TUTORIAL embedded system
TUTORIAL embedded system
The figure 1. below represents the circuit of a full adder, where and are the
variable inputs. is the carry while and are the sum and the reminder
Figure 1.
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13) Write the steps involved in describing a system’s behavior as a
state Machine.
Describe the
architecture of a
typical micro controller
with a
neat diagram.
6 . Explain the basic
processors and
hardware units in the
embedded system
7. Explain how software
is embedded into a
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8 . Explain the methods
used in the embedded
system on a chip
9 . List the hard ware
units that must be
present in the
embedded syste
I- General presentation and working of the system
The automated system studied is given at the figure 4. It consists of an oil tank, a
dispenser ferry and a reservoir, all equipped of level sensors intended to monitor the level of
liquid in each. The filling of oil in the oil tank is achieved by another system which is not
studied within the framework of this problem.
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When the above three conditions are satisfied, the pump firstly starts automatically and
fill 4 L of oil in the dispenser ferry.
After the oil level is reached, 80L of water is filled in the reservoir.
After the reservoir is filled, the mixing starts while the oil previously filled in the
dispenser is added to the water in the reservoir. This process automatically stops after 5
At the end of the mixing, the emptying valve opens automatically allowing another
system (not studied here) to bottle the product. A new cycle will start only when the
reservoir will be empty and the system switched on once again.
To ensure the safety of the equipment, the mixing motor and the pump are equipped of a
thermal protector THM and THP respectively whose role is to generate an automatic
emergency stop signal anytime there is overheating in one of them.
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3-3. What are the functional specifications offered by this mode?
4. To facilitate the programming, you are instructed by the control engineer to use only two
registers of the PIA in mode 0 notably, the portA register as output and the portB register
as input.
4-1. Propose a configuration word (binary and hexadecimal) to be written in the configuration
register of the PIA to obtain the above functioning.
4-2. Draft a wiring plan indicating to which pin of your portA and portB the different sensing
circuits and output control interfaces of the system will be connected respectively.
4-3. Copy and fill the following table with the command word to be sent at the portA to
perform the following actions:
-5. Without take into consideration the automatic stop due to overheating of motors, develop
the flowchart of the computer program intended to manage the sequence of actions of this
Part C: PLC
Assume that the PLC used here is a microprocessor based system built around the
microprocessor 6809 of Motorola. The memory space of this PLC is given at the figure below
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1. Define microprocessor then give its main criteria of choice
2. Draw the block diagram of a standard microprocessor based system then give the main
functions of each element of the system
3. From which technology should belongs the program memory of the system if it is the PLC?
4. Give the role played by each of the following registers in the functioning of the
a) The program counter
b) The stack pointer
5. Which type of memory are MEM1 and MEM2? Justify.
6. Determine the capacity of each chip of the map then the total capacity of the memory space
of this PLC.
7. Determine the binary address selecting each chip then draw the table showing the binary
and hexadecimal address ranges used for each chip
8. Determine the hexadecimal address of the 10592nd memory word then indicate the chip
where that word is stored.
9. Now assume that the addressing of the16 address lines address bus memory system is
modified in such a way that the most significant byte of the address represents the reference
number of memory pages.
a) How many memory pages are there in this system?
b) How many memory words can be stored on each page? Deduce the total capacity of the
new space.
c) Determine the rank of the page to which belongs the memory word of address 3465H.
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