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DS741 July 25, 2012 Product Specification

Introduction LogiCORE IP Facts Table

The LogiCORE™ IP AXI Universal Asynchronous Core Specifics
Receiver Transmitter (UART) Lite interface connects to Zynq™-7000(2), Virtex®-7(3), Kintex™-7(3),
Supported Artix™-7(3),
the Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture Device Family (1)
Virtex-6(4), Spartan®-6(5),
(AMBA ®) specification’s Advanced eXtensible
Supported User
Interface (AXI) and provides the controller interface for AXI4-Lite
asynchronous serial data transfer. This soft LogiCORE See Table 9, Table 10, Table 10, Table 11,
IP core is designed to interface with the AXI4-Lite Table 12, and Table 13
protocol. Provided with Core
Design Files
Vivado™: VHDL
Features Example Design Not Provided
• AXI interface is based on the AXI4-Lite Test Bench Not Provided
Constraints File None
• One transmit and one receive channel (full duplex)
• 16-character transmit and receive FIFOs None
• Configurable number of data bits (5-8) in a Supported S/W Standalone and Linux
character Drivers(6)

• Configurable parity bit (odd or even or none) Tested Design Flows(7)

Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS)
• Configurable baud rate Design Entry
Vivado™ Design Suite(8)
Simulation Mentor Graphics ModelSim
Xilinx Synthesis Technology (XST)
Vivado Synthesis

Provided by Xilinx@

1. For a complete list of supported derivative devices, see the
Embedded Edition Derivative Device Support.
2. Supported in ISE Design Suite implementations only.
3. For more information, see DS180 7 Series FPGAs Overview.
4. For more information, see the DS150 Virtex-6 Family
Overview Product Specification.
5. For more information, see DS160 Spartan-6 Family Overview
Product Specification.
6. Standalone driver information can be found in the EDK or SDK
installation directory.

See xilinx_drivers.htm in <install_directory>/doc/usenglish.

Linux OS and driver support information is available from
7. For a listing of the supported tool versions, see the
Xilinx Design Tools: Release Note Guide.
8. Supports only 7 series devices.

© Copyright 2010–2012 Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx, the Xilinx logo, Artix, ISE, Kintex, Spartan, Virtex, Vivado, Zynq, and other designated brands included herein are
trademarks of Xilinx in the United States and other countries. ARM and AMBA are trademarks of ARM in the EU and in other countries. All other trademarks are the
property of their respective owners.

DS741 July 25, 2012 1

Product Specification
LogiCORE IP AXI UART Lite (v1.02a)

Functional Description
The AXI UART Lite:
• Performs parallel-to-serial conversion on characters received through the AXI4-Lite interface and
serial-to-parallel conversion on characters received from a serial peripheral.
• Can transmit and receive 8, 7, 6, or 5 bit characters, with 1 stop bit and with odd, even, or no parity bit. The
AXI UART Lite can transmit and receive independently.
• Can be configured and its status can be monitored through the internal register set.
• Generates an interrupt when the receive FIFO becomes non empty or when the transmit FIFO becomes empty.
This interrupt can be masked by using an interrupt enable/disable signal. The device contains a baud rate
generator and independent 16-character deep transmit and receive FIFOs.
The AXI UART Lite modules are shown in Figure 1 and described in the sections that follow.
X-Ref Target - Figure 1


5!24 ,ITE
-ODULE &)&/
34!4?2%' -ODULE 48

#42,?2%' #ONTROL

Figure 1: Block Diagram of AXI UART Lite

AXI Interface Module: Provides the interface to the AXI and implements AXI protocol logic. The AXI interface
module is a bidirectional interface between a user IP core and the AXI4-Lite interface standard. To simplify the
process of attaching AXI UART Lite to the AXI, the core makes use of a portable, pre-designed AXI interface called
AXI-4-Lite IPIF, that takes care of the AXI interface signals.
UART Lite Register Module: Includes all memory mapped registers (as shown in Figure 1). It interfaces to the AXI
through the AXI interface module. It consists of a status register, a control register, and a pair of transmit/receive
FIFOs, both of 16-character depth. All registers are accessed directly from the AXI using the AXI interface module.
UART Control Module: Consists of an RX module, a TX module, a parameterized baud rate generator (BRG), and
a control unit. This module also contains the logic to generate the interrupts.

DS741 July 25, 2012 2

Product Specification
LogiCORE IP AXI UART Lite (v1.02a)

If interrupts are enabled, an edge rising sensitive interrupt pulse is generated when one of the following is true:
1. When the Receive FIFO goes from empty to not empty, such as when the first valid character is received in the
Receive FIFO
2. When the transmit FIFO goes from not empty to empty, such as when the last character in the transmit FIFO is
If interrupts are disabled in between reset the RX FIFO to get the Valid Character receives interrupt.

I/O Signals
The AXI UART Lite I/O signals are listed and described in Table 1.
Table 1: I/O Signal Descriptions
Port Signal Name Interface I/O Description
System Signals
P1 S_AXI_ACLK System Input - AXI clock.
P2 S_AXI_ARESETN System Input - AXI reset, active-Low.
P3 Interrupt System Output 0x0 Edge rising UART interrupt.
AXI Write Address Channel Signals
AXI write address. The write
P4 S_AXI_AWADDR[C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] AXI Input - address bus gives the address of the
write transaction.
Write address valid. This signal
P5 S_AXI_AWVALID AXI Input - indicates that valid write address is
Write address ready. This signal
P6 S_AXI_AWREADY AXI Output 0x0 indicates that the slave is ready to
accept an address.
AXI Write Channel Signals
P7 S_AXI_WDATA[C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1: 0] AXI Input - Write data.
Write strobes. This signal indicates
P8 S_AXI_WSTB[C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] (1) AXI Input - which byte lanes to update in
memory. (1)
Write valid. This signal indicates that
P9 S_AXI_WVALID AXI Input - valid write data and strobes are
Write ready. This signal indicates
P10 S_AXI_WREADY AXI Output 0x0 that the slave can accept the write

DS741 July 25, 2012 3

Product Specification
LogiCORE IP AXI UART Lite (v1.02a)

Table 1: I/O Signal Descriptions (Cont’d)

Port Signal Name Interface I/O Initial Description

AXI Write Response Channel Signals
Write response. This signal
indicates the status of the write
P11 S_AXI_BRESP[1:0] AXI Output 0x0 “00“ - OKAY
“10“ - SLVERR
“11“ - DECERR (Not generated in
the core)
Write response valid. This signal
P12 S_AXI_BVALID AXI Output 0x0 indicates that a valid write response
is available.
Response ready. This signal
P13 S_AXI_BREADY AXI Input - indicates that the master can accept
the response information.
AXI Read Address Channel Signals
Read address. The read address
P14 S_AXI_ARADDR[C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH -1:0] AXI Input - bus gives the address of a read
Read address valid. This signal
indicates, when High, that the read
address is valid and will remain
stable until the address
acknowledgement signal,
S_AXI_ARREADY, is high.
Read address ready. This signal
P16 S_AXI_ARREADY AXI Output 0x1 indicates that the slave is ready to
accept an address.
AXI Read Data Channel Signals
P17 S_AXI_RDATA[C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH -1:0] AXI Output 0x0 Read data
Read response. This signal
indicates the status of the read
P18 S_AXI_RRESP[1:0] AXI Output 0x0 “00“ - OKAY
“10“ - SLVERR
“11“ - DECERR (Not generated in
the core)
Read valid. This signal indicates that
P19 S_AXI_RVALID AXI Output 0x0 the required read data is available
and the read transfer can complete.
Read ready. This signal indicates
P20 S_AXI_RREADY AXI Input - that the master can accept the read
data and response information.
UART Lite Interface Signals
P21 RX UART Lite Input - Receive data
P22 TX UART Lite Output 0x1 Transmit data

1. This signal is not used. The AXI UART Lite assumes that all byte lanes are active.

DS741 July 25, 2012 4

Product Specification
LogiCORE IP AXI UART Lite (v1.02a)

Design Parameters
To allow you to create the AXI UART Lite that is uniquely tailored for your system, certain features can be
parameterized in the AXI UART Lite design. This allows you to have a design that only utilizes the resources
required by the system and operating at the best possible performance. The AXI UART Lite design parameters are
shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Design Parameters

Generic Feature/Description Parameter Name Allowable Values Default VHDL Type

System Parameters
virtex7, artix7,
G1 Target FPGA family C_FAMILY kintex7, zynq, virtex6, virtex6 string
System clock frequency integer 100_
G2 (in Hz) driving the UART C_S_AXI_ACLK_FREQ_HZ 000_ integer
Lite peripheral (ex. 100000000) 000
AXI Parameters
G3 AXI address bus width C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH 4 4 integer
G4 AXI data bus width C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH 32 32 integer
G5 AXI interface type C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL AXI4LITE AXI4LITE string
UART Lite Parameters
Baud rate of the UART
G6 C_BAUDRATE integer (ex. 128000) 9600 (1) integer
Lite in bits per second
The number of data bits
G7 C_DATA_BITS 5-8 8 integer
in the serial frame
Determines whether 0 = Do not use parity
G8 C_USE_PARITY 0 integer
parity is used or not 1 = Use parity
If parity is used, 0 = Even parity
G9 determines whether C_ODD_PARITY 0 integer
parity is odd or even 1 = Odd parity

1. With a baud rate of 115200, the sample clock is 16 * 115200 = 1.8432 MHz. With the System clock C_S_AXI_ACLK_FREQ_HZ
running at 10 MHz, the integer ratio for driving the sample clock is 5 (rounding of [10/1.8432]). The AXI UART Lite would then divide
the System clock by 5 resulting in 2 MHz for the sample clock. The baud rate error is (1.8432 - 2) /1.8432 => -8.5% which is outside
the tolerance for most UARTs. The issue is that the higher the baud rate and the lower the C_S_AXI_ACLK_FREQ_HZ, the greater
the error in the generated baud rate of the AXI UART Lite. AXI UART Lite requires that the baud error should be less than 3%.

DS741 July 25, 2012 5

Product Specification
LogiCORE IP AXI UART Lite (v1.02a)

Dependencies between Parameters and I/O Signals

The width of some of the AXI UART Lite signals depends on parameters selected in the design. The dependencies
between the AXI UART Lite core design parameters and I/O signals are described in Table 3.

Table 3: Parameter-I/O Signal Dependencies

Name Affects Depends Relationship Description
or Port
Design Parameters
G3 C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH P4, P14 - Defines the width of the ports
P7, P8,
G4 C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - Defines the width of the ports
I/O Signals
Port width depends on the generic
Port width depends on the generic
Port width depends on the generic
Port width depends on the generic
Port width depends on the generic

Register Descriptions
Table 4 shows all the AXI UART Lite registers and their addresses.
Table 4: Registers
Register Access Default Value
Offset (hex) Description
Name Type (hex)
0x0 Rx FIFO Read (1) 0x0 Receive data FIFO (3)
0x4 Tx FIFO Write (2) 0x0 Transmit data FIFO (3)
0x8 STAT_REG Read (1) 0x4 UART Lite status register
0xC CTRL_REG Write (2) 0x0 UART Lite control register

1. Writing of a read only register has no effect.
2. Reading of a write only register returns zero.
3. When system reset is applied both TX FIFO and RX FIFO are reset and cleared.

DS741 July 25, 2012 6

Product Specification
LogiCORE IP AXI UART Lite (v1.02a)

Receive Data FIFO

This 16-entry deep FIFO contains data received by AXI UART Lite. The FIFO bit definitions are shown in Table 5.
Reading this register will result in reading the data word from the top of the FIFO. When a read request is issued to
an empty FIFO, a bus error is generated and the result is undefined. The receive data FIFO is a read-only register.
Issuing a write request to the receive data FIFO does nothing but generates a successful write acknowledgement.
Figure 2 shows the location for data on the AXI when C_DATA_BITS is set to 8.
X-Ref Target - Figure 2




Figure 2: Receive Data FIFO (C_DATA_BITS = 8)

Table 5: Receive Data FIFO Bit Definitions

Bit(s) Name Core Access Reset Value Description
31-C_DATA_BITS Reserved N/A 0x0 Reserved
[C_DATA_BITS-1] - 0 Rx Data Read 0x0 UART receive data

Transmit Data FIFO

This 16-entry deep FIFO contains data to be output by AXI UART Lite. The FIFO bit definitions are shown in
Figure 3. Data to be transmitted is written into this register. When a write request is issued when the FIFO is full, a
bus error (SLVERR) is generated and the data is not written into the FIFO. This is a write-only location. Issuing a
read request to the transmit data FIFO generates the read acknowledgement with zero data. Table 6 shows the
location for data on the AXI when C_DATA_BITS is set to 8.
X-Ref Target - Figure 3




Figure 3: Transmit Data FIFO (C_DATA_BITS = 8)

Table 6: Transmit Data FIFO Bit Definitions

Bit(s) Name Core Access Reset Value Description
31-C_DATA_BITS Reserved N/A 0x0 Reserved
[C_DATA_BITS-1] - 0 Tx Data Write 0x0 UART transmit data

DS741 July 25, 2012 7

Product Specification
LogiCORE IP AXI UART Lite (v1.02a)

Control Register (CTRL_REG)

The control register contains the enable interrupt bit and reset pin for the receive and transmit data FIFO. This is a
write-only register. Issuing a read request to the control register generates the read acknowledgement with zero
data. Figure 4 shows the bit assignment of CTRL_REG. Table 7 describes this bit assignment.
X-Ref Target - Figure 4

%NABLE )NTR 2ST 4X &)&/


2ESERVED 2ST 2X &)&/

Figure 4: Control Register

Table 7: Control Register Bit Definitions

Core Reset
Bit(s) Name Description
Access Value
31 - 5 Reserved N/A 0x0 Reserved
Enable interrupt for the UART Lite
4 Enable Intr Write 0x0 ’0’ = Disable interrupt signal
’1’ = Enable interrupt signal
3-2 Reserved N/A 0x0 Reserved
Reset/clear the receive FIFO
Writing a ’1’ to this bit position clears the receive FIFO
1 Rst Rx FIFO Write 0x0
’0’ = Do nothing
’1’ = Clear the receive FIFO
Reset/clear the transmit FIFO
Writing a ’1’ to this bit position clears the transmit FIFO
0 Rst Tx FIFO Write 0x0
’0’ = Do nothing
’1’ = Clear the transmit FIFO

DS741 July 25, 2012 8

Product Specification
LogiCORE IP AXI UART Lite (v1.02a)

Status Register (STAT_REG)

The status register contains the status of the receive and transmit data FIFOs, if interrupts are enabled, and if there
are any errors. This is a read-only register. If a write request is issued to the status register, it will do nothing but
generates a write acknowledgement. Bit assignment in the STAT_REG is shown in Figure 5 and described in
Table 8.
X-Ref Target - Figure 5

)NTR %NABLED 2X &)&/

&RAME %RROR 4X &)&/


/VERRUN 2X &)&/ &ULL


Figure 5: Status Register

Table 8: Status Register Bit Definitions

Core Reset
Bit(s) Name Description
Access Value
31 - 8 Reserved N/A 0x0 Reserved
Indicates that a parity error has occurred after the last time the
status register was read. If the UART is configured without any
parity handling, this bit is always ’0’.
7 Parity Error Read 0x0 The received character is written into the receive FIFO.
This bit is cleared when the status register is read
’0’ = No parity error has occurred
’1’ = Parity error has occurred
Indicates that a frame error has occurred after the last time the
status register was read. Frame error is defined as detection of a
stop bit with the value ’0’. The receive character is ignored and not
6 Frame Error Read 0x0 written to the receive FIFO.
This bit is cleared when the status register is read
’0’ = No frame error has occurred
’1’ = Frame error has occurred
Indicates that a overrun error has occurred after the last time the
status register was read. Overrun is when a new character has
been received but the receive FIFO is full. The received character
5 Overrun Error Read 0x0 is ignored and not written into the receive FIFO. This bit is cleared
when the status register is read.
’0’ = No overrun error has occurred
’1’ = Overrun error has occurred
Indicates that interrupts is enabled.
4 Intr Enabled Read 0x0 ’0’ = Interrupt is disabled
’1’ = Interrupt is enabled
Indicates if the transmit FIFO is full.
3 Tx FIFO Full Read 0x0 ’0’ = Transmit FIFO is not full
’1’ = Transmit FIFO is full

DS741 July 25, 2012 9

Product Specification
LogiCORE IP AXI UART Lite (v1.02a)

Table 8: Status Register Bit Definitions (Cont’d)

Core Reset
Bit(s) Name Description
Access Value
Indicates if the transmit FIFO is empty.
2 Tx FIFO Empty Read 0x1 ’0’ = Transmit FIFO is not empty
’1’ = Transmit FIFO is empty
Indicates if the receive FIFO is full.
1 Rx FIFO Full Read 0x0 ’0’ = Receive FIFO is not full
’1’ = Receive FIFO is full
Indicates if the receive FIFO has valid data.
0 Rx FIFO Valid Data Read 0x0 ’0’ = Receive FIFO is empty
’1’ = Receive FIFO has valid data

Response Signaling
The AXI UART Lite core generates SLVERR when one of the following conditions is true:
• A read request is issued to an empty receive data FIFO.
• A write request is issued when the transmit data FIFO is full.
For all other requests, OKAY response is passed. The AXI UART Lite never generates DECERR.

Design Implementation
Target Technology
The intended target technology is Zynq-7000, Virtex-7, Kintex-7, Artix-7, Virtex-6, and Spartan-6 FPGAs.

Device Utilization and Performance Benchmarks

Core Performance
Because the AXI UART Lite core can be used with other design modules in the FPGA, the utilization and timing
numbers reported in this section are estimates only. When the AXI UART Lite core is combined with other designs
in the system, the utilization of FPGA resources and timing of the AXI UART Lite design will vary from the results
reported here.

DS741 July 25, 2012 10

Product Specification
LogiCORE IP AXI UART Lite (v1.02a)

Table 9: Performance and Resource Utilization Benchmarks on Virtex-7 (xc7v855tffg1157-3)

Parameter Values (other parameters at default value) Device Resources Performance





32 100_000_000 19_200 5 0 0 41 77 100 213
32 100_000_000 19_200 6 1 0 46 84 110 207
32 100_000_000 19_200 7 1 1 59 84 114 226
32 100_000_000 9600 8 0 0 49 79 119 244
32 40_000_000 38_400 8 0 0 44 77 107 234
32 100_000_000 19_200 6 1 0 46 84 110 207
32 100_000_000 19_200 7 1 1 59 84 114 226

The AXI UART Lite resource utilization for various parameter combinations measured with a Kintex-7 device as the
target are detailed in Table 10.

Table 10: Performance and Resource Utilization Benchmarks on Kintex-7(1) FPGA and Zynq-7000 Device
Parameter Values (other parameters at default value) Device Resources Performance





32 100_000_000 19_200 5 0 0 42 77 100 200

32 100_000_000 19_200 6 1 0 44 84 111 204
32 100_000_000 19_200 7 1 1 47 84 114 225
32 100_000_000 9600 8 0 0 56 79 119 271
32 40_000_000 38_400 8 0 0 52 77 107 274
32 100_000_000 19_200 6 1 0 44 84 111 204
32 100_000_000 19_200 7 1 1 47 84 114 225

1. Kintex-7 FPGA (xc7k410tffg676-3)

DS741 July 25, 2012 11

Product Specification
LogiCORE IP AXI UART Lite (v1.02a)

The AXI UART Lite resource utilization for various parameter combinations measured with an Artix-7 device as the
target are detailed in Table 11.

Table 11: Performance and Resource Utilization Benchmarks on Artix-7(1) FPGA and Zynq-7000 Device
Parameter Values (other parameters at default value) Device Resources Performance




32 100_000_000 19_200 5 0 0 42 77 92 233
32 100_000_000 19_200 6 1 0 45 84 102 224
32 100_000_000 19_200 7 1 1 47 84 111 225
32 100_000_000 9600 8 0 0 49 79 119 251
32 40_000_000 38_400 8 0 0 46 77 112 272
32 100_000_000 19_200 6 1 0 45 84 102 224
32 100_000_000 19_200 7 1 1 47 84 111 225

1. Artix-7 FPGA (xc7a350tfbg676-3)

The AXI UART Lite resource utilization for various parameter combinations measured with a Virtex-6 device as the
target are detailed in Table 12.

Table 12: Performance and Resource Utilization Benchmarks on Virtex-6 (XC6VLX130T-1-FF1156)

Parameter Values (other parameters at default value) Device Resources Performance





32 100_000_000 19_200 5 0 0 51 76 99 270

32 100_000_000 19_200 6 1 0 49 83 106 264
32 100_000_000 19_200 7 1 1 62 83 111 264
32 100_000_000 9600 8 0 0 52 78 121 250
32 40_000_000 38_400 8 0 0 49 76 107 242

DS741 July 25, 2012 12

Product Specification
LogiCORE IP AXI UART Lite (v1.02a)

Table 12: Performance and Resource Utilization Benchmarks on Virtex-6 (XC6VLX130T-1-FF1156)

Parameter Values (other parameters at default value) Device Resources Performance





32 100_000_000 19_200 6 1 0 49 83 106 264
32 100_000_000 19_200 7 1 1 62 83 111 264

The AXI UART Lite resource utilization for various parameter combinations measured with a Spartan-6 device as
the target are detailed in Table 13.

Table 13: Performance and Resource Utilization Benchmarks on Spartan-6 (XC6SLX45T-2-FGG484)

Parameter Values (other parameters at default value) Device Resources Performance





32 100_000_000 19_200 5 0 0 52 76 97 168

32 100_000_000 19_200 6 1 0 63 83 107 147
32 100_000_000 19_200 7 1 1 58 83 109 158
32 100_000_000 9600 8 0 0 59 78 106 167
32 40_000_000 38_400 8 0 0 58 76 99 160
32 100_000_000 19_200 6 1 0 63 83 107 147
32 100_000_000 19_200 7 1 1 58 83 109 158

DS741 July 25, 2012 13

Product Specification
LogiCORE IP AXI UART Lite (v1.02a)

System Performance
To measure the system performance (FMAX) of this core, this core was added to a Virtex-6 FPGA system and a
Spartan-6 FPGA system as the device under test (DUT) as illustrated in Figure 6.
Because the AXI UART Lite core will be used with other design modules in the FPGA, the utilization and timing
numbers reported in this section are estimates only. When this core is combined with other designs in the system,
the design’s FPGA resources and timing usage will vary from the results reported here.
The target FPGA was filled with logic to drive the LUT and block RAM utilization to approximately 70% and the
I/O utilization to approximately 80%. Using the default tool options and the slowest speed grade for the target
FPGA, the resulting target FMAX numbers are shown in Table 14.

Table 14: System Performance

Target FMAX (MHz)
Target FPGA
AXI4 AXI4-Lite MicroBlaze™
xc6slx45t (1) 90 MHz 120 MHz 80
xc6vlx240t (2) 135 MHz 180 MHz 135

1. Spartan-6 FPGA LUT utilization: 60%; Block RAM utilization: 70%; I/O utilization: 80%; MicroBlaze Controller not AXI4
interconnect; AXI4 interconnect configured with a single clock of 120 MHz.
2. Virtex-6 FPGA LUT utilization: 70%; Block RAM utilization: 70%; I/O utilization: 80%.

The target FMAX is influenced by the exact system and is provided for guidance. It is not a guaranteed value across
all systems.

DS741 July 25, 2012 14

Product Specification
LogiCORE IP AXI UART Lite (v1.02a)

X-Ref Target - Figure 6


!8) $$2
$# )NTERCONNECT !8) "2!-

!8) #$-!

)?,-" $0 $EVICE 5NDER
4EST $54
#ONTROL !8) ).4#
)NTERCONNECT !8) '0)/ ,%$S
"2!- !8) ,ITE
!8) 5!24,ITE 23



Figure 6: Virtex-6 and Spartan-6 Devices FMAX Margin System

Xilinx provides technical support for this LogiCORE IP product when used as described in the product
documentation. Xilinx cannot guarantee timing, functionality, or support of product if implemented in devices that
are not defined in the documentation, if customized beyond that allowed in the product documentation, or if
changes are made to any section of the design labeled DO NOT MODIFY.

Licensing and Ordering Information

This Xilinx LogiCORE IP module is provided at no additional cost with the Xilinx® Vivado Design Suite and
Integrated Software Environment (ISE®) Design Suite Embedded Edition software under the terms of the Xilinx
End User License.
Information about this and other Xilinx LogiCORE IP modules is available at the Xilinx Intellectual Property page.
For information on pricing and availability of other Xilinx LogiCORE modules and software, contact your local
Xilinx sales representative.

DS741 July 25, 2012 15

Product Specification
LogiCORE IP AXI UART Lite (v1.02a)

Reference Documents
To search for Xilinx documentation, go to
1. ARM® AMBA® AXI Protocol Version: 2.0 Specification
2. DS765 LogiCORE IP AXI Lite IPIF Data Sheet
3. DS160 Spartan-6 Family Overview
4. DS150 Virtex-6 Family Overview
5. DS180 7 Series FPGAs Overview

Revision History
The following table shows the revision history for this document:

Date Version Description of Revisions

09/21/10 1.0 Initial Xilinx release.
12/14/10 2.0 Updated core to v1.01a and ISE to v12.4.
12/04/11 3.0 Updated core to v1.02a.
6/22/11 3.1 Updated for 13.2 release.
Documentation Changes Only
• Added device utilization numbers for Zynq-7000, Virtex-7, Kintex-7, and
4/24/12 3.1.1 Artix-7 devices
• Updated values for C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH in Table 2
• Updated bit definitions in Table 5 and Table 6
• Updated for the 14.2/2012.2 Xilinx release
• Added Vivado and Zynq-7000 device information
7/25/12 3.2
• Removed utilization numbers for Zynq-7000 EPP
• Removed the AXI parameters, C_BASEADDR and C_HIGHADDR

Notice of Disclaimer
The information disclosed to you hereunder (the “Materials”) is provided solely for the selection and use of Xilinx products. To
the maximum extent permitted by applicable law: (1) Materials are made available “AS IS” and with all faults, Xilinx hereby
PURPOSE; and (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, including negligence, or under any other theory of
liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature related to, arising under, or in connection with, the Materials (including
your use of the Materials), including for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage (including loss
of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought by a third party) even if such
damage or loss was reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the possibility of the same. Xilinx assumes no
obligation to correct any errors contained in the Materials or to notify you of updates to the Materials or to product
specifications. You may not reproduce, modify, distribute, or publicly display the Materials without prior written consent.
Certain products are subject to the terms and conditions of the Limited Warranties which can be viewed at; IP cores may be subject to warranty and support terms contained in a license issued to
you by Xilinx. Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-safe or for use in any application requiring fail-safe
performance; you assume sole risk and liability for use of Xilinx products in Critical Applications:

DS741 July 25, 2012 16

Product Specification

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