ETL 1110-2-231 Initial Reservoir Filling

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CECW-EH-Y Technical Letter No.


DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington, DC 20314-1000

ETL 1110-2-231

30 March 1979

Engineering and Design Initial Reservoir Filling Plan

Distribution Restriction Statement

Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

Report Documentation Page

Report Date 30 Mar 1979 Report Type N/A Dates Covered (from... to) Contract Number Grant Number Program Element Number Author(s) Project Number Task Number Work Unit Number Performing Organization Name(s) and Address(es) Department of the Army U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington, DC 20314-1000 Sponsoring/Monitoring Agency Name(s) and Address(es) Distribution/Availability Statement Approved for public release, distribution unlimited Supplementary Notes Abstract Subject Terms Report Classification unclassified Classification of Abstract unclassified Number of Pages 43 Classification of this page unclassified Limitation of Abstract UU Performing Organization Report Number

Title and Subtitle Engineering and Design: Initial Reservoir Filling Plan

Sponsor/Monitors Acronym(s) Sponsor/Monitors Report Number(s)


DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Office of the Chief of Engineers Washington, D.C. 20314

ETL 1110-2-231

Engineer Technical Letter No. 1110-2-231 Engineering and Design INITIAL RESERVOIR FILLING PLAN

30 March 1379

1. Purpose. The purpose of this ETL is to furnish guidance for preparing a surveillance plan for the initial filling of Corps reservoirs.
2. Applicability. This ETL is applicable having Civil Works responsibilities. 3. References . a. b. ER 1110-2-1150 ER 1130-2-419 to all Divisions and Districts

4. Discussion. The initial reservoir filling is defined as a deliberate impoundment to meet project purposes and is a continuing process as successively higher pools are attained for flood control projects. The initial reservoir filling is the first test of the dam to perform the function for which it was designed. In order to monitor this performance, the rate of filling should be controlled to the extent feasible to allol~ as much time as needed for a predetermined surveillance program including the observation and analysis of instrumentation datz. Information furnished in the filling plan should generally be concerned with action that can be taken without a sigr.ificant impact on project purposes, provided no unsafe conditions are observed. The filling plan should be prepared by the Engineering Division in cooperation t~~ Construction and Operations Division. 5. Action.

a. A design memorandum which outlines an initial reservoir filling plan will be prepared for all new Corps reservoir projects prior to t[?e Attached as initiation of reservoir filling for operational purposes. inclosure 1 is an example of such a plan which was prepared for Lost Creek Lake in the North pacific Division (NpD). ER 11.10-2-1150 is presently under revision and published in draft form to be llsed. for interim guidance until finalized. The revised ER includes the requirements for preparing the Design Memorandum. The design memorandrlm snould be prepared after all pertinent hydrologic, hvclraulic, structural been developed dllr;ng design a.ncl and geotechnical information ~.~as constrllction.

ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 79 Q Existing projects that are operational, where the maximum pool . has not been experienced, should be reviewed and the O&M manual modified, if necessary, to include the information delineated in paragraph 6. Yne design memorandum 6. Design Memorandum Content. not be limited to the following: shouLd include but

a. Preferred filling rate and the availabl? options to control tile rate of filling as well as the consequences of operation with prime objective of controlling the rate of reservoir rise. b. Tne most Likely type of problem that might develop during initial filling and the surveillance necessary to detect those problems. c. A plan for reading the instruments and evaluating regard to the filling plan. the data with

d. A plan for inspecting the dam and downstream areas prior to and during filling, including the relationship between frequency of inspection and rate of pool rise. e. Instructions for observers on conditions that require immediate Clearly attention of personnel authorized to make emergency decisions. identify who is responsible for decisions and how they can be contacted. Alternats decision makers should also be identified.
l.. An emergency plan listing responsibilities, name and/or positions, telephone numbers and radio frequencies to be used. (See ER 1130-2-419.)


1 IncL Initial Filling Plan

J,iCK R. THOMPSON Acting Ci~j.ef, Engineering D<.vision Directorate of Civil Works

ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979








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~TL 1110.2-231 30 Mar 1979

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1 October 1976




This operation order provides the basic plan for raising Lost It assigns duties for various Corps elements and outlines co-

Creek Lake.

operative efforts needed with concerned outside agencies.


Principles Underlying the Pool Raise Plan:

The plan of pool raise is

based on the following considerations.

There are three critical, inter-

related elements of the closure which, to some extent, make conflicting demands on the operation. Those are (a) lowering the stoplog, (b) raising the the tumel plug.

pool on the embankment dam, and (c) constructing


The concerns of lowering the stoplog

are as follows:

Low river

flows at closure increase the ,chances of making a successful closure, whereas If the high flms will minimize the magnitude of fishery losses downstream. river flow is 1,000 c.f.s. at closure, the depth of water will be about 6 feet. If it is 2,000 c.f.s. the depth will be about 10 feet. flow or more is desirable A 2,000 second-feet

for the fish, but that flow increases the hazard of If the stoplog does not go all the way down, ye:

making a successful closure.

cannot be lifted out for another try (either from jamming or lack of crane capacity to overcome friction and downpull), there is probably only one option left--dumping rock upstream of the portal to create an embankment-type Besides possible delays, etc. which might result, the fish run d=stream be destroyed because the life-sustaining off by the fill. closure. could

flow through the stoplog would be cut

Our solution is to make closure during the beginning of a

rainstorm when the river flow is between 1,000 and 1,500 c.f.s. and <S rising, with every indication that a flow of at least 2,000 c.f.s. of reservoir

ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979 Operation Order, Lost Creek Lake Pool Raise - centd

inflow will be reached within a matter of a very few hours.

(Pumping water

through the regulating outlet is not practicable because of the large flow required --700 C.f.s. --and the large head involved. We have, therefore, decided To

to do everything possible to assure a successful closure with the stoplog.) mitigate for reducing the downward river flows below the minimum 700 c.f.s.

recommended by the fish agencies at closure, critical salmon spawning areas will be sprayed with water until an adequate flow is provided through the bypass gate in the stoplog. To minimize the pumping time required and any other adverse conditions.

effects, che closure will be made under favorable weather


The criticality of raising the pool stems from the fact that severe rising or unlowerable level of the

rainstorms can cause an uncontrollable reservoir

surface during periods when the reverse would be demanded either for of the dam on the first filling or for the safety of the seepage occurs. Our solution to this problem

proper monitoring

structure itself if unanticipated

is to divide the filling into two parts-- that below a certain elevation where practically no downstream hazard exists and that above the elevation where loads, pressures, and volume of reservoir storage become significant. The

first part of the filling, above the regulating outlet, would be done with a constant 1,000 c.f.s. flow being discharged through the regulating That is the minimum needed for fish and would provide minimum outlet. for


the construction of the diversion tunnel plug which is covered in item (c). At the same time, whatever rate of filling occurred from the rainfall received probably would not create a safety hazard. If at any time, however, during seepage of the dam or

the first part of the filling any serious unanticipated

foundation occurred, the outlet flow would be increased to lower the reservoir as much as possible and the emergency procedure would be activated. The

second part of the filling would be based on controlling as much as possible the rate of rise of the reservoir to provide optimum conditions for monitoring the filling. Should reservoir inflow exceed the ability of the outlet to

regulate the flow, the water surface would rise above the preplanned rule curve; however, it would be lowered to that preplanned curve as soon as

ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979 .@eration Order, Lost Creek Lake Pool Raise - centd

possible by full use of the regulating outlet.

Once back on the rule curve, inflow occurred.

the curve would be followed until another unregulatable Should at any time any serious unanticipated

seepage be observed, the emergency

procedures would be activated and the regulating outlet gate would be opened completely, if it were not already in that position.

It should be added that if the reservoir inflow is insufficient preplanned filling curve at any time, the preplanned

to reach the

filling curve would be

translated horizontally

as far as necessary to keep the actual reservoir filling rule curve. If, how-

elevation curve from being below the preplanned

ever, the reservoir had previously been fully monitored

to a higher elevation,

that higher elevation could again be reached by filling as fast as possible if the inflow became sufficient to do so.

Finally, when the routine reservoir regulation curve is reached, that curve would supplant the preplanned filling. filling rule curve for the remainder of the

However, the controls on reservoir rate rise and manner of regulating

a flood would be the same as for the preplanned curve mentioned above. Monitoring will continue until full pool is reached. If not reached the first at the highest

year, the special filling monitoring group would be deactivated reservoir elevation reached and reactivated to assure that the initial reservoir elevations has been monitored.

in succeeding years, as necessary,

filling throughout the complete range of


The problem with the plug construction

is that the higher the water inside the

surface in the reservoir the greater the hazard to the workmen

tunnel and the more the leakage that would have to be handled by the contractor. Yet the regulating outlet flows needed to keep the water surface down could interfere with the contractors entry to the tunnel.

ETL 1110-2-231 30 Wr 1979 Operation Order, Lost Creek Lake Pool Raise - centd

Our solution is to store as much water as possible during the early filling of the reservoir to minimize interference with the contractor, and construct the Should the plug not be complete when the reservoir

plug as fast as possible.

reaches the level between the adopted first and second filling stages, the contractor would have to interrupt his tunnel work every time large releases from the regulating outlet are required.



This Operation Order includes the following appendices:

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

Appendix A - Water Control Plan. Appendix B - Project Surveillance. Appendix C - Fish Egg Protection and Surveillance. Appendix D - Contingency Plan. Appendix E - Safety Plan. Appendix F - Public Affairs. Appendix G - Prebilling Inspection Team Recommendations. Appendix H - Transportation and Communications.



Placing this Qeration

Order into effect will be the He will keep the All


of Mr. Robert Martin, Resident Engineer.

District Engineer advised as to progress, problems and actions being taken. echelons will report to the Resident Engineer. ~. Vince Steinkamp. Mr. brtin

will be assisted by

After the lake filling has been fully monitored to elevation for the filling plan will transfer to the Project

1751, the responsibility Engineer.


Preliminary Actions:

The following actions must be taken prior to actual

raising of the pool.

ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979 Operation Order, Lost Creek Lake Pool Raise - centd

a. b.

Inspection Team recommendations

have been completed. from pool area

Telephone lines and power lines have been removed

below elevation 1751. c. d. e. f.


All necessary construction

to be covered by pool is completed.

Roads leading into lake have been signed and barricaded as needed. Fish egg sprinkler system has been checked out. All other preliminary . actions required by this operation order.

Advance press release issued on 8 October. When conditions appear favorable for closure the following will be (If


notified one day in advance of intended closure date if possible: conditions favorable for closure occur without advance warning,

the one-day

advance notice will not be given.

Notification will be given as far in advance

of closure as possible; however, at least 6 hours notice is required. ) (1) The Resident Engineer will notify the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) District Engineer Chief, Construction Division Local office of State Police County Sheriff Local State Highway Maintenance Pacific Power and Light Medford Office of U.S. Geological Survey Office

Medford Office of U.S. Weather Service Mike Evenson, ODFW, Cole Rivers Hatchery

(2) Engineer.

Portland District Engineer will notify the North Pacific Division

ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979 Operation Order, Lost Creek Lake Pool Raise - centd

(3) Chief, Construction Division will notify the following:

(a) (b) (c) (d) Chief, Engineering Division North Pacific Division Chief, Construction Public Affairs Office Chief, Project Operations Division

(4) Chief, Engineering Division will notify:

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) North Pacific Division Chief, Engineering Division Chief, Foundations and Materials Branch Chief, Design Branch Chief, Planning Branch Rogue River Coordinator


Chief, F&M Branch will notify: (a) (b) North Pacific Division Chief, GS and M State Highway Engineering Department Branch


Rogue River Coordinator will notify private environmental


sportsmen groups.

(7) Mike Evenson will notify the fishery agencies.


Final Closure Actions: a, b. c.

On day of closure the follwing

actions must be taken:

Fish and Wildlife representatives

final approval for closure received.

District Engineer gives approval to proceed with closure. Same notification as in paragraph 5h, regardless of whether the

decision is to proceed or to reschedule.

ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979 Operation Order, Lost Creek Lake Pool Raise - centd

d. e. f. h.

Fish egg sprinklers put into operation. PP&L Big Butte Creek Works notified (6 hours in advance).

Contractor directed to lower stoplog. Immediately notify District Engineer that stoplog is in place.


All District elements are directed to give maximum support to the pool

filling operation.



HARVEY L. KRNoLD, ~. Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer



Closure Criteria. a. b. Diversion tunnel stoplog to be lowered between 15 Ott and 1 Dec 76. Resident Engineer to alert interested parties of intent to close the

following day if conditions are then suitable. c. Resident Engineers recommendation for closure to be furnished District With District to return

Engineer at least 6 hours in advance of proposed closure time. Engineers preliminary approval, Resident Engineer notifies PPM

Eagle Point Power flow to Big Butte 6 hours prior to proposed closure. d, Fishery Agencies approval for closure received by Resident Engineer

through Mike Evenson prior to lowering stoplog. e. District Engineers final approval for closure received by Resident

Engineer prior to lowering stoplog. f. Flow between 1,000 and 1,500 cfs and rising and expected to rise

to 2,000 cfs within a few hours. g. Weather forecast for air temperatures above freezing but less than Rain forecast for the following 24 hours.

55 F. for three to four days.


PP&Ls Big Butte Creek diversion has been closed down at least .

6 hours before closure. i. For safety reasons, closure to start during daylight conditions

and prior to 4:00 p.m. j. Sprinkler system confirmed to be operating at time of closure.


ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979 WATER CONTROL PLAN Centd


It may not be feasible to meet all of the above desired conditions If


simultaneous ly.

closure may have to be made under less than the

full satisfaction of all of the criteria at the District Engineers decision.


Resident Engineer Responsibilities. a. Overall charge of closure and filling operation until responsibility to Project Operations. (Transfer at pool elevation 1751.)

is transferred

areas. c.

Install forebay staff gages and downriver staff gages at spawning

Read forebay and downriver

staff gages and furnish data to

Hydrology Section. d. e. timing. f. Coordinate with PP&L to insure closure of their diversion facilities Alert PP&L of intent Supervise project surveillance activities. through Mike Evenson on closure

Coordinate with Fishery Agencies

on Big Butte Creek 6 hours before lowering stoplog. to close the day prior to actual closure.


Hydrology Section Responsibilities. a. General. (1) When requested by Resident Engineer, Hydrology will dispatch to the project to advise Resident Engineer dn weather and river


conditions and forecasts. A-2

ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979 WATER CONTROL PLAN Centd

(2) parties. (3)

Furnish inflow, outflow, and lake elevation

to interested

Monitor water quality (inflow, outflow and lake) information

received from Project Operations. (4) Develop initial and ongoing hydrologic effect of flood situations, information such as filling rates, etc. Division

filling probabilities, (5)

Notify Resident Engineer through Chief, Engineering

if and when changes in the release criteria or filling schedule must be made.

(6) Parties to be furnished above information:




Phase 1. (1)

(Before lowering of stoplog.)

Gages and Water Quality Stations. (a) (b) (c) Insure inflow gages are operational. Insure reservoir water level gage is operational. Insure outflow gages are operational.


ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979 WATER CONTROL PLAN Centd


Establish water quality stations.

(2) Weather and Strearnflow Monitoring.

(a) (b) Provide up-to-date record of streamflow and forecasts.

Provide up-to-date record of weather and forecasts cloud cover, etc.).

(temperature, precipitation, (c)

At first sign df possible conditions conducive to lowering

stoplog, immediately notify Resident Engineer; District Engineer; Chief, Engineering Division; and Chief, Construction Division. Upon request of

the Resident Engineer, Jeff Hanson will immediately go to the project to provide on-site assistance c. Phase 2. to Resident Engineer with forecasts.

(From lowering of stoplog until closing of bypass gate

in stoplog. ) (1) Collect and distribute data to interested parties on inflow,

pool and outflow gages. (2) Provide up-to-date weather and streamflow forecasts if required). (at-the-

project assistance (3) d.

Monitor water quality inflow, outflow, and pool as required. (From closing of bypass gate in stoplog until reaching

Phase 3.

first full pool.) (1) Collect and distribute data to interested parties on inflow,

pool and outflow gages. (2) Provide up-to-date weather and streamflow forecasts if required). A-4 (at-the-

project assistance

ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979



Monitor water quality inflow, outflow, and pool as required.

(4) Coordinate with NPD Reservoir Control Center and Resident

Engineer regarding daily reservoir operations. parties. Provide plans to interested


General Information. a. Reservoir regulation will be the responsibility of NPD Reservoir

Control Center in Phase 3. b. Downstream water levels in vicinity of spawning areas will be by Resident Engineer until decision to discontinue sprinkling


is reached. c. The following table shows the minimum flows that Fishery Agencies

desire for fishery enhancement. Fishery Enhancement Outflows 1 February - 30 April 1 May - 15 May 16 May - 31 May 1 June - 10 June 11 June - 30 June 1 July - 20 August 21 August - 7 September 8 September - 31 January Cfs

700 1,000 1,300 1,500 1,800 2,000 1,500 1,000


ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979 ~ WATER CONTROL PLAN Centd


Detailed Reservoir Regulation Plan.

Regulation will be consistent

with draft Reservoir Regulation Manual except: a. Until the pool reaches elevation 1,700, the outflow will be main-

tained at the lesser of 1,000 cfs or inflow, and the pool will be allowed to fill at any rate in event of flood. b. When the pool exceeds elevation 1,700, the rate of pool rise will

be limited to 3 feet/day, if possible, by increasing outlee flows up to their full capability (see attached rating curve). The outflow (through

1 Feb 77) during fill periods will be: (1) (2) Equal to inflow if inflow is less than 1,000 cfs. 1,000 cfs if inflow equals 1,000 cfs or more and rate of rise

is less than 3 feetlday. (3) c. As required to limit rate of rise to 3 feet/day if possible. flood storage 10 feet in excess of that from



the preplanned

filling rule curve, the pool will be evacuated as rapidly

as feasible at a rate not to exceed 5 feet/day to the elevation that would have developed a rate of 3 feetlday. paragraph d. 5b above. if no flood had occurred and the pool had filled at Pool filling will then restart under guidelines of

When the pool intersects the routine reservoir rule curve and does 5c, further fillFlood control

not require evacuation under the provisions of paragraph

ing will be controlled by the routine reservoir rule curve.

storage will be restricted until full pool has been reached by retention


ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979 WATER CONTROL PLAN Centd

of the 3 feet/day maximum fill rate except that the spillway will not be used to restrain fill rate unless called for by the Special Spillway Regulation Curve in the draft Reservoir Regulation Manual. e. For examples of regulation and rule curves, see the attached



Water Control Personnel. District Office 503 221-6470 Home : 503 655-4416 District Office Project Site NPP 503 221-6468 Home: 503 655-2909 Dtitrict Office & Project Site 503 221-6471 Home : 503 224-3591

George Holmes --Alternate Jeff Hanson Closure

Jeff Hanson--Alternate George Hc lines Weather & Streamflow Monitoring & Forecasting

Doug Larson--Alternate George Holmes Water Quality--Monitoring


ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979 APPENDIX B PROJECT SURVEILLANCE Gen~ral. General surveillance will be carried out by Project

personnel under the direction of Mr. Robert Martin assisted by ~. Vince Steinkamp and a District survey party. Mr. Steinkamp

will be available to the Project to help supervise the surveillance until the pool reaches elevation 1872 - Full Pool. composed of a Soils Engineer and a Geologist A secondary team

from the District

Foundation & Materials Branch will make regular inspections ~nd be available if any problems develop. bias develop, In addition, should major pro-

the above team will be supplemented by District


Staff as required. Instrumentation of the main embankment dam includes


15 Hall type piezometers in the impervious zone at Station 27+00,

and 9 open tube, Casagrande type, piezometers in the foundation toe of the embankare being in-

gravels on the left bank terrace at the downstream ment dam.

Six additional open tube type piezometers

stalled in the foundation along the downstream

toe; one on the right

abutment, two on the right abutment slope, one in the valley floor at the toe of the left bank, one in the buried channel on the left bank terrace, and one on the left abutment. In addition the

outfall from the downstream drainage system is equipped with a weir. Twenty (20) surface monuments have been installed along the crest of the dam and will be used to measure settlement and deflec. tion. Six Strong Motion Accelerographs will be instailed by the Survey, two

Seismic Engineering Branch of the U. S. Geological B-1

ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979 on the crest of the embankment dam, one on the left abutment, one on a rock outcrop about 1,800 feet downstream in the intake tower. Geological ments. Visual inspection will be made of the dam and downstream ment slopes to check for seepage, sloughing, and erosion. abutof the left abutment, and two

The Seismic Engineering Branch of the U. S.

Survey will service and collect the data from these instru-


visual inspection will be made ot the interior of the intake structure dry well for cracks and leakage. The regulating outlet conduit

will be inspected as soon as possible following the start of power generation. Reservoir. Major areas of concern around the reservoir are:

Needle Rock Slide located on the right bank near the upstream end of the reservoir, Stewart Park boat ramp and dock located on the

left bank, and the right bank boat ramp located just upstream of the right abutment. At Needle Rock Slide a line of survey monuments has been estabIn

lished along the highway to check alignment and settlement. addition seven slope indicator pipes were installed, are below maximm pool and three above.

four of these

Oregon State Highway Depart-

ment is responsible

for reading the slope indicators.

Most of the north shore of the reservoir does not have road access, however, this area is not important to the safety of the

dam or relocations.




Damsite. (1) (2) (3) Downstream Embankment

ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979 drainage system weir - read daily. and foundation piezometers - read daily.

Visual inspection of embankment dam, look for cracks in

crest, check guardrail alignment, look for wet spots on downstream slope and at toe, look for erosion or sloughing on upstream slope daily. (4) Visual inspection of right abutment slopes above Jasper

Creek, look for seepage, wet spots, sloughing - each ten foot increase in pool Level but not less than weekly. (5) Visual inspection of left abutment slopes above the to the spillway chute and the unlined chute to the hatchery

terrace downstream

walls, and the slope below the terrace downstream residence area - same as 4 above. (6)

Visual inspection of the lower slopes on the right bank to the old boqt ramp and the left bank to the

from Jasper Creek downstream

terrace slope in the residence area and above downstream spillway chute - weekly. (7) (8)

Visual inspection of the intake structure drywell - daily. Visual inspection of regulating outlet conduit - as soon as

as possible following start of power generation and periodically required. (9) Settlement and alignment monuments

on crest of dam - monthly

from initial reading unless 3 above indicates need for intermediate readings. Items 1 through 8 will be taken care of by Project personnel and Item 9 by District stirvey crew. B-3 District team will inspect monthly

ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979 and/or when the filling rate exceeds one foot in 8 hours for a period of 24 hours and is expected to continue at a rate higher than one foot per 8 hours for the following 12 hours. Should experience indicate

that this schedule does not provide adequate coverage by the District team it will be adjusted. Reservoir. (1) Visual inspection of Needle Rock Slide, Stewart Park

boat ramp and dock, right bank boat ramp - daily. (2) Settlement and alignment monuments at Needle Rock Slide reading. of

monthly unless 1 above indicates need for intermediate


Slope indicators at Needle Rock Slide-responsibility

State Highway Department. Item 1 will be taken care of by Project personnel and Item 2 by District survey crew. District team will inspect monthly andlor

when the filling rate exceeds one foot in 8 hours for a period of 24 hours and is expected to continue at a rate higher than one foot per 8 hours for the following 12 hours. The entire reservoir perimeter

will be inspected by District Foundation & Materials Branch personnel following the first drawdown. Routine and Alert Conditions. Daily, weekly and monthly read-

ings will be considered routine by Project or District personnel. At anytime the filling rate exceeds one foot in an 8 hour period special alert monitoring activities will commence. Upon observing .

the special alert conditions

the Surveillance Director will notify

District Foundation & Materials Branch personnel alerting B-4

ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979 the secondary inspection team. In addition the Surveillance Director

will mobilize a twenty-four hour observation watch on the Dam, the abutment slopes and the area downstream of the dam. The Project will

have on a ready condition portable lighting for night observations. Increased flow from the downstream weir is expected and will be considered normal. Sudden increase in flow quantities or turbid Branch

flows will be reported to District Foundation & Materials immediately.

Seepage will be expected at the dam toe and downstream controlled amounts. The District Foundation & Materials

in minor


should be notified as soon as each of the minor seepage areas are found. Sudden increase in flow, large flows found or turbid flows

will be reported immediately and may in the judgment of the Surveillance Director or the Project Engineer be cause for setting emergency procedures in action.

Reporting. (1) Routine Instrumentation Readings and Visual Inspection Branch -

Reports - by telecopier to District Foundation & Materials daily.

District Foundation & Materials Branch will prepare weekly

report for NPD and the Task Force. (1.c/udc (2)



Minor Seepage - by phone to District Foundation & Materials

Branch who in turn will phone Task Force members. Major Seepage, Other Major Problems - by phone to Chief, . Construction Division, who will notify the District Engineer and Chief, Engineering Division immediately. (3)



ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979


Reference Number 1

Structure Sprinkler Irrigation w


Responsible Party

Pumps, pipe and sprinklers will be set up to cover six areas of spawning beds. All needed equipment is on order or on hand. Delivery of pumps and pipe is scheduled for 1 Ott 76. These will be installed and testoperated during the week 4-8 October. This work will be done by Project O&M staff (including two temporary utilitymen). All systems will be tested again the day prior to closure.


Water Level Gaging

Water Level Gaging of the.spawnKenoyer ing bed areas downstream will be done by driving steel fence posts, painted with 6 stripes, at selected locations in the river. Readings will be taken of water levels during spawning activity, especially at the time of aerial photo flights, at the time of closure, and at four-hour intervals thereafter until the river level returns to the point where irrigation is terminated. Readings will be taken by O&M staff, logged and recorded by Harry Weise. Operation of the sprinkler irriga- Kenoyer tion system will begin two hours prior to closure and continue as long as needed. Operation will be done by O&M staff supplemented by A foreman temporary utilitymen. and four men Will be used for each shift. Two nine-hour shifts per day, every day are planned. During the remaining period per day, the operation will be monitored by a roving operator. Additional help, if needed, will be on call.



ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979 Reference Number Structure Biological Surveillance Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is under contract to the Corps to estimate egg and fry mortality in the Rogue River below Lost Creek Dam due to closure. Mortality will be based on egg sampling, in-river survival experiments and simulated conditions of Cole M. Rivers Hatchery. Activities at Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife will be observed by District Biologists. District Biologists will also maintain constant surveillance of redd protection activities until irrigation is terminated. It is estimated that a minimum of three persons will be required to accomplish Biological Surveillance. Kenoyer Item Responsible Party





Purpose of this appendix is to provide a plan of action in

case unusual water discharge occurs during filling of the pool or other event (earthquake, etc.) creates a situation of impending catastrophic of the dam. loss



This plan provides

for a system of notification

of emergency

services personnel to provide a warning

to all downstream residents and field and office personnel.

lists action to be taken by portland District



If at any time during the initial filling of the reservoir

any serious seepage of the dam or foundation occurs, the outlet flow would be increased to lower the pool as much as possible and all necessary warning would be issued. The second part of the filling would be based upon filling It is possible that extended

at a scheduled rate of increased pool level.

and extensive rainfall could occur that would cause inflow to exceed the discharge capacity of the outlet. The pool level would then rise faster than

the preplanned rate; however, as soon as possible the pool filling would be returned to the scheduled rate of rise.

Any serious seepage during a period in which inflow exceeds discharge capability of the outlet could create an extreme hazard.

If that condition occurs the Resident Engineer at Lost Creek will make a
judgment as to the relative seriousness of the hazard based upon all information available to him (weather forecast, pool level, amount of seepage and location). Based upon his decision the Resident Engineer will


ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979

exercise the notification

plan to warn local officials of:


a possible

hazard or (2) issue a warning to evacuate local residents.



Plan - In event a condition occurs that in the judgment

of the resident engineer constitutes a threat to the lives of local residents the following notification plan will be implemented.

Resident En~ineer notifies: a. Department of Emergency Services - Salem - 378-4124 or 4125 hours this line will be answered by the Oregon

(during non-business State Police Headquarters). b.

Jackson County Emergency Services - 776-7111.

(This is the central dispatch number at the Sheriffs Office) c. Josephine County - 476-4444; Emergency Services 476-8163

(James Newly - Sheriff) d. (1) Resident Engineer will alert: R. Moore (primary), Division Business: 221-6052 Home:

Chief, Construction


(2) Colonel Harvey L. Arnold (primary),

District Engineer Alternates: LTC Melvyn Brown, Deputy District Engineer

Business: 221-6000 Home: 635-5376

Business: 221-6002 Home: 646-8983

Vince Brownell Executive Assistant

Business: 221-6003 Home: 206-693-0309


ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979

Alternates: Louis Henke Business: 221-6053 Home :


John Illias

Business: 221-6051 Home:




1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979

R. Moore or alternate to alert: G.

e. (1)

Chief, Foundations Alternates: John Jenkins

and Materials

Business: 221-64,52 Redland, Oregon Home: 631-2812

Business: 221-6456 Home: 206-694-4036

Duane Bankofier

Business: 221-6456 Home: 761-6654

Dennis Hopman

Business: 221-6455 Home: 233-1600

(2) L. Stein,
Chief, Engineering Alternates: J. HeuJter Division

Business: 221-6916 Home : 644-5068

Business: 221-6917 Home: 644-2573

P. Keough

Business: 221-6415 Home : 656-3424


Don Westrick, Chief, Project Operations

Business: 221-6066 Home : 246-1047

Alternates: Jack Braithwaite Business: 221-6073 Home: D-4 206-694-4172

ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979 Gail Gardner Business: 221-6069 Home :

Cascade Locks


Chief Operations or alternates to alert: Jerry Schmunk Public Affairs Office Business: 221-6055 Home : 641-2813

Alternate: Alene Jacques Public Affairs Office Business: 221-6005 Home: 232-4596


Chief, Engineering H. Heine,

Division or alternate to alert: Business: 221-6048 Home : 289-0745


Chief, Design Branch Alternates: Ray Milliron

Business: 221-6409 Home: 246-5870

Ivar Paavola

Business: 221-6903 Home : 288-4177

(2) Robert Waiste,

Chief, Administrative Altenates: Allen Salnave Services

Business: 221-6010 Home: 235-4320

Business: 221-6019 Home: 254-6192


ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979 Ruth Mary Caldwell Business: Home : 221-6012 235-4421

Mary Johnson

Business: 221-6012 Home : 288-1667


Emergency Procedures

- Initial action will be notification

and issue

of warning.

In addition the resident and district offices will take the

following action: a. (1) Resident Office Issue warning to all Corps employees and all contract personnel

in the area. (2) information (3) Verify the local emergency services officehave to local radio and TV stations. Iforderdby the resident engineer, evacuate Corps employees from released warning

areas immediately downstream of dam. (4) vehicles, Secure and protect all goverment property in area provided

tools, or other equipment can be moved to safe area without risk of life. If the Resident Engineers judgment is that the hazard can be con-

unnecessary (5)

trolled by use of contractor

resources in the area, those resources will be

called up immediately and committed to the emergency repair work. (6) Keep the district office informed of action by field elements

and state of the emergency situation. b. (1) Portland District Office Upon notification of serious threat to the project all personnel Upon

listed in notification

paragraph will proceed to the District Office. D-6

ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979 arrival they will assemble in the District Engineers conference room for initial briefing and discussion of the problem.

(2) Following the initial briefing the Emergency Operations Center will
be opened upon order of the District Engineer or his alternate.

(3) Contact will be established with the State and the Jackson and
Jasephine Counties emergency services offices. (4) (5) Public Affairs Office will prepare news releases to the news media. Administrative Services Chief of his alternate will call up clerical

support as needed for travel, personnel or financial actions.

(6) Chief of Supply or alternate will be called in to support emergency

hire of equipment or services if they are required.

(7) Division staff will be alerted to problem and kept updated on status. (8) Contact with resident office will be maintained.
(9) Emergency Operation Planner will issue Situation Reports to other

Federal offices as required by Army Regulation 500-60.



LOST CREEK POOL RAISE Appendix E Safety Plan

ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979


All Corps personnel in the field will wear hard hats for identification

and will be fully authorized to act on any matter dealing with safety.


All instances of safety violations,

hazardous conditions, or incidents,

will be documented and logged.


Personnel should be firm, but tactful, in dealing with the public to If cooperation cannot be obtained, the situation

protect them from hazards.

should be reported immediately to the Resident Engineer.


If assistance

is required to remove the public from the pool area, from the Resident Engineers office and the Park

assistance will be available Ranger will be dispatched.


All personnel are cautioned to be alert during surveillance activities due

to the increased dangers of falls due to steep terrain, mud, and banks caving in from wave action. These dangers should be pointed out to any of the public

observed near the reservoir.


The PAO and Safety Office will take action to inform the public prior to

the pool raise of hazards expected.


All access roads into the pool area will be closed to the public.


LOST CREEK POOL RAISE Appendix F Public Affairs

ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979


The PAO will be the primary contact with the news media.


On 8 October 1976 the PAO will release the attached news release.


The Chief, Construction Division will be responsible

for keeping the PAO

informed on the progress of the closure and pool filling operation and PAO will inform the news media.


ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979


NEWS RELEASE 8 October 1976

Filling of Lost Creek Lake will begin sometime between October 15 and December 1, depending on water and weather conditions, the Portland District,

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, has announced.

colonel Harvey L. Arnold, Jr.,. Portland District Engineer, said that there will be a slight reduction after closure. in water levels in the Rogue River for the first few days

The reservoir will gradually rise during the winter months,

except in the event of heavy storms, when water would be stored.

The public is advised to avoid approaching

the lake shoreline during the time

when the lake is filling since there is possible danger due to soft ground along the waters edge.

Closure of the diversion tunnel to begin filling of Lost Creek Lake is being coordinated with state and federal fishery.agencies, Colonel Arnold said. condition for To

avoid adverse effects on the chinook salmon, the preferred

closure will be when weather is cool and cloudy and river levels are rising. This will minimize damage to fish eggs in the gravel. The date for closure

will be set at a time when spring chinook spawning is completed, and weather and flow conditions are conducive to filling of the reservoir.

Salmon spawning areas which may be exposed by the temporarily

lowered river

levels will be irrigated to keep buried salmon eggs wet and cool until the river returns to average heights. Effects of the drop in water level on If there are any losses to

survival of spring chinook eggs will be monitored.

the eggs, they will be replaced by increased production at Cole Rivers Hatchery at the Lost Creek Lake Project, the District Engineer said.

F -2


ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979

PREBILLING INSPECTION TEAM RECOMMENDATIONS First Periodic Inspection-Inspection Team Recommendations

The first inspection of Lost Creek Project, under the authority of Engineer Regulation 111O-2-1OO, Periodic Inspection and Continuing

Evaluation of Completed Civil Works Structures, was conducted on 19 and 20



Lost Creek Dam, outlet works, spillway and powerhouse to be ready

were found in satisfactory condition and are considered for operation.

This was the last formal field review and check of

the project before the initial pool raising and was intended to disclose any deficiencies lowering of stoplogs. that would require remedial action before The July 1976 inspection will be followed by

an inspection when full pool is reached. Inspection team members agreed, during the exit interview, that by the team are to be completed prior to

certain recommendations

the initial pool filling and a time schedule or study be established for the remaining items. A listing of all recommendations, includ-

ing responsible organizations follows. Ref. No. 1 Structure General

and when items are to be completed Responsible Organization Planning Br

Item Item to Be Completed by 1 Ott 76 A Reservoir Regulation Manual for the project is needed before operation. Initial Filling Instrumentation Reading Schedule. The instrumentation reading schedule is to be as followed as itemized in Appendix B. Monitoring schedule and slide contingency plan. Items to be completed before Raising of Pool

Embankment Dam

Project & District F&~l

Needle Rock Slide


Crack survey is to be made of all principal concrete structures. Spillway, spillway chute, spillway trunnion anchorage area, intake tower, regulating outlet, powerhouse, etc.



ETL 1110-2-231 30 *r 1979

Ref No. 5 Structure General Item

Responsible Organization


Project & F&M Seepage survey downstream of dam. Flow from all drains and seeps and wet spots on abutment slopes should be recorded. A survey should be made of natural flow conditions downstream of dam from gullies, creeks, etc., during dry and high precipitation periods. This will be used as a reference during pool raising and after attaining pool head. Complete general cleanup of project, e.g., remove waste concrete invert of regulating outlet chute. A seepage report is to be made of the intake tower dry well during the initial filling. Vug holes in floor downstream of the steel liner are to be patched prior to R.O. operation. Leakage of all contraction joints are to be documented prior to filling and after attaining pool head. Project & F~




Intake Tower Regulating Outlet Regulating Outlet






Regulating Outlet

Project R.O. bulkhead slot. The surface downstream of the slot should be inspected for offsets not meeting specifications. The surface should be corrected by filling low areas andior grinding down high points. Nuts fastening guides for water control gates should be checked and tightened to support the guides where necessary. Open spaces behind the guides should be grouted as protection against corrosion and to provide shear resistance to the guides. Project


Regulating ~tlet


Regulating All joints should be checked for Outlet Chute humping and repaired as necessary. Embankment Dam Installation of piezometers. Six piezometers are to be installed, one on each abutment, two on the right abutment slope, one in the valley floor at the toe of the left abutment and one on the left bank terrace in the area where the cutoff trench is deepest. G2



District F&M personnel coordinate w/Project

ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979

Responsible Ref. No. Structure Intake Tower Item A tiltmeter should be installed on the intake tower deck. Items to be Completed Before 1 Julv 1977 Organization Structures Sec




Fence survey of entire project. Safety fencing is to be installed where determined necessary. (Slopes of spillway chute are presently unprotected.) Complete project documents such as construction history, concrete, foundation reports. R.O. contraction joints should be marked for easy identification during inspections The plunge basin of the end of the spillway chute is a potential hazard area, A study should be made or methods to eliminate the hazard area and then correct as necessary. Shotcreting is required to cover and retain closely fractured rock on the left wall of the spillway channel. To be done at same time as Peyton Bridge. The shotcrete protection on the soil interbed below the south abutment of Peyton Bridge is to be extended.

Design Branch





Regulating Outlet Spillway Chute



District Design Branch Personnei


Spillway Chute

District F&M Personnel


Peyton Bridge

Fti Branch



Appendix H Transportation

ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979

and Communications


Transportation. a. Transportation for members of the resident surveillance team will be

provided by the Resident Office. b. District surveillance team members or others not on the Resident

Engineer or Project Engineer staff will arrange for their own transportation by contacting the Office of Administrative Services.


Communications. a. Telephones are available on the project as follows: (1) Resident Engineers Office FTS 422-2360 C-ercial (2) 878-2212

Project Engineers Office Commercial 878-2255


Project vehicles used for surveillance activities will be equipped Two portable radios will be available at the project for use by The call sign for the Resident Office is

with radios.

the District surveillance crew.

WUM-3485 and the Project Office is WUM-3560.


ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979



Stream County, State Dam location Rogue River Jackson, Oregon Sec. 26, 27, 34, T.33S., R.lE., W.M. 150.6 674 205 south 26.5 north 169,00C 64,500 49,000 .

River mile above mouth Drainage area - square miles from Portland, Oregon - miles from Medford, Oregon - miles

Airline distance Airline distance

Spillway design flood - c.f.s. Standard project Maximum flood - c.f.s. observed (Dec. 1964) - c.f.s. - c.f.s.


Mean annual discharge


1,886 619 1,366,000

Minimum monthly discharge Mean annual mnoff

(Sept. 1931) - c.f.s.

(1929-1965) - acre-feet


Usable storage - acre-feet Flood control storage - acre-feet Inactive storage - acre-feet Dead storage - acre-feet Tctal storage - acre-feet

315,000 180,000 129,500 20,500 465,000


ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979 PERTIhTNT DATA (Centd)

STOWGE AND PRINCIPAL ELEtTATIO?:S(Centd) - maximum - minimum (full) pool-feet, m.s.l. flood control pool-feet, m.s.l. pool-feet, m.s.l. August 1971

Elevation Elevation Elevation

,1,872 1,812 1,751

- minimum conse~ation

Area - maximum pool - acres Area - minimum Area - minimum Length - miles flood control pool - acres conservation pool - acres

3,423 2,609 1,799 10

DAM Elevation Length Maximum - top of dam - feet, m.s.l.

1,882 3,600

- feet height - foundation to top of dam - feet


SPILLWAY Type Concrete gravity, gated, ogee section of crest - feet, m.s.l.


1,823 135 158,000 3 - 45 x 51


Crest length - feet Design discharge Control gates Elevation - c.f.s.


- top of spillway gates - fee;, m.s.l.


ETL 1110-2-231 30 Mar 1979 PERTINENT OUTLET WORKS Type DATA (Centd) August 1971

outlet tumel,

intake tower, stilling basin

Operating Emergency Outlet

slide gates slide gates


66 X 126 6!6,1x 1216,,

tumel circular,

126 diameter,
concrete lined


- feet flood


Discharge capacity at minimum control pool - c.f.s. Discharge capacity at max~m full pool - C.f.s. Temperature Openings Openings each level control


11,460 hltiple level intake At 4 levels 381011x 1510,,


FACILITIES Powerhouse tiber of units

Indoor 2 Franc is 24,500 49,000

Type of turbine Rating of each unit - KW Installed

capacity - KW


Note: 1. Period 2. Points plotted thus: .1956, are the maximum dally discharge for the water yaar M Broken record of record: 1928-1965*



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