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Map of Amerindian Holy Time

Robert Hackman

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Universal Medicine Powers 5 1: Secrets of the Ancients 7-11 2: Amerindian Prophesies 12-26 Ancient Maya Prophesies 29-34 1: Returning to Holy Time 34 2: Tzolkin Guardian 36 3: 13-Moons Physical Time 37 4: Ten Consciouss of Creation 5: Consciousness and Calendars 6: Deities Ruling the 13 Heavens 7: 8Th, 9Th and 10Th Consciousness

Chapter 2

38 39 41 42 44-48

The 20 Tzolkin Hieroglyphs & The Classical Tzolkin Calendar The Thirteen Intentions Glossary References 51 52 49

Mesoamerican Sunstone

Maps of Time
13-Moon Guardian Maya Haab (Solar calendar) 2008 2011 Calendars 3

Seven Maya Prophesies

First Prophesy: reveals a time without time, it is said that starting in 1999, the human beings will have to choose to make a change of consciousness and attitude; to open their mind to integrate everything that exists. This consists of a period of 20 Tuns/years, the final 13 Th Katun (a cycle that according to the Maya started in 1992 and will end in 2011, a key date for the absolute transformation,) in which humanity will enter a process of great learning and change. The Maya also announced that seven years after 1992 a period of darkness would begin and every individual would be faced with his/her own behavior. Humanity will enter the great room of mirrors; materialism will be left behind and will give way to the liberation of suffering. Second Prophesy: says that the answer to everything is within every person, and that their behavior determines their future. It confirms that beginning with the solar eclipse of Aug. 11, 1999, the behavior of all humanity will change rapidly. The Maya assure us that starting after this eclipse; humans would easily lose control of their emotions or will acknowledge their inner peace. They also indicate that the energy that is received from the center of the galaxy is causing an increase in the vibration of our brain waves and the planet, altering their behavior, their way of feeling and thinking. This prophesy mentions two paths: one of acceptance and tolerance and another of destruction and fear. The path to follow will be chosen by you. Third Prophesy: points to a change in temperature, producing geological, climatic and social changes in a magnitude without patterns and at an astonishing speed. These changes will be generated by people in their lack of consciousness to care for and protect natural resources of the planet and the other generated by the sun, which will increase its activity due to the increase of vibrations from the center of our galaxy. Fourth Prophesy: says that the anti-ecological conduct of people and the activity of the sun will cause a melting of the ice at the poles. This will allow earth mother to re-harmonize and cleanse herself, producing changes in the physical composition of the continents of the planet. Fifth Prophesy: states that all systems based on fear, on which this civilization is based, will suffer simultaneously with the planet and people will make a transformation to give way to a new harmonic reality. These systems will fail and people will face themselves, with this we will need to reorganize society and continue down the path of evolution that will bring us to understand creation. There is only one common spiritual road for all humanity that will end all limits established among the many ways to look at God. Sixth Prophesy: reveals that in the near future a comet will appear with a trajectory that will endanger life on this planet. The Maya culture considered comets as agents of change that come to put into movement the existing equilibrium, allowing the evolution of the collective consciousness. For the Maya; God is the presence of life, and has infinite presence in all shapes. Seventh Prophesy: In this prophesy it is said that from the year 1999 until 2002, the light emitted from the center of our galaxy synchronizes all living things and allows them to voluntarily access an internal transformation that produces new realities. The Maya state that every individual has an opportunity to change and break its limitations; by allowing these changes we will create a new form of communication through our thoughts. It is predicted that programming and limits will disappear and a new era of transparency and light will begin, the Apocalypse is now.

Apocalypse means the unveiling of the truth.


Dos Mundos Bilingual Newspaper

Eagle Elk Hawk Deer Bear Snake Skunk Otter Butterfly Turtle Moose Porcupine Coyote Dog Wolf Raven Lynx Mouse Cougar Bison Hummingbird Beaver Owl Opossum Crow Fox Squirrel Dragonfly Armadillo Badger Rabbit Turkey Ant Weasel Grouse Horse Lizard Antelope Frog Swan Dolphin Whale Bat Spider

Medicine Power
Spirit Stamina Messenger Gentleness Introspection Transmutation Reputation Woman Medicine Transformation Mother Earth Self Esteem Innocence Trickster Loyalty Teacher Magic Secrets Scrutiny Leadership Prayer and abundance Joy Builder Deception Diversion Law Camouflage Gathering Illusion Boundaries Aggressiveness Balance Give Away Patience Stealth Sacred Spiral Power Dreams Action Cleansing Grace Manna Record Keeper Rebirth Weaving

Our Relations
Father Sky Grandfather Moon Grandmother Sun Sky World or Star Nation Sky Brothers and Sisters - or Aliens Mother Earth Two-legged - or humanoid Stone People - or rock, mountain Standing People - or trees, plants and vegetation Subterraneans Bigfoot, Yeti and many other sub world creatures Thunder Beings volcano, earthquake, tsunami, tornado, hurricane and others Four-leggeds, the creepy-crawlers, the finned ones, and winged ones

Universal Medicine Power

For understanding the theory of medicine in the Amerindian way, we must redefine (medicine.) The medicine referred to in this text is anything, which brings you strength, understanding and personal power. This medicine is anything that improves ones connection with all Our Relations and the Great Mystery. It involves the healing of mind, body and spirit. Amerindian medicine encompasses a (way of life,) because it involves walking the path in perfect harmony with the Universe. The Medicine Wheel represents life, afterlife, rebirth and the honoring of each step along the way. The Good Red Road is where we learn the lessons of physical life, or of being human. This road runs South to North in the circle of the Medicine Wheel. Great Spirit is within all. If an individual obeys Crows perfect laws as given by the Creator and Maker, then at death he or she dies a Good Medicine death going on to the next incarnation with a clear memory of his or her past. After the graduation experience of death, one enters the Blue Road or Black Road that is the world of the grandfathers and grandmothers. In spirit, one will continue to learn by counseling those remaining on the Good Red Road. The Blue Road of Spirit runs East to West in the circle of the Medicine Wheel. The Great Mystery is a realm where all things exist, not yet in form, including the Great Spirit. Eagle medicine is the power of the Great Spirit, the connection to the Divine. Eagle has the ability to live in the realm of spirit, and yet remain connected and balanced within the realm of Earth. From the heights of the clouds, Eagle is close to the heavens where the Great Spirit dwells. 6

In learning to call on the medicine of any person, creature or natural force, one must maintain an attitude of reverence and be willing to accept assistance. (As all things in the universe have the same building block the Atom it is relatively safe to say that we all communicate through the common denominator of each atom, which is the creative force of Great Spirit.) This is a kind of power that comes from the idea of unity, and of each being having within itself a part of all other beings. (It is the Law of Oneness) These teachings have been handed down from the elders of the Aztec, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Choctaw, Iroquois, Lakota, Maya, Seneca and Yaqui traditions. Due to the diverse teachings of these traditions, we have only scratched the surface of a deep understanding that is possible with this system of divination. We hope to open a new doorway of understanding for those who seek the Oneness of all Life.

Secrets of the Ancients

The key to overcoming our fears is to forget about them. If we forget, our fears will cease to exist in our physical world. (Matter follows vision and spirit. It is the Law.) If you dont mind it, it wont matter. Dreaming is going into the future; our dreams live in the shadows. In the shadows can be your fears, your hopes, or the very things you are resisting, and they always follow you around like an obedient dog. Shadow creatures, have you seen them? Children are taught to behave according to the rules of a particular culture. Most orthodox religious systems create a mandate concerning acceptable behavior within the context of worldly affairs. Do this and so, and you will go to heaven. Do thus and so, and you will go to hell. Different formulas for salvation are demanded by each true faith? Human Law is not the same as Sacred Law! More so than any other medicine Crow sees that the physical world and even the spiritual world, as humanity interpret them are an illusion! There are billions of worlds. There is infinitude of creatures. If you look into Crows eye you will have found the gateway to the supernatural. Crow is the protector of the ogallah or ancient records, and is keeper of all Sacred Law. Crow can bend the laws of the physical universe and shape-shift. (We must transform the human collective consciousness, and allow the bending of physical laws, to aid in creating the shape-shifted world of peace.) Spider is the female energy of the creative force that weaves the beautiful designs of life. Spider wove the first primordial alphabet, as she had woven the dream of the world that would come to manifest millions of years before. Spider is the symbol for the infinite possibilities of creation. Spiders body is made like the number eight, consisting of two lobe-like parts connected at the waist, and eight legs. Her eight legs represent the four winds of change and the four directions on the medicine wheel.

Before the advent of speech and primordial language, hand signs where used, and many tribes were silent most of the time. The language that was understood was the sounds of animals. Dolphin came to discover underwater cities, in the Dreamtime, and was given the gift of the primordial tongue. This new language was brought by Spider from the Great Star Nation. Communication is pattern and rhythm, the new aspect of communication was sound. Dolphin carries the original pattern to this day. Dolphin is the carrier of messages of our progress. The Dreamtime Dwellers (Maya?) were curious about the children of Mother Earth, and wanted us to grow to be at one with the Great Spirit. Dolphin was to be the link. Manna is life force. (Manna is present in every atom and is Great Spirits essence.) Dolphin teaches us how to use life-manna through our breath. Our breath revitalizes each cell and organ, and breaks the limits and dimensions of physical reality, so that we may enter the Dreamtime. Within the breath we encounter the rhythm of energy that all life emits. Wind is the channel for communication between Heaven and Mother Earth; wind is the breath of the Universe. Wind transports the Sacred Smoke up to the Great Spirit and reveals the way to Cosmic Consciousness. Wind itself is soundless, odorless, colorless and invisible. These wonders only manifest through the connection with others. Life starts with the first breath and ends with the last breath. Wind reveals the truth if you listen. Whale carries the history of Mother Earth and is said to have been put here by the Ancients from the Dog Star Sirius. Whale medicine lets us understand that specific sound frequencies can bring up records in the memories of ancient knowledge. Whale medicine teaches us to use sounds and frequencies that balance our emotional bodies and heal our physical form. To recall why the shamans drum brings healing and peace is to align with Whales message. The drum is the universal heartbeat and aligns all beings, heart to heart. Biologists say that the Whale is a mammal, and very possibly lived on land millions of years ago. In tribal legends, the Whales move into the ocean happened when the Earth shifted and the Motherland (Atlantis) went below the waves. Whale saw the events that led to the settling of Turtle Island (North America) and has also kept the records and knowledge of the Motherland alive. It is said Mu will rise again when the fire comes from the sky and lands in another ocean on Mother Earth. Is this the great flaming star called (Bitterness or Wormwood?) Earths children will have to unite and honor all ways and all races in order to survive. Righteousness will be delivered in its allotted time. (The Completion of Creation)

In the Sky the Deer is symbolized by the constellation of Galagina the stag; otherwise known as Taurus. Deer is in harmony with the lunar cycles, awake and active all night when the Moon is full. A symbol of beauty, a graceful dancer tuned to the rhythm of the Earth, activated by the energy of the Sun. Deer are part of Mother Natures overall plan to feed The People. The first wave in the food chain is plant life: grass, fruit, leaves, bark and seeds. Deer eat this plant life, creating a second wave in the food chain that swells to a tsunami of superabundance. The Cherokee philosophy is that Animals are Our Relations; it is the purpose of their existence to feed mankind. To refuse to eat meat is to deny our brothers their destiny, their very reason for being. Deer teaches us to use the power of gentleness to touch the hearts and minds of wounded beings who are trying to keep us from Sacred Mountain. Like the dappling of Fawns coat, both the light and the dark may be loved to create gentleness and safety for those who are seeking peace. The word Dragon means, Eye, to look at, to see clearly. Dragon symbolizes the Great Mother figure. She seems to see everything everywhere; past, present and future much like the crystal eye of the mythical Cherokee monster. In the Sky the constellation of Draco symbolizes Dragon, wondering between the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper. Since around 3000 BC Polaris has had possession of the Magic Crystal (North Star.) Eventually Dragon the guardian and keeper of the Magic Crystal will recapture it and the North Star will again be Thuban, a bright yellow star in Draco. In the beginning, cornmeal was moistened with saliva and shaped into human form, both female and male; this is the basis for our Creation and Re-Creation. Corn has forever been the sacred manna of The People. Dragon is the Corn Spirit, personification of the dual personality of Corn Mother and Corn Maiden. This is a sign of fertility and procreation from generation to generation. The Dragon breathes fire, is sensitive and jealous of their authority and is easily roused to violence. The Dragon Spirit has forever been known as The Lawgiver a Dispenser of Justice one who lays down the law. According to geomancy, there are ley lines of energy or magnetic lines of force all over Mother Earth. The Chinese call them Dragon lines, and they are divided into yin and yang. The yin, or female, Dragon lines are in the valleys; the yang, or male, Dragon lines are in the mountains. This energy, sometimes called animal magnetism, orgone energy or pyramid power, can be tapped into and collected. The Great Pyramid of Egypt, as well as the mystical Maya pyramids, are also collection points for Dragon power, as are the vortexes of Sedona, Arizona. These places are believed to be very healthy and able to recharge the batteries of humans in the same manner as electrical batteries are recharged.

The yang Dragon lines in the mountains include the great volcanoes that erupt when there is power overload. Storms and earthquakes are also triggered by this Dragon power. Where the yin and yang lines intersect are the most powerful spots. Through scientific investigations they have discovered how Dragons could breathe out fire. It is believed that Dragons would eat platinum, when the platinum mixed with the hydrogen gases within Dragons flight-bladder it would produce fire, set off by specific emotions. Redbird is the Earths reflection of Alcyone, the youngest and brightest of the Pleiades Star Cluster in the constellation of Taurus. Sometime in the 1800s an astronomer discovered that Alcyone is the central sun of the galaxy, the rightful Heart of Heaven. Lightening is the visible evidence of the presence of the Redbird Spirit in the Sky. Lightening marks the path of the Redbirds flight. It is the visible hotline between Earth and Sky, blending solar and planetary atmospheric energy with the energy of Mother Earth. Flashes of Lightening compound vital elements with the essence of plants and animals to promote growth, thus ensuring the seasonal return of fertility. It triggers the union of Moon and Sun, of Heaven and Earth for the perpetuation of Life, without which the land would be barren and empty. Lightening ads spiritual force to the human body by way of lightening in the blood. Direct body to body vibration can be even stronger than words or mind to mind communication. The key to ESP and access to the wisdom of the Ancestors lies in the ability to bestir the blood to speak. Sheet lightening rebounded to the seven directions, is the source of illumination to the path through the Underworld to the Otherworld, and the Opening of The Way. The sacred stones used in rituals and divination such as: lightening when it strikes the ground makes flint, obsidian, crystals and others that have living power in them. The Redbird throws the switch that turns on the lights all over the world, and engages the gears that grind out the sands of time. The power of Snake medicine is the power to create, for it embodies sexuality, psychic energy, alchemy, reproduction, and ascension or (mortality.) The transmutation of the life-deathrebirth cycle is exemplified by the shedding of Snakes skin. It is the energy of wholeness, cosmic consciousness, and the ability to experience anything willingly and without resistance. It is the knowledge that all things are created equal in creation, and that those things which might be experienced as poison can be eaten, ingested, integrated, and transmuted if one has the proper state of mind. Thoth, the Atlantian who later returned as Hermes and was father of alchemy, used the symbology of two snakes intertwined around a sword to represent healing. Complete understanding and acceptance of the female and male within each organism creates a melding of the two into one, thereby producing divine energy.


This medicine teaches you on a personal level that you are a universal being. Through accepting all aspects of your life, you can bring about the transmutation of the (fire medicine.) This fire energy, when functioning on the material plane, creates desire, passion, procreation and physical vitality. On the mental plane it becomes charisma, intellect, power and leadership. On the emotional plane, it becomes resolution, ambition, creation and dreams. When this fire energy reaches the spiritual plane, it becomes understanding, wholeness, wisdom and connection to the Great Spirit. Consider the idea that you may fear changing your present state of affairs because this may entail a short passage into discomfort. Does this discomfort keep you from assuming the viewpoint of the magician within? Is the old pattern safe, reliable and a rut? This is heavy magic, but remember magic is no more than a change of consciousness. Become the magician or the enchantress: transmute the energy and accept the power of the fire. Fire is a rite of purification and spiritual transformation. The flame is symbolized as Ancient Red and the ashes as Ancient White. In order to glide beyond that place, which has become safe but nonproductive, become Snake? Release the outer skin of your present identity. Move through the dreamlike illusion that has insisted on static continuity, and find a new rhythm as your body glides across the sands of consciousness, like a river winding its way toward the great waters of the sea. Immerse yourself in the water, and know that the single droplet, which you represent, is being accepted by the whole.

Rhythms of the Bodily Organs

Circulation Energy Accumulation Gall Bladder Liver Lungs Large Intestine Stomach Spleen, pancreas Heart Small Intestine Bladder Kidneys

High Phase
7 PM 9 PM 9 PM 11 PM 11 PM 1 AM 1 AM 3 AM 3 AM 5 AM 5 AM 7 AM 7 AM 9 AM 9 AM 11 AM 11 AM 1 PM 1 PM 3 PM 3 PM 5 PM 5 PM 7 PM

Low Phase
9 PM 11 PM 11 PM 1 AM 1 AM 3 AM 3 AM 5 AM 5 AM 7 AM 7 AM 9 AM 9 AM 11 AM 11 AM 1 PM 1 PM 3 PM 3 PM 5 PM 5 PM 7 PM 7 PM 9 PM

By Raven Hail (Secrets of the Ancients) By Johanna Paungger & Thomas Poppe (Rhythms of the Bodily Organs) By Jamie Sams & David Carson (Our Relations - Universal Medicine Powers Secrets of the Ancients)


Creating Turtle Island - Weaving the Way of the Circle

Most of the great teachers have expressed their insight and wisdom by way of stories. Stories use the common metaphor to take people beyond their experience to a new understanding. Native American storytellers have done this for centuries. The story originates manidoog, directly from spirit, and in its retelling becomes a tradition. These stories were not intended only for entertainment. Normally I would not be telling stories at this time of the year. Traditionally the Aniishinabeg storyteller only told stories when there was snow on the ground. But Giidzhii Manidoo, the Great Spirit, has asked me to tell stories to unfold the Vision of the Seventh Fire. I speak to you manidoog in the tradition of my people. In this story of the making of a new earth, Way-nah-boo-zhoo is a man-god who plays between the world of man and the world of spirit. He appears in many of our stories as a hero who points the way for a good life. He is our model for the Ogichidaag, the ones who show a new way using their strength and power with gentleness and wisdom. This story is a traditional story of the Aniishinabeg. It is for your ears and for your heart today. Hear me and open your heart. In the beginning, Giidzhii Manidoo, the Great Spirit, made all things and gave them instructions how to share the earth in harmony. After a while, many creatures forgot the Original Instructionslove, honor, and respect for all beings in the circle of life. Unhappy with their behavior, Creator loosed the waters of the earth in a great mush-ko'-be-wun and all the land was covered by the ni-bi' (water). The animals could only swim around because they had no place to rest and sleep. Way-nah-boo-zhoo took pity on them and told them what they had done. They promised to change their ways and remember the path of the spirit. Then Makinaak, the turtle had an idea. He would offer his back for the foundation of a new earth. The other animals would have to swim to the bottom of the waters and bring up mud to put on his back. Makwaa, the bear, demanded the right to be the first to create the new earth. "I am the most powerful of all the animals. I will bring the first mud to make a new earth. He inhaled deeply and plunged toward the bottom of the waters. He swam down with great power. But he could not get to the mud at the bottom. By the time he reached the surface he was nearly dead and Way-nah-boo-zhoo breathed life into him. Bizhoo, the bobcat demanded to be the next to try. "I am not as fat as Makwa the bear, and I am very powerful. I shall bring the first mud to make a new earth." He inhaled deeply and plunged toward the bottom of the waters. He swam down with great power. But he could not get to the mud at the bottom. By the time he reached the surface he was nearly dead and Way-nah-boo-zhoo breathed life into him. Next Maaingan, the wolf, demanded to be the first to create the new earth. "When there was land on which I could hunt, I could run and run and run and not be without breath. I can swim to the bottom of the waters. I shall bring the first mud for the new earth." He inhaled deeply and plunged toward the bottom of the waters. He swam down with great power. But he could not get to the mud at the bottom. By the time he reached the surface he was nearly dead and Way-nah-boo-zhoo breathed life into him.


"I am the greatest swimmer of all the animals," said Amik, the beaver. "My tail is powerful and my feet are webbed". Amik swam easily toward the bottom of the waters. But it was very deep and he, too, failed. By the time he came to the surface he was nearly dead and Way-nah-boo-zhoo breathed life into him. The animals were miserable at their failure. "Now who can reach the mud at the bottom of the waters?" cried the animals. "Without mud from the bottom of the waters we cannot create a new earth!" Then little Waszhask, the muskrat, spoke. "I think that I might be able to bring mud from the bottom of the waters," he offered quietly. "You! ha! ha! ha!" the other animals shouted and laughed. "You are not as powerful as me, little muskrat!" said the Makwa, the bear. "What makes you think you can do what I could not?" "Wazhask, You are not as strong as me!" said Bizhoo, the bobcat. "How could a little muskrat do what I could not?" "My lungs can hold much more air than yours, little Wazhusk!" said Maaingan, the wolf. "How could you do what I could not?" "I am a much better swimmer than you, Wazhusk!" said Amik, the beaver. "How could you do what I could not?" Way-nah-boo-zhoo held up his hands to make them stop making such a noise and said, "You have all puffed yourselves so full of air to make everyone think you are great. Because of this you could not swim to the bottom of the waters. In a new earth you must remember that you are all connected. Not one of you is more important than another. You must learn to love, honor, and respect each other in the circle of life. Each of you has some energy to share with the others of the circle. And the circle finds a way for each to make a contribution. These are the Original Instructions that you have forgotten. Perhaps Wazhusk, the muskrat, can do what all of you wish. Would you be happy to live on the new earth if the muskrat brought the first mud from the bottom of the waters?" "Yes!!" shouted all of the other animals. Each of them encouraged Wazhusk to do his best and muskrat dived to the bottom of the waters. He swam and swam. It seemed to be so far down. Yet he remembered the words and the love of the others and he swam deeper. His breath was nearly gone as he reached the bottom. Scooping up a pawful of mud, muskrat brought it to the surface and put it on the back of Makinaak, the turtle. All the other animals cheered! Without puffing themselves full of air they, too, dived to the bottom of the waters and brought mud up to the surface and put it on the back of the turtle. Soon a small island was formed. As they swam around and around the island, it began to grow larger. The animals crawled onto the land and danced in a circle. They sang with so much freedom and joy that the flowers, grasses, and trees began to grow. The noo-dinoon' (winds) began to blow from all four directions. Soon the water that had covered the earth lived only in the Big Waters and the Little Waters and the Rivers. Then Giidzhii Makwaa, the Great Bear, was asked to live in the far north to keep the water bound up in ice and snow so that the water would not cover the land. Today they call their land Turtle Island to remember the gift of turtle. And they remember the Original Instructions.


Then new beings, Inini and Ikwe, human beings, were brought to play on earth. These young ones were taught the simple rules of the game. After many, many winters some of the humans began to forget the Original Instructions. Giidzhii manidoo, the Great Spirit, was very unhappy at this silly, selfish behavior and began to consider how he would destroy the earth again and make a new creation. He asked a great being to destroy the earth with fire. The white eagle soaring high in the sky overheard his thoughts and begged the Great Spirit to have pity on the beings of earth, even the silly Little Brother they called man. "He has much to learn, "said Wabishkie Ginu*, "and still some of them remember the Original Instructions. There is hope that the others can also remember. If I can find one human who remembers the Original Instructions, will you hold back the destruction one more day?" The Great Spirit agreed. So each day the eagle flies out of the dawn to see if at least one human remembers. When he finds one, he flies up to the Great Spirit to bring the news and the people of the earth receive one more day.

In the circle each person cares for the whole circle and the whole circle cares for each person. In the circle leadership is shared, rotated so that each person learns to lead and to follow. As ducks and geese migrate between their winter and summer homes they fly in a V-formation that takes advantage of an undulating flow of air, a vortex street, that begins with the wing beats of the leader. The birds in the second position follow at the left and right in the wake of the leader. They can fly with much less effort in the rolling waves of the leader's rhythm. Their wing beats catch the wake and stroke it to keep it rolling along the formation to the birds in the third position and so on. When the leader tires she falls back in the formation while another moves ahead to work at splitting the air for the others. The formation rides along on the shared effort of all. Life can be so much easier for humans if they would learn from nature. For humans the circle is a most natural and fulfilling way to live. In the circle we can see that giving is the same as receiving. When the geese and ducks migrate they give and they receive, receive and give. There is no difference. The others in the formation are important to them. Each has value and worth. Not all can fly with the same strength and endurance. Perhaps others are more alert to danger when the flock is resting or sleeping. Others may be better at identifying the landmarks or the best places to stop and eat. Who knows? We can create vortex streets like the wing beats of the birds, that can carry each of us, all of us, to a deeper experience. There are many leadership tasks in a dynamic circle. Some are good at talking to people. Some are teachers. A few are good at selling. Everyone has some form of creativity that has yet to be fully tapped and appreciated. Some are effective communicators on the telephone or in a group. Others write well or understand computers and internet access. We will discover the special function of our being in the circle, like an organ in a body. Each of us can learn from others in the circle. We learn how to fly together, to travel beyond our limitations, to discover how unlimited we really are. Soar with the White Eagle. White Eagle Soaring: Dream Dancer of the 7th Fire


January 6, 2011


Since the beginning of the New Year 2011 we have had several fatal events involving birds and water borne creatures all around our precious planet. Is it possible that the cause of these fatal incidents stem from a supernatural source; or maybe a natural source, such as solar or perhaps lunar activity; or the uncontrolled release of methane or other natural gases? Perhaps the reason stems from the human persuasion, such as the use of HAARP (High frequency Active Auroral Research Program) and similar technologies found at different installations around our planet? This is not a National Security issue, this is a UNIVERSAL SECURITY ISSUE!! December 31, 2010 January 3, 2011 January 4, 2011 January 4, 2011 January 5, 2011 January 5, 2011 January 5, 2011 January 5, 2011 January 6, 2011 January 6, 2011
Many dead Blackbirds and Drum Fish Thousands of birds fall dead Many dead Blackbirds and Starlings Crows fall dead Many deaths of Snapper Many dead Sardines Thousands of dead Crabs Hundreds of birds fall dead Hundreds of birds fall dead Thousands of dead fish

Beebe, Arkansas USA Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada La Barre, Louisiana USA Sweden New Zealand Brazil United Kingdom Murray, Kentucky USA O The Pines, Texas USA Folly Beach, South Carolina USA



A Creation Story
Blackfoot Legends Old Man came from the south, making the mountains, the prairies, and the forests as he passed along, making the birds and the animals also. He traveled northward making things as he went, putting red paint in the ground here and there -arranging the world as we see it today. He made the Milk River and crossed it; being tired, he went up on a little hill and lay down to rest. As he lay on his back, stretched out on the grass with his arms extended, he marked his figure with stones. You can see those rocks today, they show the shape of his body, legs, arms and hair. Going on north after he had rested, he stumbled over a knoll and fell down on his knees. He said aloud, "You are a bad thing to make me stumble so." Then he raised up two large buttes there and named them the Knees. They are called the Knees to this day. He went on farther north, and with some of the rocks he carried with him he built the Sweet Grass Hills. Old Man covered the plains with grass for the animals to feed on. He marked off a piece of ground and in it made all kinds of roots and berries to grow: camas, carrots, turnips, bitterroot, service berries, bull-berries, cherries, plums, and rosebuds. He planted trees, and he put all kinds of animals on the ground. When he created the bighorn sheep with its big head and horns, he made it out on the prairie. But it did not travel easily on the prairie; it was awkward and could not go fast. So Old Man took it by its horns, led it up into the mountain, and turned it loose. There the bighorn skipped about among the rocks and went up fearful places with ease. So Old Man said to it, "This is the kind of place that suits you; this is what you are fitted for, the rocks, and the mountains." While he was in the mountains, he made the antelope out of dirt and turned it loose to see how it would do. It ran so fast that it fell over some rocks and hurt itself. Seeing that the mountains were not the place for it, Old Man took the antelope down to the prairie and turned it loose. When he saw it running away fast and gracefully, he said, "This is what you are suited to, the broad prairie."


One day Old Man decided that he would make a woman and a child. So he formed them both of clay, the woman and the child, her son. After he had molded the clay in human shape, he said to it, "You must be people." And then he covered it up and went away. The next morning he went to the place, took off the covering, looked at the images, and said "Arise and walk." They did so. They walked down to the river with their maker, and then he told them that his name was NAPI, Old Man. This is how we came to be people. It is he who made us. The first people were poor and naked, and they did not know how to do anything for themselves. Old Man showed them the roots and berries and said "You can eat these." Then he pointed to certain trees, "When the bark of these trees is young and tender, it is good. Then you can peel it off and eat it." He told the people that the animals also should be their food. "These are your herds," he said. "All these little animals that live on the ground -- squirrels, rabbits, skunks, beavers, are good to eat. You need not fear to eat their flesh. All the birds that fly, these too, I have made for you, so that you can eat of their flesh." Old Man took the first people over the prairies and through the forests, then the swamps to show them the different plants he had created. He told them what herbs were good for sicknesses, saying often, "The root of this herb or the leaf of this herb, if gathered in a certain month of the year, is good for certain sickness." In that way the people learned the power of all herbs. Then he showed them how to make weapons with which to kill the animals for their food. First, he went out and cut some service berry shoots, brought them in, and peeled the bark off them. He took one of the larger shoots, flattened it, tied a string to it, and thus made a bow. Then he caught one of the birds he had made, took feathers from its wing, split them, and tied them to a shaft of wood. At first he tied four feathers along the shaft, and with this bow sent the arrow toward its mark. But he found that it did not fly well. When he used only three feathers, it went straight to the mark. Then he went out and began to break sharp pieces off the stones. When he tied them at the ends of his arrows, he found that the black flint stones, and some white flint, made the best arrow points.


When the people had learned to make bow and arrows, Old Man taught them how to shoot animals and birds. Because it is not healthful to eat animals' flesh raw, he showed the first people how to make fire. He gathered soft, dry rotten driftwood and made a punk of it. Then he found a piece of hard wood and drilled a hole in it with an arrow point. He gave the first man a pointed piece of hard wood and showed him how to roll it between his hands until sparks came out and the punk caught fire. Then he showed the people how to cook the meat of the animals they had killed and how to eat it. He told them to get a certain kind of stone that was on the land, while he found a harder stone. With the hard stone he had them hollow out the softer one and so make a kettle. Thus, they made their dishes. Old Man told the first people how to get spirit power: "Go away by yourself and go to sleep. Something will come to you in your dream that will help you. It may be some animal. Whatever this animal tells you in your sleep, you must do. Obey it. Be guided by it. If later you want help, if you are traveling alone and cry aloud for help, your prayer will be answered. It may be by an eagle, perhaps by a buffalo, perhaps by a bear. Whatever animal hears your prayer you must listen to it." That was how the first people got along in the world, by the power given to them in their dreams. After this, Old Man kept on traveling north. Many of the animals that he had created followed him. They understood when he spoke to them, and they were his servants. When he got to the north point of the Porcupine Mountains, he made some more mud images of people, blew his breath upon them, and they became people, men and women. They asked him, "What are we to eat?" By way of answer, Old Man made many images of clay in the form of buffalo. Then he blew breath upon them and they stood up. When he made signs to them, they started to run. Then he said to the people, "Those animals--buffalo--are your food." "But how can we kill them?" the people asked. "I will show you," he answered. He took them to a cliff and told them to build rock piles: "Now hide behind these piles of rocks," he said. "I will lead the buffalo this way. When they are opposite you, rise up." After telling them what to do, he started toward the herd of buffalo. When he called the animals, they started to run toward him, and they followed him until they were inside the piles of rock. Then Old Man dropped back. As the people rose up, the buffalo ran in a straight line and jumped over the cliff. "Go down and take the flesh of those animals," said Old Man.


The people tried to tear the limbs apart, but they could not. Old Man went to the edge of the cliff, broke off some pieces with sharp edges, and told the people to cut the flesh with these rocks. They obeyed him. When they had skinned the buffalo, they set up some poles and put the hides on them. Thus they made a shelter to sleep under. After Old Man had taught the people all these things, he started off again, traveling north until he came to where the Bow and Elbow Rivers meet. There he made some more people and taught them the same things. From there he went farther north. When he had gone almost to the Red Deer River, he was so tired that he lay down on a hill. The form of his body can be seen there yet, on the top of the hill where he rested. When he awoke from his sleep, he traveled farther north until he came to a high hill. He climbed to the top of it and there he sat down to rest. As he gazed over the country, he was greatly pleased by it. Looking at the steep hill below him, he said to himself, "This is a fine place for sliding. I will have some fun." And he began to slide down the hill. The marks where he slid are to be seen yet, and the place is known to all the Blackfoot tribes as "Old Man's Sliding Ground." Old Man can never die. Long ago he left the Blackfoot and went away toward the west, disappearing in the mountains. Before he started, he said to the people, "I will always take care of you, and some day I will return." Even today some people think that he spoke the truth and that when he comes back he will bring with him the buffalo, which they believe the white men have hidden. Others remember that before he left them he said that when he returned he would find them a different people. They would be living in a different world, he said, from that which he had created for them and had taught them to live in. The story above was told by Chewing Black Bones, a respected Blackfoot elder, to Ella E. Clark who later published the account in her book, "Indian Legends from the Northern Rockies".
Source: Reposted with Permission from Neshoba. From Blue Panther Keeper of Stories. http//



A gift of Nyako Nakar, Spain

Rainbow Tribe
The sun rose on a magical new day... Over the whole earth they came, The people of every colour, Sister, Brother, Father, Mother Traveling over many a land People of the Rainbow Children of the Way, with a fresh glow Finding their way Star within... More and more joined, a song for the soul... A new way to live, A new way to see, It happened this way... And a new song, It came from within If you can find the Star, Within then you will find... What is... What was... And what will be... you see, It happened this way... from within, The people of the Way The Rainbow Tribe...



Lelanie Fuller Stone "The Cherokee Lady", relates the story that her grandmother told her when she was a young girl:
Do you know what a rainbow is ?? Yes, a beautiful bow of colors in the sky. Do you know what a warrior is ?? A warrior is a brave person. One who has courage instead of being afraid. Now let me ask you Do you love animals or Do you love trees or Do you love people or Do you love the rainbow or a question. hate animals? hate trees? hate people? hate the rainbow?

Well, if you love animals and trees, people and rainbows, then maybe you are a "Warrior of the Rainbow"

"When the earth is dying there shall arise a new tribe of all colours and all creeds. This tribe shall be called The Warriors of the Rainbow and it will put its faith in actions not words."
- Prophecy of the Native American Hopi people -

"There will come a time when the earth is sick and the animals and plants begin to die. Then the Indians will regain their spirit and gather people of all nations, colors and beliefs to join together in the fight to save the Earth: The Rainbow Warriors."
- Ancient Native American prophecy -



To the Navajo and the Hopi, the Swirling or Whirling Rainbow Woman is the bringer of friendly rains that nurture the Three Sisters -- Corn, Squash and Beans -- during the summer so that people will be fed. Many times an image of the Whirling Rainbow is created in Sand Painting, an ancient Sacred Healing Art performed by the Medicine Clans of those Nations. The Whirling Rainbow Woman comes from all Four Directions and curves like a swastika covering all directions. The outside of the Sacred Circle is protected by another Whirling Rainbow Woman bending her body in the space below creating a cup-shape to catch the rain and protect the circle. Without the Rain, the Three Sisters will die and the People will not be fed. The Whirling Rainbow is the promise of peace among all Nations and all people. The Rainbow Race stresses equality and opposes the idea of a superior race that would control or conquer other races. The Rainbow Race brings peace through the understanding that all races are one. The unity of all colors, all creeds working together for the good of the whole, is the idea that is embodied in the Whirling Rainbow. When all pathways to wholeness are respected by all cultures, the prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow will be completed. When I lived in Mexico and worked with the Grandmothers, the Dreamtime Buffalo Society, or Sisterhood, had many prophecies derived from Seers and Dreamers that had come down through the ages. The prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow was very specific. When the Time of the White Buffalo approaches, the third generation of the White Eyes' children will grow their hair and speak of love as the healer of the Children of the Earth. These children will seek new ways of understanding themselves and others. They will wear feathers and beads and paint their faces. They will seek the Elders of the Red Race and drink of their wisdom. These white-eyed children will be a sign that the Ancestors are returning in white bodies, but they are Red on the inside. They will learn to walk the Earth Mother in balance again and reform the idea of the white chiefs. These children will be tested as they were when they were Red ancestors by unnatural substances like firewater to see if they can remain on the Sacred Path. 22

The generation of Flower Children have moved through this part of the prophecy and some have remained on the Sacred Path. Others were lost for a while and are now returning to the natural way of being. Some were disillusioned and have forgotten the high ideals that gave them life when their hearts were young, but others still are waking up and quickening into remembering. Grandmother Cisi would look at me with her obsidian eyes piercing my soul when she spoke of the Whirling Rainbow Prophecy, and I would feel my heart skip a beat and then fill with promise and love. She would tell me about the return of the Buffalo to Turtle Island and how the herds would once again be numerous. After the time when the Buffalo returned, the generation following the Flower Children would see the dawning of the Fifth World of Peace. Grandmother Cisi called the beginning of this Fifth World the wobbly pony that on being born would try to use his legs. She said that the wobble would be felt by the the Earth Mother and the changes would occur in the soil and the waters. Inside the Children of the Earth, the wobble would create rolling emotions and feelings that would bring the quickening and the remembering. Colorful dreams would be brought into the Sleep time and Dreamtime dreams of these newborn Warriors of the Rainbow and they would begin to learn how to Walk in Balance. The changes in our Earth Mother would create fear in her children, which would later lead to the understanding and unity of Our Planet--One People. Grandmother Berta would giggle when we came to this part of the prophecy because my eyes would be round as saucers and I could not sit still. Grandmother Berta would urge Grandmother Cisi to stop for the day and leave me hanging on the edge of the cliff just to tease me. Cisi would finally begin again and slap my knee to make me pay attention to the rhythm of the prophecy because my mind would be spinning with probabilities and my own projections. I wanted to ask so many questions about how, when, where, and why. I wanted to know details, details . I was twenty-two and very impatient, but I kept silent so she would The Whirling Rainbow will appear in the form of a Sun Dog to those who are ready to see. The Sun Dog is a full Rainbow Circle around the sun that has bright white lights at the Four Directions. The Sun Dog is a rare natural phenomenon that was named by Native Americans. The name is now used by scientists all over the world. Many Sun Dogs will be seen around the time of the White Buffalo, which will be the Sky Language sign that the Secret and Sacred Teachings are to be shared with all races. Enough of the Children of Earth will be awakened to carry the responsibility of the teachings and the healing process will begin in full swing. Grandmother Berta would smile with a faraway look in her eyes, knowing that she would be on the Blue Road when the time of the White Buffalo came. Grandmother Cisi would also be in the Other Side Camp, but both promised they would be assisting me in bringing out the things they had taught me when the time was right.


Both Grandmothers spoke of the change in feelings the Children of the Earth would have during the wobble or healing process as the Whirling Rainbows permeated their dreams. They said, "Many will remember their purpose for being on this Earth Walk and will learn to develop their gifts to assist the whole of humanity. Truth will shatter the bonds of separation and goodness will prevail. Some details of Earth changes will come into the dreams of those who are being warned to move where they will be safe. Others will be told that their talents will be needed in areas where the changes occur. Everyone will have to trust their personal vision and follow their hearts in order to assist the whole. Each person will be able to use their gifts with joy and share equally in the bounty created by all those working together. The other teachings of the prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow will be released at a later time when more have awakened to the potential they carry. In our Seneca Tradition, Grandmother Twylah has taught us many uses for the Whirling Rainbow of Peace. When we are having difficulty in any situation, we visualize the Rainbow of Peace encircling the situation, the people involved, and the disharmony. Then we twinkle our eyes with joy, sending our inner-peace to the situation. In using this technique and following it with ceremony, we place our intention inside the Whirling Rainbow of Peace. Our intention follows the Iroquois Peace Confederacy Tradition that uses the Twelve Cycles of Truth to bring peace. The Twelve Cycles of Truth are: Learning Truth Honouring Truth Accepting Truth Observing Truth Hearing Truth Presenting Truth Loving Truth Serving Truth Living Truth Working Truth Walking Truth Grateful for Truth

When we invite total truth into our Sacred Space, we shatter the bonds of separation and illusion that create discord. The Whirling Rainbow of Peace destroys the lies that made the Children of the Earth mistrust one another and replaces the illusion of separation with the truth of unity. When the Whirling Rainbow Woman of the Navaho and Hopi brings the cleansing regenerative rains to the Earth Mother, her children are also cleansed and healed. When the Rainbow of Peace of the Seneca encircles each person's sacred space, all will walk in truth respecting the Sacred Space of others and harmony of living on Earth will be restored. These Knowing Systems are the teachings of the Warriors of the Rainbow who are Sisters and Brothers uniting the Fifth World and working for Peace.
From Jamie Sams': Sacred Path Cards http//



Warriors of the Rainbow

Last century an old wise woman of the Cree Indian nation, named "Eyes of Fire", had a vision of the future. She prophesied that one day, because of the white mans or Yo-ne-gis' greed, there would come a time, when the earth being ravaged and polluted, the forests being destroyed, the birds would fall from the air, the waters would be blackened, the fish being poisoned in the streams, and the trees would no longer be, mankind as we would know it would all but cease to exist. There would come a time when the "keepers of the legend, stories, culture rituals, and myths, and all the Ancient Tribal Customs" would be needed to restore us to health, making the earth green again. They would be mankind's key to survival, they were the "Warriors of the Rainbow". There would come a day of awakening when all the peoples of all the tribes would form a New World of Justice, Peace, Freedom and recognition of the Great Spirit. The "Warriors of the Rainbow" would spread these messages and teach all peoples of the Earth or "Elohi". They would teach them how to live the "Way of the Great Spirit". They would tell them of how the world today has turned away from the Great Spirit and that is why our Earth is "Sick". The "Warriors of the Rainbow" would show the peoples that this "Ancient Being" (the Great Spirit), is full of love and understanding, and teach them how to make the "Earth or Elohi" beautiful again. These Warriors would give the people principles or rules to follow to make their path light with the world. These principles would be those of the Ancient Tribes. The Warriors of the Rainbow would teach the people of the ancient practices of Unity, Love and Understanding. They would teach of Harmony among people in all four corners of the Earth. Like the Ancient Tribes, they would teach the peoples how to pray to the Great Spirit with love that flows like the beautiful mountain stream, and flows along the path to the ocean of life. Once again, they would be able to feel joy in solitude and in councils. They would be free of petty jealousies and love all mankind as their brothers, regardless of color, race or religion. They would feel happiness enter their hearts, and become as one with the entire human race. Their hearts would be pure and radiate warmth, understanding and respect for all mankind, Nature and the Great Spirit.


They would once again fill their minds, hearts, souls, and deeds with the purest of thoughts. They would seek the beauty of the Master of Life - the Great Spirit! They would find strength and beauty in prayer and the solitude of life. Their children would once again be able to run free and enjoy the treasures of Nature and Mother Earth. Free from the fears of toxins and destruction, wrought by the Yo-ne-gi and his practices of greed. The rivers would again run clear, the forests be abundant and beautiful, the animals and birds would be replenished. The powers of the plants and animals would again be respected and conservation of all that is beautiful would become a way of life. The poor, sick and needy would be cared for by their brothers and sisters of the Earth. These practices would again become a part of their daily lives. The leaders of the people would be chosen in the old way - not by their political party, or who could speak the loudest, boast the most, or by name calling or mud slinging, but by those whose actions spoke the loudest. Those who demonstrated their love, wisdom and courage and those who showed that they could and did work for the good of all, would be chosen as the leaders or Chiefs. They would be chosen by their "quality" and not the amount of money they had obtained. Like the thoughtful and devoted "Ancient Chiefs", they would understand the people with love, and see that their young were educated with the love and wisdom of their surroundings. They would show them that miracles can be accomplished to heal this world of its ills, and restore it to health and beauty. The tasks of these "Warriors of the Rainbow" are many and great. There will be terrifying mountains of ignorance to conquer and they shall find prejudice and hatred. They must be dedicated, unwavering in their strength, and strong of heart. They will find willing hearts and minds that will follow them on this road of returning "Mother Earth" to beauty and plenty - once more.

The day will come, it is not far away. The day that we shall see how we owe our very existence to the people of all tribes that have maintained their culture and heritage. Those that have kept the rituals, stories, legends and myths alive. It will be with this knowledge, the knowledge that they have preserved, that we shall once again return to "harmony" with Nature, Mother Earth and mankind. It will be with this knowledge that we shall find our "Key to our Survival"



Hun Hunahpu


One Hunahpu

Source of matter, source of spirit Spiraling in and spiraling out Thirteen phases numbers, vectors Twenty hieroglyphic pictures People growing toward the sun Grow together and live as one Hunab Ku, Hunahpu Hub of everything we do Search the stars for what we are And find we need not look so far Inside of us, deep down inside Are kept the secrets of all time Finding rhythm, speaking rhyme Renew the ancient paradigm Movement and measure Sowing and dawning Star of the evening Star of the morning One Ahau will start the churning Watch for Venus, begin the learning Teaching us the way to see And how to climb the Sacred Tree Tzolkin, Haab, and Calendar Round Spherical music, magical sound Eye at the center, dawn at our face Edge of the cosmos, heart of all space Mysterious day-sign Bringer of Birth It comes from the stars And springs from the Earth


Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 By John Major Jenkins


Many people today react to prophesies with an attitude that it will take hundreds of years for such dramatic events to take place. This is because they are stuck in a materialistic worldview where consciousness is perceived as secondary to materialism. Consciousness evolved according to a Divine Plan whether we like it or not. To acknowledge this is to merge and balance the calendars of physical time with the Maya Tzolkin Calendars of Spirit. Known as Times Special Witness, 7Th century Maya prophet (Pacal the Great) left a universal message for future generations of an evolving earth. Proclaiming, If Humanity Wishes To Save Itself From Biospheric Destruction It Must Return To Living In Natural Time. Pacal foretells of our accelerated technological society and the resulting damage of our collective divergence from Natural Law in exchange for materialist values. Pacal the Greats prophetic call is alerting present-day humanity that our biological process is transforming, approaching the culmination of a 26,000-tun evolutionary program. Bringing the return of universal telepathy, heightened sense capacity, and self-reflective consciousness, this is a return to the sacred domain of our inner technology. This time we are now in has been called The Time of Trial on Earth, Judgment Day, The Time of Great Purification, The End of this Creation, The Quickening, The End of Time as we Know It, The Shift of the Ages. It is foretold that the completion of this Creation cycle brings regeneration of earth, offering awakening to all open and willing hearts. Many peoples spoke of these last days of the Great Cycle, including the Aborigines, Hopi, Egyptians, Kabbalists, Essences, Qero elders of Peru, Navajo, Cherokee, Apache, Iroquois confederacy, Dogon Tribe and the Ancient Maya. The Maya messengers, renowned for their astronomical, artistic, mathematical and scientific achievements, left a calling card as a series of super-human sized stone monuments and pyramids with precise calendrical computations. Planted with great intention, these dates were left to ensure that future generations would be alerted to the coming end point of this Great 26,000-tun cycle. A cycle which corresponds also to a 26,000-tun relationship of our sun orbiting Alcyone, the central star of the 7 Sisters Pleiades constellation. According to the Maya, the future, which lies beyond this end date, is literally a New World a New Creation. The 26,000-tun cycle of the Homo sapiens development is mirrored by the 260-day cycle of human gestation. Collective humanity is right now maturing into the being we have long been encoded to be. As with any labor, it is not the mother or the baby who is in charge. It is the primal process of the birth itself unfolding its own destiny, working to ensure the survival of mother and child.


Some Amerindian Nations understood this Great 26,000-tun cycle to be specifically composed of 5 lesser cycles, each 5,200 tuns long. Each of these 5 Suns was considered a World Age, as depicted on the Mesoamerican Sunstone. Each Sun specifically: 4 Jaguar, destroyed by jaguars 4 Wind, destroyed by a hurricane 4 Rain, destroyed by fire raining from the sky 4 Water, destroyed by a flood; and our present Sun 4 Conscience or (Earth,) will be destroyed by an earthquake. Our present great cycle (3115 BC 2011 AD) is called the Age of the Fifth Sun, Four Conscience rules this time period. The fifth age is the synthesis of the previous four. 4 Conscience (called Caban in the Maya language and Ollin in Aztec) has several meanings including movement, shift, evolution, earthquake, navigation, synchronicity, clue tracking, and turtle. In the Maya language, the word ol of ollin means consciousness. Within the 5,125 solar years World Age lies 13 smaller cycles, known as the 13 Baktun Count. Each Baktun cycle is 144,000 days or 400 Tuns = aprox. 394.2 solar years. Each Baktun has its own historical epoch or age within the World Age Cycle, carrying a specific destiny for those who incarnated in each Baktun. For example, many of the Maya inscriptions were seeded precisely during Baktun 10 (434 829 AD.) This era is known as the time of the Classical Maya. Divine Creation Vs. Zenith Theory: If we look at the inscription of the birth of First Father or (One Hunahpu) found at Palenque Mexico, his birth is said to have taken place on June 16, 3122 BC. The inscription also reveals a glyph that indicates the celebration of the 7Th birthday of a king. By adding 7 years to the birthday of First Father we arrive at June 16, 3115 BC which = 13 Ahau in the Classical Tzolkin count. The Zenith Theory is based on the sun at zenith in Izapan Aug. 11, 3114 BC, and ending on Dec. 21, 2012 AD which = 4 Ahau. The beginning & end date must = 13 Ahau. In Maya calendrics, the initial date that earth entered the Fifth Sun was (June 16, 3115 BC) known in Classical Tzolkin count notation as 13 Ahau. Every day from that point was reckoned by the number of days passed since the event of this cosmic beginning point and it also culminates on 13 Ahau, (October 28, 2011 AD.) Based on a 13 20 = 260 day cycle, the Classical Tzolkin is the Sacred and Primary Cycle. In the past 5,000 years or so people have been engaged in developing maps of their spacial reality, mostly of the earth and outer space. The Maya 260-day Tzolkin calendar which again emerges, symbolizes the return of the Mapping of Time. In the landscape of the Galactic Consciousness that we are now in (1999 - 2011AD,) a map of Time may be even more important to us than a spacial map, as our perception of reality will dramatically change. Time will no longer be what it used to be. It is for this reason that we will need a new calendar that accurately describes spiritual, rather than physical time and thus the exact progression through energies. The Tzolkin calendar therefore, may be seen as a tool for those seeking to break out of the rat race and the physical time of the Planetary Consciousness (1755 - 2011AD.) This will allow us to come into phase with the sacred vibrations of the divine plan, or the wave frequencies of the World Tree; the rhythms that will ultimately bring us ever closer to the Completion of this Creation.


Baktuns 5,125 Solar Years 7 1 3115 - 2721 BC 1 2 2721 - 2326 BC 8 3 2326 - 1932 BC 2 4 1932 - 1538 BC 9 5 1538 - 1144 BC 3 6 1144 - 749 BC 10 7 749 - 355 BC 4 8 355 BC - 40 AD 11 9 40 - 434 AD 5 10 434 - 829 AD 12 11 829 - 1223 AD 6 12 1223 - 1617 AD 13 13 1617 - 2011 AD Th (6 National Consciousness)

394.2 yrs. 394.2 yrs. 394.2 yrs. 394.2 yrs. 394.2 yrs. 394.2 yrs. 394.2 yrs. 394.2 yrs. 394.2 yrs. 394.2 yrs. 394.2 yrs. 394.2 yrs. 394.2 yrs.

Katuns 7 1 1 2 8 3 2 4 9 5 3 6 10 7 4 8 11 9 5 10 12 11 6 12 13 13

256 Solar Years 1755 1775 19.7 yrs. 1775 1794 19.7 yrs. 1794 1814 19.7 yrs. 1814 1834 19.7 yrs. 1834 1854 19.7 yrs. 1854 1873 19.7 yrs. 1873 1893 19.7 yrs. 1893 1913 19.7 yrs. 1913 1932 19.7 yrs. 1932 1952 19.7 yrs. 1952 1972 19.7 yrs. 1972 1992 19.7 yrs. 1992 2011 19.7 yrs.

(7Th Planetary Consciousness)

Mother Earth and her inhabitants are currently travelling through the 13Th Baktun cycle the final period of 1617 2011 AD. This cycle is known as The Triumph of Materialism and The Transformation of Matter. The Maya predicted this final Baktun would be a time of great forgetting in which we drift very far from our sense of Oneness with Nature and experience a kind of collective amnesia. Like a memory virus in which we begin to believe the limited reality of appearances and grow dense to the spiritual essence, which fuels this world. So humanitys sense of ego and domination has grown. We entered the 13Th Baktun cycle right after establishing the world wide coordination of Pope Gregory XIIIs 12 month calendar system in (1582) as well as the perfection of the 24-hour 60-minute mechanical clock in (1600,) which had been evolving for centuries. This created the dangerous materialistic lens of the 12:60 ratio. 12 represents the 12 months of the calendar and 60 represents the 60 minutes of the clock. These are no small matters. These two instruments are what manifested humanitys error in time which is the following of artificial instruments of time that served to separate man apart from the rest of nature, operating by our own false timing frequency, to the detriment of the natural world. The Gregorian calendar is not based on logic, science or nature. It denies and covers up the true biological cycle conserved in the body of woman. It is the current world standard because of the forceful issuance of this system upon (indigenous) peoples who lost their land as well as their religious freedoms. The Gregorian calendar is a product of its predecessors Julius Caesars calendar and the earlier Roman Empire calendar. Most people would think the choice of a calendar is of little consequence and has little influence on the worldview of a civilization. But the calendar is the very heartbeat of any civilization. Today because of the Gregorian calendar our consciousness is focused on materialism; which in turn has created civilized chaos. The Gregorian calendar, now in use worldwide, is taken as a given, and there seems little reason to replace it. But what if this calendar exerts an illusion that most people are unaware of, and strengthens a worldview that is false? This book is written to highlight this illusion and to present the Tzolkin Calendars as an alternative. 31

The clock was the first existing machine going on to become the heart of all machine technology to come. The presence of the clock gave birth to the notion that time lies outside our bodies. That a machine can track it, and that we can sit by and watch it fly by tick tock as though it is something linear, confinable and separate from the organic flowing process of life. The adherence to the clock for our sense of time and timing is noted as the greatest obstacle to allowing the full telepathic abilities of the human to flower. Next came the Cartesian Coordination Rectangular Grid System (1637) which went on to establish the foundational platform for all-modern math and science. Thanks to Rene Descartes the man infamous for his quote I think therefore I am, the ceiling of perception validated only the reality of the 3 dimensions of the physical space. The coordinates of X, Y and Z rendered the 4Th dimension obsolete from our worldviews. At that moment, time became reduced from its qualitative essence to that of a quantity. The mind that adopted the lens of the linear grid also adopted the limited perception of time as a 3rd dimensional linear progression of pure duration. Our societies have continued to operate with these limitations in place. Thus if something cannot be seen, touched or proven with measurements, it does not, in effect exist. Through the Cartesian lens, nature has become reduced to a pure quantifiable resource no longer a living qualitative aspect of ourselves, but now something outside of ourselves which we observe, analyze and ultimately come to replicate, manipulate, dominate, toxify and even destroy and extinguish. It seems the modern world wants nothing more than to improve upon nature or at least extract her wisdoms and magical properties in order to make a buck or two, by fulfilling increasing consumer demands. These times are so accelerated that no answer could encompass the vast implications of the phase we are in. A range of responses is available to us. Depending on whom you talk to and what area you research, one can find all kinds of claims as to what can be expected. From cataclysm to enlightenment, world war to world peace, massive earth changes and physical destruction, to massive spiritual awakening to our inherent oneness. There are many views of the implications of the approaching years 2010, 2011 and beyond. One thing is clear we are right in the thick of this critical, transformative period. The Maya teach us these basic understandings through their calendars and their legacy The Law of Time. There is only one timing frequency, which unifies the whole galactic order from its largest constituents to its smallest. This timing frequency is the 13:20 ratio, found within the harmonic structure of the Time Guardians as well as our human bodies our 13 main joints and our 20 fingers and toes. Knowing that we are the living prophecy, what does it mean to be nearing this return and what can we expect personally as well as planetary?


This Time on Mother Earth with all its heightened energies has never existed before. The opportunities and challenges of todays world are the climax of all that has preceded us. Never before has the population of this planet increased by 216,000 people a day! Never before has the earths biosphere been in such a precarious state. That which seems like normal lifestyle decisions and behaviors are but precedents set by our modern standards, not necessarily reflecting the most balanced, healthy or sane way to operate. All that is manifesting on the inner and outer planes reflects the sacred intensity of these prophetic times. More than ever, the polarities and imbalances within us and around us are becoming clearer. Love, beauty, exuberance and compassion permeate this world multi faceted victories of art, co-creation, community support, healing and evolution shine all around us, illuminating the spirited grace of our true nature. Meanwhile, this world is steeped in fear, brutality, pain and disease, endless anguish of anxiety, disconnection, confusion, isolation alongside the toxic realities of egos, callous greed and corruption, materialism, addiction and dangerous ignorance. This is now the time to embrace all that has been dishonored or denied, for it is emerging to be purified and sanctified. Accountability is required on all levels of our existence. The cosmic climate is changing at rapid rates, allowing us to now transduce and shed egoic programs of fear and limitations easier than before. Science reveals that earths base resonant frequency (earths heart-beat,) is increasing and that the magnetic field of the planet is shifting reflected in the shifting migration patterns of animals. These shiftings of the earths body allow us to release unwanted baggage mental, physical and emotional patterns, conditioning, beliefs, attitudes and programming. Simultaneously, that which we think or desire is becoming actualized more and more swiftly. Much of the genetic potential we are born with is lying dormant within us, waiting to be turned on. We can only imagine what the full activation of our DNA will allow us to accomplish and manifest for planetary healing and restoration. It has been foretold that we will be able to transmute the problems of our 3rd dimensional physical reality by utilizing our own stored internal technology. More and more this is happening. This is definitely an important aspect of this time of Quickening. The time has never been so ripe to realize each other as one planetary organism in contact with itself anywhere on the planet. The emergence of our empowered potential our divinity is presenting itself to be claimed. How to experience this reality consciously? Where-ever one looks, the universal answer points to ones own body, ones own mental attitude, the energy of ones own heart, ones own living breath as the beginning place for orientation to feel ones unique connection to the functioning of Totality. As the frequencies continue to rise, our connection to the 5Th dimension continues to rapidly increase. This allows for maximum transformation and mutation of who we are and how we live life, or how life lives us. Doors of opportunity are forever-presenting themselves. Any limit we might place on whats possible in this year 2011, is not recommended. Let us instead Dream the Exaltation of Humanity and all of Life in the Universe.


Returning To Holy Time

Valum Votan, Closer of the Cycle final messenger of The Great Pacals prophecy, prescribes the fulfillment of human destiny as a collective return to Holy Time via the synchronization of the Tzolkin cycles (The Time Guardians.) Using this harmonic, ancient and accurate standard of measure, we make a whole-systems transition into conscious resonance with our living universe. In these intense times of uncertainty, we need all the navigational assistance possible for our everyday consciousness to be in harmony with our universe. The Tzolkin calendars help us reharmonize our bodies and minds to the natural patterns and cycles of Holy Time. Learning a new calendar may seem hard or even intimidating, but this is the time to try something new. As Valum Votan states, Its the untried solution, the harmonic solution. What we are being asked to do is let go of what has been common for so long the irregularity of the 12-month calendar and embrace the accuracy of the Tzolkin Time Guardians. Rather than labeling todays date as: Jan. 23, 2011 AD, for anyone who tracks the Tzolkin Time Guardians, today is 13:13:13:5:8 Ik, this is the ancients way of counting time. This count connects our consciousness and Maya time as we know it. Baktuns Katuns Tuns Uinals Kin 13: 13: 13: 5: 8 Ik 6Th National Consciousness 7Th Planetary Consciousness 8Th Galactic Consciousness 9Th Universal Consciousness 10Th Alpha & Omega Cosmic Consciousness

Remember to honor and celebrate Time as rhythms found within Night and Day and the seasons, not hours and minutes! Orbiting in coordination with the Sacred 260-day Classical Tzolkin cycle, is the Tzolkin Guardian cycle that is symbolized on a Spiritual Medicine Wheel. The Tzolkin Guardian consists of 18 Uinals or months, 18 20 = 360-days; a spiritual year. This 360-day cycle is also called a Prophetic Year. Tracking the Tzolkin cycles gets us directly in touch with the energies, which compose our inner and outer world. This modern application of Ancient Maya time-science can be used as a tool for synchronization, unification and telepathic development, also in developing a language of light. This template can unite us in a harmony that transcends our language barriers.


As we use these sacred vibrations to see deeper into ourselves, we come to know the purpose, which every moment holds. We come to hear the guidance, which calls to us in every interaction of our lives. We perceive the clues, which are waiting to bestow information. With the ascension of our consciousness up the cosmic pyramid, we are on a path to enlightenment. The use of the classical Maya calendar is a tool that reveals this path. The Maya calendar not only reveals the path to enlightenment; it is also a calendar of peace. At the top of the cosmic pyramid is the 10Th Alpha & Omega Cosmic Consciousness. In this time period we will achieve true forgiveness, peace and be able to see the past truthfully. The Book of Revelations refers to this in verse 21:4: And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away.

All Aboard!
The purpose of the Tzolkin Time Guardians is to assist in converting 3rd dimensional materialism into the 5Th Dimensional Cosmic Consciousness. Like the Maya who preceded us, we shall come to understand that the path to the stars is through the senses and that the proper utilization of our mind will help facilitate the passage to different levels and dimensions of being. This prophecy is unfolding, right now! As the Hopi elders say, We are the ones weve been waiting for. All that has been unconscious is becoming conscious. Dont worry be Hopi! May We Aspire For The Light? May Our Paths Be Illumined By The Highest Light Of The Creator And Maker, So That We May Live In Harmony With All Our Relations? - Zeek the Light May There Only Be Peace in Your Presence Great Gratitude to Dr. Carl Calleman for his significant breakthrough, on decoding the evolution of Nine Creation Cycles, as perceived through the consciousness of the Great Ancient Maya Civilization.

[email protected]
Robert Hackman Alberta, Canada 13: 13: 6: 7: 11 Ik


(Prophetic Year Spiritual Year)

(18 20 = 360 days = 1 Tun)

18 Sacred Uinals (months)

Quiche Maya 1 Tequexepual 2 Tziba pop 3 Zac 4 Chab 5 Nabey mam 6 Ucab mam 7 Nabey liquin ca 8 Ucab liquin ca 9 Nabey pach 10 Ucab pach 11 Tzizil lakam 12 Tziquin kih 13 Cakam 14 Botam 15 Nabey zih 16 Ucab zih 17 Rox zih 18 Chee English time to plant the corn fields painted mat white like certain flowers muddy ground first old man second old man soft and slippery soil second month of soft and slippery soil first month of hatching second month of hatching the sprouts show season of birds red clouds tangled mats first month of white flowers second month of white flowers third month of white flowers trees, Pariche

20 Sacred Kin (days)

1 Imox 2 Ic 3 Acbal 4 Can 5 Cat 6 Came 7 Queh 8 Cana l 9 Toh 10 Tzi 11 Batz 12 Eb 13 Aj 14 Balam 15 Tziquin 16 Ahmac 17 Noh 18 Tihax 19 Caoc 20 Hunahpu left-handed moon, wind, spirit night dragon serpent death deer wealth, ear of yellow corn rain, storm dog monkey teeth cane or tender corn jaguar bird owl conscience edge, obsidian lightening & thunder hunter, chief or lord Totem alligator spider cougar dragonfly serpent vulture deer rabbit shark wolf monkey thrush bee jaguar quetzal owl crow turtle woodpecker eagle


Popol Vuh, The Book of the Ancient Maya By Delia Goetz & Sylvanus Griswald Morley


13-Moons Physical Time

Zodiac Sign
1 Dragon 2 Ram = Aries 3 Tiger = Taurus 4 Gemini 5 Dolphin = Cancer 6 Whale = Leo 7 Virgo 8 Bear = Libra 9 Serpent = Scorpio 10 Sagittarius 11 Capricorn 12 Aquarius 13 Salmon = Pisces

Body Zone
Conscience Brain, eyes Neck, ears, teeth Shoulders, hands, arms Chest, lungs, liver, stomach Heart, back, artery Digestive, nerves, pancreas Hips, kidneys, bladder Sex organs, urethra Thighs, veins Knees, bones, skin Lower legs, veins Feet, toes

Organ System
All Senses Blood Glandular Nervous Senses Blood Glandular Nervous Senses Blood Glandular Nervous

Lunar Cycles
2 days

New Moon

A short period prevails of special impulses affecting all living beings. Fasting is good during this period, because the detoxifying power of the body is at its peak. This is also a good time for giving up bad habits. The Moon is directly between the Sun and Earth. 12 days

Waxing Moon

From New Moon Full Moon: absorbs, plans, supplies, builds up, takes in, breathes in, stores energy and is conducive to recovery and rest. 2 days

Full Moon

Mother Earth is now directly between the Sun and Moon, the energy is flowing greatly. Beware of the Lunar Toones. 12 days

Waning Moon

From Full Moon New Moon: hardens, dries, washes out, detoxifies, breathes out and is conducive to the expenditure of energy and action.
Source: By Johanna Paungger & Thomas Poppe


Ten Consciouss of Creation

(Cosmic Pyramid)

Completion of Creation
10 Alpha & Omega 20 days 9 Universal 13 20 kin= 0.72 tun 260 days 8 Galactic 13 20 tun= 13 tuns 4,680 days 7 Planetary 13 20 tun= 260 tuns 93,600 days 6 National 13 20 tun= 5,200 tuns 5 Regional 13 20 tun= 104,000 tuns 4 Tribal 13 204 tun= 2 million tuns 3 Familial 13 205 tun= 41 million tuns 2 Mammalian 13 206 tun= 832 million tuns 1 Cellular 13 207 tun= 16.6 billion tuns ago
Night 1 Day 1 Night 2 Day 2 Night 3 Day 3 Night 4 Day 4 Night 5

13 Heavens 13 Uinals Unitary 13 Tuns Duality 13 Katuns Unitary 13 Baktuns Duality 13 Piktuns Unitary 13 Kalabtuns Duality 13 Kinchiltuns Unitary 13 Alautuns Duality 13 Hablatuns Unitary
Day 5 Night 6 Day 6 Day 7


Spiritual Time
Kin Uinal Tun Katun Baktun 1 day 20 days 360 days 7,200 days 144,000 days 20 20 20 (Maya name of Time Cycle - Wave frequency) Sun Piktun 203 1 month Kalabtun 204 1 tun Kinchiltun 205 20 tuns Alautun 206 400 tuns Hablatun 207 8,000 tuns 160,000 tuns 3,200,000 tuns 64,000,000 tuns 1,280,000,000 tuns

10 Alpha & Omega 9 Universal 8 Galactic 7 Planetary 6 National 5 Regional 4 Tribal 3 Familial 2 Mammalian 1 Cellular

Specific Features
Zee the Light / Truth Renaissance Meet the Aliens Industrialism Written language Spoken language First humans, (fire) First monkeys, (color vision) Birds, dinosaurs, mammals Formation of our galaxy (co-create future consciousness / polar union) (cultural movement towards individual freedom) (ethics difference between right & wrong) (power) (law) (reason) (similarities / differences decisions) (stimulus / individual response) (stimulus / response herds / flocks) (action / reaction physical laws) (Oct. 9 28, 2011AD) (2011AD) (1999 2011AD) (1755 2011AD) (3115 BC 2011 AD)

When one observes specific Maya Cosmic Pyramids e.g. (Pyramid of the Giant Jaguar) at Tikal, Guatemala; (Temple of Inscriptions) at Palenque, Mexico and the (Pyramid of Kukulkan) at Chichen-Itza, Mexico; you will notice they have ten levels. Each level symbolizes a plane of consciousness and a specific cycle of time, and also corresponds to a certain frequency of change. The more frequent the waves between Days and Nights, the higher the frequency of change and the more rapidly humans experience the passage of time. For example, in the Galactic Consciousness, as much change occurs in a tun (360 days) as happened in a baktun (394 years) of the National Consciousness. Creation is accelerating not time. These Divine cycles surf the waves generated by the World Tree, and are in accordance with The Law of Time with its perfect 13:20 ratio.
Source: By Carl Calleman (9 Creation Cycles Specific Features, Spiritual Time & Dates) By Ian Xel Lungold (9 Creation Cycles Specific Features)


Consciousness and Calendars

Perhaps we should start with an agreement on the meaning of consciousness, I like to define it as the awareness of an experience, and it is an invisible force or energy that guides us through our lives. The stream of consciousness flows at the (speed of light multiplied by the speed of light;) this is an outstanding new scientific discovery. The Source for this energy has many names depending on whom you talk to, it is known as World Tree, Holy Cross, Central Sun and Hunab Ku: (Hun = one, ab = state of being, Ku = Creator or God.) Hunab Ku is also known as the Sole Giver of Movement (space) and Measure (time.) The primary wave generator for the pulses between Heavens is Hunab Ku. In the Beginning there was the One. The One was in a state of being that can be referred to as Is-ness. Then the One became self-aware. With this realization, the I exploded into the (All That Is.) The One is in Itself Consciousness. With self-awareness, Consciousness began to express Itself in an infinite number of ways. One of the ways Consciousness expressed Itself is through what we call our existence, the physical cosmos as we know it. Consciousness expresses Itself in the physical form by lowering Its frequencies. The last stage before Consciousness manifests in a physical form is called Electromagnetism. The purest form of Consciousness in the physical realm is quartz crystal. At the ancient Maya ruins of Coba, Mexico a stela was discovered face down in the ground. At the time it was discovered no one understood the glyphs on the stela, but now we can read the glyphs. The glyphs revealed different specific cycles of time, representing different levels of consciousness which can be proven scientifically and spiritually with the use and understanding of the two spiritual calendars of the Maya. The largest number on this stela reads 13 2021 this is a number I cant pronounce, the Maya were observing and in tune with Divine Creation. Because of our limited understanding of the universe we can only refer back to the Cellular Consciousness 13 207 = 16.4 billion years ago. At the base of the Cosmic Pyramid on page 38 is the first Cellular Consciousness. Each level of consciousness is divided into 13 equal pulses, the key to this is found within The Deities Ruling the Thirteen Heavens; page 41. In the Cellular Consciousness each Day or Night will equal a Hablatun, 207 = (1,280,000,000 tuns;) 13 207 = 16.6 billion tuns. This pattern is repeated in all levels of consciousness except the 10Th level. When we speak of a Day or Night otherwise known as a Heaven they can be as large as 1,280,000,000 tuns long (Cellular Consciousness) to as small as 1 sun long (10ThAlpha & Omega Cosmic Consciousness.) The length of a Heaven will depend on what level of consciousness you are referring to? These cycles of time are the sacred vibrations or wave frequencies at which The Evolution of Creation is processed. All Our Relations that exist in the universe and beyond is affected by this energy.


There is an ancient Mesoamerican legend referred to as The Legend of the Crystal Skulls. Crystal skulls are libraries of ancient knowledge and wisdom that we can tap into. This legend tells us that at a certain point in time, 13 true crystal skulls would be united to assist humankind with our transformation to a new dimension of awareness. If this legend is true this event will occur in the Alpha & Omega Cosmic Consciousness. Starting October 9, 2011 the (10Th Alpha & Omega Cosmic Consciousness) arrives at our doorstep, this is the gateway to the next dimension. This will be a cycle where great changes occur, and a new understanding about who we are and our reason for being, will come through a new light. Our DNA will be fully activated for us in this cycle to help us prepare for this dimensional shift. This is where time as we know it comes to an end. A polar reversal is also revealed in this cycle because of the inverse actions of the 13 Heavens; page 43. This is the 7Th Day or 13Th Heaven in all levels of creation and it culminates on the Zero Point of October 28, 2011 = 13:13:13:13:13 Ahau. The Maya view time as spherical or cyclical which encompasses the essence of Spirit, they are the Masters and Guardians of Time. The Maya people used many different calendars both physical and spiritual. Physical calendars such as the Gregorian, the Maya Haab and 13 Moon Guardian are based on the cyclical movement of material objects; the sun, planets and moon; (physical time.) In the land of the Maya the people viewed a day as beginning at sunrise and ending at the next sunrise. Spiritual calendars are pulsed to the number 20 and the primary number 13 not 12+1, they focus our consciousness on a greater understanding and appreciation for peace and All Our Relations. The Classical Tzolkin 260 day calendar is where the Deities Ruling the 13 Heavens originate from, it is the master calendar; it was given to the Maya from Kukulkan; pages 44-48. The Tzolkin Guardian as I call it page 36 is the 360 day or tun calendar which is the bases of what is referred to as the Long Count. These two Holy calendars run simultaneously together starting and ending every 13 tuns or every 18; (260 day cycles;) 4,680 days exactly, the Galactic Consciousness reveals this clearly. The Amerindian Vigesimal counting system is the very foundation for these two Holy Calendars. The Vigesimal system is based on the number 20 similar to the Metric system based on 10. These Holy calendars are not about measuring time; they were and continue to be used for tracking the rhythms of the sacred vibrations and intentions of Divine Creation. This is the very source for the Maya Prophesies and so far they have been correct, we are on a schedule. Transforming to the understanding of this ancient knowledge will create stress for the human being in todays world, because we have been programmed to believe only in physical time. For those who seek the Truth they will discover a new peace within themselves from the use and understanding of this system of Divination. In order to achieve peace on earth mother, you the individual must first learn to merge and balance the opposite polarities of yin and yang, or light and dark to obtain peace within yourself. (THE UNION OF THE OPPOSITE POLARITIES) 40

Deities Ruling the Thirteen Heavens

Ahau Light 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 1 Night 1 2 Day 1 3 Night 2 4 Day 2 5 Night 3 6 Day 3 7 Night 4 8 Day 4 9 Night 5 10 Day 5 11 Night 6 12 Day 6 13 Day 7 Character
initiates activates creates a reaction stabilizes creates flow empowers harmonizes reveals challenges movement forward creates understanding creates clarity Completion

Maya name of deity Ben Cimi - Cauac Eb Chicchan - Etznab Chuen Kan - Caban Oc Akbal - Cib Muluc Ik - Men Lamat Imix - Ix Manik - Ahau
god of the earth god of fire & time goddess of water god of warriors & the sun god of death goddess of love god of rain & water god of maize Lord of Darkness Lady of Light god ruling before dawn goddess of birth Lady & Lord of Duality

Where did this concept of the 13 Heavens come from? One clue is that the 13-Ahau Matrix reveals the proper order and filtration pattern of the 6 nights and 7 days that make up the 13 Heavens. The 13-Ahau Matrix begins with 7 Ahau the first night and ends with 13 Ahau the seventh day. The nights consist of a singular Solar Seal ruling and the days consist of twin Solar Seals ruling. As seen above the numbers in the 13-Ahau Matrix column are in their proper order as revealed within the Classical Tzolkin Calendar. In the ancient Mesoamerican Universe of Holy Time, a special deity rules every day. The divine power, or energy, of each one of these deities corresponds to one of the 13 Heavens which she or he rules. Mesoamerican deities are very multifaceted and take part in a wide range of stories, what is important to understand here is that these 13 Heavens engendered creation processes on many different levels. The Classical Tzolkin cycle has been referred to as a description of creation. Within the Tzolkin cycle the pattern of the 13 Heavens with its 7 days and 6 nights emerges. The deities that rule the nights symbolize rest and time to reflect, while those related to days symbolize birth and light. The Tzolkin is not only a (count of days,) it also represents a specific sequence of different phases in creation. This creates a filtration pattern that is constant throughout time, except in the 10Th Alpha & Omega Cosmic Consciousness. If one studies the pattern of the 13 Heavens when comparing all Consciouss with the 10Th Consciousness you will notice a distinct difference. All the heavens have been inverted except the 13Th Heaven. This represents a dramatic change in our consciousness (a polar shift.) The filtration pattern of the 13 Heavens in the 10Th Consciousness is identical to the spring & autumn equinoxs shadow play of the Plumed Serpent on the Pyramid of Kukulkan found at Chichen-Itza, Mexico. In the 10Th Consciousness and only in this time frame, we will come to know the truth?


8Th Galactic Consciousness

Duality 13 20 tun = 4,680 days = 13 Tuns

Tzolkin Guardian
18 20 = 360 360 13 = 13 Tuns / years Ahau 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 13 Tuns / years 1 Jan. 5, 1999 Dec. 30, 1999 2 Dec. 31, 1999 Dec. 24, 2000 3 Dec. 25, 2000 Dec. 19, 2001 4 Dec. 20, 2001 Dec. 14, 2002 5 Dec. 15, 2002 Dec. 9, 2003 6 Dec. 10, 2003 Dec. 3, 2004 7 Dec. 4, 2004 Nov. 28, 2005 8 Nov. 29, 2005 Nov. 23, 2006 9 Nov. 24, 2006 Nov. 18, 2007 10 Nov. 19, 2007 Nov. 12, 2008 11 Nov. 13, 2008 Nov. 7, 2009 12 Nov. 8, 2009 Nov. 2, 2010 13 Nov. 3, 2010 Oct. 28, 2011 360 days 360 days 360 days 360 days 360 days 360 days 360 days 360 days 360 days 360 days 360 days 360 days 360 days

Classical Tzolkin
13 20 = 260 260 18 = 13 Tuns / years

1 Jan. 5, 1999 Sept. 21, 1999 2 Sept. 22, 1999 June 6, 2000 3 June 7, 2000 Feb. 22, 2001 4 Feb. 23, 2001 Nov. 9, 2001 5 Nov. 10, 2001 July 27, 2002 6 July 28, 2002 April 13, 2003 7 April 14, 2003 Dec. 29, 2003 8 Dec. 30, 2003 Sept. 14, 2004 9 Sept. 15, 2004 June 1, 2005 10 June 2, 2005 Feb. 16, 2006 11 Feb. 17, 2006 Nov. 3, 2006 12 Nov. 4, 2006 July 21, 2007 13 July 22, 2007 April 6, 2008 14 April 7, 2008 Dec. 22, 2008 15 Dec. 23, 2008 Sept. 8, 2009 16 Sept. 9, 2009 May 26, 2010 17 May 27, 2010 Feb. 10, 2011 18 Feb. 11, 2011 Oct. 28, 2011

9Th Universal Consciousness

Unitary 13 20 kin = 260 days = 13 Uinals

Classical Tzolkin
2011 AD Ahau 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 13 Uinals 1 Feb. 11 Mar. 2 2 Mar. 3 Mar. 22 3 Mar. 23 April 11 4 April 12 May 1 5 May 2 May 21 6 May 22 June 10 7 June 11 June 30 8 July 1 July 20 9 July 21 Aug. 9 10 Aug. 10 Aug. 29 11 Aug. 30 Sept. 18 12 Sept. 19 Oct. 8 13 Oct. 9 Oct. 28 20 days 20 days 20 days 20 days 20 days 20 days 20 days 20 days 20 days 20 days 20 days 20 days 20 days 13 Ben 13 Cimi 13 Cauac 13 Eb 13 Chicchan 13 Etznab 13 Chuen 13 Kan 13 Caban 13 Oc Tzolkin 13 Akbal 13 Cib 13 Muluc 13 Ik 13 Men 13 Lamat 13 Imix 13 Ix 13 Manik 13 Ahau


10Th Alpha & Omega

(Cosmic Consciousness)

Tzolkin Guardian 360

341 18: Chee 1 Imox 2 Ic 3 Acbal 4 Can 5 Cat 6 Came 7 Queh 8 Canal 9 Toh 10 Tzi 11 Batz 12 Eb 13 Aj 14 Balam 15 Tziquin 16 Ahmac 17 Noh 18 Tihax 19 Caoc 20 Hunahpu

October 9 10 11 12 13 New 14 Bear 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Full 28

Classical Tzolkin 260

241 Zotz Days of the Gods 7 Imix 8 Ik 9 Akbal 10 Kan 11 Chicchan 12 Cimi 13 Manik 1 Lamat 2 Muluc 3 Oc 4 Chuen 5 Eb 6 Ben 7 Ix 8 Men 9 Cib 10 Caban 11 Etznab 12 Cauac 13 Ahau





Ahau 7 Day 1 7 Imix 1 Night 1 Lamat 8 Day 2 8 Ik 2 Night 2 Muluc 9 Day 3 9 Akbal 3 Night 3 Oc 10 Day 4 10 Kan 4 Night 4 Chuen 11 Day 5 11 Chicchan 5 Night 5 Eb 12 Day 6 12 Cimi 6 Night 6 Ben 13 Day 7 13 Manik

(Polar Reversal)
goddess of birth god ruling before dawn Lady of Light Lord of Darkness god of maize & sustenance god of rain & water goddess of love god of death god of warriors & the sun goddess of water god of fire & time god of the earth Lady & Lord of Duality

Light 7 Ix 8 Men 9 Cib 10 Caban 11 Etznab 12 Cauac 13 Ahau


The 20 Tzolkin Hieroglyphs

(Yucatec Maya)


Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our Time, The Mayan Calendar By Carl Calleman

The Classical Tzolkin Calendar

(13 Intentions 20 Solar Seals = 260 days)


Amerindian Triad
20 Solar Seals
Imix Ik Akbal Kan Chicchan Cimi Manik Lamat Muluc Oc Chuen Eb Ben Ix Men Cib Caban Etznab Cauac Ahau Left-handed Wind/spirit Night Dragon Serpent Death Deer Yellow Storm Dog Monkey Teeth Cane Jaguar Bird Owl Conscience Obsidian Lightening Ancestor

Turtle Whirlwind Hearth Dragon Serpent Twins Deer Rabbit The River Wolf Raccoon Rattlesnake Tooth Reed Panther Eagle Owl Heron Flint Redbird Flower

Cipactli Ehecatl Calli Cuetzpallin Coatl Miquiztli Mazatl Tochtli Atl Itzcuintli Ozomatli Malinalli Acatl Ocelot Cuauhtli Cozcacuahtli Ollin Tecpatl Quiahuitl Xochitl Alligator Wind House Lizard Serpent Death Deer Rabbit Water Dog Monkey Grass Reed Ocelot Eagle Vulture Movement Knife Rain Flower

Calendar Round
(Another term for Tzolkin)


Maya & Aztec Solar Seals by Carl Calleman Cherokee Solar Seals by Raven Hail


20 Solar Seals x 13 Intentions = 260-days The 13 Heavens (Uinals) of the Classical Tzolkin Night 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 Imix 2 Ik 3 Akbal 4 Kan 5 Chicchan 6 Cimi 7 Manik 8 Lamat 9 Muluc 10 Oc 11 Chuen 12 Eb 13 Ben 1 Ix 2 Men 3 Cib 4 Caban 5 Etznab 6 Cauac 7 Ahau

Night 2
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 2 Imix 3 Ik 4 Akbal 5 Kan 6 Chicchan 7 Cimi 8 Manik 9 Lamat 10 Muluc 11 Oc 12 Chuen 13 Eb 1 Ben 2 Ix 3 Men 4 Cib 5 Caban 6 Etznab 7 Cauac 8 Ahau

Night 3
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 3 Imix 4 Ik 5 Akbal 6 Kan 7 Chicchan 8 Cimi 9 Manik 10 Lamat 11 Muluc 12 Oc 13 Chuen 1 Eb 2 Ben 3 Ix 4 Men 5 Cib 6 Caban 7 Etznab 8 Cauac 9 Ahau

god of earth

goddess of

god of death

Day 1
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 8 Imix 9 Ik 10 Akbal 11 Kan 12 Chicchan 13 Cimi 1 Manik 2 Lamat 3 Muluc 4 Oc 5 Chuen 6 Eb 7 Ben 8 Ix 9 Men 10 Cib 11 Caban 12 Etznab 13 Cauac 1 Ahau
god of fire & time

Day 2
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 9 Imix 10 Ik 11 Akbal 12 Kan 13 Chicchan 1 Cimi 2 Manik 3 Lamat 4 Muluc 5 Oc 6 Chuen 7 Eb 8 Ben 9 Ix 10 Men 11 Cib 12 Caban 13 Etznab 1 Cauac 2 Ahau
god of warriors & sun

Day 3
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 10 Imix 11 Ik 12 Akbal 13 Kan 1 Chicchan 2 Cimi 3 Manik 4 Lamat 5 Muluc 6 Oc 7 Chuen 8 Eb 9 Ben 10 Ix 11 Men 12 Cib 13 Caban 1 Etznab 2 Cauac 3 Ahau

goddess of


Night 4
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 4 Imix 5 Ik 6 Akbal 7 Kan 8 Chicchan 9 Cimi 10 Manik 11 Lamat 12 Muluc 13 Oc 1 Chuen 2 Eb 3 Ben 4 Ix 5 Men 6 Cib 7 Caban 8 Etznab 9 Cauac 10 Ahau
god of rain & water

Night 5
161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 5 Imix 6 Ik 7 Akbal 8 Kan 9 Chicchan 10 Cimi 11 Manik 12 Lamat 13 Muluc 1 Oc 2 Chuen 3 Eb 4 Ben 5 Ix 6 Men 7 Cib 8 Caban 9 Etznab 10 Cauac 11 Ahau

Night 6
201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 6 Imix 7 Ik 8 Akbal 9 Kan 10 Chicchan 11 Cimi 12 Manik 13 Lamat 1 Muluc 2 Oc 3 Chuen 4 Eb 5 Ben 6 Ix 7 Men 8 Cib 9 Caban 10 Etznab 11 Cauac 12 Ahau

Lord of Darkness

god ruling before dawn

Day 4
141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 11 Imix 12 Ik 13 Akbal 1 Kan 2 Chicchan 3 Cimi 4 Manik 5 Lamat 6 Muluc 7 Oc 8 Chuen 9 Eb 10 Ben 11 Ix 12 Men 13 Cib 1 Caban 2 Etznab 3 Cauac 4 Ahau

Day 5
181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 12 Imix 13 Ik 1 Akbal 2 Kan 3 Chicchan 4 Cimi 5 Manik 6 Lamat 7 Muluc 8 Oc 9 Chuen 10 Eb 11 Ben 12 Ix 13 Men 1 Cib 2 Caban 3 Etznab 4 Cauac 5 Ahau

Day 6
221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 13 Imix 1 Ik 2 Akbal 3 Kan 4 Chicchan 5 Cimi 6 Manik 7 Lamat 8 Muluc 9 Oc 10 Chuen 11 Eb 12 Ben 13 Ix 1 Men 2 Cib 3 Caban 4 Etznab 5 Cauac 6 Ahau

god of maize & sustenance

Lady of

goddess of


Day 7
241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 7 Imix 8 Ik 9 Akbal 10 Kan 11 Chicchan 12 Cimi 13 Manik 1 Lamat 2 Muluc 3 Oc 4 Chuen 5 Eb 6 Ben 7 Ix 8 Men 9 Cib 10 Caban 11 Etznab 12 Cauac 13 Ahau

Lady & Lord Of Duality

Hunab Ku

Sole Giver of Movement and Measure

(Cosmic Butterfly - Polar reversal symbol)


The Thirteen Intentions

The Thirteen Intentions or Numbers when added to a Tzolkin Solar Seal, gives valuable specific information that applies to that Solar Seal. Number One is the Sun, Spirit of Creation and Re-Creation. It is the pulsation ray of unity with Self and the Universe: light of the world, rainbow of diversity; magnetic force that brings cosmic vibrations into harmony; chalice of the infinite. Number Two the pulsation ray of the Dual Polarity, the two opposites that also complement each other. The essence of the Universe is to merge and balance these Sacred Twins, Yin and Yang Female and Male, Night and Day, Black and White, Good and Evil. Spirits maintain a perfect balance and are therefore neither female nor male. Number Three is a triangle, universal sign of the female principle. It tells of caprice, crystals, charms and creativity; all in the name of generation and growth. It is the heartbeat of the Cosmos, the rippling rhythm of the river of life, the flight of the birds and the bees, the Moon of Deflowering, the gestes of the Ladies and Lords of the land. Number Four is the most sacred number: as the four seasons, the four quarters of the Earth, and the four phases of human life (Maiden, Mother, Mage, and Midnight.) The four elements that are the foundation of all life on Earth. Number Five marks the center of the structure of three-dimensional space. It is seen as the First Direction (instead of the Fifth,) for it is the place that All Directions are relative to. Five is related to Venus, the stellar Spirit of Love. This is a very young and feisty feminist, recently thrust from the arms of Jupiter; she dashed about as a Comet, clashed with Mars and threatened Earth for half a millennium before settling down to the orderly life of a planet; a diamond in the sky. Number Six is the Moon, called Six killer, and the Great Hunter. He is also the King of Hearts. He is a man of many phases, also known as The Apportioner, for he measures out the months of the lunar calendar. Number Seven is two sets of six steps; up one side of a pyramid and down the other, adding up to twelve; plus the landing in between a total of thirteen. The top level is the ritual Seventh Heaven, Platform of the Sky. Seven is a sacred balance of the Dual Polarities; seven times seven is the most Holy of Holies: Foundation of the Earth Ritual. Number Eight is the Earth and its harmonic resonance. It embraces the male-female duality of the fourfold nature of divinity: the four corners, elements, seasons, mountains and primal rivers. It is the act of starting over from the beginning, of repeating the octave the frequency level at which all crystals and organic matter vibrates.


Number Nine is the World Tree at the end of the Sacred Path, on the edge of the abyss. The transformation from caterpillar to butterfly. It is the portal to the mystical and magical land of the wanderers of the night land: Chiron, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury. Part of the woof and warp of the tapestry of time and tide. Number Ten is the flow of manna between Earth and Heaven, the equal sign of the as above so below concept that every Star in the Sky has a mirror image here on Earth. Two bars (=) counts ten half of the duality of twenty, which is the base of the Amerindian vigesimal number system. In the beginning was the computer with ten fingers and ten toes. Number Eleven is the crossroads on the Astral Trail, that Maze of Migration of the human Soul: from birth through the Return Journey to the Stars. The place to stop and confirm a Guiding Star. The action of peeling off outworn husks and freeing the kernel within. From here on out it is necessary to move onward and upward like an arrow in flight. Number Twelve is the Magic Crystal, the six sided stone that is the half of the dual polarity of Twelve. It amplifies electrical current sensitivity, prayers and wishes; it heals by brining the bodys natural vibrations into sync; it starts a fire by concentrating the rays of the Sun, for energizing the heart and mind. Number Thirteen is the Universe: all there is, was, or ever shall be. There is an umbilical cord that stretches from the Navel of the Earth to the North Star, the union of Mother Earth and Father Sky. The Quadrinity of Spirit, Nature, Fellow Man and Self comes around full circle to the Place of The Beginning World without End!

This is: The Voice of The Great Spirit The Beloved Woman The Sun Priestess


The Cherokee Sacred Calendar, A Handbook of the Ancient American Tradition By Raven Hail


Ahau: twentieth sun seal of the uinal the supreme sun seal meaning, ancestor (Lady & Lord of Duality.) Akbal: third sun seal of the uinal meaning, night (god of maize & sustenance.) Alpha & Omega : the beginning & end. Apocalypse: the unveiling of the truth. ascension: shifting gears of consciousness to a new level - a new dimension of awareness. astrology, Maya: system of divination developed by the Maya; based on the inherent spiritual energies of time. Atlantis: ancient mythological continent. Ben: thirteenth sun seal of the uinal meaning, cane (god of the earth.) Caban: seventeenth sun seal of the uinal meaning, consciousness (goddess of love.) Cauac: nineteenth sun seal of the uinal meaning, lightening & thunder (god of fire & time.) channeling: receiving information from a higher source. Chicchan: fifth sun seal of the uinal meaning, serpent (god of warriors & the sun.) Chuen: eleventh sun seal of the uinal meaning, monkey (god of death.) Cib: sixteenth sun seal of the uinal meaning, owl (god of maize & sustenance.) Cimi: sixth sun seal of the uinal meaning, death (god of fire & time.) classical count: the tzolkin used in classical times by the Maya; still in use among the QuicheMaya. classical Maya: Maya who lived in classical times, aprox. (200 850 AD.) consciousness: sacred vibrations that guides all life forms the awareness of an experience. cosmic consciousness: all knowing consciousness. cosmic pyramid: a ten-level pyramid or temple that reveals ancient knowledge. count of days: another term for the Tzolkin (Tzol = count) (kin = sun) deities: divine energy. divine light: energy of awareness serving to project archetypal information on creation. divine plan: the exact progression of sacred vibrations determining the evolution of creation. Eb: twelfth sun seal of the uinal meaning, teeth (goddess of water.) enlightenment: a continued state of consciousness in which an individual is connected with the divine. Etznab: eighteenth sun seal of the uinal meaning, obsidian (god of warriors & the sun.) evolution: gradual change in the characteristics of living beings over successive generations. Feathered Serpent: main Mesoamerican deity, symbolizing light and the creation of culture and civilization; also called Kukulkan by the (Maya) or Quetzalcoatl (Aztec,) the Plumed Serpent. Hun Hunahpu: (One Hunahpu - First Father); Maya deity that raised the World Tree; also known as the maize god. Hunab Ku: (Sole Giver of Movement and Measure) primary wave generator for the sacred vibrations. Ik: second sun seal of the uinal meaning, moon, wind, spirit (Lady of Light.) Imix: first sun seal of the uinal meaning, left-handed (goddess of birth.) Ix: fourteenth sun seal of the uinal meaning, jaguar (goddess of birth.) Kan: fourth sun seal of the uinal meaning, dragon (goddess of love.) Lamat: eighth sun seal of the uinal meaning, yellow (god ruling before dawn.) Manik: seventh sun seal of the uinal meaning, deer (Lady & Lord of Duality.)


Matrix: mathematics organized array of elements or numbers. The origin of a situation or a substance. Medicine Wheel: a round pictorial almanac with a perfect cross in the center that shows the movement of the seasons, planets and constellations during the course of a year. They represent a connection with the elements of life, afterlife and rebirth. Men: fifteenth sun seal of the uinal meaning, bird (Lady of Light.) Mesoamerica: (Middle America) a term for the cultural area ranging from Mexico to Honduras. Muluc: ninth sun seal of the uinal meaning, storm (Lord of Darkness.) obsidian: volcanic glass; sharper than surgical steel. Oc: tenth sun seal of the uinal meaning, dog (god of rain & water.) October 28, 2011: end date of the divine creation cycles. Pacal: (Shield) - king of Palenque, Mexico during (615 683 AD.) physical time: notion of time as being based on the cyclical movement of material bodies. Pleiades: group of stars in Taurus, part of Goulds Belt. precession: circular movement of the earths axis. prophesy: prediction of the future based on resonance with spiritual domains. renaissance: cultural movement expressing the liberation of the individual, especially artistically. Solar Seals: the names of the deities ruling the twenty days of the uinal. solar year: period of time corresponding to one revolution of the earth around the sun. synchronicity: an unlikely event that appears meaningful and meant to happen. Tun: (stone) 360-days; 1 Spiritual Year. World Tree: Tree of Life, perpendicular-organizing structure for the creation of the cosmos. zenith: high point, when the sun is directly above a certain location.

Carl Johan Calleman, Solving The Greatest Mystery of Our Time, The Mayan Calendar, Garev Publishing International, Coral Springs, Florida 2001 Delia Goetz & Sylvanus Griswald Morley, Popol Vuh, The Book Of The Ancient Maya, Dover Publications Inc. Mineola, NY 2003 Raven Hail, The Cherokee Sacred Calendar, A Handbook of the Ancient Native American Tradition, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont 2000 John Major Jenkins, Maya Cosmogenesis 2012, Bear & Company, Rochester, VT 1998 Ian Xel Lungold, Mayan Calendar Comes North. (DVD), Whitehorse, Yukon: Eclectric Video Productions, 2004 Johanna Paungger & Thomas Poppe, Guided by the Moon, Living in Harmony with the Lunar Cycles, Marlowe & Company, New York, NY 2002 Jamie Sams & David Carson, Medicine Cards, The Discovery Of Power Through The Ways Of Animals, Bear & Company, Santa Fe, NM 1988


Lord Pacals Sarcophagus Lid



1 Capricorn Cool New Moon 8 Ram Warm Half Moon 15 Dolphin Wetness Full Moon 22 Serpent Wetness Half Moon 2 Aquarius Air / Light 9 Ram Warm 16 Whale Warm 23 Serpent Wetness 17 Whale Warm 24 Sagittarius Warm 3 Aquarius Air / Light 10 Tiger Cool 18 Virgo Cool 25 Sagittarius Warm 4 Salmon Wetness 11 Tiger Cool 5 Salmon Wetness 12 Gemini Air / Light 19 Virgo Cool 26 Capricorn Cool 6 Dragon Mixed 13 Gemini Air / Light 20 Bear Air / Light 27 Capricorn Cool 7 Dragon Mixed Half Moon 14 Dolphin Wetness Full Moon 21 Bear Air / Light Half Moon 28 Aquarius Air / Light New Moon

1 Aquarius Flower New Moon 8 Tiger Root Half Moon 15 Whale Fruit Full Moon 22 Sagittarius Fruit Half Moon 2 Salmon Leaf 9 Tiger Root 16 Virgo Root 23 Sagittarius Fruit 17 Virgo Root 24 Capricorn Root 3 Salmon Leaf 10 Gemini Flower 18 Bear Flower 25 Capricorn Root 4 Dragon All 11 Gemini Flower 19 Bear Flower 26 Aquarius Flower 5 Dragon All 12 Dolphin Leaf 6 Ram Fruit 13 Dolphin Leaf 20 Serpent Leaf 27 Aquarius Flower 7 Ram Fruit Half Moon 14 Whale Fruit Full Moon 21 Serpent Leaf Half Moon 28 Salmon Leaf New Moon


1 Salmon 2 Dragon 3 Dragon 4 Ram 5 Ram 6 Tiger 7 Tiger

New Moon 8 Gemini

9 Gemini

10 Dolphin

11 Dolphin

12 Whale

13 Whale

Half Moon 14 Virgo

Half Moon 15 Virgo

16 Bear

17 Bear

18 Serpent

19 Serpent

20 Sagittarius

Full Moon 21 Sagittarius

Full Moon 22 Capricorn

23 Capricorn

24 Aquarius

25 Aquarius

26 Salmon

27 Salmon

Half Moon 28 Dragon

Half Moon

New Moon

1 Dragon 2 Ram 3 Ram 4 Tiger 5 Tiger 6 Gemini 7 Gemini

New Moon 8 Dolphin

9 Dolphin

10 Whale

11 Whale

12 Virgo

13 Virgo

Half Moon 14 Bear

Half Moon 15 Bear

16 Serpent

17 Serpent

18 Sagittarius

19 Sagittarius

20 Capricorn

Full Moon 21 Capricorn

Full Moon 22 Aquarius 23 Aquarius 24 Salmon 25 Salmon 26 Dragon 27 Dragon

Half Moon 28 Ram

Half Moon

New Moon


1 Ram 2 Tiger 3 Tiger 4 Gemini 5 Gemini 6 Dolphin 7 Dolphin

New Moon 8 Whale

9 Whale

10 Virgo

11 Virgo

12 Bear

13 Bear

Half Moon 14 Serpent

Half Moon 15 Serpent

16 Sagittarius

17 Sagittarius

18 Capricorn

19 Capricorn

20 Aquarius

Full Moon 21 Aquarius

Full Moon 22 Salmon

23 Salmon

24 Dragon

25 Dragon

26 Ram

27 Ram

Half Moon 28 Tiger

Half Moon

New Moon

1 Tiger 2 Gemini 3 Gemini 4 Dolphin 5 Dolphin 6 Whale 7 Whale

New Moon 8 Virgo

9 Virgo

10 Bear

11 Bear

12 Serpent

13 Serpent

Half Moon 14 Sagittarius

Half Moon 15 Sagittarius

16 Capricorn

17 Capricorn

18 Aquarius

19 Aquarius

20 Salmon

Full Moon 21 Salmon

Full Moon 22 Dragon

23 Dragon

24 Ram

25 Ram

26 Tiger

27 Tiger

Half Moon 28 Gemini

Half Moon

New Moon


1 Gemini 2 Dolphin 3 Dolphin 4 Whale 5 Whale 6 Virgo 7 Virgo

New Moon 8 Bear

9 Bear

10 Serpent

11 Serpent

12 Sagittarius

13 Sagittarius

Half Moon 14 Capricorn

Half Moon 15 Capricorn

16 Aquarius

17 Aquarius

18 Salmon

19 Salmon

20 Dragon

Full Moon 21 Dragon

Full Moon 22 Ram

23 Ram

24 Tiger

25 Tiger

26 Gemini

27 Gemini

Half Moon 28 Dolphin

Half Moon

New Moon

1 Dolphin 2 Whale 3 Whale 4 Virgo 5 Virgo 6 Bear 7 Bear

New Moon 8 Serpent

9 Serpent

10 Sagittarius

11 Sagittarius

12 Capricorn

13 Capricorn

Half Moon 14 Aquarius

Half Moon 15 Aquarius

16 Salmon

17 Salmon

18 Dragon

19 Dragon

20 Ram

Full Moon 21 Ram

Full Moon 22 Tiger

23 Tiger

24 Gemini

25 Gemini

26 Dolphin

27 Dolphin

Half Moon 28 Whale

Half Moon

New Moon


1 Whale 2 Virgo 3 Virgo 4 Bear 5 Bear 6 Serpent 7 Serpent

New Moon 8 Sagittarius

9 Sagittarius

10 Capricorn

11 Capricorn

12 Aquarius

13 Aquarius

Half Moon 14 Salmon

Half Moon 15 Salmon

16 Dragon

17 Dragon

18 Ram

19 Ram

20 Tiger

Full Moon 21 Tiger

Full Moon 22 Gemini

23 Gemini

24 Dolphin

25 Dolphin

26 Whale

27 Whale

Half Moon 28 Virgo

Half Moon

New Moon

1 Virgo 2 Bear 3 Bear 4 Serpent 5 Serpent 6 Sagittarius 7 Sagittarius

New Moon 8 Capricorn

9 Capricorn

10 Aquarius

11 Aquarius

12 Salmon

13 Salmon

Half Moon 14 Dragon

Half Moon 15 Dragon

16 Ram

17 Ram

18 Tiger

19 Tiger

20 Gemini

Full Moon 21 Gemini

Full Moon 22 Dolphin

23 Dolphin

24 Whale

25 Whale

26 Virgo

27 Virgo

Half Moon 28 Bear

Half Moon

New Moon


1 Bear 2 Serpent 3 Serpent 4 Sagittarius 5 Sagittarius 6 Capricorn 7 Capricorn

New Moon 8 Aquarius

9 Aquarius

10 Salmon

11 Salmon

12 Dragon

13 Dragon

Half Moon 14 Ram

Half Moon 15 Ram

16 Tiger

17 Tiger

18 Gemini

19 Gemini

20 Dolphin

Full Moon 21 Dolphin

Full Moon 22 Whale

23 Whale

24 Virgo

25 Virgo

26 Bear

27 Bear

Half Moon 28 Serpent

Half Moon

New Moon

1 Serpent 2 Sagittarius 3 Sagittarius 4 Capricorn 5 Capricorn 6 Aquarius 7 Aquarius

New Moon 8 Salmon

9 Salmon

10 Dragon

11 Dragon

12 Ram

13 Ram

Half Moon 14 Tiger

Half Moon 15 Tiger

16 Gemini

17 Gemini

18 Dolphin

19 Dolphin

20 Whale

Full Moon 21 Whale

Full Moon 22 Virgo

23 Virgo

24 Bear

25 Bear

26 Serpent

27 Serpent

Half Moon 28 Sagittarius

Half Moon

New Moon


1 Sagittarius 2 Capricorn 3 Capricorn 4 Aquarius 5 Aquarius 6 Salmon 7 Salmon

New Moon 8 Dragon

9 Dragon

10 Ram

11 Ram

12 Tiger

13 Tiger

Half Moon 14 Gemini

Half Moon 15 Gemini

16 Dolphin

17 Dolphin

18 Whale

19 Whale

20 Virgo

Full Moon 21 Virgo

Full Moon 22 Bear

23 Bear

24 Serpent

25 Serpent

26 Sagittarius

27 Sagittarius

Half Moon 28 Capricorn

Half Moon

New Moon

13 x 28 = 364

Dragon (remove Dragon cycle in 12 Moon years) Aries = Ram Taurus = Tiger Gemini Cancer = Dolphin Leo = Whale Virgo Libra = Bear Scorpio = Serpent Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces = Salmon 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 13 Moons 12 Moons 13 Moons 12 Moons 13 Moons 12 Moons 10 Moons 13 Moons


Maya Zodiac
(Haab Calendar Solar Calendar) 1 Pop (Aug. 11 Aug. 30) `Venus, Morning Star / Mother Earth 2 Uo (Aug. 31 Sept. 19) `Solar Cross / Straightness, Good Behavior 3 Zip (Sept. 20 Oct. 9) 4 Zotz (Oct. 10 Oct. 29) `Obsidian / Butterfly, Vulture / Serious, Deep, Wise, `Realistic `Bat, Night Creature / Organized, Dominance

5 Tzec (Oct. 30 Nov. 18) `Intellectual, Balance / Rejects negativity 6 Xul (Nov. 19 Dec. 8) `Baby Jaguar / Venus, Evening Star

7 Yaxkin (Dec. 9 Dec. 28) `Solar flow / Connected to Mother Earth center of `the Universe / Green Sun 8 Mol (Dec. 29 Jan. 17) `Red color / Paw of the Jaguar / Pampered / Surrounded by `all the Planets 9 Chen (Jan. 18 Feb. 6) `Infinite, Unity, Clever, Demonstrative / God of Flowers 10 Yax (Feb. 7 Feb. 26) `Life Sing / Water / Green / Mother Earth

11 Zac (Feb. 27 Mar. 17) `Ray of the Sun / Healing with hands 12 Ceh (Mar. 18 Apr. 6) `Woodpecker / Earth rationalizing / Clever but practical `usually Liberal 13 Mac (Apr. 7 Apr. 26) `Monkey / Judgement of Humankind / Wisdom, quickness `of Mind 14 Kankin (Apr. 27 May 16) `Tree of Life / Advice giver / Firmly grounded to Earth 15 Muan (May 17 June 5) 16 Pax (June 6 June 25) `Blue / Eagle / Director of the Universe `Music, arts; crafts / Sensible personality `Turtle / Milky Way / Freedom, Independence `Equity / Capable of sharing without selfishness `Discrepant, Unequal, Antagonistic

17 Kayab (June 26 July 15) 18 Cumku (July 16 Aug. 4) 19 Uayeb (Aug. 5 Aug. 10)


Days of the Spiritual & Physical Connection

1 Jan. 1 2 Jan. 21 3 Feb. 10 4 Mar. 2 5 Mar. 22 6 Apr. 11 7 May 1 8 May 21 9 June 10 10 June 30 11 July 20 12 Aug. 9 13 Aug. 29 14 Sept. 18 15 Oct. 8 16 Oct. 28 17 Nov. 17 18 Dec. 7 19 Dec. 27 Mol Chen Yax Zac Ceh Mac Kankin Muan Pax Kayab Cumku Uayeb Pop Uo Zip Zotz Tzec Xul Yaxkin

In a solar year except leap years, there are 19 days that will have the same Tzolkin Seal as seen in the following calendars. In leap years Jan. 1, Jan. 21, and Feb. 10 will be offset from the rest of the year because of Feb. 29. This Spiritual Matrix of the nineteen dates is only revealed to our consciousness when we recognize the pattern that is revealed, when we overlay the Gregorian calendar with the Maya Classical Tzolkin Calendar. These 19 days as listed above are considered Glory Holes, a link from the physical dimension to the spiritual dimension, which different ancient cultures believed to exist. These are dates when the fabric of Space and Time are at their thinnest point.

Equinoxes & Solstices

(Physical events)

Dec. 21 Mar. 20 = 90 Kin (+ 1 Kin in Leap Years) Mar. 21 June 20 = 92 Kin June 21 Sept. 20 = 92 Kin Sept. 21 Dec. 20 = 91 Kin


Pyramid of the Giant Jaguar

The Pyramid of the Giant Jaguar is found at Tikal Guatemala, it stands at a height of 144 ft. tall. The ten-level cosmic pyramid is a symbol of the Ten Consciouss of Creation.


By Sandy Bessey (Illustration)

In the land of the Maya the jaguar was considered a sacred animal. This fact is revealed in the Deities Ruling the Thirteen Heavens Imix (left-handed) & Ix (jaguar) take their Holy position as the Goddess of Birth


Gregorian T 1 W 2 T 3 F 4 S 5 S 6 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 New Capri Tzolkin 8 Dragon 9 Serpent 10 Death 11 Deer 12 Yellow 13 Storm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Dog Monkey Teeth Cane Jaguar Bird Owl


Gregorian F 1 S 2 S 3 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Tzolkin 13 Bird 1 Owl 2 Conscience Obsidian Lightening & Thunder Chief or lord Left-handed Moon, wind, spirit Night Dragon

3 4 Aquari 5 5:Yax 6 7 8 9

8 Conscience 9 Obsidian 10 Lightening & Thunder 11 Chief or lord 4:Chen 12 Left-handed 13 Moon, wind, spirit 1 Night 2 Full 3 Dolphin 4 5 6 7 8 Dragon Serpent Death Deer Yellow Storm Dog

10 Serpent 11 Death 12 Deer 13 Yellow 1 Storm 2 Dog 3 Monkey 4 Teeth 5 Cane 6 Jaguar Full 7 Bird Whale 8 Owl 9 Conscience 10 Obsidian 11 Lightening & Thunder 12 Chief or lord 13 Left-handed 1 Moon, wind, spirit 2 Night

9 Monkey 10 Teeth 11 Cane 12 Jaguar


Day 5 10Th Tun = 5 Ahau 8Th Galactic Consciousness (November 19, 2007 November 12, 2008)


S 1 S 2 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 Dragon 4 Serpent 5 Death 6 Deer 7 Yellow 8 Storm New 9 Dog Salmon 10 Monkey 11 Teeth 12 Cane 13 Jaguar 1 Bird 2 Owl 3 Conscience 4 Obsidian 5 Lightening & Thunder 6 Chief or lord 7 Left-handed 8 Moon, wind, spirit 9 Night 10 Dragon 11 Serpent 12 Death 13 Deer 1 Yellow 2 Storm 3 Dog 4 Monkey 5 Teeth 6 Cane 7 Jaguar

T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 8 Bird 9 Owl 10 Conscience 11 Obsidian Dragon 12 Lightening & Thunder 260 13 Chief or lord 8:Mac 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Left-handed Moon, wind, spirit Night Dragon Serpent Death Deer



8 Yellow 9 Storm 10 Dog 11 Monkey 12 Teeth 13 Cane 1 Jaguar 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bird Owl Conscience Obsidian Lightening & Thunder Chief or lord Left-handed

Full Virgo

21 Bear 22 23 24 25 26 27 9:Kankin

M 28 T 29 W 30

9 Moon, wind, spirit 10 Night 11 Dragon

M 31


T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 New Ram 12 Serpent 13 Death 1 Deer 2 Yellow 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Storm Dog Monkey Teeth Cane Jaguar Bird


S 1 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 4 Owl 5 Conscience 6 Obsidian 7 Lightening & Thunder 8 Chief or lord 11:Pax 9 Left-handed 10 Moon, wind, spirit 11 Night New Tiger 12 Dragon 13 Serpent 1 Death 2 Deer 3 Yellow 4 Storm 5 Dog 6 Monkey 7 Teeth 8 Cane 9 Jaguar 10 Bird 11 Owl 12 Conscience

12 10 Owl 13 11 Conscience 14 12 Obsidian 15 13 Lightening & Thunder 16 Tun 1 Chief or lord 17 10:Muan 2 Left-handed 18 3 Moon, wind, spirit 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 4 Night Full 5 Dragon Serpent 6 Serpent 7 Death 8 Deer 9 Yellow 10 Storm 11 Dog 12 Monkey 13 Teeth 1 Cane 2 Jaguar 3 Bird

Full Sagitt

23 13 Obsidian 24 1 Lightening & Thunder 25 2 Chief or lord 26 12:Kayab 3 Left-handed 27 4 Moon, wind, spirit 28 5 Night 29 6 Dragon 7 Serpent

M 30


T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 8 Death 9 Deer New 10 Yellow Gemini 11 Storm 12 Dog 13 Monkey 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Teeth Cane Jaguar Bird Owl Conscience Obsidian

F 1 S 2 S 3 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S New 13 Conscience Dolphin 1 Obsidian 2 Lightening & Thunder

4 3 Chief or lord 5 14:Uayeb 4 Left-handed 6 5 Moon, wind, spirit 7 6 Night 8 7 Dragon 9 8 Serpent 10 9 Death 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 15: Pop 10 Deer 11 Yellow 12 Storm 13 Dog 130 Tzolkin 1 Monkey Full 2 Teeth Aquari 3 Cane 4 Jaguar 5 Bird 6 Owl 7 Conscience 8 Obsidian 9 Lightening & Thunder 10 Chief or lord 11 Left-handed 12 Moon, wind, spirit 13 Night 1 Dragon 2 Serpent Whale 3 Death Uo 4 Deer

14 8 Lightening & Thunder 15 9 Chief or lord 1613:Cumku 10 Left-handed 17 11 Moon, wind, spirit 18 Full 12 Night 19 Capri 13 Dragon 20 1 Serpent 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Death Deer Yellow Storm Dog Monkey Teeth

9 Cane 10 Jaguar 11 Bird 12 Owl


M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 New Virgo 5 Yellow 6 Storm 7 Dog 8 Monkey 9 Teeth 10 Cane 11 Jaguar 12 Bird 13 Owl 1 Conscience 2 Obsidian 3 Lightening & Thunder 4 Chief or lord 5 Left-handed


W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 9 Obsidian 10 Lightening & Thunder 11 Chief or lord 12 Left-handed 13 Moon, wind, spirit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Night Dragon Serpent Death Deer Yellow Storm




Full 6 Moon, wind, spirit Salmon 7 Night 8 Dragon 9 Serpent 10 Death Zip 11 Deer 12 Yellow 13 Storm 1 Dog 2 Monkey 3 Teeth 4 Cane 5 Jaguar 6 Bird 7 Owl 8 Conscience

8 Dog Full 9 Monkey Dragon 10 Teeth 11 Cane 12 Jaguar 13 Bird 1 Owl 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Conscience Obsidian Lightening & Thunder Chief or lord Left-handed Moon, wind, spirit Night


M 29 T 30

Bear Tzec

9 Dragon 10 Serpent 11 Death 12 Deer 13 Yellow


S 1 S 2 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 Storm 2 Dog 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Monkey Teeth Cane Jaguar Bird Owl Conscience


M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 260 3: 5 Lightening & Thunder 6 Chief or lord 7 Left-handed 8 Moon, wind, spirit 9 Night 10 Dragon 11 Serpent


Ram 360 1:

10 Obsidian 11 Lightening & Thunder 12 Chief or lord 13 Left-handed 1 Moon, wind, spirit 2 Night 3 Dragon 4 Serpent 5 Death 6 Deer 7 Yellow 8 Storm 9 Dog 10 Monkey

12 Death Yaxkin 13 Deer 1 Yellow Full 2 Storm Tiger 3 Dog 4 Monkey 5 Teeth 6 Cane 7 Jaguar 8 Bird 9 Owl 10 Conscience 11 Obsidian 12 Lightening & Thunder 13 Chief or lord 1 Left-handed 2 Moon, wind, spirit 3 Night 4 Dragon 5 Serpent 6 Death 7 Deer 8 Yellow 9 Storm


11 Teeth 12 Cane New 13 Jaguar Serpent 1 Bird 2 Owl 3 Conscience 4 Obsidian

New Sagitt

M 29 T 30 W 31



Gregorian T 1 F 2 S 3 S 4 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 New Capri Tzolkin 10 Dog 11 Monkey 12 Teeth 13 Cane Jaguar Bird Owl Conscience Obsidian Lightening & Thunder Chief or lord


Gregorian S 1 5: M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Tzolkin 2 Left-handed 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Moon, wind, spirit Night Dragon Serpent Death Deer Yellow

1 2 3 4 5 Full 6 Gemini 7 4:



8 Left-handed 9 Moon, wind, spirit 10 Night 11 Dragon 12 Serpent 13 Death 1 Deer 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Yellow Storm Dog Monkey Teeth Cane Jaguar

Full 10 Storm Dolphin 11 Dog 12 Monkey 13 Teeth 1 Cane 2 Jaguar 3 Bird 4 Owl 5 Conscience 6 Obsidian 7 Lightening & Thunder 8 Chief or lord 9 Left-handed 10 Moon, wind, spirit


9 Bird 10 Owl 11 Conscience 12 Obsidian 13 Lightening & Thunder 1 Chief or lord

11 Night 12 Dragon New 13 Serpent Aquari 1 Death Zac 2 Deer 3 Yellow

Night 6 11Th Tun = 12 Ahau 8Th Galactic Consciousness (November 13, 2008 November 7, 2009)


S 1 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 4 Storm 5 Dog 6 Monkey 7 Teeth 8 Cane 9 Jaguar 10 Bird 11 Owl 12 Conscience 13 Obsidian Full 1 Lightening & Thunder Whale 2 Chief or lord 7: 3 Left-handed 4 Moon, wind, spirit 5 Night 6 Dragon 7 Serpent 8 Death 9 Deer 10 Yellow 11 Storm 12 Dog

W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 9 Chief or lord 10 Left-handed 11 Moon, wind, spirit 12 Night 13 Dragon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Serpent Death Deer Yellow Storm Dog Monkey


Mac Full Virgo


8 Teeth 9 Cane 10 Jaguar 11 Bird 12 Owl 13 Conscience 1 Obsidian 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Lightening & Thunder Chief or lord Left-handed Moon, wind, spirit Night Dragon Serpent


13 Monkey 1 Teeth 2 Cane New 3 Jaguar Salmon 4 Bird 5 Owl 6 Conscience 7 Obsidian 8 Lightening & Thunder

New Ram

Kankin 9 Death 10 Deer 11 Yellow 12 Storm

M 30 T 31


F 1 S 2 S 3 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 13 Dog 130 Tzolkin 1 Monkey 2 Teeth 3 4 5 6 7 Full 8 Serpent 9 Cane Jaguar Bird Owl Conscience Obsidian Lightening & Thunder


M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 11: 5 Left-handed 6 Moon, wind, spirit 7 Night 8 Dragon 9 Serpent 10 Death 11 Deer 12 Yellow 13 Storm 1 Dog 2 Monkey 3 Teeth 4 Cane 5 Jaguar 6 Bird 7 Owl 8 Conscience 9 Obsidian 10 Lightening & Thunder 11 Chief or lord 12 Left-handed

Pax Full Sagitt

Tun 10 Chief or lord 10: 11 Left-handed 12 Moon, wind, spirit 13 Night 1 Dragon 2 Serpent Muan 3 Death 4 Deer 5 Yellow 6 Storm 7 Dog 8 Monkey 9 Teeth 10 Cane 11 Jaguar 12 Bird 13 Owl 1 Conscience 2 Obsidian 3 Lightening & Thunder 4 Chief or lord


New Tiger

New 13 Moon, wind, spirit Gemini 1 Night 2 Dragon 3 Serpent Kayab 4 Death 5 Deer 6 Yellow 7 Storm 8 Dog

M 29 T 30


W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 9 Monkey 10 Teeth 11 Cane 12 Jaguar 13 Bird 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Owl Conscience Obsidian Lightening & Thunder Chief or lord Left-handed Moon, wind, spirit

S 1 S 2 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Uo 1 Moon, wind, spirit 2 Night 3 4 Uayeb 5 Full 6 Aquari 7 8 9 Dragon Serpent Death Deer Yellow Storm Dog

Full Capri



8 Night 9 Dragon 10 Serpent Cumku 11 Death 12 Deer 13 Yellow 1 Storm 2 3 New 4 Dolphin 5 6 7 8 Dog Monkey Teeth Cane Jaguar Bird Owl

10 Monkey 11 Teeth 12 Cane 13 Jaguar 1 Bird 2 Owl 3 Conscience

4 Obsidian 5 Lightening & Thunder 6 Chief or lord 15: 7 Left-handed New 8 Moon, wind, spirit Whale 9 Night 10 Dragon 11 Serpent 12 Death 13 Deer 1 Yellow 2 Storm 3 Dog 4 Monkey 5 Teeth


9 Conscience 10 Obsidian 11 Lightening & Thunder 12 Chief or lord 13 Left-handed

M 31


T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 6 Cane 7 Jaguar 8 Bird Full 9 Owl Salmon 10 Conscience 11 Obsidian 12 Lightening & Thunder 13 Chief or lord 1 Left-handed 2 Moon, wind, spirit 3 Night 4 Dragon 5 Serpent 6 Death 7 Deer 8 Yellow 9 Storm 10 Dog 11 Monkey 12 Teeth 13 Cane 1 Jaguar 2 Bird 3 Owl 4 Conscience 5 Obsidian 6 Lightening & Thunder 7 Chief or lord 8 Left-handed 9 Moon, wind, spirit


T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 10 Night 11 Dragon 12 Serpent 13 Death Deer Yellow Storm Dog Monkey Teeth Cane


260 16:

Dragon 1 2 3 4 5 Zotz 6 7

New Virgo Zip

New Bear 18:

8 Jaguar 9 Bird 10 Owl 11 Conscience 12 Obsidian 13 Lightening & Thunder 1 Chief or lord 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Left-handed Moon, wind, spirit Night Dragon Serpent Death Deer

M 28 T 29 W 30



9 Yellow 10 Storm 11 Dog 12 Monkey 13 Teeth 1 Cane


S 1 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Full Ram 2 Jaguar 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Bird Owl Conscience Obsidian Lightening & Thunder Chief or lord Left-handed


T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 6 Dragon 7 Serpent 8 Death 9 Deer 10 Yellow 11 Storm

Full Tiger

360 1:

10 Moon, wind, spirit 11 Night 12 Dragon 13 Serpent 1 Death 2 Deer 3 Yellow New 4 Storm Serpent 5 Dog 6 Monkey Xul 7 Teeth 8 Cane 9 Jaguar 10 Bird 11 Owl 12 Conscience 13 Obsidian 1 Lightening & Thunder 2 Chief or lord 3 Left-handed 4 Moon, wind, spirit 5 Night

12 Dog 13 Monkey Yaxkin 1 Teeth 2 Cane 3 Jaguar 4 Bird 5 Owl 6 Conscience 7 Obsidian 8 Lightening & Thunder 9 Chief or lord 10 Left-handed 11 Moon, wind, spirit 12 Night 13 Dragon 1 Serpent 2 Death 3 Deer 4 Yellow 5 Storm 6 Dog 7 Monkey 8 Teeth 9 Cane 10 Jaguar

New Sagitt 3:


Mol Full

M 30


Gregorian F 1 Gemini S 2 S 3 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Tzolkin 11 Bird 12 Owl 13 Conscience 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Obsidian Lightening & Thunder Chief or lord Left-handed Moon, wind, spirit Night Dragon



Gregorian M 1 T 2 W 3 T 4 F 5 S 6 S 7 Yax M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Tzolkin 3 Death 4 Deer 5 Yellow 6 Storm 7 Dog 8 Monkey 9 Teeth 10 Cane 11 Jaguar 12 Bird 13 Owl 1 Conscience 2 Obsidian 3 Lightening & Thunder

New Capri

8 Serpent 9 Death 10 Deer 11 Yellow 12 Storm 13 Dog 130 Tzolkin 1 Monkey 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Teeth Cane Jaguar Bird Owl Conscience Obsidian



Aquari 4 Chief or lord 6: 5 Left-handed 6 Moon, wind, spirit 7 Night 8 Dragon 9 Serpent 10 Death 11 Deer 12 Yellow 13 Storm 1 Dog 2 Monkey 3 Teeth 4 Cane

9 Lightening & Thunder 10 Chief or lord 5: 11 Left-handed 12 Moon, wind, spirit 13 Night Full 1 Dragon Dolphin 2 Serpent

Zac Full

Day 6 12Th Tun = 6 Ahau 8Th Galactic Consciousness (November 8, 2009 November 2, 2010) 77

M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Whale 5 Jaguar 6 Bird 7 Owl 8 Conscience 9 Obsidian 10 Lightening & Thunder 11 Chief or lord 7: 12 Left-handed 13 Moon, wind, spirit 1 Night 2 Dragon 3 Serpent 4 Death 5 Deer

T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 10 Serpent 11 Death 12 Deer 13 Yellow 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Storm Dog Monkey Teeth Cane Jaguar Bird



New Ram

Salmon 6 Yellow 7 Storm 8 Dog Ceh 9 Monkey 10 Teeth 11 Cane 12 Jaguar 13 Bird 1 Owl 2 Conscience 3 Obsidian 4 Lightening & Thunder 5 Chief or lord 6 Left-handed 7 Moon, wind, spirit 8 Night 9 Dragon


8 Owl 9 Conscience 10 Obsidian 11 Lightening & Thunder 12 Chief or lord 13 Left-handed 1 Moon, wind, spirit 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Night Dragon Serpent Death Deer Yellow Storm

8: Full Virgo

M 29 T 30 W 31

9 Dog Kankin 10 Monkey Full 11 Teeth Serpent 12 Cane 13 Jaguar


S 1 S 2 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 Bird 2 Owl 3 4 5 Tun 6 10: 7 8 9 Conscience Obsidian Lightening & Thunder Chief or lord Left-handed Moon, wind, spirit Night


T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 6 Death 7 Deer 8 Yellow 9 Storm 10 Dog 11 Monkey


New Tiger

10 Dragon 11 Serpent 12 Death 13 Deer 1 Yellow 2 Storm 3 Dog 4 Monkey 5 Teeth 6 Cane 7 Jaguar 8 Bird 9 Owl 10 Conscience 11 Obsidian 12 Lightening & Thunder 13 Chief or lord 1 Left-handed 2 Moon, wind, spirit 3 Night 4 Dragon 5 Serpent

12 Teeth 13 Cane 1 Jaguar 2 Bird 3 Owl New 4 Conscience Gemini 5 Obsidian 6 Lightening & Thunder 7 Chief or lord 8 Left-handed 9 Moon, wind, spirit 10 Night 11 Dragon 12 Serpent



260 11: Full Sagitt

13 Death 1 Deer 2 Yellow 3 Storm 4 Dog Kayab 5 Monkey Capri 6 Teeth 7 Cane 8 Jaguar 9 Bird

M 28 T 29 W 30

M 31


T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 10 Owl 11 Conscience 12 Obsidian 13 Lightening & Thunder 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Chief or lord Left-handed Moon, wind, spirit Night Dragon Serpent Death

S 1 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2 Deer 3 4 5 Uayeb 6 7 8 9 Yellow Storm Dog Monkey Teeth Cane Jaguar



Dolphin 8 Deer 9 Yellow 10 Storm 11 Dog Cumku 12 Monkey 13 Teeth 1 Cane 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Jaguar Bird Owl Conscience Obsidian Lightening & Thunder Chief or lord

10 Bird Whale 11 Owl Pop 12 Conscience 13 Obsidian 1 Lightening & Thunder 2 Chief or lord 15: 3 Left-handed 4 Moon, wind, spirit 5 Night 6 Dragon 7 Serpent 8 Death 9 Deer 10 Yellow 11 Storm Full 12 Dog Salmon 13 Monkey 1 Teeth 2 Cane 3 Jaguar 4 Bird 5 Owl 6 Conscience

14: 9 Left-handed Full 10 Moon, wind, spirit Aquari 11 Night 12 Dragon 13 Serpent 1 Death

M 30 T 31



W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Zip 7 Obsidian 8 Lightening & Thunder 9 Chief or lord 10 Left-handed 11 Moon, wind, spirit 12 Night 13 Dragon 1 Serpent 2 Death 3 Deer 4 Yellow 5 Storm 6 Dog 7 Monkey 8 Teeth 9 Cane 10 Jaguar 11 Bird 12 Owl 13 Conscience 1 Obsidian 2 Lightening & Thunder Dragon 3 Chief or lord 17: 4 Left-handed 5 Moon, wind, spirit 6 Night 7 Dragon 8 Serpent 9 Death 10 Deer


F 1 S 2 S 3 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 11 Yellow 12 Storm 13 Dog 130 Tzolkin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Monkey Teeth Cane Jaguar Bird Owl Conscience


New Virgo

New Bear Zotz


8 Obsidian 9 Lightening & Thunder 10 Chief or lord 11 Left-handed 12 Moon, wind, spirit 13 Night 1 Dragon 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Serpent Death Deer Yellow Storm Dog Monkey

Full Ram


9 Teeth 10 Cane 11 Jaguar 12 Bird 13 Owl 1 Conscience 2 Obsidian


M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Lightening & Thunder Chief or lord Left-handed Moon, wind, spirit Night Dragon Serpent


W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 7 Storm 8 Dog 9 Monkey 10 Teeth 11 Cane 12 Jaguar New 13 Bird Sagitt 1 Owl Yaxkin 2 Conscience 3 Obsidian 4 Lightening & Thunder 5 Chief or lord 3: 6 Left-handed 7 Moon, wind, spirit 8 Night 9 Dragon 10 Serpent 11 Death 12 Deer

360 1:


Serpent 10 Death 11 Deer 12 Yellow 13 Storm 1 Dog 2 Monkey 3 Teeth 4 Cane 5 Jaguar 6 Bird 7 Owl 8 Conscience 9 Obsidian 10 Lightening & Thunder 11 Chief or lord 12 Left-handed 13 Moon, wind, spirit 1 Night 2 Dragon 3 Serpent 4 Death 5 Deer 6 Yellow


Tiger 2:

13 Yellow 1 Storm Full 2 Dog Gemini 3 Monkey 4 Teeth 5 Cane 6 Jaguar 7 Bird 8 Owl 9 Conscience 10 Obsidian 11 Lightening & Thunder

M 29 T 30



Gregorian S 1 S 2 4: M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Tzolkin 12 Chief or lord 13 Left-handed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Moon, wind, spirit Night Dragon Serpent Death Deer Yellow


New Capri

Gregorian T 1 W 2 T 3 F 4 New S 5 Aquari S 6 M T W T 7 8 9 10 Yax

Tzolkin 4 Monkey 5 Teeth 6 Cane 7 Jaguar 8 Bird 9 Owl 10 Conscience 11 Obsidian 12 Lightening & Thunder 13 Chief or lord

8 Storm 9 Dog 10 Monkey 11 Teeth 12 Cane 13 Jaguar 1 Bird 2 3 4 Full 5 Dolphin 6 5: 7 8 Chen Owl Conscience Obsidian Lightening & Thunder Chief or lord Left-handed Moon, wind, spirit



Universal Consciousness
6: 1 Imix 2 Ik 3 Akbal

F 11 S 12 S 13 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

4 Kan 5 Chicchan 6 Cimi 7 Manik Full 8 Lamat Whale 9 Muluc 10 Oc 11 Chuen 12 Eb 13 Ben 1 Ix 2 Men 3 Cib 4 Caban 5 Etznab

9 Night 10 Dragon 11 Serpent 12 Death 13 Deer 1 Yellow 2 Storm 3 Dog


M 31

M 28

Day 7 13Th Tun = 13 Ahau 8Th Galactic Consciousness (November 3, 2010 October 28, 2011)


T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 6 Cauac 7 Ahau 7: 8 Imix New 9 Ik Salmon 10 Akbal 11 Kan 12 Chicchan 13 Cimi 1 Manik 2 Lamat 3 Muluc 4 Oc 5 Chuen 6 Eb 7 Ben 8 Ix 9 Men 10 Cib 11 Caban 12 Etznab 13 Cauac 1 Ahau 2 Imix 3 Ik 4 Akbal 5 Kan 6 Chicchan 7 Cimi 8 Manik 9 Lamat 10 Muluc

F 1 S 2 S 3 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 New 11 Oc Dragon 12 Chuen 13 Eb 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ben Ix Men Cib Caban Etznab Cauac



Full Bear

8 Ahau 9 Imix 10 Ik 11 Akbal 12 Kan 13 Chicchan 1 Cimi 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Manik Lamat Muluc Oc Chuen Eb Ben

Ceh Virgo


9 Ix 10 Men Kankin 11 Cib 12 Caban New 13 Etznab Ram 1 Cauac


S 1 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 10: 2 Ahau 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Imix Ik Akbal Kan Chicchan Cimi Manik 180 Tun


W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pax 7 Chuen 8 Eb 9 Ben 10 Ix 11 Men 12 Cib 13 Caban 1 Etznab 2 Cauac 3 Ahau 4 Imix 5 Ik

10 Lamat 11 Muluc 12 Oc 13 Chuen Full 1 Eb Serpent 2 Ben 3 Ix 4 Men 5 Cib 6 Caban 7 Etznab 8 Cauac 9 Ahau 10 Imix 11 Ik 12 Akbal 13 Kan 1 Chicchan 2 Cimi 3 Manik 4 Lamat 5 Muluc 6 Oc

Sagitt 12:



13 6 Akbal 14 7 Kan 15 8 Chicchan 16 9 Cimi 17 10 Manik 18 11 Lamat 19 12 Muluc 9Th Universal Consciousness 20 13 Oc 130 Tzolkin 21 1 Chuen 22 2 Eb 23 3 Ben 24 New 4 Ix 25 Gemini 5 Men 26 Kayab 6 Cib 27 28 29 30 7 Caban 8 Etznab 9 Cauac 10 Ahau

New Tiger

M 30 T 31


F 1 S 2 S 3 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 13: 11 Imix 12 Ik 13 Akbal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Kan Chicchan Cimi Manik Lamat Muluc Oc

M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 4 5 6 Uayeb 7 Aquari 8 9 Eb Ben Ix Men Cib Caban Etznab

Full Capri

15: Pop

8 Chuen 9 Eb 10 Ben 11 Ix 12 Men Cumku 13 Cib 1 Caban 2 3 4 14: 5 New 6 Dolphin 7 8 Etznab Cauac Ahau Imix Ik Akbal Kan

10 Cauac 11 Ahau 12 Imix 13 Ik 1 Akbal 2 Kan 3 Chicchan

4 Cimi 5 Manik 6 Lamat 7 Muluc New 8 Oc Whale 9 Chuen 10 Eb 11 Ben 12 Ix 13 Men 1 Cib 2 Caban 3 Etznab 4 Cauac 5 Ahau 6 Imix 7 Ik

9 Chicchan 10 Cimi 11 Manik 12 Lamat 13 Muluc 1 Oc 2 Chuen

M 29 T 30 W 31

16: Uo


T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 8 Akbal Full 9 Kan Salmon 10 Chicchan 11 Cimi 12 Manik 13 Lamat 1 Muluc 2 Oc 3 Chuen 4 Eb 5 Ben 6 Ix 7 Men 8 Cib 9 Caban 10 Etznab 11 Cauac 12 Ahau 13 Imix 1 Ik 2 Akbal 3 Kan 4 Chicchan 5 Cimi 6 Manik 7 Lamat 8 Muluc 9 Oc 10 Chuen 11 Eb


S 1 S 2 M T W T F S 3 4 5 6 7 8 Dragon 12 Ben 13 Ix 1 Men 2 Cib 3 Caban 4 Etznab 5 Cauac 6 Ahau (Polar Union)

10Th Alpha & Omega

S 9 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 18: Zotz 7 Imix 8 Ik 9 Akbal 10 Kan 11 Chicchan 12 Cimi 13 Manik 1 Lamat 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Muluc Oc Chuen Eb Ben Ix Men

New Virgo

New Bear

17: Zip

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

9 Cib 10 Caban 11 Etznab 12 Cauac 13 Ahau



8Th Galactic Consciousness

Jan. 1 3 Akbal 5 Muluc 6 Ix 7 Cauac 8 Kan 10 Oc 11 Men 12 Ahau Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2004 2011 (Spiritual Matrix) May 1 Oct. 28 Deity Ruling Ahau 7 Kan 5 goddess of love 3 8 Muluc 6 Lord of Darkness god of rain & water 10 9 Ix 7 goddess of birth god of maize & sustenance 4 10 Cauac 8 god of fire & time Lord of Darkness 11 12 Chicchan 10 god of warriors & the sun Lady of Light 5 13 Oc 11 god of rain & water god ruling before dawn 12 1 Men 12 Lady of Light goddess of birth 6 2 Ahau 13 Lady & Lord of Duality 13

Zero Points
2004 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 2011 Day 7 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Kan 3 Ahau Muluc 10 Ahau Ix 4 Ahau Cauac 11 Ahau Chicchan 5 Ahau Oc 12 Ahau Men 6 Ahau 13 Ahau Apr.8 27 Apr.8 27 Feb.22 Mar.13 Jan.13 Feb.1 Jan.8 27 July 7 26 Aug.11 30 Apr.13 May 2 June 6 25 Jan.18 Feb.6 Apr.22 May 11 July 11 30 Mar.8 27 April 17 May 6 Jan.22 Feb.10 Dec.24 Jan.12 June 8 :: 6 Ik Venus Passage Nov.9 28 Sept.30 Oct.19 Sept.25 Oct.14

Oct.4 23 Nov.23 Dec.12 Oct.9 28

13 Ahau Aug.26 Sept.14 May 13 June 1 Jan.28 Feb.16 July 2 21 Mar.18 April 6 Aug.20 Sept.8 May 7 26 Jan.22 Feb.10

Galactic Consciousness Oct.15 Nov.3 Dec.3 22 Oct.9 28



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