6.6 Factory Witness Tests On-Site Tests

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62040-3 IEC:1999

6.6 Factory witness tests/on-site tests It shall be a matter of agreement between the manufacturer/supplier and the purchaser as to which of the following tests are to form part of the purchase contract, as this will be dependent upon the degree to which the UPS or UPS functional units can be tested by the manufacturer prior to delivery. UPS may be type or routine tested in the factory as a complete UPS and less extensive operational tests with batteries and load are performed on site. Alternatively, routine tests in the factory may be restricted to UPS functional units or combinations of them. The final test on site then replaces the UPS routine factory test. The tests shown in table 4 may be performed in any order.

62040-3 IEC:1999

Table 4 Schedule of tests for UPS Testing of UPS Routine test X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Optional test when required for specific application Sub clause

Interconnection cable check Light load test UPS auxiliary device(s) test Synchronization test AC input failure test AC input return test Simulation of parallel redundant UPS fault Transfer test Full load test UPS efficiency test Unbalanced load test Balanced load test Current division in parallel or parallel redundant UPS test Rated stored energy time test Rated restored energy time test Battery ripple current test Overload capability test Short-circuit test Short-circuit protection device test Restart test Output over voltage test Periodic output voltage variation test Frequency variation test Radiofrequency interference and conducted noise tests Harmonic components test Earth fault test On-site ventilation test Environmental tests Vibration and shock tests Audible noise test Standby generator compatibility test

6.6.1 6.6.3 6.6.4 6.6.5 6.6.6 6.6.7 6.6.8 6.6.9 6.6.10 6.6.11 6.6.12 6.6.13 6.6.14 6.6.15 6.6.16 6.6.17 6.6.18 6.6.19 6.6.20 6.6.21 6.6.22 6.6.23 6.6.24 6.6.25 6.6.26 6.6.27 6.6.28 7.1 7.2 7.3 6.6.29

62040-3 IEC:1999
6.6.1 UPS tests UPS testing shall be performed after wiring of the functional units to form a complete UPS either at the factory or at the installation site (see table 4). The interconnecting cables shall be checked for correct wiring, insulation and quality of wiring terminations. 6.6.2 Test specifications The tests 66.3 to 6.6.27 when conducted on site shall use the maximum available load which does not exceed the rated continuous load of the complete UPS site configuration: a) with and without bypass, where appropriate; b) with and without redundancy, where appropriate. All other tests shall be conducted with full rated linear load. 6.6.3 Light load test This test shall be performed to verify that the UPS is correctly connected and all functions operate properly. The following tests shall be performed (with and without a.c. input): a) output voltage and frequency; b) operation of all control switches, meters and other means required to determine proper UPS operation. 6.6.4 UPS auxiliary device(s) test The functioning of UPS auxiliary devices, such as lighting, cooling, pumps, fans, annunciators and optional devices, shall be verified in conjunction with the light load test, or during another test if it is more convenient. 6.6.5 SynchronIzation test This test shall be performed when synchronization to an external source is required. Frequency variation limits shall be tested by use of a variable frequency generator or by simulation of circuit conditions. While synchronized, the phase angle between the external source and the UPS inverter shall be measured and checked against the manufacturers acceptable limits. This test may be performed during another test if it is more convenient. Output frequency slew rate test Where applicable, this test shall be performed to determine the output frequency rate of change during synchronization to an external source. 6.6.6 AC input failure test The test shall be performed with a battery (if available) or other appropriate d.c. source, by Interrupting the s.c. input power, or shall be simulated by switching off all rectifiers and bypass feeders at the same time. Output voltage variations shall be checked for specified limits. Frequency variation shall also be measured. The UPS shall not be damaged during operation with the loss of one phase or improper phase rotation in a three-phase system. The input failure should be conducted by interrupting the ac. input as far upstream as practical.

62040-3 IEC:1999
6.6.7 AC input return test This test shall be performed either by restoring the a.c. input power, or simulated by switching on all UPS rectifiers and bypass feeders at the same time. Proper operation of all UPS rectifiers, including walk-in, it applicable, shall be observed. AC output voltage and frequency variations shall also be measured. This test shall normally be performed with a battery or appropriate d.c. source. It the test in 6.6.15 is specified, this test shall be performed at the end of that test. 6.6.8 Simulation of parallel redundant UPS fault test This test shall be required for UPS incorporating parallel redundancy. The test shall be conducted with rated load applied to the UPS. By failure simulation the redundant functional units or UPS units shall be made to fail (e.g. inverter semiconductor failure). The output voltage transients and frequency shall be measured and shall comply with the manufacturers declared limits. 6.6.9 Transfer test This test shall be performed for UPS with bypass capability, particularly in the case of an electronic bypass switch. The test shall be conducted with rated available load applied to the output of the UPS. By failure simulation or output overload, the load shall be transferred to the bypass automatically and then back to the UPS either automatically or operator controlled when failure simulation or output overload is removed. The output voltage transient shall be measured and comply with the manufacturers declared limits. The phase angle between the bypass and the UPS inverter shall also be observed during this operation. 6.6.10 Full load test Load tests shall be performed by connecting loads to the UPS output, equivalent to rated load, using a dummy load or the actual load, if available. Large UPS in parallel connection may be load tested by testing the individual UPS units separately or as a whole. If the actual load is available, additional tests, where desired, shall be performed to measure output voltage deviations under step load condition and also steady-state output voltage and current harmonics with the actual load. 6.6.11 UPS efficiency test UPS efficiency shall be determined by the measurement of the input and output active power in normal mode of operation and available load. 6.6.12 Unbalanced load test Unbalanced loads shall be applied to the UPS or UPS units, where appropriate. The output voltage unbalance shall be measured. Phase angle deviations shall be measured or calculated from the measured values of phase. to phase and phase-to-neutral voltages. 6.6.13 Balanced load test Balanced loads shall be applied to the UPS or UPS units. The output voltage unbalance shall be measured. Phase angle deviations shall be measured or calculated from the measured values of phase to phase or phase-to-neutral voltages.

62040-3 IEC:1999
6.6.14 Test of current division in parallel or parallel redundant UPS Current division in the parallel or parallel redundant UPS units or functional units shall be measured with either simulated or actual load. 6.6.15 Rated stored energy time test The stored energy time shall be determined by switching off the a.c. input to the UPS operating at rated available load and measuring the duration that the specified output power is maintained. The battery cut-off voltage shall not fall below the specified value before this time has elapsed.

NOTE Since new batteries often do not provide full capacity during a start-up period, the discharge test should be repeated after a reasonable restored energy time, if the time achieved initially is less than specified limit. A number of charge/discharge cycles may be necessary before lull battery capacity is achieved 6.6.16 Rated restored energy time Restored energy depends on the charging capacity of the rectifiers and the battery characteristics. If a certain recharging rate is specified, it shall be proved by repeating the discharge test after the specified charging period. 6.6.17 Battery ripple current measurement If limits of battery ripple current are specified, then the ripple current, which depends upon UPS operation, shall be measured under normal operating conditions, and if applicable under unbalanced load conditions. 6.6.18 Overload capability test The specified kilovoltamperes (kVA) or kilowatts (kW) overload(s) shall be applied to the UPS output for the time interval (s) specified. The output voltage and current shall be measured with the a.c. input power applied. If this test is carried out, then it shall be conducted in accordance with item r) of 5.3.2. 6.6.19 Short-circuit test A short-circuit shall be applied to the UPS output and the following items shall be measured for a UPS without bypass and with the a.c. power applied: a) the operation of protective devices or circuits; b) the peak output short-circuit current; c) the output steady-state short-circuit current and length of time, if specified. Use of appropriate circuit protective devices (fuses, circuit-breakers) shall be permitted when making these tests. These tests shall be conducted in accordance with item q) of 5.3.2 as applicable. 6.6.20 Short-circuit protection device test - Fuse or circuit-breakers capability of a UPS may be tested, if specified, by short-circuiting the UPS output via the protective device of a specified type and rating. The test is carried out at an appropriate UPS load, under normal operation, if not otherwise specified by the purchaser.

62040-3 IEC:1999
6.6.21 Restart test Automatic or other restart means shall be tested after a complete shutdown of the UPS. 6.6.22 Output over voltage test Output over voltage protection shall be checked. 6.6.23 Periodic output voltage variation test When this test is specified, it shall be checked by voltage recording at different loads and operating conditions. 6.6.24 Frequency variation test The test shall be made in accordance with 5.13 of lEG 60146-2, if applicable. 6.6.25 Radiofrequency interference and conducted noise test For radiofrequency interference and conducted noise, see IEC 62040-2. Other test and measuring methods will be a matter of agreement between the manufacturer/supplier and the purchaser.

NOTE The emission level of a UPS is measured under conditions of resistive load by the manufacturer. Installation site conditions may cause deviations due to pie-existing emissions on site and emissions caused by the actual load equipment connected to the UPS output. 6.6.26 Harmonic components measurement Harmonic components of the output voltage shall be tested under rated linear load conditions or with the actual load. Input current and voltage total harmonic distortion (THD) shall be measured under rated available load conditions with the a.c. input source specified by the manufacturer, or in actual service conditions where the manufacturer/supplier and the purchaser agree. Allowable harmonic currents caused by the UPS in the a.c. input may be specified by electricity utility companies. Method of specification and checking shall be a matter of agreement between the manufacturer/supplier and the purchaser. 6.6.27 Earth fault test If the UPS output is isolated from earth and the load system is isolated from earth relying on earth leakage detection, then an earth fault can be applied to any output terminals. UPS output transient (if any) shall be measured and remain within the limits of figures 1, 2 or 3 of 5.3.1. If the d.c. link is isolated from earth, then an earth fault can be applied to a battery terminal and the UPS output transients (if any) shall be measured. 6.6.28 On-site ventilation test Where appropriate, this test is performed with the actual load or equivalent dummy load. The dummy load if used shall be placed outside the UPS area to avoid influences of its dissipation upon UPS ventilation. The temperature conditions of all UPS cubicles are to be observed. Peak temperatures to be expected may also be calculated from actual and expected values, or specified values of air inlet and cooling methods applied. 6.6.29 Standby generator compatibility test The tests in 6.6.3, 6.6.5, 6.6.7, 6.6.9, 6.6.10, 6.6.21, 6.6.26 and 6.6.27 shall be repeated using the output of the standby generator as the source of input supply, where applicable.

62040-3 IEC:1999
6.7 UPS switches testing procedure UPS switches not tested according to 6.2 to 6.6 shall be tested in accordance with this schedule. 6.7.1 Testing schedule Test Interconnection cable check Light load test Full load test Transfer test (if applicable) Overload capability test Short-circuit current capability test (it applicable): a) making b) breaking Over voltage test: a) circuit repetitive peak offstate voltage b) circuit non-repetitive peak off-state voltage Radiofrequency interference and conducted noise Audible noise On-site ventilation test Earth fault Environmental tests Vibration and shock tests

Type test

Routine test X

Optional test

Specification 6.7.3 6.7.4



6.7.5 6.7.6


6.7.7 6.7.8

6.7.9 X X X X X X X X 6.7.10 6.7.11 6.7.12 6.7.13 6.7 6.7.14

According to special agreement.

6.7.2 Test specifications The following tests, when conducted on site, shall use the maximum available load that does not exceed the rated continuous load. 6.7.3 Interconnection cable check The interconnecting cables shall be checked for correct wiring, insulation and the quality of the terminations. 6.7.4 Light load test This test is carried out to verify that the UPS switch is correctly connected and all functions operate properly. The load applied is limited for economic reasons to a percentage of the rated value.

62040-3 IEC:1999
The following shall be checked: a) Operation of all control switches and other means to put units into operation; b) Operation of protective and warning devices; c) Operation of remote signaling and remote control devices. 6.7.5 Full load test Load tests are performed by connecting a resistive load or the actual load to the UPS switch output. In particular cases a special load can be used as agreed upon between supplier and purchaser. 6.7.6 Transfer test Transients and transfer time shall be measured during rated load transfer to an alternate supply source, and rated load retransfer back to the original source. Load transfer is induced by a simulated fault, where practicable. Additional electrical testing shall be carried out to check the functionality and faults of such switches as tie, bypass switches by simulations. 6.7.7 Overload capability test The overload capability test is a load test. Specified values of short-time overload or startingup sequences of actual load are to be applied for the time interval specified. Specified values of voltage and current shall be recorded. 6.7.8 Short-circuit current capability test If short-circuit current capability is specified, it shall be tested by application of a short-circuit to the UPS switch output, if necessary via a suitable fuse/circuit-breaker. Peak short-circuit current shall be recorded. 6.7.9 Over voltage test (electronic power switches) a) Circuit repetitive peak off-state voltage shall be tested by increasing the voltage across the switch up to a maximum voltage that may apply in synchronized and unsynchronized conditions using a variable test voltage supply. b) Circuit non-repetitive peak off-state voltage shall be tested using suitable pulse-generating equipment capable of providing a peak voltage of no more than 2,3 times the normal peak voltage and a duration of no more than 1,3 ms. 6.7.10 Radiofrequency interference and conducted noise For radiofrequency interference and conducted noise, international and national regulations are applicable (e.g. CISPR standards). 6.7.11 Audible noise Test procedure and limits shall be subject to agreement between the purchaser and the supplier. 6.7.12 On-site ventilation test The test is performed with the actual load or a substitute load. The substitute load shall be placed outside the UPS switch area to avoid influences of its dissipated heat upon the UPS switch ventilation.

62040-3 IEC:1999
Expected peak temperatures can also be calculated from actual values and expected or specified values of air inlet and cooling methods applied. 6.7.13 Earth fault test If the UPS switch is isolated from earth, then an earth fault can be applied to any terminal. UPS switch transients shall be measured and shall not exceed the limits of figures 1, 2 or 3 of 5.3.1. 6.7.14 Additional tests Specifications and procedures for additional tests, for example vibration, shock, environmental and drift, shall be a matter of agreement between the purchaser and the supplier.

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