Advertisement Effectiveness of Ithayam Products: Questionnaire

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I) II) III) IV) Name : Age : Qualification : 1. Literate 2. Illiterate if literate ? 1. Below Matric 3. Graduate Profession : Address : : __________________________________ __________________________________

V) VI)

VII) Size of family 1).

2. Matric 4. Post Graduate __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

Do you take ithayam oil ? a. Yes




How frequently you take ithayam oil products ? a. Once a day b. Twice a day c. More than twice d. Not regular Which are the different ithyam oil products available in the market ? a. ithayam gingelly oil b. ithyam sambanthi oil b. Ithayam sesame oil d. Ithayam manthra e. Ithayam tahini e. All of these Which ithayam products you like most ? a. ithayam gingelly oil b. b. Ithayam sesame oil d. e. Ithayam tahini e.



ithyam sambanthi oil Ithayam manthra All of these


In the past month how many times have you seen advertisement for this product? a. one time b. Two times c. more then two d. Never Have you seen the advertisement of ithayam you like most ? a. Yes b. No Through which media you have seen it? a. T.V. b. c. Magazine d.



News Paper Others


How many types of advertisement of you preferred brand of ithayam are there? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 Which slogan of ithayam you like most ? a. straight from the heart b. very simple very effective c. natural as always d. gift of nature to mankind


10). Why do you like the advertisement ? a. Because it has film stars ? b. Because of Good music c. Its theme and making is appealable. d. Any other reason. 11). Do you think that advertisement has forced you to consume product more ? a. Yes b. No 12). Which media is presenting the advertisement is necessary for sale of Ithayam products? a. T.V. b. News Paper c. Magazine d. Others 13). Do you think the advertisement is necessary for sale of Ithayam products? a. Necessary b. Very Necessary c. Not Necessary d. Cant Say

14). The expenditure incurred on advertisement of Ithayam products is such effective that it adds to profit ? a. Yes b. No c. Cant Say 15) Which reason you find for the difference of advertisement effectiveness? a. Education b. Likings c. Standard of Living d. Level of Development 16) ? Is the study of effectiveness would contribute to improvement in present advertisement a. Yes b. No c. Cant Say Is advertisement effectiveness is necessary for company ? a. Yes b. No c. Cant Say What do you think the use of study of effectiveness is for who? a. For Company b. For Employees c. For Customers d. None of these



19) Was the advertisement appealing to your eye a. Yes 20) Was the advertisement fun to watch a. Yes b. No b. No

21) Would you talk to some one else about this ad a. Yes b. No

22) Did you have a positive reaction to the ad a. Yes b. No

23) Would you like to see similar ads like this in the future a. Yes b. No

24) Are you more likely now to purchase the product a. Yes b. No

25) If you were to describe this ad to a friend would you say this advertisement is a. Active c. Genuine b. Cheerful d. None of these

26) The ad is consistence with company image a. Strongly agree c. no openion e. Stronglu disagree b. Agree d. Disagree

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