Electrical Ckts Lab Manual (A.c)

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COMPENSATION THEOREM Aim: To verify Compensation theorem. Apparatus: S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Equipment RESISTORS MULTIMETER RPS BREADBOARD Fuse CONNECTING WIRES Type WW 0-20A 0-30V TCC AS REQUIRED Range Quantity

Circuit Diagram:




The compensation theorem states that any element in the network either linear or non linear may be replaced by a voltage source of magnitude equal to the current passing through the element multiplied by the value of element provide the currents and voltages in other parts of the circuit remain unaltered. Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram. Calculate valus of I, I1,I. Current values are taken from the fig. Compare theoretical and practical values.

Observations: parameter I I1 I theoretical practical

Model calculations: From the fig: I = V/R I1 = V/(R+R) I = I- I1 Precautions: 1. All connections should be tight. 2. All reading should be taken with out parallax error. 3. Before giving are removing the connections, supply should be switched off. Result: Thus the Compensation theorem is verified.



MAXIMUM POWER TRANSFER THEOREM Aim: To verify Maximum power transfer theorem. Apparatus: S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Equipment Voltmeter Ammeter Rheostats Variacs Knife switches Fuse Type MI MI WW 1- DPDT TCC Range Quantity

Circuit diagram for Maximum Power Tranfer Theorem:

Theory: In any linear network containing an independent voltage source in series with the resistance Rs or an independent current source in parallel with a resistance rs, delivers maximum power to that load resistance RL for which RL = RS.



Procedure for Maximum Power Transfer theorem: 1. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram.

2. 3. 4. 5.

20V of input voltage is applied to the given circuit By varying RL note down the corresponding VL , IL
Calculate the power in each case Draw the graph between maximum power verses load resistance and indicate the maximum.

Observations for Maximum Power Transfer Theorem: S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. . . . . . . RL VL(V) IL(A) PL = VLIL(W)

Theoretical calculations: Pmax =Vth2/4Rth Model Graph:



Precautions: 4. All connections should be tight. 5. All reading should be taken with out parallax error. 6. Before giving are removing the connections, supply should be switched off. Result: 1. Maximum power was transferred when RL = _________(ohms) 2. Actual Source resistance RS = ________(ohms)







RECIPROCITY & MILLIMANS THEOREMS Aim: a) To verify Reciprocity theorem. b) To verify Millimans theorem. Apparatus: S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Equipment Voltmeter Ammeter Rheostats Variacs Knife switches Fuse Type MI MI WW 1- DPDT TCC Range Quantity

Circuit Diagram for Reciprocity Theorem:



Circuit Diagram for Millimans Theorem:

Theory: Reciprocity theorem: It states that in any linear network containing two or more sources, if we apply some input to the circuit, the ratio of the response in any element to input is constant even when the position of the input and outputs are interchanged. Millimans Theorem: This theorem states that when a number of voltage sources(V1, V2..Vn) are in parallel having internal resistances (R1, R2, R3 Rn) respectively, the arrangement can be replaced by a single equivalent voltage source V in series with an equivalent series resistance R.



Procedure for Reciprocity Theorem: 1. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram. 2. Keep the varic is in mnimum output position, supply is taken. 3. Keep the switch S1 is in position A and switch S2 is in position X, all meter readings are noted. 4. Keep the switch S1 is in position A and switch S2 is in position Y, all meter readings are noted. 5. Keep the switch S1 is in position B and switch S2 is in position X, all meter readings are noted. Procedure for Millimans Theorem: 1. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram. 2. Keep the variacs in minimum output position and switch is in postion-2, supply is taken. 3. Adjust the variac such that desired voltage is obtained. 4. Note down the meter readings. 5. Keep the switch is in open position, note down the meter readings. 6. Again keep the switch is in position-1, note down the meter readings. Observations for Reciprocity Theorem: S.No 1. 2. 3. Model Calculations: V1 / I21 = ____________ V1(V) I1(A) V2(V) I2(A) Test condition Both sources are active Source 1 only active Source 2 only active

V2 / I111 = _____________ Observations for Millimans theorem: S.No 1. 2. 3. V(V) I(A) Test condition Switch is in position 2 Switch is in open position Switch is in position 1

Model calculations:



V = ( V1G1 V2G2 ..) / ( G1 + G2+.) R = 1 / ( G1 + G2 +) REQ = VOC / ISC Precautions: 7. All connections should be tight. 8. All reading should be taken with out parallax error. 9. Before giving are removing the connections, supply should be switched off. Result: Thus Reciprocity Theorem and Millimans Theorem is verified .



THEVENINS, NORTONS AND MAXIMUM POWER TRANSFER THEOREM Aim: a) To verify Thevenins theorem. b) To verify Nortons theorem c) To verify Maximum power transfer theorem. Apparatus: S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Equipment Voltmeter Ammeter Rheostats Variacs Knife switches Fuse Type MI MI WW 1- DPDT TCC Range Quantity

Circuit diagram for Thevenins & Nortons Theorem:

Theory: Thevenins theorem: Thevenins theorem states that any linear network with terminals could be replaced by a single voltage source Vth in series with a single



resistance Rth. The Thevenins equivalent voltage Vth is the open circuit voltage measured at the terminals. The resistance Rth is the driving point resistance of the network at the terminals when all the internal sources are set equal to zero. Nortons theorem: Nortons theorem states that any linear active network with output terminals can be replaced by a single current source in parallel with a single resistance. The Nortons equivalent current source In is the current through a short circuit applied to terminals. The shunt resistance RN is the driving point resistance of the network seen through the points when all the internal sources are set to zero. Procedure fro Thevenins& Nortons Theorems: 1. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram. 2. Keep the variac is in minimum output position and supply is taken. 3. Keeping the SPDT switch in position-1, supply is taken. Voltmeter and Ammeter readings are noted. 4. Keeping the SPDT switch is in open position, Voltmeter readings are noted. 5. Keeping the SPDT switch is in position-2, Ammeter readings are noted.

Observations for Thevenins & Nortons theorems: At Vs = S.No I(A) V(V) Test condition Load present Load removed Load is replaced by short

Rth = Voc / Isc = _____________ ohms IL (From thevenins theorem) = Voc / ( Rth + RL) = ____________ Amps. IL( From Nortons theorem) = INRN / ( RN+ RL) = ____________ Amps.



10. All connections should be tight. 11. All reading should be taken with out parallax error. 12. Before giving are removing the connections, supply should be switched off. Result: 3. IL from Thevenins Theorem = _______________ (amps) 4. IL from Nortons theorem = ___________(amps)


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