Ayurvedic Ghee Vaidya Mishra Aug2010

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The use of ghee has been a hotly debated issue for over forty
years. In the early nineties, when Dr. Hari Sharma advocated the
consumption of ghee at the National Conference on Cardiology in
New Delhi, almost all of the attending physicians launched a pro-
test. I was shocked by such a violent reaction to ghee given that all
of the Ayurvedic texts, starting with the Carak Samhita and includ-
ing the Shushruta Samhita, Bhagavat, and Bhavaprakash, classify
ghee as the best kind of fat.
Carak (Sutrasthanam 27; 232) says that ghee is the best fat to eat.
B4H(lP Hl6 P B9lT4l-
B(U4l4 |4||6 TPB(UT6+-(-+
T B|(6l BFl+P--
sarvasnehottama ta madhura rasapkayo|
sahasravrya vidhibhirghta karmasahasrakt||232||
caraka sahit strasthnam-27
Shushruta Samhita (Kalpasthanam) says that ghee is good for
coronary arteries.
(4l4T |+t4 T4l |PP\4-++
|94( 6P=4l4PP6l4 4|&Pl+
B|9(| 94- l |94l Hl6 =P+
P4lTl+ ll- 996l+ (|Tl+|9
B66 4l|9 BlF69l |94(|9+<{+
B~6 B|(6l T-9Fl+P
hdayvaraa nitya kurycca mitramadhyaga||79||
pibed ghtamajeykhyamamtkhya ca buddhimn|
sarpirdadhi paya kaudra pibedv tala jalam||
mayrnnakuln godh patn harinapi|
satata bhakayeccpi rasste pibedapi||81||
surut sahit kalpasthnam
chapter 1, protection of foods and drinks.
Bhava Mishra (Bhavaprakash) says that ghee is:
a great rasayana (rejuvenator) for the eyes
enhances the digestive fire while cooling and alkalizing
binds toxins and pacifies pitta and vata
with proper combining and processing, it is not clogging
or kapha aggravating
enhances complexion and glow of the face and body
increases physical and mental stamina
supports learning, retention, and recall
increases longevity
cools and lubricates the stomach wall
nurtures and cleanses blood tissue
6Pl74 (|4- B|9- T46 6(Tl H
6 Bl4+ F4l !4 4|@(l9+P+ {+
Hl64l4 |49lPl9l9|9|+l9(l
H-9l|!4|-( Tl-t4l=F6=ll4'44|&T6+-+
F4FP|6T P\4Pl4!4 4T(6
7(l474l-Pl(Hl+l(Tl+ (6
|H TTT -44lB9+6+(+
l49TlH 64
ghtamjya havi sarpi kathyate tadgu atha|
ghta rasyana svdu cakuya vahnidpanam|| 1||
tavrya vilakmppapittanilpah|
alpbhiyandi kntyojastejolvayavddhikt||2||
svarasmtikara medhyamyuya balakdguru|
udvarttajvaronmdalnhavran haret|
snigdha kaphakara rakakayavsarparaktanut||3||
bhvapraka ghtavarga
The Nature and Role of Real Ayurvedic Ghee
By Vaidya Rama K. Mishra
www.VaidyaMishra.com | www.Chandika.com
The conference in New Delhi presented me with a dilemma.
Either the scientific research is going in the wrong direction or the
ayurvedic texts are mistaken.
It is written in the Carak Samhita that the knowledge of Ayurveda has
been in existence since before time! The ancient sages gathered the
wisdom through the process of cognition called aptodesh.
Although I have not stopped eating and recommending ghee to
my clients, different factors have played a role in the production of
ghee centuries ago and today, thereby resulting in contradictory
research and opinions.
1) The ghee described in the Carak Sam-
hita and all the texts came from the milk of
forest-roaming cows. The cows lived and
fed in a clean environment and were treated
with great care and respect.
2) Cows were never given hormones or
3) Ghee was made by a traditional method in which cream
is used to create cultured yoghurt. Butter churned from the
yoghurt was then processed into ghee.
As we know, the way of producing milk
today is quite different. Cows are kept in
overcrowded, unsanitary enclosures. They
are fed genetically-modified grain and
given hormones and antibiotics. In addition,
the stressful life of the cows creates cortisol,
which ends up in the milk and ghee.
Another important factor is the condition of the modern day liver.
Due to improper food, routine, stress, chemicals in the food and
body, most peoples livers are toxic and overwhelmed. This reduc-
es the livers ability to digest and metabolize fat.
All these factors of modern life and food production yield a differ-
ent ghee product and this product has led scientists to conclude
that ghee causes increased cholesterol and inflammation.
Back in the 50s, when all saturated fats were considered un-
healthy, ghee was listed among them, and one can see why. For
every 10 grams, ghee contains 6.5 grams of saturated fat, which
is a considerable amount. Today, scientists are saying that satu-
rated fat is stable in nature and does not easily turn rancid, nei-
ther outside of the body nor inside of the body during transition.
Saturated fat molecules are straight, and they stack together tightly
to form a solid or semi-solid fat at room temperature.
I remember from childhood that when my mom made ghee, even
though we did not have refrigeration, ghee stayed fresh for months
without spoiling.
While the scientific debate about saturated fats continues, more
and more findings confirm the ancient wisdom found in Carak,
Shushruta, and Bhava Mishra.
Ghee in Modern Research
1. Supports the eyes.
2. Gives satiation.
3. Supports healthy hormone production.
4. Supports mineral absorption.
5. Provides sustaining energy.
6. Promotes healthy bile by supporting the liver.
www.VaidyaMishra.com | www.Chandika.com
7. Supports the health of cell-membranes.
8. Maintains anti-inflammatory process and supports the heal-
ing power of the body.
9. Helps delivery and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D,
E, and K.
Types of Ghee
Shaka Vanshiya Ayurveda defines three kinds of ghee. All three
are made from the same butter but are processed in different ways
depending on their ultimate use.
Mridhu Paka
Mridhu Paka means soft-cooked. This ghee still contains
some water content so that it can cook longer without burning.
It is well-filtered and commonly used in festivals and celebra-
tions for frying foods in bulk quantities. It is also used in the
making of ayurvedic medicated ghee. Because the water
content shortens the shelf-life of soft-cooked ghee, it should
be used within 15 days.
Madhya Paka
This ghee is intended for day-to-day cooking. It has no water
content, but it should not be eaten raw. It can be kept at room
temperature for at least 3-6 months.
Khar Paka
This ghee is slightly toasty but not burned. It can be eaten
raw by spreading on bread or adding directly to food, which
makes it great for traveling.
Traditional Ghee-Making Secrets
We know from Ayurveda that, in addition to nutritional facts,
vibrational intelligence in the food is paramount. This applies to all
foods, but it is especially important in the process of making and
using ghee.
General instructions for making ghee are described on chandika.
com, but here are a few more points to follow:
1) Use grass-fed organic heavy cream to
make yoghurt. Churn yoghurt into butter.
2) To avoid burning the fat molecules, heat
butter on low-temperature in a special stainless
steel pot that heats evenly from all sides. This
process slowly evaporates the water content of
the butter, separates milk protein molecules like
casein, and removes unwanted molecules.
3) Ghee must be filtered in a way that re-
moves all micro-molecules of milk solids.
4) Pour into glass jar and let all the steam evaporate before
Introducing Mums Ghee
Because it is difficult for most people to uphold the standards
for making real ayurvedic ghee, I have decided to start making
Mums Ghee. Our production ensures consistent availability of
high-quality organic heavy cream as well as quality control of the
entire process, including the use of micro filters that separate out
even the smallest free-radical particles.
Mums Ghee is available in three varieties:
www.VaidyaMishra.com | www.Chandika.com
1) Mums Ghee is the generic madhya paka ghee of Carak
Samhita suitable for everyday cooking.
2) Bal Saraswati Ghee is an herbalized ghee for kids. It con-
tains brahmi and jyotishmati as key ingredients for promoting
the childrens ability of learning, retention, and recall.
3) Maha Saraswati Ghee is an herbalized ghee for adults
designed for purification of brain tissue and enhancement of
mental acuity and memory.
Note: Both herbalized ghees use mridhu paka ghee as a starter
but become khar paka ghee by the end of the process. They are
safe to use without cooking.
Precautions For Using Ghee
1. For day-to-day cooking, use madhya paka, but always
cook on low heat. Melt first then add spices and toast on low
heat without burning. When ghee begins to burn, it smells
and changes color. This ghee is very unhealthy and should be
2. For frying flat bread, omelets, or other foods, melt ghee
on medium heat, but pay close attention. If the ghee begins to
smell or changes color, throw it away and start over.
3. Never reuse ghee left after the cooking process.
4. Ayurveda lists some contra-indications for using ghee. Only
real ayurvedic ghee made according to the process described
above should be used. Anyone with liver or kidney imbalance
should consult an expert before using ghee. People with any
medical conditions should check with their doctor before using
Lab nutritional analysis of Mums Ghee:
In 10 grams or 0.36 oz:
Energy (kJ) 370.1 kJ
Energy (cal) 88.5 cal
Protein 0.0 g
Fat 10.0 g
Saturated Fat 6.5 g
Mono-Unsaturated Fat 2.7 g
Poly-Unsaturated Fat 0.2 g
Omega-3 Fat 0.0 mg
Carbohydrate 0.0 g
Complex Carbs 0.0 g
Sugar 0.0 g
Fiber 0.0 g
Water Content 0.0 mL
Alcohol 0.0 g
Cholesterol 29.0 mg
Caffeine 0.0 mg
Vitamins and Minerals:
Sodium 0.2 mg
Potassium 0.5 mg
Calcium 0.4 mg
Phosphorus 0.3 mg
Retinol Eq 94.0 ug
Retinol 86.0 ug
Beta-Carotene Eq 48.0 ug
Vitamin D 0.1 ug
This products and statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and
Drug Administration) and are not intended to be used to diagnose, treat or cure
any disease. All of the information above is intended for educational purposes
only and may not be used to replace or compliment medical advice.

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