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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.

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Designation: D3441 − 05

StandardTest Method for

Mechanical Cone Penetration Tests of Soil1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D3441; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope* D653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained

1.1 This test method covers the determination of end bear- Fluids
ing and side friction, the components of penetration resistance D5778 Test Method for Electronic Friction Cone and Piezo-
that are developed during the steady slow penetration of a cone Penetration Testing of Soils
pointed rod into soil. This test method is sometimes referred to 2.2 Other Standards:3
as the Dutch Cone Test or Cone Penetration Test and is often USBR D7020 Performing Cone Penetration Testing of Soils-
abbreviated as CPT. Mechanical Method
1.2 This test method includes the use of mechanical cone
and friction-cone penetrometers. It does not include the use of 3. Terminology
electric and electronic cones or data interpretation. 3.1 Definitions:
1.2.1 The use of electric and electronic cones is covered in 3.1.1 cone, n—the cone-shaped point of the penetrometer
tip, upon which the end-bearing resistance develops.
iTeh Standards
Test Method D5778.
1.3 Mechanical penetrometers of the type described in this 3.1.2 cone penetrometer, n—an instrument in the form of a
test method operate incrementally, using a telescoping pen- cylindrical rod with a conical point designed for penetrating
etrometer tip, resulting in no movement of the push rods during
the measurement of the resistance components. Design con-
soil and soft rock and for measuring the end-bearing compo-
nent of penetration resistance.

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straints for mechanical penetrometers preclude a complete
separation of the end-bearing and side-friction components.
3.1.3 cone resistance, or end-bearing resistance qc, n—the
resistance to penetration developed by the cone equal to the
1.4 Units—The values stated in inch-pound units are to be vertical force applied to the cone divided by its horizontally
projected area.
regarded as standard, except as noted below. The values ASTM D3441-05
in parentheses are mathematical conversions to SI units, which 3.1.4 cone sounding, n—the entire series of penetration tests
are provided for information only and are not considered performed at one location when using a cone penetrometer.
standard. 3.1.5 friction-cone penetrometer, n—a cone penetrometer
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the with the additional capability of measuring the local side
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the friction component of penetration resistance.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 3.1.6 friction cone sounding, n—the entire series of penetra-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- tion tests performed at one location when using a friction cone
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. penetrometer.
2. Referenced Documents 3.1.7 friction ratio, Rf, n—the ratio of friction resistance to
cone resistance, fs/qc, expressed in percent.
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 Discussion—The friction ratio for mechanical pen-
etrometers is not comparable to the friction ratio measured by
electronic or electrical penetrometer (Test Method D5778).
This test method is under the jurisdiction of Committee D18 on Soil and Rock Users should verify that the application of empirical correla-
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.02 on Sampling and Related
Field Testing for Soil Evaluations.
tions such as those predicting soil type from Rf are for the
Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2005. Published December 2005. Originally correct penetrometer.
approved in 1975. Last previous edition approved in 1998 as D3441 – 98. DOI:
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM International Reference Test Procedure for the Cone Penetration Test (CPT),
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Proceedings of the First International Symposium for Penetration Testing, DeRuiter,
the ASTM website. ed., Blakema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 6191 8014, 1988.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

D3441 − 05
3.1.8 friction resistance, fs, n—the resistance to penetration project outside the sleeve diameter. The surface area of the
developed by the friction sleeve, equal to the vertical force sleeve shall be 23.2 in.2 (150 cm2) 62 %.
applied to the sleeve divided by its surface area. This resistance 5.1.3 Steel—The cone and friction sleeve shall be made
consists of the sum of friction and adhesion. from steel of a type and hardness suitable to resist wear due to
3.1.9 friction sleeve, n—a section of the penetrometer tip abrasion by soil. The friction sleeve shall have and maintain
upon which the local side-friction resistance develops. with use a roughness of 63 µin. (1.6 µm) AA, 650 %.
3.1.10 inner rods, n—rods that slide inside the push rods to 5.1.4 Push Rods—Made of suitable steel, these rods must
extend the tip of a mechanical penetrometer. have a section adequate to sustain without buckling, the thrust
required to advance the penetrometer tip. They must have an
3.1.11 mechanical penetrometer, n—a penetrometer that outside diameter not greater than the diameter of the base of the
uses a set of inner rods to operate a telescoping penetrometer cone for a length of at least 1.3 ft (0.4m) above the base, or, in
tip and to transmit the component(s) of penetration resistance the case of the friction-cone penetrometer, at least 1.0 ft (0.3 m)
to the surface for measurement. above the top of the friction sleeve. Each push rod must have
3.1.12 penetrometer tip, n—the end section of the penetrom- the same constant inside diameter. They must screw or attach
eter, which comprises the active elements that sense the soil together to bear against each other and form a rigid-jointed
resistance, the cone, and in the case of the friction-cone string of rods with a continuous, straight axis.
penetrometer, the friction sleeve. 5.1.5 Inner Rods—Mechanical penetrometers require a
3.1.13 push rods, n—the thick-walled tubes, or other suit- separate set of steel or other metal alloy inner rods within the
able rods, used for advancing the penetrometer tip to the steel push rods. The inner rods must have a constant outside
required test depth. diameter with a roughness less than 125 µin. (3.2 µm) AA.
They must have the same length as the push rods (6 0.004 in.
3.2 For terms not defined in this test method, see Terminol- or 6 0.1 mm) and a cross section adequate to transmit the cone
ogy D653. resistance without buckling or other damage. Clearance be-
tween inner rods and push rods shall be between 0.020 and
4. Significance and Use 0.040 in. (0.5 and 1.0 mm) (see 7.8.1).
iTeh Standards
4.1 This test method supplies data on selected engineering
properties of soil intended to help with design and construction
5.1.6 Measurement Accuracy—Maintain the thrust-
measuring instrumentation to obtain thrust measurements
of earthworks and the foundations for structures.
4.2 This test method tests the soil in place and does not
within 65 % of the correct values. Measurement equipment
(see 5.2.5) should be subjected to calibration at regularly

test method requires knowledge of theDocument

types of soil penetrated. Preview
obtain soil samples. The interpretation of the results from this scheduled intervals such as annually or after a specified amount
of accumulated testing. Examples of mechanical cone testing
Engineers usually obtain this soil information from parallel calibration can be found in USBR USBR .
borings and soil sampling methods, but prior information or NOTE 2—Special, and preferably redundant, instrumentation may be
experience may preclude the need for borings. ASTM D3441-05
required in the offshore environment to ensure this accuracy and the
4.3 Engineers often correlate the results of tests by this test
proper operation of all the remote systems involved.

method with laboratory or other types of field tests or directly 5.2 Mechanical Penetrometers:
with performance. The applicability and validity of such 5.2.1 The sliding mechanism necessary in a mechanical
correlations will vary with the type of soil involved. In penetrometer tip must allow a downward movement of the
addition, engineers usually rely on local experience to judge cone in relation to the push rods of at least 1.2 in. (30.5 mm).
the applicability and validity of such correlations. NOTE 3—At certain combinations of depth and tip resistance(s), the
NOTE 1—The quality of the results produced by this standard is elastic compression of the inner rods may exceed the downward stroke
dependent on the competence of the personnel performing it, and the that the thrust machine can apply to the inner rods relative to the push
suitability of the equipment and facilities used. Agencies that meet the rods. In this case, the tip will not extend and the thrust readings will rise
criteria of Practice D5778 are generally considered capable of competent elastically to the end of the machine stroke and then jump abruptly when
and objective testing/sampling/inspection/etc. Users of this standard are the thrust machine makes contact with the push rods.
cautioned that compliance with Practice D5778 does not in itself assure 5.2.2 Mechanical penetrometer tip design shall include
reliable results. Reliable results depend on many factors; Practice D5778
provides means of evaluating some of these factors. protection against soil entering the sliding mechanism and
affecting the resistance component(s) (see 5.2.3 and Note 4).
5. Apparatus 5.2.3 Cone Penetrometer—Fig. 1 shows the design and
action of one mechanical cone penetrometer tip. A mantle of
5.1 General: reduced diameter is attached above the cone to minimize
5.1.1 Cone—The cone shall have 60°(65°) point angle and possible soil contamination of the sliding mechanism.
a base diameter of 1.4066 0.016 in. (35.7 6 0.4 mm), resulting
in a projected area of 1.55 in.2 (10 cm2). The point of the cone NOTE 4—An unknown amount of side friction may develop along this
shall have a radius less than 1⁄8 in. (3 mm). mantle and be included in the cone resistance.
5.1.2 Friction Sleeve—having the same outside diameter 5.2.4 Friction Cone Penetrometer —Fig. 2 shows the design
+0.024 to –0.000 in. (+0.5 to –0.0 mm) as the base diameter of and action of one telescoping mechanical friction cone pen-
the cone (see 5.1.1). No other part of the penetrometer tip shall etrometer tip. The lower part of the tip, including a mantle to

D3441 − 05
5.2.5 Measuring Equipment—Measure the penetration re-
sistance(s) at the surface by a suitable device such as a
hydraulic or electric load cell or proving ring.
5.3 Thrust Machine—This machine shall provide a continu-
ous stroke, preferably over a distance greater than one push rod
length. The machine must advance the penetrometer tip at a
constant rate while the magnitude of the thrust required
fluctuates (see 6.1.2).
NOTE 6—Deep penetration soundings usually require a thrust capacity
of at least 5 tons (45kN). Most modern machines use hydraulic pistons
with 10 to 20-ton (90 to 180-kN) thrust capability.
5.4 Reaction Equipment—The proper performance of the
static-thrust machine requires a stable, static reaction.
NOTE 7—The type of reaction provided may affect the penetrometer
resistance(s) measured, particularly in the surface or near-surface layers.

6. Procedure
6.1 General:
FIG. 1 Example of a Mechanical Cone Penetrometer Tip (Dutch 6.1.1 Set up the thrust machine for a thrust direction as near
Mantle Cone)
vertical as practical.
6.1.2 Rate of Penetration—Maintain a rate of depth penetra-
tion of 2 to 4 ft/min (10 to 20 mm/s)6 25 %.
NOTE 8—The rate 2 ft/min (10 mm/s) provides the time the operator

iTeh Standards
needs to properly read the resistance values when using the mechanical
friction-cone penetrometer. The rate of 4 ft/min (20 m/s) is suitable for the
single resistance reading required when using the mechanical cone

penetrometers. The European standard requires 4 ft/min (20 mm/s).
6.2 Mechanical Penetrometers:
6.2.1 Cone Penetrometers—(1) Advance penetrometer tip to
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the required test depth by applying sufficient thrust on the push
rods, and (2) Apply sufficient thrust on the inner rods to extend
the penetrometer tip (see Fig. 1). Obtain the cone resistance at
ASTM D3441-05 a specific point (see 6.2.3) during the downward movement of
the inner rods relative to the stationary push rods. Repeat step
(1). Apply sufficient thrust on the push rods to collapse the
extended tip and advance it to a new test depth. By continually
repeating this two-step cycle, obtain cone resistance data at
increments of depth. This increment shall not ordinarily exceed
8 in. (203 mm).
6.2.2 Friction-Cone Penetrometer —Use the procedure as
described in 6.2.1, but obtain two resistances during step (2)
extension of the tip (see Fig. 2). First obtain the cone resistance
during the initial phase of the extension. When the lower part
of the tip engages and pulls down the friction sleeve, obtain a
second measurement of the total resistance of the cone plus the
sleeve. Subtraction gives the sleeve resistance.
NOTE 9—Because of soil layering, the cone resistance may change
FIG. 2 Example of a Mechanical Friction-Cone Penetrometer Tip during the additional downward movement of the tip required to obtain the
(Begemann Friction-Cone) friction measurement.
NOTE 10—The soil friction along the sleeve puts an additional over-
burden load on the soil above the cone and may increase cone resistance
above that measured during the initial phase of the tip extension by an
which the cone attaches, advances first until the flange engages unknown but probably small amount. Ignore this effect.
the friction sleeve and then both advance. 6.2.3 Recording Data—To obtain reproducible cone-
resistance test data, or cone and friction-resistance test data,
NOTE 5—The shoulder at the lower end of the friction sleeve encounters
end-bearing resistance. In sand, as much as two thirds of the sleeve when using a friction-cone tip, record only those thrust
resistance may consist of bearing on this shoulder. Ignore this effect in soft readings that occur at a well-defined point during the down-
to medium clays. ward movement of the top of the inner rods in relation to the

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