Chapter 1new
Chapter 1new
Chapter 1new
Qana Alsulami
Assistant professor
Contact Info:
Course Objectives:
The course aims to introduce students to basic knowledge and principle in chemistry.
Course Description :
It provides an introduction to the general principles of chemistry for students planning a
professional career in chemistry, a related science, the health professions, or
engineering. By the end of this course the student will be able to understand the
following: Significant figures, scientific notation and units, stoichiometry, atomic
structure & periodic table, chemical bonding, gases, ionic equilibrium, basic principles
of organic and basic principles of biochemistry .
Subsidiary books :
Chemistry, by Mortimer, 6th ed., Wadsworth Inc.
CHEM 110
حل بنك االسئلة ...حيث يحوي على مجموعة مختلفة من االسئلة بافكار متعدده ...تساعدك
على التدرب
التدرب على االسئلة في الموقع التفاعلي حيث أن الطريقة شبيهة تماما باالختبار االلكتروني
للتحويل من صغير الى كبير نقسم ÷ ,للتحويل من كبير الى صغير نضرب ×
s µs
1 x 10 6 1 x 10 6 µs
Solution 1
1 km = 103 m µm
6 km = x = 6 × 103 m
1µm = 1× 10-6 m
x = 6 × 103 m
6 × 109 6 × 109
x = 6 × 109µm
32 cm3 = 32 mL
How many cubic centimeters are there in exactly
one cubic meter?
A. 1 10-6 cm3
B. 1 10-3 cm3
C. 1 10-2 cm3
D. 1 106 cm3
(1m )3 = (cm )3
1m3 = (1 102)3 cm 3
1m3 = 1 106 cm3
weight = c x mass
The Mass of an object doesn't change
when an object's location changes.
Weight, on the other hand does change The weight of man on earth is 50 pounds.
with location. >> 8.25 pounds on moon
Chemist are interested primarily in mass
Convert 224 0C to degrees Fahrenheit?
°F = (9 0F /5 0C) × °C + 32
[°F = (9 0F /5 0C) × 224 °C] + 32 0C = 435 0F
F = (9 0F /5 0C) × °C + 32
[°F = (9 0F /5 0C) × -33.4 °C] + 32 0C = - 28.1 0F