Week 3_ Principles and Operation of CDMA
Week 3_ Principles and Operation of CDMA
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum PROCESS: receiver
Signal reception consists of the following steps:
I. The carrier is received and amplified.
II. The received signal is mixed with a local carrier to recover the spread digital signal.
III. A pseudo-random code is generated, matching the anticipated signal.
IV. The receiver acquires the received code and phase locks its own code to it.
V. The received signal is correlated with the generated code, extracting the Information
Amplifier Demodulated
spread signal
Received Signal
Modulated spread
Channel coding involves adding extra bits to the data to enable error detection and
correction at the receiving end.
The channel coded data is then spread to a chip rate of 3.84Mcps using the appropriate
The signal is now filtered to remove the higher frequency components.
Then, radio frequency carrier is used to modulate and finally amplified and transmitted
from the antenna.
The redundant chipping code helps the signal resist interference and also enables the
original data to be recovered if data bits are damaged during transmission.
Pseudo-Random Codes
A pseudorandom process is a process that appears to be random but is not.
Pseudorandom sequences typically exhibit statistical randomness while being
generated by an entirely deterministic causal process.
For each channel the NodeB generates a unique code that changes for every connection.
The NodeB multiplexes all the coded transmissions for every subscriber.
The subscriber unit correctly generates its own matching code and uses it to extract the
appropriate signals.
o Note that each subscriber uses several independent channels.
Properties of pseudo-random :
It must be deterministic. The subscriber station must be able to independently generate the code that
matches the base station code.
It must appear random to a listener without prior knowledge of the code (i.e. it has the statistical
properties of sampled white noise).
The cross-correlation between any two codes must be small
The code must have a long period (i.e. a long time before the code repeats itself).
Code Correlation
The receiver uses cross-correlation to separate the appropriate signal from signals meant for other
receivers, and auto-correlation to reject multi-path interference.
Cross-correlation is a measure of similarity of two waveforms as a
function of a time-lag applied to one of them.
This is also known as a sliding dot product or sliding inner-product.
For continuous functions, f and g, the cross-correlation is defined
=960kbps 1 Mark
When ½ convolution encoded, the user data rate is ½*960 [0.5 Mark]
=480 kbps 1 Mark
PG=10*log(SF) [1 Mark]
=10*log(4) [0.5 mark]
=6.02 dB [0.5 mark]
Study Questions
1. Discuss the basic principle of CDMA
2. State FIVE each benefits and drawbacks of CDMA
3. What are the key elements of Spread Spectrum Communications (SSC)
4. Discuss the THREE ways by which Spread Spectrum Communication can
be achieved
5. Discussed the End-to-End Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
6. Why is extra bits added during spread spectrum channel coding and what
is the use of redundant chipping code?
7. What is Pseudo-Random Code (PPC)?
8. Discuss three properties of the PPC you know
9. What is processing gain and why is it needed?
1. Michel Hindarey “Introduction to CDMA” http://www.bee.net/mhendry/vrml/library/cdma/cdma.htm
2. Viterbi, A. CDMA: Principles of Spread Spectrum Communication Addison-Wesley Wireless Communications Series, 1995
3. Pickholtz, R. L., Schilling, D. L., and Milstein, L. B. “Theory of Spread-Spectrum Communications—A Tutorial” IEEE Trans.
Commun., vol. COM30, no. 5, May 1982, pp 855-884.
4. Pickholtz, R. L., Schilling, D. L., and Milstein, L. B. Revisions to “Theory of Spread-Spectrum Communications—A Tutorial”
IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. COM32, no. 2, Feb 1984, pp 211-212.
5. T.S. Rappaport ,”Wireless communications principle and practice” 2nd edition, Prentice Hall pp 1-23, 2003
6. J. Schiller (2003) Mobile Communications, Pearson Education 2nd edition, ISBN 0321123816 pp 3-15
7. A. J. Mishra (2007), Advanced Cellular Networks Planning and Optimization 2G/2.5G/3G …Evolution to 4G, John Wiley
and Sons Ltd ISBN 13 978-0-470-01471-4 , pp 1-12
8. W.C. Lee (2006),Wireless and Cellular Telecommunications, McGRAW-HILL, ISBN 0-07-150141-X, pp 1-4, 15-20
9. K.V Prasad (2003) “Principle of digital communication systems and computer Networks”, Charles River Media, ISBN: 1584503297 pp
10. W.C. Lee (2006),Wireless and Cellular Telecommunications, McGRAW-HILL, ISBN 0-07-150141-X, pp 111
11. B Pall (2009), Digital Mobile Communication, GSM layer 3 protocols and function, Lecture Note, Oxford Brookes
University, Oxford, UK
12. G. Childs (2010), “High speed mobile communication” Lecture Note, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK
13. B Pall (2010), “High speed mobile communication” Lecture Note, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK
14. Christpie C, et al (2006)”,WCDMA (UMTS) Deployment Handbook, Planning and Optimization aspect”, John Wiley and
Sons, Ltd.
15. https://www.elprocus.com/cdma-technology-working-applications/