Definitions 10mo (2)
Definitions 10mo (2)
Definitions 10mo (2)
The repetition of the same sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected
1 (n) alliteration
2 (n) amusement The feeling of finding something entertaining or funny.
3 (n) achievement Something accomplished or attained through effort, skill, or courage.
4 (adj) androgynous Having both male and female characteristics.
5 (adj) abnormal Deviating from what is normal or usual.
6 (adj) absolute Complete, perfect, or not limited by restrictions.
7 (adj) abstract Existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.
8 (n) A place to stay or live in, typically during a trip or vacation.
9 (v) accompany To go somewhere with someone as a companion.
10 (adv) according to As stated or indicated by; on the authority of.
11 (n) accountant A person responsible for financial record-keeping and reporting.
12 (n) achievement Something accomplished or attained through effort, skill, or courage. (Repeated word)
23 (v) analyze To examine something in detail, typically to understand its components or structure.
24 (n) animated film A movie that features animated characters and scenes, often for family entertainment.
A scientist who studies human history and prehistory through excavation and analysis of
30 (n) archaeologist
The art and science of designing and constructing buildings and other physical
31 (n) architecture
32 (n) arrangement The act or process of organizing or placing things in a particular order or pattern.
44 (n) backpacker A traveler who carries their belongings in a backpack, often exploring on a budget.
45 (n) A person responsible for coaching and training basketball players.
46 (v) befall To happen or occur, especially as an unfortunate event.
47 (n) benefactor A person who provides help or support, especially through financial assistance.
Prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another,
48 (n) bias
usually considered unfair.
49 (n) biligualism The ability to speak and understand two languages fluently.
50 (n) biography An account of someone's life written by another person.
51 (v) bisect To divide into two equal parts or segments.
52 (adj) boring Not interesting or dull; lacking excitement.
53 (v) bothering Annoying or causing inconvenience to someone.
54 (n) brainstorm A spontaneous and creative group discussion to generate ideas or solve problems.
57 (adj) buoyant Able to float or stay on the surface of a liquid or gas. Also, cheerful and optimistic.
65 (n) cleaning The act of removing dirt, dust, or unwanted substances from surfaces or objects.
66 (v) climbing along The action of moving upward or scaling a surface, such as a mountain or ladder.
70 (n) committee A group of people appointed or elected to perform a specific task or make decisions.
71 (n) communication The exchange of information, ideas, thoughts, or feelings between individuals or groups.
74 (v) comprehend To understand, grasp, or fully grasp the meaning or significance of something.
78 (n) connotation An implied or suggested meaning of a word or expression beyond its literal definition.
79 (n) consensus General agreement among a group of people or within a community.
80 (n) consequence A result or effect of an action, decision, or event.
81 (n) consultant A person who provides expert advice or services in a specific field.
A statement or situation in which two or more elements are in conflict or mutually
82 (n) contradiction
83 (v) convey To communicate or express a message or information.
84 (n) convulsion A sudden, violent, and involuntary contraction or shaking of the muscles.
85 (n) correlation A mutual relationship or connection between two or more things.
86 (adj) cosmic Relating to the universe or cosmos as a whole.
87 (v) Moving slowly on hands and knees through a narrow or confined space.
88 (n) crazy creatures Imaginary or bizarre beings often found in fantasy or science fiction settings.
93 (n) dark forest A dense and shadowy woodland area often associated with mystery or danger.
98 (n) dentist A healthcare professional who specializes in diagnosing and treating dental issues.
A person who creates or plans the look and function of something, such as fashion or
99 (n) designer
100 (n) Fictional books or stories that revolve around the investigation of crimes by detectives.
102 (n) dialogue A conversation between two or more people, especially in a literary work or movie.
A situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more equally
103 (n) dilemma
undesirable options.
104 (n) director A person responsible for guiding the creative aspects of a film, play, or other production.
105 (v) discern To perceive or recognize something, often with difficulty, through sight or other senses.
106 (v) disconcert To disturb or unsettle the composure of someone; to make someone feel uneasy.
107 (n) discrepancy A lack of compatibility or agreement between two or more facts, figures, or claims.
The quality of behaving or speaking in a way that avoids causing offense or revealing
108 (n) discretion
private information.
109 (n) dishwasher A machine or person responsible for washing dishes, typically in a kitchen.
110 (v) dispense To distribute or administer something, such as medication or goods.
111 (n) dissension Disagreement or conflict among a group of people.
112 (v) distinguish To recognize or differentiate between things or people based on their unique qualities.
113 (v) diving over The action of jumping headfirst into water from a platform, board, or elevated position.
A factual film or television program that provides an informative account of real events,
114 (n) documentary
people, or subjects.
115 (n) dog walker A person hired to take dogs for walks, exercise, or companionship.
116 (n) drama film A genre of film that focuses on the emotional and interpersonal conflicts of characters.
124 (adj) empirical Based on observation, experience, or evidence rather than theory or pure logic.
125 (v) encourage To give support, confidence, or hope to someone; to motivate or inspire.
A formal agreement to get married; also, involvement or participation in an activity or
126 (n) engagement
A person skilled in the design, construction, or maintenance of machines, systems, or
127 (n) engineer
128 (adj) enjoyable Providing pleasure or delight; pleasant or entertaining.
129 (v) enumerate To list or mention things one by one; to count or specify.
130 (v) enumerate To list or mention things one by one; to count or specify. (Repeated word)
131 (v) enunciate To pronounce words or express thoughts clearly and distinctly.
132 (v) eradicate To completely destroy or eliminate something, such as a disease or problem.
133 (adj) ethical Relating to principles of right and wrong behavior; morally correct.
134 (v) evaluate To assess, judge, or determine the quality, value, or significance of something.
To assess, judge, or determine the quality, value, or significance of something. (Repeated
135 (v) evaluate
136 (adj) exciting Causing great enthusiasm or anticipation; thrilling.
137 (v) exemplify To serve as a typical or representative example of something.
138 (n) expenditure The action of spending money or resources, typically for a specific purpose.
The conveying of thoughts, feelings, or ideas through words, gestures, or facial
139 (n) expressions
140 (v) falling off The act of dropping or descending from a higher position to a lower one.
141 (n) fantasy film A genre of film that features imaginative and often magical or supernatural elements.
142 (n) farmer A person who cultivates and manages crops or livestock on a farm.
143 (n) feedback Information or responses provided in reaction to an action, process, or request.
145 (n) finale The last part of a performance or entertainment event, typically with a grand conclusion.
146 (n) football boots Specialized footwear designed for playing football (soccer) on a field.
157 (n) hardihood Boldness, courage, or audacity, especially when faced with difficulty or danger.
A type of aircraft that achieves lift and propulsion from one or more sets of horizontally
158 (n) helicopter
revolving blades.
159 (n) historical film A movie that is set in the past and often portrays historical events or figures.
160 (n) horror film A genre of film characterized by intense fear, suspense, and often supernatural elements.
Routine tasks and duties related to maintaining a household, such as cleaning and
161 (n) house chores
A tentative explanation or educated guess based on available evidence, subject to further
162 (n) hypothesis
163 (adj) hypothetical Based on or involving a hypothesis or assumption; not necessarily real or proven.
164 (n) hysteria A state of extreme and uncontrolled excitement, fear, or emotional disturbance.
165 (adj) impartial Treating all parties or people fairly and without bias; unbiased.
166 (v) impede To delay, obstruct, or hinder the progress or movement of something.
167 (adj) impertinent Rude, disrespectful, or irrelevant to the matter at hand.
A conclusion or suggestion that can be drawn from something, although it is not
168 (n) implication
explicitly stated.
169 (adj) implicit Implied though not plainly expressed; hinted at or suggested.
170 (adj) inclusive Including all types or categories; not excluding any.
171 (adj) inconclusive Not leading to a definite or decisive result or conclusion.
172 (adj) inconsequent Lacking logical consistency or relevance; not following a logical sequence.
173 (n) indictment A formal accusation or charge of a serious crime.
Involving reasoning from specific observations or examples to general principles or
174 (adj) inductive
175 (n) inference A conclusion or deduction based on evidence or reasoning.
176 (adj) inferential Relating to or involving the process of making inferences or drawing conclusions.
179 (adj) intolerant Unwilling to accept or respect beliefs, opinions, or behaviors that differ from one's own.
The ability to understand or know something instinctively, without the need for
180 (n) intuition
conscious reasoning.
The ability to understand or know something instinctively, without the need for
181 (n) intuition
conscious reasoning. (Repeated word)
182 (n) invertebrate An animal lacking a backbone, such as insects, worms, and mollusks.
183 (v) invoke To call upon a higher power or authority for support, help, or inspiration.
The expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite,
184 (n) irony
often for humorous or emphatic effect.
Plural of "journalist," which refers to individuals who report news and events for the
185 (n) journalists
186 (v) jumping onto The action of leaping or springing onto a surface or object, typically with both feet.
To provide a reason or explanation that makes an action, decision, or belief seem right or
187 (v) justify
188 (n) laundry Clothes and linens that need to be washed or are in the process of being washed.
189 (n) lawyer A legal professional who provides advice and representation to clients in legal matters.
Something handed down from a predecessor or the past, often with significant
190 (n) legacy
importance or influence.
The great size or extent of something; the importance or scale of an event or
191 (n) magnitude
192 (v) making dinner The process of preparing a meal, typically the evening meal.
193 (n) malady A disorder, disease, or ailment affecting the body or mind.
194 (v) manipulate To control or influence something or someone cleverly, unfairly, or deviously.
195 (n) marriage The legally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship.
197 (n) mechanic A person skilled in repairing and maintaining machinery, vehicles, or equipment.
A mixture or collection of various things, often different types of music or dishes served
198 (n) medley
A written message or note used for communication within an organization or as a
199 (n) memorandum
200 (v) mewl To cry softly or plaintively, often used to describe the sound of a baby or kitten.
To make less severe, painful, or harsh; to alleviate or reduce the negative effects of
201 (v) mitigate
The act of ridiculing or making fun of someone or something, often in a contemptuous
202 (n) mockery
or derisive manner.
203 (n) montreal A city in Canada, located in the province of Quebec.
204 (adv) mournfully In a manner characterized by sadness, grief, or mourning.
205 (n) moustache Facial hair that grows on the upper lip, typically in the form of a strip or tuft.
The act or process of moving or changing position; also, a group of people with a
206 (n) movement
common goal or ideology.
207 (adj) muddy Covered in or containing mud; not clean or clear.
Related to or connected with music, including instruments, compositions, and
208 (adj) musical
209 (adj) mysterious Difficult to understand or explain; shrouded in secrecy or intrigue.
210 (adj) newborn Recently born, especially referring to human infants or animals.
211 (n) A person or entity responsible for distributing newspapers to retailers or subscribers.
212 (n) nurse A healthcare professional trained to provide medical care and support to patients.
213 (n) oblivion The state of being completely forgotten or unknown; the state of non-existence.
216 (n) oratory The art or practice of public speaking, especially in a formal and eloquent manner.
221 (n) passenger A person traveling in a vehicle, such as a car, bus, train, or plane, but not operating it.
222 (adj) passive Accepting or allowing what happens without active resistance or response.
The process of becoming aware of or understanding something through the senses,
223 (n) perception
especially sight.
224 (n) perseverance Steadfast persistence in achieving a goal or overcoming obstacles; determination.
227 (n) perspective A particular way of viewing or understanding something; a point of view or standpoint.
228 (adj) pervasive Spreading widely throughout an area, group, or culture; prevalent or all-encompassing.
229 (n) pilot A person who operates and navigates an aircraft, such as an airplane or helicopter.
230 (adj) plodding Moving or proceeding slowly and laboriously; lacking in excitement or energy.
A law enforcement officer responsible for maintaining order and enforcing laws in a
231 (n) police officer
specific jurisdiction.
232 (n) posterity All future generations of people; descendants collectively.
An introductory statement or preliminary explanation, often found in legal documents or
233 (n) preamble
234 (adj) predominant Having greater influence, power, or presence than others; prevailing or dominant.
Plural of "preposition," which are words that show the relationship between other words
235 (n) prepositions
in a sentence.
236 (adj) prevalent Widespread or commonly occurring; existing or happening frequently.
A planned series of activities, events, or broadcasts, often with a specific purpose or
237 (n) programme
238 (n) proponent A person who advocates for or supports a particular idea, cause, or belief.
239 (adj) proportional Having a consistent or proportionate relationship between parts or elements.
240 (v) proscribe To prohibit or forbid something by law or decree; to condemn or denounce.
241 (v) pulling down The act of using force to lower or bring something down, often by physical effort.
242 (v) pushing down The act of applying force to move something downward, typically with physical pressure.
248 (n) relevance The quality of being closely connected or applicable to a specific matter or situation.
People or individuals who provide assistance or aid in emergency situations, often saving
249 (n) rescuers
250 (adj) resilient Able to recover quickly from difficult conditions or setbacks; flexible and adaptable.
To produce or be filled with a deep, full, reverberating sound; to evoke a strong response
251 (v) resonate
or emotion.
252 (adj) rigorous Thorough, accurate, and demanding in terms of standards, processes, or requirements.
253 (adj) romantic Relating to or characteristic of love, passion, or an idealized view of relationships.
262 (v) scrutinize To examine or inspect closely and thoroughly, often with careful attention to detail.
A piece of furniture, typically a desk with a hinged writing surface and compartments for
263 (n) secretaire
papers and supplies.
264 (adj) serious Showing deep thought, consideration, or concern; not frivolous or lighthearted.
265 (n) shop assistant A person employed to assist customers and handle sales in a retail store.
266 (n) shopping The activity of buying goods, products, or items, often from stores or online.
267 (v) shuffle To move or arrange things in a random or disorganized manner; to mix or reorganize.
269 (n) skepticism A skeptical attitude or doubt regarding the truth, validity, or authenticity of something.
284 (n) teasing The act of making fun of or provoking someone in a playful or mocking manner.
A weather phenomenon characterized by thunder, lightning, heavy rain, and often strong
285 (n) thunderstorm
286 (adj) terrible Extremely bad, unpleasant, or severe; causing fear or dread.
The act of cleaning, organizing, and putting things in order, often in a neat and tidy
287 (n) tidying
A thin, flat piece of baked clay or other material, often used for covering surfaces like
288 (n) tile
floors and walls.
289 (n) toil Hard and continuous work, especially that which is exhausting and laborious.
The willingness to accept or tolerate differences, opinions, or behaviors that one may
290 (n) tolerance
disagree with or find disagreeable.
A custom, belief, or practice that has been handed down from generation to generation,
291 (n) tradition
often with cultural or religious significance.
292 (adj) transient Lasting for only a short time; temporary or fleeting.
293 (adj) unnecessary Not required or essential; superfluous or not needed.
294 (adj) validated Proven to be true, accurate, or valid through evidence or testing.
The quality or state of being logically or factually sound; the extent to which something is
295 (n) validity
true or accurate.
Able to adapt or be used in various ways or for different purposes; flexible and
296 (adj) versatile
297 (adj) vigorous Strong, healthy, and full of energy; characterized by robust or intense activity.
The action of moving on foot, typically beside or parallel to something, often in a relaxed
298 (v) walking along
or casual manner.
Plural of "wandering," which refers to the act of moving aimlessly or without a fixed
299 (n) wanderings
The act of cleaning dishes, utensils, and kitchenware after a meal, often by washing and
300 (v) washing up
rinsing with water and soap.