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Your paper quality starts

with screening efficiency
Papermaking – and screening –
get more demanding!

Screening requirements have changed tremendously over the last

years. Inferior raw material properties for pulp and paper as well as
increasing papermaking manufacturing costs, like energy, have led
to higher demands for energy-efficient products and to further
process optimizations. Therefore, all manufacturers had to increase
their effectiveness in order to compete and be sustainable in the
globalized pulp and paper industry environment.

With this booklet, we provide you with practical material to make

your screening process more effective and your screening section
fit for Papermaking 4.0.

Table of contents

Introduction Portfolio matrix 20

Product portfolio 4

Screen baskets
Introduction to services 22
Introduction 7 Overview of services 24
Product portfolio 8 Servolution 26
Customer benefits: Slot screen baskets 10 Webshop 27
Customer benefits: Hole screen baskets 12

4.0 products
Screen rotors
SmartBasket 28
Introduction 14
Product portfolio 16
Case study
Customer benefits 18
Upgrade of coarse screening in OCC mill 30

Product portfolio
Our revised product portfolio offers highly engineered
solutions using modern, innovative manufacturing
techniques to meet functional requirements. Whatever
application, we offer high-quality rotors and cylinder
baskets to pressurized screens suitable for our own
machines as well as non-Voith machines.

What Voith offers

Voith Screening products

Baskets Rotors Rebuilds Services

Slotted screen Low Screening Field services

basket consistency rebuilds and repairs

Hole screen Medium/high Single/second- Screen basket

basket consistency hand machines rechroming


Slotted screen basket Hole screen basket

Rotor for low consistency: MultiFoil Rotor for medium/high consistency: EclipseR

Rebuilds Our service and added value

• Rebuilds of Voith and non-Voith screening systems • Technical field services and repairs
• Single machines/second-hand machines • Technological optimization for Voith and non-Voith
screening systems
• SmartBasket for asset management
• Rechroming of baskets
• Refurbishment and repair of screening rotors
• Easy ordering in the Voith Paper Webshop

A Voith screen basket offers precise,
reliable technology for centrifugal and
centripetal pressure screens for Voith
and non-Voith machines. All kinds of
stock, in the most varied stock
preparation, broke screening and pulp
screening applications, can be reliably
screened, even with high stock
consistencies and trash loads.

C-bar screen baskets are unique. Their overlapping bar design

protects the slots from high wear and keeps the slot widths
constant over their whole lifetime.

Perfect fit for your screening application
Screen basket portfolio
Slot screen baskets

In many studies, the C-bar has proven

Standard C-bar basket C-bar HerculeX
itself to be the most reliable screen bas-
Centrifugal application Robust version
ket with the lowest specific energy con-
sumption and lowest fiber loss when
considering high throughput rates and
efficiency. These achievements, coupled
with constant slot width during the entire
service life are based on the unique pro-
file of the C-bar, with the overlapping
­arrangement of the profile bar design.
C-bar HerculeXX C-bar HerculeX D
C-bar - The perfect solution for a Bolted end rings Robust version with spoiler bars
wide range of applications
With the C-bar screen cylinder, Voith
­offers a precise and reliable technology.
The C-bar screen cylinder is suitable for
all types of pulp, in the most diverse
stock preparation as well as in the
­approach-flow process. For particularly
high forces during the sorting process,
the C-bar HerculeX or the even more
­robust HerculeXX with bolted end rings In order to meet every possible applica- Regardless of whether a subsystem
are used. tion, C-bar baskets are available with operates centripetally or centrifugally,
four different profile types. This ensures Voith will provide you with a perfectly
For extremely high proportions of con- the best possible yield and efficiency for manufactured C-bar basket tailored
taminants, such as in presorting, the removing contaminant and stickies. specifically to your application.
C-bar HerculeX D is equipped with
spoiler bars that prevent contaminants
from accumulating between the rotor
C-bar profiles
and the basket and remove them from
the machine in a targeted manner.

2,5 bars 3 bars 4 bars 5 bars

C-bar L C-bar S C-bar Q C-bar R

Specific Proven standard Proven standard Especially for
application, for long fibers for all paper highest through­
e.g., extremely grades put rates or
long fibers fractioning

Hole screen baskets

The Voith NDura hole screen basket

Hole screen basket
offers precise and reliable technology
for centrifugal pressure screens. Due to
an optimized pitch design, we can
achieve high open screen areas with a
high throughput rate.

Further advances in our manufacturing

techniques target a high precision in dif-
ferent hole designs and roundness of
the screen basket.

All kinds of stock, in the most varied stock

preparation, wet end process, broke
screening, can be reliably screened, even
with high stock consistencies. It can be
used for Voith screens and for all ma-
chines and associated rotor combinations
of other manufacturers.

Customer benefits

+ High screening efficiency and

throughput due to unique profile
+ Low fiber loss due to precise

Hole screen types

NDura CL NDura D CL NDura SD NDura PL F-type filter

Contour gives highest Like CL-type, with Smooth drilled Profiled hole design Equipment for all
throughput rates higher trash loads hole for various for all WEP kinds of fine filtration
applications applications

Number one in technology
Slot screen baskets

Long lifetime

• Overlapping profiles avoid wear in the slot

• Rechroming

ScreenFit with Voith rotors

• MultiFoil for LC
• EclipseR for MC

Covers all applications

• For all grades

• For all process steps


• Standard C-bar
• HerculeX
• Unique clamping design


• Breaker bars
• Slot width
• Bar width
• Profile depth
• Chrome layer thickness
• Standard/WEP quality

Highest throughput

• Highest open area due to overlapping design

• Smallest bar width

Engineered for stability and accuracy
Hole screen baskets

Long lifetime

• Wear protection through Voith

hard chrome-plating technology

ScreenFit with Voith rotors

• Best performance with Voith rotors

• But also suitable for all other OEM rotors

Covers all applications

• Ideal for use in stock preparation, as well as

broke, pulp and approach flow screening


• NDura quality screen basket material

guarantees high basket strength


• Breaker bars
• Hole diameter
• Various designs for different applications
• Chrome layer thickness
• Stock prep/WEP quality

Highest throughput

• Highest throughput due to large

open screening surface

Higher demands in raw material screening require
increased screening efficiency and pose distinct
challenges for facility operators. Voith screening
rotors are the ideal answer, combining maximum
screening quality and throughput with optimal energy
use in each area of application.

Unique geometry for
maximum energy savings
Screening rotors portfolio

EclipseR coarse and slot screening rotor

Long-standing experience and modern CFD analyses were the also ensures efficient and reliable screening. The EclipseR ­rotor
basis for the exceptional foil geometry of the EclipseR rotor. It is today’s standard coarse screening r­otor for Voith screens,
not only facilitates maximum throughputs at stock consisten- and the number of applications in other OEM machines increas-
cies of up to 4.5% with high or low levels of contaminants but es globally, day by day.

Evolution of the EclipseR rotor for MC applications


• Reliable standard rotors for Eclipse

many years
• Different designs for different • Low energy consumption EclipseR
applications (grades) • Many successful DIP
applications • Low energy consumption
• Suitable for all grades

Cut your energy demand by up to 35% Area of application

Thanks to the new rotor design and innovative foil geometry, The EclipseR rotor can be used in stock preparation, reject
the energy consumption in the screening process can be and pulp screening for the production of graphic papers,
­reduced by up to 35% compared to former models. This is board, packaging papers as well as pulp. The rotor covers all
particularly enabled due to the lower peripheral rotor speed applications and consistency ranges of up to 4.5%. It can be
needed to keep the flow through the screen unobstructed. used in Voith screening systems and all common machines
from other ­manufacturers, whereby the distances between
Maximum service life and efficiency ­rotor and screen basket wall are adjustable depending on the
Due to the new geometry and clever arrangement of the foils, area of application. The EclipseR rotor can be combined with
there is a stronger suction impulse, enabling a reliable un­ hole and slotted screen baskets.
obstructed flow through the screen and increasing the pro-
duction capacity as well. The resulting lower peripheral speeds Even though the EclipseR rotor is covering all former rotors in
guarantee gentle screening and extend the lifetime of the one unique rotor type, a step rotor still gives very good perfor-
screen b­ asket and rotor. mance for raw materials with extremely high trash loads and
is still used in some applications.

MultiFoil rotor

Less energy demand and improved slot cleanliness are the The MultiFoil rotors operate in the most varied applications for
main benefits of MultiFoil rotors. These rotors offer an ideal graphic paper, board and packaging, tissue and specialty
­combination of screening quality and throughput rates. The ­paper grades and can be combined with all slot and hole
innovative blade geometry prevents the spinning of fibers and ­baskets. To achieve the best screening efficiency for a machine
reduces pulsations to successive process steps. or system, Voith offers an on-site screening system analysis to
maximize performance gains.
With no spinning of fibers, the rotor speed can often be
­reduced, whereby fiber-preserving and energy-saving screen-
ing becomes possible.

The dynamic pressure and suction pulse create an ideal dif-

ferential speed between rotor and pulp suspension. Thus no
additional shredding of contaminants or stickies is generated.
Customer benefits
In addition, it leads to lower wear on the processed screen
basket surface. + Sustained highest clearing frequency, thanks to
its uniform through-flow profile with short suction
The MultiFoil rotor concept allows reliable, efficient operation impulses
of the screen with C-bar slot and hole screen baskets. Using + Energy savings, through its unique foil design and
Voith’s patented foil geometry, with an effect similar to that of optimized foil arrangement
an airplane wing profile, the flow facilitates ideal screening. + No fiber spinning

Technical data
MultiFoil EclipseR
Low consistency Medium – High consistency
Inlet consistency < 2.8% (Fractionation 3.5%) > 2.5 – 4.5%

Field of application Fine/WEP/Fractionation Coarse/Tail/Broke/Virgin pulp

Characteristics • The best LC rotor on the market • Highly efficient screening

• No spinning due to engineered blade geometry • Lowest energy consumption
• High efficient screening with minimal pulsation • For high trash loads
Tip speed 10 – 19 m/s 13 – 24 m/s (Depending on gap)

Basket/Rotor gap 3 mm DIP 5 mm

OCC/Coarse/Virgin 7.5 or 10 mm

The best-in-class rotor

Lowest energy consumption

• Savings up to 35% compared to old

generation rotors

Reliable operation

• Works in a wide range of tip speeds,

consistencies and trash loads

Covers all applications

• For graphic paper, B&P and virgin pulp

Highest efficiency

• Highest sticky removal efficiency

• High clearing effect on screen basket surface


• Best fit for each application with 5, 7.5 and 10 mm gap

Long lifetime of basket

• Lowest tip speed for long lifetime of basket

Portfolio matrix
Slotted baskets and rotors

C-bar C-bar HerculeX C-bar HerculeX D C-bar C

MultiFoil rotor

Compatible with all

centripetal non-
Voith foil rotors

EclipseR rotor

Compatible with all

centripetal non-
Voith foil rotors

Step rotor

Compatible with all

centripetal non-
Voith foil rotors

For all grades up to 2.8% consistency

For all grades up to 3.5% consistency
For all grades up to 3.5% consistency for

coarse screening with high trash content

Hole baskets and rotors

NDura CL and D CL NDura PL NDura SD Filtrate baskets

MultiFoil rotor

EclipseR rotor

Step rotor

For all grades up to 2.8% consistency

For all grades up to 4.5% consistency
Waste/white water/Filtrate handling ≤ 1.0%

stock consistency

At Voith, the success of the customer takes center
stage. Service means delivering customized service
solutions and utilizing our full expertise to help them
reach their goals.

Maintain sorting efficiency Sustainabilty in service
Screening systems are a key component in the field of stock Voith Paper service specialists’ experience is based on the
preparation and papermaking. The need for well-maintained successful sizing, delivery and operation of a large number of
screening equipment is increasing in all areas of screening baskets and rotors delivered every year. With regularly and
applications, be it in the field of recycling or in the approach repeatedly provided inspections, we support you to expand
flow system of the paper machine. Always, the target is to the lifetime of your equipment to the maximum. Inspection
maintain the main screening benefits of low energy consump- combined with repair and refurbishment services is our
tion, reliable operation and high sorting efficiency over the ­c ontribution to maximize sustainability.
­total operation time.
Our comprehensive Process Services portfolio, our trainings,
There will be no compromises in screening efficiency as we audits, consulting and measurement diagnostic capabilities
­support you to safeguard proper performance of your sorting offer expert support according to your needs.
equipment, to achieve high cleanliness and minimize fiber

Geometry is all that counts
Rechroming of screen baskets

Small abrasive particles in the stock create wear on the tip of

Customer benefits
the profile bars in the screen basket. Worn profiles reduce
capacity and increase fiber content in the reject. The process + Optimized chrome layers 80 μm – 250 μm
is progressive and irreversible and will end in the required + Repeatable process
­replacement of the screen basket. + Lowest cost per ton of all coatings
+ Stress-free coating method
Renewing the chrome layer maintains the contour of the ­profile + Simple, reliable profile checks
bars and hence the screening technology. Chrome is one of the + Slot width remains unaffected
most wear-resistant materials, which also can be applied + Over 20 years of experience
­repeatedly. This makes rechroming the most economical way + Consistent technological results
to ­manage wear in screen baskets. + On-site condition assessment

We will assess the status of your basket on site and arrange the
rechroming including logistics. Voith Paper sales and service
personnel are trained to assess the condition of baskets and
determine the need for rechroming. A special measuring tool
calibrated for the type of profile gives a reliable indication of the
condition of the current chrome layer.

Inspection and rechroming intervals are based on the application

of each basket.

Save time and money

Voith repair service

Turn to Voith to bring your components and systems back to

Comparison of new and worn screen basket
optimal running condition, allowing you to keep production
high while limiting unplanned downtime. Voith offers a repair
New screen basket // 0.25 mm Worn screen basket
service on its OEM components and on many pieces of non-
Voith equipment, which is backed by an expert engineering
and applications staff. Looking for a specific spare part? We
keep an inventory of the most high-demand papermaking
components in our workshops. In addition, all repaired items
are backed by a one-year parts and labor “as new” warranty
to help you stay on track with your time and your budget.
Our services

• Rotor/screw repair
• Exchange program
• Stock preparation service

Worldwide service for long-lasting stock preparation
Refurbishment of rotors

In view of the considerable cost pressures facing the paper Variations in geometry will cause loss of production, which
industry, it is increasingly important to reduce energy costs reduces the output of your process equipment. Regular and
and increase life cycle of your valuable stock preparation thorough repairs to the original rotor profiles are required.
equipment. Voith Paper launched a comprehensive service specializing in
the repair and refurbishment of these technologically critical
Heavy contaminants in recovered paper cause wear to the wearing parts. By restoring the original design geometry of the
working elements of your stock preparation machines. In almost working elements, the papermaker achieves an optimal bal-
all cases, proper performance of these machines depends ance between operating costs and technological performance.
upon maintaining the original design geometry of the working

Minisorter MS05 Customer benefits

Before refurbishment After refurbishment + Consistent technological performance

+ Predictable repair intervals
+ Optimized maintenance cost and performance
+ Optimized geometry for specific applications

Options and possible combinations

As well as the repairs on an individual order basis, a mainte-
nance and repair program for repetitive repairs can be offered.
Alternatively, the investment into a new rotor and/or screen
basket can be combined with a service contract for the repair
of both rotors and screen basket.

Areas of application
Principle of screening function: rotor effect
Our services can be used for all rotor types and screen basket
combinations of your stock preparation equipment, irrespective
of the manufacturer and type of pulper.

Some good examples are the repair of Andritz, Black Clawson,

Metso, Aikawa, GL&V rotor and screen basket combinations.

Dimensions and service intervals

As the rotor geometry directly affects the screening efficiency, VSuspension
and, accordingly, the production cost per ton of fiber, restoring
that geometry can sustain the optimal balance between mini-
Flow deceleration- P
mized operating costs and maximized technological perfor- pressure increases ≈ +5 – 10 kPa

mance. Pm

Voith Paper technicians always begin with an on-site analysis to Flow acceleration-
pressure decreases
determine what repair is necessary and schedule the work to
ensure that the required replacement parts are available in time. ≈ -20 – 50 kPa

Our service offering for you

Equipment services
Voith’s experience as a leading machine builder and
equipment supplier gives us the unique ability to offer
value far beyond mere maintenance.

Process services
When papermakers want to step up their game, they turn
to Voith for analysis and know-how that leads to step-
change performance improvements.

Productivity services
In true partnership with our customer, Voith offers value-
based productivity contracts that raise the bar on account-
ability and performance outcomes.

Integrated partnership
Why would a paper manufacturer completely integrate
Voith into its business operations? Lots of reasons.

Voith Paper Webshop
Order products such as spare and wear parts as well as Discover the Voith Paper
services from Voith quickly and easily 24 hours a day via the Webshop and click here.
Voith Paper Webshop. Optimize your purchasing processes
and find out about many other helpful functions.

The easiest way to manage
your screen baskets

SmartBasket provides This is how it works

• An inventory management tool – at mill and corporate level Every new Voith basket comes with an RFID chip. Just scan
• Life cycle tracking for each single basket (e.g., rechroming it, add relevant information such as running time, condition or
cycles, days in operations) inventory location on a smartphone or tablet and update your
• Transparency in the supply chain dedicated database easily. The additional user-friendly, web-
• A direct connection to the Voith Paper Webshop based cockpit solution provides increased transparency in
the supply chain for the inventory of your mill – or even your
­complete corporate group.

New basket Scanner Mobile App Database Corporate Cockpit of

with RFID global inventories

A smart app for new knowledge Be part of the SmartBasket community and realize
The longer you use SmartBasket, the more knowledge you savings with one click on your phone
gain about running time, performance and wear characteris- That’s Papermaking – Next Level: Voith turns screen baskets
tics of each basket in each screen. You will also be able to into SmartBaskets, making your work noticeably easier. Now
optimize your inventory, as you never miss a basket. you have complete control of all your baskets at all times,
across locations and worldwide. One look, one click – and you
can manage each basket at just the right time and always
have the right model at your fingertips. Smart technology
creates transparency, bundles orders, reduces inventories and
costs – for the intelligent paper production of the future.

Arrange your personal demo



Case study
Upgrade of coarse screening
in OCC mill

A screening rotor today is evaluated by its ability to combine In this Taiwanese OCC mill, we replaced the step rotor in the
high screening efficieny with throughput, its energy efficiency first stage of coarse screening at 4% consistency.
and ability to handle a wide spread of raw materials, stock
consistencies and trash content. As the inlet dirt content was up to 17%, we also replaced the
0.6 mm slot basket by our C-bar HerculeX D with additional
With our EclipseR rotor, we found the optimum in all these deflaking capacity, which also helped to direct the reject
­factors. ­towards the outlet and avoid accumulation of contaminants
within the machine.
We did many rebuilds globally of Voith and non-Voith rotors to
achieve the best performances, and to the satisfaction of our

Before: C-bar HerculeX // 0.6 mm and step rotor After: C-bar HerculeX D // 0.6 mm and EclipseR

Before After Customer added value

Customer OCC mill Taiwan
+ 22% less energy consumption at same production
Application Coarse screening first stage TOCC at 4% + Spiral supports deflaking and directs reject towards
Basket C-bar HerculeX HerculeX D with Spiral outlet
+ 17% inlet dirt removal possible in this case
Slot width [mm] 0.6 0.6

Rotor type Step EclipseR

Rotor speed [m/s] 19 17

Power 68 53
consumption [kW]

VP1552, en, 2022-05, BDI. All data and information without obligation. Subject to change.
Please click on this link or scan How can we support you?
the QR code to visit our screen Just contact us via our
baskets and rotors website: webform.

Voith Group
St. Poeltener Str. 43
89522 Heidenheim, Germany

Phone +49 7321 37-9255

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