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Electromagnetism s

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Mallapur, Hyderabad-76
Notes of 10th class
Chapter 10- Electromagnetism
1.Oersted experiment observation:
• A current carrying wire produces a magnetic field around it.
• On reversing the direction of current the direction of magnetic field changes.
• The magnetic field induced is perpendicular to the direction of the current.
• The magnetic field strength increases with increase in strength of current.
2.Magnetic field and field lines due to current in a straight wire:
• The magnetic field lines form concentric circles around the
wire with the center lying on the wire and its plane
perpendicular to the wire.
• Right hand thumb rule
If we hold the current carrying conductor in right hand such
that the thumb points in the direction
of flow of current, then the fingers
encircle the wire in the direction of the
magnetic field lines.

1. Magnetic field due to current in a loop (or circular coil):

From the pattern of magnetic field lines, it is noted that
• In the vicinity of wire, the magnetic field lines are nearly circular.
• Within the space enclosed by the wire, the magnetic field lines are in
the same direction.
• One face of the loop becomes South pole and the other North pole.
The polarity induced depends on the direction of current in loop.

The magnetic field lines become denser (i.e., the magnetic field strength is increased) if
❖ The strength of current in the loop is increased, and the
❖ number of turns in the loop is increased.
4. Solenoid:
• A conducting wire wound in the form of cylindrical coil
whose diameter is less in comparison to the length
• Similarities between a current carrying solenoid and
A bar magnet.
❖ A current carrying solenoid behaves just like a bar magnet.
❖ A current carrying solenoid when suspended freely will
set itself in the geographical north-south direction.
5. Electromagnet:
• A solenoid with a soft iron core is called a electromagnet.
• It is of two types- I shaped and U-shaped Electromagnets.

P is south pole
Q is north pole
Mallapur, Hyderabad-76
Notes of 10th class

6.Comparison Of An Electro-Magnet With A Permanent Magnet

7.Uses Of An Electro-Magnet
• For lifting and transporting the large masses of iron scrap, girders, plates, etc.
• For loading the furnaces with iron.
• For separating the iron pieces from debris and ores.
8. Use Of An Electromagnet In An Electric Bell:

• In an electric bell when ac source is used instead of a battery

the electromagnet gets magnetized but the polarity at its ends
keeps changing, which does not change the attractive power of
the armature, so the bell keeps ringing.

9. Force on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field
• The force F is directly proportional to the current I flowing in the conductor, i.e., F α I
• The force F is directly proportional to the strength of magnetic field B, i.e., FαB
• The force F is directly proportional to the length l of the conductor (within the magnetic field), F α l
Combining these, F α I B l or F=IBl
• Force on the conductor is maximum when it is perpendicular to the magnetic field and force on the
conductor is minimum when it is along the direction of the magnetic field.
• Unit of magnetic field: S.I. unit of magnetic field is newton /( ampere x metre) or N A-1m-1 or. tesla
(symbol T) or weber / metre2 (symbol Wb m-2).
• Direction of force
❖ Fleming’s left hand rule: Stretch the forefinger, central
finger and the thumb of your left hand mutually perpendicular
to each other. If the forefinger indicates the direction of
magnetic field and the central finger indicates the direction of
current, then the thumb will indicate the direction of motion
of conductor (i.e., force on conductor).

10. Simple D.C. Motor

• An electric motor is a device which converts the electrical energy into the mechanical energy.
• Principle: When a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, a force acts on the
conductor which results in its movement.(magnetic effect of current)
• Ways of increasing the speed of rotation of coil
❖ Increasing the strength of current in the coil,
❖ Increasing the number of turns in the coil,
❖ Increasing the area of the coil, and
❖ Increasing the strength of magnetic field.
Mallapur, Hyderabad-76
Notes of 10th class
• Function of commutator: Changes the direction of current after every half rotation or after 1800 so
they are called the split ring commutator.
• The deflecting couple is maximum when the plane of the coil is parallel to the magnetic field and
minimum when the plane of the coil is perpendicular to the magnetic field

11.Electromagnetic Induction:
Whenever there is a change in the number of magnetic lines
linked with a conductor, an e.m.f is developed between the ends
of the conductor which last as long as there is a change in the
number of magnetic lines of force.

12.Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction

• Whenever there is a change in the magnetic flux linked with a coil, e.m.f. is induced.( induced
emf=N Δt )
• The magnitude of the e.m.f. induced is directly proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic flux
linked with the coil.
13. Factors affecting the magnitude of induced e.m.f. for a given coil and magnet:
• The change in the magnitude flux, and
• The time in which the magnetic flux changes.
14. Direction of induced emf:
• Fleming’s right hand rule: Stretch the thumb, central finger and forefinger of your right hand
mutually perpendicular to each other. If the forefinger indicates the direction of magnetic field and
the thumb indicates the direction of motion of conductor then the central finger will indicate the
direction of induced current.
• Lenz’s law: It states that the direction of induced e.m.f., (or induced current) always tends to oppose
the cause which produces it.
• Induced e.m.f for a coil of wire depends on four things:
❖ Magnetic strength of the core in the coil of wire. (stronger -- bigger emf)
❖ Number of turns of wire in the coil (more turns -- bigger emf)
❖ The cross-sectional area of the coil (bigger area -- bigger emf). (This could also be seen as
the angle you point the magnet at the coil, because flux linkage is basically the same as flux
❖ How fast you move the magnet into/out of the coil. (Faster -- bigger emf)
15. A.C. Generator
• An a.c. generator is a device which converts the mechanical energy
into the electrical energy using the principle of electromagnetic
• Principle: When a coil is rotated in a magnetic field the magnetic
flux linked with the coil changes inducing emf at the ends of the coil.
• The emf induced in the coil is maximum when the plane of the coil is
parallel to the magnetic field and minimum when the plane of the
coil is perpendicular to the magnetic field.
• Graph showing variation in emf induced with angle which the plane of the coil makes with magnetic
Mallapur, Hyderabad-76
Notes of 10th class
• Transformer is a device by which the amplitude of an alternating e.m.f., can be increased or decreased
frequency remains the same.
• Principle: A transformer works on the principle of electromagnetic induction and makes use of two
coils having different number of turns.
• Turn ratio: n = (𝑁𝑆 = number of turns in the secondary coil, 𝑁𝑃 = number of turns in the primary
• = 𝐸𝑆 = 𝐼𝑃 Turn ratio is > 1 for step up transformers
17. Distinction between the step-up and step-down transformers:

Step up transformer
Step down transformer

18. Uses of a transformers:

• step up- television, X-ray tubes
• Step-down- electric bell, mobile phone, computers
19.Reasons and ways to prevent energy loss in a transformer:
• Eddy current in the core ( laminated core prevents the loss of energy)
• Magnetic hysteresis ( core is made of soft iron to reduce it)
• Closed core help in preventing loss of energy due to loss in magnetic field lines due to current in the
primary coil linked with the secondary coil.
Mallapur, Hyderabad-76
Notes of 10th class
20. Difference between a.c and d.c
Direct current Alternating current
It is current of constant magnitude It is current of magnitude varying periodically with
It flows in one direction It revers its direction periodically with time
21. Advantage of a.c in comparison to d.c:
• Cheaper to generate compared to d.c and a.c can be easily converted to d.c
• Magnitude of a.c voltage can be changed only
• Efficiency of a.c generator higher than d.c generator
• A.c can be transmitted over long distance without much loss in energy in line wires

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