TSP Cmes 20724
TSP Cmes 20724
TSP Cmes 20724
DOI: 10.32604/cmes.2022.020724
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) enables flexibility in developing security tools that can effectively and
efficiently analyze and detect malicious network traffic for detecting intrusions. Recently Machine Learning (ML)
techniques have attracted lots of attention from researchers and industry for developing intrusion detection systems
(IDSs) considering logically centralized control and global view of the network provided by SDN. Many IDSs have
developed using advances in machine learning and deep learning. This study presents a comprehensive review of
recent work of ML-based IDS in context to SDN. It presents a comprehensive study of the existing review papers in
the field. It is followed by introducing intrusion detection, ML techniques and their types. Specifically, we present
a systematic study of recent works, discuss ongoing research challenges for effective implementation of ML-based
intrusion detection in SDN, and promising future works in this field.
Controller; intrusion detection; intrusion detection system; OpenFlow; security; software defined networking;
traffic analysis
1 Introduction
The recent use of IT technology and several interconnected smart devices resulted in an abrupt
increase in network communication traffic. It has been predicted that there will be financial growth
in network traffic in the coming year [1]. To keep up with increased network traffic, several hetero-
geneous networks have been formed consisting of different communication network protocols and
various network equipment in different domains. For example, cellular networks transfer data from
different kinds of devices with different standards for communicating data over the network. There-
fore, heterogeneous networks becoming more complex in terms of their management of computing
resources effectively. Security of the data over a heterogeneous network is considered one of the most
important critical issues. Recently several incidents have happened against the security of confidential
information of communication networks [2].
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.
90 CMES, 2023, vol.134, no.1
To avoid network attacks, several anti-intrusion techniques have been proposed. These anti-
intrusion techniques can be divided into six categories; namely, intrusion prevention, intrusion detec-
tion, intrusion preemption, intrusion deterrence, intrusion deflection and intrusion countermeasures
as presented in Fig. 1 [3,4]. Intrusion detection is considered one of the most effective techniques for
handling intrusion into the network. Timely and accurate intrusion detection can help in minimizing
the damage and take appropriate countermeasures to block the ongoing attack.
Therefore, developing an accurate and intrusion detection system (IDS) is the need of the hour
for providing another security layer over the conventional security mechanism like firewalls.
Recently several techniques have been proposed for developing an effective IDS by incorporat-
ing more intelligence to handle security issues. Artificial intelligence-based techniques, particularly
machine learning (ML) techniques, has been incorporated into IDSs for adding more intelligence into
the network data analysis [1]. However, ML techniques have limited access to the data for analysis
because of distributed features of traditional networks. Network devices such as switches contain a
limited view of data belonging to a small segment of the entire network. Thus, ML models trained
on a particular segment of the network is unable to work for detecting the intrusion in the entire
network [5,6].
Software Defined Network (SDN) has opened many new possibilities for researchers to address
the limited view of the data in traditional network devices [7,8]. In SDN, the control plane and data
plane have been decoupled. A centralized controller controls all network resources. A centralized
controller enables the dynamic programming of networks by providing a global view of the data at a
single point. The global view of the entire network’s data helps develop accurate ML models. Therefore,
SDNs are more suitable for applications of ML techniques due to the following salient features.
• Recent development in computing devices such as GPUs enables processing a large amount of
data in SDN help in training efficient ML model for their application in different fields [9].
• Global view of data in SDN helps to learn entire network behaviour by ML models.
CMES, 2023, vol.134, no.1 91
• Global mean of the data at SDN can help deploy feature selection techniques resulting in
reducing a considerable amount of data and hence in fast and accurate training of ML models.
Therefore, SDN provides a suitable framework for implementing ML techniques to detect
intrusions in the real world [10].
Several intelligent IDSs have been proposed by considering the advantages of SDN architecture
and the capability of ML techniques [11]. This paper presents a comprehensive review ML techniques
based IDSs specifically for SDN architecture. This review aims to discuss ML-based IDSs architecture
for better understanding the current status of intrusion detection in SDNs and project significant clues
to conduct future research in this field.
Rest of the paper is structured as follows. A comprehensive review of the existing studies is
presented in Section 2. Section 3 explains intrusion detection preliminaries. Section 4 presents ML
techniques and their types. Section 5 introduces the SDN and its architecture. Section 6 presents
significant ML studies applied for intrusion detection in context of SDN. Section 7 highlights the
major research issues in the field. Finally, Section 8 concludes the paper at the end.
2 Related Work
Several types of research have been reported on developing effective and efficient IDS using ML
techniques in the recent past. Researches attempted to summarize further development in various
review papers. For analyzing the trend in developing IDSs using ML techniques, these reviews can be
divided as scenario based reviews, technique based reviews and attack based reviews as presented in
Fig. 2.
[13] have also focused on MANETs in their review of intrusion detection techniques. Patel et al. [14]
developed intrusion detection and prevention systems for cloud computing environments. They used
the features of cloud computing to explain intrusion detection techniques and present different issues
in developing intrusion detection and prevention systems for the cloud computing environment. Butun
et al. [15] presented their work on IDSs for wireless sensor networks by specifying the pros and cons
of intrusion detection techniques in the context of wireless sensor networks.
Bkassiny et al. [16] reviewed existing learning techniques in context to cognitive radio networks.
They mainly focused on ML approaches for detecting intrusion accurately. ML approaches have
also been reviewed for intrusion detection in context to wireless sensor networks in [17]. Wang
et al. [18] focused on artificial intelligence-based techniques for evolving heterogeneous networks.
They highlighted significant issues in heterogeneous networks and provided many e points for future
research in their review. Klaine et al. [19] provided a comparative analysis of ML techniques applied in
self-organizing cellular networks. Whereas ML techniques based network traffic control having focus
in [20]. Chen et al. [21] analyzed the solutions proposed for solving issues in wireless sensor networks
such as virtual reality, communication and education using neural networks. Xie et al. [1] mainly
focused on ML techniques used in SDN. The authors provided details of different ML techniques in
context to SDN from different aspects like routing, Resource Management, network traffic analysis
and quality of service prediction. They highlighted many issues in developing ML-based systems for
SDN. Sultana et al. [22] conducted a comprehensive analysis of ML techniques for detecting the
intrusion is in SDN. The authors mainly focused on deep learning techniques for developing network-
based IDSs [11]. They also highlighted many challenges for developing deep learning-based IDSs in
SDN. Table 1 summarizes the scenario-based IDS reviews mentioned above.
Table 2 (continued)
Study Domain ML techniques
Wu et al. [27] Networks Computational intelligence based techniques
Buczak et al. [28] Networks Data mining and ML algorithms
Drasar et al. [29] Networks Flow-based techniques
Vasilomanolakis et al. [33] Networks Collaborative intrusion detection techniques
Patcha et al. [31] Networks Supervised and unsupervised learning
Hodo et al. [32] Networks Supervised and unsupervised learning
Nguyen et al. [34] Networks Supervised and unsupervised learning
They also highlighted the most commonly used performance metrics and data sets for validating
intrusion detection techniques. Table 4 summarizes the General-purpose IDS reviews mentioned
It can be concluded from Tables 1–4 that many researchers have successfully implemented ML
techniques in different network scenarios. However, a few studies have been proposed for intrusion
detection in SDN. To that end, we provide a comprehensive review of ML techniques proposed in
recent years for intrusion detection, specifically for SDN. We aim to explore ML techniques, identify
research gaps, and highlight future research directions in intrusion detection in context to SDN.
The above cited reviews can be summarized in Fig. 3.
3 Intrusion Detection
An IDS is defined as “an effective security technology, which can detect, prevent and possibly react
to the computer attacks”, is one of the standard components in security infrastructures [4]. It monitors
target sources of activities, such as audit and network traffic data in a computer or network systems
and deploys various techniques to provide security services. The main objective of IDS is to detect
all intrusions efficiently. The implementation of IDS allows network administrators to detect security
objective violations. These security objective violations range from external attackers trying to gain
96 CMES, 2023, vol.134, no.1
According to Axelsson [40], standard components of IDS consist of the following: Network to
monitor is the identity to be monitored for intrusions. This can be a single host or a network; Data
collection & storage unit is responsible for collecting the data of various events and converting them
in proper format and store to disk; Data analysis & processing unit is the brain of IDS. It contains
the complete functionality to find the suspicious behaviour of attack traffic. On detecting an attack, a
signal is generated. Based on the type of IDS, the system can raise the action to alleviate the problem
or a signal is passed to the network administrator to take appropriate action; Signal: This part of the
system handles all output from IDS. The output may be an automated response to an intrusion or
alert of malicious activity for a network security administrator. IDSs can be categorized into various
classes depending upon different modules.
Based on data collected & storage unit, IDS can be divided into two classes: host-based IDS and
Network-based IDS. Host-based IDS collects the data from a host to be protected. They generally
collect the data from system calls, operating system logs, NT events log files, CPU utilization,
application log files, etc. The advantage of Host-based IDS is that they are operating system dependent
& are very efficient to detect attacks like buffer overflow. These systems become inefficient in the case
of encrypted data and switched networks. Network-based IDS collects the data from the network
directly in the form of packets. These IDS are operating system independent and easy to deploy to
various systems.
Based upon criteria adopted for data analysis & processing unit, IDS can be divided into
two classes; namely, Misuse or signature-based IDS and anomaly-based IDS. Signature-based IDSs
maintain a database of known attack signatures. The detection of attack involves comparing data from
the data collection unit and data stored in the database. If the match occurs, then an attack signal gets
generated. The challenging task is to keep the database of signatures up to date. Signature-based IDS
perform well for attacks whose signatures are in the database, but they are inefficient to detect zero-day
attacks. They also have a meagre false alarm rate. Anomaly-based IDS reacts to abnormal behaviour
as defined by some history of the monitored systems, previous behaviour or some previously defined
profile. The system matches the current profile with the previous profile. If there is any significant
deviation, that activity is notified as an attack. These systems are capable of detecting zero-day attacks.
Depending upon the criteria adopted for generating the response, IDS can be divided into two
classes: Passive IDS and Active IDS. Active IDS responds to attacks by initiating specific actions. The
action can be against two entities, further classifying Active IDS into subclasses. These entities can
CMES, 2023, vol.134, no.1 97
be: Attacking system: In this class, the IDS try to control the attacking system. IDS tries to attack
the attacker system to remove his operation platform. Attacked system: In this class, the IDS tries to
control the attacked system. They modified the state of the attacked system to mitigate the attack. They
can terminate the network connections, increase the security logging, kill the concerned processes, etc.
Passive IDS respond to attacks by generating network administrator or user signals to act. They do
not themselves try to mitigate the damage done or actively seek to harm or hamper the attacker.
The available commercially as well as open-source IDSs have been categorized and summarized
based on different criteria mentioned-above as shown in Tables 5–7 and Figs. 5 and 6.
Table 6 (continued)
Category IDS Processing criteria Audit data Response
Tripwire [46] Signature Host Passive
Network based AAFID [62] Anomaly Host Active
IDS Comp Watch [63] Anomaly Host Passive
IDES [42] Anomaly Host Passive
NADIR [50] Anomaly Network Passive
W&S [64] Anomaly Host Passive
4 ML Techniques
Several techniques from different disciplines have been designed for developing effective and
efficient IDS. Statistical techniques, Knowledge-based techniques and artificial intelligence (AI) based
techniques are the trending techniques for IDS development. AI-based techniques, specifically ML
(ML) techniques have many advantages of Flexibility (vs. Threshold definition of conventional
technique); Adaptability (vs. specific rules of conventional technique); Pattern recognition (and
detection of new patterns); Fast computing (faster than humans, actually) and Learning abilities [67].
ML techniques can learn from data automatically without explicit programming during the training
phase [22].
Fig. 7 depicts a general work-flow of machine learning project [68–70]. The first phase consists
of the data management phase of any ML project. It collects the data and uses it as training and
test data for training and validation of the ML model. The data management phase also applies data
cleaning management techniques for 1) data cleaning to remove missing values and noisy data; and
2) data transformation to normalize data, select relevant features, and discretize features for ensuring
the quality of data and compatibility with the ML model. After pre-processing the data, it is split into
training and test datasets and loaded for the training and test of the ML model.
An appropriate ML model is chosen based on learning tasks such as classification, regression and
clustering. The training dataset is fed to ML model for achieving optimized parameters during the
training phase [71,72]. Finally, trained ML is evaluated for the test dataset by getting its predictions
and comparing them with actual output. The performance of the trained ML model using suitable
metrics like accuracy, true positive rate, false-positive rate, F1-score, kappa statistics, precision and
recall. After achieving satisfaction on validation metrics and performance of ML model, it is deployed
in real-world scenario for making actual predictions [32]. ML model are generally retrained for new
training data to update it with changing scenarios up to a benchmark performance satisfaction.
Generally, ML techniques are classified based on learning style, such as supervised learning,
unsupervised learning and semi-supervised learning, and reinforcement learning techniques [4,73] as
presented in Fig. 8.
Figure 8: ML types
The supervised learning process consists of labelled training data samples [74]. In contrast, unsu-
pervised learning of ML techniques used un-labelled data during the training phase. Reinforcement
learning attempts to learn the problem by taking suitable action per given circumstances to optimize
the objective function. ML techniques can be applied for predicting the class of data samples in a
given discrete category (known as classification task) or estimating one or more continuous variables
(known as regression task) [75].
Supervised learning has several potential benefits, such as clarity of data and ease of training
[76,77]. However, there are many disadvantages, including the inability to learn by itself, requirement
of labelled data. Supervised techniques take advantages of using prior knowledge to clearly classify
unknown sample data. Supervised learning process is easy to understand, however, in case of un-
supervised learning, it is difficult to understand machine learning process. Supervised learning does
not require holding training data in memory after training phase. In stead, only mathematical function
representing boundary function can be maintained for predicting unknown samples.
Supervised learning techniques generally provide biased results in case of imbalanced training
datasets, hence it become difficult for dealing with a large amount of imbalanced training data.
However, supervised learning cannot give you unknown information from the training data like unsu-
pervised learning do. In contrast, un-supervised learning can cluster or classify data by discovering its
features on its own that is not feasible in case of supervised learning.
CMES, 2023, vol.134, no.1 101
Supervised and un-supervised learning have different goals. Supervised learning aims to predict
outcomes for new data [78]. Expected result types are known in advance. Whereas, in case of un-
supervised learning, the main aim is to get insights from large volumes of new data. The learning
process itself determines what is different or interesting from the dataset. Supervised learning methods
are computationally less complex than un-supervised learning methods. These models are generally
time-consuming while their training, and the labels for input and output variables require expertise.
Meanwhile, unsupervised learning methods can have wildly inaccurate results unless some human
intervention for validating the output variables.
Reinforcement learning is different from supervised and un-supervised learning methods [79].
Here, the machine learns by itself after making several mistakes. From all the mistakes made, the
machine can understand what the causes were, and it will try to avoid those mistakes again and again.
Reinforcement learning is also known as the trial and error way of learning.
Popular supervised ML techniques include Naive Bayes, Nearest Neighbor, Decision Trees,
Support Vector Machines (SVM), Linear Regression, Neural Networks. Different supervised ML
techniques different concepts for classification tasks based on training dataset’s features. For example,
Decision Trees (DTs) refers to feature values. They use a tree-like model of decisions and their results.
DT algorithm contains conditional control statements and branch symbolizes a feature of the dataset.
Whereas, Naive Bayes (NB) algorithm works on independence assumption of all the datasets. NB suits
for large datasets and uses direct acyclic graph for classification tasks. It is most appropriate for solving
multi-class prediction models. This algorithm is computationally less expensive for handling huge and
complex data. In contrast, Random Forests (RF) algorithm, an advanced version of DT, involves
generating decision trees on data samples and then predicts for each attempt till best solution obtained.
RF reduces the over-fitting issues of DT by taking average the result. Neural Networks (NN) algorithm
involves clustering raw input and identify patterns. NN are comparatively computationally expensive
and become more complicated for multiple observations. NNs are generally known as ‘black-box’
algorithms. Support Vector Method (SVM) involves separation of hyper-planes as discriminative
classifiers. This method is concerned with kernel networks that produces an optimal hyperplane as
output for binary classification problems.
Standard unsupervised ML techniques are k-means clustering, Hierarchical Cluster Analysis
(HCA), Expectation Maximization, Locally-Linear Embedding (LLE), and t-distributed Stochastic
Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE).
Standard reinforcement ML techniques include Q-Learning, Temporal Difference (TD), and
Deep Adversarial Networks.
Tables 8–10 and Figs. 9–11 summarize the most common supervised, unsupervised and semi-
supervised ML techniques with respective pros and cons.
Table 8 (continued)
ML technique Pros Cons
Decision Tree Easy interpretation Unstable, subject to training data
Selection of discriminatory features Over-fitting issue
Less CPU intensive
Works with continuous and discrete
Random forest suitable for large training data Slow training process
Comparatively less instability Biased results in case of imbalanced
Avoids over-fitting problem data
Neural Quick prediction after training Requires high computationally power
network Suitable for high-dimensional data for training
Difficult to interpret the results
SVM Suitable for high-dimensional data Computationally expensive for large
Suitable for linearly and non-linearly data
separable data Avoids over-fitting problem
Bayesian Easy implementation Independence assumption
network Good results for a small training data Difficult to handle continuous data
HMM Statistical fundamentals Computationally expensive for large
Instable data
The decoupling of control plane and data plane allows data plane devices called switches in
forwarding data as per decisions of the controller [82]. The controller decisions are maintained in
the form of flow tables of switches. OpenFlow protocol is used for ensuring communication between
controller and switch.
Fig. 12 shows SDN architecture and interaction of different planes. SDN architecture consists of
three planes: data plane, control plane and application plane.
• Data plane: This plane is responsible for forwarding data among different nodes of the network
using various forwarding devices. Several forwarding devices, virtual switches and physical
switches can be equipped in this plane. The most common virtual devices at this layer include
Open vSwitch [83], Indigo and Pantou switches. Whereas, physical switches includes NetFPGA
[84], SwitchBlade [85] and ServerSwitch [86]. Virtual switches have exclusive features of SDN
but provide a low flow forwarding rate. In contrast, physical switches possess limited flexibility
but show a higher flow forwarding rate. These switches forward, drop and modify data packets
as per policies provided in the control plane. The communication between the data plane and
control plane occurs through Southbound Interfaces (SBIs).
• Control plane: It is the central controlling part of SDN systems. It enables network device
programming, maintains forwarding rules, and provides flexibility in the SDN. Logically
Central controller is the primary component in the control plane of SDN architecture. The
central controller controls the communication between different applications and forwarding
devices at the data plane. The central controller also allows the translation of application
requirements into respective policies for forwarding devices. It also provides the functionality
of network application requirements such as network topology storage, shortest path routing.
Several central controller architectures have been proposed, including NOX [87], POX [87],
Floodlight [88], Ryu [89], OpenDaylight [90] and Beacon [91]. There are three interfaces for
interacting with the controllers, southbound, northbound and eastbound/westbound interfaces.
A southbound interface defines the communication between the data and control planes. This
interface enables forwarding devices to transmit network state information and control policies
to and from the control plane. It also provides functionality for programming of all devices for
or forwarding operation notifications and statistical reports. The northbound interface enables
communication between the application plane and the control plane. Applications can access
CMES, 2023, vol.134, no.1 105
abstract network perspectives provided by the control plane using northbound interfaces to
define network behaviour and requirements. The northbound interface helps in automating,
innovating and managing the SDN. Eastbound/westbound interfaces are mainly used in a multi-
controller SDN. These interfaces are deployed in a large scale SDN consisting of a massive
amount of data flows.
• Application plane: This is the top layer in SDN system architecture consisting of business
applications. It enables new network services for managing and optimizing business applica-
tions. The business applications access network state information through the controllers for
implementing control logic to update the network behaviour.
SDN flexibility feature helps reduce dependence on software and hardware vendors, thus reducing
operational expenses. It also enables node level security implementation by replacing firewalls with
flow tables of switches. Despite several advantages, SDN architecture has several security vulnerabil-
ities due to the single point of failure of SDN controller [92]. Single point of failure of central SDN
controller can lead to failure of the entire network. Most attackers target the central SDN controller
to control the entire network [93]. Several attacks such as Denial of Service (DoS) attack, black-hole
attack [94], malicious controller application deployment, and global network view manipulation [92]
can be easily mounted by compromising SDN controller.
Data plane is also suspectable to several attacks, including flow-table overflow attacks. Such
attacks exploit the flow table’s limited size and non-availability of standards. Security issues at different
SDN planes can be further explored in [22,81,82]
In contrast, da Silva et al. [101] proposed a framework called ATLANTIC. The proposed
framework can detect the anomalies in SDN network traffic and classify them into different categories.
This framework performs classification tasks in two phases: lightweight and heavyweight faces. The
former phase computes the derivation of network traffic based on entropy values of flow tables. At
the same time, the later phase applies an SVM classifier to classify the abnormal network traffic. The
classification is followed by mitigation actions to handle abnormal network flows.
Similarly, the authors of [102] also proposed an intrusion detection and mitigation system for the
smart home environment based on ML techniques for detecting inclusive activities.
In [103], the authors used different ML techniques for predicting malicious connections and
vulnerable hosts. They used decision tree (DT), decision tables (D table), Bayesnet and Naive
Bayes (NB) ML techniques. They performed a comprehensive comparison of ML techniques. They
demonstrated in their results that BayesNet could produce more accurate results than the other
Some researchers also focused on deep learning techniques for detecting intrusions in SDN. For
example, Tang et al. [104] used a deep neural network ok for detecting inclusions in SDN. They use
the KDD dataset for validating the proposed approach.
Similarly, They also used a deep recurrent neural network for detecting anomalies in SDN traffic
using six flow features in [105].
Wang et al. [106] proposed an approach for detecting intrusions in SDN using SVM classifier.
Their approach applied a feature selection method to select relevant features using a decision tree
followed by classifying network traffic into intrusive and non-intrusive categories.
Shone et al. [107] proposed a hybrid approach of deep learning and random forest method. The
deep learning method reduces the features, and the random forest is applied for classification network
The researchers have focused on detecting DDoS attacks targeting the availability of SDN. DDoS
attacks exhaust the network or system resources by sending tremendous traffic into the network. The
enormous network traffic makes the system unavailable to legitimate users.
Braga et al. [108] proposed a lightweight DDoS attack detection system and implemented it on
a NOX a based SDN. They used network traffic flow features collected using OpenFlow switches at
NOX controller. The collected features are used for classifying attacks and normal network traffic.
They used a self-organising map neural network for detecting flooding based DDoS attacks in SDN.
They demonstrated that their proposed system provide promising result in detecting DDoS attacks.
However, they have not installed any flow rules in their system.
Barki et al. [109] implemented an IDS in SDN controller for detecting DDoS attacks using a
hybrid approach of Signature and advanced IDS. They’ve used different ML techniques in signature-
based IDS modules: k-NN, Naive Bayes, k-means and k-medoids. The packets detected as abnormal
are forwarded to the advanced IDS module to differentiate anomalous or legitimate traffic.
Li et al. [110] also applied recurrent neural networks and convolutional neural networks in
detecting DDoS attacks. Their deep learning architecture consists of input, forward recursive, reverse
recursive, and fully connected hidden layers followed by an output layer for detecting DDoS attacks
based upon the features extracted using deep learning models. Similarly, Jankowski et al. [111] used
a self-organizing map (SOM) along with a learning vector quantization (LVQ) method for detecting
intrusion in SDN.
CMES, 2023, vol.134, no.1 107
Similarly, Niyaz et al. [112] used deep learning techniques stacked autoencoder for feature
reduction to detect the DDOS attacks in SDN. They reported that their system could detect the DDOS
attacks but have a controller bottleneck in an extensive network.
Table 11 summarizes the above-cited studies of ML techniques for intrusion detection in SDN.
Fig. 13 presents dataset wise analysis of intrusion detection studies in SDNs. It can be observed that
most researchers preferred KDD dataset for validating their intrusion detection approaches in SDNs.
Table 11 (continued)
Study Learning Pros Cons Dataset Avg. Acc.
method (%)
[106] Hybrid of Use of reduced Comparative result KDD 97.55
DT and features using not provided
SVM decision tree for
classification by
[107] Hybrid of Use of reduced Not evaluated in real KDD Cup’99 99.79
DL-NN features using backbone traffic and
and RF DL-NN for NSL-KDD
classification by
[108] SOM DDoS attack Unable to detect KDD 98.61
detection using attack launching
SOM hosts
[110] DL-NN DDoS attack - ISCX 98
detection and
defense method
based on DL-NN
[112] DL-NN stack Controller Synthetic 95.65
auto-encoder bottleneck for large
based DL model networks
for reducing
Computational cost
for SDN controller
for extracting
features and attack
[111] Hybrid of Used SOM and Not evaluated in real Synthetic TPR = 99.6
SOM and LVQ for intrusion backbone traffic
LVQ detection Poor results for
minority attack
classes like U2R and
[113] RF Used RF for Not evaluated in real CICIDS 2017 99.968
intrusion backbone traffic
detection in SDN
CMES, 2023, vol.134, no.1 109
Table 11 (continued)
Study Learning Pros Cons Dataset Avg. Acc.
method (%)
[114] SVM Used selective Used outdated KDD KDD 95.98 (Full
logging for IP dataset KDD
Traceback in
Ability to track
the actual source
of the packets in
the eventuality of
an attack
[115] Tree-based XGBoost model Used outdated KDD KDD 95.95
machine outperformed dataset
[116] SVM Used Mininet Not evaluated on UNSW-NB15 99.8
emulator based real datasets and
virtual network NSL-KDD
[117] GRU and Hybrid model Not evaluated on CICIDS 2018 99.87
BiLSTM with GRU, real datasets
deep neural
[118] Stacked Hybrid model of Not evaluated on NSL-KDD 98.5
auto- stacked real datasets and CICIDS
encoder auto-encoder, 2017
SoftMax classifier
and parameter
110 CMES, 2023, vol.134, no.1
Fig. 14 presents accuracy analysis of intrusion detection studies in SDNs. It can be observed
that researchers reported an accuracy of 99.96% and 99.79% based on CICIDS and KDD datasets,
• To solve the scalability issue, distributed multi-controller platforms can be is promising direction
• SDNs involve decoupling of the data plane and control plane to provide a flexibility feature.
The data plane comprises forwarding devices without any intelligence. This can be a severe
flaw in the system that the attacker can exploit to launch many attacks. The attack can be
overloading the controller by forwarding a massive amount of flow requests. In this scenario,
ML model trained on historical data may not effectively detect new attack variants. This issue
can be resolved by using recent developments in deep learning techniques such as generative
adversarial network (GAN) [71,75,127,128].
• SDN implementation requires updating network switches that can be economically costlier.
Therefore, incremental deployment of SDN can be a promising solution for handling the
deployment issue of SDN [129,130].
• Training time and accuracy of ML techniques are highly dependent upon features selected for
the training of ML models. However, selecting appropriate features for training the ML model
is challenging. Feature selection techniques for automatically selecting high-level features can
be a promising solution to this issue [131–133].
• It can be noticed that ML techniques achieved exemplary performance and flexibility by
learning and representing real-world problem features as nested hierarchy of concepts in a
simple way [134,135]. However, the performance of ML techniques depends upon the quality
of training data and handcrafted features. In contrast, a deep learning technique can learn
incrementally using its layered architecture and can extract high-level features automatically
from data with minimal human interaction [136,137]. Several deep learning architectures have
been developed for different types of the task such as CNN, ResNet, Inception Nets, RNN and
LSTM. Deep learning techniques can be a promising research direction for detecting intrusions
accurately without requiring handcrafted features, particularly in SDN due to the availability
of centralized data.
• It can be observed from Table 11 that many researchers have used outdated KDD dataset for
validating their approach. KDD dataset have been critically analyzed for not representing real-
world network traffic [138,139].
• Deploying the SDN in large networks can face the performance issue due to the processing of
massive network traffic. Therefore, successful deployment of SDN IDS requires reduction of
controller bottleneck [140–142].
8 Conclusion
This study presented a comprehensive review of ML techniques for detecting intrusion detection
in SDN. It presented intrusion detection, ML techniques, and types, followed by SDN and its
architecture. We explained the benefits of using SDN. We presented prominent research on using ML
techniques for detecting intrusion in SDN. We provided a comprehensive comparison of different
studies describing the pros and cons of each study. Finally, we presented and discussed significant
research issues and future directions for applying ML to detect SDN intrusions.
In a nutshell, it can be concluded that the application of ML techniques in detecting intrusion
in SDN faces many challenges. The findings of this study can help fellow researchers understand the
development of ML-based intrusion detection in the SDN context.
112 CMES, 2023, vol.134, no.1
Funding Statement: This work is supported by King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia under Grant No.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest to report regarding the
present study.
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