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(A) Design for flexure per unit width (i.e 1000 mm)
Design Moment Ast (mm2) Bar Diameter (mm) Spacing, S (mm) Provided Reinforcement Pt
Sr.No Loaction Direction (Along)
(KN-m) Required Minimum (φ) S-Required S-Provided %
1 Parallel Edge 163.29 365.6 1200.0 16 167.55 175 T16 @ 175 mm c/c (Bot.) 0.122
2 Perpandicular Edge 310.89 701.6 1200.0 16 167.55 175 T16 @ 175 mm c/c (Bot.) 0.122
3 Parallel Edge - - 600.0 12 188.50 175 T12 @ 175 mm c/c (Top) 0.069
4 Perpandicular Edge - - 600.0 12 188.50 175 T12 @ 175 mm c/c (Top) 0.069
(C) Check For Punching Shear Around the Column at critical section (at d/2)
Reaction, R Reaction Factor (Rf) Design Shear, Vd Shear Perimeter, b' Perimeter Factor OR Design Perimeter Nominal Critical Punching
Sr.No Pile Number
(KN) (% To be considered) (KN) (mm) Perimeter Condition b'd Shear, Tv Shear, Tc Shear Ratio (Tv/Tc)
1 P1 441.33 100.00
2 P2 441.33 882.67 5288.00 0.667 (2/3) 3527.10 0.266 1.250 0.213
3 P3 441.33
(C) Check For Punching Shear Around Pile (at d/2)
2 Around Pile 441.333 100.00 441.33 4373.11 0.5 (1/2) 2186.55 0.214 1.250 0.171
P1 Parpandicular Edge (Depth of Columns) 441.33 556.40 1.071 0.265 8.07 2.139 0.501
P2 OR P3 Parallel Edge (Width of Columns) 220.67 229.79 1.019 0.265 18.65 4.943 0.206
150 MM 450
Lable X1 Y1 X2 Y2 Lable X1 Y1 X2 Y2
1. Base 0 0 2200 0 13. Centre -Top pile (P1) 425 1594 1775 1594
2. Centre -Base pile 0 425 2200 425 14. Vertical Centre Line 1100 0 1100 2019
3. C-Vertical Left 425 0 425 950 15. P1-Base 875 1369 1325 1369
4. C-Vertical Right 1775 0 1775 950 16. P1-Top 875 1819 1325 1819
5. P2-Base 200 200 650 200 17. P1-Left 875 1369 875 1819
6. P2-Top 200 650 650 650 18. P1-Right 1325 1369 1325 1819
7. P2-Left 200 200 200 650 19. Right Edge Vertical 2200 0 2200 539
8. P2-Right 650 200 650 650 20. Left Edge Vertical 0 0 0 539
9. P3-Base 1550 200 2000 200 21. Top Edge Horizontal 855 2019 1345 2019
10. P3-Top 1550 650 2000 650 22. Inclined Edge Left 0 539 855 2019
11. P3-Left 1550 200 1550 650 23. Inclined Edge Right 2200 539 1345 2019
12. P3-Right 2000 200 2000 650 24. Column Base 795 740 1405 740
27. Column Right Vert. 1405 740 1405 890 25. Column Top 795 890 1405 890
26. Column Left Vert. 795 740 795 890 27. Punching - Base 324 269 1876 269
28. Punching - Top 324 1361 1876 1361 29. Punching - Left 324 269 324 1361
34. Base of Triagle (P3) 1651 680 2101 680 30. Punching - Right 1876 269 1876 1361
35. Vertical of Triangle (P3) 2101 680 2101 780 31. Punching (P3) - Forward 2101 269 2101 1361
36. Inclined of Triangle (P3) 1651 680 2101 780 32. Punching (P3) - Backword 1651 269 1651 1361
37. (P1) - Centre Horizontal 200 1594 2000 1594 33. (P3) - Centre 1775 -100 1775 1461
38. Punching (P1) - Upper 324 1586 1876 1586 39. Punching (P1) - Lower 324 1136 1876 1136
40. Base of Triangle (P1) 1782 1136 1782 1586 41. Vertical of Triangle (P1) 1781.8 1586 1881.8 1586
42. Inclined of Triangle (P1) 1782 1136 1882 1586 43. Puncing Around P1 - Base 404 898 1796 898
46. Puncing Around P1 -Right 1796 898 1796 2290 44. Puncing Around P1 - Top 404 2290 1796 2290
45. Puncing Around P1 -Left 404 898 404 2290