DLL - Science 6 - Q2 - W2
DLL - Science 6 - Q2 - W2
DLL - Science 6 - Q2 - W2
A. Content Standards
The learners demonstrate understanding of… how the major organs of the human body work together to form organ
B. Performance Standards
The learners should be able to… make a chart showing healthful habits that promote proper functioning of the musculo-
skeletal, integumentary, digestive, circulatory, excretory, respiratory, and nervous systems
C. Learning Competencies /
Explain how the organs of each
Objectives organ system work together .
Write the LC code for each (S6MT-IIa-b-1)
B. Establishing a Ask the pupils: Show the pupil pictures of Supply the missing Let’s Work Together
purpose for the lesson 1. Have you children playing. words to complete the
eaten your Ask the pupils: Identify which organ
breakfast? 1. What are the parts statements systems are working
2. Why do we of the body below. Choose your together in the
need to eat involved in answers from the box activities shown in the
food? playing? and write them in your pictures below. Write
3. How do you 2. How do you feel the letter of your
feel when your after running? Science activity answer
hungry? 3. What makes the body notebook. in your Science
4. Have you ever function well when doing activity notebook.
wondered what activities?
happened to
the food you
have just
5. What process it 1. Muscles are attached
undergoes until it
becomes the nutrients to the bones of the
that will nourish your __________system to
body? allow movement of the
2. The __________
system provides oxygen
to all organ systems.
3. The __________
system depends on the
circulatory system to
deliver nutrients to the
entire body.
C. Presenting examples/
instances of the new
from the different parts of the body to the right
cannot live without. body . Its function
______2. a long atrium. Blood passes through the right atrium
into the right ventricle through the tricuspid
1. It is a system is to integrate and
muscular tube that valve. As the right ventricle contracts, it which takes charge coordinate bodily
connects the pushes
pharynx to the
the blood into the lungs passing through the
pulmonary valve and in the pulmonary
of the breathing activities. It
throat to arteries.
During the contraction, the blood is prevented
process. coordinates the
the stomach. from going back by the one-way valves of the 2. It is made up of activities and
______3. a large J- the heart. several organs which communicates with
shaped organ at the
end of the is responsible for gas the sense organs
esophagus, on the exchange in the and the other body
left body. systems through
side of the body.
______4. Is the first
3. The organs help the wire like nerve
part in the digestive for taking in oxygen cells or neurons
system composed of and expelling carbon that transmits
teeth and the dioxide from the messages passing
______5. a large body. through spinal cord
coiled tube attached 4. It is made up of to the brain and
to the end of the several parts without back to the nerve
small intestine.
different functions cells or neurons for
namely. the interpretation
of the senses .
1. Nose The brain is an
an organ of the amazing organ that
respiratory system performs different
found protruding functions such as
between the eyes. processing
it is the part where memory,
the air that we inhale judgement , and
enters and carries reasoning. It
out the air that we controls body
exhale. movement,
2. Nasal cavity emotions , feelings
It is the part found and vital sign of life
inside thee nose such as breathing.
It is also lined with The brain has three
mucous membrane main parts:
that helps keep the cerebrum ,
nose moist cerebellum and the
It is also lined with brainstem or the
hairlike structures medulla oblongata
called cilia which Another organ in
helps trapped dirt the nervous system
entering the nose is the spinal cord. It
3. Mouth a cord like material
It is a hollow cavity inside the
that allows food and backbone. It
air to enter the body bridges impulse
4. Throat between the brain
(Pharynx) and the body. This
It is a muscular tube means all the
that runs from the signals that go to
back of your nose and from the brain
down into your neck pass through the
It is the passageway spinal cord and
of the air entering deliver it to the
the nasal cavity up right muscles and
to the esophagus senses .
and larynx. Neuron is also
another organ in
the nervous
system. It is a wire
like organ that is
found all over the
body. Its main
function is to
deliver messages
within the nervous
system and
between other
body system. It is
divided into three
parts: axon, cell
body and dendrites
.Neurons can be
classified based on
the direction in
which they send
information .These
can be sensory
neurons , motor
neuron and inter
neuron .
F. Developing mastery Place the events in the Directions: Study the Identify what is being
correct order. Number
(Leads to Formative
diagram of the described. Choose the
Assessment 3) sentence 1-5. circulatory system. best answer.
___ 1. Food ends up in Identify the main parts
the small intestine. then label them.
___ 2. Food is chewed
up. 1. A muscular sac
___ 3. Food is in the where urine is
large intestine. temporarily stored
___ 4. Food travels
through the esophagus. a. ureter b. kidneys
___ 5. Food waste c. urethra d. urinary
leaves the body. bladder
2. The filtering unit
of the kidney
a. ureter b. urethra
c. bladder d.
nephron 3. The
procedure by which
the blood
undergoes artificial
filtering to remove
a. defacation b.
4. The organ
through which urine
leaves your body
a. anus b skin
1. What are the c. kidney d. urethra
three major parts of 5. The process by
the circulatory which wastes
system? ________ generally leave
___________, and your body.
_____________ 2. a. digestion
Which part pumps b. excretion
blood to all parts of c. respiration
the body? d. perspiration
____________ 3. Which
are the pathways
the blood flows?
G. Finding practical Why is breakfast Refer to figure 1.1 and 1.2. Do you ever
considered as the most Remember This Label the parts of the
applications of concepts Supply the missing word from the respiratory system. Write
wonder how you
important meal of the
and skills in daily living list of words in the box. your answer could walk on a
on your activity notebook. beam without
The circulatory is the losing your
__________system of the body.
TRIVIA: Borborygmus The heart ________blood balance?
Borborygmus is the continuously throughout the body.
rumbling sound in the The blood ________digested food
and oxygen and Why is it that when
stomach. When you collects wastes and carbon you touch
hear your stomach dioxide from the cells. The blood
rumbling, it is the signal vessels are _________of something hot, you
from your brain that the blood. pull your hand
stomach has begun the away even before
digestion. you even think
about it?
H. Making What are the parts of What is the function of What is a respiratory What is an excretory
circulatory system? system? system?
generalizations and the digestive system?
abstractions about the How does the digestive
lesson system work?