his way to the camp,
hoping to use its inhabitants to cleanse and
reclaim his home. He pushes Captain Jorne
Bitser to take more aggressive action, hinting
Coldwater is the source of all their ills. He's not
above lying to adventurers about a great
treasure in Devil's Cove, to have them take
care of his troubles. He knows if he returns to
Coldwater as a heroic saviour, reclaiming his
title will be that much easier, and hopes to use
proxies to achieve his goal.

Built in a sheltered section of the cavern complex,
Fraywrack's chapel provides for all the spiritual needs
of the war camp. It's run by Skettri Howsell (CN male half-
orc priest [Serat]), who was pulled from the ocean several
months after The Sea Spite's wreck. The tragedy—Skettri was
the only known survivor after leaping overboard when his
Coldwater-bound ship was attacked by creatures from the
deep—left Skettri traumatized. He's terrified of the water,
though equally determined to see vengeance against the
Among those visiting the chapel are the young harpy
Ololvaya (CN female harpy), who appears fascinated with Skettri
and his teachings. She can often be found here, to the irritation
of many of the recruits who find her odour objectionable.


The once-proud ship lies broken on the rocks in front of the
cavern complex's opening to the sea. A long dock, which
residents fish from or use to moor the rare landing craft from a
nearby ship, juts into the water from the shattered bulk. Inside,
much of the ship has been stripped of valuables, taken for
Captain Jorne Bitser's home or to trade for needed supplies.
Even the bones of the ship have not gone unused, pillaged to
erect the shelters that keep Fraywrack's residents dry and warm.
Shurasal (CN female harpy), the leader of the harpy flight,
often rests here, away from both her fellow monsters and the

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System Reference Document 5.0 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce
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Places of Power: Fraywrack. ©Raging Swan Press 2017; Author: Jacob W. Michaels.

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