LastecZnSe Plano Concave Mirror 090412
LastecZnSe Plano Concave Mirror 090412
LastecZnSe Plano Concave Mirror 090412
Phone FAX
Tender Notice No. : 20/11-12 Case No. LASTEC/1203-447/11-12 Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence Defence Res. & Dev. Organisation Laser Science & Tech. Centre, Metcalfe House, Delhi110054 (India) Dated : , 2012 Opening Date : 08.05.2012 Opening time: 1430 hrs.
Subject : ZnSe Plano Concave Mirror01 No. & ZnSe Beam Splitter 01 Nos. The supplies/services noted at Schedule of Requirements in Techno-Commercial Bid (Part-III) are required. Please find the following enclosed in this invitation: 1. Invitation to Tender (Part I) Page 1 2. Tender (Part II) Page 2 3. General Terms & Conditions (Part III) Page 3-5 4. Techno-Commercial Bid (Part IV) Page 6-9 5. Price Bid (Part V) Page 10-11 6. Technical Specification Appendix A You are requested to return Part II, Part III and Part IV duly completed in one envelope, and marked as TechnoCommercial Bid and Part V duly completed and marked as Price Bid in another envelope. The two envelopes are to be addressed to Director, Laser Science & Technology Centre, Metcalfe House, Delhi-110054 and marked with our tender reference no, due date and due time on each envelope with your stamp as sender along with date of dispatch. The two envelopes may be put in one envelope and addressed to Director, LASTEC, METCALFE HOUSE, DELHI-110054 at the above address. The combined envelope may be put in tender box placed at LASTEC, DELHI110054 reach the office of the Director before due date and time. Vendor must confirm the terms and conditions given in Part-III and Part-IV. In case the vendor is unable to comply with any of these, the reasons there of should be spelt out clearly. Non-compliance of the above may disqualify your offer for consideration.
Yours faithfully,
DRDO.MM 31 Page No. 2/11 GLOBAL TENDER PART II Tender Notice No. : 20/11-12 Case No. LASTEC/1203-448/11-12 To The President of India Through Director Laser Science & Technology Centre Metcalfe House, Delhi 110054 (India) Dear Sir, I/We agree to furnish required supplies/services as detailed in the Techno-Commercial Bid (Part IV) or such portions thereof as you may specify in the Acceptance of Tender/Supply Order at the prices given in the Price Bid (Part V) in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions (Part III) governing the contract/supply order enclosed hereto duly accepted on receipt of order for the same. I/We agree to hold this offer open until ________________________and shall be bound to supply/commission/erect the equipment and dispatch the same within the specified period. I/We agree to supply and commission/erect the equipment and complete the whole of the work and hand over to the purchaser within the period of ___________________ weeks, from the date of receipt of an intimation from you regarding acceptance of this tender/receipt of supply order.
Station : Date :
Station: Date :
DRDO.MM 31 Page No. 3/11 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR GLOBAL TENDER PART III 1. Preparation of Tender: i) The complete tender form (pages 2 - 11) should be returned intact whether you are quoting for any item or not. Pages should not be detached but when items are not being tendered for, the corresponding space should be defaced by mentioning 'not quoting'.
ii) In the event of space on the tender form being insufficient for the required purpose, additional pages may be added; pages must be numbered consecutively, should bear the tender reference number and be fully signed by you (the supplier). In such cases reference to the additional pages must be made in the tender form.] iii) If any modification of the tender form is considered necessary, you (supplier) should communicate the same by means of a separate latter sent with the tender. 2. Signing of Tender: a) The tender is liable to be ignored if complete information is not given therein regarding the particulars, data, specifications asked for in the Techno-Commercial offer (Part IV) at Schedule of Requirements. Specific attention must be paid to the delivery dates, technical specification, and also the general conditions of contract at Part III and other conditions mentioned at Part IV and Part V.
b) Individual signing the tender or other documents connected with a contract must specify whether he signs as: i) A 'sole proprietor' of the firm or constituted attorney of such sole proprietor.
ii) A partner of the firm if it be a partnership, in which case he must have authority to refer to arbitration disputes concerning the business of the partnership either by virtue of the partnership agreement or a power of attorney. iii) Constituted attorney of the firm if it is a Company. NB: a) In case of (ii) above a copy of the partnership agreement or a general power of attorney and in either case attested by a Notary Public, should be furnished to this office, or an affidavit on stamped paper of all the partners admitting execution of the partnership agreement or the general power of attorney, should be furnished.
b) In case of partnership firms, where no authority to refer disputes concerning the business of the partnership has been conferred on any partner, every partner of the firm must sign the tender and all other related documents. c) A person signing the tender form or any documents forming part of the contract on behalf of another shall be deemed to warranty that he has authority to bind such other and if, on inquiry, it appears that the persons so signing had no authority to do so, the purchaser may, without prejudice to other civil and criminal remedies cancel the contract and hold the signatory liable for all costs and damages. d) The tenderer should sign each page of the tender form and annexures, if any:
DRDO.MM 31 Page No. 4/11 3. Delivery of Tender: The original copy of the tender form (pages 2 - 11) is to be enclosed in two separate envelopes, first envelope containing Part II, III, and IV and marked as "Techno-Commercial bid" and another envelope containing only Part V marked as "Price bid". The two envelopes should be sealed and should bear address of this office, tender notice no, due date and time. The two envelopes should be put in third envelope and addressed to the Director, LASTEC, Metcalfe House, Delhi-110054 (INDIA) marked with our tender notice no., Case No. and due date. Right is reserved to ignore any tender which fails to comply with the above instructions. Latest Hour for Receipt of Tender: Unless otherwise specified in the Invitation to tender (Part I), your tender must reach this office not later than 1400 hours on the date of tender Submission. Tenders sent by hand should be put in the Tender Box at this office. Period for which the offer will remain open: (i) Firms tendering should note the period for which it is desired that their offers should remain open for acceptance. If the day up to which the offer is to remain open being declared closed holiday for Govt. offices, he offer shall remain open for acceptance till the next working day. (ii) Quotations qualified by such vague and indefinite expressions such as Subject to immediate acceptance; Subject to prior sale will not be considered. Opening of Tenders: The firm shall be at liberty to be present or authorize a representative to be present at the opening of the tender at the time and date as specified in the schedule. The name and address of the representative who would be attending the opening of the tender on behalf of the firm should be indicated in the tender. Please also state the name and address of firms permanent representative, if any. Generally the techno-commercial offer will be opened on the day specified for opening. Right of Acceptance: This office does not pledge itself and reserves to itself the right of accepting the whole or any part of the tender or portion of the quantity offered and the firm shall supply the same at the rate quoted. The firm shall be at liberty to tender for the whole or any portion or to state in the tender that the rate quoted shall apply only if the entire quantity is taken from the firm. Items supplied are subject to inspection and acceptance and the supplier should collect/ replace the rejected items at his cost and risk.
9. Delayed supplies: In case of delayed supplies, liquidated damages at the rate of 0.5 percent per week of delay with a maximum of 5 percent will be levied. 10. Registration: Registration is mandatory (Applicable Only for Indian Firms). If the tendering firm is not registered with this Lab/Estt. or any other DRDO Lab/Estt DGS&D/NSIC, they are required to seek registration. For details please write to Director of (Lab/Estt). Vendors must complete registration formalities to become eligible for placing supply orders and future enquiries. 11. Registration number allotted by this laboratory or any other DRDO Lab/Estt or proof of registration with another Govt. Deptt., if any to be enclosed with the quotation (Only for Indian Firms). 12. No correspondence/discussions/visits whatsoever will be entertained on the subject unless specifically called by this office after opening the tenders for technical discussions/ price negotiations. Any violation of this will render the quotations invalid and the firm is liable to be blacklisted. 13. Director reserves the right to call for techno-commercial/price negotiations. The company should depute competent representative for such discussion/negotiations whenever called for and he shall be competent to take on the spot decisions. 14. Drawings/specifications sent along with this letter should be returned along with the firms quotation or regret letter. 15. The firm may give any of their commercial term, if required in their techno-commercial offer only, and price quotation should contain only price. 16. SECURITY: Any information/material/document supplied in connection with this enquiry /likely order is classified and should not be disclosed/copied to jeopardise security of state.
DRDO.MM 31 Page No. 5/11 17. Please inform the Director in writing whether the owner of the firm or any of their partners/employees has close relations working with any DRDO Lab/Estt. This is for record only. 18. Office stamps of tenderers must be affixed below their signatures. 19. Earnest Money Deposit of Rs 30,000/- (Rs. THIRTY THOUSAND ONLY) by Bank Draft / Pay Order in favour of DIRECTOR, LASTEC, METCALFE HOUSE, DELHI-110054, is required to be submitted by Indian Bidders other than those registered with NSIC/SSI/DGS&D/ any DRDO Laboratory or Establishment/ any other Government Department. If a bidder withdraws or amends or derogates from the tender in any respect within the period of validity of his tender, EMD will be forfeited. Registered Bidders must submit proof of registration to avail exemption from EMD. EMD draft/pay order/proof of Registration if Registered should be enclosed with Price Bid. 20. Indian Firms should quote in Indian Rupees only on FOR LASTEC, DELHI basis. Taxes and other levies, if any, should be indicated separately. All relevant information except price should be available in the TechnoCommercial Bid. Detailed Technical Literature / Data should also be enclosed with Techno-Commercial Bid for speedy processing. 21. Terms of Payment as indicated in the document and other conditions like Security Deposit of 10% of order value may be asked before release of order etc. will be applicable for Indian suppliers. Pre-conditioned and incomplete offers will be summarily rejected. 22. Unsolicited quotations/quotations received late or improperly sealed or with incomplete marking or with unattested overwriting/corrections in the quotation documents are liable to be rejected. 23. Validity : 120 days from the date of opening. 24. For two bid cases, only Techno-Commercial bid will be opened on the date and time of opening.
(Signature of Tender issuing Athority) For Director For & on behalf of the President of India
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DRDO.MM 31 Page No. 6/11 GLOBAL TENDER SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS TECHNO-COMMERCIAL BID PART IV 1. Tender Notice No.: 20/11-12 2. 3. 5. 6. Name of tenderer : Due date & due time : ________________ 4. Opening date & time: ____________ The tender shall remain valid for acceptance for 120 days, from the date of tender opening. EMD : EMD RS.----------------------------- DD NO.---------------------DATE-----------(*Applicable to Unregistered Vendors INDIAN VANDORS.) Schedule of Requirements: Description & nature Supplies / Services Qty required Place & delivery dates Specifications (Attach additional sheets, drawings etc, if necessary) Case No. LASTEC/1203-447/11-12
S. No.
Note: list of free issue material provided by the lab/estt is attached an appendix* *Delete if not necessary CONDITIONS FOR TECHNO-COMMERCIAL BIDS TECHNICAL 1. Give brief description of item/equipment/material with accessories. Items offered should conform to BIS (ISI) specifications or as explicitly stated. In case specifications offered are different, separate comparative technical specifications sheet shall be attached with details such as S. No., specifications offered, deviations if any, and remarks. Any product brief, test certificates available may be enclosed.. List of spares, if applicable should be attached. Any optional, if offered, be provided with their full technical details including their use and advantage. Vendor to specify utilities needed during installation well before the supply. (a) Samples: Samples are required/not required. (b) Service/Maintenance Manuals: Vendors to provide complete set of service and maintenance manuals if applicable. (c) Drawings: Drawings supplied by this office are to be returned along with your tender.
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DRDO.MM 31 Page No. 7/11 COMMERCIAL 1. Payment terms: Foreign Vendor: The normal payment terms are 100% through Letter of Credit/Sight Draft. The LCs covering 100% net FCA (gateway airport) value of supply order will be opened. (ii) Indian Vendor: The normal payment terms are 90 % within 30 days after receipt, acceptance and satisfactory installation of stores/equipment in good condition or the date of receipt of the bill whichever is later. The 10% payment will be released after warranty/guarantee period. This can also be released on furnishing a bank guarantee for equivalent amount valid for the duration of such warranty/guarantee, wherever applicable. (iii) Please specify your payment terms. Your Terms of Payment should be reflected in Techno-Commercial Bid. However, the decision will be taken regarding payment terms & conditions in the Tender Purchase Committee(TPC) Meeting. (i) Give details of installation and commissioning except price which will be only in price bid (if applicable). Warranty/guarantee required is for ONE years. Indicate warranty/guarantee duration offered Delivery desired is within 10-12 weeks. Specify your delivery period. Indicate Mode of despatch: By Rail/Road/Air/Sea. In case equipment offered requires maintenance after the expiry of the warranty, please indicate approximate cost of comprehensive and on call basis maintenance and also availability of local support or otherwise. The Contractor is liable to submit the Security Deposit of appropriate value (upto 10% of order value), in the event of acceptance of his tender if applicable.(For Indian vendors only or as specifically mentioned) In case of delayed supplies, liquidated damages at the rate of 0.5 percent per week subject to a maximum of 5 percent will be levied. All terms used in the Supply Order/Contract will have the meaning as described in INCOTERMS-2011. Proper Law of the Contract (PLC) will be the relevant Indian Laws on the subject. The Contract / Supply Order will have a Clause for Arbitration. The Arbitration will be conducted under The Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 as applicable to International Arbitration. OR All disputes arising out of or in connection with the present Contract/Supply Order shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of International Chamber of Commerce by the Arbitrator /arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said rules in India. In case of a dispute, venue of Litigation, Arbitration and Conciliation as applicable will be NEW DELHI, INDIA. Language of the Contract / supply Order, Judicial Proceedings, if any, Arbitration Proceedings, Conciliation Proceedings etc. will be English. List of customers to whom the same equipment has been supplied in India / other countries along with full details of contact person, phone No., Address of the Institute etc., should be submitted with Techno-commercial Bid. Details of infrastructure for providing warranty / post warranty service and mode of providing service may be provided. All Bank charges outside India will have to be borne by the Vendor. Foreign Supplier will ensure availability of export license at their end.
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DRDO.MM 31 Page No. 8/11 18. PENALTY FOR USE OF UNDUE INFLUENCE The Seller undertakes that he has not given, offered or promised to give, directly or indirectly any gift, consideration, reward, commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any person in service of the Buyer or otherwise in procuring the Contract or forbearing to do or for having done or forborne to do any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of the Contract or any other Contract with the Government for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any person in relation to the contract or any other Contract with the Government. Any breach of the aforesaid undertaking by the Seller or any one employed by him or acting on his behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the Seller) or the commission of any offence by the Seller or anyone employed by him or acting on his behalf, as defined in Chapter IX of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 or the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 or any other Act enacted for the prevention of corruption shall entitle the Buyer to cancel the Contract and all or any other contracts with Seller and recover from the Seller the amount of any loss arising from such cancellating. A decision of the Buyer or his nominee to the effect that a breach of the undertaking has been committed shall be final and binding on the Seller. Giving or offering any gift, bribe or inducement or any attempt to any such act on behalf of the Seller towards any officer/employee of the Buyer or to any other person in a position to influence the decision of the Buyer, directly or indirectly or any attempt to influence any officer/employee of the Buyer for showing any favour in relation to this or any other contract, shall render the Seller to such liability / penalty as the Buyer may deem proper, including but not limited to termination of the contract, imposition of penal damages, forfeiture of the Bank Guarantee and refund of the amounts paid by the Buyer. 19. Payment of Agency Commission to Indian Agent We would like to procure the above item directly from you and not to involve services of Indian Agent for the procurement. The quotation submitted by your Indian Agent is not acceptable and liable to be rejected. However, in case you would like to involve your Indian Agent for supply of the items/service thereafter you may furnish the following information along with the Techno Commercial bid. Registration status of Indian Agent with DGS&D and DRDO Labs. Commission payable to Indian Agent and percentage Currency in which payable to Indian Agent. If the Agency Commission is payable by the foreign principal/OEM, such commission shall be received by Indian Agent through inward FFE remittance through banking channels and disbursed in rupees only. (e) Tax at source deduction is applicable to the Agency Commission paid to the Indian Agent as per the prevailing rules. (f) If the respective Indian Agents are not registered with DGS&D or DRDO Labs, are required to register their names with DRDO by providing the following informations for registrations : (I) Name of the foreign firm/original equipment manufactured represented by the Indian representative/Indian Agent. (II) Agency Agreement. (III) PAN No., Name, Address of Bankers in India and Abroad. (IV) Nature of services to be rendered by Indian Agent/Indian Representative and percentage of commission payable to Indian Agent/Indian Representative by Principal/original equipment manufacturer. (g) All particulars relating to Agency Commission will be reported to the enforcement Directorate of Income Tax Department. (h) Undertaking to be submitted by Indian Representative/Agent that the agency commission would be accepted in Indian Rupee only and through inward FFE remittance through banking channel for the service rendered towards the execution of orders. (i) Where regional offices of foreign firms have been authorized and set up within the country, they will not be treated as agents of the foreign firms and the financial dealings with such regional offices will be restricted to the norms stipulated by the RBI for each specific case. Such regional offices form integral part of the foreign vendors and their functions are totally controlled by their corporate office abroad and are hence not entitled to any agency commission. (a) (b) (c) (d)
20. ACCESS TO THE BOOKS OF ACCOUNTS In case it is found to the satisfaction of the Buyer that the Seller has engaged an Agent or paid commission or influenced any person to obtain the contract as described in clauses relating to Agents/Agency commission and penalty for use of undue influence, the Seller, one specific request of the Buyer shall provide necessary information/inspection of the relevant financial document/information.
(Signature of Tender issuing authority) for Director for & on behalf of the President of India
Tender Reference No. Fax/Telex No. Tele No. Signature of Tenderer Name in Block Letters Full Address
: :
DRDO.MM 31 Page No. 10/11 PRICE BID PART V 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. Tender reference no Name of tenderer Due date & time : : : 4. Opening date & time:
The tender shall remain valid for acceptance for 120 days, from the date of tender opening. Only for Indian bidders:- Rates for items given in Techno-commercial offer at Schedule of Requirements are as follows. Adhering to the Format given below is a Pre-requisite for considering your quotations. Prices should be on FOR Destination basis in Indian rupees. Description Brief description of complete equipment/ Item/material with all accessories. Excise duty, if any Customs duty, if any Sales tax Training cost, if any For octroi if applicable, necessary Certificate will be issued. Any other A/U Qty offered Unit price Total Cost
7. For Foreign Bidders:- Adhering to the Format given below is a Pre-requisite for considering your quotations. Price should be quoted on FCA/FOB Basis Sl. No. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Description Brief description of complete equipment/ Item/material with all accessories. Training cost, if any Total cost (in figures and words) Any other A/U Qty offered Unit price Total Cost
Separate list should be attached where required in the same format giving details of each item and cost. However, total cost should be mentioned at appropriate column in the above table (s).
OTHER CONDITIONS FOR PRICE BIDS 1. 2. No unilateral revision in price will be admissible. Rates should only be quoted in the accounting units (A/U) mentioned in this enquiry. Rates must be quoted in Indian Currency FOR LASTEC, DELHI basis and total value is also indicated in words. (Applicable for Indian Bidders).
3. In case any of the subheads are included in the total cost, the same should be specified. 4. Any optional indicated in techno-commercial bids must be priced separately. In case spares / accessories are applicable, their list and price should be clearly indicated separately.
DRDO.MM-31 Page no. 11/11 5. price excluding Customs Duty/Excise Duty should only be quoted in the Price Bid. If Customs Duty/ excise duty or any other extra charges are applicable, the same must be specifically stated. In the absence of any such stipulation, it will be presumed that the prices include all such charges and no claim for the same will be entertained. Customs Duty/Excise Duty Exemption certificates will be provided, if applicable. (Applicable only for Indian Bidders) The price quoted in the tenders should be exclusive of sales tax/VAT (and should be clearly stated to be so) which will be paid by the purchaser, if legally leviable at the rate ruling on the date of supply as specified in the Acceptance of Tender(for Indian vendors Only) Any other information bidder likes to add should be mentioned.
(Signature of Tender issuing authority) For Director For & on behalf of the President of India ______________________________________________________________________________________ Tender Notice No. : 20/11-12 Case No. LASTEC/1203-447/11-12 Full Address : Fax No. : Tele No. : Signature of Tenderer : Name in Block Letters : Office Stamp : Station : Date :
Reference No. LASTEC/1203-447/11-12
Annexture A
Specifications of ZnSe Plano Concave Mirror and ZnSe Beam Splitter are as follows : 1. ZnSe Plano Concave Mirror Material : ZnSe Diameter : 220mm 1mm Thickness : 20mm 0.5 mm Radius Of Curvature : 5000 mm + 2% Coating : Concave side to be coated for Reflectivity of 10% @ 200 AOI and Transmission of 90% @ 10.6m. Back side AR coated @ 10.6m with reflectivity < 0.05%. Surface Finish : 40/20 ( Scratch/dig) Surface accuracy : /10 @10.6m Damage Threshold : 5kW/cm2 @10.6m Absorption coefficient: 0.0015 cm-1 @ 10.6m Quantity : 01 2. ZnSe Beam Splitter Type : Plate Type Diameter : 140mm 1mm Thickness : 15mm 0.5 mm Coating : One side to be coated for Reflectivity of 10% @ 450 AOI and Transmission of 90% @ 10.6m. Back side AR coated @ 10.6m with reflectivity < 0.05%. Polarization : Random Surface Finish : 40/20 ( Scratch/dig) Parallelism : 3 Arc min Flatness : /10 @10.6m Damage Threshold : 4kW/cm2 @10.6m Absorption coefficient: 0.0015 cm-1 @ 10.6m
Quantity : 01
Terms & Conditions If the firm is not original manufacturer, then the firm is required to mention in the quotation the name of original manufacturer. Also firm should provide the legal documents certificate from their manufacturer, mentioning the authorization letter to sell their items in India. The manufacturer should submit the details of their infrastructure regarding coating & polishing facilities at their site during submission of their quotation. The supplier should mention the name of customer to whom they have supplied the similar items in the past. If the vendor do not submit the above documents at the time of submitting the quotation, then their quotation will be rejected.
13 Test certificate and literature of the items to be submitted at the time of delivery. Delivery within 3 months from the date of supply order.