DR. Sohail Naqvi

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Office: Higher Education Commission Sector H9, Islamabad Tel: 92 514448369, 904 0120 Email: [email protected].


Home: House # 15, St. 39 F 8/1, Islamabad Tel: 92 51 285 1873 Mobile: 0300 856 4272

1988 Ph.D. Electrical Eng., Purdue University, USA, GPA (6.0/6.0) 1986 M.Sc. Electrical Eng., Purdue University, USA, GPA (6.0/6.0) 1984 B.Sc. Electrical Eng. (With Highest Distinction), Purdue University, USA, GPA (6.0/6.0)

PROFESSIONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS Co-developed scatterometry as a metrology technique and process sensor for micro-electronic and opto-electronic fabrication and transferred to Bio-Rad Laboratories. The commercial metrology tool (CDS-2 Scatterometer) is now available for sale and is considered a key tool for future sub quarter micron (i.e. Pentium IV-V) generation microprocessors. Founding member of ISTEC (Ibero-American Science and Technology Education Consortium, www.istec.org) ISTEC is a non-profit organization comprised of educational, research, and industrial institutions throughout the Americas and the Iberian Peninsula. The Consortium has been established to foster scientific, engineering, and technology education, joint international research and development efforts among its members, and to provide a cost-effective vehicle for the application and transfer of technology. Established the Faculty of Electronics at the GIK Institute of Technology as one of the premier Electrical Engineering Department in South East Asia. Project Director for $1.1 Million task to design, prototype, assemble and install a computerized networked, state-of-the-art, toll collection system on the LahoreIslamabad (330km long) Motorway. Managed growth of Communications Enabling Technologies in Pakistan from a 20 person project funded entity operating from a house to a 150 man+ Silicon Valley Venture Capital funded product company operating in a 13,000 sq. ft. facility. Founding member of Engineering Education Trust (EET), a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the development of higher education in Pakistan. The Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering (CASE: www.case.edu.pk ) is the first project of EET that, in the space of one year, became the largest post-graduate engineering program in Pakistan. Member Steering Committee on Higher Education formed by the President, Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Helped with the transformation of the University Grants Commission into the Higher Education Commission. Co-authored the vision document for programs of the Higher Education Commission. As Member, Human Resource Development and Strategic Planning of the Higher Education Commission oversaw development and implementation of over Rs. 15 Billion worth of higher education programs.

WORK EXPERIENCE 16/09- Present Executive Director,(Ex-Officio Federal Secretary), Higher Education Commission, Islamabad (Pakistan) Member, Human Resource Development & Strategic Planning, Higher Education Commission, Islamabad. Additional charge of Executive Director (Acting) from March 2004. Member, Human Resource Development, Ministry of Science and Technology, IT&T Division, Islamabad Vice President Operations, Communications Enabling Technologies, Islamabad Professor & Dean, Faculty of Electronics, GIK Institute of Technology, Topi, Pakistan. Staff Scientist, Bio-Rad CD Systems, Albuquerque, USA. On leave from GIK Institute. Associate Professor & Interim Dean, Faculty of Electronics, GIK Institute of Technology, Topi, Pakistan. Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA. Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA.

02/03 16/09 10/02- 02/03: 1/00-10/02: 1/99-12/99: 2/98-12/98: 8/95-12/97: 8/94-7/95: 8/88-8/94:

PROFESSION ACTIVITIES & CONSULTING Member Steering Committee on Higher Education constituted by President of Pakistan Member Board of Trustees for the Endowment Fund for Higher Education & R&D for IT and Telecom Sector at Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Islamabad Member Board of Trustees for the Endowment Fund for Higher Education & R&D for IT and Telecom Sector at National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad Founding Member of Engineering Education Trust, Islamabad that has established the Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering Member PTCL R&D Fund Committee Member Advisory Board for IT & Telecommunication Division Member Punjab Networking Project Study Committee constituted by the Governor of the Punjab Consultant to AT&T Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ, USA (1992 - 1995) Consultant to Sandia Systems Inc., Albuquerque, USA (Feb. 1993 - Dec. 1996) Consultant to Bio Rad Inc., Hercules CA, USA (Dec. 1996 - Present) Reviewer, Journal of the Optical Society of America, Optics Letters, IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Signal Processing, Applied Optics. Chair IEEE Pakistan National Multi-Topic Conference 1997 and 2000. HONORS AND SOCIETIES

Graduated first in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Purdue University, USA 3 SEMATECH Inventor Recognition Awards Member IEEE, OSA, SPIE TECHNICAL INTERESTS Voice over Packet telecommunication technology, Critical dimension metrology of semiconductor devices; Scattering and diffraction of electromagnetic waves; Holography; Signal & Image processing; Communication systems. UNIVERSITY ASSOCIATED RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-PI on $3.5 Million in research and development projects. I have closely worked with Intel, IBM, AT&T, Texas Instruments on research and development projects. I led a research group for the development of solution for key metrology needs of these manufacturers. I also led a team of scientist, engineers, technicians and students for the design, development and implementation of the National Highway Authority, Lahore - Islamabad Motorway Toll Collection project. UNIVERSITY TEACHING Graduate: Electrodynamics, Information Theory. Undergraduate: Signals Communications, Digital Communications, Opto-electronics, Electromagnetics. PUBLICATIONS PATENTS PERSONAL REFERENCES: Prof. Dr. Atta ur Rahman, Chairman Higher Education Commission, Sector H9, Islamabad, Tel: 92 51 929 0130, email: [email protected] Dr. M. Akram Sheikh, Deputy Chairman Planning Commission, Ministry of Planning and Development, Government of Pakistan Prof. Dr. Abdur Raouf, Professor Emeritus KFUPM, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, former Rector GIK Institute. Tel: 042 5163236, email: [email protected] Prof. Dr. Steven R. J. Brueck, Director, Center for High Technology Materials, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87106. Tel: 505 272 7800. Email: [email protected]. Prof. Dr. John R. McNeil, formerly at the University of New Mexico and now an independent consultant, Email: [email protected]. Prof. Dr. Neal C. Gallagher, Dean, College of Engineering, AR202 Engineering Bldg., Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 805231301, Tel: (970) 4913366, email: [email protected] Refereed: 18, Invited: Presentations > 60 3 Issued Married with three children. 10, Conference Publications and and

PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS: Scatterometry: From Concept to Commercialization: The accurate and precise measurement of ultra-small (0.1 m - 5.0 m) structures is a critical requirement of the semiconductor industry. Recognizing this a SEMATECH sponsored Center of Excellence in Metrology was established at the University of New Mexico (UNM) in 1988. As a part of this project I, along with Prof. John R. McNeil, developed Scatterometry as a tool for the metrology of semiconductor structures. This technology now provides the semiconductor industry with a metrology tool that can characterize lineshapes (width, height, sidewall angle, etc.) of today's sub 0.5m size devices and those of the future which will contain ~ sub 0.1m features. The revolutionary aspect of this technology is that it combines the ease of use, flexibility and speed of optical microscopy with Angstrom level sensitivity. The demonstrated potential of scatterometry has resulted in its global recognition. Major semiconductor manufacturers have current programs to evaluate in detail this technology for incorporation into future production lines. This novel metrology concept involved two key aspects, 1. The measurement of the signal diffracted from periodic structures, and 2. The analysis of the diffracted signal, or the solution of the inverse diffraction problem. This division also represented the division in tasks between Prof. McNeil and myself, with the experimental task being led by Prof. McNeil, while I led the theoretical effort. The success of scatterometry was critically dependent on success in each of its key aspect, thus it was natural that Prof. McNeil and myself jointly supervise the scatterometry research group that graduated five Ph.D. and six MS students while I was at UNM. At UNM I worked with almost all the major semiconductor manufacturers. Encouraged by the excellent results achieved in the laboratory I, along with Prof. McNeil, actively worked through a small start-up company (Sandia Systems Inc.) towards the development of a commercial scatterometer tool. This endeavor met with great success leading to the acquisition of Sandia Systems Inc. by Bio-Rad Inc., a significant player in the semiconductor equipment manufacturer market. The first commercial scatterometers are successfully functioning at different installation including IBM, Texas Instruments, and Seagate Technology Inc., USA. Dean, Faculty of Electronics, GIK Institute Pakistan: My association with the GIK Institute started during a sabbatical visit in the fall of 1994 when I revised the curriculum of the Faculty of Electronics. In the fall of 1995 I joined the GIK Institute as Interim Dean of the Faculty and Associate Professor. At that time the Faculty of Electronics consisted of three full time faculty members, including myself. During the course of the next two years I built the Department into the premier Electronics Department in the country with international recognition following. I was successful in recruiting faculty from some of the premier educational institutions of the world. In addition, I coordinated the design, development, procurement and installation of numerous laboratories including Computer Communication Network Simulation, VLSI Design, Digital Signal Processing, Image Processing, Electric Machines, Electronic Circuit Simulation and Microwave laboratories. My proudest moment came when the first batch of students graduated in May 1997, and were admitted to the finest graduate programs in the world including those at Stanford, Purdue, USC and others. The subsequent

batches of students have received a similar enthusiastic response. I also led the development of a comprehensive graduate program that will perhaps be implemented in Fall 2001. As a member of the Governing Council of the Institute I actively participated in all facets of administration of a technical university including, budget, short and longterm planning, promotion guidelines, employee benefits policy, student discipline rules, faculty handbook development, industry liaison program etc. Design, Development and Deployment of the Toll Collection System for the Lahore-Islamabad Motorway in Pakistan: When the current Prime Minister of Pakistan took office, the completion of the Lahore-Islamabad Motorway was declared to be a project of paramount national importance. Before the Motorway could be opened, however, it was necessary to have a fully computerized toll-collection system in place on the entire 320 km long Motorway. Bids from reputed international vendors were invited for the toll-collection project. Upon learning of the opportunity the Faculty of Electronics decided to bid for the project and proposed to develop a functioning prototype within 6 weeks. The proposal was accepted and a date set six weeks hence for a formal presentation to the National Highway Authority Board. Working feverishly the task was completed and a fully functional prototype was successfully demonstrated. Consequently we were awarded the task of complete deployment of the toll collection at site on the Motorway. This represented the first time in the history of Pakistan that an educational institution undertook a task of such magnitude and importance. The Prime Minister set the opening date for the Motorway, and there was room for neither error nor delay. In the ensuing 8 weeks as Project Director I led a team of faculty members, teaching staff, undergraduate students as well as local suppliers who worked to complete the task on time. During this time we were also given the additional task of developing a training program for the tollbooth operators as well as providing the training. Of paramount importance was to ensure that the normal educational functioning of the Faculty of Electronics was not disturbed. We were successful on all counts, and the toll-collection system is currently operating as per specifications. Although this project lay outside the usual realm of projects undertaken by educational institutions, it represented an exception educational opportunity to train the students and staff, and demonstrate what hard work, teamwork and an intelligent application of modern technology can accomplish. Vice Pres. Operations, Communications Enabling Technologies, Islamabad: I joined Enabling Technologies in January 2000 and during the first year was primarily responsible for managing the growth of the Pakistan office from a 20 person project funded entity operating from a house to a 150 man+ Silicon Valley Venture Capital funded product company operating on 13,000 sq. ft. in a Software Park. During the short span of a few years Communications Enabling Technologies has established itself has the premier high-tech software and hardware development concern in Pakistan. In February of this year following hiring of additional administrative personnel, I transitioned to technical management and became responsible for software development in ETP. I continued as a member of the three-man management board responsible for all technical and administrative management of the Pakistan office, as well as coordination with the US office. The primary task was management and development of telecom

software products to operate both on custom hardware developed at the company and generic Media Gateways. The company successfully developed one of the highest density media gateway chips in the world and demonstrated its successful implementation of a complete Call Management System. This system was successfully deployed in the Peshawar 17 exchange and continues in operation to-date. The Telecom market crash however did not allow for successful commercialization of this, and other products. Member Human Resource Development and Strategic Planning, Higher Education Commission, Islamabad: In November 2001 the Minister for Science and Technology, Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman appointed me onto the Study Group on Higher Education in Science and Technology. Involvement with the Study Group provided me an opportunity to return to higher education development, and subsequent appointment by the President of Pakistan to the Steering Committee on Higher Education. The Committee was chartered with the development of an implementation plan for reforms in the Higher Education system proposed by the Study Group as well as the Task Force on Higher Education. During 2002 I was intensely involved with work of the Steering Committee which resulted in a presentation to the President, and approval of a complete restructuring of Higher Education Administration in Pakistan. A key aspect of reform was dissolution of the University Grants Commission and the formation of the Higher Education Commission (HEC). I helped with formulation of the Ordinance that resulted in the creation of the HEC, and have been involved with every aspect of its transformation from a body under the Ministry of Education with a development budget of Rs. 380 million to an autonomous institution with an annual development budget of over Rs. 9 Billion. As the only member of the Steering Committee on Higher Education who joined the Higher Education Commission I have helped implement the core proposals of the Steering Committee. Project covering all aspects of the restructuring, enhancement and reform of Higher Education in Pakistan have been developed and implemented. The HEC now oversees the implementation of more than 300 development projects in key areas of faculty development, infrastructure, digital library, technology incubators, laboratory enhancement, and computerization and networking. A key indicator of success of the HEC programs is that the HEC has attracted grants from donor agencies.

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