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Field Guidelines for

Best Practices in Shelter Response:

Site Planning, Shelter Design and

Construction Management

Lisa Dubin

International Rescue Committee

Forward Incorporated into the manual are the
scrupulously thought out comments from IRC
Several years ago, after I innocently remarked to staff, Brad Arsenault, Bob Kitchen, and David
Jodi Nelson, the IRC Director of Policy, that Gatchell, in addition to Don Nordwall of Habitat
photographs of tent camps often looked as if for Humanity, Graham Saunders of Catholic
architects had never been consulted, she Relief Services, Heiner Gloor and Ivan Hauri of
introduced me to Gerry Martone, then IRC SHA, and Tom Corsellis of Shelterproject.org.
Director of Emergency Response. Gerry Their detailed commentary is both a personal and
suggested that I might devise a short guideline, professional testimonial to the NGO community.
from an architectural point of view, of best In addition, Tiffany Chan, Arlene Dubin, Dan
practices and lessons learned in the shelter Dubin, Libbet Graham, Alisa Kieffer, Susan
sector. Originally, we planned a three page Lipkins and Lauren Rosenblatt kindly
pamphlet which has grown exponentially. Gerry contributed their considerable editorial skills.
has been the driving force behind the structure
and substance of this investigation, helping me
to fuse humanitarian principles with architectural
ideology. He has been my travel agent and Lisa Dubin
cheerleader, advisor and guide for all the work October 2005
on this manual.

Many thanks to the IRC offices in Bosnia,

Azerbaijan, Guinea and Sierra Leone, where the
staff tolerated my endless questions, graciously
accompanied me on site visits to numerous
shelter programs and shared data, experiences
and most of the substance included in the
manual. Additionally, I am indebted to the IRC
staff in New York, along with members of the
Women's Commission, who provided
background information to guide the research in
the appropriate direction.

Nalina Moses and Mark Slezak have compiled

all my notes, transcribed interviews, studied the
existing documents on shelter in humanitarian
aid programs and contributed substantial time
and intelligence to the preparation of this

We have borrowed freely from the Sphere and

Swiss Humanitarian Aid manuals, the SHA
course in site planning, Christine Wamsler's
Handbook for the Evaluation of Shelter Projects,
Dragan Tatic's impeccable documentation forms
and UNHCR documents. We are grateful to all
these sources for sharing valuable knowledge.

6.1 Vernacular Building Type
6.2 Vernacular Building Technology
1. Introduction: Using the Manual 6.3 Local Materials
6.4 Green Materials
2. Best Practice Principles 6.5 New Technology
6.6 Standards
3. Needs Assessment: Best Practices 6.7 Climate
3.1 Choosing Beneficiaries 6.8 Personalization/Customization/Pride of
3.1.1 Analysis Place
3.1.2 Profile 6.9 Potential for Addition
3.1.3 Beneficiary Targeting 6.10 Vulnerable Populations
3.1.4 Vulnerability Identification 6.11 Collective Centers/Transitional
3.1.5 Gender Equity Shelters
3.1.6 Transparency 6.12 Adapting Existing Structures
3.1.7 Compensation for Refugee
Impacted Areas 7. Techniques in Construction
3.2 Choosing the Form of Assistance Management: Best Practices
3.2.1 Temporary vs. Long Term 7.1 Pre-Construction
Solutions 7.1.1 Exit Strategy
3.2.2 Collective Centers vs. 7.2 Construction
Individual Households 7.2.1 Construction
3.2.3 Reconstruction vs. Administration/Specification
Rehabilitation Compliance
3.2.4 Returning Populations 7.2.2 Construction Documentation
3.2.5 Donor Constraints 7.2.3 Tender Process
7.2.4 Shelter Kits
4. Site Planning: Best Practices 7.2.5 Tool Kits
4.1 Political Geography 7.2.6 Participatory/Self-Help
4.2 Infrastructure 7.2.7 Skills Training/Technical
4.3 Topography Assistance
4.4 Environment 7.2.8 Promoting Local Industry
7.2.9 Coordinating NGOs
5. Site Design: Best Practices 7.3 Post-Construction
5.1 Size of Settlement 7.3.1 Maintenance
5.2 Settlement Approach 7.3.2 Resource Management Plan
5.3 Program 7.3.3 Economic Recovery Plan
5.3.1 Key Planning Indicators 7.3.4 Post Emergency Phase
5.3.2 Latrines/Sanitation
5.3.3 Cultural Needs
5.3.4 Vegetation
5.3.5 Local Custom/Pattern
5.3.6 Orientation
5.3.7 Security
5.4 Site Plan
5.5 Improving Existing Settlements

6. Shelter Design: Best Practices

8. Conclusions

9. Assessment/Evaluation
9.1 Objectives
9.2 Planning
9.3 Construction
9.4 Construction Management
9.5 External Constraints
9.6 Conclusions

10. Annex I: Forms

11. Annex II: References

11.1 Texts
11.2 Electronic Resources

IRC’s Program Framework during the
Emergency Response: IRC’s emergency
response activities are an expression of IRC’s
Program Framework. The Program Framework
guides how IRC goes about its work from
emergency to post emergency phases by striving
toward a common goal - durable solutions.

The Program Framework aims to support

communities by rebuilding lives with dignity,
addressing the impact of a crisis and its root
causes, and laying a foundation for stability and
development. IRC’s Program Framework is
guided by the principles of participation,
capacity building, partnership, holistic
programming, and protecting & promoting
In addition to saving lives and reducing
suffering, this approach leads to

1) Rebuilding Functioning Institutions and

2) Strengthening Social Cohesion which
ultimately contribute towards IRC’s goal of
durable solutions.
IRC’s emergency response activities will strive
to achieve the Sphere Minimum Standards in
Disaster Response in the key emergency
response sectors of: 1) water supply, sanitation,
and hygiene promotion, 2) shelter, settlement,
and non-food items, and 3) health services.
Additionally IRC is committed to improving the
general protection environment through direct
program interventions and advocacy.

Gerald Martone


This manual attempts to establish comprehensive

guidelines for the best practices in the provision
of shelter to refugees, internally displaced
persons or persons returning to their homes after
the occurrence of a disaster. The methodology is
intended to promote the best living conditions
possible for refugees and internally displaced
persons while supporting family life, fostering
personal and cultural dignity, and minimizing
environmental impact.

The guidelines establish a process in the areas of

needs assessment, site planning, site design,
shelter planning, and construction management.
The manual is not designed as a technical
handbook, but rather a framework for addressing
the transitional settlement and shelter needs of
the beneficiaries.

Concepts detailed in each chapter are followed

by practical considerations entitled “Looking
Ahead." These inquiries are designed to help
identify both the successes and shortcomings in
the provision of shelter services.

The manual incorporates the diverse experiences

of IRC staff, the practical lessons learned from
other international non-governmental
organizations (NGOs), the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and the
beneficiaries themselves. In addition, the text
draws from the technical expertise of architects,
engineers, and academic advisors.

A manual of this nature is dynamic and requires

input from the field. The information contained
in these pages is a springboard for a dialogue
about providing transitional shelter to displaced
populations. The Field Guidelines summarize
available information on shelter issues with the
goal of institutionalizing a methodology for
programs where shelter initiatives are

2. BEST PRACTICES PRINCIPLES Impartiality. Assistance is allocated in a
manner that does not discriminate on the basis of
In addition to health, water, nutrition, and nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, class,
sanitation, shelter is an essential component of gender, or politics. Assistance is supplied in
survival in a post-disaster environment. Shelter proportion to need and not as a factor of
not only provides physical protection from the demographics.
elements, but also privacy, dignity, and
psychosocial refuge. Sustainability. Shelter programs are
implemented with a long-term rehabilitation plan
The following principles shall apply to shelter for the disaster-affected community. Although
sector activities: some interventions are short-term in nature, all
actions form a part of an overall scheme for
Participation. Representatives from all social economic and social recovery for the affected
and economic groups within the disaster-affected region and population.
community are consulted from initial assessment
through the construction management phase. Self-reliance. Shelter projects empower the
There is emphasis on the significance of the members of the affected populations by
participatory approach with consideration for the encouraging engagement in self-help activities
tension between the need for rapid response and and discouraging dependency. Incentives are
the beneficiaries' constraints. included to reward self-motivation and promote
self-reliance. Coping strategies are identified,
Community Based Initiatives. Ideas and respected, and supported.
suggestions expressed by the affected
community are incorporated into initiatives. Site
and shelter designs are responsive to the needs
and preferences of the disaster-affected

Cultural Appropriateness. Shelter programs

consider the religious, cultural, social, and
historical background of the affected population.
These themes are integrated into site and shelter
designs in a post-disaster situation. Site and
shelter designs are informed by close attention to
cultural suitability.

Accountability. The actions of the shelter

sector are accountable to the disaster-affected
community, host community, donors,
coordinating agencies and all participating
partners. Project implementers bear a
responsibility both to the IRC mandate and to the
needs of the disaster-affected community.

Transparency. All shelter provisions are

carried out with full disclosure of information to
the affected community, host government, UN
agencies, and other implementing partners.
3. NEEDS ASSESSMENT: BEST • Determining a time period for
PRACTICES intervention, i.e. rapid response, long
term or specified time period
3.1 Choosing Beneficiaries The Needs Assessment analysis is an ongoing
3.1.1 Analysis process to investigate the history of the displaced
population and anticipate future needs. Analysis
If early warning mechanisms indicate a probable should delve into the fundamental structural,
population movement, relevant information must political, security-related, economic, historic,
be collected and analyzed immediately to demographic, and environmental issues
develop a profile of the displaced population. underlying the displacement. It should also
Timeliness is essential, so that humanitarian include planning for the post-emergency
actions can be taken before the population situation, considering resettlement and/or the
reaches its destination. Early preparedness self-sustainability of the refugee community that
procedures can include personnel training and is about to be established. (A more detailed
mobilization, as well as stockpiling supplies and description of the analysis process, including
materials. potential sources of information, can be found in
the SPHERE Project Manual.)
In the absence of early warning mechanisms,
analysis of the affected population needs to be A widely recognized model of assessment is:
conducted in the earliest possible stages of the
emergency. Thoughtful and timely evaluations Design the purpose for the assessment
of affected groups are crucial to an effective
humanitarian response.
Identify appropriate assessment tools (i.e.,
Preliminary preparation and contingency
consultation, site visit)
planning should include:
• Investigation of activities planned or
implemented by other agencies Identify appropriate assessment criteria
(such as population size)
• Integration and coordination of plan with
other existing or planned humanitarian
agencies’ projects Undertake the assessment
Analyze the results
• Location of potentially suitable sites
based on possible scenarios and the
identification of ownership Formulate decisions/conclusions

• Assessment of infrastructure and other

essential parameters Repeat for cumulative monitoring and
• Preliminary contacts with authorities
• Investigation of available resources
• Analysis of local acceptance and possible 3.1.2 Profile
actions to benefit the host community
Develop a profile of the affected population.
• Identification of legal and logistical Appoint staff fluent in appropriate language(s),
procedures required for humanitarian including both men and women, to serve as
intervention questioners or translators, and to gather
information and serve as points of contact. The critical developments, such as new population
profile includes: movements.

For purposes of planning and distribution 3.1.3 Beneficiary Targeting

• Number of people The displaced community can often provide an
• Place of origin effective beneficiary list itself. When this is not
• Gender distribution possible, interviewing beneficiaries and
• Age distribution submitting the list to a formal or informal public
• Vulnerable groups hearing may be an effective way to ensure that
• Assessment of the most pressing needs are met. In East Timor a
physical/mental/nutritional well-being list of beneficiaries was provided by leaders
and special needs from within the refugee community, then ratified
• Identification of community leaders through a formal public hearing. In Azerbaijan,
field staff carefully documented destroyed
For purposes of construction: houses to determine how aid for reconstruction
• Social grouping/household unit was to be distributed. When funding proved to
• National/cultural standards for shelter be inadequate to complete rehabilitation of all
• Type of shelter adopted by the displaced the houses, the community itself selected
population families to receive assistance. Existing
• Traditional building skills and governmental and relief agencies may also be
construction methods resources for lists of beneficiaries.
• Traditional means of support
• Traditional rural or urban lifestyle
It is important to interview beneficiaries
• Traditional household lifestyle in terms thoroughly before assistance is supplied. In
of public/private use of space, cooking
Sarajevo, for example, it took years to develop a
and food storage, child care, hygiene process which eliminated abuses and
practices, and other activities of daily
redundancies. Before these safeguards could be
living implemented, houses were reconstructed for
• Assets people have brought with them
people already permanently settled in other
nations, for people who owned houses in other
For purposes of determining security needs:
parts of the region, and for people who had no
• Nationality/ethnicity/religion/community intention of returning to the houses which had
been repaired for them. (See Annex 1 for a
• Actual/potential threats to the security of
Beneficiary Interview Form (R03) devised by the
this displaced population, both externally
IRC Shelter Coordinator in Bosnia, which
and internally
standardizes data collection across many sectors
in support of beneficiary selection. Although not
The profile of a displaced population can change
all the information may be relevant in all
over time. In the Balkans, beginning in the early
situations, this comprehensive questionnaire can
1990s, refugee populations arrived in waves.
provide a basis for beneficiary selection in other
People from diverse regions and cultural
shelter projects.)
backgrounds arrived successively, with disparate
shelter needs. As a general rule, information
Consider the needs of the host population,
should be gathered more frequently when the
particularly when hosting is a shelter response
situation is rapidly changing, as in the earliest
and explore the shelter and land options available
stages of refugee movements, and when there are
for each beneficiary.

contact, and ensure that all IRC teams include
3.1.4 Vulnerability Identification both men and women. In cultures where women
are not permitted to speak directly to unrelated
Special attention should be given so that those males, female staff members must execute
who are particularly vulnerable receive communications. In some cultures, women may
assistance. This is especially important when the not perceive their rights to a separate or new
form of assistance will include self-help projects shelter solution, particularly when returning to
where displaced persons construct shelter existing homes and land. In these cases, there is
themselves with minimal external aid. a need for support and education.
Particularly vulnerable groups include:
3.1.6 Transparency
• The elderly
• Unaccompanied minors In order to preserve the impartiality of the shelter
• Physically or mentally disabled operation, the process of selecting beneficiaries
• Widows/female-headed should be fully disclosed. To achieve this
households transparency, set in motion ongoing public
• HIV/Aids afflicted meetings with the refugee community. Staff
• Isolated cases unaffiliated with a members should maintain thorough
household documentation of the materials and assistance
provided to the beneficiary population. An open
It should also be ascertained that even those and ongoing dialogue with beneficiaries can
extremely marginalized within a community are establish an avenue for addressing grievances.
represented and have someone to speak for them. Ensure that information is shared with those who
Where there is a caste system, ensure that all are ineligible and consider the public posting of
social groups are included. At settlements in beneficiary lists.
East Timor, for example, witches were not
initially considered as potential beneficiaries. The rules mandating assistance should be strict
Ultimately, although UNHCR defines the criteria enough to enforce equity, but also flexible
for vulnerability status, project staff must be enough to provide for those whose needs may
sensitive to the most needy. Early attention must fall outside of the traditional categories. It then
be paid in the planning for acquisition of goods, becomes possible to identify the marginalized,
services or the special resources required for whose needs may not be accounted for. Relative
vulnerables. These may include dedicated flexibility in criteria will allow for sensible and
manpower (social workers, health workers, compassionate responses.
construction advisors), specially outfitted shelter
kits, or transportation. 3.1.7 Compensation for Refugee Impacted
3.1.5 Gender Equity
Introduction of a massive new population into an
In cultures where women do not traditionally area requires substantial regard for the host
own property or work outside the home, female community and their special needs. Frequently,
beneficiaries and female-headed-households may the offer of new infrastructure for the host
not receive the same benefits from shelter community mitigates the sudden impact of
provision efforts as male beneficiaries and male- change and works as an incentive towards
headed-households. To achieve equity in shelter acceptance of the displaced population. New
provision, women must be directly involved in schools, road construction, wells, electricity or
all steps of the beneficiary targeting process. food supplies can make the difference between
Always include women as initial points of the acceptance and rejection of a shelter
initiative. All projects should incorporate Plastic sheeting provides little or no thermal
elements that help the host community, including insulation, degrades from prolonged exposure to
the hiring of local labor as well as support for the sunlight and eventually becomes vulnerable to
local economy. weather. In Sarajevo, internally displaced people
were housed in tents with plastic sheeting for
3.2 Choosing the Form of Assistance more than a year, during which time the sheeting
eroded and developed holes. In Azerbaijan,
emergency tents were used to shelter people for
3.2.1 Temporary vs. Long Term Solutions three years, from 1992 through 1995. In
Sarajevo, wood framing and sheathing were used
to build one “temporary” collective building,
with the understanding that it was less permanent
than the region’s traditional masonry
construction. Wood construction, however, was
just as costly to erect as masonry and much more
costly to heat through the harsh winters.

The notion of “temporary” housing can be

similarly deceiving. In Tuzla, Bosnia, families
arriving in 1993 were first housed in abandoned
apartments, hotels and institutional buildings. It
took over a year for an emergency camp to be
constructed. By that time people were reluctant
to leave the temporary housing and remained
there until they could be resettled permanently.

Successful shelter programs require a

Shelter interventions should always be conceived functioning infrastructure. Accessible roads and
in the long-term. During planning and design electricity, a sufficient potable water supply,
stages, consider circumstances as far as possible sources of adequate fuel for cooking and heating,
into the future, including years of possible and access to income-generating activities are as
occupation and the eventual return of the site to essential as the construction materials.
its original conditions. Out of respect for the Sustainable income-generating activity must be
dignity of the beneficiaries, it is necessary to paired with shelter initiatives in order for the
consider that although the situation is urgent, the initiative to succeed over time.
time frame may be prolonged. While shelter
communities are often designed as temporary Sufficient, but minimal, rather than maximum
solutions, these structures are often occupied for support, can sometimes be conducive to leading
many years, sometimes even permanently. Since the affected community to a rapid and pro-active
1947, Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza involvement in the quest for an enduring
have resided in what remain technically solution. The longer the dependency on
emergency refugee camps but have become de humanitarian support, the more difficult it
facto cities. becomes to achieve self-sufficiency.

The “temporary” mentality may promote 3.2.2 Collective Centers vs. Individual
inappropriate shelter solutions. Plastic sheeting Households
for tents, installed as an emergency solution,
often remains in use for years in cold climates.
In most cases it is preferable to support homes were too costly to repair were provided
accommodation with host families or build with prefabricated structures on their own
individual shelters rather than collective centers, property.
in order to preserve the family structure and to
promote self-reliance and maintenance. When There may be local laws in place governing
resettlement is an option, priority for rebuilding rehabilitation, which make it a less cost-and-
houses should be given to those living in time-effective strategy. In Sarajevo, for
collective centers, inasmuch as their living example, it was mandatory to rebuild a structure
conditions are typically inferior to those to its previous condition.
occupying single family structures.
3.2.4 Returning Populations
3.2.3 Reconstruction vs. Rehabilitation
Whenever possible, repatriation to the home of
When people have fled their homes but have not origin is the primary goal, since return provides
moved far from their community of origin, or far greater opportunity for long term self-
wish to be repatriated after an emergency reliance. The most fundamental consideration
situation, reconstruction and rehabilitation are for assessing the potential for rehabilitation is
both options. safety. Returnees may be reluctant to inhabit
their former homes if there is a threat of
Immediate rehabilitation is the most successful reoccupation by military force, for instance, or
way to preserve existing structures, before where there is anticipation of discrimination. In
damaged buildings fall into further disrepair ethnically volatile cultures, funds might be set
from environmental forces and neglect. In cold aside specifically to facilitate the return of
climates, in urban areas, expending resources on minority populations. Minorities were the last to
emergency repairs can usually be justified only return to Sarajevo, and they returned when most
immediately prior to a harsh winter. In Sarajevo, of the relief funds for reconstruction and
buildings damaged by military attack were rehabilitation had already been exhausted.
damaged further, some beyond repair, by
weather conditions. In addition, over the years Resettlement and repatriation can succeed only
electrical and plumbing systems in abandoned when the communities to which the refugees are
towns became inoperable from lack of use and returning have a viable infrastructure, socially,
maintenance. Caution should be exercised when physically, and economically. Disrupted
determining the commencement of rehabilitation. electricity, communication lines, sewage, and
During ongoing military operations, as in the sanitation systems should be restored prior to
Balkans, it was difficult to plan a time frame for resettlement. Support for economic
performing repairs because buildings were at risk empowerment should be provided whenever
of being damaged once again. Consequently, the possible. The restoration of schools,
advantages of immediate reconstruction may be transportation, and other fundamental institutions
tempered by continued vulnerability to attack. must be paired with shelter projects.

Depending upon the extent of damage, it may be A change in the cultural practice may also
cost-effective to reconstruct a structure rather impact the success of repatriation. In rural
than rehabilitate it. In Sarajevo, all buildings Afghanistan, where most people live in homes
with more than 60% damage were eligible to contained in a compound surrounded by 10-30
receive assistance, but in certain situations the foot walls, some housing was rebuilt outside the
damage was so extensive that the buildings were walled compound. Beneficiaries refused to
razed to the foundations and rebuilt from there. inhabit the space until the surrounding wall was
In parts of Sarajevo, elderly couples whose constructed. Consequently, at the completion of
the project, only 15% of the reconstructed
shelters were occupied.

In many cases a strong community life may

evolve in the transitional settlement and refugees
may be reluctant to return to their communities
of origin, even when they are secure. In the
Balkans, an entire generation of young people
was raised in an urban environment and found it
difficult to return to the villages with their
families. For some, alternative possibilities may
• Which groups might be particularly
be more desirable than repatriation or vulnerable?
resettlement to the community of origin. • Which groups might be inadvertently
excluded from the beneficiary targeting?
3.2.5 Donor Constraints • How can the beneficiary process best be
explained to the population? Through public
Donor constraints play an important role in forums and discussions? Through mobilizing local
shaping the form of assistance. When donor religious or community leaders? Through printed
constraints conflict with apparent needs, it is matter? Through one-to-one conversations?
important to identify the difference between the • Which groups might feel that they are not
two. In the Balkans, NGOs regularly targeted receiving full benefits?
• How might someone who has been
specific towns for rehabilitation, even when there
inadvertently omitted from the beneficiary process
was no critical need. In Sarajevo, several NGOs ask for help?
reconstructed sundry structures within the same • Is it possible to utilize existing structures to house
neighborhood to varying degrees of completion. people?
As a result, jealousy arose among the • Will the infrastructure be adequate to
beneficiaries whose homes were less complete support a number of families?
than others. In Azerbaijan, one NGO was • If collective shelters are an option, is the
prohibited from providing shelter with a population accustomed to living collectively in
permanent appearance. In East Timor an NGO apartment buildings or other urban conditions? If
instituted time constraints so that materials were so, what social activities would be disrupted by
withdrawn when beneficiaries could not using these structures for shelter?
• How will the adjacent communities be
construct their shelters within a specified
affected by the new settlement? Which services or
timeline. In this instance, aid workers were institutions (e.g. transportation, sanitation, and
compelled to enforce the ill-conceived schools) could be challenged or overburdened?
regulation. The development staff must How can this be redressed?
communicate with the field staff and anticipate • Is it possible that populations will eventually be
the need for flexibility when presenting issues resettled to their communities of origin? If so, what
for donor consideration and before accepting housing strategies might help them return? What
parameters prescribed by donors. economic strategies might help them return?
• When considering repairs to existing structures,
It is axiomatic that the donor often provides will it be cost or time-effective to rebuild on the
useful resources beneficial to the project. From site?
• How and when will rehabilitated structures be
time to time, however, the donor may not fulfill
obligations to the project. In these cases, the • What repairs to infrastructure will need to be
planner should not be shy about holding the performed simultaneously?
donor to its end of the bargain. • How might other NGO operations, current and
future, conflict with or compliment IRC programs?
4.3 Topography
While it is not usually possible to select a site,
planning and coordination with UNHCR • Ground water table: minimum 3m below
promotes the most beneficial outcome. surface
Assessment of attributes may be obtained by • Reasonable microclimate (seasonal
collecting existing maps and surveys of potential temperature, rain, snow, wind,
sites, consulting government offices, educational hurricanes)
institutions, UN agencies, Global Information • Slope of 2% to 4% for drainage
Systems (GIS), and careful examination of the • Slope maximum 10% for erosion
site itself. All technical consultants, as well as • Outside of flood plain and wetlands
representatives from the local government and • Altitude, distance above sea level
the domicile population, should participate. • Soil strength suitable for foundations and
Clearly, the earliest possible planning is the most construction
advantageous. Evaluation of a site should • Soil for pit latrines to provide good
include the following factors: infiltration which will remain above
ground water table
4.1 Political Geography • Potential for agricultural growth, access
to outlying grazing and agricultural lands
• Sufficient distance from all borders, war • Seismic assessment
zones, military installations, and land • Clear of endemic disease, vectors, and
mine fields pest
• Free and exclusive use of the site • Clear of exposure to radiation and
• Clarification of land ownership/lease pollution
• Respect for local and traditional land
rights 4.4 Environment
• Proximity to communities with cultural
resources (health care, schools, markets) • Select an open site to minimize the
• Proximity to communities with economic bulldozing and clearing required
resources (labor, markets) • Preserve existing vegetation, forest cover
and topsoil to prevent erosion
4.2 Infrastructure • Respect existing contours and natural
• Network of roads, airstrips, railheads, and • Take advantage of natural environmental
ports for supplies protection such as hills that offer shelter
• Accessibility for trucks and construction from winds or trees that provide shade
equipment from sun.
• Transportation to adjacent communities • Preserve adjacent forest reserves, natural
• Sufficient space for refugee population (3 parks, wildlife reserves, range land, open
to 4.5 m2 per person covered space, not water courses, and other fragile areas
including external space) • Locate the site a day’s walk (15km) from
• Existing or potential water supply protected areas, or use greenbelts, canals S
• Existing power and communication lines and terraces to isolate them
• Existing sanitation and sewage system • Locate the site at least 15km from •
• Sustainable local materials for wildlife migration routes and corridors
construction, fuel, and heating • Identify sustainable forest areas for the •
• Existing adaptable structures or collection of firewood •
foundations • Identify areas for agriculture and animal
• Existing construction equipment husbandry •

• Locate site downstream from drinking
water collection points and upstream
from washing, bathing, and defecation

An ecologically sensitive plan incorporates

balance (permaculture) as a basis of design. 5. SITE DESIGN: BEST PRACTICES
Permaculture is a land-use design system in
which relationships between landscape elements 5.1 Size of Settlement
and physical planning are optimized. Features
such as water-points, gardens, and the trees can • Plan several smaller camps (ideally less
be organized to mutually benefit each other. To than 10,000 people) rather than one large
the extent possible, permaculture should be camp (20,000 people maximum).
applied for the more detailed planning of camps, Smaller camps are easier to manage and
especially in the residential zones. (See facilitate self-sufficiency. Establish
Permaculture in Refugee Situations: A Refugee camps some distance apart from one
Handbook for Sustainable Land Management, another to minimize pressure to land and
listed in Annex 2, References, 11.1 Literature.) natural resources (15km, one day
• Turn to local standards to provide
optimal space per person (typically 3 to
4.5 m2 per person)

5.2 Settlement Approach

• Envision the camp as a small town and

not a penal or military institution
• Assign symbolic centers such as areas for
religious institutions, schools, gardens,
and markets

• Use clusters of houses as basic
organizational units
• Avoid long, repetitive stretches or rows
of housing units
• Allow room for expansion as the
settlement grows by migration and birth,
about 3% to 4% annually
• Allow room for expansion as a housing
unit grows to include an addition or

5.3 Program

Develop a program for building which reflects

all of the immediate and projected needs for the
camp. The building program is a technical Camp design might also include designated areas
drawing (often a bubble diagram) that for aspects of the construction process. For
determines camp layout. The program may example, space for carpentry, digging mud,
include the following elements: fabricating bricks and firing bricks can be
located a distance away from shelter plots as a
• Guard/ Security checkpoint safety precaution.
• Administrative/Reception center
• Meeting place for visitors 5.3.1 Key Planning Indicators for Settlement
• Distribution site and storage facilities Layout
• Health facilities. These may be located
on the periphery to allow for camp Total Surface area of settlement
expansion, and may an include an • 45 square meters per person, including
isolation area, and specially designed infrastructure (e.g. roads, sanitation,
water and sanitation facilities schools, offices, water systems, security/
• Latrines fire breaks, markets, storage facilities,
• Water points shelter locations), but excluding land for
• Bathing centers agriculture (crops and livestock).
• Laundry facilities • Covered area available should average
• Communal cooking facilities 3.5- 4.5 square meters per person
• Waste containers
• Waste disposal area where sight and Fire Breaks
smells are concealed • 2 x height of the shelter or building
• Community center between dwellings
• Religious institutions • 6m between clusters of dwellings
• School • 30 m between blocks of clusters
• Recreation areas
• Commercial areas including space for Sanitation
shops and markets • Toilets should be arranged by
• Areas for animal husbandry household(s) and /or segregated by sex
• Areas for gardens and agriculture • Maximum of 20 people per toilet
• Graveyard • 1 family of 6-10 persons
• Distance of toilets from dwellings: no
more than 30 m

• Distance of latrines and soakaways (i.e. Health Facilities
gray water; wash water run off) from • Agencies should aim to strengthen local
water sources: at least 30m from any health services rather than to create
groundwater source and the bottom of separate services
any latrine must be at least 1.5m above • One Health Center per site (20,000
the water table. Distances may be people)
increased for fissured rock and limestone • One Feeding Center per site (20,000
or decreased for fine soils. people)
• Drainage or spillage from toilets should • One referral hospital per 10 sites
not run towards surface water or ground (200,000 people)
water sources
• Separate public toilets for women and Other Facilities
men for markets, distribution centers, • Distribution points: Four per site (20,000
health centers and other public spaces. people)
• No dwelling should be more than 15m • Market: One per site (20,000 people)
from a refuse container or household • School Block: One per sector (5000
refuse pit, or 100m from a communal people)
refuse pit.
• One 50 liter minimum capacity refuse
container per 10 families, a maximum
15m distance from dwellings where
domestic refuse is not buried on site. 5.3.2 Latrines/ Sanitation
• Two refuse containers per one
community of 80-100 people. The placement of the latrines is a vital issue.
Water Collection Points Experience indicates that public sanitation
• Minimum one tap per 250 people facilities are not appropriate to all camp
• Minimum one tap per community of 80- situations. Encouraging refugees to build a
100 people private latrine to be shared by one or more
• 100m to 150m maximum distance household units can promote better care of the
from each house facility and lead to improved sanitation. In
Azerbaijan the communal latrines were
perpetually unclean and foul smelling, since no
one accepted maintenance as their responsibility.
One gentleman explained the community
indifference, saying, "What is everyone's is no-

While latrines need to be close at hand, they are

also an undesirable sight and a sanitary issue. In
some African camps the shelter units were
clustered around the latrines. The central space
could have been better utilized as a communal
area, with the latrines moved to the periphery.
Although efficient for engineering, focusing the
households on latrines is not socially or
culturally desirable.

In rural Afghanistan, latrines were constructed,
but not utilized, since the population was
accustomed to defecating in fields. Integrating
the project with a health/sanitation or educational
component may have produced wider acceptance
of the latrines.

5.3.3 Cultural Needs

Respond to the particular needs of the

community and anticipate how those needs may
impact the site design and site planning.
Sensitivity to cultural factors and practices is
vital to project implementation.

Often the community will work together to clear

In most cases, public latrines and toilets are best playgrounds and construct community centers.
designed with separations between facilities for In one camp, adults worked together to construct
men and women. Separate facilities can expose a mosque even before their own shelters were
women to sexual violence in insecure completed. In many camps, shops and markets
environments. The distance between latrines for evolve over time, along a main street or in an
males and females should be sufficient for open space where there is the room to display
privacy and safety, yet not so great as to isolate wares. Market areas should be incorporated in
the women. Also, latrines constructed with the initial stage of site design.
plastic sheeting can be quickly slashed and
vandalized, exposing women to further
vulnerability. When constructed in plastic
sheeting, there should be separate latrine blocks
for men and women. Whenever possible, the
latrines should be built in masonry or other
secure materials.

Site design should include the maximum

possible input by beneficiaries. In Guinea,
refugees in an IRC camp voted to choose a camp
layout that replicated the public spaces in their
village of origin. Other methods of participation
include involving representatives from both the

host and displaced communities to communicate grouping or cluster of family shelters, multiply
the needs and desires of each group. Camp cluster arrangements into a block, and then
design must also reflect the voices of minority replicate block designs. This process can allow
and less powerful groups within displaced for the growth and expansion of the site.
Develop a site plan which supports the natural
5.3.4 Vegetation life of the community. It is particularly useful to
consider the social organization of the refugee
When possible, integrate green spaces within the populations, their clans and extended families in
camp site design. Vegetation improves a the site-planning phase.
microclimate by providing shade, windbreaks,
dust control and moderation of humidity. In many West African villages, houses are
• Maintain as much existing vegetation and clustered around a courtyard. Activities such as
ground cover as possible cooking, eating, sitting, and talking to neighbors
• Size plots to allow for family gardens occur in this public space, and people spend
• Use centralized courtyards as green, most of their time outdoors. Settlements in
communal spaces cultures like these should reflect this
arrangement by providing public, communal
5.3.5 Local custom/Pattern language space, which is suitable in scale to the activities
that will occur there.
Respect the local, customary building techniques
for a community. Local environmental context,
natural landscape and the vernacular housing
type of the region provide a picture of
appropriate land use. In A Pattern Language,
Christopher Alexander emphasizes that
“. . .towns and buildings will not be able to
become alive, unless they are made by all the
people in a society, and unless these people share
a common pattern language, within which to
make these buildings, and unless this common
pattern language is alive itself.”

Similarly, UNHCR calls for a “bottom up”

approach, which starts by examining the
perspective of the individual refugee family.
Consider the needs of the individual household,
such as distance to water and latrines; the
relationship to other members of the community
(other relatives, clan, or ethnic groups); and
traditional housing and living arrangements.
Developing the community layout in this way, in Respect cultural traditions and take into account
conjunction with consideration of the larger any practices that may affect site planning and
issues of overall site layout, is likely to yield design elements. In a Muslim area of Bosnia,
better results than beginning with a latrines were left unused as they were
preconception of the complete site layout and constructed facing the direction of Mecca.
breaking it down into smaller entities. Start with
the individual shelter needs to develop the
• Build along natural contours, not across
OBSERVING CULTURAL FACTORS AND • Organize the site in relation to any strong
PRACTICES: LOOKING AHEAD landscape element, like a mountain or
• Politeness What are the basic rules of river.
politeness and decency? • Determine if it is culturally relevant to
• Greetings How and when to say hello? orient structures in a particular direction.
• Respect Who is shown respect and how? • Determine which circulation routes need
• Body Language What gestures are rude? to receive daylight at certain times of the
How should one sit? Is eye/ body contact day. Plan to maximize or minimize
acceptable? sunlight, as the climate requires.
• Physical Contact What is expected- • Plan to maximize or minimize
shaking ,holding hands, kissing, embracing? winds/ventilation, as the climate requires.
• Space What is personal or public space? • Identify prevailing natural hazards such
• Appearance Appropriate dress code? as fault lines, geological instabilities and
• Gender What are the attitudes towards erosion.
women? Sharing of household tasks? Ways • Determine which areas of land will be set
of showing respect to either sex? aside for gardening, agriculture and
• Age Are elders respected? Are there animal
different ways of greeting young and old?
• Time How punctual are you expected to
be? What does “now” mean? 5.3.7 Security
• Loyalty Is this respected? Is nepotism
common? Is non-conformity allowed? In post-conflict displacement, security is a
• Decision Making Are decisions made by priority issue and the secure location of a site is
individuals? By group? the primary concern. In addition:
• Hierarchy Is the hierarchical structure
authoritarian and well-defined? Anarchic? • Provide clear road and pedestrian access
Participative and loose? Democratic? to all houses and structures within the
• Risk Taking Is it frowned on? camp.
• Emotions What emotions can be shown? • Ensure that the site is easily tenable for
• Relationships What are the rules for security. Establish clear, visible
socializing? boundaries. A more concentrated or
• Social Practices Is waiting in line the centralized site might be easier to guard
norm? How should you call for attention? than a sprawling or linear one.
• Disagreement Should one express • Safely locate latrines with regard to
disagreement openly? Is saving face more distance from shelters, circulation path
important than frankness? and visibility.
• Attitude to Work Is work seen as good in • Light all outdoor public spaces at night.
itself? Or merely a means to an end? • Separate drinking and sewage systems.
• Fatalism Can people really take effective Provide 100 meters minimum between
action or is everything ‘God willing’? water points and latrines.
• Attitude to Nature What respect is due to • Take care to prevent the danger of
animals, trees, watering places? exposed electrical wiring. Raise all lines
• Law Does it exist in a formal sense? Is it on poles.
respected? • Locate firebreaks throughout the
5.3.6 Orientation settlement, typically 75 m wide every
300 m. These open spaces can be
typologies. For displaced populations, the skills available within the community. In
housing of their region of origin must also be Azerbaijan, a mud-brick technology was used,
examined. These vernacular types have been with great success, to erect 2,000 houses in one
refined over time to respond to the particular year. The national staff was well trained in the
needs of the population in that region. A good building methodology by virtue of cultural
shelter design accepts the vernacular building practice and could provide assistance. The
type as the model. technology also fostered independence on the
part of beneficiaries who could build entire
houses themselves. There was a strong sense of
community and responsibility, so that people
helped others willingly. Local builders,
themselves part of the displaced population, were
able to train aid workers and other refugees.
They worked in teams to fabricate the bricks
needed for the structures. The technology
employed sustainable local materials (clay, hay
and water) and the material was a good insulator
that responded well to the climate. In addition,
local custom included a method of stuccoing the
bricks on the exterior for a waterproof finish.

Vernacular West African dwellings constructed with

thatch, mud and sticks.

In many cases, beneficiaries will adapt their

shelters to closely resemble the houses of their
community of origin. In Azerbaijan, families
added porches, covered courtyards and other
outdoor spaces to their new houses, just as they
had in their original homes. In West Africa,
beneficiaries altered the prototypical shelter
design to include porches and larger verandas.
Beneficiaries have used fixed amounts of
building materials and, in many cases, their own
resources, to replicate familiar dwellings. It is
important to consider the elements of the
population’s vernacular housing before
establishing a typical shelter design for a
settlement. 6.3 Local Materials

6.2 Vernacular Building Technology When designing a typical shelter it is also

important to select materials that can be procured
It is also important to examine vernacular locally. This guarantees easy availability and
housing for the building technologies employed. also ensures that they are appropriate to the
Generally, this technology is the most efficient climate and the culture. Importing materials
and economical way to build in a particular area. requires additional time, coordination, expense
The materials and methods of construction and may call for construction skills not available
respond to the local climate, local resources, and in the local work force.

In regions where shelters are often built with
mud brick and thatch, or woven leaf technology, 6.4 Green Materials
resources are relatively easy to utilize.
Sometimes, however, readily available resources Whenever possible, materials should be
and market costs can clash with tradition and environmentally benign and gathered in a
long term utility. In Kosovo, one communal sustainable manner. Suitable substitutes should
settlement was built with wood frame technology be found for materials which fail to meet these
rather than the masonry typical to the region. criteria. The continual use of plastic sheeting
That settlement turned out to be incredibly might be reconsidered, as this material loses its
expensive to heat in the colder months, and the integrity after many months of exposure to
beneficiaries expressed continual resentment that sunlight. In several Sierra Leone locations,
they were not housed in what they perceived to refugees used woven grass mats over the plastic
be more substantial masonry structures. sheeting as a watertight layer for roof
construction. Since plastic sheeting degrades
over time from exposure to sunlight and heat,
thatch, leaves, matting and other natural
materials applied as a covering can protect and
prolong durability.

It should be ascertained that local procurement Mud brick is often an advantageous material for
does not irreversibly deplete local resources or shelter construction. Care must be taken to fill
upset the ecology of the impacted area. An holes and pits created from the harvesting of
entire forest might be depleted for a large mud. Refuse, biodegradable waste and rubble
settlement. Also, prices for local materials can may be utilized as fill. Areas for the fabrication
outstrip the local economy when demand and curing of the bricks can be specially
outweighs supply. In East Timor, for instance, designated to facilitate the labor and prevent
the idea of using local thatch to roof shelters further degradation of the environment.
failed. The quantities required for completion
effectively decimated the local growth, and many
houses stood unroofed until corrugated metal
sheeting could be delivered from elsewhere. In
Rwanda, the landscape was devastated for 5km
in all directions surrounding a settlement as a
result of the wood harvesting. More dispersed or
specific patterns of material collection should be
specified at the outset of a shelter program and
the means to achieve the plan provided to

Waterproofing: For UNHCR, the architect
Shigeru Ban developed a method of
waterproofing paper tubes that can be used for
structure and wall infill. Nevertheless, unless
materials such as these tubes are available
locally, innovations such as this remain
unfeasible. Shelterproject.org has developed a
modular tunnel shelter assembled from materials
readily available in the global construction
industry, obviating the need for stockpiling.
Oxfam, UNHCR, and ICRC are researching and
developing tent kits for stockpiling and

Insecticide Treated Plastic Sheeting:

Finally, construction waste should be recycled, "ZeroFly" shelter is a plastic sheeting that
reused or safely disposed of. When a camp is incorporates an insecticide, developed and
closed, all non-biodegradable detritus should be manufactured by Vestergaard Frandsen.
removed and the land returned, as closely as Designed to both provide shelter and prevent
possible, to its previous state. vector borne diseases such as malaria in slums
and at times of emergencies, it has proven
extremely useful and effective. The company
plans to produce "ZeroFly blankets" and
"ZeroFly tents” (http://www.zerofly. com).

6.6 Standards

Some fundamental considerations in the

establishment of building standards include:

• Protection from the elements, especially

• Space per person (an absolute minimum
of 3.5 m2 per person and 4.5m2 in cold
6.5 New Technology • Ventilation: at least (2) exposures
• Natural light: at least (2) exposures, with
Special emergency shelters, including pre- enough daylight to accomplish tasks like
fabricated units, have often proven impractical reading
because of their high cost and the problems of • Privacy from shelter to shelter: visual,
transport. It is also often difficult to persuade aural
beneficiaries to accept something new and • Finishes: floor covering should be
foreign to their cultural traditions. However, provided over soil
there are new types of prefabricated shelters • Security for the dwelling or a secure
being tested and new materials that may be space for the storage of valuables
suitable for use in the first weeks of an • Non-food items (NFI's) should be
emergency. provided to respond to physical and
cultural needs (i.e. table and chair for
children's homework, storage area or Warm, Low thermal building mass
shelving for possessions) humid Maximum ventilation
North-south facing windows and
The national standard of housing, including doors
building and zoning codes, provides the basic Sloped roof with overhangs for
standard for refugee shelter design. In some rain
cases, local statutory requirements far exceed the
perceived minimum standards in disaster Hot, dry High thermal building mass
response. This is a common problem in the field Minimal, well-controlled
and must be reconciled with local government openings
officials. Ventilated or insulated
No direct sunlight (use
Since local standards impact the scope and overhangs,
guidelines of any shelter project, the IRC must planting for shade)
provide a clear understanding of services to be Cold High thermal building mass
provided, as well as beneficiary input, Minimal, well-controlled
participation and obligations,. A written openings
agreement between the IRC and the beneficiary Heating system
should clarify the standards for shelter provision Insulated at all surfaces, including
and detail the scope of assistance. floor
In cold climates, the local method of cooking
Housing in Croatia, for example, was relatively and heating becomes a fundamental life safety
complicated and expensive because of the and economic issue. Convection stoves are
existing national standards. Limestone block recommended over radiation stoves, but may be
walls and interior finishes were far more foreign to the culture. In Azerbaijan, the use of
elaborate than the mud brick structures in Africa diesel stoves for cooking led to several house
and Asia. At one point the Balkan shelter fires. Electric heaters may seem like the safest
operations constituted 1/3 of the entire UNHCR option, but even when power is available, the
budget as a consequence of existing national expense of heating a building over several
standards. The cost of construction in temperate winters may become a financial burden on the
or cold climates far exceeds that of warm and hot occupants. Flues are essential safety features
climates. Nonetheless, the standards of the where heaters are installed.
culture are equally important in all climate
zones. 6.8 Personalization, Customization and Pride
of Place
6.7 Climate
No matter how minimal their shelters, residents
Simple, passive solar strategies must be personalize them with adaptations, additions and
considered for shelter design and use, determined ornamentation. The barest mud brick shelters in
by the climate zone. An elaboration on these Azerbaijan were lined with carpets and
principles can be found in The Sphere Manual. tapestries, and some were lit with crystal
chandeliers salvaged from homes of origin.
Climate Strategy Courtyard spaces were covered with grape
arbors. At Sembakounya Camp in Guinea, many
women used a plaster of mud and dung with
varied pigments to finish interior floors. In
every culture, shelters have been imprinted with
the mark of the resident, from surrounding the
structure with flowers and plants to extending
rooflines to form covered patios and verandas.

6.9 Potential for Addition

Whenever possible, offer beneficiaries a voice in The shelter design should be planned so that it
the initial shelter design. It can be as simple as a can be added to or adapted as the needs of the
variation in plan or façade, in the color of beneficiary change. As families grow and
finishes, or the opportunity to build a small expand and local migration occurs, families take
porch or covered patio. In addition to satisfying it upon themselves to build additions onto the
a need for variety, personalization manifests a original standard plan. In Azerbaijan, the pitch
person’s investment in a house, and, in turn, the of the roof on the prototype was adjusted to
community. Demonstrations of "pride of place" facilitate potential subsequent extensions. In
benefit the appearance and spirit of the entire Bosnia, some foundations were reinforced so
community, while enhancing an individual sense that additional floors could be added by the
of ownership. family as it grew. Many beneficiaries would
later take advantage of this flexibility and
In Azerbaijan the standard building type was potential for adaptation to build additional stories
developed but gradually revised, so that latter for their multi-generational families. Minor
design offered more potential for adjustments to a standard design can mean that
personalization. As the likelihood of long structures will work more efficiently and that
occupancy increases, so does the investment of they will service a wider population for a longer
personal labor, care and available financial time.

rebuilt: sewage and power systems had failed,
and communal bathrooms were insufficient to
service the required population. Collective
centers will require ongoing maintenance for
their duration.

6.12 Adapting Existing Structures

The use of existing structures to house refugees

is an expedient temporary solution and a
complicated permanent solution. Care must be
taken that potential long-term occupancy is
viable. In Sarajevo, refugees were sometimes
placed in institutional buildings like schools and
factories, where plumbing, electricity and
6.10 Vulnerable Populations heating were available, but the community
educational system was disrupted, and the closed
Particularly vulnerable populations, such as the factories resulted in the loss of jobs and revenue.
young, the elderly, female-headed households, In some instances, railroad cars and shipping
and the physically disabled, may require special containers have been put to use for shelter with
features. For people who cannot climb stairs or great dissatisfaction on the part of the
cross trenches, site planning should provide clear beneficiaries. Consider the inherent ramifications
passage to water points, latrines and other of long term usage when choosing existing
amenities. A typical shelter design should be structures.
adapted to suit special needs. The physically
impaired may require entries with ramps instead
of stairs, wider doorways, larger toilets and level
access where possible. For the elderly, provide
shelters that require little or no maintenance.
Female-headed households might require
shelters that are especially secure, or located in
parts of the settlement which are more closely
• Can the shelter be easily maintained?
6.11 Collective Centers and Transitional • Will it need to be refinished or repaired
Shelters regularly?
• How might the shelter be adapted for
When it is appropriate to adapt existing buildings an expanding family?
into collective centers, it should be understood • How might the shelter service a
that they too are homes. When large spaces or physically disabled occupant?
hangar-like sheds are used for a population • How long will the shelters last without
comprised of many families, some form of supplementary construction? Will the
privacy partitions should be incorporated. Also, structure need insulation or
a collective shelter must be built to a standard of waterproofing seasonally? Will parts
construction that will weather the use of large of the structure (e.g., roofing) need to
numbers of people over the anticipated time be replaced periodically? Will funding
period. In Bosnia, after ten years of continual be available for these requirements?
use, many of the collective centers needed to be • Is simple, safe dismantling possible
with reuse of material?
• IRC's own resources and expertise
(leadership/project management team)
• Acquaintance with local cost structures
• Acquaintance and familiarity with local
7. TECHNIQUES IN CONSTRUCTION customs and regulations
The performance of construction tasks by the
7.1 Pre-Construction affected population may be more time
consuming and possibly more costly than other
In countries where the culture of construction is choices. Nevertheless, the resulting skills
highly legislated and the industry has remained competency, potential for income generation
intact, pre-construction can proceed with the from these new skills, community capacity
usual practices and problems. In Bosnia, IRC building and personal empowerment, among
regularly solicited bids from contractors in other advantages, may favor the selection of self-
different parts of the region (from both the help construction projects.
Federation and the Republic) to prevent
contractors from fixing prices. 7.1.1 Exit Strategy

In West Africa, the Balkans and the Caucasus, A clearly delineated exit scenario must be
experience has proven that outsourcing integrated into the shelter project at the
professionals is more advantageous than inception. Details of responsibility for possible
contracting the work in house. The hiring and land rehabilitation and the handing back of the
monitoring of in-house labor, along with the land to the legal owner must be resolved before
potential theft of materials, makes for less cost the commencement of construction.
effective project management. Construction Additionally, all participants must agree upon
labor can be supplied by: the role of the beneficiary in the exit strategy.

• Local or regional professional contractors 7.2 Construction

• The affected population, with technical
assistance from experienced builders 7.2.1 Construction Administration and
• The affected population, with assistance Specification Compliance
from IRC field staff
• The affected population, with no Specifications hold builders accountable for their
technical assistance work and ensure that the work complies with
• Community based organizations required standards. It is important that detailed
• Local grass roots NGOs specifications spell out all expectations prior to
the commencement of any work or the selection
Decisions regarding the actual labor pool should of contractors. Similarly, the specifications
be informed by: indicate to the beneficiary the scope of the
project and the extent of the assistance. Once
• Skill level of the beneficiaries construction commences, there must be careful
• Realistic assessment of time constraints supervision and monitoring for compliance to
and budget specifications. Specifications, bills of quantities
• Availability of outside labor and cost estimates should be prepared by local
• Advantages of employing members of professionals whenever possible.
the host community
• Cultural attitudes regarding construction 7.2.2 Construction Documentation
A tabulated description of project delivery must • For rehabilitated shelters, document
be documented from the project inception. This before and after conditions
includes all phases: planning, verification of land photographically
ownership, property securing, detail planning, • Include hand-over documents in the
tendering procedures, implementation, records of each project
completion, operations, possible land • Archive information about each IRC
rehabilitation, handing-over, and handing back of shelter project to facilitate future projects.
land to the legal owner. Assignment of tasks, the
responsibilities of participating parties, and 7.2.3 Tender Process
contract documents must be formally agreed
upon. The tender process probably will follow local
construction practices and regulations in
Documenting all steps in the planning, design conjunction with donor requirements. All
and construction process with technical drawings procedures should be fully understood by the
is essential. The drawings can be shared with Shelter Manager. If there are any contradictions,
team members for other shelter projects and they both the donor and the IRC Country Director
provide a powerful social and legal record of the must be notified before the tender process
completed work. begins. All modifications in donor rules or by
the IRC should be documented in print.
Create a knowledge management system for
lessons learned in each project. Much can be In any situation, it is important for staff to work
learned from successes and mistakes. with local builders to understand the way
materials are procured and workers are
If documents are to be translated from English to compensated. Consider how the local
the local language, or vice versa, approved legal construction market operates and how it is
translators should carry out the work. controlled.
Translation errors may have legal or other
repercussions. In the Balkans, where there were well-
established practices for bidding and contracting
Global Positioning Systems and digital cameras work, the IRC adopted a tender process that
should be built into shelter project budgets. followed these practices. In fact, the process
Photographs are invaluable for reporting, followed might have been even more
documentation of work, and payment schedules. complicated. In all cases, bids were solicited
They can be a useful tool after a site has been from a minimum of three different contractors.
abandoned, to aid in returning the site to its For larger projects, these contractors were
initial state. In many shelter projects, UNHCR selected from a list of pre-qualified contractors.
requires partners to include digital photos and This list of pre-qualified contractors was
GPS readings in final reports. established by a survey of each firm’s finances,
personnel, equipment, facilities, and relevant
• Document all steps in site survey, site work experience. The bids were collected and
planning, site design plus shelter design opened at a public session with IRC staff,
and construction donors, contractors and municipal
• When possible, use a CAD system representatives in attendance. As a result, the
• Photograph the site before initial lowest bid could be fairly secured.
preparation (showing natural vegetation)
and during site preparation and When professional labor is required for the
construction construction process, rigorous documentation is
essential. The tender process is fraught with
potential complications and abuses. • Minutes of Tender Opening Procedure
Standardizing all components of the bidding • Scorecard for Ranking Tender Offers
phase provides the most effective method of • Rank List of Tenderers
comparison and transparency. As a means of • Letter of Tender Acceptance or Rejection
institutionalizing procedures, you may wish to • Tender Report
create standard documents for each phase of the
tender process and the construction cycle. (See In all situations it is important to track costs
Annex B for the actual forms devised by the IRC independently to ensure that contractors, workers
shelter coordinator in Bosnia.) and suppliers are not claiming undue profits. In
Bosnia, the field manager used Excel software to
The following standard forms were created by compile the quantities of all the various materials
Dragon Tatic and originally used in Bosnia, (see needed to construct a typical shelter, and then
Annex 1 of this manual for formats): updated it regularly to reflect changes in pricing
for each of the components.
• Chronological List of Activities
• Pre-qualification Form for Contractors Costs may rise or fall unexpectedly in relation to
• Letter of Invitation to Pre-qualify for the ongoing political developments. In the Balkans,
Tender Process the cost of construction rose significantly
• Instructions to Pre-qualification Participants through the 90’s and, by the end of that decade,
• Declaration of Eligibility tariffs had been established for all materials
• Receipt of Pre-qualification Documentation transported across national borders.
• List of Pre-qualification Documentation Additionally, municipalities instituted special
Received taxes on the profits claimed by contractors, who
• A Scorecard Table Rating the Merits of then passed those costs along to their clients.
Qualifiers by Category
• Short List of Contractors 7.2.4 Shelter Kits
• Notice of Invitation to Tender
• Instructions to the Tenderers Frequently, in projects where beneficiaries
• Tender Form Agreement (contract) contribute labor, shelter kits are provided. These
• List of Employees (name, education, work consist of tools and materials necessary to
experience) perform construction. The beneficiary is then
• List of Materials and Quantities responsible for executing the construction of the
• List of Work to be Subcontracted and Value shelter. Components of the shelter kit should be
of that Work as comprehensive as possible to provide for the
• List of Locally Recruited Labor and their completion of the shelter. Obviously, the
Skill Level construction methodology and shelter design will
• Description of Work Methodology by determine the required materials, but the kit may
Contractor include:
• List of Contracted Work (contractor
documents his work load) • Shovel
• Performance Bond • Trowel
• Statement of Insurance for Performance • Wheelbarrow
Bond • Brick form
• Agreement Form (contract) • Water container
• Company information • Timbers for roof framing
• Tender Delivery List • Hammer
• Record of Contractor Site Visit • Nails
• Record of Receipt of Tender Documents • Concrete
• Sand productive resources within the community. In
• Plastic sheeting Sarajevo, tool kits were provided to skilled
• Corrugated zinc workmen from the beneficiary population in
• Window material return for help constructing other peoples’
• Door(s) and jamb(s) houses.

Many projects have met with success by Tools must be of good quality and appropriate
sequencing the dissemination of materials. As for the climate. In one problematic project, tool
one phase of construction is completed, materials kits included instruments that were blunted
are provided for the ensuing stage of before a number of houses could be completed.
construction. The construction process becomes In this same project, wheelbarrows with
a succession of tasks, each paired with the inflatable wheels were easily punctured and
required materials. An example of a phasing difficult to repair. Durable, high-quality tools
sequence might be can be provided to teams of workers or
individuals who will pass them on in succession.
Task Provisions Carpentry sheds or other areas set aside for
Site clearance, Shovels, wheelbarrow, construction can become repositories for shared
foundation fabrication level, string, concrete tools during the duration of the settlement.
Walls/Structural frame Framing materials,
Centrally located tool pools have been
structural supports and successfully utilized when tool maintenance,
walls administration and recording of items lent and
Exterior construction Windows, doors, door returned have been managed by the beneficiaries.
7.2.6 Participatory Construction and
Roofing Materials and/or labor Self-Help
for completion
Interior construction Partitions, finishes, Beneficiaries can contribute to the process of
fixtures shelter construction in a variety of ways, from
informally clearing a site before professional
contractors commence work, to the phased
The inclusion of sufficient material to complete method where sweat equity utilizes construction
the shelter is a significant issue. Kits that lack materials provided by the IRC. Consider the
all the elements necessary to erect a habitable active involvement of the beneficiaries in the
shelter have often become items for sale on the establishment and planning of any self-help
free market when beneficiaries cannot foresee programs.
the possibility of completion. Once kits have
been sold, beneficiaries have no means of When there is a self-help component in the
participation in the shelter building process. assistance package, it is important that the
Beneficiaries who are expected to contribute participants have a knowledge of the
personal resources towards the completion of construction methodology and that technical
their shelters need to have a clear understanding assistance is provided to all those who need it.
and the financial capability to contribute the In many cultures there is a broad-based
essential items. knowledge of local construction techniques. The
work of specialized trades, including electrical,
7.2.5 Tool Kits plumbing, and oftentimes roofing, should be
executed by professionals. The affected
Providing beneficiaries with a complete tool kit population and the host community may be
has been described as an opportunity to leave sources for this labor pool and, when it is more
efficient, teams of professional and non- 7.2.7 Skills Training and Technical
professional laborers can work together to Assistance
complete the work required.
Technical support must be undertaken in
The relative expense of materials and labor partnership with the affected population.
might be an important factor to consider before Members of the community with construction
implementation of self-help. Some literature experience can be mobilized to act as technical
suggests that for shelter projects, labor-intensive advisors, to document construction and to
construction methods are the most cost-effective. complete work which the general population
This may be true in cultures where skilled labor may not be easily trained to perform. In Guinea,
is less expensive than materials. Decisions IRC staff conducted technical training, creating
regarding the choice of professional versus two-person teams comprised of one staff
beneficiary labor must consider the value of member and one member of the affected
empowerment as well as costs. population to administer advice and assistance.
During construction these teams visited sites,
supervised work and offered skills training as

To ensure an acceptable and continuous rate of

progress on a construction project, regular
weekly project meetings should be held at the
site and documented in writing. Often, the best
results are achieved by scheduling meetings for
the same day and time each week. Such an
arrangement becomes institutionalized with the
project team (contractors, planners, site
supervisors, project managers, etc.).
Supplementary site visits should be carried out
as required.

Technical assistance and construction

One vast and undervalued source of labor is management efforts can be hampered by
women, who, in most cultures, are not trained to ineffective communication. Select technical
perform construction tasks. Many displaced advisors and IRC staff members who speak the
women who are heads of households have language and understand the culture of the
expressed interest in participating in self-help beneficiary population.
projects. By expanding traditional gender roles
and allowing the participation of women who so When providing technical support in the form of
choose, there may be the potential to increase the materials, construction advice, or design
pool of self-help beneficiaries. Women consultations, aid must be timely and appropriate
frequently perform arduous physical tasks such to the phase of construction. For example, in
as hauling water and gathering fuel. With skills construction projects in warm, damp climates,
training, teamwork, and day care for children, provide beneficiaries with plastic sheeting or tarp
there may be the potential to avoid casual for roofing before the final stage of thatching is
prostitution or the trading of food supplies completed. The thatch will protect the synthetic
among women who have no other means to roofing material and increase its durability.
procure accessible shelter.

Construction techniques that favorably
correspond with seasonal variations in the field 7.2.8 Promoting Local Industry
environment should be encouraged. For
example, in climates with rainy seasons, Shelter projects must be integrated within a
construction materials damaged by moisture comprehensive economic and social recovery
(e.g., wood, plaster, and cement) should be scheme. Utilizing local labor and markets
provided during dry seasons. In tropical promotes employment as well as community
climates, mud brick construction should not be development. Well-designed shelter projects can
undertaken during the rainy season to increase generate direct and indirect employment and can
the durability of the mud bricks. foster home-based enterprises. These micro-
enterprises can significantly contribute to the
Ingenuity frequently can overcome seasonal revitalization of disaster-impacted economies.
obstacles. A Catholic Relief Services (CRS) In addition to empowering low and unskilled
project in Sierra Leone fired Civaram bricks laborers by integrating them into the construction
indoors during the rainy season to build process, shelter projects can generate jobs in
structural columns for houses. A roof was then other related sectors, such as transportation and
assembled on the column supports. This system the manufacturing of construction materials and
provided a dry area for builders to manufacture tools. Shelter construction boosts the local
and assemble the typical mud bricks, which were economy by promoting the purchasing and sale
then laid as infill walls between the columns. of textile goods as well as other household items.
The maintenance of new residences fosters a
In shelter programs where construction materials wide range of repair, security, and domestic
are not too heavy for women to manage, female service businesses as well. These newly
heads of households, who are often considered established homes may also serve as production
part of the vulnerable, dependent population, platforms, providing arenas for economic
may choose to participate in the construction of activity, which in turn contribute to the local
their own shelter. With technical assistance, economy of the shelter project area.
women may opt to build their own shelter rather
than wait for housing for vulnerables to be
constructed by others. Instruction and assistance
are necessary to foster gender equity in the
shelter sector. Whenever possible, women 7.2.9 Coordinating NGOs
should be trained and hired as technical
assistants. When there are two or more NGOs working
simultaneously in one place, it is important to
Technical assistance incorporates skills training coordinate the work so that needs are prioritized
for beneficiaries and must be provided in a and addressed most efficiently and basic
supportive learning environment that allows standards are established and maintained.
participants to feel respected, safe and engaged. Efficient coordination optimizes potential
Those providing technical assistance should synergies by reducing the duplication of time
analyze the tasks to be learned, the skills and effort and minimizing wasted resources,
required to complete those tasks and the including money. This is true for both new
background knowledge required in order for settlements and resettled communities.
participants to absorb and use the information.
When new tasks or skills are taught, training In Sarajevo, an NGO provided electricity for
should incorporate multiple learning techniques, communities of 15 houses or more, a critically
including explanation, demonstration, and essential service because another donor funding
application. the reconstruction would only provide funds for
houses where electricity was already in place. In This might include maintaining a public market
Bosnia, an NGO contributed sinks, toilets and area within a camp or providing public
other plumbing fixtures for houses in a village transportation from a settlement to adjacent
where there was no water service. Had there communities where work is available. The
been coordination with a donor willing to UNHCR literature describes Quick Impact
provide funding for the supply of water, the new Programs (QIPs), projects that foster small,
community would have thrived. Instead, it independently-operated businesses within the
became undesirable for resettlement because community. These workshops are not
access to fresh water was a considerable distance necessarily related to construction, although they
away. Participants in local projects must may peripherally support shelter initiatives.
communicate and plan together in order to be QIPs might include workshops that train people
effective. to wire houses for electricity, manufacture
construction materials, complete construction
7.3 Post-Construction for community buildings or maintain utilities.

7.3.1 Maintenance
7.3.4 Post-emergency Phase
• How are the settlements maintained,
cleaned and repaired? Evaluate responses to the following questions to
• How are disputes settled related to determine if a population can be considered
ownership and habitation? beyond the emergency phase.
• How can a high quality of life within the
camps be maintained? • Is it safe for refugees to return home?
• Can maintenance be tied to the • What is the legal status of the land they
settlement’s government and its are occupying?
traditional leadership? • Can the structures remain and be re-used
• How are contractors' or suppliers' for new arrivals or others in need of
warranties and defect liabilities housing?
administered? • Can the settlement remain a vital part of
• What are the responsibilities of the the community?
various players? • Can the shelters be replaced with more
permanent structures?
7.3.2 Resource Management Plan • Can the materials be dismantled and
carried by the refugees?
• How is fuel obtained for cooking and • Can the site be returned to its original
heating? condition?
• How is fuel distributed? • Can the remaining restoration or
• How can the depletion of natural construction work be completed by the
resources be prevented? local government?
• How can the emergence of local • Who is responsible after IRC exits?
monopolistic suppliers be prevented?
• Is there an operational plan and how is it
7.3.3 Economic Recovery Plan LOOKING AHEAD

It is vital to nurture any practices that will help • What are the local building methods
people to achieve economic self-sustenance. • and practices?
• What are the local requirements?
20 • What is the state of the local
construction industry?
• How can skilled construction workers
within the community be mobilized?
8. CONCLUSIONS projects. The following section provides a
survey to be used when evaluating shelter
The process detailed in this manual is a programs upon completion. This information,
preliminary step in standardizing IRC shelter when assembled and made available on the IRC
sector practices and improving future efforts. internal website, will serve to identify lessons
The following summarizes guidelines for learned, enhance institutional knowledge, and
designing and implementing shelter projects: establish continuity and consistency within the
shelter sector.

9.1 Objectives
• Conceive and develop shelter
projects with long-term development • What were the project’s original
in mind. objectives?
• Build a settlement as if you were • Was the project implemented as
building a city. originally envisioned or was it changed?
• Build a place reflecting the If changed, was this advantageous or not?
community of origin. • Were the original objectives realistic and
• Build from the bottom-up, using the were they achieved?
needs of a particular household as a • What were the major factors influencing
basic unit. success or failure to achieve the
• Build a place that allows for the objectives?
dignity and a sense of ownership • Were the project objectives broad enough
among the occupants. for the target population and inclusive of
• Implement economic and cultural gender, environmental, and cultural
development (markets, education, factors?
health care, religious centers) • Were the objectives satisfactory to the
simultaneously with the physical beneficiaries? To all parties concerned
development of a site. (donor, host community, national
• Promote a culture that is respectful of authorities)?
each person’s life.
• Protect those who are most 9.2 Planning
• Integrate shelter projects with other • Was the project location appropriate?
sectors to maximize the success of • Was the project contextually appropriate?
each component. • Was the target group sufficiently defined
• Promote gender equity by integrating and was it served?
women into all facets of shelter • Were the beneficiaries included in the
projects. planning and decision making processes?
• Were the skills of the target group
considered and utilized?
• Was the project structured to encourage
beneficiary contribution or self help?
• Were the criteria for selection of
beneficiaries appropriate?
• Were the following site planning issues
! Infrastructure?
Effective project assessment is crucial to the ! Prevailing hazards?
success of past, present, and future shelter ! Security?
! Public space? materials were available in a timely
! Green space? manner?
• Was any innovation incorporated in this • What was the source of the labor pool
project? Can this be replicated in future and were they sufficiently trained to
IRC shelter projects? perform the required tasks?
• Does the shelter design fulfill the needs • Were there recruitment problems?
of the beneficiaries in terms of size, space • Was construction equipment in good
and design? condition to perform the tasks required?
• Is the shelter design flexible for Was the condition of the equipment
adaptation and personal expression by maintained?
occupants? • Was the equipment easy to use or too
• Were site conditions such as orientation, complex?
wind, rain, and light considered?
• Were plans developed for necessary post- 9.4 Construction Management
construction maintenance and
sustainability? • Were cost estimates correct?
• Was the project on time and within the
9.3 Construction budget?
• Was the construction process closely
• Was the quality of the construction monitored?
checked regularly?
• Was the monitoring of construction sites 9.5 External Constraints
• Was there compliance with the planned • Was there cooperation from the local and
construction schedule and was the time national government authorities?
frame appropriate? • Did administrative or political constraints
• Were the construction methods and hamper the project?
materials appropriate to the climate and • Were questions of land ownership
the region? correctly and sufficiently addressed?
• Were the least costly materials utilized • Are all land use agreements valid?
for the desired outcome? • Were houses sold after completion?
• Does the shelter protect occupants from • Were construction materials sold before
the elements? building?
• Does the shelter protect occupants from • Was the donor responsive to issues that
vectors, animals, crime? arose?
• Were there consequences for the local • Was the donor satisfied with the project?
construction industry?
• Do beneficiaries have objections or 9.6 Conclusions
problems relating to construction?
• Have repairs been necessary? • Did the project serve the neediest groups,
• What was the beneficiary's contribution and, if not, who was neglected? Why?
to the construction process and was it • To what extent has the beneficiary
appropriate? population used the goods and services of
• In self help projects, was appropriate the project?
training provided to beneficiaries? • Were there gender issues that were or
• Were tools provided in a timely manner? were not addressed?
• Were logistical and procurement • Were the beneficiaries satisfied with the
procedures set up effectively so that results?
• Was there acceptance by the local
• Were objectives realistic and were they
• Are there alternative approaches that
might have achieved the same results in a
more efficacious manner?
• Was the project integrated with other
sectors (i.e., health, water/sanitation,
sexual and gender based violence
• Are there additional measures that could
have been implemented to promote
sustainability of the project?
• Are the shelters similar to the standard of
living in the host community?
• Did the shelter design have an impact on
the cultural practices of the beneficiaries?
• Were there conflicts of interests between
other organizations working in the
sector? Was there cooperation or sharing
of resources?
• Was the project cost effective? Were the
least costly resources utilized?
• Are there environmental consequences to
this project? How might they be
ameliorated in the future?
• Has this project had a positive impact on
the affected populations?
• What are the arrangements and the
distribution of responsibilities to ensure
the operation of the project after IRC's

10. ANNEX 1: FORMS T19a Compliance with FIDIC’s condition of
Contract, Part I
The following forms are intended for use as T20 Company information
reference documents. They are derived from T21 Tender delivery confirmation (Record of
forms used in different IRC shelter projects in tender delivery)
the Balkans in the 1990s, and may reflect T22 Record of visit to building site
particular construction practices in that region. T23 Receipt of tender documentation
Not all forms will be relevant for all projects. T23a PO/PA Receipt that tenderer
Nonetheless, they offer important precedents and submitted tender documents
may serve as prototypes to be adapted to specific T24 Tender opening commission
projects. T25 Work of commission for selection of
most successful offer commission
T01 List of Activities T25a Record on scoring of companies
T02a Letter of Invitation to prequalify T26 Rank list of companies commission
T02b Instructions to prequalifacation T27 Selection of most successful contractor
participants commission. Letter of the tender
T02c Declaration of eligibility acceptance/rejection of tender
T02 Standard prequalification form PM/PO T28 Tender report, FC/PMReport on
Information needed for filling in tenderers selection
prequalification documents T29 Signing of contract
T03a Submission of prequalification
T03 PO Receipt contractors submitted
prequalify doc.
T04 Ranking of prequalification documents
T04a A number of scores for each
prequalification document
T05 Short list of contractors
T06 Notice for invitation to tender (Invitation
to short listed contractors)
T07 Instructions to the tenderers
T08 Tender form
T09 List of employees
T10 Origin of materials
T11 List of works to be subcontracted
T12 List of locally recruited employees
T13 Work methodology
T14 Value of the currant contracted works
T15 Performance bond
T15a Statement of Insurance on Performance
T16 Securing of advance payment I N T E R N AT I O N A L R E S C U E
T17 Agreement form C O M M I T T E E BENEFICIARY
T17a Compliance with Agreement Form
T18 FDIC’s condition of Contract, Part I,
T18a Compliance with FIDIC’s condition of
With this form the concerned person gives
Contract, Part I
her/his consent to the collection and
T19 FDIC’s Conditions of Contract Part II
processing of her/his personal data for the
purpose of the implementation of the Date submitted ____/____/____
European Commission program for the MRO/OMI: __________
return of Refugees and Displaced Persons.
The interested person maintains at any time Did you file a claim for repossession of the
the right to access and rectify data concerning property/apartment? (Attach copy)Yes / No
her/his person. Data on the property will be Date submitted ____/____/____
forwarded to the "Commission for Real
Property Claims" (CRPC) for confirmation of I am the rightful pre-war owner of the property
property rights. Basic data will be provided Yes / No
to the EC Housing Monitoring Unit (FAS – (Please attach a legal document confirming your
Franklin Advisory Services). Collected data ownership rights)
may be transferred to the Reconstruction and
Return Task Force (OHR/UNHCR), which at I am the occupancy right holder for the
its turn, may transmit them to the local apartment Yes / No
authorities, for the implementation of the (Please attach a legal document confirming
property legislation. your ownership rights)

I agree / I do not agree with the above: (Circle I don’t own nor have rights on any other
one) residence True/ False

Signature of claimant: __________________ Do you currently live in your pre-war residence?

Date: _____/_____/_____ Yes / No

FILLING OF THIS FORM DOES NOT Are you coming regularly to your pre-war
PROJECT. Did you / Are you removing debris from your
EUROPEAN COMMISSION – OBNOVA Did you already receive reconstruction
PROGRAMME assistance? (State origin and extent)
Yes / No

Did you carry out any reconstruction works with

PART 1: STATEMENTS BY APPLICANT your own funds? (Give details)Yes / No

These statements are made under the personal Are you willing to carry out preparatory works
responsibility of the claimant and the IRC on your property? Yes / No
reserves the right to check the information with If no, why?
the competent authorities. I hereby confirm that
the information provided in this form is true and In the case of reconstruction , I am interested in
accurate to the best of my knowledge, and I returning to my pre-war address
understand that providing misleading Yes / No
information will lead to immediate
disqualification. If my house is selected, I am prepared to sign a
contract binding me to return to my house within
Have you submitted the Voluntary Return Form? 30 days and to fully vacate my temporary
(Attach copy) Yes / No residence within 60 days
Yes / No Tel. No.:
Are there any reasons preventing you from Did s/he express interest to return?
returning? Yes / No Yes / No When?
If Yes, please explain: Comments:
_______________________________________ Temporary Address (1992-1995):
Same as above: Yes / No
PART 2: PERSONAL DATA Country/Entity:
Surname:_____________________________ City/town:
Date of Birth:__________________________ Apartment No.:
(Father’s name):________________________ Municipality:
Marital Status:_________________________ Status: *
Given name: ___________________________ Have you been evicted? Yes / No
Contact Person:________________________ When?
ID Number:_____________________________ Comments:
Tel. No:________________________________ * (a) with relatives, (b) legal temporary
Circle Current Beneficiary Status: occupant, (c) illegal occupant, (d) Lessee (state
DP (Displaced Person, from another entity) amount) (e) Collective Centre
IDP (Internally Displaced Person, within own
entity) Pre-war Address:
Returnee from EC Country Country/Entity:
Returnee from non-EC Country Address:
EVP (Extremely Vulnerable Person) City/town:
Ownership Information: 1/1 1/2 1/3 Apartment No.:
other ________ Municipality: Comments:
(Attach proof of ownership)

Current Address: R03

City/town: MEMBERS
Apartment No.:
Have you been evicted? Yes / No KUCNA LISTA (HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS
* (a) with relatives, (b) legal temporary ALL FAMILY MEMBERS MUST SIGN TO
occupant, (c) illegal occupant, (d) Lessee (state CONFIRM THEIR UNDERSTANDING AND
Information on Secondary Beneficiary: FAMILY MEMBERS CONFIRM THAT THEY
Number of Family members interested in
returning to pre-war address:
Information on special needs:
Name Do you have any PWD (Person With
Age Disability) in your family? YES / NO
Education (refer to FAS list) If yes, please give further explanation:
Profession (refer to FAS list)
Working situation (refer to FAS list)
Signature confirming willingness to return


As well as house reconstruction, IRC can also
3 assist returnees in identifying potential
employment opportunities. This can take the
4 form of assistance in establishing a small
business, finding formal employment or support
5 with agricultural activities.

6 R03
While we cannot guarantee support in this area
7 for all returnees, the following information will
help us to devise appropriate support. The IRC
8 Economic Adviser will follow up on this
information to discuss in more detail your
9 employment possibilities.

10 At this stage, we want to know the sources of

income in your household both before and after
Information of pre-war family status: the war as well as the various skills you used in
(members not listed in the previous table) your work. Please consider the information in
this section carefully. It will greatly assist us in
Name providing you with the most appropriate support.
Current address Firstly give the name of each household member.
Reason for not returning For ‘Type of Employment’, please be specific. If
Comments / Remarks in formal employment, give the exact job title.
If in agriculture, detail the type of work
1 undertaken such as rearing dairy cattle, sheep or
growing crops. Include activities such as
2 collecting herbs or making cheese, even if it was
only for home use. For ‘skills’ consider the
skills necessary for each type of employment
listed. Even if they are obvious to you, they may Application for return Yes / No
not be obvious to us! For example, if collecting To be delivered by: ___________________
herbs is listed as employment then maybe
‘knowledge of use of herbs’ is a skill. Similarly, Kucna Lista Yes / No
work as a cashier in a coffee shop implies cash
management skills. To be delivered by: ___________________
Proof of ownership Yes / No
1.Pre-war employment
To be delivered by: ___________________
Comments by IRC Return Officer: (Give
2.Type of employment explanations for EVP and provide remarks on
social vulnerability)
3.Related skills
Name of IRC Return Officer:
Date_______________________ R03
2. Post war employment
Year of construction:
1.Name Type of facility:
made of stone
2.Type of employment made of brick
made of concrete blocks
3. Related skills
Central heating: Yes No
3. Future plans
Do you or any members of your household have Floors: G/F G/F
plans for employment or business? If so, give loft G/F and 1/F _____________
details here.
_______________________________________ Present condition of property:
Signature of Applicant mined burnt devastated totally
destroyed _____________
<40% (only internal works) <60% (roof and
ID No/ Place of issuing internal works) >60% (roof, supporting
walls, internal works)
OFFICER Is it feasible to use the existing foundations?
Yes No
Supporting documents, as required by this form,
have been collected Yes / No Type of ceiling: wood concrete plate
Voluntary Return Form Yes / No Rooms
To be delivered by: ___________________ Basement

Ground Floor
2nd Floor Cadaster Record Yes / No
Loft / Attic To be delivered by: ___________________
Living room Building permission Yes / No
Bathroom /Toilet To be delivered by: ___________________

under part of facility Comments by IRC Project Technician: (based on

reconstruction standards, determine whether it
under complete facility will be feasible for IRC to repair the house
within budget)
# of bedrooms ____ hall
Was the house connected to the electrical Plastering:
network before the war?
Yes No
Joinery and glazing (internal and external):
Is the house currently connected to the
electrical network? Yes No
Pre-war water supply: town supply
Sanitary and kitchen equipment, ceramic
well / spring water chambers none
Pre-war sewage system:town system septic
Water and electrical connections (internal
tank none
and external):
Access road: macadam asphalt
track accessible inaccessible
Roof and chimney:
only 4x4
Do you have building permission?
Yes No In process
Will the beneficiary have to significantly
Special remarks by the owner
contribute to the reconstruction works in order to
be included in the project? If yes, state the type
of work and estimated amount.
Signature of Applicant
Name of IRC Project Technician:
ID No/ Place of issuing
Date of visit to property: _____________
Supporting documents, as required by this form,
have been collected Yes / No
INTERNAL IRC COMMISSION Health and social welfare
Housing-public utilities
DECISION OF THE COMMISSION: Public administration and social insurance Trade

Accepted Reserve list Transport and communications

Rejected Require follow-up Waterworks, supply

Date: ___________________________
Location: ____________________ R03


Members of Commission # Activity
Surname Staff member
Signature Information Received
Decision Std. Form
PART 9: FAS CATEGORIES Expected completion
Start date
Beneficiary Status Explanation End date
DP Displaced Person (from different entity)
1 Letter of Invitation to prequalify
EVP Extremely Vulnerable Person (i.e. T02a
someone who stayed in his damaged property) Instructions to prequalifacation
participants T02b
IDP Internally Displaced Person (within their Declaration of eligibility T02c
own entity) Standard prequalification form PM/PO
Returnee from EC country T02
Returnee from non-EC country Information needed for filling in
prequalification documents
Education Profession Working 2 Submission of prequalification
Primary school Secondary school documents, T03a
PO Receipt contractors submitted
Employed in: prequalify doc. T03
Agriculture and fisheries 3 Ranking of prequalification documents
Arts and crafts T04
Education A number of scores for each prequal. doc.
University T04a
Catering trades and tourism 4 Short list of contractors T05
Retired 5 Notice for invitation to tender: Invitation
Construction to short listed contractors T06
Unemployed 6 Instructions to the tenderers T07
Financial and other services 6.1 Tender form T08
Forestry 6.2 List of employees T09
6.3 Origin of materials T10
6.4 List of works to be subcontracted T11 Standard
6.5 List of locally recruited employees
T12 prequalification form
6.8 Performance bond T15 for contractors
Statement of Insurance on Performance INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE
Bond T15a
6.9 Securing of advance paymentT16 Name and address of the contractor:
6.10 Agreement form T17
Compliance with Agreement Form
T17a Name of employer:
6.11 FDIC’s condition of Contract, Part I, T18
Compliance with FIDIC’s condition of Please check yours areas of interest and working
Contract, Part I T18a regions:
6.12 FDIC’s Conditions of Contract Part II
T19 Housing (typically in lots of 15-30 units))
Compliance with FIDIC’s condition of Highvoltage network and trafostations
Contract, Part I T19a Lowvoltage network and trafoststions
6.13 Company information T20 Water supply systems (pipeline, pumpstation,
7 Tender delivery confirmation (Record on chlorination, reservoir)
tender delivery) T21 Schools/ Appartment blocks/ Hospitals
8 Record of visit to building siteT22 Roads/ Bridges
9 Receipt of tender documentation T23 Other (please specify)
PO/PA Receipt that tenderer submitted
tender documents T23a Cantons (FBiH)
10 Tender opening commission T24 Unsko-Sanski
Work of commission for selection of Posavski
most successful offer commission Tuzlanski
T25 Zenicko-Dobojski
Record on scoring of companies T25a Bosansko-Podrinjski
12 Rank list of companies commission T26 Srednjobosanski
Selection of most successful contractor Hercegovacko-Neretvanski
commission Zapadno-Hercegovacki
Letter of the tender acceptance/rejection Sarajevo
of tender Herceg Bosanski
Tender report FC/PM T27
14 Report on tenderers selection T28 Regions (RS)
15 Signing of contract T29 Banja Luka
Srbinje (Foca) page 2

Name of the engineer:

Telephone number:__________________
Notes to applicants Telefax number: ____________________
Registered office address:
1. Please answer all questions. ____________________________________
2. Supplementary pages may be photocopied and
inserted if required. 2. Description of company (for example,
3. Please number each page in the space General Civil Engineering Contractor).
provided at the top of each page. Please attach copy of Company court
4. Please retain a copy of your complete registration:
submission. _______________________________________
5. If a joint venture is proposed, all companies _______________________________________
are to respond to all questions
6. Project financial data is to be given in 3. Number of years of experience as a general
Deutsche Marks unless otherwise requested contractor
- in own country:
Standard pages
- internationally:
A Title page
B Notes 4. Number of year of experience as a
C Structure and organisation 1 subcontractor
D Structure and organisation 2 - in own country
E Financial statement
F Joint Venture: projects in progress - internationally
G Resources: personnel 1
H Resources: personnel 2 5. Names and addresses of associated
I Resources: plant companies to be involved in the project -and
J Resources: other if parent / subsidiary/other:
K Experience: geographical _______________________________________
L Experience: relevant projects completed M _______________________________________
Experience: projects in progress _______________________________________
N Additional information
6. If the company is a subsidiary, what
Please list below any additional pages attached to involvement, if any, will the parent company
each standard page: have in the project?

7. Names and addresses of any associates the

company has in the country of the project,
knowledgeable in the procedures of
customs, immigration, etc.:
T02 _______________________________________
Structure and organisation 1 _______________________________________
1. Name of company: _______________________________________

8. Please indicate here or attach an _________
organisation chart showing the company
structure including the positions of directors 1. Names and addresses of joint venture
and key personnel, if relevant partners:
Financial statement
2. Name of company leading the joint venture:
1. Capital: _______________________________________
Authorised: _______________________________________
Issued: _______________________________________

2. Annual value of construction work 3. Name and address of bankers to the joint
undertaken for each of the last five years venture:
and projected for current year:

Year Current
Resources: personnel 1
3. Approximate values of work in hand:
____________________________________ 1. Number of staff: Technical:
____________________________________ Administrative:

4. Please attach copies of the company’s 2. Please list present executive directors:
previous three years’ accounts (profit/loss
and balance sheet i.e. assets/liabilities) and Name Present position Years of
other financial data which you consider to be construction
useful. experience
List all attachments below: with this

5. Name and address of bankers for whom

references can be obtained: Resources: personnel 2
List information about other key personnel
Joint Venture below:
If the company intends to enter into a joint
venture for the project, please give the
Present position:
following information, otherwise state “not
Years of construction experience with this

Major works for which responsible (type and

Linguistic ability relevant to the project:

Present position:
Years of construction experience with this Resources: other
1. If it is foreseen that any part of the contract
will be subcontracted state the type of work
Major works for which responsible (type and to be undertaken by the subcontractor(s)
value): and, if known, give the name and address of
the subcontractor(s) to be used.

Linguistic ability relevant to the project:

Present position:
Years of construction experience with this

Major works for which responsible (type and

value): 2. Fabrication facilities (to be completed only
if relevant to the project):
Linguistic ability relevant to the project:
Resources: contractor’s
equipment and facilities Location:
On the basis of the information provided in the
prequalification documents please indicate the
Annual throughput:
equipment and facilities considered by the
company to be necessary for undertaking the
project and whether this is already in the
company’s ownership or will be purchased or Experience: geographical

1. Countries in which work similar to the supervision
project has been undertaken:
Value of contract

Value completed and certified

2. Summary of experience of company in the Percentage of participation of company in

country of the project and/or neighboring project
Percentage of practical completion

Scheduled date of completion of work

Experience: relevant projects
Please fill information about the relevant projects Additional information
completed over the past six years
Please describe:
Name of employer
Company’s quality assurance system
Name, location and type of project

Name of (consulting) engineer responsible for


Contract price and date

Company’s environment policy
Percentage of participation of company in

Was contract satisfactorily completed including

time provision
Company’s history of litigation or arbitration
from contracts executed in the last six years or
Experience: all projects in currently under execution. Please indicate for
progress each case year, name of employer, cause of
litigation, matter in dispute, disputed amount and
Give information about all projects in progress, whether the award was for or against company.
including those where the company has received
a letter of intent , but a formal contract has not
yet been awarded

Name of employer

Name, location and type of project

Name of (consulting) engineer responsible for Please add any further information which you
consider to be relevant to the evaluation of your roads.
application for prequalification . If you wish to
attach other documents please list below.
Dear Sir or Madam,

Please find enclosed the prequalification

documentation for the forthcoming tender for the
major reconstruction of housing, public
institutions, electricity network, water supply
and roads.

IRC’s staff will analyze all submitted

prequalification forms. Successful participants
will be placed on a shortlist according to ECRO
standard criteria. Inclusion in the IRC short list
does not automatically imply inclusion in the
tender procedure or automatic award of contract.

This procedure will be open for the entire

duration of the project (until__________). IRC
evaluation committee will meet regularly, at least
once a month, to consider new applications.

Pre-qualification questionnaire should be

submitted to IRC’s office in_____________,
within 10 days upon request of pre-qualification
T02 documents. Participants will receive notification
that their completed pre-qualification documents
Form T02a have been received.

Letter of Invitation to prequalification If you have any queries please do not hesitate to
for tendering contact______________________ at IRC’s
office in ________________________

On behalf of IRC

Implementing Agency: International Project Manager, IRC office

Rescue Committee _____________________ ______________________________________

Project:________________________________ Enc. 1. Instruction to pre-qualification

Subject: Invitation to prequalification for 2. FIDIC (ECRO standard) pre-
tendering and reconstruction of qualification questionnaire
housing, public institutions, 3. Declaration of eligibility
electricity network, water supply and

page 2and the awarded
The language of the documents
contracts shall be in English. For the
Send to: Local IRC address and e-mail convenience of the participants a translation in
__________ (local language) is given. However,
only the English version will govern in any

Source of financing

The project is financed by the


Type of contract

The concluded contract will conform to the

FIDIC (International Federation of Consulting
Engineers) contract. It will be of the lump sum
type with an all-inclusive price.

Scope of the works

Form T02b The scope of the works concerns all works
Instruction to prequalification related to purchase, delivery and installation of
participants material needed to complete the required works
and includes:
The form ‘Instructions to pre-qualification
participants’ is made in order to give applicants Transport and unloading at site of all necessary
information about the intended project, scope of plant, equipment and material.
work and the essential Conditions of Contract if,
after the tender procedure, a contract is awarded. Site clearance and demolition where and if
Rehabilitation of foundations, external and
internal walls, roof structure, ceilings and floors.
IRC invites eligible participants to prequalify for
reconstruction and rehabilitation works on Joinery works
housing, public institutions, electricity network ,
water supply and roads. IRC staff will analyze Tinsmith’s works
all submitted pre-qualification forms. Successful
participants will be placed on a short list Electrical installation
according to ECRO standard criteria. Inclusion
in the IRC short list does not automatically imply Water installation, sanitary fittings and sewage
inclusion in the tender procedure or automatic
award of contract. Other craftsmen’s works

Language Disposal of waste material

Macedonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland,
Cleaning up of site on completion of works Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia) South-East
Europe (Turkey, Cyprus, Malta) and must be
6. Payments able to prove this with the usual documentation

Payments will be made in Applicants cannot take part if they:

____________________(currency) on the basis
of works progress. The contractor if deem it Are bankrupt or in the process of closing.
necessary, can request an advance payment of Are subject to proceedings for declaration of
______% (up to a maximum of 20%) of the bankruptcy
contract value against the provision by the
contractor of the bank guarantee for the full Have been convicted for an offence concerning
amount of the advanced payment. Interim professional conduct
T02b Have been guilty of grave professional
related to work progress are provided for in the misconduct (proven by any means which the
contract. Any offer or contract, before or during contracting authorities can justify).
performance, shown to have resulted in the
payment of unusual commercial costs will be Have not fulfilled obligations related to payment
rejected or cancelled with immediate effect. of social security and taxes.

7. Performance standards Are guilty of serious misinterpretation in

supplying information.
The works must be undertaken in accordance
with all relevant rules, regulations and statutes Are in situation of conflict of interest.
currently in force in____________________.
The Bill of Quantities will be made in Were declared at serious fault of implementation
accordance with standards laid down by owing to a breach of their contractual obligation.

Completeness of Questionnaire
Eligibility of prequalification applicants
Applicants will not be eligible to participate in Applications will be disqualified if all sections of
prequalification if they fail to meet and prove the questionnaire are not complete and all
ECRO standards for eligibility. These are required documents are not attached. In addition
examined in the FIDIC prequalification form and to the completed questionnaire, applicants are
include: required to submit:

Applicants must be natural and legal persons of Signed and witnessed declaration of eligibility
the EU member states(Austria, Denmark, France,
Greece, Ireland, Netherlands, Spain, United And copies of the following documents:
Kingdom, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy,
Luxembourg, Portugal, Sweden)) or OBNOVA Applicant’s representative’s passport or other
countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, official proof of citizenship of one of the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Former OBNOVA,PHARE, South-East Countries or EU
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.) PHARE member states.
countries (Albania, BiH, Bulgaria, Czech
Republic, Estonia, Former Yugoslav Republic Company court registration
Evaluation methodology
Company insurance certificate
Aplicants will be evaluated on the basis of the
T02b following items and separately for each spectific
ZPP or bank statements for the last three months Area of interest. Only applicants who attain more
prior to submission of pre-qualification than 70 points will be included on the IRC’s
application short list.

List of employed staff and their position stamped HOUSING, HIGHVOLTAGE NETWORK+TS, LOW
by appropriate authority (Pension Insurance) SYSTEMS, PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS,
Balance sheet and profit report for last year Max. number of points
Realized number of points
All other documentation specifically requested in b) Copy of company court registration, mandatory
c) Structure and organization (0-10 points)
the questionnaire. d) Balance sheet and profit report for last year ( 0-
10 points )
e) References and value of completed projects in
All documentation received will be kept period 95-00 (0-20 points)
confidential for the consideration of the IRC’s f) Number of staff and list of key personal which will
tender committee. IRC reserves the right to take part in project realization (0-20 points)
request an inspection visits to any applicant g) List of equipment which will be used with data on
company to verify the accuracy of questionnaire type, capacity and date of production (0-15
data. The applicant maintains at any time right to h) List of facilities which will be used on project (0-5
access and rectify data concerning its points)
application. i) Scope of works that will be undertaken by
subcontractors ( 0-10 points )
j) Countries in which work similar to the project has
Clarification been undertaken ( 0-5points)
k) Value of all project in progress ( 0-5 points)
Participants may obtain clarification by
TOTAL: 100

Project Manager: _______________________

International Rescue Committee This procedure will be open for the entire
_____________________________Field Office duration of the project (until_________). IRC
evaluation committee will meet regularly, at least
Any applicant requiring clarification of the pre- once a month, to consider new applications.
qualification documents should submit his/her
queries to IRC in writing.

Reception of prequalification questionnaire

The prequalification questionnaire,

declaration of eligibility and all other
required documents, should be sent by T02b
registered post with delivery advice, or delivered
by courier service or by hand against a receipt to Form T02c
the IRC’s office in ____________________.
Declaration of eligibility
nor are we in a situation of conflict of interest
between our candidature for this prequalification
I, the undersigned and our other business activities.

_______________________________________ nor have we been declared seriously at fault of

_______________________________________ implementation owing to any breach of our
(name and address of representative) contractual obligations.

Representative of
_______________________________________ Declared:_______________________________
_______________________________________ (location, date)
(name and address of the company)
affirm that I am a natural and legal person of one
of the EU member states or of an OBNOVA, in the presence of
PHARE, South-East Europe Country* (I enclose _______________________________________
a copy of the customary document to prove this) (name,address)
and that both I and above named company are:
neither bankrupt (signature)

nor any payments to us have been suspended in _______________________________

accordance with the judgement of a court and * EU member states(Austria, Denmark, France,
resulting in the total or partial loss of the right to Greece, Ireland, Netherlands, Spain, United
administer and dispose of their property Kingdom, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy,
Luxembourg, Portugal, Sweden)) or OBNOVA
nor any legal proceedings have been instituted countries (Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Federal
against us involving an order suspending Republic of Yugoslavia, Former Yugoslav
payments and which may result in a declaration Republic of Macedonia.) PHARE countries
of bankruptcy or entailing the total or partial loss (Albania, BiH, Bulgaria, Czech Republic,
of the right to administer and dispose of their Estonia, Former Yugoslav Republic Macedonia,
property Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania,
Slovak Republic, Slovenia) South-East Europe
nor have we been covicted by a final judgement (Turkey, Cyprus, Malta)
of any crime or offence concerning professional

nor have we been guilty of any other T02c

professional misconduct

nor have we any unfulfilled obligations related to Form T03

payment of social security or taxes

nor have we been guilty of serious

misinterpretation in supplying information in
relation to our professional activities.

Receipt of Prequalification

Prequalification N°(where applicable):

Name of Company:

Number of parcels:

Method of delivery:

( ) by hand

( ) by postal service

( ) by international courier

Date and time of reception:

____________ at _________ h

Are the parcels properly sealed:

( ) YES

( ) NO

Any other comments:



Form T03a

Prequalification Documentation
Reception List


Name and Company


Date & time of arrival


Name and signature of person bringing the


Name and signature of Person receiving the


T04 Scorecard documents:

Ranking of Tender dossier of company Document Max#pts. # Pts.


______________________________________, a) Copy of company's court registration mandatory

Prequalification No.__________________
For the project________________________ b) Structure and organization 10 _______
c) Balance sheet, profit report for previous year
10 _______
Scorecard completed by the following
commission members: d) Reference and value of completed projects in period
evaluated 20 _______
1 _____________________________________
e) Number of staff and key personnel who will participate
in project 20 _______
2 _____________________________________
f) List of equipment to be used, data for type, capacity and
3 _____________________________________ date of fabrication 15 _______

4 _____________________________________ g) List of facilities to be used for project

5 _______
5 _____________________________________
h) Scope of work to be subcontracted10 _______
6 _____________________________________
i) Similar work experience in other countries
5 _______
7 _____________________________________
j) Value of all projects in progress 5 _______
8 ____________________________________
Total 100 _______
9 ____________________________________
Signature of Commission Members:
1 _____________________________________

2 _____________________________________

3 _____________________________________

4 _____________________________________

5 _____________________________________

6 _____________________________________

7 _____________________________________

8 ____________________________________

9 ____________________________________

Commissioners' evaluations of prequalifying 10____________________________________

Form T05
1. Company name Contact phone__________________________
_______________________________________ No. Points______________________________

Address________________________________ 5. Company name

_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Director________________________________ _______________________________________
Contact phone__________________________ _______________________________________
No. Points______________________________ Director________________________________
Contact phone__________________________
No. Points______________________________
2. Company name
_______________________________________ 6. Company name
_______________________________________ Address________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Director________________________________ Director________________________________
Contact phone__________________________ Contact phone__________________________
No. Points______________________________ No. Points______________________________

7. Company name
3. Company name _______________________________________
Address________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ Director________________________________
Contact phone__________________________
Director________________________________ No. Points______________________________
Contact phone__________________________
No. Points______________________________ T05

Form T06

Name of company:
4. Company name
_______________________________________ Date:
The origin of materials is limited to the same
Director: countries.
Fax: Tender can be requested until
_____________________________ during the
hours of……to….. at The International Rescue
NOTICE FOR INVITATION TO Committee (IRC) office at the following address
TENDER _______________________________________
to carry out the
………………………………in The deadline for submission of tenders to The
…………………, ……………….. municipality, International Rescue Committee (IRC)
within the Program address_________________________________
_______________________________ ______________________________________
LOT #………
is Date:________________________________
Tender N°___________issued by The
International Rescue Committee (IRC) under the Time:__________________________________
__________________________ Program on
behalf of If you have any queries please contact The IRC
___________________________________ Office at the telephone number:
Notice is hereby given of invitation to tender N°
for …….“Project
Title”……………………………., Municipality

Contracting Authority: The International

Rescue Committee (IRC)

Award Procedure: Simplified procedure

after consultation with at least three contractors

Nature of the project: “Short description of the


Tender dossier can be requested from: The

International Rescue Committee (IRC) at
address_________________________________ T06

Eligibility and Origin of materials:

Form T07
Participation is open on equal terms to all natural
and legal persons of INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS
_______________________________________ to carry out the
_______________________________________ Tender_________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ within the program_____________________
_______________________________________ based on Bill of quantity_________________

Tender reg #____________________________ • List of categories of locally recruited
LOT #__________________________________ labour
• Description of work methodology
1. Subject of Invitation • List of all contracted works in progress
The invitation includes all elements noted in Bill • Performance Bond
of quantity related to concerned civil • Advance payment security
engineering, electro and water assembly works • The Form of agreement
for_______________________ Houses LOT • The FIDIC General conditions of the
#_________________________________ contract
• Conditions of contract, part II,
2. Eligibility criteria • Conditions of particular applications
Tenderers can be legal entities, registered for • Company information form (to be filled
performing activities mentioned in Bill of in by Tenderer)
Quantity, selected by The IRC on previous pre- • Duly completed and certified Bill of
selection and from the following countries: quantity with prices quoted in local
_______________________________________ currency
_______________________________________ Contractor is obliged to fill in the unit rates and
_____________________________________ total price for each item. If Tenderer fails to
write unit rate per item IRC will consider that
3. Issue of Tender Documentation item is calculated in total amount of Tender. All
Tender Documentation forms can be obtained in modifications to current costs must be signed,
The IRC office at stamped and updated. Each page of the Bid has
_______________________________________ to be certified and signed by Tenderer.
Between the hours of____________________ 5. Selection of the successful Tenderer:

4. Contents of Tender Dossier Selection of the successful tenderer will be based

on a combination of:
Name and address of the Tenderer • Technical evaluation (4/a-f)
Option of the Tender • Financial evaluation (4/g)
Deadline for completion of works The technical evaluation assesses the capacity of
Payment conditions the company. Commission on the base of the
Developed dynamic works performing plan for submitted technical documents assesses each
the period in offered deadline company.
All additional requested documents, signed and The financial evaluation is based on the cost of
certified by Tenderer or the Bank, the work given in the tender. T07
depending on nature of document. For any 80% of the overall assessment is based on the
document mentioned in point 4/f/8,4/f/9 and technical evaluation and 20% on the financial
4/f/10 Tenderers are obliged to sign the evaluation. Consequently, the tender with the
Statement confirming they agree with practice in lowest cost will not necessarily be successful.
the following documents:
• Form of tender 5.1 Technical evaluation:
• Nominative list of Contractors staff to
undertake the works Possible score_____Earned score____
• Proposed list of materials to be used, type
origin and quantity Copy of the Company Court register- legally
• Proposed works to be sub-contracted, binding
nature and costs
Confirmation for number of employees- issued
by competent authority (0-10 points) 6. Submission and Tender Opening

Reference list and value of built objects in period Tenders should be submitted in duly closed and
from ‘97-’00 (0-15 points) stamped envelopes with tender number and title,
personally by (Company Director or authorized
List of key personnel responsible for the person)
implementation of the Project together with CVs to___________________________________
(0-15 points) On_____________ (date), at ________(time),
where at the same time Public Opening will be
List of equipment to be used for works, together performed. All Tenderers will be informed on
with data on model, capacity and year of competition results on time.
manufacturing (0-10 points)
7. Site visit
Work methodology (0-10 ) 10 It will be organized on_____________(date) at
Dynamic plan (0-10 scores) 10 _________ (time) at the following
Value of the current contracted location_______________________________
works (0-5 scores) 5 contact person_________________________
Balance sheet and profit report for last tel. ___________________________________
year (0-15) 15 Extent of NOTE:
works to be performed by Sub-contractors (0-10) When forming prices, Tenderers should know
10 that for installed equipment and materials they
must have Manufacturer's Guarantees, and that
they are obliged to provide IRC with samples of
TOTAL: 100 the material for review and approval. Any
Scores will be allocated to a maximum indicated material and equipment used in the project
in the table above. If company gains less than 70 implementation must originate from
scores (out of 100), it will not be taken into T07
consideration for financial evaluation. Scores countries mentioned in point 2-Instruction
which get certain company (out of possible 100) toTenderers.
needs to be converted to a percentage, because
the technical evaluation accounts for maximum Progress payments will be made in
of 80% of the overall evaluation (100 scores __________________________ (list currency)
represent 80%). It can be calculated by using the If necessary, the contractor may request an
following formula : advance payment of ______% (up to max. 20%)
No. of scores from technical evaluation x 80 /100 of the contract value against the provision of the
For example: If company A gets score here of 70 bank guarantee for the full amount of the
this will be converted to percentage in the advanced payment.
following way: (70x80/100)=56%, and company Should the bid be unreasonably bellow market
B gets score of 75 points, what will be equal to prices, IRC reserves the right to carry out a price
60% (75x80/100). analyses to ensure that the offer fully meets with
market prices and applicable standards.
5.2 Financial evaluation
Tenderers should know they are not allowed to
The financial evaluation accounts for 20% of the subcontract work valued at more than 50 % of
overall evaluation. The lowest tender takes all contract. In that case, the Contract will be
20% and all other tenders are proportionally terminated. IRC reserves the right to approve
modified. engagement of subcontractors. Any possible
damages will be the responsibility of the

Tenderers should know that, when signing the

Contract with IRC, they are released of duties
and taxes, due to rehabilitation of damages
caused by war.

Tenderers should also know that they will bear

bank transfer fees.

The Investor retains the right to exclude some

items from each Tender.

The Investor will retain the right to contract all

works with one company.

Tenderers are allowed to participate only once on

the Tenders for this project. Site visits are
mandatory. If there is no response to the
invitation for site visit, the contractor will be
immediately disqualified from the procedure.

If the Tenderer fails to submit any document

mentioned in point 4 (Contents of Tender), this
will be ground for immediate disqualification.

Inquiries T07
Any Tenderer requiring clarification of the
Tender Dossier should submit his queries to the
IRC in writing. The IRC should prepare and
despatch written replies to Queries. These TENDER FORM T08
replies, together with the text of the queries
should be issued to all Tenderers, and without
quoting the sources of the queries. Please, Name of Contract:
address all enquiries to: ___________________________________
Name__________________________________ ___________________________________
Address_______________________________ ___________________________________

page 4

1.Having examined the Conditions of

Contract, Specification, drawings, Bill of
Quantities and Addenda Nos___________
for execution of the above-named Works,
we the undersigned, offer to execute and Signature__________________________
complete such works and remedy any in the capacity of
defects therein in conformity with the _____________________________
Conditions of Contract, Specification, Duly authorized to sign tenders for and on
Drawings, Bill of Quantities and Addenda for behalf of
the sum of ___________________________________
___________________________________ _______ ________________________
___________________________________ Address____________________________
_________________________ ___________________________________
or such other sum as may be ascertained in ____________________________
accordance with the said conditions. Witness___________________________
2. We acknowledge that the Appendix forms _______________________________Addr
part of our Tender. ess________________________________
3.We undertake, if our tender is accepted, to __________________________Ocupation_
commence the works as soon as is ___________________________________
reasonably possible after the receipt of the _______________________
Engineer!s notice to commence and to
complete the whole of the works comprised
in the Contract within the time stated in the
Appendix to tender.

4.We agree to abide by this Tender for the

period of*____________days from the date
fixed for receiving the same and it shall
remain binding upon us and may be
accepted at any time before the expiration of
that period

5.Unless and until a formal agreement is

prepared and executed this Tender, together
with your written acceptance thereof shall
constitute a binding contract between us.

6. We understand that you are not bound to

accept the lowest or any tender you may

Dated this day of____________________


Work Experience_________________
6. Name_________________________

Form T09 ork Experience_________________

(Sealed by Institution of Pension Insurance ) 7. Name _________________________
Education ______________________
I will engage the following labour, for the
execution of (list name of project): Work Experience_________________
___________________________________ 8. ______________________________

9. Name_________________________
Name Education Work
Education ______________________
Work Experience_________________
1. Name_________________________
Education ______________________
10. Name_________________________
Work Experience_________________
Education ______________________
2. Name_________________________ Work Experience_________________

Education ______________________ ______________________________

Work Experience_________________ 11. Name_________________________

______________________________ Education ______________________

3. Name_________________________ Work Experience_________________

Education ______________________ ______________________________

Work Experience_________________ 12. Name_________________________

______________________________ Education ______________________

4. Name _________________________ Work Experience ________________

Education ______________________ ______________________________

Work Experience_________________ 13. Name_________________________

______________________________ Education ______________________

Work Experience_________________
5. Name_________________________
14. Name_________________________ 3. ________________________________
Education_______________________ _________
Work Experience _________________ _________________
______________________________ 4. ________________________________
15. Name_________________________ _________
Education ______________________ _________________
Work Experience_________________ 5. ________________________________
______________________________ _________
16. Name_________________________ _________________
Education ______________________ 6. ________________________________
Work experience_________________ _________
______________________________ _________________
17. Name_________________________ 7. ________________________________
Education ______________________ _________
Work Experience ________________ _________________
______________________________ 8. ________________________________
T10 _________________
9. ________________________________


10. ________________________________
Type of material, Origin, Quality _________________
1. ________________________________ 11. ________________________________
__________ _________
_________________ _________________
2. ________________________________ 12. ________________________________
_________ _________
_________________ _________________

13. ________________________________ 23. ________________________________
_________ _________
_________________ _________________
14. ________________________________ 24. ________________________________
_________ _________
_________________ _________________
15. ________________________________ 25. ________________________________
_________ _________
_________________ _________________
16. ________________________________ 26. ________________________________
_________ _________
_________________ _________________
17. ________________________________ 27. ________________________________
_________ _________
_________________ _________________
18. ________________________________ 28. ________________________________
_________ _________
_________________ _________________
19. ________________________________ 29. ________________________________
_________ _________
_________________ _________________
20. ________________________________ 30. ________________________________
_________ _________
_________________ _________________
21. ________________________________ 31. ________________________________
_________ _________
_________________ _________________
22. ________________________________ 32. ________________________________
_________ _________
_________________ _________________

33. ________________________________ ___________________________________
_________ ___________________________________
_________________ ___________________________________
34. ________________________________ ___________________________________
_________ ___________________
35. ________________________________
36. ________________________________
_________ T10
37. ________________________________ Form T11
_________________ SUBCONTRACTED
38. ________________________________
_________ List works to be subcontracted and value
1. _____________________________
39. ________________________________
Value _______________
2. _______________________________
Value _______________
40. ________________________________
3. _______________________________
Value _______________
4. _______________________________
Value _______________
This is to certify that all used materials will
5. _______________________________
be procured from the list of accepted
Value _______________
countries including:
6. _______________________________
7. _______________________________ Value___________________
Value _______________ 23._______________________________
8. _______________________________ Value___________________
Value _______________ 24._______________________________
9. _______________________________ Value___________________
Value_______________ 25._______________________________
10. _______________________________ Value___________________
Value _______________ 26._______________________________
11. _______________________________ Value___________________
Value__________________ 27._______________________________
12._______________________________ Value___________________
Value_______________ 28._______________________________
13._______________________________ Value___________________
Value _______________ 29._______________________________
14._______________________________ Value___________________
Value _______________ 30._______________________________
15._______________________________ Value___________________
Value________________ 31._______________________________
16._______________________________ Value___________________
Value___________________ 32._______________________________
17._______________________________ Value___________________
Value___________________1 Note: Proposed list of works that will be
8._______________________________ subcontracted must not exceed value of
Value _______________ 50% of total project value.
19._______________________________ Contractor signature______________________________

Value _______________ Form T12

Value___________________2 LABOUR
Structure and skill level of locally recruited
Value___________________ staff:
15. ____________________________
Name Structure Skill level
1. ____________________________ 16. ____________________________
______________ ______________
2. ____________________________ 17. ____________________________
______________ ______________
3. ____________________________ 18. ____________________________
______________ ______________
4. ____________________________ 19. ____________________________
______________ ______________
5. ____________________________ 20. ____________________________
______________ ______________
6. ____________________________
7. ____________________________ O
8. ____________________________ R
9. ____________________________ T
10. ____________________________
11. ____________________________ _
12. ____________________________ _
13. ____________________________ _
14. ____________________________ _

Signature of Contractor: R

Form T15a


This is to certify that my account holder is

and it will serve me during the project
execution as well as guarantee period.
This satement is to obtain isurance for
performance bond..






and it will serve me during the project
execution as well as the guarantee period.
This satement is to obtain advance
payment security.



* Should the tenderer not require advance

payment, this form must be voided.

Form T16


This is to certify that my account holder is

(bank) _____________________________



This Agreement made the ____________

day of________________in the year

(hereinafter called “Employer” ) of the one
part and
______________ (hereinafter called
“Contractor”) of the other part

Whereas the employer is desirous that

certain works should be executed by the
_______________and has accepted a
Tender by the Contractor for the execution
and completion of such works and the
remedying of any defects therein.

Now this agreement witnesseth as


1.In this agreement words and expressions

shall have the same meanings as are
respectively assigned to them in the
Conditions of contract hereinafter referred to
2. The following documents shall be deemed said________________________________
to form and be read and construed as part of ___________________________________
this agreement, viz: _____________________________
in the presence
a) The letter of offer acceptance of:_________________________________
b) The said tender ___________________________________
c) Conditions of contract (part I and II) ______________________________
d) The Specification
e) The drawings
f) The Bill of Quantity

3.In consideration of the payments to be

made by the Employer to the Contractor as
hereinafter mentioned the Contractor hereby
covenants with the employer to execute and
complete the works and remedy any defects
therein in conformity in all respects with the
provisions of the Contract.

4.The Employer hereby covenants to pay

the Contractor in consideration of the
execution and completion of the works and
the remedying of defects therein the
Contract price or such other sum as may
become payable under the provisions of the
Contract at the times and in the manner
prescribed by the contract.
Form T17a
In witness whereof the parties hereto have
caused this Agreement to be executed the
day and year first before written in
accordance with their respective laws

The common seal of STATEMENT

___________________________________ Herewith I declare that I read and understood
___________________________________ Form of Agreement and I fully agree with its
_______________was hereunto affixed in content.
the presence
Signed Sealed and Delivered by the
Signature of contractor


Form T18a


Herewith I declare that I read and understood

FIDIC’s “Conditions of Contract – Part I” and I
fully agree with its content.

Signature of Contractor


Form T19a


Herewith I declare that I read and understood

FIDIC’s “Conditions of Contract – Part II,
Particular application” and I fully agree with its

Signature of Contractor



Tender Delivery Confirmation

Project title________________________

Tender No:________________________

Submission deadline:

N° Name and Company Date & time

of receipt s



Form T21

Form T22


This is to certify that all present and

undersigned candidates, interested in
execution of work related to the
_________________________and to tender
#___________ have visited the project
site/location of
the _______day of the month_________
Name and Name and 200_ at ___________hrs.
signature of signature of
person receiving Person handing
the tender over the tender In the presence of the undersigned:

On behalf of IRC_____________:

Project Manager:


On behalf of Contractors:

name of company,name of authorised
representatives signature)




Form T23

Receipt of Tender

Name of Tender:____________________

Tender N°: _______________________

Submittal Deadline:

date _____________________________


Name of Company

Number of parcels:

Method of delivery:

( )by hand

( ) by postal service

( ) by international courier
(DHL, etc.)

Date and time of reception:

______________ at _____________ h

Are the parcels properly sealed:

( ) YES

( ) NO




Name of person receiving the parcel:


Copy: To company (

Form T25

Ranking of tender dossier of company
which took part in Prequalification d) Key personell list
#________, for the (0-15 points) 15 _________
project_______________________, Required Submittals Maximum Awarded
in________________________________ # points # points

Dated:____________________________ e) List of equipment to be

used (model data, capacity,
year of manufacture) (0-10) 10 _________

Ranking by the following commission f) Work methodology (0-10) 10 _________

g) Dynamic plan (0-10 points)10 _________
h) Value of current contracts
(0-5 points) 5 _________
j) Previous year's balance
sheet and profit report (0-15) 15 _________
k) Scope of work to be
undertaken (0-10 points) 10 _________
Total 100 _________



10._______________________________ Signature of commission members

The commission has evaluated the technical 1.________________________________

sections of the tender documents submitted
and ranked them accordingly. 2.________________________________

Required Submittals Maximum Awarded

# points # points
a) Company Court Registration
(required) _________
b) Confirmation of #
employees by competent
authority (0-10 points) 10 _________
c) Reference list and value of
built projects (0 –15 points) 15 _________

3.Company name___________________
urt Registration (Eliminatory)___________
Confirmation of # Employees (0-10)______
Reference list (0-15)__________________
Key Personell (0-15)__________________
List of equipment (0-10)_______________
Work Methodology (0-10)______________
T25a SCORESHEET Dynamic Plan (0-10)__________________
Currant contracted work (0-5)____________
Balance Sheet (0-15)_________________
Scope of work for subs(0-10)___________
1.Company name____________________ Total points (max. 100)______________
Court Registration
Confirmation of # Employees (0-10)______
Reference list (0-15)__________________
Key Personell (0-15)__________________
List of equipment (0-10)_______________
Work Methodology (0-10)______________
Dynamic Plan (0-10)__________________
Currant contracted work (0-5)____________
Balance Sheet (0-15)_________________
Scope of work for subs(0-10)___________ 4.Company name____________________
Total points (max. 100)______________ _________________________________Co
urt Registration (Eliminatory)___________
Confirmation of # Employees (0-10)______
Reference list (0-15)__________________
2.Company name____________________ Key Personell (0-15)__________________
_________________________________ List of equipment (0-10)_______________
Court Registration Work Methodology (0-10)______________
(Eliminatory)___________ Dynamic Plan (0-10)__________________
Confirmation of # Employees (0-10)______ Currant contracted work (0-5)____________
Reference list (0-15)__________________ Balance Sheet (0-15)_________________
Key Personell (0-15)__________________ Scope of work for subs(0-10)___________
List of equipment (0-10)_______________ Total points (max. 100)______________
Work Methodology (0-10)______________
Dynamic Plan (0-10)__________________
Currant contracted work (0-5)____________
Balance Sheet (0-15)_________________ 5.Company name___________________
Scope of work for subs(0-10)___________ _________________________________
Total points (max. 100)______________ Court Registration
Confirmation of # Employees (0-10)______

Reference list (0-15)__________________
Key Personell (0-15)__________________
List of equipment (0-10)_______________ 8.Company name___________________
Work Methodology (0-10)______________ _________________________________Co
Dynamic Plan (0-10)__________________ urt Registration (Eliminatory)___________
Currant contracted work (0-5)____________ Confirmation of # Employees (0-10)______
Balance Sheet (0-15)_________________ Reference list (0-15)__________________
Scope of work for subs(0-10)___________ Key Personell (0-15)__________________
Total points (max. 100)______________ List of equipment (0-10)_______________
Work Methodology (0-10)______________
Dynamic Plan (0-10)__________________
Currant contracted work (0-5)____________
6.Company name___________________ Balance Sheet (0-15)_________________
_________________________________Co Scope of work for subs(0-10)___________
urt Registration (Eliminatory)___________ Total points (max. 100)______________
Confirmation of # Employees (0-10)______
Reference list (0-15)__________________
Key Personell (0-15)__________________
List of equipment (0-10)_______________ 9.Company name____________________
Work Methodology (0-10)______________ _________________________________
Dynamic Plan (0-10)__________________ Court Registration
Currant contracted work (0-5)____________ (Eliminatory)___________
Balance Sheet (0-15)_________________ Confirmation of # Employees (0-10)______
Scope of work for subs(0-10)___________ Reference list (0-15)__________________
Total points (max. 100)______________ Key Personell (0-15)__________________
List of equipment (0-10)_______________
Work Methodology (0-10)______________
Dynamic Plan (0-10)__________________
Currant contracted work (0-5)____________
Balance Sheet (0-15)_________________
Scope of work for subs(0-10)___________
Total points (max. 100)______________
7.Company name____________________
urt Registration (Eliminatory)___________
Confirmation of # Employees (0-10)______
Reference list (0-15)__________________
Key Personell (0-15)__________________
List of equipment (0-10)_______________
Work Methodology (0-10)______________
Dynamic Plan (0-10)__________________
Currant contracted work (0-5)____________
Balance Sheet (0-15)_________________
Scope of work for subs(0-10)___________ 10.Company name___________________
Total points (max. 100)______________ _________________________________Co
urt Registration (Eliminatory)___________

Confirmation of # Employees (0-10)______
Reference list (0-15)__________________
Key Personell (0-15)__________________
List of equipment (0-10)_______________
Work Methodology (0-10)______________
Dynamic Plan (0-10)__________________ T25a
Currant contracted work (0-5)____________
Balance Sheet (0-15)_________________
Scope of work for subs(0-10)___________
Total points (max. 100)______________
Form T26

11.Company name___________________
urt Registration (Eliminatory)___________ RE: Tender No.___________which is related to
Confirmation of # Employees (0-10)______ ______________________under Project
Reference list (0-15)__________________ _________________the following companies
Key Personell (0-15)__________________ took part:
List of equipment (0-10)_______________
Work Methodology (0-10)______________ _______________________________________
Dynamic Plan (0-10)__________________ _______________________________________
Currant contracted work (0-5)____________ _______________________________________
Balance Sheet (0-15)_________________ _______________________________________
Scope of work for subs(0-10)___________ _______________________________________
Total points (max. 100)______________ _______________________________________
12.Company name___________________ 3.
After evaluation of documentation, the
Commission ranked submittals as follows:
Court Registration
Confirmation of # Employees (0-10)______
Reference list (0-15)__________________ 2.
Key Personell (0-15)__________________
List of equipment (0-10)_______________ 3.
Work Methodology (0-10)______________
Dynamic Plan (0-10)__________________ 4.
Currant contracted work (0-5)____________
Balance Sheet (0-15)_________________ 5.
Scope of work for subs(0-10)___________
Total points (max. 100)______________ The Commission has awarded a Letter of
Acceptance to ______________________

for the following reasons:______________
____________________________________ ___

Comission members:

4.___________________________________ Form T27
9.___________________________________ LETTER OF TENDER
10.__________________________________ ACCEPTANCE

page 2


We have the pleasure/regret to inform you that

your offer is/not selected as most succesufull for

the Tender No.__________



Funded by______________________________



Project manager:




page 2



Donor’s ID: ___________________________
IRC ID:________________________________
Tender No:____________________________
Budget Heading:______________________
No. Of Units:___________________________
Estimated budget :_____________________
Date of Invitation for Tender:___________
Closing date for collection of Tender :
Tender Opening date:__________________




Form T29

Agreement no. _________________

Project :

Tender no. _____________________

Project Description:


Implementing Agency:
The International Rescue




11.1 Literature

Engineering in Emergencies: a Practical

Guide for Relief Workers. RedR / Intermediate
Technology Publications, London 1995.

Environmental Guidelines. UNHCR, Geneva


Evaluation of International Housing Projects,

An Evaluation Manual. Wamsler, Christine.
Master Thesis in International Humanitarian
Assistance, University of Bochum, Germany,
June 2001 (contact:
wamsler_christine@yahoo.de) 11.2 Electronic Resources
Field Manual for Site and Shelter Planners. www.crisisweb.org
SDC-HA (Swiss Humanitarian Aid) www.famine.tufts.edu
www.nationalgeographic.com (for maps)
Handbook for Emergencies. UNHCR, second www.ohr.int
edition, Geneva 2000. www.oxfam.org.uk/publications
Humanitarian Charter and Minimum www.sphereproject.org
Standards in Disaster Response. The Sphere www.theirc.org
Project, first final edition, Oxford 2000. www.unhabitat.org
A Pattern Language. Alexander, Christopher www.un.org/debits/cartographic/English/htmain/
et. al. New York: Oxford University Press, 1977 htm (for maps)
Permaculture in Refugee Situations: a
Refugee Handbook for Sustainable Land
Management. UNHCR / Southern Alliance for
Indigenous Resources (SAFIRE), 2001.

Protecting Refugees. UNHCR , Geneva 1999.

Refugee Operations and Environmental

Management: Selected Lessons Learned.
UNHCR, Geneva 1998.

Reducing Vulnerability Through Livelihoods

Promotion in Shelter Sector Activities: an
Initial Examination for Potential Mitigation
and Post-Disaster Application.
Setchell, Charles A. Feinstein International
Famine Center, Working Paper No. 5,

The Compartmentalization of Humanitarian

Action. Martone, Gerald. Humanitarian
Exchange, Overseas Development Institute. July

Transitional Settlement: Displaced

Populations. Corsellis, Tom and Vitale,
University of Cambridge shelterproject, 2005.

Women Build Trainers Guide. Habitat for

Humanity International, September 2002.


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