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catalyst. The coverage of the cat- This work will be of great interest for support by Nafion. Ultimately, the
alysts by the Nafion film severely those working on the implementation design principle of the catalysts might
hinders the gas diffusion to the of other molecular catalysts in electro- need to consider the requirement for
active center and decreases the catalysis for which material-based catal- the catalytic layer to avoid extensive
overall performance of the cata- ysis holds the current benchmark in research investment eventually leading
lytic layer. device performances. In particular, mo- to a dead end at the catalyst integration
(3) Electrostatic adsorption on nega- lecular catalysts made impressive prog- stage. The Chem Catalysis paper also
tively charged carbon nanotubes. ress for CO2 reduction6 and for N2 exposes that catalytic layer technology
In the case of carboxylate modi- reduction7 whereby the selectivity will developed for Pt catalyst is not neces-
fied carbon nanotubes, the nega- need to be maintained or even sarily compatible with the emerging
tively charged Nafion ionomer improved upon device integration. new classes of sustainable catalysts.
imposes marginal influence on Future development of ionomers,
the anchoring of the catalysts. This study is also instructive for wiring electrode materials, and membranes
The efficiency of the electron other highly active but potentially frag- specifically designed for molecular
transfer remains unaffected. ile catalysts such as enzymes. For and biological catalytic systems will
Meanwhile, the ionomer forms a instance, hydrogenase shows higher become an important field of research.
relatively independent water-rich activity per active site than platinum
matrix network that facilitates even when immobilized on carbon ma- Further efforts toward optimized cata-
proton transport. The resulting terials suitable for high performance lyst integration, as opened in the
porous structure further benefits fuel cells.8 Nevertheless, additional Chem Catalysis paper, will be essential
gas and electrolyte diffusion. considerations are necessary for pre- because industrial interest will not be
Altogether, the use of this cata- venting the denaturation of the enzyme reached before the device-scale perfor-
lytic layer composite in a fuel cell during immobilization on the support mance compare or outperform existing
led to an open circuit voltage of and for achieving long-term stability in technology. Unless niche markets
820 G 5 mV, a maximum current the aggressive environments of an rapidly appear to motivate the engi-
density of 28 mA cm2 and an operating fuel cell. Previously reported neering of the catalytic layer, funda-
impressive maximum power protection strategies using a redox ma- mental research will be a much needed
output of 325 G 2 mW cm2 at trix can effectively stabilize the hydrog- driver to better understand the require-
415 mV. This performance is an enase and significantly increase its ments for integrating sustainable cata-
enhancement by a factor of 15 in operational life-time (up to weeks).9,10 lysts and enable their global use in
comparison to the state-of-the- However, mass transport and electron fuel cells and electrolyzers.
art bio-inspired Ni-based cata- transfer limitations emerge as trade-
lysts integrated into an opera- offs when increasing film thickness for
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