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2nd QUARTER 5.

Subing- an aerophone, chordophone, and idiophone

Music and Arts at the same time because to play it entails “inhaling and
exhaling air” (aerophone). By repeatedly moving the
Vocal Music of the Philippines bamboo’s pointed edge, the instrument’s tongue or
(Panay, Bukidnon) bamboo string is vibrated (chordophone) and a
percussive effect (idiophone) is produced from the
Sugidanon - “epic-chanting” or “storytelling” rhythm.
- long narratives reflecting the existing
customary laws, beliefs, practices, and values Instrumental Music of Indonesia
of the Panay Bukidnon ancestors
- longest published epic in the Philippines Gamelan ensemble
because it has 10 parts in 13 volumes - musical ensemble of Indonesia typically
Manugsugidanon - epic chanter featuring a variety of instruments. The term refers more
Kinaray-a and Ligbok- languages used in sugidanon to the set of instruments than the players of those
instruments. A gamelan as a set of instruments is a
Approaches in singing Sugidanon: distinct entity, built and tuned to stay together.
1. Calmly
2. Loudly 1. Saron- consists of seven bronze bars placed on top of
3. Repeated lines a resonating frame (rancak). Played on the floor by a
seated performer.

Vocal Music of the Indonesia

Sulukan - plays the melody and form as the

At certain junctures of Wayang Kulit play, the
dhalang chants or sing songs (called sulukan) to set the backbone of the Javanese gamelan ensemble.
mood of the scene, which is accompanied by soft- Tabuh- mallet used by the right hand in striking the
sounding instruments. instrument , angled to the right to produce a fuller
Sulukan is a mastermind vocal song which has a sound
very important role in a Wayang Kulit performance. The left hand is used to dampen the previous
note by grasping the key, in order to prevent a muddy
Functions of sulukan: sound.
>used to introduce a scene
>used to introduce a named character or generic 2. Bonang - a collection of small gongs (sometimes
character-type called "kettles" or "pots") placed horizontally onto
>used within a scene to introduce a type of action - strings in a wooden frame, either one or two rows wide.
usually but not always a fight sequence All of the kettles have a central boss, but around it the
>attached to a specific gamelan piece by way of a vocal lower-pitched ones have a flattened head, while the
introduction higher ones have an arched one.
- it gives many of the cues to other players in
Instrumental Music of Panay Bukidnon the gamelan
The Panay Bukidnon learned music from early
childhood. It is part of their social and cultural life, 3. Kempul- a type of hanging gong used in Indonesian
marking significant personal or communal events. gamelan.
Their instruments are usually made of bamboo - the role of the kempul is to divide the
and played during rituals or celebrations, like their nongans, which are the contents of each part between
"binanog" or courtship dance. strikes of a kenong.

1. Suganggang- A buzzer struck on the palm of a hand. 4. Gambang- a xylophone-like instruments similar to
saron but with wooden bars instead of metal ones. It
2. Tikumbo- a percussion and chordophone made of has 17 to 21 key bars that are made of a dense wood,
kawayan generally teak or and are mounted in a deep wooden
- played by tapping one or two fingers on the case that serves as a resonator.
bamboo lid. This is alternated by strumming the string - The gambang plays a leading role in the
creation of melodic patterns
3. Tulali - a bamboo flute made of bagakay, air is blown
through a bamboo opening encircled by a banana leaf. 5. Kendang- the primary drum used in the Gamelan
There are four holes on top surface and a hole ensembles ,they usually are placed on stands
underneath. horizontally and hit with the hands one either side while
seated on the floor.

4. Litgit- a two-stringed bowed instrument made of -has the function of keeping the tempo and

bulo. Abaca hemp finely braided is used as strings. signaling some of the transitions to sections and the end
of the piece.
e. Personal hygiene is imposed on adolescents.


The following are important roles the family plays in
Wayang Kulit- A puppet theater that uses the shadow of managing risky behaviors of teenagers:
the puppets mounted on sticks. a. Some teen boys drive motorcycles when
Dhalang- the story teller that tells the stories of kings, allowed legally, so parents educate children on road
princesses, ogres, and knights, using deft hand safety and the dangers of driving.
movement and narration. b. The parents or guardians talk with their
children about the dangers of drinking, smoking, taking
Binanog Dance of Panay, Bukidnon drugs, and premarital sex.
c. The family discusses the need for choosing
Binanog- (Kinaray-a, meaning “way of the hawks/like friends that will not bring them harm.
the hawks”) considered as the Panay Bukidnon’s d. The family can limit the teenagers time spent
courtship dance. on social media and encourage teens to "think before
-this courtship dance is said to have been they click."
inspired by the mating of Banog birds. e. When adolescents are out with friends, their
parents must know where they will go and their
Panubok- from the word "tubok," is the traditional accompanying adult.
embroidery of the Panay Bukidnon
-patterns and designs reflect shapes and objects 3. MORAL SUPPORT WHEN FEELING CONFUSED
from the environment, where the Panay Bukidnon draw The following are vital family support to a confused
their inspiration from. teenager.
a.The family spends time together doing things
Linantay- the basic panubok pattern. the members enjoy.
-coming up with different embroidery designs b.Teenagers seek their identity as they
using the linantay (chain stitch). experience life.
c.The family strengthens self-esteem and the
Linabog- a panubok design (bulak, meaning “flower”) teens' belief in themselves.
patterned after the flower of the labog plant that grows d.Parents do not underestimate their teenagers
abundantly in the forest. opinions. They are respected and listened to.
e.Family members encourage adolescents to
make day-to-day decisions and to think of the
Ikat Fabric of Indonesia consequences as they get older.

Ikat Fabric- a dyeing technique used to create a distinct Helping Adolescent Make Informed Decisions
style of textile patterns. Ikat is done by resist dyeing
sections of the yarns prior to weaving the fabric. An informed decision is a choice made by
adolescents after a thorough study of an issue or topic
Ikat - "to tie" or "to bind". that is to be decided on. It includes studying all the
options, weighing their risks and benefits, then making
the best choice. The teenager considers all the factors
PE and Health involved in each option then decides which course of
action will help achieve the goal.
Steps in Making an Informed Decision
Different Forms of Support Provision 1. Defining issue
The following are the important task of the family in 3. Studying the options
supporting the growing body and active life of 4. Comparing the outcomes
teenagers: 5. Making the decision
a. Parents urge adolescents to get around 8 6. Reviewing the result
hours of sleep recommended for teenagers.
b. The family ensures that they get at least an FAMILY CONFLICT MANAGEMENT
hour of moderate physical activity.
c. When the family provides healthy food The following are ways in preventing and managing
options, eating balanced meals according to the family conflicts:
adolescent's palate is guaranteed. 1. Establishing clear family rules and boundaries.

d. Physical changes happen at puberty. Parents 2. Open communication and active listening

discuss them with the teenagers because these changes 3. Encouragement and finding solution together
modify house rules
1. Walking Dunk
2. Running
3. Hiking
4. Swimming
5. Playing together

Invasion Games
Invasion games are team games where the
purpose is to invade the opponent’s territory and
score a goal or point. These are typically fast-paced
games that need teamwork in order to control the
ball, keep possession, move into a scoring position,
and prevent the opposition from scoring.

-is a fast-paced team sport played on a
rectangular court between two teams of five players
each. The objective is to score points by shooting a ball
through the opposing team's hoop, which is mounted
10 feet high on a backboard.

Dr. James Naismith- he invented basketball in 1891 in

Springfield, Massachusetts, as a way to keep his
students active during the winter. It started as a simple
game with a soccer ball and two peach baskets.

Basic Skills in playing Basketball

1. Dribbling- fundamental skill in which a player
uses one hand to continuously bounce the ball
on the court.
Low dribble
High dribble
Cross-over dribble
Speed dribble

2. Passing- is the act of throwing the ball to a

Air pass
Bounce pass

Basic variation:
Chest pass
Bounce pass
Overhead pass

3. Rebounding- is the ball that bounces back after

an unsuccessful basket attempt. The player who
subsequently catches the ball is awarded the

4. Shooting- is the most important skill in

basketball. It is the act of attempting to score
points by throwing the ball through the basket.


Jump shot

Free throw
Three-point shot

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