AC 17-001
A. This advisory circular provides operators with guidance on how to develop and receive approval
for a mass and balance control program for aircraft operated under the requirements of Part 17
of the Viet Nam Aviation Regulations.
B. The guidance in this AC is useful for anyone involved in developing or implementing a mass
and balance control program
A. Accurately calculating an aircraft’s weight and center of gravity (CG) before flight is
essential to comply with the certification limits established for the aircraft. These limits include
both mass and CG limits. By complying with these limits and operating under the procedures
established by the manufacturer, an operator is able to meet the mass & balance requirements
specified in the aircraft flight manual (AFM).
B. Typically, an operator calculates takeoff weight by adding the operational empty weight (OEW)
of the aircraft, the weight of the passenger, cargo payload, and the weight of fuel. The
objective is to calculate the takeoff weight and CG of an aircraft as accurately as possible.
C. When using average weights for passengers and bags, the operator must be vigilant to ensure
that the mass & balance control program reflects the reality of aircraft loading.
D. The CAAV will periodically review the guidance in this AC and update this AC if average
weights of the traveling public should change or if regulatory requirements for carry-on bags
or personal items should change.
E. Ultimately, the operator is responsible for determining if the procedures described in this AC
are appropriate for use in its type of operation.
This advisory circular is applicable to the operation of all aircraft, the operators and crew.
Advisory Circulars are intended to priovide advice and guidance to illustrate a means, but not necessarily the only means, of
complying with the Regulations, or to explain certain regulatory requirements by providing informative, interpretative and
explanatory material.
Where an AC is referred to in a ‘Note’ below the regulation, the AC remains as guidance material,
ACs should always be read in conjunction with the referenced regulations.
6) Curtailment. Creating an operational loading envelope that is more restrictive than the
manufacturers’ CG envelope, to assure the aircraft will be operated within limits during all
phases of flight.
Curtailment typically accounts for, but is not limited to, in-flight movement, gear and flap
movement, cargo variation, fuel density, fuel burn-off, and seating variation.
7) Fleet operational empty weight (FOEW). Average operational empty weight (OEW)
used for a fleet or group of aircraft of the same model and configuration.
8) Freight. Cargo carried for hire in the cargo compartment that is not mail or passenger
9) Heavy bags. Heavy bags are considered any bag that weighs more than 50 pounds but
less than 100 pounds. Bags that are 100 pounds or more are considered freight.
10) Large cabin aircraft. Aircraft originally type-certificated with a maximum seating
capacity of 71 or more passenger seats.
11) Loading envelope. Weight and CG envelope used in a loading schedule. Loading the
aircraft within the loading envelope will maintain the aircraft weight and CG within the
manufacturer’s type-certificated limits throughout the flight.
12) Loading schedule. Method for calculating and documenting aircraft mass & balance
prior to taxiing, to ensure the aircraft will remain within all required mass & balance
limitations throughout the flight.
13) Maximum landing weight. The maximum weight at which the aircraft may normally be
14) Maximum takeoff weight. The maximum allowable aircraft weight at the start of the
takeoff run.
15) Maximum taxi weight. The maximum allowable aircraft weight for taxiing.
16) Maximum zero-fuel weight. The maximum permissible weight of an aircraft with no
disposable fuel and oil.
17) Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC).
The CG location and various limits are then
The MAC is established by the
expressed in percentages of the chord.
manufacturer, which defines its leading The location and dimensions of the MAC can be
edge and its trailing edge in terms of found in the aircraft specifications, the type
distance (usually inches) from the certificate data sheet, the AFM, or the aircraft mass
datum. & balance manual.
18) Medium cabin aircraft. Aircraft originally type-certificated with a maximum seating
capacity between 70 and 30 passenger seats, inclusive.
19) Moment. The moment is the product of a weight multiplied by its arm. The moment of
an item about the datum is obtained by multiplying the weight of the item by its horizontal
distance from the datum.
20) Onboard mass & balance system. A system that weighs an aircraft and payload, then
computes the CG using equipment onboard the aircraft.
21) Operational empty weight (OEW). Basic empty weight or fleet empty weight plus
operational items.
22) Operational items. Personnel, equipment, and supplies necessary for a particular
operation but not included in basic empty weight. These items may vary for a particular
aircraft and may include, but are not limited to, the following—
The following acronyms and abbreviations are used in this advisory circular—
1) AC – Advisory Circular
2) AFM – Approved Flight Manual
3) CAAV – Civil Aviation Administration of Vietnam
4) CG – Center of Gravity
5) FOEW – Fleet Operating Empty Weight
6) LOA – Letter of Authorization
7) MAC – Mean Aerodynamic Chord
8) OEW – Operational Empty Weight
9) OpSpecs – Operations Specifications
10) VAR – Viet Nam Aviation Regulations
1) Required to have an approved mass & balance control program under VAR Part 17, or
2) Choose to use actual or average aircraft, passenger, or baggage weights when
operating under VAR Part 10, 11 or 17.
B. This AC details methods to develop a mass & balance control program with greater accuracy
and increased flexibility.
In the mass change record of a— An operator should record any mass changes of—
1) Pertinent records of actual routine weighing during the preceding period of operation
show that mass & balance records accurately reflect aircraft weights; and
2) CG positions are within the cumulative limits specified for establishment of OEW.
C. Under an individual aircraft weighing program, an increase should not be granted which
would permit any aircraft to exceed 48 calendar-months since the last weighing, including
when an aircraft is transferred from one operator to another.
In the case of helicopters, increases should not exceed a time that is equivalent to the aircraft
overhaul period.
More than 9 aircraft 6 aircraft, plus at least 10% of the number greater than 9
B. In choosing the aircraft to be weighed, the aircraft in the fleet having the most hours flown
since last weighing should be selected.
C. An operator should establish a time limit such that all aircraft in a fleet are eventually weighed.
Based on the length of time that a fleet of
In the event that business conditions result in
aircraft typically remains in service with an
retirement of a fleet before all aircraft have
operator, the time limit should not exceed been weighed this policy would not be applica-
18 years (six 3-year weighing cycles). ble.
Where datum is the reference BA that will plot as a vertical line on the fan grid,
M and K are constants that are selected by the operator.
M is used to scale the index values, and K is used to set the index value of the reference BA.
Both forward and rear loading conditions should be considered. That is, the passengers may
fill up the window, aisle, and remaining seats from the front of the aircraft to the back, or the
back to the front.
E. If necessary, the operator may divide the
It can be assumed that passengers will be sit-
passenger cabin into subsections or ting uniformly throughout each zone, as long as
“zones” and manage the loading of each the curtailments described in paragraph D are
zone individually. put in place. Fuel
The operator’s curtailed loading envelope must account for the effects of fuel. Fuel-related
curtailments should be considered for the following—
1) Fuel density—
(a) A certain fuel density may be
The fuel gauges in most transport category aircraft
assumed and a curtailment included measure weight, not volume.
to account for the possibility of On these aircraft, the indicated weight of the fuel
different fuel density values. load can be assumed to be accurate.
A. When using an onboard mass & balance system, an operator should develop in its mass &
balance control program a method to ensure that it does not exceed the limits specified for a
compartment or ULD regarding
1) Floor loads;
2) Linear loads; or
3) Running loads.
B. The following are two examples of acceptable means to demonstrate compliance with
compartment load limits—
1) An operator may assign a standard
If an operator develops appropriate procedures,
average weight to bags. Based on that an operator may request approval to exclude
standard average weight, the operator bag counts from its load manifest.
may place a placard in each
compartment stating the maximum
number of bags permitted.
2) An operator may also create a table
By conducting sample loadings, an operator may
that lists the total weight associated demonstrate that the average density of the
with a given number of bags to ensure bags it places in a compartment or ULD would
the operator does not exceed the load not allow it to exceed the compartment or ULD
limit of a compartment or ULD. load limits inadvertently.
The CG of the zero fuel weight is within the manufacturer’s loading envelope when loaded with a full
load of passengers and all cargo compartments are filled with a density of 10 pounds per cubic foot
D. Loading schedule criteria—
The operator must use a loading schedule based upon zones
The aircraft cabin may have no more than four rows of seats per zone with not less than four zones
B. An operator may use summer weights from May 1 to October 31 and winter weights from
November 1 to April 30.
1) However, these dates may not be appropriate for all routes or operators.
2) For routes with no seasonal variation, an operator may use the average weights
appropriate to the climate.
3) Use of year-round average weights for operators with seasonal variation should avoid
using an average weight that falls between the summer and winter average weights.
4) Operators with seasonal variation that elect to use a year-round average weight should
use the winter average weight.
5) Use of seasonal dates, other than those listed above, will be entered as nonstandard
text and approved through the operator’s OpSpec or LOA, as applicable.
C. The standard average weights listed in Table
The weight of children under the age of 2 has
2-1 are based on the assumption that the been factored into the standard average and
operator has a carry-on bag program. segmented adult passenger weights.
D. Air taxi and general aviation operators In no case should an operator only
conducting flights in which all passenger use plane-side loaded standard aver-
bags are typically loaded plane-side or all age weights for all baggage loaded
bags are carried into the cabin for further plane-side.
storage, should develop guidelines to inform
pilots when it is appropriate to use the heavier standard average checked bag weights, heavy
bag weights, or actual weights.
should demonstrate that sufficient controls exist to ensure that passengers do not
bring carry-on bags aboard the aircraft.
2) An operator also should demonstrate that sufficient controls exist to ensure the personal
items brought aboard the aircraft can fit completely under a passenger seat or in an
approved stowage compartment.
D. If an operator discovers that a plane-side loaded bag should have been treated as a checked
bag, the operator should account for that bag at the standard average weight of 30 pounds
for a checked bag.
E. Operator should develop procedures for
Large cabin aircraft operators should consider all
identifying bags that would typically be bags not stored in the cabin as checked bags
considered carry-on/plane-side loaded and/ and apply the standard average bag weights.
or traditional checked baggage.
B. The flight crew member weights provided in the table above were derived from weights listed
on all first- and second-class medical certificates sampled at a mature civil aviation authority.
The flight crew member weight with bags assumes that each flight crew member has one crew
member roller bag and one pilot flight bag.
C. The cabin crew member weights provided in the table were derived from an operational survey.
The cabin crew member weights with bags assume that each cabin crew member has one crew
member roller bag and one cabin crew member kit.
If an operator has to separate a shipment of mail, the operator may make actual estimates about the
weight of the individual pieces, provided the sum of the estimated weights is equal to the actual
manifested weight of the entire shipment.
Child 2,700 2%
B. Before the survey begins, the operator’s principal inspectors (PI) will review the plan and work
with the operator to develop a mutually acceptable plan.
During the survey, the PI will oversee the survey process to validate the execution of the survey
After the survey is complete, the PI will review the survey results and issue the appropriate
C. Once a survey begins, the operator should continue the survey until complete, even if the
initial survey data indicates that the average weights are lighter or heavier than expected.
Ratio of Male to Female Passengers
Seating 0/ 10/ 20/ 30/ 40/ 50/ 60/ 70/ 80/ 90/ 100
Capacity 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 /0
5 231 233 235 237 239 241 243 245 247 249 251
6 to 8 219 221 223 225 227 229 231 233 235 237 239
9 to 11 209 211 213 215 217 219 221 223 225 227 229
12 to 16 203 205 207 209 211 213 215 217 219 221 223
17 to 25 198 200 202 204 206 208 210 212 214 216 218
26 to 30 194 196 198 200 202 204 206 208 210 212 214
31 to 53 191 193 195 197 199 201 203 205 207 209 211
54 to 70+ 188 190 192 194 196 198 200 202 204 206 208
An operator using segmented passenger weights may use the standard average passenger
weights when curtailing its operational loading envelope using the methods described in
Appendices B and C.
C. Operators should attempt to determine the cause of each discrepancy and take appropriate
corrective action.
This would include a load audit on affected flights or conducting a passenger or bag weight survey in
accordance with this AC if trends indicate it is warranted.
Sample Operational Loading Envelope
1. Introduction
A. The following is an example of how to develop an operational loading envelope.
B. For this example, a hypothetical 19-seat commuter category aircraft is used.
C. Although this example uses inches to measure fuselage station, an operator may choose to
use an index system for convenience.
FIGURE A-5: Moments resulting from the Window-Aisle-Remaining Assumption for Zone 1
FIGURE A-8: Moments Resulting from the Zone Centroid Assumption for Zone 2
FIGURE A-12: Moments Resulting from the Zone Centroid Assumption for Zone 3
1) Determining the most adverse loading. It is important that an operator examine the
above results (from Figures A-4 through A-15) for each zone and determine which
loading scenario results in the greatest difference in moments.
(a) For zones 1 and 2, having two, three, or four passengers in the zone results in the
largest difference between the moments.
(b) For zone 3, having four passengers in the zone results in the largest difference.
(c) In this case, the operator should curtail the manufacturer’s loading envelope
forward and aft by the sum of these moments, 36,666 inch-pounds, to account for
the potential variation in passenger seating.
(d) In this example, the 36,666 inch-pounds is the sum of 11,340 from Figure A-6; 10,962
from Figure A-10; and 14,364 from Figure A-14.
2) Using actual seating location. Alternatively, an operator may reasonably avoid the
above curtailment calculations by determining the actual seating location of each
passenger in the cabin.
(a) By eliminating potential variation in passenger seating, an operator would not need to
make assumptions about passenger seating and would not need to curtail the loading
envelope accordingly.
(b) An operator choosing to use actual seating location should have procedures in
place to ensure that passengers sit in their assigned location.
To expand the operational loading envelope, an operator could choose to use the actual
seating location of passengers in the cabin and reduce the curtailment for variations in
passenger seating. Figure A-17 below shows the expansion of the operational loading envelope
FIGURE A-17: Operational Loading Envelope using actual Seating Location of Passengers.
Additional Curtailment to CG Envelopes in Small Cabin Aircraft
A. The use of average weights for small cabin aircraft requires consideration of an additional
curtailment to the center of gravity (CG) envelope for passenger weight variations and
male/female passenger ratio. This curtailment is in addition to the standard
curtailments discussed in Section 4 of this AC, with examples in Appendix A.
1) Passenger weight variation is determined by multiplying the standard deviation (from
the source of the average passenger weight used) by the row factor from Figure B-1.
The following Figure is a statistical measure that ensures a 95% confidence level of
passenger weight variation, using the window-aisle-remaining seating method
2) Protect against the possibility of an all-male flight by subtracting the difference between the
male and average passenger weight.
3) The sum of these two provides an additional weight to be used for CG curtailment, similar
to the way in which passenger seating variation is calculated.
B. Calculation of the curtailment passenger weight variation is decided by multiplying the
standard deviation by the correction factor and adding the difference between the average all-
male and average passenger weight.
For example, assuming a 47-pound standard deviation, the difference between the average all-male
and average passenger weight is 10 pounds (from 1999–2000 National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey (survey) data), and a sample aircraft with 9 rows in a 2-abreast configuration.
The additional weight to be curtailed is determined as—
FIGURE B-2: Sample Curtailment due to Variations in Passenger Weight and Male/Female
Ratio using the Window-Aisle Method
The following definitions describe the parameters used in the samples in Figures B-2 and B-3—
Seat Centroid: Location of passenger weight at seat
Seat Moment: Additional passenger weight × seat centroid
Total Weight: Sum of additional passenger weights (running total)
Total Moment: Sum of additional passenger moments
Moment Deviation: Difference between total moment and moment generated by assuming
additional passenger weight is located at the cabin centroid (323.8 in)
D. If the operator chooses to use the passenger cabin zone concept (as described in
Appendix A) and apply this concept to account for variation in passenger weight, then the row
factor in Figure B-1 corresponding to the number of rows in each zone should be used.
1) Considering three cabin zones with each zone containing three rows in a 2-abreast
configuration, the required row factor (see Figure B-1) is 2.41.
The row factor is multiplied by the standard deviation and the difference between average all-
male and average passenger weights is added to provide the additional weight consideration.
In the example, the standard deviation is calculated from the survey data as 47 pounds, and
the difference between average all-male and average passenger weights is 10 pounds.
The resulting additional weight for curtailment is 47 × 2.41 + 10 = 123 pounds.
This additional weight is applied per the window-aisle-remaining concept for each cabin zone
independently and the results are summed to determine the amount of curtailment.
In this case, the curtailment is found to be 23,791 inch-pounds forward and aft.
2) If an operator chooses to use row count, the operator must use the row factor for two
In this example the required row factor is 2.96 (see Figure B-1).
The row factor is multiplied by the standard deviation and the difference between average all-
male and average passenger weight is added to provide the additional weight consideration.
In the example, the standard deviation is calculated from the survey data as 47 pounds, and
the difference between average all-male and average passenger weights is 10 pounds.
The resulting additional weight for curtailment is 47 × 2.96 + 10 = 149 pounds.
This additional weight is applied as if a two-row passenger zone concept is used for passenger
The resulting curtailment is determined to be 17,880 inch-pounds forward and aft (see Figure
FIGURE B-3: Sample Curtailment Due To Variations In Passenger Weight And Male/female
Ratio Using Row Count Method.
End of Appendix B
Options to Improve Accuracy
A number of options are available that enable operators to deviate from standard assumed
weights and may also provide relief from constraints required when assumed averages are used.
These options include—
1. Surveys
A. Surveys may be accomplished for passenger weights (to include carry-on bags), checked
baggage weights, male/female ratios, and fuel densities.
B. These surveys may be conducted for entire operator route systems, or by specific market or
C. Surveys practices and data reduction must conform to the requirements defined in this
advisory circular (AC).
D. Use of surveys may allow an operator to use passenger and baggage weights less than the
standard specified in this AC.
E. Also, a survey may find that the assumed male/female ratio is incorrect and appropriate
adjustments must be made.
1) For example, let’s assume the following results from an approved passenger and
baggage survey.—
Male passenger weight (M) = 183.3 pounds Female passenger weight (F) = 135.8 pounds
Difference between male and average passenger weights = 24.0 pounds
Standard deviation of total sample (Sigma) = 47.6 pounds
Male/female ratio (Pax Ratio) = 50.6 percent Checked baggage weight = 29.2 pounds Baggage
checked plane-side = 21.3 pounds
Carry-on and personal items weight (CO Wt) = 10.4 pounds
Carry-on and personal items per passenger ratio (CO Ratio) = 0.82 pounds
Survey conducted in summer months
2) The resulting assumed passenger weight for loading is expressed as—
Passenger Weight = (M x Pax Ratio) + (F x (1 - Pax Ratio)) + (CO Wt x CO Ratio) And is
determined as—
Summer Passenger Weight = (183.3 x 0.506) + (135.8 x (1 - 0.506)) + (10.4 x 0.82) = 169 lb
Winter Passenger Weight = 169 + 5 = 174 lb
3) Survey results would also be used to determine the additional curtailment for variations to
passenger weight. Assuming a 19-seat aircraft in 2-abreast configuration in this example,
the additional weight to be curtailed would be—
Additional Weight for Curtailment = (47 x 1.70) + 24 = 104 lb
4) Also in the example, the assumed checked baggage weight is 30 pounds.
Plane-side loaded bags would be assumed to weigh 20 pounds. (These weights are the
standard average weights provided for a no-carry-on baggage program as described in
Chapter 2, Section 2).
2. Actual Weights
A. It is permissible to use actual weights in lieu of standard average, segmented, or survey-
derived average weights (if applicable).
B. Parameters that may use actual weights include—
1) passenger weights,
2) checked baggage weights,
3) carry-on bag weights,
4) crew weights, and
5) fuel density/weight.
2) Assume that for mass & balance purposes, it is desirable to break up the cabin into
passenger zones.
D. The curtailment for passenger seating variation is determined by adding the largest delta
moments from each of the passenger zones.
E. In the example, the curtailment to the forward CG limit for passenger seating variation is -
22,680 inch-pounds (-5,670 + -5,859 + -5,481 + -5,670 + 0).
F. Similarly, the curtailment to the aft limit of the CG envelope using the window-aisle remaining
method loading from the most aft seat row moving forward (in each zone) would result in an
adjustment of +22,680 inch-pounds.
G. These curtailments compare favorably to the curtailments of + 36,666 inch-pounds determined
in the sample provided for three passenger zones in Appendix B.
7. Automation
A. Automation may also be used to provide a more accurate mass & balance program.
B. Examples of automation include—
1) Use of seat assignments for the determination of passenger moment and
2) Historical seating to determine passenger moment.