Adve of Manner-Frequently Adv

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Adverbs Of manner An adverb can modify a verb, adjective, or another adverb.

The ones we will study answer one of these questions about the verb in the sentence: How? How did they travel from here to Tallahassee? They traveled by car. How does he drive? He drives safely sometimes. Sometimes he drives fast. Formation of Adverbs 1. Most adverbs are formed by adding -ly to the adjective.

crazy = crazily angry = angrily

loud = loudly careless = carlessly safe = safely

3. Adjectives that end in -ic add -ally for the adverb form.

2. Adjectives that end in consonant + y change the "y" to "i" and add -ly for the adverb form.

pessimistic = pessimistically optimistic = optimistically enthusiastic = enthusiastically

lazy = lazily Irregular adverbs

Most adverbs are formed by adding -ly to an adjective (e.g. slow - slowly). However, there are some irregular adverbs. Adjective Good Fast Hard Late Early Daily adverb well fast hard late early daily

Instructions: Rewrite the sentences using the adjective in parentheses to form adverbs 1. She sang the song._______________________________________ (quiet) 2. Does she speak German? __________________________________(good) 3. They finished that project.__________________________________ (quickly) 4. Will you answer this question?_______________________________ (careful) 5. He sent her a box of chocolates.______________________________ (secret) 6. They drew the plans for their new home. _____________________(enthusiastic) 7. She doesn't speak English. _________________________________________(bad

Frequency Adverbs
** Adverbs usually modifies VERBS Adverbs of frequency tell HOW OFTEN an action is repeated. They are commonly used with present or past tense. With verb TO BE Is placed after the verb to be and Modal auxiliares Positive Sentences: Subj + verb + adv + comp Examples: The teacher is always on time. My sister is never lazy. Our house is sometimes a mess. My brother's house is never a mess. With other verbs Is placed before other verbs Positive Sentences:

Subj + adv+ verb + comp

Examples: The side effects usually go away after a few hours. I sometimes have trouble accessing my favorite web site. Beethoven often goes to Baden for the summer.

Negative Sentences:

Negative Sentences

Subj + verb + not+ adv+ comp

Iron supplements aren't usually necessary for men. Professor Morgan isn't often at home.

Subj + aux+ adv+ verb + comp

Suzanne doesn't usually get involved in politics. It doesn't often snow here at Christmas. I don't ever download music from the Internet.

** Never is negative by itself so you dont use the negative form of be with it.

Questions: Verb + subj + adv+ comp+?

Questions: Aux+ subj+ adv+ verb + comp Does Kimberly usually have breakfast at home? Do you always read the fine print? Don't you ever get tired?

Is the food always so bad? Are your children ever late for school? Are the clocks always broken?

1. Rewrite the sentences placing the adverb in the correct order. 2. I'm late. ____________________________________? (Never) 3. They go out in the week. __________________________________(Seldom) 4. We don't see her. _________________________________________(Often) 5. I take too long in the shower. _______________________________(always) 6. Sam arrives on time._______________________________________ (usually) 7. Our class isn't clean.________________________________________(always) 8. Do you go to the cinema on Fridays?___________________________ (always) 9. Do you feel sad? ________________________________________(sometimes) 10. That dirty pig cleans his teeth. _________________________________(never)

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