Engine Terms Definitions

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Basic Engine fundamentals definitions Ananth


1. Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (BSFC) is a measure of fuel efficiency within a shaft reciprocating engine. It is the rate of fuel consumption divided by the power produced. It may also be thought of as power-specific fuel consumption, for this reason. BSFC allows the fuel efficiency of different reciprocating engines to be directly compared.

To calculate this rate, use the formula Where: r is the fuel consumption rate in grams per second (gs-1) P is the power produced in watts where P = is the engine speed in radians per second (rads-1) is the engine torque in newton meters (Nm) The resulting units of BSFC are grams per joule (gJ1) Commonly BSFC is expressed in units of grams per kilowatt-hour (g/(kWh)). The conversion factor is as follows: BSFC [g/(kWh)] = BSFC [g/J](3.6106)

A diesel engine's efficiency = 1/(BSFC*0.0119531) gasoline engine's efficiency = 1/(BSFC*0.0122225) Engine type Turbo-prop Otto cycle Gasoline Engines Diesel engine Turbocharged Diesels SFC in g/(kWh) 360 to 490 273 to 227 209 to 178 Energy efficiency 17 to 23% 30 to 36% 40 to 47%


2. HORSEPOWER: Horsepower is defined as work done over time.


1HP=745.699 watts


Torque: Torque, also called moment or moment of force (see the terminology
below), is the tendency of a force to rotate an object about an axis,[1] fulcrum, or pivot. Just as a force is a push or a pull, a torque can be thought of as a twist. (Nm)

is the torque vector and is the magnitude of the torque, r is the displacement vector (a vector from the point from which torque is measured to the point where force is applied), and r is the length (or magnitude) of the lever arm vector, F is the force vector, and F is the magnitude of the force, denotes the cross product, is the angle between the force vector and the lever arm vector

Relation between power and torque

Torque v/s RPM


4. BMEP: (http://www.bmepfuelandtuning.com/html/what_is_bmep_.html)
bmep = Power / ( Swept Volume x revolutions per second)--- (1) bmep = 2 x Pi x Torque / (Swept Volume) power W 3 swept volume in m rotations rps Torque Nm

BMEP- Pascals


Swept volume951cc--- 951x e6 m Watts

Power -132 HP 132* 0.7457* e3 RPM---6700---- 6700/60 rps

From 1 BMEP= (132* 0.7457* 103)/ [951*103* (6700/60)] = 9.3* 105 Pa= 9.3 bars

5. Volumetric efficiency: Volumetric efficiency in internal combustion engine design refers to the efficiency with which the engine can move the charge into and out of the cylinders. More specifically, volumetric efficiency is a ratio (or percentage) of what quantity of fuel and air actually enters the cylinder during induction to the actual capacity of the cylinder under static conditions Engines with higher volumetric efficiency will generally be able to run at higher speeds (commonly measured in RPM) and produce more overall power due to less parasitic power loss moving air in and out of the engine


vol. of free air trapped per cycle trapped mass swept vol. of cylinder theoretical mass

6. EPC Engine performance coefficient: Stepping back to engine fundamentals, we know that the potential power any engine can produce is directly dependent on two factors:
1. The mass of air it can ingest per second, and 2. The BSFC it can coax from the fuel.

The BSFC parameter encompasses elements including the heat content of the fuel, bestpower air-fuel ratio, thermal efficiency, mechanical efficiency, mixture homogeneity, mixture motion, chamber design, combustion quality, and others. The mass airflow parameter encompasses elements including bottom-end design (RPM capability), runner, port, valve and chamber design, cam profile and valvetrain design, and others. Mass airflow is dependent on:
1. Air density and 2. Volumetric efficiency (VE).


As described in the section on Volumetric Efficiency, at 100% VE, the volume of air a fourstroke engine can ingest is proportional to: RPM x Displacement 2. The following relationship expresses that potential airflow as a dimensionless number (Potential Airflow Number, PAN) as: Potential Airflow Nunber = (rpm / 1000) x (displacement / 2) It is a revealing insight into engine performance to examine the relationship between power produced and potential airflow. We will now define an empiricism which clearly expresses that relationship. Let's name it Engine Performance Coefficient (EPC) because it provides another basis (in addition to BMEP, BSFC, MPS and BHP/Cubic-Inch) for comparing one engine to another. EPC = Peak Power / Potential Airflow Number Combining terms and rearranging the equation produces: EPC = (Peak Power x 2000) / (rpm x displacement) The EPC factor encompasses all the engine design variables and provides a basis for comparing two totally different engines on the basis of how well they convert fuel into power. For example, at peak power, the 2006 version of the 2.4-liter Formula 1 V8 engine (pre-19,000 RPM rev limit) produces roughly 755 BHP at 19,250 RPM. The EPC for that operating point is: EPC = 755 x 2000 / (19,250 x 146.46) = 0.536 Now let's look at the EPC for a NASCAR Sprint Cup engine from the same time period. That engine (pre-gear-rule) produced about 825 BHP at around 9000 RPM. The EPC for that operating point is: EPC = 825 x 2000 / (9000 x 357.65) = 0.513 It is quite surprising to discover that the EPC figure for the Cup engine is only 4.3% less than the F1 engine, especially in view of the fact that the F1 engine is a purpose-designed DOHC, 4-valve race engine with few restrictions, while the Cup engine is a severely restricted, nominally production-based iron block V8, with two-valves per cylinder, pushrod / rocker arm valvetrain, 0.875 diameter flat tappets, single central carburetor, and more. Considering the restrictions, the small 4.3% difference in EPC between Formula One and Cup gives a real insight into just how clever the Cup engine people really are.

7. Combustion efficiency: Combustion efficiency is a measure of how efficiently a device consumes fuel. Ideally, combustion efficiency would be measured at 100%, meaning that the fuel was completely consumed. In practice, this level of combustion efficiency is impossible to achieve, but it's


possible to come close. The lower the combustion efficiency, the less efficient the device is, making it expensive to run, wasteful of fuel, and harmful for the environment.

Fundamentals of ICE : http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=MFx4VRErHNoC&pg=RA1PA459&lpg=RA1PA459&dq=volumetric+efficiency+of+CI+engine&source=bl&ots=fjj7M82Ksc&sig=COnu XYDK0pmuowGgi1e2IDJ_peY&hl=en&ei=HLUYTcnUG4K2hAelopW3Dg&sa=X&oi=bo ok_result&ct=result&resnum=10&ved=0CGMQ6AEwCQ#v=onepage&q=volumetric%20eff iciency%20of%20CI%20engine&f=false


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