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4 Section 4 WIRE ROPES


INTRODUCTION 35x7 NON ROTATION CRANE WIRE Wire ropes can be grouped into several categories by the type of closing, the numbers of strands and the thickness of strands. Along with the diameter, two numbers are normally used to define the construction of a wire rope. The first refers to the number of strands in the rope and the second to the number of wires per strand. In general, the greater the number of wires, the greater the flexibility of the rope. As the number of strands increase, so the section of the rope tends towards an even circle which is essential for the wear characteristics of ropes which pass over sheaves. While it is impossible to include a comprehensive list of all wire ropes in a publication of this size, this section should be a useful reference guide for those constructions in common use. SELECTION OF GREASE For Active Hive Compensated System needs special lubricate because @ temperatures higher than 50-60C standard grease starts dripping out of the rope. Viking Moorings recommended as maintenance a pressure lubricates every 6. month to prevent mechanical wear and tear between stand strand and between wire - sheaves. If possible registration of number of cycles bend over sheaves (CBOS) together with tension and temperature for logging the history of the wire rope. INTRODUCTION FOR 6 x 36 Wire ropes can be grouped into two broad categories by the type of central core used. Independent wire rope core (IWRC) ropes are the stronger of the two and offer the greater resistance to crushing and high temperatures. Fibre core (FC) wire ropes while weaker, offer advantages in terms of flexibility, weight and of course price. Along with the diameter, two numbers are normally used to define the construction of a wire rope. The first refers to the number of strands in the rope and the second to the number of wires per strand. In general, the greater the number of wires, the greater the flexibility of the rope. As the number of strands increase, so the section of the rope tends towards an even circle which is essential for the wear characteristics of ropes which pass over sheaves. While it is impossible to include a comprehensive list of all wire ropes in a publication of this size, this section should be a useful reference guide for those constructions in common use.



Classification of wire rope is provided as per API 9A I BS EN12385-4:2002 I ISO 2408 6x19 Class includes the following: contains 6 strands which are made up of 15 through 26 wires. Examples: 6x19, 6x25 and 6x26. 6x37 Class includes the following: contains 6 strands which are made up of 27 through 49 wires. Examples: 6x29, 6x31 , 6x36, 6x41 , 6x46, 6x47 and 6x49. 6x61 Class includes the following: contains 6 strands which are made up of 50 through 74 wires. Examples: 6x52, 6x55, 6x57 and 6x61 . 6x91 Class includes the following: contains 6 strands which are made up of 75 through 109 wires. Examples: 6x91 and 6x103. EIPS: Extra Improved Plough Steel. In the ISO system, approximately equivalent to 1770 N/mm2 grade. EEIPS: Extra Extra Improved Plough Steel. In the ISO system, approximately equivalent to 1960 N/mm2 grade. Six strand ropes can be manufactured up to 160mm diameter with a net weight of 550 Tons per Reel. All ropes can come with compacted (Flat Strands upon request). The choice of wire rope construction is a compromise between fatigue and abrasion resistance. The chart below illustrates this principle.



CORROSION Where corrosive conditions exist the use of galvanised wires is recommended. In addition to physical protection due to the complete envelopment of steel wire, zinc provides sacrificial protection as corrosion of the steel is prevented until the zinc is removed from comparatively large areas. In extreme cases corrosion can be combated by the use of stainless steel wire rope. Further guidance to rope selection is given in BS6570 Code of Practice for The selection, care, and maintenance of steel wire ropes. LUBRICATION Unless otherwise indicated, by the customer or the intended duty, our ropes are thoroughly lubricated both internally and externally, during manufacture. In addition to providing internal lubrication for free movement of the component wires, the lubricant also gives protection against corrosion. Due to the internal pressures set up as the rope flexes and other outside influences met during its work, the original lubricant may soon be reduced and to ensure maximum rope life supplementary lubricant should be applied periodically during service. How rigorous the duty or corrosive the conditions will dictate the frequency of these applications. All steel wire ropes, including galvanised and stainless, will derive benefits from lubrication. MAIN CORE OF ROPE The function of the core in a steel wire rope is to serve as a foundation for the strands, providing support and keeping them in their proper position throughout the life of the rope. Fibre cores are generally used, as, when impregnated with grease, they help to provide internal lubrication as well as contributing to flexibility. Where high resistance to crushing or to heat is needed and where additional strength or low stretch is required steel wire cores are used. 4.3

Fibre Main Core

Wire Strand Main Core (WSMC)

Independent Wire Rope Main Core (IWRC)


LENGTH OF LAY That distance in a rope, measured parallel to its axis, in which a strand in a rope makes one complete turn about the axis of the rope. Variations in length of lay alter the elastic properties of the rope, e.g. shortening the length of lay will increase a ropes elastic stretch but slightly reduce its breaking load. ORDINARY (REGULAR) LAY AND LANGS LAY In an ordinary lay rope the direction of lay of the outer layer or wires in the strands is opposite to the direction of lay of the strands in the rope, whereas in a Langs lay rope the direction of lay of the outer layer of wires in the strands is the same as the direction of lay of the strands in the rope. Both ordinary lay and Langs lay ropes are normally laid up in a right hand direction, but left hand lay can be supplied on request. Ordinary lay ropes are suitable for all general engineering purposes. A Langs lay rope offers a greater wearing surface and can be expected to last longer than an ordinary lay rope on an installation where resistance to wear is important, but it has less resistance to unlaying than an ordinary lay and its application must be limited to installations in which both ends of the rope are secured against rotation. EQUAL LAY An equal lay construction is one in which the wires in the strand are spun so they will have an equal length of lay. It follows that the contact between all wires in the strand is linear. Ropes of this construction are not subject to failure by the bending of wires over the wires of the underlying layer. Example 6 x 19 (9/9/1) Seale 6 x 19 (12/6 + 6F/1) Filler 6 x 36 (14/7 & 7/7/1) Warrington



CROSS LAY A cross lay construction is one in which the wires in successive layers of the strand are spun approximately the same angle of lay. It follows that the wires in successive layers make point contact. Where ropes are operating over pulleys, nicking of wires and secondary bending at these points of contact occur, and failure of the wires by early fatigue may result. Example 6 x 19 (12/6/1) 6 x 37 (18/12/6/1) One rope Lay 4.5

Length of lay

Ordinary lay

Langs lay



For most applications wire ropes are constructed with six strands which are generally laid round a fibre or wire rope core. It is seldom that fewer strands are used but, for special applications, more than six are employed. 4.6 Throughout this catalogue, the figures given to describe the construction of a rope, are arranged so that the FIRST figure always indicates the number of STRANDS in the rope, and the SECOND figure the number of WIRES in each strand. eg 6 x 7 denotes a rope constructed with 6 STRANDS each strand comprising 7 WIRES 8 x 19 denotes a rope constructed with 8 STRANDS each strand comprising 19 WIRES Where there are seven wires in a strand, they can be arranged in only one way, ie 6 around 1, given in the catalogue as 6/1, a rope arranged 6 strands each of 7 wires is shown as 6 x 7 (6/1) Where there are more than seven wires in a strand, they can sometimes be arranged in different ways and it is because of this that in this catalogue the arrangement of the wires in the strand is invariably shown in brackets following the total number of wires per strand, eg where in 6 x 19 construction the 19 wires in each strand are laid 12 around 6 around 1 centre wire, the construction is shown as 6 x 19 (12/6/1) Similarly, where the 19 wires in a strand are laid 9 around 9 around 1 centre wire, or SEALE the arrangement is shown as 6 x 19 (9/9/1) SEALE Where the wires in the strands are laid on the WARRINGTON principle, the figures denoting a layer of large and small diameter wires are separated by the word and eg 6 x 19 (6 and 6/6/1) WARRINGTON Where small FILLER wires are introduced between layers of wires they are denoted by the + sign and the number of FILLER wires followed by the letter F eg 6 x 19 (12/6+6F/1)FILLER



Preforming is a manufacturing process which has the effect of relieving the wires and the strands of much of the internal stress which exist in nonpreformed ropes. During the process the strands and wires are given the helical shape they will assume in the finished rope. In a preformed rope broken wires do not protrude and greater care is required when inspecting for broken wires. Preformed rope offers certain advantages over non-preformed rope, eg: 1 2 3 It does not tend to unravel and is less liable to form itself into loops or kinks and is thus more easily installed It is slightly more flexible and conforms to the curvature of sheaves and pulleys Due to the reduction in internal stresses it has greater resistance to bending fatigue


Unless otherwise requested all ropes are supplied preformed.


In PREFORMED rope the wires and strands are given the helix they take up in the completed rope

PREFORMED rope may be cut without servings although care must always be taken


4.8 6 x 19 (9/9/1) SEALE 6 x 19 (12/6/1) 6 x19 (6 and 6/6/1) WARRINGTON

6 x 19 (12/6+6F/1) FILLER

6 x 36 (14/7 and 7/7/1) WARRINGTON

6 x 37 (15/15/61/1) SEALE

6 x 41 (16/8 and 8/8/1) 6 x 37 WARRINGTON (18/12/6/1)

6 x 46 (18/9+9F/9/1) FILLER

6 x 61 (24/18/12/6/1)

6 x 91 (30/24/18/12/6/1)

8 x19 (9/9/1) SEALE

8 x19 (12/6+6F/1) FILLER

8 x 19 (6 and 6/6/1) WARRINGTON

Description: Non-rotating wire rope with extremely high breaking load Applications: Mobile Cranes, deck cranes, offshore, active heav compensated system. Main Characteristics: Type: Non Rotating Outer Strands: 15 / 18 / 21 Compacted Strands: YES Plastic Filling: NO Lay: Langs / Regular Core: IWRC




Description: Non-rotating wire rope with high breaking load. 4.10 Applications: Mobile cranes, deck cranes. Main Characteristics: Type: Non Rotating Outer Strands: 15/18 Compacted Strands: YES Plastic Filling: NO Lay: Langs/Regular Core: IWRC

Description: Non-rotating wire rope with extremely high breaking load. Excellent resistance to high fleet angles. Applications: Mobile Cranes, deck cranes, offshore. Main Characteristics: Type: Non Rotating Outer Strands: 18 / 18 Compacted Strands: YES Plastic Filling: YES Lay: Langs / Regular Core: IWRC





Description: 6 strand wire ropes (19S, 25F, 31WS, 36WS, 41WS). 4.12 Applications: Winches and hoisting devices. Main Characteristics: Type: Hoisting and Boom Outer Strands: 6 Compacted Strands: NO Plastic Filling: NO Lay: Regular Core: IWRC


Description: 8 strand wire ropes (19S, 25F, 31WS, 36WS, 41WS). Applications: Winches and hoisting devices. Main Characteristics: Type: Hoisting and Boom Outer Strands: 9 Compacted Strands: NO Plastic Filling: NO Lay: Regular Core: IWRC




Description: Spin resistant wire rope with low torque and high breaking load. 4.14 Applications: Winches and hoisting devices Main Characteristics: Type: Hoisting Outer Strands: 9 Compacted Strands: NO Plastic Filling: NO Lay: Regular Core: IWRC

Description: Spin resistant wire rope with low torque and high breaking load Applications: Capstan winches Main Characteristics: Type: Spin Resistant Outer Strands: 9 Compacted Strands: YES Plastic Filling: NO Lay: Regular Core: IWRC




SPIRAL STRANDS / 1x37-1x61-1x91-1x127-1x169

Description: Round-wires spiral strand ropes. 4.16 Applications: Carrying cables, stabilizing cables, stay cables, pendant cables for tensile structures and for offshore mooring. Main Characteristics: Type: Spiral Strands Lay: S/Z Core: Spiroidale Protection: Zinc / galfan Galvanizing Class: A-B-C Outer wires: 12 - 42

Mooring fleeting windmill, spiral strand wire



Red 2P Flexpack 2P

Rope Dia (mm)

Mass kg/m

Min. breaking force Bright kN Galv. kN

Mass kg/m Air kg/m Sea Water kg/m 0,42 0,51 0,61 0,71 0,83 0,95 1,08 1,22 1,37 1,69 1,86 2,04 2,23 2,43 2,64 2,85 2,85 3,08 3,31 3,80 4,32 4,88 5,47 6,09 6,75 7,70 8,40

Min. breaking force Bright kN Galv. kN

Mass kg/m

Min. breaking force Bright kN Galv. kN 63,2 80 98,8 120 142 167 194 222 253 286 320 357 395 436 478 523 569 618 661 767 881 1000 1130 1270 1410 1570 1730 1890


8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44

0,45 0,54 0,65 0,76 0,88 1,01 1,15 1,3 1,46 1,8 2,18 2,59 3,04 3,53 4,05 4,61 5,2 5,83 6,5 7,2 7,94 8,71

91,1 110 131 154 179 205 233 263 295 364 441 525 616 698 801 911 1030 1150 1290 1420 1530 1680

91,1 110 131 154 179 205 233 263 295 364 441 525 616 663 761 866 977 1100 1220 1350 1430 1570

0,49 0,59 0,70 0,82 0,95 1,09 1,24 1,40 1,57 1,94 2,14 2,35 2,57 2,79 3,03 3,28 3,28 3,54 3,80 4,37 4,97 5,61 6,29 7,00 7,76 8,80 9,70

95 115 137 161 195 224 255 288 323 360 398 439 482 527 574 596 645 695 748 859 977 1100 1230 1370 1520 1660 1820

95 115 137 161 195 224 255 288 323 360 398 439 482 574 596 596 645 695 748 859 977 1100 1230 1370 1520 1660 1820

0,32 0,41 0,5 0,61 0,72 0,85 0,98 1,13 1,28 1,45 1,62 1,81 2 2,21 2,42 2,65 2,89 3,13 3,48 4,04 4,63 5,27 5,95 6,67 7,44 8,24 8,84 9,7

66,6 84,2 104 126 150 176 204 234 266 301 337 375 416 459 503 550 599 650 696 808 927 1050 1190 1330 1490 1650 1820 1990

All dimensions are approximate



Pack 1 Flexpack Pack 2


Rope Dia (mm)

Mass kg/m

Min. breaking force Bright kN Galv. kN 1710 1860 2020 2190 2360 2540 2720 2910 3110 3310 3520 3740 3960 4190 4430 4670 Air kg/m 10,6 11,5 12,5 13,5 14,6 15,7 16,8 18,0 19,2 20,5 21,8 23,1 24,5 25,9 27,4 28,9 30,4 32,0 33,6 35,3 37,0 38,7 39,5 40,2 42,0 43,8 45,6 47,5

Mass kg/m Sea Water kg/m 9,2 10,0 10,9 11,8 12,7 13,6 14,6 15,7 16,7 17,8 18,9 20,1 21,3 22,6 23,8 25,1 26,5 27,8 29,2 30,7 32,2 33,7 35,2 36,8 38,4 40,1 41,8 43,5

Min. breaking force Bright kN 1990 2170 2350 2530 2710 2910 3100 3310 3520 3730 3950 4180 4410 4640 4880 5120 5370 5630 5890 6150 6410 6690 6960 7240 7520 7810 7950 8270 Galv. kN 1990 2170 2350 2530 2710 2910 3100 3310 3520 3730 3950 4180 4410 4640 4880 5120 5370 5630 5890 6150 6410 6690 6960 7240 7520 7810 7950 8270

Mass kg/m

Min. breaking force Bright kN Galv. kN 2070 2250 2450 2650 2800 3010 3230 3450 3500 3730 3970 4130 4370 -

46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100

9,52 10,4 11,3 12,2 13,1 14,1 15,1 16,2 17,3 18,4 19,6 20,8 22 23,3 24,6 26 -

1840 2000 2180 2350 2540 2730 2930 3130 3340 3560 3790 4020 4260 4510 4760 5030 -

10,6 11,5 12,5 13,5 14,6 15,7 16,9 18 19,3 20,5 21,8 23,2 24,5 -

2180 2370 2580 2790 2950 3170 3400 3640 3770 4010 4270 4440 4700 -

All dimensions are approximate



Pack 1 Flexpack Pack 2

Rope Dia (mm)

Mass kg/m

Min. breaking force Bright kN Galv. kN -

Mass kg/m Air kg/m 49,4 51,4 53,4 55,4 57,5 59,6 61,7 63,9 66,1 68,4 70,7 73,0 75,4 77,8 Sea Water kg/m -

Min. breaking force Bright kN Galv. kN 8590 8920 9250 9590 9940 10200 10600 11000 11300 11700 12100 12500 12900 13300 13700 14100 14500 14900 15300 15800 16200 16600 17100 17500 18000 18500 18900 19400 19900 20400 20800

Mass kg/m

Min. breaking force Bright kN Galv. kN -


102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 144 146 148 150 152 154 156 158 160 162

80,3 82,8 85,3 87,9 90,5 93,1 95,8 98,5 101,3 104,0 106,9 109,7 112,7 115,6 118,6 121,6 124,7

All dimensions are approximate


Iperpack 27x7/36x7/39x7 Iperplast 27x7/36x7/39x7 Compact Plastic impregnated Iperplast Min. breaking force Kn Mass kg/m 2160 ung 2160 gal

Size Nominal Diameter mm Iperpack Min. breaking force Kn Mass kg/m 0,27 0,35 0,43 0,52 0,61 0,72 0,83 0,96 1,09 1,23 1,38 1,54 1,7 1,88 2,06 2,25 2,45 2,75 2,97 3,21 3,45 3,7 3,96 4,23 4,51 4,79 5,09 5,39 5,7 6,35 7,05 7,76 8,52 2160 ung 49,9 63,2 78 94,4 112 132 153 176 200 225 253 282 312 344 378 413 449 481 520 561 603 647 692 739 787 837 889 942 997 1110 1230 1340 1470 2160 gal 49,9 63,2 78 94,4 112 132 153 176 200 225 253 282 312 344 378 413 449 481 520 561 603 647 692 721 768 817 867 918 972 1080 1200 1310 1430 0,48 0,59 0,7 0,82 0,95 1,09 1,24 1,4 1,57 1,75 1,94 2,14 2,35 2,57 2,79 3,03 3,28 3,54 3,8 4,08 4,37 4,66 4,97 5,28 5,61 6 6,53 6,71 7,84 90,4 109 130 153 177 203 231 261 293 326 362 399 438 478 521 565 611 659 709 760 814 869 926 984 1050 1110 1170 1240 1450 90,4 109 130 153 177 203 231 261 293 326 362 399 438 478 521 551 596 643 691 741 793 847 903 960 1020 1080 1140 1210 1410


8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 40 42 44


In accordance to API 9 A Standards
Diameter mm 50,8 54,0 57,2 63,5 66,7 69,9 73 76,2 79,4 82,6 85,7 88,9 95,3 102,0 108 114,0 121 127,0 inches 2 2 1/8 2 1/4 2 1/2 2 5/8 2 3/4 2 7/8 3 3 1/8 3 1/4 3 3/8 3 1/2 3 3/4 4 4,1/4 4.1/2 4,3/4 5,0 Weight kg/m 11,3 12,8 14,3 17,8 19,7 21,4 23,5 25,4 27,6 29,9 32,2 34,8 39,9 45,3 51,1 57,4 63,9 70,8 1960 kN/mm2 1,93 2.160 2,42 2.950 3,24 3.530 3,84 4.170 4,49 4.840 5,18 5.520 6,28 7.060 7,73 8.590 9,48 10.430 197 220 247 301 330 360 392 425 458 494 528 563 640 720 788 876 967 1.064 2060 kN/mm 2 2,216 2.363 2,697 3.295 3,629 4.011 4,384 4.815 5,119 5.462 5,953 6.463 7,002 7.806 8,287 9.209 10,16 11.160 226 241 275 336 370 409 447 491 522 557 607 659 714 796 845 939 1,036 1.138


2160 kN/mm 2 2,285 2.471 2,834 3.462 3,815 4.207 4,599 5.060 5,374 5,737 6,247 6.786 7,355 8.199 8,699 9.670 10,67 11.719 233 252 289 353 389 429 469 516 548 585 637 692 750 836 887 986 1,088 1.195

2260 kN/mm 2 2,384 2.578 2,957 3.612 3,98 4.394 4,805 5.276 5,61 5.992 6,531 7.090 7,698 8.554 9,076 10.089 11,132 12.226 243 263 302 369 406 448 490 538 572 611 666 723 785 873 926 1.029 1,136 1.248


All dimensions are approximate



In accordance to API 9 A Standards
Diameter mm inches 2 2 1/8 2 1/4 2 1/2 2 5/8 2 3/4 2 7/8 3 3 1/8 3 1/4 3 3/8 3 1/2 3 3/4 4 Weight kg/m 12,1 13,8 15,5 19,1 21,1 23,1 25,2 27,4 29,8 32,3 34,8 37,6 43 48,9 1960 kN/mm2 2,141 2.396 2,684 3.272 3,594 3.916 4,26 4.626 4,981 5.369 5,746 6.123 6,966 7.831 218 244 274 334 367 400 435 472 508 548 586 625 711 799 2060 kN/mm2 2,458 2.621 2,992 3.655 4,025 4.449 4,863 5.341 5,678 6.059 6,603 7.169 7,767 8.659 251 267 305 373 411 454 496 545 579 618 674 732 793 884 2160 kN/mm2 2,535 2.741 3,144 3.840 4,232 4.667 5,101 5.613 5,961 6.364 6,929 7.527 8,159 9.095 259 280 321 392 432 476 521 573 608 649 707 768 833 928 2260 kN/mm2 2,575 2.784 3,193 3.901 4,299 4.742 5,186 5.694 6,055 6.467 7,049 7.652 8,308 9.238 263 284 326 398 439 484 529 581 618 660 719 781 848 943


50,8 54,0 57,2 63,5 66,7 69,9 73 76,2 79,4 82,6 85,7 88,9 95,3 102,0

All dimensions are approximate



Typical Construction 6 x 19 Group 6 x 37 Group 6 x 19 (9/9/1) 6 x 36 (14/7 and 7/7/1) 6 x 19 12/6 + F/1 6 x 41 (16/8 and 8/8/1) 6 x 26 (10/5 and 5/5/1) 6 x 49 (16/8 and 8/8/8/1) 6 x 31 (12/6 and 6/6/1) These ropes are in accordance with BS302 parts 1, 2: 1987 for corresponding sizes.
Nominal Diameter mm Approx Equivalent Diameter ins Sea Water kg/m Approx Mass kg/100m Min Breaking Load at 2 1770N/mm (180kgf/mm2 ) tonnes 1460 1890 2300 2760 3340 3880 4460 4920 5360 5810 Mass kg/100m Sea Water kg/m Min Breaking Load at 1770N/mm (180kgf/mm ) tonnes 430 630 850 1120 1490 1870 2300


51 58 64 70 77 83 89 92 96 100

13 16 20 24 29 34 39 41 44.6 48.4

11 14 17 20 24 28 33 34.7 37.7 40.9

2270 2930 3570 4280 5170 6010 6920 6300 6860 8000

All dimensions are approximate


6 X 37 CONSTRUCTION GROUPS WITH STEEL CORE 4.24 Typical Constructions 6 x 37 Group 6 x 36 (14/7 and 7/7/1) 6 x 49 (16/8 and 8/8/1) These ropes are in accordance with BS302 part 7: 1987 for corresponding sizes.
Nominal Diameter mm 64 67 71 74 77 80 83 87 90 96 103 109 115 122 128 All dimensions are approximate Approx equivalent Diameter ins 2 1/2 2 5/8 2 3/4 2 7/8 3 3 1/8 3 1/4 3 7/16 3 1/2 3 3/4 4 4 1/4 4 1/2 4 3/4 5 Approx Mass kg/100m 1700 1860 2090 2270 2460 2660 2860 3140 3360 3820 4400 4930 5490 6180 6800 Min Breaking Load tonnes 274 299 333 361 389 417 447 487 519 585 665 728 805 896 979

Round Strand with Fibre Main Core 6 x 7 classification These ropes are in accordance with API Standard 9A-Table 3.4. (Bright (uncoated) or Drawn Galvanised Wire).



Nominal Diameter mm 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8 1

Approx Mass lbs per ft 0,21 0,29 0,38 0,48 0,59 0,84 1,15 1,5

Plow Steel tonnes 4,63 6,26 5,13 10,3 12,6 18 24,2 31,3 lbs 10,2 13,8 17,92 22,6 27,8 39,6 53,4 69

Improved Plow Steel tonnes 5,32 7,2 9,35 11,8 14,4 20,6 27,9 36 lbs 11,72 15,86 20,6 26 31,8 45,4 61,4 79,4

All dimensions are approximate


ROUND STRAND WITH STEEL MAIN CORE 6 X 19 CLASSIFICATION This table is applicable to: 6 x 19 (9/9/1) 6 x 25 (12/6 + 6F/1) 6 x 26 (10/5 and 5/5/1) These ropes are in accordance with API Standard 9A - Table 3.6 (Bright (uncoated) or Drawn Galvanised Wire).
Nominal Diameter mm 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1 1/8 1 1/4 1 3/8 1 1/2 1 5/8 1 3/4 1 7/8 2 Approx Mass lbs per ft 0,46 0,59 0,72 1,04 1,42 1,85 2,34 2,89 3,5 4,16 4,88 5,67 6,5 7,39 Improved Plow Steel tonnes 10,4 13,2 16,2 23,2 31,4 40,7 51,3 63 75,7 89,7 104 121 138 156 lbs 23 29 35,8 51,2 69,2 89,8 113 138 167 197,8 230 266 304 334 Extra Improved Plow Steel tonnes 12,1 15,2 18,7 26,7 36,1 46,9 59 72,5 87,1 103 120 139 158 180 lbs 26,6 33,6 41,2 58,8 79,6 103,4 130 159,8 192 228 264 306 348 396


All dimensions are approximate



This table is applicable to: 6 x 19 (9/9/1), 6 x 25 (12/6 + 6F/1), 6 x 26 (10/5 and 5/5/1) These ropes are in accordance with API Standard 9A Table 3.6 (Bright (uncoated) or Drawn Galvanised Wire).
Nominal Diameter mm 13 14,5 16 19 22 26 29 32 35 38 42 45 48 52 54 58 60 64 67 71 74 77 80 83 87 90 96 103 Approx Mass lbs per ft 0,46 0,59 0,72 1,04 1,42 1,85 2,34 2,89 3,5 4,16 4,88 5,67 6,5 7,39 8,35 9,36 10,44 11,65 12,85 14,06 15,36 16,67 18,07 19,58 21,09 22,79 26 29,6 Improved Plow Steel tonnes 23 29 35,8 51,2 69,2 89,8 113 138 167 197,8 230 266 304 344 384 430 478 524 576 628 682 740 798 858 918 981,2 1,114,000 1,254,000 lbs 10,4 13,2 16,2 23,2 31,4 40,7 51,3 63 75,7 89,7 104 121 138 156 174 195 217 238 261 285 309 336 362 389 416 445 505 569 Extra Improved Plow Steel tonnes 26,6 33,6 41,2 58,8 79,6 103,4 130 159,8 192 228 264 306 348 396 442 494 548 604 658 736 796 856 920 984 1,074,00 1,144,000 1,129,000 1,466,600 lbs 12,1 15,2 18,7 26,7 36,1 46,9 59 72,5 87,1 103 120 139 158 180 200 224 249 274 299 333 361 389 417 447 1020 519 585 665


All dimensions are approximate


HIGH PERFORMANCE WIRE ROPES FOR MOORING 8x41WS-IWRC (6x19W-1x19W) + zinc anodes Surface finish: hot dip galvanised Designed to improve service life in comparison with 6-strands ropes Improved flexibility Reduced external wear Rope size, mass and MBF may be customised according to project design requirements Supply includes: Quality plan - Fatigue design calculations Wear design calculation - Corrosion design calculation
Wire rope Diameter mm 77 83 89 96 102 108 115 121 127 Mass Air kg/m 27 31 35 41 47 52 59 66 72 Sea water kg/m 22 26 30 35 39 44 50 55 61 Metallic Area2 mm 3040 3540 4070 4730 5340 5990 6790 7520 8290 MBF kN 4000 4640 5340 6220 7020 7870 8920 9880 10880 335 390 450 525 595 665 755 835 920 Stiffness MN Torque 25% MBF Nm 6650 8350 10300 12900 15500 18400 22200 25850 29900 Turns 25% MBF deg/m 17 16 14 13 13 12 11 11 10


All dimensions are approximate



Designed to improve service life Surface finish: hot dip galvanised Sheathing: HDPE yellow colour with longitudal dark stripe Tensile grades of wire optimised to improve wire ductility Rope, size, mass and MBF may be customised according to project design requirements Supply includes: Quality plan - Fatigue design calculations Wear design calculation - Corrosion design calculation
Wire rope dia Uncoated mm 77 83 89 96 102 108 115 121 127 134 140 147 Sheathed mm 91 99 105 114 122 128 137 145 151 160 168 175 Mass (unsheathed) Air kg/m 29 34 39 46 51 58 65 72 80 89 97 107 Sea water kg/m 25 29 33 38 43 49 55 61 67 75 82 90 Mass (sheathed) Air kg/m 32 37 42 49 55 61 69 76 84 93 101 112 Sea water kg/m 25 29 33 38 43 48 54 60 66 73 79 88


Metallic Area mm2


Stiffness MN

Torque 25% MBF Nm 750 950 1200 1500 1750 2100 2500 2850 3300 3850 4400 5100

Turns 25% MBF Nm 0,5 0,5 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3

3440 4000 4600 5350 6040 6770 7680 8500 9370 10430 11390 12550

5480 6370 7330 8530 9360 10490 11760 12720 13930 15510 16930 18660

525 610 700 820 925 1035 1175 1300 1435 1595 1740 1920

All dimensions are approximate



High resistance to the corrosive effect of salt water is accomplished by the use of specially galvanised steel wires and by impregnating the fibre core with 4.30 special lubricant. RUNNING RIGGING Ropes used as running rigging require to be flexible, and 6 x 12 fibre cores or 6 x 19 in the small sizes is usually preferred. WIRE HAWSERS 6 x 12 and 6 x 24 constructions, both having 7 fibre cores, are used, 6 x 12 for sizes up to about 16mm dia (2 in circ) and 6 x 24 for sizes up to about 28mm dia (31/2 in circ). For larger diameters, the more flexible 6 x 37 rope is recommended. MOORING LINES AND TOWING LINES 6 x 36, 6 x 41 and 6 x 47 are all used and suitable for this application. ROTARY DRILLING LINES Rotary drilling lines are used for controlling the position of the drill string. The construction is normally a 6 x 19 (9.9.1) IWRC rope right hand ordinary lay in extra improved plow steel bright finish, however a flattened strand rope may be more preferable for drilling rig with a construction 6 x 28 offering a higher breaking load. RISER TENSIONER LINES The high concentration of bending stresses combined with heavy abrasive wear on the outer surface of the rope can cause premature failure of the rope unless the correct rope is chosen. Either a 6 x 41 IWRC or 6 x 49 IWRC right hand Langs Lay, bright finish could be used. ANCHOR LINES Anchor lines are supplied in Right Hand (Ordinary) Lay in drawn galvanised finish with independent wire rope core in either 6 x 36, 6 x 41 or 6 x 49 construction dependent upon the diameter.



When cutting non-preformed rope, adequate servings should first be applied to both sides of the point where the cut is to be made, to prevent the rope from untwisting. Even with Preformed rope, it is recommended that one serving be applied at each side of the cutting point to prevent distortion of the rope ends by the pressure applied during cutting. Soft annealed single wire or marlin should be used. Where wire is used the table below is given as a guide to size of wire, length and number of servings recommended, for Stranded Ropes. Rope diameter Less than 22mm 22mm to 38mm Larger than 38mm Serving wire diameter 1.32mm 1.57mm 1.83mm


At least two servings each of a length six times the diameter of the rope should be employed.



The bulldog grip should be fitted to wire rope as shown in Fig 1, and not as shown in Fig 2. The bridge of the grip should invariably be fitted on the working part of the rope, and the U-bolt on the rope tail or dead end of the rope. Grips should not alternate in position on the rope. 4.32 As a safety measure and to secure best results it is important to re-tighten all grips after a short period in operation, for, due to the compression of the rope under load, there will be a tendency for the grips to loosen. Refer to the manufacturers instructions for quantity of grips recommended.

Fig 1 Correct method of fitting bulldog grips

Fig 2 Incorrect method of fitting bulldog grips HOW TO MEASURE The actual diameter is measured with a suitable caliper fitted with jaws broad enough to cover not less than two adjacent strands.

The measurements are taken at two points at least 1 metre apart and at each point the two diameters at right angles are measured. The average of these four measurements is the actual diameter of the rope.



Rope Size (mm) 3-4 5 6-7 8 9-10 11-12 13 14-15 16 18-20 22 24-25 28-30 32-34 36 38-40 41-42 44-46 48-52 56-58 62-65 68-72 75-78 85-90 Minimum No. of Clips 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 10 10 12 Amount of Rope to Turn Back in (mm) 85 95 120 133 165 178 292 305 305 460 480 660 860 1120 1120 1370 1470 1550 1800 1850 2130 2540 2690 3780 *Torque in Nm 6.1 10.2 20.3 40.7 61.0 88 88 129 129 176 305 305 305 488 488 488 583 800 1017 1017 1017 1017 1627 1627

NOTES If a greater number of clips are used than shown in the table, the amount of turnback should be increased proportionately. *The tightening torque values shown are based upon the threads being clean, dry, and free of lubrication.


All dimensions are approximate



GENERAL PURPOSE WIRE ROPE The diameter of a drum or pulley should not be less than 500 times the diameter of the outside wire of the rope. The groove radius of a pulley should be within the range 5% to 15% larger than D/2 with the optimum radius 10% greater than D/2. The recommended radius of a drum groove is 6% greater than D/2 - where D is the nominal rope diameter. The bottom of the grooves should be arcs of circles equal in length to one-third of the circumference of the rope. The depth of a groove in a pully should be at least equal to one and a half times the rope diameter and the groove in a drum should not be less than one-third of the rope diameter. The angle of flare between the sides of the sheaves should be approximately 52 but should be greater if the fleet angle exceeds 1.5. The clearance between neighbouring turns of rope on a drum should not be less than: 1.6mm for ropes up to 13mm diameter 2.4mm for ropes over 13mm and up to 28mm diameter 3.2mm for ropes over 28mm and up to 38mm diameter


In terms of rope diameters the sizes of drums and pulleys would be: Rope construction round strand 6 x 19 (9/9/1) 6 x 19 (12/6+6F/1) 6 x 36 (14/7&7/7/1) Multi-Strand 17 x 7 34 x 7 Minimum pulley diameter 40 x D 33 x D 29 x D 18D 18D

Always refer to the wire rope manufacturers own recommendations.



Too great a radial pressure between sheave and rope will cause excess wear of the sheave grooves and will result in reduced rope life. The radial pressure may be determined from P = T1 + T2 Dd


Where: P = the tread pressure kgf/cm2 (lbsf/in2) T = tension on each side of the sheave kgf (lbsf) D = diameter of the sheave cm (in) d = diameter of the rope cm (in) Recommended maximum tread pressures to minimise sheave wear:
Rope construction 6x7 6 x 19 6 x 37 8 x 19 Cast2iron 2 (kgf/cm ) lbsf/in 21 21 21 21 300 500 600 600 Cast 2 steel 2 (kgf/cm ) lbsf/in 39 63 76 76 550 900 1075 1075 11% to 13% Manganese steel (kgf/cm 2) lbsf/in 2 105 175 210 210 1500 2500 3000 3000

All dimensions are approximate

The above values are for Ordinary Lay ropes; for Langs Lay ropes these values may be increased by 15%.


The stretch of a wire rope under load consists of permanent constructional stretch and elastic stretch. Permanent constructional stretch is due to the settling of the wires in the strand and the compression of the central core. This stretch is irrecoverable and most of it occurs during the early part of the ropes life. The following figures of percentage constructional stretch will give results within acceptable practical limits. Light Heavy loads loads Six-Strand ropes With Fibre Core With Steel Wire Core Eight-Strand ropes With Fibre Core 0.50 0.25 0.75 to to to 1.00% of length 0.50% of length 1.00% of length


Elastic stretch is the capacity of the individual wires to elongate, under load, due to their elastic properties. Providing the rope is not loaded beyond its elastic limit, it will return to its original length after removal of the load. The elastic stretch may be calculated from the expression:WL mm AE Where: W is the load on the rope L is the length of the rope A is the area of rope and E is the modulus of elasticity of the rope kgf mm mm 2 kgf/mm 2



35x7 Group 136 kN/mm 6 x 7 Group 12,000 kgf/mm2 6 x 19 Group 10,500 kgf/mm2 2 6 x 37 Group 9,800 kgf/mm For six stranded ropes with an IWRC these figures should be increased by 10%. 17/7 and 34/7 9,800 kgf/mm


According to the number of wires in the strand. METALLIC AREA Metallic area = Xd Where: d is the rope diameter and X is the factor.
Rope construction 6x7 6 x 19 Factor (X) 21 21 300 500 Rope construction 8 x 19 (9/9/1) 8 x 19 (12/6 + 6f/1) 8 x 19 (6 and 6/6/1) 6 x 12 (12/FC) 6 x 24 (15/9/ FC) 17 x 7 (6/1) 6 x 26 (10/5 and 5/5/1) 6 x 31 (12/6 and 6/6/1) 6 x 36 (14/7 and 7/7/1) 6 x 41 (16/8 and 8/8/1) 0.393 34 x 7 (6/1) 0.408 Factor (X) 0.342 0.350

6 x 37 8 x 19

21 21

600 600

0.232 0.322

All dimensions are approximate



The approximate diameter of the outer wires of a six stranded round strand rope may be found from the formulae:



D N + 3.5

For an eight strand round strand rope from


D N + 6.5

Where D is the rope diameter and N is the number of outer wires in a strand.



General purpose wire ropes A uniform factor of safety cannot be given for all engineering applications. Where a rope is used on equipment, the factor of safety of which is not specified, the minimum factor of safety shall not be less than 5 to 1. After termination losses of 10% are considered. WIRE ROPE WORKING LOADS The load to which a rope is subjected in service includes forces due to acceleration, bending and shock in addition to static force. The load due to acceleration maybe determined from: F = 0.102 x W x a Where F = Load due to acceleration (kgf) W = The static load (kg) a = The acceleration (m/S2) The load due to bending may be determined from: F= Ed A D


Where F = Load due to bending (kg) E = Modulus of elasticity on the rope (kgf/mm 2 ) d = Outside wire diameter (mm) D = Drum or sheave diameter (mm) A = Metallic area of the rope (mm 2)



Incorrect method 4.40

Correct method


Under conditions of repeated bending the fatigue strength of rope wire is approximately 25% of its strength in simple tension. The load due to shock is dependant upon the magnitude of the static load and the speed of load application. Every effort should be made to avoid slack rope when load is applied. CAPACITY OF DRUM OR REEL 4.41

The undernoted formula may be used in computing the rope capacity of any size of drum or reel. While it will give results that are very nearly correct for wire rope evenly spooled, when the rope is not spooled evenly the drum capacity is slightly reduced. Remember to take account of large end terminations which could hamper spooling. Formula: A d x C d x (A+B) = capacity

Where d = Rope diameter * Do not use fractions NB - The flange (A) will extend beyond the outer layer of rope. The dimension (A) should be taken to the outside of the rope only, and not to the outside of the flange.

CORRECT SPOOLING OF ROPE ON DRUM The sketch shown below may be used to determine the proper direction of rope lay for spooling or winding on flat or smooth face drums.


When a rope is wound on to a drum any tendency of the rope to twist when tension is released will be in a direction which would untwist the rope at the free end. The advantage of spooling in the correct directions is that when any load is slackened off the laps on the drum will hug together and maintain an even layer. With incorrect spooling the laps will move apart on removal of load and when the load is reapplied the rope may criss-cross and overlap, and flattening and crushing of the rope will result. The correct spooling direction for right and left hand lay ropes is shown in the sketch below. This applies to both ordinary and Langs lay ropes.

Underwind left to right. Use left lay rope

Left lay Underwind

Overwind left to right Use left lay rope

Left lay Overwind

Overwind left to right. Use right lay rope

Right lay Overwind

Underwind left to right Use right lay rope

Right lay Underwind





Pass a shaft through the centre of the reel and jack it up to allow the reel to revolve freely. Pull the rope straight ahead keeping it taut to prevent it from loosening up on the reel. UNCOILING

Heavy coils should be placed on a turntable and two crosspieces placed on top of the coil to prevent laps springing out of place and kinking. Light Flexible Ropes may be rolled along the ground so that the rope lies straight.

UNREELING Incorrect method


UNCOILING Incorrect method

Correct method

A GUIDE TO WIRE ROPE DAMAGE The life of a rope depends on many factors and includes: a b c The integrity of rope records and certification Wear and tear of rope contact points Operator skills



The technical characteristics of a wire rope can be easily determined of the beginning of its life cycle whilst monitoring high contact areas can also be effectively managed. Operator skills, however, are more difficult to monitor. Typical reasons for a wire rope to be withdrawn from service are listed below: a b c d e f g h i j k l Unsuitable rope composition, diameter and quality for purpose Ropes wound over or across each other Lack of regular and correct lubrication Use of incorrect reels and drums Use of misaligned reels and drums Use of reels and drums with unsuitable grooves and/or flanges Damage caused by ropes protruding from reels and/or drums Ropes being affected by humidity, chemicals or heat Use of unsuitable rope joints Looped ropes Excessive loads Damaged rope particles penetrating the internal structure

The following conditions should be noted when examining a rope: a b c d e f Decrease in diameter General wear and tear Lay length changes Traces of shock and stretch Corrosion Broken wires and their position in the rope structure

In examination, if possible, all the records should be analysed and inappropriate points should be eliminated. Some of the hints to help in finding possible cause for these failings are given below.


Possible causes of rope damage


Traversal wire breaks on strands

a b c d e a b c

bends on small dimensioned reels Vibration and shock loads Unsuitable rope compositions Corrosion Unsuitable joints at terminals Excessive load Wrong rope diameter and construction Unsuitable joints at terminals

Breaking under excessive load Wear

Conical and plastic type of breaks at rope wires

Wear on external wires

a Changes in rope or reel diameters b Changes on load c Big fleet angle d Unsuitable reels e Abrasives in the rope f Unsuitable groove dimensions a b c Insufficient lubrication Unsuitable storing conditions Corrosive atmospheric effects


Pittings on wire surfaces and breaks on wires caused by corrosion


Apart from the sheave diameter, the lifetime of a rope also depends on the design and dimensions of the groove. If the groove is too narrow, the rope gets wedged in it, the strands and wires cannot move as is required for bending, and this condition is detrimental to the life cycle of the rope. On the other hand, too wide a groove also has an adverse effect on rope life due to the high surface pressure between rope and sheave. The graph below clearly shows that a radius 5% larger than half the rope diameter will give the longest service life of the rope. For traction sheaves the radius of the groove is usually adapted as closely as possible to the radius of the rope to obtain maximum traction. The rope is supported in the best possible manner if the arc of contact with the groove contour can be 150 deg. This corresponds to a throat angle of 30 degrees. However, with a large fleet angle or with oscillating loads, the throat angle should be larger (up to 60 degrees) to avoid undue wear of the rope and sheave flanges. The height of the flanges should be at least 1.5 times the rope diameter to prevent the rope running off the sheave. The rope and groove are inevitably subject to wear during operation. Since the diameter of a rope becomes smaller due to abrasion and stretch, it will wear out the groove to the smaller diameter of the worn rope. If a new rope is laid in such a worn groove, it will get wedged in the narrow groove and this will have a very adverse effect on its life. It is also possible that the rope cuts its profile into the groove. Therefore the grooves should be inspected before installing a new rope and if necessary they must be remachined, preferably with a profile cutting tool. If a groove shows excessive wear, this may be an indication that the sheave material is too soft. In this case a sheave of a harder grade steel must be used which better resists the abrasive effect of the rope, or a larger diameter sheave should be taken.



When ropes are wound on drums, attention must be paid to the fleet angle, that is the included angle between the rope running to or from the extreme left or right of the drum and an imaginary line drawn from the centre of the sheave normal to the axis of the drum. When this angle is too large, the rope in this extreme position will be pressed with great force against the flange of the sheave which causes undue friction and wear of both the rope and the sheave. With a plain faced drum a large fleet angle will, in addition, cause the rope to travel too fast from the side to the centre of the drum thereby leaving gaps between the wraps. When winding a second layer, the rope is forced into these gaps which results in serious deterioration. When, on the other hand, the rope is wound past the centre of the drum, a too large fleet angle will cause the next wrap to scrub against the preceding wrap as the rope runs more towards the side of the drum. If the fleet angle is too small, the rope does not travel fast enough towards the centre of the drum and, apart from scrubbing, at a certain moment the wraps will pile up ie the next wrap is laid on top of the preceding one and is then pressed to the side of the preceding wrap with great force. This has a detrimental effect on the rope and the equipment on which it is used (shock loads). For plain faced drums a minimum fleet angle of 1/2 deg. and a maximum fleet angle of 1 1/2 deg. is recommended. For groove drums these figures are 1/2 deg. minimum and 2 deg. maximum. In terms of length these figures correspond to a minimum distance between sheave and drum of 40 x a (a=half the drum width) and a maximum distance of 115 x a for plain faced drums, and minimum 30 x a and maximum 115 x a for grooved drums (approximate values). Hence for a grooved drum 1 metre in width the distance between sheave and drum should be 30 x a = 15 metres minimum, or conversely, if the distance between drum and sheave is 7 metres, the maximum drum width should be (7:30)x2 = approx. 47 cm.




Recommended diameter for Sheaves and Drums on cranes according to FEM 1001-4
Machine group M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 All dimensions are approximate Drums 11.2 x d 12.5 x d 14 x d 16 x d 18 x d 20 x d 22.4 x d 25 x d Pulleys 12.5 x d 14 x d 16 x d 28 x d 20 x d 22.4 x d 25 x d 28 x d Compensating pulleys 11.2 x d 12.5 x d 12.5 x d 14 x d 14 x d 16 x d 16 x d 18 x d


Recommended safety factors for wire rope on cranes according to FEM 1001-4
Machine group M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 All dimensions are approximate Running ropes 11.2 x d 12.5 x d 14 x d 16 x d 18 x d 20 x d 22.4 x d 25 x d Static ropes 12.5 x d 14 x d 16 x d 28 x d 20 x d 22.4 x d 25 x d 28 x d


Installation of a wire rope on a plain (smooth) face drum requires a great deal of care. The starting position should be at the correct drum flange so that each wrap of the rope will wind tightly against the preceding wrap. See illustration on p 4.44. Here too, close supervision should be maintained throughout installation. This will help ensure: 1 2 3 4 the rope is properly attached to the drum appropriate tension on the rope is maintained as it is wound on the drum each wrap is guided as close to the preceding wrap as possible, so that there are no gaps between turns there are at least two dead wraps on the drum when the rope is fully unwound during normal operating cycles


Loose and uneven winding on a plain (smooth) faced drum, can and usually does create excessive wear, crushing and distortion of the rope. The results of such abuse are lower operating performance and a reduction in the ropes effective strength. Also, for an operation that is sensitive in terms of moving and spotting a load, the operator will encounter control difficulties as the rope will pile up, pull into the pile and fall from the pile to the drum surface. The ensuing shock can break or otherwise damage the rope. The proper direction of winding the first layer on a smooth drum can be determined by standing behind the drum and looking along the path the rope travels, and then following one of the procedures illustrated on page 4.33. The diagrams show: the correct relationship that should be maintained between the direction of lay of the rope (right or left), the direction of rotation of the drum (overwind or underwind), winding from left to right or right to left.



When working with long lengths of wire it is essential that the wires are spooled onto the winches correctly. Wires should be installed using spooling machines that can apply back tension to the winch. It is also important to check whether the winch is over or under wound, for left or for right stranded wire rope. See page 4.24. The application of tension and the employment of correct spooling techniques will ensure that the wraps of wire will nestle neatly and tightly when spooled onto a winch. If wire is spooled slackly, or incorrectly placed on the winch, it will result in damaged wire. If an outer layer is pulled through the inner wraps towards the core of the drum it can result in the wire being cut.


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