Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani: Home Nur Muhamma

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Some of the key takeaways from the passage are the spiritual meanings and significance of the letter Za, the number 7, and their relation to Islamic concepts like Zamzam well, the 7 openings in the human head, and the 7 gates of hell.

The letter Za has a numerical value of 7. It is mentioned in several chapters of the Quran. The number 7 also has spiritual significance in Islam relating to the 7 openings in the human head and the 7 gates of hell. There are also connections shown between the letter Za, number 7 and Islamic figures like Ibrahim and Muhammad.

The story tells that Hajar prayed to Allah for water in the desert of Makkah where she was left by Ibrahim with her son Ismail. Upon Jibreel hitting the earth with his heel, the Zamzam well sprang forth, which still exists today as an important site in Makkah.

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Home Nur Muhamma

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ZA - THE ARABIC LETTER INTRODUCTION The Arabic letter Za ( ) in the Arabic character set is 11. ) has the value of 7. ).

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In the numerical character set, Abjad, Za (

This article is about the spiritual meaning of the letter Za ( THE LETTER ZA The Letter Za (

) has a numerical value of 7. There are three Chapters in the Quran

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which are named with the initial Letter Za ( ) in their names. These three Chapters are: 1 - Chapter 39 Az Zumar 75 Verses 2 - Chapter 43 Az Zukhruf 89 Verses 3 - Chapter 99 Al Zalzalah 8 Verses Zakkee is one of the Attributes of Allah. Zakkee is also one of the names attributed to Allah's Beloved, Muhammad . We take the first letter Za from Allah's Attribute name Zakkee and we

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Zakkee and we take the first letter Za from Muhammad's have a pair of Za. What is a pair? Pair is Zawj ( ).

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) equate to 7 + 7 = 14. ) was the father of ).

The two Letters Za (

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In the Quran we find that Chapter 14 is Ibraheem. Ibraheem ( Ismaeel ( ) and Iss_haaq (

39 "Praise be to Allah who has granted me in old age Ismaeel and Iss_haaq: for truly my Rabb (Lord) is He the Hearer of Prayer!

[Quran: Ibraheem Chapter 14] If we look at THE HOLY QURAN commentary by Abdullah Yusuf Ali: Note 1917: Ibraheem was 100 years old when Iss_haaq was born (Gen. xxi. 5); and as Ismaeel was 13 years old when Ibraheem was 99. (Gen. xvii. 24-25), Ismaeel was also a son of his father's old age, having been born when Abraham was 86 years old. The younger son's progeny developed the Faith of Israel and that of Christ; the elder son's progeny perfected the more universal Faith of Islam, the Faith of Ibraheem the Hanif (True). (14.39) Mawlana Shaykh Kabbani Register for Naqshbandi Muhibeen Email Updates Ismaeel ( ) was born when Ibraheem ( ) was 86 years old (8 + 6 = 14).

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Iss_haaq ( ) was born when Ibraheem ( ) was 100. The difference between the age of the two brothers was 14 years (double Za ).

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From the Quran Hadees and history we find that Ibraheem (

) left his wife Hajara

( ) and son Ismaeel ( ) in the desert at the place which is now Makkah. Hajara ( ) prayed to Allah for water.... .......Jibreel hit the earth with his heel like this (Ibn Abbas hit the earth with his heel to illustrate it), and so the water gushed out. Ismaeel's mother was astonished and started digging. (Abu Al Qasim) (i.e. the Prophet) said, "If she had left the water, (flow naturally without her intervention), it would have been flowing on the surface of the earth.")...... [Sahih Bukhari] And that well still exists to this day better known as Zam-zam .

q q

From pair of Letters Za (

). ) and we have Zam-

We arrived at two more Letters which are a pair of Meem ( zam .

(Abu Jamra Ad Dabi said:) I used to sit with Ibn Abbas in Mecca. Once I had a fever and he said (to me), "Cool your fever with Zam-zam water, for Rasool Allah said: 'It (the fever) is from the heat of the (Hell) Fire; so, cool it with water (or Zam-zam water).' "[Sahih Bukhari] ) to dig the water of Zam-

Allah has blessed that well of Zam-Zam. Allah sent Jibreel ( zam for the ancestors of Muhammad

. So how can the water of Zam-zam ancestors to live there. And

not be special ? Allah wanted Muhammad's Allah chose that place for His first House of worship. After centuries, Allah sent the same Jibreel ( the Quran to His Chosen One, Muhammad

) to the same place (Makkah) to reveal whose name has two Meems ( ).


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From double (

) to Zam-zam ).

. ) ! Or a pair of Zam

From Zam-zam to double Meem (

If we look at the word Zam-zam it is Double Zam (

And what is Zam ?


We have to keep in mind, that Allah is the same Allah, during the time of

Ibraheem (
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) and Ismaeel (


Allah is the same Allah, during the time of Muhammad . Allah is the same Allah even today. There is no change in Him. He always existed. And He will always exist. Everything else will perish.

To show the beauty of the Quran, Kalaam Allah and its divine nature: Zam is : 40 + 7 = = 47

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What is the name of Chapter 47 in the Quran ? MUHAMMAD . In the water from Zam-zam there are healing qualities. In the Quran there are healing qualities.

Zam-zam was made available to Ismaeel ( ) and his descendants as a Mercy from Allah. The Quran has been revealed as a Mercy and Healing for the Believers. But has been sent as a Mercy to all the worlds from Allah, the Rabb (Lord) Muhammad of all the worlds.

107 We Sent you as a Mercy to all the worlds [Quran: Al Anbiyaa Chapter 21] Because Muhammad is Zaeem ul Anbiyaa - Chief of the Messengers ( ) of Allah.


Finally, let us look at the number 7 the numerical value of Za ( ). What is so special about the number 7 ? Why do most people feel that the number 7 is Lucky ? One of the reasons is that there are 7 openings in the human head. Subconsciously most people associate the number 7 with those openings in the head without realising. It is through these 7 openings we tend to take in the majority of information. The information can be good or evil. We have to guard ourselves against the evil. That is the physical aspect for this world. And this is explained by Allah in the Quran as follows : 42 "For over My servants no authority shall you have except such as put themselves in the wrong and follow you." 43 And truly Hell is the promised abode for them all! 44 To it are seven Gates: for each of those Gates is (special) class (of sinners assigned). [Quran: Al Hijr Chapter 15]

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How does Shaytan try and lead us astray ?

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By making us use our 7 openings in the head for evil purposes. Everything in the Quran has relevance to this world and there is a spiritual side to the meaning of the Quran in the next world. There are 7 other gates (or openings) that Allah has given to the Muslims. That is the Al Fatihah, Chapter 1 of the Quran. 87 We have given you seven of the most repeated (verses) and the great Quran.[Quran Al Hijr Chapter 15]

Salah - The five daily prayers are not accepted by Allah unless we recite these 7 most repeated verses in every Rakah. And finally how do we do Sajdah (prostrate) to Allah ? By touching 7 parts of the body on the ground. The toes of both feet, both the knees, the palms of both hands and the forehead which

include the tip of the nose. And after each Rakah, there is double Sajdah. Or a pair of Sajdah. That is touching the 7 parts of the human body on the ground. That is 2 x 7 parts of the body touching the ground. We are back full circle to PAIR OF ZA ( ). May Allah have Mercy on us all and guide us to the Sirat al Mustaqeem - The Straight Path. Ameen. Only Allah Knows Best. Khalid M. Malik Ghouri
Darood and Salaam on Muhammad, His Family, and His Companions ALLAHUMMA SALLI ALA MUHAMMADIN WA ALA ALI MUHAMMADIN KAMA SALLAITA ALA IBRAHEEMA WA ALA ALI IBRAHEEMA INNAKA HAMEEDUM MAJEED ALLAHUMMA BARIK ALA MUHAMMADIN WA ALA ALI MUHAMMADIN KAMA BARAKTA ALA IBRAHEEMA WA ALA ALI IBRAHEEMA INNAKA HAMEEDUM MAJEED NAMES OF ALLAH STARTING WITH THE LETTER ZA Zakkee 09 November 1999 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// 01 Shaban 1420 9 / 11 / 1999 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 01 / 8 / 1420 Darood (Blessings) and Salaam (Peace) on Muhammad, His Family, and His Companions

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