Public Ad Past Papers

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PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION NOTE: (i) First attempt PART-I (MCQs) on separate Answer Sheet which shall be taken back after 30 minutes. (ii) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit. (PART-I MCQs) (COMPULSORY) (i) Public administration refers to: (a) A process (b) A discipline (c) A field of study (d) All of these (ii) The concept of separation between politics and public administration was first propounded by: (a) Aristotle (b) Woodrow Wilson (c) Karl Marx (d) Machiavelli (iii) The famous fourteen principles of organization were given by: (a) Plato (b) Henri Fayol (c) Fredrick Taylor (d) Max Weber (iv) The author of the famous essay The Study of Administration was: (a) Dwight Waldo (b) Woodrow Wilson (c) Fredrick Taylor (d) Margaret Thatcher (v) Span of control means: (a) Tenure on a post (b) Geographical jurisdiction (c) Power to control others (d) Number of subordinates under a superior (vi) Job description relates to appointing a suitable person on a job: (a) True (b) False (vii) Job specification defines the parameters of the job to be done: (a) True (b) False (viii) Proper job analysis is based on: (a) Job description (b) Job specification (c) Both of these 1

(d) None of these (ix) Bureaucracy refers to: (a) Red tape (b) The totality of government officials (c) A specific set of structural arrangement (d) All of these (x) The mnemonic POSDCORB for management was introduced by: (a) James Mooney (b) Adam Smith (c) Luther Gulick (d) None of these (xi) The famous Hawthorne experiments were conducted by: (a) Elton Mayo (b) Abraham H. Maslow (c) Mark Twain (d) None of these (xii) Hawthorne effect refers to increase in productivity because of: (a) Good physical working environment (b) Secure job (c) Presence of observers (d) None of these (xiii) Maslow s highest need in his hierarchy of needs was: (a) Love or affiliation needs (b) Self actualization needs (c) Esteem needs (d) None of these (xiv) The average human being inherently dislikes work (a) An assumption of theory X (b) An assumption of theory Y (c) An assumption of theory Z (d) None of these (xv) Spoils system refers to: (a) Management through objectives (b) Public sector concept of staffing (c) Awarding jobs to political supporters (d) None of these (xvi) Deficit financing is: (a) Excess revenues (b) Excess expenditures (c) Both of these (d) None of these (xvii) Performance audit is used as a comparison between: (a) Actual expenditure and booked expenditure (b) Revenue collected and potential revenue (c) Activities of an organization with the assigned objectives (d) None of these 2

(xviii) A whistle blower in an organization is a person: (a) Who reveals bad things about his department to the public (b) Who is a good singer (c) Who is assigned security duties (d) None of these (xix) The budget cycle is: (a) The duration for which it is applicable (b) The process through which it has to go (c) The time frame of preparation (d) None of these (xx) Group dynamics refers to: (a) Nature of a group (b) Development of a group (c) Interrelationship of a group (d) All of these Q.2. Public administration refers to the implementation of public policy. Discuss in detail. (20) Q.3. Parliamentary oversight of the executive is an important aspect of any democratic system. How is this role being exercised by the Parliament in Pakistan? What recommendations would you suggest for making this role more effective? (20) Q.4. In any organization, motivation of employees is essential to enhance productivity and for efficient achievement of the organizational goals. Explain the concept of motivation giving reference to Maslow s hierarchy of needs theory. (20) Q.5. Discuss Max Weber s concept of ideal type of bureaucracy . How does it differ from the existing public bureaucracy in Pakistan? (20) Q.6. Explain the concept of Good Governance. How can good governance ensure efficient and effective public service delivery at the grass roots level in Pakistan? (20) Q.7. The flow and management of funds is the lifeblood of our system of public administration. Explain the government s budgetary system. Is it an inherently political process? (20) Q.8. Write short notes on any FOUR of the following: (a) E-government in Pakistan (b) Judicial activism (c) F. Taylor s Scientific Management Theory (d) Theory X and Theory Y (e) New Public Management Concept (5 x 4 = 20)

Q1. Select the best option / answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. (20). (i). The differnece between public administration and business administration is : (a) amount of political and legal constraints on decision making (b) the emphasis on efficiency (c) managment structure and processes 3

(d) no difference between public administration and business administration (e) None of these Ans (c) (ii) The emphasis of the politics-administration dochotomy is on: (a) the focus or "what" of public administration (b) the actors or "who" of public administration (c) the span or "when" of public administration (d) the locus or "where" of public administration (e) None of these Ans(a) (iii) Gulick and Urwick's POSDCORB anagram was: (a) reference to the locus of public administration (b) a lisiting of when to utilize public administration (c) an expression of administrative principles to follow (d) a means of identifying the problem associate with bureaucracy (e) None of these Ans (c) (iv) The three components that compromise publicness and privateness in society are: (a) bureaucracy, consistancy and budget (b) administration, management and organization (c) execution, regulation and structure (d) agency, access, interest (e) None of these Ans(b) (v) Simon refuted the administrative (a) revealing the administrative principles (b) showing that for every principle there is a counter-principle (c) explaining that administrative principles can only be used in complex organization (d) relating that administrative principles always allowed for rational descisions (e) None of these Ans (e) (vi) The New Public Management can be best described as: (a) public administration in 21st century (b) bureaucratic model of public administration (c) application of business practices in public management (d) a mechanism for improving service delivery (e) None of these Ans(d)

(vii) The open model for organization is reffered to as: (a) hierarchical and militaristic (b) technological and anti-humanistic (c) restrictive and rigid (d) collefgial and competitive (e) None of these Ans(d) (viii) The aim of Taylor's scientific management was to: (a) stress individual accomplishment over organizational yield (b) reduce production and increase morale (c) improve organizational efficency and production' (d) alter machinary to lessen burden on the labour force (e) None of these Ans(c) (xi) In comparison to managers of private organizations, public bureaucrates must: (a) spend less time on external environment and more time on internal managment (b) spend more time on external environment and less time on internal managment (c) spend less time on both external environment and internal managment (d) spend more time on both external environment and internal managment (e) None of these Ans(a) (x) Supervision as a mechanism of control over subordinates has been founded to be: (a) the most effective mechanism of control (b) as effective as input control (c) the less effective mechanism of control (d) more effective than behavior control (e) None of these Ans (e) (xi) According to Weber, the three types of leadership are: (a) charismatic, traditional, legal/rational (b) titular, controllers, organizers (c) institutionalists, specialists, hybrids (d) charismatic, institutionalists, specialists (e) None of these Ans(d) (xii) In terms of public administration, one defines a system: (a) according to the organizational structure (b) according to the administrative effectivness (c) according to problem one wishes to resolve 5

(d) according to the amount of resource available (e) None of these Ans(a) (xiii) The advantage of systems approach is: (a) it allows us to disregard the differences in world views (b) it allows means and ends to remain ambiguous (c) it forces us to delineate the differnces and similarities in world views and improves efficiency and effectivness (d) it allows for new and fresh solutions to old and distressing problems (e) None of these Ans(c) (xiv) According to humanists approach, the management scientist's system is incomplete because: (a) it fails to factor in the variable of environemnt and instability (b) it fails to acount for the variable of uniquely human qualities such as genius and despair (c) it gives too much emphasis to the variable of uniquely human qualities (d) it does not consider quantifiable and measureable variables (e) None of these Ans(b) (xv) The purpose of decision tree is: (a) decision alternatives (b) cost analysis (c) project coordination (d) time analysis (e) None of these Ans(a) (xvi) the line-item budget covers: (a) inputs only (b) outputs only (c) inputs and outputs (d) neither inputs nor outputs (e) None of these Ans(a) (xvii) Performance budget covers: (a) inputs only (b) outputs only (c) neither inputs nor outputs (d) inputs and outputs (e) None of these

Ans(d) (xviii) The essential differnce between mangement-by-objectives and planning-programmingbudgeting is that: (a) MBO does not necessarily focus on inputs (b) MBO does not necessarily focus on outputs (b) MBO does not necessarily focus on alternatives (b) MBO necessarily focus on alternatives (e) None of these Ans(c) (xix) one of the salient feature of civil service system of Paksitna is: (a) prefernce for contract appointments (b) prefernce for professionals (c) prefernce for generalists (d) prefernce for doctors (e) None of these Ans(c) (xx) Public goods differ from private goods on the basis of: (a) price (b) delivery (c) exclusion (d) public interest (e) None of these Ans(c) Note: iii, iv, v, viii, x, xi, xv, xx are verified answers and rest must be ensured. Part-II Note:Attempt only four Q.2.Define public ad.Explain and justify your definition in comparison with various other competing definitions of public ad.Do u think public different from business administration both in theory and practice? Q.3.Comparatively evaluate Taylor's scientific management & Weber's ideal bureaucracy & discuss. Q.4.Compare & Contrast the Bureaucratic model with new public management(NPM).Do u think NPM has replaced the bureaucratic approach to public ad?support ur views with examples from Pak. Q.5.Compare AND Contrast rational,incremental and NPM approaches to decision making in public ad.Explain your views with examples from Pak. Q.6.What is good governance?Explain the role of public ad. in good governance particularly with reference to Pak?

Q.7.Human Resource Management(HRM) is a contemporary approach to managing people in business org.What are the salient features of HRM model?Do you think this model is being applied to reform personnel system in Pak? Q.8.Discuss the functions and organizational structure of federal govt.of Pak including administrative relations between federal ministries and federal bodies such as commissions,authorities,boards & state-owned enterprises

FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BPS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 2009 Public Administration Q.1. Select the best option/answer and fill in appropriate box on the answer sheet. (20) 1.Health and wellness is a currently important work-related value (a) true (b) false 2.The cognitive component of an attitude consists of beliefs and values antecedents (a) true (b) false 3.The effective component of an attitude is a specific feeling regarding the personal impact of the antecedents. (a) True (b) false 4.An attitude results in intended behavior. (a) true (b) false 5. Job satisfaction is closely related to organizational commitment and job environment. (a) true (b) false 6.A loyalty response to low job satisfaction occurs when an employee passively waits for conditions to improve because of a trend in the organization. (a) true (b) false 7.Expectancy can have both positive and negative results for a manager. (a) true (b) false 8.The earliest studies of leadership tended to focus on leader behavior (a) true (b) false

9.Transactional leadership includes charisma. (a) true (b) false 10.Leader behaviors for high performance work teams tend to be charismatic. (a) true (b) false 11.One major power that bureaucracy has is simply its staying power. (a) true (b) false 12.Implement is the most hands-on facet of public administration. (a) true (b) false 13.A geographical information system is a location-related computer programme data and maps for a variety of uses. (a) true (b) false 14. The most powerful reason for the growing recognition of the global economy is (a) the growth of international trade groupings and pacts. (b) that more people are working domestically for foreign employees.. (c) that the major cities of the western world are culturally heterogeneous. (d) that domestic organization are feeling the impact of international competition. 15. The learned and shared ways of thinking and doing things found among members of a society is known as: (a) Parochialism (b) Culture shock (c) Culture (d) Ethnocentrism (e) Domestic multiculturalism 16. Each of the following is a popular dimension of culture except: (a) Language (b) Use of space (c) Religion (d) Individualism (e) Time orientation 17. To help combat selective perception, a manager should: (a) View the situation as others view it (b) Give more performance feedback to subordinates (c) Spend more time helping subordinates learn job skills (d) Gather additional opinions about a situation from others (e) Increase feedback to subordinates and train them personally 18. Assigning personal attributes to other individuals is known as: (a) Stereotyping (b) The halo effect (c) Selective perception

(d) Projection (e) Expectancy 19. The key elements of the communication process include all but which of the following: (a) An interpreter (b) A receiver (c) A source (d) Feedback (e) Noise 20. Nonverbal communication is: (a) The acknowledgment of a message and a response to its reception. (b) Communication through physical gesture (c) The same as noise (d) Anything that interferes with the effectiveness of the communication attempt (e) Often unimportant during interviews. Q.2. Write a short essay on the intellectual history of Public Administration (20) Q.3. Bureaucracy and Democrarcy are antithetical.Bureaucracy is hierarchical,elitist,specializing and informed while democracy is communal,pluralist,generalizing and ill informed.Keeping in mind the quantum of expectations in Pakistan and the reality of the civic culture discuss the above statement. (20) Q.4. Public administration is a broad ranging and amorphous mix of theory and practice.The purpose of public Administration is to frame a superior understanding of government and its relationship with the society it governs,as well as to promote public policies responsive to social needs.Public Administration also institutes managerial practices attuned to effectiveness,efficiencies,and a deeper human requisite of the citizenry.Discuss. (20) Q.5. How and why governments implement public programmes by hiring the private sector to do work for them.In writting your answer also discuss the concepts of privitization and public private partnership. (20) Q.6. Domestic public policy is implemented not merely by government but by governments.The administration of a single public policy often involves a meldley of funding sources and public administrators interacting through all the three levels of governments.Please comment on the strenght of inter government relations i.e; financial,legal.political and administrative relationship that exist among the various governments units of aid government in Pakistan. (20) Q.7. The judicial remedies and accountability for the citizens of the country against the abuse of power has become prevalent in the modren time.What are those remedies? Elaborate. (20) Q.8. Eplain the system of project planning in the government of Pakistan and how does it extend to the provinces and local governments? (20)


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