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MODULE -1 (7 hours)

Energy Management - General Principles and Planning: General principles of energy management
and energy management planning
Energy Audit: Definition, need, types and methodologies. Instruments for energy audit, Energy
audit report - Power quality audit. Energy conservation in buildings: ECBC code (basic aspects),
Building Management System (BMS).

Energy management
Energy management is the judicious and effective use of energy to maximize profits and enhance
competitive positions. It is the philosophy of more efficient use of energy without compromising
upon production levels, product quality, safety and environmental standards.
The objective of energy management is to achieve and maintain optimum energy procurement and
utilization throughout the organization.
Energy Management techniques are used:
a)To save energy
b)To minimize energy costs/waste without affecting production and quality
c)To minimize environmental effects

The primary objective of energy management is to maximize profits or minimize costs. Some
desirable subobjectives of energy management programs include:
1. Developing and maintaining effective monitoring, reporting, and management strategies
for wise energy usage
2. Developing interest in and dedication to the energy management program from all
3. Improving energy efficiency and reducing energy use, thereby reducing costs
4. Finding new and better ways to increase returns from energy investments through research
and development
5. Cultivating good communications on energy matters
6. Reducing the impacts of curtailments, brownouts, or any interruption in energy supplies.

Principles of energy management

An effective energy management system is essential for any organization that wants to reduce its
energy consumption and become more sustainable. It is important to understand the five core
principles of an effective energy management system in order to ensure that your organization is
taking the necessary steps towards becoming more energy efficient. These five core principles
• Understanding the current state of your energy use: Capturing energy consumption and
storage data, finding out ways to conserve energy, estimating opportunities for energy
conservation, and analyzing the meter data to observe the improvements and review the
progress of energy conservation measures.
• Setting goals and objectives: Energy management includes planning and operation of
energy production and energy consumption units as well as energy distribution and storage.
• Implementing strategies for achieving those goals: Organizations might have green goals
such as are resource conservation, climate protection and cost savings, while they access
to the energy they need.
• Monitoring progress: Identification and tracking of energy pattern, controlled energy
system’s use, properly maintained and managed facilities, and good maintenance are also
important steps in energy management.
• Making adjustments as needed. Energy management is based on controlling, conserving,
and monitoring energy within the organization.

General practices of Energy Management

1. Review historical energy use (review of historical data)

Historical data are never sufficient but they provide the total picture, not the details.
2. Energy audits (review of current practices)
Energy audits are a means for investigating energy use by specific processes and machines
and provide insight into inefficient operations
3. Improving housekeeping and maintenance
Well-lubricated equipment has reduced frictional losses. Cleaned light fixtures transmit
more light. Changing filters reduces pressure drop.
4. Analysis of energy use
Analysis goes hand-in-hand with the energy audit to determine how efficient the equipment
is, to establish what happens if a parameter changes (reduce flow by 50 percent), or to
simulate operations (computer models of building or process energy use)
5. Use of more efficient equipment
More efficient equipment can often be substituted to fulfill the same function; e.g., sodium
or metal halide lamps rather than incandescent lamps for area lighting
6. More efficient processes
More efficient processes can often be substituted without detrimental effect on product
quality. A classic example is a continuous steel rolling mill,which uses a continuous process
to produce steel products, avoiding the energy loss involved in cooling and reheating in
batch production.
7. Energy containment (heat recovery and heat reduction)
Energy containment seeks to confine energy, reduce losses, and recover heat • Examples
include repair of steam leaks, better insulation on boilers or piping, and installation of
recuperators or power recovery devices
8. Material economy (scrap recovery, salvage and recycle)
Product design which permits salvage or recovery of reusable parts, motors, and
components is an example.
9. Quality of material
Material quality selection is extremely important, since unnecessary quality almost always
means higher cost and often means greater energy use
10. Aggregation of energy use
Aggregation of energy uses permits greater efficiency to be achieved in certain situations.
For example, in a manufacturing plant it is possible to physically locate certain process
steps in adjacent areas so that the energy used for transportation of materials is minimized.
11. Cascade of energy use
Heat recovery is an example of cascading energy use, whereby high temperature heat is
used for one purpose and the waste heat from the process applied to another process step
and so on.
12. Alternative energy sources
13. Energy conversion and storage
14. Economic evaluation
New equipment, processes, or options must be studied to determine costs and returns

Energy management planning

An energy management plan is a program in which activities for managing the energy aspects of
an asset are planned. An energy management plan analyses and identifies activities to achieve
specific energy objectives. Depending on the type of asset, the energy management plan will
certainly be more or less complex and articulated but the purpose is always to analyze the current
energy status and evaluate what improvements can be implemented in particular to energy saving
and sustainability.
An energy management planning can be organized in many ways, but the most appropriate will be
organizing it in three primary phases
1) Initiation and planning
2) Audit and analysis
3) Implementation and continuous assessment

The various steps necessary to establish the energy management program in each phase is
given below

1)Initiation and planning

i. Commitment of management towards the energy management program - Management

must be convinced of two things, first the need and secondly the potential economic returns
that will result from investing time and money in the program
ii. Assigning an energy manager - The energy manager may be a member of the engineering
staff in a large firm, or a maintenance supervisor, electrician, or foreman. The energy
manager’s core responsibilities are to ensure the energy management program is accepted
by staff and operates effectively.
iii. Creation of an energy management committee of major plant and department
The energy manager’s first step might be to formulate an energy management committee with
representatives from each key department or division using energy, depending on the size and
complexity of the firm. Collectively, the committee’s main responsibilities will be to ensure the
program has reasonable targets and that goals are successfully met.

2) Audit and analysis

This phase consists of a detailed review of historical data, energy audits, identification of energy
management opportunities, energy analysis, and economic evaluation. It involves determining
where and how energy is being used and identifying opportunities for using energy more
i. Review of historical patterns of fuel and energy use, production, weather, occupancy,
operating hours, and other relevant variables
Data for the historical analysis can be compiled from utility bills, facility records of operating
schedules and shifts, equipment inventories, production statistics, or any other available
source of data. The objective is to understand both near- and long-term trends in energy usage
ii. Facility walk-through survey
iii. Preliminary analyses, review of drawings, data sheets, equipment specifications
iv. Development of energy audit plans
v. Energy audit covering (a) processes and (b) facilities / equipment
In the energy audit, the auditor or audit team collects detailed information for each piece of
equipment, lighting systems, Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems,
and processes, and sometimes information on the building construction.
vi. Calculation of projected annual energy use based on audit results and expected weather,
operation, and/or production
vii. Comparison with historical energy records
viii. Analysis and simulation (engineering calculations, heat and mass balances, theoretical
efficiency calculations, computer analysis and simulation) to evaluate energy management
ix. Economic analysis of selected energy management options (lifecycle costs, rate of return,
benefit-cost ratio)
The analysis results help the energy management committee define goals and select promising
projects to implement based on the organization’s priorities.

3) Implementation and continuous assessment

i. Establishment of energy effectiveness goals for the organization and individual plants
ii. Determination of capital investment requirements and priorities
iii. Implementation of projects
iv. Prioritizing and implementing projects identified thus far is one of the most critical aspects
of the entire program, since taking action to realize improvements is the central goal of an
energy management effort. Project ranking will depend somewhat on the specific priorities
of the organization, such as expected economic return, meeting regulations, carbon
footprint, fuel availability, production requirements, etc.
v. Promotion of continuing awareness and involvement of personnel
vi. Formation of measurement and verification procedures. Installation of monitoring and
recording instruments as required
vii. Institution of reporting procedures (“energy tracking” charts) for managers and publicize
viii. Provision for periodic reviews and evaluation of overall energy management program
Energy Audit

Energy audit means carrying out a systematic procedure for the analysis of energy utilization in
the plant. Energy audit is the systematic approach for decision making in the area of energy
management. It attempts to balance the total energy inputs with its use and serves to identify all
the energy streams in a facility. The aim of energy audit is to check the energy utilization in the
plant ie ; how much energy is being used in the plant, how much should be used and to what extent
can energy requirement be reduced by using energy efficient procedures and devices.
As per the Energy Conservation Act, 2001, Energy Audit is defined as "the verification,
monitoring and analysis of use of energy including submission of technical report containing
recommendations for improving energy efficiency with cost benefit analysis and an action plan to
reduce energy consumption”. Energy audits are a means for investigating energy use by specific
processes and machines and provide insight into inefficient operations. After the energy audit is
completed, the entire analysis should be presented in the form of report for practical
implementation called energy audit report.

Need of Energy Audit

In any industry, the three top operating expenses are often found to be energy (both electrical and
thermal), labour and materials. For managing the cost in each of the above components energy will
be the top ranker and energy management constitutes a strategic area for cost reduction. Energy
Audit will help to understand more about the ways energy and fuel are used in any industry, and
help in identifying the areas where waste can occur and where scope for improvement exists. The
Energy Audit would give a positive orientation to the energy cost reduction, preventive
maintenance and quality control programmes which are vital for production and utility activities.
Such an audit programme will help to keep focus on variations which occur in the energy costs,
availability and reliability of supply of energy, decide on appropriate energy mix, identify energy
conservation technologies, retrofit for energy conservation equipment etc. In general, Energy
Audit is the translation of conservation ideas into realities, by lending technically feasible solutions
with economic and other organizational considerations within a specified time frame. The primary
objective of Energy Audit is to determine ways to reduce energy consumption per unit of product
output or to lower operating costs. Energy Audit provides a " bench-mark" for managing energy
in the organization and also provides the basis for planning a more effective use of energy
throughout the organization.

Types of Energy audit

The type of Energy Audit to be performed depends on:

a) Function and type of industry
b) Depth to which final audit is needed, and
c)Potential and magnitude of cost reduction desired

The Energy Audit can be classified into the following two types
1) Preliminary Energy Audit
2) Detailed Energy Audit

Preliminary Energy Audit Methodology

Preliminary energy audit is a relatively quick exercise to:
i. Establish energy consumption in the organization
ii. Estimate the scope for saving
iii. Identify the most likely and the easiest areas for attention
iv. Identify immediate (especially no-/low-cost) improvements/ savings
v. Set a 'reference point'
vi. Identify areas for more detailed study/measurement
vii. Preliminary energy audit uses existing, or easily obtained data

Detailed Energy Audit

A comprehensive audit provides a detailed energy project implementation plan for a facility, since
it evaluates all major energy using systems. This type of audit offers the most accurate estimate of
energy savings and cost. It considers the interactive effects of all projects, accounts for the energy
use of all major equipment, and includes detailed energy cost saving calculations and project cost.

Detailed energy auditing is carried out in three

• Phase I - Pre Audit Phase
• Phase II - Audit Phase
• Phase III - Post Audit Phase

Phase I -Pre Audit Phase Activities

• A structured methodology to carry out an energy audit is necessary for efficient working
• An initial study of the site should always be carried out, as the planning of the procedures
necessary for an audit is most important
• An initial site visit may take one day and gives the Energy Auditor/Engineer an opportunity to
meet the personnel concerned, to familiarize him with the site and to assess the procedures
necessary to carry out the energy audit.

During the initial site visit the Energy Auditor/Engineer should carry out the following actions:
Discuss with the site's senior management the aims of the energy audit
Discuss economic guidelines associated with the recommendations of the audit
Analyze the major energy consumption data with the relevant personnel
Obtain site drawings where available - building layout, steam distribution, compressed air
distribution, electricity distribution etc

Phase II- Audit Phase Activities

Depending on the nature and complexity of the site, a comprehensive audit can take from several
weeks to several months to complete . Detailed studies to establish, and investigate, energy and
material balances for specific plant departments or items of process equipment are carried out .The
audit report will include a description of energy inputs and product outputs by major department
or by major processing function, and will evaluate the efficiency of each step of the manufacturing
process. Means of improving these efficiencies will be listed, and at least a preliminary assessment
of the cost of the improvements will be made to indicate the expected pay- back on any capital
investment needed . The audit report should conclude with specific recommendations for detailed
engineering studies and feasibility analyses, which must then be performed to justify the
implementation of those conservation measures that require investments.

Phase III-Post audit phase activities

In post audit phase implementation and follow-up is to be done.

Implement recommended measures and monitor the performance.

Ten Step Methodology for Detailed Energy Audit

Energy audit instruments

The requirement for an energy audit such as identification and quantification of energy necessitates
measurements; these measurements require the use of instruments. These instruments must be
portable, durable, easy to operate and relatively inexpensive.
The parameters generally monitored during energy audit may include the following:
Basic Electrical Parameters in AC &DC systems - Voltage (V), Current (I), Power factor, Active
power (kW), apparent power (demand) (kVA), Reactive power (kVAr), Energy consumption
(kWh), Frequency (Hz), Harmonics, etc.
Parameters of importance other than electrical are : temperature & heat flow, radiation, air and
gas flow, liquid flow, revolutions per minute (RPM), air velocity, noise and vibration, dust
concentration, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), pH, moisture content, relative humidity, flue gas
analysis - CO2, O2, CO, SOx, NOx, combustion efficiency etc.
The operating instructions for all instruments must be understood and staff should familiarize
themselves with the instruments and their operation prior to actual audit use.

The various instruments are

• Power analyzers
These are instruments for measuring major electrical parameters such as kVA, kW,KVAR, PF,
Hertz, Amps and Volts. In addition some of these instruments also measure harmonics These
instruments are applied on-line ie;on running motors without any need to stop the motor. Instant
measurements can be taken with hand-held meters, while more advanced one facilitates cumulative
readings with printouts at specified intervals
• Power factor meters
Power factor meters are used to measure the power factor of electrical equipment, particularly
three phase motors.
Once power factor meters identify low power factor, capacitors can be installed to correct power
factor problems.
• Multimeters
Multimeters measure current,voltage and resistance of electrical equipment. Multimeters,
particularly the digital clamp-on designs are considered the most versatile audit instrument. Analog
instruments use a separate sensing circuit each to measure current,voltage and resistance. Digital
instruments transform the analog signals into binary signals which are counted and displayed in a
digital format
The typical multimeter will measure 0 to 300 amps,0 to 600 volts and 0 to 1000ohms
They are commonly used to check that the proper voltage is supplied to equipment or to determine
the load on a wire or electrical device.
(A voltage imbalance of 3% at a 3 phase motor can result in 25% temperature rise in motor, which
leads to reduced motor life and efficiency.)
• Anemometers
Anemometers are essentially fluid flow measuring instruments. As energy audit tools, they are
most commonly used to measure air flow from heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)
• Combustion analyzers
A combustion analyzer estimates the combustion efficiency of furnaces, boilers and other fossil
fuel-fired devices.
Two general procedures are used to determine the combustion efficiency: a manual process
through the Orsat procedure or use of a computerizes combustion analyzer. Combustion analyzer
estimates efficiency by performing the temperature and concentration measurements and
completing the necessary calculations to determine efficiency. The manual procedure or Orsat
method requires the auditor to measure the flue gas temperature and concentration of CO2 and O2
and then calculate the combustion efficiency.
Orsat procedure is relatively difficult and prone to human error.
( 1% reduction in O2 leads to 2% fuel saving)
• Fuel Efficiency Monitor
Fuel efficiency is the efficiency of a process that converts chemical energy contained in a carrier
fuel to kinetic energy or work.
This measures oxygen and temperature of the flue gas. Calorific values of common fuels
are fed into the microprocessor which calculates the combustion efficiency.

• Ultrasonic flow meters

Ultrasonic flow meters are used to estimate fluid flow without having to penetrate piping.
The instrument can be used to ensure that flow rates are maintained at desired levels, which is
considered as an energy efficiency improvement (reducing motor size)

• Humidity and Temperature meters

Electrical humidity measuring instruments use sensors which react to varying levels of
humidity by causing a physical change in a material which changes its electrical properties (often
resistance). That electrical property is then calibrated to humidity. Often thermocouples are used
to measure temperatures.
They are used to check for optimal humidity and temperature conditions of a process. For office,
residential and commercial settings, a humidity between 40% to 60% is considered optimal. Low
humidity results in respiratory problems and can damage delicate electric components. High
humidity can cause mildew, wood warping etc.

• Light meters (Lux meters)

Light meters measure illumination or light level in units of lumens. Light emitted by the area of
interest passes through a light-sensitive layer of cells contained in the meter. This light is converted
to an electrical signal proportional to the light intensity.
They are commonly used to determine if interior lighting levels are appropriate. Lighting societies
have developed guidelines for lighting levels for different work/interior areas. The guidelines were
formulated to reduce eye strain and maintain a safe environment, while not producing excess
lumen levels and wasting energy.
• Speed Measurements:
In any audit exercise speed measurements are critical as that may change with frequency, belt slip
and loading. A simple tachometer is a contact type instrument which can be used where direct
access is possible. More sophisticated and safer ones are noncontact instruments such as
stroboscopes. Angular speeds ranging between 600 to 20000 rpm can be measured with the help
of a stroboscope tachometer.
A stroboscope tachometer uses a variable frequency flashing light called strobotron.
• pH meters
Accurate measurement of pH are required to properly maintain water quality in order to
protect equipment and materials that are in direct contact with water ( eg: boiler tubes and
heat exchangers)
• Thermometers
• Leak detectors

Power quality audit

Power Quality Audits Identifies Power Quality issues. This will further help you address reliability
and stability concerns before they actually impact on your facilities performance and more
important on bottom line of organization
Eg : pf, voltage and current distortion

Effects of power quality problems

1) Higher energy consumption and High Current Load
2) Penalties Incurred for exceeding Tariffs.
3) Production Quality & Quantity losses.
4) Financial Losses due to stoppage.
5) Increase in Reactive power consumption.
6) Reduced life cycle of Equipment.
7) Additional investment for Over sizing of equipment.
8) Energy wastage.
9) Increased Maintenance and Service cost.
10)Over Voltage/Under voltage/Sag/Swell/electrical Noise/Surges/spikes

Requirement of power quality analysis and audit

1) To Improve Power Factor & system efficiency.

2) To Avoid Break-downs & production Interruptions
3) To Avoid excess Energy consumption.
4) To remove Harmonics, Surges & Transients from electrical Network.
5) To Avoid Voltage/frequency fluctuations & PLC Hang-up.
6) To Avoid Transformer overheat, Capacitor burst, Trip Etc.
7) Savings in Energy Bills due to reduced Losses & KVA demands.
8) Accurate Measurements by Installed Meter.
9) Better Production Rate and Quality due to reduced interruption.
10) Enhanced Life cycle of Electrical network & component.
11) Maximize Plant distribution Capacity

Energy conservation in buildings: ECBC code & Building Management System (BMS)

There are several different uses of energy in buildings. The major uses are for lighting, heating, cooling,
power delivery to equipment and appliances, and domestic water. The amount that each contributes to
the total energy use varies according to the climate, type of building, number of working hours and time
of year. Energy use for air-conditioning has the largest share at a national level. In areas where severe
winters occur, heating load will be greater than cooling load in terms of the total energy use. In some
types of buildings in certain climatic zones, the lighting load might be greater than either the heating or
cooling loads.
Industrial and commercial buildings are dissimilar in terms of energy use, as industries primarily use
large quantities of energy for specialized processes whereas buildings use the major amount of energy
for human comfort. It is difficult to generalize energy use by type of building because there are many
variables that determine the energy use in a particular building.

Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC)

Energy Conservation Building Code defines the minimum energy efficiency standards for design and
construction of commercial buildings, to encourage energy efficient design or major retrofit of buildings
without any compromise with the building function, comfort, health, or the productivity of the occupants.

The ECBC Building Code considers the following aspects of the Buildings:

a) Building envelopes, except for unconditioned storage spaces or warehouses,

b) Mechanical systems and equipment, including heating, ventilation, and air conditioning,
c) Service hot water heating,
d) Interior and exterior lighting, and
e) Electrical power and motors.
The Code requires that the building shall comply first with all the mandatory guidelines on:
1. Building envelope
2. Heating ventilation and air conditioning system
3. Service hot water
4. Lighting
5. Electrical power

But every building project is different: each building has its own site that presents unique
opportunities and challenges, each building owner or user has different requirements, and
climate and microclimate conditions can vary significantly among projects. Architects and
engineers need flexibility in order to design buildings that address these diverse requirements.
The Code provides this flexibility in a number of ways. Building components and systems have
multiple options to comply with the Code requirements.
Thermal emittance
It is the relative ability of a material to radiate thew absorbed heat.
U-factor is the rate of heat flow through one square meter of wall/ fenestration assembly when
there is 10C temperature difference.

HVAC system Controllers

All heating and cooling systems are required to be temperature controlled [ECBC 5.2.3].
A temperature of dead band of 3°C (5°F) is required for equipment that supplies both heating and
cooling. Thermostats must also prevent simultaneous heating and cooling [ECBC].

Distribution System

Duct sealing: Proper duct sealing ensures that correct quantities of heated or cooled air is
delivered to the space, and not be lost to unconditioned spaces or the outdoors through leaks in
the ducts.
Pipe insulation: to mimimize heat losses, the code requires that piping of heating and cooling
system,(including the storage tanks.) must be insulated. The Code specifies required R-values of
insulation for heating and cooling systems based on the operating temperature of the system.
Energy audit report


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