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Transformation of Stress & Transformation of Strain and Failure Theories - DPP 01 Discussion Notes (By Satyajeet Sir)

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Strength of Materials

Transformation of Stress &
Transformation of Strain and
Failure Theories
(Discussion Notes)
Satyajeet Sahu Sir
#Q.1 0 = 600 × 10–6
45 = 500 × 10–6
90 = 200 × 10–6
E = 2 × 105 N/mm2, µ = 0.3 [MSQ]

A Major principal strain is 623.61 × 10-6

B Minor principal stress is 80 MPa

C Minor principal stress is 107 MPa

D Major principal strain is 417.23 × 10-6



A Major principal stress is 1331 kN/mm2

B Minor principal plane makes angle of 112.5° with plane of 10 kN/mm2

C Maximum shear stress plane has normal stress of 4 kN/mm2.

D Maximum shear stress is 11.31 kN/mm2



A Major Principal stress is 430.25 MPa.

B Major Principal plane makes 16.85° angle with plane containing 200 MPa.

C Maximum shear plane lies at 61.85° from vertical anticlockwise.

D Maximum shear stress is 360.6 MPa.

#Q.4 yield stress = 200 N/mm2
µ = 0.3 [MSQ]

A Factor of Safety as per maximum principal stress theory is 1.42

B Factor of safety as per maximum shear stress theory is 2.83

C Factor of safety as per maximum principal strain theory is 1.55

D Factor of safety as per maximum strain energy theory is 1.32

#Q.5  = 120 MPa

y = –90 MPa
If maximum principal stress is 150 MPa [MSQ]

A Shearing stress in material is 67.45 MPa

B Minor Principal stress is -120 MPa

C Shearing stress in material is 84.85 MPa

D Major principal plane is at an angle of 19.47° with plane containing 120 MPa.
#Q.6 x = 140 MPa
xy = 40 MPa
µ = 0.25
z = –3.6 × 10–4
E = 2 × 105 N/mm2 [MSQ]

A σy = 124 N/mm2

B σ1 = 184. 2 N/mm2

C τmax = 40.2 N/mm2

D σy = 148 N/mm2
#Q.7 E = 2 × 105 MPa
µ = 0.3
A square plate of side 500 mm is subjected to pure shear as shown.

A Change in length of BD is 0.424 mm.

B Principal strains are ± 6 × 10–4

C Maximum shear stress is 50 MPa

D Principal stresses are unequal and unlike

#Q.8 Principal stresses are 1.56 (tensile),  (tensile) and 0.5  (compressive) fy
(yield stress) = 210 MPa, µ = 0.3. [MSQ]

A Value of  is 105 MPa as per tresca failure theory

B Value of  is 140 MPa as per rankine failure theory

C Value of  is 155.5 MPa as per saint venant failure theory

D Value of  is 116.5 MPa as per von−mises failure theory

#Q.9 The load on a bolt consists of an axial pull of 10 kN together with a
transverse shear force of 5 kN.
yield stress = 270 N/mm2. Factor of safety = 3, µ = 0.3. Find the diameter of
bolt according to following theories.
(i) Maximum Principal stress theory
(ii) Maximum Shear stress theory
(iii) Maximum strain energy theory
(iv) Maximum shear strain energy theory
#Q.10 x = 100 MPa
y = 200 MPa
1 = 250 MPa

A 2 = 50 3 MPa and max = 50 MPa

B 2 = 100 MPa and max = 50 3 MPa

C 2 = 50 MPa and max = 50 3 MPa

D 2 = 50 3 MPa and max = 100 MPa

#Q.11 Value of  (in/mm2) is

A 27.45

B 43.17

C 19.65

D 33.42
#Q.12 The resultant stress on plane AB is ________ N/mm2.

A 23.6

B 32.7

C 19.7

D 27.4
#Q.13 1 = 80 N/mm2
2 = 40 N/mm2
Resultant stress on plane of maximum shear stress is

A 63.25 N/mm2

B 49.75 N/mm2

C 74.21 N/mm2

D 60 N/mm2
#Q.14 1 = 170 MPa
2 = 90 MPa
3 = –60 MPa
yield stress = 300 MPa. [MSQ]

A Factor of Safety as per maximum Principal stress theory is 3.33

B Factor of Safety as per maximum Shear stress theory is 0.652

C Factor of Safety as per maximum Shear stress theory is 1.3

D Factor of Safety as per maximum Principal stress theory is 1.765

#Q.15 For uniaxial loading of stress element

which of the following is/are true. [MSQ]

A Mohr circle is tangential to vertical axis

B Maximum shear stress is obtained in plane 90° with plane containing σ

C Normal stress on plane having angle θ with vertical is σ cos2 θ

D Maximum shear stress is
#Q.16 For stress element in Pure shear [MSQ]

A Mohr Circle Centre lies at origin

B Principal stresses are equal and unlike

C Mohr Circle is a point

D Max shear stress is equal to shear applied on stress element

#Q.17 ex = 400 µ
ey = 200 µ
Yxy = 80 µ
Find normal strain on a plane 30° with vertical

A 276.41 µ

B 613.2 µ

C 417.81 µ

D 384.64 µ
#Q.18 0 = 400 µ, 60 = 500 µ, 120 = 300 µ. [MSQ]

A εy = 200 µ

B εy = 400 µ

C εx = 400 µ

D ϕxy = 230. 95 µ
#Q.19 Which of the following is/are true [MSQ]

A The resultant stress on major principal plane is more than major principal

B Maximum shear stress is half of difference of principal stresses

C The normal stress on plane of maximum shear is sum of principal stresses

D Maximum shear planes are at 45° with principal planes

#Q.20 Which of the following is/are correct [MSQ]

yield stress
A Allowable shear stress as per tresca theory is
2 × Factor of Safety

B Mohr circle cannot lie on opposite sides of origin

Maximum shear strain on a plane can be obtained from mohr circle of strain and
is equal to radius of Mohr circle.

D Mohr circle center always lies of n axis.

Thank You
GW Soldiers

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