Popular Radio 1923 12

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Ix this )oit&eJ-
How íoWad.aDiagram.-
How to Build. a Sín4ale Costal Set-
How to Built the 5uterbtrneR
=m -ieNar
AIM .I _-! _.,19_

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This is why you will sooner or later choose a genuine long range and clear reception -the
C & W Receiver -built by two of America's foremost set used in the famous C & W selec-
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Equipment -men who have been building the highest
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Please men /ion POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

KENNEDY Vhe v2oyacty NIof' Jta dio
The Colin B. Kennedy
Co., internationally
renowned for their
ING SETS, are equip-,,
ping all their sets with
Thordarson super -

The Zenith Radio Corporation,
manufacturers of LONG
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Berengaria record and their
accomplishments on the S. S.
Bowdoin at the North Pole,
also have adopted Thordarson
super- transformers as standard



(Cover design by Frank B. Masters)
The First Man to See by Radio Page 436
A Portrait Study of C. Francis Jenkins
The New "Radio Movies" Watson Davis .. 437
How Radio Is Making the American Boy a "Citizen
of the World" Forrest Crisse y. 444
How to Select Your Radio Parts S Gordon Taylor 450
Learning the Code While Asleep Kenneth Swezey 459
The 100 Best Hook-ups 463
Installment No. 2
Do Ether Waves Cause Gravitation? E E. Free 468
How to Read a Diagram Albert G. Craig 478
Part I
How to Build an Efficient Crystal Receiver. Morris S. Strock 486
How to Build the Super -heterodyne Receiver...... Laurence M. Cockaday 496
Part II
How to Increase the Selectivity of Your Receiver.. Johiz V. L. Hogan 504

What Readers Ask 512
In the Work s Laboratories 518
Hints for Amateurs..'..... 526
Broadcasts 528
Listening In 531
Facts You Hunt For 537


Published monthly by Popular Radio, Inc., 9 East 40th Street, New York, N. Y. telephone number
Vanderbilt 9985; H. B. Emerson. President; Paul. O. Batch, Secretary; F. C. Hemberger,
Treasurer. Price, 25 cents a copy; subscription $2.00 a year (prior to Dec. 15, 1923) in the U. S.,
Canada and all countries within the domestic postal zone; after Dec. 15, $3.00 a year; elsewhere
$3.50 a year, payable in advance. The International News Company, Ltd., No. 5 Bream's Bldg.,
London, E. C. 4, sole distributors in England. Entered as second class matter April 7, 1922, at
the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Copyright, 1923, and title
registered as a trademark by Popular Radio, Inc. Copyright in Great Britain by Popular
Radio, Inc., 6 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, W. C., London, England. Printed in. U. S. A.
E. E. FREE, Ph.D., Contributing Editor LAURENCE M. COCKADAY, R.E., Technical Editor

For advertising rates address E. R. Caoa'E & Co..

New York: 9 East 40th St. Chicago: 645 North Mlichigan Ave.

Please n7el/liÓ{ Purt;LAR RADIO when
ans.rcriag advertisements.

or the ear
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Richmond Hill, N.V. Li: en>rJ under Armstrong
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OUT of the wilds of Canada comes a letter w-boie a personal grudge ag:.: u_ a certain
from an Irate Reader who peremptori - author who had inconsiderately ma: -:Pd. the
his subscription cancel use of "the Irate Subscriber's sweetheart. And once
tacit approval of boo egging and contempt of lost an Irate Subscriber because an illustration
the law expressed ,j an article by "a writer in the magazine showed a man firing a re-
called WilliantL.U1 our September number. volver-and the Irate Subscriber, being an
* * * avowed pacifist, disapproved even of pictures
of guns! And once he lost an Irate Sub-
So far as the Editor knows, this cancellation scriber who was a Catholic and didn't believe
is the first one ever received from an Irate that the magazine should employ a Jew as sub-
Subscriber by POPULAR RADIO. It is at least a scription agent -or perhaps it was the other
gratification to know that the irritation was way around.
not occasioned by a technical error in our * * *
pages or by a misstatement of a fact! BUT no amount of cancellations of subscrip-
tions or advertising -(and, contrariwise, no
* * *
CANCELLATIONS due to a subscriber's dis-
agreement with a point of view expressed by
amount of promises of contracts for either)
will divert the editorial policy of POPULAR
RADIO or lead the Editor to publish or to sup-
a contributor are so rare -particularly in
scientific magazines which appeal primarily to press an honest opinion.
open -minded seekers of the truth-as to at- * * *
tract comment. The Editor does not and ob- THE editorial pages of POPULAR RADIO arc
viously cannot commit either himself or the not for sale -to subscribers or to advertisers.
magazine to the opinions of the contributors. * * *
If any considerable portion of our readers
shared our Canadian reader's censorious mental
attitude, what in the world would have hap-
As this paragraph is being written, the cash
price of POPULAR RADIO is 250,000,000 marks
although, of course, that trifling sum is no
pened to our large and growing subscription criterion of its value. "I wouldn't sell my
list following the famous controversy in our May number for $10.00," writes an enthusiastic
pages between Sir Oliver Lodge and Dr. reader from Bethel, Conn. . . . Um! let's
Charles P. Steinmetz on the Ether Hypothe- see, that's about 10,000,000,000 marks, isn't it?
sis? Or between Dr. Elihu Thomson, Sir * * *
Oliver Lodge, General Squier and Dr. Reginald
A. Fessenden on the Gliding Wave Theory? THE author of the article on page 504 of
* * *
this issue of POPULAR RADIO, John V. L.
Hogan, is not only one of the most capable
As a matter of fact, "a writer named Wil- and widely experienced of radio experts in the
liams" merely made the parenthetical observa- world, but is adding to his scientific laurels
tion (in his article descriptive of the broad- an occasional sprig or two from the world of
casting of his play) that "fortunately" Mr. literature. His latest book, "The Outline of
Volstead's efforts to suppress cocktails were Radio," is perhaps the most understandable
unsuccessful. This point of view is reported yet authoritative volume on the subject that
to be held by several million pretty good the Editor has yet seen -comparable only to
Americans and apparently too by a good many "Radio for Everyone" by our own Laurence
Canadians, who are presumably just as sincere M. Cockaday. And no praise could be fairer
in their convictions as is the Irate Subscriber. than that!
POPULAR RADIO neither disapproves nor en- * * *
dorses these opinions. Furthermore, the Edi- OUR enterprising subscription manager tells
tor expects to publish other opinions, pro- the Editor that he has arranged with numer-
vided that the contributors are persons of ous publishers for filling orders for POPULAR
standing whose views command consideration. RADIO, in combination with other magazines,
* * * at special club rates.
"A WRITER called Williams," in this case hap- "Our readers will profit well by taking ad-
pens to be the internationally known novelist,
vantage of some of these clubbing offers and
Jesse Lynch Williams, Doctor of Letters, filling the magazine requirements of their
president of the Authors' League of America, whole family for the coming year" he re-
member of the National Institute of Arts and ports. "These special units, as announced in
Letters, a writer and publicist who has been our advertisement in the current number, are
honored by institutions of learning and a priced lower than they can ever be priced
dramatist who is known here and abroad for again, and the offers are for a very limited
his keen understanding of present -day people time only. Why not tell our readers about
and present -day problems. them in Pages with the Editor ?"
* * *
* * *
\VHY not, indeed?
ONCE, when the Editor was on the staff of
another magzaine, he lost an Irate Subscriber (Continued on page 8)

Please mention POPULA R RADIO when answering advertisements.

FOR Christmas give the radio

enthusiast his fondest expect-
ation-a perfect radio re-PRO-
DUCER, the Atlas Loud Speaker.
Natural re- PRODUCTION, iden-
tical with the original in the
broadcasting studio. The patented
"double diaphragm" responds uni-
formly to the full range of sound
intensities. Adjustable to each
Letters from individual set and receiving con-
Users Requested ditions. The Atlas Loud Speaker
is a gift to an entire home.
The remarkable re-
PRODUCTION of Hear the Atlas Loud Speaker at
Atlas Loud Speakers your dealer's.
makes every owner
enthusiastic. "Musical WARNING. Be sure you get the
experts," writes a man
in St. Paul, "have pro-
nounced it the clearest
reproduction they
genuine Atlas Loud
Speaker with our red
tag factory guaran-
have ever heard." tee! LIST PRICE
What results have you Write for Booklet "B"
accomplished with Contains much helpful information
your Atlas Loud
Speaker? Write us Sala Canadian Distributor.
about them -TODAY. The Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company
of Canada, Ltd.
Montreal, Canada

(Continued from page G)

From a It
photograph made for Pllrrl.AR
Before the Technical Editor's article oit the super -heterodyne receiver was written,
the set was designed, built and put into successful operation. Then the Technical
Editor told in detail how it was donc.

You will find above a snapshot of a

corner of the experimental laboratory con-
The amateur-even .the most experienced
has neither the experience nor the facilities
ducted by our Technical Editor. This par- for making his own vacuum tubes, for ex-
ticular picture was made while the staff was ample. Nor has he the facilities for making
actually working on the super -heterodyne set such apparatus as audio -frequency trans-
that is described in this issue. formers or couplers. It would be as unwise
* * * for the radio fan to try to make them as it
EVERY set and every circuit that is described would be for POPULAR RADIO to advise him to
in this nragasine is built and tested before it do so.
* * *
appears in our pages.
* * IF you fail to find in our "How -to- Build"
series construction details for certain instru-
EVERY one of our "How -to- Build" articles is
ments, you may properly conclude that, in
so carefully written and checked up that the
the opinion of POPULAR RADIO at least, the
possibility of error is remote. In order to amateur should not attempt to construct them
insure successful results to the builder, the himself.
articles contain all the specific information that
is necessary, ranging from the exact instru-
ments that should be used to detailed and
minute instructions as to where to drill the
holes for the screws.
* tvatai
THERE are some radio parts, however, that
POPULAR RADIO recommends its readers to buy
outright rather than to try to make himself. Edi' , ], . i ',it R
Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Charges Radio and Auto Batteries at Home

For a friend who owns radio
Night - For
or automobile, what could
a Nickel! gift which would eliminate the
more appropriate than
be 'a
inconvenience and expense of taking his battery to a service station every time It requires recharging? The

he rlcs
No clost. Popular
tvk 'Satter.» Charger
such a gut, appropriately dressed up
battery in the simplest, quickest and in
Is a beautiful Christmas package, too. It charges any AUTO. RADIO or "II" storage
most efficient manner possible. Connects to any lamp socket- operates silently
requires no watching. Fully automatic in operation -absolutely safe.
1. Simple-Only one moving
moving and wearing part, replaceable after 6. Fool- Proof -Can be operated by anyone. Attach to lamp
thousands of hours for $I.00. Will last a lifetime. socket and connect battery either way, it will always charge.
2. EfRelent-Uses less than one -half the current of any bulb or High-grade ammeter eliminates guess work.
liquid type rectifier. Will charge any radio or automobile 7. Safe -No danger or shock or fire. Tested and approved by
battery for a nickel. Fire Insurance Underwriters everywhere. Gives tapering
3. Quick -Its high charging rate of 7 amperes eliminates long charge-will not o enceat iniu uv buttery.
waiting for battery to become charged. Will charge any "A" 8. Beautiful-Mahogany and [ Gold Finish.
attery over night, or three times as fast as a a -ampere 9. Unqualifiedly Guaranteed.
machine 10. Popularly Priced -Retails at $18.5o complete ($25.00
4. Clean -No expensive bulls to break nr acids to spill or Canada). No extras to buy. Sold by all dealers.
BROADCASTING LIST. Ask your 'dealer or
replace. No add fumes. Charges without muss, fuss or bother.
5. Dependable-Tungsten contacts insure continuous operation
FREE write direct for Free Homcharger List of
prevent sticking and stopping. Broadcasting Stations, and Circular Describing the Gold
GOLD SEAL HOMCHARCERS In their attractive Xmas packages are going to be "best sellers" to the
holiday trade. Write for our elaborate merchandising plans and then prepare to get your share of this
big "Homcharger Xmas business."
Insist on the GOLD SEAL
ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. Like all good products, the HOu1CIIARGER has been widely imitated. No other
charger is just as good. INSIST on seeing our registered trade -mark, the "GOLD SEAL," on nameplate and
carton before purchasing.

eAutomatic Electrical DevicesCo., Third St., Cincinnati3O.

132 West
co..' largest Manufacturers of Vibrating Rectifiers in the World

Phase mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

The Outstanding Value

in New Kennedy Radio Sets
The new Kennedy Radio Model V is everywhere acknowledged as the one
outstanding value in the radio field today.
The receiving unit in Model V is a distinct advance in radio engineering.
It is a special development of extensive research in the Kennedy Laboratories
and was produced in response to an insistent, popular demand for more
simplified apparatus. After initial settings are made, all tuning is.controlled
by a single dial. Yet, with this extreme simplicity of operation the selec-
tivity of the earlier Kennedy models has been retained. The new unit
responds to all broadcast wave-lengths and operates on any ordinary antenna.
The cabinet is of solid mahogany and follows a pleasing design that adapts
itself to home surroundings. Equipment includes all tubes, dry batteries,
Kennedy phones and plug- batteries are fully enclosed. Price, complete,
More elaborate Kennedy furniture models range from $285.00 to $825.00,
completely equipped, including built -in loud speaker.
See Me new Kennedy furniture model: at your
dealer or write ú:Jor fully illu :[rated particular:.




All Kannada 1rNereintt ,e

and., rm.lrony U. S.
Patent N.. 1.113.149.

KENNEDY ghel2oyalty

From n photograph made for POPULAR RADIO

The Inventor of the Radio Furnace

AMONG the first American experiments with radio were those made at
the University of Texas in 1896 by Dr. E. F. Northrup. Dr. Northrup's
most recent achievement is the invention of a furnace that melts the most
refractory metals by Means of radio waves. He will describe this in an
early number of POPULAR RADIO.
From a Photograph made for l'ortn.nz Raub

The First Man to See by Radio

This modest genius, Mr. C. Francis Jenkins, of Washington; D. C., believes in letting
his inventions make their way in the world on merit alone. Although he is less
known to newspaper readers than many other inventors of far less accomplishment,
Mr. Jenkins already has to his credit several important contributions to the produc-
tion of motion pictures as well as to radio. His most recent invention combines
these fields in the "radio movies," described in the article that starts on the
page opposite.

In this authoritative article dr. Davis describes for the first time an
invention that some scientists believe to be one of the most important
ever made in the whole science of radio. It is not too much to say that
it may result in permitting you to actually sec any part of the world -its
people, its street scenes, its great events and spectacles -without leaving
your own fireside.


WHEN I talked to C. Francis Jen- written in Chinese characters, and even

kins over the telephone and he photographs by wire and radio.*
asked me to come up to his laboratory, Sending and receiving sets for trans-
I was not surprised and startled that mitting still pictures by radii, were in
he and I could talk over a copper wire. his laboratory, and it was plain that this
Telephoning is a common performance. apparatus for radio vision, a new as-
Even the nightly radio voices in the sembly of disks, motors, lenses and
ether are no longer' the marvel 'they lights, was related to the mare finished
were a mere two years ago. and mature equipment that has been suc-
But, when Mr. Jenkins asked me to cessful in sending, pictures and dia-
watch a screen in his laboratory which grams through thin air.
was shut off from the rest of the roóm In. reply to my hardly pronounced
and when I saw him wave his hand to "How ?" Mr. Jenkins showed how he
me, although my back was turned to had made the movement of his fingers
him, it was unusual. and hand visible by radio. The appara-
I was seeing by radio! tus seemed extremely simple, certainly
But Mr. Jenkins has done unusual no more complex than the telephone
and unprecedented things before. Every when Bell first operated it. A magic
ordinary motion picture projector con- lantern, the same as thousands in ordi-
tains a vital principle invented by him. nary use, was projecting its shaft of
Readers of POPULAR RAmo know also light through a disk that revolved at
that he has within the last year made it 'The Jenkins method of sending pictures by radie
possible to send diagrams, messages was described in "Seeing by Radio' by Watson Danis.
Poru1.Aa RADIO, April, 1923.



The transmission of a "still picture" by radio was the first step in the transmission
of motion pictures-which are but a series of still pictures. Now the inventor
is transmitting actual scenes directly from flic moving objects.

high speed. The light fell on an open- receives are translated into variations in
ing in a rectangular box, supported, electric current, just as the variations in
much like a small camera, on a heavy sound that enter the telephone trans-
tripod placed half way across the room. mitter exit upon the wires as variations
From the black box oit the tripod wires in electric current. The shadow of the
ran to a radio transmitting set that was moving fingers, now in the form of
heavily screened to keep stray and varying electric current, was fed into
troublesome electric currents from get- the radio transmitting set and handled
ting in the way. When a wave of the in exactly the same way as hundreds
hand was to be transmitted, Mr. Jen- of jazz concerts are broadcast every
kins simply inserted his fingers into the night.
space where the lantern slide holder The receiving antenna in the case of
of the ordinary stereopticon is placed. this demonstration was only a few feet
The object of the whirling disk and away from the sending antenna on the
stereopticon, Mr. Jenkins told me, was roof of the Jenkins laboratory, but for
to impress the shadow of the moving a short distance that wave of a hand
fingers and hand, portion by portion, went through the ether in the form of
upon the. light- sensitive cell that was radio waves. After being picked up by
contained in the camera -like black box the receiving radio set, these impulses
on the tripod. How this is done will were changed back into an electric cur-
be explained later. But the result is rent and sent to the radio- vision receiv-
that the variations in light that this cell ing set.

From a photograph made for POPULAR RADIO

The lamp shown in the picture receives a varying electric current and transforms
it into variations in light, which are taken by the multiple -lens disk and thrown
onto the screen in the background in the form of a picture. The motor driving
the disk is located behind the screen.

This receiving apparatus consisted of The human eye is easily pleased and
just four essentials : a lamp that changed slurs over minute imperfections. All .

electric -current variations into light of the halftone illustrations in our

variations, a whirling disk similar to the newspapers are nothing but areas of
one in the transmitter, a lens, and a pic- coarse dots, sixty to the inch, that our
ture- receiving screen. eyes obligingly turn into pleasing pic-
Radio vision is as much a matter of tures. That is a very useful optical
optics as electricity, and since light and trick and it is used by Mr. Jenkins in
electricity are both members of the big sending still pictures by radio and also
family of ether waves, differing only in his process of radio vision. -
in length, there is no reason why they Again, speed can be used to fool the
should not work amicably. eye. Getting fooled is not always un-
Yet there is no question but that the pleasant, because it allows us to enjoy
radio part of radio vision plays second motion pictures. In the theaters, six-
fiddle to the whirling disk. These rings teen photographs appear on the screen
of lenses make radio vision possible. each second, and that.is speedy enough
They take the wave of the hand and to make it seem to our eyes that the
impress it portion by portion on the motion is in the objects in the pictures,
light- sensitive cell; they take the rapidly not in the pictures themselves. And
fluctuating light and change it into a this optical illusion is used by Mr. Jen-
moving picture. kins in radio vision.

Lines, not dots as in the halftone, by radio apparatus. One disk covers
very close together, are the structure the picture in one direction while the
of both pictures and vision by radio. other covers it at right angles to the
These lines of light are swept across first, and one of these disks operates
the progressing picture by the whirling many times faster than the other so
disks. Light is the paint and the whirl- that the effect, in both sending and
ing disk is the brush in radio pictures receiving, is the drawing of lines across
and vision. the picture very close to each other.
In the Jenkins apparatus for trans- In sending still pictures, this operation
mitting still pictures, the whirling disk takes about a minute.
has a prism curled around its circum- To transmit motion, the sending must
ference. Prismatic lenses, as almost all be speeded up so that at least sixteen
of us have observed, have a way of per- pictures arc transmitted each second
suading light to deviate from its straight instead of one picture in several min-
path. The disks used in transmitting utes. Compared with this, ordinary mo-
still pictures by radio are made entirely tion pictures. stich as we see in theaters,
of glass, and the prismatic lens is are comparatively simple. At the movies
ground on the circumference. This is, whole photographs are projected on the
however, The equivalent of many lenses screen all at once, and they are thrown
since it is of varying thickness. And on and taken off so rapidly that the eye
this causes a beam of light, projected can not detect the separate projections
through it while it revolves, to be swept but blends them together into continu-
from one side to the other or up and ous motion of the objects in the picture.
down. In radio vision the picture is projected
Two of these disks are used to project on the screen portion by portion, but to
the photograph upon the transmitting produce the effect of motion or actual
light- sensitive cell in Jenkins' pictures vision a complete picture must be built

-Au Act

This is the original Chinese message that was
This is the message as it was received by the
handed to the radio operator for transmission radio operator and handed to its Chinese ad-
at the sending station. Its Chinese significance dressee; it is practically a perfect reproduction
is "Ten thousand joys on your journey." in somewhat grayer lone.

From a photograph made for POPULAR RAMC.


The inventor, C. Francis Jenkins, is placing his hand in the stereopticon which
throws a beam of light on the multiple-lens disk. This disk impresses a picture
of his hand upon the light -sensitive cell (which is across the room and not shown
in the photograph) and this cell translates variations in light to variations in

up every sixteenth of a second. Pris- and vertical motion of the light was ob-
matic disks that produce only one pic- tained. The forty -eight lenses forming
ture a minute are obviously too slow. a prism of varying angles shifted the
So Mr. Jenkins has devised a new scene once horizontally, while each con-
form or disk, that contains lenses that vex lens by its vertical motion swept the
combine the function of covering the scene over the light- sensitive cell in
picture vertically and horizontally. In one - forty -eighth the time of the hori-
the apparatus that he demonstrated, the zontal shift. Thus each scene was im-
disk was so made as to produce one pressed on the cell as forty -eight hori-
complete picture with each revolution. zontal 'lines spaced close together. The
It contained forty -eight lenses in all. speed necessary for the production of
Each of these was, in effect, a combi- continuous motion in the 'radio- vision
nation of a rather flat convex lens and receiving apparatus was sixteen revolu-
a prismatic lens. The lenses varied by tions a second or 960 r.p.m.
having the prismatic part thick on oñe Exactly the reverse process takes
edge for the first lens and then gradu- place in the radio- vision receiver. The
ally changing their angles until the dismembered scene enters the lamp of
thickness was on the other edge for the the receiver as a fluctuating current,
last or forty-eighth lens. For all lenses strong where the light of the transmit-
the convex portion was the same. Thus ted scene was strong, weak where it
in this compound lens both horizontal was weak. Faithfully the lamp repro-



From a drawing by J. H. Picken for POPULAR RADIO

The light 1, f rom an object A, is focussed one strip at a'ti,iw through lenses on
the rotating disk E, onto the light -sensitive cell F. Elèítrie current from the

battery G, is modulated by the light and sent out by radio in the usual way.

duces light, and the whirling disk with receiver must vary quickly with varia-
its dual -purpose lenses sweeps the scene tions in the incoming current. The or-
on the screen just as its twin in the dinary lamp that is speedy enough for
transmitter swept it on the light- sensi- still pictures by radio can not make the
tive cell. pace necessary for radio vision. Mr.
It is a shadowy wave of the hand or Jenkins is using a corona glow lamp,
movement of the fingers that is pro- in which the gas around the internal
duced. A picture composed of only a electrodes gives off the light. The
few horizontal lines, varying in light lamps are filled with neon, one of the
intensity along their lengths, can not rare inert gases. With this kind of
be expected to be very distinct or de- lamp the lag is sufficiently small but the
But even shadowy motion such as
intensity of light is not great and ef-
forts are being made to obtain lamps
\ -
was produced was a demonstration of of the same principle that are more
the important possibilities that the suitable.
method holds. Increase the number of
lenses that produce each picture to
The question of synchronism, of
keeping the disks of the transmitting
several hundred and the detail will and receiving sets running exactly to-
come. gether, Mr. Jenkins says, .is a simpler
In another important way, the radio- problem in radio vision than in radio
vision apparatus differs from the radio- transmission of pictures. The pulleys
pictures outfit. The light source in the used are conical and the speed of the

From a drawing by J .n. Picken for POPULAR RADIO

Radio impulses are communicated through the transformer O, to the device N,
which reconverts them into pulses of light. These pulses, passing through the lenses
on the rotating disk K, produce an image of the original. object on the screen J.

disks.. can be regulated by sliding .the:_ our being. able. to see in New York at
belt slightly to such a degree that .syn- ,.
. nine o'clock -in the morning what "will
chronism can be obtained more ,
easily occur" the sane afternoon at two
than the picture is" framed in ordinary - - o'clock in London: -

motion-picture projection today. In " Mr: Jenkins simply moved his hand
the experimental set that was demon and fingers when he made his demon-
stràted, disks of both the transmitting stration: With those moving shadows
and receiving sets were driven from the- radioed on the screen; -I could hardly re-
same motor for the sake of simplicity frain- from hoping that he would form
in operation. a shadowy rabbit or bird with a long
.. The transmission of pantomime by neck or some other strange animal 'Such
'radio has been accomplished. There Is as all of us have made or seen .for: the
no reason why the receiver should not
. amusement of children. Tony Sarg and
have been in New York rather than in his marionettes might well prodùce.
Washington next to the radio- vision
: pantomime by. radio vision when the
transmitting set. . process is' slightly perfected.
The perfection of. the .invention has . In fact, it is a hope of Mr. Jenkins
not.. yet reached the point where- actual that he will be able to: devise a low -

scenes in all their lights and shadows priced piece- cif apparatus that will take
can he reproduced or motion pictures pantomime entertainment' into the home
distributed to the hearth and home. Rut just as bedtime radio stories now are
the experimental apparatus devised by received with sal munch glee by eager
Mr. Jenkins gives promise eventually of childish Pars.
Sadel & Ilerbcrt
Wendell Kilmer, whose station 2KX is known to amateurs in the cast, rode his
hobby to such good effect while the German-owned station at Sayville, Long Island,
New York, was in operation that he was given special permission to operate during
the war period.


"A Citizen of the World"

During a recent conversation, Forrest Crissey, the well -known author,
told 'the incident that first awoke him to a realization of the tremendous
effect that radio is having upon civilization. The incident was so interest-
ing-and so significant -that the Editor asked Mr. Crissey to tell the story
to the readers of POPULAR RADIO. This is it.

ALTHOUGH I am not of those most encircled by dense woods of hard

who themselves and tlieir
find maple, beech, birch ànd hemlock -huge
own thoughts intolerable company-for and towering trees typical of New York
a day or even afi hoúr -I
súffered a State. y.-
sense of well -nigh sicki:ning loneliness Before I followed the lane leading
as I climbed 1 series of-richly wooded from the main road to my destination
hills in "Old Chautauqua" County to
spend a night with. a boyhood friend.
' my thoughts went back to my own boy-
hood in that same county-but on a
"What a desolate place," was my in- farm far more open and friendly, and
ward exclamation, "in which to rear a much less remote from neighbors-and.
family of children !" The wood- colored I recalled, as distinctly as I smelled the.
house stood on a side hill and was al- moist, woodsey odor of the forest

through which the lane wound, the ate tip of my tongue with the small
feeling of complete isolation which Often end of 'each cork; a sleek, perfumed
assailed me as a child on the little "watch peddler" who carried cases of.
farm in the snug and verdant Bear marvelous pocket timepieces, pillowed
Creek Valley. How easy it had been, against dainty satin; and a glib and
then, to imagine myself a Robinson merry Irish vender of linens and laces.
Crusoe cut off from all contact or com- These exciting visits were, in the main,
munication with the great world of mÿ world contacts.
busy, happy human beings who did not As I sat on the moss-grown rock
know solitude, isolation, loneliness. taking stock of the limitations of my
This recollection was so vivid, so
compelling, that I sat on a moss -grown
boulder to give a few minutes of pity
to the small boy who had felt so much
alone, so wholly separated from the
great world outside Bear Creek Valley,
in the years of my country childhood.
Instantly I was drawn into a survey,
an inventory, of my contacts with "the
world without." Of a truth they were
pitifully meager: the regular Sabbath
pilgrimage to the little white church in
the village of Stockton. If a returned
missionary, intent on drawing a few
dollars from the congregation, was per-
mitted to occupy the pulpit and relate
harrowing experiences among benighted
and bloodthirsty savages of remote and
heathen lands -the occasion was never
to be forgotten.
Then there were the visits to our
home of a friend of my father's from
Ohio, who told thrilling experiences of
his life in the south after the Civil
War -and smoked fragrant cigars in
the sacred "front parlor" as he related
his "Carpet Bagger" narratives. Here
was a Man Among Men, a Citizen of
the World! From my slippery perch
on the haircloth stool beside the marble -
_4 topped center table I hung on his words
with avid and thirsty delight.
Then there were the annual visits
of the itinerant craftsmen and peddlers
to -a hunched. old "infidel" tinker who
carried his tools in a tin box slung
from a shoulder strap; a swarthy Keystone
essence vender, reputed to be "part ITS BUILDER
Indian" who carried his aromatic dis- A representative of thegreat army o{ young
tillations in brown jugs and applied American radio ans-in this specific instance
Master foxeph S. Frelinghuysen, Jr., the sun
his art of salesmanship by touching of Senator Frelinghuysen of New fem.?.

-111- Aitd


boyhood-before pushing on to the end and the parlor, that the roof did not
of the land to pay my old friend a cover a .talking machine or piano, I
surprise visit felt a wave of pity recalled my own boyish experiments
with the harmonica -and feared for
for the loneliness of his boy, more com-
pletely shut away from companions and the worst! What an instrument of
a wholesome and cheering contact with family torture that shining rectangle
the world of affairs than I had ever
been down in the valley where neigh-
bors were nearer. Yes ; if opportunity
of cells had been in my lips!
I think the boy must have sensed
something of my fears for a half -
amused grin overspread his face as he
opened, I would point out to Tom the
injustice which he was doing his alert opened the door into the traditional
young lad by isolating him on this "downstairs bedroom" and invited me
remote, timber -walled hill farm. There to be seated in the Boston rocker
was a message for that father -and he which I recalled as my favorite resting
would get it if he gave me half a place in his grandmother's sitting room.
chance! As he drew a dark cover frpm a
The boy didn't appear until dinner wall table and revealed a radio set
was on the table. My eyes instantly of impressive proportions I was stunned
searched his face for tell -tale signs into silence.
of his loneliness. They were not in The boy's tongue was loosened and
evidence. Instead he seemed strangely he became an easy, well-poised master -
at ease, wholesome, natural, happy. The of- ceremonies, remarking:
shy wistfulness of the isolated and the "I put all the money I earned in
lonely was utterly lacking in his eyes. grapes, over Brockton way, into this
Instead they seemed to carry the hint set. Cost quite a lot, but it's worth
of an eager surprise held in abeyance it. I can pick up Los Angeles, when
with some difficulty. Occasionally he conditions are good -had Chicago last
exchanged glances with his mother night clear as a bell. Well; I'll tune
which seemed to say: up and see what we can get."
"Aren't we going to show this friend As his deft hands flashed from one
of father's a thing or two? We'll open tuning device to another his mother
his eyes!" whispered:
Then the solution of the mystery "He'd rather stay at home and work
came to me: After supper he was that thing than go to a party or a pic-
going to bring out the family checker - ture show in town. Can't drag him
board-and "stump" the visiting stranger away. And before he had his first
to .a game. This inspiration brought little set he was wild to go out -said
hack to me the marvelous relief to it was as lonesome as a graveyard up
evening monotony which came with the here away from everybody and every-
first checker -hoard that had cheered thing." She hesitated a moment and
our home. And how I hated checkers then confessed: "He was getting to
now ! But I would have to make the be rather a problem and we were
best of the ordeal for the sake of good - anxious. But that's all past now. He's
fellowship to the lonely and isolated changed a lot, too, since he took hold
young son of my host. of radio -developed! I can see that
As we arose from the table the boy he's getting an education in ways and
winked at his mother and, with rather things that would have been beyond
well- supressed eagerness asked: him if he hadn't become so carried
"Like music ?" away with this. I don't mean in elec-
Being morally certain, from casual tricity or mechanics or whatever it is
inspection of the family living room that he's forever studying into in the


No longer are the affairs of men as a closed book to the American boy; they
are matters that are brought close to him by the magic of radio. And their per-
sonalities and their problems are becoming known to the younger generation sn a
way that was never before possible.

magazine which he takes and the books the wireless. It's the same way with
which he buys; I mean in the things music, he-"
which he hears over the radio. "Here's KDKA," interrupted the boy.
"Why, the other day we heard Presi- "Generally have good concerts at Pitts-
dent Harding speak just as plainly as burgh-real artists, not the jazz stuff.
if he'd been in this house. The next Like a little jazz now'n then, but-"
day Junior talked about what Mr. A clear soprano cut in -for the boy's
Harding had said in a way that showed set boasted an excellent amplifier -and
me how the President's message had not a word was spoken in the room
sunk in. He wouldn't have read it in until the last silver note trailed into
a newspaper -but he took it in over silence.

Bahia & Ewing

Station 3ZH, located in Washington, D. C., is operated by the youthful Herbert
Hoover, Jr., who is making a name for himself quite independently of his famous

"Now," eagerly exclaimed the lad, and her four auditors in the remote,
"I'm going to try for Los Angeles. isolated hillside farm house in Old
Like t' show you what this set 'II do. Chautauqua.
If it was a clear, still winter night Isolated? The boy's eyes lighted with
I'd be almost certain of tuning in on any faith and prophesy and he forgot his
station in the east-but you never can youth and our maturity as he ex-
tell in other seasons." claimed :
We waited with a breathless expect-
ancy that amounted almost to suspended
animation while the boy deftly adjusted
"Some day I'll pick up London and
Paris just as we have Los Angeles
and that's coming soon, too.
his instrument. One moment he shook think of our hearing the Premier of
his head as if in despair, then suddenly Great Britain speaking to a London
thrilled with recovered hope- reaching audience or a grand opera star singing
out across the old Western Reserve, in Berlin-hearing it right here in our
the Mississippi Valley, the Great Amer- own farmhouse a few miles from the
ican Desert, the Rockies and the plains shores of Lake Erie ! I'm going to
and valleys of California for the sound have the outfit that'll do it, no matter
of a voice in the City of the Angels what it costs. It's so, so -well, gee !

which the old missionaries had estab- I've just got to, that's all !"
lished so many, many years ago! And the "Yes," I responded, "I think you're
boy turned a face shining with triumph right !"
upon us as the strains of Chopin's Then I laughed and related my re-
Moonlight Sonata became audible -dis- flections as I had sat on the big stone
tinct, silvery and yet carrying in its half way up the lane-my memories of
delicate attenuation a hint of the the isolation and loneliness of my own
far sweeps of mountains, plains, deserts childhood, in the little valley a few
and fertile lands between the player miles below, my pity for young Tom.

"And," I added "you and your radio Evangel that can not be stilled."
have opened my eyes to the fact that "You bet," was the boy's enthusi-
you are a Citizen of the World com- astic response. "Why; it makes me
pared with the boy I remember. You interested in almost everything, every-
are ages older, wiser and more alive where. I read up a lot about what I
than that Crusoe -like youngster. The- hear by the radio. Just do it because
oretically I have known that the radio I want to-not because anyone tells me
is a marvelous thing, a great; vibrant, to. I get interested in à lot' of things
vital and distance -annihilating thing. and follow 'em up in my reading. If I
But its reach into the realm of boyhood had to choose between goingto college
never occurred to nie until tonight. I and giving up my radio -pushing ahead
shall always count this as one of the with it as fast as it's developed by the
most revealing experiences of my life.
It has given me a new definition of
big men who are working in it
I'd stick with the radio."
-I think

radio. The voice that can reach and And my reply to his unaffected fervor
dispel the, isolation of the boys in the was:
remote homes of American farms and "I'm not so sure but that you are
ranches is certainly the vóice of a new . right."

From a photograph loaned by Armstrong Perry


The loop aerial (at the left) was built under the direction of Dr. Max Reithoffer,
who appears in the picture. The loop has a tuning range of 7,500- 15,000 meters. At
the right is an assistant who is bringing in radiophone stock- market reports from
Berlin, with the aid of an outside aerial, four of radio -frequency amplifi-
cation, detector, two stages'of audio frequency and a loudspeaker.

How to Select
Have you ever been undecided whether to buy an instrument for your
set at $2.50 or $5.00? Have you ever bought a condenser because it
"didn't cost as much" and have the plates loosen up so that you could
not make a proper adjustment? Have you ever bought paper condensers
when you should have bought mica ones, or vice-versa? In other words,
do you REALLY know how to choose the parts for your radio set?
This article tells you how.

I HAPPENED to be at a friend's getting his set into working order.
the other day when his four- He had figured on paying a reason-
-old youngster: carne in with a able price for his parts but when he
big package of parts that he had just looked around in the stores he found
purchased in a downtown radio store. many parts could be obtained for prices
He had been hoarding his money for considerably lower than he had figured.
months until he had saved enough to He immediately began to picture his
purchase parts to build a set that would set with one stage of amplification and
enable him to "pick up Pittsburgh and in order to make his money cover this
Chicago." At last he had accumulated added list of parts he had purchased
the required sum and here he was, all the cheapest of everything.
ready to start assembling the receiving Had this beginner gone ahead to
set of his dreams. make his set of these parts it is doubt-
He spread out his purchases on the ful whether he would have obtained
table with the air of a world con- even fair results. His father came to
queror, but the exhibition was pathetic. the rescue, however, and saved the day
The collection of junk he had brought by supplying enough cash to enable the
home was almost valueless to a radio boy to exchange his junk for some
circuit. He would probably develop really usable parts.
gray hair long before he succeeded in Usually, however, the novice who
gets "stuck" does not get off so easily.
The moral is plain. Anyone who buys IST/FF CONNECT/ON
radio parts or sets will do well to call
on a friend who really knows something
about the points to look for in selecting
Unfortunately every beginner does
not have among his friends- an experi-
enced fan who can help him. For them
the following suggestions will prove
In the first place, all cheap instru-
ments are not bad nor are all expensive
ones good.
As a general rule it pays to buy the
best one can afford. The very cheap
articles should be avoided by all means.
It is usually a safe rule to make a prac-
tice of paying a little more than the
medium price. For instance, an article CORE CLAMPED T/GHT
may run anywhere from $1.00 to $5.00
in price, according to the make. In \U1)IO- FREQUENCY TRANSFORMER
Be sure that the wires running to the terminals
such a case a price of $3.00 to $4.00 are protected. The core laminations should be
will usually assure good quality. clamped tightly together to prevent vibration
When selecting a part see that all on lotul signals.

contacts on the apparatus are well made

and positive in their operation. In some
variable condensers and variometers, ROTATABLE /80°
for instance. electric contact is macle
by means of a shaft rubbing against
the bearings. Frequently such a con-
tact is not positive. .\ direct flexible
wire connection is to be preferred.
This is called a "pigtail" connection and
is made by connecting a wire or coil -
spring between the shaft and bearing in
such a way that the shaft can turn freely
but still maintain a positive path for the
current whether or not there is a good
contact between the shaft and bearing.
Here are sonic points to watch out
for in purchasing individual instru-
ments. For the sake of convenience
the items have been- arranged in alpha-
betical order:

ANTENNA \\'nu For the average /YO SHELLAC O/Y W//YD//YC'iS

antenna the regular seven- strand copper
antenna wire is excellent. Single- strand VARIOCOUPLER
copper wire 'ill give good results, but A finer tuning is assured with a varioconpler
which is rotatable throughout MO degrees. The
it is not quite as strong as the seven- windings should be wound dry.

"B" battery. Everyone is too familiar

with the ordinary dry cells (such as are
used to operate the WD -11 tube) to
need any instruction on this point. In
the case of storage batteries it is well
to stick to recognized makes. They
may cost more but they have "quality ";
that is why they are well known. Stor-
age batteries such as are ixsed for the
lighting systems on automobiles are
good for radio work. Most manufac-
turers .of storage batteries make a spe-
cial type for radio and those are the
best to buy. The size of the storage
battery is an important consideration,
as one will realize after he has carried
one two or three blocks to have it
charged. If one must depend on a
charging station to charge his battery
then a small one rated at 40 to 60
ampere -hours is best. It will. be neces-
sary to have it recharged .more often
than the larger batteries but it is light
enough in weight to be carried con -
veniently. If more than one vacuum
VARIOCOUPLER tube is to he used, however, a larger
A new type of winding which reduces dis-
tributed capacity to a minimum. battery of from 60 to 120-ampere hours
is to be preferred. In such a case a
strand wire nor does it give quite as battery charger will be needed so that
loud a signal, although this latter point the charging can be done at home from
is almost negligible. the electric light circuit.
Most of the "B" batteries on the
ANTENNA INSULATOR- Regular por- market are good, with the exception of
celain cleats are inexpensive and serve the very cheapest. Here again those
the purpose as well as anything for recognized as best for radio work are
receiving. If composition insulators are those manufactured by well -known com-
used, buy the best, because some of the panies. Batteries of 22% volts come in
cheaper ones have a tendency to allow two sizes: small, and large. So do
the end rings, through which the wire is the 45 -volt batteries. In either case it is
passed, to pull out, thus causing the best to buy the large size as they will
antenna to fall -a most exasperating last much longer than the small size, and
occurrence, to say the least. If porce- in the end will be found cheaper. For
lain cleats are used be sure that they use with detector tubes buy 22/ -volt
'are glazed, otherwise their insulating batteries. For amplifier tubes two or
qualities are affected by the absorption more 22% -volt batteries, connected in .h.
of moisture. series, may be used, but the 45 -volt bat-
BATTERIES -When buying batteries tery is to be preferred as a matter of
the safest guide is the price. In almost convenience.
every case the battery will be sealed or
so inclosed that the inside cannot be CONDENSERS (FIXED) -Buy the best.
Been, whether it be storage, dry -cell or Avoid the paper-covered variety. Often

the contacts are poor and they are

loosely assembled as a rule. The better RDLISTABLE
kind are assembled tinder heavy pres- Fit/CT/O/Y BEAR/N6
sure and this pressure is maintained by
means of a metal case or by impreg-
nating with wax so that a solid block is
formed. Condensers are rated in micro -
farads and one should be sure to obtain
the proper capacity for the particular
use to which the condenser is to be put.
In most circuit diagrams the capacities
of the condensers used are specified.
In cases where they are not, the phone
condenser is usually .001 microfarads
and the grid condenser either .00025 or
.0005 mfd. If a tubular grid leak is
to be used in shunt with the grid con-
denser, a special condenser may be
obtained with clips all ready to mount
the grid leak. The better grade con-
densers, mentioned above, have a mica
dielectric which is much better than the
oiled paper used in the cheaper 'grades.
densers are a vital part of any radio VARIABLE CONDENSER
set; it may truly he said that a set is The plates should be cut out of heavy, fiat, rigid
material to prevent warping. One good point
only as good as the condensers that is an adjustable split- collar friction bearing.
are used in it. Do not buy a cheap one
because it will cause no end of trouble. rubber plates are equally good, pro-
First of all see that the moving plates vided they are not less than % -inch
do not touch the stationary ones as they thick so they will not bend under the
revolve. The moving and fixed plates pressure to which they are subjected
should remain equally spaced through- by the tension of contact between shaft
out the complete revolution. One and bearing. Some condensers have
glance is usually sufficient to enable end plates of cast aluminum. These
even the beginner to tell a good con- are good and have the advantage of
denser when he sees it because its me- rigidity and lightness. Iron ends should
chanical perfection will be at once be avoided. These will he found on
noticeable. It almost always follows some of the cheaper makes. 43 -plate
that if a manufacturer makes a mechan- condensers have a capacity of approx-
ically good condenser it will be good imately .001 mfd. and the 23 -plate vari-
from the electrical standpoint also. Pig- ety are of about .0005 mfd. For con-
tail connection between shaft and bear- densers which are used in a circuit that
ings, as previously described, are not es- is critical in adjustment, as the aver-
sential but are an advantage. Large age secondary circuit, or the primary
plates of very thin metal are considered condenser in a single-circuit set, a con-
less desirable than thicker plates of denser with a vernier attachment is
smaller diameter and the smaller con- useful. The vernier may take several
denser takes up less panel space. End forms but the type I have found most
plates of hakelite are suitable or hard satisfactory is the one consisting of

and these are practically standardized,

both in price and quality. Care should
be exercised in selecting a mounting.
One which has calibrated coupling dials
is to be preferred because then a nota-
tion can be made of the setting at which
a certain broadcasting station can be
best received and when it is desired to
tune in the same station again the set-
ting can be duplicated by referring to
the notations. A useful refinement is
the mounting which has extension
handles. These make extremely fine
tuning possible.

JACxs-Buy good ones and inspect

TERfI//YRLS ACCESS/64E1 them closely as even the best seem to
have a tendency to be imperfect. First,
E r
W/RES E/YL SPACED I look at the contacts carefully in the
case of double- circuit jacks, to see that
FILAMENT RHEOSTAT there is a good contact between the arms
No matter what type of rheostat is used, the of the different circuits when the
terminals should be accessible to facilitate plug
connection. is or is not inserted. Make sure that
the jack will fit the plug you intend
three extra plates mounted on the end using. Next, see that the screw which
of a regular condenser. This is really is used for mounting the jack on the
another variable condenser mounted panel will screw far enough into the
right on the large one but it gives frame of the jack to grip the panel
much finer tuning than the larger one. tightly. If a 3/16 -inch panel is used
it will he found that most jacks will
GRID LEAKS -A grid leak may easily require an extra washer which the
be made in a few minutes with a piece dealer will usually furnish. A jack
of fiber, two binding posts and a few that is imperfect can cause a great
pencil lines. The one objection to this deal of trouble and one cannot be too
type is that it may be affected by damp- careful.
ness or weather conditions or even by
dust. On the other hand it has the LIGHTNING ARRESTERS Insurance
advantage of being adjustable, the ad- regulations require lightning arresters
justment being made by simply adding on every outdoor antenna and they
or erasing some of the pencil marks. further specify that only those approved
For ordinary use, however, the grid by the Board of Fire Underwriters are
leak value is not critical, so this feature acceptable. Therefore, purchase an ap-
is not really important. In purchasing proved type which bears the approval
grid leaks the glass -tube variety is stamp of the board. There are two
probably best. Usually a leak of about general types-those for outside mount-
two megohms is the proper size but ing and the indoor type. It is advisable
good results are often obtained with to use the outdoor type because in some
1 or 1% megohms. suburban communities the insurance


There are few brands on the
companies will not accept those mounted
indoors, even though of a type approved
by the underwriters.

PANELS -Many kinds of compositions

are used in making panels. It is best
to stick to well -known, standard ma-
terials, however, for then you will know
what you are getting. Resinous com-
pounds or hard rubber are perhaps the
most commonly used. Hard rubber
serves very well if it is screwed on the
front of a cabinet to keep it from
warping. If a cabinet is not used it
may be reinforced with metal strips.
Quarter -inch hard rubber will not usu-
ally warp unless very large panels are
used. If a resinous compound is used
the thickness need not be greater than
3/16 of an inch. Wood may be used for
panels provided it is well seasoned. A
three -ply veneer which has -been given
three coats of good white shellac makes
a good panel and is somewhat cheaper AUDIO -FREQUENCY TRANSFORMER
than hard rubber and considerably A metal shield around the windings protects
them mechanically and electrically. The ter-
cheaper than good grade compositions. minals should be clearly marked for identifi-
Hard rubber is very easy to drill but cation in connecting up.
in the case of compositions more care
must be exercised to keep them from buying phones pick out a time when
chipping where the drill passes through the dealer is not very busy and have
the back. Ordinary red or black fiber him try out the different kinds on a
should be avoided because it warps receiving set and compare their volume
badly unless strongly reinforced, and and clearness. When you decide on
will absorb moisture.

PHONES-Headphones are an article

a pair be sure that the two phones are
well matched as to tone and volume
test them both out on the same ear!
that cannot be judged by appearance.
Nor can they be judged by price en- PLUGS -Most of the plugs on the
tirely. The rating in ohms means little, market are good; the difference in
as practically all phones used for radio price is largely dependent on quality of
work are rated at from 2,000 to 3,000 workmanship. Selection is, therefore, a
ohms a pair, whether they be good, bad matter of personal preference as to
or indifferent. A good pair may Be shape and other details. Be sure that
purchased at present day prices for the means of gripping the receiver tips
five or six dollars. They may not be is secure and that the plug fits the
the best but they will serve admirably -jack in which it is to be used. I pre-
for ordinary use. If phones are to be fer the round type myself, because they
used on a horn with one or two stages may be changed from one pair of
of amplification, then a better grade phones to another without the neces-
phone with mica diaphragms should sity of removing screws to take tlíe
be used because the metal diaphragms plug apart.
in cheaper phones sometimes rattle
against the magnets causing a "tinny" RHEOSTATS -Many of the cheaper
noise which is unpleasant especially if grades work very well. The contact
there is a large volume of sound. In arm should slide easily over the coil
M - * ". vsï.r170.)v



the tube when it is inserted. It is diffi-
PLArES ARE LOCIfED cult to judge the material in the base
but a polished socket is always more de-
pendable because where cheap composi-
tion is used in the base either it will
not take a polish or else the manufac-
turers do not bother to polish it. This
does not mean, of course, that all un-
polished sockets are not good but one
will be safer in buying one he is sure
of. Make sure that nuts are furnished
for all the binding posts. This may
seem like an unnecessary suggestion
but one can slip up on little things like
this -and dealers are careless in this
respect. Dry-cell tubes do not fit the
ordinary socket. Special sockets may he
purchased for these, but many prefer
to use regular sockets with adapters so
that either the WD -11, UV -199, or
regular 6 -volt tubes may be used with-
out the necessity for replacing the
//YSULATED END PLATES l sockets. Some WD -11 -tube sockets are
VARIABLE CONDENSER simply a flat piece of insulating ma-
A new method is to lock the plates together terial with four holes to fit the prongs
in a slotted strip of metal to prevent shifting. of the tube and with springs under-
Wide spacing is obtained by using insulated
end plates. neath to make contact with the prongs.
There is another type which is to be
of resistance wire but should at the preferred, however. It is shaped ex-
same time make good contact. Some actly like a regular socket except that
rheostats make good contact at some it has no slot in the top part such as
points but poor at others. In buying is necessary with a standard six -volt
one, turn the arm, and see that the tube. One socket of this type has the
pressure is equal in all positions A contact springs bent in such a way
vernier rheostat is not necessary with that they press on the side of the tube
amplifier tubes. With the UV -200 and prongs rather than on the ends. This
other detector tubes a vernier is needed. is an advantage because each time a
For such tubes a good rheostat is the tube is inserted these springs scrape
type which functions by increasing or the prongs clean so that a perfect con-
decreasing pressure on carbon disks. tact is made.
In this type no resistance wire is used
and extremely fine regulation of cur- PANEL SWITCHES; SERIES- PARALLEL
rent is possible. -In general, switches are all alike ex-
cept for workmanship. However, there
SOCKETS -All sockets are alike, the is one point in which they vary-in the
main differences being in the material way in which the switch arm is held
used in the contact springs and the in-
, against the switch points. They have a
sulating material used in the base. bushing which is inserted through the
Test the contact springs to see that they hole in the panel and a nut is screwed
are springy, but fairly stiff, so that they on the back end to hold it tight to the
will press tightly against the prongs on panel. This is the bearing for the

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shaft of the switch arm and the shaft is

slipped through the hole in this bearing.
Now there must be a means of holding
the arm in this bearing and it is in this
that switches vary. By far the best
type is that in which another metal
bushing, in which there is a set -screw,
is slipped over the back end of the
shaft. The set -screw is tightened up
so that the switch arm can revolve
freely at the same time maintaining a
fair pressure of the switch arm on the
points. Other types use two nuts for
this purpose but the objection to this
type is that the nuts frequently work
loose, and when a switch is mounted
on a panel it is not always easy to get
at these nuts to tighten them. Switch
points should have heads not less than
3/16 of an inch in diameter so that the
holes through which they are inserted
in the panel need not be too close to-

The beginner is up against an obstacle
here. To the novice all transformers
look alike -and to the more seasoned VAkIOMETER
fan as well. However, there are good The frameshould be rigid and the rotation
ones and bad ones. Don't be misled should be smooth. Pigtail connections to the
by advertisers' claims because a com- rotor are advisable. If pigtails are used the in-
strument should be equipped with "stops" to
parison of manufacturers' claims will prevent twisting off the pigtails.
show that most of them say the same
things about their products. By all designed especially for use with the
means obtain the advice of a friend who WD-11 tube. I have found that while
has tried out the different makes, if some of these are fairly good they are
that is at all possible. Generally speak- no better with this tube than any other
ing, the higher- priced transformers are standard transformers.
superior to the cheaper kinds. One
cannot judge them from appearance be- VARIOCOUPLERS-Tlie most efficient
cause I have in mind one of the best variocoupler has two ball- shaped wind-
that doesn't look as good as many of ings for the primary and secondary. In
the cheapest. It is difficult to give de- other words the secondary is wound on
tailed suggestions on this instrument. a wood or composition ball and the
Your friend can advise you best be- primary is wound on the inside of the
cause he can recommend certain makes stator or stationary form. This is not
that he lias found to be good. A essential but is an advantage as far as
vacuum tube of low impedence requires efficiency is concerned. There are few
a low -impedence transformer for best made in this way and it may not be
results. Do not believe everything you possible for the reader to obtain this
hear about certain transformers being type in his locality. If not the next

best is to obtain one which has two meters which are wound on composi-
ball- shaped windings but which has tion forms. Pigtail connections are an
the primary on the outside of the stator. additional assurance of proper opera-
Slightly less efficient than this is a third tion. A last and obvious suggestion is
type which has the primary wound on that the purchaser make sure that the
a bakelite or other composition tube and rotor does not scrape against the stator
the secondary on a ball just small in revolving. If it does the insulation
enough to rotate snugly within the pri- will soon become worn through and
mary tube. Composition tubing is to cause the two windings to short-circuit.
be preferred to cardboard. Pigtail con-
nections should be used to connect the A last word of caution to the builder
secondary winding to its binding posts. of a radio set; it may not be directly
Taps taken off the primary should be connected with the selection of parts
so arranged that in connecting them to but it is nevertheless relevant. When
the switch points the coil winding will building a set do not try to plunge
not become loosened. If the coupler is right in by making a five -tube outfit,
to be used in a single- circuit outfit with or even one with three tubes. Start
the secondary acting as a tickler, the with the necessary tuning unit and a
180-degree coupler gives finer tuning single detector tube and mount these
and is to be preferred. instruments temporarily on a small
board or panel. Then experiment with
VARIOMETERS -Itis essential that the them until you know them thoroughly
two windings be ball shaped and that and have them working at highest ef-
the stator winding be on the inside of ficiency. Then if you intend to add
the stator form with a minimum clear-
, other tubes do so one at a time and
ance between the two windings. Vario- become familiar with each part as you
meters with excessive glue, shellac or go along. When you finally have every-
cement on the windings are not recom- thing that is going into the finished set
mended. Wood is suitable for the rotor and all the parts are working properly,
and stator blocks provided it is thor- then go ahead and mount them on a
oughly seasoned. It is not an easy mat - regular panel.
ter to tell by the appearance whether If you follow this suggestion you will
the wood is well seasoned or not, how- be well satisfied with your set and you
ever, for that reason many prefer vario- will get the most enjoyment out of it.

The New and Improved Four -circuit Tuner

SINCE the publication, in the May, 1923 issue, of the Cockaday
four -circuit tuner, there have been made and are now in use some-
where between 200,000 and probably twice this number of these
sets. Since the article was published there liave been so many
improvements and changes in the circuit that the inventor has
written another article, explaining how té build the set with these
new and important developments incorporated in it. The four -
circuit tuner de luxe with one stage of power amplification will
be described in the January issue of POPULAR RADIO. This set
will get anything in the united States on a loudspeaker, con-
sistently, through the local stations, without interference.

From a photograph made for POPULAR Room

In all cases sleep -listening to the code will help to master it; in some cases the
results will be phenomenal.

Learning the Code While Asleep

How the progress of students may be increased as
much as 100 percent by an appeal to the subconscious
young aviators of the Naval Cockaday in 1918 while he was in-
THE Air Station at Pensacola have been structing in radio theory and operation
successful in their attempt to become on the U. S. Training Ship Granite
more proficient in the code by listening - State. Mr. Cockaday found that code
in while they were asleep. students made about 100 percent better
At first thought, such a proposition progress in learning code when messages,
seems so revolutionary as to be almost sent with a buzzer and received on a
foolish, but it seems so only because pair of headphones, were received in
the principles involved are not generally the evening just before retiring, than
clearly understood. The underlying the- when the code classes were held early
ory is perfectly sound, and the practical in the morning. In fact, code classes
application is not difficult, if the problem held just before "taps" were found to
is approached properly. Furthermore, be at least 100 percent more efficient
a knowledge of the why and wherefore than those held at any other time dur-
and the how of these phenomena is of ing the day ; that is, the evening classes
value to every individual operator who ultimately learned the code in about one -
is willing to give it a trial. half the time needed by the classes that
The first observation of anything of got their practice at other times during
this sort in the radio world was made, the day.
so far as I know, by Mr. Laurence M. In a report to the commanding officer

made at that time Mr. Cóckaday sug- messages that were received while he
gested that these experiences were prob- was inattentive.
ably explained by the fact that the stu- The following paragraphs attempt to
dents were able to sleep with the code give an explanation of these phenomena
firmly fixed in their minds without any in the light of modern psychology, and
other thoughts intruding for a con- also to describe a fairly positive method
siderable period of time. It was recom- of carrying out this learning- while-
mended that the students practice the asleep procedure most satisfactorily.
code shortly before hammock -time, so First let us consider the mind.
that they could "sleep on it." This complex something is not a
These observations do not seem to unified whole, as is generally supposed.
have attracted much attention at the It is divided into two main divisions,
time, and the matter remained unnoticed the conscious mind and the subcon-
until the recent tests at Pensacola. scious mind.
Several experienced operators have as- The conscious mind is our reasoning
sured me, however, that if one falls mind ; our volitional mind. With it we
asleep with the phones on his ears, or make our decisions, solve our problems,
if one is reading a book and not paying cause our arms and our hands to move,
particular attention to what is coming talk, become conscious of what we hear
in, code messages may be received un- and what we see, and perform all other
consciously. On waking or on coming duties and functions that are under the
out of his "brown study," the operator direct control of our will.
is likely to find fixed in his brain the The subconscious mind, in our pres-
meaning or even the exact words of.
. ent stage of development, is quite dis-

Qaiaia' ',holograph U. S. Navy

Upon this group of students al the Naval Air Station at Pensacola, Florida. the
Navy Department is conducting a novel and apparently successful experiment.

While the students of this remarkable school for naval aviators at Pensacola are
dozing off with headphones over their cars, the operator sends a continuous flow
of code messages.

tinct from this conscious mind. It is resources of this mind remain untapped
an automatic, rather than a reasoning by most of us for the reason that we
mind. It cannot make decisions of its have been living for so many centuries
own but must take the decisions that in the conscious, or superficial, aspect of
are handed down to it by the conscious our minds that we have forgotten how
mind, and carry them out. It is this to go back.
subconscious mind that controls all the Let us take an example :
automatic functions of our bodies ; such We want to recall some incident of
as the beating of the heart, the pro- a week ago. I have said that the
duction and the repression of the gland memory of the subconscious is almost
secretions and the other body functions perfect. How is it, therefore, that the
over which we do not have any direct particular incident we want has "slipped
control. The subconscious mind has an our mind ?"
almost perfect memory of things im- We may rest assured that the infor-
pressed upon it. It is the photographic mation we want is still with us, that
plate upon which our life's experiences it has not really slipped out. It has
are recorded. Its makeup determines merely passed from the surface of our
our personality. mind to the depths. If the incident had
We are more subconscious than we made any great impression at the time
might think ; scientists tell us we are of its occurrence we would be able to
fully ninety percent so. Yet the vast recall it instantly. But evidently it did
not, so it has drifted to its permanent be said that in all cases sleep-listening
filing place. It is the same as putting will help; in many cases the results
our money in the safe and forgetting will be remarkable, and in a few cases
the combination. phenomenal. The writer does not
The only thing to do in such a case is know exactly how the experiments were
to let our -mind rest for a few moments carried on at the Pensacola station, but
in a passive state or else to go about if the following directions are adhered
our work until the forgotten incident to, you are quite sure to get positive
rises up from our subconscious mind results. ir
and, as we say, "it comes to us." Let us first mention the rules for
Did you ever notice how difficult it doing the best work at ordinary day-
is to concentrate on one subject for time operating. Old -time expert opera-
more than a very short time? Suppose tors might consider these externals all
you are studying code. Every few min- a lot of bosh; but you will find in all
utes some irrelevant thought floats into cases good operators follow them, even
your consciousness and throws you off though they may not realize that they
the track. do so.
These are thoughts of the conscious Select a seat that is comfortable,
mind. They interfere with reaching and in which you may relax as much
the subconscious and making a deep as possible. Try to relieve every
impression on it. When you are asleep physical tension, by just "letting go"
you do not have them. The subcon- at the spot. Then try to make your
scious mind is reached more directly mind a blank and to become passive.
and is more deeply impressed. Throw out all the fool thoughts that
This is especially true of things that flit up. Concentrate on the subject at
enter your mind while you are in a hand -that of reception; and perfect
partly unconscious, very suggestible reception. The relaxation and passivity
state just before you go to sleep. These as preliminaries will make the concen-
are the things you dream about. tration easier.
In the same way thoughts you have Listen in for about fifteen minutes or
just after awaking, when your sub- more each night, just before going to
conscious mind is more easily accessible, bed -to code, of course. And from
are likely to be the ones that carry their the time you get into bed until you go
impressions all day long. to sleep, keep your mind on nothing but
Such was Coué's theory when he sug- dots and dashes. If you can stand keep-
gested that you say to yourself twenty ing the phones on your ears, try that; if
times before retiring each night, "day you can't, move a loudspeaker close to
by day in every way I am getting better your head, but it is not necessary to have
and better." it going too loud. Sincerely try to be-
When a person sleeps, he loses his lieve that the signals will, continue to
consciousness -but that is all. The sub- impress themselves on your subcon-
conscious is as active as usual ; otherwise scious mind after you have passed the
life would be extinguished from the borderland of consciousness.
body. The subconscious may be reached If you are earnest in your endeavor
from external sources, for example, by this will really happen. And the next
sounds. morning you will wake up with a
Now we come to the application of greater ability at receiving code than
the principles outlined to the studying ever before. Tt is a psychological law,
of the radio code. Can it be done suc- and must work if properly applied.
cessfully, and if so, what is the best And ability thus gained will stick by
method to follow? In answer, it may you permanently.
Cost of parts: Not more than $12.00. Ease. of construction: Nothing complicated.
Approximate range: 15 miles.
Selectivity: Good. Outstanding features: The circuit is more
Operation:. Simple. Only two controls; a pri- selective than the ordinary conductively -
mary slider and a secondary variable con- coupled tuner and the variable condenser
denser. gives smoother wavelength control.



IN this series of hook -ups will be published the special benefit of
the radio novice who is undecided as to just what circuit he wants
100 of the best radio. receiving circuits, each thoroughly tested. The
approximate ranges given here are averages based on actual records made
with receiving sets throughout the country. During the summer thé actual
ranges may fall to 50 percent of the value given, while in the winter, in
the best of conditions, the actual ranges may exceed the values given by
as much as 500 percent.
In the November number the following hookups were published:
The Conductively -coupled Crystal Circuit; range 15 miles; cost. $10.00.
The Inductively-tuned Crystal Circuit; range 15 miles; cost, $15.00.
The Combination Tuned -plate, Ultra -audion Circuit; range 500 miles; cost, $25.00.
The Man -Day Single- control Regenerative Circuit; range 500 tuiles; cost, $12.00.
The Reinartz Circuit, with Two Stages of Audio Amplification: range 1.500 miles;
cost, $35.00.
Tuned Radio-frequency and Regenerative -detector Circuit; ramie 500 miles; cost,
The Squire Reflex Circuit; ronge 500 miles; cost, $50.00.
Triple -coil Honeycomb Regenerative Circuit with Two Stages of Amplification;
range 100 miles; cost, $35.00.
The Grimes Reflex Circuit; range 500 miles; cost, $40.00.




Cost of parts: Not more than $12.00 (Note: generation is controlled by the filament
The costs of tubes and batteries are con- rheostat.
sidered "extras" and are not included in Ease of construction: Simple.
the costs given in these descriptions). Approximate range: 500 miles.
Selectivity: Excellent. Outstanding features: This circuit shares first
Operation: Very easy. When the switchpoint place with the Man -Day circuit in sim-
Al is adjusted for the antenna there is plicity of operation. It is very selective,
only one control for wavelength. The re- and costs but little.




Cost of parts: Not more than $28.00. retain its maximum signal strength.
Selectivity: Very good. Ease of construction: More complicated than
Operation: Fairly simple. Two controls for the straight regenerative circuits but not
wavelength and one coupling control are beyond the ordinary radio fan's ability.
used. The crystal adjustment must he Approximate range: 1,000 miles.
changed for any considerahle change in Outstanding feature: Circuit combines radio -
wavelength in order to prevent the cir- frequency, and audio -frequency amplifi-
cuit from oscillating and still have it cation and regeneration in one tube.


Cost of parts: Not more than $45.00. set will function as it should.
Selectivity: Good. Approximate range: Variable: from local re-
Operation: Difficult. It is a real engineering ception on the higher broadcasting wave-
feat to get the oscillator circuit to func- lengths up to 1,000 miles on lower wave-
tion with the correct frequency and am- lengths (with a,loop).
plitude to cause the proper "super" action Outstanding features: The best method for
and at the same time filter out the high - unlimited amplification at the extremely
pitched whistle in the detector circuit. short wavelengths. Especially suitable for
Ease of construction: Difficult. Every part of local reception with great volume for a
the circuit must be just right before the minimum number of tubes.





Cost of parts: Not more than $30.00. ability in wiring up the circuit is nec-
Selectivity: Good. essary.
Approximate range: 500 miles.
:Operation.: Requires ,considerable skill which
Outstanding features: This was the first well -
can be'acquired in a couple of months of known short -wave regenerative receivcr
experimenting with the tuning. and it has been found reliable and prob-
Ease of construction: Just an ordivarÿ ac- ably has been more used than any other
quaintance with tools-but ..some electrical type of receiver in the past.

GL "two

Nil ON* E--I1I1Iel1f
29" 6 222 !! 23"4.3%90


Cost of parts: Between $25.00 and $30.00 (de- Outstanding features: Can be used on any
pending on the wavelength). wavelength. By merely changing the three
Selectivity: Very good. coils, using large or small, for the long
Operation: Rather complicated for a beginner. or short waves, the set can be used for .

Ease of construction: Fairly simple. commercial reception, broadcast reception

Approximate range: 800 miles. or amateur reception.


Cost of parts: Not more than $35.00. Approximate range': 1,500 miles.
Selectivity: Excellent. Outstanding features: Noted for DX amateur
Operation: Fairly simple. and broadcast reception and for its ex-
Ease of construction: Fairly easy to build. ceptionally sharp tuning.




Cost of parts: Not more than $35.00. patience and experimenting will soon get
Selectivity: Good. results.
Operation: Simple. Two controls for wave- Approximate range: 1,000 miles.
length, one for coupling and one for re- Outstanding feature: Although the amplifica-
generation (the potentiometer). cation with this type is not as great (per
Ease of construction: Not easy for the experi- stage), as with tuned -radio- frequency am-
menter to get working right but a little plification, the tuning control is simplified.



Cost of parts: Not more than $60.00. Outstanding features: Extremely sharp tuning,
Selectivity: Wonderful. DX reception and clarity of signals. The
Operation: Rather complicated for the be- trouble encountered in most radio -fre-
ginner, but the correct method can be ac- quency- amplification circuits, that of prop-
quired in a month's practice in tuning. erly controlling or eliminating oscillation,
Ease of construction: This, of course, is a is definitely taken out of this circuit by an
complicated circuit to follow out and to ingenious device called a compensating
get going properly, but it can be done and condenser which has three plates attached
the set is well worth while. respectively to the grid, filament, and plate
Approximate range: 2,500 miles. circuits of the vacuum tubes.

Courtesy United states Radium Company

This shows how radium preparations worth thousands of dollars a grain are
weighed and handled. The lead plate in front of the operator protects him from the
very short ether waves given off by radium.

Do Ether Waves
Cause Gravitation?
Scientists are coming to believe in the existence of a new kind of ether
waves, the ultra-X rays. Knowledge of these remarkable rays may solve
for us some of the most fundamental scientific mysteries. This article
describes the latest developments in this up -to- the -minute field of re-
search and speculation.

By E. E. FREE, Ph.D.

THE real nature of the universe has The planets hold their paths around
always been a mystery. The dis- the sun because of gravitation -but
tant suns that we call stars are com- what is gravitation?
posed, we know, of matter like the For more than six thousand years
matter here on earth-but what is philosophers have been seeking to un-
matter? lock these fundamental mysteries.
Light comes to us from these stars Now, at last, it seems as though we may
through the ether-but what is ether? have found a key.

It is radio. millions of them inside the smallest

The family of ether waves, some of speck of dust that you could see, science
them the nightly companions nowadays knows some things that are still smaller.
of the possessor of a radio set, may The electron, for example, is some three
turn out (some scientists believe) to hundred times smaller. There would be
contain a member that is not only the room for nearly three hundred electrons
key to the great mystery of gravitation along a single one of these shortest
but perhaps to still deeper mysteries ; waves, and for some three thousand

the mystery of energy, the mystery of million electrons; therefore, in the thick-
the sun's heat, the mystery, even, of ness of a sheet of tissue paper.
life itself. Now these very short waves are
The story of these new ideas begins merely the shortest known waves.
with the suspicion that there may exist There is no reason to believe that they

in the universe a new kind of ether are the shortest that exist. The ulti-
waves, hitherto unsuspected, which are mate structure of the universe, what-
characterized by extremely short wave- ever it may be, is obviously much finer -
length. They are much shorter, even, grained than this. The electron, which
than the X rays. That is why they is quite definitely known, is smaller
have been named the ultra -X rays, just and there are almost certainly a number
as the waves next shorter than those of of perfectly real and separate things,
violet light have been called the ultra- for example, the central nucleus of the
violet. hydrogen atom, that are smaller even
The whole family of known ether than the electron. There is plenty of
waves stretches, you remember, from opportunity, then, for waves a hundred
the very long waves of radio, thousands times or a thousand times shorter than
of meters long, down through heat these shortest known ones without ex-
waves, light waves, the ultra -violet ceeding the smallest dimensions that we
and the X rays to the shortest known know to be possible.
waves, those given off by radium.* The question has been, of course,
The shortest waves yet detected come whether any such very short, unknown
from a variety of the radioactive ele- waves actually do exist.
ment called thorium and have a wave- Scientists are coming to believe that
length of about one million -millionth of they do, though because they penetrate
a meter. all kinds of matter so readily they are
This is a very short wave according extremely difficult to detect. Even the
to ordinary standards. If you laid a X rays, which are some thousands of
piece of this kind of thorium on your times longer, penetrate our bodies, for
hand, with a sheet of tissue paper in example, with the greatest ease. These
between so that the rays from it had to ultra -X rays, if they exist, would go
penetrate the paper before they could through us (probably) as though we
reach your hand, there would be room were not there at all. They would also
for about ten million separate waves in go right through our physical instru-
the thickness of the paper. There is ments and our photographic plates and
quite a contrast, you see, between these all the other material things that we are
shortest known waves and the great accustomed to use in detecting various
waves used in radio telegraphy, some kinds of ether waves.
three or four hundred of which will We can stop light rays with a mirror
span the Atlantic. or bend them with a lens, and that en-
But tiny as these shortest waves are, ables us to study the nature of light.
*Details of this ether wave family were described
The ordinary X rays, being so much
i,, POPULAR RADIO for November, 1923, page 407.- shorter than light waves, go right
r r

From photographs made for POPULAR RADIO

The following -pictures show the different This is a similar photograph taken with ordi-
transparencies of things for different kinds of nary light, the waves of which are shorter
waves. This view corresponds to rays, like than those of the infra -red. The hand is
the infra -red rays, to which both the hand and opaque but the glass globe is transparent to
the glass globe are perfectly opaque -all
waves these waves, so that the metal parts inside may
being absorbed. be clearly seen.

through lenses or mirrors as though everything. We are left, then, with

they were not there. So we cannot nothing in the way of apparatus that
study X rays with such ordinary in- will catch these exceedingly elusive,
struments. But a sheet of lead will
catch the X rays and some kinds of
mightily penetrating rays so that we
can study them. This explains how v
crystals will catch them in part and these rays have escaped discovery for
bend them, and so we have been able so long in spite of the fact (if we are
to study these ordinary X rays by right in thinking that it is a fact) that
using metal sheets and crystals and these rays exist and are vastly impor-
similar devices instead of lenses and tant in the world.
mirrors. But is it a fact? What makes the
The ultra -X rays, however, may go scientists believe that some very short
right through lead sheets just as ordi- ether waves like this are a physical
nary X rays go through a mirror. They actuality and not merely something
probably do, in fact, go right through that is possible theoretically?

From an X nay photograph made for POPULAR RADIO by Dr. George Palmer Ratner. N.Y.
This is the same hand and globe photographed This is how a hand might look if it could be
by X rays. Being shorter than the waves of photographed by the supposed ultra -X rays.
light, these X rays penetrate the flesh so that These rays, the shortest waves of all, would
the bones may be seen. The metal parts of the penetrate flesh, bones and glass globe with al-
tube are perfectly black, showing complete ab- most complete perfection, showing only the
sorption of the waves. faintest possible shadow.

The first suspicion to this effect . does disappear, however slowly, and
arose in connection with an effort to ex- this is what causes the continual pro-
plain the peculiar behavior of radium. duction of heat and the discharge of
The atoms of radium, you remember, tiny particles and of other rays, all of
are in the habit of exploding. In a little which taken together constitute the phe-
piece of radium, containing, of course, nomena of radioactivity.
billions of billions of individual atoms, The cause of this has always been a
a certain number of the atoms blow puzzle. Why should the radium atoms
up every second and keep on doing so, blow up? It is possible, of course,
one by one, until all the radium is gone. that they do so spontaneously, just as
There are so many atoms in even the badly -made dynamite goes off occasion-
smallest speck of radium that the dis- ally all by itself. But this has never
appearance of the material is extremely seemed very likely. Scientists have al-
slow; only half of it will be gone,, in ways believed that there probably was
fact, after two thousand years. But it something that touched off the indi-

vidual radium atoms once in a while, no energy from them and were not af-
just as we use an exploder cap to touch fected. Just so the sunlight passing
off a stick of dynamite. Only we have through the transparent pane of a win-
never been able to find out what this dow will warm any dark -colored (and
radium exploder was. therefore absorbing) object inside, leav-
About four years ago the distinguished ing the non -absorbing pane unaffected
French physicist, Dr. Jean Perrin, the and cool. According to the Perrin
same who had discovered, some years
earlier, the first direct proof of the real
existence of molecules, suggested that
theory the only kinds of atoms that had
the property of absorbing the ultra -X
rays at all were the atoms of the radio-
the radium exploder might be a kind of active elements. These were the only
ultra -X rays. The radium atoms might elements, therefore, that could accumu-
have, he pointed out, the power of ab- late the.ultra -X -ray energy and explode.
sorbing these very short waves just This, of course, was only theory. It
as a black wall will absorb light or a was a way of explaining the behavior,
lead plate will absorb X rays. And as otherwise so mysterious, of the radium
a strong light absorbed by a black wall atoms in exploding every once in a
will heat up the wall a little and a while without having anything to touch
beam of X rays; if it he strong enough, them off. Dr. Perrin did not catch or
will heat up a lead plate, so the absorp- measure any ultra -X rays or produce
tion of ultra -X rays by the atoms of any direct experimental evidence that
radium ought to add energy of some they existed.
sort to the atom ; so much energy, per- This step was left for an American
haps, that after a while the atom would scientist, Dr.. R. A. Millikan of the
explode. California Institute of Technology. By
Suppose you take a tightly closed ingenious experiments which he de-
can of gasoline and put it in the hot scribed recently before the American
sun. Or suppose that you get a large Institute of Electrical Engineers but
burning glass and focus it on the can which he has not yet published in detail,
of gasoline so that the sunlight that some rays similar to the supposed ultra -
strikes it will be much stronger. The X, rays seem actually to have been de-
can will explode. It absorbs more and tected. Experiments on top of Cali-
more energy from the sunlight. It gets fornia mountains and in airplanes high
hotter and hotter. Finally there is so above the earth indicate that these new
much heat energy in it that the can rays come from space outside the earth.
cannot stand it any longer and it blows They do not come from the sun, for
up. they are observed at night as well as
Something of this same sort may be during the day.
happening, Dr. Perrin suggested, to the Dr. Millikan has established, also, a
atoms of radium. They may be ab- probability that radium atoms are not
sorbing all the time a little of the en- the only ones that sometimes explode.
ergy of the ultra -X rays. This energy All kinds of atoms explode occasionally,
accumulates inside the atoms just as the but the ordinary kinds, like the atoms
energy of sunlight accumulates inside that compose our bodies, do so only
the can of gasoline. Every once in a once in a long time. All substances, says
while an atom gets so much of this Dr. Millikan, are probably radioactive
extra energy that it blows up. just as radium is but much more faintly,
The atoms of the other elements, the so faintly that the fact had hitherto es-
ones that are not radioactive, might be, caped observation.
Dr. Perrin thought, totally transparent Dr. Millikan is not ready (if T cor-
to the ultra -X rays so that they caught rectly understand his position) to give


.. :.
... .,._.
Signal Corlre, U. S. A.
This explosion of a hydrogen- filled army balloon. Goodrich Type R72. is among the
most violent explosions ever photographed, according to ]Hunan standards. Yet the
explosions of the radium atoms, perhaps induced by the ultra -X rays' are millions of
times more violent, bulk for bulk. .than this one is. This remarkable snapshot was
taken April 2, 1918, at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, by Captain Roger B. (Vhitm an.

full agreement to Dr. Perrin's idea that this newly discovered member of the
the ultra -X rays produce all these atomic family may nòt have soine:'rather im- -
explosions, both of radium and of other portant. jobs. None of the other' kinds
kinds of matter. But he is willing to of ether waves are loafers. Light and
grant the fact that these tiltra -X rays. heat rays and the X rävs arc all dòing
or something very like them actually rather significant jobs in the universe ;

exist. We can conclude, then, that the for example, helping to keep us alive and
family of ether waves is reasonably cer- to keep the world habitable. Perhaps
tain to have a shorter brother ; a tiniest the smallest brother has something to
one of all who is so small that science keep busy on too.
has not previously seen him. This problem had been attacked even
The problem arises, then, whether before Dr. lf illikan's experiments by

a compatriot of Dr. Perrin, Dr. Felix be utterly invisible. 'Nor, if this object
Michaud, a well -known physicist and had a consciousness, would it perceive
distinguished member of the Faculty of the light that was passing all around,
the University of Paris. These ultra -X and through it. To it the brilliant room
rays may be, Dr. Michaud thinks, the would seem dark.
most important ether waves of all. The Just so the universe, brilliantly "il-
littlest brother may be the most power- luminated," so to speak, with the 'ultra -
ful. He may be, in fact, the cause of X rays, appears to us to have none of
that age -old mystery that we call gravi- them because we are transparent to
tation. them and cannot perceive them at all.
Let us imagine, says Dr. Michaud, But just as there is no known object,
that the entire universe is filled with a even the clearest glass -or the most bril-
vast assemblage of ultra-X rays, moving liant crystal, that is perfectly trans -.
in all possible directions at the same parent to light rays, so there is no sub -`
'time, just as a mirror -walled and bril- stance that is perfectly transparent to
liantly lighted room is filled with a the ultra -X rays. We ourselves, the
multitude of light rays, crossing and earth under our feet, every kind of.
interlacing and filling every tiniest matter everywhere in the universe, ab-
cranny of the space inside the room.
, sorbs a tiny fraction of the rays, just
We do not perceive this vast flood of as a "transparent" g'.ass really absorbs
ultra -X rays that comès from every di- a tiny fraction of the light.
rection and bathes everything because But if we do absorb even the tiniest
the rays go right through us. Just so fraction of the ultra -X rays it ought to
a perfectly transparent object in the have some effect on us; we ought, in
lighted room, if there were such a thing some way, to be able to perceive it. It.
as a perfectly transparent object, would has, says Dr. Michaud, an effect on us;

From a photograph made for Popc7.Aa RADIO

It is so thick in comparison with the wavelength of the gamma rays given off by
radium that there would be for nearly 20,000.000 single waves in one thickness
of the paper. The ultra -X rays are believed to be even shorter than this.

we do perceive it, but we do not recog-

nize it as a radiation.
What it really does, this tiny absorbed
fraction of the pervasive flood of ultra -
X rays. is to cause gravitation.
Consider, says Dr. Michaud, two al-
most transparent objects, like two glass
balls, inside our mirror -lined, brilliantly -
lighted room. Each ball absorbs a little
light. If the balls are fairly close to-
gether each will shade the other just a
trifle. Delicate light- measuring instru-
ments would show that the side of each
ball that faced toward the other ball
would be receiving all the time a little
less light than the other sides of the
balls freely exposed to the flood of
light in the room.
This is what is happening to two
material bodies, like the sun and the
earth, floating in space. Space, you
remember, is considered to be full of a
flood of ultra -X rays just as our room
is full of a flood of light. The sun
and the earth each allow most of these
ultra -X rays to pass right through them
just as most of the light passes through
the glass balls. But the matter of the
sun and The earth absorbs a tiny frac-
tion of the rays and so the two great
globes shade each other a trifle from the
pervasive ultra -X rays, just as the two HE ORIGINATED THE ETHER -WAVE
glass balls in the room shaded each THEORY OF GRAVITATION
other a little from the pervasive light. Dr. Felix Mich and, distinguished physicist of
But how, you say, does this explain the University of Paris, whose theory that
ether waves cause gravitation is explained in
gravitation? in this article.
Because all kinds of rays, when they
are absorbed, create a pressure on the pected to exert a pressure also. If the
thing that absorbs them. This was earth were floating alone in empty space
proved years ágo for light by two the pressure would be the same on all
American physicists, Dr. Ernest F. sides of it, for the amount of the ultra -X
Nichols and Dr. Gordon F. Hull. Light rays arriving from any selected direc-
exerts a pressure and this is why, for tion would be exactly the same as the
r." example, the tails of comets point away amount arriving from every other di-
from the sun. The little particles of rection. But the earth is not alone in
dust in the tail are driven backward by space. It is accompanied, for example,
the pressure of sunlight.* by the sun. Therefore, the sun shades
The ultra -X rays, like light and all it partly and the earth partly shades the
other kinds of ether waves, may be ex- sun. The pressure of the ultra -X rays
`See POPULAR RADIO for August, 1922, pages 249.
is slightly less on the near sides of the
255. sun -earth combination, or, what is the

20, 000



SMO.e r /3 3



/0 000 000 78
{/S/BL E 000 000 39
. 000 000 03

X RF YS //. 6

000 000 000 O/

000 000 000 00/


RAYS .00000000000/ METER
This chart shows the supposed ultra -X rays as the shortest ether waves of all.

same thing, it is greater on the far tery of where the sun gets the energy
sides. There is a force tending to drive to keep up its heat. The sun, geolo-
the sun and the earth together. That is gists tell us, is at least six or eight
what we observe and call gravitation. billion years old. No kind of burning y-
Extend this same reasoning to all the would supply its heat for even a thou-
other bodies in the universe, work out sandth of this time. What does give it
the detailed relations of the amount of its heat?
ultra -X ray absorption to the masses Perhaps, says Dr. Michaud, it is the
of bodies, to the distances, to relative great flood of ultra -X -ray energy that
motions and the like (all of which Dr. fills all space. The part of this that the
Michaud has done) and you come out sun absorbs and which is manifested,
with the well -known laws of gravitation. as we have seen, in gravitation is very
You come out also with a possible ex- tiny with relation to the total amount of
planation for that very puzzling mys- such energy that space contains. But

it may be very large with relation to the to do, as Dr. Perrin foresaw, with radio-
sun ; ample, perhaps, to keep the sun activity. Still others concern the cause
going indefinitely. of light or of those mysterious effects
This same unsuspected source of that we call electricity and magnetism.
energy, if it really exists, may have im- I cannot describe here the details of all
portant significance for the problems of these conclusions and suggestions and
life, especially of life on other planets. possibilities. Perhaps, indeed, it is'
The surface- of Mars, for example, has profitless to describe them at all until
been found, by measurement of its ra- the exact facts about these ultra -X rays
diation, to be considerably warmer than have been ascertained and fully proved.
the usual theories would indicate as pos- That, we may be sure, will not be a
sible. It seems warm enough, in fact, matter of many years.
to support life quite like the life on But there is one thing, even at pres-
earth. Where does this warmth come ent, that I must not leave unsaid. It is
from? Not from the sun, we are sure, that in these experiments of Dr. Milli -
unless the atmosphere of Mars is of kan and in the theories of D. Michaud
some peculiar composition and is able we seem to have caught a glimpse of a
to trap and retain the sun's heat much whole new universe that we have been
more efficiently than the astronomers living in without knowing it. Like a
suppose. Perhaps the extra heat comes blind man who begins, as they remove
from ultra -X rays absorbed from space the bandage from his eyes, to catch his
by the matter of the planet, just as does - first glimmer of light, to perceive a dim
(so the theory says) the heat of the and distorted vision of unknown reali-
sun. ties all around him, so we stand, it
If this be true some heat like this seems, on the very verge of new and
must be arriving all the time on the enormously important discoveries ; dis-
earth. Very likely it is. It has long coveries that will change, it may well
been known, for example, that all rocks, be, every supposed fact and every pres-
soils and natural waters are slightly ent idea and every condition of life
radioactive. The heat thus produced in the world.
has been ascribed by most scientists to REFERENCES
traces of radium in the rocks. It has
Readers desirous of studying the details of the
been calculated to be sufficient to make theories here described will find Dr. Perrin's ideas
set forth in his monograph "Matière et Lumière" in
the earth grow slowly warmer instead the Annales de Physique, vol. 11, pages 5.108
of cooling off as the older theorists used (January, 1919), especially on pages 78 to 95. Dr.
Michaud's theory of the cause of gravitation, as
to believe. Perhaps this, too, may be an well as many other implications of the ultra -X -ray
idea for which I have not had space in this article,
ultra -X -ray effect. Even our own life was published in his pamphlet entitled "Rayonnement
et Gravitation," 61 pages, Gautier -Villars et Cie., Paris,
may depend in ways that we do not 1922. There is a brief review by Dr. Michaud him-
self in the Recite générale des Sciences for January
yet understand, upon the properties of 15. 1923. Dr. Millikan's experiments have not been
this new and remarkable kind of ether published. They will be noted in POPULAR RADIO as
soon as they appear. For information about X rays
There are many other implications of
and gamma rays necessary starting point, of
course, for study of the possible shorter waves
the best book is X Rays by G. W. C. Kaye, fourth
edition, 320 pages, Longmans Green and Co., New
this ultra -X -ray theory. Some affect York, 1923.
the theories of astronomy. Others have -The Author

Where Fortunes Await Radio Inventors

Unlimited opportunities lie before the radio fan- before the novice as well as the
scientist-for solving some of the mysteries of radio phenomena. In the next
issue of POPI.'f.AR RADIO Henry Woodhouse will point out just where these oppor-
tunities are.


Unless you do, you cannot understand the practical and useful hook -up drawings
that constitute such a valuable part of this magazine. Read this article and learn
how simple to understand these diagrams really are!



THIS article is written -and illustrated -for

the very particular
benefit of the radio fan who is unfamiliar with the common sym-
bols Used in the technical diagrams that explain radio circuits.
A knowledge of these symbols is necessary to the understanding
of "hook -up" drawings. In this two -part article this information
is presented in the most simple and comprehensive form. KEEP


"Wj HERE may I obtain a 'picture- First of all, the student who wants
to learn how to read a diagram must
diagram' of the four-circuit
tuner? I do not know how to read the make himself familiar with the conven-
regular diagrams .P tional symbols which are used in all
This is one of the most frequent hook -ups. Therefore, let us first con-
questions received by The Technical sider the .instruments that are most
Service Bureau of this magazine. familiar in radio.
It is evident that a large percentage The following pages show pictures of
of radio fans are unable to interpret the the instrument, together with the stand-
conventional, electric- circuit diagram. ard symbol that represents it ; also short
Rather than use the inferior picture descriptions of the instruments and their
method to bring home a circuit to the uses. These symbols should be memo-
uninitiated, POPULAR RADIO has decided rized before the beginner undertakes to
to show the radio fan how to master read a diagram.
the standard diagram.

AMMETER -The ammeter is a device for An ammeter never measures how many am-
measuring the current flowing in some particu- peres there are in the battery, but it does
lar circuit; for instance, it could he placed in measure the number of amperes that some
the filament circuit of a vacuum tube to sec other instrument is drawing from the battery
how many amperes were being drawn from or whatever source of power we may have.
the storage battery. An instrument for smaller The ammeter has two terminals and is always
current values (the milliammeter) could be connected in series in the circuit; that is, one
connected in the plate circuit of the vacuum of the wires of the circuit is broken and the
tube to see how many thousandths of an am- two resultant ends are connected to the two
pere were being drawn from the "B" battery. terminals of the ammeter.

ANTENNA-The most common type of an- surface and greater strength than the solid
tenna (and one that gives universal satisfac- wire of the sanie gauge. For transmitting,
tion for receiving) is the single -wire "L" type, four parallel wires are often used to give
approximately 100 feet long. It is insulated at greater radiating area; a wire joined to each
e..ch end, preferably with a glazed -porcelain of these is in turn connected to the single lead -
a.ttenna insulator, and the lead -in to the re- in. As the multiple lead -ins always are joined
ceiving set is taken off at one end. Number to one common wire we may regard the an-
14 seven -strand bare copper wire is most suit- tenna as having a single connection and thus
able for antenna wire because of its larger it is shown in the diagrams.


Loor ANTENNA -The regulation outdoor an- detector and two stages of audio- frequency
tenna always gives reception over greater dis- amplification. Do not attempt to use a loop
tances and also louder signals than the loop on the ordinary three -bulb regenerative set.
on the same receiving set. However, circum- For broadcast reception the loop antenna may
stances may make the use of a loop necessary; consist of twelve turns of No. 18 wire wound
in this case the amplification will have to be in a square, two feet on a side, the turns be-
increased considerably over what would be ing separated one -half inch. The loop antenna
necessary with the outdoor antenna. Two or has two connections, although one of these
three stages of rado- frequency amplification may he arranged so that it can be cut in on
will be required in addition to the customary different turns.

"A" BATTERY -Until recently the "A" or fila- to the filament of the tube; one of these is
ment- lighting battery was almost universally positive and the other negative. Make sure
of the storage type. It may be well to note that the voltage at these terminals is correct
here that the UV -201 -a tube is primarily a for the tubes you are using, and also that the
storage -battery tube, and that it is not econom- "A" battery is capable of furnishing current
ical to operate more than one of these tubes for the number of tubes which you intend to
on dry cells. However, the use of tubes, such use. Three WD -11 tubes should have three
as the UV -199 and WD -11, which operate on dry cells connected in parallel, for instance.
an "A" battery made tip of dry cells, has in- One dry cell would have the same voltage but
creased materially in the last year or two. it could not furnish current for three tubes
Although made up of several cells, the "A" economically. By using three cells in paral-
battery has two main terminals which connect lel the current is divided between the three.

- f

"B" BATTERY -The "B" battery is made up volt, tapped type which gives any voltage in
of a number of "flashlight" cells connected in steps of 1/ volts from 16/ to 22/ volts for
series and sealed together in a convenient con- soft detector tubes which are critical to plate
tainer, there being fifteen of the cells in the voltage. The amplifier "B" battery can be con-
22/ -volt size and a correspondingly larger num- veniently made up of 22/ or 45 -volt blocks
ber in the higher -voltage batteries. The large - connected up in series to give the required
type "B" battery will prove more economical voltage. The battery made up in this manner
for a permanent set, while the smaller sizes will have two outside or unconnected terminals,
have their points of advantage for portable one positive and one negative, and these will
sets. The detector battery is usually a 22/- form the connections to the set.


"C" BATTERY -With more than 67t/z volts cuit, break the grid lead between the amplify-
on the plate of the average tube it is advisable ing transformer and the filament, and connect
to connect a "C" Battey in the grid circuit to the ends to the two terminals of the "C" bat-
bring the potential of the grid to the correct tery, the negative side of the latter should
negative point with respect to the filament. be toward the transformer and grid. An-
Small flashlight cells of 3 to 4/ volts make other advantage of the "C" battery is that it
good "C" batteries and are easy to obtain. To cuts down the average plate current greatly
connect a "C" battery in an amplifying cir- and makes the "B" battery last much longer.


BUZZER-The chief uses of the buzzer in (buzzer, battery (dry cell) and a key are sim-
radio are for code practice and for testing out ply connected in series. For testing crystal -
crystal detectors to find a sensitive spot. The detector adjustment, a buzzer, battery, and a
buzzer for either of these purposes should key or push button are connected as above,
(preferably) be one of the special high -fre- and in addition a wire is connected, from the
quency type. The note of an ordinary call binding post nearest the buzzer interrupter, to
buzzer is much too low. For code practice a the ground lead of the receiving set,

AUDIO -FREQUENCY CHORE COIL-The audio- mitring tube by connecting one or more choke
frequency choke coil consists of an iron core coils in series with the rectified supply. There
with a continuous winding, and has two connec- is always a drop in voltage across a choke
tions, one to each end of the winding. The choke coil and this is used in choke -coil -coupled
coil has a tendency to smooth out variations amplifiers. The choke coil is connected in the
in current as its magnetic field opposes all plate circuit of one tube and the drop across
changes in the current. An example of this it used to operate the succeeding tube in the
use is to steady the plate current of a trans- next stage of amplification.

RADIO -FREQUENCY CHORE COIL-The uses of choke -coil purposes. The radio -frequency
the radio -frequency choke coil are very simi- choke consists of a single winding and has one
lar to the audio -frequency choke coil except connection at each end. Such a coil may be
that it is constructed to operate at much higher used in a low -power vacuum-tube transmitting
frequencies and is therefore generally made set as a radio - frequency choke in the grid -
with an air core. The coil shown in the illus- leak circuit or in the plate circuit to keep the
tration is an ordinary honeycomb coil, which high -frequency energy from getting back into
type is usually satisfactory for radio -frequency the power supply.

FIXED CONDENSER -The most satisfactory sary. In places where some loss does not mat-
type of fixed condenser for receiving sets, and ter and where the cost of a mica condenser of
one that is comparatively inexpensive, is the such large size would be prohibitive, such as
small mica condense) of reliable make. As the filter condensers for transmitting sets, paper
the amount of energy handled is extremely condensers are often used. The fixed conden-
small, it is not advisable to use home -made con- ser has fundamentally two metal surfaces
densers of doubtful quality. One of these which are separated by an insulating sheet, al-
small condensers of .00025 or .0005 mfd. capac- though the metal surfaces may be made up
ity can often be connected in series with the of a large number of sheets. There are two
antenna to cut down the wavelength if neces- connections, one to each of the metal surfaces.

VARIABLE CONDENSER -The variable air con- to the rotary plates. Always connect the ro-
denser has become fairly well standardized in tary plates to the part of the circuit which
form; it consists of a number of. stationary is nearest the ground potential to avoid "body-
plates, closely spaced and connected together, capacity" effects. The condenser should be
and approximately the same number of rotary well made mechanically and electrically; the
plates which are also connected together and hearings should fit well and preferably be of
which mesh between but do not touch the sta- metal; and the stator and rotor shbuld be
tionary plates. The condenser has two con- separated by a good insulating material to
nections, one to the stationary plates and one avoid excessive dielectric loss.

COUNTERPOISE -When a ground connection is antenna; otherwise, if it should be grounded

impossible or when a natural ground gives too (even poorly) at sonic point, we defeat the
high a wavelength on our transmitting set. we purpose of the counterpoise which is to give
fall back on the counterpoise; this is placed a uniform electric stress over its entire area
below the antenna and far enough above much the same as the stress between condenser
ground to clear obstructions. The counter- plates. The wires of the counterpoise should
poise may take the form of the antenna or it be all connected and soldered together to
may he spread out fan shape. At any rate it form a single lead-in to the transmitting or
should be well insulated just the sanie as an receiving set.


î9 "

QUESTION have the following parts
: I ing the telephone plug in jack J2 will give
connected as shown in my sketch of the you more distance than in your original set.
The loudspeaker will give the best results if
hook -up, which I am enclosing in my inserted in jack J3. You will need a separate
I etter :
plug for the phones and one for the loud-
2 Malone -Lemon variable condensers,
* * *
.0005 mfd.;
1 Cardwell variocoupler ; QUESTION In using the new type of

1 Mitchell variometer ; vacuum tubes, what side of the fila-

I Dubilier combination grid leak and ment battery should the rheostats be
grid condenser; connected in for an amplifying cir-
1rheostat; cuit? I have them in the positive side
1 UV -200 vacuum tube and socket. of the filament at present and the
Will you kindly give nie a hook -up amplifier seems to work best when I
showing how to use this same circuit I use only 22% volts on the plates of the
am now using, with two stages of audio- amplifiers as well as the detector.
f requency amplification added to it? I have 90 volts of "B" batteries, and
I have just bought one of the best it seems a shame that I am unable to
loudspeakers to go with my set and use only one 22%-volt section. The
when I tried it I did not get enough others will go to waste.
volume. I could just hear the music if Someone told me I might have the
I put my head right into the mouth of rheostats connected in the wrong way
the loudspeaker. So I guess I must and that I should follow the "dope"
need an amplifier. Will you also tell on the sheet which came with the tubes.
me what extra parts I will need to go I have not been able to find the sheet
with my present apparatus. that I got with the tubes so I guess I
D. J. WATTROUSE am out of luck, as far as that is con-
ANSWER: In Figure 2 you will find the cir- cerned.
cuit you require. The extra parts you will I thought that you might perhaps
need are:
Cl -mica fixed condenser :.0005 mfd.; help me out. Do I need "C" batteries?
Jl and J2- double-circuit jacks: WARD GIFFORD
J3- single- circuit jack;
R2 and R3- filament rheostats, 20 ohms; ANSWER: For use as an amplifier the new
AFTI and AFT2-audio -frequency ampli- UV-199 and UV -201a or C -299 or C -301a tubes
fying transformers; 'should have the filament rheostat connected in
additional "B" batteries, 67% volts. the negative side of the "A" battery leads.
If you use phones you will find that insert- You have them reversed and that is the reason

QUESTION Please send Ine a circuit

: QUESTION : Is it really necessary
for a small 5 -watt CW transmitter. .I that antenna wires should be soldered?
am getting the transmitting bug.; caught I have an.' indoor antenna, and I am
it from watching a fellow amateur who afraid that if I try to solder the joints
has helped nie with my set when I had (there' are three) I may damage the
trouble. carpet. .

Now I am able to fix my junk all by I remember that when we lived in our
myself and feel that I would like to try other house I had an outdoor antenna
to steal some of his stuff and surprise which I soldered. In 'soldering it I
him with a set in full operation. also remember that the soldering paste
ADRIAN ROSCII melted down and fell on the roof. As
ANSWER: The wiring diagram for the trans-
the paste contains acid I know what it
mitter is given. in Figure 1. It is a simple would do to the carpet. And if it did
Hartley oscillator. that to the carpet I know what would
The parts you will need are the following: happen to my set.. And I want to keep
L- transmitting inductance;
GL-grid leak, 5,000 ohms; my radio set even if it does make me
GC-grid condenser, .002 mfd.; stay up late at night, and cause tie to
key -well insulated transmitting key;
C -mica fixed condenser, .002 mfd.; '
. get ;scolded.
vacuum tube, UV -202 and socket; So again I ask, is there any way to
power transformer, for lighting the filament do without soldering?
and supplying the plate voltage.
You may make the transmitting inductance PERCY DICKINSON
L yourself by winding 25 turns of No. 14 ANSWER: Under the circumstances, you arc
copper wire on a grooved composition tube, safe! For an indoor antenna .requires no
3% inches in diameter. soldering at the joints. You will find that
This circuit has been giving satisfaction at the copper wire keeps reasonably clean and
IUD's station for over a year. He radiates bright indoors.
1.4 amperes and has worked 1,100 miles and ' However; in an outdoor antenna the copper
was reported QSA (strong) at this distance. wire will -soon- become oxidized or corroded
The only adjustment to make with the set and will make poor contact if not, soldered.
after the proper wavelength has been obtained The soldering is only to make the joint a
is the grid -plate coupling which is adjusted by permanent affair so that its resistance will not
the sliding contact on the coil L. increase with age.

35"0 V
Flet ;Rl: 1: The Hartley circuit for
a .i -wall Cll' transmitter. Power is
furnished front a transformer.

THIS department is conducted for the benefit of our readers who want expert help
in unravelling the innumerable kinks that puzzle the amateur who installs and operates
his own radio apparatus. If the mcchtinism of your equipment bothers you you -if
believe that you are not getting the best results from it -ask the SERVICE BUREAU.

THE flood of inquiries that has poured in ate with us by observing the following requests:
upon the Service Bureau has not only 1. Confine each letter of inquiry to one
furnished evidence of the need of this depart- specific subject.
ment, it has also necessitated a system of 2. Enclose a stamped and self-addressed
handling the correspondence that will insure envelope with your inquiry.
the selection of and answer to only those 3. Do not ask how far your radio set should
questions that are of the widest application and receive. To answer this inquiry properly
that are, consequently, of the greatest value to involves a far more intimate knowledge
the greatest number of our readers. Our cor- of conditions than it is possible to incor-
respondents are, accordingly, asked to co -oper- porate in your letter.

In justice to our regular subscribers, the Service Bureau is compelled to

restrict this special service to those whose names appear on our subscrip-
tion list. A nominal fee of 50 cents is charged to non -subscribers to cover
the costs of this service and this. sum must be enclosed with the letter
of inquiry. No inquiries can be answered personally or by telephone.

QUESTION Please tell me which of

: a license please let me know how to go
the three modulation methods is the about getting one.
best: Heising, grid modulation or ab- . KNOWLTON BAIRD
sorption modulation? ANSWER: You do not need a license to
JULIUS MORRISON own and operate a receiving set in the United
ANSWER: The Heising scheme is the best * * *
in quality, and best in efficiency, though high
in cost. It requires two tubes of equal power. QUESTION : What is the speed of
The grid method is second in quality and ef- radio waves? Has this ever been ascer-
ficiency, but is more economical in first cost.
It requires but one tube. With two tubes it tained?
can not be as efficient as the Heising method. EDWARD HORNE
The absorption method is efficient and the ANSWER: Yes. The speed of these waves
quality is good on extremely low power (say is 3,000,000.000 meters a second (in round
one 5 -watt tube). But on higher powers the
microphone heats up and introduces losses and figures). This is equivalent to about 186,000
distortion into the circuit. It is the most miles a second.
* * *
economical radio -telephone circuit for low
power with one tube, for it needs no batteries QUESTION : What is a telephone re-
for modulation-only a loop of wire and a peater ?
suitable microphone.
* * * L. J. C.
QUESTION : Do I have to obtain a ANSWER : A telephone repeater is one or a
number of stages of audio- frequency amplifi-
license for receiving in America? I had cation added to a telephone line to magnify or
one when I lived in London and want strengthen weakened voice currents that have
to put up my set over here. If I need traveled long distances across the country.






By adding one more coil to your present single- circuit tuner you may
,greatly increase the selectivity and at the same time cut down re- radiation which
is the most objectionable feature of the single -circuit hook -up.,

highly selective tuner as to 'drive a a little perseverance, in really learning the

car through the heavy traffic encountered facts about tuning.
in a big city. If your object (or one of your ob-
Don't expect to become expert in jects) in radio receiving is to "get
handling the tuner any sociner than the distance," get the most highly selective
car. It is easy to pick up and enjoy tuner and the most sensitive detecting
programs from the local stations-as and amplifying system that you can
easy as it is to run a phonograph -but handle effectively, and work with it
practice and patience are required to until you learn the tricks of manipu-
learn to hear all the available distant lation. Your effort will be well repaid,
points through the local interference. and you will find that the new schedule
But don't let that fact discourage you; of wavelengths makes these great re-
you can do what others are doing, with sults possible.

Radio Telephones
on Trains
It is now possible
to carry on con-
versation between
trains in motion
and distant radio
stations. What re-
cent experiments
in this field have
developed in this
country, France
and Germany will
be told by Robert
G. Skerrett in
for January. Dr. Albert Neuberger, Berlin

intensity 60 and Philadelphia (WIP) be prevented ? The details of all the

with intensity 20. If your tuner has answers to that question would be
the selectivity characteristic of curve enough to fill the space of several ar-
XX in Figure 2, can you expect to ticles such as this, but we can at least
hear Philadelphia without even the set down some of the high spots:
faintest interfering signals from either 1. If you are using a crystal detector
New York station? with single- circuit receiver (the ordinary
To find out the answer we need only form of which is shown in Figure 3),
note that Philadelphia's wave -frequency change over to the double-circuit re-
is 590 kc. and those of the New York ceiver of Figure 4. If you cannot do
stations 610 kc. for WEAF and 660 kc. this, at least tap the detector circuit
for WJZ. The differences are 20 kc. across only a part of the inductance coil
and 70 kc.; if the receiver is tuned to as in Figure 5.
\VIP, the desired signals will be re- 2. If you are using an ordinary
ceived at full 100- percent intensity or vacuum -tube detector, in a non- regen-
20; WEAF's signals, being 70 kc. re- erative circuit, change to a good regen-
moved, would not be heard. But WJZ's erative circuit and preferably one which
signals, only 20 kc. away from WFI's is coupled inductively to the antenna
would come in at 25 percent of their (as in Figure 6).
full strength of 60, or at 15 which is 3. If your interference conditions are
threé- quarters as loud as \VIP. Con- too severe to be overcome by a circuit
sequently WJZ would interfere with of the type represented by Figure 6 (a
\VIP under these conditions, and a very unusual state óf. affairs), use a loop
more highly selective tuner would be antenna with tuned radio- frequency am-
required to receive signals from this plifiers and regeneration, or, perhaps
particular Philadelphia station without still better, with a super-heterodyne re-
interference. ceiver.
What can one do to increase selec- Above all things, bear in mind that as
tivity so that such interference can much skill is required to operate a



FIGURE 5: By using only a small part of- the coil 11-for the secondary circuit
which contains the detector and the telephones, the selectivity is increased to a
considerable extant over that obtained .by'the ürcuït in Figura 3.

receiver. When set to give a maximum Memphis and Davenport -80 percent of their
response to 660 kc. (line Q, as shown) Dallas and Philadelphia -25 percent of their
signals on carrier frequency 690 kc. maxima.
(line R) would give only about .15 per- Washington and Detroit -15 percent of their
cent full response, while other signals Pittsburgh and Omaha -10 percent of their
of 590 kc. (line P) would produce maxima.
practically no sound in the telephones. New York (WJZ) and San Diego -5 percent
of their maxima.
We might make a table showing the Chicago and St. Louis -3 percent of their
percentage of normal or best signal maxima.
Jefferson City and others -0.
strength that would be received by
such a tuner for various differences of Note that t h e s e relative signal
wave- frequency, using this resonance strengths are given as percentages of
curve as a basis, like the following: the loudest possible signal your set
could receive from any particular sta-
Difference from Percentage of tion, and that each percentage refers to
Resonant Frequency Resonant Signal
0 100 the signal from the station in question
10 80 and that only. In other words, this
20 25
30 15
above table will not show the relative
40 10 signal strengths in comparison with the
50 5 signal from some one station, such as
60 3
70 0 the one to which the set is tuned. To
get this information we must combine
From such a table we can see just with the above figures another tabulation
what to expect in the way of freedom giving the relative signal strengths of
from interference. For instance, if in- the station in question. One or two
stead of tuning to 660 kc. as shown, examples will show how this can easily
you adjusted to New York (WEAF) be learned, however.
at 610 kc., the energies of signals from Suppose that with your receiver,
other stations would be as follows (New under some particular condition, you
York being rated 100 percent because can hear New York (WEAF) with in-
tuned to its maximum) : tensity 100, New York (WJZ) with



FIGURE 4: This is the best crystal circuit to use from a standpoint of selectivity.
It is even better than the hook -up shown in Figure 3.



FIGURE 3: Many beginners who have this type of simple set arc experiencing
trouble with interference. The author tells us that the trouble may be lessened if
not eliminated by changing over this circuit to the circuit shown in Figure .5.

bringing in interference, because the Figure 2 compares these two char-

selectivity of the tuner has been much acteristics; here the frequency scale is
increased. With a tuner that would ex- drawn horizontally and the vertical scale
clude all but 10 kc. at a time, one represents the percentage response that
might use a sufficiently sensitive ampli- the receiver would give to a signal of
fying system to pick up any of the broad- some definite intensity at all of the
casting stations in the United States wave -f requencies illustrated.
without experiencing interference from In Figure 2 the square -shaped line
any of the others. It is feasible to marked AA corresponds to the barrier
build receivers having even more than line and opening similarly designated
this extreme degree of selectivity. in Figure 1, and represents a receiver
The chart of Figure 1 is based on that admits a 100-kc. wave -band with
the assumption that the receiving tuner sharp cut -off at each end. It is easy
\vi11 admit freely, and with equal facil- to see that, at the setting illustrated, a
ity, energy received on any of the wave - wave of frequency 590 kc. (as used
frequencies that' fall opposite the open- by some of the Philadelphia stations
ing in the line AA (or BB) but that and indicated by the vertical dash line
at the end frequencies of this admitted P) will produce 100 -percent signals.
band the tuner will cut off sharply so A wave of frequency less than 585
as not to admit any energy from waves would produce no response on account
outside the frequency limits marked by of the sharp lower cut -off. A wave
the opening. It is possible to build of 660 kc. (used by WJZ in New
receivers that have practically this sharp
cut -off characteristic, but the ordinary
York and shown at line Q) would give
100- percent response, but 690 kc.
tuners that depend upon simple circuit (Washington; line R) would be above
resonance for their selectivity have a the upper cut -off and give no signals.
gradual or tapered cut -off. on .each side Now look at the curve XX in Figure
of a single frequency that they receive 2, which shows the selection character-
best. .... . istic of an ordinary but reasonably good








RTLANTA 700-429




P/TTSBURGH 650-462
DALLAS 630 -





OMAHA 570-
SAN O/EGO 560 -

ST. LO(//S 550- 546
FIGURE 2: This chart shows how a broad- tuning set would include the signals of a
number of stations at one time while the sharp- taring set would get only one or two.
The small gap in the dark heavy line at the extreme right of the chart would include
only New York, Memphis and Seattle. This line is for a sharp tuner. The large
gap in the second heavy line includes everything from Jefferson City to Philadelphia
and San Fracisco; this line is for a broad tuner and considerable interference
would be experienced.

on your receiver. Make it as highly simultaneously admit signals from San

selective as you can and enjoy the Francisco, Los Angeles and Portland.
choice of programs that you will be Following the diagram's teachings a
able to get in that way. little farther we see that even a re-
Some of your neighbors (and prob- ceiver so non- selective as this could
ably a good many of them) have found choose between the three New York
that by sharp tuning they can hear any stations at 610, 660 and 740 kc. Al-
one of twenty or more stations at a though in the position shown it admits
time on "good nights" this season ; last both 610 and 660 kc. by turning the
winter they were lucky to be able to tuner controls to give resonance to
choose more than five or six. the lower frequencies (which would
Let us look more closely into this have the effect of lowering the open-
matter of receiver selectivity. ing in the line AA) the 660-kc. wave
The term is almost self -explanatory, could be cut out. By raising the ad-
it means the ability of a radio receiving mitted frequencies 40 kc. above the
outfit to select signals transmitted on illustrated values, 610 kc. would be
one frequency of carrier wave from cut out but 740 kc. not yet admitted.
other signals that are simultaneously On the other hand, so broad a tuner
being sent out on waves of other fre- could not be effectively used with a
quencies. very sensitive detector and amplifier,
Suppose we made a chart of some for the increased responsiveness of the
of the broadcasting wave -frequencies receiver would bring in interference
as in Figure 1, where the different from the more distant stations.
values are arranged along a vertical Here we have the crux of the whole
scale. In this figure, the localities to tuning situation. Your receiving tuner
which the various wave -frequencies must be more and more selective the
have been assigned are indicated, as more sensitive your detector and ampli-
well as the corresponding wavelengths fiers, or the farther you desire to re-
in meters. ceive.
Toward the right -hand side of Figure If you are in the vicinity of two or
1 is drawn a heavy vertical line, marked three broadcasting stations that use
AA, with an opening equivalent in well separated wavelengths, and if you
width to 100 kilocycles. Imagine that are satisfied to limit your reception to
this line represents the barrier set up those stations, a relatively dull detector
by your receiving tuner; that no wave (such as a crystal) and a tuner with
energy can get through at the f re- 100 kc. selectivity may be all you need.
quencies opposite the line, but that the If, however, you want to reach out with
wave-frequencies opposite the opening amplifiers so as to hear Omaha, De-
can get through to operate your tele- troit, Philadelphia or other stations
phones. From the diagram it is quite whose wave- frequencies are not very
clear that a receiving set which admits different from each other, you will
a 100 -kc. band (or continuous group) have to match your sensitive detecting
of wave- frequencies could simultane- system with a highly selective tuner.
ously pick up signals from two of You can see at once that the narrow-
the New York stations, from Phila- ness of the opening in the line AA
delphia, from Washington at 640 kc. (Figure 1) is a measure of the re-
and (if the signals were strong enough) ceiver's selectivity. If this opening
from Pittsburgh, Chicago and a few is made more narrow, say to a width
others. This assumes that the particu- admitting only a 20 -kc. range at one
lar set be located in the east; if it time, as in BB, the receiver sensi-
were on the west coast, it would tivity may be greatly increased without

waves a few kilocycles either side of put the new plan into effect on May
the specified frequencies. This prac- 15th last, and we have had ample time
tice, together with the division of to learn that the new wave assignments
operating hours among the numerous mark a progressive step (and a large
senders that desired to transmit in one) in broadcasting.
each locality, helped out the situation Some novice listeners have com-
a good deal. Despite the fact that it plained that the wave- frequencies of
resulted in two groups of stations, the the various stations are too close to-
larger group operating in the neighbor- gether and that it is not possible to
hood of 833 kc. and the other cluster- hear programs from one station with-
ing about 750 kc. and even though the out simultaneously picking up music
waves were chosen more or less at or a speech from other broadcasting
random, the shifting away from the plants.
authorized wave -frequencies made pos- These complaints have come only
sible what little choice of broadcast from listeners whose receiving sets are
programs was enjoyed by radio listen- poorly designed or poorly manipulated.
ers last wihter. It has been proved that receivers of
The Second National Radio Confer- only average selectivity, adjusted
ence assembled by Secretary Hoover with only normal care, are fully capable
last March changed matters by de- of discriminating between various
vising a new schedule* of broadcasting broadcasting waves that are said to in-
wave -frequencies that assigned to sta- terfere with each other. If you are
tions in each locality an appropriate having trouble in picking out the sta-
place in the wide band of waves that tion you want to hear, and in listening
is now available for this public radio to that station alone, don't blame the
service. The Department of Commerce new wave assignments. Bear in mind
'The new plan was reported in detail on pp. 64 -70
that thousands of other people are
of Portma 12noro for July, 1923. having no trouble at all, and get busy


.0: .aC'ti.:Jf::::i`r ,
......., . ..: ::........
C.. . .:R

EiësisEi: nu 998EEiE...
°EEi96ia :,... ...,, ..,,, :'9:: C:::11::
FIGURE 1: The author's frequency -signal- strength chart which he uses to explain
how a selective receiver and a broadly tuned receiver would act in regard to inter-
ference elimination.

From a photograph made for POPULAR Rnmo

"If you arc now using an ordinary vacuum -tube detector, in a non -regenerative
circuit, change to a good regenerative circuit and preferably one that is coupled
inductively to the antenna."-JOHN V. L. HOGAN.

How to Increase the Selectivity

Do you have trouble in tuning out interference now that the broadcasting
stations are using the re- alloted wavelengths? This article by one of the
best radio engineers in the world tells how to overcome your difficulty.


SINCE the adoption of the new wave - 360 and 400 meters wavelength). If
frequency (or, in the old phrase, the broadcasters had lived up to the
wavelength) allocations for broadcast- regulations no qne would have been
ing, the number of transmitters that can able to receive from more than two
be heard by any receiving station has stations, one on each wave, at any one
been substantially increased. time. As a matter of fact it was
Under the former plan the trans- found that so much interference de-

two wave- frequencies

kilocycles a second
mitters were licensed to work at only
833 and 750
(corresponding to
veloped when only the two waves were
used that the station managements
gradually tuned their transmitters to


FIGURE 5: This diagram (which contains the
front and side measurements for the hard-
wood cabinet) may be turned over for con-
struction to the cabinet maker or a cabinet
of this size may be obtained front almost any
radio supply store.

The initial adjustment is finished, now to

tune in a station.
Turn the heterodyne adjusting knob Li
slowly in one direction or the other until you
hear a signal. Then bring in the signal louder
by adjusting with the wavelength knob Al.
(These are the two knobs that you will use
B' altogether for tuning; Al to tune to wave-
length and L1 to heterodyne the signals).
e4; { When you have these two adjustments made
the best you can get them, start and go over all
the other adjustments you have already made
All the other units will then be automatically and thus get the set working, once and for all.
connected to the batteries and to each other. at the highest efficiency.
Next, place in the sockets six UV -201 -a When this is once done, you need not bother
vacuum tubes, making sure before doing so with the other adjustments again; they are
that the rheostats in all the units are turned only necessary to get the set working properly.
off. To get other stations, you may change the
Put the receivers on your head, but not too setting of Al and find the corresponding set-
near your ears, and turn up the tubes to the ting for LI to bring in this wavelength. You
correct brilliancy. will find that for a given setting on Al there
Then start with the initial adjustment. Place will be a given setting on Ll.
the regenerative control knob Al on the tuner The regenerative control should only be
at a low value (say at 10). Place the oscil- used on extremely distant stations where it
lator- coupler knob Kl at a high value (near will be found a great help in making the sig-
100). Place the antenna switch Fl on the nals audible.
second tap from the left. Set the wavelength When-you have mastered the tuning method.
knob BI at 40. Place the heterodyne control you will find that you can tune in anything.
knob LI at about 40. Then adjust the poten- no matter what the distance, if the wavelength
tiometer knob on the amplifier, by turning in is within the range of the tuner (180 to 550
a clockwise motion until a loud rushing noise meters) and ij the static is not too strong.
is heard in the telephones. Turn the poten- You will find little interference and great
tiometer just a little further on beyond this sensitivity in such a set and the reception will
point. be extraordinarily clear.


FIGURE 6: This view gives a better idea of the grouping of the transformers, rheo-
stats, condensers,_ sockets and binding posts, when considered from
a "depth"
standpoint. It should be noticed that the condenser X1 is mounted directly
terminals of the input transformer Tl. on the

/S 'lie

- ....54

( Z` X, Ti X¢ Si © 4 YZ




i¢--I--/ie /'rg--
FIGURE 4: By following this diagram, the correct site of the panel will be assured
together with the correct .spacing for the holes for the screws which hold the parts,
and the shafts of the instruments which protrude through the face of the panel.

connected to the grid terminals of sockets S2 Operating Data

and S3, respectively. To set up the various units after they have
Now connect the remaining side of con- been completed and put in their cabinets is a
denser X4 to the bottom wire attached to post simple matter.
Y6. First, place the Haynes tuning unit at the
Thenconnect the condenser X5 across Y3 left -hand side of the table and next to it, on
and Y6binding posts, anywhere suitable along the right, place the oscillator. Then, at the
the two
long wires connecting these two posts right of the oscillator, place the amplifier unit
Y9 and Y12, respectively.
to posts that you have just completed. You may tilso
Now connect condenser X3 across post Y7 place the two -stage audio -frequency amplify -.
and Y12. ing unit at the right of the radio -frequency
Run a wire from Y12 to the pointer on the

unit if a terrific signal is required -but this is

rheostat V.. --The other end of the rheostat not recommended by the author.
should be connected to one of the filament As all the cabinets are of the saine size and
terminals on each of the sockets S4, S3, S2 finish they make a neat business -like appear-
and Si. The remaining filament terminals on ance.
these four sockets should all be connected to Now, just bridge across from one binding
the long wire connecting posts Y5 and YII. post on one unit to the binding post opposite
From this same wire run another wire to one it on the next unit as they stand together.
end of the secondary winding of the trans- This will give you
former T4: The other end of this winding the tuner unit and thesixoscillator
connections between
unit, six be-
should be connected direct to one side of the tween the oscillator unit and the radio -fre-
condenser X2 and the grid leak W. The other quency amplifier unit, and so on.
side of these two instruments should be con- Now, to connect the batteries and phones, do
nected to the grid terminal of the socket S4. the following:
Connect the plate terminal of the socket Si Connect the positive "A" battery to the post
to one end of the primary winding of trans- Y12 on the amplifier unit.
former T2. The other end of the primary T2 Connect the negative "A" battery to the
should be connected to the long wire connect- ":post Y11 on the amplifier' unit.
ing posts Y3 and Y9. Connect the negative "B" battery to the post
Do the sime thing with the plate terminal of Y10 on the amplifier unit.
socket S2 and the primary winding of trans- Connect the positive "B" battery to the post
former T3. Y9 on the amplifier unit. '
Do the same thing with the plate terminal Connect one terminal of the telephones to
of socket S3 and the primary winding of the post Y8 on the amplifier unit.
transformer T4. Connect the remaining terminal of the tele-
The last wiring job will he to connect the phones to post Y7.
plate terminal of socket S4 to post Y7 and the Connect the antenna and ground to the two
hook -up will be complete. left -hand posts on the tuner.
correct size, 6% by 14 inches, and painted with The dimensions for this cabinet are shown
a dark insulating paint, and fastened to the in Figure 5.
main panel Z1, with wood screws running The construction work is now completed.
through the face of the main panel and into
the edge of the sub -panel. (See Figures 4 How to Wire the Amplifier
and 6).
Now mount the potentiometer U on the The amplifier should be connected up with
main panel with two screws, and likewise the bus wire in the following manner:
filament rheostat V, as shown in Figures- 2 Connect one end of the primary coil of the
and 6. transformer T1 with binding post Y1. (Posts
Next, screw the four sockets SI, S2, S3, and Y1 to Y6 are located on .the left-hand end of
S4 to the sub -panel 22 by means of two brass the panel, looking from the front and posts Y7
screws to each socket. Secure the two paper to Y12 are located at the right -hand end of the
condensers in a similar manner, X4 between panel, also looking from the front. The wiring
the sockets SI and S2 and X5 between the diagram in Figure 1 should be reversed if you
sockets S3 and S4. (See Figures 2, 3 and 6.) figure out the connections from the back of the
Mount the input transformer T1,.as shown panel.)
in. Figures 2 and 6, by a single brass wood - The other end of the primary coil should be
screw, and do the same thing similarly with connected to post Y2 and the condenser XI
the radio -frequency transformers T2, T3, and should be connected directly across the pri-
T4. mary wires of the transformer.
As the three condensers Xl, X2 and X3 are Next connect three separate wires straight
supported by the wiring they may be left until across from post Y3 to Y9, from 175 to Yll
the set is connected up. The condenser X2 and from Y6 to Y12. Then connect posts Y4
should be of the type of micadon that has two and Y5 together and connect posts Y10 and
clips for mounting the grid leak directly upon Yll together, with short bits of the bus wire.
it. The next job will be to connect potentio-
Now mount and fasten, with screws on the meter U across the two wires connecting Y5
rear of the panel, the twelve binding posts Y1 to Yll and Y6 to Y12. The mid -connection on
to Y12, in two vertical lines of six each, one the potentiometer should be connected to one
line at one end of the panel and one line at side of the condenser X4 and one end of the
the other. These binding posts should be fast- secondary of Ti, T2 and T3. The remaining
ened in the proper holes drilled for them in end of Ti secondary winding should be con-
the main panel Zl. nected to the grid terminal of the socket Si.
A standard cabinet may be obtained for Likewise with the remaining end of the second-
the amplifier; just ask for a 7 x 15 -inch cabinet. ary windings of T2 and T3; they should be


FIGURE 3: Here is shown the general arrangement of the apparatus which is
mounted partly on the nain panel and partly on the sub -panel or base-board.


O X3
X4- Dubilier paper condenser, .5 mfd.; chine screws used for fastening the instru-
X5- Dubilier paper condenser, .5 mfd.; ments will be flush with the panel. All the rest
Yl to Y12- binding posts; of the holes in this panel are straight drill
Z 1- composition panel ; holes. Sizes for the diameter of these holes
Z2- wooden sub -panel, 6% x 14 x % inches. have not been given, but the builder will readily
decide what size hole is necessary by measur-
How to Construct the Set ing the size of the screws and shafts of in-
After procuring all the instruments and ma- struments that have to go through the holes.
terials for building the set, the amateur should When the panel is drilled, it may be given
set about preparing the panel Z1, (shown in a dull finish by rubbing lengthwise with smooth
Figures 2, 3, 4 and 6). sandpaper until the surface is smooth, then
First of all the panel should be cut to the the same process should he repeated except
correct size, 7 by 15 inches. that light machine oil should be applied during
Then the edges should be squared up the rubbing. The panel should then be rubbed
smoothly with a file. The centers for boring dry with a piece of cheese -cloth, and a dull
the holes (which are necessary for mounting permanent finish will be the result. Or the
the instruments) should be laid out on the panel may he left with its original shiny -black
panel as shown in Figure 4. finish, if care is exercised so that it is not
The holes outlined here with a double circle scratched during drilling.
should be countersunk so that the flat -head ma- Next the sub -panel Z2, should be cut to the



FIGURE 2: This layout shows the spacings; for the instruments, the transformers,
the sockets, rheostats,- condensers, potentiometer, and the two rows of binding posts.

The Parts Used in Building-the Set may be usid with equally good results
In all the diagrams in this article each part If instruments other than the ones listed are
bears a designating letter. In this way the used it will necessitate only the use of different
prospective builder of a receiver may easily spacing, of the holes drilled in the panel and
shelf for mounting them.
determine how to mount the instruments in
the correct places and connect them properly Si to S4- vacuum -tube sockets; 1
in the electric circuit. The same designating TI to T4 -four Haynes-Griffin transform-
letters are used in the text and the list of parts ers, one input and three radio- frequency
transformers, 3,000 meters;
below. U -Fada potentiometer, 200 ohms;
filiThe list of parts here given includes the V-Fada filament rheostat, .6 ohms;
exact instruments used in the particular \V- tubular grid leak, 2 megohms ;
set from which these specifications were Xl- Dubilier mica condenser, .0005 mfd.;
made up; however, there are many other X2- Dubilier mica condenser, .00025 mfd.;
reliable makes of instruments which X3- Dubilier mica condenser, .002 mfd.;



FIGURE I: By following this circuit, the amateur experimenter may be sure of
obtaining the proper connections fo the -instr'funents. The parts are designated by
the same letters that appear in the other diagrams and the text.

parts of radio apparatus which it con- adjustments of coupling and double -

siders beyond the scope of the amateur circuit tuning to the set.
experimenter's handiwork: It is much In the amplifier described in this
better that he should buy the parts and article the input transformer is de-
be sure of satisfaction in his experiments signed with a high step -up voltage ratio;
than that he should waste a lot of time at the same time, by shunting the
and energy and finally get unsatisfactory primary coil with a fixed condenser of
results.) the proper capacity, the correct wave-
Then there was the consideration of length (corresponding to the wavelength
a suitable means for coupling the output of the .other transformers) is auto-
circuits of the tuner* and the oscillator matically adjusted, thus eliminating all
to the radio- frequency amplifier. In the adjustments that have heretofore
most amplifiers which are broadly tuned, been regarded as necessary.
the input circuits. .are usually tuned The amplifier contains three steps
fairly sharply by means of two honey- of tuned- radio- frequency. amplification
comb coils placed in inductive relation which is fixed in wavelength and also
and shunted by two variable condensers. the detector (vacuum tube). It is a
In adjusting such a set the proper simple matter to build the unit and it
coupling had to be found by experiment; is also a simple matter to operate it.
then the two condensers had to be ad- There are only two knobs on the set a ;
justed to the best resonance point of regeneration control (potentiometer)
the- radio -frequency transformers. This which has to be adjusted only once, and
of course helped in sharpening up the one rheostat which controls the filament
operation of the set, but it added the of all four tubes.
'Sec POPUI.AH RADIO for September, 1923. The exact electrical wiring diagram is
fSee POPULAR Room for November. 1923. shown in Figure 1.
Y3 0

Y5 0

Y6o TX¢

Super- heterodyne Receiver

Part 1 of this article told how to make the oscillator for the super-
heterodyne; it also gave an outline of the salient points of this type of
receiver and described what it was and what it would do. Some of
thé new points involved in the amplifier unit are described in detail
in the following article.

FIRST of all, when they started work air -core transformers which were built
on this set, the designers tested out up with variations in the turn ratios
the various makes of transformers for variations in the fundamental wave
radio frequencies between 2,000 and lengths, variations in the magnetic cou-
6.000 meters. After long experimenta- pling, and variations in the resistance of
tion, they decided that there would be coils (this involved many trials with
a distinct advantage in a transformer windings of different sizes of wire) it
which would not involve the use of an was decided to use a transformer that
iron core. It was decided that they was extremely sharply tuned on 3,000
needed a transformer that would be meters. This was found better than the
sharply tuned to one particular wave- somewhat higher wavelengths more gen-
length to which all incoming signals erally used in super- heterodyne ampli-
could be heterodyned. fiers in that the possibility of cutting out
This, of course, would insure much some of the side bands due to critical
sharper tuning, in the set as a whole, tuning was less than at the higher wave-
than would be possible with a radio - lengths. This wavelength also was
frequency transformer which responded found to be relatively free from inter-
to signals over a relatively wide band ference. (The reader will note that
of wavelengths. POPULAR RADIO does not describe how
After still more experimentation with to make these transformers or any other
whisker and replacing lightly in various po-
. 2,000 ohms or more will give good results.
sitions. Reception from a considerable distance will
As the switch blades are moved up the be more satisfactory if phones priced above
wavelength of the set is increased. When the the conventional standard be used.
left switch advances one point the tuning in-
ductance turns are increased by two. When

As the crystal is the life of the set,

this switch reaches point 6 the turns are in-
creased somewhat less than two by advancing emphasis is laid upon the importance of
the right switch one point and returning the securing a good one, which should not
left switch to point 1. Thus, in tuning, as only be sensitive to weak signals, but
the successive turns are cut in, that part of
the process which requires shifting both which should give response from local
switches, will give a smaller wavelength in- stations at most random positions of
The antenna may be a single wire 80 feet the catwhisker. The crystal may be
long (or two wires 50 feet long) and about kept covered when the set is 'not in use,
30 feet high. If the antenna is too large the but after a time its surface may become
number of inductance turns required to receive
the shorter broadcast wavelengths will be so insensitive. It may be cleaned with
reduced that the signal strength will also be alcohol or soap and water and a clean
decreased. In this connection, most effective
results will be obtained by keeping the antenna brush.
clear of obstructions and adjusting its length The input terminals of a two -step,

until signals from the longest wave broadcast audio- frequency amplifier may be con-
station are heard with the switches near the
upper points. With this set the writer obtained nected to the phone binding posts of
good recepton from a Class B station two this set and good volume of sound will
and a half miles distant, using a small indoor be obtained from local stations. The
antenna, but such an antenna is not recom-
mended for a crystal set. use of the crystal detector gives signals
A telephone head -set having a resistance of of maximum clearness.

Courtesyof Armstrong Perry . .


Dr.. Max Reilhoffer of the government Eleclrotechnical Institute of Vienna is
holding two of the Austrian vacuum tubes .c 'hich are efficient detectors and ampli-

fiers and which sell in that country for an equivalent of about 50 cents in American
money. The apparatus in the lower left -hand part of the picture are the mechan-
ical pumps used in the cvacualing system for snaking these foreign tubes.

o yI 6
op So
OZP 40
Oj1I 30
oIl 20
OS /0

Assembling- the panels and the switch points and binding posts. This is a view
from the rear and shows how the switch points are forced into the holes drilled
for them in the upright panel, and how the wire taps are connected one to each
switch point. The two switch blades are connected by a wire to the two binding
posts on the base.

g and p (Figures 3 and 8) back down through The parts of the cover, shown in Figure 6,
the base and thence connected to the left are fastened together with glue and brads (or
phone binding post and the screw securing the small screws) forming the completed cover
rod holder in placer One short length of wire which gives the set the finished appearance
connects the remaining phone binding post and shown in Figure 1.
the crystal. The wire ends are secured by loop-
ing around between the washers on the bottom How to Operate the Set
of the base; the screws are then tightened The antenna is connected to the right -hand
until the nuts on top of the base become rigid. rear binding post. The ground wire is con-
Before the crystal clip and rod holder are per- nected to the left -hand rear binding post, thus
manently secured in place a burr is formed on bringing the phones near ground potential. The
the edges which come 'n contact with the antenna wire is shown in Figure 1. An in-
wood by bending down these edges slightly. spection is made of the mounted crystal to
Twelve short lengths of No. 20 bare copper see that it is held firmly by the clip; the ex-
wire should be soldered to the switch points treme end of the catwhisker should then be
where they project through the rear of the given a sharp diagonal cut with a pair of
panel as shown in Figure 12. scissors.
The cover of the tuning inductance is tacked Adjusting the set involves two operations:
to the base equally distant from the edges and (1) Securing a sensitive contact of the cat -
one-half inch from the rear of the panel. The" whisker ;
inductance is fitted into the cover and secured (2) Tuning.
by glue or varnish. The location for the taps By means of the knob the point of the cat -
will be determined by referring to Figure 3. whisker is brought down lightly, upon the
Tap 1 (Figures 3, 7, and 12), will be directly crystal. The right switch blade is rotated

below switch point 1 (Figure 12). The twelve slowly over its points and at each new posi-
wires from the switch points (Figures 3 and tion the left switch blade is rotated two or
12) are formed into neat curves, cut off to the three times over its points. This operation ex-
proper length so that they may just be inserted plores all the inductance ,turns, two at a time.
in the inductance taps, and soldered in place If there is no response in the phones, opera-
using a very small soldering iron and a small tions (1) and (2) are repeated and local sta-
amount of solder. Switch points in Figure 12 tions should now be heard. Finally, when the
are numbered to correspond to taps in Figure 7. switches are set at the most advantageous posi-
Point 1 being most inaccessible is first soldered tion, a more sensitive adjustment of the de-
to tap I. tector may be obtained by lifting the cat-

oeuc, {E



a toils of the tap switch for Hon' to cut out, drill and bend the switch
control. blades


a I
rho dimensions for the switch points and

The complete detector assembly, showing the
general arrangement of all- the Darts used.

N.rr ro drill and bend the clip for holding the

FIGURE 11 The way to make the rod holder is shown here
Sises for the binding posts. with the dimensions for drilling and shaping.

How the container should shortened by cutting off the end. This sketch gives
the dimensions to which the tube should be cut down before starling the actual
winding of the'coil.

ping 10 turns of No. 20 piano wire around a H. BINDING POSTS (Figure 11). Each bind-
3/16 -inch rod clamped in a vise. The switch ing post is made up of an 8-32 brass screw, two
is assembled upon an 8-32 brass machine screw, washers, square brass nut and a thumb nut
c, shown in Figure 8. taken from a dry cell. A groove b, is filed
F. Swircx POINTS AND STOPS (Figure 9). in two of the nuts to facilitate connections of
The switch points are made from 12 brass pins telephone -receiver terminals.
with heads surfaced off with a file or in a
lathe. This work requires accuracy to insure How to Assemble the Set
smooth operation of switch blades. The switch Four rubber -headed tacks are driven into
stops are made from four small brass pins. the corners of the bottom of the base as indi-
G. CRYSTAL DETECTOR (Figure 10). In Fig- cated in Figure 4. The panel (Figure 5) is
ure 10 are shown the assembled parts of the laid face up on two supporting strips and the
detector. These are: a clip b, holding a 12 switch points are forced into the holes,
mounted crystal c; an 8 -32 screw d, and nut e; caution being observed to have the surfaces of
a fine wire (catwhisker) f, wrapped around all the points in the same plane.
a rod g, and secured by a drop of solder h; The tap switches are placed in position as
a knob i; a rod -holder j ; an 8 -32 screw k, and shown in Figures 3 and 8. The switch blades
a nut m. are bent as shown by the dotted lines, and
The clip is cut and filed from No. 24 spring when forced down upon the switch points by
brass sheet as shown in Figure 10a, and bent the spring b. final adjustments are made to
into the shape shown in Figure 10. All brass secure smoothness of operation. The nuts
sheet must be bent with caution, the bends f and k, are then locked. .

being made slowly and kept well rounded. The panel (Figure 5) is mounted by three
The catwhisker is an 8 -inch length of fine wood screws passing through the base and
springy wire wrapped 20 times evenly around into the holes d, e, and f. It then appears as
the rod g, and secured by a drop of solder shown in Figure 3.
h, so positioned that when the rod is placed The detector parts (shown in Figure 10) are
in the holder the lateral movement will be loosely mounted -in the positions shown in
equal to the diameter of the crystal. The fiber Figure 3 -the screw d. being cut off so that it
knob i. is forced on the other end of the rod. will not project through the nuts. The four
In Figure 10b are shown the dimensions binding posts -shown in Figure 11 -are then
of the Tod holder, cut and filed from spring loosely inserted in the base (Figure 3). Con-
brass sheet, so that the grain of the metal necting wires -shown in Figure 3-of No. 20
runs with the narrow tongue. When bent care- wire are run from the two rear binding posts
fully into shape it appears as shown at i. up through two holes h (Figure 4) in the base,
Figure 10. looped around and forced between the washers

- - --r;

this drawing shows the three views of
the cover together with the Proper


J fir.:f"i1 43/4"


$ -/2 TURNS
1S -12 TURNS

1 -/2 TURNS
- 6 TUR/ys

The completed inductance coil made on a pint-size container. This drawing
shows the correct way to make the taps with the spacing between the taps indicated.


18-32 SCREW 0-

O,Q/!L, /Y0. 8 WOOD SGeEw

3i4- Pk'. A 3Y4"-0-1

The dimensions of the switch panel and the drilling plan. This drawing gives the
top, front and side views of the switch panel; together with the drilling data.

1. CONNECTING \VIRE. 7a by cutting off a ring from the open end

Required: and also from the cover, and is here shown
Six feet No. 20 bare copper wire. bottom side up with cover in place. The carton
J. MISCELLANEOUS: is wound with 76 turns of No. 24 dcc wire,
Solder, non- corrosive soldering flux, starting with two small holes, b and e, and
stain and varnish (free from carbon winding in the direction shown by the arrow.
pigment). The wire fills the space between b, and the
edge of the cover. In Figure 7 is shown the
Construction completed tuning inductance which has two
A. Base (Figure 4). All ditnensicnz are terminals and ten intermediate taps. The ter-
given in the drawing. minals are made by forming the bare end of
B. SWITCH PANEL (Figure 5). The spacing the wire into a small eye as shown. The in-
of the holes on the arcs is important to insure termediate taps are formed, while winding, by
smooth operation of switches when 'switch points baring a % -inch length of wire and twisting
and switch blades are made as specified. Be- this into a small loop. The inductance may be
fore the holes are drilled in the base and dried in a warm oven.
switch panel, these parts and the cover should E. TAP SWITCHES (Figure 8). A completed
be given a suitable finish. A dark finish will tap switch is shown in Figure 8. Two switch
harmonize well with the exposed metal parts. blades are cut from No. 24 spring brass sheet.
C. COVER (Figure 6). All dimensions are as shown in Figure 8a, with the grain of the
given in the drawing. metal running the long way. The end widths
D. TUNING INDUCTANCE (Figure 7). This of switch blades are important and the edges
is made by winding wire on a one -pint card- of the blades must he bent up as shown, for
board carton, which as purchased, will be too smooth operation. Two knobs are cut from a
long for the space requirements of the set. It fiber rod as shown at e, Figure 8. Two springs,
is shortened to the dimensions shown in Figure as shown at b, Figure 8, are formed by wrap-

4Ì a-32 SGRFI
L_ 8-32 Sc,FEW

a4 -

------ /ëoa.



I i


d-32 SCREW
1' B32 SCREW


The' dimensions of the base and the drilling plan.
This drawing gives the front,
side and top views of the base, together with the drilling data for the holes for
the screws that are used to mount the instruments and binding posts.

eight 8-32 brass washers; eight inches of fine springy wire;

four 8 -32 square brass nuts; one 3/32 -inch brass rod two inches
four 8 -32 brass hexagon nuts. long;
one 3' -inch fiber rod a-inch long;
two 8-32 brass machine screws one,
12 brass pins % to 3/32 of an inch inch long;
in diameter and a
-inch long;
four small brass pins, % -inch long.
four 8 -32 brass washers;
two 8 -32 squat e brass nuts.
Required: Required:
One galena crystal mounted in a block Four 8 -32 brass machine screws. 1%
of Wood's metal % -inch in diameter inches long:
and % -inch thick; four 8-32 square brass nuts;
No. 24 (B. and S.) gauge spring brass four 8 -32 thumb nuts from dry cells;
sheet 2 by 2% inches; - eight 8 -32 brass washers.
Required: Required:
One piece of seasoned wood, 5% by One one-pint carboard carton;
3% by % inches; three No. 8 wood two ounces No. 24 dcc copper wire.
screws, 1% inches long. E. TAP SWITCHES.
C. COVER (top removed). No. 24 (B. and S.) gauge spriríg
Required: brass sheet, 1 by 2 inches;
Four pieces of seasoned wood, % -inch two knobs cut from one -inch fiber
thick; rod;
one piece, 5% by 5% inches; 18 inches No. 20 (B. and S.) gauge
two pieces, 4% by 3% inches; piano wire.
one piece, 4% by 3% inches; two 8-32 brass machine screws 2
hrads or small screws. inches long;



The working drawing of the set. This layout diagram shows the relative positions
fnr all the instruments, as seen from above. The parts are designated by letters
which reappear in the text and list of parts.

elaborate construction or it may be ring and vibration from the tuning con-
very simple without reducing its effi- trols, and protection of parts fróm

ciency. Its cost is then much less than injury.

a set equipped with a low- voltage tube. - The parts of the set are arranged so

Other points, often overlooked, are that the connecting wires will be short
clearness o£ signal, absence of distor- and direct, and losses from unused
tion, and no operating cost. Although turns on the tuning inductor have been
the crystal is a relatively insensitive reduced by cutting down the total num-
device, there is no justification in state- ber of turns. A variable condenser or
ments frequently made in radio articles, phone condenser is not used. The for-
which give the impression that there is mer sometimes gives a little better se-
a definite limit to its receiving range. lectivity but at the expense of signal
From a low -power broadcast station the strength; the latter is not necessary for
reliable receiving range of a crystal set broadcast reception. There is no objec-
is, say five miles; in winter the sanie tion to the use of wood for a switch
set may receive high -power stations panel. Tests show that there is less
from a distance of three or four hun- power loss in dry wood at, radio fre-
dred miles. '
quencies than in the average insulating
This article describes a crystal set of material used in radio panels.
satisfactory performance. All struc- Parts and Material
tural details are given so that one need The completed set is shown in operation in
Figure 1. Figure 2 is a photograph of the
not be in doubt as to dimensions. At- set with cover removed. Figure 3 is a plan
tention is called to the importance of drawing and shows the parts and wiring. The
good mechanical design. This require- list below names the parts used and gives the
material required to make them.
ment includes convenience of adjust- A. BASE.
ment, rigid connections, permanent con- Required:
tacts, light, stable contact of the fine One piece of seasoned wood, 8 by 5%
by 4 inches;
wire on the crystal, elimination of jar- four rubber- headed tacks.


FIGURE 2;This shows what a neat -looking job can be made of the set if the
experimenter takes the trouble to make every part as specified in this article.
From a photograph ma&c for Porui.nx RADIO
FIGURE 1 : The author shows how to adjust the crystal detector while rotating the
switch that controls lite tuning.



For local reception, the crystal set is .still the simplest that will produce
satisfactory results. Here is a re- creation of the famous. Bureau of t
Standards receiver, brought up to date with a suitable wavelength range.
The parts cost about $5.00 (exclusive of the phones) and the approximate
reception range is 15 miles.


IN recent months the radio broad- and a tendency for mediocre stations to
casting services have been greatly im- discontinue transmission.
proved. This development has been In the large communities there are
marked by a reduction of interference now many thousands of people within
through the new assignment of wave- a few miles of. the Class B stations;
lengths, a more uniform distribution of from them comes a demand for simple
stations transmitting good musical pro- receiving apparatus that requires a small
grams (this includes the relaying of mònetary outlay. For this purpose a
programs by wire before broadcasting) crystal set will rive practically perfect
'Published by permission of the Director of the reception.
Bureau of Standards of the U. S. Department of
Commerce. A crystal set may be of rather

GROUND- Fortunately a good ground is pipe should be brightened up with before

a file
available to most of us; the solution of this connecting the ground clamp. If ready -made
important problem is the ordinary water -piping ground is not at hand, a galvanized pipe
system of the house. The ground wire may be driven in moist earth or a buried copper sheet
soldered to a brass fitting, or one of the fau- is the best substitute. There is a single lead
cets, or it may he connected directly to the to the ground connection and the size of this
pipe itself by means of a ground clamp. The should not be smaller than No. 14 copper wire

FIXED INDUCTANCE-The fixed inductance denser across the coil and this gives the sys-
or coil is continuous winding with two con-
a tem a natural wavelength, which is an unde-
nections, one at the beginning and one at the sirable condition since we usually wish to
end. It may take the form of the single - control the wavelength by means of a variable
layer coil, bank-wound coil, spiderweb coil, condenser connected across the coil. The hon-
honeycomb coil, etc. The purpose of the vari- eycomb coil is especially useful for receiving
ous forms of winding is to decrease the dis- the long wavelengths, while the other forms
tributed capacity of the coil; such inherent of winding are more widely employed on the
capacity acts much the same as a fixed con- short and medium wavelengths.

VARIABLE INDUCTANCE -The variable in- more or less of the coil. Sometimes two
ductance is merely a coil with provisions for switches are provided at opposite ends of the
using a part or the whole of it. There are coil, one for tens of turns and one for single
two fundamental connections; one usually goes turns. Then the two fundamental connections
to the end of the coil and the other to a are to the two switch arms. The old two -
slider, clip, or inductance switch. If an in- slide tuning coil was a little different, in that
ductance switch is used, 'taps are taken off the it had one fixed connection at the end, and
coil five to ten turns apart and connected to also two sliders, one for the primary circuit
switch points. A switch arm makes contact and one for varying the inductance included
with any one of these points, thus cutting in in the secondary circuit.

D.C. GENERATOR OR MOTOR -The D.C. gen- rent. There will usually be two connections
erator is used in radio work to produce the for the generator and also two connections for
high- voltage plate supply for the better class the motor unless the latter is so powerful that
of transmitters. It also finds a use in stepping it requires some sort of starting mechanism.
the voltage down for battery charging. The The local electric companywill have its own
D.C. motor is used for power in the motor - regulations about the sizes of motors requiring
generator set, for driving spark gaps, etc., starters. The motor itself will have two ex-
when the local electric supply is direct cur- ternal connections or terminals.

dab GC

GRID CON DEN SRIt -For the purpose of de- condenser method of detection is used in most
tection we must operate the tube at the knee receiving sets and the common value of the
of the "characteristic .curve" by the use of a grid condenser is .00025 mid. One of the
"C" battery or resort to the grid condenser, small mica fixed condensers .is.just as good as
which isolates the grid and allows the nega- something niore expensive. However, do not
tive charge on it to build up through several try to economize by using a paper condenser
cycles instead of changing to positive at each at this point. The grid condenser has two
half cycle as it would normally do. The grid- leads.

GRID LEAK -With the grid -condenser meth- grid leak runs into the millions of ohms, 2
od of detection some means must he provided megohms (2,000,000 ohms) being a common
to allow the negative charge on the grid of value. While there may be some advantage
the tube to leak off gradually: otherwise the in a variable grid leak, it is so difficult to find
charge would build up until the tube was a good one, that the tubular type is perhaps
paralyzed. For this purpose a high- resistance the safest one to use. There are two connec-
path called the grid leak is connected between tions to the grid leak, one to each end of the
the grid and the filament; the value of the resistance unit.


CRYSTAL DETECTOR-The crystal detector phones; a loudspeaker cannot be used with a

generally takes the form of a fine wire or "cat - crystal set. In selecting a crystal detector see
whisker" pressing lightly on some kind of min- that it is so constructed mechanically that the
eral crystal; the common minerals are galena, entire surface of the crystal can be easily ex-
silicon, pyrites, carborundum or one of the plored with the "cátwhisker." There are two
synthetic crystals. Within 15 to 25 miles of connections to the crystal detector, one to thc
the large broadcasting stations the crystal set "catwhisker" and one to the cup which holds
will give good, clear reception on the tele- the mineral.

GAL VANOMETER -The galvanometer is a deli- sary to compare unknown values of resistance,
cate instrument for indicating a small electric inductance or capacity with standards of thc
current, but is not used for measuring current. same. It can also be used for wavemeter
That is, it may be used to show when the work in radio. The galvanometer has two
cu -rent is minimum or. maximum, but not the connecting terminals and there will always be
exact value of it. The galvanometer is useful shown two wires running to it in any circuit
in bridge- measurement work where it is neces- diagram.

A.C. GENERATOR OR MoTOR -The A.C. gen- satisfactory than single phase. The single-
erator finds little use in radio work except in phase motor is not inherently a self -starting
spark transmitters but the motor is often used device, and must have some sort of starting
as a source of power for motor -generator sets mechanism incorporated within it; on the
when the local electric supply is alternating other hand the three -phase motor is self -
current. The A.C. generator or motor fre- starting and is much more rugged. The sin-
quently has three terminals in the larger sizes gle -phase motor has two terminals brought
as three -phase distribution of power is more out to binding posts.

FIGURE 2: A simple tned -plate regenerative circuit that includes two stages of
audio -frequency amplification. This circuit is easy to operate and tunes sharply.

'LIFT/ fi'FT2

- 3

that you cannot use more than 22;4 volts on distance I have heard so far, and I an,
the plates of the tubes and still get good
results. The grid return wire should also be wondering if I was hearing it direct or
connected to the negative end of the "A" through the power of station WHN?
battery for best results. Can you shed any light on this phe-
At the same time it would be a saving in
"B" batteries for you to use a "C" battery nomena? I am curious to know if the
included in the grid return wires from your one station was being carried by the
amplifying transformers. These batteries other or just what was happening.
should be connected in the circuit with their
positive terminals connected toward the fila- I have heard something about earth
ment and their negative terminals connected currents which flowed from the earth up
toward the grid. For a "B" battery potential
of 45 volts you need no "C" battery, the nega- into the atmosphere and have also been
tive drop across the filaments will be enough. wondering if these earth currents may
For a potential of 90 volts you should use a not be responsible for some of our dis-
"C" battery of 4.5 volts and for a plate po-
tential up to 135 volts you will require a "C" tance records.
battery of 9 volts. ROY SIIELDON
* * *

QUESTION : Sometimes while I am ANSWER: When two stations are broad-

listening in for long distance, I hear a casting on nearly the same wavelength, with
vacuum -tube generators, they will produce a
station which seems to be enveloped by heat note that will he audible when tuned in
a kind of wailing whistle. I listen to with an ordinary receiver. The note you will
hear will be the difference in frequency be-
this station for awhile and the whistle tween the two transmitted waves.
seems to fade in and out. If there were a difference in frequency of
The other night I heard this same 500 cycles you would hear a whistle equal to
about a tone of 13-flat, two octaves above
kind of noise on WHN near by, and middle C on the piano. The strength of the
I kept on listening, and soon I could note you would hear would depend upon the
ratio of their signal strengths. Hence if
hear a sort of tattoo like someone beat- either one were to die out or "fade," as it is
ing a drum. I stuck to it to find out more commonly known, the whistle would also
what it was and after about half an die out and you would hear the other station
which would then come in clearly. This is
hour the tattoo noise developed quite often experienced in DX reception. You may
strongly and finally I made out that be listening to a far -off station and suddenly
it was an orchestra playing "jazz." A there will he a whistling noise heard in the
receivers. A few minutes may elapse and you
little later I heard the announcer dur- find the whistling sound diminishing until you
ing a quiet spell at WHN, announce are listening to a totally different DX sta-
tion -and you haven't touched your tuning!
that it was station WDAP at the Drake In your case you were picking up WDAI'
Hotel in Chicago. This is the greatest direct.

QUESTION : A number of the boys C -mica fixed condenser, .0005 mfd.;

here have been having
R1, R2, and R3- filament rheostats, 6 ohms;
who live around J1and J2-double -circuit jacks;
such wonderful results with the DX re- J3- single- circuit jack;
ceiver, described in your January issue, AFTI and AFT2- audio- frequency amplify-
ing transformers (for first -stage, high
that I have at last decided that I would ratio; second -stage, low ratio) ;
have to build one of them. However, suitable "A" and "B" batteries.
Be sure that you use no shellac or any kind
when I sent for a copy of that issue of insulating paint on the coil windings, and
I was told that it was all sold out. So be sure that the windings are not shorted be-
I am writing you to request that you re- tween turns.
In trying, out the set for the first time, re-
publish the wiring diagram -. With any verse the connections to the variometer, after
useful information or improvements that a signal is tuned in, and leave it connected in
you may have made. Also show me the way it produces the loudest signals..
* * *
how to hook on the two stages of audio -
frequency amplification so that I may QUESTION: Why is it that I seldom
use a loudspeaker. hear any more player pianos from the
E. MOORE SEVERANCE larger broadcasting stations? I surely
did enjoy some of their dance music.
ANSWER: In Figure 3 you will find the dr- I think the piano was about the best
cuit for the DX regenerative receiver; other-
wise known as the DX "bringer -in." In the sounding music that they ever sent out
improved set the coils LI and L2 are wound and now they have no more of it. Can
on a composition tube 3/ inches in diameter.
you tell me why?
Coil LI, consists of 22 turns of No. 18 DSC.
(double- silk -covered) wire and coil L2, con- S. F.
sists of 50 turns of the same kind of wire
wound a -inch away from the coil Ll. VAR
is a variometer which is placed in inductive re-
ANSWER: This was prohibited for the larger
broadcasting stations by the Secretary of Com-
lation with coil L2. The distance between the merce; in fact only the stations operating on
edge of the stator winding of the variometer a wavelength of 360 meters or below were
and the edge of the coil L2 winding should be allowed to. continue sending out player piano
Y of an inch. selections or phonograph music. The larger
The condenser VCI is a .001 mf d. condos= transmitting stations working on wavelengths
ser with the rotor and stator plates connected above 360 meters must have real artists and
as indicated by "S" and "R." Condenser VC2 no "canned" music is allowed.
is a .0005 mfd. vernier variable condenser. You have probably been listening more to
The other parts are: the larger stations than to the smaller ones.
GC -mica fixed condenser; .00025'mfd.;' and this is why you have missed the type of
GL -grid leak, 2 megohms; music referred to.

FIGURE 3: The improvéd DX regenerative circuit as it has been revised to take

care of the change in wavelengths of the broadcasting stations.

Vfl n

- t

QUESTION : What can to elimi-

I do tune the set without ever allowing it to go
nate the squeaking. in my set that occurs into oscillation, and it is doubtful if this could
be accomplished because while listening to
when the man upstairs tunes his set. distant stations the tube will oscillate ex-
I saw recently. in POPULAR RADIO that tremely easily. This is because the regenera-
tion is increased to such an extent in order to
. this nuisance was caused by the single- hear these stations, that the circuits are in a
circuit regenerative receiver, and until critical condition and will burst into oscilla-
then I never knew what the squeaking tion at a slight change in wavelength of the
tuning dials.
was; I thought 'it was one of those * * *
peculiar things that go with radio. QUESTION :Why is it that my 5 -watt
However, after reading the item in your transmitting tubes work all right for
magazine,. I went up to visit him as a about a minute and then they seem to
neighbor and verified your statements; choke up? I was using them on a 350-
he was using one of these sets and it volt DC. generator, but then I was using
made the sonic kind of noise in his set "voice"; now I am using ACCW. with
as I heard in mine. 750 volts on the plate for telegraphy.
I showed him the article in the All of a sudden the antenna hot -wire
magazine, and he was much surprised meter drops to zero, the plates get white
and really disappointed, for until that hot, and there is a blue fuzz in between
time he had thought his was a good set. the filament and the plate. I know I am
He has asked me to write to you and using a higher voltage than the tubes
find out how to tune it or what to do are supposed to operate with, but I
to help him eliminate the trouble. He am wondering if you cannot tell me how
is a good fellow, and really didn't I might use it and still keep the tubes
know what an awful racket he was from overheating.
setting up until I brought him down- SAMUEL BROWN
stairs and let him listen to it for him-
self. ANSWER: Although you are using the tubes
HAROLD H. BRECKENRIDGE at an overrated voltage you can keep them at
the correct temperature by slightly changing
ANSWER: There are three ways in which the the plate and grid adjustments of the set so
trouble could be eliminated. The surest way that the plate current is reduced. It is evi-
would be to get another set of the loosely dent that your set is only slightly overloaded
coupled type, one employing two or more because the tubes do stand up for a time. Jf
circuits. you cut down the plate current (say about
Another way would be to add a single stage 25 milliamperes) you will undoubtedly prevent
of radio -frequency amplification to the present the tubes from slowly developing too high a
set. plate temperature which finally ionizes the
The third. way would be to learn how to tubes.

Will We Run Our Automobiles propulsion of automobiles is obvious.

with Power Obtained by Radio? Cables carrying the high- frequency cur-
rant would be suspended along the main
T1 E newest suggestion of how to
roads and cars would be provided with
meet the prospective shortage of auto-
reception conductors, converting equip-
mobile fuel comes from France. It is
ment and three -phase motors, just as are
that we might equip our roads with
the trains. There would be an obvi-
high -frequency power cables and run -

ous dísädvantage in that the automo-

our autos by radio.
bile could not operate at any great dis-

The process is suggested by Maurice

tance from the driving cable and would
Leblanc as a development of his plán
be confined, therefore, to the roads that
for supplying radio power to railway
were so equipped. But this might be
trains. According to La Science et la
avoided by supplementary storage bat-
Vie (Paris), the suggested system for
teries oh the car.
railways consists of a pair of conduc-
tors suspended above the right of way
It would seem that the most obvious
opening for a system of this kind would
and supplied with current at a fre-
he on motor -bus lines operated by
quency of 20,000 cycles a second. On
top of the locomotives (or coaches) are what are now known as trackless trol-
leys. It is to he hoped that an actual
two similar conductors, mounted so that
they are parallel to the line conductors
trial of this kind will be made.
As an incidental to his system of train
and at a distance from them, when the
propulsion Mr. Leblanc has designed a
train is on the rails, of about sixteen
high- frequency generator consisting of
a vacuum tube operated by the vapor
These conductors on the train pick
of mercury and provided with a fourth
up the high- frequency waves from the
electrode for the purpose of maintain-
fixed conductors by electromagnetic in-
ing the mercury arc. Several novel
duction, just as a receiving 'station picks
features of design are indicated by the
up radio waves sent out from a trans-
sketch on page 519.
mitting station. The high- frequency
impulses -thus produced are converted,
on the train, into three -phase current
Does Static Come from Outside
at 15 to 25 cycles and this is used to the Earth?
drive the motors in the usual fashion. TTTTS is an implication that cannot
The conversion is made in the standard help suggesting itself when one exam-
manner by means of vacuum -tube rec- ines the results of static studies by Dr.
tifiers and a rotating commutator. Max Bäumler, reported in a recent
The application of this system to the number of the -Jahrbuch fiir drahtlosen

Telegraphic and Telephonic. By means no doubt,. to deducing' from his results

of automatic recording apparatus Dr. any conclusions not directly warranted
Bäumler has compared carefully the by his data. But those of us who are
records of single static disturbances re- inclined at all to speculation cannot
ceived at four widely separated sta- help_ wondering whether these new facts
,d . tions, three of them in Germany and about static may not mean that some, at
the fourth the station of the Radio least, of the disturbances originate in
Corporation at Riverhead, Long Island. the Heavisidé Layer or even above it,
He finds, surprisingly, that a large pro- this layer _functioning as a sort of great
portion of the static disturbances, the transmitting network high above the
individual clicks or roars, are simul -. earth and from which the disturbing
taneous and of about the same strength, impulse is sent downward to the ground
not only at the German stations but at from all parts of the layer at almost
the distant Long Island station as well. the same instant all over the earth.
If static is due, as is frequently sup- It has been suggested, for example.
posed, to local thunderstorms it is diffi- that static is due to meteors. This
cult to imagine how the waves orig- seems improbable in the light of the
inating on one continent can reach an- opinion of astronomers that the average
other continent with their strength so meteor is a tiny particle even smaller,
little impaired. Dr. Bäumler does not . probably, than a grain of wheat. But
discuss this prob'.em. He would object, there is another sort of cosmic visitors


If we equip our roads with high- frequency conductors radio power can be supplied
to automobiles, says Mr. Leblanc, especially in mountain country where water power
is usually cheap and where gasoline is dear.

that may be more important. These and oil have been .used up is one that .

are the clouds of charged gas or tiny has' agitated economists and. scientific
dust particles that are supposed to be men. for a number of years. It has
shot out frequently from the stn, espe- been raised. again by Dr. E:. E. Slosson,
cially from the great centers of 'solar distingúished American chemist and now
disturbance that we know as sun= spots. Director Of Science Service. We have
One of these clouds hitting-the Heavi- enough coal, of course, for this year
side Layer would give it, probably, a and for quite a few years in the future,
sudden increase of charge: --This might but ultimate exhaustion of it is in-
start a wave downward from the layer evitable, and each increased use of
just as a sudden charge added' to an power brings that fatal day a little
antenna will start a sharp single wave nearer..
outward from it. ' The confidence so often expressed

Each click that you :hear when static that science -will find sane way for us
is bad nwji be the signal that 'another to escape this threat of a power -less

solar messenger has knocked at the world `i's, Dr. Slosson says, "flattering
outside door of the- earth. =but unfounded." Mainy. sources of
power áre known, but we db' riot know,
Are There Unsuspected Sources in most cases, how to get 'the power

óf Power? out tiseftilly. The scientific and engi-

THE problem of what the world is neering professions should make an . `

going to do for power when all the coal. immediate effbrt, Dr. Slossón .urges, to

Science Service
This remarkable photograph made at Mount Wilson Observatory shows one of the
great solar storms that shoot out clouds of charged particles toward the earth.
These particles may be one cause of static. The white circle is the size of the
earth on the same scale.

U. S. Bureau of Standards

The fundamental standards of weight and measure, for the United States are the.
standard' kilogram, under the glass case in the center, and the standard meter bar
on the shelf just below. All units, even the electric ones like the volt or the wall,
depend on these two fundamental units and on a third, the second of time.

inventory all possible or probable one of thetñ, these being due to the
sources of power so that intensive attraction of the moon ' and drawing
study of the more promising ones can their energy, really, from' the rotation
be begun. of the earth. Another source to which
All our present power, with negligib:e Dr. Slosson refers is the internal heat
exceptions, comes from the sun. Coal of the earth, now being used in a very
and oil are derived from ancient sun- small way by steam plants located near
light by which the plants that produced vcilcanoes and hot springs. Still another
these fuels grew in former geologic is the power known to be held inside the
ages. Water power is really the power atoms of matter but which cannot be
of the sun, translated into water raised got out except in the quite special in-
from the sea and fallen as rain on the stance of radium and the analogous
land. Winds, wood used for fuel, alco- elements.
hol produced from vegetation; all are All these power sources, Dr. Slos-
manifestations of this sane solar power. son insists, must be studied and evalu-
Much of the solar power that falls on ated if the world is to escape ultimate
the earth's surface is not used. Per- disaster. Still other sources must be
haps engines can be devised to catch thought of and studied too.
and use this. Then there are a few Radio engineers ought to join this
known power sources that are not re- procession. Are there any unsuspected
lated to the sun. The tides constitute radio sources of power? How about,

for example, radio impulses which may more valuable. Examples are pitch-
be received from time to time from the blende and the similar radioactive min-
sun or other heavenly bodies? These erals. The conductivity of these min-
have been little studied. It may seem erals is good and they have the further
a long step to the idea that power property (because of their radioactiv-
might be got in this way, but stranger ity) that they emit electrons spon-
things have already happened in the tanebusly. Other "prospects" are tan-
brief history of radio. talite and columbite which contain the
rare metals tantalum and columbium,
Better Crystals for Detectors - monazite which contains thorium and
IT is probable, suggests a writer in other unusual elements, samarskite
the Mining Journal (London), that the which contains uranium, and others.
resources of mineralogy have still much It would probably be worth while for
to offer to the radio engineer. Out of some radio enthusiast who has access
some thousands of minerals which the to a good mineral collection to make
mineralogists have identified only a very systematic tests of all the known metal-
few appear to have been tested as crystal lic minerals, not forgetting that different
detectors. Most of the crystals com- fragments of the same mineral often
monly used are metallic sulphides like vary greatly in detecting power and
pyrite, which is a sulphide of iron, or that, accordingly, a number of pieces
galena which is .a sulphide of lead. of each one should be tested, both alone
But there exist, says this writer, many and with a biasing potential such as
other minerals that ought to be even lias to be used with carborundum.


This timepiece, which was designed in Germany, shows the time in all parts of the
world simultaneously. When the radio amateurs begin to listen regularly to Euro-
pean broadcasting, clocks like these will be useful to check up the schedules of the
foreign stations.

Wart= EtectAc
This special oscillograph was devised for the study of the vibration frequencies in
speech sounds. The voice of the operator at the telephone is magnified and made
visible out a screen so that the other operator may see exactly what frequencies
and wave forms are associated with each vowel and consonant sound and what
happens to each frequency when it passes through electric or magnetic apparatus.

The Earth as an Electric Why It Is Difficult to Produce a

Generator Really Good Loudspeaker
THE surface of the earth in northern THE search for a better loudspeaker
latitudes is usually charged negatively continues to absorb the attention of
with respect to the atmosphere. There radio engineers all over the world.
is accordingly a small electric current Yet it is safe to predict that not one of
flowing all the time through the air, these will prove to be fully 'satisfactory.
or rather between the air and the soil. The perfect loudspeaker remains to be
It is small on any square foot, but for invented.
the whole earth it may equal, scientists The extraordinary difficulty of this
calculate, as much as 2,000,000 amperes effort is not hard to understand when
-enough to keep about four million one sets down the number of different
electric lamps burning all the time. scientific problems which demand solu-
The electric and magnetic properties of tion before this invention is possible.
the earth, of which this surface current A cursory look through recent loud-
- is one, are probably of great importance speaker literature discloses at least six
in radio communication. or eight of these problems.

The most important and well known cies (say below 1,500 cycles a second)
one is that of electric distortion in and hoarse and throaty when it lacks
the circuits. This is really a name for the normal higher frequencies. All of

the habit of any electric speech- trans- the frequencies from about 200 cycles
mitting apparatus to absorb and remove to 4,000 or over must be present and
from the sound 'some of the frequen- must come satisfactorily through the
cies that ought to be in it. The human - apparatus if the reproduction is to be
voice, for example, sounds sharp and reasonably normal.
nasal when it loses its lower frequen- Then in addition to the electric dis-
tortion (determined, of course, by the
41/ A
combined capacities, inductances and re-
sistances of the circuits) there is a mag-
netic distortion due to the fact that
the magnetic properties of iron are not
perfect, that any electromagnetic system
which one can devise will always re-
spond more readily to some frequen-
cies than it does to others.
And when one has solved these two
troubles there are the peculiarities of
the diaphragm to reckon with ; its per-
sistent tendency to seize hold of one
particular frequency that it happens to
like and sing it out at one to the prac-
tical exclusion of all the other tones
that ought to come out too. The horn
or other sound -magnifying device adds
still other peculiarities. Like the dia-
phragm it has its preferences, and it
insists that the listener shall hear them.
Then a loudspeaker must be heard,
usually, in a room, and the room, too,
has its acoustic properties and prefer-
ences. There are echoes and rattles
and the absorption of sound by hang-
ings, all to be reckoned with. A per-
son speaking in a room or anywhere
else adjusts unthinkingly the loudness
. and quality of his voice to the needs
of the circumstances; such as the size
of the room and the number of
auditors. No one has yet invented a
brain for the loudspeaker that will
THE NEW DEMOUNTABLE enable it to do this.
The parts B and C are of glass, joined to the Finally there are a couple of diffi-
other parts of the tube by the four rubber culties that are in the auditor instead
gaskets indicated by A. M is the grid of of in the apparatus. The human ear
molybdenum wire, the electric connection for
it being at N. The plate is the copper cylin- is one of them. Gallile,o is reported to

der O, coaled by the circulation of water in have said that if any optician had sent
the space outside it. The vacuum is produced
and maintained by a pump attached inside the
him an instrument so imperfect as the
cone Q by means of aground -glass joint. human eye he would .have returned it

in disgust. If he proposed to get as A Vacuum Tube 'l'hat Conies

mad as this about an eye, which is,
after all, a fairly effective light de- Apart for Repairs
tector, what would Gallileo have done TIIE accidental circumstance that the
about an ear? No two human ears are vacuum tube was developed out of the
alike in the tones they hear nor in how electric lamp has given to the form of
they hear them. A person's hearing this useful instrument some character-
varies, even with the time of day or istics that are from the engineering
with what he had for dinner! viewpoint, a serious handicap. The
This is one of the imperfections of glass bulb is one of them. When the
the auditor that the loudspeaker in- filament burns out or the grid connec-
ventor has to take into account. He tions come loose the glass bulb must
must realize that his instrument will be destroyed and remade (or resealed),
have to be so clear in tone, so perfect which makes the repairing nearly as cost-
in reproduction, that ani'one can under, ly as a new tube.
stand it, even people who have really So long as tubes were of small power
only about half an ear to hear with. and used only for reception this was
The other personal imperfection of not, perhaps, a matter of much im-
hearers is psychological. It is due to portance. But as tubes advance more
inattention. Many people get interested and more into the class of engineering

in something else and miss whole sen- equipment this impossibility of easy re-
tences of a lecture or a stage perform- pairs must be escaped in some fashion.
ance. They do not seem to mind this Imagine an electric motor that had to
but let the same thing happen for the he thrown away whenever the arma-
same reason with a radio apparátus and ture burned out!
soon letters will be written to the manu- Hence the demand, growing more and
facturer. These psychological and physi- more insistent, for a demountable and
ological peculiarities of us humans have easily repairable form of tube. The
not had from the radio designer as development of such a tube is, we be-
much attention as they deserve. lieve, inevitable. Indeed one form that
Note how many problems in what we has been constructed and is on trial
used to call "pure science" are opened in the Eiffel Tower station at Paris is
up by this one device of the loud - illustrated in the diagram on page 524,
speaker. One is the problem of what which we take from La Nature (Paris).
is magnetism, for if we knew all about The tube is completely demountable; all
the magnetic behavior of iron we could joints are held gas -tight by gaskets of
avoid, probably, the various varieties of special rubber free of volatile matters
magnetic distortion. Others are the and of excess sulphur. The rating is
problems of the interference and reso- 10 kilowatts. the antenna input, at a plate
nance of sound waves in material bodies potential of 5,000 volts, being about
like horns, problems that were investi- 8 kilowatts. The necessary vacuum is
gated so brilliantly by the late Profes- maintained by a pump of special design
sor Sabine of Harvard. Still another to which the tube is attached.
is the problem of cohesion and of what It is natural that the development of
S controls elasticity, for this it is that a demountable tube should begin with
determines the vibratory properties of high-power units of this kind but it
diaphragms. And then there are the may be expected to extend to smaller
problems of human physiology and psy- tubes as well. Even the tubes used
chology, those that concern the mechan- for everyday reception will probably
ism of hearing both in the ear and in the take on before long new designs lead-
brain. ing in this sane direction.
MOST instructions for erecting s:ngle- 1. Remove the secondary condenser
wire antennas provide for cutting the from its place and connect it in parallel
wire at the insulator nearest the house, with the antenna coil.
and then urge precautions against a bad 2. Remove the antenna condenser
connection between antenna and lead - and place it where the secondary con-
in. Often this difficulty can be obvi- denser was first connected.
ated by purchasing enough wire, in one 3. Join the two wires together which
piece, to reach from the far support to were first connected to the antenna
the set, or at least inside the house, so condenser.
that no .joints are exposed to the 4. Place a .00025 mfd. mica fixed con-
weather: Attach the far end of the wire denser across the terminals of the vario-
first, then put the other end through the meter in the plate circuit.
house insulator, draw the wire taut, and The effect of No. 1 is to replace the
give it a few turns around itself before .001 mfd. series condenser in the an-
it is continued as the lead -in. tenna circuit with a .0005 mfd. shunt
Inasmuch as the lead -in should be condenser. This materially increases the
kept several inches from the side of the antenna wavelength range upwards.
house, and insulated where it enters the The effect of No. 2 is to increase the
building, a bare wire serves just as well secondary capacity from .0005 mfd. to
as one that is covered. When, for the .001 mfd. This boosts up the secondary
sake of appearance, an insulated wire wavelength range.
inside the house is desirable, the junc- No. 3 closes the gap in the antenna
tion between bare and insulated wire circuit made by taking out the primary
can easily he soldered, or kept clean if series condenser.
joined otherwise. No. 4 raises the wavelength of the
A small single -pole, single -throw knife plate circuit.
switch, costing about 25 cents, makes You will find that these hints will
this connection conveniently, and affords bring in the "higher" stations with the
additional protection against lightning same robustness that you used to get
when an automatic arrester is used out- the "lower" stations before the wave-
side. length changes went into effect.
* * * * * *
WHEN loading up the old DX receiver IF a regenerative receiver refuses to
(describedin the January issue of oscillate properly, when completed, it 4
POPULAR RADIO) for reception at the would probably help if the builder were
higher wavelengths (lower frequencies) to try a .00025 mfd. fixed condenser
that are now used by some of the connected across the telephones (if a
broadcasting stations, the following single tube is used) .or across the pri-
suggestions will be found of value: mary of the first amplifying trans-
former (if more tubes are used). gives a rough approximation of the
* * *
filament current.
Connect three new six -inch dry cells
THE wide use and great popularity
- of the UV -199 radiotron have led to
in series with the tube to be tested and
an ordinary 50 -watt, 110 -120-volt mazda
numerous attempts on the part of un- electric lamp. Figure 1 shows the
scrupulous manufacturers to counterfeit proper connections. If the filament of
this tube. In external appearance some the tube that is being tested does not
of the imitations bear such a close re- take more than 60 milliamperes, it will
semblance to the genuine tube that it is light up almost to normal temperature.
difficult to detect the difference ; even But, if the tube is not a genuine UV -199
the carton markings, the instruction and the filament requires appreciably
sheets .and the trade -marks are copied. more than 60 milliamperes, the re-
However, in spite of the resemblance sistance of the mazda lamp will rise
in appearance, the electric character- due. to the higher current flowing
istics of the counterfeit tubes are very through it, and the voltage on the tube
different from those of the genuine will be so low that its filament will not
UV -199. So far, none of the manufac- light. In making the test, be sure that
turers of the illegal tube has been able the tuba is left in the socket for about
to duplicate the 60- milliampere filament 30 seconds to allow the' mazda lamp
of the UV -199 and most of the counter- filament to heat up to constant temper-
feits require as much as one -fourth of ature.
an ampere. Since the voltage of this \ \%hen the proper electric instruments
filament can easily be made 3.0 volts are available, an even better test is to
or less, the user of such a tube is often use a voltmeter and milliammeter con-
misled by the apparently satisfactory nected exactly as shown in Figure 2.
operation when the tube is first lighted, At three volts the current through the
but he soon finds that his dry battery filament of a genuine UV -199 radiotron
is quickly exhausted and often the' tube lies between 55 and 65 milliamperes.
itself fails in a few hours. For this test high -quality instruments
Of course, the easiest way of deter- must be used as otherwise this test is
mining the current required by the fila- worthless.
ment is to use a milliammeter and a volt- A voltmeter that has a full scale
meter, but as such instruments are not reading of 5 is recommended. For the
in common use among radio experi- milliammeter use an instrument having
menters another simple method de- a full scale reading somewhere between
scribed below may be used which 100 and 250 milliamperes.

R -30 Ohm Rheostat

B- -Three New 6" Dry Cells A- Milliammeter
connected in series -V- Voltmeter
"5 -UV 199 Socket 5- UV 199 Socket
L - 50 Watt I10.120Volt Mazda Lamp B- Three 6" Dry Cells
The two diagrams shown above in Figure 1 and Figure 2
methods for detecting counterfeit vacuum tubes. illustrate the two simple
lamp method and Figure 2 gives the circuit for Figure 1 gives the circuit for the
the voltmeter -ammeter method.
ITEMS of general interest that you ought to know; bits of useful information that
every radio fan ought to *know.

The Great Mexican Static Mystery $4,000,000, all of it being used to direct the
WHY is it that the special home and play- movement of the company's fleet of steamships
ground of the static -making forces is in the and thus to control the shipment of bananas
mountains of Northern 'Mexico? All ships' and other fruits to the United States.
* * *
operators agree that the neighborhood of the
Mexican coast is saturated almost continuously Longest One -way Radio Circuit in the World
with squeaks, clicks, roars and scratches. At ONE -WAY traffic is being handled regularly
land stations within Mexican range whenever twice each day from the United Stites Navy
the direction of static is determined most of station at Cavite near Manila to San Fran-
it is found to he coming from the direction of cisco, a distance of 6,221 miles. This is be-
these trouble- snaking hills just south of the lieved to be the longest regular radio circuit
border of the United States. There is no in the world.
obvious reason for this. The Mexican moun- * * *
tains are not especially high nor especially Language Study by Radio
afflicted with thunderstorms. With a few ex-
tinct exceptions, they are not volcanic: Who- THE broadcasting station at Manchester,
ever can solve the mystery of' why this England, is reported to be supplying its pa-
particular part of the earth is so cursed with trons with short programs in French, Spanish.
atmospheric disturbances may go a long way German and Italian, in addition to the regular
toward solving the other problems of the ori- English program. It is usually admitted that
gin and nature of all static, problems which the chief difficulty in mastering any foreign
are still so entirely mysterious. Have our language is lack of opportunity for hearing it
readers who live near the Mexican border any spoken regularly. This radio innovation ought
suggestions? to provide an easy means for this without
* * * the expense of foreign travel. Many prophets
Advance Scat Sale for -Radio Concerts have predicted that radio is to give us a uni-
versal language. Perhaps it will, but there is
IN a family that owns only one receiving another possibility. When listening becomes
set, it has been necessary' to reduce the receiv- regularly international, which it will soon if
ing schedule to a system of advance reserva- the improvement of apparatus continues, it
tions. A schedule sheet is kept for each eve- may be that radio listeners will learn all the
ning hour for a week or two ahead. When languages. Many travelers have remarked that
Mother reads in the paper that a song she most of the natives of Switzerland, because
especially wants to hear is to be sent out by of constant contact with many languages, speak
a certain station at nine o'clock Tuesday eve- French. English, German and Italian equal].
ning she reserves that hour on the sheet. That well. There is no reason -why this should not
holds the hour for that station and for her be general all over the world. Perhaps it
against claims of other members of the faintly. will be when a generation of boys and girls
Sister may reserve Thursday evening for jazz has grown up under the nightly influence of
from her favorite band and invite in her international broadcasting.
friends, secure in the knowledge that no one * * *
else will have pre-empted the set that evening
for a missionary lecture or the report of a Advertising Towns by Radio
prize fight. THE first municipality that has attempted to
* I * spread its fame by means of its own broad-
Yes, Radio Will Help Us Get Bananas casting station is Union Hill, New Jersey. A
THE United Fruit Company. which supplies broadcasting transmitter is to be installed in
most of the bananas to the United States is in- the rooms of the local hook-and -ladder com-
stalling six new radio stations in Central pany and the beauties and commercial advan-
America and at Gulf ports. This will bring the tages of Union Hill will he sung nightly over
cost of this company's radio system to over the ether.
Radio for the Land of Ancient Babylon by ear or from the printed page became equally '
A NETWORK of radio stations for local com- available by turning this radio library to the
munication as well as for contact with the book or the wave that one happened to desire.
outside world is to be one of the first devel- * * *
opments, it is announced, of the great Cl.ester Radio Batteries Made frorü Old Automobile
Concession coveringg large
g parts of Asiatic Batteries
Turkey and Mesopotamia, a concession that AUTOMOmLE batteries usually contain three
was recently confirmed by the new Turkish cells connected in series. It frequently hap-
Government. Thus the oldest civilized country pens that an auto battery is discarded because
1b in the world, the land of ancient Babylon, will one of the three cells in it has gone bad, the
receive the benefits of the newest invention. other two being perfectly good. By removing
Roads that were built by Chaldean kings more the two good cells, or merely by short- circuit-
than six thousand years ago and that were ing the one had one, the radio fan has a per-
traversed each day by the king's messengers fectly good two -cell battery for use experi-
in the first of all postal systems can still be mentally or on his radio set.
traced on the desert and along the rivers.
But now the messages will move over them
in a hundredth of a second instead of in many
* * *
Running Your Radio with Wind -power
ACCORDING to the Scientific American Mr.
A. I. Root, of Florida, has connected his wind-
mill to a battery -charging dynamo and secures
thereby enough electricity to run his automo-
bile. Why would not this be a good idea for
the radio fan who lives in the country where
battery- charging service is difficult to obtain?
A small generator could be connected to the
family windmill and the batteries charged au-
tomatically whenever the radio set was not
itself in use.
* * *
A Forecast in Fiction of Radio Broadcasting
LITERARY students have called attention re-
cently to the fact that "Looking Backward,"
a novel of the future written by Edward Bel-
lamy and one of the best sellers in the early
nineties, contains a good description of to-
day's broadcasting. The hero is supposed to
have been transported to the year 2000 and
in the houses of that period he finds "music
rooms" containing nothing but some electrical
apparatus and a few switches. By turning a
knob or two the householder of that period
can have any selection he desires out of a
number that are on tap for each hour of the
clay. Science has anticipated Mr. Bellamy by
77 years. What will radio have led to when
the year 2000 really does arrive?
* * *
Successful Radio Navigation of an Airplane
THE air service of the French Government
carried out recently an interesting experiment
with radio navigation. An airplane flew from
Sainte Assise to Tours and back again with -
out any guide beyond the radio compass bear-
ing of the radio station at the former town.
The pilot did not look at the ground nor
make use of his maps. The bearing of the
radio signals was reported to him moment by
moment by an assistant and the course was Atlantic Photo Service
steered by this means alone.
* * *
Looping the Library Clyde Agnew Criswell has the distinction of
being among the first, if not the very first
A FRENCH amateur, lacking available mate- author io write a play especially for radio -
rials for a revolving loop aerial, solved the prob- broadcasting-which is developing a technique
lem recently by winding some turns of wire' of its own. Several of his plays have been
around his revolving bookcase. Entertainment broadcast from Station WDAR.

The Natural IV'avelength of the Earth simultaneously, not only in all parts of the
THE size of the earth is such, says Dr. Four-
United States but over all parts of the civ-
nier d'Albe, that it has a natural vibration ilized world. -
* * *
period of 15 cycles a second, corresponding Radio Fog Signals That Give Both Distance
to a wavelength of 20,000,000 meters. If we and Direction
could produce a wave of this length we might
set the whole earth into electromagnetic vibra- THE familiar radio compass that informs a
tion just as an organ note will shake the fog -bound ship of the direction of selected
walls and floors of a room. What would shore stations has been supplemented on the
happen? It is an interesting problem for the Maas lightship off the coast of Holland by a
radio theorists to solve. sound -transmitting device which gives the
* * * ship captain his air -line distance from the
Relay Broadcasting to Reach All the World lightship as well as his direction. A radio
wave through the ether and a special sound
A SIGNIFICANT experiment has been tried re- wave through the water are sent out simul-
cently both in England apd in America; this taneously from the lightship. The ships off
is the connecting of two or more broadcast- shore can pick up both. The radio signal gives
ing stations by land lines so that the same pro- the direction in the usual manner and the
gram can be broadcast simultaneously from all length of time that the sound signal lags be-
stations. In the United States, WEAF in hind the radio signal gives the distance. The
New York and WCAP in Washington have radio signal is, of course, practically instanta-
been linked several times in this way. As neous while the sound wave requires a little
many as four stations have been linked on over a second to travel each mile.
special occasions. In England, three stations * * *
of the British Broadcasting Company have Naming the Radio Baby
been linked experimentally. There is no rea-
son why this cannot be extended. Linkage A RECENT arrival, Master Wallace Gordon
can be accomplished not only by land lines Yadon, has been named for WGY. Now is
but by powerful radio waves on a longer wave- the time for some Hottentot or other gentle-
length. It is not impossible that before long man possessed of a clicky, stick -breaking lan-
we may have special programs on the air guage to name his baby after static.

.t ,
ti* :

a. .




. -,-



: . , .

Crow a plotoe,.,ph 111.1, for Porn..,a RADIO


The next- best -thing to a ticket to the famous Dempsey -Firpo boxing contest for
the world's championship was an invitation from a radio fan to listen -in on Major
J. Andrew White's thrilling blow -by -blow report of the encounter. The Technical
Editor of POPULAR RADIO entertained a whole neighborhood by means of his loud-
speaker; this picture shows the crowd beginning to gather.
HELP your neighbor. If you ha e discovered any little Kink that helps to eliminate
trouble in your radio apparatus, or if while experimenting with the connections of
your set you should run across some interesting phenomenon, or if you should dis-
cover some new hook -up that gives better results -send it to the `Listening In" page.

European Broadcasting Stations Denmark, Switzerland, Czeko -Slovakia and

Italy is an hour earlier still; for stations in
that You May Hear these countries add six hours.
353 meters. Cardiff, Wales, 5WA. This has tht
THE receipt of American broadcast- shortest wave of any of the European stations. L
ing in Europe having become a fre- is one of six stations conducted in the British Isle*
by the British Broadcasting Company. which has a
quent occurrence, American enthusiasts monopoly of broadcasting in that coutry. The Othe,
British stations follow. All of them give program*
are attempting more and more actively to at the same hours: week -days from 10:30 to 11:30
A.M. and from 12:00 noon to 5:30 r.M. (New York
return the compliment and receive the time): Sundays from 3:30 to 5:30 P.st. The pro
grams are separate for each station.
European stations here. There is one 369 meters, London, England, 21,0. The main one
serious difficulty, that of time. London of the British stations (see above). In addition to
the same program hours as the other stations. 2LO
time, for example, is five hours faster gives a program at 6:30 to 7:30 A.M. on week-days
and at 10:00 A.M. on Sundays.
than New York time. 383 meters, Manchester, England, 2ZY. A British
This means that the broadcasting wave 400 meters, Newcastle, England, 5NO. A British
from Europe must cross a broad belt of station.
413 meters, Glasgow, Scotland, SSC. A British
sunlight, with consequent transmission station.
420 meters, Birmingham, England, SIT. A British
troubles. It means, also, that the hours stat ion.
450 meters. Station of the Telegraph School au
when European concerts have to be lis- Paris, France, (École supericurc des Postes et Tete
tened for are either the hours of the graphes). Concerts at 2:30 P.M. Tuesdays and Tours
days and from 8:30 A.M. to about 1:00 P.M. on Sat
American working day or are those early urdays. Announcements in French. (Paris is pro
nounced "pahrec. ")
in the morning when even the most en- 460 meters.. Station "Radiola- Riviera" at Nice,
France (pronounced "neece"). News (in French)
thusiastic fans are apt to have exchanged and concerts at somewhat irregular times, usually
their earphones for the pillow. about 7:00 A.M., 12:00 noon and 4:00 P.at.
900 meters, Geneva, Switzerland (pronounced
Here are some of the main stations that "Zhen- ayve "), HBI. Daily concert, announcements
in French, 12:00 noon to 2:30 P.M. A 900 -meter
now broadcast more on less regular mate- wave is also used for the radiophone system of most
of the European lines of passenger airplanes, and
rial, with their wavelengths and brief listeners may hear this occasionally.
notes of the usual program hours: 1,000 meters, Elie', near Prague. Czeko-Slovakia
(pronounced ' kbail "). Weather report, news and
concert, daily, 1:20 P.M. In German and Czek.
The times given are Eastern Standard Time 1,050 meters. This is the wavelength used by all
(New York time). For Central Time (Chi- the stations in Holland. Material is mostly in Dutch
sometimes in French or English. Following are the
cago) subtract one hour; for Mountain Time stations: The Hague. Velthuyzen station (pronounced
(Denver) subtract two hours; for Pacific "felt -high- sen "), PCKK, concert, Fridays, ;2:40 to
Time (San Francisco) subtract three hours. 3:40 P.M. The Hague,- Heussen station (pronounced
To compare the time in Europe, the time of "hoy- sen "). PCUU, concerts, Tuesdays, 1:45 to 4:00
P.M. and Sundays, 5:40 to 4:40 p.at. The Hague
transmission of the programs, add five hours station PCGG, concerts Suindays, 9:00 to 11:00 A.M
to these figures for stations in England, and Mondays and Thursdays, 2:40 to 3:40 P.M
France, Belgium, Holland and Spain. This Amsterdam, station PAS, concert and news, Wednes
days 2:10 to 3:10 P.M. and irregularly on other days
gives Greenwich Standard Time, which is of- Ijmuden (pronounced "yim-meeden" ), station PCMM.
ficial in these countries. The time in Germany, conte +ts Fdhurdays, 2:40 td 3 :40 P.M.

1.100 meters. Brussels, Belgium, BAN', (pronouced 2,200 ureters, Madrid, Spain. (pronounced "mah-
"brewscll"). Daily weather report (in French). 7:00 dreed." The word for Spam in Spanish is "es-palm -
A.M. and 11:00 A.m. Concerts Tuesdays and Thurs- ya ), EGC. News and notices, in Spanish, week-
days at 4:00 P.M. and Sundays at 1:00 P.M. days. 6:00 to 8:00 A.M.
1,300 meters, Haren, Belgium, OPO. The same meters, Lyngby, Denmark (pronounced "lecng-
weather report as from the Brussels station at same lee), OXE. Weather reports and news. in Danish
hours. (occasionally in English), 3:30 A.M., 9:40 A.M. and
7,350 meters, Lausanne, Switzerland, (pronounced 2:45 P.M. daily. Concerts. 1:30 to 2:45 P.s,. week.
"law.sahn"). Daily concerts at somewhat variable days.
hours, usually beginning about 12:00 noon. 2,600 meters, Paris, France, Eiffel Tower station,
1.780 meters, Paris, France, Radiola" Station, FL. Weather reports, 1:40 A.M:, 6:15 A.M.. 1:20 Pat.
SFR. The most popular station in France. Concerts and 5:15 P.M. daily. Stock exchange quotations at
and general programs (in French), week -days 6:00
A.M., 11:15 A.M., 3:00 to 4:00 rat.; Sundays 8:00 to
9:30 A.M. weekdays. Concert. 12:10 P.M. daily and
frequently also in the evening, 3:00 to 7:00 P.si.,
10:00 A.M. and 3:00 to 4:30 P.M. Special dance New York time.
music 4:00 to 5:00 P.M., Thursdays and Sundays. 2,700 meters, Berlin. Germany (pronounced "hear-
News, 2:45 P.M. week-days. Stuck exchange quota- ken"), LP. Daily program, in German, 6:00 to 7:00
tions. 11:00 A.M. week -days. A.M. This station also broadcasts on 4.000 meters.
1.800 meters, Prague,, CzekoSlovakia, (pronounced (See below.)
"prahg "), PRG. Weather and news somewhat ir 2,930 ureters, Eberswalde, Germany (pronounced
regularly, usually about 2:00 A.M., 5:00 A.M. and "abears- valldeh ") Daily programs in German, 7:00
10:00 A.M. This station also broadcasts on 4,500 to 8:00 A.M., 2:00 ío-"3:00 P.M. Special., ,concerts
meters. (See below.) Tuesdays and Saturdays, 12:30 to 1:30 P.m.
3,000 meters, Budapest, Hungary, 11B. News. in
Hungarian and German, week -days. 6:30 to 7:30 A.ai.
3,100 meters, Lyons. France (pronounced "lee- ong "),
YN. News (in French) and phonograph selections,
weekdays, 4:45 to 10:00 A.M.
3,200 meters, Rome, Italy (pronounced "roan -ah ").
Cdncert daily, 4:00 to 5:30 A.M.
4,000 wcfers,. Begrlin, Germany. (See tinder 2.700
meters, abot:et-). On 4.000-meters' mtves (in German)
is broadcast daily 1:00 A.M. to 2:00 A.M., .6:00 to
7:30 A.M. and 10:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. Music is
broadcast Sundays between 5:00 and 6:00 A.M.
4.500 mctcrs, Prague, Czeko lovakia. (See under
1,800 meters above.) On 4,500 meters concerts are
broadcast at 4:00 A.M., 9:00 A.m. and 4:00 r.si.

, For American listeners thç first station

. ,

available in the morning is Berlin, with netts

on 4,000 meters; this comes in about 1 :00 A.M.
At 1:40 A:M: comes the first weather report
from the Eiffel tower at Paris on 2,600 meters.
The Prague weather report is dui 'about 2:00
on 1,800 meters and is followed by the
Danish one from Lyngby at 3:30 on 2,400
meters. The first music is due from Prague
about 4:00 A.M. on 4.500 meters. Lyons, on
3,100 meters, comes in about .4:45 A.M. and
Rome, on 3,200 meters, about 4:00 A.M.
The programs on waves below 1,000 meters
begin at 6:30 A.M. with the early London pro-
gram on 369 meters. The two short -wave
French stations, the Radiola Riviera at Nice
and the Telegraph School at Paris, come in at
7:00 and at 8:30, respectively. The best pro-
grams available below 1,000 meters are those
of the British stations, due at 10:30 A.M., 12:00
noon and 3:30 P.M.
After you get home in the evening you have
a chance at the late concerts from the Eiffel
tower on 2,600 meters. Sometimes these last
until 7:00 P.M. but they are not broadcast every
day. The British programs. .on 353 to 420
meters, last until 5:30 P.M.
On Sundays there is a long list of stations;
notably the British programs from 3:30 to
Francis Dickic 5:30 P.M.; the concert from the Eiffel tower
A PORTABLE SET 800 MILES (2,600 meters) at 12:10 P.M.; the Paris "Radi-
ola" concerts on 1,780 meters from 8:00 to
FROM CIVILIZATION 10:00 A.M. and from 3:00 to 4:30 r.M.; the
Until last summer surveyors who are mapping Berlin concert on 4,000 meters from 5:00 to
the sub-Arctic regions were completely cut off 6:00 A.M. and on 2,700 meters from 6:00 to
from civilization. Now, however, they arc 7:00 A.M.; two concerts from The Hague.
equipped with portable radio sets; the one PCGG at 9:00 A.M. and PCUU at 3:40 P.M..
shown above was photographed on Nie north
shore. of Great Slave Lake, British Columbia
800 tuiles in airline from the nearest city.
- both on 1,050 meters; Geneva at 12:00 noon
on 900 meters and Brussels at 1:00 P.M. on
1,100 meters.

I nuerna[innxl

A Real Portable Receiving Set

During the period of the Leipzig Fair this distinctly modernized "sandwich man"
paraded the main streets of the town. with a four -tube radio set hanging on his
breast and a loop antenna and loudspeaker on his. back. Presumably the local
broadcasting station transmitted entertainment that was designed to attract visitors
to the displays of 13,000 exhibitors.
If I may be pardoned for challenging a
statement by so eminent an authority, I would
like to state that I have found this to be only
partly true. In fact, for a short period at
sunrise and at sunset, I have found it possible
to do better radio work than at any other
time of day. These short periods, however,
are invariably preceded by periods during
which east -and -west communication is prac-
tically impossible. From this, it appears to
me that Marconi s statement, while not in-
correct, is not complete.
During more than two years past, I have
communicated daily with east -and -west sta-
tions of the U. S. Air Mail Service; this com-
munication starts before sunrise and ends
after sunset, and I have noticed on numer-
ous occasions- that the so- called sunrise and -
sunset. fading periods are affected differently
on different wavelengths at the saine instant,
and also that stations at various distances
even though in the same direction -are not
affected simultaneously, as would be supposed.
A rebuilt antenna switch that is made of A The signals from stations to the east of us
and B, the "send and receive" contacts, re- are affected more by the sunrise fading period
spectively; C the switch blades; F the hinge than at sunset, whereas stations west of us
contacts and E the brass strips to hold the show the greatest effect during sunset.
wooden base D rigid. Furthermore, stations which may be receiv-
ing my station and reporting that my signals
A Home -made Switch are extremely weak due to sunset fading, can
HERE is a clever little labor- saving be copied here at the same instant with usual
ease, and when signals from that station are
stunt that was devised by an ama- weak here, they receive my signals O.K.
teur who submits it to the readers of A most peculiar phenomenon has been noticed
with the Reno station during the evening
POPULAR RADIO: fading period. Signals from that station are
I found that the blades of the ready -made generally very good all day long here in Salt
D.P.D.T. switch I was using were too far Lake City, especially during winter time. At
apart for convenience in operating. So I took the fading period, however, Reno's signals
the switch apart and rebuilt it with the blades become weaker and weaker until they become
only two inches from each other, as shown in absolutely inaudible. Ten minutes is generally
the diagram. I no longer had to operate from the time required from the time signal- fading
an awkward position. is first noticed until the lowest ebb is reached.
-DOUG TREMPER Immediately the signals then become extremely
loud and clear-louder than at any other
Unexplained Phenomena of time of day, gradually dropping again to
Transmission at Sunrise their normal strength.
This seems to me to partially confirm that
and Sunset phase of the "Heaviside Theory" that has
FROM a thoroughly experienced and to do with the so-called "blanket of ioniza-
tion" which travels westward with the sun:
exceptionally observant operator however, the fact that the increased signal
who is in charge of the U. S. Air Mail strength is not noticed directly before the
sunrise fading period, leaves an additional ex-
Radio Station at Salt Lake City, Utah, planation necessary,- for in the evenings when
come these pertinent observations that the "blanket" has passed a station to the west
have a béaring upon the Heaviside of us, or in the mornings, when the "blanket"
has not quite reached a station to the east of
Layer Theory; they were prompted by us, it should act as a reflector, directing the
an article "Why We Cannot Send So signals to us with added strength such as is
Well by Day" that appeared in the Sep- actually noticed in the case of stations west of
us in the evenings.
tember issue, which contained the state- My observations were all taken on wave-
ment : lengths of from 2,500 to 4.000 meters. During
the coming winter, however, I will also work
"We have it on the authority of on wavelengths from 150 to 600 meters, and I
Marconi that transmission is at its worst will watch, with anticipation, any change in
'When the line of the sunrise or the the fading characteristics on these waves
which may vary from the longer ones.
sunset is between the two stations.'" -PHILIP L. COUPLAND

Wire Antennas Better Than coil into any shape desired. It was connected
to a .001 -mfd. condenser and a crystal detector
Copper Ribbons and a pair of telephone receivers.
FROM a Philadelphia reader comes A Kolster wavemeter was used as the
this pertinent hit of information, "driver."
Readings were taken on five different set-
prompted by the constantly recurring tings namely, 170, 210, 275, 365 and 450 meters.
suggestion that the standard copper - The results are shown in the table below. The
round coil gave the maximum inductance (self -
wire antenna may be improved by cop- induction), the D- shaped coil slightly less,
per in other forms: while the figure eight coif nati considerably
less inductance.
While many of the writers on radio recom-
mend the use of a copper ribbon for an an- The star- shaped coil had less than any of
tenna, especially for use on crystal sets, be- those tested.
cause of its greater "skin effect," the Bureau Unfortunately the capacity sheet was not
of Standards at Washington considers the dis- furnished with the wavemeter and therefore
advantages of such an antenna to be greater it was not possible to take distributed capac-
than its benefits. In a letter to a Philadel- ity readings.
phian, William T. Inns, in response to a re- The following is a list of the wavelengths
quest by him for information concerning the for each coil together with the condense:
copper- ribbon antenna, the Bureau wrote that settings:
it did not recommend such an antenna for re- Condenser
ceiving purposes, as little advantage would be setting
gained by its use. Such an antenna is subject Coil Wavelength in degrees
to excessive stresses in sleet and wind storms 0-shape 170 meters 13
and would, therefore, not be as permanent as D -shape 16
the ordinary single -wire antenna. 8 -shape
-BERNARD KLI MAN Star -shape 22
0-shape 210 meters 22
Practical Experiments with Coils D-shape 26

1 HE stimulating effect of our articles

is aptly illustrated by the following
observations that are not only of interest
8 -shape
Star -shape
D -shape
275 meters
but of value to amateurs: 8 -shape 56
Star -shape 46 16
The very interesting as well as valuable 0-shape 365 meters 73
article which appeared in the May, 1923, issue D -shape 76
of this magazine written by no less an author- 8 -shape 92
ity than Sir Oliver Lodge, excited my curi- Star -shape 100
osity; it made me anxious to learn just what
the difference was between coils having the 0-shape 450 meters 115
same number of turns of the same sized wire D -shape 118
8 -shape
61 16

but of different shapes. I therefore con- 140

structed a coil having the following specifi- Star -shape 160
cations: This data will permit the readers of this
25 turns No. 25 S.C. enamel wire magazine to make a mental picture of what
4 inches diameter. that eminent authority had to say in the May,
The coil was then treated with an insulating 1923, issue, on pages 354 to 357 inclusive.
solution so that it would be possible to bend the -EDWARD T. JONES


Here are three pictures of a coil which was bent into a star shape (shown at the
left), a D shape (in the center) and a figure -8 shape (at the right). The coil was
found to have the greater inductance when it was left round, less in the D shape,
still less in the figure-8 shape, and least of all in the star shape.
336 POPULAR 1tAll10

" Secret" Radiophone Messages West and Havana, the longest telephone en cult
on record was that set up between Catalina
"SECRET COmnluniCaliun" by radio is Island in the Pacific and the island of Cuba in
already an established fact, as was de- the Atlantic. This circuit was remarkable for
its character as well as for its length.
scribed in the May number of POPULAR Heretofore talks over the Catalina Island
RADIO which included a description of link while clear and understandable to those
M. Edouard Belin's remarkable appara- using the service, have also been picked up by
amateur radio receiving stations in the neigh-
tus that literally "scrambles" radio code borhood, but the privacy system which was
messages on the transmitting device designed by the American Telephone and Tele-
and re-assembles them on the receiver. graph Company has remedied this situation. It
is not claimed that the new system is abso-
Now comes an invention that does some- lutely secret, but at least privacy has been ob-
what the sanie thing for radio tele- tained, so that no one will inadvertently over-
hear the conversations.
phone communication. While any one familiar with this system,
The radio telephone link between Los and possibly an ingenious person not familiar
Angeles and Catalina Island, 30 miles off the with it, might devise a set which could listen
coast of California, has set a new record in to the system, such a set would be much more
the history of conmiunication; it is the scene complicated than the ordinary set, and the
of the first trial on a commercial basis of a added complication would be of no value ex-
private radio telephone system insuring se- cept for picking up transmission over this
crecy to its users. system. It is, therefore, not likely that many
This radio "talk bridge" across the 30-mile people will undertake this work.
gap of water separating Catalina from the Such a privacy system may he compared to
California coast is unique in many respects. a lock and key. A person relies upon a lock
It was designed and installed in 1920 to give to secure his house and other property and is
two -way talk between the mainland and an not much troubled by the possibility of a thief
island 30 miles at sea, and has "proved in" breaking in to steal. However, this is always
on a commercial basis, giving satisfactory a possibility. The privacy system presents an
transmission throughout the year. analogous case. For all practical cases it in-
The wireless link connects Catalina Island sures the requisite privacy to a radio tele-
not only with Los Angeles but also, through phone conversation, bpt it does not make im-
the trunk lines of the telephone system, it con- possible the designing of a special set near
nects the island residents with every commer- enough like the receiving sets used in the
cial center in the United States. After the system itself, to transform the messages into
laying of the telephone cable between 'Key more or less intelligible form.

By placing each of your telephone car -pieces in a teacup you can make a satis-
factory loudspeaker -ifthere is an audio frequcncyanphfier included in your sci.
A limited nu.tnb'er of questions of general scientific interest will be answered each
month in this department. Readers arc invited to send in questions that itac puzzled
them -but the selection of questions for answer cannot be guaranteed nor can ques-
tions outside the radio field be answered by mail.

Is radio transmission affected by tite Is it true that some flashes of

phases of the moon? lightning move front the ground up-
So far as known it is not. Sunlight. has a ward to the clouds instead of down-
well known effect on radio conditions and it ward front the clouds to the ground?
has been claimed that moonlight has a similar
influence, though a smaller one. This may As a matter of fact nearly every flash of
be true, but if so the effect is presumably so lightning, if not absolutely every one. moves
small that. in ordinary cases it is masked' alto- in both directions. The flash is an oscillating
gether by the accidental variations of trans- discharge. If the first discharge is downward
mission that come under the heads of fading, there is an immediate surge back in the op-
atmospherics, and the like. posite direction. The charge may oscillate in
this way many times during what seems to he
the single flash. The net movement of electrons
iVlty will a nail driven into a live is, of course, from the negatively charged area
to the positive one. The cloud, we believe, is
tree màkc a good.ground 'while one in usually pósitive, so thé het discharge of'elec-
a dead' tree is useless? trons after` all the back and forth oscillations
are over, is usually upward rather than down-
BECAUSE the live tree has sap in it. The sap ward.
is not pure water but .contains various salts

in solution. This solution is .a fairly_ good

conductor of electricity. The -dead tree, having How is it that radio waves have
no sap in it, is a very poor conductor and, will proved the ,inside of the earth to be
not serve as a ground. solid instead of moi/en?
Tats has been proved by earthquake waves,
I have seen a mention of something not by radio waves. An earthquake wave is the
shock set tip in the earth's crust by a quake. It
called a. "Diode Valve." Is this the travels through the .earth just as the vibration
saine thing as an ordinary vacuum caused by a hammer blow will travel through
tube? a steel girder and may be felt at the other
end. The speed of these earthquake waves in
No. The British naine for vacuum tube is traversing the earth shows, the scientists say.
"triode valve." The diode valve i:. a vacuum that the inside of the earth is more rigid than
tube with only two electrodes, the filament and steel. Radio waves are now being used ex-
the plate only, without the grid. These two - perimentally to explore the inside of the earth
electrode vacuum tubes or "valves" were in- but so- far as we know, no conclusions have
vented by Dr. J. A. Fleming before the three - been reached in this way.
electrode tube was discovered, and were used
for a while both as radio detectors and as Wh.y is an electric shock sometimes
rectifiers for alternating currents. They still
have some scientific uses but are not much fatal and sometimes not?
used in radio, the three- electrode tube being THE difference is due, probably, to varia-
much more efficient. tions in the path of the current through the
body and in the length of time it flows. The as a unit of length. The corresponding C.G.S.
main damage caused by a current is to the unit is the kilogram- meter. The customary
nerves, which are themselves electric in na- electric units do not belong to the C.G.S.
ture and are disorganized, in some way which system. The C.G.S. ones are much used in
we do not understand, by strong currents. If scientific research work but seldom elsewhere.
the current due to an electric shock does not
happen to pass through the nerves or if it Ho" w can a storage battery store
flows along them only for a very brief in-
stant the damage done to them is not severe up electricity without accumulating so
enough to cause death. high ci charge as to be dangerous?
A STORAGE battery does not really store elec-
Is it possible to break a wine glass tricity as stick. If it did the voltage would
by singing at it? rise to very high values, just as when electricity
accumulates on a condenser. What happens in
WE have never seen it done, in spite of many a storage battery is that the charging current.
trials. The idea that it is possible arises from deposits a chemical on one of the plates of
the fact that if you sound near a wine glass the the battery. When you stop the charging cur-
particular musical note to which that glass rent, and connect the wires to' the circuit
happens, by virtue of its material and shape, through' which you want current .to flow; some
to be tuned, the glass will vibrate, just as of this chemical dissolves again in the battery
two tuning forks of the same note or two radio acid and produces some electricity. Whàt'is
circuits of the same frequency will do. These stored in the battery is really this chemical,, .
vibrations induced in the glass might break

not electricity itself.

it but only, we iinagiite, if it was very fragile
and tuned with great exactness.
Is. it possible to measure the voltaOe..
How has the speed of ether waves of an electric charge by the distance
been measured?.. that a spark will jump?
THE most exact measurements have been . Ir is possible to 'do so with fair acéuracv if. :
made with .light, waves. A beam of light is the sparks are between ;balls or öther
,cnt past the: edge' ó£:a revoking' gear wheel rounded objects, not pointed or.sharp- cornered.
so that each-tooth of the wheel, as. it passes,
ones. For the best results' 'the'. balls should

makes a little- shàdów. Then this 'intermittent be as large or larger. than the '.gap betweën
light beam. is' sent off to a' distant. 'station, them... The following table gives the appróxi
where a mirror reflects it back again. By mate- 'òltages for'sjtarks of different lengths
measuring jbst how: far one tooth: of .the wheel between four -inch balli. -
has moved while the light was on its way one -tenth inch 8,000 volts
to the other station and back the speed of the one-quarter inch. 20,000 volts
light is calculated. The speed of radio waves one -half inch 40,000 volts
cannot be measured in this way but compari- one inch 70.000 volts
sons of the time signals from American and two. inches 125,000 volts
European stations prove that the speed of three inches 165,000 volts
radio is the same, approximately at least, as four inches 200,000 volts
the speed of light, that is, 186,326 miles a Above about 200,000 volts the readings by
second. this method are not sufliciently reliable.
Why do different substances differ in Sonie electrical apparatus is referred
specific gravity? to as having a power of so many
FOR one of two reasons; either because the "kva." Docs this mean the sanie as
atoms themselves are heavier or because they kilowatts?
are clbser together. The heaviest atoms
known are those of uranium, but there are NOT exactly. If you arc dealing with direct
several substances that are heavier in bulk. current the power of a dynamo or motor is
The heaviest known substance is the metal measured by the product of the current (in
called osmium. A cubic inch of this will amperes) and the voltage (in volts). This gives
weigh nearly twice as much as the saine volume you watts, thousandths of a kilowatt. This
is a simple calculation. But with alternating

of lead.
current the calculation of the power in watts
What is meant by "the C. G. S. or kilowatts is less simple. The product of
units? volts and amperes is not always exactly equal
to the watts of power. So this product, which
This is scientific shorthand for the system remains a convenient way to describe the ap-
of units of length, weight, electricity and every- paratus, is given a symbol of its own, "kva."
thing else based on the three fundamental This means "kilo-volt -amperes." one thousand
units of the centimeter for length, the gram times the product of volts and amperes. 1.000
for weight and the second for time. The foot - kva means a machine that is delivering (or
pound, for example, is not a C.G.S. unit, since using) 1,000 amperes at 1,000 volts, or 10.000
it involves the foot instead of the centimeter amperes at 100 volts, and so on.
Please mention l'opt ;t.Ak R;umt ruhen unsteering advertisement,.


S..J^'t:M:y ..!.
aw r-

Thé size you want

the insulation you need
VOL) don't need to wait while your panel ordinary tools ai home. They are easy to
1 iscut to order when you get ready to machine, saw, dri 11, and tap.
build your radio set. Just go to your dealer Ask -a radio de 1er for one of the following
and ask for a Celoron Radio Panel. He will standard sizes:

important -
exact size you want. And -
give you, without a moment's delay, the
what is more
you get the proper insulation
1-6x 7x%
2 -7x 9x%
S- 7x18x3/16
6- 7x21x3/16
for successful results in radio receiving. 3- 7x 12x% 7- 7x24x3/16
Celoron is recognized by radio experts as 4-7x 14x3/16 8-12x 18x3/16
the best material for insulation purposes.
Its high dielectric strength makes it the ideal We also furnish Celoron in full sized sheets
panel material. and in-tube's, and can panels in special
sizes when'desired.If our dealer hasn't yet
Used by leading manufacturers stocked Celoron panels, ask him to order for
you, or write direct to us, indicating by
Many of the leading manufacturers of radio number the size you want.
equipment use Celoron in making their
standard parts. It is approved by the U. S. Send. or free booklet
Navy Department Bureau of Engineering
and the U. S. Signal Corps. "Tuning in on a New World" is the title of
a booklet we have prepared especially for the
Celoron Radio Panels come ready -cut in radio fan. It cot tains a list of the leading
eight standard sizes, selected to meet the broadcasting stai ions in the United States
needs of the set -builder. Each panel is neatly and Canada, an t xplanation of symbols used
wrapped in glassine paper to protect the in radio diagrams and several popular radio
handsome surface. hook -ups. This it ooklet will be sent without
Celoron panels arc readily worked with charge, on reques t.

To radio dealers: Write for special dealer price list showing standard assortments

Diamond State Fibre Company

Offices in Principal Cities
ha Canada: Diamond State Fibre Company of Canada, Limited. 2.1 5 Carlaw Ave.. Toronto

\_ \
Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.



cMatchea! To T0.AOE MA0.1< REG.V.S.FAT.00i.

Radio Headsets
1 2
Please mention PorcLAR RAM when answering adverlicemeao.N.

the 'Table-Talker/ -

New! New in the quality of its

performance. New in the beauty
of its appearance. New in the
moderation of its price.
Another Brandes achievement
worthy to stand beside the now
famous Matched Tone Headset.
Brandes engineers have worked
more than two years to make its
tone strong, mellow, true.
Attractive because an expert
decorator suggested its simple
lines and neutral brown finish.
The perfect gift for every radio
fan. The easiest way to transform
a one -man set into a joy for all
the family!
All Brandes products
are sold under a
money-back guarantee.

C. BRANDES, Inc. New York

©C. Brandes. Inc.

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

DUBILIER Wavelength in meters Accurate graph

showing ampli-

Radio-Frequency Mi.Z\11

300 350 400 450 500 550 fication factor
of Dubilier
Duratran over

rA1011101\11 bvs

f g
225 -550

over all =

yO At


wave lengths Q
11111 ° 1\1omit-
`- %


The Dubilier Duratran is the supreme radio frequency

It amplifies twenty times over the wavelength band 220-
550 meters and is therefore adapted for receiving on all the
broadcasting stations equally well.
The curve shows you exactly how uniform is a Duratran
amplification over the standard broadcasting wavelength
Price $5.00.

The Biggest Little Thing in Radio

Dubilier Micadons are fixed
mica condensers, permanent in
They have been adopted by
the leading radio manufacturers
and by discriminating amateurs.
Dubilier Micadons are made in
many styles and capacities to
meet any circuit requirement.
See if your set is equipped with
Micadons. 1f it isn't, your tubes
are probably oscillating too much.
Your set is not receiving at its best.
Price 35 cents to $1.50, depend-
ing on style and capacity.

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advcrtisemcnls.

The Ducon in a Light-Socket
takes the place of
the antenna or loop
The Dubilier Ducon is the stan-
dard socket-plug. Four hundred
thousand are in successful use.
Simply screw the Ducon in any
convenient lamp- socket, and the
broadcasting station comes in strong
and clear.
No lightning arresters or switches
are needed.
Tuning is sharper than with the
usual antenna.
If unsatisfactory, your money will
be refunded after five days' trial.
Price $1.50.
Bulletin PR, a simply worded, accurate descrip-
tion of radio -frequency amplification, with valuable
hookups, will be sent you on request.

Dubilier Condenser
& Radio Corporation
48 -50 West Fourth Street, New York
Huntington, W. Va., Atlanta, Ga., Pittsburgh, Pa., Chicago, Ill., St. Louis Mo.,
Los Angeles, Cal., Washington, D. C.

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Quality Amplification


Teel 231 ItII;ÌIÏI


LI.: :, L. t.>4elc



High mu or low mu, when you amplify you must be sure that you do not
distort because maximum amplification by itself does not necessarily
mean satisfaction. You should seek maximum amplification with mini-
mum distortion over the entire audio frequency range.
This problem has been studied for nearly a decade in our laboratory. Its result is expressed in
our Type í.31A amplifying transformer. Not only has this transformer a high amplification
factor but the amplification is nearly uniform throughout the audio range. This flat curve
makes it unnecessary to employ the cumbersome method of using different makes of trans
formers for 2 stage amplification. Use an engineering designed transformer. It costs no more
Turns ratio 3.7 to 1
Impedance ratio 10 to 1


Send for free educational folder- "Quality Amplification," and Radio Bulletin No. 9151

General Radio Company

Manufacturers of Electrical and Laboratory Apparatus
Massachusetts Avenue and Windsor Street

Please mention POPULAR RAUIO when answering advertisements.

Results can only be relied on with standard make instruments that are
guaranteed by a reputable manufacturer. The General Radio Company
has been guaranteeing its instruments for nearly a decade. When you
are adding to your set consider these guaranteed instruments.

A completely assembled and wired audio frequency amplifying unit


for very little more than the price of the parts.

This unit is ready for external connection, and
is adapted to table or back of panel mounting.
Type SODA Unit for WD -11 Tubes $7.50
TYPE 300 Type 300C Unit for UV 199 Tubes 7.7.5
Type 300D Unit for Standard Base Tubes. 8.25
A vacuum tube socket with .positive contact
springs. Base of real bakelite. Wall of heavy
brass with high_Polished nickel finish. Will
carry current of 5 watts_withotit' arcing.
Typé 156, Vacuùm Tube Socket, $1.00
TYPE 196

A socket for. UV-199 Tubes. Of moulded bake-

lite with stiff phosphor bronze springs.
Type 299, Vacuum Tube Socket $0.75

TYPE 299

A wire wound rheostat of real quality.

Base of
bakelite. Resistance wire finely wound on
specially treated fibre strip.
Type 301 Rheostat -Resistance 30 ohms. $1.25
Type 301 Potentiometer- Resistance 200
ohms $1.25

TYPE 301

General Radio Company

Manufacturers of Electrical and Laboratory Apparatus
Massachusetts Avenue and Windsor Street

Please mention l 'Oi'ULA H RADIO tullen answering advertisemenis.


Reliability in Your Condenser

The principle factors that brand reliability
in condensers are sturdiness and accuracy.
Teleradio Vernier Condensers are well
worthy of these qualities. The plates are
extra heavy polished hard aluminum that will
not warp. Rigid construction throughout in-
sures perfect plate alignment. Special lock-
ing feature prevents short circuiting of vernier
SUPER- SENSITIVE and provides permanent and perfect contact.
Teleradio head phones accu-
rately reproduce the faintest sig- Capacity is accurate and constant. All metal
nals on either crystal or tube
seta and brine lu voice or music parts nickel plated. Built for base or panel
with wonderful tonal quality. mounting. Guaranteed electrically and me-
Equally successful for local or
long distance work. Built on
sound enó'lueering prluciplesaml chanically perfect.
are no sturdy they will stand up
under unusual rasage. Truly, tuning is a pleasure with Teleradio
2000 ohm
2210 ohm
30.00 Condensers.
3000 ohm 37.00
At your dealers or send direct.
488 -490 Broome Street New York
VERNIER CONDENSERS 23 plate $4.50. 43 plate $5.50
VARIABLE CONDENSERS 3 plate $2.00. 11 plate $2.50. 43 plate $3.00. 43 plate $4.00
RHEOSTATS (6 and 30 ohms) $1.00 LIGHTNING ARRESTER $1.00

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

(Licensed by Independent Radio

Manufacturers, inc., under
Hazeltine Patent No. 1,430,080.
dated March 27, 1923. and other
putenis pcnding.)

HE cherished ideal of radio scientists- recep-

tion without limitations, yet simple`to use as a
telephone- crystalized in this amazing receiver.

9te Eagle
,33alanced -J eutrodyne
Balanced tube capacities, as infinitely the novice, as for the most adept,
scrupulous as the balance of a jew- with the Eagle Balanced Neutrodyne
elers' scale, makes impossible regen- Receive -. All tuned circuits. Each
eration, reradiation, static disturb- receiver individually tested and in-
ance and all body capacity effects. spected from beginning to completion.
Therefore, the Eagle Balanced Netaro- Quality, not quantity, production in
dyne Receiver has greater range, order to sustain a well- respected
crystal -clear reception and easy, pos- reputation. Guaranteed without
itive operation. As fine reception for reservations.

Write for bK 18 Boyden Place

Booklet Today ! Newark, N. J.
.-iLl.h:nnx`llew pNPN

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.


°IL ®`

Knowledge stored up during many years of
phonograph reproduction and electro acoustic
experience now released' to the radio world -
thru the AUDIPHONE.
O radio receiver is better exactly as broadcasted

N than its reproducer-the

loud speaker" The AUD-
IPHONE puts the human
touch into the electrical
from the radio studios.
The patented, "External
Adjusting" feature ena-
bles you to regulate the
elements of your receiver. AUDIPHONE to your
Sturdy loud speaker con- individual receiving con -. Complete with s
foot phone cord.
struction with strong mag- ditions. Startlingly real
netic field absolutely amplification without ex- "alcr
eliminates blast and dis- tra batteries, transformer
' tortion so prevalent in or induction coil. Write
ear -phone types of loud for illustrated booklet and
speakers. Programs cre- send us the name of your
ated anew in your home dealer.
Dealers, Jobbers anti Distributors; X,. stia t,,:ir,-
write for attractive proposition ics required.

Note the similarity of construction between the phonograph reproducer (illud-

trated in the upper panel) and the reproducer of the O'Neil AUDIPHONE
(below): both have a mica diaphragm act in a sound-box chamber and actu-
ated by an elbow stylus bar-the principle rf sound production is the saine.
resulting in perfect reproduction.

®tNeil Mfg. Co.

714 Palisade Avenue West New York. N. J.
Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering ativcrliscurents.

flaynes-Griffin DIO SERVICE, Inc. 41 West 43rd St., N. Y. City

The Haynes Circuit

and the
Super- Heterodyne
We have on hand a supply of reprints of the three
articles by Laurence M. Cockaday on the Haynes
Circuit, exactly as published in the September
page (222) October (page 288) and November
page (392) issues of POPULAR RADIO. These
will be mailed to interested experimenters upon
A. J. HAYNES receipt of a 2c stamp for each article desired.
Assoc. Institute of Radio Engineers
Designer of the Haynes Circuit described by
Mr. Cockaday as the ideal tuning element of SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER
the super-heterodyne. In this first article (pub- In the October article. The November article is
lished in the September Mr. Cockaday explains regarded by many as the
Haynes -Griffin Transformer issue of Popular Radio), the first addition that the most important tri -
Mr. Cockaday describes ambitious experimenter bution to radio in the last
how to make the Haynes can make to his original year.
Circuit -the finest one- Haynes Circuit. He de- Mr. Cockaday describes
tube receiver that can be scribes the Haynes two- the construction of a
built. Combines wonder- stage audio frequency separate oscillator -the
ful selectivity and ex- amplifier. which converts first step necessary to the
treme long distance range the Haynes Circuit to a construction of e simpli-
with a simplicity of con- three-tube receiver, per- fied super-heterodyne cir-
struction never before mitting the use of a Loud cuit, using the Haynes
eq ed. 1.000 miles for Speaker. Circuit as the tuning
$15. 0Il0 element.

Why you should read these articles

The beginner in radio will find in the September article on the Haynes
Circuit itself a conclusive answer to all his radio problems. Mr.
Cockaday shows how, at a maximum expense of $15, the average
man can obtain a selectivity, long distance range, and volume of
A new air -core radia frequency transformer. clear reception heretofore impossible at a cost of many times this
sharply tuned to 3.000 meters. Upon the
use of this transformer depends much of the amount.
success of the super-heterodyne model de- As the series of articles progresses, the user of the Haynes Circuit will
scribed. Haynes -Griffin Input Transformer
also $4.25. find that the development and possible additions to the Haynes
Circuit more than keeps pace with his own growing interest / /
, Haynes -Griffin Condenser
.00023 mfd $3.50
and experience; until finally we have the super- heterodyne
circuit itself -the ultimate of all radio receiving circuits.
Haynes -Griffin Bank Wound Coupler 4.35
Haynes -Griffin Oscillator Coupler
F & K .0002 Microtune Vernier
Careful Preparation in Advance
/ //
Fada Socket
.5 mfd. fixed Condenser
.0005 fixed Condenser

I .90
enables us to render an unusually exact and prompt service
to radio experimenters. Because many of the remarkable
results described by Mr. Cockaday are directly depon.
dent upon the use of new and differently designed ma
/ / Haynes- Grithn,
.00025 mfd. fixed Condenser
with Leak mounting .45
tenta, we are prepared to furnish the identical apparatus
recommended by him. without changes or substitutions
/ / 41 West 43rd Street.
New York City.
Meg. Leak
005 fixed Condenser
Haynes -Griffin 20 ohm Rheostat
of any kind. Much of this material was originally
designed by A. J. Haynes and cannot be obtained
elsewhere. / / Send me at once complete
data and price on all m -
terial mentioned by Mr. Cock -

aday in the four articles on the
Parcel Post Prepaid in U. S. any. Haynes Circuit and Super- Hetero,
The above list covers only certain of the most
ssential and special apparatus required by
hose building one or all of the units described.
where east of the Mississippi River

New York's Largest /e / a

dyne. I would also like to have
print of the articles in the issue of
Popular Radio as checked:
Send coupon for complete list of absolutely
verything needed, including drilled panels. Radio Store
/ / September
November 0
41 West 43rd Street, New York City

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Three Things To Remember

When You "Build Your Own"
THE success of that Radio goes back a quarter of a century
Receiver you are going to -no wonder you can rely on
build depends on just three them. Condensers, vàriometers,
things-the circuit, your care, tube sockets, potentiometers,
and the parts you use. grid leaks, switches, honeycomb
Select your circuit-do a careful coils, and coil mountings -let
job -and use De Forest parts. them all be De Forest-and you
will get the results.
You protect yourself on the first
two points -and the De Forest Or, if you want a short cut to
name protects you on the quality radio enjoyment and listening in
of the parts you use. on the broadcast of the Con -
tinent-if you want to forget the
Remember that De Forest outdoor antenna -if
you want
invented the 3- electrode vac- ease of operation and brilliantly
uum tube that makes all pres- clear reception without inter -
ent day radio possible. So you ference -buya De Forest Reflex
will naturally want to use De Radiophone.
Forest wet or dry cell audions.
Remember that the De Forest Either way, you rely on De For-
experience in building radio parts est, the greatest name in radio.
Send for De Forest new radio catalog with
descnpilon and prices
Reflexes), auctions or parts.
sets (including


Dept. P. R. 4 Jersey City, N. J.
If located west of Pennsylvania, address
WESTERN SALES DIVISION Dept. P. R. 4, 5680 -12th St. Detroit, Mich.
.411.17 .

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Eveready No.
764 "8" Bat-

tery, 2256
volts. 3p
inches long.
24( inches
1a wide, 5,%
inches high,
weight 2 h Ibs.
Price S2.25
Radio Batteries
- basier
they lest

` n!I----
. ,

skyscraper 13 Battery is here!


Nw-this upright Eveready RB" Battery

for cabinet or table where space is limited
Here is a new "B" Battery that essential, the familiar favorite
stands on practically the same Eveready No. 763 is supreme at
size base as the smallest Ever - $1.75. But where weight is not
eady "B" Battery, but towers so important as space, buy the
above it in height and capacity. more than double service of the
It is twice as high, and will last new upright No. 764 at $2.25.
you more than twice as long. Fifteen vigorous cells give 221,
And you pay only 50 cents more volts. Two Fahnestock Spring
,r Clip terminals.
for the added capacity.
For portable sets, where small- For compact capacity, buy the
est size and light weight are new Eveready No. 764.
Manufactured and guaranteed by


Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

5'I4ä.. Yb ig`r`sP..
Select the station
you want to hear
on indoor antenna or loop

/i r

a _ r

Radio Frequency
Amplifier Unit
Variotransformer F
.v Q ..

Add one or more stages of 11. F. amplification to your proscrit

set -be it home -built or manufactured. Complete, with socket,
rheostat and variotransformcr, $15.00, at dealers, or postpaid.
Limited edition of "Radio Frequency Amplifi-
cation with the Ballantine Variolranafonncrs
a 25 -page booklet mailed free on request.
Pioneers in making Radio parts of Bakelite
, 324 Fanny Road
Boonton, N. J., U.S.A.
Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Careful Selection of Parts

Insures Satisfaction !
OF COURSE the set you build See These New Units
at Gilfillan Dealers
is to be better than any owned
by friends -and it can be. Avoid
their mistakes -profit by experience
-and build a set to be proud of.
The difference in cost between a
makeshift assembly and a good one
is nominal -but the difference in re-
ception results obtained is tremen-
dous. For best results
Gilfillan Radio Parts Sharp
tuning and extreme selectivity are
possible IT this unit. Highly recom-
mended for rad'., orquency work.
casting easily
Local broad.
nut In favor of more die -
(Units of Recognized Quality) tant station..

offer the most at least cost. Ask

your dealer for these better parts.
If your dealer does not handle Gil-
fillan, write us for name of nearest
dealer, descriptive folder and list.
Genuine Gilfillan Radio Parts ran always be
identified by this tradeotark. Look for it.


Admirably adattalt. t. i radio frequency cir-
cuits or audio freq.,.> work. Simplicity of
wiring and exceptionally short leads. .lacks can
be mounted directly to bottom, and transformers
on platforms provided. Filament rheostats, tube
sockets, binding posts and solder lugs complete
In this unit.


Varicouplers (2 sires' Audio Frequency Tube Sockets Vernier Air Con-
Varlometers (2 sizes) Transformers Tube Sockel Adapters densers
Air Condensers (3 Primary Inductance Detector Amplifier Filament Rheostats
sizes) Switches Units Vernier Rheostats
Potentiometers Panel Switches Detector Uults Moulded Knobs, etc.


1925 McGee St., 1815 W. 16th St., 225 W. 57th St.,
Kansas City, Mo. Los Angeles, Cal. New York, N. Y.
Licensees General Bakelite Co.

Please menlion POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

"Built First to Last"

Build Your Radio Set

Coto Compact and Portable
Thousands upon thousands of radio listeners have
learned the past summer that the static scare is a
bugaboo. They listened in and enjoyed radio
nearly every summer night.
Build your set now for portability. Make it an all New Coto Compact
the year set with Coto compact parts. Moulded Variocoupler
Companion piece of the Vario-
meter. Size only 3% x 3 x 3%
inches. Range 200 to 600 meters.
Demand Coto! Base or panel mount. $5.50
Type 9000
Get Coto!

Size only Original
.it x l %x33/.r Honeycomb Wound Coils
Popular low -priccd favorites of
the amateur and experimenter.
Maintained at a standard of
excellence second to none. Sold
mounted or unmounted.
New Coto Compact Moulded
Bakelite Variometer
Notice the Honeycomb wound stator. By this means a range
of 200 to 600 meters is obtained in unusually small space.
Here is a Variometer positive in action. Pigtail connection
to rotor prevents clicking contacts. Mounts either on panel Coto Tapped Radio
Frequency Transformer
or base. Once you handle it you will take
it home. Type 8000. a 0 Efficiently covers the whole broad-
casting range because it is TAP-
PED. Just turn the
Jobbers !Dealers ! switch. Type 5000... $7
tV 50
The radio parts business is the foundation of your success.
Coto offers you salability and reliability. Write for descrip-
tions and prices.

Coto Coil CO.

87 Willard Avenue
Providence, Rhode Island
Pacific Coast Branch, Northwestern Branch.
329 Union League Bldg., Geo. F. Darling
- Angeles, .al. 705 Plymouth Bldg.. Coto Compact Air
Minneapolis, Minn: Condenser with Vernier
Southeastern Branch, Only 2% inches square. Rotor
C. P. Atkinson, plates soldered to shaft. Stator
Atlanta Trust Co. Bldg., plates so erc d at t rce points.
Atlanta, Ga. .0005 Mflá $5.
8 OOlhMfd S 9.

it ll'ItiilrIf r1Hit 1l1%1M1,1tilk

Plea se menliun POPULAR RADIO when answering ndrertiYrmenta.

Its two horns Give volume

and without forcing your tubes
- without noise

These horns in Timmons Talkers are so arranged

that the tones, after being amplified in the small horn
are re- amplified by being thrown against the especially
prepared surface of the larger horn. The surfacing
of the large amplifying horn is "acousticoat ", a sub-
stance developed in the Timmons laboratories.
"Acousticoat" deadens all false tones and distor-
tions and at the same time thousands of small craters
in its surface pick -up even the most minute musical
note and reproduce it clear, round and full.
But hear Timmons Talkers at your dealer's. Note
also what fine pieces of furniture they are, with their
screens and rich, hand -rubbed mahogany finish and
their graceful Gothic grills.
Also, your dealer will glee you "Volume .Without Noise"
our new folder, or write us

The screen of type A (Adjust.

ab e) is rich bronzed gold.
Type N (Non -adjustable) has
339 East Tulpehocken St.
e screen of copper -color mer.
cerized Madras.
aLawAnwu/AMro and Loud spta*a 7pioxe ApmiIiir

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Every Question
for only $1
At last you have under one cover
Tame the Wild Waves a Complete Radio Handbook
with a Service Type 212 Re-
ceiver. Will tune through JUST OUT
local phone and telegraph 514 PAGES
interference and get the dis- Compiled by
tant stations. 30 inches loop HARRY F. DART,
antenna furnished with set.
Formerly with the
Western Electric
Co., and U. S.

Price $ 15000 Army Instructor

of Radio.

Technically Edited by F. H. DOANE

NO more need you turn from book to
book, hoping to find what you want.
It is all here, in 514 pages crammed full
of every possible radio detail. Written
in plain language, by engineers for lay-
men. Clears up the mysteries, tells you
what you want to know. A complete in-
dex puts everything within your reach
in a few seconds.
IT EXPLAINS: Electrical terms and
circuits, antennas, batteries, genera-
tors and motors, electron (vacuum)
tubes, every receiving hook -up, radio
and audio frequency amplification,
broadcast and commercial transmit-
Why take our word for what ters and receivers, super- regeneration,
codes, license rules. Many other fea-
"Service" will do. Ask your tures.
dealer. Under one cover. Yes, it is all in
one volume of 514 pages of clear typo
This is a Teleforce product with hundreds of diagrams and illustra-
tions. Takes the place of eleven or more
specialized texts, each costing from two
Dealers -jobbers: Write for Terms and complete to ten times the dollar you pay for this
information single book. Belongs in every radio -
equipped home, on every amateur's table.
Lt,II E ;,li/ij Send $1 to -day and get this 314-page I.C.S.
Radio Handbook-the biggest value in radio
today. Money back if not satisfied.
Box 82 .,1 -B. Scranton,-Penna.
I encioso One Dollar. Please send me -pnst-
paW -the 5l4-Page I. C. S. Radio Handbook.
It is understood that if I am not entirely
satisfied I may return Ole book within Eve
days and you will refund my money.

4745 Montgomery Ave.
Norwood, O. Address
/'lPtlse mention POPULAR RADII/ when answering advertisements.

Boys' Influence on Radio Buying Is Decisive

The growth of the radio business has What has happened, and what will
been sudden, tremendous, and nation-wide. happen in radio, is directly attributable
The demand for radio equipment has in- to the irresistible enthusiasm and con-
creased 60,000% in two years. To -day tagious interest of boys. An overwhelm-
there are more than two and a half ing majority of radio sales are made to
million radio sets in this country. And boys, to parents buying for boys, and to
the radio business confidently anticipates parents guided by boys. Right now, boys
even greater growth in the immediate are recognized authorities on radio con.
future. struction, installation and operation.

"She Baggeet. BrlgggMeet, Beet Mefstice

fer Boye le All the world

goes to five hundred thousand creators of Their own buying power, already large,
the radio business. Over half a million is ever increasing. Their influence on
dyed -in- the -wool radio fans, averaging buying is decisive. The radio manufac.
15% to 16 years old, read it regularly turer who is winning their interest and
from cover to cover. THE AMERICAN BOY enthusiasm for his product, by advertis-
hits them right when their radio interest ing to them in their own magazine, is feel.
is all- consuming; when their spending ing the results in increased sales in every
money is considerable, and when their corner of the country.
knowledge of radio holds the respect and Copy reaching us by December 15th
interest of their elders. will catch the February issue.


(Member A.B.C)
548 Lafayette Boulevard, Detroit, Michigan

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Build This Transcontinental Receiver

At Half the Usual Cost!

Ordinarily You
Would Pay From This Way You
$12500 to $25000 Pay Only $65oó

So simple and inexpensive to build is the Erla trans-

continental Triplex receiver that every home can now
enjoy the infinite pleasure and variety of nation -wide
loud speaker reception.
Erle parts, complete even to the cabinet and panel, and
Erla solderless connectors, make child's play of the
work of assembly. Accurate, easily understood draw-
ings guide every step.
Materials are reduced to a minimum through the em- The unique ability of Erla
ployment of Erla synchronizing transformers, enabling synchronizing audio trans-
vacuum tubes to do triple duty. Only three tubes are formers to reflex properly
enables vacuum tubes to
used, yet costliest multi -stage amplifiers are surpassed do triple duty. List $5
Erla synchronizing radio fre- in range and volume.
quency reflex transformers
provide unequaled magnifi- Choice of broadcasting programs is exercised at will, so 01Y41----
cation without distortion.
Types, reflex 1, 2. List, $5 sharp and selective is the tuning. Yet controls are so
few and simple as to be operated by any child. Espec-
ially remarkable is the purity and fidelity of reproduc-
tion, exceeding the finest phonograph.
-¡.Y- -
For further information regarding Erla Triplex, as well
as perfected Erla one and two -tube receivers, consult
Providing utmost sensitive - Erla Bulletin No. 14, obtainable gratis from leading
us with perfect stability, radio dealers. Or write us direct, giving your dealer's
the Erla fixed crystal rec-
tifier is uniquely adapted name.
for reflex work. List, $l
Dealers and Jobbers -No Electrical Research Laboratories
day passes that Erle does not Dept R 2515 Michigan Avenue, Chicago
increase your opportunities
for sales and profits. Write for
sample Erla Triplex receiv- Difficult. dangerous use of
ingeets in beautifully finish- soldering rons is eliminat-
ed solid mahogany cabinets, ed by Erla solderless con-
at manufacturers cost, for nectors saving time, tem-
demonstration to your trade per and money. List, 5c ea.

The Copper Giant "A" Battery FOR EFFICIENCY USE
For WDI I, WDI 2 and other low voltage
tubes. Equal to 20 dry cells. Can stand
idle for years without deterioration and re-
quires no attention whatever. Can be
furnished mounted in radio cabinets. Write
for circular. Ask Your Dealer
Pieuse mewliau POPULAR RADIO when answering udrerlisemeul.c.

ideie Cód
:1',ì OZa


Are leaders everywhere due to quality, ease of installing and assurance

that your set will bring in the results when finished. Used by leading
constructors and handled by the best informed dealers.
New York Condensers bring in the broad-
casting loud and clear, with the true tone,
because the constru'dtion eliminates all leak-
age and electrical
losses-the standard by
which others are judged.
11Plate $1.50 I
23 " 2.00 Supplementary
43 " 3.00 Vernier Condenser
3 " 1.25 $1.00

Insist on New York Amplifying Transformers. Do not be satisfied

with something claimed to be "just as good." They are universally
recognized for their marvelous amplification, purity of tone and
ability to produce uniformly perfect results with any style of standard
tube. Price $4.00 and worth it.

Our skeleton type tuned Radio

Frequency Transformers really
give the D X results with loop or
indoor aerial that you have long
wished for. Totally unlike any
other in design or results. Two re-
quired, fully guaranteed.
$4.00 Each

Get literature on Variometers, Couplers, Mica Condensers,

Inductance Tap Switches.

NEW YORK COIL CO., 338 Pearl St., N. Y. CITY

Please mention POPULAR KADIO iohcn answering advertisements.

IIIIIIIIIillilllllllllilllllllllllillli IIIIIilliilllllllllllllllilllllllllllllll

1"Pioneer" Variocoupler
PIONEER!' Price $1.50
Beauty is Only
Skin Deep? Actual Size of the Midget Condenser

-not always This is the Low Capacity

Patents Pending

Might just as well build a

good looking set as not. CHELTEN MIDGET
Build your set with Pioneer Vari-
ometers and Variocouplers and you variable condenser for
have a set whose instruments are
not only the most efficient yet de-
Vernier regulation
vised but that for sheer beauty have OTHER NEW TYPE
nothing to equal them.
Pioneer Variometers and Vario- CHELTEN CONDENSERS
couplers are made of genuine Bake- ARE
lite, moulded in our own factory. A
rich deep mahogany finish -the wir-
ing is covered with pure green silk.
The hardware is heavily nickeled. It
will etand up. All contacts are posi- CHELTEN VERNET
tive -both instruments are made for
either table or panel mounting.
Ask your dealer or write us. RADIOSCOPE
Variometer (For Radio Frequency Circuits)

5 1:71F-F 11 Distributing Jobber's Catalogue

for 1923 -1924 now ready
Amateur's Catalogue
mailed on request


Soie Agents in All Large Cities PHILADELPHIA
Eastern Sales Agents
4859 Stenton Ave., Philadelphia

11111111111 111111111111111111111111111F IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllil

Pkase mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

011rNttttnnttl Jtwtitutp
(Organhard 1914

ft f/rrttf[rs tllatftli 03I1
t. d. ..r-¡w. d f...fy d at. Ola.-1
1- . , fä
r.i .f ... L',4

1 91 8,4

This Certificate Opens the Way

to the Best Radio Positions
Get It You Can Earn Biq Money With It Ingo

No previous experience in electricity or Radio is necessary.

In a short time, you can easily win this certificate and
qualify for one of the splendid, big money positions in Radio.
Edwin L. Powell is an Expert Radio Aide at you on the corn- lotion of your course is
the Washington Navy Yard and earns Big g ent recognized, counting for
Money. Leo Goldblatt is earning a Big Salary 5 to 10 points on all g ant license
and all expenses paid as a examinations.
radio operator. James F. Instruments
Nicholls is earning 3150 a Loaned to Students saw
month and all expenses a as Pick Out the Job You Want
radio instructor at Walter And We Will Help You Get It An extraordinary feature Wabaie
Reed Government Hospi- of
of this course is the use of
tal. Harry Ruck has made Radio field ioddai,, end [seien., paid.0 four patented instruments,
big money manufacturing Radio Mechanic. 11.000 to 14.000 year. owned exclusively by us,
Radio Inspector, $1,800 to 14.500 a year. which give practical train-
radio seta. Hundreds of Radio Auditor. if .20o to rl 800. year. -
other men are occupying Radio Salesman, $2.000 to (10,000 a year ing in radio operation,
Radio Engineers, 13.500 o and u p. installation, maintenance
equally attractive positions Radio Executive. up tos 1b.óä a year.
after winning our Certified Radio Aide. 16 to 110 a tiny. and repair-all of 'which
Radio Draftsman, il t sir, a day. you must have to become
itadio- trician certificate. First Operator, Sio5 a month,
Read in the panel of the ell Ship an Expert Radio-trician.
Second Grade Slip Operator, $95 a month, all Among these instru-
fine salaries paid in all the
wonderful radio positions Third unto nedrator, 185 a month, all ex- ments is the wonderful
pellees Natrometer, said by ex-
for which you can qualify Lad Station Operator.
O [150
once you have this certifi- month and up.
Ilroodenetine Station Operutar, 1125 to $2:0
perts to be the 'perfect
cate. a month. device for teaching the Indio
Redid Code. All of these Salesman
Easy Now to Become instruments are loaned to
A Certified Radio -trician students.
No other work in the world today offers Send for Radio Book
such opportunities, such big money, such Thousands of positions are-open to Certified
rapid advancement, such a promising future Radio-triciaas, Find out what your oppor-
as does Radio. And the Expert Radio -trician is tunities are in this fascinating profession.
the man who is in a position to choose the best Send for interesting book, "Your Opportunity
of these opportunities -to jump farthest ahead in Radio," which gives complete details on
in this newest and fastest growing industry. plan by which the National Radio Insitute
Become an Expert Radio-trician. You quickly qualifies you at hone in spare time as
can-easily and quickly. The National a Certified Radio-trician: Send the coupon or
Radio Institute, America's first and largest a postcard for free hoòk. NATIONAL
Radio School, has devised a remarkable RADIO INSTITUTE, Dept. 32 -M, Wash- É,'swaLef
method that makes it easy for anyone to ington, D. C.
qualify right at home during spare time.
Prominent radio experts give you personal NATIONAL RADIO INSTITU'T'E, 1)ept. 32-M, Washington. 1). C.
Send me your book, "Your Opportunity In Radio." with full particulars
advice and instruction through the mail. opportunities In radio, and how you will Quickly train me in my spare time atabout the
home to
They grade your papers, answer your ques- win a Certified Radio-trician Certificate. Also about your employment. service.
tions, and in every possible way help you
in your work. And you learn the practical, Name Age
wonderful side of radio by actual practice on Street
patented instruments we send you free. The
Certified Radio-trician Certificate awarded City State

Please mention Pol'uLA6 Ram° when answering advertisements.

It `- ° -.:.:/.. ,
q ,


i i. '
ò ó
t1,. d,

Trinidad government pleased with GUARANTEE

KICO efficiency -
" We are ordering this battery on behalf of the Trinidad Govern-
Your money back on any RiCU
Battery if not satisfied within 30
days' trial. Write for full infor-
mation on "A" and "B" Batteries.
Unmounted Rectifier $1.00
ment whose wireless officer was impressed with the efficiency of Mounted Rectifier $2.50
the Kico battery we are using with our receiving set." The
above extract is only one of the many endorsements we are re- Volts
ceiving of Kico Batteries. Alkaline type, won't sulphate or Celts
buckle. Life unlimited. Not harmed by short circuiting, over- 16 22 $5.50
charging, idleness. panel switches give single cell variation 7.25 $11.75
Recharge from any 110 -volt A.C. line with small home rectifier. 24 32
Charge lasts 3 to 6 months in detector plate circuit. 36 48 9.50 14.00

KIMLEY ELECTRIC COMPANY, Inc. 50 68 12.50 17.00

Street Buffalo, N. Y.
2667 Main
- 78 100 17.50 22.50

KICO Storage "B" Batteries

long service, low cost
An Ideal Chr

for the Radio Family

tmas Present

Build yourself a high grade

receiving' set -at
a big saving!
No soldering of joints, no tools necessary. Simple
connections made to binding posts. Each RPM in-
strument is of the highest grade and com-
plete in itself with all wiring concealed
and properly insulated to stand exposure.
Bakelite mounted -handsome in appear-
ance. Hook -up circuits in every package.
Every unit you need to assemble a high grade receiving
set at low cost is included in the RPM Line;
mounted and unmounted; variomcters,
variocouplers, variable conden-
sers. coupled circuit tuners.
Detector and amplifying
units -each the best you
can hey, yet surprisingly This is the Ne. 201 RPM mensted Coupled
low in price. Circuit Tuner. Bakelite easel. fat


667 W. 14th St. Chicago

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.


The Atwater Kent Model it) Receiving Set

PHIS Receiving Set is the latest achievement of

the ATWATER KENT Research Laboratories. With
it you will enjoy many surprises due to its remark-
able performances in radio reception.
Unusual volume and clearness of tones are easily ob-
tained from distant points. Despite its wide range,
this instrument is exceedingly simple to operate.
When the dial positions have once been noted on
the Model 10 Receiving Set, the operator can tune
in the desired broadcasting station at will.
ATWATER KENT Equipment embraces a variety suffi-
ciently wide to meet the requirements of every user
of radio: -it includes complete sets and every in-
strument necessary for the assembling of sets from
tuning unit to loud speaker.
Literature describing the entire line of Atwater
Kent Radio Sets and Parts sent on request



..1a4en I

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

There's a Pacent Quality Jack ..eoud C/pea/cer+

for Every Circuit
Right in every detail of their construc- If
tion, Pacent Jacks can be depended
upon to function properly at all times, You
and to give long satisfactory service.
The complete line, including a num-
ber of Jacks not ordinarily available,
is illustrated below.
No. 61-Single Open Cir- Ask the man who is proud of his receiving
cuit Jack Price, 60c set -who boasts of the wonderful repro-
duction from long distance stations -ask
him what Loud Speaker he uses and he will
No. 62- Single Closed Cir- say "Morrison." Today people want to
cuit Jack Price, 70c hear their opera and their dance orchestra
in clear, full tones entirely free of harsh
No. 63- Double Circuit noises.
Jack Price, 80c Attach Morrison Loud Speaker to the tone
arm of your
No. 64 -Heavy Duty
(Loop) Jack Price, $1.00 PHONOGRAPH
No. 65 -Three Spring or use it with your
Automatic Jack HORN
Price, 85c
No. 66 -Five Spring Au- and you will be proud to entertain your
friends with a real radio concert. Tones ad-
tomatic Jack Price, $1.00 justed soft or loud by a turn of a little dial
No. 67 -Seven Spring -no other adjustment necessary.
Automatic Jack Sold under an absolute money -back guar-
Price, $1.00 antee. Order from your dealer or send
No. 68 -Four Spring direct to factory.
Automatic Triple Circuit
Jack Price, $1.00 $10.00
No. 69 -Five Spring Nickle Plated Model
Special Automatic Jack Complete with 5 foot cord
Price, $1.00
No. 70 -Six Spring Auto-
matic Jack Price, $1.00 Gold Plated Model
Illustrated Catalog will be sent free on
Pacent Electric Co., Inc.
22 Park Place, New York DEALERS
Morrison Loud Speaker is Radio's mos(
Sales Offices: Philadelphia, Wash- popular merchandising unit. We have
ington, Minneapolis, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Jacksonville plan to help you sell that many of the best
dealers in the country are finding quite

Write for profitable. Wire us today.
new Illus-
trated Cat-
alog (P -12)
sentials RADIO ESSENTIALS 345 Jefferson Ave., East; Detroit, Mich.

Please mónhon POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.


Here It Is!
Radio Corporation of America
General Electric . /j' HMMECrS Erocv
Murdock r
Brandes I RADI o A

I Price List 2313
R hamstine
General Radio
Radio Service

and oth.rlr

, If


Send for it

f 530-534 FERNANDO
_ ST.
cu NOW
Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering adverlisemenls.

.r... r..rrrrrrrarrrrrrrrr...rrzarrrrrr

WITH one daring stroke of genius, the Mu-

RAD AUDIPHONE transcends all previous
conceptions of radio sound amplification. Modelled
upon the principles of the human vocal organ. The
super -sensitive mica diaphragm is actuated by an
armature which expands and contracts just like the us.
larynx in the throat. Hence, the Mu -RAD AUDI-
PHONE responds in perfect harmony to all voice
and music vibration ranges. Extremely fine, easily
operated, exterior adjustment of diaphragm elimi-
nates distortion.

No Extra Battery
Connections -PRICE




`6¡/,NefeloyeWtyyte2i Y:1iY°/'. Rolfeifol'!if1YYeelitiffetalkbri t.,Afr rePWV.WArtieregreim,oJ

lie litho

., Radio Frequency Unit
The New United Radio Frequency Unit with any standard radio frequency, Reflex, Inverse
Type RU -1 has nothing to equal it in efficiency, Duplex or Ncutrodyne Circuits.
design and amplification. ?i
United Audio Frequency Transformer
The very latest design in Radio frequency Amplifier
-reduces capacity effect to a minimum -short
leads (not necessary to be longer than 1 "). Units
Made in 2 ratio: Al -5 to 1; A2-3.5 to 1. Fin
fished in Black with Nickel trim. For one, two or
r/ can be placed close together when two or more stages more stages of Audio Frequency Amplification.
are used. Handsomely finished in black and polished
i nickel-2;C square.
United Radio Frequency Transformer
200 -600 meters. It has an air core and impreg-
nated windings. Can be used for table panel or
United Condensers -Both Vernier and Plain
Have become the Standard Condensers through
their unequalled performance in all circuits.
Write for complete catalog of United Quality Radio

socket mounting. It has a highly polished nickel Products, tells how to make a power amplifier out of 7,
finish -with black ends. Gers excellent results an audio Transformer. OS
X Audio =
`! 42 = 6 -
'. iv United mfg. &Distributing Co.
' re cy
Frequ.ency t 9704 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, 111. Condenser
{ N . Y. Office: 50 Church St., New York, N. Y Y. .
_ Vernier and Plain -

= SO- ''

San Francisco Office: É 09 Mission St.. San Fran-
co. Cal.

010:iä6!VAPA!lraW10004/41010/40:0 1%4W N
to $

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Travel Across the Country Most

Any Night With the

ACE r20
Formerly called
Cros ley Model V Receiver

Licuued undre .Irmaüonr U. S. Patent No. 1.13,140

Ace Type 3C Consolette

The Ace Type V Armstrong Regenerative Radio This is a new addition to the Ace
Receiver is without doubt the most popular of all sets. Family. Has beautiful solid ma-
hogany, wax finished cabinet. Set
Its low cost is not indicative of its efficient service consists of a regenerative tuner,
because it performs equally as well as any one tube. detector and two stages of Ampli-
at any price. fication, with built in loud speaker.
The tuning circuit is licensed under
The very first evening you enjoy the Ace Type V you'll wonder the Armstrong U. S. Patent No.
how you ever did without it. 1,113,149 and due to the particular
Under ordinary conditions you can pick up stations from coast method of winding Crosley coils it
to coast one after the other, with this long range regenerative is exceptionally selective. Has
receiver. A loud speaker can be operated in connection with the sufficient room inside Cabinet for
Ace Type V by simply adding an Ace Type 2B, 'a new two -step dry batteries making a complete
self contained long range receiving
Audio Frequency Amplifier, which sells for $20.00. This makes outfit. Phone jack for tuning with
it possible to hear a concert all over the house. head phones; Crosley multistat;
This set is so low in cost that everyone can now afford to
enjoy radio. Don't be without radio entertainment any longer
listen to the world's best talent-both instrumental and vocal.
- filament switch Crosley moulded
condenser; beautifully engraved
Formica panel. Uses all kinds of
tubes. A wonderful set at a re-
Prices do not include batteries, tubes or head phones. Buy
these from your dealer. markable price, $125.00-without
tubes or batteries.
If your dealer cannot supply you, order direct, mention-
w ing his name. Ask for "Simplicity of Radio." Your The New Ace Type 3B
copy is FREE.
DEALERS: Write on your letterhead This set is equal to a combina-
for attractive sales proposition. tion of the Ace Type V and the Ace
two-stage amplier. Manufactured
"List price west of the Rockies 10% higher. In under Armstrong U. S. Patent No.
Canada tariff added." Be sure to come to the Grand 1,113,149. A filament switch elimi-
Annual Radio Exposition, Coliseum, Chicago. Visit nates necessity of turning out
our booth on the Collonade, November 20 to 25th. rheostats when set is not in use.
You may turn off the set by throw-
ing switch and come back later
The Precision Equipment Company without retuning. Has telephone
jack in between first and second
Powel Crosley, Jr., President stage. Crosley Tlultistats. Uni-
versal filament control rheostats
1216 Vandalia Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio for all makes of tubes. Price $50.00.
Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.


The Standard Audio
Frequency Transformers
No matter what circuit you wish to com-
plete, there is a JEFFERSON Audio Frè-
quency Amplifier which will insure 100%
Radiant Condensers
Heath Radiant Condensers will as per-
Amplification, the elimination of distortion fectly years later as they do the day you
install them. The plates, (which in other
and the quiet easy tuning so eagerly sought condensers buckle and get out of alignment) in
after. Radiant Condensers are made permanent-
ly FLAT by a patented process. They are
pressed into absolute flatness and then tem-
FIVE JEFFERSON TYPES pered, so that they can never lose that
flatness! Look for the Radiant trade-mark,
to choose from-manufactured by the pio- impressed on every rotary plate of Heath's
Radiant Condensers.
neers in the audio frequency transformer
field. Right from the start put Jeffersons
Vernier, Geared Like a Watch
Adjusting knob geared to vernier plate so
in your set -don't experiment -expert that an ordinary turn is reduced to micro-
meter fineness. Positive, accurate, durable.
Radio Engineers, after careful and exhaus- No play. Separate tension adjustment.
tive tests have found them perfect in every Write for illustrated booklet and name
detail of construction. of the nearest Radiant Dealer.
DESCRIPTIVE BULLETIN sent free Vernier Type
13 Plate including 2%' dial and knob......... $5.00
and our Engineering Department will be 25 Plate including 214" dial and knob .. 5.50
45 Plate including 2V' dial and knob 6.50
glad to make recommendations as to the Jobbers and Dealers Write
proper transformer to be used in any cir- Immediately for Proposition
Jefferson Electric Mfg. Co. & Electric Mfg. Co.
427 S. Green Street Chicago 204 First Street
Newark, N. J. U. S. A.

Please mention Pol'uLAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

6 TTT T eeTe T¡T .e . .T k YT

Your Kellogg Radio Christmas

Here is a way to get a wonderful re-
ceiver of Kellogg parts that most radio
fans will tell you, are the most reliable,
durable and efficient on the market.
In several million families this year,
each of us will be racking our brains
to think of some Xmas present to
please each member of the family.
Forget all this trouble and work,
and. plan á radio Christmas. Ask the
boy or dad to make up a list of re-
liable parts for a simple set; then each
one buy one part for someone in the
family, and you will have a receiving
set that will bring Christmas carols,
and the world to your fireside, if you
have efficient Kellogg parts carefully
put together.
Such assembling is an easy matter
with Kellogg radio equipment. There
are thousands of circuits, some very
efficient, both as to distance and selec-
tivity, that require only a condenser,
coupler (or variometer), tube socket,
fixed condenser, grid leak, tube, dials,
and a few other inexpensive parts.
You don't need to buy an expensive
cabinet to have a good radio set.

If your dealer does not

handle Kellogg, send us his
Zr address. We will send you
our helpful and valuable
radio hand book. Start
today on your Christ -
;; masreceivingset,andmakeevery
.rr^" 4.31,1711 member of the household happy.

.t W- - ----_-J
P!ea ce mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

for Better Receiving

Pick up those distant stations louder and
clearer. Eliminate noise and interference.
You can do this when you use

Permanent accuracy and rigidity are built into Elgin
Precision Condensers. Plates are made of specially
hard rolled aluminum and are of uniform thickness
throughout. Special process spacers assure uniform
spacing of plates. Adjustable vernier shaft makes it
possible to use the Elgin Vernier Type Condenser on
any thickness of panel and with dials of different thick-
See your local (" ealer. If he cannot
supply you send his name with
Capacity Plain 'ea.,,,er your order to

3 Plate .000063 M. F. 51.75 $ --
11 Plate .00025 M. F. 2.40 4.00
17 Plate .00035 2.75 The Elgin Tool Works
23 Plate .0005 3.00 4.50 Incorporated
43 Plate .001 4.00 5.50 69 N. State St.
3" diameter composition dials, 50c extra ELGIN, ILL.

You don't have to be annoyed any longer by a To assist you in quickly setting the Control -O-Meter,
jumble of words and music from two broadcasting each instrument is individually calibrated in our labora-
stations when you want to hear one of them. Through tory and a chart provided showing the setting for each
the development of the Control-O- Meter, the simplest wave length.
set is made as selective as the most complicated and yet The Control -O- Meter, with its piano finished ma-
the addition of this instrument will not increase the hogany cabinet, faced with a polished bakelite panel
difficulty of tuning. All you have to do is to connect and handsome dial, matches the best of standard
your antenna to one convenient binding post of the sets.
Control -O-Meter and your set to another, then turn The Control -O -Meter is a perfected instrument that
the Control-O -Meter dial until the interfering station has made good in the most congested radio districts in
disappears -and the only way you can bring the station the United States. You will get results the moment
back is to change the Control-O-Meter setting. you turn the dial.


If your dealer cannot supp y you, a Control -O -Meter will be
sent you direct, postpaid, upon receipt of the above amount.


Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

A New Era in Radio N,

That, in the fullest sense of the word, is what the
SOD1ON TUBE means to everybody who owns
or expects to own a receiving set.
Based on an entirely new principle -- utilizing the
highly valuable and peculiar properties of the
sodium ion

The SOdi.
0 Tube

((Sodium -Ion)
is many times more sensitive and produces far
stronger signals than any detector yet developed.
Due to the fact that it cannot be made to oscillate,
it not only eliminates any semblance of whistles or
beat -note howls in your own reception, but does
not interfere with the reception of others.
At a meeting of the Institute of Radio Engineers where this
tube was being demonstrated, a prominent Scientist and
Radio Engineer. in contrasting this with the action of the
ordinary detector, dubbed it
Stable and uniform in operation. Runs for hours withou t

adjustment. Has no grid. No grid leak or grid con-

denser are required. Cavetal tone reception.
Unusually sensitive tc weak signals.
Operates on dry cells or
storage battery.

Bulletin A -100 describing this tube upon request.


- Air ' YtaMrn ve n r Zz - r tir

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

_ ' ::.YtitiY.Y:.;Y . 6 _99` `f..r'.ti :'. '

A525 Each $4.45 A296 Each.....$1.15
Forma moulded of red This Guarantee Protects You. Made of green silk
brown bakelite. A neat Examine the goods ship you. ,, covered wire, spider-
handsome instrument. They must suit you in every - web wound to produce
5 Green silk windings cal- spect- If you are not satisfied greatest efficiency and
culated for highest efi- with your purchase return the lowest lasses. 21 taps
ImmY. 1f inch shaft. goods at once and w e will refund so arranged that cross-

Notsetees Pigtail connec- the price you paid. "t.\.. vii Ing Is avoided. Two
tions. Table or panel fibre strips and wooden
mounting. Produces superior resulta in any r-... rod furnished permit
type circuit 180 to 650 meters. RADIO INDUCTANCE COILS various s t y I e s of
SUPER 180 VARIOCOUPLER mounting. With this coil a high grade set
Carefully made -fine can be built at low cost. Diagram included.
A521 Each 98e looking colts. Highest.
A wonderful value, etnclency. Low distrib- SPIDER WEB COILS
produces excellent re- uted capacity effect, low A290- 25 turn. 39e A292 -50 turn .47c
sults. Green win d- resistance -high self A291- 35 turn.42s A293 -75 turn.54c
ings on black libre Inductance. Very firm A294 -100 turn. Each 59c
tubes. Rigid mounting impregnation. Kanke A new popular type of inductance of
support for table or given 18 In meters when highest efficiency. Lowest distributed ca-
panel mounting. Pri- used with .001 variable pacity and lowest high frequency resist-
mary tapped for fine condenser. Mounted coils have standard ance. Firm green silk windings with fibre
tuning. H Inch shaft. Range 200 to 000 plug mountings. mounting strips.
A522 Varlometer-came style. Each.98e Turns
Art Not Art Pa,
SUPERIOR VARIOCOUPLER 2s 120-250 A301 $0.39 A32080.85 A296 Each 85c
A523bach..... $3.15 35 175- 450 A302 .42 A322 .95 Spider web wound of green silk'covered
A handsome instru- 50 240- 720 A303 .49 A323 1.02 wire. Four taps. Produces wonderful re-
ment of superior de- 75 390- 910 A304 .54 A324 1.08 sults. Fibre strips and wooden rod for
sign and construc- 100 500- 1450 A305 .58 A325 1.13 mounting included. Diagram Included.
tion. Stator tube and 150 600- 2000 A306 .63 *326 1.17 STRANDED ANTENNA WIRE
rotor ball of moulded 200 900- 2500 A307 .72 A327 1.26 Cable of One copper srands.Very flexi-
red brown bakelite. 250 1200- 3500 A308 .78 A328 1.35 ble. tensile strength. Rest for aerials.
Large glee green silk 300 1500- 4500 A309 .82 A329 1.36 A248High -100 ft. coil 58c. A249 -500 ft. coil $2.75
windings insure high - 400 2000 - 5000 A310 .97 A330 1 57
est efficiency. Table 500 2800- 6100 A311 1.12 A331 1.63 SOLID BARE COPPER WIRE
or panel mounting. 600 4000 -10000 A312 1.27 A332 1.78 Solid bare copper wire for aerials, leads
5tt Inch shaft. Sn- 750 5000.12000 A313 1.43 A333 1.93 or wiring instruments.
perlor results In for 180 to 650 1000 7900-15000 A314 1.70 A334 2.25 Solid Bare Copper Wire, size 14.
meters. Tapped primary for finest tuning. 1250 9750 -19500 A315 1.92 A335 2.45 ft.coLi $2.25
Noiseless contacts. 1500 14500-26500 A316 2.18 A336 2.60 A240 -100 ft.coll 48e. A242-500
ecial single circuit type....83.60
A526 Special Solid Bare Copper Wire, size 12.
INDUCTANCE COIL MOUNTINGS A244 -100 ft.0o1l67s A245 -500 ft. coil $3.05
A412 Each $2.70 C BRASS ROD
Supplied only In 8 Inch lengths.
Polished black
A341 -2 Coll. A961 Threaded 6-32, per kin. Icngth.6e

moulded rotor
and stator forms.
ductan a with
1 n- H
dy.rigld dur5-
construction. "of li
A963 Threaded 8-32, per S In. Iength.8e
A965 Solid 3 -16 in., per in. length.. 6e
A967 Solid 5j In., per 8 In. length.. .9e
greatest effici- Made of polished
ency and min- black bakelite. ANTENNA INSULATORS
imum dlstrlb -' Mount on front of panel. A260 Size 1x3!¡. Compo-
uted capacity. A BACK OF PANEL MOUNTING gluon, metal eyelets. Two
high grade in- Mounts back of panel, with knobs or for 17c
strument that dials on front of panel. Helps make a A264 Size 135x4. For me-
will get the best neat efficient. set. A-260 size aerials. Two
results. Wave length 180 to 600 meters. A342 -3 coil Back of Panel Mount-
A266 Size 154 x1054. For
A524 Each... $3.80 large aerials. T ro for.$1.28
COIL MOUNTING PLUGS A263 Ribbed Porcelain
A wonderful value Made of genuine bakellte. A264-6 Insulator. 254 in. long.
at our price.Properly A344 Plug for mounting Each as Ilozco 55c
designed and con- honeycomb" Inductance
structed. Polished coils 39c
black bakelite rotor A345 Stationary plug to
and stator forms. fasten mounted coil stationary A270 For 4 inch
Large size green silk to panel 42e walls or leas Ea. 42c
wire Insures greatest A346 Movable plug to fasten mounted walls orFor A271 9 Inch
less. Ea. 69c
efficiency. ef inch coil to panel so it can be rotated 89c
The only practical
shaft. Noiseless pigtail connection. Table A343 Fibre strip to hold coils for mount- lead -in insulator for aerial wires. Small,
or panel mounting. ing. Two foot piece 15e
neat, effective, durable. Fits 54 inch
hole. Securely lock sd bytwoadJustable nuts.
Build Into your set reliable OUTDOOR LIGHTNING ARRESTER
instruments. You can a A980 Price $1.55
depend on this vario- Protect your Instruments
meter and vario- with this lightning ar-
coupler to give rester. Weatherproof por-
you the best re- celain case. Air gap type.
f sults In any

working from 180

Permanent. Durable. Un-
derwriters approved. 4l.

to 650 meters. High -Grade Lightning Arrester

In design and con- A981 Each 79e
struction they A dependable protector, al-
are the best. ways on guard. Small and
Only the h ghest compact. Weatherproof por-
grade materials celain case. Easily fastened
are used. The and connected. Under-
prices noted save you 30 to 40 per cent. Why pay more? writers approved.
A418 Varlocoapler. Each......$2.45 *410 Variometer. Each ......82.10
The most efficient type of coupler, in- Perfect In design and construction. DETECTOR PARTS
sures better tuning and louder signals. Accurate wood forms thoroughly sea- A725 Price set.. 27e
Primary and secondary wound on natur- soned. Correct inductive ratlos. Solid All metal parts for
al uncolored genuine bakclite tubes. baked windings. Plenty of large sized crystal detector. No
Handsome green silk windings. Prima- wire insures highest efficiency. A strong base Included. Easily
tapped tuning. panel high grade Instrument that will give you assembled. Polished
or le mounted. inch shaft. lasting service. % Inch shaft. nickel finish.


.... ....,_._ 44
_ _ :Y YWei&

-Mil=-- .r i
Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Yliii':.Yi.YYi:.Y.Y. : .': aY.Yrtitiii5iiSiYiSi: :.a


Over 30,000 Barawik Radio Sets Are Operated All Over the World
Dealggin and laid out by the foremost All of these sets were built with Barawik Standard Radio Parte mostly by persons
radio engineers. With help YOU can without any previous radio experience. These home -made sets a q ual in resulta the.
build an cart that will give the finest p
best. factory made seta -many are even superior and at a cost only a fraction of the
Every packet contains complete
complete coat of the factory made sets. You can easily equal these results by following directions
instruction for the construction and in the numerous magazine articles o I radio. Also directly below you will find
what tools and parts are needed. De-
rand listed Blue Prints. instruction Packitand Books. With the help of these anyone can
ailed directions for drilling. mounting successfully make a Radio Set.
and wiring, also how to handle net after
It Is built. Thousands of seta have been RADIO BOOKS PRINTS OF POPULAR CIRCUITS
built from these plans and are In perfect. That every Home Builder and Amateur These prints give a full -sire panel lay -
operation. Folder giving detailed des- needs. Written in plain simple language out, schematic hookup. hookup showing
cription of each packet sent on request. everyone can understand. parts wired and explanatory notes. With
Price per packet 42e A631 100 Radio Hookups. Each...25e them as a guide anyone can build a set
Order item wanted by rtiele number. Shows hookups from the simple crystal that will operate perfectly and bring in the
A640 How to make a Neutrodyne Ito- set to the more elaborate and latest tube long distance stations.
ceiver. circuits. Numerous types of Reflex, A621 One Tube Reflex and Amplifier.
A641 How to make a Relnarte Receiver. super -Regenerative. super - Heterodyne, Each 10e
A642 How to make a Regenerative Re- Neulrodyne, Reloartz, Flewelllag, Bishop, A622 Single Circuit Tuner. Each 10e
ceiver. etc. A623 Reinnrtz Tuner using Spider Web
A643 110w to make a Cockaday Receiver. A632 How to Tune your Radio Set. Coll. Each 10e
A644 How to make a Reflex Receiver. Each 25e A624 Radio and Audio Frequency Am-
A645 How to make Detector and Ampli- A633 How to Build Loud Talkers. plifler. Each 10e
fier Units. Each 25e A625 Short Wave Regenerative Set,
A646 All about aerials and their con- A634 How to Make Radio-Phone Re- using twoVariocou Iers. Each.....10e
struction. ceiving Seta. Each 25c A626 Honeycomb Coll Circuit and Am-
A647 Twenty Radio Diagrams of Latest A635 How to Make Radio Frequency pllfler. Each 10e
Hook -ups. Amplifiers. Each 25e
A648 14 Radio Formulas and Diagrams. STANDARD TUBE VACUUM TUBES
ENCLOSED DETECTOR SOCKET .-411i Standard Brands -Every one
A140 Each 39e 'I guaranteed new and perfect.
(Inc of the finest crystal Moulded of genuine red We will ship brand in stock un-
detectors on the market,
tai enclosed in heavy elan

1 ti
brown bakelite. Binding
poet connections. For

- ty

1 )
`'J less you specify otherwise.
A 105 Detector U V 200
i.'- A300. Each
shield. Quick, positive table or panel mounting. A 112 Amplifier. UV201A
adjustment. Brass Darts I
-r Neat and strong.
polished nickel finish. II A 118 5 Watt. Transmitter 7.70
A146 Each 39e
A730 Each A strong durable socket -__ A 107 WDII Cll. Each 5.85
A 107 WDI2 C12. Each 5.85
GALENA DETECTOR - for panel or table mounting
A 102 ÚV199 C21í9. Each 5.85
Easy One adjust-


` metal tube and hase. Plain- Adapter fits 199 tube

meat. Crystal -- -=<JYi ly marked binding met eon-
nections well insulated.
A 104 11V199
to standard socket .42
mounted in cup. A 108 WD11 Socket. Each .31
Moulded base and 'TWO AND THREE GANG SOCKETS A 109 WD11 Adapter. Each .45
knob. 'Brass parts These sockets
polished nickel fin - make it easy to SUPERIOR VARIABLE
bah. An unequaled build detector GRID RESISTANCE
value. and amplifier A167 Each 80e
A732 Each 59e unite and make A165 With .00025 Con-
a neat, compact 95e
A736 Galena. Arlington tested, piece.19e Perfectly mude of Eliminates hiss. .
ode materials.
A738 Silicon, Arlington tested, piece 19e or base. signals. (...aclty
A735 Tested, Galena, mounted, piece. 9e A147 l Two-gang osockanetel 95e smoothly varied from 0 to 6 megohms by
A737 Tested, Silicon. per piece 9c Alee Three -gang socket 1 30
half turn of knob. Easily mounted on any
A739 Genuine minion point crystal En.21e panel.
199 SOCKET Panel mounting variable grid leak
BAKELITE DIALS A145 Each 49e with .00025 condenser. Each 69c
A931 -21n. Diem. for Moulded of high insulating A172 Variable grid leak with mounting.
3-16 in. shaft. Each..35e material. Sponge rubber base
A932-2 in. Diem. for Each
prevents ringing in tube. A173 Variable grid leak. Each.... $1.19
iá in. shaft. Each ....35c Plainly marked binding poet
A933 -3 In. Diem. for connections. Neat and com- TUBULAR GRID LEAKS AND
3 -161n. shaft. Each..390 pact. CONDENSERS
A934-3 In. Diem. for FILAMENT CONTROL RHEOSTATS Very convenient
A935-4 in. plum for M afftshafth....39e A132 6 ohm. Each....45e Permit of quick
A129 20 ohm. Each .52e change of leaks, or
Moulded in one piece of genuine bakelite A131 30 ohm. Each .520 Condensers of varying
in polished black finish. Finely engraved A135 6 ohm Vernier ..95e capacity. Cut shows
scale in contrasting white enamel. Sure grip Best geode. Will give leak mounted. Leaks
knob that fits the fingers. Higher grade real service. Durable and and condensers have same appearance.
dials for good sets. Sises match perfectly. lasting. High heat resist- Each part priced separately.
THREE INCH DIAL ing base, diem. 215 M. A849 Grid Leaks. Each I8e
A923 For 3-16 Inch shaft. Tapped polished black knob I h ' diem.
megohms. Specify
1. 1M,. 2, 3 5, 7 and
Each 19e Potentiometer.. Match above rheo- size is wanted.
A924 For M inch shaft stats. Same high grade construction. A831 Grid and Plate Condensers. Ea.39e
Each 19e A151 200 ohm. Each 79e Capacltles- .00025, .0001, .00025, .0005
A handsome neat looking A152 400 ohm. Each 79c mfd. Specify which site Is wanted.
dial moulded In one piece of Mountings. Bakelite base.
polished black composition. 1NO° scale SUPERIOR RHEOSTATS A840 Single mounting. Each
A153- 0 ohm. Each 29e

marked 0 to 100 finely engraved in con- 69e A842. Double mounting. Each
trasting white enamel. Diameter 3 inches, A154 -20 ohm. Each 76e A844. Triple mounting. Each 49e
A155 -30 ohm. Each 83e 69c
As21 For 3 -16 Inch shaft The finest rheostat. Smooth, VARIABLE GRID LEAKS
Each 16e even action. Best design. best Aleo Standard style 15e
A922 For h Inch shaft
A handsome dial moulded in
grade eels.
workmanship. Supplied with at- A161 De Luxe style with
tractive dial and knob. A rheostat for high extra heavy screw top, fine-
ly finished 32e
one piece of polished black composition. Pozen tio to match above rheo- Pencil mark type for panel mounting. Re-
270° scale marked 0 to 100 finely engraved stats with dial and knob. sistance may be varied exactly as needed.
in contrasting white enamel. Fine for A156-375 ohm 98e
rheostat or switch control. Dlam. 2 in. CONDENSERS
QUICK ACTING RHEOSTAT A162 Well insulated. Paper
VERNIER DIAL ADJUSTER A124-- 6ohm. Ea..79e covering. Each 8e
A941 Each. .,....19e A125 -15 ohm. Ea... 88e A163 Highest grade. Mica
Easily installed nt edge A126 -:40 ohm. Ea...99c insulated. Polished nickel
=1,- , of dial gives finest ver- Vernier adjustment at ease. Each 23e
nier adjustment of con- every degree of resistance Fit over posts of above leaks. The com-
denser or inductance. A Pushing knob in turns off bination makes an efficient unit. Cap
great value. Polished black knob. the filament. .00025 mfd.


a .S 45
._., 6_
Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

. >a . L


If what you want is not quoted here, write for
prices. We save you money any Radio
set or parts. Ou stock eo plete,
a ca ship
promptly almost r eevery brand of headset, loud-
t speaker, tube, vanometer, etc.
A540 Each $1.50
BARAWIK QUALITY HEADSETS Soldered connections In radio seta pro-
A770 Per Set, 20011 ohms $3.25 duce better This guaranteed iron
These headsets have proven on rigid testa to be one of the rrgesults. A
very best on the market. The tone quality is excellent with solid connection quicklyis doeasily made.
an unusual volume. Skilled workmen make them from only Operates on any lighting socket 100 to 120
the best selected materials. The receiver cases are fine pol- volts. 6f t. cord with attaching plug. Length
ished finish with polished black ear pieces. Fabric covered 13 Inches. Heats quickly, will not overheat.
head band comfortably and quickly fitted to the head. Sup-
plied with 5-foot cord. These sets were designed to sell for Heavier-irons for general repair or man-
much higher prices than we ask, and at our price are a won- ufacturing work. Wonderful values at
derful bargain. We guarantee that you will be pleased with our prices.
them and agree that they are the beat value by far yet offered. A541 Medium size.. .$3.48
If they don't suit you we will cheerfully return your money. A542 Larger size 4.25
ASSO Each $2.25 A551--314 to 1 Ratio A543 Each
Each $1.19
The result of years of $2.55
research work and experi- A552 -8 to 1 Ratio. Burns denatured alcohol.
enced engineering. In Each Automatically generatespoint.
quality of tone and vol- e same high grade ed flame In a few seconds.
ume of sound, the things style of transformer asabove Easy to solder joints in hard
a transformer is built for, enclosed in a metal case Maces. Lights with a match.
we guarantee it to equal- or surpass any which completely shields It from any out- Burns 20 minutes on one fill-
other transformer. Neat in appearance. side magnetic influences. Very attractive ing. 5y4 inches high, '4 Inch
Carefully made. Fully mounted with plain- appearance and sturdy construction. Free
ly marked binding post connections. 5 1 from howling and local disturbances.
Ratio. Wonderful results on one, two or NEUTRODYNE TRANSFORMERS
three steps without distortion or hówling. A571 Per set of three $4.95
diameter cylinders.Works fine
with Tinol listed below.
A969 Per tube 19e
A quality Item In every respect. Not to An air core transformer for use in neu- A combined solder
be compared with articles built for price trodyne method of reception. Can also be and flux in handy
only. used for tuned radio frequency or as a fixed
form. Put a little on
with condenser across secondary.
the connection, heat
RADIO FREQUENCY AMPLIFYING roper Pcoupler design for results and efficiency.
with a match, torch
TRANSFORMER Green silk windings on bakelite tubes with or solder Iron and you have a neat elec-
A560 For 201Aor30IA adjustable mounting brackets to fit most trically and mecltanlcafly perfect joint.
Tubes $1.70 any condenser.
A561 For 199 or 11 or 12 SUPER BLOW TORCH
Tubes $1.70 SPECIAL A544 Each 39e
AS73 Neutrodyne Jack. Each 69e
Burns denatured alcohol. Vest
Due to Its special design
this transformer will produce NEUTRALIZING CONDENSERS pocket size. Blowing on tube pro-
wonderful results In any type A572 Per set of two 40e duces a hot pointed flame. Lights
of regular or reflex radio frequency circuit. Simple, Inexpensive effective precision with a match. Works fast. Burns
While low in price we believe It equal or type Micrometer adjustment is attain - 10 minutes on one filling. Easy to
superior to higher priced transformers. able. Easily mounted In circuit. solder Joints In hard places. 3 in.
Perfect for one, two or three stages. Com- PORCELAIN BASE SWITCHES high. r4 in. cylinder. Long rub-
pact. convenient form, easily mounted. ber tuba. Produces One joints
Range 175 to 600 meters. Try It. If you Fine white porce- with Tinol listed above.
lain bases. Copper
are not satisfied return It and get your
money back. contacts
Can be
A970 Price...95c
TINNED COPPER "BUS BAR" WIRE used as antenna The handiest
Size 14 tinned copper wire. For wiring switches. pliers for radio
sets. Best size for neat job and easy A385 Single Pole Single Throw. Each 20e work. Made of
soldering. A383 Single Pole Double Throw.Each 32c ne hardened steel
A957 Round. Ten feet for 12e A384 Double Pole Double Throw.Each 50e Length. 5 In.
SPAGHETTI One of the beet made A972 Price 5
For covering connecting wires In sets. condensers. Rigid, accurate- For fine electricectrical
For site 12 and 14 wires.
A955 Finest quality braided and satur-
ated with best baked lustrous transparent
insulating varnish, 3 feet for 19e
A956 Best quality braid and covered with
Formica ends. Engraved
seule. Knob and pointer. Inches.
Clear transparent case. tT
macle of
ly spaced aluminum plates. ened steel, length

A505 43 plate .001 SIM. 12.58 F ..°0UNR
black insulating compound. 3 feet for.. 9c A801 21 plate .0005 M fd .2.45 Screw-
These are especially high grade condensers and Especially suitable for radio work. Will
we guarantee them to be mechanically and elec- handle any size screw used. Smaller driv-
trically pert Bet. Fine polished end plates of ers nest Inside larger one and are held In
heavy bakellte. Shafts yf Inch diam- place with screw cap. Made of steel,
eter. Sturdy, heavy aluminum alloy nickel finished.
plates perfectly spaced to insure smooth, MAGNET WIRE
even, reliable capacity. Our low prices Best quality
Insulated copper wire.
save you money. These condensers are even drawn wire, one niece to a spool.
of the very best make and are not to be Prices quoted are for 8 oz. spools unless
compared with many inferior, cheap otherwis_ stated.
condenser. offered. We guarantee them
to please you or your money back. Tha DoubleCotton Enameled Green
vernier style has one separately con- Covered Insulation Silk Covered
trolled plate which permita of the finest No. A990 No. A992 No. A991
tuning. Gauge Price Gauge Price Gauge Price
REGULAR STYLE VERNIER STYLE 18 43e 20 39e 20 $0.78
A815- 3 plate 59e 20 SSe 22 50e 22 .95
A816- 5 plate.. 97c Including Dial and Knobs 22 70e 24 SSee 24 1.10
A814 -I1 plate .00025 mid. $1.28 A825 -14 plate .00025 mid. $2.45 24 80e 28 26 1.38
A813 -21 plate .0005 mfd 1.35 A824 -26 plate .0005 mfd 2.75 26 90e 30 5e 30(4 oa.) 1.25
A812 -43 plate .001 mid 1.58 A826 -46 plate .001 mfd 3.15 28 $1.05 32 70e 32(4 oz.) 1.65
30 1.45 36 90e 36 (4 02 )2.20


r : ::!.ä.W . . : .Yr; :.titi.Y:.Ya'::r:'::.tia::
Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Brass, polished nickel You can make real
finish. Washer and 6-32 GUARANTEED QUALITY GOODS savings on these
in. screw extending 34 batteries. D o n' t
in. at money saving prices. You pay more. We
A370 Large size -bar- can build the parts purchased guarantee them to
rel and knob H. long. FINEST "' OUAl1iY
from us into your set and feel equal any on the
A372 Smaller size
A370-2-4 barrel and knob 9 -16' A376 -8
long. Dozen
confident of the best results. If
what you want is not shown Isere
write us for prices-we have every
market regardless
of rice. Absolutely
uniform. Extra long life.
147 TF4Yi;i

70e A180 Signal Corps type. small size. 15

A374 Large size with composition knob. part for your set ready for quick cells, 2234 volts . Each $1.10
Dozen 45 shipment and the prices are right.
A376 Large size with hole for phone tip A182 Large size, 5 taps 1634, 18 1935,
or wire. Dozen 80e 21 and 22 volts. Each $1.59
A378 Small size with hole for phone tip SUPERIOR. RADIO JACKS A184 Variable Large Navy size, 16!4x4x3
or wire. Dozen 35e rin.nl Creda J.N.. inches 5 taps, giving range from 1655 to
Improved design. 2234 volts In 135 volt steps. Each $1.95
Best materials. A188 Combination Tapped 45 volts, 30
RADIO "BAKELITE" PANELS Phosphor bronze cell, 132423 battery. Tapped to givs 45,
springs. Silver con- 2255, 21, 1935, 18 and 1635 volts. Handles
Notice our very low prices on this fine tact points. Nickel finish. Mount on
quality material. Others ask as much for panels H to 4 In. both detector and amplifier tubes.Ea. $3.65
bard rubber panels which are worth much A390 Open circuit. Each 39e STORAGE "A" BATTERY
leer. We supply genuine Bakelite, Con - A391 Closed circuit. Each 46e A very high grade
densite Celeron or Formica, all of which A392 Two circuit. Each 55e battery made es-
are materials with practically Identical me- A393 Single circuit filament Control 59e pecially for radio
chanical, chemical and electrical proper- A394 Two circuit filament control 76e serviee.Ouaranteed
ties. Machines well without chipping. COMPETITOR JACKS for three years.
Won't warp. Waterproof. Highest me- A387 Open circuit. Each 27e Properly cared for
chanical and dielectric strength Attractive A388 Two circuit. Each will give many
natural polished black finish which can be 35e years of service for
landed and oiled. Well made durable, smooth working filament lighting.
nickel finished frame. Well Insulated.
Made of best new
Pan 14 thick 3-16' thick H 'thick SUPERIOR RADIO PLUGS materials. Full ca-
Size Ari. Art. Art. A395 With set pacity. The best
Inches No. Price No. Price No Price screws for fastening battery buy on the market. Try one of
A45080.57 A46080.86 A47081.15
A451 .86 A461 1.27
A458 1.38 A468 2.07
A471 1.73
A478 2.76
cord. Each...35e
A397 Two-way
takes two pair any
- these batteries on your set for 10 days. If
at the end of that time you are not fully
satisfied with the battery return it and we
style cords. Each will refund the purchase price.
7x18 A453 1.78 A463 2.65 A473 3.56 Highest grade plugs. Fit any standard A194 6 volt, 40 amp. size. Each.$10.75
A457 2.05 A467 3.05 A477 5.10 Jacks. Polished round barrels. A196 6 volt, 80 amp. size. Each. 13.25
7x24 A459 2.42 A469 3.56
9x14 A454 1.85 A464 2.65 A474 3.56 SWITCH CONTACT POINTS STORAGE "B" BATTERY
12x14 A455 2.42 A465 3.56 A475 4.78 Brass polished nickel finish. All A790 Each. $8.75
12x21 A456 3.62 A466 5.35 A476 7.13 have in. long size 6-32 screws 7'he most satisfactory and practical 24
and two nuts. All prices the same. volt storage B Battery. Rubber case
CABINETS Dozen 18e Hundred 81.05 carefully sealed to prevent leakage. Con-
Fine looking cabi- Order by Article Number. nections are brought out at every cell for
nets solidly built. A360 Head, 34' dlam.; 34' high voltage regulation in 2 volt steps. Shipped
Elegant hand rub - A362 Head, 3-16' Warn.: 34 high fully charged.
bed dark mahogany A363 Head, 3 -16' diem.: I -16' high BATTERY CHARGING
finish. You will be Solder Lug. to Fit Contact Points RECTIFIER
proud of your set Also for connecting wires to OwS
mounted In one of binding posts, etc. Charge your battery at home over
these cabinets. night for a few cents. Simply con-
Hinged tops. Front rabbeted to take A365 Dozen 8e Hundred 30e nect to any 110 volt 60 cycle light
panels. Panels not included. Prices are SWITCH LEVER STOP socket, turn on current and recti-
transportation paid. fier does the rest
Panel Inside Dimensions Art. Price A38 D
Brass nickel
rents 18e undrred $1.05 automatically. Will
work for years
Size High Wid Deep No. Each SWITCH LEVERS without attention.
ex 7' Very neat polished black com- Simple connections.
534' 634 7' A420 $2.15 position knob. Exposed metal Gives a tapering
621054' 534' 10 7' A422 2.65 parts polished nickel finish. charge which bat-
7x10' 634' 9,5 7' A421 2.90 Fitted with panel bushing and teries should have.
634 1134
634' I3 77'7' A423
A424 3.05
two set nuts. A high grade
You can make it
pay a profit charg-
614' 17
634' 20 7 A426 3.45
*425 3.85
A381 134 I. Radius. Ea. I5e ing your friends' auto batteries. Long con-
7x24' 634' 2334 7' A429 4.65 INDUCTANCE SWITCH necting cords with pair of battery clips.
9x14' 534' 1334 10' A4211 3.55 A285 Price Including A201 For 6 volt battery ..812.95
12x14' 1134' 1314 10' A430 4.65 knob and dial $1 29 A203 for 12 volt battery 12.95
12x21' 1114' 2034 10' A432 5.45 Mounts switch points HYDROMETER
and contact lever be-
BEZELS hind panel. Only one A Accurratteely tells you the condition of
hole needed to mount. your storage battery. Help. you keep
A641 Diameter 14 inch-Each 15e 15 switch points,any your battery in better condition.
A642 Diameter 134 Inch- Each 15e number of which may
Polished nickel finish. Finest quality. be used. Smooth wip- BATTERY CLIPS
Fit any thickness panel. Greatly im- ing contacts. Attractive tapered knob. A193 Two for... 28e
prove appearance of panel. Clip onto storage battery
SILVERED METAL DIAL terminals, lead coated. Make
A651 Each 65e positive non -corrosive contact at all times.
ed black knob. Engraved graduations.
Made of a special compound having a SUPERIOR INDUCTANCE SWITCH Small connecting A199 Per dozen 30e
rubber base. Equal in appearance and A286 Each ........ 79e clipe for
in all essential points to any other class of Quickly and securely quickly fastening leads onto
panels. Fine smooth polished finish. mounted by drilling one binding posts, etc. Handy and useful.
Can be drilled or cut without chipping. hole. Only knob and Every radiolst should have at least a dozen
Guaranteed not to warp and to be a per- pointer show in front of "B" BATTERY METER
fect insulator for radio use. Smooth clean A189 Each
edges. Thickness 3/16 inch. Size given panel. Connections can 98e
is In inches. be soldered before fast- Reads 0 to 50 volts. Accu-
ening switch, making rately tells you tits rsact con-
A481 7x10..$ .88 A484 7x18..$1.60 assembly much easier. dition of your B Battery. Con-
A482 7x12.. 1.05 A485 7221.. 1.85 Metal parts nickeled. venient watch size. Polished
A483 7x14.. 1.22 A486 7x24.. 2.10 Bakelite knob and supporting base. nickel case with wire lead.



Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

You Dori 't Need.=

Tó Be An Expert, '


We are Manufacturers of Fine
RAEIÍIJdUNE Furniture and we sell direct to you
with only a small factory profit.
A handsome hardwood hand -rubbed
"The Voice of a Nation" mat gany or golden oak finished

Rad.o Table. Size of top 20 x 34

The RADIODYNE is operated by simply inches x 31 inches high.
Conceals A & B batteries. Small
grounding to a water pipe or radiator and drawer holds tools and accessories.
throwing a few feet of wire on the floor. No PRICE, FREIGHT PAID, East of Mississippi
outside antenna or loops necessary. You River $18.00
FREIGHT PAID to Rocky Mt. States .. 20.00
don't have to be an expert to install and FREIGHT PAID to Pacific States 22.50
operate it effectively. Cash with order. Prompt ship-
For use in apartments, boats, automobiles,
railroad trains, etc., the RADIODYNE is CABINET PRICES REDUCED!
Hardwood, hand -rubbed mahogany
enjoyable where other types of receiving finish. Hinged top.
sets would not be practical. Panel Size Depth Price
6 x 7 in. 7 in. $2.25
Stations within a radius of 2000 miles can 6x 103. in. 7 in. 2.50
be picked up on the loud speaker; any 6 x 14 in. 7in. 3.00
6x21 in. 10 in. 3.75
wavelength from 200 to 700 meters. The 7x18 in. 10 in. 3.50
RADIODYNE is so sensitive that it picks 9 x 14 in. 10 in.
12 x 14 in. 10
up Radio telephone speech and music when POSTPAID, East of Missisippi
other types of equipment fail. River.

Write for illustrated folder which describes POSTPAID to Rocky Mt. states,
the RADIODYNE in detail. Every radio add 25 cents.
fan will be interested in this new type (an- POSTPAID to Pacific states, add -
tennaless) receiving set. 50 cents.
Cash with order. Prompt shipment.
WESTERN COIL & ELECTRICAL CO. Send for free catalogue of Radio Furniture.
308 Fifth St. Racine Wisconsin

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

j Inductance Switch
Price $1.50 Grid Leak
Price $1.50

One of America's leading inventors, and who
has been granted over 300 patents.
Inventor of the method now used for making
Disc Phonograph records.
Inventor of the pioneer Speedometer and the
Best, The Jones.
Inventor of the Jones Victometer, or Aero-
plane Tachometer, used by the U. S. Army Double Circuit
Detector Amplifier and Navy.
Switch Inventor of the Jones Motrola. which elimi- Jack
Price $1.50 nates the need of phonograph winding Price $1.00
Inventor of the Jones Electric Drill.

Jos. !. D I
Invented these


Single Pole
Double Throw Price 70 cents
Price $1.25 Radio Jacks and Switches
To Save Your Time and Money
HERE is a line of radio jacks and switches radically
different in design and construction from any
similar product. They are not telephone fittings modi-
fied for radio use, but are designed especially to meet
the exacting requirements of the radio enthusiast who
knows what he wants.
They save drilling and soldering-give you better re-
sults by eliminating capacity effects -give you a neater
set, because they eliminate contact points on front of
panel-they save your time, temper and money.
Double Filament Most radio dealers have these little round jacks and Single Filament
Contr,'l .lack switches with the red button. If yours hasn't, send us Control Jack
Price $1.25 his name and ask for folder describing the entire line. Price $1.00

RADIO IMPROVEMENT CO., Inc., 25 W. 35th, New York

Agents in 26 Principal Cities

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

6 ohms
Unity Rheostats are the Best
25 ohms Vernier and Non -Vernier
40 ohms
The Unity Vernier Rheostat
yyThe highest type electrical instrument made for
-711) controlling resistance.
A refinement In tuning adjustment, far surpassing the possibilities of any
other instrument, is very easily obtained.. .

The Unity Vernier Rheostat is the only Rheostat with'a cut-out switch
operating with no change in tuning adjustment.

"Fleur u set that uses Unity Rheostats" -- Interchangeable Resistance

The Unity Non -Vernier Rheostat b2s
or the Cartridge Rheostat 40 ohms
Other resistances
Where a non- vernier rheostat is sufficient, the if desired
Unity Cartridge Rheostat is the best made. Complete Rheo-
In addition, resistance cartridges are interchangeable without removing stats - - $ .80
the bracket from the panel. Brackets only .45
Unity Potentiometer Cartridges also fit the Unity Brackets Cartridges, any
resistance - .35
H your dealer cannot supply you, send your check or money -order to the
factory with dealer's name. Potentiometer.

UNITY MFG. CO., 228 North Halsted St., Chicago orm4000 ohms 1.45
Automatic Screw Machine Products, Stampings, General Manufacturing Potentiometer Bar -
on Contract or Royalty. fridges only 1.00
Dealers are offered a free Counter Display Card.



Excel in

A Revelation in Radio Frequency 4

A supersensitive Receiver incorporating two stages of Tuned

Radio Frequency. Affords the user choice of either crystal or tube y
detector, with or without. amplification. Ideal for use with loud I

speakers of any type. Delivers great volume from distant Broad -

casters. Will operate without an aerial.
Literature and prices furnished upon request..

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Amplifying Transformers

Out -Distance and Out -Class All

Your Radio Associates
"All- American" Transformers
will enable you to annihilate dis-
tance, defeat interference, and abol-
ish extraneous noises. They faith-
fully amplify the tone -quality of both
distance and nearby broad- casting
stations with remarkable volume.
"All -American" Transformers mean
thrills and radio achievements worth
talking about. Audio Frequency

Equally adapted for use with

new and old circuits and all tubes.
Approved and officially adopted by
leading makers of high class receiv-
ing sets. Standard in the industry.
Ask your dealer to supply you with
"All - American" Transformers.
Every instrument guaranteed to be
electrically and mechanically perfect.
200 N. Jefferson St. Chicago
"All- American" Bakelite
rube Socket -base or
FREE panel mounting 75c
"All- American" Book of Tested Hook -ups.
Send 2 cent stamp for postage and give
dealer's name and address.

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Simpl i lies
-hook it to the
the build -
ing of a Ra-
dio set by i
eliminatin P

Moon "Satterlee Antennaless" Radio

loss produc- ¡LA-, ' will produce wonderful results simply
ing taps and connected to a waterpipe. No ant-
reducing tuning operation to setting
of one condenser reading and ad- enna, loop or indoor wire is necessary.
justing tuner to maximum volume.
Stations within a conservative 1000
High efficiency is obtained by prac- mile radius are regularly received
tically eliminating solid dielectrics
from the coil field. Vernier control. with a non -power loud speaker on
Single hole panel mounting. Wide this set.
wave band covered without changing
coil units. It the ideal set for use in apart-
This is one of Mr. Flewelling's mas- ments, automobiles, yachts or rail-
ter designs. It will enable you to build road trains where an antenna is
an efficient set at a minimum cost. not practical. Extremely sensitive,
Requires little room but produces big unusually selective, yet simple to
volume reception. Price includes operate.
Tuner complete with dial.
Write today for our folder
E. T. Flewelling
Sockets will make
/ At 501
"California or Newark"
Steinway Ave., Long Island City, N. Y.
your set more effi-
cient. Price $1.00.
At your dealer's or
In Canada: Continental Equipment Co., Ltd., New
Birks Bldg., Montreal, Quebec
or Postpaid
2979 CottageGrove Avenue SatteYlee
ant elllt c11('.,,S,,
R.A1D I C)

Please mention POPULAR Ramo when answering advertisements.

Write us
a post card
Address Dept. 38 -R
and we will send you free this 52 page
catalogue of radio sets and parts. It Í

also contains explanation of radio terms,

map and list of broadcasting stations
and much radio information, including MONTGOMERY
an explanation of successful hook -ups mß.g. CZ;;; W,,,,' CO.
and circuits. `°naa n. worm
You will be amazed at the low prices
Ward's quote. A complete tube set
having a range of 500 miles and more, including tube, head set, bat-
teries, and antenna equipment, as low as $23.50.
This catalogue contains everything for the expert and amateur.
Complete sets and every improved part for building sets, all the most
up -to -date devices the lowest possible prices.
Headquarters for Radio
Montgomery Ward & Co. is headquarters for Radio, selling every-
thing direct by mail without the usual "Radio- profits." Why pay

higher prices? Ward quality is the best and the prices will often save
you one -third. Everything sold under our Fifty Year Old Guarantee
Your Money Back if You Are Not Satisfied. Write today for your
copy of this complete 52 -page Radio Book.
Write to our house nearest you. Address Dept. 38 -R
Chicago Kansas City St. Paul Portland, Ore. Ft. Worth

MontgomeryWard Co.
The Oldest Mail Order House is Today the Most Progressive
Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Balanced Vernier Condensers Detector
Equipped with Bakelite Unita
Variocouplers knob and dial. Amplifying
Bakelite end plates. Units
Audio Fre-
quencyTrans- Separate Vernier control. Rheostat.
formera Table or panel mounting. Potentio-
Balanced rotor and stator meters
Radio Fre- plates.
quencyTrans - Knobs and
formers Guaranteed not to short Dials
Model 5017 -23 plate -.0006 Mf. -$5.00
Model 5018 -43 plate -.001 Mf.- 5.50
Model 5019 -13 plate -.0003 Mf.- 4.50
Write for complete Catalogue
The Dayton Fan & Motor Co.
Established 1889
Dayton, Ohio

Another Radio Achievement

"For the Grid of Your Tube" -Use
An exceedingly small enclosed vernier variable condenser,
taking up but 1%" on your panel and absolutely replacing all
11 and 23 plate condensers!
The Grewol Vari -Grid is especially adapted for use as a var-
iable grid condenser being equipped with a variable grid leak
GREWOL. which can be removed if desired.
---._. -


VARt-GRio lltlltr
You'll get a 100% improvement In distance and reception by
using the Grewol Vari -Grid in your grid circuit. Try one in
the aerial circuit too and across the secondary. They work
wherever ordinary condensers are used. And they have a ver-
nier adjustment.
At You've plenty of room for two on your present set. They
take up so little room, only one hole to drill.
Dealers Write for folder
Or Sent
.of 4 Central Ave., Newark, N. J.
Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Q!'lllll!IIU IIIIIlll


, I
lib '

plllulmium, `!Mil pI! il11111111111k ,,,hIlllfi1181111Iw .111IUIÌrh 141111111


*Trii ____ .
:::: ... ,

SHUTS OUT tullResistan.c

30 Ohnu
Take the place
th eh eo..at o

NOISE filament rol

*chaut re- drilling
bole, In panel.


stations you believed to be far beyond its range. You will
get greater distance! Louder signals! Finer adjustment! NOISELESS
OPERATION! A. S. Allsup, of Kansas City, writes, "Since using
my Fil- Ko -Stat I have picked up 5 stations I never heard before."

The FIL- KO -STAT is the filament control of INFINITE adjustment,

with a fine adjustment area 18 times greater than a wire rheostat,
and several times greater than the next best filament control.
There are no screws to tamper with on the FIL- KO.STAT. No wires!
No discs to chip or break! No adjustments to puzzle! Triple
tested and adjusted at the factory to the ideal "off" for UV200,
201, 201A, WD11, WD12, UV199, DV6A, W. E. Peanut and all
other tubes including 5 watt transmitting tubes. Hailed by amateur
and professional radio men as the greatest step forward in the
development of the tuning possibilities of the vacuum tube.
FIL- KO -STAT supremecy is proven by every .test.

r Recommended
ujl'p üo
' OP, 11 1,74
Of Inferior
Powdered Car-
Yl ai
and sold be dealen
In hash quality bon Rheostats.
MR* tamale. MADE AND GUARANTEED BY C(l6F Filkostat Resis-
SOLE is 80% Metallic
In Canada $2.75 Dept. PR 12 218-222 West 34th Street New York Substances.

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.


'2 Write for FREE

Cockaday -Diode

Reflex Circuit.
socket 50c

The NEW DIODE A revelation for

all reflex work.
Replaces the crystal and overcomes all former difficul-
ties of reflex circuits. Requires no adjustments for
change of wave lengths. Gives you the clear reproduc-
tions of a crystal with the sturdiness and reliability of a
are furnished in
tube. No "B" batteries required. Operates on less
than % ampere front single dry cell. Easily adapted to
Erla and all other circuits. 18 stock sizes
-each packed in
75c heavy envelope to
protect beautiful
inven on
in variable grid leaks. Each movement gives a definite
new resistance. Positively does the work where others
fail. A gradual resistance over entire range of h to 10
finish. A size for
megohms. Eliminates circuit noises, is moisture proof
and non-microphonic. Ideal for use in Miloplex and
other circuits. Guaranteed.
every requirement
Every genuine RADION panel is stamped
RADION. Do not accept substitutes.
The LEAD-IN 6x 7 7x12 9x14
Fits right under closed window. Can 6x10% 7x14 10 x12
be bent into any shape to fit ledges. 6x14 7x18 12 x14
Covered with fire-proof insulating ma- 6x21 7x21 12x 21
terial which prevents grounding of cir- 7x 9 7 x 24 14x18
cuits on wet window sills. Takes the 7x10 7x48 20 x24
place of ungainly porcelain tubes and
Radion being an insulation material especially
holes in the window sash. Fitted with made for wireless use, has the lowest phase angle
Fahnestock clips. Always presents a di Terence, lowest dielectric constant, highest
neat appearance. resistivity and supreme moisture, gas and acid
repelling properties.

40c Sold by Radio Dealers Everywhere

American Hard Rubber Co.

11 Mercer St., New York
All products at your dealers, otherwise send purchase

price and you will be supplied postpaid.

ELECTRAD, Inc. Panels-Dials-Knobs-Sockets-Insulators

428 -C Broadway
New York


Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Greater in Every Essential Than
Other Receivers Costing Twice Its Price

In New York, in Chicago, in Philadelphia-wherever it is

demonstrated-the S P e RECEIVER scores as the outstand-
ing marvel of the radio world.
Greater in every essential than other Receivers costing two
to three times its price. As great as any Receiver at any price.
Radio experts, where comparisons have been made, are as one
in the opinion that the S P 2 is a real wonder of radio.
Larger, extremely more expensive Receivers remarkably
eclipsed in performance, in every comparison.


Write us today for Catalog IOTA



Please mention POPULAR. RAmo when answering advertisements.

rs A ' 200,000 °° COMPANY

WEIGHS /0"1101\
stands squarely back
of the guarantee on
every Scientific headset
20.000 TURNS
3,000 OHMS by Postcard
THE and Pay
PHONE Postman
aT on arrival
We Guarantee The Scientific Headset to be the greatest
value on the market. Try it for five days. If not satisfactory send it
back and your' money' will be refunded immediately. Circular' on
request. Dealers wanted.
98 Brookline Ave. DEPT. j BOSTON,

Eliminates lu 9 troubles
Saves you from short circuit and battery kicks. No more burned out
phones or ruined transformers. No more broken finger nails.

Simple to operate Bull Dog Grip Plug

by a single
touch, and
-7:f"`, by Dresçi ug the
entail knob and
the connect - - the tipu will
Inc tips of FORTWO PAIR slide out easily
your phone corda accom- PHONES SISO without pulling the elec-
plish automatically trical contacts.
most perfect elect mat
For sale at your dealer. Otherwise send purchase price to us andyou will be supplied


Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering aátcrtssenients.

l ?'.^''> f11 .

-t!u _


fr 1141.

ul r :

Magnavox brings you the

'Voice of all Christmastide
THE Art of Radio Reproduction is enjoyed by every Magnavox
owner. Despite the ever -increasing quality and variety of
Broadcast Programs, many a receiving set gathers dust unlamented
because of insufficient sensitivity or an unsatisfactory "loudspeaker."
Combination Sets
Every Magnavox owner is a master
of the art of radio reproduction
the results obtained by the use of
- AI -R Reproducer and 1 -stage Ampli-
fier $59.00
A2 -R same with 2 -stage . 85.00
Magnavox Reproducers and Power
Amplifiers cannot be equalled with Power Amplifiers
apparatus constructed in the ordi- Al- One -stage $27 50
nary way. AC-2 -C-Two -stage 55.00
AC-3.C-Three-st age 75.00
The special attention of dry battery
receiving set owners is called to the Magnavox Products can be had of
good dealers everwwhere
new Magnavox Reproducer Ml,
illustrated above. THE MAGNAVOX CO.
Magnavox Reproducers Oakland, Cal.
R2 with 18.inch horn . . . $60.00 New York Office: 370 Seventh Avenue
R3 with 14 -inch horn . . . 35.00 Perkins Electric Limited; Toronto, Montreal,
Ml for dry battery sets . . 35.00 Winnipeg, Canadian Distributors

There a Magnavox for
is every receiving set
1 ?A

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

itIVitar'W: Atit.alit.:X!,Ni!ta°

The unique position of esteem and
confidence occupied by Burgess
Radio Batteries is a natural devel-
opment of the conservative policy
which has characterized the manu-
facture, advertising and sale of
Burgess products.
Of interest, perhaps, to the thinking battery
buyer is the fact that no Burgess product is ad-
vertised or sold until its merit has been proven,

DEPENDABLE - not only by our own rigid tests, but also those
of the foremost radio engineers, manufactur-
ers and experimenters in the country.
for all new wave lengths Through friendly criticism and suggestions,
together with extensive research and engin-
-Range 150 to 600 meters, tunes eering by the C. F. Burgess Laboratories the
in on all new high wave lengths. efficiency of Burgess Batteries has increased
to a degree which we believe is not equalled
-180° type, gives double selectivi- elsewhere.
ty of ordinary 90° instrument.
-Tubes of genuine grade XX Bake- cAsk cony Radio Engineer
lite wound with single green silk BURGESS BATTERY COMPANY
-Angular movement of rotor gives FLASHLIGHT - -



super selective tuning with ease. LABORATORIES AND WORKS: MADISON. WISCONSIN
-Direct flexible leads to Fahne-
stock clips eliminate contact

noises of spring contacts. IN CANADA

-Aluminum die cast frame re- PANCn s: IosoTOO NNNINGI sr. JOHN

duces body capacity. For bench

or panel mounting.

Write for descriptive specifications

Dealers write for trade prices


320 Market St., Newark, N. J.


Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

No. 225
il 3 -bulb Regenerative Receiving Set. Plano
Onish mahogany cabinet. Amplifier switch
Concealed binding posts. Armstrong ebsWt,
licensed under Patent No. 1,113,149. Price,
S75 without bulbs. batteries or loud speaker.
Ask for special circular No. 15-F describing
this set.

our entertainers are ready

Singers, bands, orchestras, speakers,
organists, humorists -an unlimited
host of performers are yours to com-
critical. Both manufacturing and
testing are under the personal direc-
tion of C. D. Tuska, a pioneer radio
mand when you own a Tuska Radio. engineer.
A simple adjustment of dials, and you
can choose between them. Dozens of For a dozen years before general
programs are in the air. Your Tuska radio broadcasting began,Tuska-made
will bring in whichever entertainer instruments were famous among radio
pleases you best and shut out all others. experimenters for skillful design, su-
perb workmanship and high effi-
Tuska owners are not obliged to ciency. Iii the past two years, the de-
tinker incessantly and add devices to
correct construction faults. Their mand for Tuska Radio has grown
pleasure is unmarred by troubles. enormously. Each set in this in=
Every Tuska set is finished with exact- creased production of today is as per-
ing care by painstaking New England fectly built as the finest Tuska instru-
workmen -the best that live. Then ment ever made -and yet, the prices
it is examined and tested on distant are remarkably moderate for high -
signals by inspectors who are keenly grade radio receivers.
Ask any first -class radio store to show you one of
the modela of Tuska Radio, priced $35.00 upward

The C. D. Tuska Co., Hartford, Conn.

Ogden, Utah, receives Troy, N. Y. Picks up Davenport the first time he
"In one evening, using Tusks 225 withone ampll- tunes
der only. I received 19 stations. including San "I never had my ;ands on a set until my Tusks
Francisco; Calgary, Alberta and Troy. N. Y. came Saturday. First evening. I tuned in Pitb.
Conditions were not abnormal, and the same sta- burgh. New York, Richmond, Ind., and Davenport,
tions were received again last night. -W. D. la. It certainly was great. -Wm. Parsons. Salis-
Garner.' bury, Conn."

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

only /r

You want a Loud Speaker that will
swell the sound volume of what your
set brings in- without rasping, growl- s
ling or harshness -so everybody can hear as agree-
ably' as if all used head -phones. That's what you
get with the


the most successful

non -magnetic instrument
Dealers: Two types, for single or double phone connections, same price. For use
with your own phones. Heavy iron sound channels. Horn of heavy
aluminum with beautiful black indestructible finish. Fifteen inches high.
Hear it at your dealer's -if
he isn't demonstrating the MOON, order direct
Boosts by enthus- from us on guarantee of satisfaction or refund.
iastic users give you
a fine repeat bus-
iness on the Moon.
Write for our prop-
Wilson Utensil Ca

Transformation from
Back Alley Discord to

Metropolitan Symphony
SOUNDS like sympathy instead of symphony often trickle through the air to strike
unappreciative ears. Many a classic has been mistaken for back alley discord
simply because those sound waves had not been refined- "passed through the strainer"
as radio slang puts it.
That's where "old Reliable" lends a helping hand, working in its obscure way.
Reliable Transformers not only tend to bring distant stations within ear -range but
every sound -wave receives a velvet touch of magic which makes the harshness, dis-
tortion and similar evils of radio receiving a thing of the past.

AUDIO Transformers furnished in three different stages of
ratios to 1, 4 to 1, and a to 1. Fully enclosed. Shielded
type Price $4.50 and $5.00
RADIO Transformers made in adjustable types with range
from 150 to 1750 meters. Also fixed types. Price $4.75
Ask About Reliable Neutralizing Condensers. On', 76e

The Reliable Parts Mfg Co

2819 Prospect Ave. Cleveland. O. III NIIIIIIIIINI!Illll

iREOufn. LFLpaN(r
APtlina4 /RAN
' rotin Au010
ArIPOFnN6 taqpSPoNreR

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Precise Broadcasting
New Low Prices on
Three Great Instruments
nized as a supreme achievement by radio en-
gineers. Designed to produce maximum volume,
realistic tone qualities and clear rendition of the low
tones with the absence of distortion. The instru-
ment is compact in design, neat in construction and
appearance, and has a ratio of 4% to 1. We will be
glad to forward on request a copy of our voltage am-
plification chart 1094 which accurately records the
remarkable performance
of this transformer. It is
highly recommended for
use in neu trodyne circuits.

Model 285A 5.75


STAT assures smooth,noiseless, and sensi-
tive control of the filament current. It also
features single hole mounting, single knob
control, zero to thirty ohms resistance, and is
universal for all tubes. The Bakelite drum is
wound with specially. selected resistance wire.
Turning the knob in either direction revolves
the drum, which is guided by a fine pitched
thread on the shaft, thus varying the resistance
in the circuit. Select this instrument for your
set and enjoy increased range, ease of clearing 1.59
up or separating broadcasting stations.
is needless to ask why you solder connections on your radio set
for the same reason you should appreciate the importance of using
a well built switch lever which will give positive wiping contact on the
points and cut down current losses. Our switch lever features a closely
fitted shaft bearing, a spring lever of special design to prevent weaken-
ing or fracturing under long service. The lever radius is 1% inches.
A radio set, like a chain, is no better than its weakest member. Install
this lever in your set and note the difference.
If your dealer cannot furnish these, send us his name or on
receipt of price we will forward you any instrument for ten days
trial and will refund your money on return if unsatisfactory.
` 1



Rochester, -. .. -, New York
No. 305 53 W. Jackson Blvd. Branches 821 Market Street
.35 Chicago, Ill. San Francisco, Cal.
Distributed in Canada-by Perkins Electric, Ltd.
Toronto Montreal Winnipeg

Please nienlion POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.


Look For The

Green Box
PLUGS are the largest selling
round plugs in America
because they are the best.
To eliminate any misunder-
The Last Link standing, CICO PLUGS are
In the Perfection now available at reputable
of the Radio Set dealers' stores in an attractive
and individual GREEN BOX
with the word CICO on it.

Do away with unsightly front of board
contact- points. and instead provide a com-
plete unit for rear of panel mounting to which Be sure you get i
variocoupler taps may be soldered easily. The
Sterling 12 Point Rotary Switch solves one THE PLUG IN
of the radio builder's most vexing problems.
It is the final perfection to assure satisfactory THE GREEN
radio receiving. BOX and you
It is held in place by two mounting screws, will be sure to
the heads of which are covered by the dial.
Knob and dial mounted on adjustable shaft
held by set screws for any thickness of panel get the best plug
inch. This Switch May Be Used
up to
With A Voltmeter For Reading Voltage on the market
On Individual Tube Filament.
Other Sterling
Radio Equipment
Portable Rectifiers Filament Rheostats
Price 60c
Audio & Radio Frequency Transformers
Filament Meters Pocket Voltmeters
"Et" Battery Charging Attachments
Consolidated Instrument
Company of America, Inc.
2854 Prospect Ave. Cleveland, O. 41 East 42nd Street, New York
Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.


With each locality operating its broadcasting station
on its own wave -frequency, the possibilities for listening
in on distant statio`rs are now vastly increased compared
with last year. Many owners of long-distance sets are,
however, discovering that powerful amplification is of
little value so long as local stations are "all over the
dials." Here is the secret of the remarkable growth in
popularity of the FERBEND WAVE TRAP. For ex-
ample, a St. Louis user (name on request) brought in
Havana on his loud speak-
er while three St. Louis
stations were broadcast-
ing. Similar results are uni-
formly obtained in all Unmounted ready for panel
parts of the United mounting
States, with all makes $6.00 Postpaid
and types of receiving sets.

Send in your order now, or write for full information

Do not be misled by imitations. The FERBEND WAVE TRAP is

Mounted on Formica panel in the first inductive as well as the original WAVE TRAP. It is not assem-
Mahogany finished cabinet 6 x 5 x 6 bled haphazardly from standard parts, but is made up of special 'parts
$8.50 Postpaid designed and manufactured by us for the sole purpose for which they are used.

"The Original Wave Filter as

Ferbend Electric Company

21 E. South Water St. Chicago

Pkuse mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Radeco Safety Fuses
"The biggest little thing in radio"
RADIO experts recognize that READ WHAT ONE MAN SAYS
some means of protecting the
delicate filament of vacuum
tubes is necessary. Thousands of tubes 939 Dunlop Avenue
are needlessly burnt out each year. Forest Park, Illinois
Radeco Safety Fuses have been devel- Radio Equipment Company,
oped to prevent this waste. They are Gentlemen: About last January I pur-
endorsed by the leading radio publica- chased some of your Radeco Safely Fuses.
tions. You can now absolutely protect I have never had cause to regret this pur-
the tubes of your set by slipping a chase, because I believe it has saved me many
Radeco Fuse on one of the filament dollars. So I am writing to thank you and
terminals of each of your tubes. will recommend them to my Radio friends.
The fuses have not interfered in any may
Guaranteed not to interfere with the with the operation of my set, and you are
Price 50 cents efficiency of your set. Save money by entirely at liberty to use this letter as an
ordering today one fuse for each of your "ad" for your product, if you should so
each postpaid tubes. Mention type of tube. desire. Wishing you success in your
DEPT. 2 present enterprise, I am,
20 Stuart Street, Boston, Mass. 3fr. Harvey F. Reese.
New England's Oldest Exclusive Radio House
Distributors of many other successful radio specialties
DEALERS: We are going to appoint live distributors. Write for our proposition and full details.

We are now making a 180 degree coupler
which is the last word in coupler construction.
This instrument is made of Red Moulded
Bakelite thruout, including the Bracket. The
only metal used is in the two binding posts
and the shaft to hold the rotor. These are
made of Nickled Brass.
This instrument will not only measure up to
all "RAVEN PRODUCTS" but it will stand
Raven Super 180 Degree Couple,
out on the market as the Best 180 Degree
Catalogue No. B -104 Coupler of the day.


All Instruments are thoroughly inspected before leaving our
factory and any purchase made by a Jobber, Retailer or User Bakelite
Variometer B -101
found defective in any way, will he replaced by us with a BakeliteVario- coupler B -102 +.
new instrument free of charge to the purchaser.
Tickler Coil B -103
Radio jobbers and dealers should write for our prices and Bakelite
180° Coupler B -104
descriptive literature on our complete line.
Bakelite B -106
Wooden Variometer C -101
Wooden Tickler Coil
RAVEN RADIO, Inc. 8A SNeY. C -103

Please mention POPULAR RADIO îfd7eu answering advertisements.

HIS Christmas, you

1 can give theC.I.C.loiid
speaker as a treasured gif t.
Its cost is low -only $14.59
-and its efficiencyisgreat-
er than many loud speak-
ers at twice the price.
It is distinguished by
small size, grace of line,
beauty of tone equal to the
famous C.I.C. head set
and it is unconditionally
guaranteed. Sendforbook-
let-or "Listen to the Dif-
ference" at your dealers. ouch Speaker
\ A booklet will be
sent on request.


Distributed in Canada by Perkins Electric Ltd., Toronto, MONTREAL, Winnipeg
Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Good for 30 days only

Two new subs.

....r..,,,,, (¡t
for only
TAKE advantage of this Special
Offer! It means a big saving
to you.
. ;T yk[r! . .

'iv.I w` fC . :?fa'11F1t;(tiße '

You and a friend of yours may have

¡ . _-
POPULAR RADIO for a whole year,
provided you are both new sub-
Just wrap your check for $3 around
the double coupon and mail it
to -day before the price goes up.
Send 50c for this FADA Soon a subscription for one year
NEUTRODYNE BOOK will cost as much as you need now
pay for these two subscriptions.
It tells in simple language bow to construct a Neutro-
dyne circuit receiver using FADA parts. Nothing is left But you must act at once!
in doubt. Both tour and five tube Neutrodyne airing
diagrams are included. In addition, in the rear of the
book there are both four and five tube full sire paper (Coupon good only until December 15th, 1923)
panel drilling templates.
This Se-page book and the use of FADA Neutrodyne
and standard parts will insure successful Neutrodync
circuit receiver construction. POPULAR RADIO, Dept. 122
9 East 40th Street, New York City
F. A. D. ANDREA, INC. Please send POPULAR RADIO for one year to:
1581 -D JEROME AVE., N. Y. C.



' And also to this other new aubscrib-

I er. Here's my cash remittance- (or
a check or money order for $3.00).




The special FADA Neutrodyne parts including three

(No extra for Canada.
Nentroformers, two Neutrodons and the HOW -TO-
Foreign countries 25 cents
BUILD -IT book sell for $46.00. extra per subscription.)
MEMB 11 1
Nleua'e mention POPULAR RADIO when-answering a(jier(iselKell13.

Awaits the User of the




Wh ..,e A.C.H. is differen, FICULT TUNING EASY
31n. DIAL m,eCx' (16640-I )
4 in. DIAL :,t£if-s (215-t0-1 )

Price 3 inch size $2.50 complete

Price 4 inch size $5.00 complete
Regular fitting 5/16 shaft 1'4 and 3/16, 5 cts. each, extra
Money Back Guarantee
The principal of the A. C. H. Sharp Tuner has only been embodied
on very expensive instruments where the most delicate adjustment
is necessary and then as a permanent part.

Extra Advantage of the A. C. H.

1. Can be attached or removed from any instrument.
2. Rough tuning same as any dial.
3. Movement so fine that the eye cannot detect but the ear cats
4. Automatically locks instrument so no jar can disturb it
5. Dial grounded reducing body capacity to a minimum.
6. Special dial 2 graduations where ordinarily one.
Mail orders sent prepaid in U. S. A.


Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

1I0IfJfiø1Cø NEW!

Million point Mineral WITH A


Reflex Radio
M. P. M.
Reflex Radio Frequency
Absolute precision in THE
the assembling of these VARIOMOTOR
transformers assures re- VARIOCOUPLER
markable range and vol- AND OTHER PARTS
Price ume with positive elim-
$4.50 ination of distortion. The Voisometer is extremely Simple in
Appearance and Operation. You save two
or more parts of a tube set a saving of 70
M. P. M. per cent for the Radio Fan.
Million Point Mineral The only parts used in the Voisometer
Sets are as follows.
Super-sensitive-reproducing VOISOMETER
from every point on its sur- VERNIER RHEOSTAT
face. Greatly increases both GRID LEAD
audibility and radius. Will TUBE SOCKET
Prices not burn out or corrode. VERNIER VARIABLE
35e M. P. M. Crystal is unsur- CONDENSER
Unmounted passed for reception both WITH A COMPLETE WIRING
25c with or without amplification DIAGRAM
Every Voisometer Tested and guaranteed
Detailed working diagram of a successful re-
flex circuit will be sent free with all orders CO-OPERATIVE
for either crystals or transformers. SALES CO.
Dept. P ST. LOUIS. MO.
247 S. Central Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. LIVE DISTRIBUTORS & DEALERS WRITE

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

It's the contact

that counts No. 3023
2 Inch
3Sc, 3 for $1.00
Na -old Special
Socket No. 499
for UV-199 and ACAREFUL examination will show
C -299 Tubes. Price 50c
that each contact in Na -ald sockets
and adapters is of a wiping nature on a
broad surface, and so designed that strong
tension is permanent, no matter how often
the bulbs may be removed or how much
the connecting prongs in the tubes vary.
Na -eld Adapter No. 429
Na -ald Sockets are moulded of Bakelite
For UV -199 and C -299.
Tubes. Price 7Se
with uniform cross -section, cure and other
engineering features incorporated, to
No. 3003 -4
avoid plate to grid losses and to insure that 3 Inch
35c, for 51.00
each tube develops its fullest efficiency. 3

The new Na -ald dials combine rare beauty

of design with highest efficiency in use.
De Luxo No. 400
Price 75c
These dials are moulded from genuine
Condensite in such a way that absorption
losses are reduced to a minimum. Knobs
are so shaped that fingers do not conceal
clear numerals and graduation on the
bevel of Na -ald dials.
Small Space No. 401
35c, 3 for 51.00 Na -ald Circuit Booklet packed with each No 3783 -4
Na -ald product 3% Inch
Price 75c

Write for "Why a Bakelite Socket?" and other

descriptive literature

Alden Manufacturing Company

Manufacturers of sockets and dials for every
radio requirement
Dept. C 52 Willow Street
Springfield, Mass. Ne -ald
Cable Address, Aldenco Knob No.
Na-ald W.D.11 No.411
Price 75c
Price 50c


IIIKa1111I11!iil11IIIIIal:unoulliiilll111116 Iinnnnllinlülllllhilumnl161liItlllünul1

Please InenNon POPULAR RADIO 'When answering advertisements.

extreme selectivity
single tuning adjustment-assuring the greatest degree of program selectivity -
enabling one to tune in desired stations and enjoy their broadcasting without
the slightest sign of interference by other stations, is one of the features of

,á atn
., f;'''''':.)

',1 C p ,'
.a "..

The Tuned Radio Frequency

Melco- Supreme
Amplifying that Receiver also
Operates with merely a 10 FT. WIRE -not even a ground
$ 1 40 1.
necessary. a
2. Offers exceptional CLARITY without the slightest loss of
tone quality.
Coincide Tema -dn'n parts to 3. Affords real LONG DISTANCE by covering all Broadcast-
duCa Including drilled
mahogany ccabinet
navel and solid ing ranges from 180 to OlO meters.
Ws also manufacture complete line of standard parts under
PRICE $90 theA mace Brand. Write for our complete descriptive li e.


New York City
Broome and Lafayette Streets Dept. P.R.


use the Model B
Amplifying Transformer
to secure the greatest efficiency.
Each transformer is guaranteed
to give satisfaction. Order yours
The Victophone Postpaid $7.50
for your Victrola or Columbia at
$7.50 is the equal of :3ome loud
Model B Amplifying speakers costing much more.
Transformer Special fittings can be provided for other makes of phono-
graphs, or the unit can be used with a loud-speaking horn.
$4.00 Postpaid A Victophone is the solution to your loud- speaker problem.
Immediate deliveries.
Manufactured by
J. THOS. RHAMSTINE,* Woodbridge at Beaubien Detroit, Mich.
r Maker of Radio and Electrical Products
Please mention. POPULAR RADio when: answering advertisements.

CONSIDER the vast difference between the methods
of the savage and the marvellous broadcasting of
today. This difference can be stated in one word
Modern broadcasting employs delicate instruments to
transform messages into electricity. Satisfactory reception
requires equally fine apparatus to translate this current
into the original music or spoken word.
Upon your loud speaker or head phones falls the task of
transforming the electric current that flows through your
set into sound. Poorly designed or carelessly constructed
instruments cannot do this with satisfaction to you.
Holtzer-Cabot Phones and Loud Speakers are the per-
fected results of 25 years' specialization in the manufacture
of sensitive electric apparatus.
Holtzer -Cabot Loud Speaker, $25.00
No. 2 Universal Head Phones, 9.50
No. 4 National Head Phones, 6.00
I¡'rite for booklets. "What you should kaon. about
Radio Reception" and "A boner Loud .Speaker."
125 Amory Street, Boston, Mass.
6161-65 South State Street, Chicago, 111.
Department S

Please mention PUPt9.dR RADIO when answering advertisements.

The New "Penn C" Receiver. Type GT 2.

Plenty of volume to operate any good loud speaker

List Price Efficient

$78.50 Regenerative
Accessories Easy to Tune

A Three Tube Set That Stays Sold

Three Other Models
Licensed under Armstrong Patent
No. 1,113,149 Dealers, Write Us

Established 1910



"Regal" Radio Products -Fit for a King

New "REGAL" Items for the 1923 -1924 Season
"Regal" No. 162
New New "Regal" No. 200 New "Regal" No. 120
Double Arm Inductance Audio Frequency Amplifying Vernier
Switch Transformer Rheostat

A 15 Point Switch complete in one Por clearness of tone, amplification of For fine filament control of tubes
unit. No more messy soldering. voice and music from nearby and distant and superfine tuning, the Regal
Vernier stands alone. Nothing
No more drilling of hole. No broadcasting stations, is unequaled by just like it on the market. Com-
more chipped panels. Complete any Transformer on the market plete with Knob:
with hard rubber Knob and Dial 34 to 1 Ratio...... $4.50 6-Ohms $1.25
$1.50 5 to 1 Ratio...... 4.75 30 -Ohms 1.25

If your dealer does not carry "REGAL" Products, write us direct

(Send for Catalog No. 24, showing 30 Big "REGAL" Items)


Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering ud_erlisenzcnts.

Precision Adjustment of Coupling

Brings in Distant Stations
With CURKOID Couplers elusive distant ' CURKOID interchangeable inductances, which
stations can be tuned in easily and to full . slip into these mountings without fuss or
volume. , fumble, are the most efficient inductances yet
devised. They are wound in the form of the
CURKOID Couplers give you eight times more curtate epitrochoid -a circle with a constantly
accurate control over regeneration than the progressing center. Adjacent turns are widely
average variometer and variocoupler. You separated yet the winding is concentrated over
can take full advantage of regeneration when a limited area, giving minimum distributive
receiving distant stations without risk of hav- capacity and an intense magnetic field. Every
ing your set oscillate at the very point of maxi- CURKOID inductance, no matter how many
mum volume. turns, has the same inside and outside diame-
ter. Minimum resistance, minimum distribu-
Coils mounted on CURKOID Couplers tive capacity and maximum inductance give
move but one four hundredth of an inch for each the greatest efficiency and selectivity.
graduation of the dial. The accurately made CURKOID Dual and Triple Couplers are
and finely finished worm drive moves the coils adapted for use with any circuit.
over a range of four inches. This gives you
looser coupling than you can obtain with any Send ten cents for booklet showing how to
existing form of mounting. Yet when the make single and coupled circuit sets, tuned
coils are as close together as the mounting per- and untuned radio frequency, neutrodyne,
mits, it is practically equivalent to conductive regenerative, super -regenerative, the Cock -
aday, Reinartz and other sets.

The CURKOID Radio Frequency Unit solves the radio frequency problem. It is the only radio
frequency unit which has adjustable coupling and is adapted to any make of tube and wavelength
by means of CURKOID Interchangeable Coils. Ideal for tuned and untuned radio frequency.
CURKOID Coils give maximum transformation of energy without the usual capacity and resist-
ance losses. Enjoy real efficiency and absolute control of your radio frequency amplifier by using
a CURKOID worm driven adjustable coupler with CURKOID inductances.

RIEGER RESEARCH Radio Frequency Mounting
Triple coupler
.. 7.50
CORPORATION 20K inductance $1.40 50K inductance 1.60
114 WEST 44th STREET 25K
NEW YORK (Made up to 1500K)_ .
Please mention. POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Distributors for
Radio Corporation of America
Grebe Western Coil
Atwater Kent Magnavox
Brandes Burgess
Murdock Gould
Nath. Baldwin Eveready
Western Electric
All American
For All Batteries
Signal Howard
Chelsea Eby
Cutler- Hammer Bradley
and other standard manufacturers The one charger which re- charges
We carry a comprehensive stock of the lat- all radio storage batteries -2-volt
est receiving sets, parts and supplies of the peanut tube batteries,6-volt A Bat-
leading manufacturers, and ship from stock
eries, 6 and 12 volt Automobile
FREE Illustrated, Batteries, and 1 to 4 B Batteries.
CATALOG on iequeot
It's the new Valley Type A B C
DEALERS: Buy reliable equipment from a Battery charger.
house of established reputation. Send for catalog
of tested and approved apparatus, and our dis- Plugs into regularelectric light sock-
count sheet.
ets. Takes about a dime's worth of
JULIUS ANDRAE & SONS CO. current for an average charge.
127 Michigan St., Milwaukee, Wis. A lot of people were disappointed
AtV UP2 AE InBasin ^rs
Since 1860 last year because we could not make
enough Valley Chargers. We are
making more this year,butwith the
improvements, they will be in great-
AMPL -TONE er demand. Don't miss out. At all
good radio dealers.
3157 S. Kingshighway - St. Louis, Mo.

100 Miles or Morro
ALWAYS FRESH LearnHOW voucanl¡et
s Vacuum Tube Rodio Set.
Sample to dealers $3.20 rABSOLUTEL
arown..ay -.h.l It
This is our only De IS62

I entire product
t sells our
Merit does the rest for us FRANIINGHANI
SEYMOUR, CONN. Ask Your Dealer
Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.


Comes With The Use Of The


because nothing is lost from

the original broadcasting
Not only is it easily possible to dis-
tinguish the words of the speaker, but
also the minute graduations in pitch,
timbre and quality of overtones which
distinguish individual voices.
The Audiophone is complete and self -
contained-needs no separate battery or
other accessories -goes to you ready for
use on connecting to your receiving set.
It will prove a source of lasting pride and
Audiophone Sr. Price $82.50
Audiophone Jr Price 22.50

If greater volume is desired, over what you already obtain, use
the Bristol One Stage Power Amplifier. No C Battery required
Price $25.00




Waterbury, Conn.
Please send me without cost or obligation Street and No.
to myself, Bulletins Nos. 3006 and 3011 -L
on Bristol Audiophone and One Stage
Power Amplifier. City State

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

.t--L l 1 t

T URN the dial of a Rathbun Condenser and notice the
absolute lack of side or end play, and the perfect align-
ment of plates at every point. Yet it turns easily and
smoothly because of the extra long brass bearings. Such
bearings wear longer so that Rathbun Condensers retain their
INSERTING SHAFT positive alignment indefinitely. Send for the name of the near-
mss: est Rathbun dealer and folder that explains all the points of
Rathbun Superiority.


5 Plate .000125 $3.00 3 Plate .000075 $1.00
11 ' .00025 3.00
23 ' .0005 3.50 COMBINATION
43 " .001 4.50 VERNIER TYPE
3.11 VernierVariable $4.50
3.23 5.00
3 -43 " " 6.00


Jamestown, New York


Ideal Filament Control

Over All Receiving Tubes
(Also 5 Watt Power Tubes)

Complete vernier action over entire

Non -packing fibrous cushion type of
resistance variation.
Positively silent in operation.
RESIST q O q METER Size back of panel, 23/8", diameter F 8
PRICE $1.80

SCHOLES RADIO & MFG. CORP., 32 W. 18th St., N.Y.

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering adverlisemenls.

.n....ca. nccw.

The Most Practical Set For

Low Wave Specialists
Are you having trouble getting short wave signals? The
WC -5 -SW shown above picks up signals on wave lengths from
90 to 380 meters sharp and clear. It is built by and for short
wave specialists. The price is $85.00.

WC -5 -SW
Built especially for Transmitting Amateurs
The WC -5 -SW is a 4 tube set. One stage current. Tuned Radio Frequency sharp-
of tuned Radio Frequency amplification est known and most selective principle
is employed ahead of the detector to make ever adopted. Plate potential non- criti-
it super- sensitive. Two stages of audio cal. Mono -block tube socket. No grid
frequency are used to bring up the signal plate leads on audio amplifiers. Audio
strength. Uses any type of tubes. Gives amplification absolutely necessary when
perfect control of audibility. Detector using low efficiency receiving antenna, i.e.,
rectifies only. Uses antenna compensa-
ting condenser. Only two control ad- underground or indoor. Mahogany cab-
justments. Pure negative biasing on all inet, piano rub finish. Rabbited -in panel.
tubes, thus marked saving on B Battery Split lid cover.

Write for complete description and illustrated folder on

this practical set for low wave specialists. All trans-
mitting amateurs will be interested in this literature.


222 Main St. La Crosse, Wis.

Please menlion POPULAR RADIO [then answering adlvertisenienls.

A New Discovery! It charges

isobtained without noises through them all
Variable Resistance Leaks
by connecting between plate and Grid of the
tube as disclosed by the sensational
New Kaufman Circuit No.2
Only the Knob
Shows on
the Panel
A Battery Charger that em-
ploys no contacts that stick and
Absolutely No give trouble, no liquids nor bulbs
-yet charges 6 volt batteries at
Pencil Markings 5 to 7 amperes and also charges
ta volt batteries and from t to 4
BASE TYPE "B" batteries at a time. Beauti-
ful metal rase -panel with con-
Freshman Resistance Leaks are especially built for venient terminals for each size
nee as tuning instrumenta: Construction is such that battery and Weston Ammeter.
they will withstand unusual usage, Freshman Leaks If it doesn't charge 'em all. It
give an unbroken range of 180 degrees from 0 to 5 zst isn't a
megohms. Absolutely guaranteed. Enables you to
get stations you've heard before.
Either Type Handy Charger
Complete with either .00025 or .0005 odd. Mica Condenser. $1.00 List $18.00
Without Condenser 75e
At your dealers- otherwise send purchase price
and you will be supplied without further charge.
Interstate Electric
Ask your dealer or write direct for free diagram
showing how you can convert your single tube cir-

K ,r. Company
of St. Louis, Mo.
cuit into the ne ione! Kaufman Circuit No. 2. 4015 Laclede Avenue

as. Freshman Inc.

2adio Condenser Woducts EASTERN COIL SETS
FPTone Tested

Radio Headsets

(4 Circuit Tuner)
:tre now a standard, and in universal use, due to
their efficiency in this wonder circuit.
dads as per speetfieations of Me. Corkaday, using No. 18 wire
with D roil bank -wound.

THE lowest-priced art quality headset on the market today.

Compare costing r iroi is
f satisfied. Our guarantee
Send 53.00 by registered melt or money order. Ray look -up, directions and material list furnished FREE with
direct of us and save the difference. We ship. postage pre- each set of coils.
paid, same day order in received. Ask for our
Free Catalog of Radio Parte Mail Orders Filled. Dealers Communicate.
2 Elmwood Providence. R. I.' 22 Warren Street, Dept. P. R. NEW YORK, N.V.

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Will your battery stay

for the concert ?

THERE is nothing more two low- voltage A batteries,

exasperating than a bat- consisting of one and two

tery that "signs off" just when cells. They are designed specifi-
you are enjoying a splendid cally for WD -11 and UV -199
radio concert. vacuum tubes, and are right
A good A battery should in line with recent develop-
supply uniform filament cur- ments in radio receiving.
rent during a long period of The two -volt Exide A Bat-
discharge. Frequent recharg- tery will heat the filament of a.
ing and replacements take all quarter - ampere tube for ap-
the fun out of radio receiving. proximately 96 hours. The '

When you hook up your set to an Exide A four-volt Exide A Battery will heat the filament
Battery you'll appreciate what ungrudging bat- of a 60 milli- ampere tube for 200 hours.
tery service means. You'll be impressed time
and again with the value of its ample capacity - Exide B Battery
rating and the smooth, unvarying flow of cur- Current from the new
rent that it delivers to your tubes. Exide B Battery is full -
powered and noiseless.
Features you will appreciate It is free from fluctua-
From its heavy, well -made plates to its con- tions that cause hissing
venient terminal binding posts, every detail of and crackling sounds in
the Exide's construction is designed to help you your phones. When you
get better reception. Vent plugs that may be tune in distant stations
inserted or removed by a single twist of the wrist you know that your sat-
make it an easy matter isfaction will not be marred by imitation static
to add water or test that sounds as though a heavy electrical storm
the battery. A deep were in progress.
sediment space in the You don't have to put up with a battery that
bottom of each cell discharges quickly. Go to any radio dealer or
eliminates danger of in- Exide Service Station and ask for Exide A and
ternal short circuits or B Batteries.
reduced life. Wood If your dealer cannot supply you with free
separators of the same booklets describing the complete Exide line of
fine quality that are radio batteries, write to us.
found in the Exide automobile batteries insulate

the plates from one another and also contribute
to the battery's long life. A stout detachable
handle across the top of the battery- makes
it extremely easy to carry.
Two low-voltage A batteries
The Exide line has been extended to include RADIO I3ATTERIES
Oldest and largest manufacturers in the world of storage batteries for every purpose
Service Stations Everywhere Branches in Seventeen Cities
Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Fall in Line
RayCoils "A" for
Reinartz, Ray
Coila "B" for RCS
and Ultra Audion
Circuits, RayCoils
"C" for RCS Ultra
Audion and Tuned
for All.- Circuits.

EVEN THE EXPERTS LOOK A =$2.50 Use the RCS Circuit with or without
Radio Frequency for Simplicity in opera-
B = 2.00 tion and results. Not equalled by any
C= 2.00 set for volume and distance.
This I80° Multi-Coupler is splendidly built,
Bankwound, with a wave length of 800 meters; S Coils in Separate Box
Soldered Leads, Bankwound Stator on genuine Bake- With Wiring Diagram
lite Tubing, Kiln Dried Rotor, Fahnestock Spring Working Blue Prints of four sheets 12 z 18 of all
Gip Connections, Aluminum Mounting Base, Non- standard circuits, such as The Variometer, Reinartz
and RCS one and three tube sets. SO cents a set.
conductive Adhesive.
If your dealer cannot reapply you, lend direct to su
U.S. d.
will mail ttum post paid anywhere in the

For sale at your dealer's-otherwise send the $4.50 directly

to the Manufacturer and you will bo supplied postpaid.
G. H. FISCHER & CO. Major Q. M.R. C.
123 Liberty Street New York City ELGIN, ILL.

UJ NSIRS The Three Best

Radio Bargains
All good dealers carry Murdock Radio
Apparatus because it is standard the
world over -made right-priced right.
If your dealer cannot supply you,
send your order direct.
Precisely Lat . arts MURDOCK
InsureExact alignment Will give you better
satisfaction than
Absolutely complete.
A clear toned, prac-

The bearings, where continued use first tests phones costing more tical loudspeaker at a
the quality of a condenser, in U. S. Tool money and will last very low price. You

Condensers are machined as carefully as the longer. Now priced at should have one. (Not
parts of the finest precision instruments. The suited to crystal sets.)
main rotor shafts fits its bearings with just a $4.00 and
micrometer determined space between to give
smooth, frictionless turning, but without
$4.50 $5.00
enough space to allow side or end play. Con-. NEW MURDOCK PLUG JACK
sequently wear is reduced to insignificance.
You need one of these. It enables you to connect
Another reason why all U. S. Tool Conden-
sers are so unconditionally guaranteed. four pairs of headphones at once.
Low in price, but of best quality. 4P
el .00
Write for booklet and the name of
your nearest dealer.
Wm. J. Murdock Co.
II.S.TOOI4 116 MechanícSt 354 Mass.
Washington Ave., Chelsea,
COMPANY-plc' 7k warh,.N.J. Sales Offices: Chicago and San Francisco

. /.'ease mention POPULAR RADIO. when answering advertisements.

EARS of scientific achievement anticipated
! Mu -RAD MA-17. A new
in this super set, the
sensitivity, greater distance, fuller volume -with
the absolute simplicity and substantial construction
of the famous Mu-RAD MA-13. Most recently
discovered principles are embodied and the future
thoughtfully considered in the designing of the
MU -RAD MA-17.
Three stages of radio and two of audio frequency amplifica .

tion and detector. One tuning dial and two selecting dials,
each independent of the other. Plug -in type r. f. trans-
formers to care for changes of tube type or wave lengths.
Panel- mounted volt-meter for quick reading of A and B
batterea. Solid mahogany, Adam Brown hand- rubbed finish
cabinet with loop fitted into top and compartment in base
fcr "B" batteries. Guaranteed for 1000 miles reception using
only a 2 -foot loop.



Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Last Chance to Subscribe to

Popular Radio at the Old Price!
Fill out the coupon below, and
save from one to three dollars
IN its improved and enlarged form, extend your present subscription for one
POPULAR RADIO now sells for 25 cents or two years at these low rates, thus in-
on the newsstands. The addition of 56 suring yourself of all the helpful hints and
more pages of reading matter beginning practical suggestions, interesting articles,
with the November issue, makes POPULAR new hook -ups, and the wealth of timely in-
RADIO the biggest value for the money that formation on all phases of radio which will
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And although the newsstand price has during the months to come.
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can now get TWO YEARS of POPULAR rapid developments in this fascinating
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means a saving to you of $3. In other when constructing and improving a set
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(This offer holds good only until December 15th, 1923)

This Coupon Saves You $1.00 to $3.00
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(No extra for Canada. Foreign, ONE YEAR, $2.25: TIFO YEARS, $s.so).

Please mention POPULAR'RADIO when-answering advertisements.

?,um IglPÜlllf

The World's Standard Loud Speaker

You Never Tire

of the Amplion
THE most striking thing
about the Amplion is that
its reproduction is never tiring.
Its perfect rendition, absence
of harshness gives you a thrill
that is pleasing and refreshing.
No matter if it's voice or instrument,
the charm is there. The message has
lost nothing in its flight through space.
It holds you and enthralls you just as
if you were listening to the original.
The Amplion is made in several
sizes to suit all occasions and pocket
hooks from $18 for the Junior model to
$66 for the Concert type
Ask your dealers to let you hear the
Amplion. You owe it to yourself to hear
the world's standard loud speaker be-
fore you buy.
'Folder of styles and prices on request.

Signal Electric Mfg. Co. Amplion

Sole U. S. Distributors
Menominee, Mich. AR-19
Canadian DiAtribi,rnrn
172 Fina Street. W..

flmplion Junior.
DeLusc AR-45 Amplion Portable
$26.00 AR-6I-$50.00
.. \dsí-w:..°.cdMé°A.li'%iaa"^E16á:?í6!_. '=dq4.°5'dáG/.ç:6,n`_:ó°'^.Q.
The Supremacy of the AMPLION is the Supremacy of Actual Performance
Iltafilnmun;mlummnm?uMnmaE1mfl1n(11mn1munl In V
1llnllíl Ill Ill IIIIIIIIIIIIIhkd

Please mention POPULAR RADIO wizen answering advertisements.


E+ .

ARREST(R8 75c - a R4,D


$2.00 I. $2.00 THIS IS FULL SIZE -AND

riallie yearrtire e.thé hómés hi hiT
4. efShi
p ..
ji uxruo 'vacuum
Thin rn
!'ire Iln,lerwrirere. Car, be installed ont -doors.
to lues. Inetsll one in your serial lead now-
radio arrester is backed by ai years experience
(n liyh.i:n car. ign.
t'or enl., 5,,sUenieraavrywh ere, or sent po.Pydd for $5.00.
ware mr cucnwr.
ElectricServiceSuppliesCo, ARE OBTAINABLE. FITS
Philadelphia Charles E. Bonine
Monadnock 1110f. Unlea
60 Cburcb St., ew
k 20 So. 15th St. Philadelphia

Long Distance
` fie Saturn
That's where; "Above the Ordinary"
Radio Products
Automatic Plug
Terminal tips inserted, or removed in a
moment. Perfect electrical connec-
tion without taking apart or solder -
ing. Your satisfaction with the
Saturn Automatic Plug unreser-
vedly guaranteed.
RULES Perfect Jack
A difficult soldering job made easy by crow-
SUPREME foot offset and solder -flex compound on blades.
Brass brackets, nickel -plated, with rounded
corners. Blades of spring German Silver.
Solid silver contact points. Right in every
Price $22.00 detail.
List Prices
Pick up the Drake Hotel, Chicago, on any No. 1 Single Circuit, Open 50c
good set. Plug in a Pathe Loud Speaker. No. 2 closed 55c
You'll get it as clear and loud as a local station. No. 3 Double " ... 70c
No speaker can compare with a Pathe for No. 4 Single Filament control 75c
No. 5 Double 80e
ar . , .
distant work. That's why thousands of
Neutrodyne owners have bought a Pathe Write for Folder
the best at any price. The SATURN Mfg. & Sales Co.
Every Pathe Loud Speaker is Guaranteed
48 Beekman St.
20 Grand Avenue 533 South Wabash Avenue
Brooklyn, N. Y. Chicago, Ill.

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.


Get the Maximum Out of

Your Receiving Set

No. 80

No. 90


YOUR Set will tune sharper, thereby eliminating troublesome interference and
will bring in stations you have never heard before.
ALL insulation is moulded bakelite. Great wavelength range -100 -600 metres.
No sliding contacts, therefore no objectionable noises. May be used for table or panel
mounting. Variometer contains a built -in Vernier, an exclusive Chelsea feature.
Variocoupler contains individual binding posts for all taps.
Complete with Chelsea grade 3U -inch dials.
Prices, $8.00
Variable Condensers with Vernier $4.25 to $6.75 Rheostats $1 00 and $1.40
Variable Condensers . . . . 2.50 to 5.00 Tube Sockets 50
Audio Transformers . . 3.75 and 4.50 Dials 40 45, 50
.Write for our large rataingne, No. 3, which illustrates and describes the complete line of
Chelsea Res-siring Sets and Parts


739 Boylston St., Boston, Mass.

-Please mention POPULAR RADlo token answering adterttser c.tsis.

(Trade Mart)
Primary, Secondary and

phone plus a
Variable Condenser

makes a beautiful
musical instrument

The highest tonal quality undisturbed by

either rnetalliz noises or distortion is best No. Price
obtainable with afiber horn. This o
factor the reason for Fibertoni s popu-
larity. And the low pries for such fi
Indispensable for construction of Radio Sets
ration of the radio world. the
beautiful crystalline finish of the Fibertone Just add a rheostat and socket and
fits it for any place where the finer things you have a completo regenerative set.
of the home are seen.
If your dealer cannot supply you write
FIBER PRODUCTS COMPANY Saves Labor -Space -Money
Serves as the main tuning device for all regenera-
.'.4 Orange St. Bloomfield, N.J. tive circuits, reflex circuits and the Horne "Com-
bined Tuned radio frequency and reflex" circuits.
Other units for Reinartz, Cockaday, Flewelling
and other circuits.

Booklet of 14 circuits free with each device.
At your dealer or postpaid on receipt
of purchase price. Write for leaflet.
Mercer & Colgate Sts. Jersey City, N. J.



Or, sent car-

Price $7 riage charges
Ask p u: collect.
dealer. (Wt. 1 lb.)

AMERTRAN Hem is a tiny efficient instrument for controlling

the filament temperature of U. V. 199 or similar
AUDIO TRANSFORMER tubes. It has a nichrome resistance unit, polished
nickel finish, Bakelite knob and pointer, and Is
-recognized by the Radio Profession as the arranged for one hole panel mounting in a very
small space:
Turn ratio, 5:1. Amplification
ratio, 30-40 times audibility in the can be mounted on any radio frequency set in
serles with the potentiometer as a vernier adjust-
flat part of the curve. ment and is worth its weight in gold as a critical
Send for Circular 1005 control for regeneration.
American Transformer Company
Designers and haitders of radio
transformers for orer 23 years. MARTIN -COPELAND COMPANY
175 Emmet St., Newark, N. J. Providence, R. I., U. S. A.
Please mention POPULAR RADIO wizen answering advertisements.

Type RB -2 Price $135.00

Announcing a
New Paragon Receiver
-the Ideal Family Christmas Gift
What could be a more wonderful Christmas gift than a radio receiving
set that you know is the best money can buy? Think of the pleasure
it will bring to every member of the family, young and old. Think of
the happiness it will mean to you every night of the year.
PARAGON Radio Receivers are famous Expedition frozen in above the Arctic
as the three circuit pioneers which have Circle.
proved their superiority by eight years of The operation of the new PARAGON
practical operation. receiver is so materially simplified that
The newest PARAGON, pictured above, even in the hands of a novice it equals in
is the last word in sensitivity and selectiv- every way the performance of the older
ity. The superiority of this type over all type in the hands of an expert.
other classes of receiving equipment has All cabinet work is of mahogany with a
been thoroughly proved by the long list of brown mahogany finish. All metal parts
distance records which it holds. Included in showing, inside as well as outside of the
these records are the reception of the first cabinet are nickel plated. 98% of the wir-
transcontinental amateur message, the re- ing is invisible. The whole outfit is com-
ception of the first trans -Atlantic message, pact, neat, solidly built, and finely finished.
and the unbi -ken communication which it It is the ideal Radio receiver and the ideal
has maintained with the McMillan holiday gift.
An illustrated catalog of Paragon Radio Products is yours for the asking
Dealers: We believe in the proper distribution of Paragon Radio Products. Our Exclusive Dis-
tributors are particularly interested in territorially protected dealers, who will concentrate, solicit
and serve the consumer in the sale of Paragon Radio Receivers. If interested, write us for details.
ADAMS -MORGAN CO., 20 Alvin Avenue, Upper Montclair, N. J.



,411- 401i 411* +41* 4r*- -0010- ,M*- «/4- .0/4-.Mt- 400- 401-
Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Christmas Gift
$ .00



Any adjustment made in a moment -fixed

instantly! Holds indefinitely, until you
wish to change, then -"A Twist of the Wrist,
It's Set." Ideal for reflex and other circuits.
Write for folder and name of your t dealer
Dealers and Jobbers -Write
for Attractive Proposition
Wholesale Radio Equipment Company
At Your Dealer's or Direct Exclusive Factory Representatives
RADIOCEIVE MFG. CO. 36 William Street Newark, N. J.


Lowest Price
O em
TONE -like
LIFE -2000 to 3000 hours
u n e
silver bell.
z celled.

It's Fun to Fish OPERATES-,on dry cell

or storage battery.
fishing for a spot on your detector Voltage 2 3 S
net. " n.an lion os IS .2s
is no pl at all DETECTOR

is always set and ready for use.
or replacements.
No adjusting
The most satisfactory,

Fil.Volt.2 te4 r
One Price


Everry *ere


always sensitive, guaranteed detector.

At your dealer's or direct upon receipt of -2 FI Am- .06 t ..ee. t.. r,m ..r.a.
,1 r.


Write for free booklet with new reflex Rook-ups.

RANDEL WIRELESS COMPANY 1 IIIIIInl I IM IN .j Cl. & T. Electric Cc:p:ntien

a,aiiss New Teri
4 Central Avenue, Newark, N. J. T1 1 f v rl.n

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.




CATALOGUE No. 110 $6.50

The automatic selector switch is designed to do awu with jacks and gives both phone
and filament control. The phones or loud speak r remain permanently connected
and it is only necessary to push the various buttons to shift from detector to one
step or two steps or vice versa.
This switch is entirely automatic in its operation. It is built of first class material
throughout, all springs are made from phosphor bronze, all contacts made of sterling
We can make immediate shipments from stock

255 Atlantic Ave. Boston, Mass.
Pacific Coast Office: 709 Mission St., San Francisco Export Office: 44 Whitehall St., New York

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Warren Radio loop,

cut away to show

'r'' BDXX has higher dielectric strength
than is ever required in radio.
Perfect for panels!

bakelite Laminated Phenolic- Condensation Material)

Keep Your Set Small
A WARREN Radio Loop
the most compact loop
It is theonly good insulator having amazing
mechanical strength- yet readily machinable
like metals.
aerial, will fit inside your cabinet, under a Tough, durable, super-resistant. Resists water
and solvents. Won't warp.
table in almost any odd space. Remove the Ask any electrical man to get Bakelite -Dilecto
unsightly, dangerous, troublesome, old -fash- (xx grade) cut to size for you.
ioned outside antenna. A Warren Radio Loop
simplifies, increases efficiency, and makes your THE CONTINENTAL FIBRE CO.
set more useful. Factory: Newark, Delaware
Dealer Service From:
Type A- 737 1300 -700 meten) 8 inches posre- non- dinetional $10
Type A -7238 1175 -1000 meters) 8 inches square- non-direction.l New York, 233 Broadway
Type B -2537 1000 -700 meter.) 18 inches square -directional
Type Bt.2520 )200.08.000 meten) with honeycomb coil mounting
18 lnche. ,quere- direction.i

Send for Bulletin 1.102

$2. X Pittsburgh. 301 Fifth Ave.
Chicago. 332 S. Michigan Ave.
San Francisco. 75 Fremont St.
Loa Angeles, 411 S. Main St.
Seattle, 1041 Sixth Ave.. S.
V -GE -CO RADIO MFG. CO.. peat. F, Asbury Park, N. J.
The Ideal Gift
For Your Radio Friend

F. O. B.
For Radio Aerial
Type 6 charges 6 Installation
Volt Storage Bat-
tery from any 110
Volt 60 Cycle lamp
socket at average THE BULL DOG MAST SEAT
rate of 6 amperes, FILLS A LONG FELT WANT by enabling anyone to in-
or over if battery stall a firm and rigid mast, on either a peaked or metal
needs it. ridge roll type of roof, with ordinary tools found around
the home, thereby eliminating customary trouble, labor
Scarcely a gift you could think of will bring and expense. Supplying neat, substantial construction
more genuine appreciation than the satisfaction throughout the entire aerial.
obtained from an F-F Battery Charger. Seat for t3V mast, hinged type... ....... ......$3.00
Buy from your dealer. If he cannot supply Seat for t Ni" mast, peaked type, plain.......... 2.50
you, write for literature or enclose remittance Seat for le mast, peaked type, plain.......... 2.00
covering express or postal charges on 9 lbs. Seat for IA" mast, flat base........... 2.50
IT'S FREE -Write for Bulletin No. 44 Jobbers and distributers write for discounts
The France Mfg. Co. MAST SEAT MFG. CO.
10444 Berea Road Cleveland, Ohio
Pioneer Manateeturer. of Patented Ba y Ch 121 5TH ST. S. E.

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

The link lemon Malern to

seem, "I'tn ON -don's fors
set tail" Saves both tubes
and benefits.

If You Use the New Tubes You

The CH Radio Suite/lean be i nsadied

any in only a few minutes.
746 inch hole is requited.
Large, convenient birdmg posts with
Certainly Need This C -H Switch
cupped washers make waiting easy.
There is No Filament Glare to Remind You When the Current
is ON -The Little Nickeled Button Takes Its Place

There is no easier, safer way to protect any tubes than by plat

inga C -H Radio Switch directly in the "A" battery circuit. Then
you can always be certain, when you push in the sparkling nickel
button, that the current is completely of throughout the set.
But with the new tubes, this little convenience becomes a
The heavy capacity of the C-H Radio necessity. There is no filament glare to remind you, and unless
Switch makes it suitable for a great
number of radio control application. a C -H Radio Switch button projects to say,"l'm On, don't for-
its perfect mechanism is the result of
mose than fifteen nt by
get me," you may easily do so at the cost of tubes and batteries.
the famous CHrn y'deoelopme
g specialists
in electrical control.
See your dealer today. Have him show you the Radio Switch
in the orange and blue box -and look for the C -H trade mark.
Then you can be sure that it has the famous C -H wiping knife-
blade contact that cleans itself and holds a perfect connection
so as not to introduce microphonic noises when used in the
most delicate circuits. It only takes a few minutes to install on
any panel and adds hours of pleasure. If your dealer is not yet
The Genuine Curler. Hammer Radio stocked, send 6oc plus I oc for packing and you will be sup-
Switch 1, sold only in the orange and
blur carton, marked plainly with the plied promptly.
C.H Trademark. There a nowt/twist.
-earn the Cutler. Hammes
could not build a switch to eet radio
<qo, emenu and sell for less.
Morales Radio Section, Auociated Manufacturers of Electrical Sappeia

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

AA B. T.
, -AND
1. Vernier control
100% Efficiency hitherto unobtain-
from Your Tubes 2. Unequalled results
There 's no substitute for the Premier "Micro - in single circuit
stat " -no other instrument that gives such per-
act control l' d tote
co tro of thee ccurrent delivered h fila-
ment of radio tubes. New principle -two windings
in parallel-one 6 ohm-other 40 ohm. Absolutely
noiseless.. Infinite control- handles any tube -
- $5.00 regenerative Ultra
Audion, etc.
Replaces .

Cap. 3 amp. Bakelite moulded- silver etched

dial. Do not install a rheostat until you know 3. Tapped Reinartz
all about the "Microstat." Our Bulletin No. 97 Coils.
explains it in detail. Send for it. It's FREE.
4. Selective and effi-
prrmirr Elrrfrir pompang cient for Reflex
and R. F. Hook-
3807 Ravenswood Ave. Chicago ups.
Our new Booklet. "Better Tuning," will help you.
It includes valuable information and new photo-
Ask your Dealer for PREMIER diagrams. Sent on receipt of 10c-free with each tuner.
Bremer -Tully Mfg. Company
534 S. Canal St., - - Chicago, Ill.
munuummnnnnnnnmounnninininmmi nnninni mw uunininnununnnnwi inun nuunmmmmnnnmmuni

$18.50 q $4.50
No. 201 A
A complete loud speaker of
superior qualities. Will Special for UV201 -A,
reproduce music or speech C301, and WDI2 tubes.
with no distortion. Plunger control accu-
No extra batteries re- rately variable from 2
quired. Will operate at to 10 megohms. Only
one or more stages of am-
plification. 75c at dealers.
Comes complete with 6
foot cord. 24" high -14"
bell-Crystalise Finish.
Loud Speaker Unit
with special phono-
graph attachment
$8.00. Can be attached to any horn
or phonograph arm. Durham Base, 30c
We are the makers of the "Royalfone ". FREE folder tells how variable grid
King of All headset at $4.50. leaks work. Ask your dealer for copy
Royal Electrical Laboratories DURHAM& CO,IñC..
Dept P. R., Newark. N. J.
1936 Market St.. Philadelphia
Km. /

/ /
Dealers' When
customer comes back -
what you sell gets better results. the
for more DURHAMS

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.



An Adapter for UV-199 and

C-299 Radiotrons which sup-
plies the required resistance
It necessary to use
is no longer
an extra resistance coil, in series
with low resistance rheostats
and the substitution of a high
resistance rheostat is a needless
The change to UV-199 and C -299
tubes may be made by simply
connecting to a filament battery
of proper voltage and inserting
this combination Resistance -
(1) Contact at tube terminals ohms) is counter -sunk in a
is positive. Steel spring suD- deep groove, assuring thor-
plements tension of phosphor ough protection from me-
bronze contacts. chanical injury.
i2) Design of Spring and (5) Projecting knurled edge
method of mounting contacts
gives low distributed ca- simplifies insertion and re-
pacity. moval of Adapter.
(3) First quality insulation, (6) like all other Eisemana
moulded in one piece, re- Products, this unit will be
duces leakage to a minimum. found to be thoroughly effi-
(4) Resistance element (18 cient and high grade.

Ask Your Dealer For It

Price, $1.25


William N. Shaw, President
Detroit Chicago San Francisco

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Revolutionary Construction
Gives Increased Efficiency In
There are only two spring bronze plates, separated by mica
and scientifically formed to properly control the capacity
csrve. The result is elimination of high resistance and mov-
ling contacta, and reduction of radio frequency and di-electric
osses. Beautifully hntshed genuine bakelite dial and base.
Easier to Adfwe
than vernier. Two
complete revolutions of
24 $8.25 RADIO "B"
diial (72 0degrees move- V
ment) lÌ wide
range for fine adjust-
ment. making accurate
tuning easy and more SENECA P d BATTERY
stations possible.
Saves Space
Mount. entirely on
front of panel, leaving
Absolutely Quiet Dry Charged
more room behind far The Seneca 24 Volt Radio B Battery is designed and con-
other instruments.

tubed, B batteries, etc.

structed for long life, absolutely quiet and uninterrupted
service, its separate cell assembly prevents current leakage
More Efficient common to other types. Seneca Batteries are shipped DRY
in radio frequency. re- with FULLY CHARGED PLATES and are ready for service
flex, eutrodyne and
other critical circuits.
immediately after addition of acid, without initial charging.
Improves any c uit They guarantee successful RADIO OPERATION. Send
requiring 11 to 43 plate for yours today, if not satisfactory, return in 30 Days and
condenser. money refunded.
For those who wish to build their own B battery we offer
If your dealer has no Brockway Variable Condenser in Genuine Seneca Battery Parts at 50e each, consisting of one
stock, ask him to order for you; or well send postpaid
on receipt of price with dealer's name and address. each Pos. and Neg. DRY CHARGED plates, one Separator,
one Glass Jar, one Cover with Gasket and Vent, and one
Price $3.50 Cell Connector. Shipped via P. P. prepaid upon receipt
of price.
Factories Bldg., TOLEDO, OHIO - - Buffalo, N. Y.
1525 Main Street

TYPE R -B -4

R. M. C. Diamond Weave
Variocoupler and
Variometer This is the set you have been looking for,
Due to diamond weave eonsrnmtion and the fact
that f. of the total area of windings are supported
In mid -air, capacity and dielectric losses are re- and the one that you need.
duced to a minimum in R. M. C. Vari',meters end
Variocouplers. The rotor Is continuously variable.
These products may be used in any circuit where
Having one stage Radio Frequency, Tuned
a high grade coupler or varlometer is required. Impedance, Detector and Two Stages of
All metal parts are nickel- plated. Panel mount- Audio Frequency.
ing requires very small space. Screw holes cov-
ered by 2" dial.
R. M. C. products are built for the finest sets that All apparatus mounted on panel 10 inches
can be constructed.
Variocoupler $4.25
high, 21 inches long, and set in panel
Vviometer $4 25 cabinet 10 x 21 x 10 inches deep.
Write for catalog of other diamond weave coils,
and Radio Frequency Transformer. Price $125.00 without tubes or batteries
of Springfield, Massachusetts WIRELESS ELECTRIC CO.
Dept. B 97 Dwight Street
204 Stanwix St. Pittsburgh, Pa.
Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

How Lively Is YourB" Battery?

Some people buy Eveready "B" Batteries
oftener than other people. This is because
each fan has different tastes and desires in
the life of your radio"
radio receiving. Those that demand maxi-
mum volume-and to get it use many tubes,
forcing them to the limit with high voltages The Metal Case Eveready
"B" Battery, No. 766. The
on the plates-are eager and frequent popular 22% -volt Eveready
buyers of these batteries. Battery in a new handsome,
durable, waterproof metal
Others renew them less often. They are case. At all dealers, $3.00.
the ones that are content with smaller
volume and employ fewer tubes at lower
plate voltages.
Eveready "B" Battery
Furthermore, every radio fan, regardless No. 767. Contains 30
of the tubes he uses, has his own ideas as large size cells, as used
to when it is time to strengthen the signals in the popular No. 766.
Voltage, 45. Made
with fresh "B" Batteries. Some will long especially for sets using
enjoy concerts that others would not con- detector and one or
more stage of amplifi-
sider loud enough. Just what is "too weak" cation. The most eco-
is purely a matter of personal opinion. nomical "B" Battery
where 45 volts are required. At all dealers, $5.50.
These, then, are the things that deter-
mine how long you use your "B" Batteries -
1. The number and kind of tubes. The Eveready Radio Battery No. 771.
The Eveready "Three." The ideal
more tubes you use and the greater their "C" Battery. Voltage, 4% -three
power, the more current flows from the terminals permitting the use of
"B" Battery and the shorter is its life. 1%, 3, or 4% volts. The correct use
of this battery greatly prolongs
2. The "B" Battery voltage. The the life of the "B" Battery. At all
higher it is, the more current flows from dealers, 70 cents.
the battery.
3. The amount of negative grid bias Manufactured and guaranteed by
(" C" Battery voltage) on amplifiers.
The greater the bias, the smaller the NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY, Inc.
"B" Battery current. Long Island City, N. Y.
4. The life put into the battery in the
first place by the manufacturer, and
the freshness of the battery when
you buy it.
5. The signal strength you wish. The
smaller the volume of sound you can
enjoy, the longer you can use your "B"
The life of any "B" Battery you can buy
Radio Batteries
-they last longer
is affected by the above factors. Subse-
quent advertisements will set forth each
factor in detail.
w w w Note: This is Number 3 of a series of informa-
tive advertisements, printed to enable users to
Eveready `B" Batteries predominate. There is know how to get the most out of their receivers
more life in them -they last longer! Blocks of and batteries. If you have any battery problem,
large cells, packed with energy, made especially write to G. C. Furness, Manager Radio Division,
you the most power for your money power -
for radio use, delivered fresh to your dealer, give

you can use loudly and swiftly, or softly and

National Carbon Company, Inc., 128 Thomp-
son Avenue, Long Island City, N. Y. Write
for special booklets on "A," "B," and "C"
slowly, as you wish -Eveready for Everybody. Batteries.
Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.



Guaranteed to receive local broadcasts with vol-
ume and clarity equal to any sets manufactured

On the regulation of grid and plate circuit voltage depends

the operation of a vacuum tube as detector. radio or audio
frequency amplifier. This regulation is critical for great-
est efficiency and for best results should be obtained while
the tube is in operation through the use of a voltage reg -
ulator or potentiometer.
POTENTIOMETER Crystal Set (Shown in Cut)

is altogether reliable for the purpose. It has a nichrome To introduce the wonderful T -B -H radio headset
resistance unit so tightly wound that the turns cannot

move under the action of the contact arm. Panel mount- we will give absolutely free of charge, the most
ing requires only one drilled hole and the Instrument is efficient crystal receiver on the market.
furnished with Bakelite Knob and Pointer and handsome
polished nickel finish.
LIST PRICE $2.00 Just pay postman $5.00 plus postage. Money
refunded if not absolutely satisfied.
Providence, R. I., U. S. A 3552 N. Fifth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA.

HOWARD 1-lowapo

Ask the man

to show you
the Howard 80% of demonstrations result
No. 1001 line of quality No. 1002
in sales for MU -RAD dealers.
634 Ohm Rheo-
bt $1.10 Radio Mer - 6
TOhm Micro-
meter Rheo- When a complete check on the radio sales of one
Ohm Rh1.1eo0

Ohm Rheo-
cha ndise. 25 Ohm Micro-
meter Rheo-
Chicago store reveals that Mu -Rad Receivers
are sold in eight out of ten competitive demon -
stat ......1.10 Every piece tat 1 50 strations, there must be a reason.
Patri. 870,042 40 Ohm Micro- There is! Mu -Rad is easy to operate, uses an
meter Rheo-
is sold with stat 1 50 inside 2 -ft. loop aerial, and is highly selective.
Patd. July 10, Mu -Rad is guaranteed to receive at least 1000
the guaran- 1923
tee of sat- HOWARD Dealers: Write for Mu -Rad proposition.
Inquiries are solicited from responsible dealers
isfactory only.
perform- No. 1004
In order to help us weed out curiosity seekers,
please use your business stationery in requesting
ance. Multi Terminal
Receiver Plug,
this imformation.
instan tane o u. We also carry a complete stock of
No. 1003 connection for
Paire 01 stand-
tiometer. $1.50 Jobbers Write and receiver GENERAL RADIO CO.
400 Ohm Poten- tip. $2.00
parts. Write for details and discounts.
tiometer .2.00 for discounts. Patd. 28.
Patd. 870,042 1:2"3g.
Chicago Radio Apparatus Co.
HOWARD RADIO CO., Inc. Jobbers of Good Radio Merchandise
4248 North Western Ave., Chicago, U. S. A. General Offices: 407 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.



A comparative demonstra-
tion leaves no other Loud
Speaker in the thoughts
of those with whom per-

formance is paramount.

... -.. - -

Type C. With the 16 exclusive Sonochorde

features. Mahogany or walnut cabinet. Com-
plete with phone tip jacks, and swinging doors
to vary volume $50.00

Other Sonochorde models ; 1al111111,

Type D, (illus.) . . . $35.00

Type B . . . . . . 27.50

If your dealer cannot supply you, order direct Type D

Correspondence with established distributors is invited


Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

National Audio
The New 6 to 1 Ratio Nation-
al Transformer is for use on
the first stage of amplification.
Its greater ratio means in-
creased volume, but the tone
qqualitiu that characterize the THAT NEW CRYSTAL THAT GIVES
3% to 1 ratio bave been
fully retained. Price of 6 to I
ratio $4.50 postpaid; of the 3% SUCH WONDERFUL RESULTS!
to 1 ratio, $4.00 postpaid. Entirely Different From Any Other Crystal on the Market.
Dealers: IVrtte for interesting Surface l'crfectly Smooth, and Supersensitive Everywhere.
sales proposition.
National Transformer Mfg. Co.
154 Whiting Street
Order from your dealer or direct front
Dept. 1211 Chicago, III.
110 So.13th Street Allentown, Pa.

EVERYTHING IN RADIO Here'syouropportunity. Radio needs

One of the largest complete stocks in the you. Win success in this fascinating field.
world. 40 diagrams of latest Hookups. Trained men in demand at highest salaries.
Learn at home, in your spare time.
Making big profits handling our supplies. 24-hour
service. Goods shipped same day order received.
Be a Radio Expert
will train you quickly and easily, to design.
I o
perate, repair. maintain, d
sell all forms of Rad oapparatus. My new methods
are the most euccesetul in existence. Learn to earn
$1,800 to $10,000 a Year
FREE Wonderful,
-construction. tube
of latest design.
g set,
Write for "Radio Facts" free. Engineer Mohaupt.
WHOLESALE RADIO DISTRIBUTORS American Electrical Association
Dept. 511 0513 Ravenswood Ave., Chicafto
Dept. P 6 West 14th St. Kansas City, Mo.

Order by Mail
Reinartz Coil
This coil for stand-
ard Reinartz circuit
RADIO "Bf1 BATTERY Green silk windings
DIRECT batteryells, market. Special this month
fresh. full Voltage.
FROM ip Concerts LOUDER and STRONOERI Abs bring
Built cor- $1.75 post free
recur- Inunoosb rei.mtagetapr uworkanymbe
T01OD loudspeaker. Real service Sold GUARANTEED.
6 ohm Rheostat .75
direct bomourlactortestoyou ail westprlces shipped
30 ohm Rheostat .75
SHIPPED oyourdoor. ORDER TODAY. Send money
PREPAID order, check or pay C. O. D. Order By Number SEND FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE NO. 10
Na 12213-22% volt var4ble- regularly 82.z5 -our price S I.9
No. 122A -22M volt vadable-- regulerly$J.00 -our price $2.68 ATWOOD ELECTRIC CO.
No. 145A -45 volt -8 taps -regularly $6.00 -our price $4.611 3122 W. Madison St. Dept. R. Chicago, fi.

Bindingr Posts
The Following Read'emn
RADIO TUBES Simplify the most
WD- 11.....$3.50 UV-199......$3.50 .
complicated hook -up
WD- 12 3.50 C- 299.........3.50
UV -200 2.75 UV -201A 3 50 Tell at a glance whether It is Antenom,
13V- 201 3.00 C- 301A........3.50 Ground, Pones, A or B battery, etc. Name
neatly engraved for keeps on top of each
C- 300 2.75 UV -202 4.00 post. (See illustration.)
C -301 .3.00 C -302 4.00 Knob. Can't Come OR
DV-6. 3.00 DV -6A 3 50 The irremovable knobs save time, trouble
Mail orders solicited and Set of and petty annoyances. "Read 'eme" add to
promptly attended to. ten for the appearance of any set. Don't be with -
$1 50 out them. Price Inc each. Set of ten 31 .50.
Dealers and Agents Virile for Special Discount. If your dealer can't supply you with "Read
'ems" order direct.
H. & H. RADIO COMPANY Look for the name "Read 'em" on every post
Clinton Hill Ste. P. O. Boo 22 -E. Newark, N. J. The Marshall- Cerken Co.
Dept. J. 27 N. Oratorio St.. Toledo, Ohio

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.


THE Radio Specialty Company--RRECO.. ke short -now in its third year. i6 unquestionably the oldest and mon unique
is too malle get immediate
ply house in
prompt attention.
radio' s
United States, if not in the whole world. This Company makes specialty of small orders. ho order
The meson s simple: 8O% of our orders are mar. they think of "RASCO' service, "RASCO" Thou.
The reputation 01 this house was built upon service. Ask any of your radio acquaintances what promptness.
,ands f unsolicitml testimonials are in our files. to prove that we serve the public as it has never been'AYE served in radio merchandise before. Be sure to gqe
great 84-p3 containing over different pans. contains 300 CAN ONLY DISAPPOINT YOU ONCE."
us with a Óc.aorder on 50050
Prices nshover illotttrtions.
Order direct from this page. We pay all transportation charges. AU goods sent prepaid in 24 hours.
I NOTE BIG PRICE REDUCTIONS THIS MONTH I Money refunded if goods do notsatisfy


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i I,nt
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I 1
RJ21. Wood Neck roulai /25' 3'roX
""iw INS Iirr
--e i ohm eaM 5.43
JUST Micah Km M
CARDBOARD TURING Sat. pmt ...Baisates
'- 41stana-3oNM .,robe.
Ira eme3N3.
OUT feet e 10 percent In IN -D. lotia
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Cat.No.10 DRIVt.t sil4Rla0
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`iameter..ia 0.0. -D"Ìn: 65 rom e.en..t.5 Tod hem.
be oou a
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side Diameter. D. tae
SPIDER WES V, % ". 'i de shaft. 1X'.
At Isst' F L°° m Il O...Inc
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íP'66600. I. S.D. a %' O.D a 2^ L
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R: sN4001, 3%" 1.U.' 4' O.D. a holes for Ìiá ABLE CONDENSERS
1q" U.n. a ta L....... 35
30e n. HOI. This condenser
1 I

2 %' LG. a- U.D. a L a oI Jt-la u S. de. OM le `word

RASCO" sana ed

meaner ppp ItO, en
The Sen' Da.l ai me - I IilervJ I J IWlo.lot H i2oom'res
-Hplger 'pansa Mont.,
Wrnl ñee ssp eRe ,
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f 10 enti3M1-eplder .ro larm,

better ,ten emu n°
R 102- 3/16' high. K. Ms., 6/12' thread 5 25 320

r amui
3.íi' panel.
a /I6 "4a /l{ -, 4
Ir ,Nerd, daL
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II -.kt: 4int sun-
104181 RODS
r %o Save
601, r
asser'nbÄnumMenrer your
sel. child nn lt No MINN slate
x' Rata br on y da In
Camel. N.M..
x +M.. anE- mkt: .nt 4n6-.

R.1701. 01 Bee 0 é1.a...S.tC R.oS. R /jwx thred, "Nro.r t11í111 n Wale tvMenaer..00025 oí.....51.10
Choses lek.
1/1' alA, 3/5e mise, rant 1/M
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p e REM
:Mï níá ..po

,h 0a10í. i/16' Ylw, %- mise; N,.nt 4/36, ÌI44'n23 UNa Rod. Plain %' eu.d. ae '0 The ''Basso" Catalog

thet'0 best
R.SIee)S^ Rw
m. br Im[. 4/36 orna. "I3 j:ÿ1.. n .. nW. .Lies 3/16' nana.
CoarTAiNt 73
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<epractically rnaneioyrmaJ. e ,e 1 nt mn l'bte. Iylawnn, %'. Tarse ttntlR "pp1[o.t
about Ó per cent

"150i161e1'2,316 tNM. teM

considerable u
1-000. iT}bteltes. el<ae`ed
len roan Ar On.
a«ualnMUms. l'IIOa'5f.
tATtY- LOU p
OUTUT. - .
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...MUM alla . {{{i
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I!'NP.J I6 min.
g %'4ÌY %'na6- mie[. each
each lM
LM Kato Nn M allai 1. bed
M 4 Ira
4 1 Tae.


INP/ro. - A In ' e Me-- 1

R.S. MreMe.I6a mira. each
IcaTri.'itt aie TTña 3'1. s
0e4'e5 -t6' mkt.
.N Thinnest mes« IoII InJe, NI- Phallist l'bat Him Mate, l r'n gr
RASCO ISO V4 RIOCYP`LR f.d. km n{0Ì5 r

RSÓ)se Clmcea Foil. ver O.

y 1. r ami p Sit
=lee .............---0- met.. and
de - ~

Radio Specia tv Co.

do ient

;- seingrt
x F-,
1.1wí ! R

964 Park Place - New York `...

tY ;cet
eoviel on
leer City DEALERS t
ie' n_
tubes. inns I i
Oldest and Original Exclusive i
m.nler Ir from ISO m 600 mein. Coupler i
w,..'tmdm ahptG >"'ä'
in U. S. emollRr Ar.itnna owwmyN.
far nanti itndes. Radio Parts House i ed
fuller milled Nit ups rra
mules refunded N It does ná "do all`tN °.e
meter I
N. Y. Elkridge, Md. ,- _..._....._.....,i °l
Cents in Stamps or aCoin.
Factories: Brooklyn, 15
f:ïloli Mapco.. prep./ 11.54

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.



This Christmas FOR A FULL YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION Could any gift be
Greeting Card will more heartily ap-
reach your friend POPULAR RADIO preciated than 12
on Christmas morn- AS A HOLIDAY REMEMBRANCE months of POPU-


Your Christmas Problems for You
AGIFTthat will be truly appreciated by any time already happens to be a subscriber to POPULAR
radio enthusiast! A years subscription to RADIO what gift would be more appreciated by him
POPULAR RADIO. And you need not pay for it un- than a renewal or a year's extension of his subscrip-
til later, unless you prefer. tion?
The illustration shown above is a small facsimile All that is necessary for you to do is to fill out the
of a beautiful colored Christmas Card which POPU- handy coupon below, indicating your own name and
LAR RADIO will mail for you to any friend you select. address, also the name and address of the friend to
The card will reach your friend on Christmas morn- whom you wish us to send the Christmas Card and
ing, telling him that you are the generous donor of a POPULAR RADIO. We will do the rest. Send no
year's subscription to POPULAR RADIO. money. We will gladly bill you later for the small
With this Christmas Greeting Card will go the amount of $2.
first copy of POPULAR RADIO applying on this gift When your friend receives his Christmas gift of a
subscription. Both the card and magazine will year's subscription to POPULAR RADIO, it will be a
reach your friend on Christmas morning. And $3 magazine. Your friend receives, therefore, a $3
every month thereafter for a year your friend will Christmas remembrance from you. But you pay
receive his copies of POPULAR RADIO -a
twelve - only $2 because up to December 15th you can place
time reminder of you and your Christmas remem- this subscription at the old rate. And you do not
brance. pay a penny now. We will simply send you a bill
Could any gift be more appropriate for your for the $2 later on.
friends who are interested in radio than a year's "Do your Christmas shopping early." Send the
subscription to POPULAR RADIO? And if some coupon today, and one or more of your Christmas
friend that you would like to remember at Christmas problems will be solved!
(This coupon must be mailed before midnight. December 16th)

POPULAR RADIO, Dept. 127, Here is the name and address of my friend whom I
9 East 40th Street, New York City wish to remember at Christmas time with a year's
I am very glad to avail myself of your special subscription to POPULAR RADIO.
Christmas offer. Please send (so as to arrive on
Christmas morning) a copy of January POPULAR Friend's Name
RADIO to the address shown on the right. Also send
a Christmas Greeting Card, announcing that the gift Address
of a year's subscription is from me. Bill me later
for $2.
My Name
NOTE: If you wish to remember several friends in
My Address this appropriate way, simply write their names and
addresses on a sheet of paper and mail with this
coupon to POPULAR RADIO.

niAgn ma" 102

w`V6ti1" Rgwni.,1"
Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.



Tuned Wave Trap Radio Frequency

1 Stage Radio -frequency 2 Stages Audio - frequency
Built on Famous Copp Circuit No. 4
Efficient for all wave -lengths from 200 to 700 meters
Range up to 2000 miles
Any amateur can build the above set with A -C DAYTON Complete Units
Units packed complete in one carton with wiring diagrams,
photographs, instructions, etc., for complete installation.


Makers of Electrical Devices for over 20 Years.

A Socket of Exceptional Merit

1. Contact springs and wire ter- 4. Skeleton sleeve allows for in-
mina's of one piece heavy phos- spection of tube contacts with -
phor bronze. out removal of socket.
5. Base, high grade moulded insu-
2. Convenient screw terminals of lation 234 inches square.
dimensions. G. All metal parts highly polished
S. Handy soldering terminals. and heavy nickel plated.
At your Dealers cr by mail
on receipt of purchase price
Price 50c
WEIN SALES CORP., 254 Park Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.


EBY ENGRAVED 180° Vario- Coupler
POSTS with Special Spider
will make him happy Web Rotor will bring in
_ ¡ -
on Christmas morning.
Your boy or his pal will
those distant stations
you are trying for.
. , appreciate this useful
gift because it will give
him lasting satisfac-
Anezceedingly effctentand
neat coupling device which
will cover all broadcast
tion. wave lengths up to 600
For saleby 'Dealers meters.
everywhere Price - - $3.50
The H. H. Eby
Manufacturing Co. SIMPLEX RADIO CO.
Philadelphia, Pa. 1013-15 Ridge
Ave, Phila.. Pa.

Announcing D 1 -A LENA Announcing .50 Republic

The Powerful Long- Distance Crystal Audio
DX -ALENA is a phenomenal, all- sensitive, synthetic crys-
tal that positively outclasses all others. DX -ALENA is
broadcast tested and guaranteed absolutely without an
en ial for loudspeaking and long-distance reception. Fans
report extraordinary suce with DX- ALENA. Order
one of these wonderful crystals today for your crystal or
rRRex set. By mail 5o cents. DX -ALENA is made by The (FOR ALL TUBES)
Chemical Research Co.
Dealers and Jobbers write for prices. Mai! Orders
Distributed by Filled Promptly
Radio Equipment of Quality 1770 Wilson Ave.
5207 Dorchester Ave. Chicago, Ill. GUARANTEED CHICAGO, ILL.

ENJOY the concerts.
market reports, latest
news, etc., as sent out by Targe broadcasting stations. This
NEW copyright book, "EFFICIENT RADIO SETS,, shows how
to make INEXPENSIVE set for receiving wireless broadcasting.,.
The BARKELEW ELEC. MFG. CO. Sent postpaid for 25e. Address J. C. Dorn, Pub., 725 S.
MIDDLETOWN. ON /O. Dearborn St., Dept. 110, Chicago.

Let Radio Experts Buy for You

Why hunt from atom to store? Save time, trouble and
TU-WAY PLUG $1.00 This ones-a group of Radio Experts in New York will
act ea your Personal reprerentail buy fog You any

Takes 1-4 head -sets. Does more for a dollar than standard make of radio equipment you want. from the
any other plug, and dots It better. Catalogue tree. Is smallest part to complete set, either assembled or
unassembled, end deliver it to you prepaid -all for
Carter Radio CO. Free less than if you did your own buying. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Advice on all radio problems-free to
our client.. Write for plan.
505 Fifth Ave., Desk 12, New York

You Don't Need

get out of town. If you
want new stations on your

crystal set WRITE ME TODAY. Mine

works 400 to 1,000 miles without tubes or
batteries! Thousands have bought my
plans and now get results like mine.
DOLLAR. Send self- addressed envelope
for further information. Leon Lambert,

To the first tono fans who send in a c stamp and the

names and addresses of five friends who are interested
in Radio.
540 South Volutsia, Wichita, Kansas. 115 Mulberry St., Newark, N. J.


2650 MILES
with ONE TUBE. Broadcasting from Atlantic Coast and
Cuba heard In California by users of the CROSS COUNTRY
CIRCUIT. This range is duc to simplicity of
DE LUXE PARTS ation as only one control Is used for tuning. setEasily
and oper-
cheaply built. Dry cell tubes may be used. Complete
Instructions, with panel layout, assembly views. etc., post-
Ask Your Dealer paid for 25c. Or further information for red stamp.
VESCO RADIO SHOP, Bz. PR-117, Oakland, Cal.


Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Best Built
Set in

Embodying the Hazeltine Neutrodyne circuit in an improved

form as to neutralization, workmanship, quality,
appearance and efficiency of operation.
Licensed by I. R. M., Inc.,
under Hazeltine Patents Radio Service Laboratories, 1000 11th Ave. Asbury Park, N. J.



We handle only well known and
nationally advertised lines. On
top of that we give the kind of This coil is made according to the spec-
service you expect. ifications of Laurence M. Cockaday.

And -Our discounts are RIGHT. These include

1. Better Wire
Drop us a post card for our 36- 2. Better Insulation
page catalog just off the press. 3. Better Tubing -

4. Better Terminals
Wholesale Radio 5. Better Design
Distributors In short, BETTER EFFICIENCY
than has heretofore been attainable.
Address Dept. 10
Write us about these coils
Mail orders filled promptly.
Special Dealer Proposition
Flushing, N. Y.

This NEW Pyralin -SHELTONE, made by DUPONT, gives greater
volume-better tone and is more beautiful in appearance.
Use the SHELTONE with ANY good phones and get wonderful results.
We are distributors for Nath. Baldwin phones and the new Baldwin Loud
185.189 Clinton Ave.. Newark. N. J. Discount to Dealers

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Cold Winter
Won't find you on the roof fixing the
1,000 MILE $39 aerial -- removing snow and sleet, ex-

RECEPTION and Up posing yourself to sickness, if you use


(No aerial or antenna needed.)
A light socket plug that eliminates all out-
side wiring, lightning arresters and other
inconveniences. Merely plug Antenella in
any light socket and you can enjoy the best
in radio in any room in the house.
Now Only $1.25
The Lytton lino of radio masterpieces is now being At your dealers -otherwise send purchase price and you
demonstrated by a number of unsolicited dealers. will be supplied without further charge.
Mark us! When our broad campaign is announced
in a short time, it will start a radio.
Write for catalog. Specify which et interest. you.
has. Freshman 6;.inc.
2t adio Condenser ,
106 Seventh Ave., New York
Loop cet with the Lytton
$112 50
4-tube "Duple.' circuit

Both rough and Vernier tans already soldered. Only two

extra holes to drill. Drill template furnished. Sharpest
tuning. Guaranteed. 58.50
2738 Van Buren St., Chicago, 111.

The Transformer with the Compensating Coil
Meets All Requirements rio EXCHANGF
We Repu All Standard Makes of Tubes 't1
"Tri-Coil" covers all wave lengths and assures Jackdaw
perfect amplification. W. D. II or W. D. 12 53.50
U. V. 200 or C. 300 $2.75
Tri-Coil" is excellent in standard radio U. V. 201 or C. 301 $3.00 nail
frequency circuits. U. V. 201A or C. 301 A 53.50
"Tri -Coil" is scientifically designed to conform U. V. 199 or C. 299
U. V. 202 or C. 302
with the individual characteristics of the various New ISS Volt Tubes $4.00
All tubes guaranteed to do the work.
tubes on the market.
"Tri-Coil" Type A is for use with U. V. 201A RADIO TUBE EXCHANGE
or CSO1A tubes. All Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention
"Tri-Coil" Type 9 is for use with U. V. 199 - Orders sent Parcel Post C. 0. D.
C499 W. D. 11 or 12 tubes.
At your dealers -otherwise by mail
postpaid on receipt of purchase price.

'Circuit, which will overat

on re
718 -28 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, New York
Ask Your Dealer
Please mention POPULAR RADIO when aftrwering advertisements.


"Red- Heads" are guaranteed
radio phones. You run no risk
when you buy them. Money back
if, after 7 days' trial, you're not
satisfied that they're the best
receivers on the market at the
price. Why not act right now
andget a pair? It'llmeangetting
the maximum from broadcast-
Gets 'em from ing from the day you put them
into use.
Coast to Coast
Clearly and distinctly, tool For our users tell us that Cincinnati
hears Fnsco, Denver hears Schenectady- New York hears Havana) 0
Scores of long yecorde were made on
year so hedistance incorporated thee rresult
refinements rn
obtained now will be far better than ever.
Highest Quality at Lowest Price
This has always been the MIRACO key -note and the thousands
of sets now in a fitting tribute to MIRACO'S excellent
performance. Many new improvements, such as new sockets resting These remarkable head -sets are made by The
on shock absorbing Ands -a refinement found only in the most Newman -Stern Co., one of the pioneer radio man.
expensive sets- rheostats with multiple resistance windings, making
it possible to use either dry cell or storage battery tubes, and a new utacturing houses in America.
aluminum shield that prevents annoying body capacity effects, are
Cabinet is of solid mahogany-workmanship the finest- operation
extremely yet alwayss dependable.
outfitshown 529.50 The new 1924 The new 1924
tube outfit..
tube outfit shown below
54.50 Model F "Red- Head "Jr.
Write for our new bulletin today.
Dealers Jobbers
Write for our proposition quickly.
There's still some territory open-write or wire.
This is the standard3,000 The Junior Model has
ohm'lRed- Head." The most of the quality fea-
1924 Model F has eleven
improved features. Sen- tures of the standard
Model F here described.
sitive and fine- toned;alu-
minum case; famous The resistance is 2,000
brown -red ear caps;mili- ohms per set instead of
tary headband; high - 3,000 ohms. A remarkable
grade cord. value.
"Red-Heads" sent prepaid on receipt of price it
THE MIDWEST RADIO COMPANY, 812 Mini Strad, Cadacafti Ohio you are unable to get them at your dealer's.
Dept. PR Newman-Stem Bldg. Cleveland

The TRINITY "Push -Pull'

The Trinity Loud
Speaker is an instru- Transformers
ment that combines for those who demand more than has hereto-
fore been secured from audio frequency ampli-
the best qualities of a fication. Supplied in sets of two.
phonograph repro- Modern 10 to 1
ducer in combination has carved its own way to fame by perform-
with electro- magnetic ance in reflex circuits. Also preferred by many
on the first stage of standard audio frequency
TYPE principles best fitted amplifiers.
AI for radio amplification.
$25.00 reproduction of
Modern 4 to 1
21"Fibre all Perfect
music and speech with-
meets with a welcome wherever it goes. The
Horn many repeat orders attest to its ail around
out distortion. No storage efficiency.
batteries required. The in- Write today for illustrated circulars
strument is of a heavy duty and bulletins.
type and is guaranteed fully
by the manufacturers. The Modern
For sale by good dealers. Electric Mfg. Co. ' n
Literature upon request. Dept. 712
4463,6 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass.

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

POPULAR RADIO with Your Other

Favorites at Bargain Club Prices!
But you must act quickly. These offers hold
good only up to midnight December 15th, 1923
GLANCE over this big list of magazine bargains McCall's Modern Priscilla
that have been arranged for your benefit. Here
is your chance to get almost any magazine you want
and by ordering now with a year's subscription to
- Popular Radio
$3.00 Reg.
For $2.40
Popular Radio
S4'00 Reg.
POPULAR RADIO you get both magazines at special Youth's Companion Scientific American
low prices. (52 issues)
Popular Radio
If you are already a subscriber to POPULAR RADIO Popular Radio
$6.00 Reg. $5.25
sd Rag.
or to any of these other magazines, these special club For $3.75
offers allow you the privilege of renewing or extending American Magazine
your subscription at a considerable saving of money. Woman's Home Corn - Pictorial Review
Modern Priscilla
As you know, the subscription price of POPULAR (both to one address) Popular Radio
RADIO advances from $2 to $3 a year, effective Popular Radio $5.50 Reg. $4.50
December 15th, 1923. Yet practically all of these
$6.00 Reg.
$5.00 For $
magazine combinations are figured at a price for each
magazine that is lower than even the present subscrip-
tion price. Or You Can Make Up
Fill your magazine requirements now for the com- Your Own Club of
ing year and save money. Simply check the offer you POPULAR RADIO With:
want and mail the coupon below, with your remit-
tance, without delay. American Boy $4.00 reg., for... 83.75
American Magazine 4.50 reg., for... 4.25
Asia for...
A Christmas Suggestion Boy's Life
All subscription prices quoted are for one full year, ChristianHerald(52 issues) 4.00 reg., for... 3.15
Collier's (52 issues) 4.50 reg., for... 3.75
and may be sent to one or to separate addresses unless Country Life 7.00 reg., for... 6.25
otherwise noted. This gives you the opportunity of Deliuea or
3 50
placing your own subscription for POPULAR RADIO, House & Carden 5.50 reg., for... 4.75
and having the other magazine sent to some friend as Judge (52 issues)
reg., for...
a Christmas gift. McClure a 500 reg., for... 3.90
Mentor 6.00 reg., for... 5.25
But do not delay. These offers are good only until Movie Weekly 7.00 reg., for... 6.25
December 15th, 1923. After that date POPULAR People's Home Journal
reg., for...
RADIO advances in price and these offers will be with- Physical Culture
Popular Science Monthly.
drawn. Safeguard yourself now against POPULAR p$T 4.00 reg., for... 3.60
RADIO'S raise in price, and in addition get these other Radio
Radio Broadcast
- 4.50
reg., for...
magazines at special bargain club rates! Radio Digest (52 issues)
Radio News
Radio World (52 issues) 8.00 reg., for... 7.25
(This offer expires midnight Dec. 15, 1923.) Review of Review 6.00 reg., for... 4.75
Scribner's 6.00 reg., for... 5.25
POPULAR RADIO, Dept. 121, Sunset 4.50 reg., for... 3.75
System 6.00 reg., for... 5.25
9 East 40th Street, New York City. Today's Housewife 3.00 reg., for... 2.40
Enclosed is$........ Please see that yearly subscriptions are at Vogue (26 issues) 7.00 reg., for... 6.25
once entered in my name for each of the magazines I have checked Wireless Age 4.50 reg., for... 4.00
in the special bargain club list at the right. World's Work 6.00 reg., for... 5.25
Name Notes If you
wish any TWO or more of these
magazines with POPULAR RADIO, simply deduct
$1.75 from the bargain club price quoted, then
Street and Number add POPULAR RADIO at $1.75. For example:

State Colliers $3.75 leu $1.75= $2.00

City Radio News 4.00 leas 1.75= 2.25
POPULAR RADIO, added at only....... 1.75
(If not a NEW rabrcription, please mark R after the name of the magazine,
to indicate RENEWAL.) Remit this amount $6.00
Prices for Canada and foreign countries will be quoted on request.
Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

The New 1924 Model

"4 -Way" Switch Plug!
Many refinements have been added
to make this the best radio plug.
-a switch plug which makes it possible to tune in through
head set and switch in loud speaker by turning dial. Two
head sets can be readily attached, or one head set and
loud speaker. Both can be used at same time or either
one alone. Order yours TODA Y.
FOUR WAY CO., 29 Worthington St., Springfield, Mau.

Critical Circuits

MPG. av
IdEw v ?RK Clrr
ANTENNA WIRE The FRESHMAN Is so designed that constant equal pres-
sure Is exerted on the condenser plates over the entire area.
They are the only condensers that do this and therefore the
only condensers that avoid noises, which are due to variable
Designed for long distance reception pressure on the plates.
and is different and better than the Capacity Each Capacity Each
usual make -shifts, being hard drawn .0001 8 .35 .0025 S .50
from the finest copper, having a cor- .00015 .35 .003 .60
rugated surface with ten collecting .00025 .35 .00 +5 .70
points on the circumference. This .0002 .35 .004 .75
gives a greater collective surface to .0003 .35 .005 .75
.00035 .35 .006 .75
the high frequency radio currents. .0005 .35 .007 1.0
The result is extreme rensativeness .0006 .40 .008 1.00
and increase in range and clearness of .0006 .40 .01 1.00
PER any set from the simplest Crystal to .001
.40 .015
the finest multiple tube receiver. .40
.002 .40 .025 2.50
HUNDRED Use this antenna wire and enjoy
the full possibilities of your set. Ask your dealer or write for our free diagram. of
FEET Sold in coils 100 feet, 200 feet and the Neutrodyne, Sensational New Kaufman No.
500 feet. Order direct or from your 2, Flewelling and other circuits.
nearest dealer.
At your dealers. of herwise send purchase
price and you will be supplied postpaid


.o., :i ras. Freshman
?fio Condenser
os Inc.


(Indestructible All-Metal Quality Instrument -"GUARANTEED")
"Designed to meet the requirements of the discriminating assembler"
Operates with the Simplicity- Comfort-Ease and Efficiency of a Pen
of your dealer or write
POST ELECTRIC CO., Mfrs. (Ii=") 30 East 42nd St., New York
Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

No finer Christmas gift for radio fans. Supreme

comfort and keener hearing. Slips over any radio
phone. Patent Pending
POSTPAID ANYWHERE IN U. S. $1.00 The GOODMAN is the niftiest short wave
DEALERS: Write for special discounts. Fastest tuner on the market. Awarded certificates
moving radio accessory on the market. of merit. Our pamphlet tells all about it.
BATES & COMPANY Send for one. Price SG and PP. on one pound.
1520 Montana St. Chicago, U. S. A. L. W. GOODMAN, Mfr., Drexel Hill, Pa.

Tune in on station Cockaday Coil Set $2.50
WEAF( New York) Including full size blue prints of panel layout, complete
picture hookup, and fully illustrated instructions for
construction and operation.
every Thursday at 8:50 P. M. and listen Coils aree fully assembled, made exactly as
to a story or article selected from specified by Mr. Cockaday, D coil bank
wound. Far more efficient than any home
HEARST'S made coils.
Standard parte for this sensational circuit- panel, coils.
condensers, verniers, variable resistance, vernier rheostat,
I N T E R N A T I O N A L socket, double Jack, dials, switch, contact pointe, poste,
' This is one of the most popular weekly features busbar wire, spaghetti, etc, (no tubes or phones).
n the ait" Complete for $11.65
" Postage additional on all shipments
All Goods Shipped Parcel Post C. O. D.
Write for Free Copy of the Latest Radio Reprint
A. It contains a complete story from Hearst's RADIO SURPLUS STORES
International Magazine. HELENA, MONTANA
Address Radio Editor, Hearst's International
Magazine. t to West loth St.. New York City
O the manufacturer of one or more
articles of meritorious radio equipment,
this organization, well experienced in the
BROADCASTING STATION trade of Spanish and Portuguese speaking
countries, offers a service of exceptional
500 Watt Master Oscillator interest.
Heising Modulation We now handle the export business of Dubilier Prod-
ucts, Burgess Batteries, Radio Service Labs., Freed -
Now in operation. Public opinion Eisemann and Scholes Radio and Mfg. Corp., and are
equipped to take on one or two additional high grade
classifies this station as one of the lines. Full informaticn and statistics on market condi-
tions in these countries will be given confidentially on
best in the country. No fair offer request.


Loud Speaking
Crystal Set AT LAST
You can add a loud speaker to any crystal set by using the
STEINMETZ Amplifier costing only S8.50. Guaranteed to
operate on any kind of crystal set regardless of what type it
is, or we will refund your money. By using your crystal set
VARIO - FORMERS with this amplifier music is brought in as clear as a bell and
can be heard all over the room. Amplifier uses dry cell tube
Write for our mplete catalog and also information on
highly efficient detector and two-stage amplifier at 522.50
25A Waverly Place .. New York, N. Y. Manufacturers and Engineers
5703 Penn Ave. Pittsburgh, Pa.
Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Applied for c:.. ,e..v.c... I.

i eDsms
$4.50 VARIOCOUPLER $4.50 NcNrv.-OráH 'coll.$

Here is a distinctively high grad V3rl000upler at an ex-

ceptionally low price.
Check the following points and verify this claim.
(1) Spider web rotor. The only means of obtaining min-
imum coupling. (2) Pig tall contacts. (3) Bakelite tube.
(4) Green silk wire. (5) No live brackets. (6) Improved
.'ílt0 \11.

taps. (7) Dead shaft and no capacity effect in tuning. (8)

180e dial adjustment without the rotor being submerged
"Standard of the World"
in stator field.

Leich Radio Products ACOUSTICOLA

Leich Non -Tune
Power interruptions
automatically discon-
nects storage battery. Loud
Starts charging again
soon as power is on.
The Non-Tune is fur-
nished in two types, one
for charging A batteries,
the other B batteries.
No. 16 Non -Tune Phonograph
Radio Rectifier
to charge O volt
battery $19.00 makes a high -grade loud speaker of any pho-
No. 10 Non -Tune nograph. Extra large size. Wonderful adjustment lever
Radio Rectifier tones down local stations and strengthens and clarifies
to charge B bat- weak signals from distant stations by instantly increasing
No. 16 Non -Tune Radio or decreasing distance between poles and diaphragm.
teries 12.00 Rectifier, Price $19.00
Just like focusing a camera.
Leich Comfortable Headphones ACOUSTICOLA STANDARD
Leich Headphones bring in broadcast reception in
pleasing natural tone like listening to the artista
Same lever equipped, giant size unit with
non -metallic horn, 2134" high; bell 10' wide
direct. Regardless of how expensive your receiving
set, if you do not get a natural tone, if you do not ACOUSTICOLA GRAND $
get the overtones, the reception is flat.
Ask your dealer to let you "listen in" with Leich
With Cast Aluminum VIBRATIONLESS
Horn -the world's finest loud speaker......
35 00
Phones. You will appreciate the difference.
1 -B -2000 Leigh Radio Headphone $6.00 TRIMM HEADPHONES

Ask your dealer for Leich Radio Products -write "Professional" $7.65 "Dependable" $5.00
us for booklet 101 -I giving complete list and prices. With every Trimm product we give a LIFETIME Guar-
antee. Write for folder.
GENOA, ILLINOIS Dept. 59 24 S. Clinton St., Chicago

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Insa:Buying boera Hear them

Dealers!Profir all clearly
Let Us Help You Get
Most Out of this Radi
thi With a Premier
Season "HEGEHOG" Trade Mark
Prompt Shipment-Efficient Service
Audio Transformer
We carry complete stock of all fast Little but mighty -a wizard for volume and tone qual-
moving nationally advertised Radio ity. Look at the cut. It shows the "HEGEHOG"
Supplies. Orders filled same day re- one half actual size. "Small," you say. Yes, but inside
this "Little Wonder" you will find more efficiency,
ceived. This means money to you. more reproduction volume, and less distortion than
found in any other Transformer, regardless of sire, price
SEND TODAY: for complete catalog or design. The secret is in its patented construction.
Radio Supplies priced to make you a rt is shielded z00% against foreign noises. Fully guar-
profit. We list over a thousand items. anteed. You'll want them in your next "hook-up.-
get all the facts NOW. Our Free Bulletin No. g]
gives them fully. Send for it.
We are the largest exclusive radio
jobbers in the middle west
prrmirr Elrrtrir ÿompany
123 W.MadironSt.Chicago
3807 Ravenswood Ave.

Price, $350
.. Chicago

Ask for and

insist on "HEGEHOG"
DIETZEN TUBE at your dealer's
Cut one-half actual sise
The Little Tube
tube, operates on
single dry cell, with
or without "B" bat-
Published monthly at New York, N. Y., for October I, 1923.
tery. Great for re- Special
flex work. The Sabi
DIETZEN MIDGET re- Before me, a Notary Public In and for the State and county afore-
40e said, personally appeared Kendall Banning, who, having been duly
places the crystal.
Requires no adjustment or change sworn according to law, deposes and says that he Is the Editor of
POPULAR RADIO. and that the following is, to the best of his
of wave lengths. Order from man- knowledge and belief. a true statement of the ownership, manne -
ufacturer direct. Send for your ment, etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown hi
tube today, enclosing cur- the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, em-
rency or money order. (No bodied in section 443. Postal Laws and Reulations, to wit: 1.
That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing
stamps ) editor, and business managers are: Publisher, POPULAR RADIO,
Inc., 9 East 40th St. New York City; Editor. Kendall Banning,

9 East 40th St., New York City: Managing Editor, None: Business
DIETZEN, Inc. Managers. none. 2. That the owners: POPULAR RADIO, Inc.,
whose stockholders are: New Fiction Pub. Corp.. 9 E. 40th St., New
71 Cortlandt Street York City. whose stockholders are: Abel I. Smith. 120 Broadway, New
Dept. New York York City: Marjorie L. Sargent, remium Point,New Rochelle,N. Y.;
P i'
H. B. Emerson, 9 East 40th St., ew York City: Metropolitan Finance
Corporation. 9 East 40th St., New York City; whose stockholder Is
Harvey Flak & Sons. Inc., 34 Pine St.. New York City, whose .tock-

ib j
holders are: Frank B. Ansted, Connersville. Ind.: William G. Auden -
reid Jr. 34 Pine St., New York City: Harvey Flak, 34 Pine St.. New

kA li ON 34oPineiSt., New York City HenrNewHookeCity: St

0 State . Boston,
Mans.; Wilfred Jessup, 34 Pine St., New York City; James Magill,
Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia Pa.; F. O. Marsh, 52 Wail St., New
York City; Joseph R. Paul. Westinghouse Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.;
Carlton W. Rich, 60 State St.. Boston, Maas.; Richard U. Sherman,
246 Genesee St., Utica, N.' Y 3. That the known bondholders, mort-

gagees, and other security hold em owning or holding I per cent. or

CRYSTAL I RECTIFIER more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are:
(Patent reudm None. 4. That the two paragraphe next above. giving the names of the
THE PERFECT SYNTHETIC CRYSTAL DETECTOR owners, stockholders, and security holders, If any, contain not only the
SENSITIVE OVER ENTIRE SURFACE list of stockholders and security holders as they appear upon the books
"Spats.' Loud and C ear. Endorsed by Thousands
No Hunting for of the company but also, ln cases where the stockholder or security
of Satiefled ers holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or In
Sensitiveness Pr!
uvC any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation 1-
Guaranteed Mounted for whom such trustee Is acting, la given; also that the said two
14 K. Gold Supo sensitive paragraphs contain statements embracing amant', full knowledge
RUSONITE CATWHISKER, Price and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which
Permanent. Will not Oxidize J
25c stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the
RUSONITE REFLEX CRYSTAL books of the company as trustees. bold stock and securities in a
Manufactured Expressly Reflex Circuits. Will Stand Up capacity other than that of a bona Ode owner: and this amant
Under has no reason to believe that any other person, association, or cor-
Pelee $1
00 poration has any interest direct or Indirect in the said stock, bonds,
Guaranteed Mounted or other securities than as so stated by him.
Order from
y dealer direct from
RUSONITE PRODUCTS CORP. Sworn to and subscribed of
15 Park Row New York, N. Y. Sbefore E. AELQVIBr Public.

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Fine Lenses
without close adjustment
are worthless!

Why cripple your radio set

with poor filament control?
EVERY seaman knows that a binocular
cannot bring in distance clearly unless
focused with extreme care. It is the last frac-

tional turn of the adjusting screw, perhaps
the width of a hair, that brings the distant
object within the range of clear vision. The
Retail Price, $1.85 slightest turn, either way, makes a blurred,
In Canada, $2.50
Postage 10c
distorted image.
The same is true of radio sets. The finest
detector tube cannot bring in distance clearly
without ultra -fine filament control. The
Perfect Control
For ALL Tuba Universal Bradleystat performs this delicate
operation with utmost precision. The gradual
If you want to extend the range of your radio set,
improve reception and get louder signals, learn adjustment of the Bradleystat knob brings in
about Bradleystat by mailing the coupon below. distant stations without noise or distortion.
Every fine radio set deserves a Bradleystat.
Allen.Bradley Co.,
176 Greenfield Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Are you getting the best out of your set,
I would like n know more about the Bradleystat a d why
k improves radio reception today? Try a Universal Bradleystat.
$lectric Controlling Apparatus
276 Greenfield Ave. Milwaukee, Wis.
Manufacturers of graphite disc rheostats for over 20 years.

tilll Aw-r-^Mil,etOH-.e..~

Please mention POPULAR RADIO when answering advertisements.

Retail Price 1L5

Condenser (00025ne)354

,, y,

' :Jln

Better Radio
Long distance records in radio reception depend upon the precise adjust-
ment of several elements in the radio set. Too often, the correct adjustment
of grid leak resistance is considered of minor importance and frequently it
is much too high or too low for the best operation of the detector tube.
The new Bradleyleak adds the final touch of perfection to the radio set.
When substituted for the ordinary grid leak, it enables you to get the
precise value of grid leak resistance which your detector tube requires.
The Grid Leak Is Important! Any resistance between Y. and 10 megohms is obtained without nolsp.
The following table gives the approximate values steps or jumps by merely turning the Bradleyleak knob.
of grid leak resistance recommended by vacuum
tube manufecturert The volume of the detector increases gradually as the proper amount of
Audion(DeEoest) DVb, 2 Megohms grid leak resistance is approached, and if the Bradleyleak knob is turned
C-200 2 Megohms
2 too far, the volume again diminishes. Nothing could be simpler. Try
to S Megohm e
6311 -A 2 Megohms it on your radio set, tonight.
UV-I99 2 to S Megohms
UV -200 2 Megohms
UV -201-A - 2 Megohms
WD t 1 Megohma, or more
WD-12 S Megohms, or more

Install the Bradleyleak and work your

$lectric Controlling Apparatus
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The Allen -Bradley Co. has built graphite disc rheostats for over twenty years


(;f-- /7-7 ;l 1"

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1, ` \ 1.

t .!!... ir
In the.yuaint old villages and towns of long
ago, when each community was a world unto
itself, the Town Crier played an important
part in the affairs of the day. With clanging
bull and stentorian voice, he broadcast the
news, perhaps weeks old. that occasionally
drifted in from outside places.
Today news from all parts is immediately
available right at your fireside. No matter
how isolated your abode, Radio binds you to
civilization. By a turn of the dial, the hap-
penings, entertainments and amusements of
the world are yours to command.
The Crosley Manufacturing Co. has done
much toward bringing this new wonder within
the reach of all and has trade Radio a living.
tangible thing -something to use in daily life,
in business or pleasure.
Popularly priced, these famous receivers
give perfect performance. Unsolicited letters
are received daily from owners telling of satis-
faction and new distance records.
Everyday tests prove to us that Crosley
instruments are the most simple and efficient
Radio receivers ever offered to the public,
regardless of cost.
For Sale by Good Dealers Everywhere
Write for complete catalog. This fully describes
the Crosier line of Radio pans and receivers which Crosley Model X -J $65
gunge in price from a 2 tube set at $30 to the new
beautiful Model X.I. at $140.
A 4 tube radio in- looney set combining one
stage of Tuned Radio Freq orner Amplification.
a Detector, and two stages of Audio Frequency
A:notification. A jack to plug in on three tubes
for head phono. the four tubes heirs otherwise
connected to loud speaker, new Crosby
Multi tat, universal rheostats for all makes of
tubes for dry cells or storage L: tteries, new con-
denser with molded plates. filanent switch
and other refinement add to its rerformance
and beauty.
.Vawhere can a better remitcr
be purchased at any price.
('nst of necessary accessories from Ego up.
l,i t priers ur ec uipment west of the
Rockies tou? higher. In ('snoda add duty.
Better -Cost Less
The Rroadeasling
intained by Mr Crosley Manufacturing Co.
Ovary Manufacturing ('o. 1216 Alfred St., Cincinnati, O.

Gentlemen: Please mail une for of charge

your complet.: catalog of ('rosieyi instruments
and parts together with bookletantbtled "The
Simplicity of Radio."
Crosley Manufacturing Co. Name
POWEL CRO.SLEY, JR., President
1216 Alfred St. Cincinnati, O.



CLEAR -for the crowd J

MUSIC for the crowd as clear as one man gets
on the headphones! Sit back and.4sten. Tu>e
- -
in shut your eyes it's real ! ery «ord clear -
every musical note true - everytrufrterit with its
full rich tone. With a RADIOLA LOUDSPEAKER.
With the ordinary loudspeaker, there is some-
thing lost -and something added. The lost tones Radiola Loudspeaker
are the overtones and partials that give music or Model U. Z. -1320
voice its richness, color, and personality. The Price
added sounds are the independent vibrations of $36.50
the horn itself- metallic- hard -and grating.
To erase these faults was the problem. Not to
make another loudspeaker with the limitations
of the old one but to create a new, ç tvith-
out those limitations. And we have in the ir
First -we have greater tone range
To get the deep tones of the organ the full -
range of the piano -the highest notes of the violin
-all with full color and richness.
Then- adjustable volume
Volume enough for a large room, yet with
means to soften the tone when a near station
comes in too loud. On the RADIOLA
LOUDSPEAKER you control the volume
with a turn of the thumb.
And the horn
This was a problem for acoustical ex-
perts. The mere shape of a horn
can make it or ruin it. Each curve of
horn has been developed for pure tone
reproduction. And it is made of
a composition with no audible
vibration of its own- amplify-
ing without adding.

Radio Corporation of America

Sales Offices: Dept. 2057
233 Broadway. New York 10 So. La Salle St..Chicajo, Ill. 433 California St.. San Francleco.CaL

This synbot
of quality
is your pro.
a, '
RM. Y. At C.r.

This symbol


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