The system is not configured to process accurately. B. Process - The transformation of input into output is
called Processing. Performing the calculations,
Inappropriate individuals can access and make
validating information, updating records, and tracking
changes to the accounting information
raw materials are example of processing.
Changes in system can be made without sufficient
C. Convey Output - Outputs are the result of processing
Nature of IT and its Capabilities D. Collect Feedback - In order to determine whether the
Information Technology generally refers to a wide variety of system is working as planned feedback- data about
computer hardware and software technology that are used to the performance of the system is collected.
manage and control information, when it is organized to
perform task or organizational process, an information E. Controls - Refers to the process and procedures that
system is created. restrict and monitor the inputs, processing and output to
provide reasonable assurance and that organizational
Major Components of Information System objectives are met.
A typical information system records, process, stores and
disseminates information that consists of the methods and Characteristics of various type of IT-based Systems
records an entity's transactions and to maintain
1) Batch processing
accountability for the related assets, liabilities and equity.
- A system which like transactions are processed
Major Components of Information System periodically as a group. This does not provide up-to-
The Major components are the following: time or real time transaction information.
A. Hardware - Refers to the computer and peripheral 2) Real-time processing
equipment for input, output and storage of data. - A system that allows immediate update or access
data or instantaneous analysis of data
B. Software - Refers to the series of programs that provide
3) Online Transaction Processing (OTP)
instructions for operating the computer.
- is a processing method in which the IT systems
I. System Software - which controls the operations
process data immediately after it is captured and
of the computer itself
provide information to the users on a timely basis.
II. Application Software - designed to perform
4) Designing support system
specific task - Combine models and data to attempt to solve non-
C. Data - Refers to the inputs and outputs of the computer structured problems with extensive user involvement
system. Most accounting information systems are
structured to store in data in a database, which is 5) Expert System
organized collection of data. - Guides decision process with a well defined area and
allows the making of decision compared to expert
D. People - Refers to the users and the information
system professionals 6) Centralized Processing System
E. Procedures - These are the policies and practices - Performed by one computer or by a cluster of coupled
computer in a single location. Data are often input and
within a company for operating and maintaining the
reports printed using workstations.
information system.
F. Less documentation of initiation and execution of The Auditor test of controls shall include inquiry,
observation, discussion and review of the appropriate
organizing chart, responsibility for initiating and
G. Computer controls that may affect the authorizing transactions, discrepancies should be
effectiveness of related manual control reported and the appropriate controls are
procedures that use computer output recommended.
General Control Activities: 3) Access to computer hardware should be limited
Systems development documentation controls to authorized individuals such as computer
Controls: operators and their supervisors
1) User department must participate in systems design
General Control Activities: Access Controls
2) Each system must have written specification, which are Access to IT Environment
reviewed and approved by Management a. Physical controls
I. Limited Physical access
3) Both user and IT personnel must test the new system
II. Visitor Entry Logs
4) Management, users, and IT must approve new systems b. Electronic Access Controls
before they are placed into operation I. Access control software (user identification)
5) All master and conversion file should be controlled to II. Call back
prevent unauthorized changed III. Encryption boards
6) After the new system is operating there should be a General Control Activities:
proper approval of all program change Data Procedural Controls
7) Proper documentation standards should exist to A control group should:
assure continuity of the system.
Receive all data processed
General Control Activities: Systems development
documentation controls Ensure data are recorded
Two Common Controls over system change are:
Follow-up in errors during processing and determine
1) Design Methodology
transactions are corrected and resubmitted by the
2) Change control process
proper use
General Control Activities:
Verify the proper distribution of output
Hardware and Software controls
Controls Written Manual of systems and procedures should be
1) The auditor shall be aware of control features prepared for all the computer operations and should provide
inherent in the computer hardware, operating for Management's general or specific authorization to
system and other supporting software and process transactions
ensure that they are utilized to the maximum
Internal Auditors should review and evaluate proposed
possible extent systems at critical stages of development and review and test
2) System software should be subjected to the computer procedures.
same control procedures as issue applied to the
installation of and changes to application General Control Activities: Access Controls
programs. Specific Controls
a) Operations Run Manual
General Control Activities: Hardware and Software b) Back-up and Recovery
Controls built to detect and prevent equipment failures: c) Contingency Processing
Parity check d) Processing Controls
Echo check
e) File Protection ring
Diagnostic routines
Boundary protection f) Internal and External labels
Periodic Maintenance
Internal Control for IT Environment:
General Control Activities: Access Controls
Application Control activities
1) Access to program documentation should be Application controls are related to specific application. Each
limited to those persons who require it in the accounting application that is processed within IT includes:
performance of their duties
Input, Process and Output.
2) Access to data files and programs should be
limited to those individuals such computer
operators and their supervisors.
Application Control activities: Input Application Control activities: Output
Example of Output controls
a) Data should be authorized and approved a) Control Total
b) Limiting the Quantity of Output and total processing time
b) System should verify all significant data fields used to
record information c) Error message and resolution
c) Conversion of data into machine-readable form should • Auditing Theory by Cabrera
be controlled and verified for accuracy. • AASC issuances
Application Control activities: Input 2. Refers to the inputs and outputs of the computer system.
Example of Input controls Most accounting information systems are structured to
a) Preprinted form g) Menu Driven Input store in data in a database, which is organized collection of
b) Checker Digit h) Field Checks
c) Control batch i) Validity checks 3. A system which like transactions are processed
d) Hash Total j) Missing data check periodically as a group. This does not provide up-to-time or
e) Record Count k) Field size check real time transaction information.
f) Reasonableness and l) Logic check
4. Generally refers to a wide variety of computer hardware
Limit test and software technology that are used to manage and
control information, when it is organized to perform task or
Application Control activities: Processing organizational process, an information system is created.
a) Control totals should be produced and reconciled 5. Computers are in different location. Although data may be
transmitted between computers periodically, such system
with input total control
involves only limited communication among systems.
b) Control should prevent processing the wrong file and
6. Enumerate the 3 Internal Control Activities in the IT
detect errors in file manipulation Environment
c) Limit and reasonableness check should be 9. The person responsible for analyzing the present user
incorporated in programs environment/requirement and recommending the specific
changes which can be made
d) Run to run totals should be verified at appropriate
points in processing cycle. 10. Responsible for the custody of the removable media and for
maintenance of program and system documentation
Application Control activities: Processing
11. Is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the on-line
Example of Processing controls access control security and software
a. Checkpoint/ Restart Capacity
12. All new systems being developed should flow through a
b. Error resolution Procedure
documented process that has specific control points where
Application Control activities: Output the overall direction if the system can be evaluated and
changes if needed can be made.
Visual review of output should be done by the user or an
independent control group: 13. A special bit is added to each character stored in memory
that can detect if the hardware loses a bit during the
1) Output control totals should be reconciled with input internal movement of a character similar to a cheek digit
and processing control totals
14. Hardware or software supplier by the manufacturer to
2) Output should be scanned and tested by comparison check the internal operations and devices to check the
to original source documents internal operations and devices within the computer
system. These routines are often activated when the
3) System output should be distributed only to system is booted up.
authorized users
15. To ensure the preservation of historical record and the
ability to recover from an unexpected error, files created
within IT are backed up in a system that may occur.
What is Audit? in accordance with an applicable financial reporting
framework; and
Defining Assurance
Engagement in which a practitioner expresses a conclusion b) To report on the financial statements, and communicate as
designed to enhance the degree of confidence of the intended required by the PSAs, in accordance with the auditor's
users other than the responsible party about the outcome of
the evaluation or measurement of a subject matter against Types of Audit
criteria. As to nature of assertion or As to types of auditor
data External audit
Elements of Assurance Financial statement Internal audit
a) A three party relationship involving a practitioner, a (FS) audit Government audit
responsible party, and intended users Operational audit
Compliance audit
b) An appropriate subject matter
Performance reviews
Information processing
Physical controls
Segregation of duties
The control environment includes the governance and Designing and implementing controls, management
management functions and the attitudes, awareness, and may make judgments on the nature and extent of the
actions of those charged with governance and management controls it chooses to implement, and the nature and
concerning the entity’s internal control and its importance in extent of the risks it chooses to assume
the entity.
The Entity’s Internal Control
An understanding of internal control assists the auditor in
Entity’s Risk Assessment Process
identifying types of potential misstatements and factors
The auditor shall obtain an understanding of whether the
that affect the risks of material misstatement, and in
entity has a process for:
designing the nature, timing, and extent of further audit
a) Identifying business risks relevant to financial reporting
objectives; The following application material on internal control
is presented in four sections, as follows:
b) Estimating the significance of the risks;
General Nature and Characteristics of Internal
c) Assessing the likelihood of their occurrence; and Control.
d) Deciding about actions to address those risks. Controls Relevant to the Audit.
Nature and Extent of the Understanding of
5 Components of Internal Control Relevant Controls.
The auditor shall obtain an understanding of the information Components of Internal Control.
system, including the related business processes, relevant to
financial reporting, such as the following areas: Limitations of Internal Control
Internal control, no matter how effective, can provide an
➢ The classes of transactions in the entity’s operations
entity with only reasonable assurance about achieving the
that are significant to the financial statements.
➢ The procedures, within both IT and manual systems, by entity’s financial reporting objectives. The likelihood of
which those transactions are initiated, recorded, their achievement is affected by limitations inherent to
processed, corrected as necessary, transferred to the internal control. These include the realities that human
general ledger and reported in the financial
statements. judgment in decision-making can be faulty and that
breakdowns in internal control can occur because of
5 Components of Internal Control
human error.
Control activities are the policies and procedures to
help ensure that management directives are carried out. Limitations of Internal Control
Examples of control activities include those relating to Additionally, controls can be circumvented by the
the following: collusion of two or more people or inappropriate
1) Authorization management override of internal control.
2) Performance reviews Further, in designing and implementing controls,
management may make judgments on the nature and
3) Information processing
extent of the controls it chooses to implement, and the
4) Physical controls nature and extent of the risks it chooses to assume.
5) Segregation of duties Controls Relevant to the Audit
There is a direct relationship between an entity’s
objectives and the controls it implements to provide
reasonable assurance about their achievement.
The entity’s objectives, and therefore controls, relate to Is Test of Control Required in Audit?
financial reporting, operations and compliance; however,
not all of these objectives and controls are relevant to Nature and Extent of the Understanding of Relevant
the auditor’s risk assessment Controls
Evaluating the design of a control involves considering
Controls Relevant to the Audit
whether the control, individually or in combination with other
Controls over the completeness and accuracy of
controls, is capable of effectively preventing, or detecting and
information produced by the entity may be relevant to correcting, material misstatements.
the audit if the auditor intends to make use of the Implementation of a control means that the control exists
information in designing and performing further and that the entity is using it. There is little point in assessing
the implementation of a control that is not effective, and so
procedures. Controls relating to operations and
the design of a control is considered first.
compliance objectives may also be relevant to an audit
An improperly designed control may represent a material
if they relate to data the auditor evaluates or uses in weakness in the entity’s internal control.
applying audit procedures Obtaining an understanding of an entity’s controls is not
sufficient to test their operating effectiveness, unless there
Internal control over safeguarding of assets against
is some automation that provides for the consistent
unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition may operation of the controls.
include controls relating to both financial reporting and Components of Internal Control—Control Environment
operations objectives. The auditor’s consideration of Elements of the control environment that may be relevant
when obtaining an understanding of the control environment
such controls is generally limited to those relevant to
include the following:
the reliability of financial reporting
(a) Communication and enforcement of integrity and ethical
Controls Relevant to the Audit values
An entity generally has controls relating to objectives that (b) Commitment to competence
are not relevant to an audit and therefore need not be (c) Participation by those charged with governance
considered. (d) Management’s philosophy and operating sty
For example, an entity may rely on a sophisticated system of (e) Organizational structure
automated controls to provide efficient and effective
operations (such as an airline’s system of automated Components of Internal Control—Control Environment
controls to maintain flight schedules), but these controls Audit Evidence for Elements of the Control Environment :
ordinarily would not be relevant to the audit. Relevant audit evidence may be obtained through a
combination of inquiries and other risk assessment
procedures such as corroborating inquiries through
observation or inspection of documents.
Components of Internal Control—Control Environment What if there are Differences in our Test of
Elements of the control environment that may be relevant when
obtaining an understanding of the control environment include
Differences in Test of Control
the following:
(f) Assignment of authority and responsibility Internal Audit does not have MATERIALITY. Internal Auditors
ONLY DO REPERFORMANCE and we ensure that differences
(g) Human resource policies and practices
are the same with Management findings.
Components of Internal Control—Monitoring of Controls
Monitoring of controls is a process to assess the RESOLVED AND EXPLAINED, ACCORDINGLY.
effectiveness of internal control performance over time. It
involves assessing the effectiveness of controls on a Timing of Test of Controls
timely basis and taking necessary corrective actions. Auditors usually perform TOC during an interim visit in
advance of period end. However, Auditor need to obtain
Management accomplishes monitoring of controls through
ongoing activities, separate evaluations, or a combination further evidence relating to the remainder of the period.
of the two. This may be performing TOC for the remainder period or
Ongoing monitoring activities are often built into the by reviewing whether there are changes affecting the
normal recurring activities of an entity and include regular
management and supervisory activities. entity’s internal control.
-AASC Announcements
-Auditing Theory by Jekell Salosagcol, et al
-PCAOB issuances
Activity #1:
Every quarter, the Controller reviews the monthly AR
Reconciliations by agreeing the General Ledger and Subsidiary
Ledger. Any differences above $10K are investigated and
explained. The Controller evidence the review through a sign-off
in the workbook.
TIP: In testing controls, remember the four (4) common
a. Was the item reviewed?
b. Do amounts agree to supporting documents?
c. Are there any differences
d. Is review performed timely?
A difference below client materiality was noted by Auditor but not by the
client. Is the control operating effectively?
The Business Performance dashboard helps identify
XERO : Initial Setup
important trends. You can add graphs to it. From Accounting,
select Reports, then click Business Performance under
The dashboard shows you a snapshot of the business
Financial to show the graphs. Select the stars to add them.
financials and cash flow. What you see depends on your user
Use the business performance dashboard and account
watchlist to examine important business trends and
The dashboard is customizable which means you can
accounts, quickly and easily. All users see any changes made
configure the panels to show the most relevant information
to these panels.
about the organization. Changes made to the Business
Keep an eye on important accounts via Accounts Watchlist.
performance and Account watchlist panels, are seen by all
From Accounting select Advanced and click Chart of
users. Any changes made to the dashboard layout are unique
accounts. Choose which accounts to show on the account
to your login.
watchlist. Click an account, select Show on the Dashboard
The dashboard shows you a snapshot of the business Watchlist [1] and click Save [2].
financials and cash flow. What you see depends on your user
role. Xero Navigations
The dashboard is customizable which means you can
configure the panels to show the most relevant information
The Organization menu lets you access uploaded files,
about the organization. Changes made to the Business
organization settings, and connected apps. If you have access to
performance and Account watchlist panels, are seen by all
more than one Xero organization, switch between them here.
users. Any changes made to the dashboard layout are unique
Access partner tools like Xero HQ, Workpapers, and Practice
to your login.
Manager if you're a Xero Partner.
The dashboard shows you a snapshot of the business
financials and cash flow. What you see depends on your user
role. The Business menu lets you access day-to-day tasks such as
invoices, bills and expenses. You can also set up and manage
The dashboard is customizable which means you can
inventory items under Products and services.
configure the panels to show the most relevant information
about the organization. Changes made to the Business ACCOUNTING MENU
performance and Account watchlist panels, are seen by all The Accounting menu lets you manage bank accounts, run
users. Any changes made to the dashboard layout are unique reports, and use the advanced settings and tools like Fixed
to your login. assets.
The dashboard shows you a snapshot of the business
financials and cash flow. What you see depends on your user
If you have access to Payroll or Projects in an organization, you
see the options on the navigation menu.
The dashboard is customizable which means you can
configure the panels to show the most relevant information CONTACTS MENU
about the organization. Changes made to the Business The Contacts menu contains information for customers,
performance and Account watchlist panels, are seen by all suppliers and other important contacts, to help you manage
users. Any changes made to the dashboard layout are unique business relationships.
to your login.
Use the business performance dashboard and account
watchlist to examine important business trends and The User menu helps you configure your Xero account, like
accounts, quickly and easily. All users see any changes made changing you profile picture. These changes only affect your
Use the search function to look for specific transactions or Users with the standard role can carry out day-to-day tasks,
user at any time. Employee – has access to Xero Me to view payslips, submit
leave and enter timesheets.
Business & accounting
Users with the standard role can carry out day-to-day tasks, Payroll admin – users can create and post pay runs, add
and can have restricted access to reports. employees, and run payroll reports.
Types of user roles
Advisors have full access including advanced accounting
features. Business and Accounting
Invoice only – there are four variations of the invoice only
Read-Only user role:
Anyone with the read only role can view transactions, but
can’t add or edit. Only create drafts – the user has access to create draft
invoices, bills, quotes and purchase orders, but not
Subscriber approve them.
The subscriber is responsible for the Xero account, billing,
Sales (quoting and invoicing) – the user can create,
and user accounts. There can only be one subscriber in each
approve and send invoices, quotes and credit notes. They
organization. They can transfer the subscription to another
can also record payment on invoices.
user at any time.
Purchases (purchase orders and bills) – the user can Ways to Add files in Xero:
Upload files
create and approve bills, credit notes and purchase
Drag and Drop
orders. They can also pay bills.
Mobile Device
Approve and pay (sales and purchases) – the user
Wherever there is a file icon, you can attach files.
can create and approve invoices, quotes, credit notes,
You can attach files to the following:
bills and purchase orders. They can also record payment
on invoices and pay bills.
Bank Reconciliation
Standard – the user has almost full access to Xero, with Contacts
optional access to cash coding and reports. You can also add files directly from the file library inbox.
Advanced Settings
Adviser – advisers have full access to all areas of Xero. If
they're not the subscriber, then they can’t change the pricing Financial Settings
plan or payment details. 1) Change Financial Year End
Read only – these users can view most areas of Xero, but 2) Set Sales Tax Information
can’t create or edit transactions, or run new reports. 3) Select the tax defaults for sales and purchases.
Based on last sale/purchase
Extra Permissions
Tax inclusive
Payroll admin – for users who need to post pay runs, Tax exclusive
manage employees and run payroll reports. No Tax
Cash coding – ability for users to reconcile statement lines 4) Lock Dates.
Bank account admin – users with this permission can edit Tax Rates
bank account numbers for contacts and employees. Tax rates control sales tax on transactions such as
invoices, bills and manual journals. You must add a default
Reports – users can run most reports and customise, print
tax rate to every account in the chart of accounts. When
or export them.
you select the account, Xero applies the default rate to the
Manage users – the ability to invite new users, change transaction.
user roles for existing users or delete users from an You can change each rate on the transaction without
organization. affecting the default rate in the chart of accounts.
Tracking Categories
Set up tracking categories to see how different areas of
Add currencies to create foreign transactions, and add bank
the business are performing. Tag transactions such as
accounts with a different currency from the organization's
invoices, with a category option to report on departments,
base currency. The organization must be on a premium
cost centers, or locations.
pricing plan.
Chart of Accounts
Use Files in Xero The chart of accounts is a list of all accounts you can use
in the chart of accounts. The most efficient way to do this is to import them before
Notes: you enter the conversion balances.
1) Those with asterisk (*) are mandatory fields.
If you haven’t imported the unpaid invoices and bills, Xero
2) Positive amounts are debit.
opens a new screen to add the transactions manually.
3) Negative amounts are credit.
4) Tax Code used must be the same name as those in the Add comparative balances to show prior year comparisons
Conversion Date
The conversion date is when the business starts using Xero
for everyday transactions. Unpaid invoices and bills are the
only transactions you should enter before this date.
Conversion Balances
Conversion balances are the opening amounts for the
organization's accounts, as at the conversion date.
1) The column totals should be the same. If they're not, Xero
posts the difference to a historical adjustment account.
Introduction to Xero Traditional Accounting Software
The data in the system isn’t always up to date
What is Xero?
Xero is a technology company based in New Zealand that It only works on one computer and can’t be access
Only one person has user access which can mean key
Xero offers a cloud-based accounting software that
people can't access financial and customer details
functions as a software-as-a-service (Saas) model.
It's costly and complicated to keep backups.
The software is aimed to help small and medium
It's expensive, difficult and time consuming to upgrade.
enterprises to help run their business and manage their
finances. Needs for a third-party data security software.
History of Xero
What is Cloud Computing?
An on-demand technology that enables individuals, Founded in a Wellington studio apartment in 2006 by
developers, and businesses to access a wide variety of Rod Drury and his accountant Hamish Edwards.
services and platforms through the Internet. They felt traditional desktop accounting software has
become outdated.
Enables businesses to shift the burden of managing and They wanted small business owners and their
maintaining computer hardware from their own staff to accountants to be able to access date online.
providers whose business specialize on these fields. Original name is Accounting 2.0.
They changed the original name due to the staff not
Customers can only pay providers for what they use and
liking it and it would be difficult to register an internet
have access to important resources on demand. domain name with the decimal.
Enables both casual internet user and specialized They specifically wanted a four-letter name and that
Zero was a strong candidate for the new name.
developers to access information from around the world
History of Xero
almost instantaneously. was already an existing domain name of a
Services and platforms include but not limited to the rock band fan site.
Xero was the original name of rock bank Linkin Park.
a) Accounting services
b) File storage and recovery Convinced the domain administrator to sell domain
c) Video streaming services for $20,000.
d) Messaging platforms
Xero Today
e) Productivity
Xero entered Australia and United Kingdom in 2008.
Cloud Accounting Software vs Traditional Accounting Software
Entered United States in 2011.
Cloud Accounting Software
In 2017, Xero surpassed one million subscribers
Data about transactions can flow straight from bank to
books, saving time transcribing information.
See and access current financial position at any time, In December 2018, Xero hits 1 million subscribers in
anywhere, from any device as long as there is access to Australia and New Zealand.
the internet.
In 2019, Xero hits 2 million subscribers globally.
Multi-user access makes it easy to collaborate online. In 2023, Xero has 3.7 million subscribers.
There’s no need to install or update the software, and all
Xero has offices in New Zealand, Australia, United
your data is backed up automatically.
Kingdom, United States, Canada, Singapore, Hong
Data is securely stored online.
Kong, and South Africa with their headquarters
Can integrate with other software for additional functions. situated in Wellington, New Zealand.
Benefits of Using Xero
Get Paid Faster Time Saving Accessibility
Online Store Access
Payments Documents Anywhere and
Recurring Online Anytime
Payments Automated Bank Multiple Users
Automatic Feeds Can Work in Xero
Payment Simultaneously
Reminders Mobile
If you see a contact name listed as 'Unknown', it's likely When you give an organisation your network key, they
this contact was created during cash coding where the can send you a Xero to Xero sales invoice. The invoice is
payee field was left empty. If you can't find the details of automatically created as a draft bill in your organisation.
a contact you've created transactions for previously, Add the account code and make any other changes, then
they might have requested to have their details removed approve the bill.
for privacy reasons. You can only receive bills through the Xero to Xero
network that don't have tax adjustments or file
Categories attachments other than the invoice PDF. You can't
Click an option to show contacts in the Customers, receive credit notes or any other types of transactions.
Suppliers or Archived categories. You can choose to
Import Contacts List
show contacts in any groups you’ve created. If you’re moving to Xero from another system, or have your
Groups contacts saved to an email account, you can import them into
Go to a contact group you’ve created or create a new Xero using a CSV or TXT file.
group to keep your contacts organized.
Contact Record Management
Smart Lists Open a contact to see their activity, create new
Choose one of the default options to find and list your
transactions and update their information.
customers based on their purchases or payments.
Search Add files to a contact’s record, like a supplier contract or
Find a contact by searching for the business name or
terms and conditions.
name of the main contact person.
Sort Xero shows invoices and bills awaiting payment here.
The contacts list displays in alphabetical order by
You’ll also see any outstanding quotes and purchase
default, but you can sort them by email, the date you orders.
added them or by amounts owing.
Contact activity…
Archive or Group Use the money in and out graph to see what you’ve paid
When you select a contact in the list, you can add them to each other in the last 12 months. See their recent
to a group or archive them. activity, add notes and connect your Gmail or Office 365
email account to store relevant emails for your contact.
Create a New Contact
1) From the Contacts screen, click New contact. Contact Options
2) Enter the details. Contact Name is the only required field
to create a new contact. Send Statements…
Let’s a user send statements to customers about their
3) For customers and suppliers, it’s useful to set the
default sales or purchase settings. You can set the tax overdue invoices and give them a record of their recent
rate on sales, the account code and tracking option. transactions.
Add to a group…
Group similar contacts or make a group according to
their significance.
Merge Contacts…
Merge a contact’s details and transaction history into
another contact.
Archive Contacts…
Archive a contact you don’t need. You can undo this at
any time from your Archived contacts list.
Direct Debit powered by GoCardless
Xero : Invoices
Other Available Payment Services:
Customer Quotes and Invoices
Chase Integrated Payment
Invoice Reminders
Turn on invoice reminders to follow up customers who Windcave
have overdue invoices. Xero automatically sends a eWay
reminder email when an invoice is 7, 14 and 21 days Custom Payment URL
overdue. You can also add additional reminders or edit
the default ones. Branding Theme
Xero branding themes are customizable templates to
Set default dates and numbers customize the look of invoices, quotes, purchase orders,
Set default due dates and expiry dates for invoices, bills and
credit notes and statements so they match the business’
quotes to save time. You can also change the prefix and
sequence number to suit the business, and show
Two ways of creating branding theme:
customers all of their outstanding bills.
1. Standard template
Navigation: Organization Menu->Settings->Invoice
2. Custom DOCX template
Settings->Default Settings
Custom DOCX template
Default Settings Use the tables to customise the document, but don’t
Due dates change any headings that are field codes. For example,
Set the default due dates for your invoices and bills. Xero
automatically applies the defaults to new transactions.
You can have a set date each month or choose a number Custom Email Settings
of days after the invoice or bill date. Reply-to email address
Add a new reply-to email address to manage the flow
Transaction Labels
of customer replies. The reply-to email address is set
Xero sets the prefix and sequence number for invoices,
credit notes, purchase orders and quotes automatically, to the logged in user by default.
from their online invoices, credit notes and includes placeholders in email templates for dynamic
Xero lists the business names that owe the most next Preview – see how the invoice would look like in pdf format.
to how much they owe. Amounts shown in red are Items – Choose a product or service from the list, is there is
Description* – Enter a description what the invoice is for.
changing an account code selected by mistake. Remove Quote terms can be entered if they’re different to the
payments from the invoice to edit any area of the invoice. default on the branding theme.
For example, change the items you’re invoicing for or
A quote can be copied to create a new quote, new
their descriptions.
invoice, purchase order, new bills, new repeating
Notes: invoice.
When payment is already applied, certain details
When quotes are sent, customers have the option to
can’t be change. To edit these details, the payment
accept or reject them.
must be removed first before editing the invoice.
To reconcile, you can make a payment application in An accepted quote can be copies to a new invoice by
the invoice itself or go back to the unreconciled clicking on the Create Invoice button in the accepted
payment in the bank account and match the invoice. quote. This will make a new invoice with prefilled
contents based on the accepted quote.
Refund a Customer
Refund customers for overpayments made, prepayment or
credit notes.
1. From Invoices, find the overpayment, prepayment or
credit note to refund.
2. Enter the details in Make a cash refund. Confirm the
refund amount and enter a reference to identify the
refund. Click Add Refund.
Every tracked item has an average cost. Xero recalculates the
Xero : Inventory
cost each time you record a purchase. Average cost
Using Inventory
determines the cost of goods sold value.
Benefits of using Inventory in Xero
1. Save Time Every time a purchase is recorded, and a tracked inventory
− Use inventory items so Xero can automatically item is selected, Xero selects the inventory asset account by
complete transactions, saving time and effort. default. Once approved, Xero posts a journal to the inventory
2. Track Products asset account.
− Xero inventory tracks items the business
regularly buys and sells. When an invoice is created for a tracked inventory item, Xero
− When adding a tracked inventory item to a lets users select an account code. Once approved, Xero posts
transaction, Xero will show how many are left. a journal reducing the value of inventory asset account and
This helps on giving an idea of what to reorder. increases the cost of goods sold value.
3. Project Invoicing Accuracy Xero doesn’t calculate the quantity or the value on hand for
− You can set up tasks or expenses you regularly untracked items, so it doesn’t post any journals to the cost of
use in Projects as inventory items goods sold or inventory asset accounts.
4. Inventory Reporting
− Run reports to get real-time information, such as Set up Products and Services
changes to the value and quantities on hand of Set up Products and Services
If you use a different chart of accounts to the Xero default, you
tracked inventory items.
need to create accounts for inventory asset and cost of goods
Inventory Options sold. You must select these accounts on items you want to
There are two types of inventory items, tracked and track.
untracked. The inventory method you select depends on how Steps:
the business operates. 1. Go to Accounting and select Advanced.
2. Under Advanced settings, click Chart of accounts.
Tracked Inventory 3. Click Add Account and select the account type
− Tracked inventory is a great option if the business Inventory. You can’t change the account type of an
keeps quantities of physical items on hand. existing account to inventory, as it’s a locked account.
4. The Account Type, Code and Name are mandatory
− Xero automatically calculates the Quantity on Hand
fields. Enter the details and click Save.
and Total Value for tracked items. 5. Also, add an account for cost of goods sold. The
Xero’s default chart of accounts uses Direct Costs as
Untracked Inventory
the account type.
− This is a great option to use for services the
Set up Products and Services
business offers on a regular basis, or products that
Add inventory items to keep track of the quantity and value of
doesn’t need tracking.
items on hand and speed up data entry. Adviser or standard
− Xero doesn’t calculate the quantity on hand or
user role is needed to add tracked or untracked inventory
value for untracked inventory items.
items from products and services.
Note that if a business offers products and services, a Steps:
combination of tracked and untracked items can be used. 1. Go to Business and select Products and services.
5. Click Browse to select the template and click columns as they are. Xero shows an error message and
Continue. prevents users from importing the template if these
6. Xero checks the file and confirms the number of columns were edited.
items created or updated. Click Complete Import to
finish. Update opening balances
If incorrect opening balances were entered, the correct
Enter Opening Balances figures can be re-imported. When updating the opening
Steps: balances, keep in mind any transactions recorded since
1. From the Products and services screen, click Import
and select Opening Balances. the last import. For example, you import four of Item A,
and have sold all four items. You won't be able to reduce
2. Enter a date. Use conversion date, if new to Xero. If an
existing user, select the date you want to start using the opening balance for this, as Xero doesn't support
tracked inventory. negative inventory quantities or values. This is where
3. Select the account with the current inventory value. you'd make an inventory adjustment or void the sales
This is the adjustment account. invoices if needed.
4. Download the template
5. Enter the quantity and total value of items on hand. Add data
Enter the account chosen in the adjustment account If additional items are added directly to the opening
column. Save as a CSV or TXT file. balances template, Xero shows an error message upon
6. Click Browse to find and upload the completed import. First create the additional items in Xero, then
template. Click Continue.
import the opening balances.
7. Review the opening balances and complete the import.
Xero shows an error message if default columns
have been removed or renamed.
Columns with an asterisk are mandatory, meaning
they must have a value.
Account codes
Enter account codes exactly as they appear in Xero.
Tax rates
Enter tax rates exactly as they appear in the
Unit price
Just use numbers and decimals, as you’ll get an
import error if you include any currency symbols.
Set default accounts for disposing of assets both the asset and transaction.
In Fixed asset settings, click Accounts, and select the default Add a draft asset from a purchase transaction
accounts you want to use for asset disposals. Click Save. Xero Add an asset from a purchase transaction if you want it to
preselects these accounts for all future asset disposals. show in both the register and the balance sheet.
Draft assets
Xero adds the asset to the Draft tab of the register. Complete
the asset details before you register it.
See Original Transaction Opening Balances
The asset contains a link back to the purchase transaction. If you’ve maintained fixed assets in a previous accounting
system, enter opening fixed asset balances in Xero.
Xero combines multiple assets into a single asset, Steps:
1. From Advanced accounting click Conversion balances.
when the quantity on a purchase transaction is more
Enter the fixed asset opening balances to show in the
than nine. Split the line items if you have more than nine
balance sheet, then click Save.
assets that you don’t want Xero to combine.
2. From the Fixed assets screen, click Set Start Date. If the
Import Assets conversion date is the start of a financial year, you can set
the fixed asset start date to match this.
Xero provides a template to import draft fixed assets. Use
3. Add or import the assets from the Fixed Assets screen. If
this method if you've been using another system to the depreciation start date is earlier than the fixed asset
manage fixed assets, or to add multiple assets to the start date, enter the amount of accumulated depreciation
the asset had, up to the start date. Xero uses this amount
register at once. to automatically calculate the opening value of the asset
Steps: in the register, as at the fixed asset start date.
1. From the Fixed assets screen, click Import. 4. Select the assets from the Draft tab on the Fixed Assets
2. Download the template. screen and click Register.
3. Enter the asset details. Columns with an asterisk (*) are 5. From Accounting select Reports. Search for the report to
mandatory. Xero applies the default depreciation details to quickly find it or scroll down and select the Fixed Asset
the asset, if you enter an asset type and leave the book Reconciliation report.
value fields blank. Save as a CSV or TXT file.
6. Run the report from the purchase date of the oldest fixed
4. Return to the Import Fixed Assets screen and select the asset, to the day before the conversion date, to check that
date format used on the template. Click Browse to select the asset register agrees with the balance sheet.
the file, then Continue.
7. The Fixed Asset Reconciliation report won’t agree if you’ve
5. Xero lets you know if there are any errors in the file. entered items in the asset register, but not the balance
Correct the errors and upload the file again. Then click sheet, and vice versa. For example, you haven’t entered a
Import. You need to register imported draft assets to add purchase transaction for a registered asset.
them to the fixed asset register
you have the adviser user role. 2. For draft assets, make the changes and click Save as
Draft or Register. You need the standard or adviser user
role to edit draft assets and only adviser users can
1. Enter an invoice or receive money transaction to record
register them.
the sale of the asset.
2. From Accounting, select Advanced and click Fixed assets. 3. For registered assets, click Options and select Edit. You
need the adviser user role to edit registered assets.
3. Before you can record the disposal in the register, you
must run depreciation to at least the financial year of the 4. Make the changes and click Save.
disposal. 5. Xero rolls back depreciation to the depreciation start
4. Click the asset number, from the Registered tab. date and re-calculate it for the asset, if you change the
Purchase Price, Asset Type or Book Value fields, except
5. Click Options and select Dispose.
the Rate. Click Continue, if you made a change that
6. Enter the date and tax exclusive amount of the sale. Enter affects depreciation.
0 if you gave away or threw out the asset. The Sales
Proceeds Account is the account you used when recording Edit multiple draft assets
the sale. Select whether or not Xero should calculate Update draft assets in bulk using a CSV template, if you
depreciation for this financial year. Click Show Summary
to review the details. imported them incorrectly or entered them with missing
PSA 220: QUALITY CONTROL FOR AN AUDIT OF FINANCIAL Client Acceptance and Client Retention
Strictly, client acceptance/continuance guidelines should be
The objective of the auditor is to implement quality control
established to screen-out the following:
procedures at the engagement level that provide the auditor with
reasonable assurance that: Clients that are in financial and/or organizational difficulty
Clients that constitute a disproportionate percentage of the
a) The audit complies with professional standards and
firm’s total practice
regulatory and legal requirements; and
Disreputable Clients
b) The auditor’s report issued is appropriate in the
Clients that offer an unreasonably low fee for the auditor's
Audit Firm Limitations c. Unrestricted access to persons within the entity
from whom the auditor determines it necessary to
In general, an external audit firm should not undertake an
obtain audit evidence.
engagement that is not qualified to handle. It is essential for a
CPA Firm to maintain its integrity, objectivity and reputations for Engagement Letter
The agreed terms of the audit engagement shall be recorded in
providing high quality services. Before accepting an engagement,
an audit engagement letter or other suitable form of written
the CPA should investigate the history of the prospective client,
agreement and shall include:
including such matters as the identifies and reputation of the
directors and major shareholders. (a) The objective and scope of the audit of the financial
In addition to evaluation engagement risk, the auditor should
assess whether they can complete the audit in accordance with (b) The responsibilities of the auditor;
the Philippines Standards on Auditing. The CPA must determine (c) The responsibilities of management;
whether there are conditions that would prevent them from (d) Identification of the applicable financial reporting framework
performing an independent audit of the client for the preparation of the financial statements; and
b) Obtain the agreement of management that it acknowledges If, prior to completing the audit engagement, the auditor is
and understands its responsibility: requested to change the audit engagement to an engagement
i. For the preparation of the financial statements in that conveys a lower level of assurance, the auditor shall
accordance with the applicable financial reporting determine whether there is reasonable justification for doing
framework, including where relevant their fair
If the terms of the audit engagement are changed, the auditor
ii. For such internal control as management determines is
necessary to enable the preparation of financial and management shall agree on and record the new terms of
statements that are free from material misstatement, the engagement in an engagement letter or other suitable
whether due to fraud or error; and
form of written agreement.
iii. To provide the auditor with:
If the auditor is unable to agree to a change of the terms of
a. Access to all information of which management is
aware that is relevant to the preparation of the the audit engagement and is not permitted by management to
financial statements such as records, continue the original audit engagement, the auditor shall:
documentation and other matters;
a) Withdraw from the audit engagement where possible
b. Additional information that the auditor may under applicable law or regulation; and
request from management for the purpose of the
b) Determine whether there is any obligation, either
audit; and
contractual or otherwise, to report the circumstances to
other parties, such as those charged with governance,
owners or regulators.
Locations of the components of the entity
Audit Planning
PSA 300 Audit Planning In establishing the overall audit strategy, the auditor shall:
This Philippine Standard on Auditing (PSA) deals with the (B) Ascertain the reporting objectives of the engagement to plan
auditor’s responsibility to plan an audit of financial statements. the timing of the audit and the nature of the communications
scope, timing and direction of the audit, and that guides the knowledge of the likely uses of their client’s statements and the
development of the audit plan. In establishing the overall audit decisions that are being made.
strategy, the auditor shall: Materiality involves Quantitative and Qualitative considerations.
(A) Identify the characteristics of the engagement that define its Quantitative is for the peso amount of the error to the financial
statements and qualitative relate to the causes of the error.
Financial Reporting Framework
Industry Specific reporting requirements
Application of the Concept of Materiality For purposes of the PSAs, performance materiality means
In planning the audit, the auditor makes judgments about the size the amount or amounts set by the auditor at less than
of misstatements that will be considered material. These materiality for the financial statements as a whole to reduce
to an appropriately low level the probability that the
judgments provide a basis for:
aggregate of uncorrected and undetected misstatements
a) Determining the nature, timing and extent of risk exceed materiality for the financial statements as a whole. If
applicable, performance materiality also refers to the
assessment procedures;
amount or amounts set by the auditor at less than the
b) Identifying and assessing the risks of material materiality level or levels for particular classes of
misstatement; and transactions, account balances or disclosures.
c) Determining the nature, timing and extent of further audit Overall Materiality Specific Materiality Performance
procedures. Materiality
Matter of Establish a lower, No specific
Auditor’s Determination of Materiality Professional specific materiality guidance per PSA.
Judgement rather amount for the Percentages ranges
The auditor’s determination of materiality is a matter of than technical audit of specific or from 60% (of Overall
professional judgment, and is affected by the auditor’s perception existence. As a sensitive statement or specific
result, no specific areas. materiality)where
of the financial information needs of users of the financial guidance provided there is a higher
statements. In this context, it is reasonable for the auditor to in the PSA. risk of material
misstatement, up to
assume that users: 85% where the
assessed risk of
a) Have a reasonable knowledge of business and economic material
activities and accounting and a willingness to study the misstatement is
information in the financial statements with reasonable
diligence; Determining Materiality
When establishing the overall audit strategy, the auditor
b) Understand that financial statements are prepared,
shall determine materiality for the financial statements as a
presented and audited to levels of materiality;
whole. If, in the specific circumstances of the entity, there is
c) Recognize the uncertainties inherent in the measurement
one or more particular classes of transactions, account
of amounts based on the use of estimates, judgment and
balances or disclosures for which misstatements of lesser
the consideration of future events; and
amounts than materiality for the financial statements as a
d) Make reasonable economic decisions on the basis of the whole could reasonably be expected to influence the
information in the financial statements.
economic decisions of users taken on the basis of the
Levels Materiality financial statements, the auditor shall also determine the
1. Overall Materiality (or materiality level for the Financial materiality level or levels to be applied to those particular
Statements as a whole)
classes of transactions, account balances or disclosures
2. Specific Materiality (or materiality level for the classes of
transactions, account balances or disclosures)
3. Performance Materiality Relationship between Materiality and Audit Risk
The auditor’s assessment of materiality, related to specific
Overall Materiality
account balances and classes of transactions helps the
Based on the auditor’s professional judgement as to the
highest amount of misstatement(s) that could be included in auditor decide such questions as what items to examine and
the financial statements without affecting the economic whether to select audit procedures that, in combination, can
decisions take by a financial statement user. be expected to reduce audit risk to an acceptably low level.
If the uncorrected misstatements, individually or aggregate,
is higher than overall materiality established, it would mean There is an inverse relationship between materiality and the
that the financial statements are materially misstated. level of risk hence higher materiality level, the lower audit
risk and vice versa.
Specific Materiality
In some cases, there may be a need to identify misstatements Audit Plan
of lesser amounts that overall materiality that would affect
The auditor shall develop an audit plan that shall include a
the economic decisions of financial statements users.
description of:
Performance Materiality
a) The nature, timing and extent of planned risk assessment the entire audit. When particularly complex or unusual
procedures, as determined under PSA 315, “Identifying and issues are involved, and the audit is performed by a sole
Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement Through
practitioner, it may be desirable to consult with other
Understanding the Entity and Its Environment.”
suitably-experienced auditors or the auditor’s professional
b) The nature, timing and extent of planned further audit
procedures at the assertion level, as determined under PSA body
330, “The Auditor’s Responses to Assessed Risks.”
Audit Planning Documentation
c) Other planned audit procedures that are required to be
The documentation of the audit plan is a record of the
Direction, Supervision and Review planned nature, timing and extent of risk assessment
The nature, timing and extent of the direction and supervision of procedures and further audit procedures at the assertion
engagement team members and review of their work vary level in response to the assessed risks. It also serves as a
depending on many factors, including: record of the proper planning of the audit procedures that
can be reviewed and approved prior to their performance.
The size and complexity of the entity.
The area of the audit. The auditor may use standard audit programs or audit
completion checklists, tailored as needed to reflect the
The assessed risks of material misstatement (for example,
an increase in the assessed risk of material misstatement particular engagement circumstances.
for a given area of the audit ordinarily requires a
corresponding increase in the extent and timeliness of Additional Considerations in Initial Audit Engagements
direction and supervision of engagement team members,
The auditor shall undertake the following activities prior to
and a more detailed review of their work)
starting an initial audit:
The capabilities and competence of the individual team
a) Performing procedures required by PSA 220 regarding
members performing the audit work. PSA 220 contains
further guidance on the direction, supervision and review of the acceptance of the client relationship and the specific
audit work. audit engagement; and
Changes to Planning Decisions During the Course of the b) Communicating with the predecessor auditor, where
Audit there has been a change of auditors, in compliance
As a result of unexpected events, changes in conditions, or
with relevant ethical requirements.
the audit evidence obtained from the results of audit
procedures, the auditor may need to modify the overall audit Other Critical Matters in Engagement Planning
strategy and audit plan and thereby the resulting planned 1. Application of Analytical Procedures in Planning the
nature, timing and extent of further audit procedures, based Audit
on the revised consideration of assessed risks. The purpose is to assist in understanding the business
and identifying areas of potential risk. This will assist
This may be the case when information comes to the
the auditor in planning the nature, timing and extent of
auditor’s attention that differs significantly from the
auditing procedures that will be used to obtain
information available when the auditor planned the audit
evidential matter for specific account balances.
Forming an objective view on the appropriateness of the 3. Consideration of Work Performed by other
judgments made in the course of the audit can present Auditors/Parties
The following factors should be considered in assessing
practical problems when the same individual also performs
the work performed by the other auditors/parties:
The involvement of other auditors in the audit 9. Assignment of Personnel in the engagement
components The engagement partner shall be satisfied that the
Involvement of Experts
engagement team, and any auditor’s experts who are
Number of Locations
not part of the engagement team, collectively have the
Other Auditors/Parties that can help the Audit
appropriate competence and capabilities to:
1. Predecessor Auditor
2. Other CPAs a) Perform the audit engagement in accordance with
The auditor shall perform risk assessment procedures to provide Documents (such as business plans and strategies),
a basis for the identification and assessment of risks of material records, and internal control manuals.
misstatement at the financial statement and assertion levels. Reports prepared by management (such as quarterly
Risk assessment procedures by themselves, however, do not management reports and interim financial statements)
provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence on which to base and those charged with governance (such as minutes of
the audit opinion. The risk assessment procedures shall include board of directors’ meetings).
a) Inquiries of management, and of others within the entity Information Obtained in Prior Periods
who in the auditor’s judgment may have information that The auditor is required to determine whether information
is likely to assist in identifying risks of material
obtained in prior periods remains relevant, if the auditor intends
misstatement due to fraud or error.
to use that information for the purposes of the current audit. This
b) Analytical procedures.
c) Observation and inspection.
is because changes in the control environment, for example, may b) Assess the identified risks, and evaluate whether they
affect the relevance of information obtained in the prior year relate more pervasively to the financial statements as a
whole and potentially affect many assertions;
II. The Required Understanding of the Entity and its
Environment, Including the Entity’s Internal Control c) Relate the identified risks to what can go wrong at the
The auditor shall obtain an understanding of the following: assertion level, taking account of relevant controls that
a) Relevant industry, regulatory, and other external factors the auditor intends to test; and
including the applicable financial reporting framework.
d) Consider the likelihood of misstatement, including the
b) The nature of the entity, including:
possibility of multiple misstatements, and whether the
i. Its operations;
potential misstatement is of a magnitude that could
ii. Its ownership and governance structures;
result in a material misstatement.
iii. The types of investments that the entity is making and
plans to make; and IV. Material Weakness
iv. The way that the entity is structured and how it is The auditor shall evaluate whether, on the basis of the audit work
financed, to enable the auditor to understand the performed, the auditor has identified a material weakness in the
classes of transactions, account balances, and design, implementation or maintenance of internal control.
disclosures to be expected in the financial statements.
The auditor shall communicate material weaknesses in internal
The auditor shall obtain an understanding of the following:
c) The entity’s selection and application of accounting control identified during the audit on a timely basis to
policies, including the reasons for changes thereto. The management at an appropriate level of responsibility, and, with
auditor shall evaluate whether the entity’s accounting those charged with governance (unless all of those charged with
policies are appropriate for its business and consistent governance are involved in managing the entity).
The auditor shall obtain an understanding of the following: performed, the auditor has identified a material weakness in the
d) The entity’s objectives and strategies, and those related design, implementation or maintenance of internal control.
business risks that may result in risks of material The auditor shall communicate material weaknesses in internal
misstatement. control identified during the audit on a timely basis to
e) The measurement and review of the entity’s financial management at an appropriate level of responsibility, and, with
performance. those charged with governance (unless all of those charged with
III. Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material governance are involved in managing the entity).
The auditor shall document:
The auditor shall identify and assess the risks of material a) The discussion among the engagement team where
misstatement at:
required, and the significant decisions reached;
a) The financial statement level; and
b) The assertion level for classes of transactions, account b) Key elements of the understanding obtained regarding
balances, and disclosures, each of the aspects of the entity and its environment
To provide a basis for designing and performing further audit specified in of each of the internal control components
understanding of the entity and its environment, c) The identified and assessed risks of material
including relevant controls that relate to the risks, and misstatement at the financial statement level and at the
by considering the classes of transactions, account assertion level; and
balances, and disclosures in the financial statements;
d) The risks identified, and related controls about which Control risk is the risk that a misstatement that could occur
the auditor has obtained an understanding, as a result in an account balance or class of transactions and that could
of the requirements be material, individually or when aggregated with
Assessing the Inherent Risk and Control Risk at Assertion misstatements in other balances or classes, will not be
Level prevented or detected and corrected on a timely basis by the
In performing audits, auditors test the validity of Financial accounting and internal control systems.
statements assertions related to classes of transaction.
Detection risk is the risk that an auditor’s substantive
At the assertion level, a misstatement is material if it exceeds the procedures will not detect a misstatement that exists in an
tolerable misstatement specific for the assertion. The risk that a account balance or class of transactions that could be
financial statement assertion is materially misstated is material, individually or when aggregated with misstatements
frequently referred to as Risk of the assertion level. in other balances or classes.
Assessing the Inherent Risk and Control Risk at Assertion Level Inherent risk is the susceptibility of an account balance or
For each financial statement account, audit risk consist of the
class of transactions to misstatement that could be material,
possibility that
individually or when aggregated with misstatements in other
1. A material misstatement in a assertion about the
account has occurred and; balances of classes, assuming that there were no related
2. The auditors do not detect the misstatament internal controls.
Hence, we can say that Audit Risk can be split into two: Risk of
Material Misstatements and Detection Risk. AUDIT RISK
Risk of Material
Management Assertions by Category
Misstatements Detection Risk
Classes of Transactions and events (related disclosures):
a. Occurrence Inherent Risk Non-Sampling Risk
Audit risk is the risk that the auditor gives an inappropriate financial statements as a whole with the appropriate low level of
audit opinion when the financial statements are materially audit risk. The factors considered are:
misstated. Audit risk has three components: inherent risk, External user’s reliance on financial statements
control risk and detection risk. Likelihood of financial difficulties
Management integrity
Audit Risk Model: Step 2 Assess Inherent Risk
Inherent risk implies that the auditor attempts to predict where
misstatements are most and least likely in the financial
statements. This affects the total amount of evidence that the
auditor is required to accumulate and influences how the
auditor's efforts to gather evidence.
Before auditors can set control risk less than 100%, they must:
Obtain understanding of internal control
Evaluate how well it should function based on the
Test the internal control for effectiveness
So in Summary….
What would be the effect on Detection Risk and evidence for
the following scenarios, in case that we want to maintain the
Acceptable Audit Risk?
Management assessed that amounts are highly
vulnerable to miscalculation
Internal controls are determined to be effective
Increasing substantive audit procedures
Materiality was lower than expected
Fraud and Error Responsibilities of the Auditor
An auditor conducting an audit in accordance with PSAs is
Fraud and Error: Objectives
responsible for obtaining reasonable assurance that the
PSA 240 deals with the auditor’s responsibilities relating to financial statements taken as a whole are free from material
fraud in an audit of financial statements. Specifically, it misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error.
expands on how PSA 315, “Identifying and Assessing the Risks
of Material Misstatement Through Understanding the Entity The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting
and Its Environment,” and PSA 330, “The Auditor’s Responses from fraud is higher than the risk of not detecting one
to Assessed Risks,” are to be applied in relation to risks of resulting from error. This is because fraud may involve
material misstatement due to fraud. sophisticated and carefully organized schemes designed to
conceal it, such as forgery, deliberate failure to record
Characteristics of Fraud
transactions, or intentional misrepresentations being made to
Misstatements in the financial statements can arise from the auditor.
either fraud or error. The distinguishing factor between fraud
and error is whether the underlying action that results in the Collusion may cause the auditor to believe that audit
misstatement of the financial statements is intentional or evidence is persuasive when it is, in fact, false.
It is important that management, with the oversight of those Incentive or pressure to commit fraudulent financial
charged with governance, place a strong emphasis on fraud reporting may exist when management is under pressure,
prevention, which may reduce opportunities for fraud to take from sources outside or inside the entity, to achieve an
place, and fraud deterrence, which could persuade individuals expected (and perhaps unrealistic) earnings target or
not to commit fraud because of the likelihood of detection and financial outcome – particularly since the consequences to
alteration of accounting records or supporting transactions or assertions give rise to such risk. The
documentation from which the financial statements are documentation required when the auditor concludes that the
Operating losses making the threat of bankruptcy, The determination of which level of management is the
foreclosure, or hostile takeover imminent.
appropriate one is a matter of professional judgment and is
Examples of Fraud Risk Factors: Opportunities affected by such factors as the likelihood of collusion and the
The nature of the industry or the entity’s operations provides nature and magnitude of the suspected fraud. Ordinarily, the
opportunities to engage in fraudulent financial reporting that appropriate level of management is at least one level above
can arise from the following:
the persons who appear to be involved with the suspected
Significant related-party transactions not in the ordinary fraud.
course of business or with related entities not audited or
audited by another firm. FRAUD: Those Charged With Governance
The auditor’s communication with those charged with
A strong financial presence or ability to dominate a
governance may be made orally or in writing. PSA 260
certain industry sector that allows the entity to dictate
(Revised) identifies factors the auditor considers in
terms or conditions to suppliers or customers that may
determining whether to communicate orally or in writing. Due
result in inappropriate or non-arm’s-length transactions.
to the nature and sensitivity of fraud involving senior
Assets, liabilities, revenues, or expenses based on management, or fraud that results in a material misstatement
significant estimates that involve subjective judgments or in the financial statements, the auditor reports such matters
uncertainties that are difficult to corroborate. on a timely basis and may consider it necessary to also report
such matters in writing.
FRAUD: Communications to Regulatory and
Enforcement Authorities
The auditor’s professional duty to maintain the confidentiality
of client information may preclude reporting fraud to a party
outside the client entity. However, in certain circumstances,
the duty of confidentiality may be overridden by regulatory
requirements, statute, the law or courts of law.