Review of Fracture Toughness (G, K, J, CTOD, CTOA)
Review of Fracture Toughness (G, K, J, CTOD, CTOA)
Review of Fracture Toughness (G, K, J, CTOD, CTOA)
ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719
PP 62-66
Abstract: The present paper gives a technical review of fracture toughness testing, evaluation and standardiza-
tion for metallic materials in terms of the linear elastic fracture mechanics as well as the elastic–plastic frac-
ture mechanics. This includes the early investigations and recent advances of fracture toughness test methods
and practices developed by American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). The review describes the most
important fracture mechanics parameters: the elastic energy release rate G, the stress intensity factor K, the J-
integral, the crack-tip opening displacement (CTOD) and the crack-tip opening angle (CTOA) from the ba- sic
concept, definition, to experimental estimation, test methods and ASTM standardizing practices. Attention is
paid to guidelines on how to choose an appropriate fracture parameter to characterize fracture toughness for
the material of interest, and how to measure the fracture toughness value defined either at a critical point or in
a resistance curve format using laboratory specimens. The relevant ASTM fracture tough-ness test standards
considered in this paper are E399 for KIc testing, E561 for K–R curve testing, E813 for JIc testing, E1152 for J–
R curve testing, E1737 for JIc and J–R curve testing, E1290 for CTOD (d) testing, a combined common test
standard E1820 for measuring the three parameters of K, J and d, E1921 for the transition reference temperature
T0 testing and the master curve of cleavage toughness KJc testing, and E2472 for CTOA testing. The effects of
loading rate, temperature and crack-tip constraint on fracture toughness as well as fracture instability analysis
are also reviewed.
Keywords: CTOA, CTOD, J-Integer, KIC
I. Introduction
Fracture toughness is usually used as a generic term for measures of material resistance to extension of
a crack. It is restricted to results of fracture mechanics tests in this work, which are directly applicable to fracture
control and to fracture test in describing the material property for a crack to resist fracture. The experimental
measurement and standardization of fracture toughness play an imperative role in application of fracture
mechanics methods to structural integrity assessment, damage tolerance design, fitness-for-service evaluation,
and residual strength analysis for different engineering components and structures. The fracture toughness
values may also serve as a basis in material characterization, performance evaluation, and quality assurance for
typical engineering structures, including nuclear pressure vessels and piping, petrochemical vessels and tanks,
oil and gas pipelines, and automotive, ship and aircraft structures. Therefore, fracture toughness testing and
evaluation has been a very important subject in development of fracture mechanics method and its engineering
The stress intensity factor K (or its equivalent partner – the elastic energy release rate G), the J-
integral, the crack-tip opening displacement (CTOD), and the crack-tip opening angle (CTOA) are the most
important parameters used in fracture mechanics. The K factor was proposed in 1957 by Irwin [1] to describe
the intensity of elastic crack-tip fields, and symbolizes the linear elastic fracture mechanics. The J-integral was
proposed in 1968 by Rice [2] to characterize the intensity plastic crack-tip fields, and symbolizes the elastic–
plastic fracture mechanics.
The CTOD concept was proposed in 1963 by Wells [3] to serve as an engineering fracture parameter,
and can be equivalently used as K or J in practical applications. The CTOA parameter was used in the recent
decade to describe fracture behavior of stable crack extension for thin- walled materials. Different experimental
methods have been developed for measuring these parameters to describe fracture tough- ness of materials. The
detailed descriptions of these fracture mechanics parameters and their applications can be found in the textbooks
of fracture mechanics, such as those by Broek [4], Kanninen and Popelar [5], Hertzberg [6], Anderson [7] and
The basic fracture mechanics concepts were summarized by Irwin and Dewit [8]. Recently, Erdogan [9]
and Cotterell [10] reviewed the history and development of fracture mechanics. Extensive applications of
fracture mechanics methods via fracture toughness in structural integrity and assessment were documented in a
set of 11-volume comprehensive books compiled by Milne et al. [11]. Standard terminology relating to fracture
toughness testing and evaluation has been defined in E1823 [12] by the American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM) in the United States. All terms and concepts pertaining to fracture tests used in this work are
1st National Conference on Technology 62 | Page
Maulana Mukhtar Ahmed Nadvi Technical Campus (MMANTC), Mansoora, Malegaon Maharashtra, India
Review of Fracture Toughness (G, K, J, CTOD, CTOA)
consistent with those defined by ASTM E1823.This paper reviews the historical investigation and state-of-the-
art development of fracture toughness testing, evaluation and standardization for structural metallic materials in
terms of the linear elastic fracture mechanics and the elastic–plastic fracture mechanics.
Fig 1. The conventional fracture test specimens. (a) Compact tension (C(T)) specimen, (b) single edge-notched
bend specimen (SE(B)) in three-point bending, and (c) middle-cracked tension (M(T)) specimen.
Particular attention is paid to the practices of fracture toughness test methods developed by ASTM for
measuring the fracture mechanics parameters of the stress intensity factor K (or the elastic energy release rate
G), the J-integral, the crack-tip opening displacement and the crack-tip opening angle. The effects of loading
rate, temperature and crack-tip constraint on fracture toughness measurements as well as fracture instability
analysis are also reviewed. Six types of conventional fracture test specimens are permitted in ASTM fracture
test standards, but no single standard al- lows all six configurations. These include compact tension (C(T))
specimen, single edge-notched bend (SE(B)) specimen in three-point bending, middle-cracked tension (M(T))
panel, disk-shaped compact tension (DC(T)) specimen, arc-shaped tension (A(T)) specimen and arc-shaped
bend (A(B)) specimen. This paper focuses on the mostly often used C(T), SE(B) and M(T) specimens
containing a through-thickness tensile crack, i.e., mode-I crack, as illustrated in Fig. 1. In this figure, Wis the
specimen width, B is the specimen thickness, H is the height of C(T) specimen, S is the span of SE(B) specimen,
L is the length of M(T) specimen a is the crack length of the two bending specimens and 2a is the crack length
of the tensile specimen.
In most cases, W= 2B, H = 1.2W, S = 4W, LP3W and a/W 0.5. However, different specimen size
requirements are prescribed in different fracture test standards in order to obtain valid fracture toughness and to
limit the effects of cracktip constraint on that fracture toughness parameter.
Fig 2. An arbitrary contour around the crack tip used in the definition of J-integral.
measurements made remotely from the crack tip. In particular, a plastic hinge model was developed by
Hollstein and Blauel to determine CTOD by assuming that two arms of the specimen rotate rigidly about a
plastic hinge point in the un cracked ligament. In order to apply the plastic hinge model to both elastic and
elastic–plastic conditions, the total d is separated into elastic and plastic components, just like the J separation.
The plastic component dpl is determined from the plastic CMOD in terms of the plastic hinge model, and the
elastic component del is calculated from the applied stress intensity factor K.
V. Conclusion
This paper gave a systematic technical review of fracture toughness testing, experimental evaluation,
test methods and standardization for metallic materials in reference to both the linear elastic fracture mechanics
and the elas- tic–plastic fracture mechanics. This review described the most important fracture parameters of the
elastic energy release rate G, the stress intensity factor K, the J-integral, the crack-tip opening displacement d,
and the crack-tip opening angle (CTOA) and presented, basically in the chronological order, the historic and
state-of-the-art developments of these fracture parameter test and evaluation methods. The basic concept,
definition, experimental estimation, early fracture test practice, test method, recent development, critical point-
value toughness evaluation, and resistance curve testing as well as ASTM standardization effort of fracture test
methods were described in detail for each fracture parameter of K (or G), J, CTOD, and CTOA. The effects of
loading rate, temperature, crack-tip constraint and fracture instability on fracture toughness measurements were
also reviewed. Three typical fracture mechanics constraint theories, i.e. the J–T approach, the J–Q theory and the
J A2 three-term solution and their applications to quantifying the constraint effect on fracture toughness were
briefly reviewed.
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