Moni's Summer Training Report

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In Partial Fulfillment of Award of Masters Degree In Business Administration with specialization in Human Resources.







I, MONIKA AGARWAL, student of Masters of Business Administration from United Institute of Management, Uttar Pradesh hereby declare that I have completed Dissertation on Analysis of employees satisfaction through Employee Engagement plan as part of the course requirement. I further declare that the information presented in this project is true and original to the best of my knowledge.

Date: Place:



I, Miss SHALINI SINHA hereby certify that MONIKA AGARWAL, student of Masters of Business Administration at United Institute of Management, Uttar Pradesh has completed dissertation on Analysis of Employees Satisfaction through Employee Engagement Plan, under my guidance.

Miss Shalini Sinha ( Executive HR )


The pleasure, the satisfaction, the reward, the appreciation and the construction of my report cannot be through without the few, who spared their valuable time and tendered invaluable help and support. I, Monika Agarwal, would like to express my gratitude to the management of Infogain India Pvt. Ltd. For allowing me to undertake research in their esteemed organization. The Research report bears the imprints of many persons. My efforts would have remained unsuccessful and futile without support and co-operation of Ms. Shalini Sinha, Executive (H.R.). I wish to exert my sincere thanks to Ms. Akanksha Yadav, Accounts Payable Specialist, for giving me invaluable opportunity to carry on the project. My deepest thanks goes to Mrs. Rakhi Saxena, Deputy Manager (Talent Search) for guiding me throughout the project. I owe enormous intellectual debt to Ms. Jaya Gupta (Assistant Manager), who enlightened and enriched me with her knowledge in the field of Human resource and gave me invaluable insight into the subject. I would like to express my special thanks to my faculty guide Mr. Vikas Mehrotra for guiding and instructing me time to time. Lastly, I would like to express my regards and good wishes for each and every one who had helped me in this research report.


Declaration Certificate from Company guide Acknowledgement S.No. Chapter Name

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Introduction Literature Review Problem Statement Research Methodology Employee Engagement Data Analysis Suggestions Conclusion References Annexure



Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is nothing but extracting the gem part in an employee. We have seen it many a time that an organization provides top wages and benefits, yet loses a talented employee to competitor for apparent reasons. Of course, some employee turnover is unavoidable, but if a company is truly engaging its employees, there is no good reason for the unexpected loss of quality staffer. Most organizations today have realized that a satisfied employee is not necessarily the best employee in terms of loyalty and productivity. It is only an engaged employee who is intellectually and emotionally bound with the organization, feels passionately about its goals and is committed towards its values. He goes the extra mile and associates himself with the actions that drive the business. Engaged employee are more likely to stay, and be the advocates of the company, its products or services. An engaged employee is a person who is fully involved in, and enthusiastic about, his or her work. Employee Engagement is now measured by items which have been linked to key business outcomes. A greater number of loyal employees ensure low recruitment and training costs, in effect enhancing the productivity of the organization. In short, employee engagement is a positive attitude held by employee towards the organization and its values. It is rightly said that the only sustainable competitive advantage for the company is human resources. An organizations capacity to manage employee engagement is closely related to its ability to achieve high performance levels and superior business results. Employee engagement is critical to any organization that seeks not only to retain valued employees, but also increase its level of performance.

Engagement is the energy, passion, or fire in the belly employees have for their employer. Employee engagement is the extent to which employees feel a sense of commitment to their organization, to its values, goals and objectives and consciously and conscientiously work towards achieving those goals and objectives. Employee engagement is the extent to which employees choose to invest their physical, mental and emotional energy in their work and their organization. In simple terms employee engagement is making employees to work with not only with their minds and bodies but also with hearts. When somebody puts heart and soul into work, he creates a congenial atmosphere where organizational and individual goals can be achieved more effectively. All the employees should put their heart and soul to work for the company. This can be possible through employee engagement. Committed employees who are self-motivated will work for the organization with joy. A fully engaged employee are intellectually and emotionally bound with the organization, gives their 100 percent, feels passionately about their goals and are committed to live by its values. These employees go beyond the basic job responsibility to delight the customers and drive the business forward. Moreover, in times of diminishing loyalty, employee engagement is a powerful retention strategy. An empowered organization is one in which individuals have the knowledge, skill, desire, and opportunity to personally succeed in a way to collective organizational success. Stephen R. Covey

Benefits Of Employee Engagement

Why the organizations are spending huge amount on the employee Engagement activities? What do they receive in return for it? The answer of all these can be given by taking following benefits of the program into consideration:
Helps the company to be profitable and have year-on-year increases in profit share. Helps the organization to gain a great reputation for customer service. Helps the organization to deliver all the latest innovations. Increase productivity and morale. Creates a feeling of loyalty among the employees. Increases employee retention Reduces absenteeism. Reduces the waste-age of cost and time on recruitment and training. Provides friendly working environment. Promote team building spirit among the employees. Builds passion and commitment and further boost engagement in employees.


Engaged employees work more passionately and have a strong connection with their company. They are more innovative and help organization in moving towards success. These employees work with passion and feel a profound

connection to their company. People that are actively engaged help move the organization forward.

Not Engaged Employees

These employees have essentially checked out, sleepwalking through their workday and putting time but not passion into their work. They are not active in their work. They do their work just for the sake of doing it.

Actively Dis-engaged Employees

Actively disengaged employees are those who are not just unhappy with their work, they also keep acting out their unhappiness. They keep spreading the negative vibes in the organization and undermine those who are willing to do their job or who are engaged. These employees are busy acting out their unhappiness, undermining what their engaged co-workers are trying to accomplish.


The approach to employee engagement, discussed by Robinson et al (2004), stresses the importance of 'feeling valued and involved' as a key driver of engagement. Within this umbrella of feeling valued and involved there are a number of elements that have a varying influence on the extent to which the employee will feel valued and involved and hence engaged. Figure 4.1, which is based on a diagnostic model in Robinson et al (2004), illustrates the driver


of engagement suggested through a survey of over 10,000 NHS employees. Robinson et al (2004) state that this can be a useful pointer to organisations towards those aspects of working life that require serious attention if engagement levels are to be maintained or improved.

Figure 4.1 Robinson et al (2004) model of the drivers of employee engagement

Source: Robinson Et Al (2004)

Penna (2007) presents a hierarchical model of engagement factors (see figure 4.2), which illustrates the impact each level will have on the attraction, engagement and retention of talent. They propose a model with "meaning at work" at the apex.


Figure 4.2 Penna (2007) model of hierarchy of engagement, Source: Penna (2007)

Interestingly in this model the 'hygiene' factors appear at the foundation of the model, indicating the nature of these factors as a necessary, but not sufficient, building block upon which the organisation must further develop in order to engage staff.

The ten Cs of employee engagement

How can leaders engage employees heads, hearts, and hands? Here are the literature offers several avenues for action; we summarize these as the Ten Cs of employee engagement :

Leaders must show that they value employees. In First, Break All the Rules, Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman argue that managers trump companies. Employee-focused initiatives such as profit sharing and implementing worklife balance initiatives are important. However, if employees relationship with their


managers is fractured, then no amount of perks will persuade employees to perform at top levels. Employee engagement is a direct reflection of how employees feel about their relationship with the boss. Employees look at whether organizations and their leader walk the talk when they proclaim that, Our employees are our most valuable asset.

2. Career:
Leaders should provide challenging and meaningful work with opportunities for career advancement. Most people want to do new things in their job. For example, do organizations provide job rotation for their top talent? Are people assigned stretch goals? Do leaders hold people accountable for progress? Are jobs enriched in duties and responsibilities? Good leaders challenge employees; but at the same time, they must instil the confidence that the challenges can be met. 3. Clarity: Leaders must communicate a clear vision. People want to understand the vision that senior leadership has for the organization, and the goals that leaders or departmental heads have for the division, unit, or team. Success in life and organizations is, to a great extent, determined by how clear individuals are about their goals and what they really want to achieve. In sum, employees need to understand what the organizations goals are, why they are important, and how the goals can best be attained.

4. Convey:
Leaders clarify their expectations about employees and provide feedback on their functioning in the organization. Good leaders establish processes and procedures that help people master important tasks and facilitate goal achievement.


5. Congratulate:
Business leaders can learn a great deal from Woodens approach. Surveys show that, over and over, employees feel that they receive immediate feedback when their performance is poor, or below expectations. These same employees also report that praise and recognition for strong performance is much less common. Exceptional leaders give recognition, and they do so a lot; they coach and convey.

6. Contribute:
People want to know that their input matters and that they are contributing to the organizations success in a meaningful way.

7. Control:
Employees value control over the flow and pace of their jobs and leaders can create opportunities for employees to exercise this control. Are leaders flexible and attuned to the needs of the employees as well as the organization? Do leaders involve employees in decision-making, particularly when employees will be directly affected by the decision? Do employees have a say in setting goals or milestones that are deemed important? Are employees able to voice their ideas, and does leadership show that contributions are valued?

8. Collaborate:
Studies show that, when employees work in teams and have the trust and cooperation of their team members, they outperform individuals and teams which lack good relationships. Great leaders are team builders; they create an environment that fosters trust and collaboration.

9. Credibility:
Leaders should strive to maintain a companys reputation and demonstrate high ethical standards.


People want to be proud of their jobs, their performance, and their organization.

10. Confidence:
Good leaders help create confidence in a company by being exemplars of high ethical and performance standards.

What employees want from management???

Hear me Focus me Know me Equip me Challenge me Care about me Help me grow Help me feel proud Help me see my value


Help me build mutual trust Help me see my importance Help me review my contributions






'Employee engagement' is a relatively new term in HR literature and started to come to prominence from 2000 onwards. Melcrum Publishing (2005) found that from a global survey of over 1,000 communication and HR practitioners 74% began to formally focus on the issue between 2000 and 2004. The evolution of employee engagement summarised that

It builds upon and goes further than 'commitment' and 'motivation' in the management literature (Woodruffe, 2006 as cited in CIPD, 2006a) A desk review undertaken by Rafferty et al (2005) indicates that it originated from consultancies and survey houses rather than academia The level of interest it has generated indicates that it is more than a passing management fad and a considerable amount of research and analysis has been conducted in the last 10 years or so building up our understanding of the term.

The commitment literature, discussed the various kinds of commitment and the impacts of a committed workforce, lays the foundation for understanding of engagement and the evolution of the concept. As is discussed later, commitment and engagement are not considered to be one and the same. Whilst commitment is an important element of engagement, engagement is considered to be more than just employee commitment It appears that engagement, although sharing strong characteristics with each other but the concept is more than commitment and/or OCB on their own. Rafferty et al (2005) draw the distinction on the basis that engagement is a twoway mutual process between the employee and the organisation. Sharpley (2006) (as cited in Harrad 2006) also points out that it is important to distinguish between motivation and engagement, as it is possible to be motivated in one's job without necessarily feeling an attachment to the


organisation. In Sharpley's (2006) (as cited in Harrad 2006) definition of engagement there must be a mutual feeling of support between the employee and the organisation.

Definitions of employee engagement

The CIPD (2007a) defines employee engagement as a combination of commitment to the organisation and its values plus a willingness to help out colleagues. According to this view, engagement is about more than job satisfaction and is a more complex concept than motivation. Similarly, Schmidt (2004) defines engagement as bringing satisfaction and commitment together. Whilst satisfaction addresses more of an emotional or attitudinal element, commitment brings in the motivational and physical elements. Schmidt (2004) contends that while satisfaction and commitment are the two key elements of engagement, neither on their own is enough to guarantee engagement. Ellis and Sorenson (2007) defines an engaged employee as one who 1) knows what to do at work and 2) wants to do the work. It is their strong view that engagement should always be defined and assessed within the context of productivity, and that the two elements of engagement noted above are necessary for driving productivity. Right Management (2006) defines true engagement as every person in the organisation understanding and being committed to the success of the business strategy, and that this goes beyond more than just simple job satisfaction and incorporates aspects of commitment, pride and advocacy about the organisation's products and brand. Whilst the onus is on the organisation to manage communication effectively to involve employees and align them with


the organisation, this clearly requires input and feedback from employees as well to make the process work

Meere (2005) describes three levels of engagement :


Engaged - employees who work with passion and feel a profound connection to their organisation. They drive innovation and move the organisation forward;


Not engaged - employees who attend and participate at work but are timeserving and put no passion or energy into their work; and Dis-engaged - employees who are unhappy at work and who act out their unhappiness at work. According to Meere (2005), these employees undermine the work of their engaged colleagues on a daily basis.


The CIPD Annual Survey report (2006c) defines engagement in terms of three dimensions of employee engagement :
1. 2. 3.

Emotional engagement - being very involved emotionally in one's work; Cognitive engagement - focusing very hard whilst at work; and Physical engagement - being willing to 'go the extra mile' for your employer.

Characteristics Defining Employee Engagement


Definition Characteristics Drivers/inputs into engagement Two-way relationship between employee and employer



"Similarity to the psychological contract - unwritten, underpinned by trust - easy to break." Robinson et al "Organizations have to work to (2004) engage employees - and may have to put in a lot to reach their goal of a Robinson et al committed, enthusiastic and engaged (2004) workforce" CIPD (2005) "An important point to note is that engagement is two-way; organizations have to work to achieve it." "Employees must understand the context in which the organisation operates. It is insufficient for employees to be committed to their organisation; they also need an element of business appreciation, so that any changes they make to their jobs could be seen to have business benefits." "Of course, when you have the right people you have the trouble of creating ways of letting them know what is going on in the business and where they fit in 'line of sight' - in regards to business goals and objectives." "Knowing what to do at work understanding the organisation's vision of success and how the employee can contribute to achieving that vision" "We also have it confirmed here Robinson et al (2004) Penna Consulting (2006) Christian, M. et al (2007) Segal/Sibson (2006) CIPD (2006a) CIPD (2006a) Investors in People IIPUK (2006)

Business appreciation & vision


that communication - knowing what's going on, what's planned and why - is crucial. "The report describes a group of people who receive a clear vision, are inclined to support the organisation's objectives, and who are also highly engaged." "Fundamentally, good internal communications should be about effective transfer of knowledge or meaning within the organisation, so that people understand and support the organisation's business goals - it's not just about 'broadcasting to the troops'." "We talk more about words like 'involve', 'participate' and 'respond' rather than 'engage'. That means creating shared meaning and understanding in a way that our Melcrum people actively want to participate." Publishing ( BBC case study) (2005) "These are interesting findings CIPD (2006a) and can be taken to emphasise that people want a sense of involvement or being to some extent in a partnership with their employer." give them lots of opportunities to Buchanan (2004) contribute" .



'Elbow room' /




"people who have reasonable autonomy in doing their job, CIPD (2006a) sometimes called 'elbow room', and who find their job challenging are likely to have high levels of job satisfaction." "Employees having a voice being able to express their opinion upwards to their manager and beyond." Ref management style



"keeps the person in touch with what is going on. Listening to suggestions." "The main drivers of employee engagement are: having opportunities to feed your views upwards; and feeling well informed about what is happening in the organisation." " challenges you to raise the level at which you communicate with your people, making the dialogue increasingly two-way and giving people a greater say and stake in decisions which affect them." "This points to the primacy of the quality of the relationship between employee and supervisor, sometimes called 'leader-member exchange'." "Managers themselves have to show commitment to the organisation, what we would call 'committed leadership'." "engagement, which is influenced by capability - reflected in professional, fair and impartial behaviour. It is

CIPD (2006a) CIPD (2006a) CIPD (2006b) IIPUK (2006)


CIPD (2006a) CIPD (2006a) Sharpley (2006) (as cited in Harrad 2006)


possible to be motivated in one's job without necessarily feeling an attachment to the organisation or the management however, a feeling of engagement requires a wider sense of supporting and being supported by the organisation." Results of engagement/characteristics of an engaged workforce: "Employees need to believe in its Robinson et al [organisation's] products and (2004) services, and particularly its values" "Wanting to do the work obtaining a sense of satisfaction from the job and work content and being inspired by the organisation to perform the work." Segal/Sibson (2006) "Employee engagement, or 'passion for work', involves feeling CIPD (2006b) positive about your job, as well as being prepared to go the extra mile to make sure you do the job to the best of your ability." "people's commitment, pride and advocacy (what employees say about company products, services and brand)." "We believe that the pride taken in working for their employer, and their willingness to recommend their employer as a place to work to friends, are excellent barometers of engagement and meaning" "Engaged employees will help promote the brand and protect the employer from the risks associated with poor levels of service..similarly, a strong Right Management (2008) Penna (2010) CIPD (2010a)

Employee identification with the organisation


Pride &



employer brand will help in attracting and retaining employees"

A research report into employee engagement by Melcrum Publishing (2005) based on a global survey of over 1,000 multinationals concluded that from an organisation's point of view it is the senior executives that 'set the tone' of engagement in an organisation, whatever the size. There are a number of actions and strategies that senior management can make use of to inspire engagement among employees and motivate them to go the extra mile. The six top drivers of engagement from the senior management perspective were found to be:

Communicating a clear vision of the future Building trust in the organisation Involving employees in decision making that will affect them Demonstrating commitment to the organisation's values Being seen to respond to feedback Demonstrating genuine commitment to employee's well being

Schmidt (2004) bases the model on a variety of studies and writings, implicit in which is the notion that it is WWB(Workplace wellbeing) that drives engagement. CIPD(2010a) concurs with this view of the importance of well being, stating that engagement is 'wholly consistent' with an emphasis on employee well-being. The final variable impacting on employee engagement relates to employees themselves. A number of studies have produced quantitative research findings


that demonstrate the impact that biographical and job characteristics can have on employee engagement CIPD's (2006c) three types of engagement - cognitive, emotional and physical. The CIPD Annual Survey report (2006c) defines engagement in terms of three dimensions of employee engagement: Emotional engagement - being very involved emotionally in one's work; Cognitive engagement - focusing very hard whilst at work; and Physical engagement - being willing to 'go the extra mile' for your employer.


Key Findings in the literature

The key findings, as noted in the literature, are: Employee engagement matters as it impacts on companies' bottom lines, both through HR related impacts (such as recruitment and retention) and through wider impacts on productivity, profit and achieving the aims and objectives of the organisation; A range of themes emerge as factors that influence employee engagement. These include factors that have a direct influence on employees working conditions (such as the number of hours worked and the work life balance) and also wider influences linked to the organisation (such as the importance and value of what the organisation does). A common theme emerging from all studies is the importance of leadership and two-way communication, and the need for management to drive forward employee engagement; In terms of impact, studies tend to emphasise the positive impact of employee engagement but few quantify this impact reliably. Where an attempt at quantification is made, the magnitude of the positive impact tends to be very significant ( e.g. 20% increases in productivity); It is clear that 'employee engagement' has moved beyond HR discussion papers and concepts into the mainstream strategic and operational management. It is not a fad - it is reality for many organisations that view it as having benefits and are using it as a tool to further the organisation's objectives. The next challenge is to quantify robustly the cost-effectiveness of organisational commitment to employee engagement. In this area the literature has less to say and the jury is still out; and There is general agreement that staff surveys can be designed to effectively measure employee engagement and there are a number of good practice examples which can be drawn on to design such surveys.





Problem Statement

The problem statement of my research report is to Analysis of employee satisfaction through employee engagement plan.

Objectives of study To understand the employees engagement level in IT and BPO sector. To identify the various employee engagement techniques in the IT and BPO sector. To make a comparative analysis of engagement activities in IT and BPO sector.






RESEARCH DESIGN The nature of research design is Descriptive. During the study, both Primary and secondary data has been used.

Questionnaire and personal interview is used as a tool to collect primary data.


While secondary data is collected from books, magazines and internet. STATISTICAL TOOL I used SPSS and MS-Excel as a statistical tool for analyzing my data.

SAMPLE SIZE The sample size of 25 employees from each of the four departments of Infogain, that is Human Resource Dept, Finance Dept, Admin Dept, and Marketing Dept, have been taken. Therefore a total of 100 employees were surveyed as a part of the study.

RESEARCH LIMITATION The sample size of survey is 25 in each of the four departments which is too small to represent the engagement level of the whole company. Some people have given vague answers.





Why Employee engagement survey in the organization? For effective running of the organization, assessment of the engagement level of the employees and initiating timely corrections is required. Corporate Plan also emphasizes the conduct of engagement Study at regular intervals to motivate employees. Assess the strategic advances made in the area of human resource development. Dimensions of employee engagement survey :

Accountability Opportunity Rewards and recognition Cooperation Development Employee involvement Organizational pride Commitment Teamwork Fair appraisal Pay & benefits Fair treatment Communication Loyalty and commitment Initiative


Feedback Work life balance

1) Accountability Accountability is a very important factor in employee engagement. By accountability we mean accepting the responsibility in whatever task he/she do. He must have the knowledge of what expectations does the organizations have out of him/her. Therefore if the person is not even aware that what is expected from him then we can say that the person is actually detached from the organization. 2) Opportunity This parameter finds that is the company providing appropriate opportunity for the employees to do the task in which they are interested and are good at or just imposing the responsibilities without bothering about the fact that whether the employee is interested or not. This factor plays a important role in deciding that whether employee is engaged in the company or not. It is so because if the employee feels that he/she is not getting appropriate chance to participate in the activity which is of interest to him then he will remain detached from the work of the organization. 3) Rewards and recognition Why should I put an extra effort into this job? or whats in it for me? that is a question every person consciously or unconsciously asks, before engaging in any form of behavior. Obviously then, it applies to all employees in an organization. Before they do anything, they look for a payoff or reward. Therefore every employee will indulge or get engaged with the activity when he will get something in return in form of


reward or recognition. Even a simple pat on a back or appreciation helps a lot in engaging an employee in the organization. 4) Cooperation A cooperative and friendly environment helps a lot in high engagement level of an employee. It is so because if superiors or colleagues in the company are not supportive or cooperative in nature then every day or the other conflicts will arise which will then lead to disengagement of an employee. 5) Development In todays competitive world we can see that now people prefer to work in those companies which offer good career path and developmental opportunities. Therefore if an employee doesnt feel that they are getting any opportunity to grow then they remain disengaged with the organization while on the other hand the developmental activities attract the employee and encourage them to get engaged with the organization. 6) Employee involvement Employee involvement is one of the tool to increase the engagement level of employees. It is through this tool that employee gets a feel in themselves that they are the part of the organization. When employees get a chance to put forth their suggestion then they feel proud and love to work for the organization. 7) Organization pride If an employee feels himself proud to be associated with his organization then this shows that engagement level of that person is high. Where as if an employee do not feel proud and feels shy to discuss about


the organization with his friends then this clearly indicates that the person is not engaged or disengaged with the organization. 8) Commitment Commitment is an important element of engagement. Employees with the highest level of commitment perform 20% better and are 80% less likely to leave the organization. An employee who is committed towards his work will be able to produce quality goods and thus he will be reffered to as actively engaged employee of the organization. 9) Teamwork We know that in order to work efficiently and achieve the objectives we are required to work in teams. Therefore in order to keep the employees engaged it is necessary that people of the organization must be helpful by nature. Atmosphere of trust and love for each other must exist. Various studies have shown that in such an environment employees perform the best and the individual becomes actively engaged in their work. 10) Fair appraisal Performance appraisal is a method which enables review and evaluation of appraisees performance based on quality, quantity, cost and time. The objective of the performance appraisal is to assess the employees performance in terms of target achieved and to give the feedback on the performance to employee. Performance appraisal is a very crucial and critical process of any organization, as this acts as a motivational tool for those who give outstanding results and also for the employees who do not work up to the mark as it identifies the weak areas and develops them so that they can also bring good results in future. It is very important that whenever appraisal takes place it must be fair and should not be based on favoritism. If appraisal is done


fairly then it boosts the morale of the employees and motivate them to do better which further helps in active engagement of an employee. 11) Pay and benefits Monetary benefit is the most important factor which attracts and retains large number of employees. attrition and retention survey show that one of the top reasons for talent attrition to be external inequity of compensation. Therefore salary and other monetary benefits are very important motivating factors. This is the factor which encourages an employee to put in his extra effort in the work of the organization. It has been generally seen that employees who are not satisfied with their pay package they think that why should they do extra when they are not getting anything in return. Therefore, in order to check the engagement level it is necessary to see their satisfaction level with the pay package and benefits provided to them. 12) Fair treatment It is very important that in order to bring make the employee attached with the organization, the superiors must make such a climate in an organization that they dont feel that they are treated unfairly or equal opportunities is not given to him. There must not be any feeling of bias because if such fosters then an employee will not be able to concentrate in his work and will remain emotionally detached with the organization. 13) Communication Communication is the process through which we exchange our thoughts, ideas and information. Information within the organization flows through formal and informal communication channels. Formal channels of communication generally follow an organizations hierarchy of command. Information about policies and procedures originates with executives and flows down through managers to supervisors and finally to lower level employees. In


order to encourage the employee to do the task for the organization it is very crucial that all the information must be provided to him in a timely manner. An employee must have the knowledge and intimation about the activities going on in an organization so that he can very well remain prepared for the same and contribute his best to the organization. 14) Loyalty How loyal and committed an employee towards his organization is decides that whether an employee is engaged with the company or not. For example if an employee says that he is willing to continue with the organization for long term period then this shows that employee is happy to be part of the company and wishes to continue with it. It shows the engagement level of the employee. 15) Initiative If an employee himself takes initiative and volunteer to do things then this shows that he is engaged in an organization. Whereas on the other hand if employee resist doing work then it shows that he is not engaged with the organization. 16) Feedback Providing fair feedback to the employee helps to increase motivation and encourages an employee to do better. Thus fair feedback helps in increasing the engagement level of an employee. 17) Work life balance Work-life balance is about people having measure of control over when, where and how they work. It is achieved when an individuals right to a fulfilled life inside and outside paid work is accepted and respected as the norm, to the mutual benefit of the individual, business


and society. In other words, when an employee is able to maintain a perfect balance between his organizational work and personal life then he works with more enthusiasm and dedication. It is very important to take care of employees because if they are not comfortable with their personal life then it will have direct influence on the job performance.

Infogain India Private limited

Established in 1990 in Silicon Valley, California, Infogain is an enterprise IT and business solutions company that specializes in superior IT architecture design, end-to-end project implementation, and managed services. As a premier services company, our customers are our top priority and your success is our objective. At Infogain, we value the long-term relationships we establish with our customers as we ultimately act as a virtual extension of their own organizations. Our business consultants, project managers and engineering teams work together with our customers to understand their specific requirements and to create a common, shared business goal. We strive to empower our customers through our solutions and accelerators, capitalizing on the client's new and existing IT assets to enable streamlined processes, operational efficiencies and stronger business growth. We were conceived with an entrepreneurial spirit that aims toward customer


delight in all of our associations. We incubate the leadership attributes of our employees by promoting entrepreneurial ventures, and combining them with strong technical and business plans. Over the years, Infogain has invested in sustaining a strong infrastructure that is reflected in our world-class network of people, processes,

technology, and knowledge aspects of the work environment in which we provide end-to-end solutions to our clients worldwide. These investments enhance the productivity rates per employee while significantly reducing project-centric risks for our clients. Our customers benefit from end-to-end solutions, valuable consulting services and highly skilled engineering execution. With nearly two decades of on-time/on-budget delivery, Infogain has built strong practices and worldwide delivery capabilities in custom application development, SOA and enterprise integration, ERP/E-Business, portals and collaboration, business intelligence & MDM, CRM and Cloud Integration Services. These horizontal services are complemented by our deep industry experience in which we deliver specific solutions for Retail, High Techology, Insuranceand Transport, among others. And for clients who wish to outsource ongoing operations, Infogain supports these and other applications in a robust and tested application management environment. Infogain has global footprints in the UK and Europe and two established SEI-CMM level 5, ISO 9001:2008 compliant, Global Delivery Centers in New Delhi and Pune India. These state-of-theart development centers are equipped with the latest technology and networked work environment with multi-layered controls for enhanced data, network and physical security. The facilities operate around the clock to support clients across multiple continents and time zones. With our blended delivery model we offer the benefit of localized control for our customers combined with the advantages of low cost and high quality. Infogain is a top-tier business consulting and professional services firm with a track record of excellence. With nearly two decades of experience, our customers benefit from established mature processes and support as well as the


deep business and technical industry expertise of our consultants and engineers. At Infogain, we care about the issues that are top of mind for CIOs increasing market share, meeting quarterly and annual objectives, and reducing operational costs. To support business users, Infogain has tightly integrated service offerings that help companies maintain their competitive advantage. Our blended delivery methodology combines high-end consulting and project management on site with the scalability and cost advantages of offshore projects. In addition, our best-in-class HR practices enable us to attract and retain top business and engineering talent. Our professionals excel due to our philosophy of continuous skills training as well as their long-term, deep experience with multiple client projects. Customers find a trusted partner in Infogain with transparent business processes that are founded upon our commitment to the SEI-CMM level5Quality fundamentals. Our proven track record in delivering high-value solutions for Fortune 1000 companies stands as a testament to our capabilities. Our clients can rely on the secure, ISO 17799 compliant infrastructure and flexible state-of-the-art facilities of Infogains Delivery Centers to deliver seamless, 24x7 process integration. . Infogains commitment to flexibly responding to customers changing needs -- and our willingness to invest in new technologies jointly with customers further enhance deep, longstanding partnerships with our customers. In short, Infogains deep industry expertise, cost-effective delivery methodology, highly skilled engineers and professionals, focus on quality standards, and flexibility in meeting your specific business requirements effectively eliminate risk and provide the foundation for our shared success.

Vision "To be a Recognized Leader and Trusted Partner by providing high value, high quality software solutions". Mission & Values


Client Success First, Always and Every time Respect for our People, their Contributions, and their Aspirations High value on Trust, Integrity and Open communications Fun and Exciting Work Environment

Infogain Business Goals :


Infogain to be known for its Customers, Solutions & Financials.

Big opportunities lying ahead:

For the Company:

More growth in business as well as team size Change in growth trajectory (> 50% YoY)

For our Customers:

More value addition from our solutions

For our Team:

Developing the leaders of tomorrow from within Increased hiring from campuses making them quickly productive Inclusive environment; increased say in strategies and operations Greater challenges Greater job satisfaction

Human Philosophy


Our human resources are our most valuable assets. HR is a value based services which aims to optimize human potential towards fulfilment of organizational as well as personal goals.

Kapil Nanda ( President and Chief Executive Officer )

Kapil Nanda founded Infogain in 1990 after years of extensive management experience acquired during his association with industry pioneers like Burroughs, Intel, and Altos Computer. With nearly three decades of experience in the technology industry, he is in a unique position to navigate the challenges enterprises face when integrating multiple generations of systems and applications as part of their business strategies. Mr. Nanda holds a bachelor's degree in engineering from Punjab University, India, a master's degree from the University of Kansas, and MBA from the University of Southern California. Mark De La Vega ( Senior Vice President and General Manager, Enterprise Services Group )


Mark de la Vega brings a multi-faceted, fast-paced leadership background to his role as Senior Vice President and General Manager of Infogains Enterprise Services Group. With an exceptional technical grasp of critical product development and information technologies, he has more than 25 years of proven experience managing worldwide software, product and services organizations. Prior to joining Infogain, Mark served as Senior Vice President of Technology and General Manager for Products and SaaS technology at Rainmaker Systems. While at Rainmaker, Mark transformed the SaaS ecommerce technology offering and helped secure the industry leader in security software as the lead client for SMB transacting ESD. He also has also served as Executive Vice President and General Manager for TeleTech Holdings On-Demand Division and President of the Amdocs Clarify/CRM Division. With a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from San Jose State University, Mark started his high-tech career in software sales then moved to managing broader functions of software and technology with increasing responsibilities and breadth at Network Systems, Network General, Novell, Bay Networks, Cisco Systems and Amdocs. Ray Allen ( VP & General Manager, Retail Business Practice ) Ray Allen is part of Infogains executive team and working as the head of its Retail Business Unit. In this role, Allen is leading Infogain's retail division, which is dedicated to producing high-quality store and enterprise solutions for retailers and product engineering services for top retail software companies. Ray previously headed the Product division for 360Commerce prior to the acquisition by Oracle. In his role as Sr. VP - Product Development at 360Commerce, Ray was instrumental in re-organizing the development organization and implementing a new development methodology to improve quality and predictability. He also introduced three new products while at 360Commerce. Prior to his role with 360Commerce and Oracle Retail, Ray was with The Home Depot where he served in a management capacity for over a decade, with the last three years as Director of Store Solutions. Ray's broad background and


expertise go beyond technology management and include the setting of the comprehensive vision and strategy for IT organizations in the retail industry. Laki Balaji ( VP & General Manager, Insurance Group )

Laki brings to Infogain 22 years of Business Development and Vertical Leadership experience in the Insurance and Health Care industries. He spent the last 14 years in the insurance market focusing on Insurance Service Providers, Claims, and underwriting software solution development. His considerable experience has led him to author several relevant papers, namely on the topic of leveraging the power of data, analytics and business intelligence to help insurance industry clients optimize their strategic business direction. In his role as Vice President and General Manager of the Insurance Group, Balaji will be responsible for driving Infogains vision and strategy for the Insurance industry vertical practice. Prior to joining Infogain, Laki was Head of North American Insurance Vertical for Mahindra Satyam; a Senior Director of Product Management at Mitchell International, an industry leading software provider for the insurance market; and, VP of Insurance Predictive Analytics for Fair Isaac. Laki holds a Masters in Management Sciences from the Western Michigan University. Rakesh Goel ( Vice President, Software Vertical )

Rakesh Goel has been in the software development industry for nearly two decades, specializing in defining and developing engineering solutions for software product companies. For over 10 years he has worked with these companies in the areas of databases, software tools, packaged applications, and industry-specific software solutions. Rakesh currently manages the software vertical group within Infogain; in this role he is


responsible for creating value for Infogain's software product clients in product development, quality, support, and services. Prior to joining Infogain, Rakesh worked for 12 years with Tata Unisys in India, where he was responsible for multiple large-size offshore software development programs - from their definition to the implementation phase. Rakesh received his master's degree in electrical engineering from University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. Dean Wohlwend ( Chief Financial Officer )

Dean Wohlwend boasts over 20 years of financial management experience in the high technology domain. As chief financial officer he oversees the strategic planning, outside investment, and growth plans for Infogain. Prior to joining Infogain, Dean held several senior executive positions including vice president of finance and administration and CFO for Synacom Technology, and senior director of finance, Synopsys. He also served in senior financial positions at MIPS Computer Systems, Varian Associates, and Amdahl Corporation. A certified public accountant, Dean acquired his bachelor's degree in accounting at Central Washington University and a master's degree in business administration at Golden Gate University. Major General S. K. Nanda - AVSM ( Chairman, Infogain India )

After a long and distinguished Service in the Army, where he was awarded an AVSM, by the President Of India, Maj Gen S..K..Nanda, took upon himself the task of setting up Infogain India Pvt Ltd ,a fully owned subsidiary of Infogain Corporation USA, in the year 1996. Under his inspiring vision, leadership and exceptional abilities, Infogain India grew in strength and ability and created an enviable employee friendly environment. Infogain has been rated as one of the best IT employers in a


survey conducted by Data Quest, a Cyber Media Publication, besides being adjudged amongst top fifteen exciting emerging company by NASSCOM for two years running. Unassuming with a quiet determination, the General is a known motivator and with an excellent understanding of human dynamics. He has taken upon himself to foster and grow a culture of Innovation in Infogain. As Chief Mentor and given his Service background, he has helped create and grow an enviable company culture and work environment, besides nurturing Infogain India into a Company with a 'heart'. Eddie Chandhok ( President, Global Delivery Organization )

Eddie Chandhok has over 15 years of experience in the IT Industry. He is responsible for the smooth functioning of Infogains Global Delivery Organization chartered with providing high-quality consulting and software services to all Infogain clients globally. He brings a wide knowledge of global IT practices and processes. Additionally, he manages Infogains Centers of Excellence. Eddie has been a part of the consulting community for over 15 years working with Fortune 500 companies across 4 continents and 10 countries. Prior to Infogain, he spent 9 years with Ernst and Young and Cap Gemini. He has an engineering degree from BITS, Pilani and an MBA Degree from The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Anupam Jauhari ( Vice President, Global Head HR )


Anupam Jauhari brings more than 18 years of work experience and a strong understanding of the human resources function to Infogain. He is committed to promoting and strengthening organizational culture to build a powerful brand as a Great Place to Work. In his role as Vice President and Global Head of HR, Anupam oversees all HR functions. As custodian of talent identification, deployment and development, he champions Infogains HR processes and initiatives at the business level. He focuses on getting the right people, in the right places, at the right time to keep Infogain's consultants engaged and performing at optimal levels. An alumnus of University of Allahabad, India, Anupam is a Graduate in Commerce and holds a Post Graduation Degree in Human Resources and Personnel Management. He is also an active member of various HR forums and associations. He has worked on key assignments with companies like NIIT Technologies Ltd, Reliance Industries, Syntel Software Ltd and Metamor Global Solutions (also known as Keane India).

Infogain USA Infogain Corporation, HQ 485 Alberto Way Los Gatos, CA 95032 USA Phone: 408-355-6000 Fax: 408-355-7000 Contact Us Infogain Chicago 503 Rosewood Infogain Irvine Avenue Winnetka, 3333 Michelson Dr., IL 60093 Suite 450 Irvine, Phone: 847-501-3559 CA 92612 USA. Fax:208-439-2177 Phone: 949-223-5100 Contact Us Fax: 949-223-5110 Contact Us


Infogain Atlanta 4484 Tench Road, Unit 750, Suwanee, GA 30024. Phone: 678-386-8421 Contact Us

Infogain Austin 8834 N. Capital of Texas Hwy Suite 280 Austin, TX 78759 Phone:512-2377746 Fax: 512.351.4531 Contact Us

Infogain India Noida A-16, Sector 60, Noida Gautam Budh Nagar, 201301 (U.P.) India Phone: +91-1202445144 Fax: +91-120-2580406 Contact Us Direction Map Pune 101 A, Delta 1, First Floor, Giga Space, Viman Nagar, Pune 411014, Maharashtra, India Phone : +91-20-41041100 Fax:+91-2026631297 Contact Us Direction Map

Infogain Europe and Africa UK Zurich Infogain Limited Infogain Limited Peter House,Oxford Zweigniederlassung St, Manchester, M1 Zrich, 5AN c/oFinanz-Treuhand Phone:+44-(0)-161Zrich AG, 602-3500Dufourstrasse 90, Fax:+44-(0)-161-6028008 Zrich 3503Phone: +41-44-383Contact Us 7880 Contact Us

Infogain Middle East


Infogai Middle East FZE P.O. Box No. 51136 Hamriyah Free Zone Sharjah, UAE Phone:+971-56-644-0795 Contact Us

Employee Engagement Activities In Infogain


Following are few of the activities that are adopted by INFOGAIN in order to engage the employees in the organization : 1. W-planet This is the community opened on the intranet page of the company. W- Planet is especially for the women employees of the organization. In this all the women employee can put their grievances or anything which they wish to share or counsel with the other people of the organization. 2. Thank God Its Friday This is another facility enjoyed by the employees of the organization. It is the web page available on the intranet of the company. Here every employee has exclusive right that he/she can open the page on Friday and discuss, share jokes, share grievances or can do any thing creative they wish to. So in this way employees get the chance to share their views and also acts as a source of entertainment. 3. News Letter Every month a news letter is published by the company. This is also one of the source through which employees share their knowledge and wisdom by giving their views and opinions on recent issues, publish interesting articles etc. This also contains the photographs of those who receive the award for the best article, best performer of the year etc. 4. Reward Ceremony Reward ceremony is often organized in the company in which awards are given such as: best performer of the year, star performer of the year, best leader of the year etc. This helps in motivating the employees. 5. Competitions Every month competitions takes place in the organization.


Especially during festivals the competitions like painting on several themes like save earth etc, article writing, debate, rangoli making etc takes place. All these acts as a good source of entertainment.


Giraffe Award This is the award given to employees for the proactiveness and initiative taken by the employees.


Buddy Program This is the program organized for new joinee of the company. In this program new employee is introduced with the buddy (old employee) of the company. The buddy will assist the new hiree and will guide him about the company and his work.


Recreational Activities Various recreational activities take place in the organization. Through this an employee can participate in various activities and enroll themselves for activities like Salsa dance, etc.


Family Fun Activities The company organizes various trips in which an employee along with his family can go there and enjoy.

10. Sports Activities The company has recently organized a cricket match wherein employees from all across the departments can take part and they compete with each other. Finally the winning team will be rewarded.


11. Festival Clbrations In Marketing Dept we can see that every festival is celebrated in the organization. On festival proper arrangement for food, dance and games took place. Apart from this competitions like Kite flying took place on 15th august, dandia dance on Diwali festival etc takes place. 12. Movies\Parties etc Arrangement for the parties, lunch /dinner or movies takes place in the company on frequent basis.





Analysis of questionnaire
1. I know what is expected of me at work.



80 60 40 20

0 H.R.
strongly agree agree





Interpretation From the above graph it can be seen that in all the four departments employees are aware of the fact that what is expected from them at work. In H.R. Dept. 32% employees responded strongly agree and 68% said agree which means that they know what is expected from them but not very clearly. In Finance Dept. 24% said strongly agree and 76% agreed with the statement. This means that this 76% of employees are not very clear of their end result. It can be seen that 60% replied strongly agree and 40% said agree in Admin Dept. and Marketing Dept. both. The positive side of the graph is that none of the employee disagreed with the statement so in all the four departments employees are aware that what output they need to produce for the company.


2. I have the opportunity to do what I do best everyday.



80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0






strongly agree agree



strongly disagree

Interpretation In H.R. Dept. 20% employees said that they got every opportunity to do the work in which they are good at and are very satisfied with it. 52% said that they agree & rests are neutral with the statement. 16% employees of Finance Dept. strongly agreed, 72% agreed and 12 % said neither agree nor disagree. In Admin Dept. 78% employees said in favor of agreement and 8% neither agreed nor disagreed & 4% said disagree. Marketing Dept. 32% said strongly agrees, 48% agreed and 20% are neutral.


3. I appreciate the rewards & recognition programs organized for the employees.


Rewards & recognition




H.R. 0 10 strongly agree 20 agree 30 Percentage neutral disagree strongly disagree 40 50 60

Interpretation The above graph shows that 28% employees in H.R. Dept are very satisfied with the rewards and recognition program organized for the employees. While 44% replied agree and 28% are neither agreed nor disagreed with the statement. In Finance Dept 20% employees are very satisfied with the statement, 56% are satisfied but not very much where as 24% employees are neutral in their response. Nobody disagreed. In Admin Dept, 44% employees said strongly agree and agree. 8% are neutral in the response and 4% employees are state that they dont appreciate the rewards & recognition programs organized by the company for their employees. Therefore something is needed to be done.


Marketing Dept 24% said strongly agrees and same percentage of employees also replied neither agree nor disagree. 52% said they are satisfied with the recognition program of the company.


My superiors & colleagues are cooperative in the activities or work I do.



60 50 40 30 20 10

0 H.R. Finance Responses strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree Admin Marketing

Interpretation In H.R. Dept 28% employees said that their superiors and colleagues are very cooperative in nature. While 52% agreed and 20% are neutral in their response. In Finance Dept 20% of employees said strongly agree, 48% said agree and rest responded neither agree nor disagree. In Admin Dept 96% employees are in favor of agreement with the statement. Whereas in Marketing Dept 44% strongly agreed with the statement, 32% said agree and 24% neutral.



In the last year or this year, I have the opportunities at work to learn & grow.



Marketing Admin Finance H.R. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Percentage strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

Interpretation In H.R. Dept 28% employees said that they got every opportunity to learn and grow in the organization and are very satisfied with it. 56% said that they agree with the statement. 20% employees of Finance strongly agreed, 56% agreed and 24 % said neither agree nor disagree. In Admin Dept 88% employees said in favor of agreement and 12% neither agreed nor disagreed. Marketing Dept 20% said strongly agree, 52% agreed and 28% are neutral.


6. I am given appropriate chance to put forth my suggestions.


Employee involvement

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0





Responses Strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

Interpretation In H.R. Dept 16% employees strongly agreed and responded that they are given all the chances to give their suggestions. 64%said that they are given chances while 20% said they are sometimes given this chance. In Finance dept. majority of employees are in favor of the statement and nobody replied in disagreement. In Admin Dept 40% of employees responded that they are always given chance to put forth their suggestions. And 52% employees replied they agree that their suggestions are taken into consideration. Rest of the population are neutral in the response. In Marketing Dept 12% employees said strongly agree and feel that their suggestions are taken into consideration and valued by the organization, 48% said they agree, 20% are neutral and rest 20% of population disagreed with the statement and they believe that their suggestions are not taken into consideration by the superiors of the organization.


7. I am proud to be associated with this organization.


Organization pride

Marketing Admin Finance H.R. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

percentage strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree Interpretation In H.R. dept 24% employees says that they feel highly delighted to be part of the organization. While 60% agreed with the statement and 16% are neutral in the responses. In Finance dept 20% employees are very proud to be associated with the organization, 68% agreed and 12% are neither happy nor sad to be part of the organization. 48% of Admin Dept responded strongly agree and the same percentage said agree while only 4% said that they are neither agreed nor disagree with the statement. Whereas in Marketing Dept 100% of employees are satisfied with the statement in which 36% said strongly agree and rest said agree.



I and my fellow employees are committed to do quality work.

80 70 60 50 40 30

20 10 0 H.R.
strongly agree

Finance Responses
agree neutral


strongly disagree

Interpretation Out of total number of population 24% employees of H.R. dept replied in favor of strongly agree and rest said for agree. In Finance dept 20% employees said that they are very much committed to do quality work, 52% said that they agree but rest 28% replied that they neither agree nor disagree with the statement. In Admin Dept Majority of the employees are in the favor of the statement while only 12% said in neutral. In Marketing Dept 24% responded strongly agree, 40% agree and 36% said neither agree nor disagree.



Employees of this organization are helpful and love working with each other.



Marketing Admin Finance H.R. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Percentage strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

Interpretation From the above graph we can see that in both H.R. and Finance dept employees have responded the same. That is in both the companies 12% says that they are strongly agreed with the statement that employees in their organization are helpful and love working together. Whereas 60% responded for agree and 28% says neutral. In Admin Dept 44% replied strongly agree for the statement which means that major population of the survey believes that employees of their organization are helpful in nature and love to work with each other. In this company percentage of employees giving neutral response is 16%. In Marketing Dept 24% strongly agreed, 44%said agree, 16 % are neutral but here 16% also disagreed which state that these employees feel that their employees of the company are not helpful and loving in nature.



The appraisal report in my organization is based on objective assessment & adequate information and not favoritism.

Fair Appraisal
Marketing Admin Finance H.R. 0 10 20 30 40 Percentage(%) strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree 50 60 70 80 Responses

Interpretation In the above graph it can be clearly seen that in H.R. dept only 12% of employees strongly agreed and feel that their appraisal is done entirely on fair basis and 56% agree with the statement. In H.R. dept 16% employees are neutral in their response and the same percentage of employees also disagreed with the statement and feels that their appraisal is not at all done on fair basis. In Finance dept 28% said agree and 72% said neither agree nor disagree but nobody responded strongly agree. In Admin Dept 32% said that they are very satisfied with the appraisal report and they know that this is not at all based on any kind of favoritism. While 36% agreed with the above statement and 20% are neutral in their response and 12% says that they disagree with the statement and therefore immediate step must be taken against it. In Marketing Dept 24% says strongly agree, 52% said agree and 24% are neutral.



I am satisfied with the pay & benefits provided to me at work.


Pay & Benefits

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

strongly agree

Finance Admin Responses

agree neutral disagree

strongly disagree

Interpretation In H.R. dept 60% of employees said that they are satisfied with their pay package. But neither of them said strongly agree which shows that neither of the person is very much happy with their pay benefits and here 24% employees are indifferent in their response but here we can see quite a large number of people responded that they are dissatisfied with their pay package and think that it should be changed. In Finance dept only 20% employees are satisfied with their package and 56% gave neutral response and here too 24% employees are dissatisfied in the package. When we look into BPO sector 24% employees of Admin Dept says that they are very satisfied while 36% are satisfied with the pay benefits. 12% are neutral and dissatisfied and 16% of the employees say that they are very dissatisfied with the pay benefits and want that it should be increased. While in Marketing Dept 12% employees are very satisfied, 48% satisfied, 16% and 24% are neutral and dissatisfied respectively.


12. All employees are fairly treated at every event or activity. (No bias)


Fair treatment

Marketing Admin Finance H.R. 0 10 20 strongly agree 30 agree 40 Percentage(%) neutral disagree strongly disagree 50 60 70 80


Interpretation From the above graph it can be seen that 72% of respondents from H.R. dept agree that they are fairly treated in the company. 28% of the population is indifferent in their approach. But from the respondents nobody said strongly agree with the statement which means that sometimes the employees do feel that biasness prevails in the organization. In Finance dept 40% agreed and majority are indifferent with the statement. In Admin Dept the response was fairly good as approximately half of the respondents say that they strongly agree that fair treatment is done in the organization and 40% agreed and only negligible percentage of the population are indifferent in their responses. In Marketing Dept too response was very good as all the respondents agreed with the statement. Of which 32% said strongly agreed and rest agreed.


13. All employees are clearly intimated about the activities going on in an organization.



80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

H.R. strongly agree

Finance Responses agree neutral

Admin disagree

Marketing strongly disagree


Interpretation The graph given above shows that 28% employees from the population are strongly agreed with the statement and say that they are always aware of the activities and events that are going on in the organization. While in Finance dept majority of the population agree with the statement. In Admin Dept 48% says strongly agree which means that they are very satisfied with the communication process of organization and 44% says agree and rest are indifferent. In Marketing Dept 32% said strongly agree, 44% agree and 24% says neither agree nor disagree.


14. I would like to continue to work in this organization for the next two years.


70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


Finance strongly agree agree

Admin Responses neutral disagree

Marketing strongly disagree

Interpretation This is the very important question which will decide the engagement level of the employees in the organization. As because if most of the people says disagree then it means that they are not happy with the organization with what so ever reason called and so if they will get the opportunity somewhere else then they will leave this organization. So according to the above graph it can be seen that in H.R. dept 16% of employees responded that they strongly agree with the statement and continue to be the part of the organization for the next two years while 60% said agree and 24% are not sure. In Finance dept 16% said strongly agree, 52%agreed and 32%are neutral with the response. In Admin Dept approximately half of the population strongly agreed with the statement and wish that they would continue to stay in the organization but it is


also disappointing that 8% of the respondents say that they disagree and so they wish to leave this organization whenever they will get the chance. Whereas in Marketing Dept, the responses of the population is same as in the case of Finance. 15. I volunteer to do things outside my job that contribute to the organization objectives.



Marketing Admin Finance H.R. 0 10 strongly agree 20 agree 30 40 50 60

Percentage(%) neutral disagree strongly disagree

Interpretation In H.R. dept 20% respondents say that they stongly agree that they do the work which is not a part of their responsibility which shows the engagement level of these respondents as they are willing to put in extra efforts for the company, while 56% agreed and 24% said neither agreed nor disagree and nobody responded in disagreement which means every employee is taking up some or the other responsibility outside their respective job description. In Finance dept 56% said agree and 44% said neutral.


In Admin Dept the 40% of the respondent said strongly agree which is very good and 44% agreed but 8% of the respondent also disagreed with the statement which clearly shows the disengagement level of such employees. In Marketing Dept 12% said strongly agree and 44% said agree as well as neither agree nor disagree. 16. I can easily participate in every activity organized by the organization.



70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


Finance Responses strongly agree agree neutral

Admin disagree

Marketing strongly disagree

Interpretation In H.R. dept 20% of the population strongly agreed with the statement which means these people feel that they can easily take part in every activity organized by the organization, 40% said agree, 28% are neutral and 12% disagreed which means that they believe that they cannot take part in every activity of the organization either because of the restrictions imposed by the top management. In Finance dept 16% said strongly agree, 60% agree and rest are neutral. In Admin Dept approximately half of the population says strongly agree, 52% agreed and 8% are indifferent in their approach.


In Marketing Dept, 60% agreed, 28% strongly agreed and 12% are neutral while nobody is in disagreement.

17. Proper feedback session takes place in this organization.



Marketing Admin Finance H.R. 0 10 20 30 40 Percentage(%) strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree 50 60 70 80

Interpretation According to the above figure, 24% employees of H.R. dept are strongly agreed that Feedback session takes place in the organization, 44% says agree and 16% are neutral as well as disagree. In Finance dept 12% said strongly agrees, 68% agree and rest 20% says neutral. In Admin Dept approximately half of the population agrees with the statement, 24% are neutral while negligible percentage of population also replied in disagreement.


In Marketing Dept the percentage is 32%, 56% and 12% which indicates strongly agree, agree and neutral respectively.

18. My organization takes special care of my family.


Work life balance

Marketing Admin

Finance H.R. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Percentage strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

Interpretation According to the graph given above, 16% of respondents strongly believe and are happy with the fact that their organization takes special care of their family. Here 44% employees responded agree and 8% said disagree, 4% strongly disagreed with this fact and rest percentage is neutral. In Finance Dept 4% said strongly agree, 52% agree and rest 44% says neutral. In Admin Dept 40% said agree and 28% said both strongly agree and neutral and rest 4% disagreed with the statement.


While in Marketing Dept, majority of the population is indifferent in their response.

Analysis of questionnaire in H.R. and Finance Department



Mean of H.R. Mean of Dept. Finance Dept 4.32 3.92 4.00 4.08 4.12 3.96 4.08 4.24 3.84 3.64 3.44 3.72 3.92 3.96 3.68 3.76 3.60 3.92 4.24 4.04 3.96 3.88 3.96 4.04 4.08 3.92 3.84 3.28 2.96 3.40 4.32 3.84 3.56 3.92 3.92 3.60 3.82

Mean value (Combined mean) 4.28 3.98 3.98 3.98 4.04 4 4.08 4.08 3.84 3.46 3.2 3.56 4.3 3.88 3.76 3.8 3.84 3.6 3.87

Accountability Opportunity Rewards & Recognition Cooperation Development Employee involvement Organizational pride Commitment Teamwork fair appraisal Pay & benefits Fair treatment Loyalty Initiative Opportunity Feedback Work life balance Overall

Communication 4.28


Interpretation From the table given above we can see that overall engagement level of both the departments is low as according to standards the value 4 shows that, employees are engaged in the organization. But here the value is below the standards, which means that employees are not engaged in the organization. We can also notice that the values of departments are not too far from the standards and are more inclined towards it only. So, if little more efforts are executed then the department can easily reach to the standards. It can also be seen that engagement level in employees of H.R. Dept is more than Finance Dept.


Analysis of questionnaire in Admin and Marketing Dept

Dimensions Accountability Opportunity Rewards & Recognition Cooperation Development Employee involvement Organizational pride Commitment Teamwork fair appraisal Pay & benefits Fair treatment Communication Loyalty Initiative Opportunity Feedback Work life balance Overall

Mean of Mean of Marketing Admin Mean value Dept. Dept. (Combined mean) 4.60 4.12 4.00 4.20 3.92 3.52 4.36 3.88 3.76 4.00 3.48 4.32 4.08 3.84 3.68 4.16 4.20 3.52 4.18 4.60 4.36 4.24 4.48 4.16 4.32 4.44 4.16 4.28 3.76 3.40 4.28 4.40 4.00 4.16 4.32 3.92 3.92 3.98 4.6 4.24 4.12 4.34 4.04 3.92 4.4 4.02 4.02 3.88 3.44 4.3 4.24 3.92 3.92 4.24 4.06 3.72 4.08


Interpretation From the table given above we can see that overall engagement level of Admin Dept is above the standards (i.e. mean=4) which states that employees of this department are engaged and love to be part of it. Whereas, in Marketing Dept the overall engagement level is approximately at the standard. So here also we can say that the employees are engaged in the department. It can also be seen that engagement level in employees of Admin Dept is more than the Marketing Dept.

Comparison Between IT and BPO Sector With Reference to Employee Engagement Plan Various engagement activities conducted in IT and BPO sector
Feed back sessions Coun Seling sessions Develop ment activities Family fun activities



Lunch/ Dinner

Meet ings

Compe titions


IT Sector BPO Sector

2.2 2.82

1.72 3.04

3.44 3.4

4.5 4.32

3.22 3.04

3.52 2.92

2.9 3.04

3.38 3.24

1.98 2.04

1.8 1.78


Engagement activities

5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0

ns la ct iti vi ti e s or ts ov ie s pe ti t io ns se ss io ns in ne r gs ac ti v it i es ch /D M Fe ed ba ck se ss io ee t in Sp M To ur s

Mean value

Co un se l li ng

co m

Lu n

ev el op m en ta

IT Sector

BPO Sector


(fig.-1) Interpretation The graph given above (fig.1) shows the various activities conducted in IT & BPO industry. From the graph we can see that activities like sports, movies, counseling sessions and family fun activities are more often conducted in BPO industry than in the IT firms. Whereas Meetings, feedback sessions and developmental activities are more common in IT sector. Therefore from this we can conclude that BPO sectors are majorly concerned about creating an atmosphere of fun in order to relieve employees from the stressful work while in IT sector people are majorly concerned about their work and so activities that are related to the development of employees are often conducted in IT companies.

Fa m i ly

fu n


Do you see any change in the employee engagement activity in your organization during recession?

Changes due to recession

60 50 Percentage 40 30 20 10 0
BPO Sector IT Sector

48 26


Interpretation When employees from BPO & IT sector were asked that due to current economic situations do they find any changes in the employee engagement activities of the organization then it was found that 48% population from the BPO sector agreed with the statement that they do see changes in the employee engagement activities of the companies. As now due to cost cutting they could see less parties or fun activities going on. Whereas in IT sector 26% respondents agreed that they see changes in the engagement activities of the company but rest responded in disagreement and say no changes have been taken place.



Mean value

Mean Value

Overall engagement activities

Overall engagement level

2.98 2.96 2.94 2.92 2.9 2.88 2.86 2.84 2.82 IT


4.05 4 3.95

2.96 2.87 IT Sector BPO Industry

3.9 3.85 3.8 3.75

4.08 3.87 Industry


Industry IT Sector BPO Sector Mean Value 2.87 2.96

Industry IT Sector BPO Sector Mean Value 3.87 4.08

The figure given above shows the direct relationship between employee engagement activities and engagement level of an employee. We can see from the above diagram that engagement activities are most often conducted in the BPO sector and therefore the engagement level of employees in BPO sector is more in comparison to the IT sector.





We have seen that all the four departments are trying their level best to engage the employees through various activities. But still the engagement level is not very high especially in the H.R. and Finance department. So following are few suggestions to increase the level of employee engagement in the departments: 1. Job rotation - To increase the engagement level of an employee the organization should provide variety in the jobs. As tedious and repetitive tasks can cause burnout and boredom over time so job rotation acts as a very good tool for employee engagement. 2. Communication system - Effective communication system is very important in the organization. Therefore the organizations must create such a climate where employees openly communicate with each other and know what is expected of them at every level in the organization. 3. Proper rewards and recognition - program must be arranged in the company. The company must celebrate individual, team and organization success. It must catch those employees who are doing something right and must say Thank you to them. 4. Mentoring program - must be arranged in the organization which helps the employees to get valuable guidance from their supervisors from time to time. 5. Employee involvement - Opinions of the employees should be respected, welcomed and duly taken into consideration in order to make them feel that they are the part of the Big Family.


6. Training Facilities The training facilities must be organized in the organization which focuses on the behavioral aspects of the employee and should be based on the growth and overall development of the employee. 7. Continuous Feedback - The companies must follow the system of providing continuous feedback to the employees. This program will help them to know their strengths and weakness and encourages the employee to perform better in the future.





After analyzing the engagement level in various departments of the company, Infogain, I reached to the conclusion that overall engagement level of Admin and marketing departments is higher than the engagement level in the H.R. and Finance department. And the reason for this is can be clearly seen from the data that in Admin and marketing department engagement activities are more often conducted than in the H.R. and Finance department. Activities like sports, movies, lunch/dinner, parties, family fun programs are often conducted in the Admin and Marketing department which acts as the very good motivational tool for the employees and encourages them to perform better in the organization. If we further look into the data we will see that the activities and engagement level of an employee has the positive relationship between them. This is the only reason because of which we can see that employees in the Admin and Marketing department are more loyal and committed towards the organization than in the H.R. and Finance department.


Books Dessler Gary,(2005) Human resource management Tenth edition by Prentice-Hall Inc. Rao T.V., (2005) performance management and appraisal system by sage publication Inc. Robbins, Stephen P. and Judge Timothy A. (2007) Organizational behaviour twelfth edition by Prentice-Hall Inc. Articles

Understanding what drives employee engagement (2003). The 2003 towers Perrin talent report. Vazirani Nitin (2007), employee engagement. Extracting the gem part in an employee. 2008, times ascent.

Research papers

Gallup organization, Nourishing employee engagement. The Banff centre, Engagement-The new organization challenge. Nowack Kenneth, Leadership, Emotional Intelligence& employee engagement: creating a psychologically healthy workplace.





Survey of employee engagement (This information will be kept highly confidential & will be used only for research purpose) Organization Gen_____________ Designation Age______________ Department _________________ Working since (inmonths/years)________________ Marital status________________ _______________ ________________

Q.1. Please read the following questions carefully and select only one most appropriate option:


Q. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.


Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree

Dis - Strongly agree disagree

I know what is expected of me at work. I have the opportunity to do what I do best everyday. I appreciate the rewards & recognition programs organized for the employees. My superiors & colleagues are cooperative in the activities or work I do. In the last year or this year, I have the opportunities at work to learn & grow. I am given appropriate chance to put forth my suggestions. I am proud to be associated with this organization. I and my fellow employees are committed to do quality work. Employees of this organization are helpful and love working with each other. The appraisal report in my organization is based on objective assessment & adequate information and not favoritism. I am satisfied with the pay & benefits provided to me at work. All employees are fairly treated at every event or activity. (No bias) All employees are clearly intimated about the activities going on in an organization. I would like to continue to work in this organization for the next two years. I volunteer to do things outside my job that contribute to the organization objectives.
I can easily participate in every activity organized by the organization. Proper feedback session takes place in this organization. My organization takes special care of my family.


Q.2. Following activities are conducted in my organization: (Please rank on 1-5 scale where, 5 Weekly 4- Monthly 3 Quarterly 2 -Annually 1 - Not at all conducted ) S.No. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. Activity Ranking(1-5) Sports Movies Lunch/Dinner Meetings Competitions or contests Feedback sessions Counseling sessions Developmental activities Family fun activities Tours Any other, Please specify.

Q.3. The above activities help in employee bonding and improving the work culture of the organization 5- Strongly agree _______ 4- Agree_________ 3 Neither agree nor disagree______ 2- Disagree _______ 1- Strongly disagree ________ Q.4. You are engaged in the activities according to your needs and interests. 5- Strongly agree _______ 4- Agree_________ 3 Neither agree nor disagree______ 2- Disagree ________ 1- Strongly disagree ________ Q.5. What other activities according to you should be conducted in the organization and how often? _______________________________________________________________ _________

Q.6. I participated in the following activities this year.


____________________________________________________________ _____________

Q.7. Do you see any change in the employee engagement activity in your organization during recession?
NO ________ YES_________


yes, then

What? ____________________________________________________________________

Q.8. Is your organization doing some extra activity to increase the morale of the employees, as such tough time of recession is going on?(If yes, then what?) Q.9. Any suggestions to improve the employee engagement program of your organization. ________________________________________________________________ __________________



Submitted by Monika Agarwal Id:11100103 M.B.A-3rd sem


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