Before we define the word research, think about terms or words that have prefix ‘re’. For instance,’
Reappear etc.
Research just like the words mentioned has a prefix ‘Re’. This prefix means again and therefore
means to re-search is to search again and again. I. e There is repetition of search.
The next question we need to ask is, then, what are we searching?
Weare searching for knowledge to fill a gap between what is and what is ought to be.
Every aspect of human behavior has a problem. This is replicated in the society. In society, there were
problems, there are problems and there will be problems.
A problem does not mean when things are going bad; but a problem is any situation that makes the
researcher ask him/herself, ‘WHY’. Therefore, even when things are going on well, the researcher asks
For example……………
If a government has implemented a project in a community and there is high haptic of that project, you
would want to find out ‘why’. Even if the same project turns out with low haptic still you would want to
find out ‘why’
That is why we have stated that a gap is a discrepancy between the ways things are (or the way we know
them as normal) and how they ought to be.
Therefore, a gap is a research problem and we have to find answers to these problems.
We find answers by collecting data, analyzing data, writing a report and disseminating the findings to
your audience. This constitutes the answer (s) to the problem.
Different scholars define it differently but they all bring the idea that research is a search for knowledge
to fill a gap.
I define research as an objective, systematic and scientific investigation of problem through collection,
analyses and interpretation of data in order to gain understanding about a phenomena.
1. Specific/Purposiveness-any good research must have a definite purpose and must be focused. A
statement of the purpose of the study guide in the achievement in the research objective
2. Empirical-Research is based on observation and measurement of the phenomena, as directly
experienced by the researcher. The results of research are based on real life experiences.
3. Testability- good research must be testable in terms of objective and hypothesis developed. If
the hypothesis/objectives are too abstract and difficult to measure, then the scientific research is
4. Replicability-this mean that the results of the research should be supported again and again
when the research is repeated in the similar circumstances.
5. Precision and confidence-precision reflects the degree of exactitude of the results based on the
sample. Confidence refers to probability that our estimates are correct.
6. Objectivity-our results should be objective based on facts resulting from the actual data and not
own subjective or emotional values.
7. Generalizability-this refers to the scope of applicability of the research findings. The wider the
range of applicant of the solutions generated by research, the more useful the research is.
8. Parsimony-research being scientific does not mean that we have to be complicated. Parsimony
refers to the simplicity of explaining the phenomena that occur and in the applications of
solutions to problem
9. High ethical standards should be applied-the researcher should conduct research with high
regards of the respondent’s privacy and should assure them of confidentiality
10. Problem-driven
1. Descriptive research which aims at describing the characteristics of population i.e finding out the
what of the population.
2. Exploratory research is similar to basic research which investigates a problem that is not well
3. Explanatory research. This builds on explanatory and descriptive research where it goes further
to determine causes and reasons, extended theory or principle as well as provide evidence to
support or refute an explanations or prediction.