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Define Cavitation

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1. Define cavitation.

2. Define energy correction factor.

3. What is a rain gauge?
4. Define channel alignment.
5. Determine the dimensions of kinematic viscosity.
6. What is dynamic similarity?
7. Define gradually varied flow.
8. Define specific energy of flow.
9. What is weber's number?
10. What is the working principle of a centrifugal pump?
11. Explain distorted model and undistorted model.
12. Describe in brief Prandtl’s mixing length theory.
13. Describe briefly what do you mean by smooth hand rough boundaries.
14. Discuss hydraulic jump.
15. What are the various losses in jump?
16. Explain draft tube with neat sketch.
17. Explain unit hydrograph.
18. Various types of aquifers.
19. Describe various types of canals briefly.
20. Explain in brief well hydraulics.
21. Define geometric similarity and kinematic similarity.
22. What is the difference between the laminar flow and turbulent flow?
23. Define hydraulic jump.
24. Define hydraulic efficiency and mechanical efficiency of a turbine.
25. What is the purpose of the draft tube?
26. What is silt excluders?
27. Define unit hydrograph.
28. Write down different types of rain gauge.
29. Define hydrologic cycle.

1. Determine the distance from the centre of the pipe at which the local velocity is equal to the
average velocity for turbulent flow in pipes.
2. The resisting force are of a supersonic plane during flight can be considered as dependent
upon the length of the aircraft l, velocity V, air viscosity µ air density ρ and bulk modulus of
air K express the functional relationship between these variables and resisting force by
dimensional analysis.
3. Air is flowing over a smooth plate with a velocity of 10 m/s the length of the plate is 1.2 m
and is 0.8 m. If laminar boundary layer exists up to a value of Re=2x 10 5, find the maximum
distance from the leading edge up to which laminar boundary layer exists. Find the
maximum thickness of laminar boundary layer, if the velocity profile is given by

u y y
=2 − . Take kinematic viscosity for Air = 0.15 stocks.
U δ δ
4. A Jet of water of diameter 50 mm strikes a fixed plate in such a way that the angle between
plate and jet is 300. The force exerted in the direction of the jet is 1471.5N. Determine the rate
of flow of water.
5. Explain the term draft tube along with its principle.
6. Explain the term aquifer along with its types.
7. Discuss all the cross sectional parts of a channel along with a neat sketch.
1. State Buckinghan's π- theorem. What do you mean by repeating variables and how are these
selected in dimensional analysis?
( d 2−d 1 )
2. Prove That the loss of energy head in hydraulic jump is equal to where d1 and d2
4 d1d2
are conjugated depths.
3. Drive the following conditions for most economical trapezoidal channel-
(a) Half of top width is equal to one of the sloping sides of the channel.
(b) Hydraulic mean depth must be equal to half of the depth of flow
4. Explain lacey's Regime theory along with the important terms involved. Also discuss its
5. Explain the steps involved in converting a flood hydrograph to a unit hydrograph.
1. A river model is to be constructed to a vertical scale of 1:50 and a horizontal of 1:20 at the
design flood discharge of 450 m 3/s. The average width and depth of flow are 60 m and 4.2 m
respectively. Determine the corresponding discharge in model using Reynolds’s similarity.
2. What are various types of similarities?
3. In a fully rough turbulent flow in a 15cm diameter pipe. The centre line velocity is 2.5
m/sand the local velocity at mid radius is 2.28 m/sec. Find the discharge and the height of
the roughness projections.
4. Describe critical, subcritical and supercritical flow with reference to specific energy curve.
5. A rectangular channel 2m wide carries discharge of 6 m 3/sec. Calculate critical depth and
specific energy at this depth.
6. In a Hydraulic jump in a rectangular channel, the discharge per unit width is 2.5 m 3/sec /m
and depth before jump is 0.25m. Estimate sequent depth and Energy loss.
7. Explain the mechanism of Pelton wheel turbine with neat sketch.


1. Explain centrifugal pump with neat sketch.

2. A trapezoidal channel is to be designed to convey 50 m 3/sec of water at velocity of 2 m/sec.
The bed width to depth ratio is 8 and side slopes 1 horizontal to 1 vertical it is lined with
material having n = 0.2. Calculate bed width, depth of flow and slope of channel.
3. Describe the design steps of channels according to Kennedy theory.
4. What is run off? Explain how will you determine run off.
5. Describe hydrology cycle with neat sketch.

1. Drive equation for velocity distribution for turbulent flow in pipes.
2. Yah rectangle channel of width 4 m is having bed slope of 1 in 1500. The find the maximum
discharge through the channel. Take value of C= 50.
3. Describe main parts of centrifugal pump.
4. What do you mean by run-off discus different factors affecting run-off?
5. Explain the estimation of channel losses.
6. Explain the silt control in canals.
7. Find the slope of the free water surface in a rectangular channel of with 20 m having depth
of flow 5m. The discharge through the channel is 50 m 3/sec. The bed of the channel is having
a slope of 1in 4000. Take the value of Chezy’s constant C= 60.
8. A nozzle of 50 mm diameter delivers stream of water at 20 m per second perpendicular to
plate that moves away from the jet at 5 m/sec. Determine the force on plate, work done and
efficiency of jet.

Part –c

1. Using Buckingham Pai theorem. Show that the velocity through a circular orifice is given by

V=√ 2 gh ∅ [ D µ
H ρgH ]

Where H is the head causing flow, D is the diameter of orifice, µ is the co-efficient of
viscosity, ρ is the the mass density and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

2. Drive conditions for most economical trapezoidal channel section.

3. A 4m wide rectangular channel conveys 20 m3/sec of water with a velocity of 5 m/s. Check is
there a condition for hydraulic jump to occur. If hydraulic jump takes place in downstream
side, find the depth of flow after the jump.
4. Describe briefly the function of various main component of Pelton wheel with net sketches.
5. Describe various types of rain gauges for the measurement of rainfall with simple sketches.

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