1395_B. Sc. Zoology Semester III, IV
1395_B. Sc. Zoology Semester III, IV
1395_B. Sc. Zoology Semester III, IV
MBS Marg, Near Kabir Circle, Kota (Rajasthan) 324005
External Assessment
Continuous Assessment Weightage Total
Regular Students Private Students
Paper based External (Total
Seminar/Project Report Total
Mid-Term Viva-voce Evaluation Credits)
Report/Presentation Writing
20 10 20 10 30 70 100 (4)
Regular students will have a mid-term test worth 20 marks. They will have one opportunity to
improve their marks on the mid-term test by paying a fee of Rs. 250/- per paper, with approval from
the competent authority of the College/Department of University.
Private students of UG will prepare a report of a minimum of 1000 words on a topic from the
prescribed syllabus of the Zoology theory paper of the concerned semester. They will need to
submit the Continuous Assessment Report (CAR) to the concerned college at the stipulated time.
4. Unit-II
OR 10
5. Unit-II
6. Unit-III
OR 10
7. Unit-III
8. Unit-IV
OR 10
9. Unit-IV
10. Unit-V
OR 10
11. Unit-V
The practical paper will follow the examination scheme based on the theory paper's syllabus for the
NOTE: A student will have to pass in Continuous Internal Assessments (CIA), End of Semester
Examination (EoSE), and Practical Examination separately.
University of Kota
Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) Program
Subject/Discipline: Zoology
Syllabus: B. Sc. Semester-III
Course Code Type of the Course Title of the Course Level of the Course
ZOO5234T Core Cell Biology and Genetics 5
Credit of the Course Delivery of the Course
Lectures: 60 lectures including diagnostic and formative assessments
during lecture hours.
Delivery Sub-Type
Theory/Tutorial (T)
of the Course
Semester-I and II/equivalent
Objective of the Cell structure and function: understanding the structure and function
Course of cells, organelles, and membranes, and how they work together to
generate and use energy.
Cell processes: understanding the processes of cell growth, death,
specialization, and motility, and how they contribute to the
development of multicellular organisms.
Genetics: understanding the organization and development of genetic
makeup and how to apply this knowledge to genetic diseases.
Molecular biology: understanding the molecular mechanisms that
regulate and function biomolecules and how to use model systems to
study them.
Communication: being able to communicate fundamental concepts of
cell biology and genetics to a target audience.
Experimental procedures: being able to follow experimental methods
to examine biomolecules accurately.
Data analysis and presentation: being able to analyze and presentation
of scientific data and come to reasoned conclusions.
Course Learning Cell structure and function: students learn about the components of
Outcomes cells, such as organelles, membranes, and macromolecules, and how
they work together to generate and use energy.
Genetics: students learn how genetic information is inherited, used,
and controlled in cells. They also learn about gene interactions,
multiple alleles, and sex-linked inheritance.
Cell biology and genetics concepts: students learn how to apply cell
biology and genetics concepts to explain practical applications,
analyze data, and draw conclusions.
Laboratory techniques: students learn how to apply laboratory and
analytical techniques to investigate questions in cell biology.
Communication: students learn how to communicate cell biology and
genetics concepts to a target audience.
Molecular mechanisms: students learn about the molecular
mechanisms that regulate genome maintenance and gene expression.
Detailed Syllabus of Theory Paper: B. Sc. (Semester-III) Zoology
ZOO5234T: CELL BIOLOGY AND GENETICS (60 Lectures & 4 Credits)
1. https://egyankosh.ac.in/handle/123456789/25097
2. https://bio.libretexts.org/
3. https://www.ebookselibrary.com/books/higher-education/zoology
4. https://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/Home/ViewSubject?catid=2rAs1Puvga4LW93zMe83aA==
5. https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/account/registration
6. https://www.youtube.com/@cecgurukul/playlists
7. https://www.swayamprabha.gov.in/index.php/higheredu
8. https://swayam.gov.in/
9. https://www.ebsco.com/academic-libraries
10. https://www.coursera.org/courses?query=zoology
11. https://uj.ac.za.libguides.com/zoology/home
12. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/
13. https://biosphera3d.com/
14. https://www.vlab.co.in/
15. https://www.sciencedirect.com/book/9780080187679/zoology
16. https://tripurauniv.ac.in/Page/SubjectWiseOnline_EBooks_Zoology_and_Animal_Science
17. https://www.freebookcentre.net/Biology/Zoology-Books.html
Cell Biology:
1. Study of cell membrane permeability.
2. Acetocarmine preparation for mitotic activity.
3. Study of mitosis in onion root tip cells and meiosis in young anther/testis of Cockroach.
4. Mitotic and meiotic cell division study through permanent slides.
5. Demonstration of mitochondria using vital stain.
6. Study of giant chromosomes in salivary glands of Chironomus/Drosophila larvae.
7. Study of DNA by separation using detergent followed by staining.
1. Simple numerical problems based on monohybrid/dihybrid cross.
2. Life cycle of Drosophila and its culture in laboratory.
3. Identification of male and female Drosophila, wild and mutant Drosophila: Yellow-
brown/Ebony, Red/White-eyed and Straight/Vestigial wings.
4. Preparation of slides of sex combs of adult Drosophila and polytene chromosomes from
salivary glands of Drosophila larvae.
5. Study of Barr body/Sex chromatin in buccal cavity cells/leucocytes.
University of Kota
B. Sc. (Semester-III) Zoology Practical
Scheme of Practical Examination and Distribution of Marks
Duration: 6 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 50 Minimum Marks: 25
S. N. Exercise in Practical Examination Marks (Reg./Ex/NC)
1. Cell Biology 07
2. Genetics 07
3. Identification & Comments on Spots (1-5) 20
4. Laboratory Record 10
5. Viva-Voce 06
कोविका जीिविजाञ
1. तोाणत् ािलली प्टगमयं् त् अधययञ I
2. स्सूती ावभ्जञ ाकय् ते ालए एसी्ोत्ा्ध ञ त् ावटचञ I
3. पय्ा ती ्ूल्ग तोाणत्ओध ्े स्सूती ावभ्जञ एवध ंरर पट्गतोण / तॉतटोच ते वल र र ्े अरध सूती ावभ्जञ
त् अधययञ I
4. स््यी सल्इे् स से स्सूती एवध अरध सूती ावभ्जञ त् अधययञ I
5. जैावत अाभटधजञ ते उपयोग से सूततारत् त् प्णध ञ I
6. त्इटोञो्स/डोसोाोल् ाेमभत ती ल्टीय गधा्यि ्े पॉली्ीञ गर ु सूति त् अधययञ I
7. ेीएञए त् अप््जध त ते उपयोग से प् र कतटर तट अाभटधजञ द्ट् अधययञ तटञ् I
आञिु वध िक्:
1. एतल सधतटर एवध ादसधतटर आर्रटं सटल सधाय्त्त स्सय्एए I
2. डोसोाोल् त् जीवञ चक एवध पयोगण्ल् ्े इसत् सधवरध ञ I
3. ञट व ्््् औट वनय व उतपरटवंर पीली-भूटी,/आबञूसी, ल्ल/शें ञेत, सीरे/अवणेली पधख डोसोाोल् ती
पहच्ञ तटञ् I
4. वयसत डोसोाोल् से ालधग तध तं ं्् डोसोाोल् ाेमभत ती ल्टीय गधा्यि से पॉली्ीञ गर ु सूति ती सल्इे
त् ावटचञ I
5. बॉर बॉडी/सेकस क्रोमैट त् ्ख
ु गाु हत् तोाणत्ओध/शें्रओ
ु ध ्े अधययञ I
कोटा विशविवा्य
बी.एििी (िेणसे टर-III) पायोवगक पारीिास
पायोवगक ्रीका क् योजञा एिध अधको का वि्रर
अिवि: 6 घ्टे ्ूराणक: 50 उतीराणक: 25
क. िध पायोवगक ्रीका णे अभयाि अधक (Reg./Ex/NC)
1 तोाणत् जीव ावज्ञ 07
2 आञवु धाणती 07
3 प््णद ती पहच्ञ एवध ा्पपरी (1-5) 20
4 पयोगण्ल् अाभलेख 10
5 ्ौाखत 06
कु् 50
University of Kota
Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) Program
Subject/Discipline: Zoology
Syllabus: B. Sc. Semester-IV
Course Code Type of the Course Title of the Course Level of the Course
Mammalian Physiology
ZOO5234T Core 5
and Endocrinology
Credit of the Course Delivery of the Course
Lectures: 60 lectures including diagnostic and formative assessments
during lecture hours.
Delivery Sub-Type
Theory/Tutorial (T)
of the Course
Semester-III/equivalent course
Objective of the Students will study the physiological fundamentals of animal systems,
Course including the digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, nervous,
endocrine, and reproductive systems.
They will also learn about how the body maintains homeostasis and
physiological adaptations.
Additionally, students will study the chemical composition of
hormones and the mechanisms and effects of hormones from the
pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, and pineal glands.
The course will also cover the use of scientific terminology specific to
the subject and basic scientific instrumentation in laboratory settings.
Finally, students will learn how to perform functional tests on animals
and interpret the results.
1. https://www.ebsco.com/academic-libraries
2. https://www.ebookselibrary.com/books/higher-education/zoology
3. https://egyankosh.ac.in/handle/123456789/25097
4. https://bio.libretexts.org/
5. https://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/Home/ViewSubject?catid=2rAs1Puvga4LW93zMe83aA==
6. https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/account/registration
7. https://www.youtube.com/@cecgurukul/playlists
8. https://www.swayamprabha.gov.in/index.php/higheredu
9. https://swayam.gov.in/
10. https://uj.ac.za.libguides.com/zoology/home
11. https://biosphera3d.com/
12. https://www.vlab.co.in/
13. https://www.sciencedirect.com/book/9780080187679/zoology
14. https://tripurauniv.ac.in/Page/SubjectWiseOnline_EBooks_Zoology_and_Animal_Science
15. https://www.freebookcentre.net/Biology/Zoology-Books.html
16. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/
17. https://www.coursera.org/courses?query=zoology
a) Study of mammalian histological slides: T.S. of Stomach, Intestine, Liver, Pancreas, Kidney,
Lung & Spinal cord, V.S. of skin, Striated, Smooth and Cardiac muscle fiber.
b) Study of Balance diet, Malnutrition, Obesity, Endoscopy, Catalyze and Ptyalin enzyme activity
c) Spirometry
d) Identification of blood group: ABO and Rh factors).
e) Estimation of Red Blood Corpuscles and White Blood Corpuscles
f) Preparation of blood film, Clotting Time, Bleeding Time
g) Hemoglobin estimation and Hematocrit value
h) ECG & Cardiac cycle
i) EEG, MRI, CT- Scan
j) Mental health: epilepsy, neurosis & psychosis
a) Demonstration of major endocrine glands using models/charts/computer software.
b) Study of histology of major endocrine glands: T.S./L.S. of pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid,
adrenal, pancreas, testes, ovary, and placenta
c) Disorders related to endocrine glands.
Visit to Medical College/Pathology Lab.
University of Kota
B. Sc. (Semester-IV) Zoology Practical
Scheme of Practical Examination and Distribution of Marks
Duration: 6 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 50 Minimum Marks: 25
S. N. Exercise in Practical Examination Marks (Reg./Ex/NC)
1. Physiological exercise 07
2. Hematological exercise 07
3. Identification & Comments on Spots (1-5) 20
4. Laboratory Record 10
5. Viva-Voce 06
1. स्ञी कावय्क्:
a) संञी औांतीय सल्इे् स त् अधययञ: आ््शय, आधत, यतरं, अगञ्शय, वकर त, ोुफोुस एवध ्ेरटरजु ती
अञपु स् त््, तवच् ती उ्ग त््, टेाखं, अटेाखं एवध ह् पेणी ंधंत ु I
b) सधंाु लं आह्ट, तुपोलर, ्ो््प्, अधंटी््, तै ्ेलेज एवध ््यलीञ पातकव ाकय् त् अधययञ I
c) शसञा्ां
d) रारट स्ूह ती पहच्ञ तटञ्: ABO एवध आटएच-त्टत I
e) ल्ल रारट तारत्ओध एवध शें रारट तारत्ओध त् आतलञ तटञ् I
f) रारट ाोल्, सतन्ञ स्य एवध रारट ः्व स्य त् अधययञ I
g) रारट ही्ोगलोाबञ एवध ाह्े्ोाक् ््ञ ज्ं तटञ् I
h) ईसीजी एवध ह् चक
i) ईईजी, ए्आटआई एवध सी्ी-सतै ञ
j) ््ञासत सव्ससय: अपस््ट/ंधातत्ं्प/्ांभधण
2. अन्तःाविक्
a) ्ॉेलस/च्््ध स/तध पयू्ट द्ट् प्ख
ु अनंतः्वी गधा्यि त् प्णध ञ I
b) प्खु अनंतः्वी गधा्यि ती औांती त् अधययञ: पीयूालत्, अव्ु, पट्अव्ु, अारवकर त, अगञ्णय, वलर र,
अधे्णय एवध अपट् I
c) अनंतः्वी गान् सधबानरं सधल्र I
3. आयुवि्जाञ णहाविवा्य/रोगविजाञ पयोगिा्ा का भणर
कोटा विशविवा्य
बी.एििी (िेणेसटर-IV) पायोवगक पारीिास
पायोवगक ्रीका क् योजञा एिध अधको का वि्रर
अिवि: 6 घ्टे ्ूराणक: 50 उतीराणक: 25
क. िध पायोवगक ्रीका णे अभयाि अधक (Reg./Ex/NC)
1. णटीट-त्ायध ती अभय्स 07
2. रारट ावज्ञ अभय्स 07
3. प््णद ती पहच्ञ एवध ा्पपरी (1-5) 20
4. पयोगण्ल् अाभलेख 10
5. ्ौाखत 06
कु् 50