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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of

Bachelor of Technology degree in Biomedical Engineering


J. GODWINSON (37240025)



Accredited with Grade “A” by NAAC

APRIL 2021
Accredited with Grade “A” by NAAC



This is to certify that this project report is the bonafide work of Godwinson J
(37240025) who carried out the project entitled “Wireless charger for
implantable pacemaker integrated with android application under my
supervision from September 2020 to March 2021


Guide and Supervisor

Dr. T. SUDHAKAR, M.Sc., Ph.D.,

Head of the Department

Submitted for Viva voce Examination held on

Internal Examiner External Examiner


I, GODWINSON J (37240025) hereby declare that the Project Report entitled “Wireless
Charger for implantable pacemaker integrated with Android Application” done by
me under the guidance of Ms. Sindu Divakaran, M.E., (Ph.D.,) Department of
Biomedical Engineering the is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
award of Bachelor of Technology Degree in Biomedical Engineering.





We are pleased to acknowledge our sincere thanks to Board of Management of

SATHYABAMA for their kind encouragement in doing this project and for
completing it successfully. we are grateful to them.

We would like to express our sincere and deep sense of gratitude to our Project
Guide Ms Sindu Divakaran,M.E.(,Ph.D.,) Department of Biomedical
Engineering for her valuable guidance, suggestions and constant encouragement
paved way for the successful completion of our project work.

We convey our thanks to Dr.J.Premkumar.M.Sc.,(Ph.D.,) and Dr. T. Sudhakar,

M.Sc. (Ph.D.,) Head of the Department, Department of Biomedical Engineering
for providing us necessary support and details at the right time during the
progressive reviews.

We wish to express our thanks to all Teaching and Non-Teaching staff members
of the Department of Biomedical Engineering who were helpful in many ways
for the completion of the project.

The transcutaneous power transfer for the pacemaker of the heart can be done by
the principle of mutual induction. The primary coil and secondary coil present in
this transformer should be positioned in such a way to enable the transfer of
power from transmitter section to the receiver section wirelessly. The mutual
induction process will take place when we keep both the coils parallel. The
receiver coil should be positioned inside of the body and transmitter coil should be
positioned outside of the body. The voltage regulator will provide or regulate the
required output voltage. The Bluetooth technology is used here to observe the
charging level of the battery. The inductive power transfer method eliminates the
should risk of infection caused due to surgery

Keyword : Microcontroller , mutual induction , pacemaker , inductive power


Chapter TITLE Page No





3.1 AIM 13

3.1.1 Existing system 13

3.1.2 Disadvantage of existing system 13

3.1.3 Proposed method 13

3.1.4 Proposed system advantages 14

3.4 Scope 14
4.1 Block diagram 12
4.1.1 Block diagram methodology 13
4.1.2 Block diagram Explanation 13


4.2.1 Transformer 14

4.2.2 Rectifier Circuit 15

4.2.3 Voltage Regulator 16

4.2.4 Bluetooth Module 17

4.2.5 12V Lead Acid Battery 17

4.2.6 Pulse Sensor 18

4.2.7 Transmitter Coil 19

4.2.8 Receiver Coil 19

4.2.9 Arduino 20


4.3.1 Arduino IDE 22

4.3.2 App Inventor 23

5.1 Result and discussion 24
6.1 Summary 25

6.2 Conclusion 26


Abbreviations Full form

Arduino IDE Arduino Integrated Development
ECG Electro Cardio Gram
IOT Internet of Thing
Rx Coil Receiver Coil
Tx Coil Transmitter coil

Wi-fi Wireless fidelity



4.2.1 Transformer 14
4.2.2 Rectifier circuit 15
4.2.3 Voltage Regulator 16
4.2.4 Pulse Sensor 16
4.2.5 12V Lead Acid Battery 17
4.2.6 Pulse Sensor 17
4.2.7 Bluetooth Module 18
4.2.8 Transmitter coil 19
4.2.9 Receiver Coil 19
4.3.1 App Inventor 22
5.1 Wireless Charger 23
5.2 Working of wireless 24
5.3 Android Application 25


A Pacemaker can recognize a drag together with your heart’s rhythm and send its
own electrical pulse to form your heart beat regularly and on time it's made from
computer chips and a little , but long-lived battery during a sealed case( Monti.G,
De Paolis M.et al ). The Pacemaker is surgically implanted within the upper
chest. the heart beat it generates is shipped through special wires called leads,
normally placed inside the guts . The leads also help the Pacemaker sense the
heart’s rhythm. this is often important because the device must send its pulse at a
particular moment. the guts generates its own electricity, which causes it to
contract and relax within the proper timing sequence, in order that it can pump
blood to the body. Electrical signals can become blocked or irregular causing the
guts to beat too slowly. A Pacemaker provides electrical stimulation when the guts
doesn't beat or beats too slowly. The Pacemaker can sense the heart’s rhythm.
It are often "programmed" to either send a pulse or to attend for the guts to
beat on its own. Pacemakers have the potential for his or her settings to be
adjusted by your physician so as to supply appropriate support for a
good range of lifestyles and activities. Some Pacemakers also sense the
patient’s activity for example; climbing stairs or exercising that it can speed up
or hamper the guts rate. Your doctor can help provide you with a tool that
meets both your medical and lifestyle needs Modern pacemakers usually have
multiple functions. The most basic form monitors the heart's native electrical
rhythm. When the pacemaker wire or "lead" does not detect heart electrical
activity in the chamber - atrium or ventricle - within a normal beat-to-beat time
period - most commonly one second - it will stimulate either the atrium or the
ventricle with a short low voltage pulse. If it does sense electrical activity, it will
hold off stimulating. This sensing and stimulating activity continues on a beat by
beat basis and is called "demand pacing". In the case of a dual chamber device,

when the upper chambers have a spontaneous or stimulated activation, the
device starts a countdown to ensure that in an acceptable - and programmable -
interval, there is an activation of the ventricle, otherwise again an impulse will be
delivered Pacemakers are not a cure for heart disease. They don't treat the
causes of slow or irregular heartbeats. But because they can maintain proper
cardiac rhythm, Pacemakers can greatly improve the quality of life for people
Temporary pacing is usually used if a person’s cardiac rhythm is extremely
unstable and it's not safe to attend to place during a permanent pacemaker. for
instance , it's going to be used as an emergency measure when someone
develops a severe bradycardia (a very low heart rate), or serious Adams-Stokes
syndrome , often thanks to a attack . Sometimes, temporary pacing is employed
during a planned way – for instance , as a short lived measure during surgery.
There are two main ways of doing temporary pacing – external temporary
pacing which is completed from outside the body, and internal temporary
pacing which is completed inside the body. External temporary pacing – also
called transcutaneous pacing – is completed by employing a special pacing
function on a defibrillator machine. This sends regular electrical impulses
through the chest wall to the guts to act as a pacemaker. If the person is
conscious, they'll tend sedation and pain relief. this is often a really temporary
measure utilized in a sudden emergency Internal temporary pacing – also called
transvenous pacing is done by inserting a pacing wire into the right side of the
heart by passing it through a vein in the groin or the neck. This is done using local
anesthetic, along with sedation if necessary. This wire stays in the vein and is
connected to a pacing box that stays outside the body. This is usually done as an
emergency procedure because a person’s heart rhythm has become unstable for
example, following a heart attack. A permanent pacemaker is then sometimes
needed if the heart rhythm does not return to normal.


Wireless charging method for implantable pacemaker is worked on inductive

coupling power transfer between the two coils has been proposed in this system
the receiver coil is to be placed on the body while transmitter coil is to be placed
inside the body. Transmitter and receiver coil can transmit the power wirelessly,
and receiver circuit will receive the AC current and convert it into DC current for
the battery of the implantable pacemaker The Bluetooth utilized here will transmits
the re-energizing rate to the android app. There is a pulse sensor combined to the
microcontroller and it is used to measure the pulse rate of heart. This method of
communication will be utilized for re-energizing the battery



Qazi Saeed Ahmad Tarana et al 2015 planned a Wireless energy transfer or

wireless power is that the transmission of electricity from an influence source to an
electrical load without a conductive physical connection. Wireless transmission is
beneficial in cases where interconnecting wires are inconvenient, hazardous, or
impossible. A pacemaker is employed to treat a heart that beats too slowly. The
pacemaker is implanted under the skin of your chest with wires attached into the
guts . It monitors your heartbeat and provides electrical stimulation when it beats
too slowly or stops. Its power is supplied by A battery that has got to periodically
get replaced . The aim of research is meant to charge a chargeable battery
wirelessly for the target . this is often formed out of an ac 230 volt 50Hz to ac 20
KHz at 12 volt circuit .The output is fed to a tuned 2KHz coil forming as primary of
an air core transformer. The secondary winding develops a voltage of 20 KHz at
12 volt while it's kept over the first coil where air is employed because the core.
The output of the secondary is given to a high frequency bridge rectifier that
delivers dc which is then regulated to take care of a continuing charging current to
a NiCd (Nickel Cadmium) rechargeable battery. Normally these batteries have an
extended lifetime of 7 years. Thus the patient’s operation time are often deferred
to every 7 year after for replacement of the battery because the charging are often
finished 7 years externally (Qazi Saeed Ahmad Tarana, A.Chandel, et al., 2015)

Hasmah Mansor et al 2015 proposed a portable pulse monitoring system which is

a component of a project called Home-smart Clinic. Home-smart Clinic is
developed so as to attach medical personnel and patients remotely. Remote
health monitoring system is useful to the patients and society where the
implementation of such system will save hospital bill, waiting time and reduce
traffics within the hospital. The prime objective of this paper is to style and develop
pulse measurement device that real time data might be observed by the doctor via
internet. History data could even be acquired; therefore the doctor can interpret
the trend of the info to spot the conditions of the patients. within the proposed
health monitoring system, pulse and blood heat wireless sensors were developed,
however this paper only specialized in pulse monitoring system. the most
components involved during this project are pulse sensor, microcontroller (Arduino
with Ethernet shield) and wireless communication device (Xbee). The portable
pulse measurement device was tested to a gaggle of voluntary students. Results
showed that the real-time pulse reading successfully monitored locally (at home)
and remotely (at doctor’s computer. (Hasmah Mansor, Siti Sarah Meskam, Nasiha
Sakinah Zamery; et al 2015)

Puneet Bansal et al., 2018 Heart rate that's given by the amount of times heart
beats per minute may be a crucial health parameter that indicates soundness of
the human health. During this project, a real-time pulse measurement technique
called PhotoPlethysmography (PPG) is implemented using simple infrared
transmitter and receiver circuit. Arduino Uno board has been used for calculating
the guts rate from the fingertip. The obtained pulse values are initially displayed
on a liquid Display (LCD) and sent serially to Raspberry Pi which is employed as
an internet of Things (IoT) gateway. The values are then sent to the cloud through
Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol. The designed system
updates the user with their pulse through electronic message (email), Short
Message Service (SMS) and real-time plots and provides name and address of a
close-by prominent hospital just in case of an emergency (Puneet Bansal et al.,

D.Shiva Rama Krishnan, et al., 2018 showed that Health-care Environment has
created science and information upheld Wireless-Sensing hub Technolgy
arranged. Patients face a dangerous circumstance of unanticipated end on
account of the exact explanation of heart issues and assault which is because of
nonexistence of brilliant clinical support to patients at the required time. this is
frequently for uniquely observing the adulthood patients and advising specialists
and friends and family. So we are proposing a creative task to evade such extra
time rates by utilizing Patient Health Monitoring that utilizes sensor innovation and
utilizations web to address the friends and family if there should be an occurrence
of issues .This framework utilizes Temperature and heartbeat sensor for following
patients wellbeing. Both the sensors are associated with the Arduino-uno.
to follow the patient wellbeing miniature regulator is progressively interfaced to a
LcD show and Wi-Fi association with send the data to the web-worker (remote
detecting hub). simply if there should be an occurrence of any sudden changes in
persistent pulse or blood heat alert is dispatched about the patient utilizing IoT.
This procedure likewise shows patients temperature and heartbeat followed live
information with timestamps over the Internetwork. Consequently Patient
wellbeing observing framework upheld IoT utilizes web to viably screen patient
wellbeing and helps the client checking their friends and family drom work and
saves lives. (D.Shiva Rama Krishnan, et al., 2018)

Progressive shrinking of CMOS device sizes has permitted reductions in
power consumption and miniaturization of electronic devices. In parallel,
modern pacemakers implemented with advanced technologies have proved to
be more sensitive than earlier models to soft errors induced notably by
external radiations. Traditionally, the analysis of the impact of
sentimental faults (SFs), like those induced by single-event upsets, on the
behavior of pacemaker devices, has been administered by dynamic radiation
ground testing and clinical observations. However, these techniques are
expensive. they will only be done very late within the design cycle, after the
planning is manufactured and partially after it's implanted.

Ghaith bany hamad , et al 2018 presents a replacement model-based analysis

of the impact of SFs on the behavior of cardiac pacemakers at a system
level. it's performed by:1) introducing a replacement probabilistic timed
automata (PTA) model; 2) verifying this model against a group of functional
properties to make sure it meets its specifications under normal conditions; 3)
applying a replacement methodology to inject SFs at a particular time within
the PTA model of the pacemaker and to verify their impact on the pacemaker’s

behavior is introduced; and 4) identifying different scenarios for SFs which
will cause malfunction, including over sensing, under sensing, and output
failure. The reported formal modeling is completed in PRISM and therefore
the analysis is completed with the Storm model checker( ghaith bany hamad ,
et al2018)

Wei Vivien Shi,et al,2016 proposed an overview of the body sensors applied in
pacemakers and exceptional advances in current pacemaker frameworks. New
highlights of late pacemakers that are economically accessible are momentarily
portrayed. Body sensors fused in pacemakers are shown with their reasoning’s,
detecting signals, benefits, limits and applications ( Wei Vivien Shi,et al,2016).

Hassnaa Mustafa Abdul-jabbar, et al 2020 planned that internet of things is

becoming increasingly popular within the field of remote
monitoring also because the increasing number of patients with cardiac
pacemakers, especially those that need a pacemaker. During this research, a
replacement method of monitoring ecg has been developed for patients who
are implanting pacemakers. the develop system is that the ability to transfer of
the monitor that exist within the special website (www.thinger.io) by using the Wi-
Fi protocol, also, helping them to transmit their data over long distances and
different places in real time counting on internet objects (iot). The system helps to
transfer the ecg, temperature and therefore the detector of magnetic flux across
the web site to unravel the matter of the lack of the doctor to watch the
patient from home continuously, also as within the case of a doctor in another
country. within the end of paper the system are going to be reliable to display
ecg data with 70 beats, temperature with 37.12c and warning within the sort of
light if a magnetic flux comes near the system, which may help facilitate patient
follow up after implantation of the pacemaker.(Hassnaa Mustafa Abdul-jabbar,
Jameel Kadhim Abed,et al, 2020)

Vani Yeri,et al, 2020 proposed that customary sensor based analysis in clinical
field requires more number of sensors and human endeavors in the event that it is
handled in an enormous scope. It is a troublesome assignment because of the
lack of clinical experts and framework arrangement. To defeat this issue an IoT
based medical care application is proposed in the examination work. The
proposed framework comprises of the web and versatile application dependent on
constant remote checking of patients. The goal is paper is to execute an ease
framework and send the patient indispensable signs in crisis circumstances.
Sensors are being utilized for estimating the patient essential signs by utilizing the
remote organization. The sensors information are gathered and sent to the cloud
for capacity through Wi-Fi module associated with the regulator. The information
is prepared in the cloud and criticism steps are taken on the broke down
information which can be additionally examined by a specialist distantly. Far off
survey decreases weight to specialists and gives the specific wellbeing status of
patients. In the event that the patient requirements earnest consideration, a
message is shipped off the specialist


3.1 AIM

The aim of the project is to replace the pacemaker implanted patient’s surgery by
introducing a wireless power transfer method for recharging the battery

3.1.1 Existing System

• Existing system follow the battery cannot be recharged because it can be
used only once. It will be very difficult for the patients to afford high - cost
for the surgery each time at the time of battery replacement. Battery level is
unknown to the patient because there will not be any record maintained
about the pacemaker’s battery after the surgery (Qazi Saeed Ahmad
Tarana et al 2015)

3.1.2 Disadvantage of existing system

• The existing system consists of complex and periodic surgeries for the
recharging process. The varying transformer values make the control very
difficult in order to gain output voltage regulation when the load varies.
There is no visible efficiency and rechargeable batteries are used here.
Surgery is unavoidable

3.1.3 Proposed method

• we proposed a Battery is rechargeable and can be used multi times. It is a

single surgery process and doesn’t need to do any surgeries afterward for
recharging battery as this can be done wirelessly and transcutaneously and
there is less cost for surgery as it is a single process

• Through Bluetooth feature , we can continuously monitor the battery

health level

3.1.4 Proposed system advantages

• The pacemaker’s battery charge level is monitored continuously through

android application
• the mobility of the patient is increased by charge the pacemakers battery in
one time


Wireless charging of medical devices has the potential to take the application of
these devices to a whole new level, pacing the way for a bright and promising
future for the healthcare sector. The industry has been continuously experimenting
with the technology, exploring the scope technology in smart wearable’s and other
medical devices.




Pulse sensor


Bluetooth Module

12v/1A Battery Android


Wireless Charger

Power Supply Wireless Charger


4.1.2 Block diagram methodology

Wireless charging method for implantable pacemaker is worked on inductive

coupling power transfer between the two coils has been proposed in this system
The receiver coil is to be placed on the body while transmitter coil is to be placed
inside the body. Transmitter and receiver coil can transmit the power wirelessly,
and receiver circuit will receive the AC current and convert it into DC current for
the battery of the implantable pacemaker The Bluetooth utilized here will transmits
the re-energizing rate to the android app . There is a pulse sensor combined to the
microcontroller and it is used to measure the pulse rate of heart. This method of
communication will be utilized for re-energizing the battery

4.1.3 Block diagram explanation

In the block diagram, they are two section transmitter coil section and a Receiver
coil section. The transmitter section consists of power supply, bridge rectifier,
filter, Transformer and transmitter coil. The transmitter coil provides an ac current
and it creates a magnetic flux and the bridge rectifier helps in the conversion of ac
input to dc output. The AC current will be converted into 12V DC current using
bridge rectifier. The 12V DC current is supplied into the circuit and it converts 12V
DC to 9V DC is supplied into the battery. The magnetic flux from the transmitter
section will be received by the receiver section. The Bluetooth used here will
transfer the recharging rate to the mobile phone. There is a pulse sensor attached
to the microcontroller and it is used to measure the pulse rate


4.2.1 Transformer

A transformer depends on a straightforward reality about power: when a

fluctuating electric flow courses through a wire, it creates an attractive field (an
undetectable example of attraction) or "attractive motion" surrounding it. The
strength of the attraction (which has the fairly specialized name of attractive
transition thickness) is straightforwardly identified with the size of the electric
flow. The bigger measure of current, more grounded the attractive field. At the
point when an attractive field varies around a piece of wire, it produces an
electric flow in the wire. So in the event that we put a second loop of wire close
to the first, and send a fluctuating electric flow into the main curl, we will make
an electric flow in the subsequent wire.
The current in the main loop is typically called the essential current and the
current in the subsequent wire is the auxiliary current. What we've done here is
pass an electric flow through void space starting with one loop of wire then onto
the next. This is called electromagnetic enlistment in light of the fact that the
current in the principal curl causes (or "actuates") a current in the subsequent
loop. We can make electrical energy pass all the more proficiently from
oneloop to the next by folding them over a delicate iron bar

fig 4.2.1 Transformer

4.2.2 The rectifier circuit

Rectifier circuit is utilized to change over the AC input is changed over to DC. The
full wave connect rectifier utilizes four diodes organized in a scaffold circuit to give
full wave correction without the requirement for a middle tapped transformer. An
extra benefit is that, as two diodes are directing at any one time, the diodes need
just a large portion of the opposite breakdown voltage ability of diodes utilized for
half and regular full wave correction. The scaffold rectifier can be worked from
independent diodes or a consolidated extension rectifier can be utilized (Mansor
H, . Meskam S.S et al ).

It very well may be seen that on every half cycle, inverse sets of diodes direct,
however the current through the heap stays in similar extremity for both half

Fig 4.2.2: Bridge Rectifier

4.2.3 Voltage regulator

Voltage controller ICs are accessible with fixed or variable yield voltages. They
are likewise evaluated by the greatest current they can pass. Negative voltage
controllers are accessible, chiefly for use in double supplies. Most controllers
incorporate some programmed insurance from exorbitant current and overheating.

The LM78XX arrangement of three terminal controllers is accessible with a few

fixed yield voltages making them helpful in a wide scope of utilizations. One of
these is nearby on card guideline, killing the dissemination issues related with
single point guideline. The voltages accessible permit these controllers to be
utilized in rationale frameworks, instrumentation, Hi-Fi, and other strong state
electronic gear. Albeit planned basically as fixed voltage controllers, these
gadgets can be utilized with outside segments to get movable voltages and
current (Liu .C , Jiang C et al 2019)


4.2.4 Bluetooth module


HC-05 Bluetooth Module is a simple to utilize Bluetooth SPP (Serial Port Protocol)
module, intended for straightforward remote sequential association arrangement.
HC-05 Bluetooth module gives exchanging mode among expert and slave mode
which implies it ready to utilize neither getting nor communicating information.
4.2.5 12v lead acid battery

A twelve-volt battery has six single cells in series producing a fully charged output
voltage of 12.6 volts. A typical 12-volt battery used in a RV or marine craft has a
rating 125 AH, which means it can supply 10 amps of current for 12.5 hours or 20-
amps of current for a period of 6.25 hours. Lead acid batteries can be connected
in parallel to increase the total AH capacity. (Venkateswara Sarma Mallela et al)

Fig 4.1.5 Battery

4.2.6 Pulse sensor

Fig 4.2.6 Pulse sensor

The pulse sensor module has a light which helps in measuring the pulse rate.
When we place the finger on the pulse sensor, the light reflected will change
based on the volume of blood inside the capillary blood vessels
This change in volume between the heartbeats affects the amount of light that will
transmit through these tissues. This change is very small but we can measure it
with the help of Arduino (Shi, Wei & Zhou, Mengchu. (2012).

4.2 .7 Transmitter coil

FIG4.2.7 Transmitter coil

Transmitter coil is a circular folded coil which leak alternating current in the air by
energizes the coil. It consist of transformer, bridge rectifier, power cord and
voltage regulator

4.2.8 Receiver coil

Fig4.2.8 Receiver coil

Receiver coil is a secondary coil which receives the charging voltage from
transmitter coil.
The Received voltage is stored in the battery which is connected in it. in this coil ,
there is microcontroller is also connected with it for purpose of monitoring the
heart rate of the patient and also battery health status of the pacemakers battery

4.2.9 Arduino

An Arduino is basically a microcontroller based unit which may be either

utilized straightforwardly by buying from the vendor or are
often made reception utilizing the parts, due to its open source equipment
include. it's fundamentally utilized in correspondences and in controlling or
working numerous gadgets. it had been established by Massimo Banzi and
David Cuartielles in 2005..The Arduino Uno may be a microcontroller
board hooked in to the ATmega328. it's 14 computerized input/yield pins (of
which 6 are often utilized as PWM yields), 6 simple information sources, a 16
MHz gem oscillator, a USB association, a force jack, an ICSP header, and
a pushbutton .It contains all that expected to assist the microcontroller;
basically interface it to a PC with a USB link or force it with an AC-to-DC
connector or battery to start The Uno contrasts from all former
sheets therein it doesn't utilize the FTDI USB-to-chronic driver chip. All things
being equal, it includes the Atmega8U2 modified as a USB-to-chronic
converter. "Uno" signifies one in Italian and is known as to see the
approaching arrival of Arduino 1.0. The Uno and rendition 1.0 are going to
be the reference variants of Arduino, pushing ahead The Uno is that the most up-
to-date in an examination with past adaptations a progression of USB Arduino

Fig 4.2.9 Arduino


4.3.1 arduino ide

The Arduino Programming Language is fundamentally a system based on top

of C++. You can contend that it is anything but a genuine programming
language in the customary term, however I think this aides evading disarray for
amateurs. A program written in the Arduino Programming Language is called
sketch. A sketch is typically saved with the .ino augmentation (from
Arduino).The primary distinction from "ordinary" C or C++ is that you wrap all
your code into 2 principle capacities. You can have more than 2, obviously;
however any Arduino program should give in any event those 2. One is called
arrangement (), the other is called circle(). The first is called once, when the
program begins, the second is over and again called while your program is
running. We don't have a principle() work like you are utilized to in C/C++ as
the section point for a program. When you order your sketch, the IDE will
ensure the final product is a right C++ program and will essentially add the
missing paste by preprocessing it. All the other things is typical C++ code, and
as C++ is a superset of C, any substantial C is likewise legitimate Arduino

4.3.2 App inventor

App Inventor is a visual, intuitive apparatus for building versatile applications on

the Android stage. You plan the UI (the visual appearance) of an application
utilizing an online graphical UI (GUI) developer; at that point you indicate the
application's conduct by sorting out "blocks" as though you were dealing with a
riddle. (Roberts, P. R., & ElRefai, M. H. (2020)

The programming happens in the Blocks Editor. There you tell the application
what it ought to do and give explicit guidelines for getting that going. The particular
abilities are modified through associating unique pieces. Over the long haul, you
will realize what each square does and discover numerous ways for them to
connect with each other. The pieces that don't associate won't interface with one
another—another accommodating path for novices to get a feeling of basic
programming standards.

Fig 4.3.2 App Inventor




Qazi Saeed et al 2015 proposed a Transcutaneous power transfer for the

implantable pacemaker can be done by the principle of mutual induction
• Experimental results show that the proposed system is effective for real
time, and The monitoring of battery level is obtained successfully using a
microcontroller and Bluetooth.

Fig 5.1 .Wireless charger

• Wireless charging method for implantable pacemaker is worked on

inductive coupling power transfer between the two coils has been proposed
in this system The receiver coil is to be placed on the body while
transmitter coil is to be placed inside the body. Transmitter and receiver coil
can transmit the power wirelessly, and receiver circuit will receive the AC
current and convert it into DC current for the battery of the pacemaker.

.Fig5.2 working of wireless charger

• The Transmitter section of wireless charger circuit consists of a AC power

supply, bridge rectifier, filter, transformer and transmitter coil. The
transmitter coil provides an ac current and it creates a magnetic flux and
the bridge rectifier helps in the conversion of ac input to dc output.
• The receiver section consists of receiver coil, rectifier circuit and a voltage
regulator IC. The AC current flowing through the transmitter coil creates a
magnetic field. When we place the receiver coil with in a small distance
from this transmitter coil, the magnetic field in the transmitter coil extends to
this receiver coil,
• it induces an AC voltage and generates a current flow in the receiver coil of
the wireless charger. The rectifier circuit in the receiver section converts
this AC voltage in to DC and the voltage regulator helps to provide a
constant limited regulated output voltage to the load for charging the
battery. In the pulse sensor, the fingertip is placed over the pulse sensor.
• The Bluetooth utilized here will transmit the re-energizing rate to the
android app. There is a pulse sensor combined to the microcontroller and it
is used to measure the pulse rate of heart. This method of communication
will be utilized for re-energizing the battery

Fig 5.4 Android application



This project proposes a transcutaneous power transfer to charge the pacemaker’s

battery done by the mutual induction phenomenon. In various clinical areas,
pacemaker device is used as an implant to improve the patient’s health condition,
in our project gives an access to the patient by recharging the pacemaker battery.
Our projects works on mutual induction phenomenon in transmitter coil and
receiver coil is placed adjacent to each other, with pulse sensor is connected
which patient can monitor the heart rate and this can be monitored through
android application. It aids the patients to know about the battery level in
pacemaker ad recharge it when necessary. Normal / usual pacemakers after a
fixed period of time needs the battery replaced through the surgical procedure
which is done in an hospital under sterile condition . This replacement surgery can
be avoided using with our wireless charger which the battery can be recharged at
home without the medical expertise. With our project, we can reduce the
psychological burdens to the patients and also and financial crisis In which
patients with low socio economic status. With our project, it allows the patients to
have comfortable and reliable and help them to return to normal lifestyle with the
ease, may also improve the quality of day to day activities. The battery status is
continuously monitored and transmits to the patient’s Mobile phone through
Bluetooth and also shows the level of the battery charge which will be very useful
to patients


Wireless charger for implantable pacemakers integrated with android application

is an modern biomedical device which is used with patients with cardiac condition
with the patients with cardiac conditions in which patient themselves can monitor
the heart rate and battery level of the pacemakers our project works on principle
of mutual induction phenomenon yet help to a greater extend in the patient in
need pacemakers with advantages over usual pacemakers


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#include "SoftwareSerial.h"
LiquidCrystal lcd(13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8);
SoftwareSerial blue_tx_rx (3, 2);
#define splash splash1
#define enr A5
#define buz A0

unsigned int pul, pulfn, pulStat;

String IncomingData = "";

String outB = "";

void(* resetFunc) (void) = 0;

void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
splash(0, "Initializing");
splash(1, "blue_tx_rx");

// blue_tx_rx.println("Ready");

void LcDSet() {
lcd.begin(16, 2);

splash(0, "Wireless Charger");
splash (1, "SysteM");

void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


float vlc = getVolt(A1);

float vlb = getVolt(A2);

if (vlc > 5.5) {

outB = "Charging";
} else {
outB = "Discharging";
pul = analogRead(A0);
if (pul < 150) {
pul = 0;
pulfn = (pul ) / (5.2 * 1.5);

lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("B: ");
lcd.setCursor(2, 0);
lcd.setCursor (9, 0);
lcd.print("C: ");
lcd.setCursor (11, 0);
lcd.print (vlc);

lcd.setCursor (0, 1);

lcd.print ("P: ");
lcd.setCursor (2, 1);

/*String ble_out = "Battery Voltage = ";

ble_out += String(vlb);
ble_out += " Charger Voltage = ";
ble_out += String(vlc);
ble_out += " Pulse = ";
ble_out += String(pulfn);
ble_out += outB;*/

String ble_out = "";

ble_out += String(vlb);
ble_out += ",";
ble_out += String(vlc);
ble_out += ",";
ble_out += String(pulfn);
ble_out += ",";
ble_out += outB;


void getblue_tx_rx() {


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