Batteries and Flywheels

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Batteries and Flywheels

and their application in UPS systems

1 2 Introduction ...................................................................................................................3 Connecting the energy storage devices ......................................................................4 2.1 2.2 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5 6 UPS systems with D.C. link circuit...........................................................................4 Other UPS systems ................................................................................................5 Energy content, bridging time and charging condition .............................................8 Charging time .......................................................................................................13 Reliability ..............................................................................................................14 Bridging time.........................................................................................................15 Costs ....................................................................................................................17 Space requirement................................................................................................18 Efficiency ..............................................................................................................18

Features of energy storage devices.............................................................................8

Which energy storage device for which application?...............................................15

Summary......................................................................................................................20 References ...................................................................................................................21

1 Introduction
Computer centres used in the Internet, financial and IT sectors, but also increasingly in critical industrial processes, are dependent on a reliable power supply which in many cases cannot be guaranteed by the public electricity supply system. Uninterruptible power supply systems (UPS), which safeguard the power supply to the connected equipment and machines in the event of a line fault or power failure, are therefore used in large numbers. The power required by UPS systems for bridging mains failures can be provided in different ways: Battery Flywheel Capacitor Compressed air Superconducting coil (SMES) Depending on the type of energy storage device power failures of a few seconds up to approximately one hour can be bridged. If the supply to the load is to be protected during prolonged power failures, Diesel generating sets, which then take over the load supply from the UPS, are usually used. In addition to the battery as the traditional energy storage device, flywheel storage devices have also been increasingly used in recent years: here the energy is not stored in electro-chemical form as in a battery, but in the form of kinetic energy in a rotating mass. Since in the context of UPS systems the significance of other energy storage devices in the market has been very small up to now, this article is principally intended to make a comparison between batteries and flywheel storage devices.

2 Connecting the energy storage devices

The way in which the respective energy storage devices are connected to the UPS depends both on the type of energy storage device and on the type of UPS. It is important to consider these two points separately from each other since each describes different characteristics of a UPS system. Irrespective of whether a static UPS system is equipped with a battery or a flywheel, the output voltage is produced by means of an IGBT converter. Equally, in the case of a Rotary UPS system the voltage is always produced by a synchronous generator; again irrespective of whether the energy storage device is a flywheel or a battery. In the following the connection of the respective energy storage devices to different types of UPS systems is illustrated by way of a few typical examples.


UPS systems with D.C. link circuit

The D.C. link circuit as usually found in double conversion UPS systems, is ideally suited to direct battery connection. Only the number of battery cells and the cell voltage needs to be matched to the link circuit of the UPS. Assuming appropriate control in the UPS, the mains rectifier can also be used for battery charging. This applies to static as well as to rotary double conversion UPS systems with D.C. link circuit.

Fig. 1

Static double conversion UPS with batteries 1. Mains 2. Load 3. Rectifier 4. Battery 5. Inverter

In this case, to connect a flywheel storage device an additional rectifier with separate control is necessary, in order to produce the d.c. voltage required for the link circuit from the a.c. voltage produced by the flywheel generator. For this reason, separate charging electronics is also usually required in order to store energy in the flywheel. In many cases this charging power cannot be directly taken from the link circuit and requires a separate mains supply.


Other UPS systems

There are other types of UPS systems that are not designed with a D.C. link circuit. In most cases these involve Rotary UPS (RUPS) systems in which the output voltage is produced by a synchronous generator. Some of these UPS systems, as shown in Fig. 2, are fitted with a flywheel storage device specially designed for them. The flywheel storage device is then mounted directly onto the shaft of the synchronous generator and transmits its power via the generator shaft with the aid of an inductive coupling. The charging and charge retention of the flywheel storage device is achieved by a separate frequency converter. This type of UPS system is not suitable for the connection of a battery.

Fig. 2

Rotary Diesel UPS with a flywheel storage device connected via an inductive coupling 1. Mains 2. Load 3. Diesel with overrunning clutch 4. Flywheel storage device with inductive coupling 5. Synchronous generator 6. Frequency converter for charging the flywheel storage device

This differs from Rotary UPS systems, in which the energy storage device is electrically connected. These systems employ a special synchronous generator which is fitted with an auxiliary winding for connection to the energy storage device. In this system, both a battery and a flywheel can be used.

Fig. 3 shows an example of a Diesel Rotary UPS (DRUPS), in which the battery is connected via two frequency converters in an antiparallel arrangement. Both frequency converters, one of which is used for charging the battery and one for discharging the battery during a mains failure, are connected to the auxiliary winding of the generator. Due to the isolated arrangement, robust thyristor converters can be employed for this without transmitting disturbing harmonics to the mains or the load.


Fig. 3

Example of a (Diesel) Rotary UPS with battery 1. Mains 2. Load 3. Battery 4. Rectifier for charging the battery during mains operation 5. Inverter for supplying the load during a power failure 6. Synchronous generator with two windings (motor and generator) 7. Diesel with overrunning clutch, turning a RUPS into a DRUPS with battery energy storage.

If a flywheel is used as the energy storage device for a Rotary UPS, as shown in Fig. 4, this is connected to the auxiliary winding of the generator by means of two frequency converters connected in series. This double frequency converter has a current-source d.c. link and is able to transmit the full power in both directions. On the one hand this ability enables the flywheel storage device to be recharged within a few seconds1, and on the other hand such a UPS can also be used effectively for frequency stabilization of Diesel generator sets as well as for those with natural gas engines.

Assuming a suitably designed mains supply.



Fig. 4

Rotary (Diesel) UPS with electrically connected flywheel storage device 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Mains Load Flywheel storage device Frequency converter (series connection) Synchronous generator with two windings (motor and generator) Diesel with overrunning clutch, turning a RUPS into a DRUPS with flywheel storage device.

3 Features of energy storage devices

3.1 Energy content, bridging time and charging condition

Energy content is an important characteristic of an energy storage device. In the case of UPS systems this usually takes the form of the time period during a power failure for which the load can be supplied at the nominal power of the UPS. This so-called bridging time or run time, on the one hand depends on the absolute energy content of the energy storage device and on the other hand the power level at which it is discharged. 3.1.1 Batteries

Unfortunately, it cannot be assumed for all energy storage devices for UPS systems that the total energy content will always be available for the UPS. So, for example, the available capacity of a lead-acid accumulator very much depends on the discharge current, the cut-off voltage and the temperature. The relationship between discharge current and usable energy is not linear, i.e. with a doubling of the discharge current, the energy drain and thus the bridging time is reduced by more than half.
35 30 25 Minutes 20 15 10 5 0 200


400 kVA




Fig. 5

Bridging times of a 450 Ah lead-acid accumulator versus the power drain

This relationship as shown in Fig. 5 ultimately means that the smallest, economically practical lead-acid battery for UPS systems has a nominal bridging time of approximately 5 minutes. Conversely, this characteristic of lead-acid batteries means that UPS systems running at partial load have a disproportionately longer bridging time in relation to the nominal data. This characteristic is less pronounced in other battery technologies. Battery types with a low internal resistance, such as nickel-cadmium (NiCd), nickel-metal-hydride (NiMH) or lithium8

ion (Li-Ion) are basically much better suited to high-current discharges as occur in UPS applications than are lead-acid batteries. However, if it is not just extremely short bridging times in the region of a few minutes that are to be realized, then for economical reasons the lead-acid battery is currently the first choice. The typical bridging times of UPS systems with batteries are therefore in the region of between 5 and 30 minutes. A battery is described as fully charged if it has reached the final charging voltage specified by the manufacturer and no longer accepts any worthwhile charging current. The final charging voltage depends on the battery type and is approximately 2.25 V/cell in the case of commonly used lead-acid batteries. A battery is regarded as empty if it reaches a specific lower voltage limit during discharge, the so-called final discharge or cut-off voltage. Likewise, this voltage threshold depends on the battery type, but also on the value of the discharge current. In the case of a high discharge current the cut-off voltage is lower than with a lower discharge current. Since with a high discharge current only a part of the energy contained in the battery can be drawn, in the case of a lead-acid battery further energy can be drawn at a lower current after a short recovery time. From this it is obvious that in the case of a battery the term "empty" has a more relative character. If a battery is discharged beyond the cut-off voltage, this leads to permanent damage to the battery, which is then ultimately reflected in a reduced service life. Compared to flywheels, with batteries it is not possible to determine the charging state at any time by means of simple measured variable. Also, as the only measured variable that is easily accessible externally, the existing terminal voltage is not suitable for this since, among other things, it very much depends on the size of the battery and the existing battery current. This dependency becomes clear when Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 are compared: in Fig. 6, in which a 1600 Ah battery is discharged at only 70 kW, the voltage is above 400 V during the entire discharge, and therefore from the beginning is appreciably higher than in Fig. 7, in which a 1275 Ah battery is discharged at 300 kW up to the cut-off threshold in only 20 minutes.

Battery Load Test - UB3 220 kVA

500 450

Current / A, Voltage / V, Power / kW

400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0

battery power / kW battery current / A battery voltage / V UPS power / kW

5 10 15

30 35 40

55 60

20 25

65 70

75 80

85 90

Time / minutes

Fig. 6

Voltage and current characteristic of a 1600 Ah battery during a 120-minute, 70 kW discharge.

Battery Load Test - UBR 330 kVA 1000 900

Current / A, Voltage / V, Power / kW

800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Time / minutes

95 10 0 10 5 11 0 11 5 12 0

45 50

battery power / kW battery current / A battery voltage / V UPS power / kW

Fig. 7

Voltage and current characteristic of a 1275 Ah battery during a 54-minute, 300 kW discharge up to the cut-off voltage.


In order to eliminate this drawback, most UPS systems include battery monitoring software which measures and accumulates the input and output charge of the battery and derives the current charging condition therefrom. It is obvious that a charging condition determined by this method alone would become increasingly inaccurate with an increasing number of charging and discharging cycles. Therefore, in addition, after each complete charging of the battery the definition is set to "full", which avoids accumulated errors in the calculation of the charging condition. With some algorithms it is also possible to take into account the ageing of the battery and thus correct the energy content for the "full" charging condition according to the age of the battery. Finally, however, the determination of the actual energy content of a battery that is available to the UPS system is only possible by means of a discharge test. 3.1.2 Flywheel energy storage devices

One of the biggest differences between flywheel storage devices and batteries is that the typical energy storage time of flywheel storage devices is only in the region of 8 to 30 seconds. Added to this is the fact that flywheel storage devices have a practically linear relationship between bridging time, energy content and discharge power. Speed-dependent frictional and magnetization losses only become noticeable at very long discharge times at lower power levels. However, the effect of these losses is usually so small that it can be ignored when calculating the bridging times. Consequently, the "full" and "empty" states of flywheel storage devices are more strictly defined than those of batteries: A flywheel storage device is described as fully charged when it has reached a certain specified upper rotational speed. It is described as discharged when the rotating mass has reached a specified lower rotational speed. Depending on the technology and design, a deeper discharge is possible with a light load; however, this lower speed limit is usually fixed. The energy content of the flywheel storage device is defined by specifying an upper and a lower speed limit in conjunction with the moment of inertia of the rotating mass.


E = 1 J 2 2
E: J: Energy content of the flywheel (absolute) Moment of inertia Angular velocity

Unlike the battery, the available energy is independent of the discharge power and therefore is available to the UPS without restriction. Due to the direct relationship between rotational speed and energy content, the charging condition of flywheel storage devices can be determined at any time from the current rotational speed.
2 2 min E [% ] = 2 100 2 max min


Charging condition of the flywheel storage device (relative) Current angular velocity Minimal angular velocity (lower limit of the usable speed range)

: min: max:

Maximal angular velocity (upper limit of the usable speed range)

Fig. 8 shows this square-law relationship between rotational speed and energy content of a steel flywheel having an energy content of 16.5 MJ.
18,0 16,0 14,0 12,0 10,0 8,0 6,0 4,0 2,0 0,0 -2,0 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600

Energy content [MJ]

fully charged


half charged

Speed [N/min.]

Fig. 8

Energy content of a 16.5 MJ flywheel storage device with respect to its rotational speed.



Charging time

After bridging a power failure, an energy storage device should be recharged as rapidly as possible so that it is immediately available for the next power failure. If, during a prolonged power failure, the load is supplied by means of a Diesel generator set, the energy storage device should ideally be charged up during Diesel operation. The power with which the energy storage device can be recharged depends on a number of factors. Maximum mains power which can be made available for charging in addition to

supplying the load. Maximum power for the charging unit.

Any limiting of the charging power by the energy storage device itself.

When designing a mains supply for a UPS system it should be ensured that it is adequately rated for the supply to the load as well as for the simultaneous charging of the energy storage device. If the UPS allows the energy storage device to be charged at very high power, the costs of a correspondingly higher-rated incoming supply must be weighed against the extra security provided by the rapid recharging. Normally the maximum charging power is already limited by the charging unit. Irrespective of whether the energy storage device is charged by the existing mains rectifier or by a separate charging unit, higher charging power is also always associated with additional UPS costs. There is also the fact that in most cases a higher charging power would not be effective during the entire charging cycle. So, for example, when charging lead-acid batteries by means of an IU characteristic, the charging current (I) is reduced when the end-of-charge voltage (U) is reached. From this point onwards charging is done at a constant battery terminal voltage and an accordingly decreasing charging current to prevent hazardous overcharging of the battery. In the case of UPS systems with flywheel storage devices, charging takes place at constant power during the entire charging process, so that in this case the charging time is limited only by the charging unit itself. Flywheels which are connected via an inductive coupling are usually run up to speed and maintained at that speed by a separate charging unit. In contrast to this, in the case of UPS systems with an electrically connected flywheel it is possible to employ a bidirectional frequency converter. Due to their design, these converters are able to charge the flywheel storage device at the same power as it is discharged during a power failure, which generally corresponds to the nominal power of the UPS system. However,


considering the maximum mains input power, the charging power typically is set to between 10% and 20% of the nominal system power. Depending on the rating of the UPS and the flywheel employed, a typical recharging time of between 1 and 6 minutes can therefore be achieved.


the energy storage device is critically important to a UPS.

The reliability of

Since, however, no standard database regarding the reliability of energy storage devices is available, to some extent recourse must be made to one's own experience [1]. Accordingly, an MTBF2 of approximately 880000 hours can be assumed for a wet-cell type of lead-acid, battery, but an MTBF of only approximately 80000 hours for a so-called maintenance-free battery. Regular maintenance is absolutely necessary to effectively prevent battery failures. A battery monitor which measures the voltage of the individual cells or at least blocks of cells and signals deviations likewise makes a considerable contribution to the prevention of failures. Flywheel energy storage devices basically allow a more precise calculation of their reliability since the corresponding data of the components being used are known in most cases. Nevertheless, an accurate calculation of the MTBF of flywheel storage devices is virtually impossible for outsiders since naturally their manufacturers do not publish the necessary details of their design. Relevant published tests are therefore always afflicted by a relatively large uncertainty and offer a respectable comparison only in the rarest of cases. For the user there is also the difficulty of comparing the data from different manufacturers with regard to the reliability of their flywheel storage devices, as they are based neither on a common numerical basis nor are the same calculation principles employed. In our many years of experience, flywheels can be described as very reliable. This particularly applies when radical technologies, such as high vacuum or very high rotational speeds are not employed. Depending on type, MTBF values of up to 3.4 million hours are shown for flywheel storage devices. They are therefore clearly more reliable than batteries, with the additional advantage of low maintenance outlay.

MTBF = Mean Time Between Failures


4 Which energy storage device for which application?

4.1 Bridging time

The bridging time is a fundamental and also at the same time very complex criterion in the choice of an energy storage device. Firstly, it must be established which type of power failures the UPS is intended to protect the load from. This usually depends on the sensitivity of the loads and on the consequences which would follow from a failure of the loads. From the statistics for transient power failures in central Europe it follows in Fig. 9 that 92.8 % of the power failures are shorter than 1 second, and that 96.5 % of the power failures are covered by an energy storage time of 3 seconds. Of course this only applies to central Europe and can and will be seen differently in other countries.
Number of Disturbancies per Year 250 208 200 150 100 62 50 18 0 10 ms 100 ms 100 ms 0,5 s 0,5 s - 1 s 1s-3s 3 s - 20 s 20 s - 60 s 9 8 182

Duration of Mains Disturbancies

Fig. 9

Statistics of mean frequency of power disturbances in central Europe (Source: UNIPEDE DISDIP)

If it is sufficient for the user if the load is protected by the UPS from 96.5 % of all power failures and the load is lost in only the remaining 3.5 % of all power failures, in central Europe an energy storage device with a bridging time of 3 seconds is required. If the requirements are higher, the question is how much more security would a larger energy storage device offer. For example, an energy storage device with a 20-second energy storage time would offer protection against approximately 98.4 % of all transient power failures. And assuming that a power failure lasts longer than 30 minutes and occurs only once a year, then the load would be lost or disconnected only once a year with a UPS having a 30-minute battery.


If this is not acceptable, in most cases a 1- to 2-hour battery bridging time would also be insufficient and a Diesel generating set has to be considered. If the UPS is combined with a Diesel set or a Diesel UPS is employed, the question of the size of the energy storage device again arises. In this case, this system must just be able to supply the load immediately following the power failure until the Diesel is started and has accepted the load. This is usually a maximum of 15 seconds and thus is an ideal bridging time for flywheel storage devices. Should the Diesel fail to start during this relatively short bridging time and the power failure lasts for a longer period, this normally results in loss of the load. Even if modern, well-maintained Diesels have a very reliable starting performance, and the reliability can be further increased with redundant components, batteries are also frequently used in combination with Diesels in UPS systems. One of the main reasons for this is that during the longer bridging time of the battery several engine start attempts are possible. However, this does not automatically ensure that the engine then effectively starts during this time. If, in spite of batteries, it has still not started at the end of the battery bridging time, this results in the above-mentioned loss of load. The probability of the mains supply becoming available again during this longer bridging time increases with increasing bridging time, but of course in these cases the Diesel is not then effectively needed. Moreover, the combination of battery and Diesel engine can also make sense in other respects. Even with modern Diesel engines with electronic engine control, a poorlymaintained starter battery or water in the tank is no longer necessarily the cause of the nonstarting. Since the entire engine operation is monitored by means of complex sensors, a failure, or just the defective evaluation of one of these sensors, can cause an abortive start. If in such a case it is guaranteed that operating personnel can reach the engine and cancel the fault during the battery bridging time, then the Diesel can still be started and accept the load retrospectively. Of course this only applies to the case where the engine has erroneously generated a fault message. If in fact something is really faulty, in most cases the battery bridging time is insufficient to enable a repair to be carried out. A further reason for combining battery UPS systems with Diesel generating sets is when several Diesel sets have to be synchronized on one busbar before they are able to accept the load. If special measures are not taken for such a case, for example Diesel start with ramp-up synchronization, more than 15 seconds usually elapse before all generators are synchronized on the busbar and the Diesel power is available to the load or the UPS. The


resulting demand on the bridging time can only be achieved with a few flywheel storage devices available, so that in these cases UPS systems with batteries are usually employed.



Another important aspect in the choice of an energy storage device is its costs. By means of calculations it is easy to verify that, taken over the year, a flywheel storage device is more economical than a battery solution. The main reasons for this are the low maintenance costs and the long service life of the flywheel compared to the battery, which more than balances out the higher acquisition costs at the start of installation. Whereas a flywheel storage device usually has the same service life as the UPS system, battery installations have to be replaced several times during the service life of a UPS. The discontinuities of the costs can be seen in Fig. 10, where in both data sets they are caused by significant maintenance events.

Costs during service life

Total Costs

Cost Savings up to 20%

Rotary UPS with Rotary UPS with Flywheel Energy Storage Flywheel Energy Storage

Static UPS with Batteries Static UPS with Batteries








Fig. 10 Cost comparison for different types of UPS systems and energy storage devices, from their acquisition to end of service life. Under the heading of "costs", the air-conditioning aspect must also be mentioned. The latter is necessary for virtually all installations with lead-acid batteries3, to ensure the optimum operating temperature for lead-acid batteries of 20 Temperature control is therefore very C. important since each 10 K temperature increase above the nominal value of 20 halves the C

If not guaranteed by the natural environment of the installation site.



battery life. The costs resulting from a premature replacement of the battery installation easily justify the procurement and the operating costs of an air-conditioning plant for the battery room. Compared to batteries, most flywheel energy storage devices can be continuously operated up to an ambient temperature of 40 which in most cases makes additional air-conditioning C, unnecessary.


Space requirement

A further aspect in the choice of energy storage device, which likewise must not be overlooked, is its space requirement. While in most cases this does not play such an important role in industrial plants, it is a cost factor which cannot be ignored in computer centres. Whereas flywheel storage devices normally do not need more than 2 m2 of installation surface, a multiple of this has to be provided for a lead-acid battery of the same power rating. In the case of newer types of battery such as lithium-ion, for example it can be seen to emerge that these can be installed in a similarly small space as that of a flywheel, but because of the appreciably higher costs they do not, at present, represent an alternative to flywheel storage devices or lead-acid batteries.



The subject of efficiency had always played an important role in UPS systems, and in recent times has also taken on more significance due to the increasing awareness of the environment and climate. Since UPS systems are naturally to be found most of the time in mains operation, examination of the efficiency can be limited to this operating state. Consequently, with regard to the energy storage device, only the energy for maintaining the charging condition is relevant to the efficiency. In kinetic energy storage devices this very much depends on the design of the flywheel. While flywheels rotating at high speed have to run in a vacuum environment in order to reduce the frictional losses, slower-rotating flywheels can also be operated in air under normal pressure. In the first one, the quality of the vacuum in conjunction with the energy requirement of the auxiliary equipment, that is needed for generating the vacuum or for supplying power for magnetic bearings for example, determines the power to be used for covering the losses. In the case of flywheels that are operated under normal pressure in











A special form which is categorized as being between operation in a vacuum and operation under atmospheric conditions is the operation of a flywheel in a helium atmosphere. Compared to air, the "runny" helium makes a considerable contribution to the reduction in the frictional losses of the flywheel mass, without necessitating the relatively high cost of producing and maintaining a vacuum. In practically all flywheel storage devices there are also magnetic losses, since in most cases the kinetic energy is converted into electrical energy by means of an electrical machine. In UPS systems with batteries, the energy which has to be used for the trickle charging is so low that it plays no role in the total efficiency of the UPS. This leads to a peculiarity in IEC 62040 Part 3 Annex A, in which the measurement of the efficiency of a UPS system is described. Therefore, for efficiency measurements the energy storage device can be disconnected if an energy exchange with the energy storage device cannot be guaranteed during the measurement. Obviously in this case what is meant is not any exchange of energy but rather only a possible energy output, which falsifies the measurement. Nevertheless, some manufacturers of UPS systems with flywheel storage devices use this opportunity to specify the efficiency of their systems without the flywheel connected4. The efficiency stated in the data sheet is then correspondingly good, but in practice it has no significance whatsoever for the operation of the system. In general, regarding the influence of the energy storage device on the overall efficiency, due to the appreciably lower losses during trickle charging it can be said that batteries do better than flywheels.

A reference to this appears in the relevant data sheets.


5 Summary
Batteries and flywheels are preferred for use as energy storage devices in UPS systems. The choice of energy storage device very much depends on the respective application. In case of longer power failures need to be bridged without the use of Diesel generating sets, the utilization of batteries will be the preferred solution. If only transient power failures have to be bridged, a flywheel storage device is certainly the first choice, since with regard to maintenance outlay and space requirement it represents an optimum solution. Also in the case of UPS systems with integrated Diesel so-called Diesel UPS systems flywheel storage devices are predominantly employed, since here only the time required to start the Diesel and transfer the load has to be bridged. If additional security is needed, Diesel UPS systems with batteries, such as Piller's battery version of the UNIBLOCK UBT, offer additional bridging time without the necessity of operating the Diesel engine. Both forms of energy storage devices batteries and flywheels have their specific advantages and disadvantages, so that ultimately the individual user must decide which energy storage device is best suited to his application.


6 References
[1] Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Sachs, Methods for investigating the reliability of UPS systems, VDI Reports No. 1058, 1993

Dipl.-Ing Frank Herbener, Piller Group GmbH, [email protected], Germany

Whitepaper No. 056 Revision 0 dated 16.03.2011


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