Artikel Surahmin
Artikel Surahmin
Artikel Surahmin
This study aims to describe the science process skills
and motivation of students' learning skills by applying the
brain based learning model. This research is a quasi-
experimental research. The population consisted of all
students of SD Inpres Boyaoge and a sample of grade 5a and
5b students. The science process skills instrument used a
student activity sheet test and motivation used a
questionnaire. The data were then analyzed using the
Manwhitney test. The results showed that there was an
effect of the learning model on students' science process
skills with an average BBL class of 94.48% as well as on
Keywords: students' learning motivation with an average of 90%, these
Brain Based Learning, results can be used as an alternative to improve science
Science Process Skills, process skills and motivation in students..
Learning Motivation doi: 10.22487/
Surahmin The Effect Of Brain Based Learning………..
has more opportunities great for brain works. As a result, students can
developing students' memory and make better decisions and reach more
learning motivation, previous studies information that is being studied
only examined the effect of brain (Jensen, 2011).
based learning on motivation. According to Given (2007), the
The fact found at SD Inpres Brain Based Learning (BBL) approach
Boyaoge is that the fifth grade aims to develop five natural brain
students have lack of motivation and learning systems that can develop the
science process skills, this is indicated brain's potential to the fullest. The five
by most of the smart students who learning systems are emotional, social,
always have the opportunity to cognitive, physical, and reflective
express their opinions in class, while learning systems. The five learnings
the less intelligent students do not try influence each other and cannot stand
to do so. Another indication is that alone (Mustiada et al., 2014).
students still understand the concept Brain skills-based learning
of science based on memorization considers what is natural for the brain
from reading books, or other learning and how the brain is influenced by the
resources, so that the hierarchy of environment and experience (Nur,
cognitive processes tends to still be in 2016). Furthermore, according to
the aspects of remembering Jensen, there are three main strategies
(remembering) and understanding that can be developed in the
(understanding, even though both of implementation of BBL, namely: (1)
these things will affect student creating a learning environment that
achievement, so it is important In challenges students' thinking skills; (2)
addition, teachers in carrying out the creating a pleasant learning
learning process tend not to pay environment; and (3) creating an
attention to aspects of increasing active and meaningful learning
science process skills and motivation, situation (Diani et al., 2019). The
this is because there are still many purpose of this study is to analyze the
teachers who do not understand about effect of applying the Brain Based
learning who are able to develop Learning approach to the motivation
science process skills and motivation, and science process skills of fifth grade
so that these two factors are not students of SD Inpres Boyaoge, with
optimal. the hope that the effect will be positive
Maximizing these two things and significantly increase students'
requires a learning approach that not learning motivation and science
only produces meaningful learning, but process skills..
also effective learning, namely
learning that is able to optimize the Materials and Method
thinking potential of students, in other This type of research is a quasi-
words balancing the potential of the experimental research (quasi-
right brain and left brain of students experimental). According to A.R &
(Lestari, 2014). The right hemisphere Damaianti (2011), quasi-experimental
of the brain functions in creativity, research is research that is close to
feeling, imagination, color, spatial experimental research, but cannot be
imagery, and other abstract realms. said to be experimental, because the
While the left hemisphere of the brain research subjects cannot be
works in analyzing logic, facts, manipulated and controlled
theories, calculations, and other intensively. The research design used
concrete realms (DePorter & Hernacki, was a non-equivalent control group.
2015). A learning environment that The population consisted of all
can provide opportunities for students students of SD Inpres Boyaoge,
to be active and in accordance with totaling 255 students. The sample in
the natural learning of their brains, will this study is class V SD Inpres Boyaoge
certainly motivate them to learn, so which consists of 2 classes, each class
that their skills can develop (Salem, consists of 29 students, with a total of
2017). The learning approach in 58 students. The sample was taken by
question is Brain Based Learning (BBL). purposive sampling technique. The
Brain Based Learning (BBL) is a data collection technique uses a
learning approach based on principles questionnaire technique to collect
derived from an understanding of the student motivation data using the
brain. Using what is known about the Student Motivation Towards Science
brain, students can explore how their Learning (SMTSL) instrument with 6
Volume, 6, No. 1, 2017, pp-pp
Jurnal Akademika Kimia
indicators, namely the desire and alpha is 0.650 including the reliable
interest to succeed, the drive and need category.
for learning, the hopes and aspirations Difficulty Level
for the future, the existence of rewards The difficulty test was carried out
in learning, the existence of interesting
activities in learning, and the existence to determine the extent to which the
of a conducive learning environment questions were able to be answered by
which is arranged in the form of 29 the students, a good question was if
statement items with 4 alternative the level of difficulty was 0.25-0.7
choices, namely strongly disagree, including the medium category, on the
disagree, agree, and strongly agree, science process skills instrument, the
and use test techniques to collect difficulty level was 0.65, which was
process skill results. science students included in the medium category.
use a test instrument in the form of a Distinguishing Power
student worksheet (LKPD) consisting of
5 numbers in the form of a description
Persentase (%)
with ecosystem material, which has Motivasi 90
been tested for content and construct 100 69
validity by experts and tested on 15 80
students after which they are tested 60
for validity, reliability, level of difficulty 40 10
6.9 0
, and discriminatory power then the 20
data is tested for normality as and its 0
homogeneity and continued with the
Manwhitney test using SPPS 21.
Results and Discussion Pretest Postest
Validity test Distinguishing power is the ability
The validity test is carried out of questions to distinguish groups in
using the product moment correlation the aspect that is measured, in this
to ensure that the instrument used is case the ability of questions to
able to measure what it wants to distinguish high-ability groups and low-
measure so that the data obtained can ability groups, the five science process
be trusted or valid. 29 items are valid skill instrument items obtain a level of
because sig < 0.05 so the motivation difficulty in the medium and good
questionnaire is suitable to be used as categories.
an instrument. The scientific process
skills instrument from validation by Prerequisite Test
expert lecturers stated that it was Homogeneity Test
Homogeneity test is conducted to
feasible to use with improvements, determine whether the variance of the
while for the trial, the five items data groups is the same or not by
obtained were sig < 0.05, which using the Levene test, the purpose of
means that the instrument was this homogeneity test is to determine
suitable for use. whether the sample groups come from
Reliability Test the same population or have the same
The reliable test is intended to ability. After the homogeneity test was
determine the consistency or carried out, it showed a significance of
consistency. The reliable test 0.00 < 0.05, which means that the
data is not homogeneous or the
technique used is alpha cronbach sample group does not have the same
measuring the same object several ability.
times and tends to produce relatively Normality test
the same data, in the motivation The normality test was carried
questionnaire, the cronbach alpha out to determine the distribution of
value is 0.953 including the very data in the sample group, so that it
reliable category, while for the science could be known whether the data was
process skill instrument, cronbach taken from a normal population or not.
Surahmin The Effect Of Brain Based Learning………..
Persetase (%)
influence of the learning model on 100
61.83 63.2 69.41
students' learning motivation, with the 80
highest average science process skills
in the experimental class treated with 60
Motivasi 40
100 84.6
Jumlah siswa
80 20
60 41.72 0
40 13.79 Pretest Postest
20 0
0 Kontrol (Ceramah) Eksperimen (BBL)
In the experimental class, the 65.52
treatment of the brain-based learning 80 56.72 52.24
model was given after it was evaluated 60
after the post-test of students' learning
motivation, as for the results obtained, 40
namely: 20
Figure 2. Student Learning Motivation
(Experiment) 0
Pretest Postest
Volume, 6, No. 1, 2017, pp-pp
Jurnal Akademika Kimia
Keterampilan Proses79.31034482
Sains Figure 6 Comparison of Control and
75862 Experimental Science Process Skills
Persentase (%) 80
70 48.27586206
48.27586206 Figure 6 shows the difference in
60 89655
89655 the average percentage of science
50 process skills of students who are
40 taught using the brain based learning
30 10.34482758
10.34482758 and lecture learning models, both at
3.448275862 62069 62069 pretest and posttest, overall BBL has a
06897 higher average percentage compared
10 0 0 0 0
0 to lectures.
Pretest Postest
Konvensional Discussion
Brain based learning on learning
Figure 4. Science Process Skills motivation
(Control) Research shows the learning
motivation of class students on each
Figure 4 shows the difference in indicator, namely on the indicator of
the distribution of science process the desire and interest to succeed, the
skills, in the pretest category very percentage in the experimental class is
good and good 0%, sufficient category greater, namely 90%, this indicator
48.28%, less category 48.28%, and shows students have the desire to
very poor category 3.45%, while the excel and achieve the best possible
posttest category is very good and goals without being asked by others,
very poor 0%, good 10.34%, enough the indicator is The encouragement
79.31%, less 10.34%. and need for learning was greater in
The experimental class was given the experimental class, i.e. 89%
treatment in the form of a brain-based showed students in learning, had an
learning model, while the results awareness of the importance of the
obtained were: learning being carried out, so that the
enthusiasm of students was great in
achieving their goals. The indicator of
Keterampilan Proses Sains
82.758620682.7586206 future hopes and aspirations in the
Persentase (%)
the experimental class is better than evident when the learning process
the control class, which is 92%, this takes place, students tend to ask
means that students will learn well if various questions and are active in
the learning environment is in a state responding to the opinions of their
where there is no commotion. The classmates or responding to the
distribution of the categories of stimulus given by the teacher.
student learning motivation appears in Hamalik (2011), suggests that
the experimental class before being brain based learning facilitates
given treatment (pretest), the student-centered learning processes
dominant students are in the medium so that students are active in
and high category of learning discovering their knowledge about the
motivation, after being given topic being studied, with student
treatment and re-measured (postets) involvement in the learning process
there are students with high and will increase student learning
medium learning motivation, which motivation as stated by Dermitzaki, et
means that 90% of students in the al., 2013; Furio et al., 2015; Serio et
middle and low categories in the al., 2013 that the level of student
pretest are in the medium and high motivation reflects their involvement
categories in the posttest, in the and contribution in the learning
control class the distribution of environment, students who are active
students' learning motivation at the and highly motivated will
pretest is in the medium high spontaneously engage in learning
category. and low, after treatment the activities.
high category increased, the medium This is in accordance with the
category fell, which means that results of Lestari's research (2014),
students in the pretest who were in the namely the learning motivation of
medium category experienced an students who are taught using BBL
increase in learning motivation to the shows a positive attitude. If you look at
high category or students from the low the overall value of the control class
category to the medium or high below the experimental class, this is
category in the posttest phase then because the lecture learning model
seen from the comparison of learning causes students to become inactive in
motivation students based on the the learning process, teachers tend to
phase, namely in the pretest phase, dominate the class and do not act as
the difference was less than 2%, but in facilitators so that learning is centered
the posttest phase there was a on the teacher not on the students.
difference of more than 20% with the
highest score in the experimental Brain based learning on science
class, the hypothesis test showed that process skills
the brain based learning (BBL) learning The distribution of the categories
model had a significant effect on of students' science process skills, in
learning motivation. the experimental class the pretest
The results above indicate that phase seemed dominated by the
the BBL learning model is better than categories of less, sufficient, very poor,
lectures to increase students' learning very good and good, after being given
motivation, learning motivation is a treatment and seeing the postets
will, drive, intention, both internal and results showed a change in the
external that is able to associate distribution of science process skills,
students with academic activities, with namely in the very good and good
learning motivation will make students categories. This shows that students
more motivated to maximize who were previously in the sufficient,
involvement in the learning process so less and very less categories
that it will be more meaningful. This experienced an increase in science
learning motivation can be triggered process skills after being given
by making a fun learning process for learning using the brain based learning
students, one of which is the brain model.
based learning model, this learning In the control class, the pretest
model is able to create a comfortable phase seemed to be dominated by the
and fun learning atmosphere so that it sufficient and less categories with the
can increase relaxation and reduce or same percentage, very poor, very
even eliminate students' fear and good and good, after being treated and
anxiety when dealing with students. seen the post-test results showed a
With learning challenges, this is also change in the distribution of science
Volume, 6, No. 1, 2017, pp-pp
Jurnal Akademika Kimia
process skills where the post-test the questions posed by the teacher,
results showed science process skills initiation and acquisition (creating
using a learning model lectures were brain neuron connections) in the phase
dominated by very good and good given a lot of content. n learning, then
categories. Comparison of the average students are given a student
science process skills of the worksheet (LKPD) to work on, students
experimental and control classes in the seem eager to work on questions on
pretest phase there is a difference of the LKPD and actively ask the teacher
4.48% while in the posttest phase about things they don't understand,
there is a difference of 28.96%, the then elaborate (manage information),
results of hypothesis testing also show in this phase students are asked to
that there is a significant effect of the present their work , and other students
brain based learning (BBL) learning were asked to respond and provide
model on science process skills. questions, it seemed that students
These results indicate that the were active in discussing with their
use of brain based learning learning friends by asking questions and or
model is effective for improving answering questions, incubation and
science process skills, which are a form memory coding (priorizing knowledge)
of procedural skills, thinking habits, at this stage rest time and repetition
and scientific investigations, science time became an important thing and it
skills provide students with observing, is highly emphasized, students pay
handling things and exploring the attention to the video displayed by the
environment (Ango, 2002). This can be teacher to further improve students'
done by applying a brains-based understanding of the material, then
learning model because the BBL verify and check, at this stage the
learning model requires students to teacher evaluates student knowledge
actively discover their knowledge to check student understanding, then
about the topic being studied so that it at this stage celebration and
encourages students to carry out integration (involves emotion), p At
activities that encourage student this stage, it is very important to
interaction with classmates, teachers engage the emotions. This stage
and the surrounding environment as instills the importance of a sense of
shown. reflected in the syntax, namely love for learning, the teacher appoints
Pre-exposure, in this phase the teacher students to conclude the learning
opens learning by greeting and then outcomes and pays attention to the
invites students to pray as a form of teacher's explanation and is followed
good behavior, after that students are by shouts and clapping together as a
checked for attendance, then proceed form of appreciation for what has been
with repeating the material previously done in the learning process (Kuswidi,
through an explanation by the teacher, 2015).
followed by questions to provoke
students' memories of the previous Conclusion
material, the students seemed Based on the research that has
enthusiastic in answering the been done right, can it was concluded
questions asked, then continued with that the brain based learning (BBL)
the opposite word game, namely a approach had a significant effect on
game to focus students' focus so that improving science process skills
they could follow the learning compared to the lecture model and the
maximally. and students seem brain based learning (BBL) approach
enthusiastic in participating in the had a significantly better motivation
opposite game to focus their brains than the lecture model.
and attention, at the preparation stage
(provoking curiosity) students pay Acknowledgements
attention to learning objectives so that The authors would like to thank the
the direction of learning becomes clear Director of the Postgraduate Program
and students become goal-oriented, for facilitating this research.
after that the teacher explains the
general description and benefits of the References
material and is associated with daily
life to increase motivation to learn the Syamsudidin, Ar., & Damaianti, V. S.
material being taught and followed by (2011). Metode penelitian
questions and students try to answer pendidikan bahasa. Bandung: PT.
Surahmin The Effect Of Brain Based Learning………..
Volume, 6, No. 1, 2017, pp-pp
Jurnal Akademika Kimia