Httpsassets.warhammer-community.comeng Warhammer40000 Grotmas Detachment Thousand Sons Hexwarp Thrallband-fjo252gvvl-7ulzhbg

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The empyric ritualists who lead these thrallbands wield magic without restraint. They seek to
shatter the veil between reality and the Warp, empowering their arcane arts and unleashing
daemonic energies upon their weak-minded foes. Directing their mindless Rubricae to seize sites
of power, these Sorcerers tap into the wellspring of potential power, weaving obscuring rituals
and killing spells. As the tide of arcane energy builds in strength, the battlefield comes alive
with mutagenic Warp energy, enhancing the Sorcerers’ magical power and haloing their thralls
in fulminating coronae of uncontrolled arcane force. With warpflame and hellfire, they sweep the
enemy from the field of battle, and Tzeentch claims the souls of the dead.


FLOW OF MAGIC ARCANE MIGHT ..............................20 PTS

With each site seized by the thrallband’s Drawing upon the rampant Warp energies coursing
warriors, the flow of arcane energies across the battlefield, this sorcerous champion imbues
increases, and the veil between reality and their weapons and those of their talented underlings
the Warp erodes. The resultant influxes of with soul-shattering force.
Warp energy are potent enough to invoke
the flesh-change and must be channelled THOUSAND SONS model only. Add 1 to the Strength
carefully by the thrallband’s Sorcerers. characteristic of Psychic weapons equipped by models
With masterful skill, they wield these in the bearer’s unit. While the bearer’s unit is wholly
mutagenic energies, expertly syphoning within your army’s Flow of Magic, add 2 to the
excess magic to empower themselves Strength characteristic of Psychic weapons equipped
and the warriors at their command by models in that unit instead.
while maintaining control of their
ever-expanding ritual. EMPOWERED MANIFESTATION .......20 PTS
The many eyes of this witch lord blaze with barely
Certain areas of the battlefield are within contained arcane might. Whilst the spells they unleash
your army’s Flow of Magic, as follows: are rendered far more lethal, such destructive power
comes at significant risk.
■ Your deployment zone is always within
your army’s Flow of Magic. THOUSAND SONS model only. While the bearer’s unit
■ At the start of any phase, if you control is wholly within your army’s Flow of Magic, add 6"
at least half of the objective markers to the range of Psychic abilities the bearer has that
within No Man’s Land, until the end specify a range (including Rituals) and each time a
of that phase, No Man’s Land is within model in the bearer’s unit takes a Hazardous test for a
your army’s Flow of Magic. Psychic weapon, you can re-roll the result.
■ At the start of any phase, if you control
at least half of the objective markers EMPYRIC ONSLAUGHT ...................25 PTS
within your opponent’s deployment Suffused with boundless empyric force, this ritualist
zone, until the end of that phase, your unleashes overwhelming torrents of destructive magic
opponent’s deployment zone is within upon their enemies.
your army’s Flow of Magic.
THOUSAND SONS model only. While the bearer’s unit
Each time a THOUSAND SONS model from is wholly within your army’s Flow of Magic, add 3 to
your army makes a Psychic Attack, re-roll the Attacks characteristic of ranged Psychic weapons
a Wound roll of 1. If such a model is equipped by the bearer.
wholly within your army’s Flow of Magic,
each time it makes a Psychic Attack, add NOCTILITH MANTLE .......................15 PTS
1 to the Wound roll instead. With this crest, wrought from empyrically charged
blackstone, this warrior becomes a mobile locus of
unchecked Warp power.

THOUSAND SONS model only. While the bearer’s unit is

on the battlefield, it is wholly within your army’s Flow
1 of Magic. Models in that unit cannot be selected to
use any Rituals.

Thousand Sons Sorcerers draw upon tide swells of With arcane energy flooding the battlefield, the veil
Warp energy to weave spells of binding and warding, between Warp and reality rapidly collapses. From
1CP thereby shackling sites of arcane power to their own 1CP yawning rifts emerge Rubricae reinforcements to
arrogant will. ensure their thrallband’s victory.
WHEN: Command phase. WHEN: Start of the Reinforcements step of your
TARGET: One THOUSAND SONS PSYK,‑ unit from your Movement phase.
army within range of an objective marker you control, TARGET: One RU.‑I0 MA‑IN,S or S0A‑A. O00U12
if that objective marker is wholly within your army’s T,‑MINA2O‑S unit from your army that is in
Flow of Magic. Strategic Reserves.
EFFECT: That objective marker remains under your EFFECT: If it is a RU.‑I0 MA‑IN,S unit, until the end
control until your opponent’s Level of Control over of the phase, it has the Deep Strike ability. When
that objective marker is greater than yours at the end your unit is set up on the battlefield using the Deep
of a phase. Strike ability, if it is a S0A‑A. O00U12 T,‑MINA2O‑
unit it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that
is wholly within your army’s Flow of Magic and more
WRATH OF THE DOOMED than 6" horizontally away from all enemy models.
unit is targeted with this Stratagem, it is not eligible
Forewarned of the moment of their demise, the
to declare a charge in the same turn.
followers of Tzeentch allow the flood of magic to run
1CP rampant through their forms, providing them with a
final burst of killing energy before unbound arcane SCOURING WARPFLAME
force rips their bodies asunder.
WHEN: Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has
selected its targets. At a spat curse, Warp-infused ammunition can be
made to glow with sulphurous flame, enabling it to
TARGET: One THOUSAND SONS unit from your army 1CP burn through solid cover to strike enemies beyond.
that was selected as the target of one or more of the
Those hit by the fusillade find their forms wreathed
attacking unit’s attacks.
in illuminating azure fire.
EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a
model in your unit is destroyed, if that model has not WHEN: Your Shooting phase.
fought this phase, roll one D6, adding 1 to the result if TARGET: One THOUSAND SONS PSYK,‑ unit from your
your unit is wholly within your army’s Flow of Magic: army that has not been selected to shoot this phase
on a 4+, do not remove it from play. That destroyed and is wholly within your army’s Flow of Magic.
model can fight after the attacking unit has finished EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, ranged
making its attacks, and is then removed from play. weapons equipped by models in your unit have the
[IGNORES COVER] ability. After your unit has shot this
phase, select one enemy unit hit by one or more of
STRANDS OF TIME those attacks. Until the end of the phase, models in
HEXWARP THRALLBAND – STRATEGIC PLOY STRATAGEM that unit cannot have the Benefit of Cover.
By drawing upon their expanding nexus of magic,
this disciple of Tzeentch can tear strands of temporal KALEIDOSCOPIC TEMPEST
1CP energy from the Warp and wind them around
themselves and their thralls. Lent speed by this HEXWARP THRALLBAND – BATTLE TACTIC STRATAGEM
garland of stolen time, they melt away from their As the Thousand Sons solidify their control over sites
foes’ desperate strikes before lashing out again. of magical power, the Immaterium spills into reality
1CP in searing torrents, blossoming into a multi-spectral
WHEN: Your Movement phase, just after a THOUSAND
SONS PSYK,‑ unit from your army Falls Back. storm of arcane energy that obscures mortal senses
and mechanical augury.
EFFECT: Until the end of the turn, your unit is eligible WHEN: Your opponent’s Shooting phase, just after an
to shoot or declare a charge in a turn in which it Fell enemy unit has selected its targets.
Back. If your unit is wholly within your army’s Flow TARGET: One THOUSAND SONS PSYK,‑ unit from your
of Magic when it is targeted with this Stratagem, then army that was selected as the target of one or more
until the end of the turn, your unit is eligible to shoot of the attacking unit’s attacks.
and declare a charge in a turn in which it Fell Back. EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, your unit has
the Stealth ability, and, if your unit is wholly within
your army’s Flow of Magic, each time an attack
targets your unit, it has the Benefit of Cover against
that attack.

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