Module 3
Module 3
Module 3
Meaning of Organizing:
Organizing is the process of systematically arranging resources (human, material, financial, etc.) and
tasks to achieve specific goals. It involves creating a structure within which individuals and teams work
together in an orderly and coordinated manner. Organizing ensures that tasks are delegated
appropriately and that resources are allocated efficiently to accomplish organizational objectives.
In simpler terms, organizing is the act of arranging things in a structured way to enable better functioning
and coordination within an organization.
Henry Fayol:
• “To organize a business is to provide it with everything useful to its functioning—raw materials,
tools, capital, personnel. Organizing means developing the structure of the enterprise.”
Louis A. Allen:
• “Organizing is the process of identifying and grouping the work to be performed, defining and
delegating responsibility and authority, and establishing relationships for the purpose of enabling
people to work most effectively together in accomplishing objectives.”
Stephen P. Robbins:
Theo Haimann:
• “Organizing is the process of defining and grouping the activities of the enterprise, establishing
the authority relationships among them, and staffing the enterprise for decision-making.”
Harold Koontz:
• “Organizing is the process of defining and grouping the activities of the enterprise and
establishing the authority relationships among them.”
Purpose of Organizing:
The primary purpose of organizing is to enable effective and efficient attainment of goals. Some of the
key purposes include:
1. Coordination: Organizing ensures that all parts of an organization are aligned towards common
objectives, and that activities across departments or teams are well-coordinated.
2. Resource Utilization: It helps in optimal use of resources (people, time, money, and materials)
by clearly defining roles and responsibilities.
3. Clarity in Responsibilities: Organizing clarifies who is responsible for what tasks, avoiding
confusion or duplication of effort.
4. Improved Efficiency: It streamlines operations, reduces redundancies, and enhances productivity
by ensuring that tasks are properly assigned and resources are used appropriately.
5. Adaptability: Organizing helps an organization adapt to changes in the environment by providing
a structure that can respond to new challenges or opportunities.
Nature of Organizing
Importance of Organizing
Organizing is a critical function in management and holds great importance for the success of an
organization. Key reasons for its importance include:
1. Facilitates Specialization and Division of Labor: Organizing divides work based on skills and
expertise, leading to higher specialization, which improves the efficiency and effectiveness of
2. Clarifies Roles and Responsibilities: It provides clarity on what each individual or department is
responsible for, reducing confusion and overlap in tasks.
3. Establishes Authority Structure: Organizing defines the hierarchy and levels of authority,
ensuring that there is an orderly system of supervision and accountability within the organization.
4. Enhances Coordination: It ensures that different departments or teams work together
seamlessly, avoiding duplication of efforts and conflicts in resource usage.
5. Improves Communication: Through an organized structure, communication channels are clearly
defined, which fosters better information flow and understanding within the organization.
6. Aids in Growth and Expansion: As organizations grow and expand, an efficient organizing process
helps in scaling operations while maintaining control and efficiency.
7. Adapts to Change: An effective organizing structure allows organizations to be flexible and
adaptable to changes in the external environment, such as market conditions, technology, or
8. Efficient Resource Management: Organizing ensures that resources (human, financial, physical)
are utilized effectively and allocated to the right areas, reducing wastage and improving
Principles of organization
They are guidelines that managers follow to structure their organizations effectively. These principles
help in creating a clear, efficient, and harmonious organizational structure that aligns with the goals and
objectives of the business. Here are the key principles of organization along with examples:
• Principle: Work should be divided into smaller tasks and assigned to individuals or teams who
specialize in those areas. This promotes efficiency and expertise.
• Example: In a car manufacturing company, different teams specialize in assembling specific parts,
such as engines, tires, or interiors. Each team focuses on one aspect, leading to greater efficiency
and skill development in their area.
2. Unity of Command
• Principle: Each employee should receive instructions and be accountable to only one supervisor.
This avoids confusion and conflicting instructions.
• Example: In a retail store, a sales associate reports only to the store manager, ensuring clear
accountability and direction. If the associate had multiple supervisors, they might receive
conflicting instructions about how to handle customers or stock products.
3. Unity of Direction
• Principle: All activities that have the same objective should be directed by one manager and
follow one plan. This ensures coordination and focus toward common goals.
• Example: In a marketing department, all campaigns related to a new product launch are overseen
by the marketing manager. The team follows a unified strategy for promoting the product
through different channels like social media, print, and TV.
• Principle: Authority should correspond with responsibility. Managers should have the authority
to give orders and allocate resources, and they should be held accountable for the results.
• Example: In a project team, the project manager has the authority to assign tasks and make
decisions regarding project deadlines and resource allocation. The project manager is also
responsible for the success or failure of the project.
• Principle: There should be a clear hierarchy in the organization from the top management to the
lowest level, creating a chain of command.
• Example: In a bank, there is a clear hierarchy where a teller reports to a branch manager, who
reports to a regional manager, who in turn reports to the head of banking operations. This
ensures that authority and responsibility flow in an orderly manner.
6. Span of Control
• Principle: The number of employees that a manager can effectively supervise should be limited.
A wider span of control may lead to managerial overload, while a narrow span of control might
slow decision-making.
• Example: In a call center, a supervisor might effectively manage a team of 10 customer service
representatives. If the number increases to 20 without proper support, the supervisor might
struggle to monitor performance and provide feedback.
8. Equity
• Principle: Employees should be treated fairly and with respect. Fair treatment helps to maintain
employee satisfaction and morale.
• Example: In an organization, all employees are offered equal opportunities for promotion and
salary increments based on their performance, regardless of their gender, race, or background.
9. Discipline
• Principle: Discipline is necessary for the smooth functioning of the organization. Employees must
follow rules and maintain professional behavior.
• Example: In a hospital, nurses are required to adhere to strict protocols and timelines for patient
care. If a nurse consistently arrives late or disregards the protocols, disciplinary action may be
taken to maintain order and patient safety.
10. Order
• Principle: There should be a proper place for every resource and task in the organization, and
they should be placed in the most effective position for efficient functioning.
• Example: In a warehouse, products are organized systematically in labeled sections (e.g.,
electronics, clothing, groceries), making it easier for workers to locate items and process orders
• Principle: Organizations should strive for stability in employee tenure to avoid high turnover,
which can disrupt operations and lead to inefficiencies.
• Example: A software company offers competitive salaries, growth opportunities, and job security
to retain its skilled engineers, thereby reducing turnover and maintaining project continuity.
12. Initiative
• Principle: Employees should be encouraged to take initiative and contribute their ideas and
efforts to improve processes and performance.
• Example: In a tech startup, employees are encouraged to suggest innovative solutions to product
development challenges. An engineer proposes a new feature that improves user experience,
which is then implemented by the team.
• Principle: The interests of the organization should take precedence over individual interests.
Personal goals should align with the company’s objectives.
• Example: In a marketing agency, an employee may prefer to work on a specific project they enjoy,
but when the agency needs resources for a more critical client project, they set aside personal
preferences to prioritize the agency's overall success.
• Principle: Promoting team spirit and unity within the organization leads to better cooperation
and stronger morale.
• Example: A sports team fosters a strong sense of teamwork and camaraderie by organizing
regular team-building activities. This boosts the team’s motivation and collective performance
during games.
Organizations can be classified into various types based on their structure, purpose, and functioning.
Here are the major types of organizations with descriptions and diagrams for each:
1. Line Organization
• Definition: A Line Organization is the simplest type of organization structure where authority
flows vertically from top to bottom. All decisions are made at the top, and tasks are delegated
down the chain of command.
• Advantages: Simple structure, clear authority, quick decision-making.
• Disadvantages: Rigid structure, lack of specialization, and heavy reliance on top management.
• Definition: In a Line and Staff Organization, there is a combination of line authority and staff
experts. Line managers have direct authority over their subordinates, while staff personnel
provide advice and support.
• Advantages: Combines specialization with clear authority, better decision-making.
• Disadvantages: Potential for conflict between line and staff, complex communication.
Line Manager ----> Staff (Advisory)
3. Functional Organization
| | | |
Finance Marketing Production HR
| | | |
Team A Team B Team C Team D
4. Matrix Organization
5. Divisional Organization
| | |
Division A Division B Division C
| | |
Teams Teams Teams
6. Project-Based Organization
• Definition: In a Project-Based Organization, teams are created for specific projects. Once the
project is completed, the team is disbanded or reassigned. This structure is common in industries
like construction, R&D, and IT.
• Advantages: Flexibility, high focus on specific projects, faster decision-making.
• Disadvantages: Lack of job security for employees, potential resource conflicts between projects.
7. Network Organization
• Definition: A Network Organization relies on external entities to perform key business functions.
It is highly decentralized and relies on outsourcing or partnerships.
• Advantages: Flexibility, scalability, lower overhead costs.
• Disadvantages: Dependency on external entities, less control over processes.
| |
External Partner 1 External Partner 2
| |
Services A Services B
8. Virtual Organization
• Definition: A Virtual Organization operates mainly through technology, with employees working
remotely or across various locations. It allows organizations to operate without a physical office.
• Advantages: Flexibility, reduced costs, access to a global talent pool.
• Disadvantages: Communication challenges, lack of face-to-face interaction, difficulty in building
corporate culture.
Virtual CEO
Remote Manager
Remote Employees
Collaborative Platforms
9. Flat Organization
• Definition: A Flat Organization has few or no levels of middle management between staff and
executives. Employees have more autonomy, and the hierarchy is minimal.
• Advantages: Fast communication, flexibility, increased employee morale and empowerment.
• Disadvantages: Overloaded managers, lack of control, may not suit large organizations.
| |
Employee A Employee B
Formal Organizations
Definition: Formal organizations are structured entities defined by specific roles, responsibilities, rules,
and procedures. They have an official hierarchy and established communication channels.
1. Corporate Organizations:
Example: A multinational company like Apple Inc. has a formal structure with defined roles (CEO,
managers, employees) and departments (marketing, finance, R&D) that follow established policies and
2. Educational Institutions:
Example: A university has a formal structure comprising various levels of authority (e.g., president,
deans, department heads) and follows specific academic policies and regulations.
3. Government Agencies:
Example: The Department of Education has a formal hierarchy with specific roles, regulations, and
procedures guiding its operations.
Informal Organizations
Definition: Informal organizations are unofficial and emerge naturally among employees based on social
relationships, shared interests, and personal interactions. They do not follow formal rules or hierarchies.
Example: A staff specialist recommending a change in process that a line manager feels is unnecessary
may lead to tensions.
2. Role Ambiguity:
Description: Unclear definitions of roles and responsibilities can lead to misunderstandings and disputes
about who is responsible for what tasks.
Example: If a line manager believes that certain training should be conducted by staff specialists while
the specialists assume the line manager will initiate training, this misalignment can create conflict.
3. Resource Allocation:
Description: Conflicts can occur over the allocation of resources (e.g., budget, personnel) between line
and staff functions.
Example: A line manager might need additional resources for production, while a staff specialist
advocates for those resources to be allocated to a different project.
4. Differing Priorities:
Description: Line and staff personnel may have different priorities based on their roles, leading to
Example: A line manager focused on immediate production targets may clash with a staff specialist who
emphasizes long-term planning and development.
5. Communication Issues:
Description: Ineffective communication can lead to misunderstandings and escalate conflicts.
Example: If a staff specialist communicates a recommendation in a way that is perceived as critical of the
line manager’s decisions, it may create resentment.
Causes of Conflict
1. Differing Objectives:
Line managers focus on operational efficiency and immediate results, while staff specialists often
prioritize strategic planning and optimization.
2. Perceived Threat:
Line managers may feel threatened by the presence of staff specialists, fearing a loss of authority or
control over their teams.
3. Lack of Trust:
If line managers do not trust the expertise or intentions of staff specialists, it can lead to defensive
behaviors and conflict.
4. Poor Communication:
Ineffective communication regarding roles, responsibilities, and expectations can create confusion and
5. Organizational Culture:
A competitive or siloed culture can exacerbate conflicts by fostering an "us vs. them" mentality between
line and staff.
Effects of Conflict
1. Reduced Efficiency:
Conflicts can hinder collaboration, leading to inefficiencies in operations and decision-making.
2. Decreased Morale:
Ongoing conflicts can negatively affect employee morale and job satisfaction, leading to increased
3. Poor Communication:
Conflict may result in breakdowns in communication, further complicating relationships between line
and staff.
4. Impact on Decision-Making:
Conflict can lead to delays in decision-making, affecting the organization's overall performance and
5. Negative Work Environment:
Prolonged conflicts can create a toxic work environment, impacting team dynamics and productivity.
Foster open and honest communication between line and staff. Regular meetings can provide a platform
for discussing concerns, sharing information, and resolving issues collaboratively.
3. Conflict Resolution Training:
Provide training for both line and staff personnel on conflict resolution techniques. This training can help
individuals develop skills to manage and resolve conflicts constructively.
4. Encouraging Collaboration:
Promote a culture of teamwork and collaboration. Encourage line and staff personnel to work together
on projects and initiatives, fostering relationships that can help mitigate conflicts.
5. Involving Higher Management:
In cases of persistent conflict, involve higher management or human resources to mediate discussions
and find resolutions that align with organizational goals.
6. Building Trust:
Create opportunities for line and staff personnel to build trust through team-building activities and
informal interactions. Trust can significantly reduce conflict potential.
7. Focus on Shared Goals:
Emphasize common objectives that both line and staff personnel are working toward. Fostering a sense
of shared purpose can help align efforts and reduce conflict.
Departmentation (or departmentalization) is the process of dividing an organization into different
departments, which perform tasks according to the departments' specializations. This division helps in
organizing and managing activities within the organization more effectively.
Span of Control
Span of control refers to the number of subordinates or employees a manager can effectively supervise
and control. It is divided into two types:
• Wide Span of Control: A manager supervises a large number of employees directly. This leads to
a flatter organizational structure with fewer management levels.
o Advantages: More autonomy for employees, quicker decision-making, cost-effective
(fewer managers).
o Disadvantages: May lead to overburdening of managers, less personal supervision.
• Narrow Span of Control: A manager oversees a smaller number of employees, resulting in a taller
organizational structure.
o Advantages: More control and close supervision, better communication with employees.
o Disadvantages: Higher management costs, slower decision-making due to more layers.
Authority refers to the formal power granted to a manager or leader to make decisions, give orders, and
allocate resources to achieve organizational goals. It is a top-down delegation of power within the
Types of Authority:
Responsibility is the obligation of an individual to perform assigned tasks or duties. It goes hand-in-hand
with authority, meaning when a task is delegated, the person responsible must complete it.
4. Accountability
Accountability refers to the obligation of individuals to report and justify the outcomes of their assigned
responsibilities. It means being answerable for the final results of the tasks undertaken.
• Upward Flow: Accountability flows upward in the organizational hierarchy; subordinates are
accountable to their managers, and managers are accountable to their superiors.
• Non-Delegable: While authority and responsibility can be delegated, accountability cannot. A
manager remains accountable for the outcomes, even if tasks are delegated to others.
Principles of Delegation
Delegation is the process of assigning tasks and responsibilities to subordinates while retaining ultimate
accountability. Effective delegation is essential for empowering employees and improving organizational
efficiency. There are several key principles of delegation that managers should follow to ensure the
process is successful:
There are several key principles of delegation that managers should follow to ensure the process is
Each job or task should be clearly defined and well-understood by both the delegator (manager) and the
subordinate. The duties, authority, and expected outcomes must be outlined to avoid confusion and
ensure that the delegated task is aligned with organizational goals.
Authority and responsibility must go hand in hand. When delegating a task, the manager must also grant
the subordinate the necessary authority to carry it out. Without authority, the employee may not have
the power to make decisions or access resources needed to complete the task. Similarly, assigning
authority without responsibility can lead to misuse of power.
Each subordinate should report to only one superior for any particular task or responsibility. This avoids
confusion and conflicting instructions, ensuring a clear line of accountability. Multiple bosses for the
same task can create chaos and inefficiency.
There should be a clear line of authority from the top management to the lowest levels in the
organization. This ensures that communication is smooth and there is a formal hierarchy in place, which
facilitates proper delegation.
While a manager can delegate authority and tasks, they cannot delegate their overall responsibility. Even
after delegation, the manager remains ultimately accountable for the outcomes. This principle ensures
that managers remain responsible for the success or failure of the tasks they delegate.
Authority and responsibility should be balanced. The amount of authority given to a subordinate should
match the responsibility assigned to them. If a subordinate is given a task but lacks the authority to
complete it, they may become frustrated and unable to deliver results.
Delegation should be based on the expected results rather than just the process. When delegating tasks,
the focus should be on what is to be achieved rather than how it is done. This empowers subordinates
to use their creativity and skills to accomplish the task in the most effective manner.
This principle states that only exceptional situations or major problems should be escalated to higher
management. Routine tasks should be handled by the subordinates to whom they are delegated,
allowing managers to focus on more critical issues. This principle reduces micromanagement and
promotes trust in subordinates.
Clear communication is essential in the delegation process. Both the manager and the subordinate need
to understand the tasks, expectations, deadlines, and the level of authority granted. Regular feedback
and communication help ensure that tasks are progressing as expected.
Delegation should be seen as an opportunity to motivate employees. When tasks are delegated, it can
increase employees' confidence, sense of responsibility, and commitment. Recognition of their efforts
and providing support when needed also helps in motivating employees.
Delegation is a structured process that involves several steps to ensure tasks are effectively assigned,
and the desired outcomes are achieved. Here are the key steps involved in successful delegation:
Before delegation, the manager must clearly define the task or responsibility that needs to be delegated.
This includes understanding the scope of the task, its objectives, deadlines, and the desired outcomes.
The task should be well-suited for delegation, meaning it should be something that can be handled by
someone else without requiring constant supervision.
Choosing the right person for the task is crucial. The manager must evaluate the skills, experience,
knowledge, and workload of potential candidates. It's important to delegate tasks to individuals who are
capable of completing them effectively and who can benefit from the responsibility, enhancing their
growth and development.
3. Assign Responsibility
Once the task and person are chosen, the manager must clearly communicate the task, expectations,
and responsibilities. The person should understand what is expected, why the task is important, and how
it fits into the broader organizational goals. This step involves ensuring clarity on roles, deadlines, and
the level of autonomy.
4. Grant Authority
To carry out the task, the person must be given the necessary authority. This means the individual should
have the power to make decisions, allocate resources, and access the information needed to complete
the task. Without proper authority, the individual may face roadblocks and be unable to execute the task
The manager must ensure that the subordinate has access to all the necessary resources, including tools,
information, budget, and support from other team members if required. This helps ensure that the
individual has everything they need to succeed in their delegated task.
It’s essential to establish specific performance standards and timelines for completing the task. The
manager should communicate these expectations clearly, ensuring the subordinate knows when the task
is due and what quality of work is required. This step helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures
7. Monitor Progress
While delegation involves giving autonomy, it’s important to monitor progress at regular intervals.
Managers should check in to provide feedback, offer support if needed, and ensure that the task is on
track. This can be done through scheduled progress meetings or reports, but it’s important not to
Throughout the delegation process, the manager should be available to provide guidance, answer
questions, and address any challenges that arise. Supporting the subordinate without interfering in their
autonomy fosters confidence and competence.
9. Evaluate Performance
Once the task is completed, the manager should evaluate the performance of the individual. This
involves reviewing whether the task was completed on time, met the expected standards, and achieved
the desired outcomes. Constructive feedback should be provided to help the subordinate learn from the
After successful completion of the task, recognizing the efforts and achievements of the individual is
crucial. Providing positive feedback, acknowledging contributions, or offering rewards where
appropriate can enhance motivation and reinforce the behavior of taking ownership of delegated tasks.
Centralization and Decentralization refer to two different approaches to decision-making and authority
distribution in an organization. Each system has its advantages and is chosen based on the organization's
size, objectives, and management style.
1. Centralization
Centralization refers to a structure where decision-making authority is concentrated at the top levels of
management. Lower levels of management or employees have limited authority and typically follow the
decisions made by higher-level executives.
• Consistent Decision-Making: Decisions are aligned with overall company goals and strategies,
ensuring consistency.
• Efficient Resource Use: Resources are allocated centrally, often leading to better coordination
and use of resources.
• Clear Chain of Command: Everyone knows who makes decisions, reducing confusion and internal
• Strong Leadership: Top management has full control, allowing for clear, focused leadership.
• Slower Decision-Making: Because decisions must go through higher management, it can slow
down the process, especially in large organizations.
• Overburdened Top Management: Centralization can overload top executives with too many
decisions, affecting their effectiveness.
• Lack of Autonomy: Lower-level managers and employees may feel disempowered and less
motivated if they don’t have the authority to make decisions.
• Inflexibility: It may reduce the organization’s ability to respond quickly to local or market-specific
2. Decentralization
• Improved Motivation: Employees and lower-level managers feel empowered, which can
increase motivation and job satisfaction.
• Faster Response to Change: Decentralization allows for quicker responses to market changes or
local challenges because decisions are made at lower levels.
• Better Decision-Making: Local managers are often closer to the problems and can make better-
informed decisions based on their specific knowledge.
• Relieves Top Management: By delegating decision-making, top executives can focus on more
strategic issues rather than day-to-day operations.
• Large corporations with multiple divisions, like multinational companies (e.g., Unilever or General
Electric), often use decentralization to allow regional managers to make decisions based on local
• Franchise businesses where franchisees have some autonomy to make decisions within the brand
Key Differences:
• Large Organizations: Larger organizations with complex and diverse operations tend to be more
decentralized because decision-making must be distributed to manage different departments,
regions, or products.
• Small Organizations: Smaller organizations often centralize authority since decision-making can
be handled by fewer people at the top.
• Diverse and Complex Activities: Organizations with diverse activities or product lines (e.g.,
multinational corporations) tend to decentralize authority so that local managers can make
decisions that suit their specific business areas.
• Homogeneous or Simple Activities: If the organization's activities are similar across all units,
centralization is easier because fewer location-specific or product-specific decisions are needed.
3. Geographical Dispersion
4. Management Philosophy
• Autocratic Leadership: Leaders with a preference for control and direct oversight will tend to
centralize authority, believing that top management should make most decisions.
• Democratic or Participative Leadership: Managers who encourage employee empowerment and
participation are more likely to decentralize decision-making, allowing employees at different
levels to have greater autonomy.
5. Competence of Subordinates
• High Competence and Experience: Decentralization is more feasible when lower-level managers
and employees are skilled, experienced, and capable of making sound decisions. Managers can
trust that delegated authority will be used effectively.
7. Technological Advancements
8. Business Environment
• High Cost and Risk: If the cost of a wrong decision is high, or the risk associated with decisions is
significant (e.g., in industries like pharmaceuticals or aviation), centralization is favored to
maintain strict control.
• Low Cost and Risk: In industries with lower risks or costs, decentralization is more feasible, as
the impact of wrong decisions is less critical.
• High Need for Innovation: Companies that depend on innovation and creativity, such as
technology firms or design-based industries, tend to decentralize to encourage flexibility,
creativity, and autonomy in decision-making.
• Low Need for Innovation: In industries where routine and stability are prioritized, such as
manufacturing or banking, centralization may be more appropriate.
• Effective Control Mechanisms: If the organization has strong control and monitoring systems in
place (e.g., performance tracking, reporting), decentralization becomes easier, as top
management can still oversee decisions while allowing autonomy.
• Weak Control Mechanisms: In the absence of strong control systems, centralization is often
necessary to prevent misalignment with organizational goals.
• High Desire for Control: If top executives prefer to retain decision-making power and control
over all operations, centralization is more likely. This is common in companies with risk-averse
• Willingness to Delegate: If top management is comfortable delegating authority and trusting
subordinates, decentralization is encouraged to empower lower-level managers and employees.
• Desire for Employee Empowerment: Decentralization can be a tool to motivate and develop
employees by giving them more control over decisions and increasing their sense of ownership.
Organizations that value employee development tend to decentralize more.
• Focus on Efficiency: In organizations where efficiency and consistency are key, centralization may
be preferred, as it allows for uniform decision-making and reduces variability.
• Culture of Trust and Autonomy: Organizations with a culture that values employee initiative,
creativity, and trust tend to be more decentralized, as employees are encouraged to take
responsibility for decision-making.
• Culture of Control and Hierarchy: In more hierarchical organizations, centralization is common,
as authority is concentrated at the top and decisions follow a strict chain of command.