MA5040 ParisReview

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Literary and Historical Manuscripts Department The Pierpont Morgan Library, New York

The Pierpont Morgan Library, 2008 BRIEF COLLECTION INFORMATION Collection title and dates The Paris Review Archives, 19522003 Creator The Paris Review Accession number MA 5040 Quantity/extent 203 records storage boxes, 12 flip top boxes, 1 flat box, 7 small boxes, 1 flat file (as of August 2008)

ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION Processing information Processing begun by Leslie Fields and continued by Clara Drummond. Please note that this finding aid is still a work-in-progress. Since the aim is to provide as much information as possible about all of the materials in the Archives, a box inventory with brief descriptions of the unprocessed materials is included. Provenance In July 1999, the Morgan acquired The Paris Review Archives for the years 1952 through 1997 with funds provided by an anonymous donor. The archives for the period 1998 through 2003 were acquired, again with funds provided by an anonymous donor, in June 2005. Accessibility The collection is open for research by appointment. Film and certain audio recordings are not accessible due to condition. In the case of fragile papers or photographs, preservation photocopies for reference use have been substituted in the main files. Ownership and literary rights The Paris Review Archives are the physical property of The Pierpont Morgan Library. Literary rights, including copyright, belong to the authors or their legal heirs and assigns.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

For further information, consult a curator in the Literary and Historical Manuscripts Department. Preferred citation The Paris Review Archives: Box #. Repository The Pierpont Morgan Library 225 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016-3405 (212) 685-0008

DETAILED COLLECTION INFORMATION Historical Note The Paris Review literary magazine was founded in Paris in 1953 by Peter Matthiessen (1927), Harold L. Humes (19261992), and George Plimpton (19272003). Plimpton was the first editor, a position he held from the time he graduated from Cambridge University until his death. Other editors in the early years included John Train, managing editor; Thomas Guinzburg, New York editor; William Pne de Bois, art editor; and Donald Hall, the first poetry editor. In the Reviews 50th anniversary issue, published in the fall of 2003, George Plimpton wrote about the magazines founding principles: These were disarmingly simple: the main idea was to devote the magazine largely to creative work (short stories, novel excerpts, and poetry) and put the critical material (which tended to be the main fare in the literary magazines of the time) in the back of the book, if there at all. A special focus of The Paris Review was to identify emerging writers and poets. Jack Kerouac, Terry Southern, Evan. S. Connell, Susan Minot, Allan Gurganus, William T. Vollmann, and V.S. Naipaul were among those whose earliest work was published by the Review. Jay McInerney, T. Coraghessan Boyle, Rick Bass, and Mona Simpson were all first published by the magazine. Selections from Samuel Becketts novel Molloy appeared in the fifth issue, one of his first publications in English. The Paris Review also introduced a number of individual works, such as Philip Roths Goodbye Columbus, Ned Rorems Paris diaries, Peter Matthiessens Far Tortuga, Donald Barthlemes Alice, Jim Carrolls Basketball Diaries, and Italo Calvinos first English publication, Last Comes the Raven. In addition to the focus on original creative work, the founding editors of The Paris Review found another alternative to criticism: letting the authors talk about their work themselves. The first issue featured such an interview with E.M. Forster. This interview became the first in a series titled The Art of Fiction, which later expanded to include The Art of Poetry, The Art of Translation, etc.

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Many of the Reviews staff members went on to hold important positions in the literary community. These individuals included Maxine Groffsky, a managing editor who worked in the Paris office and later founded her own literary agency; Robert B. Silvers, editor of The New York Review of Books; Blair Fuller, co-founder of the Squaw Valley Community of Writers; Nelson Aldrich, editor of The American Benefactor, and former senior editor at Harpers magazine and reporter for the Boston Globe; Molly McKaughan, a special program officer at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and a former senior editor at New York Magazine; and Mona Simpson, author of Anywhere But Here and The Lost Father. The Paris Review was also involved in book publishing ventures. The first was with Doubleday in the late sixties, a relationship that lasted for three years, under which Doubleday paid The Paris Review an annual fee. Among the books published under the Paris Review Editions imprint were James Salters A Sport and a Pastime; Joy Williamss A State of Grace; George Wickess Americans in Paris; Paul Wests Calibans Filibuster; Harry Mathews Tlooth; and Louis Zukovskys A1-21. In the early nineteen-nineties the magazine began a second publishing venture with British American Publishing, a company started by Bernard Conners, a former publisher of the Review. Among the authors published were Charlie Smith, Paul West, Daniel Stern, Susha Guppy, and Charles Baxter. After George Plimptons death in September 2003, managing editor Brigid Hughes was chosen by the Reviews Board of Directors to be the new editor. The following year her contract was not renewed and the Board announced in March 2005 that Philip Gourevitch, a staff writer at The New Yorker, had been appointed editor. At that time the magazine also moved its New York offices from Plimptons home on East 72nd Street to 62 White Street. Scope and Content The Paris Review Archives (19522003) consists of general and editorial correspondence generated during the foundation and the day-to-day operations of the magazine; manuscript and edited fiction and poetry submissions; newsclippings; photographs; prints; bound issues; and sound and video recordings. The Archives documents the decisions made in producing each issue, as well as the careers of its staff and many of the important twentieth-century writers and artists who contributed to The Paris Review. Editorial correspondence (19522003) is an extensive archive of letters between Paris Review editors and staff, writers, agents, publishers, and organizations, and so documents the editors' roles in shaping the content from fiction and poetry, to art and advertising of each issue. Day-to-day operations are especially well documented in the early years because some staff members were in Paris and others in New York. Due to the expense of international phone calls and the limited budget of the Review, editors wrote long letters to one another about submissions, finances, advertising, art, and personal activities. [A note about dates: the first issue of the Review was published in 1953, but

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

there is correspondence and other material dating from 1952 when the editors and founders were working on organizing the magazine and the first issue.] George Plimptons correspondence, spanning his fifty years as an editor, is especially important to understanding the history and activities of The Paris Review. Plimpton seems to have replied to everyone who wrote to him (not always in a timely manner, but replying all the same) from celebrities to authors to high school students to people serving time in jail. The correspondence of other editors is also important for understanding the daily operations and culture of the magazine; Nelson Aldrich, Patrick Bowles, Marion Capron, Blair Fuller, Donald Hall, and Maxine Groffsky have especially full and rich files documenting the early years. The Interview Series files contain material relating to the Reviews Art of Fiction series. One of the differences between a Paris Review interview and other interviews is that the Review allowed authors to edit and re-write their answers, often many times. This seemed to make people who were not necessarily interested in being interviewed, more inclined to talk (notable exceptions are J.D. Salinger and Thomas Pynchon, who were invited but declined to be interviewed). It also makes the manuscript material that much more interesting and valuable for research because it shows original questions, answers, and comments that never appeared in print. George Plimpton himself edited many of the interviews at one stage or another, and most of the manuscripts in this series are marked up extensively with his notes, questions, and comments. He also conducted interviews, perhaps most memorably with Ernest Hemingway. The Hemingway interview file includes Plimptons drafts of questions to ask during the interview, notes taken during the interview, and edited versions of the completed interview. The file also includes letters from researchers and others who contacted the Review to request permission to reprint or quote from the interview. Paris Review staff member kept these requests with the Hemingway file.

SERIES DESCRIPTIONS SERIES 1: Editorial Correspondence, 19521997* This series is arranged alphabetically by name of author, then chronologically. Undated correspondence is placed at the end of each authors file. Separate folders have been established for correspondents with three or more items. Correspondents having fewer than three items are included in the Letter general files (A General, for example). Please note that the file Editors, The Paris Review, is arranged alphabetically by recipient and includes letters written under the general heading of Editors.

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

*Additional correspondence may be added to this series when the material received in June 2005 is processed. SERIES 2: Interviews Interviews have been subdivided into two subseries: published and unpublished. Subseries A: Published Interviews Arranged alphabetically by interviewee. Subseries B: Unpublished Interviews Arranged alphabetically by interviewee. SERIES 3: Photographs These photographs were removed from Editorial Correspondence and Interview Series files, replaced with a preservation photocopy, and moved to this series. Please note that this series is not complete; photographs may be amongst the unprocessed materials. SERIES 4: Audio and Video Materials SERIES 5: Bound Issues of The Paris Review Box Inventory of Unprocessed Materials Appendix A: Literary Agents, Agencies, or Publishers and their Authors in The Paris Review Archives *Please note: The Paris Review prints have been catalogued seperately. Search CORSAIR (the Morgan Library & Museum online catalog) for Paris Review to obtain a list.

SERIES 1: EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE, 19521997* Currently 11 records storage boxes, 1 flip top box (11 feet, 6 inches). *Additional correspondence may be added to this series when the material received in June 2005 is processed. General note on filing: Company name is filed by first letter of first word, example: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. filed under A. Personal name is filed by first letter of last name, example: Knopf, Alfred A. filed under K. Note regarding Paris Review staff: Many Paris Review staff members have been identified with a note and circa date of employment next to their names. Additional correspondence by staff members and interns may be found in the A, etc., General Correspondence files.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 1

A General Abels, Cyrilly Abelman, Paul [Abrani, Vittorio?] A.D. Peters AFA Aga Khan Aga Khan, Sadruddin (Paris Review publisher) Aiken, Clarissa L. Albee, Edward Albert, Jeanne (Paris Review staff, ca. 1955) Alcock, Ida M. Aldrich, Harriet Aldrich, Nelson W., Jr. (Paris Review staff) 1958-1959 Aldrich, Nelson W., Jr. 1960-1961, 1974-1975, n.d. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Algren, Nelson Alkazzi, Raoul Allen, Bruce Allen, Douglas Alliance Francaise Alvarez, A Ames, Amyas Ames, Blanche Ames Ames, Evie Anderson, Don Anderson, Richard Andre Deutsch Andrewski, Gene (Paris Review staff, ca. 1957) Angell, Roger Ann Elmo Agency, Inc. Annenkov, Georges The Antioch Review Appleton, John A.P. Watt Ltd. Arcadia, Ltd. Ardery, Peter B. Arien, Michael Arikha, Avigdor Aronson, Rosalyn Ascher, Sheila and Straus, Denis Ashbery, John Asher, Don Asper, Daniel Association pour la Diffusion des Arts Graphiques et Plastiques
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 1

Atheneum Publishers Atik, Anne (Paris Review staff, ca. 1964) The Atlantic Monthly Atlas, James Atwood, Margaret Auchincloss, Louis Avati, Mario Ayers, Mary Alice B General: Ba-Blythe B General: BoBachmann, Ingeborg Baer, Martha Bailey, Jeffrey Baldwin, James Ballorain, Rolande Baraka, Amiri Barba, Harry Barber, Michael Baring, Tom Barolini, Helen Bartels, Susan Barth, John Barthelme, Donald Bartlett, Helen Buck Bass, Rick Baxter, Glen Becker, Robert (Paris Review staff, ca. 1979) Beckett, Samuel Beeman, Robin Benchley, Nathaniel Benedikt, Michael Benjamin, Lesley (Paris Review staff, ca. 1981) Bensky, Lawrence (Paris Review staff) 1964 Bensky, Lawrence 1965, JanuaryMay Bensky, Lawrence 1965, JuneDecember; 1966; 1992; n.d. Benson, R. Michael Berg, Stephen Bernard, Kenneth Berriault, Gina Berrigan, Ted Berry, Newton Bier, Jesse Birdsall, Jill Blackfriars Blaise, Clark Blake, James
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 1

Blanche C. Gregory, Inc. Blond, Anthony Bly, Robert Bo, Lars Bockris, Victor Bogen, Don Bole, Allen Bollinger, Richard (Paris Review staff, ca. 1972) Bonae litterae neerlandicae patriae et orbi Bouvier, Roland Bowen, John Bowles, Patrick (Paris Review staff) 1961 Bowles, Patrick 1962, January May Bowles, Patrick 1962, June September Bowles, Patrick 1962, October Bowles, Patrick 1962, November Bowles, Patrick 1962, December Bowles, Patrick 1963, January March Bowles, Patrick 1963, April June Bowles, Patrick 1963, July September Bowles, Patrick 1963, October December Bowles, Patrick 1964, January May Bowles, Patrick 1964, June December Bowles, Patrick 1970, n.d. Boyars, Arthur (Paris Review advertising consultant, ca. 1966-1973) Boylan, Francis Boyle, T. Coraghessan Bradbury, Walter I. Brandon, William Brandt & Brandt Brassa Braverman, Kate Ellen British American, Ltd. (later British American Publishing, Ltd.) Brodkey, Harold Bronson, Po Brownstein, Michael Bruce, Louise (Paris Review staff, ca. 1959) Buchwald, Art Buckley, William F., Jr. Buckman, Peter (Paris Review advisory editor) Buitrago, Ann Mari (Paris Review staff, 1959) Bumpus, Jerry Burke, France Burki, H. K. Burroughs, William
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 2

Box 2

Burrow, John C General Cahill, William Calder and Boyards, Ltd. Calisher, Hortense Calvino, Italo Canada, Stephen Candida Donadio & Associates, Inc. (later Donadio & Associates, Inc., but still filed under C) Canfield, Cass Cantegreil, S Capital City Press Caplin, Loren Paul Capron, Marion (Paris Review staff) 1956 Capron, Marion 1957-1960, n.d. The Carleton Miscellany Carlisle, Olga Carroll, Jim Carter, Albert Howard, III Carter, Steven Carver, Raymond Cary, Joyce Caryl, Christian Cashen, Eric Chace, Sarah Charles Scribners Sons Charlotte Sheedy Literary Agency, Inc. Charyn, Jerome Cheever, John Chernoff, Maxine Chernoff, Sanford Chester, Alfred Christ, Ronald Cicellis, Kay Clark, Tom (Paris Review staff) 1964-1967 Clark, Tom 1968-1972 Clark, Tom 1973-1974, 1978-1979, 1982-1984, n.d. Codrescu, Andrei Cohn, Jack R. The Colbert Agency Inc. Colin, Rosica Collins, Billy Collins, Carvel Columbia Conjunctions Connell, Evan
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 2

Conners, Bernard F. (Paris Review publisher) Conrad, Barnaby Conroy, Cynthia (Paris Review staff/George Plimptons secretary, ca. 1969-1971) Conway, E.T. Coordinating Council of Literary Magazines (later Council of Literary Magazines and Presses) Corpora, James Corso, Gregory Cotts, Cynthia Coudert Brothers Coutts-Smith, Kenneth Cowles, John Cowley, Malcolm Crain, Harriet (Paris Review staff, ca. 1956) Crain, Jeannie Creeley, Robert Cross World Books and Periodicals, Inc. Crown Publishers Inc. Crowther, Prudence Cullen, Robert Cunningham, Michael Curle, J.J. Curtis Brown, Ltd. Curzon, Daniel D General Darhansoff & Verrill Literary Agency deCaro, Anita De Chalain [Plassan], Jacqueline (Paris Review staff, ca. 1953-1954) Deck, John Dee, Jonathan (Paris Review senior editor, ca. 1986) De Lanux, Eyre DeLynn, Jane Dennis, T.J.C Deodato, Paul-Charles Department of State, U.S. Government De Pasquale, John Der Hovanessian, Diana Dial Press, Inc. Dickey, James Didion, Joan Disch, Tom Dixon, Steve Domini, John Don Congdon Associates, Inc. Donleavy, J.P.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 3

Box 3

Dorset, Gerald Doty, Carolyn Doubleday & Company, Inc. Dowell, Coleman Dow, Mark Dowell, Coleman du Bois, William Pne Dubus, Andre Duffy, Dan Duhamel, Colette Dunlop, Lane Dunn, Bill Duran, Gustavo Duval, Denise Dybek, Stuart E General Editions Gallimard Editors, The Paris Review (arranged alphabetically by recipient) Elaine Markson Literary Agency Elgrably, Jordan Eliot, T.S. (see also Macfadyen, Ann) Ellen Levine Literary Agency, Inc. Ellen Neuwald, Inc. Ellison, Ralph Encounter Envoy E.P. Dutton & Co. Esquire Eugenides, Jeffrey K. Evanier, David (Paris Review manuscript reader, ca. 1981) F General Faber and Faber Limited Publishers (See 1959 items re: T.S. Eliot) Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc. Faust, Irvin Federman, Raymond Fenton, Charles Fergus, Jim Ferguson, William Fetler, James Fifield, William Fincke, Gary Fleisher, Frederic Ford, Richard Forster, E.M. (2 ALS) Foss, Eliza (Paris Review staff editorial assistant, ca.1982) Fox, Joe
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 3

Fox, Siv Cedering Francis, H.E. Frank Fraser, Robert Frechtman, Bernard Frick, Thomas Friedman, Alan Friedman, John Frost, Robert (1 TLS) Fuchs, Ernst Fuller, Blair (Paris Review staff) 1960 Fuller, Blair 1961 Fuller, Blair 1962-1973 Fuller, Blair 1974-1983 Fuller, Blair n.d. Furbank, Nick Furlong, Tom G General Gaddis, William Gaffney, Elizabeth (Paris Review staff, ca. 1990) Galassi, Jonathan (Paris Review staff, ca. 1978) Gallagher, Tess Ganassi, Ian Garber, Eugene K. Gardner, Leonard Garrigue, Jean Geneson, Paul Georges Borchardt, Inc. Gerteiny, Elizabeth Leppert (Paris Review staff, ca. 1956) The Gettysburg Review Giacometti, Alberto (1 typed telegram) Gianesin, Laura Gill, Brendan Ginsberg, Allen Glass, Norman Glen, Emilie Glynn, Thomas P. Goacher, Denis Gobeil, Madeleine Godwin, Gail Goedicke, Patricia Gold, Herbert Goldbarth, Albert Gonzales, Laurence Goodman Associates Literary Agents
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 4

Box 4

Gordimer, Nadine Gordon, Lester G.P. Putnams Sons Graham, Jorie Graves, Morris Greene, Graham Greene, Philip L. Grenier, Cynthia Griffin, Howard Groffsky, Maxine (Paris Review staff; later Maxine Groffsky Literary Agency) Groffsky, Maxine 1964-1966 Groffsky, Maxine 1967, January May Groffsky, Maxine 1967, June December Groffsky, Maxine 1968, January May Groffsky, Maxine 1968, June December Groffsky, Maxine 1969, January May Groffsky, Maxine 1969, June December Groffsky, Maxine 1970, January May Groffsky, Maxine 1970, June December Groffsky, Maxine 1971 Groffsky, Maxine 1972 Groffsky, Maxine 1973-1975, 1980, 1983, 1989-1993 Groffsky, Maxine n.d. Grove Press, Inc. Grove Weidenfeld Guerard, Albert J. Guggenheim Museum Guibert, Rita Guinzberg, Carola Guinzberg, Tom (Paris Review staff, ca. 1952 and later) Gullason, Thomas A. Gunn, Thomas Guppy, Shusha Gurganus, Allan Guterson, David H General, H-He H General, HiHaas, Robert Bartlett Haffenden, John Hall, Donald (Paris Review poetry editor) 1952-1959 Hall, Donald 1960-1961 Hall, Donald 1962-1964, 1968-1978, 1980-1981, 1991 Hall, Donald n.d. Halpern, Daniel Hamilton, Bill Hamilton, Richard F.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 4

Hansom Books Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. Hardwick, Elizabeth Harold Matson Company, Inc. Harold Ober Associates, Inc. Harper and Row Harpers Magazine Harriet Waserman Literary Agency, Inc. Harrison, Jim Harry N. Abrams Hartman, Steven Haskell, Francis Haupt, Zygmunt Havemann, Ernst Hayman, David Hellman, Geoffrey Hellman, Lillian Hemingway, Ernest Hemingway, Mary Hendrie, Don Hepworth, James R. Herbkersman, Gretchen Herliy, James Leo LHerne Herrin, Lamar Hersey, John Heston, Charlton Hickox, Fayette (Paris Review staff) Hickox, Fayette Hickox, Fayette Hickox, Fayette Hickox, Fayette Hickox, Fayette High, Ellesa Clay Hill, Geoffrey Hill, Pati Hirsch, Edward HIWAR Hoagland, Edward Holahan, Susan Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. Hornung, Celia Horovitz, Israel Houghton Mifflin Company Howard, Gerald 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980-1981, n.d.

Box 5

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 5

The Hudson Review Hughes, Langston Humes, Harold L, Jr. (Paris Review founder) Hurwitt, Jannika Huxley, Aldous Hyams, Joan I General ICM (International Creative Management) IFA (International Famous Agency, Inc.) Ignatow, David Inman, Robert Irving, John J General Jackson, Laura Riding Jacques Chambrun, Inc. Jafek, Bev James Brown Associates Janklow & Nesbit Associates Jarrell, Randall Jaspersohn, William Jauss, David Jebb, Julian Jenks, Thomas R. (Paris Review staff, 1981) Joan Daves (literary agency) John Brockman Associates, Inc. John Calder Publishers Ltd. John Cushman Associates, Inc. (later JCA) John Hawkins & Associates, Inc. Johnson, Ben Johnson, Wayne D. Jonathan Cape Limited Jondorf, W.R. Jones, Barbara Jones, James Jong, Erica Julian Bach Literary Agency K General Kadohata, Cynthia Kane, George S. Katterjohn, William Kempton, Murray Kennedy, Ethel Kennedy, William Kennedy, X.J. (Paris Review poetry editor) Kenyon, Jane Keogh, Tom
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 5

Kerouac, Jack Kessler, Jascha Kevles, Barbara Kidd, Virginia King, Rima Kinnell, Galway Knapp, Bettina Knopf, Alfred A. Koch, Edward I. Koch, Kenneth Kodansha International Ltd. Koehler, Stanley Koning, Hans Korelitz, Jean Hanff Kostelanetz, Richard Krasilovsky, Alexis Krawczyk, Joan (Paris Review print director for poster program, ca. 1991) Krementz, Jill Kucherov, Alexander Kuehl, Linda Kumin, Maxine L General Lacy, Bob Lahart, Edward Lamb, Robert Lamont, Rosette C. Larkin, Philip LaSalle, Peter Lasky, Melvin J. Laufer, Joanna Laughlin, James LeClair, Tom Lee, Hermione Leebron, Fred G. Leggatt, A. Lehman, David Lelchuk, Alan LeMaster, J.R. Leone, Dan Lescher, Robert (later Robert Lescher Literary Agency; later Lescher & Lescher, Ltd.) Levertov, Denise Levi, Peter Levine, Norman Levine, Philip LHeureux, John
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 6

Box 6

Lindner, Vicki Linville, James (Paris Review staff) 1983-1985 Linville, James 1986-1987 Linville, James 1988-1989 Linville, James 1990 Linville, James 1991 Linville, James 1992 Linville, James 1993, January June Linville, James 1993, July December Linville, James 1994, n.d. Lipp, Gil Lish, Gordon Lissaver, Frank Liz Darhansoff Literary Agency Lock, Norman Logue, Christopher Longmans, Green & Co Limited Loppert, Susan Lord, James Louthan, Robert Lovett, James Lowell, Robert Luigi Bernabo Associates S.R.L. Lynton, Stephen J. (Paris Review staff, ca. 1972) Lyons, Bonnie M General, Mac-Maz M General, Mc-Mga M General, Mi-My Mack, John MacLeish, Archibald MacLeish, Bill Macmillan Publishing Company Mailer, Norman Malaga Baldi Literary Agency, Inc. Malamud, Bernard Malanga, Gerard Mallon, Michael Malroux, Andr Manso, Peter Marcus, Jerry Maria Carvainis Agency Marie RodellFrances Collin Literary Agency Marion Saunders Literary Agency Marquand, John Marshall, Richard (Paris Review art editor, ca. 1980) Martin Secker & Warburg Limited
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 6

Marvin Josephson Associates, Inc. Mason, Bobbie Ann Mathews, Harry Matthiessen, Erard A. Matthiessen, Peter (Paris Review founder) Mattison, Alice Maud Foster Agency Maugham, W. Somerset (1 TLS) Mavis McIntosh Elizabeth McKee (literary representatives) Maxwell, William MCA McCaffery, Larry McCarthy, Edward McCarthy, Mary McClatchy, J.D. McCourt, James McCreary, Lew McCulloch, Jeanne [also known as Jay] (Paris Review staff, ca. 1984) McDonald, Dwight McGuire, Michael McInerney, Jay McIntosh and Otis, Inc. McKaughan, Molly (Paris Review staff) 1972-1973 McKaughan, Molly 1974 McKaughan, Molly 1975 McKaughan, Molly 1976, 1991, n.d. Meek, Ed Meek, Jay Melanie Jackson Agency Mellquist, Jerome Merchant, Ismail Meredith, William Merrill, James Merson, Anthony Merwin, William S. Metcalfe, Philip Metz, Robin Meyers, Jeffrey Micahelis, David T. Middleton, O.E. Midwood, Barton Miller, Arthur Miller, Henry Millgate, Michael Mills, Nicolaus
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 7

Box 7

Minot, Stephen Minot, Susan Mitchell, Julian Mitford, Nancy The Montreal Star Moody, Rick Mooers, H.T. Moon, Lawrence (Zaq) Moore, Marianne The Morgan Library Morgan, William Morris, Mary Morrow, Bradford Moscoso-Gongora, Peter (Paris Review staff, ca. 1970) Moseley, Joan D. (Paris Review staff, ca. 1958) Mller, Hans-Jrgen Murdock, Iris Musinsky, Frank Myers, Vali [Valery Rappold] N General Nabokov, Vera Naipaul, V.S. (1 ALS) Naslund, Sena Jeter Nath, Kedar Nathan, S. Rama National Library of Peking Neveur, Helene New American Library Newborn, Jud New Directions Newman, Michael (Paris Review staff?, ca. 1977) Newsweek Newton, Douglas The New Yorker The New York Review of Books Nguyen, Thuy-Phuong Nicholas Ellison, Inc. Nichols, Mike Ninety-Second Street Y Poetry Center Noble, Louisa (Paris Review staff, ca. 1953) Norman, Howard Norse, Harold Norton, Robert E. Nova, Craig Novakovich, Josip O General
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 7

Oates, Joyce Carol OBrien, Edna OBrien, Tim ODonnell, Brophy ODriscoll, Dennis Ohle, David Olivier, Laurence Olympia Press Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy Osborn, Carolyn Ozick, Cynthia P General Packer, Ann Padgett, Ron (Paris Review staff, ca. 1972) Paglia, Camille Paley, Babe Paley, Maggie (Paris Review staff, ca. 1967) Pantheon Books Paul & Peter Fritz Paul R. Reynolds, Inc. Payack, Peter Peabody, Sam Pease, Deborah (Paris Review publisher, ca. 1985) P.E.N. Penguin Group (also Penguin USA) Penrod, William Perlman, Mira-Lani Perlongo, Robert A. Perrotta, Tom Peter Owen Ltd: Publishers Pfefferle, W.T. Philip G. Spitzer Literary Agency Philippe, Claude C. Phillips, Arden Phillips, Robert Phyllis Kronhaus Literary Agency Phyllis Seidel Literary Agency Pickering Associates, Inc. Pickering, Samuel Jr. Piercy, Marge Pinsky, Robert Playboy Plimpton, Francis T.P. Plimpton, George (Paris Review editor, 1953-2003) Plimpton, George 1953 1952

Box 8

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 8

Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George

1954, January October 1954, November December 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966-1967 1968 1969, January May 1969, June December 1970 1971 1972 1973, January May 1973, June December 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985-1986, 1988, 1990-1993 n.d.

Box 8A (flip top) Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Plimpton, George Box 9

Plimpton, Sarah Pocket Books poetry Pohl, Robert D. Polk, David Pollan, Michael (Paris Review staff, ca. 1974) Pomerance, Murray Porter, Katherine Anne Portingal, Guy
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 9

Pound, Ezra Powell, Anthony Powell, Padgett Prado, Holly Price, Reynolds Pushcart Press Q General R General Raines & Raines (literary agency; also includes Theron Raines, literary agent) Random House, Inc. Ray, Man Rich, Adrienne Richardson, Patricia (Paris Review staff, ca. 1953) Richardson, Vokes Richler, Mordecai Ricono, Connie Riddell, Lucy (Paris Review staff, ca. 1968) Robbins, David (Paris Review staff, ca. 1980) The Robbins Office, Inc. Robert Cornfield Literary Agency Robert Lantz-Candida Donadio Literary Agency, Inc. (later Robert Lantz-Joy Harris Literary Agency) Robert P. Mills, Ltd. Roberts, Francis Robin Straus Agency, Inc. Rock, Peter Rodell, Marie Roethke, Theodore Rolling Stone Rorem, Ned Rosen, James (Paris Review staff, ca. 1974) Rosenthal, Irving Rossman, Parker Roth, Philip Rothschild, Michael Rotter, Pat Rudd, Hughes Russell & Volkening, Inc. Russell, John Russell, Ray Ryan, James Ryan, John Fergus S General, Sa Sc S General, Se Si S General, Sk St
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 9

S General, Su Sy Sachs, Arthur Sadoff, Ira Sagan, Francoise Salinger, J.D. (1 TLS) Salloch, Roger (Paris Review staff, ca. 1978) Salter, James Samuels, Charles Thomas Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency Sanford J. Greenburger Associates, Inc. Saroyan, Aram Saroyan, William Sarton, May Sawyer, Kenneth Schaffner, John (also, Schaffner Agency, Inc.) Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr. Schorr, Susan Schultz, John L. Scobie, W.I. Scott Meredith Literary Agency, Inc. Seabrook, John (Paris Review staff, ca. 1980) Seferis, George Seidel, Frederick (Paris Review staff, ca. 1961) Seitz, Gustav Seligmann, James Senesi, Mauro Settle, Mary Lee The Sewanee Review Sexson, Lynda Shaheen, Bob (Paris Review staff, ca. 1965) Sharpe, Matthew Shaw, Irwin Shefner, Evelyn Sherwood, James Shideler, Ross Shimizu, Yoshiaki Siegel, Rosalie Sifton, Elisabeth Silvers, Robert (Paris Review staff) 1954-1956 Silvers, Robert 1957, January May Silvers, Robert 1957, June December Silvers, Robert 1958 Silvers, Robert 1959-1964, 1966, 1977, 1979, 1991, n.d. Simon and Schuster, Inc. Simpson, Louis Simpson, Mona (Paris Review staff) 1978, 1982-1983, July
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 9

Simpson, Mona Simpton, Mona Singer, Isaac B. Singh, Raman K.

1983, August December 1986, n.d.

Box 10

Slott, Jonathon Snodgrass, W.D. Snow, C.P. Socit des Gens de Lettres de France Something Else Press, Inc. Sonnenberg, Ben Southern, Terry Southgate, Patsy Spang, Thomas J. G. (Paris Review staff, ca. 1953) Spencer, Colin Spencer, Sara Spender, Stephen Spiegal, Sam Spike, Paul Spinelli, Jerry Spingarn, Lawrence Spitzer, Philip G. Spokowski, Richard Square Books Stafford, William Stainton, Albert Steele, Max (Paris Review staff, ca. 1953) Stegner, Wallace Stein, Jean (Paris Review staff, ca. 1956) Steinbeck, Elaine (1 TLS) Steinbeck, John (1 ALS) Steinbrenner, George M., III Steiner, F. George Steinbrenner, George M., III Sterling Lord Agency, Inc. (also Sterling Lord Literistic, Inc.) Stern, Daniel Stern, Gerald Stern, Richard Stevenson, Adlai E. (1 TLS) Stevenson, John Stiles, George Stitt, Peter Stone, Robert Stout, Mira Strassman, Toni Straus, Roger W., Jr.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 10

Stuhlmann, Gunther Styron, Rose (Paris Review staff, ca. 1956) Styron, William Susan Bergholz Literary Services Sutton, Joseph Sutton, Remar M., Jr. Svoboda, Terese Swann, Brian Sweeney, Kathleen (Paris Review staff, ca. 1983) Swenson, May T General Taaffe, Gerald La Table Ronde Talese, Gay T & L Literary Agents Amsterdam Taylor, Edith M. (Paris Review staff, ca. 1954) Tedeschi, Richard Tench, Richard T. Theroux, Alexander Thieme (Paris Review printers) Thompson, Barbara Thompson, Eric Thomson, Virgil Thurber, James Time The Times Literary Supplement Tommaney, Jim Topolski, Felix Tornes, Elizabeth Torok, Lou Torregian, Sotre Town and Country Train, John P.C. (Paris Review founding editor, ca. 1953) Trocchi, Alexander Tynan, Kenneth U General University of Minnesota, University Press University of Mississippi Updike, John V General van het Reve, Gerard Kornelis Van Zuylen, Gabrielle (Paris Review staff, ca. 1956) Vernet, Gwynne Victor Gollancz, Ltd. Viking Press, Inc. (includes Viking Penguin, Inc.) Vilmure, Daniel
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 10

Virginia Barber Literary Agency, Inc. Vonnegut, Kurt von Nickern, Lillian (Paris Review staff; known as Nicky; married name is Lillian Pashaian) 1953-1955 von Nickern, Lillian 1956-1962 von Nickern, Lillian 1963 von Nickern, Lillian 1964 von Nickern, Lillian 1965 von Nickern, Lillian 1966 von Nickern, Lillian 1967 von Nickern, Lillian 1968 von Nickern, Lillian 1969 von Nickern, Lillian 1970 von Nickern, Lillian 1971 von Nickern, Lillian 1972 von Nickern, Lillian 1973-1974, 1976-1977, 1979, 1984-1987, 1990-1992, n.d. Vreuls, Diane W General Wagner, Linda W. Walbert, Kate Walden, Hallie Gay (Paris Review staff) 1980, February 1985, January, n.d. Walker, Alice Wallace, Aitken & Sheil, Inc. Walter, Eugene Wanklyn, Christopher Warren, James E., Jr. Warren, Robert Penn Watkins/Loomis Agency WCBS-TV Weiner, Ellis Weinman, I.L. Weiss, Antonio Wells, Dean Faulkner Welty, Eudora West, Jessamyn West, Paul Wheelock, John Hall Whitbread, Thomas White, Claire Nicolas White, E.B. White, Edmund Whitney Museum of American Art Whittier, Anthony Wickes, George Wiebe, Dallas E.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 11

Box 11

Wiesel, Elie Wilbur, Aiken Wilbur, Richard Wilbur, Robert Wilkins, Eithne William Morris Agency William Morrow & Company, Inc. Williams, Joy Wilner, Paul Wilson, Angus Wilson, Edmund Wiltshire, Richard Windham, Donald Wines, Jim Witherspoon Associates (later Witherspoon & Chernoff Associates Inc.; literary agency) Witt, Harold Wolff, Geoffrey Wolff, Tobias Wood, Clement Woods, William Crawford Woodward, Gordon Working, Russell Wright, Austin M. Wright, James Writers Digest W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. Wygod, Vera Wylie, Aitken & Stone (literary agency) X General Y General Yates, Richard Yeager, Laura The Young Agency Yourgrau, Barry Z General Zabriskie, Mary Forrest (Paris Review staff, ca. 1956) Zeiger, Lila

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SERIES 2: INTERVIEWS Arranged in alphabetical order by interviewee. All typescripts are clean typescripts unless otherwise indicated. Please note: Addition refers to the addition of a sentence to a few lines. Corrections are marks to make the text conform to what was intended, such as correcting spelling and punctuation errors. Deletion means crossing out text. Inserts refers to larger additions, often appended typed text, such as expanding from a few lines to a page or more. Subseries A: Published Interviews Box 12 Albee, Edward Fall 1966, Issue 39 2 folders Interviewer: William Flanagan Typed transcript, dated 3 March 1966, 56 p. Typed transcript dated 4 July 1966, 29 p. [*use caution: some pages stuck together] Typed interview, with introduction, with deletions, corrections, and some additions, 43 p. Galleys with deletions, corrections, additions, and revisions, some in Edward Albees hand, 29 p. Galleys with some corrections and deletions, 29 p. Galleys with some corrections and deletions, 30 p. Box 12 Amis, Kingsley Winter 1975, Issue 64 1 folder Interviewer: Michael Barber Typed letter signed, dated 13 October 1975, from Amis to Barber, re: follow-up interview questions, 1 p. Autograph notes in hand of George Plimpton, 3 p. Typed interview introduction with deletions and corrections, 3 p. Typed interview introduction, 1 p. Typed questions and answers to insert in interview, 3 p. Carbon copy of typed interview with additions, deletions and revisions, 26 p. Photocopy of galleys with autograph corrections, 33 p. Box 12 Ashbery, John Winter 1983, Issue 90 2 folders Interviewer: Peter A. Stitt Typed note, dated [1978], from Fayette Hickox to Jonathan Galassi, re: David Lehmans interview with John Ashbery, with autograph note by George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 30 May 1978, from [Jonathan Galassi] to Fayette Hickox, 1 p.
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Typed letter, dated 29 July 1978, from Fayette Hickox to David Lehman, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 4 August 1978, from David Lehman to Fayette Hickox, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 24 August 1978, from David Lehman to Fayette Hickox, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 30 June 1980, from Peter Stitt to Fayette Hickox, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 7 July 1980, from Fayette Hickox to Peter Stitt, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 30 April 1981, from Mark Hillringhouse to George Plimpton, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 29 June 1981, from Hallie Gay Walden to Mark Hillringhouse, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 9 July 1981, from Peter Stitt to Fayette Hickox, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 28 July 1981, from Mark Hillringhouse to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 13 October 1981, from Hallie Gay Walden to Peter Stitt, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 16 November 1981, from Peter Stitt to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Autograph letter signed, dated [November 1981], from Hallie Gay Walden to Peter Stitt, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 20 February 1982, from David Lehman to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 17 May 1983, from Peter Stitt to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 17 May 1983, from David Lehman to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Copy of typed letter, dated 6 June 1983, from David Lehman to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 15 July 1983, from Peter Stitt to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 19 July 1983, from Hallie Gay Walden to Peter Stitt, 1 p. Typed interview introduction and interview with extensive additions, deletions, corrections, and changes, 34 p. Box 12 Auden, W. H. Spring 1974, Issue 57 3 folders Interviewer: Michael Newman Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 7 June 1973, from George Plimpton to W. H. Auden, re: additional interview questions and with questions attached, 2 p. Typed letter signed, n.d., from W. H. Auden to George Plimpton, re: responses to new questions, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 13 July 1973, from George Plimpton to W. H. Auden, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 2 August 1973, from George Plimpton to W. H. Auden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 20 September 1973, from Michael Newman to George Plimpton, 2 p. Autograph letter signed, dated 8 August [1973], from W. H. Auden to George Plimpton, 1 p.

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 5 October 1973, from George Plimpton to Michael Newman, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 14 October 1973, from Michael Newman to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 18 November 1973, from Michael Newman to George Plimpton, 3 p, with photocopy of typed letter signed, dated 6 April 1973, from Michael Newman to W. H. Auden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 26 November 1973, from George Plimpton to Michael Newman, 1 p. Typed interview with corrections and deletions, 21 p Typed interview introduction with corrections, deletions, and revisions in George Plimptons hand, 5 p Miscellaneous typed and autograph pages, some in George Plimptons hand, of interview with deletions, corrections, inserts, and revisions, 18 p. [Conservation note: some pages with tape.] Typed interview, with introduction, with inserts, corrections, deletions and revisions, 36 p. [conservation note: some pieces with tape] Autograph letter signed, n.d., from John Briggs to [Paris Review], re: photographs of Auden for interview, 1 p. Three black and white photographs of W. H. Auden being interviewed. [Preservation photocopies here; original photographs moved to Photographs Series.] Negative and photographs of drawing of Auden by unidentified artist . [Preservation photocopies here; original photographs moved to Photographs Series.] Box 12 Baldwin, James Spring 1984, Issue 91 4 folders Interviewers: Jordan Elgrably and George Plimpton Typed invoice, dated 26 June 1968, from Steno-Services to Paris Review, re: transcription from tape of interview with Jams Baldwin and Olga Carlisle, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter signed, dated 20 June 1974, from George Plimpton to Peter Manso, re: Mansos interview with Baldwin, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 23 September 1974, from Peter Manso to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 3 April 1976, from Bill J. Gee to Paris Review, re: interest in interview of James Baldwin, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter signed, dated 26 May 1976, from Molly McKaughan to Bill J. Gee, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 5 January 1982, from Jordan Elgrably to George Plimpton, 2 p., with attached photocopy of newspaper article about John Fowles, dated 25-26 April 1981, 1 p. Photocopy of typed letter, dated 14 January 1982, from Hallie Gay Walden to James Baldwin, 1 p. Photocopy of typed letter, dated 14 January 1982, from Hallie Gay Walden to Jordan Elgrably, 1 p.

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Photocopy of typed letter signed, dated 18 January 1982, from Hallie Gay Walden to Jordan Elgrably, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 28 January 1982, from Jordan Elgrably to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 12 March 1982, from Jordan Elgrably to Hallie Gay Walden, 2 p., with copy of typed letter signed, dated 11 February 1982, from John Fowles to Jordan Elgrably, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 6 April 1982, from Jordan Elgrably to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 14 April 1982, from Jordan Elgrably to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 10 September 1982, from Jordan Elgrably to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Photocopy of typed letter signed, dated 8 November 1982, from Hallie Gay Walden to Jordan Elgrably, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 15 November 1982, from Jordan Elgrably to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p., with photocopy of typed letter signed, dated 18 January 1982, from Hallie Gay Walden to Jordan Elgrably, 1 p. Envelope addressed by James Baldwin to Hallie Gay Walden, postmarked 29 November 1982, no letter enclosed. Photocopy of typed letter signed, dated 3 December 1982, from Hallie Gay Walden to Jordan Elgrably, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 27 December 1982, to Hallie Gay Walden, from Jordan Elgrably, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 1 February 1983, from Jordan Elgrably to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Autograph letter signed, dated 29 April 1983, from Jordan Elgrably to George Plimpton, 1 p., with receipts for interview expenses and envelope. Typed letter signed, dated 10 June 1983, from Jordan Elgrably to George Plimpton, 1 p., with George Plimptons autograph note to Hallie Gay Walden at top, See me re this. Typed letter signed, dated 16 July 1983, from Jordan Elgrably to George Plimpton and Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Photocopy of typed letter signed, dated 1 August 1983, from George Plimpton to Jordan Elgrably, 1 p. Photocopy of typed letter signed, dated 25 August 1983, from Hallie Gay Walden to Jordan Elgrably, 1 p., with envelope. Typed letter signed, dated 5 September 1983, from Jordan Elgrably to George Plimpton, 4 p. Typed letter signed, dated 6 October 1983, from Jordan Elgrably to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Photocopy of autograph draft letter, dated 2 March 1984, from Hallie Gay Walden to James Baldwin, 2 p. Photocopy of typed letter signed, dated 2 March 1984, from Hallie Gay Walden to Elgrably, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 22 March 1984 from Jordan Elgrably to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed introduction to interview with deletions, corrections, and additions, 3 p.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Photocopy of introduction to interview with deletions, corrections, and additions, some photocopied marks in George Plimptons hand, others in editors pencil, 3 p. Typed interview with corrections, 23 p. Photocopy of typed interview questions and answers, with corrections, additions, and deletions in black ink and pencil, 11 p. Typed transcription of interview with James Baldwin and George Plimpton, Baldwin inserts by GAP at top, 16 p. Photocopy of typed interview with corrections and deletions, some in George Plimptons hand, 23 p. Photocopy of typed transcription of interview with James Baldwin and George Plimpton, with corrections, deletions, additions, revisions in the form of cutting and taping, and inserts, many in George Plimptons hand, 19 p. [Conservation note: yellowing Scotch tape here.] Photocopy of typed interview of James Baldwin with Jordan Elgrably cut and taped with interview with George Plimpton, with deletions, inserts, and corrections, 38 p. Photocopy of typed introduction to interview with typed interview (described above) of James Baldwin with Jordan Elgrably cut and taped with interview with George Plimpton, with deletions, inserts, and corrections, 41 p. Galleys with James Baldwins corrections, deletions, and additions in blue ink, 22 p. Galleys marked First Update with corrections, additions, and deletions, 29 p. Typed readers comment sheet, n.d., signed by Andrew Ludwig, 3 p. Copy of typed transcript of interview with James Baldwin by Olga Carlisle, unmarked, 21 p. Copy of typed transcript of interview with James Baldwin by Olga Carlisle, unmarked, 21 p. Typed transcript of interview with James Baldwin [?by Peter Manso], unmarked, 105 p. Copy of typed transcript of interview with James Baldwin [?by Peter Manso], unmarked, 104 p. Black and white photograph of James Baldwin, approximately 6 x 5 inches, n.d. [Preservation photocopy in this folder; original photograph moved to Photographs Series.] Box 12 Ballard, J.G. Winter 1984, Issue 94 1 folder Interviewer: Thomas Frick Typed letter signed, dated 12 August [19]83, from Thomas Frick to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 14 October [19]83, from Thomas Frick to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 18 January [19]84, from Thomas Frick to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 9 October [19]84, from Thomas Frick to Mona Simpson, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 26 October [19]84, from J.G. Ballard to Jeanne McCulloch, 1 p.

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Typed letter signed, dated 7 November [19]84, from J.G. Ballard to Jeanne McCulloch, 1 p. Typed interview introduction with corrections, deletions, and additions, 2 p. Typed interview introduction with autograph with deletions and changes, 2 p. Copy of typed interview with autograph corrections and deletions, 25 p. Copy of London Review of Books review entitled The Great Exhibition by John Sutherland, dated 19 September 1984, includes review of J.G. Ballards Empire of the Sun. Box 12 Barth, John Spring 1985, Issue 95 2 folders Interviewer: George Plimpton Autograph transcription of video-taped interview in unidentified hand, 19 p. Autograph list of questions for John Barth by George Plimpton, 3 p. Typed introduction to interview with corrections and deletions, 3 p. Typed interview with corrections, deletions, and additions by John Barth, 11 p. Typed interview with corrections, deletions, and additions by George Plimpton, 12 p Typed interview with corrections, deletions, and additions by an editor JD, 12 p. Typed interview with minor corrections and deletions by an editor, 12 p. Typed interview with corrections and deletions in pencil, some in George Plimptons hand, 11 p. Typed interview with minor corrections and deletions in red pen, 11 p. Typed interview with corrections and deletions, marked up for typesetter, 11 p. Typed document, with autograph notes in George Plimptons hand, with suggested questions and biographical information about John Barth compiled by Beatrix S.A. Flynn, 9 p. Autograph document, unidentified hand, regarding corrections for specific lines of interview text, 1 p. Box 12 Berryman, John Fall 1971, Issue 53 2 folders Interviewer: Peter A. Stitt Typed interview, with introduction, and with corrections, deletions, and additions in various hands, 45 p. Galley proof with corrections in unidentified hand, 32 p. Galley proof with changes, deletions, and corrections in unidentified hand, 32 p. Galley proof with minor corrections in unidentified hand, 16 p. Box 12 Bishop, Elizabeth Summer 1981, Issue 80 1 folder Interviewer: Elizabeth Spires Typed letter signed, dated 21 January 1980, from Jonathan Galassi to George Plimpton and Fayette Hickox, 1 p.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Copy of typed letter, dated 4 March 1980, from Jonathan Galassi to Alice Methfessel and Frank Bidart, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 28 May 1980, from Jonathan Galassi to Fayette Hickox, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 16 June 1980, from Jonathan Galassi to Fayette Hickox, 1 p. Typed postcard signed, dated 6 July 1981, from Elizabeth Spires to Fayette Hickox, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 4 November 1981, from Elizabeth Spires to George Plimpton, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 19 November 1981, from David Robbins to Elizabeth Spires, 1 p. Typed interview, with introduction, and with corrections and deletions, some in hand of George Plimpton (in red ink), 29 p. Galley proofs with corrections and deletions in various hands, 17 p. Photocopy of Elizabeth Bishop draft manuscript, 1 p. Box 12 Bll, Heinrich Spring 1983, Issue 87 5 folders Interviewer: A. Leslie Wilson Copy of typed letter signed, dated 8 February 1979, from Fayette Hickox to Helen Wolff, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 21 February 1979, from Frederic W. Hills to Heinrich Bll, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 2 April 1981, from Richard Ziegfeld to George Plimpton, 2 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 1 May 1981, from George Plimpton to A. Leslie Wilson, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 3 June 1981, from A. Leslie Wilson to George Plimpton, 1 p. Two copies of printed article by A. Leslie Wilson, titled Entering the Eighties: The Mosaic of German Literatures, from World Literature Today, dated autumn 1981. Typed letter signed, dated 23 December 1981, from A. Leslie Wilson to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Copy of autograph letter signed, dated 20 January 1982, from Elias Canetti to A. Leslie Wilson, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 15 February 1982, from Nicolai Riedel to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 23 February 1982, from A. Leslie Wilson to George Plimpton, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 26 February 1982, from Lesley Benjamin to Nicolai Riedel, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 1 March 1982, from George Plimpton to Heinrich Bll, 1 p., with copy of same signed by Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Autograph postcard signed, dated 27 April 1982, from A. Leslie Wilson to George Plimpton, with autograph note from George Plimpton to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 20 July 1982, from A. Leslie Wilson to George Plimpton, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 5 August 1982, from A. Leslie Wilson to George Plimpton, 1 p.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Copy of autograph letter signed, dated 24 January 1983, from Hallie Gay Walden to Leslie Wilson, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 1 February 1983, from A. Leslie Wilson to George Plimpton, 2 p., with copy of same. Typed letter signed, dated 9 February 1983, from A. Leslie Wilson to George Plimpton, 1 p. Autograph note signed, dated 9 February 1983, from A. Leslie Wilson to George Plimpton, 1 p. Autograph note signed, dated 20 February 1983, from A. Leslie Wilson to George Plimpton, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 18 March 1983, from Hallie Gay Walden to James Goodale, 1 p. Copy of autograph letter signed, no date, from George Plimpton to A. Leslie Wilson, 1 p. Typed readers comment sheet, no date, by MS [Mona Simpson] to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed interview questions and answers labeled Additional questions for Henrich Bll, with corrections, deletions, and additions, 14 p. Copy of typed interview questions labeled Queries for Bll, 2 p. Copy of typed interview questions labeled Ideas for the Bll Interview, 1 p. Typed interview questions, 1 p. Copy of Heinrich Bll draft manuscript, 1 p. Printed black and white photograph of Heinrich Bll, approximately 8 x 10 inches. Copy of typed interview introduction and interview, with corrections, deletions, and additions, some in hand of George Plimpton, 31 p. Copy of typed interview introduction and interview with comments and deletions in unidentified hand, 32 p. Copy of typed interview introduction and interview with corrections, deletions, and additions in several hands, 31 p. Box 12 Borges, Jorge Luis Summer 1993, Issue 127 2 folders Interviewer: Ronald Christ Typed interview, with introduction, with corrections, deletions, and additions, in various hands, including that of George Plimpton, 65 p. Galleys with corrections and addition, 46 p. Galleys with corrections, 46 p. Galleys with corrections, 45 p. Miscellaneous galleys, 7 p. Typed sheets with captions for illustrations, 3 p. Box 12 Brodsky, Joseph Spring 1982, Issue 83 1 folder Interviewer: Sven Birkerts Typed letter, dated 16 December 1979, from Sven Birkerts to Peter Matthiessen, 1 p.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 9 January [1980], from Fayette Hickox to Sven Birkerts, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 14 January 1980, from Sven Birkerts to Fayette Hickox, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 28 January 1980, from Fayette Hickox to George Plimpton, 1 p., with autograph reply by George Plimpton on sheet. Copy of typed letter, dated 5 February 1980, from Fayette Hickox to Sven Birkerts, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 29 June 1980, from Sven Birkerts to Fayette Hickox, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 29 December 1980, from Sven Birkerts to The Paris Review, 1 p. Copy of autograph letter signed, dated 31 March 1981, from Fayette Hickox to Sven Birkerts, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 19 January 1982, from Sven Birkerts to The Paris Review, 1 p. Copy of autograph letter signed, dated 26 February [1982], from Hallie Gay Walden to Joseph Brodsky, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 1 March 1982, from Sven Birkerts to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Copy of interview introduction fragment, 1 p. Galleys of interview, with inserts, corrections, and deletions, 29 p. [Conservation note: tape and tape residue.] Box 12 Brookner, Anita Fall 1987, Issue 104 1 folder Interviewer: Shusha Guppy Typed interview, with introduction, with corrections, deletions, and additions, 18 p. Galleys with corrections, 16 p. Black and white photograph of Anita Brookner, 7 x 5 inches, marked on verso Photographer Tom Victor, n.d. [Preservation photocopy in this folder; original photograph moved to Photographs Series.] Box 12 Burroughs, William S. Fall 1965, Issue 35 1 folder Interviewer: Conrad Knickerbocker Carbon copy of typed interview, with introduction, with corrections, 37 p. Photocopy of typed interview, with introduction, with corrections and deletions, 37 p. Box 12 Byatt, A.S. Fall 2001, Issue 146 5 folders Interviewer: Philip Hensher Copy of email message, dated 24 March 2000, from Gill Marsden to Brigid Hughes, 1 p. Copy of email message, dated 5 September 2000, from Tracy Bohan to Brigid Hughes, 1 p. Copy of email message, dated 29 June 2001, from Alison Samuel to Brigid Hughes, 2 p. Copy of email message, dated 11 July 2001, from Philip Hensher to Georgia Garrett, 1 p.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Copy of email message, dated 20 July 2001, from Alison Samuel to Brigid Hughes, 1 p. Copy of email message, dated 25 July 2001, from Georgia Garrett to Brigid Hughes, 1 p., with interview introduction by Philip Hensher, 2 p. Copy of email message, dated 26 July 2001, from Alison Samuel to Brigid Hughes, 2 p. Typed letter signed, dated 27 July 2001, from Alison Samuel, to Brigid Hughes, 1 p., with copy of A.S. Byatt manuscript page attached. Typed fax letter signed, dated 7 August 2001, from Alison Samuel to Brigid Hughes, 1 p., with corrected pages of interview, 13 p. Typed fax letter signed, dated 7 August 2001, from Brigid Hughes to Alison Samuel, 1 p., with Samuels autograph reply, and copy of interview with corrections and deletions, 22 p. Black and white photograph of A.S. Byatt, approximately 4 x 6 inches, marked on verso credit: Peter Peibu. [Preservation photocopy in folder 1; original photograph moved to Photographs Series.] Typed interview draft with autograph corrections and deletions in hand of George Plimpton, 50 p. Copy of typed interview draft with corrections and deletions, some in hand of George Plimpton, 28 p. Typed interview draft with autograph notes, corrections in hand of an unidentified factchecker, 27 p. Typed interview draft with introduction and some formatting marks, 41 p. Box 12 Caldwell, Erskine Winter 1982, Issue 86 1 folder Interviewers: Elizabeth Pell Broadwell and Ronald Wesley Hoag Typed letter signed, dated 25 October 1980, from Ron Hoag and Libby Broadwell to George Plimpton, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 29 June 1981, from Hallie Gay Walden to Ron Hoag and Libby Broadwell, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 13 November 1981, from Ron Hoag to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 13 December 1981 from Hallie Gay Walden to Ron Hoag, 1 p. Copy of typed interview questions and answers, signed by Erskine Caldwell, dated 12 January 1982, 3 p. Typed letter signed, dated 31 January 1982, from Ron Hoag to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 5 July 1982, from Ron Hoag and Elizabeth Broadwell to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 29 September 1982, from Ron Hoag to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, [October 1982?], from Hallie Gay Walden to Ron Hoag, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 8 November 1982, from Ron Hoag to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Autograph letter signed, no date, from Hallie Gay Walden to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, no date, from George Plimpton to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed sheets of additional questions for Erskine Caldwell interview, 2 p.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Autograph comment sheets re: Erskine Caldwell interview, unidentified hand, 2 p. Black and white photograph of Erskine Caldwell, approximately 5 x 7 inches, marked on verso 1980 Mark Morrow. Black and white photograph, approximately 8 x 6 inches, of drawing of Caldwell, with initials VC [probably Virginia Caldwell] in lower right hand corner. [Preservation photocopies in this folder; original photographs moved to Photographs Series.] Typed interview introduction and interview with autograph deletions, corrections, and inserts, 35 p. Copy of typed interview introduction and interview, 35 p.

Box 12 Calisher, Hortense Summer 1987, Issue 105 1 folder Interviewers: Allan Gurganus, Pamela McCordick, Mona Simpson Typed letter signed, dated 20 November 1987, from James Linville to Allan Gurganus, 1 p., with Allan Gurganuss autograph reply on verso, dated 24 November 1987, 1 p. Photocopy of typed introduction with additions, corrections, and deletions, 3 p. Photocopy of typed introduction with deletions and corrections in George Plimptons hand, 3 p. Photocopy of typed introduction with corrections, 2 p. Typed interview with deletions, corrections, and additions, 33 p. Photocopy of first page of typed interview, 1 p. Galleys with corrections, deletions, additions, and comments, some in Plimptons hand, 24 p. Galleys marked First Update and Master Proof with corrections, 24 p. Box 12 Calvino, Italo Fall 1992, Issue 124 2 folders Interviewer: William Weaver Copy of typed interview questions, n.d., labeled Italo Calvino Questions, David Mazella, 1 p. Autograph answers to interview questions on yellow legal size paper, n.d., unidentified hand, 2 p. Typed interview with some corrections, 18 p. Copy of typed interview introduction and interview with some corrections in pencil, 21 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 18 July 1980, from John Seabrook to William Weaver, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 24 July 1980, from John Seabrook to William Weaver, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 31 July 1980, from William Weaver to [John] Seabrook, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 1 September 1980, from Erich Linder to John Seabrook, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 1 February 1982, from Hallie Gay Walden to Erich Linder, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 6 March 1982, from Erich Linder, to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Copy of typed letter signed, dated 11 May 1982, from Hallie Gay Walden to William Weaver, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 13 June 1982, from William Weaver to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 2 August 1982, from Hallie Gay Walden to William Weaver, 1 p. Typed letter signed with autograph corrections, dated 6 December 1982, from Hallie Gay Walden to William Weaver, 1 p. Typed letter signed with autograph corrections, dated 6 December 1982, from Hallie Gay Walden to William Weaver, 1 p., with page of autograph notes, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 7 December 1982, from Hallie Gay Walden to William Weaver, 1 p. Autograph letter signed, dated 9 January 1983, from William Weaver to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p., with envelope. Typed letter signed, dated 11 January 1983, from Erich Linder to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 20 January 1983, from Hallie Gay Walden to Erich Linder, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 27 January 1983, from Erich Linder to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p., with copy of typed letter, dated 11 January 1983, from Erich Linder to Hallie Gay Walden. Typed letter signed, dated 2 February 1983, from Erich Linder to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p., with copy of same. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 10 February 1983, from Hallie Gay Walden to Erich Linder, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 25 February 1983, from Erich Linder to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 6 May 1983, from William Weaver to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p., with autograph notes by George Plimpton on verso. Also, with envelope. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 31 May 1983, from George Plimpton to William Weaver, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 21 August 1983, from William Weaver to [Hallie Gay] Walden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 6 February 1984, from William Weaver to [George] Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 25 June 1986, from William Weaver to Jeanne McCulloch, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 30 July 1986, from William Weaver to Jeanne McCulloch, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 4 September 1986, from Franco Ricci to Jeanne McCulloch, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 29 September 1986, from Jeanne McCulloch to Franco Ricci, 1 p. Autograph letter signed, dated 13 October [19]86, from William Weaver to Jeanne McCulloch, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 20 May 1988, from Jeanne McCulloch to Grace Budd, 1 p.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Copy of typed document signed, dated 12 June 1992, re: translation into French of interview with Italo Calvino, 1 p. Typed note signed, Jeanne McCulloch, not dated, re: Italo Calvino interview. Autograph note on Paris Review letterhead, author unidentified, not dated, 1 p. Photocopies of miscellaneous reviews of Italo Calvinos books. Box 13 Capote, Truman Spring/Summer 1957, Issue 16 1 folder Interviewer: Pati Hill; George Plimpton(?) Two carbon copies of typed interview with Hill, unmarked, 9 p. each. Carbon copy (with some typed pages) of typed interview with Plimpton(?), with introduction, with corrections, changes, deletions, inserts, and revisions, some in Plimptons hand and with some answers possibly in Capotes hand, 40 p. [note: some pages with adhesive tape] Typed interview with Capotes answers only, unmarked, 25 p. Box 13 Carver, Raymond Summer 1983, Issue 88 2 folders Interviewers: Mona Simpson and Lewis Buzbee Typed letter signed, dated 8 November 1983, from Jim Schley of New England Review and Bread Loaf Quarterly to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p., re: plagiarism of Carver interview, with copy of typed contract signed, dated 7 March 1983, 1 p., and annotated copy of Art of Fiction interview with passages marked word for word. Copy of typed letter, dated 10 January 1984, from David Robbins to Paul Vapnek, 1 p., with copy of typed letter signed, dated 5 January 1984, from George Plimpton to Lewis Buzbee, 1 p., with copy of check for $500 to Townsend and Townsend. Copy of typed interview introduction, 2 p. Autograph manuscript draft of interview introduction, with corrections and additions, 4 p. Typed interview, with corrections, inserts, and deletions, 44 p.[Conservation note: tape and tape residue.] Copy of typed interview, with additions and corrections in George Plimptons hand, and deletions and typesetters marks, 39 p. Copy of typed interview, 21 p. Box 13 Cline, Louis-Ferdinand Winter/Spring 1964, Issue 3 1 folder Interviewers: J. Darribehaude and J. Guenot Translator: James Sherwood Printed pages with editors corrections, 19 p. Galleys, unmarked, 14 p. Box 13 Cendrars, Blaise

Winter 1966, Issue 37

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

4 folders Interviewer: William Brandon Typed interview, with introduction, with corrections, deletions, and additions, 40 p. [note: many pages with paste or glue] Galleys with corrections and deletions, 17 p. Galleys with corrections and deletions, 28 p. Galleys for The Bearskin with corrections and deletions, 16 p. Photocopy of typed manuscript of The Bearskin with corrections and deletions, 22 p. Typed manuscript for the Cendrars Portfolio with corrections and deletions, 21 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 31 January 1966, from Larry Bensky to William Brandon, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 18 February 1966, from Larry Bensky to William Brandon, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 28 February 1966, from Larry Bensky to Philippe Rossignol, in French, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 26 February 1966, from William Brandon to Larry Benksy, 1 p. Autograph letter signed, dated 8 October [no year], from William Brandon to George Plimpton, 2 p. Typed letter signed, [n.d.], from William Brandon to Plimpton, 1 p. Black and white photographs of Blaise Cendrars stamped Photo Robert Doisneau on verso, 5 items. [Preservation photocopies in this folder; original photographs moved to Photographs Series.] Printed document, Blaise Cendrars: Oeuvres Completes, 4 p. Printed catalog, La Peinture sous le signe de Blaise Cendrars, 26 p., with black and white photographs of paintings by Robert Delaunay and Fernand Lger, 4 items. [Preservation photocopies in this folder; original photographs moved to Photographs Series.] Box 13 Cheever, John Fall 1976, Issue 67 3 folders Interviewer: Annette Grant Copy of typed interview with additions, corrections, and deletions in John Cheevers hand, along with corrections by an editor, 30 p. Copy of typed interview introduction, 3 p., with copy of interview with cut and taped typewritten inserts, along with corrections and deletions, in Molly McKaughans hand, 27 p. Copy of typed interview with additions, corrections, and deletions in George Plimptons hand, 16 p. Copy of typed interview introduction, 3 p. Autograph notes on yellow legal paper, [n.d.], in George Plimptons hand, 4 p. Autograph notes on yellow legal paper, [n.d.], in Molly McKaughans hand, 12 p. Copy of typed interview with additions, corrections, deletions, and paper insertions, 33 p., with notes in John Cheevers hand and Molly McKaughans hand.

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Copy of typed interview with corrections and deletions in Molly McKaughans hand and with a few corrections in George Plimptons hand, 30 p. Typed interview introduction, [n.d.], with additions, corrections, and deletions in George Plimptons hand, 3 p. Copy of typed interview with additions, corrections, and deletions in George Plimptons hand, 33 p. Galleys of interview with some corrections, 15 p. Autograph letter signed, [early 1976], from George Plimpton to Molly McKaughan, 1 p. Copy of autograph letter signed, [early 1976], from George Plimpton to John Cheever, 2 p. Typed letter signed, dated 12 March [1976], from John Cheever, to George Plimpton, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 30 March 1976, from George Plimpton to John Cheever, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 4 April [1976], from John Cheever to George Plimpton, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 15 April 1976, from George Plimpton to John Cheever, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 18 April [1976], from John Cheever to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 20 July 1976, from Annette Grant to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 21 July [1976], from John Cheever to George Plimpton], 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 13 August [1976], from John Cheever to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 25 August [1976], from John Cheever to Managing Editor, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 25 August 1976, from Fayette Hickox to John Cheever, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 26 August 1976, from Fayette Hickox to John Cheever, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 1 September [no year], from John Cheever to Fayette Hickox, 1 p. Typed letter signed, [n.d], from Annette Grant to Fayette Hickox, 1 p., re: reimbursement for interview expenses, with autograph note by Lillian von Nickern. With copy of typed document signed, n.d., 1 p., re: expenses for interview. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 16 September 1976, from Fayette Hickox to Annette Grant, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 27 September 1976, from Annette Grant to George Plimpton, 1 p. Box 13 Clampitt, Amy Spring 1993, Issue 126 4 folders Interviewer: Robert Hosmer Autograph note signed, dated 24 February 1993, from Amy Clampitt to Elizabeth Gaffney, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 17 July 1992, from Robert Hosmer to Jeanne McCulloch, 2 p. Autograph note signed, dated 8 December 1992, from Robert Hosmer to Elizabeth Gaffney, 2 p.

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Typed letter signed, dated 25 January 1993, from Robert Hosmer, to Elizabeth Gaffney, 2 p. Readers comment sheets regarding Amy Clampitt interview, typed and autograph notes initialed, dated 18 November [1992?], 2 p. Autograph note signed, n.d., from Elizabeth Gaffney, 1 p. Black and white photograph, 5 x 7 inches, of Amy Clampitt, with note on verso The Globe and Mail, Toronto. [Preservation photocopy in this folder; original photograph moved to The Paris Review Archives Photographs Series.] Typed draft of interview introduction and interview, with additions, corrections, and deletions in George Plimptons hand, 33 p. Typed draft of interview introduction and interview, with additions, corrections, deletions, and inserts, some in George Plimptons hand, 51 p. Typed draft of interview excerpts (labeled Clampitt #2), with additions, corrections, and deletions, some in George Plimptons hand, 9 p. Typed draft of interview introduction and interview, with unidentified fact checkers notes, 34 p. Typed interview introduction and interview, 16 p. Galleys of interview introduction and interview, with corrections in unidentified hand, 32 p. Box 13 Cocteau, Jean Summer/Fall 1964, Issue 32 1 folder Interviewer: William Fifield Typed letter signed, dated Sunday, from Maggie to George Plimpton, 2 p., with George Plimptons autograph replies to some of her questions written on the pages. [Caution: brittle paper.] Typed interview introduction and interview, with autograph corrections, deletions, and additions in various hands, 26 p. Galleys, with autograph corrections and a note in pencil, 25 p. Galleys, with autograph corrections in blue ink, 25 p. Galleys, fragmented, with autograph corrections in red ink, 16 p. Galleys for The Art of Fiction XXXV, Pablo Picasso with passages interviewing Jean Cocteau about Picasso, and with autograph corrections in blue ink, 35 p. Box 13 Cortazar, Julio Fall 1984, Issue 93 1 folder Interviewer: Jason Weiss Typed document signed, dated 21 December 1981, license agreement between Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., and The Paris Review to publish 14 pages from the book A Certain Lucas by Julio Cortazar, translated by Gregory Rabassa, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 1 August 1983, from Jason Weiss to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 14 August 1984, from Gregory Rabassa to Jeanne McCulloch, 1 p.

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Readers comment sheet, n.d., with autograph notes by Mona Simpson and George Plimpton, 2 p. Two black and white photographs, approximately 4 x 6 inches, of Julio Cortazar, copyright Anne de Brunhoff; black and white photograph, approximately 4 x 6 inches of Julio Cortazar, seated, by Elizabeth Wajnberg. [Preservation photocopies in this folder; original photograph moved to The Paris Review Archives Photographs Series.] Typed interview introduction with corrections and deletions, 3 p. Typed interview introduction with deletions, 3 p. Typed interview introduction with some changes in hand of Jason Weiss, 5 p., with copy of same, 5 p. Copy of typed interview introduction with deletions and changes, 5 p. Autograph interview introduction in hand of George Plimpton, 2 p. Copy of typed interview with corrections and deletions, 31 p. Box 13 Creeley, Robert Fall 1968, Issue 44 7 Folders Interviewers: Lewis MacAdams, Linda Wagner-Martin Typed letter signed, dated 7 June 1967, from Robert Creeley to Maxine Groffsky, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 8 June 1967, from William Matheson to Maxine Groffsky, 1 p. Typed letter, dated 12 June 1967, from Maxine Groffsky to Robert Creeley, 1 p. Typed letter, dated 12 June 1967, from Maxine Groffsky to William Matheson, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 19 June 1967, from Renate Mangoldt to Maxine Groffsky, 1 p. Typed letter draft with autograph corrections, dated 26 July 1968, from George Plimpton to Robert Creeley, 2 p. Autograph postcard signed, dated 28 June 1968, from Lewis MacAdams to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 30 July 1968, from Robert Creeley to George Plimpton, 1 p. Autograph letter signed, dated 12 January 1969, from Linda Wagner to George Plimpton, 1 p., with autograph list of corrections, 2 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 7 February 1969, from George Plimpton to Linda Wagner, 1 p. Autograph letter signed, [n.d.], from Lewis MacAdams to Peter, 1 p. Autograph interview introduction in hand of George Plimpton, 2 p. Typed interview introduction with corrections, 1 p. Typed interview introduction with correction, 2 p. Typed interview introduction with corrections, 2 p. Copy of typed interview introduction, 1 p., with interview by Linda Wagner and autograph corrections, additions, and changes by George Plimpton, 38 p. Typed interview by Lewis MacAdams with autograph corrections, deletions, and changes in several hands, including some in hand of George Plimpton, 23 p. Autograph manuscript, in hand of George Plimpton, writing out an answer by Creeley to an interview question, 1 p. Typed interview, (labeled 1-15, 17-18), 17 p. Misc. typed interview pages, 46 p.

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Typed interview with corrections, additions, deletions, and changes in several hands, with some typed additions by Creeley, 76 p. Copy of typed interview with additional autograph changes and corrections, 59 p. Galley proofs with corrections, some in hand of George Plimpton, 36 p. Galley proofs with additions and corrections, 36 p. Printed interview pages taped to ruled paper, 34 p. (in poor condition) Book jacket for Words: Poems by Robert Creeley. Box 13 DeLillo, Don Fall 1993, Issue 128 1 folder Interviewer: Adam Begley Typed letter signed, dated 29 June [1993], from Don DeLillo to [Elizabeth] Gaffney, re: manuscript page for interview [not enclosed], 1 p. Autograph note, no date, from [Elizabeth Gaffney], re: DeLillo interview, 1 p. Typed draft of interview introduction with corrections and insert, 2 p. Typed draft of interview introduction with corrections, 2 p. Typed draft of interview with corrections, additions, and deletions in several hands, including fact checkers marks, 31 p. Box 13 de Wet, Louis Winter/Spring 1964, Issue 31 2 folders Interviewer: Charles Fox Carbon copy of typed letter signed, dated 21 October 1963, from Patrick Bowles to Louis de Wet, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter signed, dated 28 October 1963, from Patrick Bowles to Louis de Wet, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter signed, dated 4 November 1963, from [Patrick Bowles] to Louis de Wet, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter signed, dated 7 November 1963, from Patrick Bowles to Charles Fox, 1 p. Autograph letter signed, dated 7 November 1963, from Louis de Wet to Patrick Bowles, 3 p. Autograph letter signed, dated 9 November 1963, from Louis de Wet to Patrick Bowles, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 11 November 1963, from Charles Fox and Louis de Wet to Patrick Bowles, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter signed, dated 15 November 1963, from Patrick Bowles to Charles Fox and Louis de Wet, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter signed, dated 15 November 1963, from Patrick Bowles to Charles Fox, 1 p. Autograph letter signed, dated 18 November 1963, from Charles Fox and Louis de Wet to Patrick Bowles, 1 p. Autograph letter signed, dated 21 November 1963, from Louis de Wet and Charles Fox to Patrick Bowles, 3 p.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Prints of photos of de Wets art portfolio, 16 p., with autograph note in unidentified hand, n.d., 1 p. and unidentified typed note, n.d., 1 p. Typed interview introduction and interview, with corrections and deletions, 7 p. Typed interview introduction and interview, with corrections, 6 p. Galleys, with corrections, 5 p. (attached together as one long sheet) Galleys, 4 p. Galleys with art portfolio, 16 p. Galleys with art portfolio, 16 p. (some of the art pages are uncut) Copy of interview with art portfolio, 16 p. Box 13 Dinesen, Isak Autumn 1956, Issue 14 1 folder Interviewer: Eugene Walter Galleys, unmarked, 18 p. Box 13 Doctorow, E.L. Winter 1986, Issue 101 1 folder Interviewer: George Plimpton Typed draft of introduction with George Plimptons additions, deletions, and corrections, 2 p. Galleys with Doctorows additions, deletions, and corrections, 19 p. Galleys with George Plimptons corrections and deletions, 19 p. Galleys marked Master Proof with additions, deletions, and corrections, 26 p. Galleys marked First Revise with minor additions and corrections, 27 p. Box 13 Durrell, Lawrence Autumn/Winter 1959/1960, Issue 22 1 folder Interviewers: Gene Andrewski and Julian Mitchell Typed interview with Julian Mitchell with deletions and corrections, 26 p. Carbon copy of typed introduction to interview, 1 p. Typed interview, with introduction, with deletions, corrections, additions and insert, some in George Plimptons hand, 37 p. Carbon copy of typed document, re: Lawrence Durrells biography, 4 p. Box 13 Edel, Leon Winter 1985, Issue 98 1 folder Interviewer: Jeanne McCulloch Typed letter signed, dated 31 October 1984, from Leon Edel to McCulloch, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 4 March 1985, from Leon Edel to McCulloch, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated [1985], from George Plimpton to McCulloch, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 21 September 1985, from Leon Edel to McCulloch, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 15 October 1985, from Leon Edel to McCulloch, 1 p.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Typed interview with editors extensive deletions, corrections, additions, 62 p. Galley with editors deletions, corrections and additions, 35 p. Box 13 Eliot, T.S. Spring/Summer 1959, Issue 21 1 folder Interviewer: Donald Hall Carbon copy of typed interview with deletions, 28 p. (See also MA 5103 and PML 135299 for related items) Box 13 Faulkner, William Spring 1956, Issue 12 1 folder Interviewer: Jean Stein Autograph manuscript draft of introduction to interview, 3 p. Typed introduction to interview with deletions, corrections, and additions, 1 p. Typed introduction to interview, unmarked, 1 p. Typed introduction to interview, unmarked except for pencil doodle, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 15 May 1956, from Richard M. Clurman of Newsday to the Paris Review office enclosing a newspaper article with extracts of Faulkner interview, 1 p with clipping. Box 13 Fitzgerald, Robert Winter 1984, Issue 94 3 folders Interviewers: Edwin Frank, Andrew McCord Copy of typed letter signed, dated 2 October 1984, from Jeanne McCulloch to Robert Fitzgerald, 1 p. Autograph letter signed, dated 15 October 1984, from Penelope Fitzgerald to Jeanne McCulloch, 2 p. Copy of interview transcript, with corrections, deletions, and additions in the hand of Robert Fitzgerald[?], 26 p. Typed introduction to interview, 1 p. Copy of typed interview with corrections, deletions, and inserts, 25 p. Copy of typed interview with corrections, deletions, and additions, 24 p. Box 13 Gaddis, William Summer 1987, Issue 105 2 folders Interviewer: Zoltan Abadi-Nagy Typed readers comment sheet from Paris Review staff member, JD, 1 p. Typed readers comment sheet from Paris Review staff member, J[ames] L[inville], 1 p., with George Plimptons autograph note Typed introduction to interview with deletions and corrections, 2 p. Photocopy of typed interview with deletions, additions, corrections, and insert by Gaddis and editors, some in Plimptons hand, 51 p
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Galley with corrections, deletions, additions, and inserts, 25 p. Galley marked First Update Master Proof with corrections, deletions, and additions, 22 p. Photocopy of galley with corrections, deletions, and additions, 22 p. Typed document, n.d., re: setting caption for manuscript page of interview, 1 p. Box 13 Garcia Marquez, Gabriel Winter 1981, Issue 82 2 folders Interviewer: Peter H. Stone Photocopy of typed interview with corrections, deletions, and comments in Spanish, 25 p. Typed interview with additions, deletions, and corrections, 6 p.. Typed interview with introduction, and with extensive deletions and additions, some in George Plimptons hand, 27 p Typed interview with introduction, and with corrections, deletions, additions, and marks for setting into type, 26 p. Galleys with corrections, additions, deletions, and inserts, 29 p. Typed letter signed, dated 20 December 1980, from Stone to Plimpton, re: withdrawing interview, 2 p. Photocopy of typed letter signed, dated 28 January 1981, from Fayette Hickox to Stone, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 21 April 1981, from Ronald Christ to Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 1 May 1981, from Stone to Plimpton, re: publication of the interview, 1 p. Photocopy of typed letter signed, dated 2 September 1981, from Plimpton to Garcia Marquez, 1 p.

Box 13 Gass, William Summer 1977, Issue 70 3 folders Interviewer: Thomas LeClair Typed letter signed, dated 4 June 1976, from Tom LeClair to Molly McKaughan, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 16 February 1977, from Tom LeClair to Fayette Hickox, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 22 February 1977, from Fayette Hickox to Tom LeClair, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 20 June 1977, from William Gass to Fayette Hickox, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 21 June 1977, from Tom LeClair to Fayette Hickox, 2 p. Typed letter signed, dated 8 August 1977, from Tom LeClair to Fayette Hickox, 1 p. Copy of typed letter, dated 22 September 1977, from Fayette Hickox to Tom LeClair, 1 p. Typed interview with some corrections and deletions, 61 p. Copy of galley proofs labeled T.LeC. proof with some corrections, 16 p. Copy of galley proofs labeled Proof to W.G. with some corrections, 16 p. Typed interview introduction, possibly for use with Writers at Work volume 5 publication, with corrections and changes, 1 p.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Copy of printed interview, possibly for Writers at Work volume 5 publication, with corrections and changes, 32 p. Box 13 Gillespie, Dizzy Fall 1965, Issue 35 2 folders Interviewer: Maitland Edey, Jr. Copy of typed interview introduction and interview, with deletions, corrections, and typesetters notes, 23 p. Galleys, Dizzy Gillespie: A Portfolio and an Interview, 14 p. Three copies without corrections or marks. Galleys, Dizzy Gillespie: A Portfolio and an Interview, with title words A Portfolio and an deleted, 14 p. Galleys, Dizzy Gillespie: A Portfolio and an Interview, with title changed, autograph corrections, and typesetters marks, 14 p. Galleys, Dizzy Gillespie, 24 p. Four copies without corrections or marks. Box 13 Ginsberg, Allen Spring 1966, Issue 37 1 folder Interviewer: Thomas Clark Galley proofs with corrections, deletions, and insert, 43 p. Galley proofs with some corrections and deletions, 16 p. Galley proofs with some corrections, 43 p. Printed pages from interview, 2 p. Box 13 Gordimer, Nadine Summer 1983, Issue 88 1 folder Interviewer: Jannika Hurwitt Typed letter signed, dated 30 December 1981, from Jannika Hurwitt to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 26 January 1983, from Jannika Hurwitt to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 10 May 1983, from Kate Brooks to Kathleen Sweeney, 1 p., with printed document advertising Nadine Gordimers Julys People, 2 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 8 June 1983, from Hallie Gay Walden to Nadine Gordimer, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 13 June 1983, from Nadine Gordimer to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p., with typed list of addresses and autograph list of addresses and notes in unidentified hand. Typed letter signed, dated 23 June 1983, from Nadine Gordimer to George Plimpton, 1 p. Copy of typed interview, labeled Nadine Gordimer in her hand at top of first page, with copies of corrections, deletions, and changes in George Plimptons hand, and extensive autograph additions, corrections, and deletions in Nadine Gordimers hand, 62 p.

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Copy of New York Times article titled Nadine Gordimer, South African Witness, by Michiko Kakutani, dated 28 December 1981, 2 p. Copy of Current Biography essay titled Nadine Gordimer, dated 1980, 4 p. Box 13 Gray, Francine du Plessix Summer 1987, Issue 103 1 folder Interviewer: Regina Weinreich Autograph document with corrections by author, 2 p. Photocopy of interview typescript with authors corrections, 2 p. Box 13 Green, Henry Summer 1958, Issue 19 1 folder Interviewer: Terry Southern Carbon copy of typed interview with sparse corrections and changes, 18 p. Box 13 Hardwick, Elizabeth Summer 1985, Issue 96 1 folder Interviewer: Darryl Pinckney Autograph note signed, n.d., from Mona [Simpson] to George [Plimpton], re: Hardwick interview, 1 p. Typed readers comment sheet on the Hardwick interview by Jay, 1 p. Typed inserts for interview with editors deletions, corrections, and additions, 5 p. Typed interview introduction with editors deletions, corrections, and additions, 2 p. Typed interview introduction, unmarked, 1 p. Typed interview with minor corrections, 2 p. Box 13 Heller, Joseph Winter 1974, Issue 60 4 folders Interviewer: George Plimpton Typed letter signed, n.d., from Joseph Heller to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed manuscript draft with Joseph Hellers autograph corrections for page 1 and 2 of Something Happened, dated 7/6/64, 2 p. Autograph interview introduction by George Plimpton, 2 p. Autograph interview notes by George Plimpton, 93 p. Typed interview draft with autograph corrections, deletions, and additions in hand of George Plimpton, 21 p. Copy of above typed interview draft with autograph corrections in pencil in hand of Joseph Heller and additional changes in hand of George Plimpton, 14 p. Typed interview introduction and interview with corrections, deletions, and additions, those in green ink are in hand of Joseph Heller, 26 p. Typed interview introduction, possibly for use with Writers at Work volume 5 publication, with corrections and changes, 1 p.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Copy of printed interview, possibly for Writers at Work volume 5 publication, with corrections and changes, 20 p. Black and white photograph of Joseph Heller, approximately 5 x 7 inches, marked on verso Photo by Jill Krementz.Not to be reproduced without permission or without adjacent credit line. [Preservation photocopy in folder 4; original photograph moved to Photographs Series.] Box 13 Hellman, Lillian Winter/Spring 1965, Issue 33 2 folders Interviewer: Anne Hollander, John Marquand Autograph note, n.d., in unidentified hand, to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed interview, with corrections, 2 p., with carbon copy of same. Galleys, with Telephone NY written at top, with corrections and deletions, 30 p. Galleys, loose pages with corrections, 4 p. Galleys, marked 2nd proof extra, 30 p. Galleys, marked 2nd proof after LMBs cuts, with corrections, 32 p. Galleys, with some corrections, 19 p. Galleys, marked MP2 in red ink, 32 p. Box 14 Hemingway, Ernest Spring 1958, Issue 18 4 folders Interviewer: George Plimpton Telegraph cable, dated 29 April 1957, from Daddy [?Plimpton] to George Plimpton, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 28 August 1957, from Robert Silvers to John Fuscher [sp?], 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 23 May 1960, from Arthur M. Wang to George Plimpton, 1 p. Autograph letter signed, dated 26 August 1960, from Robert Weeks to George Plimpton, 1 p., with typed document with autograph additions, dated 26 August 1960, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 10 September 1960, from Robert Weeks to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 1 August 1960, from Robert Weeks to The Paris Review, 1 p. Typed letter, dated 6 April 1961, from Jessie Rehder, to The Paris Review, 1 p., re: permission to quote from Hemingway interview. Typed letter signed, dated 11 September 1961, from Arthur Hamilton to George Plimpton, 1 p., with two copies of identical typed document signed, dated 8 September 1961, 3 p. Typed letter signed, dated 14 September 1961, from Evelyn Oppenheimer to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 31 August 1961, from A.E. Hotchner to George Plimpton, 1 p. Copy of autograph letter signed, dated [September 1961?], from George Plimpton to A.E. Hotchner, 3 p. Typed letter signed, dated 25 October 1961, from M.S. Wyeth, Jr. to George Plimpton, 1 p.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Typed letter signed, dated 22 March 1962, from Charles E. Pettee to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 17 June 1963, from V. Danby-Smith to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 20 November 1967, from Alfred Rice to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, n.d., from Alfred Rice, to The Paris Review c/o George Plimpton, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter with autograph corrections, dated [ca. May 1972], from George Plimpton to Esquire Magazine, 2 p. Typed letter signed, dated 9 May 1972, from Harold Hayes to George Plimpton, 1 p., with Esquire magazine Editors Notes column, pages 13 and 32, dated May [1972], 2 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 31 August 1981, from Greg Bailey to George Plimpton, 1 p., with copy of St. Louis Post-Dispatch article titled The FBI File on Ernest Hemingway, dated 1 February 1981, written by Greg Bailey, 3 p. Autograph note signed, n.d., from Mary Hemingway to George Plimpton, 1 p. Autograph notes, n.d., in hand of George Plimpton, 16 p., re: drafts of questions for interview with Ernest Hemingway, notes taken during interview. Typed notes with autograph additions, 10 p., re: drafts of questions for interview. Copy of typed letter, titled Extracts from a letter written by Ernest Hemingway to an editor at Life, dated July 1953, three copies, 6 p. total. Typed interview draft with autograph corrections, changes, and deletions, some in hand of Ernest Hemingway and some in hand of George Plimpton, 31 p. Typed interview questions, one with autograph reply by Ernest Hemingway, 2 p. Typed interview, 16 p. [Fragile. Please use acid-free photocopy in folder.] Misc. newspaper clippings. FRAGILE. These include: The Old Man and The Truth, by Sam Boal, Escapade, 9 p. Hemingway: Le Vieil Homme et Son Coeur, by Armand Gatti, 9 p. Box 14 Hersey, John Summer/Fall 1986, Issue 100 1 folder Interviewer: Jonathan Dee Typed interview with corrections, additions, and deletions possibly by Hersey, 42 p. Photocopy of typed interview with fact-checkers marks, 42 p. Box 14 Hollander, John Fall 1985, Issue 97 1 folder Interviewer: J.D. McClatchy Typed letter signed, dated 22 March 1979, from McClatchy to Fayette [Hickox], 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 15 June 1979, from Fayette Hickox to McClatchy, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 19 September 1979, from McClatchy to Fayette [Hickox], 1 p. Typed postcard signed, dated 11 June 1980, from McClatchy to Fayette [Hickox], 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 31 March 1981, from George Plimpton, to McClatchy, 1 p., re: problems with the Hollander interview.

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Copy of typed letter signed, dated 23 June 1981, from McClatchy to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 30 January 1982, from McClatchy to HGW [Hallie Gay Walden] , 1 p. Typed letter, 5 May 1982, from McClatchy to George Plimpton, 1 p. [incomplete]. Photocopy of typed letter signed, dated 3 January 1983, from Hallie Gay Walden to McClatchy, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 26 April 1985, from McClatchy to James [Linville], 1 p. Photocopy of typed letter signed, dated 16 July 1985, from Jeanne McCulloch to McClatchy, 1 p. Autograph letter signed, dated 5 August 1985, from Hollander to Jeanne McCulloch, 1 p. Autograph note, n.d., unidentified hand, re: McClatchys contact information, 1 p. Autograph note, n.d., unidentified hand to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Autograph transcription of recorded interview, unidentified hand, with corrections, deletions, additions, and inserts, some by Hollander, in red and blue ink, 26 p. Autograph inserts and additions in Hollanders hand, 7 p. Typed interview with editors deletions, additions, and corrections, 23 p. Box 14 Huxley, Aldous Spring 1960, Issue 23 1 folder Interviewers: Ray Frazer and George Wickes Carbon copy of typed letter signed, n.d., from George Plimpton to George Wickes, re: problems with interview and list of additional questions to ask, 7 p., with Plimpton autograph note at top. Carbon copy of typed letter signed (same as above), n.d., from Plimpton to George Wickes, 7 p. Typed letter signed, dated Haloween, from Wickes to Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 20 June 1962, from Wickes to Plimpton, 1 p., with carbon copy of typed letter signed, dated 20 June 1962, from Wickes to Huxley, 1 p. Typed introduction to interview with deletions, additions, and corrections in Wickess hand, 2 p. Typed introduction to interview with corrections and deletions in Wickess hand, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed introduction to interview with corrections and deletions in Wickess hand, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed introduction to interview, unmarked, 3 p. Typed introduction to interview, unmarked, 3 p. Typed interview with sparse corrections and pencil notations, 13 p. Box 14 Infante, Guillermo Cabrera Spring 1983, Issue 87 1 folder Interviewer: Alfred Mac Adam Typed letter signed, dated 11 June 1982, from Alfred Mac Adam to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed note unsigned, n.d., re: readers comment on interview, 1 p.
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Autograph note signed, n.d., from George Plimpton, re: his opinion of the interview, 1 p. Typed chronology with typesetters marks, 2 p. Copy of typed document in Spanish and English, 2 p. Black and white photograph of Guillermo Infante and an unidentified woman, approximately 8 x 5 inches. [Preservation photocopy in folder; original photograph moved to Photographs Series.]

Box 14 Ionesco, Eugene Fall 1984, Issue 93 4 folders Interviewer: Shusha Guppy Typed letter signed with autograph postscript, [n.d.], from Rosette Lamont to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, [n.d.], from Rosette Lamont to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed list of interview questions with copy of same, 1 p. Typed list of interview questions from George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed interview by Rosette Lamont, 25 p. Copy of typed interview by Rosette Lamont with some notes by George Plimpton, 25 p., with autograph notes in unidentified hand [possibly Plimpton?] on verso of page 25. Printed interview by Rosette Lamont from the Horizon interview series THE ARTIST SPEAKS FOR HIMSELF under the editorship of George Plimpton, [n.d.], 7 p. Black and white photograph, approximately 5 x 7 inches, of Eugene Ionesco, with photo credit: Jerry Bauer, n.d. [Preservation photocopy in this folder; original photograph moved to The Paris Review Archives Photographs Series.] Typed letter, 21 May 1969, from George Plimpton to Francois, 1 p. Typed interview introduction, n.d., in French, 2 p. Typed interview, n.d., in French, 9 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 19 November 1983, from George Plimpton to Shusha Guppy, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 19 January 1984, from Shusha Guppy to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 11 May 1984, from Shusha Guppy to Jay McCulloch, 2 p. Typed letter signed, dated 12 July 1984, from Shusha Guppy to Jay McCulloch, 1 p. Autograph letter signed, dated 19 July 1984, from Shusha Guppy to Jay McCulloch, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 14 October [no year], from Hallie Gay Walden to Thomas Bishop, 1 p. Typed list of interview questions from George Plimpton, 2 p. Typed list of interview questions from The Paris Review office, 2 p. Typed introduction to interview with slight corrections, 2 p. Typed introduction and interview with slight corrections, 13 p. Typed introduction and interview with slight corrections, 20 p. Copy of typed introduction and interview with corrections and deletions, 20 p. Copy of typed introduction and interview with corrections, deletions, and type-setting marks, 22 p. Box 14
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Irving, John Summer/Fall 1986, Issue 100 1 folder Interviewer: Ron Hansen Typed interview with deletions, additions, and corrections, 40 p. Box 14 Jones, James Autumn/Winter 1958/1958, Issue 21 1 folder Interviewer: Nelson W. Aldrich, Jr. Typed letter signed, dated 26 March 1959, from Nelson Aldrich to Bob [Robert Silvers], 2 p. Carbon copy of typed interview with comments, deletions, corrections, and instructions on writing an introduction, 24 p. Typed draft of interview with corrections and deletions, 22 p. Typed interview by Peter Braestrup with introduction with sparse corrections, 21 p. Carbon copy of typed interview by Peter Braestrup, 21 p. Box 14 Kerouac, Jack Summer 1968, Issue 43 9 folders Interviewer: Ted Berrigan Typed letter signed, dated 6 November 1967, from Ted Berrigan to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 13 December 1967, from Jack Kerouac to George Plimpton, 1 p. Copy of typed letter, dated 16 February 1968, from George Plimpton to Jack Kerouac, 1 p., with typed sheets of additional interview questions, 4 p., and an autograph sheet of questions, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 29 February 1968, from Jack Kerouac to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 22 March 1968, from Jack Kerouac to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 26 March 1968, from George Plimpton to Maxine Groffsky, 1 p. Autograph note signed, [ca. March 1968], from Stella Kerouac to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter, 8 April 1968, from George Plimpton to Jack Kerouac, 2 p. Typed letter signed, 13 April 1968, with autograph post script, from Jack Kerouac to George Plimpton, 1 p., with second page of Plimptons typed letter dated 8 April 1968 attached, 1 p. Typed envelope addressed to Jack Kerouac, Esq. from George Plimpton. Typed interview with extensive deletions and corrections in hand of George Plimpton, 50 p. Typed interview introduction and interview with autograph corrections and deletions, some in hand of George Plimpton, along with additions and inserts, some typed by Jack Kerouac, and with final page signed by Kerouac, 68 p. Copy of typed interview introduction and interview with some additional autograph corrections and deletions in unidentified hand, 65 p. Typed interview introduction and interview, 43 p.

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Typed interview introduction with autograph corrections in hand of George Plimpton, 1 p. Autograph note on yellow paper in hand of George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed notes regarding inserts to interview, 1 p. Typed caption for interview image, 1 p. Typed caption for interview image with autograph corrections, 1 p. Galley proofs marked Kerouac in red ink with corrections, deletions, and changes, some in Kerouacs hand, 45 p. Galley proofs with corrections, deletions, and changes, 45 p. Galley proofs with corrections, deletions, changes, and photo crossed out, 45 p. Printed introduction to interview, 2 p. Typed manuscript draft of American Dream, with extensive changes and deletions in hand of Jack Kerouac, 3 p. Two strips of contact sheet with black and white pictures of Jack Kerouac, labeled on verso Photo by Christopher Knight of Imago, Cambridge, Mass. [Preservation photocopy in this folder; original contact sheet strips moved to The Paris Review Archives Photographs Series.] Black and white photograph, approximately 4 x 6 inches, of Jack Kerouac sitting in a rocking chair. [Preservation photocopy in this folder; original photograph moved to The Paris Review Archives Photographs Series.] Black and white photograph, approximately 6 x 3 inches, of Jack Kerouac sitting in a rocking chair and reaching to his right. [Preservation photocopy in this folder; original photograph moved to The Paris Review Archives Photographs Series.] Black and white print, approximately 3 x 4, of Jack Kerouac holding a large black cat. [Preservation photocopy in this folder; original photograph moved to The Paris Review Archives Photographs Series.] Four black and white prints, approximately 8 x 8 inches, of Jack Kerouac seated with his mother and holding a cat. [Preservation photocopy in this folder; original photographs moved to The Paris Review Archives Photographs Series.] Seven black and white negatives of the photographs on the contact sheets and previously described. [Original negatives moved to The Paris Review Archives Photographs Series.] Four empty paper binders with typed label Kerouac Interview for reels 1 through 4. Box 14 Koestler, Arthur Summer 1984, Issue 92 1 folder Interviewer: Duncan Fallowell Typed introduction to interview with corrections, 2 p. Copy of typed introduction to interview with corrections as above and additional editors marks, 2 p. Copy of typed interview, with introduction, with deletions, corrections, and additions, including new introduction in George Plimptons hand, 13 p. Copy of typed interview with deletions, corrections, and additions as above, with additional deletions and corrections, 11 p. Box 14
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Kundera, Milan Summer 1984, Issue 92 2 folders Interviewer: Christian Salmon Autograph letter signed, dated 17 October 1983, from Christian Salmon to The Paris Review, 1 p., in French Typed letter signed, dated 8 January 1984, from Kathleen to Hallie Gay [Walden], 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 24 January 1984, from Aaron Asher to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 4 May 1984, from Jeanne McCulloch to Christian Salmon, 2 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 17 May 1984, from Jeanne McCulloch to Milan Kundera, 1 p. Autograph letter signed, dated 24 May 1984, from Christian Salmon to Jeanne McCulloch, 1 p., in French Copy of typed letter signed, dated 4 June 1984, from Jeanne McCulloch to Christian Salmon, 1 p. Typed readers comment sheet, n.d., marked George: These are some of my comments on Kundera Jay [Jeanne McCulloch], 2 p., with copy of same, 2 p. Black and white photograph, 5 x 7 inches, of Milan Kundera. [Preservation photocopy in this folder; original photograph moved to The Paris Review Archives Photographs Series.] Copy of The New York Times book review of The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Michiko Kakutani, dated 2 April 1984. Copy of typed interview, in French, with corrections, deletions, and additions, 39 p. Copy of typed interview, in French, with corrections and deletions, 19 p. Typed interview (translated by Dinah Louda), with some slight corrections, and with copy of same, 18 p. Typed introduction to interview with corrections and deletions, 2 p., with copy of same, 2 p. Copy of typed interview with corrections and deletions in hand of Jeanne McCulloch[?], with note by McCulloch on verso of last page, 18 p. Copy of typed interview with corrections, deletions, and changes, 18 p. Copy of typed interview with corrections, deletions, and changes in red pen, 19 p. Galley proof for interview introduction with corrections, deletions, and additions, 1 p. Box 14 Kunitz, Stanley Spring 1982, Issue 83 1 folder Interviewer: Chris Busa Typed letter signed, dated 19 February 1979, from Robert Phillips to Fayette Hickox, 1 p., re: status of interview. Autograph letter signed, dated 27 August 1979, from Robert Phillips to George Plimpton, 1 p. Copy of typed letter, dated 19 October 1979, from Fayette Hickox to Robert Phillips, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 12 February 1982, from Chris Busa to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 4 May 1982, from Stanley Kunitz to George Plimpton, 1 p.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Autograph letter signed, dated 2 March [no year], from Chris Busa to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed interview introduction with autograph addition in George Plimptons hand, 2 p. Copy of typed interview introduction with corrections, additions, and typesetters marks, 2 p.

Box 14 Larkin, Philip Summer 1982, Issue 84 1 folder Interviewer: Frederick Seidel Copy of typed interview introduction and interview with Philip Larkins autograph corrections, deletions, and additions in pink ink, and with other corrections and typesetters marks in another hand, 36 p. Black and white photograph of Larkin, approximately 5 x 7 inches, marked Photo by Fay Godwin. [Preservation photocopy in folder; original photograph moved to Photographs Series.] Black and white photograph of manuscript page from The Whitson Weddings, copyright 1982 Philip Larkin. [Preservation photocopy in folder; original photograph moved to Photographs Series.] Box 14 Laughlin, James Fall 1983, Issue 89/Winter 1983, Issue 90 3 folders Interviewer: Richard Ziegfeld Typed letter signed, dated 2 April 1981, from Richard Ziegfeld to George Plimpton, 2 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 12 May 1981, from George Plimpton to Richard Ziegfeld, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 15 May 1981, from Richard Ziegfeld to George Plimpton, 2 p. Typed letter signed, dated 15 May 1981, from Richard Ziegfeld to James Laughlin, 2 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 2 June 1981, from George Plimpton to Richard Ziegfeld, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 26 June 1981, from Richard Ziegfeld to George Plimpton, 1 p., with copy of typed letter signed, dated 19 June 1981, from James Laughlin to Richard Ziegfeld, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 20 July 1981, from Richard Ziegfeld to George Plimpton, dated 20 July 1981, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 10 August 1981, from George Plimpton to Richard Ziegfeld, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 11 November 1981, from Richard Ziegfeld to George Plimpton, 1 p., with copy of typed letter signed, dated 4 November 1981, from James Laughlin to Richard Ziegfeld, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 19 November 1981, from George Plimpton to Richard Ziegfeld, 1 p.

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Typed letter signed, dated 11 January 1982, from Richard Ziegfeld to Hallie Gay Walden, 2 p. Typed letter, dated 1 February 1982, from [Hallie Gay Walden] to Richard Ziegfeld, 1 p. Richard Ziegfeld, autograph letter signed, dated 5 February 1982, from Richard Ziegfeld to Hallie Gay Walden, 3 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 2 July 1982, from Robert McKinney to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 16 September 1982, from James Laughlin to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 15 February 1983, from Richard Ziegfeld to George Plimpton, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, 28 February 1983, from George Plimpton to Richard Ziegfeld, 1 p. Autograph letter signed, dated 13 March 1983, from Richard Ziegfeld to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 16 March 1983, from James Laughlin to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 18 March 1983, from James Laughlin to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p., with typed poem by Laughlin, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 15 May 1983, from Richard Ziegfeld to George Plimpton, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 19 July 1983, from George Plimpton to James Laughlin, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 20 July 1983, from Hallie Gay Walden to James Laughlin, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 22 July 1983, from James Laughlin to George Plimpton, 1 p. James Laughlin, typed letter signed, dated 22 July 1983, from James Laughlin to Hallie Gay Walden, 3 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 13 August 1983, from Hallie Gay Walden to James Laughlin, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 11 November 1983, from James Laughlin to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed copy of contributors note, 1 p. Typed draft of interview introduction and interview, labeled Part 1, with corrections, deletions, and inserts by James Laughlin, George Plimpton, and others, 62 p. [conservation note: tape and tape residue] Typed draft of interview, labeled Part 2, with autograph corrections, deletions, and additions by James Laughlin and others, 57 p. Copy of galleys [for part 1] with corrections, deletions, and additions by James Laughlin and others, 26 p. Copy of galleys [for part 2] with corrections, deletions, and additions by James Laughlin and others, 27 p. Copy of article titled James Laughlin of New Directions by Donald Hall, published in The New York Times Book Review, 23 August 1981, 2 p. Copy of article titled James Laughlin: An Interview by Robert Dana, published in The American Poetry Review, November/December 1981, 6 p.

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 14 Lehmann, Rosamond Summer 1985, Issue 96 1 folder Interviewer: Shusha Guppy Shusha Guppy, typed letter signed, dated 6 February 1985, to Jeanne McCulloch, 1 p. Typed interview with minor corrections by Shusha Guppy, 22 p. Photocopy of typed interview with editors deletions, additions, and corrections in pencil, 22 p. Photocopy of typed interview with editors deletions, additions, and corrections in blue and red ink and pencil, 22 p. Box 14 McGuane, Thomas Fall 1985, Issue 97 1 folder Interviewers: Sinda Gregory and Larry McCaffery Autograph letter signed, dated 31 July 1985, from Mona [Simpson] to Jeanne [McCulloch], 2 p. Autograph note signed, dated 5 August 1985, from McGuane to Jay, 2 p. Typed document with question and answer, unmarked, 1 p. Photocopy of typed introduction with editors deletions and corrections, 3 p. Photocopy of typed interview with editors deletions, additions, and corrections, 48 p. Box 14 Mailer, Norman Winter-Spring 1964, Issue 31 3 folders Interviewer: Steven Marcus Autograph note, n.d., in unidentified hand, first edition December 1963 / second (revised) edition January February 1964. Typed interview introduction, with corrections, 1 p. Typed interview pages, 3 p. Typed interview, with corrections, deletions, inserts, and additions, most in Norman Mailers hand, 31 p. Typed interview with corrections, deletions, inserts, and additions, most in Norman Mailers hand, 20 p. Galley proofs, with corrections and deletions, 42 p. Typed manuscript draft (Nor does any one) with autograph corrections in pencil and ink, 2 p. Typed manuscript draft (Esquire Column) with autograph corrections in pencil, 1 p. Typed manuscript draft, (begins on page 2, still lest he in some way spoil things, Morty slowly absorbed the granting of his wish), 31 p. Black and white photograph, approximately 8 x 6 inches, of Norman Mailer seated with cigarette in hand, Please credit Patrick Ward printed on verso. [Preservation photocopy in this folder; original photographs moved to The Paris Review Archives Photographs Series.]

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Black and white photograph, approximately 4 x 6 inches, of Norman Mailer, Credit Patrick Ward written on verso. [Preservation photocopy in this folder; original photographs moved to The Paris Review Archives Photographs Series.] Box 14 Malamud, Bernard Spring 1975, Issue 61 1 folder Interviewer: Daniel Stern Typed interview pages with corrections and deletions, 5 p. Typed interview introduction and interview, with corrections and deletions, 20 p. Copy of typed interview introduction and interview with some notes regarding page breaks, 23 p. Copy of galley proofs with autograph corrections, additions, and deletions in Bernard Malamuds hand, 23 p. Copy of printed interview, 13 p. Box 14 Maxwell, William Fall 1982, Issue 85 2 folders Interviewer: John Seabrook Typed letter signed, dated 30 August 1982, from William Maxwell to George Plimpton, 1 p. Copy of autograph letter signed, dated 19 February 1982, from [Hallie Gay Walden] to John Seabrook, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 3 March 1982, from John Seabrook to Hallie Gay Walden, 2 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 3 August [1982], from Hallie Gay Walden to John Seabrook, 2 p. Typed letter signed, dated 17 September 1982, from Brendan Gill to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter, [ca. October 1982], from Hallie Gay Walden to John Seabrook, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 6 October 1982, from John Seabrook to Hallie Gay Walden, 2 p. Typed notes, n.d., with additional questions for interview, 2 p. Typed interview introduction, 2 p. Typed interview introduction, with corrections and typesetters notes, 3 p. Copy of typed interview introduction, 2 p. Copy of typed interview, marked GAP revision #2 at top, with corrections, comments, and deletions, in George Plimptons hand, 29 p. Copy of typed interview, with corrections and typesetters notes, 38 p. Galleys, with corrections and inserts, 11 p. [Conservation note: tape and tape residue.] Galleys, marked HGW [Hallie Gay Walden] at top, with corrections and notes, 7 p. Copy of biographical note about William Maxwell and his publications from Contemporary Novelists, 2 p. William Maxwell, typed manuscript draft with autograph corrections, n.d., Chapter 15: Their breakfast was brought in to them by a tall, full-bosomed woman of forty, 1 p. [Conservation note: tape and tape residue; other adhesive; paper torn.]
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 14 Meredith, William Spring 1985, Issue 95 1 folder Interviewer: Edward Hirsch Typed letter signed, dated 13 June 1983, from Hirsch to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Typed interview, unmarked, 25 p. Photocopy of typed interview with corrections, deletions, additions, and insertions, 26 p. Typed interview with corrections, deletions, and additions, with marks for typesetter, 25 p. Galleys with corrections, deletions, and additions by Meredith and an editor, 20 p. Typed letter signed, dated 29 November 1984, from Hirsch to Mona [Simpson], 1 p. Autograph reader comment sheets on Paris Review stationery, no date, unsigned, 2 p. Typed letter signed, dated 16 November 1984, from Michael Collier to George Plimpton, re: photographs to accompany interview, 1 p. Autograph document with brief information about Hirsch in an unidentified hand, 1 p. Photocopy of typed outline for Paris Review staff meeting, dated 11 March 1985, includes brief mention of adjustments to be made to Meredith interview introduction. Box 14 Merrill, James Summer 1982, Issue 84 2 folders Interviewer: J.D. McClatchy Typed letter signed, dated 27 October 1981, from J.D. McClatchy to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p., with typed interview introduction and interview with some corrections, 44 p. Typed letter signed, dated 12 May 1982, from James Merrill to George Plimpton, 1 p. Copy of typed letter, dated 26 May 1982, from George Plimpton to George Merrill, 4 p. Typed letter signed, dated 1 June 1982, from James Merrill to George Plimpton, 1 p. Copy of typed postcard signed, dated 5 June 1982, from J.D. McClatchy to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, [n.d.], from George Plimpton to J.D. McClatchy, 1 p., re: final proofs. Typed letter signed, dated 14 June 1982, from J.D. McClatchy to George Plimpton, 3 p. Typed letter signed, dated 14 June 1982, from George Plimpton to J.D. McClatchy, 1 p. Autograph letter signed, [n.d.], from George Plimpton to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p., re: completed interview. Typed letter signed, n.d., from J.D. McClatchy to [George Plimpton], 1 p., with autograph note signed, n.d., from [?James Merrill] to J.D. McClatchy. Copy of typed interview introduction and interview, with corrections, deletions, inserts, and typesetters notes, 51 p. [Conservation note: tape and tape residue.] Galleys, with corrections, inserts, and typesetters notes, 28 p. [Conservation note: tape and tape residue.] Box 14 Merwin, W.S. 2 folders

Spring 1987, Issue 102

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Interviewer: Edward Hirsch Typed letter signed, dated 5 March 1987, from Tom Victor to James Linville, re: photograph of Merwin for interview, 1 p. Photocopy of typed interview with editors deletions, corrections, and additions, 26 p. Photocopy of typed interview with corrections and deletions, 32 p. Galleys with Master Proof marked in black, with corrections, deletions, additions, and comments by Merwin and editor, 21 p. Galleys with Master Proof marked in red, with corrections, deletions, additions and comments, 21 p. Galleys with deletions, corrections, and additions, 21 p.

Box 15 Miller, Arthur Summer 1966, Issue 38 2 folders Interviewers: Christopher Bigby, Olga Carlisle, Rose Styron Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 8 June 1966, from unidentified editor [?Maxine Groffsky] to Rose Styron, 1 p. Typed interview introduction and interview, with corrections, deletions, and inserts, 12 p. Typed interview introduction and interview, with corrections, deletions, and inserts, 43 p. Galleys, with corrections and deletions, 37 p. Galleys, with autograph corrections on recto and autograph notes on verso, 19 p. Typed note, n.d., by unidentified editor to printer, 1 p., re: reproducing Arthur Millers typed manuscript page. Typed and autograph corrections for interview, unidentified hand, 3 p. Copy of black and white photograph of Arthur Miller, approximately 3 x 2 inches. Box 15 Miller, Henry Summer/Fall 1962, Issue 28 1 folder Interviewer: George Wickes Typed interview introduction with deletions, 2 p. Typed interview with some corrections and deletions, 37 p. Carbon copy of self-portrait line drawing of Miller, dated 12/61, 1 p. Reproduction of a Miller manuscript page, 1 p. Box 15 Moore, Marianne Summer/Fall 1961, Issue 26 1 folder Interviewer: Donald Hall Typed letter signed, dated 25 July 1961, from Viking Press to Blair Fuller re: proofs of interview, 1 p. Galleys of interview with Moores corrections, deletions, additions, and typed additions, 9 p. Box 15
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Morris, Wright Fall 1991, Issue 120 1 folder Interviewer: Olga Carlisle Typed letter signed, dated 8 October 1974, Frederick Ivor-Campbell to Paris Review Editors re: suggesting interview with Morris, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 20 December 1974, from George Plimpton to Morris, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 20 December 1974, from Plimpton to Jack Cohn, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 20 December 1974, from Plimpton to Ivor-Campbell, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 24 December 1974, from Jack Cohn to Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 6 January [1975], from Morris to Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 6 January 1975, from Robert Gordon to Plimpton. 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 10 January 1975, from Plimpton to Cohn, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 10 January 197[5], from Plimpton to Gordon, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 10 January 1975, from Plimpton to Morris, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 1 May 1975, from Gordon to Plimpton, 1 p. Autograph manuscript from Morriss About Fiction, 1 p. Typed document with biographical data on interviewer, 1 p. Typed introduction to interview, 2 p. Typed interview, 22 p. Typed letter signed, dated 15 June 1975, from Gordon to Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 5 June 1975, from Ivor-Campbell to Molly McKaughan, re: Morris portrait, 1 p. with stamps and mailing label attached. Copy of typed letter, dated 23 June 1975, from McKaughan to Ivor-Campbell, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 1 July 1975, from Ivor-Campbell to McKaughan, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 3 November 1975, from Cohn to McKaughan, 1 p. Copy of typed letter, dated 12 November 1975, from McKaughan to Cohen [sic], 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 20 November 1975, from Gordon to Plimpton, re: payment for interview, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 29 December [1975], from Morris to Plimpton, re: photograph by Jill Krementz, 1 p. Copy of typed letter, dated 13 January 1976, from McKaughan to Morris, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 22 January [1976], from Morris to McKaughan, 1 p. Copy of typed letter, dated 17 February 1976, from McKaughan to Gordon, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 22 February 1976, from Gordon to McKaughan, 1 p. Copy of typed letter, dated 9 March 1976, from McKaughan to Gordon, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 15 March 1976, from Gordon to Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 16 June 1976, from Gordon to McKaughan, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 19 July 1976, from Plimpton to Gordon, 1 p., with additional interview questions, 2 p., and with autograph draft of letter, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 23 July 1976, from Gordon to Plimpton, 2 p. Typed letter signed, dated 7 February 1978, from Fayette Hickox to Ivor-Campbell, 1 p., with drawing of Morris by Ivor-Campbell, 1 p. Photocopies of two black and white photographs of Morris. [Please note: originals moved to Photographs Series.]
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 15 Morrison, Toni Fall 1993, Issue 128 13 folders Interviewers: Claudia Brodsky Lacour, Elissa Schappell, George Plimpton Typed interview with introduction with extensive deletions, corrections, revisions, and additions in Morrisons hand, 45 p. [note: page 40 not here] Typed interview with introduction with fact-checkers corrections, deletions and additions, with yellow Post-it notes attached, 50 p. Typed interview with editors corrections, deletions, and additions in red pencil, with yellow Post-it notes attached, 47 p. Typed interview, marked in red ink on top right corner final #1, with corrections and deletions marked in red ink and pencil, with yellow Post-it notes attached, 46 p. Typed interview with George Plimptons corrections, deletions, and additions in pencil, 18 p. Typed interview with introduction with editors corrections, deletions, and additions in pencil and red pencil, many by Plimpton, some pages cut and taped together, 54 pages. Typed interview with editors corrections, deletions, and additions in red pencil and black pen, 94 p. Copy of typed interview, with editors deletions and corrections in black ink, and two yellow Post-it notes attached, 20 p. Typed interview with introduction with sparse corrections, 55 p. Typed interview with sparse corrections, 46 p. Typed interview, unmarked, 56 p. Miscellaneous typed interview pages, unmarked, 16 p., with corrected contributors notes, 2 p. Typed introduction to interview on heat sensitive fax paper, dated 3 August 1993, 2 p. Typed letter signed, dated 30 March 1992, from Elizabeth Gaffney to Morrison, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 23 September 1993, from Gaffney to Morrison, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 4 October 1993, from Gaffney to Toni Morrison, re: manuscript page for reproduction with interview, 1 p. Typed fax signed, dated 4 October 1993, from Rene Shepperd to Gaffney, re: declining to provide a manuscript page, 1 p. Autograph note, unidentified author, no date, re: sending Morrison sample interviews from past issues of The Paris Review. Typed letter signed, dated 2 March 1991, from Deidre McFadyen to George Plimpton, 1 p., with typed Toni Morrison interview conducted in November 1990, 16 p., with selfaddressed, stamped mailing envelope. Readers comment sheet, signed Gaffney, no date, re: Toni Morrison interview by Deidre McFadyen from 1990, 1 p., with an ALS, from McFadyen to Gaffney, dated 25 March 1991, 1 p., and a copy of her interview with Morrison, 16 p., with self-addressed stamped envelope. Box 15 Nabokov, Vladimir 2 folders

Summer-Fall 1967, Issue 41

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Interviewer: Herbert Gold Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 5 June 1967, from George Plimpton to Herbert Gold, 2 p. with attached interview questions, 5 p. Typed letter signed, dated 26 June 1967, from Vera Nabokov to Herbert Gold, 1 p., with typed note signed, from Herbert Gold to George Plimpton at top of page. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 17 July 1967, from George Plimpton to Valdimir Nabokov, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 18 July 1967, from George Plimpton to Herbert Gold, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 27 July 1967, from Vera Nabokov to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed notes, titled Answers to Mr. George Plimptons questions: June 26, 1967 with typed signature of Valdimir Nabokov and Limone Piemonte, 2 p., with copy of same. Autograph interview introduction by Herbert Gold, 3 p. Typed interview introduction with corrections and deletions, 3 p. Typed interview introduction with corrections and deletions, 2 p. Typed interview with additions, corrections, and deletions, 22 p. Galley proofs, labeled at top in red ink Dup/ Nabokov, with corrections, 16 p. Galley proofs, with corrections, 16 p. Typed notes for captions, 2 p. Box 15 Oates, Joyce Carol Fall/Winter 1978, Issue 74 3 folders Interviewer: Robert Phillips Carbon copy of typed letter signed, dated 12 December 1978, from Walter U[illegible] to Joyce Carol Oates, 1 p. Typed interview introduction, with corrections, deletion, and additions, some in hand of George Plimpton, 3 p. Typed interview introduction, with corrections and deletions, 3 p. Typed interview introduction and interview, with deletions and corrections, 39 p. Typed interview pages and questions, with corrections and deletions, and copy of other typed interview pages, 34 p. total. Galley proofs, with corrections and deletions, 10 p. Galley proofs, labeled Phillips, with corrections, 20 p. Copy of drawing, with autograph quotation The candle is not there to illuminate itself, dated 24 September 1975, signed by Joyce Carol Oates. Typed manuscript draft, with autograph corrections, 1 p., with autograph note, p. 2 of a story, Immortal Longings which appeared in Exile, Summer 76. Typed manuscript drafts, with autograph deletions, from The Notebooks of Farrell Van Buren, 6 p. Typed interview introduction, possibly for use with Writers at Work volume 5 publication, with corrections and changes, 1 p. Copy of printed interview, possibly for Writers at Work volume 5 publication, with corrections and changes, 27 p.

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Black and white image of Joyce Carol Oates, approximately 3 x 4 inches. [Preservation photocopy in this folder; original photographs moved to The Paris Review Archives Photographs Series.] Black and white photo of baby in a blanket hanging from a clothes line (?), approximately 3 x 1 inches. [Preservation photocopy in this folder; original photographs moved to The Paris Review Archives Photographs Series.] Box 15 OBrien, Edna Summer 1984, Issue 92 1 folder Interviewer: Shusha Guppy Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 2 October 1980, from Fayette Hickox to Victoria Schorr, 1 p., with attached typed document with corrections, dated May 1969, Thomas Churchill interview with OBrien, 17 p. Typed letter signed, dated 3 May 1984, from Shusha Guppy to Jay McCulluck, 1 p., with attached typed introduction to interview with corrections, 2 p. Typed interview, with introduction, with corrections, 24 p. Copy of typed interview, with introduction, with corrections and deletions, 25 p. Typed introduction to interview, marked re-written introduction, 5/11/84, unmarked, 2 p. Box 15 OConnor, Frank Spring/Summer 1957, Issue 17 1 folder Interviewer: Anthony Whittier Typed interview with authors corrections, deletions, and additions, 28 p. Carbon copy of introduction with corrections, 1 p. Box 15 Olson, Charles Summer 1970, Issue 127 4 folders Interviewer: Gerard Malanga Typed letter signed, dated 23 June 1969, from Gerard Malanga to George Plimpton, 1 p., with copy of typed interview transcription, 98 p. Typed letter signed, dated 31 October 1969, from Gerard Malanga to George Plimpton, 1 p. Autograph note, dated 11 January 1970, in unidentified hand on George Plimpton letterhead, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 13 March 1970 from Gerard Malanga to George Plimpton, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 18 March 1970, from George Plimpton to Harvey Brown, 1 p., with attached typed note on Plimpton letterhead, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 19 March 1970, from George Plimpton to Robert Creeley, 2 p. Typed letter signed, dated 29 June 1970 from Gerard Malanga to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed interview introduction with corrections, 5 p.

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Typed interview with deletions, corrections, and changes, some in hand of George Plimpton, 65 p. Copy of typed interview with corrections, changes, and inserts, possibly in hand of Harvey Brown, 61 p. Typed interview with corrections, deletions, changes, and inserts, 43 p. [Conservation note: tape and tape damage here.] Galley proofs with corrections and additions, many in hand of George Plimpton, 29 p., with typed insert, with autograph corrections and changes, 2 p. [Note: verso of p. 29 has autograph note signed from Maxine Groffsky to George Plimpton.] Galley proofs with corrections, deletions, and inserts, 35 p. Galley proofs with corrections, 27 p. Black and white photograph, 10 x 8 inches, of an autograph manuscript draft page. [Preservation photocopy in this folder; original photograph moved to Photographs Series.] Box 15 Ozick, Cynthia Spring 1987, Issue 102 2 folders Interviewer: Tom Teicholz Typed readers comment sheet, signed Jay, 1 p. Typed readers comment sheet, signed JD [McClatchy], 1 p. Typed readers comment sheet, signed MS [Mona Simpson], 1 p. Typed readers comment sheet, signed JL [James Linville], 1 p. Photocopy of typed interview with Ozicks photocopied corrections, deletions, and additions, and with editors autograph additions, deletions, and corrections, 22 p. Galley with Ozicks corrections, comments, and additions, 22 p. Galley marked Master Proof with editors corrections, deletions, and additions, 23 p. Box 15 Paley, Grace Fall 1992, Issue 124 1 folder Interviewer: Jonathan Dee Typed readers comment sheet, signed Jay, dated 8/25, to GAP [George Plimpton], 1 p., with Plimptons autograph reply. Photocopy of typed interview, 28 p. Photocopy of typed letter signed, dated 25 January 1990, from Barbara Jones to James Linville, 1 p. Box 15 Percy, Walker Summer 1987, Issue 103 2 folders Interviewer: Zoltn Abdi-Nagy Typed letter signed, dated 28 December 1979, from Tom Graves to Fayette Hickox and George Plimpton, 1 p. Copy of typed letter, dated 22 January 1980, from Fayette Hickox to Tom Graves, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 5 February 1980, from Tom Graves to Fayette Hickox, 1 p.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 15 February 1980, from Fayette Hickox to Tom Graves, 1 p., with typed envelope, stamped, not mailed. Typed letter signed, dated 4 March 1980, from Tom Graves to Fayette Hickox, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 3 June 1980, from Tom Graves to Fayette Hickox, 1 p. Autograph letter signed, dated 21 July 1980, from Walker Percy to George Plimpton, 2 p., with envelope postmarked 23 July 1980. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 20 August 1980, from Hallie Gay Walden to Tom Graves, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 11 September 1980, from Tom Graves to Fayette Hickox and George Plimpton, 1 p., with copy of typed letter signed, dated 27 August 1980, from Tom Graves to Walker Percy, 1 p., and copy of autograph letter signed, dated 29 August 1980, from Walker Percy to Tom Graves, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 26 November 1980, from Tom Graves to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p., with copy of autograph letter signed, dated 4 November 1980, from Walker Percy to Tom Graves, 1 p. Autograph note signed, [ca. February 1981], from George Plimpton to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p., with typed letter signed, dated 19 February 1981, from Luke at Penguin Books to George Plimpton, 1 p., with copy of typed interview by Ben Forkner and J. Gerald Kennedy with Walker Percy, 18 p. Typed letter signed, dated 4 March 1981, from Tom Graves to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 28 September 1981, from Thomas Jenks to Patricia Mulcahy, 1 p. Autograph letter signed, dated 27 July 1983, from Walker Percy to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 8 April 1986, from Zoltn Abdi-Nagy to Jeanne McCulloch, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 21 May 1986, from Zoltn Abdi-Nagy to Jeanne McCulloch, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 20 June 1986, from Zoltn Abdi-Nagy to Jeanne McCulloch, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 21 July 1986, from Zoltn Abdi-Nagy to Jeanne McCulloch, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 19 November 1986, from Zoltn Abdi-Nagy to Jeanne McCulloch, 2 p. Typed letter signed, dated 15 November 1986, from Zoltn Abdi-Nagy to Jeanne McCulloch, 1 p. Typed interview introduction, with deletions and correction, 3 p. Typed interview introduction, 1 p. Copy of typed interview, with deletions, corrections, and additions, 93 p. Box 15 Perelman, S.J. Summer/Fall 1963, Issue 30 1 folder Interviewers: William Cole and George Plimpton Carbon copy of interview with corrections, deletions, written additions, and typed additions, including some in George Plimptons hand, 39 p. Printed interview, 16 p.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box 15 Pinter, Harold Fall 1966, Issue 39 1 folder Interviewer: Lawrence M. Bensky Carbon copy of typed interview with introduction, with corrections, deletions, additions, 21 p. Galley with corrections and deletions, 26 p. Galley with corrections, 25 p. Galley marked Larry B. in blue ink at top of first page and note to Bensky at bottom of first page, with corrections, 25 p. Galley of Pinter manuscript page, 1 p. Copy of galley of Pinter manuscript page, 1 p. Box 15 Porter, Katherine Anne Winter/Spring 1963, Issue 29 1 folder Interviewer: Barbara Thompson Typed interview, with introduction, with corrections, deletions, and additions, some in George Plimptons hand, 23 p. Box 15 Pound, Ezra Summer/Fall 1962, Issue 28 1 folder Interviewer: Donald Hall Typed interview, with introduction, with some corrections and deletions, 33 p. Galleys with corrections, 29 p. Box 15 Robbe-Grillet, Alain Spring 1986, Issue 99 1 folder Interviewer: Shusha Guppy Galleys marked Master Proof with editors deletions, additions, and corrections, 26 p. Box 15 Roth, Philip Fall 1984, Issue 93 1 folder Interviewer: Hermione Lee Typed interview, with introduction, with corrections, deletions, changes, and typed insertions by Roth and editors, 39 p. Copy of typed interview, with introduction, with corrections, deletions, changes, and typed insertions as above and with additional corrections and deletions in pencil, 38 p. Galleys with corrections, 7 p. Box 15 Sagan, Francoise

Autumn 1956, Issue 14

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

1 folder Interviewers: Blair Fuller and Robert Silvers Typed letter, [n.d.], from b [Robert Silvers] to Plimpton and Fuller, 1 p. Typed additions to interview, in French, with deletions and corrections, 4 p. Typed additions to interview, each page containing typed question and Sagans autograph response, all in French, 4 p. Autograph notes, unidentified, hand, 2 p. Typed interview draft, in French, with corrections, 7 p. Mimeographed interview draft, in French, 16 p. Carbon copy of typed interview introduction with deletions, 1 p. Typed interview with extensive additions, deletions, and corrections, 10 p. Carbon copy of typed interview with additions, deletions, and corrections, 10 p. Typed draft of interview introduction with deletions, corrections, and additions, 2 p. Box 15 Salter, James Summer 1993, Issue 127 3 folders Interviewer: Edward Hirsch Autograph letter signed, dated 12 April [no year], from James Salter to Daniel Kunitz, 1 p. Photocopy of typed letter signed, dated 15 April [no year], from James Salter to Jay [McCulloch], 1 p. Reader comment sheets on interview, ca. February 1993, signed by Jeanne McCulloch, James Linville, and George Plimpton, 2 p. Autograph letter signed, n.d, from Jeanne McCulloch to Liz [?], re: photograph of James Salter for interview, with photograph attached, 1 p. [Preservation photocopy inserted here. Original photograph has been moved to The Paris Review Archives Photographs Series.] Typed draft of interview introduction and interview with deletions, corrections, and additions in various hands, 53 p. Typed draft of interview introduction and interview with fact checkers corrections and additions, 53 p. Photocopy of galleys with James Salters corrections, deletions, and additions, 45 p. Box 15 Sarton, May Fall 1983, Issue 89 1 folder Interviewer: Karen Saum Draft of typed letter, [no date], from Wanda Urbanska to May Sarton, 1 p. Copy of typed letter, dated 9 January 1979, from Wanda Urbanska to May Sarton, 1 p. Copy of typed transcript of interview with May Sarton and Wanda Urbanska, 86 p. (with copy of same, 85 p.)

Box 16 Sexton, Anne

Summer 1971, Issue 52

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

4 folders Interviewer: Barbara Kevles Autograph manuscript, It is a spring afternoon, n.d., in hand of Anne Sexton, 1 p. Autograph note, n.d., in hand of Anne Sexton, 1 p., with copies of three poems printed in The New Yorker. Typed letter signed, dated 13 November 1968, from Barbara Kevles to George Plimpton, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 20 August 1970, from George Plimpton to Barbara Kevles, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 29 August 1970, from Barbara Kevles to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 9 March 1971, from Cynthia to Maxine Groffsky, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 3 June 1971, from Anne Sexton to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed interview introduction draft, with corrections, 2 p. Typed interview introduction draft with corrections and deletions, 3 p., and pages of interview draft with corrections and deletions, some in hand of George Plimpton, 2 p. Typed interview with corrections, deletions, and changes, 38 p. [Conservation note: tape and tape residue.] Copy of typed manuscript draft, The Addict, dated February 1966, with autograph corrections, 1 p. Copy of typed interview introduction and interview, with corrections and deletions, 42 p. Galley proofs, with corrections and changes, many in hand of George Plimpton, 33 p. Galley proofs, with corrections and changes, 33 p. Box 16 Shapiro, Karl Spring 1986, Issue 99 1 folder Interviewer: Robert Phillips Typed interview with editors deletions, additions, and corrections, 1 p. Typed interview with editors deletions, additions, and corrections, 37 p. Galleys with editors deletions, additions, and corrections, 26 p. Box 16 Shaw, Irwin Winter 1953, Issue 4 1 folder Interviewers: John Phillips and George Plimpton Typed interview introduction with Shaws corrections and Plimptons deletions, 1 p. Typed interview with extensive corrections, insertions, and deletions by Shaw and with additional editing by Plimpton, 12 p. Autograph letter signed, dated 4 September 1953, from Shaw to Plimpton, 1 p., with autograph inserts for interview, 19 p. Typed interview pages, 9 p. Box 16 Simenon, Georges 1 folder

Summer 1955, Issue 9

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Interviewer: Carvel Collins Carbon copy of typed interview with sparse corrections. Typed letter signed, dated 21 March 1955, from Collins to Jeanne [Albert]. Typed letter, dated 26 March 1955, from Collins to Jeanne [Albert]. Typed letter, dated 6 April 1955, from Collins to Harold Humes. Box 16 Singer, Isaac B. Fall 1968, Issue 44 2 folders Interviewer: Harold Flender Typed letter signed, dated 29 February 1968, from Harold Flender to George Plimpton, 5 p., with autograph note and editing marks by George Plimpton. Carbon copy of autograph letter, dated 1 March 1968, from George Plimpton to Harold Flender, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 9 March 1968, from Harold Flender to George Plimpton, 1 p. Autograph letter signed, dated 27 July 1968, from Harold Flender to Maxine Groffsky, 1 p. Typed note signed, n.d., from Mary Lou Vincent to Harold Flender, 1 p., with autograph note from Harold Flender to Mr. Ardery, n.d., 1 p., re: Isaac Singer manuscript pages for publication with interview. Typed interview introduction and interview, with autograph corrections, 27 p. Typed interview, with corrections, deletions, and changes, some in hand of George Plimpton and others in an unidentified hand, 30 p. Typed interview introduction and interview, with corrections, deletions, and inserts, 31 p. [Conservation note: tape and tape residue.] Galleys, with corrections and deletions, 24 p. Galleys, with correction, deletions, and changes, 25 p. Box 16 Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr Summer 1975, Issue 62 1 folder Interviewer: John Train Note: This began as an interview, but was eventually published under Letter to an Editor. Autograph note signed, n.d. [1984], with autograph note at bottom in hand of George Plimpton, Staff: Please read & comment! Reader comment sheets in form of typed notes, some signed, n.d., 3 p. Typed letter signed, dated 14 September 14, 1984, from John Train to George Plimpton, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 24 September 1984, from George Plimpton to John Train. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 14 November 1986, from Deborah Pease, Jeanne McCulloch, Mona Simpson, James Linville, and Jonathan Dee to John Train, 2 p. Typed interview (or letter) draft, with very slight corrections, and signed by George Plimpton for John Train, 10 p. Galley proof, with corrections, deletions, and notes in margins by John Train, George Plimpton, and other editors, 5 p. Galley proof, with proof readers marks, 5 p. Galley proof, with deletions, 2 p.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Typed introduction, 1 p. Box 16 Steinbeck, John Fall 1969, Issue 48 and Fall 1975, Issue 63 4 folders Interviewer: Nathaniel Benchley Typed letter draft with autograph correction, dated [December 1968], from George Plimpton to John Steinbeck, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 13 December 1968, from George Plimpton to John Steinbeck, 1 p. Typed letter, dated 26 January 1969, from George Plimpton to Nathaniel Benchley, 2 p. Two carbon copies of typed letter, dated 26 January 1969, from George Plimpton to Nathaniel Benchley, 2 p. each. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 26 January 1969, from George Plimpton to Nathaniel Benchley, 2 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 30 January 1969, from George Plimpton to John Steinbeck, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 30 January 1969, from George Plimpton to Herb Caen, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 4 February 1969, from Elizabeth Otis to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated [February 1969], from Herb Caen to George Plimpton, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 7 February 1969, from George Plimpton to Herb Caen, 1 p. Autograph letter signed, dated [February 1969], from Herb Caen to George Plimpton, with copies of two columns written by Herb Caen and published in The San Francisco Chronicle: A Crock of Chrysanthemums, dated 24 December 1968 and A Man to Remember, dated 5 January 1969. Autograph letter signed, dated 19 April 1969, from Nathaniel Benchley to George Plimpton, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 30 October 1969, from George Plimpton to Nathaniel Benchley, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 30 October 1969, from George Plimpton to George Frazier, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 30 October 1969, from George Plimpton to Elaine Steinbeck, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 3 November 1969, from Nathaniel Benchley to George Plimpton, 2 p. Typed letter signed, dated 10 November 1969, from Elizabeth Otis to George Plimpton, 1 p. Autograph letter signed, dated [?1969], from Elaine Steinbeck to George Plimpton, 1 p., with pamphlet titled Chapter Thirty-Four from the Novel East of Eden by John Steinbeck, privately printed by Valenti Angelo at Bronxville, New York, 1952, and with autograph marking by Elaine Steinbeck. Autograph letter draft, dated [March 1975], from George Plimpton to Elaine Steinbeck, 2 p.

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 27 March 1975, from George Plimpton to Elaine Steinbeck, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 4 April 1975, from Molly McKaughan to Elizabeth Otis, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 7 April 1975, from Elizabeth Otis to Molly McKaughan, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 6 June 1975, from Alida Becker to Elisabeth Otis, 1 p. Typed and autograph questions, n.d., written for John Steinbeck by George Plimpton, 7 p. Autograph list of interview topics and headings, n.d., in hand of George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed list of interview topics and headings, n.d., with autograph note in unidentified hand [possibly Nathaniel Benchley?], 1 p. Copy of typed interview introduction, interview, and editors note, 43 p. Typed interview introduction, interview, and editors note, with corrections, 41 p. Sheets cut and taped together. [Conservation note: tape and tape residue.] Galley proofs, marked George, with some corrections, 28 p. Galley proofs, with some corrections, 28 p. Copy of autograph manuscript, probably page from East of Eden diary, 2 p. Black and white photograph, 7 1/2 x 5 inches, of John Steinbeck. [Preservation photocopy in this folder; original photograph moved to Photographs Series.] [Preservation photocopy in this folder; original photograph moved to Photographs Series.] Copy of autograph letter fragment, n.d., to Elizabeth Otis from John Steinbeck, annotated by George Plimpton, 1 p. Copy of miscellaneous pages from 1975 interview, includes mix of typed pages and galley pages with some corrections and deletions, 162 p., along with interview introduction with autograph corrections, 1 p. Box 16 Stone, Robert Winter 1985, Issue 98 2 folders Interviewer: William Crawford Woods Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 7 December 1976, from Blair Fuller to Robert Stone, 1 p., re: interview with Jeff Gillenkirk. Photocopy of typed letter, dated 13 January 1982, from Fayette Hickox to Woods, 2 p. Typed letter signed, dated 26 January 1982, from Woods to Hallie Gay Walden, 2 p. Typed letter signed, dated 26 January 1982, from Woods to Fayette Hickox, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 8 March 1982, from Woods to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Photocopy of typed letter signed, dated 19 March 1982, from Lesley Benjamin to Woods, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 8 June 1982, from Woods to Hallie Gay Walden, 2 p. Typed letter signed, dated 9 June 1982, from Woods to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Photocopy of typed letter signed, dated 2 August 1982, from Hallie Gay Walden to Woods, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 30 August 1982, from Woods to Walden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 20 October 1982, from Woods to Walden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 10 November 1982, from Woods to Walden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 24 December 1982, from Woods to Walden, 1 p.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Typed letter signed, dated 20 January 1983, from Woods to Walden, 1 p. Photocopy of autograph letter signed, dated 4 February 1983, from Walden to Stone, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 15 March 1983, from Woods to Walden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 23 June 1983, from Woods to Walden, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 25 January 1984, from Woods to Walden, 1 p. Photocopy of typed letter signed, dated 28 February 1984, from George Plimpton to Woods, with draft of first sentence, 2 p. Typed letter signed, dated 6 April 1984, from Woods to Plimpton, 4 p. Photocopy of typed letter signed, dated 16 April 1984, from Plimpton to Woods, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 4 May 1984, from Woods to Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 27 February 1985, from Gregory Orfalea to Walden, 1 p., re: letter sent to him incorrectly, with attached typed letter signed, dated 14 April 1982, from Woods to Walden, 1 p. Photocopy of typed letter signed, dated 29 May 1985, from Mona Simpson to Woods, 1 p. Photocopy of typed letter signed, dated 29 Mary 1985, from Mona Simpson to Stone, 1 p. Readers comment sheets, typed and autograph, 3 p. Typed interview with minor corrections, 45 p. Photocopy of interview with extensive editors revisions, inserts (some taped in), deletions, additions, and corrections, some in Plimptons hand, 55 p. Galleys, First Update, Master Proof, with editors deletions, additions, and corrections, 23 p. Galleys with deletions, additions, corrections, and typed inserts, 24 p. Box 16 Styron, William Spring 1954, Issue 5 1 folder Interviewers: Peter Matthiessen and George Plimpton Photocopy of interview with extensive corrections, deletions, and additions, 14 p. Box 16 Styron, William Spring 1999, Issue 150 2 folders Interviewer: George Plimpton Copy of typed interview transcript, 40 p. Typed interview introduction and interview, with autograph corrections, additions, and deletions, black ink in hand of George Plimpton and red ink in hand of William Styron, 15 p., with autograph note attached by William Styron, 2 p. Typed interview introduction and interview, with typesetters marks, 17 p. Galley proofs, with corrections, 16 p. Black and white photograph of William Styron, 10 x 8 inches, Nancy Crampton/ 35 West 9th Street/ New York/NY, dated December 1997. [Preservation photocopy in this folder; original photograph moved to Photographs Series.] Box 16 Taylor, Peter

Fall 1987, Issue 104

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

1 folder Interviewer: Barbara Thompson Typed readers comment sheet from Paris Review staff members, with George Plimptons autograph comment on verso, 2 p. Photocopy of typed interview, with introduction, with corrections, deletions, and additions, with some by Plimpton, 63 pages. Galleys with corrections, deletions, and additions, 27 p. Box 16 Travers, P. L. Winter 1982, Issue 86 1 folder Interviewers: Edwina Burness, Jerry Griswold Autograph letter signed, [1982], from Hallie Gay Walden to George Plimpton, 1 p., with copy of article entitled A walk down Cherry Tree Lane by Janet Watts from Observer Magazine, dated 11 April 1982, 2 p. Typed letter signed, dated 13 April 1982, from Jerry Griswold to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 27 September 1982, from Hallie Gay Walden to Jerry Griswold, 1 p. Typed letter, dated 12 November 1982, from Edwina Burness to Hallie Gay Walden, 2 p. Typed interview introduction and interview with autograph corrections, deletions, and additions in George Plimptons hand, 32 p. Typed interview introduction and interview with autograph corrections, deletions, and additions in George Plimptons hand, 14 p. Miscellaneous typed interview pages with autograph corrections and addition in George Plimptons hand, 7 p. Typed interview introduction and interview with typesetters marks and some corrections, 29 p. Copy of typed interview introduction and interview, [by Shusha Guppy, 1989], 18 p. Box 16 Updike, John Winter 1968, Issue 45 1 folder Interviewer: Charles Thomas Samuels Copy of typed letter signed, dated 4 September [1968], from John Updike to George Plimpton, 1 p. Autograph letter signed, dated 17 September [1968], from John Updike to George Plimpton, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 3 October 1968, from Maxine Groffsky to John Updike, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 7 October [1968], from John Updike to Maxine Groffsky, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 22 October 1968, from Maxine Groffsky to John Updike, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 22 October 1968, from Maxine Groffsky to Charles Samuels, 1 p. Typed interview introduction draft, 1 p. Typed interview introduction, with corrections, 2 p.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Typed interview introduction, with corrections and deletions in unidentified hand, 2 p. Typed interview draft, with autograph corrections, deletions, and inserts, some in hand of George Plimpton, 52 p. [conservation note: several pages with tape and stains] Galley proof of interview introduction, 2 p. Box 16 Walcott, Derek Winter 1986, Issue 101 3 folders Interviewer: Edward Hirsch Typed note signed, dated [March 1982], from Tania Evans, to Jonathan Galassi, 1 p., with typed letter signed, dated 15 March 1982, from Tania Evans to Jonathan Galassi, 2 p. Autograph letter signed, dated 7 April [1982], from Tania Evans to Hallie Gay Walden, 2 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 4 May 1982, from Tania Evans to Hallie Gay Walden, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 11 June 1982, from Nancy Schoenberger, 1 p., with copy of typed interview, 13 p. Typed questions for Walcott on The Paris Review letterhead, 2 p. Typed interview introduction and interview, marked Kistler in pencil on top corner of first page, with corrections and deletions, 39 p. Copy of interview introduction and interview, 40 p. Copy of interview by Olivier Stephenson, with corrections and deletions, 80 p. Printed copy of interview by Edward Hirsch, published in Contemporary Literature in 1979, 14 p. Photocopy of typed interview, with introduction, with corrections, deletions, and additions by editors, 38 p. Box 16 Warren, Robert Penn Spring/Summer 1957, Issue 16 1 folder Interviewers: Eugene Walter and Ralph Ellison Typed interview transcript, incomplete, with deletion and typed bibliography, 7 p. Box 16 Wasserstein, Wendy Spring 1977, Issue 142 2 folders Interviewer: Laurie Winer Typed readers comment sheet from Paris Review staff members, re: draft interview, 2 p. Autograph letter signed, n.d., from Laurie Winer to Elizabeth [Gaffney], 1 p. Typed draft of interview, with introduction, with sparse corrections, with yellow Post-it note, 42 p. Typed draft of introduction with additional questions and answers, 4 p. Typed interview with fact-checkers corrections and deletions, 26 p. Typed interview with corrections, additions, and deletions, some in George Plimptons hand, 36 p.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Typed interview with corrections in blue pencil, 29 p. Galley of introduction with corrections and deletions, with cover sheet from Brigid Hughes, 3 p. Typed letter signed, dated 12 March 1997, from Thomas Lynch to Hughes, re: drawing from The Heidi Chronicles, 1 p. Photocopied pages of biographical information about Wasserstein from Contemporary Authors and other sources, 5 p. Box 16 Welty, Eudora Fall 1972, Issue 55 1 folder Interviewer: Linda Kuehl Printed galleys with corrections, deletions, and additions in Weltys hand, 25 p. [Conservation note: tape to be removed here.] Printed galleys with corrections, deletions, and additions, 25 p. Copy of typed interview introduction with corrections and deletions, 2 p. Box 16 White, E.B. Fall 1969, Issue 48 3 folders Interviewer: Frank H. Crowther Typed letter signed, dated 3 February 1969, from Joanna Maravel, for Cass Canfield, to George Plimpton, 1 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 5 February 1969, from George Plimpton to E.B. White, 1 p. Typed notes and autograph notes with draft interview questions, [September 1969], 8 p. Autograph letter draft, [September 1969], from George Plimpton to E.B. White, with draft autograph interview questions, 6 p., Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 16 September 1969, from George Plimpton to E.B. White, 1 p., with carbon copies of interview questions, 38 p., Typed letter signed, dated 5 October 1969, from E.B. White to George Plimpton, 1 p. Copy of typed letter, dated 22 October 1969, from George Plimpton to E.B. White, 1 p., with typed draft of same letter with autograph corrections, 1 p., and with copy of typed interview questions, 12 p. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 6 November 1969, from George Plimpton to E.B. White, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 8 November 1969, from E.B. White to George Plimpton, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 13 November 1969, from Brendan Gill to George Plimpton, 1 p., with copy of typed interview introduction, 3 p. Typed letter signed, dated 19 November 1969, from E.B. White to George Plimpton, 1 p., re: credit for photographs. Carbon copy of typed letter, dated 12 December 1969, from George Plimpton to E.B. White, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 15 December 1969, from E.B. White to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 24 August 1971, from Sidney Offit to George Plimpton, 1 p.

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Typed documents with autograph notes, some in hand of George Plimpton, titled Additional questions for EBW, 3 p. Typed interview introduction, by Brendan Gill, 3 p., with typed interview questions that were sent to E.B. White and returned to The Paris Review by White with his typed replies and autograph corrections directly on the question sheets, with additional changes and corrections by editors, including George Plimpton, 37 p. [Conservation note: tape and tape residue.] Typed interview questions with typed replies by E.B. White, and with corrections, 12 p. Copy of typed interview questions with typed replies by E.B. White, and with corrections and changes by editors including George Plimpton, 9 p. Galleys, with corrections, changes, and suggested deletions, 25 p. Galleys, with corrections and changes, 25 p. Photocopy of autograph manuscript draft, by E.B. White, for an essay written about J. Russell Wiggins for The New York Times, 1 p. Black and white full-length portrait photograph of E..B. White, approximately 8 x 10 inches, ca. 1968, by Don Johnson of The Portland Telegram. [Preservation photocopy in this folder; original photograph moved to Photographs Series.] Newspaper article titled E.B. White: Notes and Comment by Author, written by Israel Shenker, The New York Times, 11 July 1969, 2 p. Box 16 Wiesel, Elie Spring 1984, Issue 91 1 folder Interviewer: John S. Friedman Copy of typed document by Wiesel noting changes and inserts to be made to interview, with autograph notes by editor, 1 p. Copy of typed interview introduction with corrections and deletions, 1 p. Copy of typed interview with corrections and deletions, 3 p. Copy of typed interview with autograph corrections, deletions, additions, and changes in multiple hands, and typed insert, 43 p. Galleys with corrections and deletions, 37 p. Box 16 Williams, Tennessee Fall 1981, Issue 81 3 folders Interviewer: Dotson Rader Copy of typed letter signed, [ca. 1981], from George Plimpton to Tennessee Williams, 1 p. Copy of typed letter signed, dated 10 April 1981, from George Plimpton to Dotson Rader, 1 p., with typed interview questions, 2 p., and autograph draft of interview questions, 2 p. Typed letter signed, dated 29 June 1981, from Patricia Kennedy Lawford to George Plimpton, 1 p., re: gala celebration for 70th birthday of Tennessee Williams Typed letter signed, dated 12 October 1981, from Dotson Rader to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed captions for photographs of Tennessee Williams with various friends, and photocopies of the photographs, 17 p.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Typed interview introduction and interview, with corrections and typesetters notes, 55 p. [Conservation note: tape and tape residue.] Typed manuscript titled Tennessee Williams: A Friendship, by Dotson Rader, with corrections and typesetters notes, 16 p. [Conservation note: tape and tape residue.] Galleys, with corrections and typesetters notes, 26 p. Galley, with deletion, 1 p. [Conservation note: tape and tape residue.]

Box 16 Williams, William Carlos Summer/Fall 1964, Issue 32 1 folder Interviewer: Stanley Koehler Photocopy of typed questions and answers, 4 p. Typed letter signed, dated 20 May 1963, from R. Seidler to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 28 May 1963, from Stanley Koehler to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 3 June 1963, from Stanley Koehler to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter singed, dated 27 July 1963, from Stanley Koehler to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated 13 April 1964, from Stanley Koehler to George Plimpton, 1 p. Typed letter signed, dated [?June 1964], from George Plimpton to Patrick Bowles, 1 p. Autograph postcard signed, dated 8 July 1964, from Patrick Bowles to Mr. and Mrs. Severson, 1 p. Typed interview introduction and interview, 26 p. Typed interview introduction and interview, with additions, corrections and deletions, many in hand of George Plimpton, 10 p. Typed interview introduction and interview, with corrections and deletions, many in hand of George Plimpton, 27 p., and with typed corrections, additions, and revisions, 2 p. Galley proofs, with corrections, 38 p., with envelope labeled Carlos Williams proofs corrected by N.Y. and addressed to Patrick Bowles on press in Holland. Pen and ink drawing of William Carlos Williams by R. Seidler, 1 sheet, along with copy of this drawing. Black and white photograph of William Carlos Williams with kittens, approximately x by x inches, n.d.. [Preservation photocopy in this folder; original photograph moved to Photographs Series.] Black and white photograph of William Carlos Williams holding his hat and a small toy airplane, approximately x by x inches. n.d. [Preservation photocopy in this folder; original photograph moved to Photographs Series.] Black and white photograph of William Carlos Williams, approximately x by x inches. n.d.. [Preservation photocopy in this folder; original photograph moved to Photographs Series.] Box 16 Wilson, Angus Spring/Summer 1957, Issue 17 1 folder Interviewer: Michael Millgate Carbon copy of typed interview, with introduction, with corrections, 19 p.

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Subseries B: Unpublished Interviews Unpublished Interviews Box 17 Arrabal, Fernando 1 folder Baker, Carlos 1 folder Bourjaily, Vance 1 folder Butor, Michel 1 folder Cage, John 1 folder Castaneda, Carlos 1 folder (includes a computer disc) Clark, Walter Van Tilburg 1 folder Comden, Betty and Green, Adolph 1 folder Dahlberg, Edward 1 folder Donoso, Jose 1 folder Farrell, James T. 1 folder Federman, Raymond 1 folder Giono, Jean 1 folder Goodman, Paul 1 folder Handke, Peter 1 folder Jong, Erica 1 folder Kazan, Elia 1 folder Kinnell, Galway 1 folder Kurwitz, Harry 1 folder McClure, Michael 1 folder Michener, James 1 folder Nemerov, Howard and Duncan, Robert (respectively) 1 folder Nin, Anais 2 folders Queneau, Raymond 1 folder Reed, Ishmael 1 folder Richards, I.A. 1 folder Rosset, Barney 1 folder Salamanca, J.R. 1 folder Sillitoe, Alan 1 folder Snow, C.P. 1 folder Steinberg, Saul 1 folder Sukenick, Ron 1 folder Vallorz, Paolo 1 folder Wescott, Glenway 1 folder White, E.B. 1 folder Williams, John 1 folder Wolff, Helen 1 folder

Box 17

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

SERIES 3: PHOTOGRAPHS SERIES These photographs were removed from Editorial Correspondence and Interview Series files, replaced with a preservation photocopy, and moved to this series. Subject Box 20 Auden, W.H. Baldwin, James Berg, Stephen Brookner, Anita Bryant, Edward Caldwell, Erskine Cendrars, Blaise Clampitt, Amy Cortazar, Julio Fleming, Harold Heller, Joseph Infante, Guillermo Ionesco, Eugene Kerouac, Jack Kundera, Milan Larkin, Philip Mailer, Norman Morris, Wright Oates, Joyce Carol Olson, Charles (photograph of a manuscript draft) Paris Review staff Powell, Anthony Salter, James Snodgrass, W.D. Steinbeck, John (portrait and photograph of a diary page) Styron, William Williams, William Carlos

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

SERIES 4: AUDIO AND VISUAL MATERIALS Audio and video materials in The Paris Review Archives Preliminary inventory, July 2003 Updated August 2008 Accessibility note: Audio and video materials in the Paris Review records are part of an on-going digitization and transfer project. Please check with the Literary and Historical Manuscripts Department for further information on specific materials. Two groups of audiocassette tapes (one received from the PR in 1999 and one received in June 2005) were combined in September 2005 to create one master list and one collection of audio material. Some of the materials that were received in June 2005 from The Paris Review had been part of the original 1999 group but were borrowed from the archives and then returned with new material in June 2005. The decision was made by processing archivist Leslie Fields to put the PR 1 and PR 2 sets of tapes together into one complete PR tape collection, arranged alphabetically by interviewee. Please note: Length indicates only the number of minutes that the tape can record according to its case label; it does not indicate the actual length of the interview on the tape. Information in quotations is transcribed from the cassette label. Cassette tapes, in alphabetical order by interviewee Grey audio box 1: 1. Writers-At-Work: Chinua Achebe, 1/17/94, 92 St. Y, unidentified tape type and length. 2. Part I, A side only, Chinua Achebe, Maxell, 90 minutes, no date. 3. Part II, A side only, Chinua Achebe, Maxell, 90 minutes, no date. 4. George interviewing Maya Angelou / January 11, 1988, unidentified tape type and length. 5. George Plimpton interviewing Maya Angelou at the 92nd St. Y, January 11, 1988, Dolby B, unidentified tape length. 6. 10-18-93, Poetry Interview [92 St Y], Dolby, Courtesy Tape, Writers-At-Work: Louis Auchincloss, Denon, 100 minutes. 7. Oct. 18, 1993. Writers-At-Work: Louis Auchincloss, TDK, 90 minutes. 8. October 18, 1993: Louis Auchincloss, unidentified tape type and length. 9. October 18, 1993: Louis Auchincloss, unidentified tape type and length.

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

10. 92nd St Y. 9-23-02 Poetry Reading [Paul Auster], BASF 100. 11. 92nd St Y. 9-23-02 Poetry Reading [Paul Auster], BASF 100. 12. 92nd St Y. 9-23-02 Poetry Reading [Paul Auster], BASF 100. 13. James Baldwin by GAP [George Plimpton], 12/28/83, #1, unidentified tape type and length. 14. James Baldwin by GAP [George Plimpton], 12/28/83, #2, unidentified tape type and length. 15. James Baldwin by GAP [George Plimpton], 12/28/83, unidentified tape type and length. 16. James Baldwin by GAP [George Plimpton], [n.d.], unidentified tape type and length. 17. 92nd St Y, 4-16-01, Poetry interview, The Paris Review Writers-at-Work, Michael Gorra interviews Pat Barker, 4/16/2001, TDK 100. 18. Bay Street Theatre, I Love Paris in the 50s, July 28, 1998, Maxell 90. 19. H. Bloom. Tape 2, side A, TDK 90, no date. 20. 92 St Y. Poetry Center Interview. 3/30/94. 1 of 2. [Yves Bonnefoy], Denon, 100. 21. BBC Radio. Books Abroad, 6/8. Presenter: Tibor Fischer. Producer: Mary Price, TDK 60, no date. 22. Books Abroad (1), TDK AR 60, no date. 23. T.C. Boyle interviewed by Plimpton, 4/95, Chateau M[?], TDK, 120 minutes. 24. Hortense Calisher, #3 A, Memex, 60 minutes. 25. Calisher, Certron, 60 minutes. 26. Calisher, 6A, 6B, Certron, 60 minutes. 27. Calisher, 8, Certron, 60 minutes. 28. Calisher, Tape 2, Certron, 60 minutes. 29. [?Calisher]. Unidentified #6, Tape 1, Certron, 60 minutes. 30. A. Carson Interview. 2002. Tape 2, Maxell XL-II, 100 minutes. 31. Conversations with The Christian Science Monitor, Writers at Work, 2/06/1987, unidentified tape type and length. 32. Amy Clampitt, unidentified tape type, no date. 33. Amy Clampitt, TDK, 90 minutes. 34. M. Cowley, #85, TDK, 60 minutes. 35. Stanley Crouch/Gerald Early #1, Maxell 90, no date. 36. Stanley Crouch/Gerald Early #2, Maxell 90, no date. 37. Stanley Crouch/Gerald Early #3, Maxell 90, no date. 38. Crouch/Early #4, Maxell 90, no date.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

39. Robertson Davies, 92nd St. Y / P.C. [Poetry Center] interview, 11/24/86, Maxell XLII-S, 90 minutes. 40. DeLillo I, TDK, 90 minutes. 41. DeLillo II, TDK, 90 minutes. 42. DeLillo III, Sony, 90 minutes. 43. DeLillo IV, Sony, 90 minutes. Grey audio box 2: 44. Poetry Cntr. 92nd St YM-YWHA, E.L. Doctorow interviews George Plimpton, 5/28/86, unidentified tape type and length. 45. McEwan III Dubrow 1, TDK 90, no date. 46. October 26, 1987 / Gregory Dunne, unidentified tape type and length. 47. Writers-At-Work: Gregory Dunne, 10/26/1987, TDK, 90 minutes. 48. English Speaking Union: Biography, TDK 100, no date. 49. Betty Eppes labeled For Ron Dante, AMPEX 370, 60 minutes, no date. 50. Betty Eppes labeled For Ron Dante, Sony, 60 minutes, no date. 51. Betty Eppes/JD Salinger, Scotch, 120 minutes, no date. Please note: this is not an interview with J.D. Salinger, but regarding Eppes article about Salinger and her attempt to interview him. 52. Paris Review Interview: Robert Fagles, TDK 100, no date. 53. PEN/Faulkner Gala Illusions, October 5, 1992, unidentified tape type and length. 54. Horton Foote with Frank Rich 3/28/96, TDK 100. 55. Shelby Foote #2, Sony, 60 minutes, no date. 56. Shelby Foote #3. 9/9/97, Sony 60. 57. Richard Ford, TDK, 90 minutes, no date. 58. 6/24/96, Richard Ford, George Plimpton, Richard Price, WFMU, The Green Room with Dorian, TDK, 120 minutes. 59. Frisch, Plaut Stade, Warman Precision Products Corp., 90 minutes, no date. 60. Frisch, Plaut Stade, Warman Precision Products Corp., 90 minutes, no date. 61. Athol Fugard 10/13/85/ Matinee KCH, Side 1 of 2, unidentified tape type and length. 62. Brendan Gill A & B sides, TDK 90, no date. 63. 92 St. Y. Ginsberg reading 6 pm. Ginsberg/Baraka reading 8:30 pm, unidentified tape type and length, no date.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

64. 92 St. Y. Ginsberg/Baraka interview. Dressing room & stage 8:30 (also reading toward end), unidentified tape type and length, no date. 65. Bob Giroux #1, March 15, 1999, Fuji 60. 66. Bob Giroux, Fuji 60, no date. 67. Poetry Ctr 9nds St YM-YWHA, Writers at Work, [Gail] Godwin/[John] Irving, 4.6.86, unidentified tape type and length. 68. 5/1/89. Gunter Grass Interview with Simon. 92nd Street Y, Maxell 90. 69. 92 St Y. Gunter Grass Interview 5/1/89, unidentified tape type and length. 70. Fr. Gray on Magakovsky[?], not my father, 11/95, to JL, 30 min., TDK, 90 minutes. 71. PC interview [Poetry Center, 92 St. Y], Donald Hall, 9/25/90, interviewed by Peter Stitt, Denon, 90 minutes. 72. Elizabeth Hardwick, Maxell 90, no date. 73. Heller, AMPEX 370, 60 minutes, no date. 74. Hemingway, Across The River Parody, Sony, 90 minutes, no date. Not a Hemingway interview tape. 75. Hollander Paris III, TSK SA-C60, no date. 76. Hollander, 4/29/82, Part 2, Scotch, 90 minutes. 77. Writers at work, Poetry Center 11/24/85/ J.D. McClatchy interviews R. Howard, 92nd Street YM-YWHA, Dub #1, TDK 90. 78. R. Howard, Sony 90, no date. 79. Poetry Ctr 9nds St YM-YWHA, Writers at Work, [Gail] Godwin/[John] Irving, 4.6.86, unidentified tape type and length. 80. Jong, Tape 1, Ampex , 90 minutes, no date. 81. Jong, Tape 2, Ampex, 90 minutes, no date. 82. 92 St. Y. 12-9-91. P.C. [Poetry Center] Interview. 1 of 2. Ryszard Kapuscinski, unidentified tape type and length. 83. Writers-At-Work interview, 11/28/94, 92nd St Y Poetry Cntr, Garrison Keillor w/George Plimpton, TDK, SAX100. 84. 92nd St Y Poetry Cnt, 11/28/94, Garisson [sic] Keillor, TDK SA-X100. 85. 92 St. Y. 3/6/89. Poetry Center, William Kennedy Interview, unidentified tape type and length. 86. Galway Kinnell, Scotch 90, no date. 87. Fran Lebowitz, TDK, 90 minutes, no date. Grey audio box 3: 88. Paris Review writers at work live, 10/20/96, John Le Carr interviewed by George Plimpton, 3M, 90 minutes. 89. Leone & Macdonald, 8/3/94, TDK, 90 minutes.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

90. Doris Lessing, 4/1/84, unidentified tape type and length. 91. P.C. [Poetry Center]/ Doris Lessing, 4/1/84, 2 of 2, unidentified tape type and length. 92. P.C. [Poetry Center]/ Doris Lessing, 4/2/84, 1 of 1, unidentified tape type and length. 93. Lethem interview #2, Maxell 90, no date. 94. Lethem interview #3, Maxell 90, no date. 95. Poetry Center Interview. 4-22-1991. [Denise Levertov], Maxell 90. 96. Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. Beyond Magic Realism: Latin American Writers Today, unidentified tape type, no date. 97. Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. Celebrating the Paris Review & the New York Review of Books, unidentified tape type, no date. 98. Jay Macinerney [sic] #3, Maxell 90, no date. See also tape 103. 99. Norman Mailer interview, TDK 100, no date. 100. Lost Bay, S. Malby, TDK 60, no date. 101. David Mamet (1) by Lahr, Radio Shack, 90 minutes, no date. 102. Mamet 2 by Lahr, Radio Shack, 90 minutes, no date. 103. 92nd St. Y Poetry Center, McCullers & Williams, 8 May 1954. Also, 4/21/03. BASF Reference II Master 100. 104. McInerney, #2, Maxell 90, no date. See also tape 97. 105. 92 St Y. 1/4/99. Writers at Work. Arthur Miller, Maxell 100. 106. October 4, 1993, Writers-At-Work: Czeslaw Milosz, Maxell, 110 minutes. 107. Writers-At-Work: Jan Morris, October 10, 1989, TDK, 90 minutes. 108. Interview with Toni Morrison, Paris Review, TDK, 90 minutes, no date. 109. [Alice] Munro, #1, 6/29/93, Fuji, 100 minutes. 110. [Alice] Munro, #2, Fuji, 100 minutes. 111. [Alice] Munro, #3, 6/30/93, Fuji, 100 minutes. 112. P.C. [Poetry Center, 92 St. Y], Dame Iris Murdoch, Feb. 22, 1990, Mono Dolby NR, unidentified length. 113. Paris Review NPR [National Public Radio] feature, 3/10/87, and Plimpton/Vonnegut interviews, 2/12/87, Sony HF, 60 minutes.

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

114. Michael Newman, rapping with the right brain [?], Maxell, 90 minutes, no date. 115. Cees Nooteboom & Hugo Claus. 26 III 99. British Library, Between Heaven And Earth, volume 2, Sony Cdit II 90. 116. Patrick OBrien, TDK 90, no date. 117. [Grace] Paley phone interview, June 25 92, TDK, 90 minutes. 118. Paris Review Mtg., TDK, 60 minutes, no date. 119. Paris Review 50th Anniversary NYPL 5/14/03, TDK 90. 120. Writers-At-Work: Octavio Paz, Oct. 8, 1990, 92nd Street Y Poetry Center, Maxell, 90 minutes. 121. The Poets World with Breyten Breytenbach and Rose Styron, Voice of America tape, unidentified tape type and length, no date. 122. 11/19/90, Reynolds Price Interview w/F. Busch, Maxell XLII-S, 90 minutes. 123. Privacy & Discolure, 4/2/98, 4:00 pm, Maxell c120. 124. Barney Rossett #1, TDK 90, no date. 125. Barney Rossett 2, Maxell 120, no date. 126. Barney Rossett #3, Maxell 120, no date. 127. Barney Rossett 4, TDK 90, no date. 128. Barney Rosset #4, TDK 60, no date. 129. Barney Rosset 5, TDK 90, no date. 130. Barney Rossett Elutlesia [?], Radio Shack 120, no date. 131. Poetry Ctr. interview, Rushdie, 3/23/87, Maxell, XLII-S, 90 minutes. Grey audio box 4: 132. Salman Rushdie interview, Maxell, 90 minutes, no date. 133. Kurt Vonnegut interview of Budd Schulberg. July 21, 2001. Tape #3, Maxell 90. 134. Plimpton interview with Shaw, no sound, unidentified tape type and length, no date. 135. Paris Review, Sam Shepard, #1, 12/2/1993, Maxell, 60 minutes. 136. Paris Review, Sam Shepard, #2, 12/2/1993, Maxell, 60 minutes. 137. Paris Review, Sam Shepard, 12/17/93, Fuji, 60 minutes. 138. Paris Review, Sam Shepard, 12/17/93, Fuji, 60 minutes. 139. Sam Shepard, 2/97, TDK, 90 minutes.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

140. Gary Snyder: Writers-At-Work Live interview, October 26, 1992, Maxell XLII-S, 90 minutes. 141. [Cavett/Spender Int.] Stephen Spender, Columbia, 60 minutes, no date. 142. Strand/Shawn, TDK 90, no date. 143. Strand/Shawn, side 7, Strand/Shawn, side 8, TDK 60, no date. 144. William Styron, 7/87, Maxell, XLII-S, 90 minutes. 145. Paris Review: Styron Interview. December 8, 1997, TDK 100. 146. Styron, TDK, 90 minutes, no date. 147. Writers at Work Interview, Paul Theroux, Dec. 17, 1989, 92nd St. Y, mono, unidentified tape type and length. 148. Hunter Thompson, 9/85, Maxell XLII-S, 90 minutes. 149. Diana Trilling interview, TDK, 90 minutes, no date. 150. Diana Trilling, 9/93, Plimpton, Boston, Supertape, 60 minutes. 151. Writers-at-Work Interview: Alice Walker, Oct. 7, 1991, Supertape HD 100. 152. Spiegelman/Weaver, TDK 90, no date. 153. Paris Review Eudora Welty, Maxell XLII 110, no date. 154. Eudora Welty Rough Edit, Dolby B, UX Pro 90, no date. 155. WNYC. The Modern Librarys Writers at Work: Eudora Welty, TDK 60, no date. 156. Wilson, TDK, 90 minutes, no date. 157. Tom Wolfe & GAP lunch, Jan. 8, 1991, TDK, 60 minutes. 158. Plimpton, Tom Wolfe. Tom Wolfe interviewed by George Plimpton at The Writers Voice, November 20, 1989, Maxell, 90 minutes. 159. The Writers World w/Carlos Fuentes and Rose Styron, Voice of America tape, unidentified tape type and length, no date 160. 92 St. Y, Poetry, 1-9-95, courtesy tape, unidentified tape type. Poet(s) not identified. 161. Happy 1989! From the podium team, unidentified tape type and length. 162. Unlabeled tape. Radio Shack, 90 minutes. 163. Unlabeled tape. Sony, 90 minutes. 164. Unlabeled tape. Sony, 90 minutes
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

165. 166. 167. Digital Audio Tapes

Unlabeled tape. TDK, 60 minutes. Unlabeled tape. TDK, 60 minutes. Unlabeled tape. TDK, 90 minutes.

1. Jonathon Galassi, 10/1994, Sony DT 60. 2. Tom Guinzberg, 10/19/1994, Maxell 90. 3. GAP [George Plimpton] interview, Maxell 90, no date. 4. Bob Silvers, Maxell 90, no date. 5. John Train, 11/15/1994, Maxell DM 120. Grey box 5: Micro cassette tapes 1. Begley, Sony MC60, no date. 2. L. Davis, 2.1, TDK 90, no date. 3. [Bret Easton Ellis] #1, Radio Shack MC-60, no date. 4. Bret Easton Ellis, #2, Radio Shack MC-60, no date. 5. Maxine Groffsky, October 25, 1994, 1 hours, not to be quoted without permission of Maxine Groffsky, unidentified tape type. 6. Ryszard Kapuscinski, unidentified tape type, 60 minutes, no date. 7. Sontag (Hirsch) 1, July 23, HD 2. TDK MC 60. 8. Sontag (Hirsch) 2, 3 D Y [?], TDK MC 60. 9. Sontag (Hirsch) 4, July 21 Sontag 7 & 8, Sony MC 60. 10. Sontag (Hirsch) 6, 11 & 12, TDK MC 60. 11. Sontag (Hirsch) 7, 13, 3rd Day, 1, TDK MC 60. 12. [Sontag (Hirsch),] July 21, 9 & 10, TDK MC 60. 13. Interview with Lillian von Nickern, 60 minutes, no date. 14. Sony MC 30, unidentified. Mini DV tapes 1.Bagley, consulate 042611, Sony Premium mini DVM 60. [Case reads 03-4109 Plimpton / 005.] 2.Danny & Misc., Panasonic mini DV, DVM 63. 3.Hutton, consulate 042774, Sony Premium mini DVM 60. [Case reads 03-4109 Plimpton / McCulloch Hutton/ 021.] 4.Lapham, consulate 042662, Sony Premium mini DVM 60. 5.G.P. [George Plimpton] 10/1 A, consulate 042543, Sony Premium DVM 60. 6.G.P. [George Plimpton] 10/1 B, consulate 042542, Sony Premium DVM 60. 7.03-4109 Plimpton / Richard Howard / 022, consulate 042680, Sony Premium mini DVM 60.
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

8.Rosset & McInerney, consulate 042610, Sony Premium mini DVM 60. [Case title is 03-4109 Plimpton / 004 and McInerny only.] 9.Subway Entertainers. Tape 3. Harmonic. 1/6, Panasonic mini DV, 83ME DVM83. 10. Subway Entertainers. Sounds of the underground. 2-15-04. 2-16-04,Panasonic mini DV, 83 ME DVM83. 11. Whats Hip-Hop 1, Panasonic AY-DVM63PQ. Records storage box: 7 inch reel to reel tapes 1. Burgess brand, 1.5 mil x acetate, 7 IPS, Pierre Etchebaster[?], transcribed by B. Shalvey, June 70[?] Scotch brand, inch x 1200 feet, 1.5 mil acetate, unidentified tape #2 Scotch brand [no other information on box], Tennessee Williams Soundcraft brand, 1200 feet, 1.5 mil acetate, unidentified #5, side one, side two: turn over and switch to track 2, D.C. Hope[?], English Dept., Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan Scotch brand, x 2400 feet, .5 mil polyester, Albee/Flanegan[?]/Paris Review, March 3rd, 1966/ Albee House in N.Y, 50 W.10th Street, Maggie Palley[?] GR 77988. Next transcription has been crossed out: AlbeeFlanagan , Paris Review Interview, March 3, 1966, Edwards House, 50 W.10th, 4:00 5:30 pm. Allegro brand, 1200 feet, acetate, Avante guarde [sic]/ unidentified tape #3 Scotch brand, x 3600 feet, .5 mil polyester, unidentified tape #1 Sctoch brand, x 1200 feet, 1.5 mil acetate, Albee--Flanagan, Paris Review, July 4, 1966, Albee House in Montauk, NY, July 4, 1966 Scotch brand, inch x 1200 feet, 1.5 mil acetate, tape 2, unidentified #4
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10. Triton brand, 1500 feet, 1.5 mil acetate, TV-Time Recordings, Inc. , World In Books, WEVD Radio, March 16, 1966 11. Soundcraft brand, Plus 50 magnetic tape, 1 mil mylar base, C.P. Snow interview

12. Scotch brand, 1200 feet, plastic, Balanchine interview, 3 i.p.s., side 1 complete, side 2 to number #541 / Ivan[?Was] Nabokov 13. no box: label on tape itself reads: Bill Curry interview tracks #1 (transcribed) / Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., interview, tracks #3

14. Sctoch brand, 1800 feet, Don Leavy interview, side one begins at 50 **this reel has black sticky material on one side** 15. Scotch brand, 90 minutes, 1800 feet, Goyen #1

16. Scotch brand, 120 minutes, 7 IPS, Goyen #2

5 inch reel to reel tapes 1. 3 IPS, 45 minutes each side, 900 feet, "magnetophonband BASF" brand, made in West Germany: Vali (transfer) 3 ips, 45 min, each side. Side One from Black Book, Side Two from Black Book, answers questions, talks freely

VHS tapes 1. Fuji brand, 120 minutes: The Paris Review at Forty, April 4, 1993, 1:30 pm (DVD copy available) 2. JVC brand, 160 minutes: Thanks George, September 11, 1993, 1 hr, 12 min, videography by Jerry Preston and John Emery (DVD copy available) 3. Fuji brand, 60 minutes: The Unblinking Eye, Queens College Readings: A.S. Byatt; Producer: Barry Romanski; TRT: 54 min. (DVD copy available) Microfilm Currently housed in Box 113 (audio/visual materials box 3 of 3)
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168. 169. 170. 171. 1995. 172.

Volume 25, issues 87--90, Spring--Winter 1983. Volume 27, issues 9598, SpringWinter 1985. Volume 28, issues 99--101, SpringWinter 1986. Volume 37, issues 134137, SpringWinter Volume 39, issues 142-145, SpringWinter 1997.

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SERIES 5: BOUND ISSUES OF THE PARIS REVIEW Box A Bound issues of The Paris Review Issue numbers: 1-2 (in library binding, 1 vol. total) and single issues of both 1 and 2; 9-12 (in library binding, 1 vol. total); 4-9, 10 (2 copies), 11, 13-30 Box B Bound issues of The Paris Review. Issue numbers: 31-45, 49-59 Box C Bound issues of The Paris Review. Issue numbers: 60-71, 72 (2 copies), 73 (2 copies), 74 (2 copies), 75 (2 copies), 76-78, 79 (2 copies), 80 (2 copies) Box D Bound issues of The Paris Review. Issue numbers: 81-90 (all 2 copies) Box E Bound issues of The Paris Review. Issue numbers: 91-100 (all 2 copies), 101, 102 (2 copies) Box F Bound issues of The Paris Review. Issue numbers: 103-112 (all 2 copies) Box G Bound issues of The Paris Review. Issue numbers: 113-116 (all 2 copies), 117, 118-121 (all 2 copies) Box H Bound issues of The Paris Review. Issue numbers: 122 (2 copies), 123 (2 copies), 124, 125 (2 copies), 126 (3 copies), 127 (3 copies), 128 (2 copies), 129 (3 copies) Box I Bound issues of The Paris Review. Issue numbers: 130 (3 copies), 131 (3 copies), 132 (3 copies), 133 (3 copies), 134 (3 copies), 135 (2 copies), 136 (2 copies), 137 (2 copies), 138 (2 copies), 139 (2 copies) Box J Bound issues of The Paris Review. Issue numbers: 140 (2 copies), 141, 142 (2 copies), 143 (2 copies), 144 (3 copies), 145 (2 copies), 146 (2 copies), 147 (2 copies), 148 (2 copies), 149 (2 copies), 150 (3 copies)
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Box K Bound issues of The Paris Review. Issue numbers: 151 (2 copies), 152 (2 copies), 153 (2 copies), 154 (2 copies), 155 (3 copies), 156 (2 copies), 157 (2 copies), 158 (3 copies), 159 (2 copies) Box L Bound issues of The Paris Review. Issue numbers: 160 (3 copies), 161 (4 copies), 162 (3 copies), 163, 164 (3 copies), 165 (3 copies)

Box M Bound issues of The Paris Review. Issue numbers: 166 (3 copies), 167 (3 copies), 168 (3 copies), 169 (3 copies), 170 (2 copies), 171 (3 copies), 172, 173, 176, 177 Box N Flat oversize box containing Paris Review clipping books

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BOX INVENTORY OF UNPROCESSED MATERIALS Box 18 Business records, publicity file, Subscriptions, Paris Review Editions, Waldenbooks Plimpton Recommends, N.Y. Editorial Correspondence, 1957 file, Lilian Von Nickern/Business, subscriptions file, Writers at Work files for volumes 7 and 8, random alphabetical files for issues 83-86 (1982), 87-90, 1983-84), 91-94 (1984), Cynthia Koestler feature (#92) file. Box 19 [flip top box] Materials for series besides editorial correspondence and interview series. Includes restricted fragile items. Box 21 [flip top box] Sorting file box used for processing editorial correspondence series. Box 22 [flip top box] Files: Tom Keogh poster sales; bank records, 1969-71, 72-73, 66-73; Spring Revel; Natalie Barney; Frank OHara, PR Editions; Doubleday/Paris Review Editions; Aga Khan Prize 1973; Distribution files, 1-4. Box 23 [flip top box] Material from PR 2 Box #15 separated because of fragile condition Box 24 [flip top box] American Literary Anthology files PARIS REVIEW 1 BOX INVENTORY (from first batch of acquired materials, 1952-1997) Note: Boxes originally numbered 1-8 have been processed. PR1 Box 9 1950s Rights and Reprints file; Correspondence files for issues 111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128. PR 1 Box 10 Postal checks; Andre Deutsch publisher files, 1956-1959; Jonathan Cape, Ltd. Publishers, 1962-1964; public relations; subscriptions; correspondence with printer, 1955-1965. PR1 Box 11 Vincent Stuart Publisher file; bank statements, bookeeping records, commercial and financial correspndence; Congress for Cultural Freedom file; Factures, 1955-1964. PR1 Box 12

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Harold Humes file; founding documents and legal papers; Robert Silvers correspondence; John Train correspondence; Worlds Fair 1965 file; correspondence to GAP, 1966-67, and 1952-1963. PR1 Box 13 TPR benefactors 1980s file; public relations 1980s file; budget TPR 1975; copyright clearance center file; financial statements 1980s; financial records and correspondence 1980s; grant applications 1980s; non-profit status file; Writers at Work dramatization file; Writers at Work V book; authors original pages; Writers at Work VI book introduction by F. Kermode; Writers at Work IV book revisions; misc. Writers at Work book files. PR1 Box 14 Paris Review subscription box, ca. 1958-1959. PR1 Box 15 Files with unpublished PR material (does not include any interviews); Ted Hughes file, etc. PR1 Box 16 Unpublished material including stories, poetry, and a feature on Andy Warhol; misc. files for PR issues #12-20. PR1 Box 17 Files for issues #18-30 (including galleys for issues #31 and 32?). PR1 Box 18 Files for issues #29-30 (continued from box 17); ads for issues 31-32; misc. issue 31 and 32 files; galleys for 33-35; misc. files for issues 33-35; galleys for issues 36-39; misc. files for issues 36-39. PR1 Box 19 Misc. files for issues #36-39 (continued); files for issues 40-41 (1967); files for issues 4245 (1968). PR1 Box 20 Files for issues 42-45 (continued); misc. files for issues 46-48. PR1 Box 21 Files for issues 49-50 (1970); files for issues 51-52 (1971). PR1 Box 22 Files for issues 53-55 (1972); files for issues 56-58 (1973-4). PR1 Box 23

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Files for issues 56-58 (continued); files for issues 59-61 (1974-5); files for issues 62-64 (1975). PR1 Box 24 Files for issues 62-64 (continued); files for issues 65-67 (1976); files for issues 68-70 (1976-1977). PR1 Box 25 Files for issues 68-70 (continued); files for issues 71-73 (1977-1978); files for issues 7475 (1978-1979). PR1 Box 26 Files for issues 74-75 (continued); files for issues 76-78 (1979-1980); files for issues 7982 (1981); 25th anniversary issue advertising folder. PR1 Box 27 Files for issues 79-82 (1981) continued, includes folder relating to Betty Eppes interview with J.D. Salinger and photos of Salinger; interview folder for Malcolm Cowley (#85). [Box 28 no longer exists. Interview files in this box have been processed, as of 10/2005.] PR1 Box 29 Misc. files for issues 91-94 (1984); misc. files for issues 95-98 (1985); Roz Chast/ Spring Revel files (includes original drawings by Roz Chast for issue 95); misc. files for issues 95-98 (1985); one file for issues 98-100 (1985). PR1 Box 30 Files for issues 95-98 (continued); files for issues 99-101 (1986); files for issues 102-105 (1987). PR1 Box 31 Files for issues 102-105 (continued). PR1 Box 32 Interview files for Evelyn Waugh, #30; Conrad Aiken, #42; and Robert Graves, #47. PR1 Box 33 Interview files for Pablo Neruda, #51; George Seferis, #50; Jerzy Kosinski, #54; Anthony Burgess, #56; Peter Matthiessen, #60; Archibald MacLeish, #58; Christopher Isherwood, #56-58; Gore Vidal, #59; James Wright, #62; and James Cain, #73. PR1 Box 34 Interview files for James Dickey, #65; Margaret Drabble, #74; Stanley Elkin, #66; Anthony Powell, #73; Joan Didion, #74; Kurt Vonngut, #69; Jessamyn West, #71; Richard Wilbur, #72; John Wheelock, #67; P.G. Wodehouse, #64; Marguerite Young,
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

#71; Donald Bartheleme, #80; Carols Fuentes, #82; Paul Bowles, #81; and John Gardner, #75. PR1 Box 35 Interview files for Rebecca West, #79; Jean Rhys, #76; David Ignatow, #76; Peter Levi, #76; Irwin Shaw, #75; Stephen Spender, #77; A. Voznesensky, #78; and signatures for issues 30, 32, 33, 38. PR1 Box 36 Signatures for issues 45, 44, 42, 41, 40, and 36. PR1 Box 37 Fourteen bound common books (office note books with messages, etc.). PR1 Box 38 Bound office common books. PR1 Box 39 Bound office common books. PR1 Box 40 Office notebooks and binders. PR1 Box 41 Boards for issues 57 and 58. PR1 Box 42 Boards for issues 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, and 67. PR1 Box 43 Boards for issues 77, 78, and 85. PR1 Box 44 Boards for issues 73, 74, 75, and 76. PR1 Box 45 Boards for issues 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, and 72. PR1 Box 46 Misc. files for issues 112, 113, 114 (includes unpublished material and interview files). PR1 Box 47 Misc. files for issues 109, 110, 111, 112 (includes correspondence, contributors files, interview files). PR1 Box 48
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Misc. files for issues 106, 107, 108 (includes interview files for these issues). PR1 Box 49 Files for issues 115, 116, and 117 (includes interview files). PR1 Box 50 Files for issues 118, 119 (includes interview files). PR1 Box 51 Blues and boards 119; misc. files for issues 120, 121 (includes interviews). PR1 Box 52 Files for issues 121 and 122. PR1 Box 53 Files for issues 122 and 123. PR1 Box 54 Files for issues 124 and 125 (includes interviews?). PR1 Box 55 Files for issue 125, Writers at Work book files. PR1 Box 56 Writers at Work book files; Chapbook files; The Paris Review Anthology files; Paris Review Editions files. PR1 Box 57 Paris Review Editions files?; Writers at Work book 9 files; exchange files/ advertising. PR1 Box 58 Advertising files; payment list files; prize files; awards files; New York State Council on the Arts applications, contracts, correspondence, 1984-1992; National Endowment for the Arts files, 1985-1992; marketing, direct mail, subscription lists, and proposed interviews correspondence. PR1 Box 59 Photo files (2), including photos of Paris Review staff members and photos of George Plimpton ca. Paper Lion project and at a party with Warren Beatty; proposed interviews files (continued); Auchincloss interview; Boyle interview; Burke interview; Howard Moss interview; Richard Yates interview; Carruth interview; Golding interview; Heaney interview; Nadine Gordimer Noble Speech 1991; Kumin interview; Millford/ Millay; Milosz interview; Milosz interview manuscripts; Reed interview; Stoppard interview and correspondence; Snodgrass interview; Thompson, Gary; Todorov interview; Wolfe interview; Percy interview; Tennis Hall of Fame directory; Paris Reviews public relations files?; conferences files; Statue of Liberty fireworks file;
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

George Plimpton New York Philharmonic file; Paper Lion book clippings; GAP misc.; Lazar list. PR1 Box 60 Index 1-56 file; Paris Review clippings file; photos; covers; art portfolios, #18; original illustrations from misc. issues; Koswski interview; Writers at Work book 5 files; miscellaneous pieces file; 100th issue press file; Huh? file; Vidal interview, Writers at Work 5; Barth interview, Writers at Work 5; Dickey interview, Writers at Work 5; Didion interview, Writers at Work 5; misc. PR advertising posters PR1 Box 61 New York Worlds Fair file; Lillan von Nickern files including, subscriptions, business records, cancelled checks. PR1 Box 62 Lillian von Nickern files: financial files; subscriptions/ads/reprints/parties. PR1 Box 63 Files for issues 126-127 (not interviews) including fiction, features, poetry, etc. PR1 Box 64 Files for issues 127 (continued) and 128. PR1 Box 65 [Elizabeth Gaffneys files?] Files for issue 128 (continued); poetry mss 133; office correx; Misc. 133 Winter. PR1 Box 66 Misc. files for issues 130 and 131. PR1 Box 67 Diana Trilling interview, #129; William Stafford, #129; James Salte, #129; Virgil Thomson, #130; Octavio Paz, #130; James Lauglin, #130; W.D. Snodgrass, #130. PR1 Box 68 [Elizabeth Gaffneys files?] Alex Munro, #131; Czeslaw Milosz, #133; Edward Hirsch poetry (not interview), #133; A.S. Byatt fiction (not interview); Chinua Achebe; Alfred Kazin feature, #132; Robert Gottlieb interview, #132; William Gass fiction, #132; Louis Auchincloss interview, #132; Geoffrey Hartman poetry, #131; Rick Moody fiction, #131. PR1 Box 69 Elizabeth Bishop/May Swenson feature, #131; Yves Bonnefoy interview, #131; misc. files for issue 132, including poetry and fiction; misc. files for issue 134. PR1 Box 70
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Files for issue 134, including Ted Hughes interview file and Primo Levi interview file; misc. files for issue 135, including Thom Gunn interview file and P.D. James interview file. PR1 Box 71 Patrick OBrian interview file; copy of proof of issue 136; galley and master proof for issue 136; The Craft of Poetry: A Semester with Allen Ginsberg, Summer 1995 issue, file; Misc: Used/Unused Interviews file, includes copies of interviews with Molly Keane, Kathleen Raine, Nathalie Sarraute, Lesley Blanch, Frances Partridge, Joan Haslip, and Diana Mosley. PR1 Box 72 Misc. issue 137 files; Susan Sontag interview file. PR1 Box 73 John Dunne interview and misc. files for issue 138. PR1 Box 74 Misc. issue 139 files, including Buckley interview. PR1 Box 75 Pages for issue 139. PR1 Box 76 Material for issue 141, including Helen Vender interview file. PR1 Box 77 John Simon interview file; Sam Shepard interview file; issue 141 material. PR1 Box 78 Office common books. PR1 Box 79 The Newman File; poster series file; Writers at Work book proofs; 40th anniversary file; possible Plimpton correspondence file requesting submissions for humor issue, etc. PR1 Box 80 Late 1980s and early 1990s correspondence to George Plimpton (and some from GAP); 1960s correspondence; newspaper clippings. PR1 Box 81 Shusha Guppys Grande Dames files; copy of PR inventory of archival material for sale for 1953-1998 (same as black binder with reference material). PR1 Boxes 82-86 consisted of bound issues of The Paris Review, but have been merged with the lettered boxes (A-M) of bound issues.
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PR1 Box 87 Common books, scrapbook, calendar, book listing rejected and accepted items. PR1 Box 88 Paris Review Editions file; business records. PR1 Box 89 Lillian von Nickern correspondence files; Paris Review print series files; subscription material. PR1 Box 90 Lillian von Nickern correspondence with editors, etc. PR1 Box 91 [Lillian von Nickern files] Financial files for Revels. PR1 Box 92 [Lillian von Nickern files] Business records. PR1 Box 93 [Lillian von Nickern files] Production/contents issues 70-106. PR1 Box 94 [Lillian von Nickern files] Check stubs and financial records. PR1 Box 95 [Lillian von Nickern files] Check stubs; tax records for 1966-1982; 1991 Revel; financial files for issues 122, 115, 121, 125, 102. PR1 Box 96 [Lillian von Nickern files] Bank statements and financial records. PR1 Box 97 [Lillian von Nickern files] Ca. 1960s financial records. PR1 Box 98 [Lillian von Nickern files] Misc. financial records; correspondence with editors and by editors.
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PR1 Box 99 [Lillian von Nickern files] Financial records; advertising records. PR1 Box 100 [Lillian von Nickern files] Bank statements and cancelled checks; misc. financial records. PR1 Box 101 [Lillian von Nickern files] Distribution records; financial records (check stubs, cancelled checks). PR1 Box 102 [Lillian von Nickern files] Invoices; subscription records; financial correspondence; boat revel 1991 file. PR1 Box 103 [Lillian von Nickern files] Financial files relating to poster series, book orders, etc.; file with correspondence from subscribers applauding 1990 decision to turn down NEA grant. PR1 Box 104 [Lillian von Nickern files] Files relating to Paris Review Editions; advertising; parties; author payments, etc. PR1 Box 105 [Lillian von Nickern files] Cancelled checks; tax records; invoices; receipts; correspondence, including file of correspondence with Sadri (founding publisher) re: money, including information about payments for literary prizes. PR1 Box 106 [Lillian von Nickern files] Subscriptions; distribution records; correspondence; tax records; credit card receipts; other financial records. PR1 Box 107 [Lillian von Nickern files] Financial records and correspondence. [Five rolls of microfilm found here were moved to box 113.] PR1 Box 108 [Lillian von Nickern files] Misc. 1990s financial records and distribution files. Also includes files with 1960s and 1970s business correspondence.
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PR1 Box 109 [Lillian von Nickern files] Misc. business records, including distribution information, mailing list information, sales, invoices. Five rolls of microfilm containing Paris Review issues were originally located in this box and were moved to audiovisual materials series in Box 113. PR1 Box 110 PR Archives representative 3 of 3 Includes Antonio file; John Fowles interview file; Eldridge Cleaver ?feature? story unpublished file; Shepard interview file; Mamet interview file; Poetry III file; J.P. Donleavy interview, issue 63, file; Production/Finance/Publishing file. PR1 Box 111 113: See description of Audio/Visual Materials above. PR1 Box 114 Flip top box with index cards for Paris Review subscribers. Includes names, addresses, payment information, etc. PR1 Box 115 Flip top box. Same contents as box 114.

PARIS REVIEW 2 BOX INVENTORY 76 boxes received on 22 June 2005 (rehoused to 79 boxes) ME = Managing Editor MF = finance material PR2 Box 1 Managing Editor diskettes: 130 3 inch disks (some formatted for PC and some for MAC); one 5 inch disk labeled Munro [moved here from box 44]; one 3 inch disk labeled Levertov interview w/Robert Faggen / wrestling [moved to box 1 from PR2 Box #14]; one 3 disk labeled The Paris Review: Bainbridge interview and Dear Bunny intro and one 3 disk labeled Issue 157 with one Zip 100 disk labeled #93828, #157 Cover, Paris Review [moved to box 1 from PR2 Box #53]; one 3 disk from Amy Clampitt Art of Fiction interview with Robert Hosmer. Labeled File Name: AMY [word processing program XyWrite] XYIII+ and one 5 inch disk also related to Amy Clampitt interview [both disks moved from Clampitts Interview Series file]. Total 3 inch disks = 134 Total 5 inch disks = 2 Total Zip disks = 1 PR2 Box 2

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

33 unlabeled 3/12 inch disks (some formatted for PC and some for MAC); 16 utility disks for various printing and word processing programs; 4 ZIP discs (2 for PC and 2 for MAC) 183 disks total Plus 1 disk moved to box 2 from box 5 labeled Hem/Pound for Paris Review PR2 Box 3 Issue 165, Spring 2003, 1st revise, 2nd, etc. PR2 Box 4 Managing Editor, Issue 156 Poetry correspondence for issue 156; poetry for 156; Hunter S. Thompson interview files and correspondence; William T. Vollmann interview files and correspondence; art for issue 156; ad copy for issue 156; contributor notes for issue 156. PR2 Box 5 Managing Editor, Issue 163/4 Miscellany 164; fiction/correspondence files; art files. [3 inch disk labeled Hem/Pound for Paris Review removed from this box and moved to box 2 with other disks.] PR2 Box 6 Shelf 48 B Linville introduction files; misc. correspondence; current party list; Playwrights at Work files; how to create a media kit files; Valenzuela interview files. PR2 Box 7 ME [Managing Editor] 158 Galleys; first revise; second revise; one folder of fiction. PR2 Box 8 ME [Managing Editor] 154 Galleys; master proof; first revise. PR2 Box 9 ME [Managing Editor] 150 Peter Matthiesson interview; Misc. 150 folder; galleys; GAP galleys; poetry 150 correspondence; poetry 150 manuscripts; proofs. PR2 Box 10 165 Issue 165 miscellany folder; Paula Fox fiction file; ads for 165; ad exchange agreements for 165; Jorie Graham file; Jonathan Miller file; The Last Field Marshall by William T. Vollmann. PR2 Box 11
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Managing Editor Art files from JoAns PR poster series; client letters; mailing lists; file re: The Art in the PR exhibition, 1976; history of PR art series letters; gallery correspondence ca. 1975-1983; correspondence, 1984; poster gifts file; old receipts, 1985; potential artists, 1986; publicity, 1983; sales/invoices of posters, 1981-1992. PR2 Box 12 flip top Transcript of interview with Thomas Guinzburg by Louis Sheaffer, 1980. PR2 Box 13 MF Financial records for issues 149-151; royalty info; post office permits files; advertising file. PR2 Box 14 ME [Managing Editor] 153 Galleys; first revise; J. McCullochs archive. A 3 inch disk labeled Levertov interview w/Robert Faggen / wrestling was moved from PRS Box 14 to PR 2 Box 1. PR2 Box 15 VanderbiltPlimpton Misc. Files, Long Cabinet Plimpton files with notes, correspondence for article about Harold S. Vanderbilt for Sports Illustrated magazine. Article was published October 15, 1956. Copy of that issue of magazine is also here. Hardcover book: The Russian Century: A Photographic History of Russias 100 Years. Covers for PR issues #128. Files for 541 72nd Street Tenants Corporation with correspondence and blueprints related to renovation of Plimpton apartment ca. 1992. PR2 Box 16 ME [Managing Editor] 167 Art, poetry, features, fiction files; Paul Auster interview file; Oresman correspondence; miscellany 167. PR2 Box 17 ME [Managing Editor] Art Print series files, includes many color slides. Goes along with material in box 11. PR2 Box 18 MF Magazine distribution and subscription files ca. 1999-2000. PR2 Box 19 ME [Managing Editor] 153

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Ads; master proof; galleys; fiction; poetry; poetry correspondence; Edmund Wilson feature file; Mavis Gallant file. PR2 Box 20 ME [Managing Editor] 164 Richard Powers file; Calvino diary file; crime file; master proof; first revise. PR2 Box 21 ME [Managing Editor] 156 Fiction files, including Rick Bass and Rick Moody pieces; file with Jonathan Saffran Foers About the typefaces not used in this edition with readers comment sheet (not used in PR?? But typeset with galleys here); first revise; master proof. PR2 Box 22 ME [Managing Editor] 159 (see also Box 80) Art of fiction: Luisa Valenzuela file; poetry; fiction; galleys; miscellany; notes on contributors. PR2 Box 23 ME [Managing Editor] Linville/Gaffney correspondence Theatre issue party folder, 1997; draft of interview with Naipaul by Jonathan Rosen; publicity files; PR benefit folder; correspondence. PR2 Box 24 ME [Managing Editor] 162/59 Fiction; proofs; paperback copy of PR book (_Heartbreak, etc._); advance, uncorrected proofs for book; 9 disks, tapes, mini-tapes (9 disks moved to box #2). PR2 Box 25 Typed list on outside of box, but not accurate to whats in the box. ME [Managing Editor] Humor issue responses; transcript of Tobias Perse phone interview with Ralph Steadman, 9/96; Como Conference; fiction; 2 black and white, approximately 8x10 inch, photos of John Cheever; exchange ads; Faux Faulkner file; intro for Women Writers at Work file; Life/Death of Novel file; Rick Bass letters et al. file. PR2 Box 26 ME [Managing Editor] / E. Gaffney, 2 of 2 Two 3 inch disks with business cards in a small box [kept here in Box 26 temporarily]; 1998-99 correspondence file; 2000 correspondence file; David McCullough interview file [see also box #53]; Lorrie Moore interview file [see also box #56]; Elizabeth Neuffer file; Chabon Final Solution file; art file with slides. PR2 Box 27 TPRF [The Paris Review Foundation]

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Past associates list, 2004; donor correspondence, 1994-2002; NEA grant for Writers At Work on line; 50th anniversary PR event planning; new associates 1987; bank statements; 2 files on art posters/print series; TPR Art Account; paid bills 1994 to 2/2001. PR2 Box 28 (primarily 2001-2002) Folder titles include: Guy Davenport interview; Interview proposals; guide for using computer and making labels; Correspondence N-Z, ca. 2001-2002; Writers at Work handbook (PR guide to putting together Writers at Work); Proposed Writers at Work volumes; TOC & Initial Considerations; Authors; PR (and WAW) Press & Blurbs; Booksellers Blurb; Withdrawn; Correspondence with Agents; Picador Queries; Anthology Readings; Book Tour; Contributors Notes; TOCs/Suggestions/Notes; The Fifties: TOC & Initial Considerations; British Writers At Work: Kingsley Amis; E.M.Forster; John Fowles; Graham Greene; Aldous Huxley; Christopher Isherwood; Henry Green; Doris Lessing; Hunter Thompson stuff; Amusing Cover Letters (letters sent with submissions and saved by staff for various reasons). PR2 Box 29 ME [Managing Editor] Art files [goes with boxes 11 & 17] Client letters; history contracts; print list; mailing list; artists files. PR2 Box 30 ME [Managing Editor] 149 Second revise; galleys; master proofs; poetry correspondence; misc.; fiction; poetry. PR2 Box 31 ME [Managing Editor] Copyright files, 1976-1987; New Philistine file: parody of a PR interview (2 p.) and parody of a Plimpton letter (2 p.) [written by whom??]; Writers at Work VII file; National Magazine Award 1994 files; color slides; financial correspondence; misc. correspondence; internet file [relating to getting their website domain name]; meeting notes file. PR2 Box 32 ME [Managing Editor] with list typed on outside of box W@W II author assignments file; W@W contracts and royalty records (early 1950s material here including interviewer contracts); Beat Writers at Work book material; misc. permission requests (to PR for re-printing interviews, etc.); copyrights 1986-1994; authors guild 108 dispute file; Derek Walcott contract and Latin American Writers at Work book file; Latin American Writers at Work file; Henry Roth interview file; John Berger file; Hemingway titles article file; William Vollmann file; August Wilson file. PR2 Box 33 Playwrights galleys, chapbook galleys, old direct mail and publicity ca. 1992; file with script from PR history celebration.

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

PR2 Box 34 ME [Managing Editor] Gaffney Correspondence re: submissions and interns; mailing lists; Women Writers at Work book file. PR2 Box 35 Contains restricted materialplease contact a curator in the Literary and Historical Manuscripts Department for permission to view. Financial records box PR2 Box 36 ME [Managing Editor] Linville British distribution files; Yorkville incorporation file; correspondence; Writers at Work series file, includes Women Writers at Work info; Random House file; color slides of artwork; correspondence re: The Man in the Back Row Has a Question articles. PR2 Box 37 ME [Managing Editor] 150 Proofs; galleys; Shelby Foote interview file with corrected copy by Foote and correspondence. PR2 Box 38 NY State council on Art files; NEA grant files; benefit and party files; internship announcement and resumes, ca. 1990s. PR2 Box 39 Contents list typed on outside of box. Copyright file; Random House distribution file; Paris Review Editions file/Galassi book 1988; permissions file; Writers at Work playwrights book file; copyright clearance center file; payment lists for issues 121-125, 130-139. PR2 Box 40 ME [Managing Editor] 140 [but more 143 than 140] Issue 140 galleys; Amos Oz interview file; fiction 140 files; misc. issue 143 file; John Le Carre interview file; Joyce Carol Oates story file; poetry correspondence, issue 143; poetry 143 file; Jan Morris Art of the Essay file; galleys 143. PR2 Box 41 ME [Managing Editor] 140 Master proofs 140; first revise 140; GAPs proofs 140; galleys 140. PR2 Box 42 Linville correspondence 1998; Josip Novakovich files; bookstore and distribution project; Paris Review edition titles; ads files; media kit file; non-profit projects; finance files; correspondence with literary agencies overseas.

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

PR2 Box 43 MF 1) smaller box inside labeled Ernst Files: claims to check and 2) smaller box inside labeled mailing drive 1990 PR2 Box 44 was consolidated with audio and visual materials received in 1998 from The Paris Review. See detailed inventory of audio and visual material for more information. {Former Box 44: ME [Managing Editor] audio/ Cassette tapes; mini DV tapes (11 of these); micro cassettes; video tape. See audio/visual description for full listing. [One 5 inch floppy disk labeled Munro was moved to box 1 to be housed with other disks.]} PR2 Box 45 ME [Managing Editor] 154 Miscellany issue 154; publicity; Pinsky; ads; poetry correspondence 154; poetry 154; Morgan Library poetry project with authors writing about Morgan manuscripts files; Robert Bly interview file; notes on contributors; Geoffrey Hill interview file with disk of interview; galleys. PR2 Box 46 ME [Managing Editor] 155 Galleys; poetry 155; master proofs; galleys. PR2 Box 47 ME [Managing Editor] /Gaffney correspondence 2002/2003 correspondence file; Maxwell interview permission file; fundraising file; The Paris Review Foundation file; donations/gifts file; encouraged authors file; color slide for cover of issue #157; 2001 correspondence file; Paris Review Foundation board notes, 2001. PR2 Box 48 Linville era Humor book publicity; Heinz Foundation 1992; Drue Heinz file; Yorkville files; printed copy of 20 year index for issues 1-56 [LF made 2 photocopies of this for reference and research]; archives folders, re: PR archives organization and sale; Writers at Work files; Benefit files. PR2 Box 49 ME [Managing Editor] 152 Poetry; poetry correspondence; master proofs; fiction files. PR2 Box 50 ME [Managing Editor] 150 Fiction files; poetry 151; ads 150; Ned Rorem: The Art of the Diary file. PR2 Box 51
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Files for issue 168 Art files; ads; fiction files; proofs; fiction files. PR2 Box 52 ME [Managing Editor] 161/4 Miscellany; notes on contributors 161 file; 161 cover and scan on CD; poetry 161 file; poetry correspondence 161 file; art folder with slide; fiction files, including one with a three and a half inch disk with manuscript revisions for a story; William Weaver interview with two disks; comp list 163; proofs 161 or 163?; 163 miscellany; Guy Davenport interview file; J.D. McClatchy interview file. PR2 Box 53 ME [Managing Editor] 152 Arthur Miller interview folder; ads 152; David McCullough interview folder [see also box #26]; fiction 152; poetry 152. [two 3 disks and one Zip disk moved from this box to Box 1] PR2 Box 54 Linville era correspondence/Playwrights & Beats Writers at Work book galleys PR2 Box 55 ME [Managing Editor]/Linville Two tapes (1 = 90 minutes Scotch brand and 2 = 120 minute Scotch brand) labeled Goyen #1 and #2 [Removed and put into box 44 with other audio material.] Benefits file (fundraisers); interns resumes file. PR2 Box 56 Issue 158 Contributors notes 158; Lorrie Moore interview file [see also box #26]; art file; fiction files; Rick Moody interview file; poetry 158; master proofs. PR2 Box 57 ME [Managing Editor] 162/59 Ian McEwan interview file; Louis Begley interview files; fiction files; miscellany 162; comp. List 162; first revise; poetry 162; poetry correspondence; proofs. PR2 Box 58 ME [Managing Editor] 146/147 Fiction files 146; poetry file; Man in the Back Row Has a Question file; galleys; fiction files 147; ads 147; poems 147. PR2 Box 59 ME [Managing Editor] galleys for chapbooks and Paris Review anthologies PR2 Box 60 ME [Managing Editor] 145
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Galleys; first revise; fiction; poetry correspondence; Jeanette Winterson interview. PR2 Box 61 MF Grants 1975 on; shipping and expense files for issues 133-140; postal service file. PR2 Box 62 [Linville material] Linville correspondence ca. 1990s; Plimpton correspondence ca. 1990s; submissions; correspondence with literary agents. PR2 Box 63: Financial records, re: subscriptions. PR2 Box 64 Financial records, re: subscriptions. PR2 Box 65 Linville The Paris Review Editions file; Dramatists at Work file; advertising files; copyright forms; Urban Corps folders; Grants: NEA applications. PR2 Box 66 Issue 167 files Correspondence re: authors revisiting their old interviews; art files. PR2 Box 67 Issue 166/2003 files Fiction files; poetry correspondence; 166 miscellany; first revise; Amy Hempel interview file; proofs; art files. PR2 Box 68 Subscribers listed on individual index cards. [Three small cabinet drawers were found here with cards still in those drawers! Kept one cabinet drawer as an example and discarded the other two; removed cards from cabinet drawers and kept in order.] PR2 Box 69 Small box with index cards listing names and addresses of PR associates and Life subscribers. PR2 Box 70 Contains restricted materialplease contact a curator in the Literary and Historical Manuscripts Department for permission to view. MF / For M / Old Account Files Black binders with expense info, includes wages, salary info, and SS#s of employees; petty cash info., etc. Black binder 1 = 1980-1987 (ca). Black binder 2 = 1956-1959 (ca.).
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

PR2 Box 71 Contains restricted materialplease contact a curator in the Literary and Historical Manuscripts Department for permission to view. [Records storage box; this box and #72 were originally one box when received, but so overstuffed with material that some material was moved into box #72] 1998 Financial Records Includes credit card information, complaints, etc. PR2 Box 72 Contains restricted materialplease contact a curator in the Literary and Historical Manuscripts Department for permission to view. [Box 71 continued, flip top box] 1998 Financial Records PR2 Box 73 ME [Managing Editor] 144 Proofs; misc. 144; Seamus Heaney interview file; Pinsky interview file poetry folders. PR2 Box 74 ME [Managing Editor] unpublished interviews Dead interviews Baraka/Ginsberg; art for issue 117; art and log; Niccolo Tucci interview (2 files); Hunter Thompson; Said [Edward Said by Agha Shahid Ali]; Chana Bloch; Christopher Durang; Thomas Keneally; Peter Nadas; Howard Moss; Tim OBrien (2 files); Richard Stern; Hugo Claus/Nooteboom; George Konrad; Czech/Slovak Lit.; Victor Bockris; Paul West; A.B. Yehoshua; Alice Walker interview on 7 October 1991: 92nd St. Y interview with cassette tape [moved to box #44 with other audio tapes]; Paul Theroux; Edward Hoagland; Corso. PR2 Box 75 Poetry editor applicant file; Grande Dames interview idea file; Victor Erofeev interview; Lesley Blanch interview; Molly Keane interview; J.Galassi fiction file (Morning Run); Chinese story files; Jan Morris interview file; TPR legal matters; party list summer 91; interoffice correspondence (Gaffney files); V.S. Naipaul interview file; folder of newspaper clippings about Martin Amis; folder of Plimpton and Maxine Groffsky correspondence from 1970s [this file was pulled out to add to editorial correspondence series because it matches copies of correspondence already in those files). PR2 Box 76 Subscriber index cards [library subscriptions not individual subscribers]; one file of checks, financial info; one copy of Grace Schulmans book Days of Wonder; photocopies of Delmore Schwartz correspondence with Jay Laughlin and publishers (not PR related?); and photocopies of Tennessee Williams correspondence with Jay Laughlin and publishers (not PR related? maybe for an article in PR?).

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

PR2 Box 77 ME [Managing Editor] 155 Art; miscellany; fiction; poetry correspondence; Robert Giroux interview file; proof of Big Mouth by Blanaid McKinney; T.C. Boyle interview file. PR2 Box 78 Gaffney correspondence; Plimpton correspondence ca. 1960s (primarily to Plimpton not by Plimpton); Plimpton research file for article on shopping for famous people with $10,000 to spend, Art of Shopping, with drafts of articles; folder re: orders for Sidd Finch baseball cards, bumper stickers, and books (Sidd Fan Club). PR2 Box 79 146/148 Ads 146 (Spring); Amis; Miscellany 148; Strand interview file; poetry 147; Misc. 147; Ads 148; fiction 148. PR2 Box 80: ME [Managing Editor] 159 (see also Box 22) Subscriptions; contributors notes; Jana Sterbak: cover, portfolio; Billy Collins file; poetry 159 file and correspondence; fiction files; Eugene Walter oral biography file re: photography permissions, etc. [Also, videotape with title The Unblinking Eye: Queens College Readings: A.S. Byatt was moved from this box to Box 44 with other audio/video materials.]

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

APPENDIX B: in progress Literary Agents, Agencies, or Publishers and their Authors in the Paris Review Archives Arranged alphabetically by author. Date next to authors name refers to the date that we know from correspondence that the author was being represented by the particular agency. Agency/Agent Robert P. Mills, Ltd. William Morris Agency Gunther Stuhlmann; Candida Donadio & Associates Walter Abish (1971); (1982) Georges Borchardt, Inc. ICM Gunther Stuhlmann Lawrence Pruner Agency A. Watkins Inc. (Gloria Loomis) William Morris Agency Robin Straus Agency, Inc. John Cushman Associates, Inc. MCA Curtis Brown Ltd. Georges Borchardt, Inc. Candida Donadio & Associates, Inc. Curtis Brown Ltd.; Tessa Sayle Agency Curtis Brown Ltd. William Morris Agency, Inc. Linsey Abrams (1980) Alice Adams (1990) Junius Adams (1966) Monet G. Adams (1972) Alan Adelson (1983) Jonis Agee (1979) Brian Aldiss (1991) James Aldridge (1971) Ted Allan (1958) Edward Allen (1992) Jennifer Allen (1990) A. Alvarez (1975) Stephen Amidon (1990); (1992) Grace Amundson (1976) Valerie Andrews (1990)
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Author Vance Aandahl (1968) Joel Abel (1971)

Russell & Volkening, Inc. James Nelson Melanie Jackson Agency ICM Curtis Brown, Ltd. Robert Lescher Curtis Brown, Ltd. The Sterling Lord Agency, Inc. ICM John Schaffner William Morris Agency, Inc. The Sterling Lord Agency, Inc. Curtis Brown Curtis Brown, Ltd. Max Siegel and Associates John Schaffner; Jet Literary Associates, Inc.

Katherine Andres (1981) Louis J. Ansbacher (1973) Donald Antrim (1990) Max Apple (1981) Carol Ardman (1976) Jean Arkin [Brock Brauer] (1967) Jon Arlow (1977) Franklin Ashley (1975) Linda Ashour (1992) Diana Athill (1970) Arthur Axelman (1973) Judith Bachrach (1976) Andrew Ballantyne (1983) Thomas Bandly [Bantly?] (1977) Michael Banks (1971)

Helen Barolini (1974); (1979) Bill Cooper Associates, Inc. Marvin Josephson Associates, Inc. Andrew Wylie Agency IFA; Elaine Markson Literary Agency Rick Barthelme (1971); (1978) Georges Borchardt, Inc. Schaffner Agency Roland Barthes (1979) Rick Bass (1988)
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Alfred Barson (1978) Donald Barthelme (1967) Frederick Barthelme (1983)

Wallace & Sheil Agency, Inc. Susan Schorr

M. Pabst Battn (1977) Bruce Bauman (1992) Jonathan Baumbach (1973)

Robert Lantz-Candida Donadio Literary Agency, Inc. Russell & Volkening, Inc. Nicholas Ellison, Inc. IFA Clarke Literary Agency, Inc. ICM Calder and Boyars, Ltd. Goodman Associates Literary Agents Author Aid Associates John Farquharson Ltd. Virginia Barber Literary Agency Inc. David Black Literary Agency, Inc. Melanie Jackson Agency John Schaffner A&W Publishers, Inc. William Morris Agency Wallace & Sheil Agency, Inc. Toni Strassman Marie Rodell Mavis McIntosh Elizaeth McKee Russel & Volkening, Inc.

Robert Bausch (1990) John Banville (1993) Mary Beal (1971) M.F. Beal (1980) Ann Beattie (1976) Samuel Beckett (1966) Ai Bei (1990) Gene Bell (1972) Madison Smartt Bell (1983) Tom Beller (1993) Pinckney Benedict (1990) Christopher Benfy (1989) Eizabeth Polk Benson (1970) Richard Berczeller (1980) Dennis Berg (1974) Jane Bernstein (1978) Gina Berriault (1975) Jeannette Bertles (1974) John Bery (1957) Doris Betts (1978)
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Calder and Boyars, Ltd. Russell & Volkening, Inc. Wallace, Aitken & Sheil, Inc. Grove Weidenfeld Phyllis Kronhaus Literary Agency Curtis Brown, Ltd. Elaine Markson Literary Agency, Inc. J.B. Lippincott Company Elaine Markson Literary Agency Georges Borchardt, Inc. William Morris Agency Curtis Brown, Ltd. Maria Carvainis Agency, Inc. Russell & Volkening, Inc. William Morris Agency, Inc. Peter Owen Ltd: Publishers; IFA IFA Sanford J. Greenburger Associates, Inc. Georges Borchardt, Inc. Wylie, Aitken & Stone John Cushman Associates, Inc. Brandt & Brandt Georges Borchardt, Inc.

Peter Bichsel (1967) Wayne Biddle (198) Sallie Bingham (1974) Mary Brave Bird (1992) Kiley Blackman (1983) James Blake (1975) Clark Blaise (1992) Bertrand Blier (1974) Laurel Blossom (1977) Carol Bly (1990) John Boni (1971) Thomas Bontly (1974) David Bottoms (1989) Keith Botsford (1967) Vance Bourjaily (1983) Jane Bowles (1966; 1971) Blanche Boyd (1972) Beth Boyett (1989) T. Coraghessan Boyle (1979) Michael Bracewell (1989) Malcolm Bradbury (1972) Tim Brady (1984) Melvyn Bragg (1980)
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Susan Schorr ICM Harold Matson Company, Inc. Donadio & Ashworth, Inc. Urizen Books, Inc. McIntosh and Otis, Inc. Harold Matson Company, Inc. Curtis Brown Ltd. Virginia Barber Literary Agency, Inc. John Cushman Associates, Inc. Curtis Brown, Ltd. Sterling Lord Literistic, Inc. Sterling Lord Agency, Inc. Elaine Markson Literary Agency Wylie, Aitken & Stone Brandt & Brandt John Cushman Associates, Inc.; David Evanier

Alba Branca (nee Arikha) (1992) Kate Braverman (1990) D.G. Bredes (1977) Tom Brewer (1991) Michael Brodsky (1979) Alan Brody (1971) Christopher Brookhouse (1972) Ken Brower (1974) Rosellen Brown (1992) Corinne Browne (1974) Michael Brownstein (1971) Jamie Buchan (1990) France Burke (1973) Kathryn Burkhart (1975) William S. Burroughs (1992) Janet Burroway (1983)

Frederick Busch (1975); (1980) Melanie Jackson Agency ICM Colbert Agency, Inc. Ellen Neuwald, Inc. Elaine Markson Literary Agency, Inc. Catherine Bush (1983) Mary Bush (1993) Sharon Butala (1988) Robert Olen Butler (1975) Bo Caldwell (1991)

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Candida Donadio & Associates, Inc. Donadio & Ashworth, Inc. Maxine Groffsky Literary Agency Georges Borchardt, Inc. IFA; ICM Georges Borchardt, Inc. Wylie, Aitken & Stone Sterling Lord Literistic, Inc. Harold Ober Associates Melanie Jackson Agency Susan Bergholz Literary Services Harold Ober Associates Virginia Barber Literary Agency, Inc. Philip G. Spitzer Literary Agency John Schaffner Jo Stewart Russell & Volkening, Inc. Scott Meredith Literary Agency, Inc. Ellen Neuwald, Inc. John Brockman Associates, Inc. Blanche C. Gregory, Inc.

Hortense Calisher (1979) Peter Cameron (1990) Ethan Canin (1992) Kevin Canty (1992) Robert Canzoneri (1969); (1980) Mary Caponegro (1992) Jacqueline Carey (1990) Humphrey Carpenter (1989) Jonathan Carroll (1973) Michelle Carter (1983) Ana Castillo (1992) Diana Cavallo (1969) Michael Chabon (1993) Kim Chapin (1990) Victor Chapin (1956) Halina M. Charwat (1981) Jerome Charyn (1968) Kelly Cherry (1980) James Childs (1975) Peter Christopher (1990) Stoyan Christowe (1983)

Ellen Levine Literary Agency, Inc.; William Morris Agency, Inc. Marc Ciabattari (1983); (1989) Melanie Jackson Agency Jill Ciment (1983)
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Paul R. Reynolds, Inc. Elaine Markson MGA Harold Ober Associates Robert P. Mills, Ltd. Curtis Brown, Ltd. Virginia Barber Literary Agency, Inc. Ann Elmo Agency, Inc. Helen Brann Literary Agency Darhansoff & Verrill Brandt & Brandt Don Congdon Associates, Inc. Arthur Pine Associates, Inc. Georges Borchardt, Inc. Watkins/Lomis Agency Georges Borchardt, Inc. Donadio & Ashworth, Inc. Phyllis Seidel Mavis McIntosh Elizabeth McKee Harold Matson Company, Inc. Harold Obert Associates, Inc. Elaine Markson Literary Agency, Inc. Robert P. Mills

Philip Cioffari (1973) Sybil Claiborne (1975) Joan Clark (1989) Austin Clarke (1974) Charles Clerc (1975) Lucille Clifton (1970) Bill Cobb (1990) Ann Cochrane (1980) Andrei Codrescu (1976) Christopher Coe (1992) Steve Coffman (1984) Tony Cohan (1990) Eliot Cohen (1983) Rob Cohen (1992) Robert Cohen (1983) Peter Collier (1979) Linda Collins (1991) Barbara Condos (1976) Evan Connell (1959) Evan Connell (1969) Whitfield Cook (1975) Joe Coomer (1992) Clarence Cooper (1967)
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Georges Borchardt, Inc. MGA (McNight Gosewich Associates Agency Inc.) Anne Edelstein Literary Agency John Schaffner Atheneum Publishers Lester Lewis Associates Brandt & Brandt Maxine Groffsky Literary Agency IFA Brandt & Brandt John Schaffner Houghton Mifflin Company Curtis Brown, Ltd. Ellen Neuwald, Inc. The Lantz Office John Cushman Associates, Inc. Virginia Barber Literary Agency, Inc. Sterling Lord Literistic, Inc. Walace, Aitken & Sheil, Inc. Curtis Brown, Ltd. Max Siegel and Associates Theron Raines Paul R. Reynolds, Inc.

Robert Coover (1969) Ann Copeland (1990) Christopher Corbett (1990) Eunice Luccock Corman (1972) Jim Crace (1992) ___ Crisp (1973) Jordan Crittenden (1968) Justin Cronin (1989) Elizabeth Cullinan (1972) Michael Cunningham (1984) Daniel Curley (1969) Richard Currey (1989) Ellen Currie (1976) Janusz Czubakowski (1976) Susan Daitch (1989) Celia Dale (1976) Charles DAmbrosio, Jr. (1991) Roslyn Dane [pseudonym] (1990) Elspeth Davie (1975) Olivia Davis (1975) Joyce Dawe (1971) Ron De Feo (1969) Nicholas Delbanco (1977)
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Donadio & Ashworth, Inc. Candida Donadio & Associates, Inc. John Cushman Associates, Inc. Maria Carvainis Agency Brandt & Brandt Pantheon Books Julian Bach Literary Agency, Inc. Donadio & Ashworth, Inc. Elaine Markson Literary Agency Sanford J. Greenburger Associates, Inc. Toni Strassman Maxine Groffsky Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency

Jane DeLynn (1990) Rick DeMarinis (1989) Douglas DeMars (1976) Elaine Denholtz (1981) Nicholas Delbanco (1989) Miguel Delibes (1990) Candace Denning (1991) Rick DeMarinis (1990) Deborah Deutschman (1975) Anne Devlin (1989) Jum Dilles (1973) Millicent G. Dillon (1978) Diane Di Prima (1992)

Marie Rodell Frances Collin; John Schaffner Associates, Inc. Tom Disch (1975); (1983) IFA; ICM Witherspoon & Chernoff Isabel Davis William Morris Agency, Inc. Mel Bloom & Associates Grove Weidenfeld Raines & Raines Georges Borchardt, Inc. Mark Dintenfass (1974; 1975) Steve Dixon (1993) Paul Dolan (1982) Mark Donen (1990) Thomas Doniger (1968) Jose Donoso (1992) George Doyle (1983) Rosalyn Drexler (1981)

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

The Young Agency Candida Donadio & Associates, Inc. Helen Brann Philip G. Spitzer Literary Agency Curtis Brown Ltd. ICM Georges Borchardt, Inc. Curtis Brown, Ltd. Georges Borchardt, Inc. ICM Schaffner Agency The Penguin Group Elaine Markson Literary Agency, Inc. Virginia Barber Literary Agency, Inc. Janklow & Nesbit Associates Janklow & Nesbit Associates Elaine Markson Literary Agency Georges Borchardt, Inc. William Morris Agency IFA; ICM; Paul R. Reynolds, Inc.

Jack Driscoll (1990) Vanessa Drucker (1981) Irving Drutman (1975) Andre Dubus III (1990) Guri Duncan (1977) Elaine Dundy (1991) Robert Dunn (1980) Deda [sp?] Dunning (1976) Marguerite Duras (1992) Tony Earley (1992) Charles Eastman (1989) T. Obinkaram Echewa (1992) Kim Edwards (1990) Jennifer Egan (1989) Deborah Eisenberg (1992) Jill Eisenstadt (1992) Joyce Eliason (1977) Stanley Elkin (1992) Marvin Elkoff (1971)

Richard Elman (1971); (1976); (1983) ICM Melanie Jackson Agency Phyllis Seidel David Ely (1979) Everett Enter [George Minot] (1990) Amy Ephron (1974)
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Julian Bach Literary Agency, Inc. William Morris Agency Malaga Baldi Penguin USA Janklow & Nesbit Associates ICM Ellen Levine Literary Agency, Inc.

Garrett Epps (1973) Leslie Epstein (1969) Margaret Erhart (1991) Victor Erofeyev (1992) Jeff Eugenides (1992) John Falsey (ca. 1983) Tom Farber (1990)

Watkins Inc. (Gloria Loomis); Watkins/Loomis Agency Irvin Faust (1977); (1983) Russell & Volkening, Inc. William Morris Agency Sterling Lord Literistic, Inc. ICM Sanford J. Greenburger Associates, Inc. McIntosh and Otis, Inc. Raines & Raines Melanie Jackson Agency Ellen Levine Literary Agency, Inc. Bruce Fearing (1968) Ross Feld (1976) James Fenton (1993) William Ferguson (1983) Robert Fero (1983) James Fetler (1971) Tom Filer (1980) Amanda Filipacchi (1992) Diana Finch (1986)

Barbara Lowenstein Marie Rodell Frances Collin Ann Elmo Agency, Inc. Don Congdon Associates, Inc. Cyrilly Abels

David Finkle (1981) Eleanor Fischer (1976) Ralph Fletcher (1982) Susan Fox (1990) Jeffrey Frank (1917)
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

IFA McIntosh and Otis, Inc. Theron Raines William Morris Agency IFA Harold Matson Company, Inc. John Schaffner Grove Weidenfeld Russell & Volkening, Inc. Malaga Baldi Susan Bergholz Literary Services ICM David Evanier Georges Borchardt, Inc. Virginia Barber Literary Agency, Inc. McIntosh and Otis, Inc. ICM William Morris Agency Harold Matson Company, Inc. Curtis Brown, Ltd. Penguin USA ICM Leah Salisbury, Inc.

Richard Frede (1969) Alan Frederiksen (1972) Joseph P. Fried (1968) Ira Friedlander (1971) Alan Friedman (1968) John Friedman (1978) George H. Freitag (1969) Aby Frucht (1992) Blair Fuller (1990) Eric Gabriel (1990) Eduardo Galeano (1992) Tess Gallaher (1983) James Gallant (1977) Mavis Gallant (1993) Ellen Gandt (1993) Jack Garlington (1973) David Gates (1993) Stephen Geller (1983) John Bart Gerald (1972) Merrill Joan Gerber (1977) Amy Gerstler (1993) Paul Gervais (1990) William Gibson (1968)
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Melanie Jackson Agency Cyrilly Abels John Cushman Associates, Inc. Curtis Brown, Ltd. Harold Ober Associates Julian Bach Literary Agency, Inc. Curtis Brown, Ltd. Paul R. Reynolds, Inc. James Brown Associates, Inc. Curtis Brown, Ltd. Harriet Wasserman Literary Agency, Inc. Toni Strassman Russell & Volkening, Inc. Russell & Volkening, Inc. Malaga Baldi

Wesley Gibson (1991) Sandra Gilbert (1971) Penelope Gilliatt (1975) Norman Glass (1977) Peter Glassgold (1974) Joyce Glassman (1973) Eleanor Glaze (1977) Gail Godwin (1969) Herbert Gold (1959) Alan Goldfein (1973) Rebecca Goldstein (1992) N.V.M. Gonzalez (1973) Steve Goodwin (1975) Nadine Gordimer (1983) Alastair Gordon (1992)

Julian Bach Literary Agency, Inc.; Wallace, Aitken & Sheil, Inc. Giles Gordon (1972); (1975) Literistic, Ltd. Candida Donadio & Associates, Inc. Julian Bach Literary Agency, Inc. Max Siegel and Associates Elaine Markson Literary Agency Elaine Markson Literary Agency Mary Gordon (1981) Robert Gordon (1983) Bernard Gotfryd (1990) Arthur Gould (1971) Katherine Govier (1979) Philip Graham (1989)

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers

Gunter Grass (1992)

William Morris Agency; Wallace Aitken & Sheil, Inc. Joanne Greenberg (1971); (1977) ICM William Morris Agency William Morris Agency Curtis Brown, Ltd. IFA Curtis Brown & John Farquharson Mondadori Publishing Company, Inc. Elaine Markson Literary Agency, Inc. Anita Dimant Graham Greene (1990) James Gregg (1972) Spencer Grendahl (1973) Tom Griffin (1976) Patricia Browning Griffith (1971) Paul Griffiths (1989) Laura Grimaldi (1978) Todd Grimson (1993) Jeff Gross (1989)

Elaine Markson Literary Agency Grove Press Candida Donadio & Associates, Inc.; ICM Curtis Brown, Ltd. Malaga Baldi Literary Agency, Inc. Melanie Jackson Agency Virginia Kidd Jane Schwenger Jonathan Cape Limited Paul R. Reynolds, Inc. Penguin USA

Elizabeth Gundy (1978) Sunetra Gupta (1992) Allan Gurganus (1976; 1989) Lee Alan Gutkind(1972) Scott Haas (1992) Pamela Hadas (1990) Fred Haefele (1975) John Halberstadt (1973) Charles Haldeman (1963) Albert Haley (1977) Richard Hall (1990)

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Liz Darhansoff Literary Agency Blanche C. Gregory, Inc. Sterling Lord Literistic, Inc. Scott Meredith Literary Agency Ad Schulberg (Marcia Durant) Virginia Barber Literary Agency, Inc. Georges Borchardt, Inc. William Morris Agency Harriet Wasserman Literary Agency, Inc. Malaga Baldi Literary Agency, Inc. ICM The Young Agency Maxine Groffsky Elaine Markson Literary Agency Julian Bach Literary Agency, Inc. Curtis Brown, Ltd. Scott Meredith Literary Agency, Inc. Liz Darhansoff Literary Agency Malaga Baldi Harold Matson Co., Inc. Curtis Brown, Ltd. Calder and Boyars, Ltd. Penguin USA

Barry Hannah (1991) Katherine Harding (1977) Patrick Harpur (1990) Joyce Harrington (1978) Mark Harris (1968) MacDonald Harris (1981) Barbara Harrison (1982) William Harrison (1968) Steven Hartman (1992) Joan Harvey (1992) John Hawkes (1981) Daniel Hayes (1992) Eric Hedegaard (1981) Gisella Heinemann (1977) Mark Helprin (1973) Joseph Hemmer [sp?] (1977) Greg Hemingway (1975) Amy Hempel (1983) William Haywood Henderson (1990) Joe Henry (1975) Gretchen Herbkersman (1975) Gunter Herburger (1968) Gustav Herling (1992)

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Theron Raines John Cushman Associates, Inc.; Dorothy Pittman William Morris Agency John Brockman Associates, Inc. Calder and Boyars, Ltd. John Cushman Associates, Inc. Watkins/Loomis Agency Sandford J. Greenburger Associates, Inc. Random House, Inc. Harold Ober Associates Curtis Brown, Ltd.; Georges Borchardt, Inc.

John Hermann (1969) Lamar Herrin (1974); (1982) Richard Herzfelder (1983) Michael Hickins (1990) Aidan Higgins (1967) Anne Higgins (1974) John High (1991) John Hildebrand (1989) Carol Hill (1969) Edward Ted Hoagland (1968) Rolaine Hochstein (1974); (1983)

Paramuse Artists Associates Curtis Brown, Ltd. Ann M. Buchwald ICM Georges Borchardt, Inc. Donadio & Ashworth, Inc. The Sterling Lord Agency, Inc. Donadio & Ashworth, Inc. Harold Matson Company, Inc. William Morris Agency Curtis Brown, Ltd. Wylie, Aitken & Stone

Sandra Hochman (1975) William Hoffman (1981) Bob Holland (1981) Jack Holland (1990) Noy Holland (1990) Charlotte Holmes (1989) John Clellon Holmes (1976) Amy Homes (1990) John Hopkins (1971) Arnold Horwitt (1975) Rolaine Hochstein (1976) John Holman (1989)
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Paul R. Reynolds, Inc. Phyllis Seidel Penguin USA Jeffrey Escoffier Literary Agency Curtis Brown Ltd. Harold Matson Company, Inc. ICM William Morris Agency William Morris Agency Harold Matson Company, Inc. Paul R. Reynolds, Inc. Regula Noetzli Witherspoon Associates Robert Lantz-Joy Harris Literary Agency Virginia Kidd Janklow & Nesbit Associates Maxine Groffsky Literary Agency Robin Straus Agency, Inc. Malaga Baldi Robert Lescher The Lantz Office Brandt & Brandt William Morris Agency

John Hough, Jr. (1983) Fanny Howe (1977) Isabel Huggan (1991) Bo Huston (1990) Gary Indiana (1992) John Irving (1976) Kazuo Ishiguru (1980) Rosemary Jackson (1973) Harvey Jacobs (1971) Mark Jacobs (1990) Robert Jacobs (1980) Steve Jacobs (1990) Bev Jafek (1991) Kelvin James (1993) Laurence M. Janifer (1976) Susan Jedren (1993) Gish Jen (1990) Ha Jin (1991) Fenton Johnson (1989) Gerald Jonas (1969) Louis B. Jones (1989) Stephen Jones (1978) Thomas Jones (1974)
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

IFA The Robbins Office, Inc. William Morris Agency, Inc. Paul R. Reynolds, Inc. Candida Donadio & Associates, Inc. Liz Darhansoff Literary Agency Elaine Markson Literary Agency, Inc.

Erica Jong (1972) Teresa Jordan (1992) Garson Kanin (1975) Johanna Kaplan (1968) Jane Katz (1983) Janet Kauffman (1983) Fred Kaufman (1989) Sue Kaufman (1975)

Candida Donadio & Associates, Inc. (Valerie Elliott) Peter Owen Ltd: Publishers Macgibbon & Kee Ltd Susan F. Schulman Georges Borchardt, Inc. Marvin Josephson Associates, Inc. Ellen Levine Literary Agency, Inc. Random House, Inc.

Anna Kavan (1967) Patrick Kavanagh (1966) Nicholas Kazan (1979) John Keeble (1992) Paul Kennebeck (1969) Leigh Kennedy (1989) Rose Kennett (1970) [pseudonym of Deborah Love Matthiessen, wife of Peter Matthiessen] Deborah Kent (1978) Calvin Kentfield (1968) Sarah Kernochan (1972) Hershel Kestin (1972) Barbara Kevles (1971) Benedict Kiely (1968) Michael Kimmel (1971)
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Elaine Markson Literary Agency Harold Matson Company, Inc. William Morris Agency William Morris Agency Curtis Brown, Ltd. Curtis Brown, Ltd. Cyrilly Abels

Sanford J. Greenburger Associates, Inc. William Morris Agency, Inc. Harold Matson Company, Inc. Maxine Groffsky Literary Agency Cyrilly Abels Jay Garon-Brooke Associates, Inc. Russel & Volkening, Inc. Maxine Groffsky ICM Marvin Josephson Associates, Inc. Georges Borchardt, Inc. Candida Donadio & Associates, Inc. Jonathan Dolger Agency

Jamaica Kincaid (1983) Florence King (1974) Gloria Kirchheimer (1974) Perri Klass (1990) Norma Klein (1969) Harvey Klinger (1974) Conrad Knickerbocker (1964?) Christopher Knowlton (1983) Joann Kobin (1992) Kenneth Koch (1968) Polly Koch (1990) Harry Kondoleon (1983) David Korr (1990)

Elaine Markson Literary Agency; Georges Borchardt, Inc. William Kotzwinkle (1977); (1990) Cyrilly Abels Melanie Jackson Agency Georges Borchardt, Inc. Robert Lescher Curtis Brown, Ltd. Witherspoon & Chernoff Harold Matson Company, Inc. Malaga Baldi Elaine Kraf (1971) Kathryn Kramer (1989) William Kuhns (1980) Elias Kulukundis (1967) Maxine Kumin (1975) Don Kurtz (1993) Joel Kurtzman (1972) Ewa Kuryluk (1990)

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Diane Cleaver, Inc.; Nicholas Ellison, Inc. William Morris Agency, Inc. Elaine Markson Literary Agency Virginia Barber Literary Agency, Inc. William Morris Agency Georges Borchardt, Inc. Susan Schorr Literary Agency Georges Borchardt, Inc. Curtis Brown, Ltd. Julian Bach Literary Agency, Inc. John Schaffner John Cushman Associates, Inc. Georges Borchardt, Inc. McIntosh and Otis, Inc. Ann Elmo Agency, Inc. ICM; Harold Ober Associates William Morris Agency Roberta Pryor, Inc. Wallace & Sheil Agency, Inc. Malaga Baldi Literary Agency, Inc. Virginia Barber Literary Agency, Inc. Georges Borchardt, Inc. Virginia Barber Literary Agency, Inc.

Alisa Kwitney (1992; 1993) Robert Lacy (1972) James Landis (1975) Salvatore La Puma (1990) Michael Laser (1975) Lynne Lawner (1968) Cordelia Lawton (1993)0 Seymour Lawrence (1990) Virginia Layefsky (1973) Jane Lazarre (1976) Anne Leaton (1973) Alan Lebowitz (1969) J.M.G LeClezio Lawrence Lee (1969) Lettie Lee (1983) Fred Leebron (1990; 1992) Gene Lees (1971) Diane Lefer (1990) Ella Leffland (1977) Eric Gabriel Lehman (1992) Marti Leimbach (1989) Alan Lelchuk (1974) Melissa Lentricchia (1989)

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Leah Salisbury, Inc. Brandt & Brandt Crown Publishers Inc. Barthold Fles John Schaffner Ellen Levine Literary Agency, Inc. IFA James Brown Associates, Inc. Mavis McIntosh Elizabeth McKee Goodman Associates Literary Agents Goodman Associates Literary Agents Charlotte Sheedy Literary Agency Maxine Groffsky Harold Matson Company Paul R. Reynolds, Inc. Melanie Jackson Agency Robert P. Mills, Ltd. McIntosh and Otis, Inc. Don Congdon Associates, Inc. Susan Schorr Literary Agent Scott Meredith Literary Agency, Inc. Russell & Volkening, Inc. Georges Borchardt, Inc.

Hesper Levenstein (1968) George Lewis (1983) Mark Leyner (1992) Vicki Lindner (1973) Anne Littlefield (1957) Leo Litwak (1991) R.P. Lister (1972) Leo Litwak (1979) Herbert Lobsenz Amanda Lohrey (1990) Joan London (1991) Audre Lorde (1978) Beverly Lowry (1976) Malcolm Lowry (1962) Myles Eric Ludwig (1969) Alison Lurie (1990) John Mack (1969) Ian MacMillan (1976) Ben Maddow (1989) Naguib Mahfouz (1993) William H. Mai (1975) Bernard Malamud (1989) John Malone (1971)

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. Grove Weidenfeld William Morris Agency, Inc. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc. IFA Atheneum Malaga Baldi Russell & Volkening, Inc. Candida Donadio & Associates, Inc. Robert Lescher Elaine Markson Literary Agency Inc. Michael Scott Literary Agnecy Donadio & Ashworth, Inc. Candida Donadio & Associates, Inc. Robert Lescher Russell & Volkening, Inc. IFA Robert P. Mills, Ltd. Howard Moorepark Brandt & Brandt Elaine Markson Literary Agency, Inc. Melanie Jackson Agency Georges Borchardt, Inc.; Melanie Jackson Agency

Andr Malraux (1976) David Mamet (1989) George Mandel (1975) Norman Manea (1992) Michael Mann (1974) Hilary Mantel (1992) Joseph Markulin (1991) Julia Markus (1981) Wallace Markfield (1983) Jean Marple (1969) Kathy Marx (1977) H. Mason (1993) Stuart Matranga (1990) Pam Matz (1978) Julian Mazor (1979) Sara McAulay (1975) Eugene McCabe (1972) Mercedes McCambridge (1969) Eddie McCarthy (1969) Susannah McCorkle (1983) James McCourt (1975) Lew McCreary (1989)

Joseph McElroy (1977); (1991)

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Elaine Markson Literary Agency, Inc. Melanie Jackson Agency Russell & Volkening, Inc. Donadio & Ashworth, Inc. Maxwell Aley Associates Witherspoon & Chernoff ICM Witherspoon & Chernoff Virginia Barber Literary Agency, Inc. William Morris Agency Janklow & Nesbit Associates Georges Borchardt, Inc. Malaga Baldi Literary Agency, Inc. Elaine Markson Janklow & Nesbit Associates Curtis Brown, Ltd. Alex Jackinson Georges Borchardt, Inc. Marvn Josephson Associates, Inc. Georges Borschardt IFA; Pat Rotter Brandt & Brandt Candida Donadio & Asssociates, Inc.

Cyra McFadden (1977) Lynne McFall (1989) John McGahern (1991) Patrick McGrath (1990) Tom McHale (1968) Kit McIlroy (1993) Jay McInerney (1992) Martha McPhee (1992) David Means (1990) Charles Mee (1971) Gita Mehta (1992) Ved Mehta (1992) Daniel Melnick (1992) Don Meredith (1975) Roland Merullo (1993) Stanley Meisler (1976) Deena Metzger (1973) Sam Michel (1990) Lenny Michaels (1967) Henri Michaux (1957) Barton Midwood (1970); (1975) Nancy Milford (1977) Rabbi Alan W. Miller (1978)
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Maxine Groffsky ICM Elaine Markson Literary Agency Melanie Jackson Agency Georges Borchardt, Inc. Curtis Brown, Ltd. William Morris Agency, Inc. ICM Georges Borchardt, Inc. Schaffner Agency Donadio & Ashworth, Inc. Melanie Jackson Agency Ruth May Littauer and Wilkinson Georges Borchardt, Inc.; ICM Russell & Volkening, Inc. Wylie, Aitken & Stone John Schaffner Kodansha International Ltd. Maxine Groffsky Georges Borchardt, Inc. Peter Owen Ltd: Publishers David Evanier

Sue Miller (1983) Steven Millhauser (1992) Valerie Miner (1977) George Minot (1989) Susan Minot (1992) Stephen Minot (1968) David Mladinov (1975) Joseph Mohbat (1976) Ursule Molinaro (1971) Debra Monroe (1990) Rick Moody (1990) Lorrie Moore (1989) Dom Moraes (1959) John Morressy (1968) Mary Morris (1980); (1990) Wright Morris (1974) Bradford Morrow (1990) Peter Moscoso-Gongora (1970) Haruki Murakami (1991) Louise Murphy (1976) Yannick Murphy (1992) Mohammed Mrabet (1966) Lou Myers (1976)
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

John Cushman Associates, Inc. Alison M. Bond, Ltd. Wallace & Sheil Agency, Inc. Paul R. Reynolds Inc. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc. Curtis Brown, Ltd. Ellen Levine Literary Agency, Inc. Philip G. Spitzer Literary Agency Candida Donadio & Associates, Inc. Julian Bach Literary Agency, Inc. William Morris Agency Sanford J. Greenburger Associates Inc. Schaffner Agency, Inc. Curtis Brown, Ltd. Wylie, Aitken & Stone

Shiva Naipaul (1974) Chinatsu Nakayama (1989) R.K. Narayan (1980) Eugene Paul Nasssar (1969) Pablo Neruda (1974) Jay Neugeboren (1979) Mike Nicol (1992) David Nicholson (1990) Vincent Nicolosi (1979) Sanjay Nigam (1990) Thomas Nolan (1971) Craig Nova (1982) Josip Novakovich (1992) Jane Nudelman (1978) Beth Nugent (1990)

Blanche C. Gregory, Inc.; John Hawkins & Associates, Inc. Joyce Carol Oates (1978); (1992)

Robert Lantz- Candida Donadio Literary Agency, Inc. Clarke Literary Agency, Inc. Julian Bach Literary Agency, Inc. Curtis Brown, Lt. Virginia Barber Literary Agency Inc. Candida Donadio & Associates Inc.

Edna OBrien (1972)

John OBrien (1980) Terence ODonnell (1972) Julia OFaolian (1969) Chris Offutt (1992) David Ohle (1976)
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

William Morris Agency, Inc. Raines & Raines Theron Raines ICM Wylie, Aitken & Stone IFA Sandford J. Greenburger Associates, Inc. Charles Scribners Sons Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency John Schaffner Georges Borchardt, Inc. Janet Wilkens Manus Literary Agency, Inc. Julia Bach Literary Agency, Inc. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers Curtis Brown Ltd. ICM Marie RodellFrances Collin Curtis Brown, Ltd. Elaine Markson Literary Agency Sanford J. Greenburger Associates Inc. ICM Theron Raines Virginia Kidd

Joel Oppenheimer (1975) William ORourke (1976) Cynthia Ozick (1970) Rees Owen (1975) George Packer (1990) Grace Paley (1974) David Park (1989) Michael Parker (1992) Thomas Parker (1992) Wallace B. Parr (1973) Vince Passaro (1991) Rachel Patron (1981) Kathryn Paulsen (1973) Octavio Paz (1992) Dale Peck (1992) William Pelfrey (1976) John Pendleton (1979) Padma Perera (1977) Kathrin Pertuz (1977) Brenda Peterson (1989) Mary Peterson (1976) Natalie Petesch (1968) Graham Petrie (1976)
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

The Sterling Lord Agency, Inc. Doubleday & Company, Inc. Donadio & Ashworth, Inc. Marion Saunders Literary Agency Georges Borchardt, Inc. McIntosh and Otis, Inc. Malaga Baldi Literary Agency Inc. Harold Ober Associates, Inc. Maxine Groffsky AFA; ICM Martin Secker & Warburg Limited (publisher) Paul R. Reynolds, Inc. The Sterling Lord Agency, Inc.; Schaffner Agency

Jayne Anne Phillips (1977) Rene-Victor Pilhes (1969) Darryl Pinckney (1990) Dorothy Pitkin (1957) David Plante (1980) Ben Pleasants (1971) Lee Polevoi (1992) Murray Pomerance (1989) Joe Ashby Porter (1976) John Porter (1968); (1977) Katherine Anne Porter (1962) Nolan Porterfield (1971)

Buzz C. E. Poverman (1976); (1990) Janklow & Nesbit Associates; ICM Wylie, Aitken & Stone Padgett Powell (1989; 1988) Emily Prager (1989)

Robert Lantz-Candida Donadio Literary Agency, Inc.; Candida Donadio & Associates, Inc. Ivan Prashker (1972); (1974) Susan Schorr Literary Agent Harriet Wasserman Literary Agency, Inc. William Morris Agency, Inc. Harold Matson Company, Inc. Maxine Groffsky; Georges Borchardt, Inc. Doubleday; Curtis Brown Ltd. Steve Price (1993) Reynolds Price (1990) James Prideaux (1975) Sir Victor Pritchett (1978) Francine Prose (1977); (1990) James Purdy (n.d.; 1993)
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Grove Weidenfeld The Sterling Lord Agency, Inc. Ingersoll & Brennan Marie RodellFrances Collin Literary Agency Candida Donadio & Associates, Inc. William Morris Agency Donadio & Ashworth, Inc. Georges Borchardt, Inc. William Morris Agency, Inc. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc. Georges Borchardt, Inc. Candida Donadio & Associates, Inc. Candida Donadio & Associates, Inc.; ICM John Cushman Associates, Inc. Georges Borchardt, Inc. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc. Doubleday (France) Philip Pochoda Publishing Associates, Inc. Georges Borchardt, Inc. Schaffner Agency Russell & Volkening, Inc. Candida Donadio & Associates, Inc. ICM

Pascal Quignard (1990) Susan Quist (1976) Christopher Rand (1957) Vera Randal (1976) Bill Ransom (1983) Judith Rascoe (1971) Tom Rayfiel (1989) John Rechy (1990) Gail Regier (1990) Alastair Reid (1974) Randall Reid (1981) James Reinbold (1977) Robert Reiss (1976); (1983) Richard Rhodes (1971) Mark Richard (1991) David Rieff (1977) Jeremy Robson (1968) Peter Rock (1992) Sunny Rogers (1993) J.R. Rodgriguez (1990) Gil Rogin (1966) Elizabeth Lee Rooker (1980) Bill Roorbach (1992)
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

The Robbins Office, Inc. Elaine Markson Literary Agency Georges Borchardt, Inc. Patricia Falk Feeley AFA ICM Curtis Brown, Ltd. Georges Borchardt, Inc. Andrew Wylie Agency Gunther Stuhlmann Georges Borchardt, Inc. Robert P. Mills Marion Saunders Literary Agency McIntosh and Otis, Inc. Ziegler, Diskant, Inc. McIntosh and Otis, Inc. William Morris Agency, Inc. Marie RodellFrances Collin Blanche C. Gregory Melanie Jackson Agency Rosalie Siegel Paul R. Reynolds, Inc. Max Siegel and Associates

Robert Roper (1993) Carole Rosenthal (1975) Jean Rouaud (1992) Gudu Roy (1976) Robert Rubens (1969) Michael Rubin (1978) Miriam Rugel [M.R.S. Herzog] (1976) Jane Rule (1979) Norman Rush (1984) James Ryan (1965) Ira Sadoff (1977) Jeanne Sakol (1967) John Saly (1957) Elpidia Sanchez (Mireille Markovia) (1975) Thomas Sanchez (1983) Elise Sanguinetti (1974) Aram Saroyan (1975) Joan Sauro (1977) Elizabeth Savage (1958) Sally Savic (1990) Dmitri Savitski John Sayles (197) Leib Schapiro (1971)
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc. Ellen Neuwald, Inc. Donadio & Ashworth, Inc.; Georges Borchardt, Inc. Seligmann & Collier Curtis Brown, Ltd. ICM James Brown Associates, Inc. Elaine Markson Literary Agency Inc. Frank Rudman

Gjertrud Scnackenberg (1984) Ruth Schneider (1975) Helen Schulman (1990; 1993) John Schultz (1972) Jonathan Schwarts (1974) Lynne Sharon Schwartz (1990) Jonathan Schwartz (1977) Joanna Scott (1992) John Scott (1966) Jennifer Seibert (1991; 1993)

Julian Bach Literary Agency, Inc.; Curtis Brown Ltd. Watkins/Loomis Agency ICM Melanie Jackson Agency Gina Maccoby Literary Agency Robert P. Mills, Ltd. Darhansoff & Verrill Sanford A. Greenburger Associates, Inc. McIntosh and Otis, Inc. International Famous Agency ICM A.D. Peters Sobel Weber Associates, Inc. Sheryl Dare, Elaine Markson Literary Agency

Barbara Selfridge (1993) Frank Sennett (1993) Debra Spark (1990) Paula Sharp (1990) John Shinn (1971) Cynthia Shearer (1992) Charlotte Sherman (1992) Frances Sherwood (1979) Earl Shorris (1973) Alix Kate Shulman (1991) Clancy Sigal (1962) George Singleton (1989) Jane Smiley (1978)

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Elaine Markson Literary Agency Virginia Barber Literary Agency, Inc. ICM

C. W. Smith (1976) Dinitia Smith (1990) Peter Smith (1993) David Langston Smyrl (1972)

Robert Lantz-Candida Donadio Literary Agency, Inc. Sandford A. Greenburger Associates, Inc. Curtis Brown, Ltd. Georges Borchardt, Inc. Curtis Brown, Ltd. John Schaffner

Gustaf Sobin (1991) Rosanne Suito Soffer [sp?] (1977) Barbara Solomon (1975) Terry Southern (1958) Muriel Louise Spanier (1969)

Melanie Jackson Agency; Virginia Barber Literary Agency, Inc. Debra Spark (1989); (1992) Ellen Levine Literary Agency, Inc. ICM Maxwell Aley Literary Associates A.P. Watt & Son Watkins/Loomis Agency William Morris Agency, Inc. Georges Borchardt Donadio & Ashworth, Inc. Liz Darhansoff Literary Agency Georges Borchardt, Inc. William Morris Agency Robert Cornfield Literary Agency Gregory Spatz (1993) Elizabeth Spencer (1975) Peter Spielberg (1966) David Stacton (1956) Matthew Stadler (1993) Mark Steadman (1973) F. George Steiner (1954) Michael Stephens (1989) Neal Stephenson (1983) Dan Stern (1993) Dick Stern (1969) Mark Strand (1979)

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Witherspoon & Chernoff Candida Donadio & Associates, Inc. MCA IFA Curtis Brown, Ltd. John Schaffner Witherspoon & Chernoff Gotham Art & Literary Agency, Inc.; Grove Press Elaine Markson Literary Agency IFA Wylie, Aitken & Stone Harold Matson Company, Inc. Russell & Volkening, Inc. Ann Elmo Agency, Inc. Maxine Groffsky Viking Penguin Inc. Curtis Brown, Ltd. Elaine Markson Literary Agency Curtis Brown Ltd. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc. Maxine Groffsky Literary Agency Harcourt Brace & Company Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.; Wylie, Aitken & Stone

Richard Stratton (1991) Jonathan Strong (1983) Lawrence Sturhahn (1957) Ronald Sukenick (1971) Emma Swain (1974) Gladys Swan (1972) Susan Swan (1993) Andrzej Szczypiorski (1990; 1992) Rhoda Tagliacozzo (1977) Kathrine Talbot (1970) Elizabeth Tallent (1989) Erik Tarloff (1973) Harry H. Taylor (1981) John Taylor (1989) Silvia Tennenbaum (1978) Catherine Texier (1989) Eric Thompson (1972) Joyce Thompson (1978) Melanie Rae Thon (1993) Adam Thorpe (1992) Christopher Tilghman (1989) Aleksander Tisma (1993)

Tatyana Tolstaya (1988); (1990)

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

William Morrow & Company, Inc. Philip G. Spitzer Susan Schorr Harold Matson Company, Inc. ICM Georges Borchardt, Inc. Georges Borchardt, Inc. William Morris Agency, Inc. Wylie, Aitken & Stone Gunther Stuhlmann Curtis Brown, Ltd. Elaine Markson Literary Agency, Inc. Elaine Markson Literary Agency, Inc. Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency Elaine Markson Literary Agency, Inc. Curtis Brown, Ltd. Penguin USA Wylie, Aitken & Stone Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc. Julian Bach Literary Agency Inc. Wylie, Aitken & Stone Wallace, Aitken & Sheil, Inc. ICM

Su Tong (1992) Sam Toperoff (1971) Amor Towles (1992) William Trevor (1978) Elizabeth Troop (1978) Judy Troy (1992) Lily Tuck (1992) Doug Unger (1975) David Updike (1990) Krishna Baldev Vaid (1969) Henry Van Dyke (1972) Elizabeth Vaughn (1989) Rob Vaughn (1990) Alfredo Vea (1992) John Vernon (1990) Arturo Vivante (1977) William T. Vollman (1990) Chuck Wachtel (1990) David Wagoner (1968) Alice Walker (1973) Lisa Walker (1990) Lois Wallace (1976) Anne Walwork (1991)
The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Russell & Volkening, Inc. John Cushman Associates, Inc. Georges Borchardt, Inc.; ICM ICM Candida Donadio & Assoicates, Inc. Nicholas Ellison, Inc. Russell & Volkening, Inc. AD Peters & Co Ltd.

Eugene Walter (1980) Todd Walton (1974) Robert Ward (1975); (1990) Marina Warner (1993) Susan Welch (1980) Fay Weldon (1993) Eudora Welty (1972) Rebecca West (1979)

Maxine Groffsky; Elaine Markon Literary Agency, Inc. W.D. Wetherell (1980); (1990) Sterling Lord Agency, Inc. Witherspoon & Chernoff Phyllis Seidel Doubleday & Company, Inc. Brandt & Brandt Candida Donadio & Assoc. Inc. Witherspoon & Chernoff Ellen Levine Literary Agency, Inc. Curtis Brown & John Farquharson Theron Raines; ICM Candida Donadio & Associates, Inc. Schaffner Agency Ann Elmo Agency, Inc. Julia Whedon (1972) Kate Wheeler (1993) Suzanne White (1974) George Wickes (1969) John Edgar Wideman (1977) David Widener (1977) Liza Wieland (1993) Marianne Wiggins (1992) Alan Wilkinson (1989) Joy Williams (1968); (1977) Carter Wilson (1976) Robley Wilson (1989) William Wilson (1981)

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Ann Elmo Agency, Inc. Malaga Baldi Curtis Brown, Ltd. ICM John Cushman Associates, Inc. IFA Theron Raines Witherspoon & Chernoff Candida Donadio & Assoicates, Inc. Curtis Brown, Ltd. Pat Rotter ICM John Cushman Associates, Inc. Donadio & Ashworth, Inc. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc. Sterling Lord Literistic, Inc. ICM Sterling Lord Literistic, Inc. Curtis Brown, Ltd. Candida Donadio & Associates, Inc. John Cushman Associates, Inc. ICM Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency

Richard Wiltshire (1981) Delsa Winer (1990) William Wiser (1975) James Wilcox (1993) Michael Wilding (1972) Sylvia Wilkinson (1972) Joy Williams (1969) Lex Williford (1993) Carter Wilson (1976) Robley Wilson, Jr. (1976) Richard Wiltshire (1974) Suzanne Gluck (1993) Burton Wohl (1977) Larry Woiwode (1989) Christa Wolf (1992) Stephen Wolf (1990) Toby Wolff (1991) Norman Wong (1990) Inez Woodley (1976) Bill Woods (1983) Austin Wright (1976) John Wynne (1979) Mo Yan (1992)

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

Monica McCall, Inc. IFA Susan Schorr Literary Agent Maria Carvainis Agency, Inc. Grove Weidenfeld The Young Agency Maxine Groffsky Joan Daves

Richard Yates (1955) Lorees Yerby (1974) Andrew Yerkes (1993) Jose Yglesias (1992) Banana Yoshimoto (1992) Barry Yourgrau (1989) Don Zacharia (1975) Patricia Zelver (1976)

circa June 1969: Ashley Famous Agency, Inc. and Marvin Josephson Associates, Inc. merged to become IFA (International Famous Agency, Inc.) circa March 1969: Monica McCall, Inc. joined Marvin Josephson Associates, Inc.

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

SUBJECTS (In progress) American literature Periodicals. American literature New York (State) New York. American periodicals. American poetry 20th century History and criticism. Authors, American. Authors 20th century Interviews. Beat generation. De Bois, William Pne, 1916-. Editors United States. Fiction Technique. France Periodicals. Hall, Donald. Humes, Harold Louis, 1926-. Interviews. Literature Modern 20th Century. Literature Modern 20th Century History and criticism. Literature United States. Matthiessen, Peter. Periodical editors United States. Periodicals United States. Periodicals Publishing. Plimpton, George. Poets, American 20th century Interviews. Poetry Authorship. New York (N.Y.) Newspapers, periodicals and journalism.

The Paris Review Archives (MA 5040) The Pierpont Morgan Library

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